Tamil Nadu Public Trusts (Regulation of Administration of Agricultural PDF

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- .- - - .. L -

Public Tnuts (Regulation of

LatestLaws.com 90 1
Administratiofiof Agricultural Lands)

15A ,' Trustee or authorised o@certo take posse sion of land reverting to
public trust.
Restriction on the extent of land to be leased out t~ co-operative;
farming society.


Cultivating tenants not to be evicted.

Public trust may evict cultivating tenani in certain cases.
Right to restoration of possession.
Special privileges for member of the Armed Forces,
Execution of lease.
Revision by the District Court.



23 Rights and liabilities of cultivating tenslrt s and public trust.

24 What is fair rent.
25 Fair rent may be paid in caqh or in kina.

26 -Alteration or revision of fak rent.

27 Sharing of produce.
28 Constitution of Rent Courts and Rent Tribunals.
29 Application to Rent Courts and appeals to Rent Tribunalo

30 Collector to publish list of prices.

31 Exempt ion.
32 Revision bj' ihe District Court.

902 p l r ~ l ; c ~ ~ t s ( ~ e g u l a t i o n11961:TuN*M57
Adrfiillfityatioilof Agricultural m d ~ )

Formation of t e ~farming
t societies*

Application for eregistrationo

16 ,'" 2 , . )
) .

legiStration of tenant farming s~cicl~ies*

T r w f e r of possession of land to tenAnt farming S W ~ ~ Y -

Amendment of by-laws by the Registrar*

-r thereof.
Land to continue to Vest in thebwny
ASrsrm@t rauding period of IYWmberrhi~
ra " tl.
~ ~ ~ of
b the
i ltenant
i ~ farming
~ society to rent and other duma

Admission of new members: .

Heirs deemed f 0 be members of tenant farming society*

~ ~ and facilities
& for
o the tenant
~ farlning S O C ~ ~ ~ F
Act to apply to ""in tenant farming societies*

penalty for failure to furnish return*

Penalty for furDishing false return or information*

penalty for mntraveat i o of~ ths direct ion of the authorized O~GF
.. . -
- -
. .. -- A
i Lurr---

T.N A@ 57 ] public TIT& (&&iatim of Po3

Adminiztration o/ Agricultural Lands)

49. Penalty for contravention ot acy lawfill order.

49-A. Penalty for obstructing the trustee or authorized officerfrom taking pojsess~on.
50. Cagni~anc.:of offerces.


51. Exemptions.
52, Power of Government to exempt by notification and to cano~isuclh notifica-i

53. Act to apply to certain p.~rtionof land held by pul)lic trust in cases iv],t.rc any
interest is rcserved in favour of the founder of such trust.

1 54. Power of Governnlent to issue orders and directions to the autholi~rdo.iir.,!r


55. ,Transf;r of proceedings from one authorized oGcer to anotherc

53. nar of jurisdiction of civil courts,

59. Power to make rules.

60. Power to remove difficulties.

51, Rules and orders to be piaced before tbe ZRQial-,

62. Partial repeal of certain !icts..


904 Public Trusts (Regulation of I1961 :T.N. Act 5 ;
Administration of ~gricuit&i;lLwds)
l[TAM.IL NADU] ACT No. 57 OF 1961.'

[Received the assent of the President on the 12th April 1962,

first published in the Fort St. George Gazette on the
25th April 1962 (Vaishaka 5 , 1884).]

An Act to provide for regulating the administration,

either by personal cultivation or by lease, of agricul-
tural lands held by public trusts and for regulating
the relation of public trusts aod their cultivating

tenants in the a[State of T m i l Nadu].

it is expedient to provide for regulating the
administration, either by personal cultivation or by lease, of
agricultural lands held by public trusts and for regulating
relation of public trusts and their cultivating tenants
~ eTamil Nadu]
in the S [ ~ t aof .
ion will best subserve the
ANDWHEREAS such E~egulat
common good and increase agricultural product ion ;
BE it cna~tedin the Twelfth Year of the Kepublic of India
as f o l l o ~:--


Short title, 1. (1) This Act may be called the l[Tamil Nadu] Publi
extent and Trusts (Regulation of Administration of Agricult
ment, Lands) Act, 1961. I

These words were substituted for

Nadu Adaptation pf Laws Order,
Nadu A d a p @ . @ & ~ w ~ ~ ( S w n d ~
a For Statement of Objectsand Reasons, see Fort St. George
Extraordinary, dated 29th September 1961, Part I'vMmtion
457. I I
a This expression was substituted for the expression !'Stat@
Madras." by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of 'Laws Order, 1%9* t."
as amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation oS Laws ( m d : i
Amendment) Order, 1969. 4
ai :hi 3

1 1961: T.N. Act 5 n Public Trusts (Regutafin,t 4 905

Administration of Agr irultural Lands)

(2) It extends to the whole of the l[State of Talrlil

Nadu] .
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the Ctq.te
Government may, by notification, appoint,
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-- Definition%
(1) "agriculture" includes-
(<) horticulture ;
(ii) the raising of crops, grass or gardeli produe2 ;
(iii) the use by an agriculturist of land held
by him or part thereof for grazing;
(iv) the use of any lan6 for the purpose of raising
manure crops ;
(v) dairy farming;
(vi) poultry farming ;
(vii) livestock breeding ;
(viii) growing of trees ;
and ccagricultural"shall be construed accordingly.
(2) "authorized officer" means any 2[Revenuc:
Officer not below the rank of Ueputy Collector or Revenue
Divisional Officet] authorized by the Govsrnment by
notification to exercise the powers conferred on, an6
discharge the duties imposed upon, the authorized office1
under this Act for such area as may be specified in the
(3) "co-operative farming society" means a society
registered under the Co-operative Societies Act and consist-
ing only of persons who have become members of that
society with a view to cultivate land belonging to a public
trust in accordance with the provisions of this Act ;
-- -- -
1 This expression was substituted for the expression "State
of Madras" by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969,
as amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second
Amcndplent) Order, 1969.
These words were substituted for the words "Gazetted Officer",
by section 2 01 the Tamil Nadu Public Trusts (Regulation of
Administration of Agricultural Lands) Second kwndment Act, 1980
Tamil Nadu Act 38 of 1980).
906 Public Trusts [Regulation of 11961 TaN4d 57

Administration ~fiAgricuZtura1

(4) "Co-operative Societies Act" meansatlie Act or '

Acts relating to co-operative societies for the time being in

force in the l[State of Tamil Nadu];

-.(5) "cultivating tenant"-

(i) means .a person who contributes his own
physical labour or that of any membe~of his family in the
cultivation of any land belonging to another, under a
tenancy agreement, express or implied ; and

(ii) includes-
(a) any such person who continues in possession
~Ytheland after the dotermination of the tenancy agree-
ment; or
(b) the heir of such person, if the heir contributes
his own physical labour or that of any member of his
family in the cultivation of such land ;or
(c) a sub-tenant if he contributes his own physical
labobr or that of any member of his family in the cultiva-
tion of such land;
(iii) does not include a mere intermcdi::r~ or
his 2. eir.

Explanation, 2[1].- For the purposes of Chaptexs I11

andlV, a co-operative farming sociciy shall be deemed to be
a cultivating tenant ;
explanation 11.-A member of the Armed Forces in
wrvice shall be deemed to be a cultivating tenant in
wspect of a land if such land is cultivated by the members
of his family or by his own servants or by hired labour,
with his own or hired stock;]

'This expression was substituted for the expression "State of

Madra;" by the Tamil Nadu Adptation of Laws Order, 1969, as
amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amend-
ment) Order, 1969.

SThe Explanation to clause (5) was numbered as Explanatio~
of that clause and this Explanation was added by section 5 (i)
(a) of ihe Tamil Nadu Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu
~ c 9l of1965).
1961 : T.N, Act 571 Public Trusts (Regulrrtiorr of 907
Admirtistration of Agricu!tural Lands)
(6) "cultivating tenant's ceiling area." means five
standard acres held by ally pesson-
(a) (i) partly .as cultivating tenant ; and
(ii) partly as owner or possessory mortgagee; or
(b) wholly as cultivating tenant ;
(7) "date of the commeilcernent of this Act" means
the date appointed by the Gover~lment under sub-section
(3) of section 1 ;
(8) "fair rent" means the rent payable under Chapter
(9) "forest" includes any waste lanu containing
trees or shrubs;
(10) "garden land" means dry land irrigated by
lifting water from wells or other sources;

(1 1) "Government" means the State Government ;

(12) "to hold land" with its gramrnatic:ll variations
and cognate expressions means to own land as owner or to
possess or enjoy land as possessory mortgagee or as culti-
v?.ting tenant or as intermediary or in one or more of
those capacities;
(13) "inam land" in any area in the State except
the transferred territory-
(a) means any land the grant of which in inam has
been inadc, confirmed or recognised by the Government,
and -

(b) includes-
(i) any land in any village specified in Schedule I
l[or in such other village or part thereof as the
Government may, by, notification, from time to time
lThese words were added by sectiori 2 of the Tamil Nadu Pubiil:
Trusts (Regulation of Administration of Agricultural Lands) Amend-
ment Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1964).

90 8 Public Trusts.((~gulationqf [i%l':[T.N.~AC~

Administration of Agricultwal lands)

(ii) any land which is exempt either in whole or

ir, part, flow payment of land revenue;

(iii) any land of which the land revenue alone or

portion thereof has been granted in inam to o i j peroon,
provided that such grant has been made, confirmed or
recognized by the Government ; and

(iv) zny inam constituting an kstate unde~the

YTamil Nadu] Estate Land Act, 1908 ('[Tamil Nadu]Act I
of 1908); but does not include any inam land on which
full assessment of revenue has bean levied under the
l[Tamil Nadu] Inams (Assessment) Act, 1956 ; (l[Tamil
Nadu] Act XL of 1956);

(14) "Intermediary" means any person who, not

being an owner or a possessory mortgagee, has an interest in
land, and is entitled, by reason of such interest, to. posses-
sion thereof but hrrs transferred such possession to others i

(15) "land'?-means agricultural land; thht is to say,

land which is used or capable of baing pse~dfor agric$tural
purposes or purposes subservient'.thereto andiinclqdes
forest, pasture land, plantat ion, - orphard .sin&'tope, bitt

does oat include~house-siteor land u seU ehl'hsively d%jr % 4 . # - \ +

non-agricultural purposes ; 5 '

. * 1 i ' 4

2[(15-~). ''rnelhber of the Armed J?of.qs!!~

shall hay?
the &me meaningas in clause 29' of +ctqa p4;.3'oft h
l[Tamil Nadu] Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling on
Land) Act, 1961 ,('[Tamil Nadu] Act 58 of 1961)]\;
I . /

(16) "normal gross produce" in respect of any land

means the produce which would be obtained, if the rainfall
and the seasons were of a normal character; fionh lands of
the same class.'asthe land in ques~ion,sirniwly
sltuueo a

and possessing --Smilar

advantages; "
- , - +-;- -.-. *. *

I.mw word; were substituted for the word ''Madras" by

Tamil Nadu Aclaptatlon of Laws Order, 1959, as amend& by t h ~
Tamil P$adu Adaptation of h \ n r s (Se~mCl Amendment) Order,
1969. 1
%.,'>f . ,

rrh~sclause was insert4 by section 5 (i) (b) of the Tamil ~ a d u

Ce=ncy t~meodmontl Act, 1965 :%mil Nadu ACX 9 of 1965).

1961 : T*N.Act 571 Public Trusts (Regulation of 909

Administration of'Agricuhura1Lands) .

(17) "notified date" means the date specified in the

notification issued by the Government under section 6 ;
(18) "orchard" means an enclosure or asse~nblage of
fruit or nut-bearing trees,constituting the main crop therein,
whether of spontaneol!s or artificial growth and includes
nandavanams, but does nor include trees on such bunds
as are not within or adjunct to such enclosure or assemblage ;

l[Explanation.-The expression "fruit or nut-bcaring

trees "shall not include plantain trees."]
(19) " owner " rn.eans-
(i) any person holding land in severalty or jointly
or in common under a ryotwari settlement or in any way
subject to the payment of revenue direct to the Govern-
ment, or
(ii) a landholder as defined in the '[Tamil Nadu]
Estates L a d Act, 1908 (l[Tamil Nadu] Act I of 1908)
or a ryot as defined to that Act, or
(iii), an inamdar not being a landholder defined
as aforesaid ;

(20). " paid " includes " delivered " :

(21) " person " includes any public trust, company,
firm, any farming society or association of individuals,
whether incorporated or not ;
(22) " personal cultivation " with its grammaticai
variationsand cognate expressions, in relation to a publkz
trust, includes cultivation by Sred labour or with hired
stock or by servants on. wages payable in cash or kind bu-i
uot as a share of produce ;
(23) " plantation " means any land usid for growi~g
all or any of the following, namely, cal damom, cinchona,
coffee, rubber or tea ;
---- - -- -
1 This Expalanation was added by section 2 .ofthe Tamil Nii,j,,
PLIblic Trusts (Regulation of Administration o! Ayrkulturai h r l d s ,
Ar~~etidrnentAct, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1973).

