Direct Nickel Flash Smelting

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Direct Nickel Flash Smelting

Outotec® Direct Nickel Flash Smelting Process is a continuous Flash Smelting operation for
nickel production, eliminating the need for converters. This unique process provides high
recovery for valuable metals, while at the same time low operating and capital costs.
The Direct Nickel Flash Smelting Process provides several advantages over the conventional nickel
smelting route, such as:

 Low investment and operating costs for the smelter and acid plant
 No converting (investment, operating and maintenance) is required
 No ladle transportation of liquid matte is needed and revert generation is minimal
 The costs for converter gas treatment and fixation of sulfur in the acid plant are eliminated
 Simplified flow sheet, only two process steps
 High recovery of nickel and other valuable metals (copper, cobalt, PGMs).
 The recovery is improved by the elimination of unnecessary molten material circulation
(elimination of the converting step)
 High sulfur recovery to continuous single stable gas flow, i.e. minimum emissions to the
environment and working atmosphere

These features of the state-of-the art Outotec® nickel smelting and refining technology lead to the
possibility of optimizing the process concept and the operation mode for the treatment of a wide range
of sulfide nickel concentrates. The outcome is low investment and operating costs at the smelter, acid
plant and refinery.
In Direct Nickel Flash Smelting technology, high-grade nickel matte with low iron content is produced
in the Outotec® Flash Smelting Furnace directly without subsequent converting. The metal values in
the smelting slag are recovered in an electric furnace as an iron containing Ni-matte.
The dried feed mixture, oxygen-enriched process air and distribution air are mixed in the concentrate
burner to assure an even distribution of the feed in the reaction shaft. The concentrate ignites and
burns in the turbulent gas/solid suspension resulting in controlled partial oxidation in the reaction
shaft. The oxidation process generates a large amount of energy causing the melting of the charge. In
the settler, molten particles separate from the gas stream and settle at the bottom of the furnace as
distinct matte and slag layers, based on their specific densities. The high-grade matte thus produced
is channeled out of the furnace through the launders to water-granulation.  
The slag is tapped along the slag launders directly into the electric Outotec® Slag Cleaning Furnace.
Reduction is carried out using lumpy coke as a reducing agent. Reduced metal droplets settle through
the slag layer to the bottom of the furnace to form the matte layer with the cleaned slag on top.
Injecting concentrate into the melt can be used to increase the sulfur content of the matte and
thereby maintain lower operating temperatures. The matte is tapped from the furnace and directed to
The high-grade matte and the matte from the Slag Cleaning Furnace are transported to the refinery
for further treatment. The waste slag can be stored or used as in landfill.
The rich SO2gas from the Flash Smelting Furnace is conducted through the uptake shaft of the Flash
Smelting Furnace to the heat recovery boiler for cooling and partial dust separation. Final dust
removal takes place in the electrostatic precipitator and thereafter the gas is conducted to the sulfuric
acid plant.
Outotec provides complete tailored process solutions for customers’ needs. Decades of experience in
the supply of Flash Smelting plants have resulted in extensive metallurgical know-how that ensures
the most profitable process choice and its optimal performance. Outotec’s life-cycle technology
partnership with the customer spans from the early stages of the process solution design all through
the supply and commissioning of the entire process chain with integrated process control and holistic
service and support concept. Continuous research and development ensure that the customer is
provided with the latest advancements in process and equipment solutions.

Direct Nickel Flash Smelting : Application

Outotec® Flash Smelting Process has achieved a clear leading global position as the
preferred technology for the world’s primary copper and nickel smelting.
Outotec® Flash Smelting Process is flexible with regard to feed materials. Tailor-made solutions are
available for varying concentrate grades and impurity contents.

