Second Thousand 1 A - L

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Make someone accept something as normal and usual


Durere/suferinta Pain, grief, sorrow, hurt, suffering

A continuous or prolonged dull pain in a part of ones body

a purpose or intention; a desired outcome

scop scope, purpose, order, end, aim, goal
obiectiv objective, object, aim, lens, object glass
el goal, aim, purpose, end, objective, object
AIM int aim, target, nail, goal, pin, tack
intenie purpose, will, aim, mind, meaning, thought
noim sense, aim, profit
urmri watch, track, follow, aim, pursue, trace
inti aim, sight
arestare arrest, arresting, apprehension, committal, confinement, commitment
arrest, custody, detention, prison, imprisonment, pinch
suspendare suspension, hanging, stay, abeyance, adjournment
the action of seizing someone to take into custody.
a stoppage or sudden cessation of motion.
aresta arrest, apprehend, prison, seize, nab, grab
opri stop, turn off, halt, end, arrest, hold
reine retain, remember, detain, withhold, hold, arres
sgeat arrow, shaft, reed, needle, sting, lash
ARROW pan wedge, feather, failure, breakdown, breakdown

cenu ash, ashes, cinder, cinders

ASH scrum ash, ashes

deoparte aside, away, sidelong

la o parte aside, by, sidelong
ASIDE to one side; out of the way

surprise or impress (someone) greatly.

uimi amaze, dazzle, surprise, astonish, stupefy, bedazzle
ASTONISH surprinde surprise, catch, overtake, astonish, startle, overhear
ului, minuna amaze, astonish, astound, stun, dumbfound, dazzle

topor ax, hatchet, cleaver, axe

secure ax, hatchet, halberd, halbert, axe
AXE baltag ax, hatchet, halberd, axe

(of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered

without addition; basic and simple.
neizolat bare, naked
gol empty, naked, blank, hollow, void, bare
simplu simple, easy, plain, single, mere, bare
BARE neacoperit uncovered, bare, open, exposed, unprotected, naked

dezvlui reveal, disclose, uncover, unveil, show, bare

dezveli unveil, uncover, bare, expose
dezgoli bare, uncover, denude, strip, divest, harry

only just; almost not. in a simple and sparse way.
doar only, just, but, purely, barely, none but
BARELY numai only, just, alone, solely, merely, barely
foarte puin barely
srccios poorly, barely, baldly, meanly
an agreement between two or more parties as to what each party will do for the
other. negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.

afacere business, deal, affair, bargain, enterprise, job

chilipir bargain, godsend, windfall
trg fair, bargain, haggle, borough, market, trade
negocia negotiate, bargain, trade, transact
face o afacere bargain
a cylindrical container bulging out in the middle, traditionally made of
wooden staves with metal hoops around them.
Butoi, cylinder, drum, roller, barrel, roll, revolver

wash by immersing one's body in water.

sclda bathe, wash, bath, lave, wet, wash, flush, mop, wash up, launder, bathe
baie bathroom, bath, bathing, bathe, bay, ablution

a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward

golf golf, bay, gulf
BAY nghesui squeeze, crowd, cram, jostle, jam, bay

a bird's horny projecting jaws; a bill

cioc beak, bill, goatee, spout, nose, rostrum
BEAK plisc beak, nib, snout

a ray or shaft of light.

Grinda beam, girder, timber, joist, balk, baulk
raz radius, ray, beam, gleam, shaft, compass
BEAM radia radiate, glow, strike out, ray, beam, kindle
strluci shine, glow, sparkle, glare, light, beam

strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or

injure them, usually with an implement such as a club or whip.
bate beat, knock, clap, strike, blow, smite
BEAT nvinge defeat, overcome, beat, win, conquer, overpower
lovi hit, strike, smite, hurt, knock, beat

curea belt, strap, thong, lanyard, sling, leather

centur belt, girdle, flange, waist lock, cincture
cordon cord, cordon, belt, string, strap, girdle

ndoi bend, double, fold, crease, curve, inflect
curba curve, bend, inflect, incurve, hunch, camber
ndoire bending, bend, folding, flexure, inflexion, downturn
BEND cot elbow, bend, cubit, knuckle, curve, knee

a small roundish juicy fruit without a stone.

boab berry, bead, drop, trifle

tie or fasten (something) tightly.