1961 : T.N. Act 571 Public Trusts (Regulation o f 911

Ar Ii~tinistrationof Agricultural Lands)

(c) 1.2 acres of wet land assessed to land revenue

at the rate of Rs. 8 and above but below Rs. 10 per acre ;
( d ) 1.6 acres of wet land assessed to land revenue
at the rate of Rs. 6 and above but below Rs. 8 per acre ;
(e) 1.75 acres of wet land assessed to land revelluc
at the rate of Rs. 4 and above but below Rs. 6 per acre ;or

2 acres of wet land assessed to land revenue

at any rate below Rs. 4 per acre or &;

( g ) 2.5 acres of dry land assessed to land revenue

at the rate of Rs. 2 and above per acre ;or
(h) 3 acres of dry land assessed to land revenue
at the rate of Rs. 1.25 and above but below Ra. 2 per acre ;
(i) 4 acres of dry land assessed to land revenue
at any rate below Rs. 1.25 pox acre ;
(2) in the Kaayakumari district-
(a) 1 acre of registered wet land irrigated by
any source fornling part of, or benefited by, any project ;
(b) 1.2 acres of registered dry land irrigated
by any source mentioned in item (a) ;or
l[(bb) 1.6 acres of wet land irrigated by any
Government source other than a source mentioned in
item (a) ; or]
(c) 1.6 acres of dry land irrigated by any Goveril-
tlleiit source other than a source mentioned in item (a) ;
(d).4 acres of dry laud unirrigated by any source
,;lcntioned in item (a) or by any other Government sb :-ce
of irrigation ;

This item was inserfeo and was deemed always to havt:

been inserted by sectim 2 if [he Tamil Nadu Public Trusls
(Regulation of Acilni nistrat ioll cf Agricultural La!tds) Amen,-\-
ine~ltAct, 1968 (Tamil NkiLu Acr 22 of 1968).
'912 Public 'Truits(Reguia/ion of tl96t: T.N. Act 4
Administration of Agricultural Lao&)

(3) in the S:ieacottah taluk of the Tirunelveli dis-

(a) 1.2 acres of wet land irrigated by any river or
stream or byitankjfed by any river or stream;; ,or.
(b) 1,6acres of wet land irrigated by any Go
ment source .other than a smrce mentioned in item
(c) 2 acms of dry land irrigated by any Govern
mollf source ; or
(d) 4 acres of dry land unirrigatad ' by any sour
mentio~ledin item (a) or by any other Government sou
of irrigation ; I-:
Explanation I.--For the purpose of sub-clause'

of clause (28), :'land .revenue " shall: mdn-

(i) in ihe case of any land 'inrespect of whi& f
a ryotwari settlement is in force on the date of the cow*
mencement. of this Act, the ryotwari assessment pay& 1
on that date ;
(ii) in the case of any inam land on which full
assessQaIlt of revenue.has been levied under the '[Tamil
Nadu] I n rns (Assessmant) Act, 1956 (l[b?mil Nadu .
Act XL of 1956]), such*assessment;
(iii);id' the case of any land [other ithan an inam
' land referred to in clause (ii)] in respect of which a ryotwa~i
*ttleraent.is not in force o : ~ the date of the commnt?nce-
bentof this Act, but is brollght into force after that ddte
but before the notified date, the ryotwari assessment
payable under such settkment after it is brought into

force ;
of any land in r e s p a of which
(iv) iii ?kn C ~ W
a ryotwari settlement effected in pursuance of section 22
of t b . ~'[Tarnil Nadu] Esta+es (Abolition and Conver-
sichninto Ryotwari) Act, 1948 ('[Tamil Nadu] Act XXVI
of 1948), has not been brought into force before the noti-
fied date, or in the case of any inam 1and;ths land revenus
-These words were substituted for the word "Madras"-
by the Government in this--behalf. with
-r. . .--..due regard

by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by
the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment)
Order, 1969.

1961:T.N. Act 57] Public Trusts!(Regulation of 9 13

Administration oflAgricultura1 Lands)

to thd Iiighest rate of r yotwari assbssment payable for any.

@ land ofl'iimilar dehribtion and Miith similar advantages
in the nearest ryot w;u i village : ,

Provided that no notification shall be issued

under this clause, unless the persons likely to be affected
by such notification are given a reasonable opportunity
to make +representation and adduce evidence in respect
of the rates proposed to be specified,in the notification:
Provided further that the land revenue notified
by the Government under this clause shall not be moii-
fied, notwithstanding that a different rate of iissessment
is fixed under-
(i) any slattlement that may be brought into
force ; or
(ii) the 1[Tamil Nadu] Inams (Assessment)
Act, 1956 (l[Tamil Nadu] Act XL of 1956) ;
after the date of the publication of the said notification.

Expla~zationII.-Jn sub-clauses (2) and (3) of

clause (28) " wet land " and " dry land shall include

inam wet land and inam dry land respectively.

Explanation III.- For the purposes of t ub-clause
(2). of clause (28), " project " means any of the fcllowing
111 igation systems, namely :-

(i) Kodayar project system proper ;

(ii) (a) Pazhayar system ;
(b) Valliaz system ;
(c) Thirparappu Right Bank Channel and
Left Bank Channel system ;
(d) Champakulanl system ;
(iii) Alathuraiyar system.
Explanation IV.-In any area in the State, except
the transferred territory, one acre of dry land--.

914 Public T~sts(Regulutlon of [I961: T.N. Act 57

Adtninistration of Agricul tural Lands)
(a) irrigated by direct flow of water from any
Government source of irrigation supplying water-
(i) for two crops and above, shall ba deemed
to be equivalent to one acre of wet land assessed to land
revenue at the rate of Rs. 8 and above but below Rs. 10
per acre ; .
(ii) for only one crop, shall be deemed to be
equivalent to one acre of wet land assessed to land revenue
at the rate of Rs. 4 and above but below Rs. 6 per acre ;
(b) irrigated by lifting Nrater from any Govern-
ment source of irrigation shall be deemed to be equiva-
lent to one acre of wet land assessed to land revenue at
the rate of Rs. 4 and above but below Rs. 6 pel a c ~ e:
Provided that the Government may, in respect
of any particular area, by notificaticn, direct that 1 acre
of dry land irrigated from any Government source of
irrigation shall be deemed to be equivalent to any speci-
fied axtent of any of the categories of land specified in
sub-clause (1) of clause (28) on the ground of quality of
the soil or on any other ground :
, prdvided further that such notification shall not
come into f o i ~ u n l e s sit is approved by the Legislature.
Explumtion V.-Wlmre the land held by a person
consist of more than one of the kinds of the land specified
in clause (28), the extent of the land held by him shall, for
the purposes of this Act, be r e d u ~ dto standard acres
pa1culated q r d i p g to the proportions specifieP in clauso
(28) ;
(29) " tope. " means any land containing groups of
fl uit or nut -bearing trees including palmyrah trees, consti-
tuti~.gthe main crop in such land, whether of spontanaous
0, artificial growth and includes orchards, but does not
include; ~88$7i!&~uch' bunds as are not within or adjunct
t '1
to such groups of trees ;
l[Explmtion.--The expression " fryit cir nut -bearing
trees " shall not include plantain- trees

a,.' & $2,

1 This mplgpatiop was addd by section ,2 of.the Tamil Nadu

pq~ic~~~~t.:(~e~dla#~n~fAdmi~i~tration'of'A'~ki~~lt~ Lands'
Act, 11972 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 197316 2
4-- - . -- --_.
_. >& -- -.- - .. A .--K* 3-

1961 :T.N. Aet 571 Public TWS (Regulation of 915

of Agriculturdlands)'

(30) transferred territory " means the Kanya-

kumari district and the ~hencottah'taluk of the Tirunel-
. veli district ;

(31) "trustee " means a person in whom either

alone or in association with other persons the trust pro-
perty of any public trust is vested or any person who for
the time being, cither alone or in association with some
other person ox p :r sons, ~~dministcrs
the trnst property of
any public trust and includes-
(i) in the case of a math, the head of such math ;
(ii) in the case of a wakf, a mutawalli of such we.kf ;
(iii) in the case of a society iegistered undcr the
Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Central Act XXI of
1860), its governing body ;
(iv) in thc w,sc of any other public trust, the
*rson lcplly comptent to zct for such public truh..
3. The provisions of this Act shall h?.vc effcct not- Act to over-
withstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in ride
any othcr law for the time being in forcc, nr any custom, contracts,
usage ,or contract or decrcc or order of 2 Court or othcr etc.



4. On and after tlzc date of the co~nmcnccmcntof Rraguli)ti@n I

this Act, no public trust shr.11 pcrsom.lly cultivate, or of
tion ofiva-
lease out, land held by such trust except in eccordance. held by
with the provisions of this Act. pnblic trusts,

5. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, no Ceiling on

public trust slr.11 p~rsnn?llycoltivr.te 1r.nd ill exci-ss of persona 1
twenty standard 2.crt s. by public
(2) Nothing in this section s k l bc dccmed to
authorize any public trust to evict any person holding

land as cultivating#tenant:.under sudr.public trust on the

date of the obmmencement of this Act ,exmpt*inaccordance
with the provisions of sections 7, 15 (2) end 1.9;
Land under 6. Where on the date of the commencement of this Act,
personal any publioitsastipersodly cultiv2;t~s lamdrin.- excess ?of
cultivation .twentyfstan&.~&.acres and continues t~rrsarmltivt~te.,
of public land on*such.w.te~as m2y be specifiedi in thafrntiiication
trust in
exceess of issued bpthe Govrrnment in8 this behalf, the trustee of
twenty the public trust shr.11, within such writ d 2.s rnay be

standard . prescribed, from the detc specified in such notification,

acres to be leasevout theldnds in such excess to-
leased out.
(i) a co-operr.tive f2,rming society ; or
(ii) any person who is already a cultivating tenant ;
(iii) any person who not being alreedy a cultivating
tenant executes sn agrecmcrt with the public trust that he
will contribute' his own physical labour or that of any
member of his family in the cultivation of tk land so leased
ouit to him :
Provided tk.t the extent of knd so lessed out to any
x son other 'then a co-operative fmming society, together
with the other knd, if my, already held by such person,
shall not exceed in the eggregtc the cultivating tenant's
ceiling area.
cult bratin g l[6-A. In calculeting the extent of the cultiwting
tenant's tenant's ceiling area. of s pcrson for the purposes of this
ceiling area Act, the. extent of land held 2,s cultivating tenant or as
of a person
to include omkr or as possessory . mortgagee by such person, his
his spouse9s, spouse, minor son end unmmird daughter sh.11 be taken
minor sop's into account and accordingly.the aggrepte . of the exten1
orunmarrled of lend so held by such person, his spu&e, minor son
daughter's and.unmarried daughter shall not exccrd'five.>:: .sta&d
acres.] ;

Possession 7. (1) Where, on the notified date, any cultivatinl

ofland held tenant under any public trust is in poss:ssion of land ir
by cult1\:- ofthe cultivating tenant's ceiling area, the yossessio~
to revert to of the land which is hsld by the public trust and which it
-lThis section was inserted by section 3 of the Tamil Nad~
Public Trusts (Regulation of Administration of Agricultural Lands'
Anlendment Act; 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1973.)
--- _ L

1961 : T.N. Act 571 Public Trusts (IieguZarion 01 917

A d ~ inistration
n of Agricultural l a n d r )

in (.xccss of ih:: cultivrting tcnent's ceiling area shall,

with efftct from t h ~d..tc eforisaid, rwert :o thc publia
trust subject to such rules 3s may be made in this b.. half.