In addition to copper and nickel smelting, Flash Smelting is also adaptable to the smelting of pyrite

concentrates and non-reactive materials, such as jarosite wastes. It can even be applied to the

smelting of totally different metal concentrates or metal containing secondary materials. Most Flash

Smelter operators also use their Flash Smelting Furnace for smelting crushed reverts, matte skulls and

secondary raw materials, such as leach residues and precipitates, in addition to concentrate smelting.
Copper Flash Smelters have been designed, built and operated for copper concentrates ranging from
14 % to 55 % copper and also having high impurity contents. Outotec® Direct Blister Flash Smelting
Process can be considered for concentrates containing more than 30 % copper or having a high
copper-to-iron ratio.
 Flash Smelting-Flash Converting
 Direct Blister Copper Smelting

A wide variety of raw materials for nickel smelting has been tested, studied and successfully used.
Nickel Flash Smelters have been built with two different process concepts:
 Outotec® Direct Nickel Flash Smelting - DON
 Nickel Flash Smelting

Direct Nickel Flash Smelting : Process equipment

Outotec® Direct Nickel Flash Smelting Process 

 Concentrate drying
 Outotec® Direct Nickel Flash Smelting Furnace
 Outotec® Direct Nickel Flash Smelting Feeding System
 Outotec® Concentrate Burner
 Auxiliary burners
 Outotec® Direct Nickel Flash Smelting Furnace Cooling System
 Launders
 Granulation
 Process gas and dust handling
 Process control
 Outotec® Slag Cleaning Furnace

Direct Nickel Flash Smelting : Process control

Full integration of process and automation design and knowledge is vitally important to
ensure a smooth and optimized process operation, minimized risks of production ramp-up
delays and downtime periods and to guarantee high health, environment and safety
The important aspects of automation in pyrometallurgical processes include the ability to identify
disturbances, stabilize the process and to gain an overall picture of production. Balances between
departments involved in operations, from the blending of different raw materials to casting, are
difficult to see and control, mainly due to long delays. Outotec® Automation System provides a long
and short-term view of all of these processes.
For the pyrometallurgical processes, maintaining stable process by long-term production planning and
proactive identification and elimination of disturbances is key to success, for which Outotec®
Automation System is the
answer. Outotec has several
decades of experience in the
incorporation of metallurgical
process and control expertise
into a package that favours the
everyday work of customers.
Outotec Proscon® Pyro enables
not only constant and smooth
management, monitoring and
control of the process but also
provides the most cost efficient
tools and environment to
further develop, optimize and
maximize the process
performance, maintenance and
operability. These benefits are
gained with high equipment
performance and efficiency,
ease of operation and
maintenance, low consumption
of utilities and consumables,      Outotec® Automation System
fast discovery of factors
causing disturbances and a
high and traceable quality of production.
The lifecycle of the Outotec Proscon® delivery does not end with commissioning. Outotec can provide
a productive long-term partnership, by training customers’ personnel to take care of the routine
maintenance activities of process control and by providing remote support “virtually on-site”. With
Outotec Proscon®, the customer can achieve a cost-effective way to ensure the long-term availability
of process control and also to develop an ability to carry out cost-effective consultation in the analysis
and optimization of process performance together with Outotec.
Proscon® Pyro is the best way to transfer our metallurgical know-how and experience to our
customers. The solution includes a modern process control system, based on world-class automation
systems and components, process instrumentation and process electrification with the required
services. The provision of automation, process design and project management from a single
organization removes expensive and restrictive interfaces during implementation. Through our remote
diagnostic online service, Outotec's metallurgical and automation expertise is available throughout all
stages of the production life cycle.
Outotec® On-line Process Advisor enables on-line and easy dynamic mass and heat balance modeling
for the Outotec® Flash Smelting Furnace and electric Slag Cleaning Furnaces. The On-line Process
Advisor calculates new operating parameters from the current operating data for the furnace, and
transfers information between the process control model, the process control system and the
laboratory on-line. The On-line Process Advisor includes an easy-to- use user interface and process
flow-sheet printing options.
Outotec® Smelter Information Management System (SIMS) is a new and modern platform for data
collection, reporting and management, assisting in the integration of machines, monitoring and
process control. Significant benefits are gained in increasing the energy efficiency, product quality and
tracing as well as improving maintenance and safety.

