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JOINT ORDER NO. 01- 2015



Pursuant to Section 6 of EO No. 146, this IRR is hereby issued to prescribe the
requirements for the approval of reclamation projects.

Section 1. Scope and Application. Except for reclamation projects where

contracts/agreements had been executed between the government entity
concerned and private sector proponent/s prior to the effectivity of EO No. 146,
this IRR shall apply to all reclamation projects and reclamation components of a
development / infrastructure project, and shall specify and enumerate the
requirements and procedures for the review, evaluation and approval of all
reclamation projects and reclamation components nationwide by the NEDA

Section 2. Coverage. This IRR shall cover the following:

2.1. Reclamation projects initiated/proposed by the Philippine Reclamation

Authority (PRA);

2.2. Reclamation projects and/or reclamation components of a development or

infrastructure project initiated by Local Government Units (LGUs)
pursuant to Republic Act (RA) No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local
Government Code of 1991:

2.2.1. Wholly funded out of the LGU's funds for public use pursuant to
Section 17 of RA No. 7160; or
2.2.2. Funded through a partnership with Private sector/entity for any use.

2.3. Reclamation projects and/or reclamation components of a development or

infrastructure project of any National Government Agencies (NGAs) and
Government -Owned or -Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), as defined
under RA No. 10149, otherwise known as the GOCC Governance Act of

2011, mandated under existing laws to reclaim such as, but not limited to,
the following agencies: Philippine Ports Authority (PPA), Laguna Lake
Development Authority (LLDA), Bases Conversion and Development
Authority (BCDA), Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), Philippine
Veterans Investment Development Corporation (PHIVIDEC), Department
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and National Power Corporation

2.3.1. Wholly funded out of the GOCCs corporate funds / NGA's

budgetary allotment from the General Appropriations Act (GAA),
proceeds from loans, borrowings or similar instruments; or
2.3.2. Funded through a partnership with Private sector/entity for any use.

2.4. Reclamation projects initiated by the private sector/entity through PRA,

LGUs, GOCCs or NGAs authorized to reclaim land.

2.5. Reclamation projects proposed by qualified Filipino individuals subject to

constitutional limitations.

Section 3. Definition of Terms.

3.1. Area Clearance refers to the document issued by the concerned

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) sector
indicating that the area covered thereby are free and open for the grant of a
Reclamation Application.

3.2. Area Status and Land Classification refers to the document to be issued
by the DENR certifying whether the site/area of the proposed reclamation
project is not a protected area or covered by any tenurial instrument.

3.3. Completed Staff Work (CSW) refers to the output of the entire process
of PRA review and evaluation as basis for the recommendation of
reclamation proposals to the PRA Board for acceptance and endorsement
to the NEDA Board through a PRA Board resolution.

3.4. Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) document issued by the

DENR/ - Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) after a positive
review of an ECC application, certifying that based on the representations
of the proponent, the proposed project or undertaking will not cause
significant negative environmental impact. The ECC also certifies that the
proponent has complied with all the requirements of the Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) System and has committed to implement its
approved Environmental Management Plan. The ECC contains specific

measures and conditions that the project proponent has to undertake before
and during the operation of a project, and in some cases, during the
project's abandonment phase to mitigate identified environmental impacts.

3.5. Equivalent Studies refer to studies being required by the DENR to

secure an ECC such as but not limited to EIS, Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE), Environmental Performance Report and Management
Plan (EPRMP).

3.6. Private Sector/Entity any qualified individual Filipino Citizen of legal

age and with capacity to contract; or a corporation, partnership, association
or cooperative organized or authorized for the purpose of engaging in
reclamation, with technical and financial capability to undertake
reclamation and land development, duly registered in accordance with law,
and sixty percent (60%) owned by Filipino Citizens.

3.7. Reclamation the deliberate process of converting foreshore land,

submerged areas or bodies of water into land by filling or other means
using dredge fill and other suitable materials for specific purpose/s.

3.8. Reclamation Component refers to the reclamation activity as part of the

civil works of development or infrastructure project such as ports, airports,
power plants and other similar projects consistent with the Philippine
Development Plan (PDP) and/or the Public Investment Program (PIP) or its
equivalent local plan/program.

3.9. Reclamation Project refers to a project involving the reclamation of a

specific size of land in a specific site for a specific use/s or purpose
consistent with the PDP and/or PIP or its equivalent local plan/program.

Section 4. Approval of Reclamation Projects and Reclamation


4.1. The PRA shall recommend to the PRA Board all reclamation for dispositive
action by the NEDA Board. Proposed reclamation projects endorsed by
the PRA to PRA Board should include the following documents:

a. Letter of Intent (LOI) from Applicant.

b. Area Clearance.
c. Feasibility Study (F/S) of the proposed reclamation project.

For ports, airports and power plants projects requiring adjacent areas
to be reclaimed (reclamation component), if the relevant F/S of such

projects already cover the reclamation aspect, such F/S shall be
submitted to PRA for review and validation together with the
requirements of a Reclamation Project Description.

d. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or equivalent studies and the

e. Provincial / City Council Resolutions expressing no objection to the
proposed reclamation project.
f. Legal Documents to be submitted by Private sector/entity, LGU,
GOCC or NGA, as follows:

For Individual Filipino Citizen

i. Original or duly authenticated copy of Birth Certificate issued

by the Local Civil Registrar or Philippine Statistics Authority
(PSA); and
ii. Certificate of Naturalization or any other legally acceptable
documents to prove Filipino citizenship.