(2) Where, on cr after the n0tific.d &te, any culti-

vating tcnailt undi.1 any public trust ecquircs by szk,
I(;nsc, gift, cxchcnge, surrcndcr, Zgreemcnt, s! ttlemt nt or
oth(;rwise, m y lmd which, tog; t h ~ with
r the other iz.nd,
if &,ny,~1rec.r.dyheld by him, cxc~cdsin thc aggregr,:. the
cultivating tcn?.ntyscc iling F.rcz, thc posst.ssi~rof the
which is held by the public tl'ust anit which is in excess
of the cultiv?.ting tcnent's cL,iiingarea shzll, with ~ f f ~ c t
from the: dcte of such acquisition, r w r t to the public
trust, subject to such rults as may be m2,dc: in this bchalf.

(3) The cultivating tenant concerned shall have the

option to select the land, the possession of which shall revert
to the public tiust u n d ~ sub-section
r (1) or sub-section (2),
as the case may be:
Provided that such option shall b- subject to such
conditions as may be presc~ibcd.
~ x p l a n d t i o n.- For the purposes of this section and
sections 10 and 11, cultivating tenant shall include any
tenant who is in actual possession of the land GUI does not
co~~tributc his own physical labour or that of any member
of his family in thc cuittvatlon of such land.

8. ~.Vh,:rc: any Innd rtJvcrts to thc pdblic trust u i ~ d ~Public

a trust
scotioll 7 or is resume(: mder section 19, or where any to lease out
iilnd is aaquired by siib:, gift, c. xcb~.nge,surrcndzr, agree- land reverted
under ,etce
lit, settlement or olhf rwisc , the t1usf1.c of the public section,
trust shall, l[within sucll perii d 2.s may pruscri&d],
1;ase out such l a d tc--
(i) a co-opzrativc firming society ; or
(ii) any person who is glready a c~ltivatingtenant ;

___- _ _ - - .---- - -I-____

f This expression was substituted for the expression " within

h y s from the date o f reversion, resum_o:ion or acquisition,
as the case may be" by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu Public rusts
(Regulation of Administration of Agricultural Lands) Amendment
~ c t 1972
, (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1973).

918 Public Trusts (Regulation oj [I961 : T.N. Act 57

Administration of Agricultural Landb)

(iii) any per son who not being alreaciy a cultivating

tenant executes an agreement with the public trust that
he .will con+kibute his own physical labouk or that of
any member of his family in the cultivation of the land
so leased out to him:
Provided that the extent of land so leased out to
any person other than a co-operative farming sccicty,
togethcr with the other land, if any, already held by such
person, shall not exwed in the aggregate the cultivating
tenant's ceiling area.
Furnishing 9. (1) The trustee of every public trust shall, within
of returns
by publio tunety days from the hate of the expiry of the period
trust. prescribed under section 6, furnish to the authorized
officer a return containing such p?,rticulars as may be
prescribed. . ?%

t t.
(2) If, on or after the notified date, any land- ..a
(i) reverts to any public trust under section 7 0:
sub-section (2) of seotion 15 ; or
(ii) is resumed by aarry public trust under sectio~
19 ; or
(iii) is acquired by any public trust by sale, gif
exchange, surren&.r, agreement, wttlement or otherwis
then, the trustee of the public trust shall, within nind
&ys from the date of the expiry of the period speoiEe
in section 8, furmsh to the authorized officer 2, retur
containing su& pxticulars as may be prescribed

Furnishing 10. (1) Every cultivating temnt -under any publ

G ;",freturns. trust w h ~jmqedietely
?~ before the notified &te, is
by cultivat- p~ssesd6iiof land in dxcess of *tlie*ciiltitiP.tingr#tew
ing tenant.
ceiling ares, sltlll, within ninety days from the notifii
d?te, furnish to the autht3rized offic-r a return c ~ n t s i n i ~
paaicul;.rs as m.y b : prewibed.
l[Explanation.--In the @.se of a m c m b r of ti
Armed Pores, the return under sub-section (1) shr.11 1
furnished within six months aftcr the Procl?.m~.tion
Emer genoy has e&s:d t s operate .]
his expianation was added by section 5 (ii) (a) of
Tbmil Nadu Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil N&
9 ~f 1965). I 9

1961 : T.N. Act 571 Public Trusts (Regulation of 919
Administration of AgricuZturaIlan&)

(2) If, on or after the notified date, any cultivat~l~g

:r tenant undx 2.ny public trust ecquires by salc, lease, gift,
! exchange, surrender, agreemcnt, settlement,or otherwise,
any lirnd which, together with the other land, if any,
alreedy held by him exceeds in th3 aggregzte the culti-
vating tenant's ceiling ;?rea, then, hc sh.11, within nincty
days from the di.te of such acquisition, furnish, to the
a u t h o r i ~ dofficcr a return containing such p.rticul?.rs ss
may bc prcscribed.
l[Explanation.-In the e.sc of a member of the
Armed Forces, the return unds sub-section (2) shzll be
furnished within six months 2.ftcr the Proclam2.tion of
Emergency h2.s ceased to operctc, or within ninety dzys
from thc date ofthe acquisition, whichever is later.]

11. (1) If the trustee of any public trust or any culti- Collection d
vating tenant under apublic trust fails to furnish the return i n f m t i o a
under section 9 or section 10, as the case mey be, or
furnishes an incorrect or incomplete return under that
section, the authoriztd officl~r mEy, by noticc, require
such trustee or cultivating tenant, s s the ease may bz,
furnish the rcturn c: Ih(- dditionsl particulars, as the
case may be, within thc timc specified in thc netice or
within such furth~rtime not exceeding thirty days -,s the
a u t h ~ i z e aofficer mp.y, in his discretion, allow.

(2) (a) Where tho trustce of any public trust or

any cultivating tenpent 1 o whom notice under sub-section
(1) has k e n served, fails to furnish the return or the
additional p~,rticulars,r.s the c2.s:: m a ybc, within the: time
specified in that notice, or within the furthcr rime, if any,
1,110wed by the authoriza officer under sub-section (1).
the authorized officer may obtcin, in such manner es may
be prescribed, the necessary information either by himself
or through such agcncy as he thinks fit.

(b) The authorized officer shall, as soon 2 s may

be, after obtaining the informationunder olause (a), give
to the trustee of the public trust or the cultivating tenant
concerned a reasomble opportunity of making his re-
presentztion and of adducing evidenoe,-if -any, - in- respect
This explanation was adr'e3 by section 5 (ii) (b) ~f the
Tamil Naciu Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act
9 of 1965).

920 Publk-Trusts (Reguliition of [1961. : T.N. Act 57

Arlnin&irutjbn of Agricultural h d r )
of such information and co?isider any such represt ntation
and evidence and p ~ s ssuch o~dersas the s3,id officer
deims fit.
officer to 12. Where, on the basis of the seturbnfurnished undcr
take action sccLion9 or section 10 or under sub-section (1) of section
in certain 1 1 or the additional pi:rticuk.rs, if any, furnished undcr
eases. th2.t sub-section, or on the bssis of the infcrm2,tionobt2,incd
by the authorized officer undel clause: (a) of sub-section
(2) of section 11 and the orders p?ssrd on the rcpresent-
a t ~ o nand evidence, if any, under cleusr (b) of sub-section
(2) of section 11, the authorized offiar is wtisficd th?.t any
land of the public trust has not k e n least-d out ir.
accordance with the provisions of sc ctions 6,8 and 15 (3),
he shall-

(a) in m y case, where it appears that the failura

to leasc out the land is due to the non-availability of persons
to take on lease the land concerned, make an enquiry
into the matter and submit a report coctaining such
particblars and to such authority as may he prescribed ;
(6) in any case where he is satisfied that the failure
to lease out the land is not due to the non-availability ;
of persons to take on lease the land concerned, ckoose,
subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, one or 'i
,nore persons willing to cultivate such land and direct '


the trustee of the public trust concerned to lease out such

land to the person or persons aforesaid within the pres-
cribed period :

Provided that the extent of the land so leased out

to any one person together with the other land, if any,
already held by him shall not exceed in the aggregate
the cultivating tenant's ceiling arba.
Permission 13. (1) The authority prescribed under clause (a
to public of section 12 may, after receiving the report referred to i
trust for
personal cul- that clause and after making such enquiry as it may ccnside
tivation in necessary, submit the report toeether witb its recornmen
certain ation to the Board of Revenue.*
* By v i r t u ~ of section 10 ( I ) of the Tamil Na8
Revenue AQolition Ac$ 1980 (Tamil Nac'u Acp3
r ference,to the**Board of Reverve -shall be 8 deernerd to
reference to the St ate Gover nmenr.

. -- *
- -----

1961 : T.N. Act 571 Public Trusts (2egrilrr1i~1r

of 92 t
of A ~ y t o i C ~ l tLarj~ls).

(2) The *Board of Revenue may, after receiving I

the report and the recommendation referred to i n sub-

section (I) and afttr making such further enquiry as it
may collsider necessary-

(a) in any cdse wl~ereit is satisfiud that thc failure

LO leasc OUL the land is due to non-availsbillty of persms
to take on le3se the land concerned, permit t1.1~public
trust to personally cultivate the land ; tznti

(6) in any case where it is satisfied that the faillire

to lease out the la.:id is not dun to the noii-availability
of persons to take on lease the lan6 concerned, instruct
the authorized officer to cnoase one or more persoils
willing to culthvat;. such land and t o direct the trustee
of the public trust c~ncernledto lease out such land to
;he persol1 or persons aforesaid within the prescribed
period ; and the authorized officer shall givs effect to
such insf ruciian :
Provided t h a t t h e extent of the land so leased
out to any one person togcthcr with the otljer land, if
any, already held by him shall not exceed in the aggregate
the cultivating tenant's ceiling area.

14. (1) If it appears to the authorized officer that any Auth~rized

land which is intended to be personally cultivated by any officer to
public trust- choose pers-
ons to culti-
(i) has remained uncultivated for any two vate land
consecutive years ; or mismanaged
by ~ a l i c
(ii) has not been used fully and efficiently for the
purpose of agriculture through the default of the public
trust ; or
(iii) has been neglected or mismanaged, by the
public trust as a result of which, the cultivation of such
.land has seriously suffered,
the authorized office^: shall, subject to such conditions
as may be prescribed, choose one or more persons willing
- - -

virtue of scction 10(1) of the T m i l Nadu Board of

Revenue Abolition Act, 1980 (Tclmil Nadu Act. 36 of 1980) any
reference. to tllc Board of Revenue shall be dcemed to bc
a reference to the State Government.
922 Public Trusts (Regulation of [I961 : T.N. Act Y 12
Administ, ation of Agricultural Lands)

to cultivate such land and direct the trustee of the publi

trust concerned to lease out such lmd to the person
persons aforesaid within the prescribed period :

P~ovidedthat the extent of he land so

any one person together with tbe other land; i
held by him shall not exceed in the aggre
vating tenant's ceiling area.

(2) If any person to whom any 'land held by

t been leased out in pursuande of an ag
public t ~ u shas
ment executed by him under sectio~1.s6 (iii), 8 (iii) or
(3) (iii) does not contribute his own physical labob?"
or that of any member. of his fi mily in the cultivatim*
of the land so leased out or if such person contraveneif
any of the provisions of such agreement, the authorizeq-j;
officer sball, subject to such conditions as may be presmibeQ'
chcose one or more atker persons willing to cukivab*
such land and direct the trustee of the public trust con-
cerned to lease out such land to the other person
persons aforesaid within the prescribed period :

P~ovidedthat the extent of the land so leased out

to any one person togethei with the other land, ;f any
already held by him shall not exceed in the aggregate tht
cultivatirtg tenant's ceilir~garea.

Special 1[14-A.(1) Notwithstancing anythinp contained ir

p ~ w ofs the this Chapter, the auufiori~do@cer may, either srlo rttoft
Authorizd 0, . 0 application, call for and examine for the puipos
of this Chapter any record of the public trust and if, o
such examination, the autho~izedofficer is satisfied the
i n respect of any land held by the public trust-

(i) the public trust has failed to lease out the lac
in accordance with the provisions of sections 6,8 and 15 (:

(ii) any least: by the public trust under t hi s Cha pt

is not bona fide, or
-- - - --
I This wti'on was inserted by section 5 of the Tanlil Nadu Pu
Trusts (Regulation of Administration of Agricultural Lands) Arne
merit Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu .Act 15 of 1973).
. ,
1961 : T.N. Act 571 Public Trusts (Regulation q/ 923
Adrninhtration oj'Agricultwa1Lurlu's)

(iii) any direction given by him under clause (b j

of section 12 or clsuse (b) of sub-sction (2) of section 13,
or sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 14, has
not been complied with, '[or]
2[(iv) the public trust has failed to evict any
person, not being a cultivating tenant, in occupation
-f the land without proper autkority from such public

he may, after giving notice to the trustee of the public

trust and the other persons likely to be affected, pass an
order directing the trustee to lease out the land within
the prescribed period to any one of the pernons from
the list furnished by him to tke trustee concerned :
Provided that the extent of land so leased out t!a
any suck person, together with the other land, if any,
already held by such person, >hall not exceed in the
aggregate the cultivating tenant's ceiling area.

