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Legend of Lembu suro

A long time ago, in kingdom of Kediri. The king had very beautiful daughter. There were so
many young men proposed to her, but the princess always rejected the proposal. Until one day
came, there was a man called Lembu Suro. He came to Kediri and send a proposal to married the
princess. He was not an ordinanry man, he had great supernatural power, he looked very strengeth.
but his appearance did not like a human, he had a cow heads.

The princess became very confused, she knew that Lembu Suro was was strengeth, had
many soldiers then and it was good for military defence. But she felt uncertain about Lembu Suro.
The princes gaet idea to refuse the proposal

I will accept your proposal, however I have a request!

ha ha ha, Im glad you will accept my proposal, just tell me my dear anything you want? with my
power I can do everything

Listen, I want to take a bath on the top of Kelud montain and I want you to dig and make a deep
well in one night.

Just that? Ha ha ha Its easy just wait, you will see the well will ready at early morning.

The princes was so worried if Lembu Suro could be finish the well before sunrise. Unfortunately, her
fear came true. Lembu Suro could finished the well before sunrise.

He came to princess and said I have finised the well. Now, will you merry me?

And the princess got another Idea, and said

I dont belive it if I dont see with my own eyes!

While she stood on the side of the well, she droped her ring.

Because Lembu Suro didnt want to saw her sad, he decided to jumped to the well and took the ring,
while Lembu Suro was still inside the well, the princes immediately asked her soldier to closed the
well with big stone.

The stone were very big, and Lembu Suro had traped inside. Before the well completly closed, he
made a crus I will totally destroy kediri and erupted Kelud montain.

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