Guitar Player Vault March

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W W W. G U I TA R P L AY E R .


MARCH 2012

Stern the fusion legends
classic 1987

Andy SummerS
dAve muStAine
mike Scott
Funk LeSSon

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22802 GP02.12
March 2012 Volume 2, Number 3
New Artist FeAture
08 Dave Mustaine from the current issue of GP

From the vAult

15 Andy Summers The Police man reads us
our rights about the tones, parts, and
approach that go into crafting his bands
huge hits, from the September 1982 issue
of GP.

35 Mike Stern The former Miles sideman and

fusion masters 1987 interview.

52 Reviewed! Fifteen 12" speakers

oN the NewsstANd
58 GP March 2012 Table of Contents

60 Mike Scott Get funky with Justin
Timberlakes 6-stringer.

68 TrueFire Lessons

70 King Harvest (Has Surely Come) The Band
76 Cant Find My Way Home Steve Winwood
84 Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Warren Zevon

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 7

artist feature

Dave Mustaine
By Jimmy LesLie hes held since 2008.
Broderick and Mustaine swap rhythm and lead
i couLd have Been the Biggest guitar roles regularly on Th1rt3en, but its not difficult to
player in the world, if only I had been able to handle discern whos doing what. Brodericks playing is
my fistsand my thirst, wrote Dave Mustaine impossibly intricate and harmonically involved. His
near the close of his 2010 autobiography, Mustaine: fluid solo flights incorporate sweep-picked arpeggios,
A Heavy Metal Memoir. Its a clear reference to get- exotic scale tones, and blazing two-hand tapping.
ting axed by Metallica just before the band went Mustaine delivers the more primal, less harmon-
supernova. Mustaine has spent his career trying ically involved dirty work, such as the fiery intro
to avenge his termination and prove his worth solo on the single, Public Enemy No. 1.
and it appears the rusty-haired headbanger has Mustaine talked to GP shortly after learning the
finally achieved at least some semblance of peace song had been nominated for a Grammy, and that
via sheer perseverance. Now Ive got everything his Signature Dean Zero Angel of Deth II guitar
I ever wanted, and its time for me to go out and received an Editors Pick Award in the December
play, he told GP in late 2009, and true to his word, cover story roundup of electrics under $500.
the now-religious Mustaine has been mega-busy
spreading his guitar gospel. Congratulations on creating an exceptional, affordable
Mustaine bared his tortured soul in his book, instrument.
designed a new signature series for Dean Guitars, Thanks so much. Its an honor to receive an
created new songs for guitar video games, launched Editors Pick.
his Guitar Prodigy application that teaches fans how The Angel of Deth II is gnarly looking. Was the thinking
to play Megadeth songs, toured Europe and appeared that if youre going to make a metal guitar, why not go all

onstage with his old mates in Metallica for the first the way with an extreme shape and grim reaper graphics?
time, and conjured up another menacing Megadeth A lot of players choose guitars based on sound
record. Th1rt3en [Roadrunner] marks the return of first and comfort second. I believe the first battle is
original bass player David Ellefson and the contin- making it look cool. Then you put in good-sound-
uation of Chris Broderick in the guitar slinger seat ing parts and make sure its as comfortable as