(2) The list mentioned in .sub-section (1) shall

contain only persons who-

(a) are already cultivating tenants ; or

(b) if they are not already cultivating tenants,
shall execute agreements witb the public trust that they
will contribute their own physical labour or that of any
member of their family in the cultivation of the land so
leased out.

(3) If the authorized officer is satisfied either suo

motu or on application that in respect of any land held
by the public trust- i

(a) the trustee of tbe public trust has not

complied with any direction issued under sub-section (1) ;


This word was added by section 3 (a) of the Tamil 'Nadu Pub!:~:
Trusts (Regula;ion of A(7rninistration of Agriculturai Lands;
Second Amendment Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 38 of 1980).
a This clause was inserted by section 3 (b), ibidrs

924 Public Trusts (Regulation of [I961 : 'l'.N. Act 57

Administration of Agricultural Landr)

(6) the person to whom the land has been leased

,:-* in pursuance of such direction does not contribute
his own ykysical labour or that of any member of ois
family in the cultivation of the land so leased out to him ;
(c) if such person ccntravenes any of the pro-
visions of the t~nancyagreement,
the authorized officer shall, after giving notice to the
said trustee and person, cancel thc cxisting lease, if any,
and l e k c out tho land himself on bcl~alfof tlrc public trirst
(i) any p m o n who is already a cultivating
tenant ; or
(ii) any person who, not being already a culti-
vating tenant, executes an agreement with the public
trust that he will contribute his own p3ysical labour o
that of any member of his family in the cultivation
the land so leased out' to him :
Provided that the extent of land so leased out to
any person, together with the other land, if any, already
held by such person, shall not exceed in the aggregate the
cultivating tenant's ceiling area.
(4) Whereanyorderhasbeenpassedbytheauthoriz-
ed iffier leasing out the land under sub-section (3) on %f

behalf of the public trust, any person in possession of tbe. -1

land on tbe date of such order, ahall be deemed to have +,*4
been evicted and the trustee of the public trust sl1al1
take possession of the land immediately a i d deliver ?!
possession of such land to the person to whom the *"!j
land has been leased out under sub-section (3). "Q

(5) (i) If the person who is deemed 'to have bee

evicted under sub-section (4), fail.. to deliver possessio
of the land to the trustee or obstructs tlze trustee from
tilking possession of ~ u c hland ; or
(ii) if the trustee fails to take possession of ihe
land under sub-section (4),
the authorized officer may, after using such h r c e as may
be necessary for the purpose, take possession of the land
himself on behalf of the public trust and deliver possession
of such land to the person to who~nthe land bss been
1eas:d out unda ~j"cs:ctior (3).

1961 : T.N. Act 571 Public Trusts (Negulution of 925

A dl ninistmtion oj'Agricultural La/~ds)

(6) A lease by the auth~rizedofficer u n d ~ rsub-

section (3) shall be deeined to be a lease by the public
trust and the public trust shall enter in'to a tenancy agree-
mect with the person to whom the land has been leased
out under sub-section (3) and the provisions of scction
21 and the other provisions of this Act shall accordingly
15. (1) If on the notified date any society registered SP-cial pro-
under the Co-operative Societies Act (including a society vision in res-
specified in Schedule 11) holds on lease any land held pect of lands
by any public trust 2nd any member of such socitty already held
cultivabs such land, which together wi .h tile G ther lalid by co-opcra-
already h ~ l dby him, exceeds in the aggregate the culti-
vating tenant's ceiling area, the society shall \vit!?iIi such
period as may be prescribed distribute the l k lid in such
excess to any other member :
Provided that the extent of land Fso d;,tributed
together with tlie cther land already bcld by such other
inember shall not esczed in tile aggregate the cultivating
tenant's cciling area.
(2) The extent of tbc land which could nui be dis-
tributed in accotdance with the provision of sub-section
(I) shall revert to tl?e public tiust on the expiry of rhr
period prescribed under that sub-sectiol~.
(3) Tllc public trtl4;t siiall within the, ~ Y - c ~0i)d
period lcasc out the lalid:: reverted under r;ub.-sc=cti?~n(2)
(i) a co-operative farming societv ; or
(ii) any pcrson who is already a cultivating tenant ;
(iii) any person who not being already qnlii- ..
vating tcn,La~ cxccuce:, ;ti1 n ~ l c c m ~ nwill1
t lllc pciuilc.
trust that IIC will contribu!;; his own physica.1 Icibous or
that of any i11e1115er o f h is Oinily in the cult i v ~ t i o : )c f thL.
land so leased out to hinl :

pfovided that tht exte, t ~f Idnd so leased or,: t:l y

p-r30n other than a co-npcn:tiui; farming society, ti'g:.; h:k
%vitl:the other land, if any, aiseady held by ,c~c&person,
shall not exceed in the aggregate thc ctllti v ~ t11is t :;xlltrs
ct: jling area.

926 Publie Trusts (Regutation of [196i : T.N. Act 57

Administration of Agricultural Lanak>jL

Trustee or au- 1 5 - (1A person in possession of the' land

thorized offigreverting to the public trust under section 7 or sub-section
cer to take
possession of (2) of section 15, &dl be deemed to have been evicted and
land reverti,-gthe trustee of the public trust shall take possession of the
to public land immediztely.
(2) (i) If the person who is deemd to have been
evicted under sub-section (1) fails to delivtr possession of
the land to the trustee or obstructs the txustee from taking
possession of such land, or

(ii) if the trustee Mls to take possession of the land

under sub-section (f)r
the authorized officer may, after using such force as may be
necessary for the purpose, take possession of tbe land
himself on behalf of the public trust and deliver possession
of sucb land ta the public trast.

Restriction 16. (1) The extent of land leased out to any co-operative
on the extent farming society by any public trust under this Chapter
of land to be shall not exceed the difference bezween-
leased out to
farming (i) the extent of land in standard acres equal to five
society. time:, :he number of members of such society ; and

(ii) the total extent of l m d in standard acres drew$

held by sukh members.
(2) In respect of any land leased out to any co-opera-
tive farming society under this Chapter, the distribution of
such land by the co-operative farming society among its
members shall be in accordance with such rules as may be
prescribed :

Provided that -.the extent pf land so distributed

together with the extent of the other land already held b
any one member shall in no case exceed in the aggregat
the cultivating tenant's ceiling area.
- J

1 This section was i n k e d by section 6 of the ~ a m i l ~ a d

Trusts aegulation of Administration of Agricultural Un&)
plent Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1973).
- - - 4 - .
.- -- .. -- *. I

---.-*-- -. 7.- . s

11961 : T.N. Act 511 Pub& ~yusts(~e~u2ation of 927

Administration of AgriculturalLands)

17. (1) Any trustee of a public trust or any other ."ipeal.

person aggrieved by an order or decision of the authorized
officerunder this Chapter may, within such period as may
be prescribed, appeal to such authority as may be prescribed.
(2) The authority prescribed under sut-section (1)
may after giving the parties to the -appeal an opportunity
of being beard, pass such orders thereon as it thinks fit
. and shall communicate any sucb orders to the parties
(3) The crder passed by the authority prescribed
under sub-section (1) on the appeal shall be final.


18. Subject to the provisions of section 7, 15 (2) and Cultivating

i 9 no cultivating tenant under any public trust shall b~ tenants not
evicted from his holding or any part tliereof by or atttllc. tn be evicted
instance of the public trust.

Explanation.-In tbis section, " holding " nlcans the

parcel or parcels of land held by any person as a cultivating
19. (1) Any public trust may evict any cultivating Public trust
tenant - may evict
tenant in
(a) who, if in ~ S I - er: on
i th date of the comrntnc-:- c2rfain
ment of this Act with respcct to he rcnt pay~bluto the cases.
public trust, does l l o l pay such rent witl~in;L nrollch
after such dat ., or who in resp~ctof the reill p;~,y.i~,bl.;
to tht public trust after the dat.; of the cummemcc.lne~ztof
this Act, does not pay such rent within a month after
such rent becomes due; or
(b) (i) who bas done any act or has been guilty ot
any negligence which i s destructive of, or injurious t
the land or any crop thereon ; or


who l[not being a memnhr of the Armed

Forces in Servicc] has altogethcr ceased to cultivate the
iand ;or
(c) who has used the land for any purpose not
being an agricultural purpose ; or

(d) who has contravened consecutively for two

crops the provisions of sub-section (1) or (2) of section 27;
(e)who has wilfully denied the title of the public
trust 50 the land.
Explanation.-A denial of the public trust's title
under a bona fide mistake of fact is not wilful within the
meaning of this clause.
(2) (a) A cultivating tenant under any public trust
may deposit before the authorized officer the rent, or if the
rent be payable in kind, its market value on the date
o f deposit, to the account of the public tmst-
(i) in the case of rent in arrear on the date of the
commencement of this Act, within a month after such dbte;

(ji) in the case of r:nt accrued due after the date

c.f the commencement of this Act, within a month d t c r the
dz..teon which the rent accrued due.

(b) The authorized officcr shall cause iioticc: of the

deposit to be issued to the trustee of the public trust and
determine, after a summary enquiry, whether the amount
deposited represents the correct amount of rent due fiorr
tne cultiva~ingtenant. If the autllorized office1 finds tnii.
any further sum is due, he shall allow the cultivating tenan
such time as he may consider just and seasonable havin:
legard to the relative circumstances of the public trust a a
the cultivating tenant for depositing such further SUJ
inclusive of such costs as the authorized officer may allov
If the authorized officer adjudges that no further sum is du
or if the cultivating tenant deposits within the time allowc
+suchfurthcrsumasis~rderedb~thcauthorizedofficcr,tl I 1
'2 1 These words were inserted by section 5(iii) of the Tamil ws
iTenancy (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 9 of 1965).

1961 : T.N. Act 571 Public Trusts (Regulation of 929

Admiizistration of Agricultural Lands)

cultivating tenant shall be deemed to have paid the rent

within the perifid specified in clause (a) of sub-section (1).
If having to deposit a further sum, the cultivating tenant
fails to do so within tlk time allowed by thc authorized
officer, the trustee of the public trust may evict the cultiva-
ting tenant as provided in sub-section (3).

(3) (a) The trustee o f every public trust seeking to

evict a cultivating tenant falling undtr sub-section (1) shall,
whether or not theie is an order or decree of a ccpurt for the
eviction of such cultivating tenant, make an application to
the authorized officer.
(b) On receipt of such application, the authorized
officer shall, after giving a reasonable opportunity to the
trustee of the public trust and the cultivating telrilll to
make their I-cprcsrntations, hold a summRry enquiry into
1 . h matter and pass an erder either allcwing the applica t'ion
or dismissing it and in a casc falling under clause (a) of
sub-section (1) in which the cultivating tenant had not
availed of the provisiol~scontained in sub-section (23, the
authorized oficcr may allow the cultivatinf: tenant sucl~
time as h6 considers just and reasonable hav~ngregard to
the relative circunlslances of the public trust and the
cultivating tenant foi depositing the arrears of rent payable
under this Act inclusive of such costs as he may direct. Jf
the cultivating tenant deposits the sum as directed, hc shall
be deelllcd to have paid tlu rcnt under claus.; (b) of ~ o b -
section (2). If thc cultivating tenant fails to deposit the
s u ~ nas directed, thc authorized officer s11all pass an order
for eviction.

1rProvided ~ h the ~ t authorized officer shall not

direct &e cultivating tellant to deposit such arrears of rent
as have become I ime barrcd lindor any law of limitation for
i1.l~time being in force.]

20. (1) Any cultivating tunant under any public trust, Right to
w l ~ chas been cvictcc' excl=pr in accordance with the restoration
of scctions 7, 15 (2) and 19 may make an appli- of Poses-
cat ion to the authorized 0 Eccr within whose jurisdiction Slonw
thelandfrom which he was evicted is situated,
within a period of six n ~ o n t l from
~ s the date of such eviction
I - _ _ _-- - - -
_ _ _ _
- -
1 This proviso was P tlticd by section 12 of the Tumii p.~~<lu
cultivating TcnLints lAn-2 51.s of Rent (Relitf) Act, 1972 (Tn1i711
Nadu Act 2 1 of 1972).

