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Punjab, Pakistan Overview
Pakistan Population is 182 Million
Punjab Population is 101 Million which is 55.4% of
Pakistan Population
Pakistan is Sixth most Populace Nation in the World
Punjab Public School going students are 12.6 Million
Following is an example to show the magnitude of
School Education Department Punjab Pakistan
Country Population
New Zealand 4.5 Million Punjab Public
Iceland 4.6 Million School Enrolment
Denmark 5.6 Million is 12.6 Million

Sweden 9.7 Million

Source: World Bank & School Education Department Punjab

Punjab School Education Vision

Quaid-E-Azam Muhmmad Ali Jinnah Pakistan is proud of

her youth, particular the students, who are nation builders of
tomorrow. They must fully equip themselves by discipline,
education and training for the arduous task lying ahead of

For true development of country and society education is

the foundation
School Education is in the focus of Punjab Government.
More resources are allocated in this sector Budget for
school education Punjab & they have increased 379%
from 2007 till 2016.
Punjab Government education goal; to achieve 100%
enrolment & retention and to provide not just free but
most importantly quality education
Punjab Education Landscape
Schools employed Students served

Public ~350,000 ~10,800,000


(Public Pvt ~6,000 ~70,000 ~1,850,000

Government Education Initiatives
Initiatives Overview

Monthly Stipend of Rs. 1000

Female Stipend Program 460,000 Beneficiaries

Monthly Stipend of Rs. 1000

Brick Kiln Program 56,000 Beneficiaries Students

Rs. 16 Billion Worth of Scholarships

Punjab Education Endowment Fund (PEEF) 150,000 Students Benefited from this program
Rs. 3.3 Billion is spent for 10.8 Million Public school
Provision of Free Textbooks students and 1.85 Million PEF students
Schools for Marginalized students with boarding
Daanish School System and lodging facilities

Smart Monitoring Real Time Monitoring through Tablets

E-Learn Punjab Digitalization of Books

Provision of solar solution To 4,321 off-grid schools

Early Childhood Education Background

Children start Students struggle to

Childrens especially in cope with formal
developing their
marginalized areas do not education which lead
language and
have access to early age them to drop from
communication skills
appropriate education schools
below the age of five

Provision of ECE Class Room in Government Schools will help to enhance

students interest, attention, motivation in education and will lay strong
foundation for further education

ECE Current Projects
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Development of 2,225 ECE Class Rooms across 36 districts of the Punjab, Pakistan
Total Cost: Rs. 385 Million
ECE standardized Kit of 46 items are given to each ECE room.

Provision of part time Caregivers to facilitate ECE teachers, take care of kids and to keep ECE room in order.

Child Friendly/ Learning environment of the existing ECE classrooms are made more attractive through
painting walls, providing interactive items for joyful learning of early year kids
Training of Head Teachers, Teachers, Caregivers, School Council Members and Education members on ECE

Benefit of ECE

Retention of students has reached at 95% after this


Due to these 2225 ECE Class Room 80,583 new

students enrolled in these Government Schools.

Training on Early Childhood Education
I. Master Trainers for ECE teacher training from all 36 districts of Punjab

II. ECE teachers training through these Master Trainers Statistics of Trainings

III. Head teacher training on ECE framework & its implementation.

IV. School Council Members are given training so that they can educated other
parents/Community on importance of Early Childhood education.
V. Education Managers (CEO, AEO) training to successfully implement ECE
program in the field.
VI. Teacher guides & Caregiver Guide for ECE are developed and were
provided to all stakeholder for activity base teaching mythology.

Activity base Learning School Council Member actively taking

participation in art & craft activity.

Early Childhood Education Kit
The Government of Punjab is focusing on the following points, when making ECE Kits
1. Physical development
2. Cognitive development
3. Perception and sensory development
4. Communication and language development
5. Emotional development
6. Social development
These Kits tend to increase both physical and intellectual capacity of children of age 3
to 5

Early Childhood Education Kit Example

Description Item Description Item

Flash Cards(Urdu& Modeling Clay


Sand and water tubs

Magnetic Board With
Sports Equipment
Books on numbers,
alphabets, first words,
picture dictionary and
Book Rack
Geometrical solids 3D
with flashcards

ECE Future Projects and Goals
Provide ECE Class Rooms and Teachers in 10,000 Government
schools till March, 2018
Total Cost of 10,000 ECE Rooms: Rs. 1.98 Billion
Phased Strategy- To ensure ECE resource centers are to be established in
every public school with following components:
a) Improving class room environment (development of ECE room)
b) Provision of ECE learning resource material
c) Integrating ECE Teacher Training in on-going training programs
d) Community involvement and advocacy campaign

GOAL: ECE will help to achieve

100% Enrolment and Retention



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