8 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 9
artist feature dave mustaine
were only two other riffs in the whole song,
which made a great impression on me. But
I guess it all goes back to the blues anyway.
It literally goes back to the blues in that
case, as Willie Dixon wrote I Just Want to Make
Love to You.
I like that stuff, and I use the pentatonic
and blues scales a lot. Im not as expansive
as Chris Broderick or Marty Friedman, who
add in lots of colorful Middle Eastern and
Asian scales. Marty was one of Megadeths
greatest guitar players, and Chris is as good
if not better, though some of that feeling
is probably due to Chris being the guitar
player now. Its also a fact that Chris can
emulate the other Megadeth guitar play-
ers really well, however, and Marty didnt
want to be bothered with that, which I
Chris Broderick, Shawn Drover, Mustaine, and David Ellefson (left to right) strike heroic poses. understand. Marty was a guitar hero, and
so asking him to play Jeff Youngs stuff
was kind of beneath him. And asking him
possible to play. I play the giveaway guitar on Symphony of to play Chris Polands stuffwell, Poley
It is surprisingly easy to play. I suffer from Destruction, and nobody notices because was different. He was a jazz player.
repetitive stress injury, and Ive been using it as it sounds great. Its pretty cool because the Marty Friedman got a couple of songwriting
a therapy guitar to save strain on my arms and winner gets a $500 guitar just for having credits on this record.
hands when I practice. the right ticket to the concert. Those are songs from back in the day
You have no idea what that means to What was the workhorse studio gear for that were never fully recorded and offi-
me. Ive gone through two arm injuries recording Th1rt3en? cially released by Megadeth. New World
that stopped me from playing a real guitar, I used my Marshall JVM410h, a Fractal Order was written right after we had fin-
and the therapy guitar I had was not nearly Audio Axe-Fx preamp and effects proces- ished Rust in Peace. We kept the main seg-
as cool. It was it was just a neck on a little sor, and a korina VMNT that I rely on a lot ment of Millennium of the Blind, but we
block of wood for me to run scales and in the studio. I used to play my main Jack- rewrote the rest of it and added some new
riffs on to get the muscles working again. son in the studio even when I was endorsed parts. Black Swan was another unfin-
I couldnt squeeze the neck hard enough by ESP, but I dont have to do that kind of ished track that ultimately turned out to be
to hold a chord. thing now because my Deans sound as good one of the best. Black Swan is Th1rt3ens
How does the Angel of Deth II differ from the in the studio as they do live. Symphony of Destruction.
guitars you play in concert? What did producer Johnny K bring to the table What do you dig so much about Black Swan?
Its as similar as it can be. For example, from a guitar standpoint? It starts off with a guitar solo straight
it has the same D-shaped neck. Thats my He made a couple of unorthodox sug- away, and then it goes into a strong, stark
favorite because it facilitates playing with the gestions on some songs that reflected my riff. The C.S. Lewis novel The Great Divorce
thumb behind the neckunlike extremely taste and sounded good. He was also able inspired the lyrics. Id also heard things about
V-shaped necksor with the thumb hooked to recognize when I played a mediocre riff, my return to the church in the spirit of, I
around the top of the neck for fretting and eliminating those from the record kept doubt that his shadow has darkened many
notes on the sixth string the way I do on the quality high. Public Enemy No. 1 a church door before and It will proba-
Reckoning Day. The DMT humbuckers is interesting because its really only the bly burn down when he enters. It was a
on the Angel of Deth II are really close to main riff and two others, but we split the bummer to hear, but the shadowy imagery
the Duncan Livewires in my VNMTs, but riff into three variationstwo with tempo inspired me. I pictured what it would look
its kind of hard to put $300 pickups on an changes and one where half of the mea- like to be in an old English church graveyard
entry-level instrument. sure is a chord progression. When a riff is full of headstones, attempting to outrun the
I bring five of my Dean Signatures on so strong that it can carry an entire song groping shadows trying to hold you hostage.
tourfour VNMTs and one Zerobut with only a few changes, thats awesome. The power of the chorus just does it for me.
I actually do play one of my entry-level I remember listening to Foghat when I Its abnormal because it sounds almost out
VNMT guitars each night for a giveaway was young. The main riff in I Just Want to of time. Its very dramatic, and then the song
we call Win the Guitar Off Daves Back. Make Love to You was relentless, and there goes back into the simple, charging British