?I - -
- :El Z S r Z --._--

which he was rviaed ma ro hi&it with ail ;a - - -=

subject to all the liabilities of a cultivating tenant :
Provided that the applicatior~may be reed
the period of six months aforesaid if thc nuthoriz~
for reasons to be recorded in writing, is s:ltisticd
applicant had sufficient cause for not applying wit
(2) (a) On receipt of an applic:>' ion unc
section (I), the authorized o f f i ~ rshall, after
reasonable opportunity to the trustee of the public
the person, if any, in possession of the land, to ma
representations, hold a summary enquiry into th
and pass an order either allowing the applic
dismissing it,
(b) In passing an order under clause (a) all0
application, the authorized officer may impose sat
tions as he may consider just and equitable includi
tions in regard to the reimbursement by the applica
public trust or any other person in possession of th
iespect of the expenses incurred or the labour contr
him during the priod when the appiicant 'wa
possession, in respect of any crop which has -
harvested, if an agreement is not reached betw
parties as regards the amount and mamer
Explanationi-In lieu of imposing any
relating to reimbursement as provided in clausf
authorized offier may, in his discretion, post1
restoration of the possession of the land to the
until the harvest of any crop staading at the time
order is passed.
Special p r i m 1f-20-A. (1) A cultivating tenant who is em
vilef%sfor a myember of the Armed Forces, on discharge or 1
members Of from service or on being sent to Reserve, shall,
the Armed
Forces. cation for resumption made within the prescrit
to the aythorised officer, be entitled to resume
from his,sub-tenant, of the landigublet by him.

1 This section was inserted by section 5(iv) of the '

Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 9 a

1961 : T.N. Act 571 PublicTrusis(ReguZationof 931

Adiniizistratio~zof 14griculf~ral

(2) The provisions of sub-section (2) of suct iotl 30

shall, as far as may be, apply to an application under sub-
section (1) as they apply to an application by a cultivating
tenant under sub-seaion (I) of section 20.
(3) Where a member of the Armed Forces dies whi le i n
Service, the special privileges conferred by this Act on
such member shall ba available to the widow or" such
member, or any persoti dependent upon such member
immediately before his death.]

21. (1) In the case of every tenancy agreement Execution

entered into after the date of the commencement of this of lease.
Act bi tween a cultivating tenant and a public trust, a lease
deed shall be executed in triplicate in the prescribed form,
within a reasonable time after the commencement of such I
tenancy, specifying the name and description of the culti-
vating tenant, the name (if any), survey number, description
and. extent of the land leased out, and the terms of the
tenancy ; and shall be sigtlt d both by the trustee of ti!?
public trust and by the culiivatillg tenant. One of the
three copies shall be kept by the trustee of the 2ublic trust,
one shall be kept by the cultivating tenant and th-f: third
shall be caused to be lodged in the Taluk Office by the
trustee of the public trust witbin a fortnight c." the da te on
which the cultivating tenant signs it :

Provided t h s t if the trustee of the public trust or the

cultivating tenant refuses or delays unreasorlably tc; exebute
the lease deed, it shall be open t o the cultivating b n a n t or
tlie trustee of the public trust, as the case may be, to lodge
the deed in tbe Taluk Office with a declaration that the other
party has refused or delayed unreasonably to execute it.

(2) No starnp need be affixed to the lease deed.

(3) In the case of any tenancy, if the trustee of the

public trust or the cultivating tenant refuses to sign or fails
to lodge the lease deed in accordance with the provisions of
sub-section (I ), the authorised officer: may, hfter fiolding
such enquiry as m y be 1.rescribed, imposz on thc tm;tee
of the public trust or the cultivating tenant, as the case may
be, a penalty wbich may extend to fxfty rupees ;and any
penalty so imposed may be recovered as if it were an
armar of land revenue,

932 Publio~Tthts(Regulation of E196.1 :T.N. Act 57

Adnzinistratfdw of Agricultural Lands)
Revision by , 22. Toe District Court may call. for and examine the
the District 'record of any authorised officer in respect of any proceeding
Court. under this Chapter to satisfy itself as to the regularity of
such proceeding or the correctness, legality or propriety
of any decision, or order passed thereoil ;and if, in any case,
it appeRrs to the ?District Court that any siich proceeding,
decision OL order should be modified, annulled or reversed
or remitted for reconsideration, it may pass orders
accordingly :
Preuided that thc: District Court shall not pass any
order prejudicial to any party unless he has beco giver n
a reasenable opportunity of being heard,

Explanation.-For the purposes o l this sectionC'Districr

Cour t" sbczll mean-

(i) in the City of Madras, tho City Civil Court ;a;14

' (ii) in any otl~erarea, the griiloipnl civil court of

origiiral jurisdiction.


I Rights and 23. (1) Every cultivating tenant under any public
liabilities of trust shall bz bound to p3.y to tke public trust and every
cultivating public irust shall be entitled to collect from tbe cultivating
lenant and tenant fair rent paynble under this Chapter. \
public trust.
(2) W h ~ r tthe irrigation of any land is irregular,
-;L;c 2 ~ 5 : : ~trust
. may, ~t ii.. 0 3 t j ' ~ n ; tab i t 3 of
- .c pi322z2 and k r ~5.eex^.:;; WLWLe a in res;x*.: of
t;-e irregular irrigation proportionate to its share or take
-1-ht7shlirs of the prod~lcewhich would have been obtained
but for the irregular irrigation in which cslse the entire
~ x c e s swater-cess shall be borne by the cultivating tenant.
(3) Notwithstanding any ncglect or -failure on the
part of the culthating tenant ullder any public truct tc
raise any crop, the public trust shall be entitled to collect
f3ir rent. I ,
6i 1961 : T.N. Act 573 Public Trurfs (Regulation of 933
Administration of Agricultural Lands)

(4) 1[All tht, cultivation expenses] inclusive of of

seed, ploughing. manuring, harvesting and th reshiog shall
be borne by the cultivating tenant under the public trust.
(5) The public trust shall be responsible for the pay-
ment of all due. payable to the Governmenr and local
a~lthoritie~in respect of the land subject to its right to
recover from the cultivhting tenant the public charges,
which arc expressly made payable by the cultivating tenant
by this Chapter.
(6) Thz public trust shall bear all capital expenditure
ilecessary to maintain the land and wells in a state of proper
(7) Subject to the provisions of Chapter 111, uo public
trust hall, 6 fter the date of the coinmencelneizt of this Act,
chi m or stipulate for-
(i) payment of a tly aincunt by the cultivatillg tenant
in excess of the fair rent or in excess of the public charges
which are expressly made payable by the cultivating tenant
by this Chapter ; or
(ii) 'the delivery by the cultivating tenant of, any
article or thing in addition to fair rent.
(8) A public trust may advance to its cultivating
tenant who is not a member of any teilant farming society
suck loan as may be necessary for manuring its land. The
loan so advanced shall be a first charge on the sharz of the
produce to which the cultivating tenant is entitled under
%is Chapter.
(9) Notwithstailding anything contained in sub-
sections (4) and (a), the trustee of a public trust may with
the conseirt of the cultivati~lgtenant concerned in the case
of any wet land or garden land attend to the rnanuring of
the land by chemical manures and oil-cakes upto a sum
equivalent to ten per cent of the normal gross produce
and recover the same from the cultivating temnt. Tfie
- - --- --
lThis expression was substituted for the expression "S~bjectto the
proviso to sub-section. (2) of section 24, all the cultibation
expenses6<bysection 3 of t h e Tamil Nadu Public Trusts (RcgulatiOn
of Administration of Agrmllural Lands} Amendment Act, 1980
(Tamil Nadu Act 18 of 1980).

t 57 4i
934 Pub!ic Trusts (Regulation of 11961 : TON* Ac
of Agricultiiral Ltatds!
amount oayable b the cultiv;lting tccxtnt under this ~ l l b -
section shall be a &st charge on tlu sllurr: of tlrc prodorc
tc which the cultivating tenant is entitled under this Chapter.
Such amount shall be paid i n addition to the fair rent
payable under this ch~ haptore
(10) Nothins c~ntaillctti11 l l l i h ficci~14 111 ~IuIII
t r l l i i l t l 1 llg
right of the publ~ctrust Lo clitlltl 1'1 4~111 1 1 6 ~ ~ l l l l l v ~ l l l l ~ ~
tenant compensation for d~rnityorto lllo jnt~dU! lo itrky-
tbing that stood on the ;and at the time of lease.
cryhat is fail 24. 1[(1) Fair rent shall be 25 per cent of the normal
ant. gross produce or its value in money.]

(iii) in the case of any other class of land, 33-113 per 'ce
the normal gross produce or its va :ue in money.
Exphnation ;--In every harvest the public trust shall
entitled to one fifth of the straw or stalk of all the crops."
a Thp following sub-section (2) wns omitted by section
the Tamil Nadu Puuic Trusts (Regulation of Admini&
Agricultural Lands)- Amendment Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu
of 1980):- I

'(2) In the case of lands in i t ~ m (ii)

s and (iii) of su
(1) in .vhich water is Iifted by pu~npsetsinstalled at rhe
the puljlic trust, the fair rent specified in the said iterils
increased'to 40 per cent:,
Provided that the cultivating tenant shall bear a1
maintenance charges and the public trust shall bear the ch
for repairing the pumpsets. The instalction of a pumpset
be at the option of the public trust."

* . --- -

1961 :T.N. Act 571 Public IZusts (Regidation o! 935

Administration of Agricul hrral h d r )

25. (1) Tbe fair rent in respect of any land may be Fair rent
aid either in cash or in kind o ; partly in cash and partly may paid
be or
i n cash in
~n kind, in accordance wit11 the t e r m of the contract kind,
6 between the public trust and the cultivating tenant ; and
in t4e absence of such a contract, the fair rent may be paid
at the option of the cultivating tenant in any one of the
t above ways :
Provided that the option shall be exercised within
three months from the date on whicb the tenancy agreement
tskts effect and if the cultivating tenar,t does n.ot exercise
the option within the period aforesaid, the trustee of the
public trust shall, by notice given to the cultivating tenant,
specify the way in which the fair rent shall be paid by thee
cultivating tenant :
provided further that the option once exercised or
the way on& specified shall not be chadged except by
mutual. agreement :
F Provkied also that where 'the cropjyaised is :paddy,
the public,'trust &all have the right to insist that the rent
shall be paid in kind.
(2) Whenever adverse seasonal conditiolis result in
the reduction of the gross produce from any particular
crop to the exten' of rnore than 25 per cent, the public
trust shaIl be bound to remit a proporticinate part of tlie
fair rent due to it from its c ~ l t i v a t i ~tenant
lg ill respect of
that land for that period :
Provided tha.t before admitting or inquirmg Into an
application made by a cultiv~ ting tenant for remission of
fair rent under this section, the Rent Gourt a a y impose
such ccnditions as it considers reasonable in the
circumstances of the case including conditions a:. to deposit
of admitted rent which has beccme due.
26. '[(I)] Where in re:pect of any land fair rent has Alterationor
been determined under this Chapter, it shall continue i n z E uc:,
n G of
fcrce for five years :

Section 26 was rer,umber:d as sub-sectioli ( i 1 of that section by

section 5 of the Tamil Nadu Public Trusts (Regulation or
Administration of Agricultural Lanc7s)Amendment Act, 1980
(Tamil Nadu Act 18 of 1980).

936 Pub& Truszs <KLb;t!::ion nf (1961 : T.N. Act 57

Ahinistration of Agricultural Lands)

Prctvided tbat the Reat Court may, on en application

made by the cultivating tenant under any public trust,
reduce tbe fair rent if it is satisfied that ozr account of
deterioration of the land by floods or other causes beyond
the c ntrol of the cultivating tenant, the land has been
who1 y or partially rendered unfit for the purposzs of
cultivation :
Provided further that the Rerrt Court may, on an
applica!ion made by ihe trustce of a public trust, enhance
tlze fair rent if it satisfied tbat oil account of sny inrpr~ve-
ments made in the land by or at the expense of the public
trust, the produce of the land has increased.
1[(2) Where fair rent has been debrmined under this
Chapttr, in respect of any land before the date of tbe
publication of the Tamil Nadu Public Trusts (Rpgulatio
of Administration of Agricultural Lands) Amend
Act, 1980, in the Tamil Nadu Governmeut Gazette, and
fair rent is ill excess s f the fair rent specified in section
as amended by the said Amendment Act, then, notwi
standing anything contamed in sub-section (I), on an
from the said date, the fair rent so determined sl:all, i
respect of that date and any pcriod after that date, stan
reduced to the fair rent specified in the said section 24, at
amended by that Amendment Act.]
Sharing of - 27; (1) Where the produce tc be shared is grain, no
produce. cuitivating tenant shall havest thz cropbnlcss hk has '
given in suc'l manner as may be prescribed, not less .
than ten days' notice in writing inlimating the publiq '

trust of his decision to harvest and the notice sha@

expire on the day on which the harvest is to take placeif
: T-T2;
-'--~"-'uII-Lc~- - ,
- - . -- . A L .--&**
t ,

Public Tmtsr(Regulation of 937

Ahinistration of Agricultural lmrds)

public trust or the cultivating teriant may make an appli-

cation to. the authorizdd officer requesting that an officer
may be d ~ u t i e dto make the djvisioo of the produce.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in. sub- 1

section (3), if the trustee of a public trust apprehends

, the removal of the produce by the-mltivating tenant from
the threshing floor in contravention of the provisions
of sub-section (2), such trustee may wake an application
to the authorized officer requesting that an officcr may be
deputed to make the division of the produce.

