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JUMAMIL vs CAF et al, G.R. No.

144570, September 21, 2005


In 1989, Petitioner Jumamil filed before the RTC OF Panabo a petition for declaratory relief with prayer
for preliminary injunction and writ of restraining order against public respondents Mayor Jose J. Cafe and
the members of the Sangguniang Bayan of Panabo, Davao del Norte. He questioned the constitutionality
of Municipal Resolution No. 7, Series of 1989. This Resolution was for enacting Appropriation Ordinance
No. 111, provided for an initial appropriation of P765,000 for the construction of stalls around a proposed
terminal fronting the Panabo Public Market. Subsequently, Resolution No. 49 was passed appropriating a
further amount of P1,515,000 for the construction of additional stalls.

Prior to the passage of these resolutions, Mayor Caf had already entered into contracts with several
parties who were close friends and/or relatives of the public respondents. Thus the petitioner assails that
the Resolutions were unconstitutional.

It appears that on May 21, 1990, both parties agreed14 to await the decision in CA G.R. SP No. 20424, which
involved similar facts, issues and parties. The RTC, consequently, deferred the resolution of the pending
petition. The appellate court eventually rendered its decision in that case finding that the petitioners were
not entitled to the declaratory relief prayed for as they had no legal interest in the controversy. Upon
elevation to the Supreme Court as UDK Case No. 9948, the petition for review on certiorari was denied
for being insufficient in form and substance.

ISSUE: Whether the parties were bound by the outcome in C.A. G.R. SP. No. 20424.


Adverting to the first issue, we observe that petitioner was the one who wanted the parties to await the
decision of the Supreme Court in UDK Case No. 9948 since the facts and issues in that case were similar
to this. Petitioner, having expressly agreed to be bound by our decision in the aforementioned case,
should be reined in by the dismissal order we issued, now final and executory. In addition to the fact that
nothing prohibits parties from committing to be bound by the results of another case, courts may take
judicial notice of a judgment in another case as long as the parties give their consent or do not object.

As opined by Justice Edgardo L. Paras:

A court will take judicial notice of its own acts and records in the same case, of facts established in prior
proceedings in the same case, of the authenticity of its own records of another case between the same
parties, of the files of related cases in the same court, and of public records on file in the same court. In
addition, judicial notice will be taken of the record, pleadings or judgment of a case in another court
between the same parties or involving one of the same parties, as well as of the record of another case
between different parties in the same court.

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