10 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

artist feature dave mustaine
heavy metal verse riff. It brings Led Zeppelin for an AC/DC vibe there. I went through a period when my style of
to mind. Jimmy Page was the master of craft- I bet Angus and Malcolm Young would appreci- heavy metal music became unpopular. Guys
ing riffs. ate how Th1rt3en kicks off with an intense guitar who pulled their pants down and stared at
Do you ever get tired of writing death riffs? freak out during the first minute of Sudden Death. their feet while talking about what jerks their
I mean, have you ever just played a major melody What inspired that? dads were became popular, and they would
on your guitar? Two tracks on the record actually started not play guitar solos. That was like having
Im not sure that I know how. The truth out as songs for guitar video games. Never my eyelids pulled over the top of my head.
is I dont really know the difference between Dead was for a Konami game, and Sudden It was horrible listening to songs that were
a major and a minor riff. Death was for Guitar Hero. otherwise great become absolutely boring
Well, theoretically, the major or minor 3rd So thats why Sudden Death is so overloaded and monotonous because the guitar players
dictates the overall direction. with gonzo guitar. were afraid to play solos.
I just thought Id ask figuring that there must Exactly. The guys behind the game came My songs will always have guitar solos,
be some sunshine in your life. down to my studio and essentially went gro- even if a melodic fill is more appropriate than
Theres a lot of fun in my life. Guns, cery shopping for riffs. I played a bunch of a burning break. I love my guitar and I love
Drugs, & Money is a fun song about a Mex- ideas for them, and they picked all the riffs playing it. Some players take their guitars a
ican drug cartel. they wanted for the song. Then I put it together little too seriously. Theyll baby the guitar
That one and We the people are both funky and sent it to them. They asked me if I could wipe it off before putting it in the case and
for Megadeth. The Guns, Drugs, & Money riff add more solos, and I just smiled and said, whatnot. I look at that and say, Dude, youre
reminds me of Aerosmiths Walk This Way. What Yes I can [laughs]. never going to reach the limits of what your
inspires your grooves? How does the guitar playing on Th1rt3en relate guitar can do if you dont punch it in the
I dont really know. I was probably going to the current guitar landscape as a whole? stomach once in a while. g


12 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

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F o r a c o mp l ete lis t o f F ano G u it ar de al er s se e pre mi e r bui l d er s gui ld .c om
classic interview

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 15

classic interview

16 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 17
classic interview

18 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

well! out, my straps.
a r e m ade so ular ab
a r s r t ic ar
g u it
g Im v
ery p a ure guit
n e t h in m y o w n signat
Thats o . I also have
equipm k-
S lic

I a
m so
and n
ow I glad Fra
nd mu
their s found
innov gu m
ative itars ne e
and e w,
-Reg xc
i Wo iting

My Framus gu
itars have wit
the road and hstood the te
the studio w st of
hich for me pu
in ts them
These instrum a class all by th
ents are seco emselves.
nd to none an
ver leave hom d I ne-
Thank you so e without th
much Framus em!
-Blackbyrd M

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classic interview

20 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

The Police Perform Walking on The moon in 1982.

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 21

classic interview

22 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

24 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

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classic interview

26 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 27

classic interview

28 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

The Big Gigisoneofthe
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12827 GP01.12
classic interview

30 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 31

classic interview


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32 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

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classic interview

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 35

classic interview

36 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

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classic interview

38 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

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classic interview

40 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

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classic interview

42 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

mike STern geTS UPSide doWn WiTh michael Brecker in 1987.

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 43

classic interview

44 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

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classic interview

46 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

classic interview

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 47

classic interview

48 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

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classic interview

50 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

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22802 GP04.12
gear roundup

R o un dup

Fifteen 12" speakers

tested by the Guitar Player staFF

M a n y g u i ta r p l ay e r s o b s e s s o v e r t h e i r on review here from Celestion, Eminence, Jensen, Tone Tubby,