(5) On receipt of the application under sub-section

(3) or sub-section (4), as the case may be, the authc?7ed
oficer may deptite an officer who shall, exercise such
functions and in accordance witt such procedure as may

28. (1) The Government may, b y notifieatio n , cc~tlsti-Constitution

tute Rent Courts and Rent Tribunals for the purpcses of Of Rent
c o u r ~ s and
this Chapter, with jurisdiction over such areas as may Rent
be specified in the notification. Tribunals.
(2) Every Rent Court shall be presided over by an
officer not below the rank of Tahsildar and every Rent
Tribunal shall be presided over by an officer not below the I

rank of District Munsif.

29. (1) Notwithstanding any agreement between a Application

public trust and the cultivating tenant, or any decree or EOU,Fnt
order of a Court, either party may apply to the Rent Gun and
for fixation of fair rent or for deciding any dispute arisiaa to mnt
under f his Ch?pter. Tribunah. 1

(2) From every decision of a Kent Court, an appeal
sha 11, within such time 2 i ~ l q% prescribed, lie to the

Rent Tribunal whose decision shall be final, subject tc.

revision, if any, undcx. section 32.
30. (1) The Collector of the district shall publish in the Coflector to
months of January, April, July and October every year in publish list
the District Gazette the avenge market price during the of prices.
imrnediatel y precedikng threz months at the hci,.dqunrters
o f each ta luk of the main crops of the district.

938 ti ~.&@licTrmts (Regulation of -p961:.TON.Acl

Ah@istrqtbn of Agricultural &an&)

(2)..Where, for the payment of fair rent by a cu

vathg te$t under any public tmst, to whom the pr4
sions of;,fhis Chppter apply, the cash value of any c.
has to be fixed, such value shal l be-
(q),,in the case of any of the crops referred to
sub-se'ction (I), ihe market price at the taluk headqx
ters lait: published under sub-seciion (1) before the d
when sq& fais I ent became payablz.
- A .

*"-.'(b)in the case of any other crop, such amount

my be?&&eed upon between the public trdst and the t
rivating tenant and in the o s e of disagreement, s
amount as may be deemed fair and reasonable by
Rent Court.
Exemption. 31. thin^ in this Chapter shall apply to any 1
during the period when such land is used for rai:
as main crop, I[**], plaritain or betel vines or any c
which does not givean:! yield for a continuous perioc
two years or more from the time of cultivation c- 10
contract rncrely for th.e col kction or harvesting of
urop of any kind.
Revisioq by 32. The District Court may call for and exan
the District the record of at y Rent Tribunal in respect of any 1
Court. ceeding unuek :lka(2112pier to satisfy itself a s to the rc
laiity of such proceediog or the correctness, legality
propriety of any decision, or order passed thered
and if, in any case, it appears to the District C o ~ ~ .r t
any such procecding, dccicion or o e r should be mt
iied, annulled or reversed or remitted far reconsid
tion, it may pass orders accordingly:
Provided that the District Court shall not pas5
order prejudici~lto any party unless he has been gi
a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, '' Distr
Court" shall mean-
(i) in the City of Madras, the City Civil Coi
(ii) in any other area, the principal civil b u n
origina 1jurisdiction.
m -
The worg "8uparcane" was omitted by sect ion 6 of
'I'amil Nadu Public Trusts (Regulation of Adrnini~tr~~tior
Agricultliral Lands) Amendment Act, 1980 (T:mil Nafu Acl
r*f 1980).

' * ,

and shall contain such particulars as may be prescribed.

(2) The by-laws referred to. in- ciause (ii) of sub-
sectic$ (1) shall be deemed to be the by-laws required to
be filed under the provisions of the CQ-operativeSocieties

r ion
35. (1) After making such enquiry as may be prescribed, ~ofe g,ti s tat
the Registrar sk3.11, subject to such conditions as may be farmine
prescribed, register the tenant farming society and grant socierier.
a certificate of registration.
(2) The Registrar shall cause a copy of the cert:fi-
cato to be forwaxdtd wi;hin such time and iin sr:ch
aanner as may be prescribed to the authorized r officer
within whose jurisdiction the land in respect ofat wnich
the tenant farming society is registered is simed for .
such action as may by prescribed.
36. (1) When a tenant farming society has been 7 ransfer of
registered under section 35, the possession of all land g;i,Sdriy'
held by a member in respect of which he becomes a member tenant far.
of the' tenant farming society shall with effect from r he ming societ
940 Public Trusts (Regulation of [I961 : T.N. Act 57
Administration of Agricultural Lands)
date of such registration and for so long as thr registra-
tion of the tenant farming society is not cancelled stand
transferred to the tenant farming society, which shall
thereupon hold such land and use it for agricultural

(2) If any cultivating tenant under any puhlic

trust is admitted as a member of a tenant farming society
after its ragistration, the possession of the land held~by
him and in respect of which he becomes a member, shall
with effect from the date on which he becomes a member
stand transferred to the tenant farming society.

(3) .No merrber of a tenant farming society shall

withdraw his membership during the period specified in
the agreement executed by him under sub-section (1) of
section 40 :

Provided that the society may, subject to such

conditions as may be prescribeti, permit any member to

(4) Where any member of a tenant farming societ

ceases to be a cultivating tenant by virtue of any or
passed under Chapter I11 by the authorized officer o
the District Court in respect of any land the pdssessi
of which stood transferred to the tenant farming socie
he shal1, with effect from the date of such order, ce
to be F, membcr of that society in respect of that land.
? *

(5) (a) Notwithstanding the withdrawal of me

ship of a tenant . farming society by a cultiva
tenant under sub-section (3), or the . cessat
if such membership under sub-section
the possession of the land in respect '. of ' - w
the culti~~tingtenant had become a member sliall 'knt
to remain wit-h the, tenant farming society axid'the r'
and liabilities of the cultivating tenant aforbsaid'
be deemed to--have-devolved on the tenant farniing societ
- --__

Provided that nothing in this. clause shall

deemed to make the tenant farming society liable for t
payment of rent accrued due before the date on which t
qltivating tenant became a member of such society.
LatestLaws.com -- -

-*.-; -
t., '
.-- - . ,
- . - - - " A . -. L - ..

1961: T.N. Act 571 Public Mts (Regulation of 941

Administration of Agricultural Lands)

(b) The tenant farming society shall in respect


of such land as is refkrred to in clause (a) admit a new

member and permit him to cultivate such land :

Provided that the extent of the land so cultivated

together with the dther land already held by him shall not
exceed in the aggregate the cul.tivating tenant's ceiling

37. When a certificate of registration in respect of Consequen-

any tenant farming socicty has been granted as provided ces repist-
in section 35, the provisions of the Co-operative Societies
Act and the rules made thereunder shall, so far as they
are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act G r of
the icles made theieundcr, .apply in relation to such
tenant farming society, as the:? apply in relaiion to e
society registered under the Co-operative S~cietitsAct.

38. 1[(1)] The Regist,:a~may at any time on application ~ e n c ~ ~ c l

made by a majority of the members of a tenant farming of by-lam
society, a[**] after givilig notice to the society in such by the .
manner as may be prescribed and' after - giving the society Regisfrar.
an opportunity of being heard, amend the by-laws.

3[(2) Where the Registiar is satisfied that for the

purpose of altering the area of operations of a tenant
farming society or for the purpose of improving the services
rendered by it or for such other purpose as may be presci ibed,
an amendment of the by-laws is necessary, he may, after
giving notice to the society in such manner as may be
presnibbd. and after giving the s o 6 t y m opportunity
of beihg heard, amend the by-lr.W.] 5%"
i , !
8 was renumbered as, suPse$on (1) of that section
of the Tamil Nadu
be .* rusts (Regulation of
of Agricultural ~ a n d s j, N ted8Keoi
85 i
Act, 1968 (Tamil
: $,
Y. i:i+>4.?f
s "or of his own motion" weire omitfed by section 3
Nadu Public Trusts (Regulation of Administration
Lands) Amendment Act, 1968 (Tamil Nadu Act 22

3 This sub-section was added by section 3 (ii) of the Tamil

n Administration of Agricultural
Nadu Public Trusts ~ e ~ u i a t i o of
~ands)Amendment Act, 1968 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1968).

942 P u b l f c ~[Regulation
~~s of [1961:T.N. Act 57
Adhhistratwn @Agricultural Lmtds)
Land to 39. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to cause the
vestin right
to of ownership of a public trust or any other person
the owner in the land the' possession of which stands transferred unde-
thereof. ~0~tioI.I36 to the tenant f ~ m i n gsociety to cease to vest
in such public trust or such other person.

Agreement 40. (1) Every member of a tenant farming society

'Wrding shall erecute an agreement with the tenant farming society
~ " o *of
specifying -
sharing o f -
Income, etc.
(i) the period for which he shall continue as mem-
ber of such society, such period not being less than five
years in any case ;

(ii) the basis on which the share of his income

shall be determined ; and

(iii) such other matters as may be prescribed.

(2; The agreement executed under sub-section (1)
shall be sent by registered post by the tenant farming society
to the sub-registrar havin g jurisdiction over the area in ;

which the lands are situated.

(3) On receipt of the agreemen*, the eb-registra

shall register such agreement and issue a co
thereof to the tenant farming society.
(4) Any agreement executed under sub-section (
which has not been registered under sub-section (3) sh
be null and void.
( 5 ) The tenant farming society shall be entitled
collect any sun due to the society under the agleeme
executed under sub-section (I) or o i l any account w
soever, by any member or past or deceased member.
Liability of 41. A tenant farming society shall, as from the
the tenant on which it is registered, or from the date on whi
society to now member is sdrniited, be liable for the pay
rent and rent, betterment contribution and qther public
,the* if any,. accrued due after the date aforesaid..and
.. - .C ._
*-U .
----- -

196%: T.N. Act 571 Public Trusts (Regulation of 943

of .Agricultural k n d r )

by the member concerhed under this 'Act or any other law

for the time being in force, in respect of the land the
possessi& of which stands transferred to the tenant farming
society under section 36.
. " t
-+ 2 ' .i
, > r
6 '
8 if"
~1~:4i.-r~bbject it$ - may be prescriNd, of
'to -such conditio* -. Admission
new mem-
- a _ _

.a&iY&ltivating tenant under- iioBpublic trust may be, h,, '

adriiitfed Q a member of a ~temixitffarmingsociety.

5, . ,,,:.*
' .-ri.
I .