lega bind, link, tie, connect, knit, tether
se lega bind, link, connect, moor, knit, bind oneself
BIND legtur bundle, link, relationship, relation, connection, bind

the flat, wide section of an implement or device such as an oar or a

BLADE lam blade, llama, razor

an act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction

luda praise, boast, brag, commend, flatter, talk up
se luda bounce, boast, brag, vaunt, pique oneself
se mndri boast, pique oneself, glory in
BOAST mndrie pride, boast, haughtiness, elation, vaingloriousness

(of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident

and courageous.
ndrzne daring, bold, intrepid, audacious, courageous, cocky
BOLD curajos brave, bold, courageous, daring, gritty, spirited
cuteztor bold, intrepid, daring, dashing, foolhardy, courageous
viteaz brave, valiant, gallant, stalwart, courageous, bold
tie or fasten (something) tightly. walk or run with leaping strides.
legat related, bound, connected, relevant, coherent, pertinent
limit limit, boundary, confine, end, edge, bound
hotar border, boundary, edge, frontier, bound, limit
BOUND salt leap, jump, bounce, hop, skip, bound
grani border, boundary, frontier, barrier, bound, bourn
mrgini margin, limit, border, bound, include, verge
sri jump, bounce, skip, leap, spring, bound

arc arc, spring, bow, arch, curve, vault

plecciune bow, nod, obeisance, reverence, inclination
BOW fund bow, knot, bow-knot
se pleca bow, bend

a round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid.

Castron, strachin bowl, tureen
BOWL vas vessel, ship, bowl, jar, receptacle, argosy

alam brass, brasses, latten, yellow metal


a sum of money or other inducement offered or given in this way.
mit bribe, bribery, graft, kickback, gratification, jobbery
BRIBE ban ban, coin, mite, bribe, soap, fortune
mitui bribe, buy, lubricate, suborn, buy over, corrupt
a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in
BRICK crmid brick, briquette
bucat piece, morsel, part, slice, hunk, brick
perie brush
pensul brush, paint brush, pencil
periu brush, smoothie, sycophant, toady
peria brush, toady, dress, jolly

gleat bucket, pail, bucketful, pailful, kit

cu bucket, scoop, dipper


a number of things, typically of the same kind, growing or fastened

buchet bouquet, bunch, flavor, fascicle, raciness, racy flavor
BUNCH ciorchine bunch
mnunchi bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, pack, handle
legtur bundle, link, relationship, relation, connection, bunch
a collection of things, or a quantity of material, tied or wrapped up
pachet batch, package, pack, packet, bundle, parcel
BUNDLE mnunchi bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, pack, handle
legtur bundle, link, relationship, relation, connection, touch
grup group, cluster, set, band, party, bundle
the action or practice of interring a dead body.
nmormntare funeral, burial, interment, laying out, sepulture, inhumation
ngropare burial, burying, entombment, inhumation, committal

an instance of breaking or splitting as a result of internal pressure or

puncturing; an explosion
izbucni burst, break forth, burst out, erupt, break out, flare
BURST sparge break, burst, smash, crack, snap, split
exploda explode, burst, blow up, go off, detonate, blast
explozie explosion, blast, burst, bursting, detonation, outbreak
izbucnire burst, outburst, outbreak, eruption, fit, explosion
put or hide under ground.
ngropa bury, dig into, pit, entomb, immerse, dig in
nmormnta bury, entomb, lay to rest, scrap


tufi bush, bushes, thicket, brush, shrubbery, grove

BUSH arbust shrub, bush

pelerin cape, cloak, pelerine, mantle
cap cape, mantle

a strong open vehicle with two or four wheels, typically used for carrying
loads and pulled by a horse.
cart cart, watch
CART cru cart, dray, waggon, caravan, wain, carload
crucior trolley, cart, truck, bogie, perambulator, push cart

bovine cattle, bovines, neat

vit beef, livestock, cattle, beast, stock, neat

care taken to avoid danger or mistakes.

precauie caution, wariness, prudence, chariness
CAUTION pruden caution, prudence, care, cautiousness, carefulness, deliberation
atenie note, attention, care, consideration, caution, heed

a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy.