For Partnership / Corporation / Association

i. Certificate of Registration from the Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI) or Securities and Exchange Commission
ii. Proof that the corporation is sixty percent (60%) owned by
Filipino Citizens; and
iii. Certification of Corporate Secretary on the current
membership of the Board of Directors and Authority of the
Person filing the application to the PRA.

For LGUs / GOCCs / NGAs

i. Councils / Board's / Head of the Agencys Resolution

authorizing LGU / GOCC / NGA to file an application with
PRA; and
ii. Certified true copy of the charter or other incorporation

4.2. For development or infrastructure projects with reclamation components

requiring the review and evaluation of the NEDA Boards Investment
Coordination Committee (ICC) pursuant to pertinent laws, rules and
regulations, the reclamation component shall be subject for CSW of the
PRA, and the resulting CSW of the PRA shall be submitted to the NEDA

Boards ICC through a PRA Board resolution for the endorsement of said
development or infrastructure project with reclamation component to the
NEDA Board.

4.3. For development or infrastructure projects with reclamation components

not falling within the purview of the NEDA Boards ICC, the reclamation
component shall be subject for CSW of the PRA, and the resulting CSW of
the PRA shall be submitted / endorsed to the NEDA Board through a PRA
Board resolution.

Section 5. Processing, Review and Evaluation by PRA.

Upon submission of an LOI and upon full compliance with the mandatory
requirements of Section 4, including payment of filing and processing fees,
PRA shall initiate the processing, review and evaluation of the reclamation
project proposal and shall accordingly submit to the PRA Board for acceptance
and endorsement to the NEDA Board for approval.

Section 6. Competitive Bidding Process.

6.1 Except in cases of:

a. Reclamation Components as defined above;

b. LGU-initiated reclamation under 2.2.1; and
c. NGA-initiated under 2.3.1.

in all reclamation projects, the PRA either by itself or in partnership with a

Local Government Unit under Section 2.2.2 / National Government
Agency under Section 2.3.2 shall bid out such reclamation projects in
accordance with RA 9184, the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Law (RA
6957 as amended by RA 7718), the NEDA Joint Venture Guidelines of
2013, or such other laws, rules and regulations as may be applicable.

6.2. Reclamation projects identified under Sections 2.2.2, 2.3.2, 2.4 and 2.5,
after undergoing a thorough review, evaluation and negotiation process and
upon acceptance by the PRA Board, shall be subjected to a competitive
challenge process ("Swiss Challenge") in accordance with existing laws
such as but not limited to the BOT Law, NEDA JV Guidelines and based
on the parameters as approved by the NEDA Board, upon recommendation
of the PRA Board.

In all cases, the Public Bidding in Section 6.1 and competitive challenge
process (Swiss Challenge) under 6.2 shall be undertaken after the NEDA

Board approval in compliance with the competitive bidding requirement of
EO No. 146.

6.3. All reclamation projects and reclamation components, upon completion,

shall also comply with government rules and regulations on disposition of
reclaimed lands consistent with existing jurisprudence on such matter.

Section 7. Contractual Arrangements.

Within fifteen (15) days from receipt by PRA of the LOI, LGUs, GOCCs and/or
NGAs shall execute an agreement with PRA.

After NEDA Board approval and the public bidding or the competitive
challenge, the relevant Implementing Agreement (IA) / Reclamation Agreement
(RA) shall subsequently be executed between PRA, the LGU/GOCC/NGA and
the winning proponent.

Section 8. Notice to Proceed (NTP).

For reclamation projects under Section 2.2.1 and 2.3.1 to be funded using
respective LGUs or NGAs funds and which shall be devoted for public use
pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 or the concerned NGA's
charter, the PRA, after due evaluation of the project, shall recommend approval
thereof to the NEDA Board. Upon NEDA Board approval of the Reclamation
project and execution of the relevant IA/RA, PRA shall cause the submission of
Pre-construction documents prior to its issuance of the NTP.

After the issuance of the NTP, project implementation shall be the sole
responsibility of concerned LGUs, GOCCs or NGAs pursuant to the terms and
conditions of the NEDA Board approval. In all other cases, no reclamation
works can commence unless the PRA issues the NTP.

Section 9. Transitory Provision.

Reclamation projects and reclamation components where there are contracts or

agreements already executed between a government entity and a private sector
prior to the effectivity of EO No. 146 shall not be covered by said EO and this
IRR, and thus, shall be processed by the PRA pursuant to EO NO. 543 (series of
2006) and its IRR, PRA Administrative Order (AO) No. 2007-2.

Reclamation projects and reclamation components covered under EO No. 146

that were undertaken without the required ECC and approval of the NEDA

Board shall be considered illegal and shall be forfeited to the state pursuant to
Presidential Decree (PD) No. 3-A.

Likewise, reclamation projects undertaken without the required approval of the

NEDA Board or the President of the Philippines contrary to the provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 1084 as amended by Executive Order No. 525 and
Executive Order No. 146, shall be considered illegal and shall be forfeited to the
State pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 3-A.

Section 10. Amendments.

Amendment to this IRR shall be jointly formulated by NEDA and PRA.

Section 11. Repealing Clause.

Any other issuances, administrative orders, rules or regulations and/or parts

thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this IRR and EO No. 146
are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 12. Separability Clause.

Should any of the provision of this IRR be declared invalid or unconstitutional,

the other provisions unaffected thereby shall remain valid and subsisting.

Section 13. Effectivity.

This IRR shall take effect fifteen (15) calendar days after its complete
publication in a newspaper of general circulation or in the Official Gazette.

Approved on the 12th of January, 2015.

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