;'s.4!$i@Vhen4a member,v:the ppe$sdssion of whbse land ed ib ,be

Heirs d.eem-
~ta"a[d&&h&fefnid to a tenant %rfhi&f$idci6ty dih, his heirs membi!rs of
&bli%QWKL to~hsve~bebomethB&ismbersbf the tenant tenant fatmi
; far&iflg~societ$s'ubject t~ 'the ssse ?&ightsand rliabilitids i scciety.
of 'the! efst menti6ried 'membei, ' tfs ' .,

r.t : .
~ : ~ f r y,j..'i '., z T , ; I . c i & f i ~ ~ i o tt . a :
entitled to such Concessions

44. A tenant farming society shsll%be facilities

conc8ssions and facilities as may% prescribed. for the ten-
, "i **:' 1 ant, farming
t . . ' . t

-2 * ;
,-i .i society. . . a-
* T I

,j ,. 45. for : the. purposes bfif;lthis' .Act, the tenant Act to apply
mcieties 3pecified in Schedule IF shall be deemed to certain
id .li*utWbeenregifterea under this 'Chapter on the notiLd tcnzbt
.. sLtieties.
.date and'the provisions of this Ac~shall,as far as may be,
apply to such tenant farming societies.
. 4
" *

-(2) The Government may, by: notification, add any


tenaot farming society registered under the Co-operative

Societies Act, before the date of: the commencement of
this Act and in possession of land belonging to any public
trust to, or omit any tenant farming society from,
Schedule I1 ;and, on the publication of such notification,
such tenant farming society shall be deemed to be included
in, or as the case may be, omitted frdm, Schedule 11.


any Penalty for

46. (1) If the trustee of any public trust OP
cultivating tenant under any public trust refuses or ~~7;lfully '@
fails to furnish a return within the time specified in tne furnish
notice under sub-seciion (I) of section 11 or within the
further time, if any,allowed by the authorized officer under
that sub-section, such trustee or cultivating tenant shall be
punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred
UPMS -2 b -

944 Pubk Tmts (Regulation of [I961:T.N. Act 57

Administration of Agriculturd Lands)

(2) If the trustee of any public trust or any culti-

vating tenant under .any public trust, after having been
convicted under sub-section (I), continues to refuse or to
wilfully fail. to f d s h the retdrn, such trustee or culti-
vating tenant bhaU be punishable with fine which may
extend to fifty rupees for each day after the previous date
of conviction during which such trustee or cultivating
tenant continues so to offend. . I

47. Ij'tl~etr f any public trust or say clilti~ating

furnhng tenant .u lder any .p~~blic trust, who is under a+ ohligation
false r e t u n to furnish any ,mturn . or information ux~de~;$@Act,
orinformz- furnishes a return OP information which he fuzo,~#~ or hats
tion. reason to believe to be false, such trustee or cultivating
tenant shall be punishable with fine which may extend to
one thousand rupees.
penalty for 48. If the trustee of any public trust contravenes
wntraven- any direction of the authorized otEcer under clause (b)
tion of the of section 12, or clause (b)of sub-section (2) of section 13 or
Of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 14, '[or
the aut hori-
zed offic2r. sub-section (1) of section 14-A], he shall be punishable
with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.

Penalty for 49. If the trustee of any public trust, any cultivating
contraven- tenant under any public trust or any other person contra-
tion of any venes any lawful order passed under this Act or obstructs
lawful order. any person from lawfully taking possession of any land
for the possession of which such persoes entitlr A
in pursuance of any of the provisions of this Act or of
any order passed thereunder, such trustee, cultivating
tenant or other person shall be punishable with fine which
may extend to five hundred rupees. 1

2[49-A. If any person obstructs any trustee of a public

obstructing trust or the authorized officer fiom taking possession
the trustee of the land under sub-section (4) or sub-section (5) of section
or authorized 14-A or under sekion 15-A, he shall be punishable with
offict;r frcim
taking posse- --
~~ion, =This expression was inserted by section 7 of the Tamil Nadu
Public Trusts (Regulation of Administration of Agricultural Lands)
Amendment Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1973).
This sectiotl was inser~er'.by section 8 of the Tamil Nadu
Public Trusts (Regulation of Administration of Agricultural
Lands) Amendment Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1973).

T.N. Act 571 Pablic Trzqts:(Regulationof 945

Administration of Agricultmal Land)

P' imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months

j or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or
: with both.]
'50. (1) No Court shall take cognizance of any offence of
punishable under this Act except -on complaint in writing
made by the authorized officer or any officer empowered
by him by special order.

( 2 ) NO cour: infcr ior lo that of a *Presidency

Magistrate or a Magistrate oi the first class shall t t y
any,offence punishablblo under this
, Act. I

I -
i '

51. Nothing contained in this Act shall apply to-- Exem~tio*sa

(i) plantations ;

(ii) any land interspersed among plantations;

(iii) any land contiguous to any plantation ; pro-

vided that the extent of such land shall not exceed twenty
per centurn of the total extent of such plantation ;
.. &.

converted in&+ $&hards or topes or

whether or 'nbt duchl~nds
5, '
are contiguous

Provided that such lands slpg be exempt only so

long as &ey continue to be orchsrd$ topes, or arecanut
gardens ;
i ,ff'<~. r , I .
,. (v): any hnd used exclusiU61jrTo~growing fuel trees :
I r f t 'c:t$:,
: i
,.I '*Ii+,t.

to clauses (a) and (4,~f~~@.*&ion (.I) of sation

of Criminal P r o a d d il 73 (Cenl ral ~ c 2t ,of
1974)$,any rd-ce
strued a ~ a
t6- a hilagistrate %f&e t cla,hsshall be con-
1 reference to a Judicial Ma@@te of the first class and
April 1974.
M&opolitsin Magisbat 4~1th t
to a Presidency Magi '@$shlrll be construed as a
effect on and from 1st

946 PLblic Trusts (Regulation of [I961 : T.N. Act 57

Ahinistrution of Agridural londr)

Provided that such land shall be exempt only so

long as such land continues to be used for such purpose;

(vi) any land used exclusively for dairy farming,

poultry farming OF livestock breeding :

Provided that such land shall be exempt only so long

as such land continues to be used for such purpose ;

(vii) any land used exclusively for grazing and assessed

to land revenue at Rs. 1.25 and below per acre :

Provided that such land shall be exempt only so long

as such land continues to be used for such purpose ;

(viii) f~iests.

powr * 52. (1) If, upon 2.pplication or otherwise, the

Government Government are shtisfied that having due regard to--
to exempt by
and to cancel (i) the object of any public trust;
such noti0-
(ii) the purpose for which any land held by such
public trust is used-and the income from such land;
\ 4'
(iii) in the c2.$e of any 'educational institution, the
extent of land required for tcaching and demotistration

purposes; and
,,: 3 7 jd:2j I*&, a

(i-1) such other

.) , .
matters as may be prescribqd,
. c*+,2
I * (- - ..,
* P &if
the operation of' the provisions of this Act in rl.ipect oc
any land helhby~u@hpublic trust will not,be $:the inte
rests of such public trust, they mcy, by notScation and
subject to such conditions, if any, as they may specify
in the notification, exempt such land from the operation of
all or my ot the:
t i '
of this Act. , ,,
I .'
(2) If, upon ipplicqtion or otheMse, the
are sat~sfi&i that-' .


byevirtue of tat5
was used on the

, , i
. .:


I I ..

53. (1) Where under the temd'df a-public trust any Ac: to apply
interest either in the land in respect of which the public portion
trust is created or in the income from such land is resel .:d li,d held by
in favour of the founder of subh. public trust, or of anYipublic trust
other person, the authorized officer shall 'declare the extent in cases where
of land *hich bears to the total.extent of land in respect of any interest
which the public trust is created;.the2 same proportion as is reserved
In favour of
such interest bears to the total interest in such land or the the founder
income therefrom. The extent of the land so declared of such trust.

$ .

Provided that the extent of such liability shall bear Power of

the same proportion to the enti~e;liqbili$yas the extent so Government
declared bears to the total extent. , to
a n i or-
rections to
54. The Government may issue such orders and the authori-
directions of a general ~hil,rcl~icr,
as they may consi&r,Zed
necessary in respect of any matter*relating to the powers
and duties of the authorized o b r and the Registrar.
' ."

iiin of any of the partiesd08 of


(b)the * Bo&'~t. ~evenue*lay, s t any stage after

giving the p a r t i o . . . q , bopportunity of being heard,
~ a d eanyr a p p $ W ; @ m T proceeding unbx this Act
panding bdororc any ;qiifhorl d officer in any district for
. *sat . .-
ta arry other authorized officer in any other district.

(2) Where any application 01 proceeding has been

transfCrredur.&r sobwttion (I), the authorized offiar.to
whom such. tl.a&& jimade may, subject to any special
tha.urder of transfer, either hold the
directions given in..
de novo os procoed from the stage at which the
said appli(!atjon or ither proceeding stood when it was
traasferred. -,

56. The costs of, and incidental to, all proceedings
before the authorized office^, the Rent Court, the Rent
Tribunal 01 other authority shall be in his or its dwetion.

57. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall

Indemnity* lie against tho a ~ t l ~ ~ f i z
e d the Registrar, the Rent
Court, the Rent T~ibunalor other authority for anything
which is in good faith done or intended to be done in
~ursuanceof this Act ox any rule ol older made there under.
A \

Bar of juris- 58. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, no civil

diction of court, shall have jusisdiction to decide or deal with any
civil courts.
c -
* ~y virtue of secti;;' 10 (I) of the Tamil Nadu Board c f
&venue Abolition Act, 1980 {Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980) any
reference to the Soard of.&vcznue shall be deemed to be a rdereljce
~ Governmte
Q U LState

f question which is by or under this Act required to be dedded

. by.t he authorized-,bfficer, the Registrar, the
or .dealt with;
s f

Rent ;$&urt,
,. * .
the &tit Tribund or other authority.
. ,, r ::
59,.;(1) he qovcriment may make rules to' carry -out PoWeT t
the purposes of this . k t . -- - ...-... make rules.
,, 4 - :,
. . +

. Lii)z.~n
p&icular, and without prejudice to the gewra-
lity,of&e foregoing power, .sucbr~lesmay,provide for-

' - ;r>
by ~ o n~t o m t a
'f ,. :d&fiBdl ~ 4 , 3 j < $ jfi.iitjli? .?' J :4rt:';
:I;., p @ ~ i. .> .
'&--. '~ I : : : . %tp*i+ -2
2 s [ a

;> t", $;,<3

- b ~ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ k t ~ : in: . ~ ; d r. ~-8.~itti +,
8 ~deter-
u : ; i; . A ' * s,"!.iJ

*$;?/ [;tfxi* j , . :t '

aid:lq@sg,ectof aOPlicationst~nd
: I * . I ' !

"3i(id)l!% time~withinwhic~&Ppcsa,1~
u n d,, 2e1 j 2ac i ? . ~ c.t : ; . :
.*.a , > ,;...!: .t i#. i L .
, 9
may be presenrea
b A r r .
(f)the notification of prices of agricultural pro-
duce for the purpose of fixing the cash value of the fair
rent ;
(g) the right! and privileges to ~ M c ah member of
a tenant farming sqciety shall b e ent~tled and the obli-
gations and liabilities to which such member shall be
. 60. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provi- Pwer to
&ns of this Act, the Government may, as occasion may remove diffi- . I
require, by order, do anything which appears to them cultier. I

necessary fcr the purpose of removing ihe difficulty.

61. (1) AM rules made under seci.ion 59 and all Rules and
orders issued under section 60 shall be published in the orders to be
Fort St. George Gakette * and, u&ss they are expressed the
to come into force on a particular day, shall come into twe,
force on the day on which they are so publishes.
-- - --.L--*----M~--"..".

* NOW the Tamil N d u Government Gazette.


950 Public TWS (Aegulation of [1961? T.N. Act 4 7

Administration .ofAgiiwItural@n&)

(2) Every rule made under section 59 and

every order made under section 60 sW1, as soon
as possible aftel it is made, be placed on the table of
both Houses of the Legislature, and if, before the
expiry of the session in which it is so
placed or the next session, both Houses agree in =king
any modification in any such rule or order or both Houses
agree thpt the rule or order should not be ma&, the rule or
order shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form
or be of no effect, as the case may be, so however, that any
such modification or a n n u b n t shall be without prejudice
to the validity of anything previously done undd that rule
or order.

Partial re- 62. On and from tht date of tht3 c~rofllencementof this
pealofcer- Act, the 1KTarnil Nadq cultivating Tenants Protaction
tainActs. Act. 1955(1[TamilNadu] ActXXVof 1955) aod the
l[Ta@il Noduj Cultivating -Tenants (Paymed of Fair
Rent) Act, 1956.(l[Tsmil Nadu] Act XXIV of 1956) shall
st and repealed in their application to a cultivating tenant
in respect of my land held by him under s phbltd' trust.
- 3

The:,e u~ords~112re.
substit u(edfor the word "Madras" by Ihe
ramil Nadu adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as aamnded by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second h n d m e n t ) OrdRr, 1969.
'. . ' e


. ', 4P

L... .

Djrfcr.. . :i Toluk. Revenue number

,Serb 1 and name of villafl*
- (2) > f? L-.-L (3) ' ' !4)
.. Saidape; .. 13.Grant
. >
i , , . ~ iB t . j . * .
76.1 $ 01, --

. .

, .DO.
'... ponneri
'b. $.... 55. Mukthapudupatta-1
, ~aradiputhur. 146.
.. .. .. 147. ~ a n n a n k dai.t
'ad - 1
f. i

Do Do.
Do. DO. .. 150. ThflXoy. I


Do. Dd. .... 151. Kandigai*

'1 Jt:i~

6 ..
. ,
Do. Do. 180. PappanktJPpam
alias Alamelu-

.. Madras . . 121.1kkattutangal.
Salem , r:
.. Harur. .... 318.
. *. Do.
317. H~ni~anahalli.