Benefits of Outotec Proscon® Pyro

 Link between process know-how and automation

 Process operated as designed
 Rapid production ramp-up
 Continuous and stable process
 Maximized metal recoveries and minimized metal losses
 Integration process, machinery and maintenance information
 Automation system pre-tested before installation at plant
 Smooth equipment performance
 Safety of operation, equipment and personnel
 Easy and convenient operation
 Possibility for remote diagnostic services

Automation products by Outotec:

 Outotec Proscon® Pyro

 Process control system
 Process instrumentation
 Process electrification
 Outotec® On-line Process Advisor
 Outotec® Smelter Information
Management System
 Advanced reporting of quality, efficiency
and machinery

Direct Nickel Flash

Smelting : Environment
Outotec® Direct Nickel Flash Smelting
Process (DON) is characterized by accurate
process control and tight and compact
equipment resulting in high sulfur recovery
from the SO2 containing off-gas stream at
the sulfuric acid plant, improved in-plant
hygiene, low dust emissions and safe

DON technology provides an option to produce

high-grade nickel matte in one step efficiently

with high recoveries of valuable metals and with

minimal environmental impact.

The consumption of fossil fuel is low in the
process because only two hot units are needed,     DON process in Harjavalta, Finland
thus the direct greenhouse gas emissions of the
smelter are small compared to conventional processes where fossil fuel is used for smelting and for
keeping standby converters hot.
The smelting and converting take place in a single closed furnace producing a continuous,
concentrated SO2-gas stream ideal for sulfuric acid production with high sulfur yield. Heat recovered
from process off-gas as high-pressure steam can be used for drying the feed material or for electricity
generation, reducing the demand for electricity from power plants and minimizing green house gas
In DON smelting, matte and slag are transferred via covered and hooded launders, eliminating the
need for ladle transportation and associated fugitive gas and dust emissions. Because of this, the
working conditions inside the plant can be kept clean and hygienic.
In the DON process, internal material circulation is avoided, which improves the recovery of valuable
metals compared to conventional processes. Therefore, the discard slag has low heavy metal contents
and is thus inert enough to be used as landfill. 
Flash Smelting and Flash Converting
Outotec® Flash Smelting Process combined with Kennecott-Outotec® Flash Converting
Process is an integrated smelting solution resulting in low investment and operating costs
with the most effective emission control.
The Kennecott-Outotec® Flash Converting process is the result of successful development work
carried out jointly by Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation and Outotec. The process is an innovative
application of the Outotec® Flash Smelting technology.
Compared to the conventional copper smelting route, the Flash Smelting-Flash Converting concept
provides several advantages such as:

 High recovery of copper and other valuable metals

 Low investment and operating costs for smelter and acid plant
 Continuous process, since smelting and converting are decoupled, resulting in high on-line
 High sulfur recovery, only one continuous high strength SO 2 stream to the acid plant
 Improved in-plant hygiene, compact equipment, no ladle transportation of molten materials

Today Outotec® Flash Smelting has achieved a clear leading position as the world’s number one
primary copper smelting technology.

Outotec® Flash Smelting

The Flash Smelting process is based on utilization of the feed material’s internal energy for smelting.
Finely ground sulfidic copper concentrate is mixed with oxygen-enriched air to form a rapidly reacting
suspension in the reaction shaft of the Outotec®Flash Smelting Furnace. Sulfide compounds of the
feed ignite, oxidize and release heat, acting as a fuel for the process and no external energy is needed
for smelting. In the settler of the furnace, molten droplets separate from the gas stream and settle at
the bottom of the furnace as distinct matte and slag layers, based on their specific densities.
The molten high-grade matte produced in the Flash Smelting Furnace is led through covered launders
directly to granulation, where the matte is dispersed and granulated by means of high-pressure water
jets. The Flash Smelting slag is directed to a slag cleaning furnace or slag concentrator for copper
recovery. The matte granules are ground into a grain size suitable for completing the oxidation
reactions in the Flash Converting Furnace.