aplauda applaud, clap, cheer, acclaim, commend, welcome
CHEER nveseli cheer, rejoice, gladden, enliven, joy, exhilarate
ridica moralul cheer, nerve
ncurajare encouragement, encouraging, cheer, reassurance
co basket, chimney, flue, blackhead, hamper, pannier
CHIMNEY horn chimney, flue
emineu fireplace, chimney, hearth, flue
lut clay, loam
argil clay, argil
CLAY pmnt earth, land, ground, soil, clay, dirt

a person employed in an office or bank to keep records and accounts and

to undertake other routine administrative duties.
a bank clerk
CLERK funcionar official, clerk, officer, servant, functionary, employee
vnztor seller, retailer, clerk, vender, salesclerk, shopman
secretar secretary, clerk, amanuensis, scribe, writer
a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea.
stnc rock, cliff, precipice, crag, rocklet, tor
CLIFF falez cliff, seafront, sea wall, bluff

aspru harsh, coarse, rough, hard, severe, stern

COARSE brut crude, gross, rough, raw, coarse, undigested
grosolan rude, gross, crass, rough, coarse, crude
guler collar, neck, head, neckband, hackle, ruffle
zgard collar, leash, dog-collar
manon sleeve, collar, nut, sheath, muff, thimble
prinde de guler collar
a strip of plastic, metal, or wood with a row of narrow teeth, used for
untangling or arranging the hair.
COMB pieptene comb

cuceri conquer, win, take, gain, seize, captivate

CONQUER nvinge defeat, overcome, beat, win, conquer, overpower
birui overcome, conquer, defeat, win, overpower, vanquish

cupru copper
aram brass, copper

plut cork, float, raft, quill

dop stopper, cork, stop, peg, float, wad
CORK dop de plut cork

csu cottage, pigeonhole, hovel

cas house, home, household, checkout, cottage, place
COTTAGE vil villa, mansion, cottage, bungalow

la coward, cowardly, craven, sneaky, yellow, dastard

fricos fearful, craven, timid, cowardly, coward, timorous


sparge break, burst, smash, crack, snap, split

crpa crack, split, break, burst, splinter, spring
CRACK lovi hit, strike, smite, hurt, knock, crack

crptur crack, crevice, cleft, chink, slit, cranny

tr creep, drag, haul, trail, slither, draw
se furia sneak, wriggle, creep, slip, steal, slink
CREEP furiare creep

recolta harvest, reap, crop, gather, cut, mow

tia cut, crop, carve, chop, slice, carve out
cultiva cultivate, grow, raise, plant, culture, crop
cultur culture, crop, growing, cultivation, education, gro
blestem curse, damnation, malediction, execration, imprecation, blasphemy
njurtur curse, oath, cuss, abuse, damn, vernacular

perdea curtain, veil, screen, window curtain, cover, arras

cortin curtain

amortiza cushion, amortize, absorb, damp, pay off, redeem

pune perne sub cushion
pern cushion, pillow, pad, squab

umed wet, moist, damp, humid, dank, soggy

ud wet, soaked, damp, soggy, moist, sodden
DAMP jilav damp, wet, moist, humid, dumpy
umiditate moisture, humidity, wet, damp, rawness



se descompune decompose, decay, disintegrate, fester, putrefy, fall

putrezi rot, decay, ret, putrefy, fester, decompose

nela deceive, cheat, trick, defraud, delude, disappoint

induce n eroare mislead, deceive, baffle, misguide, delude, mystify
DECEIVE amgi deceive, entice, delude, seduce, tempt, mystify

fapt deed, act, action, work, feat, exploit

act act, document, deed, paper
DEED fapt fact, deed, reality, event, case, circumstance
lucru working, work, thing, job, operation, deed

cobor lower, down, descend, get off, go down, come down

DESCEND descinde descend, go down, disembark, dismount, issue
se cobor descend

dezndejde despair, desperation, despondency

desperare despair, desperation, hopelessness, agony, despondency
DESPAIR jale mourning, wailing, sorrow, grief, gloom, despair

spa dig, hoe, sink, excavate, cut, engrave

scoate remove, take out, take off, bring out, pull out, pull off
DIG lucra cu sap dig

cufunda plunge, sink, immerse, dip, submerge, steep

nmuia soften, dip, relent, melt, mellow, steep
DIP cufundare dip, immersion, dipping, sinking, duck