8 .
Do. Sillarahalli.
.. .
k J
? ;

9 ' 1 9

. ? ,

. -
i DO. DO. 321. Rqpdahatlj
ll.,, . .. Do. Do. 322, Mottankurichi.

8 . I .
Name of t he socfetY. Name of the temple
o r iu stitutioa .
(2) ' (3)
'. E

Vamramari. Tenants Co. 'Sri Kambahareswarar tompk.
1 ,pefvative Farmla SOCietY. Tirubuvanam, ECumtwkoniun
.t.:ji :,t:t,", t .
taluk. : I
.fb '
.. .a5:6 .J 5

iir '*: !
The Melaramas$fhi ena ant s' Co Doe
8 operative Farmlnl sOClety*
, **r#i<ijp$iJ t: ;. : ~ b ~ r # 4 > - k < ? .
h i I t g a d '6 ~ 0 i - V Twts
c s
:'XI Swi@'*$ 3 5
,, taluk.
r>( l
- , *&a;1;riQ ,,,:

1 Arad Twts Colopqrr:tiwc! a . .Do,

p ;$

dio- e u
. I . F d n $ 8 d,.a ~ *,
:.*a ,lr .'
L I .

n t r i -&.

of Ad&n.iictatiqn of Agricftur.1
Nad\o b t of 1964)

by y . ~i ~ it 3 ofthe ~ p m f l

952 Public T r ~ t (s~ e g d u t i o nof ti96i t '

*.N. Act 5'1
Administratima + o ~ A g r ~ I # ~ a l & a n d s.) ..
, &

. , 4 * 2

!' .+4rrc.t ' , ' . . ' , it.

Sufai Name of the soc&ty. Name ofthe tewk
rwnbcr. . 1.r.i ;t : : or institntion.
(1) ' . 3 (3)
+i T H A N J A W DISTRICT-~.CO~~~.
' ,*,.i ! *

5 .
. . The Sirul.adambq : Tenants Co-opera- S ~ Pas
A upathiswarar Terrlple,
tive Farrning Society. Pandanallur, Kumbakonam
i taluk,
6 Sri Thiagesar ~ehatijs Co-operative Rajan Kattalai--attached to

Farming Society. * Sri Thiagarajaswam .-

I . . - s ~Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam
f. ; L
7 The Brahannayaki *.Ambal Tenants Sri Bavaoushadiswarar Toon
Cq-optrative FarmingSociety. guli temple, Thiruthurai-
poondi taluk.
. .
I ?

8 &. . The Thillaiyadi Tcnants Co-operati

: Farming Society.
! A

- 9'
The ~oikkadarnbanur ' Sri
nathaswamy Temple ' Tenants
,- -operativeFarming Satiety.
10 he Mangal ~enantJ Wperative ~ r i '
Farming Society. temple, KoviIur,
thuraipoondi taluk.
i i

11 The Vallivahm Sri Hirutbayilk;trrrlsr- ,Yri Mfulha &l;wffjrrr rr

-.+haswilmy K d l ' h u n t * (h rwmy tdmprc9 val,,iill
operative Farming Sockty,
12 .The Mariarnmankoil Inam Arulmozhi- Sri Pa& hqhanam
pettai Tenants Co-operative Farming Thanjavur town.
' I . ' , .
13 The Pulimangalam Temrsts Co-opera- Sri
. tive Farming Society. temple, Thiruvaiyaru,
'.;. '"' -. ,

14" Agniswara Temple Tenants

. operative Falming Society.

15 The Maruvathur Tenants ~osperati& Sri

,3;q;a3~ .L. ,I .rEarmigg.SOCiety. . .. 5..1

p@~~fJ:!c<.&..;l , .- -

i 6 . ,The Kadiramangalam Tenants Co-

operative Farming Sscitty-. b + -

7 - The S~kkil. Navametheswar

- Gi'bnants Clo6perativs.
1:. , . SOCjefy((at K~tharnibn&ahb)hj

, -
ii$t',.P, '.. f, Er1

.. - ___I_- - -- -


f&l Name of the rodety.

namber. . 6


' '
. T m, t 8 C ;
33 he S ~ t h - a ~ m yT
operative l?ar@gg W Y -
. f .

..'lhjUa-. Tern
tive &umjng W e t y .

* -
operative F
~ ~
a y .
.* c*~ y n

, I 5 , )

36 . The Sembi&hadcvi
nathar Dovasthanam. T-aF
&. .


. operative Farhling Socoety.
. 37 , me wgu&
Tenants Codpcntive sri pal&; pevasthmam,
,' Farming Society. 'Phanjavur,
38 ~ h c*wrirajapetuml
operative Farmibg Society., ,

40 g i Vcdaput i&ataswami w a s -
thanam Tcnants Co6pcir8tlve
Farming Socitrty (at ~ i ~ a w r > .
41 ~ u t h ~ p Sti
e t Sund
Devasthanm , P
Tenants Cc-opera!
- 1 .-,").

42 ~h~ Thiruvojmoor ~hiagarajidarni Gi ~hyagarajapeidal temp]

Dcvasthanam Teaants Co-operative Thiruvoim001; N W ~ ~ t ! ~ m
Farming Scrcicty. . . % -

' 43 % Nc-di Tenants c 0 . 0 ~ 8 t f ~ Sri Q O ~ ~ ~

Farming S d t ~ . pk, hrlamugndi taluk.

.Isf u~amdw!&

i(l1 r[Zj
tive Farming Society.

- - -,'. -- Mannargudi
m m a ~ b 8 d iTenant; Co-opera- Sri ~ajagopdaswam~
46 The Kuruvadi Village Tenants Co- Do.
omrative Farming Society.
47 The Mattiyur Tenants ~b-operative Sri Arunachalaswamy temple
Farming Society. Tiru'ppanandal, Kumba-
konam taluk.
48 ' ' The

. . ~h.ip~an&dal ~dna&s

&,. a t"t :.;' .Cu ~ b .

-operativeFarming Society.
' -8 %-?( ,

49 ~b w V a l a p u t h u r Tenants Co- Sri Rathinagiriswararswa~

operative Farming'Society. temple, ~ v a l a p u t h ~ ~
ive &i U l c t h a y e d i g b temple
Kuttalam; Mayuram taluk
,sri S-athapaumal
gt~ temple
Twcherai, . Kumbakonam
? . .

$2 : "*%(rk(5".;ii~~~~;k'~&
"..< 5
,'f~nafltsii '
sri ' &thm&';i'apabanathp-
, .&p&43pw8bsopJit9, 3LL 2; stiwmy t:Dcvasthanam, Pdo;
vanur . MaWugudi hluk.
: ,,.. - :,.,
53' :me.,.;Ariyalur Tenants ~r&kperative B ri KoteeSw81;af mdow-
, Farming Society. KIX~:-o ments, Tbanjavur. +.

'j4 The Vilathur Sri Varadarajaperumal Sri ~aradaraja~erumal

Tenants Co-operative , .,:,.Farming Vilathur.
. Society.

55 The ;'firuvarur Sri Thiagarajaswamy Sri Thiagarajaswaw Devas

Devasthanam Arthajama . Kattalai, thanam, Tiruvam.
Mosakulad Tenants Cogpcrative
Farming Society.
% The Sattiakudi Sri Vedapuriswara- Sritemple, Vedapuriswaraswamp
smmy temple Tenants Co-operative Sattiagudi, Naga-
Farming Society. pattinam taluk.

57 The Kallapuliyur Tenants Ceoperative Sri Parimala Rengmatha.

Farming Society. swamy Devasthm,
Tiruvilandur, Kumba
konam taluk.
58 Sli
waf=rajaswami Abishegakattalai Sri Thiagarajaswamy Deva-
fimukkudal Tenants Co- sthannm. Tiruvarur .
opcrative Farming Society.
t 1

956 ,. public lrmts ( . k ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ t i o n ,11961: T.N. Act 57

Admintstratio n of 'Agricultural Lands)
Serb1 rtirmhet. N m e of the society. Name of the, temple
or institution.
(1) ,
T H A N J A V ~D%~R1[CT--cont.
59 .The ~iz&elur Sri ~kshayalingaswa~iSri Akshayalingaswami Devaa
Devasthanam Tenants Co-operative thanam, Kizhvclur.
Farming Society.

60 . The Nattirupgu Tenants Co-operative Sri Thiyagarajaswamy Devas-

Farming Soclety. .. thanam of Dhbmapuram-
Mutt; Thirukkuvalai.

61 The Keelu;jur Sri Renganatha Peru- Sri Renganathaperwnal Devab-

ma1 Sri Arunachaleswamswami thanam, . Keelaiyw and
Devasthanam Tenants Co-operative Sri Arunachalaswamy -
Farming Society. Devasthanam, Keelaiyur.

62 The Thevur Devapuriswaraswami Sri Thevur Devapuriswarar

Tenants Co-o~er
at ive Farming Devasthanam, ~ l ~ z v u r .
I .Societ~.

! 63
Co-operative Farming Society.
Sri Kalahastheeswaraswami Tenants Sri Kalahastheeswaraswan~
Devasthanam, Papsnasam ,
. 64 . The Uthamadani Sri Srinivasaperumal Sri Srinivawperumal Devas
- Tenants Co-operative -Farming thanam, Uthamadani.

65 The Sembanarkoil Sw
. swami Tenants
F d g Society.
._ .
66 . The Kallikudi Tenmts Cboperdtivc
Fanning Sdciety.
. , .
, . I

67 Thirumars ikadar . Tenants Co- Ve

operative Farming Society.
<?L.'.. .' " ( 1 .?

,~,68. The Thirukannankudi kri Pamodara ,$r


Narayanaperumal Temple Tenants

'Cmperative Farming Society.
. ,
.,*a >la. ' , . i " I I

..:$9:: - .Mayileriputam Tenants Co-operative Sri

.. .'
-. .?t ' i Pmg'Society. Devasthanam, Kottw.
- , 1'

..7Q .a meCo-0perative:Farming
Thirukka~anrrlaa&ai; ,Tenants - S
S0ci~2.f- -
*I 3

, - ? r r
1961 : T.N.~AC~ public$?.Tr~t~ (Regulation of . 957
Administratlo n of Agricaltural Lands) -b

I . L

k Serial number.
' t i ' : c,:ctlt
Name ofithe taaiety. ' Name of the temp ie
or institution.
. . i
$ ' \. ., .
(2) ' $ '
71 The Chinthamaniperi ~cn'%its Co- Sri Sankaranarayanaswamy
operative Fanning Society. Devasthanam, Sankaran-
koil and Sri Chintamani-
nathaswarni temple
Vasudevanallur, Sankaran-
koil taluk.

72 Sri Nara~nbunathaswamy Tenants Sri Narunibun&fdaswamy

Co-operative Farming Society. . temple, Thirupudaimarl:-
thur, Ambasanludrm !zluk .
73 The Sivagiri Tenants Co-operative Sri R. K. Nachiar Eniow- ,
Farming Society. ments,Siva.giri,Sankaran-
koil taluk.

74 The Varadarajaswamy Tenants Co-operative Sri Varadarajaswam~

Farming Society. Devasthanam, Melr
veeraraghavapuram, Tim
nelveli Junction.
yj Sri Thirukkuthalanathaswamy Tenants Co- Sri Thirukkuthalanatl~a-
operative Farming Society. swamy DevasthBham,
' 75 The Puliarai Ten?nts CO-operative~amingSri
swamy Devasthanam,
. I Panpoli. f:
i ' I

77 Sri Sankaranarajanaswamy Tenants Co- Sri Sankaranarayana-

operative Farming Society. . swamy Dcvasthanam,
S d m k ~ i L ,,- .

7 1:
The Devadhanam Tenants Co-operative
Farming Society. , ; , . : * . .. .
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Nachadai Thavir
t h d a ~ w a m y ,Devas
thanam, Devadhanam.

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The Devadhanam Ammaiyappa Tenants
-operative Farming Society,, . , Do.
, :,
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t?il12**. 7 J'

$0 me Panankulam Tenants CO-operativeFarming Do.'

Society. . , ,4;a '0f.if . . , ( ,-a * .I :
, rt, ; rke;r.tffaj !

in$ 'sri $ h d ~ h d i ~ f & v f a ' ~ ~

Devasthanam, kovur.

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