Kennecott - Outotec® Flash Converting

The Kennecott -Outotec® Flash Converting Process is very similar to the Outotec® Flash Smelting
process. The oxidation of matte proceeds under highly oxidizing conditions so that the sulfidic matte
converts to metallic copper. For oxidation of fine matte particles, high oxygen enrichment or even
pure technical oxygen can be used. The Flash Converting Furnace can operate autogenously even with
high matte grades without using additional fossil fuels.
The sulfur content of blister copper is controlled by the oxygen-to-matte ratio in the feed. Either silica
or lime-based slag can be used. The copper content of the slag produced in the Flash Converting
Furnace is relatively high but its quantity is low. So, it can be fed back into the primary Flash Smelting
Furnace directly in granulated form, thus no separate slag treatment is needed.
Blister copper produced in the Flash Converting Furnace contains some sulfur. Final sulfur removal is
carried out in anode furnaces by air oxidization.
Flash Smelting and Flash Converting Furnaces produce process gas rich in SO 2. As a result of the high
oxygen enrichment, the volume of the gas is small. Furnace off-gases are cooled down in the heat
recovery boiler, which also collects part of the dust load. The rest of the particulates are captured in
the electrostatic precipitator. Normally all dust is recycled back into the furnace. After the cooling and
cleaning steps, the gas is directed to the sulfur recovery plant for sulfur recovery.
Outotec provides complete tailored process solutions for customers’ needs. Decades of experience in
the supply of Flash Smelting plants have resulted in extensive metallurgical know-how that ensures
the most profitable process choice and its optimal performance. Outotec’s life-cycle technology
partnership with the customer spans from the early stages of the process solution design all through
the supply and commissioning of the entire process chain with integrated process control and holistic
service and support concept. Continuous research and development ensure that the customer is
provided with the latest advancements in process and equipment solutions.

Slag cleaning furnace

The electric furnace technology for the cleaning of copper and nickel slags is a well-
established method. Low investment costs, small footprint combined with continuous
process development and equipment improvement make electric slag cleaning an attractive
choice for modern smelters.
In the electric Outotec® Slag Cleaning Furnace, cleaning of the Flash Smelting Furnace slag is carried
out by surface coke reduction. The Slag Cleaning Furnace is operated batch-wise in a circular electric
furnace equipped with three Soderberg electrodes.  
The slag is tapped periodically from the Flash Smelting Furnace along water-cooled slag launders
through the already charged coke layer into the furnace. Reduction of metal oxides starts during
tapping and continues until the end for the entire time that the slag is in the furnace.  
Reduced metal droplets and mechanically trapped matte or metal droplets are settled through the slag
layer at the bottom of the electric furnace to form the matte or metal alloy layer. Immiscible slag
components with a much lower density remain at the top of the bath and form the cleaned slag layer.
Electric power is used for compensation of the heat needed for the endothermic reduction reactions,
furnace heat losses and the melting of the solid material fed into the furnace. Concentrate or coke can
be injected into the electric furnace in order to raise the sulfur content of metal alloy and thus lower
liquidus temperature, or to enhance reduction kinetics. Concentrate injection is typically used when
cleaning nickel slags from the Outotec® Direct Nickel Flash Smelting Process (DON). It is also applied
when cleaning cobalt containing copper slags obtained from the Outotec® Direct Blister Flash
Smelting Process.
The reduced slag from the Slag Cleaning Furnace is tapped through the slag tapping holes via
launders into granulation or to additional treatment. The matte or metal alloy is tapped and
transported to further refining.
The furnace bottom is cooled with hearth cooling air fans to prevent matte or metal alloy from
penetrating the refractory layer.
The off-gas from the furnace is first post-combusted and cooled in the off-gas incinerator. For this
purpose, air and ventilation gases are typically used.
The post-combusted and diluted off-gas is led further for additional cooling by air or water spraying.
Draft control is necessary for the operation of the Slag Cleaning Furnace. Normally a slight negative
pressure is maintained in the furnace to avoid dust and fugitive gas emissions into the working
atmosphere. Temperature control is needed if the off-gas is to be cleaned in a bag filter or some other
cleaning system before venting into the atmosphere.
 Outotec® Flash Smelting (pdf)
 State of the Art in Nickel Smelting-DON-MPEM 2008 (pdf)
 The State of the Art in Nickel Smelting-DON-Sohn 2006 (pdf)
 Technologies for Efficient and Environmentally Sound Nickel Production-COM 2005 (pdf)

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