an groove, ditch, moat, trench, notch, rut

canal channel, canal, duct, sewer, conduit, ditch

picaj dive, swooping, diving, nose dive

salt leap, jump, bounce, hop, skip, dive
DIVE scufundare n ap dive, diving

sertar drawer, pigeonhole

desenator designer, draftsman, drawer, sketcher
DRAWER cutie box, casket, case, package, cabinet, drawer

neca drown, choke, smother, overflow, suffocate, inundate

se neca drown, choke, gag
DROWN nbui stifle, quell, choke, suppress, muffle, drown

tob drum, silencer, pudding

DRUM tambur drum, reel, cylinder, tambour, roller, drummer

mat mat, dull, opaque, lusterless, dead
plictisitor boring, dull, tedious, pesky, repetitious, tiresome
DULL plicticos boring, dull, bothersome, tedious, humdrum, lifeless

dornic eager, wishful, anxious, desirous, greedy

nerbdtor anxious, eager, impatient, petulant, solicitous, greedy
EAGER doritor eager, desirous, longing, keen, thirsty

plic envelope, cover

nvelitoare cover, wrapper, envelope, hood, dust cover, crash

decolora discolor, discolour, bleach, fade, decolorize, decolor

FADE se ofili droop, fade, languish, waste away, pine, flag
scdea decrease, fall, drop, subtract, decline, fade
slab weak, poor, loose, skinny, low, faint
vag vague, faint, dim, sketchy, loose, slight
FAINT oboist, leinat tired, weary, faint, fagged, weak, done

ventilator fan, ventilator

evantai fan
amator amateur, lover, fan, dilettante, fancier, dabbler
vnturtoare fan, fanner
arip wing, fender, vane, mudguard, flipper, fan
srbtoare feast, holiday, holidays, festival, revel, gala
osp feast, banquet, feasting, repast, treat, regale
festin feast, banquet

pan wedge, feather, failure, breakdown, breakdown, quill

fel way, kind, sort, manner, nature, feather
FEATHER penaj plumage, feathering, feather, plume, coat

gard fence, hedge, fencing, wall, hurdle, palisade

barier barrier, fence, gate, bar, hindrance, border
FENCE parapet parapet, bulwark, battlement, fence, traverse
Duela fence
apra defend, protect, save, advocate, champion, fen
feroce ferocious, fierce, cruel, savage, ruthless, bloodthirsty
fioros fierce, ferocious, horrible, macabre, dreadful, fell
FIERCE aprig fierce, fiery, sharp, ferocious, impetuous, severe

carne meat, flesh

trup omenesc flesh
FLESH grsime fat, grease, fatness, tallow, flesh

pluti float, sail, swim, wander, boat, stand off

lansa launch, start, release, initiate, deploy, float
FLOAT plutitor float, swimmer
plut cork, float, raft, quill

potop flood, ravage, deluge, stream, sea, debacle
inundaie flood, flooding, inundation, deluge, freshet, wash
FLOOD flux flow, flux, flowing, flood, wave, high water

plia fold, cockle, pucker

ndoi bend, double, fold, crease, curve, inflect
FOLD mpturi fold, convolve, lap

prost fool, goof, idiot, ass, simpleton, noodle

nebun fool, madman, bishop, madcap
tmpit asshole, fool, idiot, motherfucker, pillock, lunkhead

prji fry, roast, cook, toast, grill, bake

FRY frige roast, grill, fry, burn, broil, bake
se prji fry
blan fur, coat, skin, furring, neckpiece, plank
piele lucrat leather, fur

decalaj gap, difference, advance, odds, disparty

gol gap, vacuum, abyss, vacancy, hollowness, blankness
GAP lacun gap, lacuna, hiatus, blank, chasm

cereale cereal, grain, cereals, corn

bob grain, bean, bobsled, kernel, bobsleigh, seed
GRAIN gru wheat, grain, corn, cereals

unge grease, anoint, lubricate, smear, coat, oil

lubrifia lubricate, grease, oil
GREASE grsime fat, grease, fatness, tallow, flesh, stoutness
unsoare grease, lubricant, fat, salve, tallow, slush
lcomie greed, covetousness, gluttony, cupidity, hunger, rapacity
nesa greed, appetite

saluta welcome, greet, salute, hail, bow, cheer

ntmpina greet, meet, welcome, find, incur, head back
GREET aplauda applaud, clap, cheer, acclaim, commend, greet