instruments, amps, and effects, but spend a lot less tweak time and Weber. All were tested in identical open-back 1x12
on the final element in the tone chainthe speaker. Weve cabinets with several different ampsa Fender Deluxe
probably all been guilty of copping an attitude of if it aint Reverb, a Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister 18, a 1969
broke, why fix it? when it comes to speakers, but these elec- Marshall PA20, and a Mesa/Boogie Royal Atlantic
tro-mechanical devices play a huge role in tone. And compared 100using a Fender Telecaster, a P-90 equipped
to, say, changing the pickups in your guitar, switching to a dif- G&L ASAT Junior II, a PRS SC 58, and a Gibson
ferent speaker will likely have more impact on your sound, Heritage 59 Les Paul. We also referenced sev-
and could literally make the difference between loving your eral speakers that have seen a lot of use in our
tone and being in a state of constant sorrow. product testing over the years: a Celestion Vin-
Speakers all work basically the same way, but they do their tage 30 in a Bogner open-back cabinet, a Ken-
job of converting electrical energy into sound differently depend- drick Brownframe 12 in a Fender 65 Deluxe
ing on how theyre made. The stiffness of the cone and the Reverb reissue, and a Bag End S12-B in a
flexibility of the surround (the part that attaches it to the sealed-back enclosure.
frame), the magnet material, the coil wire and the former its Besides tone, another consideration is
wrapped around are some of primary things that can affect a speakers weight. For example, a three-
how a speaker sounds. And thats just part of it, because lots pound difference between two models might
of less obvious elements go into making speakers, and every not be an issue in a 1x12 combo, but that
manufacturer has specific formulas they use to create models adds up to 12 pounds in an already bulky
that are optimized for different applications. 4x12, which might make it tough to lug
Check the websites of any speaker company and youll see on your own. And if youre really serious
plenty of descriptions about what different models sound like. about shaving off pounds, then consider
You can also usually find sound clips that can give you an idea a speaker with a neodymium magnet. Neo
of where a particular speaker is coming from sonically. Thats speakers weigh significantly less than com-
helpful info when shopping for a new speaker, but the only way parable models with an alnico or ceramic
to really know how a speaker sounds and whether its right for magnets, and most major manufacturers
you is to bolt it into a combo or cabinet and wail away on it. offer them in standard sizes and impedances.
And this is what we did with the fifteen 12" (8) speakers

52 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

Cel es t i o n G1 2 - 5 0 Gl ly nC h b aC k

price $139
Magnet Ceramic, 35 oz
Wattage 50
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 7.6 lbs
built China
sonics Designed to blend vintage-style warmth with modern aggression, the Lynch-
back has a wealth of harmonics and upper midrange complexity. Though not super
slicing, its frequencies are well balanced to provide tight-bottom tones that sound
great for crunching rhythm or searing lead tones. Impressive sounding in an open-
back cab, the Lynchback would be an excellent rock speaker in a 4x12.

C elestion heritaG e s eries G 1 2 h 7 5

price $220
Magnet Ceramic, 50 oz
Wattage 30
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 10.48lbs
built England
sonics This hand-assembled speaker is brimming with glistening top-end and bold
midrange color. The lows are pulled back a bit for a firmer low-string response, and
it sounded very open and well presented in in an open back cab. In a 2x12 or 4x12 it
could be an excellent choice to combine with speakers that have enhanced bottom
or a lower resonant frequency.

em i n en Ce eJ1 2 5 0 eri C J o h ns o n s i Gnature

price $289
Magnet Alnico, 35 oz
Wattage 50
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 8.5 lbs
built USA
sonics Eric Johnsons design input has resulted in a highly responsive speaker that
responds to your picking with deep lows, juicy mids, and sweet, shimmering highs. Nat-
urally it sounds great with single-coils, but it also brings out the crispy detail in hum-
buckers very effectively. With its blend of American and British attributes, the EJ1250
sounds killer in an open-back cab and would be a natural for a sealed 2x12 or 4x12.

