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Katherine Rynone

Case Brief 1
September 17, 2009
Nuclear Tests Case: New Zealand v. France
I.C.J. Reports 1973-1974
1. This case was brought to the International Court of Justice on 9 May 1973 when New
Zealand instituted proceedings against France in terms of a dispute concerning the
legality of atmospheric nuclear tests conducted by France in the South Pacific region.

2. The government of New Zealand asked the Court to declare that the nuclear tests run by
the French government in the South Pacific which lead to radioactive fallout were a
violation of New Zealands rights under international law. The French Government stated
that it considered the Court was manifestly not competent in the case and that it could
not accept its jurisdiction, further requesting the removal of the case from the Court list.
New Zealand filed a Memorial and presented argument at public hearings supporting that
the Court had jurisdiction. France did not file Counter-Memorial and was not represented
at the hearings. The Court then rejected Frances request to remove the case from the
Court list and affirmed its jurisdiction in this case. When the case was heard in 1974,
France had issued numerous public statements within that year that it planned to hold no
further nuclear tests in the South Pacific.

3. New Zealand, the plaintiff, claimed that its rights under international law were violated
by the French governments nuclear testing in the South Pacific.

4. France, the defendant, argued in the first place that the Court did not have sufficient
competence to hear the case. When this was dismissed, France contended that it no longer
had plans to continue testing in the South Pacific and therefore, no further ruling on the
claims of the plaintiff could take place.
1. Does a dispute still exist between New Zealand and France that the Court can adjudicate?

1. The Court ruled that a dispute no longer existed at the time of the case hearing between
New Zealand and France. The court recognized that public statements made by the Office
of the President of the French Republic and other government officials since the case
originated conveyed an announcement of the French government to cease nuclear-testing
after the completion of its 1974 series. These public statements in effect created certain
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legal obligations for the French government, the binding character of which is based on
good faith and that interested States are entitled to require that the obligation be

2. Thus, the court stated, in a vote of 9 to 6, that the objective of New Zealand for the total
cessation of nuclear-atmospheric testing by the French government had been reached and
there no longer existed a dispute for which the Court could contemplate and adjudicate.

1. New Zealand cited international law in reference to its rights that were being
compromised by the French governments nuclear testing program in the South Pacific.

2. To found jurisdiction of the Court, New Zealand cited the General Act for the Pacific
Settlement of International Disputes concluded at Geneva in 1928, as well as Articles 36
and 37 of the Statute of the Court.

3. This case also illustrates the necessity for the existence of a dispute at the time of the
case hearing for the Court to be able to make any judgment concerning said dispute.

4. This case also illustrates the principle of good faith in citing the French governments
public statements about the end of their nuclear testing program as evidence enough that
in fact they were going to do so and should be held responsible for this sentiment.

In order for the Court to have been able to make any sort of ruling in this case, the
nuclear testing which New Zealand objected to needed to be going on at the time of the
case hearing. This principle prevents the court from taking unnecessary and extraneous
action against a State who has already met the demands of the State filing suit against the
other. This case illustrates an important respect for legal boundaries that the Court
should be expected to obey in the sense of not intervening in the affairs of states when no
conflict exists. This case would hold relevance today in any situation in which a conflict
has essentially been resolved in a way that satisfies the objective that the plaintiff wanted
the Court to accomplish, making it unnecessary for the Court to rule on the matter.
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Nuclear Tests Case (New Zealand v. France). Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents,
I.C.J Reports 1973, p. 1-56
Nuclear Tests Case (New Zealand v. France). Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1973, p. 1-2
Nuclear Tests Case (New Zealand v. France). Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1974, p. 1-3

Katherine R. Rynone, September 17, 2009

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