mcinare grinding, grind

mrunire grind
GRIND pisa grind, bray, pound, pestle, pulp, contuse

ciocan hammer
ciocnel gavel, hammer
HAMMER percutor striker, hammer

batist handkerchief, tissue, hanky, kerchief, wipe, nose rag
fular muffler, comforter, handkerchief, neckcloth, neckerchief

mner handle, handgrip, lever, knob, hilt, shaft

toart handle, lug, ear, hook, shackle, bail
HANDLE manipula manipulate, handle, control, operate, maneuver, juggle
trata treat, deal, handle, cover, discuss, negotiate

port port, harbor, seaport, costume, haven, garb

liman haven, lagoon, harbor, shore, refuge, estuary
adposti shelter, accommodate, house, harbor, hold, hide
se adposti shelter, harbor, take refuge, nestle, get under shelter
duna harm, injure, wound
prejudicia harm, injure, hurt
HARM ru harm, ill, sickness, mischief, scoundrel
prejudiciu damage, prejudice, harm, detriment, wrong, grievance

recolta harvest, reap, crop, gather, cut, mow

secera reap, harvest, cut down, mow down, mow, crop
HARVEST strnge tighten, gather, collect, squeeze, clamp, harvest

grab hurry, rush, haste, speed, press, hastiness

HASTE prip haste, rush, hurry, hastiness, quickness

fn hay

vindeca heal, cure, recover, repair, remedy, mend

se vindeca heal, recuperate
tmdui heal, recover, cure, remedy, medicine

mpiedica prevent, hinder, impede, hamper, stop, obstruct

stnjeni hamper, embarrass, hinder, impede, disturb, inconvenience
opri stop, turn off, halt, end, arrest, hinder

lovit hit, smitten

succes success, hit, conquest, strike, mark, draw
HIT lovitur coup, blow, kick, shot, hit, strike

gol empty, naked, blank, hollow, void, bare

scobit hollow, sunken
scorburos hollow

sfnt saint, holy, saintly

HOLY sfinit holy, hallowed, sacred, consecrate

crlig hook, hanger, grapple, peg, crook, clasp

croeu hook
belciug hook

umil humble, lowly, meek, submissive, modest, poor
modest modest, humble, frugal, unpretentious, unassuming, low
HUMBLE umilit humble, grovelling

aclama acclaim, cheer, hail, welcome, shout, hurrah


colib hut, shack, booth, lodge, hovel, shanty

caban chalet, hut, shed, hospice, hovel, box
HUT barac hut, barrack, shed, shanty, cabin, penthouse

han inn, khan, hostel, pub, hostelry

birt inn, eating house
osptrie hostelry, eating house, hostel, inn
crcium de ar inn

interior interior, inner, internal, inland, inward, in

luntric inner, inward, internal, interior, inlying
INWARD intern internal, domestic, inner, interior, inland, inward

falc jaw, chap

flci jaw, masticator
bate apa n piu
JAW jaw ndruga verzi i uscate

lovi cu piciorul kick, hack

da din picioare kick
KICK azvrli hurl, toss, sling, cast, throw, kick
crti grumble, blaspheme, slander, scold, niggle,

nod node, knot, lump, joint, knob, kink

grup group, cluster, set, band, party, knot
KNOT legtur bundle, link, relationship, relation, connection, knot

scar scale, stairs, ladder, stirrup, riser, staircase

brid bridle, ladder

srac poor, lean, destitute, needy, scanty, meager

LEAN slab weak, poor, loose, skinny, low, lean
usciv lean, thin, wizened, spare, scraggy
piele skin, leather, hide
curea belt, strap, thong, lanyard, sling, leather
piele tbcit leather

capac cover, cap, lid, top, cowl
pleoap eyelid, lid
LID calot cap, dome, calotte, crown, lid

membru member, limb, part, fellow, insider

limb limb
mdular member, limb, part
LIMB bra arm, lever, jib, hand, limb, armful

litru liter, litre


pine bread, loaf, food, job, tommy

franzel loaf

locuin residence, housing, home, dwelling, house, lodging

gzduire accommodation, housing, lodging, hospitality, entertainme

nregistra register, record, log, enter, log in, book

butean log, stump, timber, trunk, lump, stub
LOG jurnal de bord log, ship's register

plmn lung


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