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 53

gear roundup
J en sen J e t e l eCt riC l iG h tni nG C 1 2 / 7 0 el
price $96
Magnet Ceramic, 50 oz
Wattage 70
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 9.6 lbs
built Italy
sonics This model offers bold high-end presence, enhanced midrange bloom and
complexity, and firm, well defined lows. Its headroom makes it a good choice for
Marshall and other powerhouse rock amps, while its articulation and touch respon-
siveness play well with low-wattage tube combos. If youre seeking a speaker that
excels for blues, jazz, or rock, the Jet Electric Lightning is a fine choice.

Jensen Jet FalCon C 1 2 / 5 0 F

price $79
Magnet Ceramic, 28.5 oz
Wattage 50
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 7.2 lbs
built Italy
sonics A little rounder sounding than the Electric Lightning, this slightly mellower
speaker provides sweet jazzy textures when played softly, yet pumps out torrents
of juicy harmonics when pushed into compression. A fab and very affordable choice
for blues or roots, this speaker might be the ticket if youre a single-coil player look-
ing to fatten up your tone.

J en sen bl aC kb ird J P 1 2 - 1 0 0 bb

price $257
Magnet Alnico, 30 oz
Wattage 100
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 6.9 lbs
built Italy
sonics This Italian stallion has a ton of slicing treble, but it sings wonderfully
without unwanted spikiness or harshness. The mids are juicy with the perfect
amount of snarl, and the bass response is impressively big and beefy. The Black-
bird sounded excellent with a Deluxe, and if your amp is a little thin-sounding, it
could be the ideal fixer.

54 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

ton e tub by n a s h vi l l e C e ra m iC
price $210
Magnet Ceramic
Wattage 75
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 10.6 lbs
built USA
sonics Designed to accommodate Strat and Tele players, the Nashville
has extra headroom that enables it to kick out shimmering tones with
enhanced mids and tight, punchy lows. Pushed into compression, it stays
nicely focused, making it an especially good choice if you like to get over-
drive tones by turning up your amp.

tone tub b y red a lni Co

price $299
Magnet Alnico, 32 oz
Wattage 50
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 7.7 lbs
built USA
sonics Reportedly a favorite of Carlos Santana, this hemp-cone alnico
speaker has lots of bottom, and punches through with slicing mids and a
clear, sweet top. If you want a little more low-end emphasis but also need
the ability to cut through a loud band onstage, youll likely find the Red to
be a great choice.

ton e tub by 40/ 4 0 C e ra m iC

price $149
Magnet Ceramic, 50 oz
Wattage 40
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 10.5 lbs
built USA
sonics Described as a variation on the Red, the 40/40 offers extended
lows and a slightly brighter top end. It compresses with a juicy rush of har-
monics when you nail it, and also sounds very smooth and crisply detailed
when played below its breakup threshold. A good choice for jazz or blues.

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 55

gear roundup
to n e tu b b y d d

price $325
Magnet Alnico, 28 oz
Wattage 40
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 7.7 lbs
built USA
sonics The name refers to double dipping of the cone, which allows this speaker
to sound clearer and tighter at high volumes than it would otherwise. This alnico
model melds exceptional clarity with a solid low end, and it doesnt get frazzy
when pushed hard. An excellent choice if loud clean tones are your goal, or if you
get your grind mostly from pedals.

tone tub b y san raFael C erami C

price $99
Magnet Ceramic, 28 oz
Wattage 25
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 6.5 lbs
built USA
sonics Designed for lower power amps, the lightweight San Rafael compresses
just enough while exuding sweet, midrange enhanced tones that dont mush out on
the bottom or sound too piercing. It was way cool with the Deluxe Reverb, and would
be something to check out if youre looking for a cost-effective way to breathe new
life into a low-watt combo.

Weber l e GaCy 1 2 F
price $120
Magnet Ceramic, 30 oz
Wattage 65
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 7.3 lbs
built USA
sonics A great-sounding British-voiced speaker with deep bottom, upfront mids,
and sweetly burnished highs that slice through clearly without overbite. A good
choice whether you play humbuckers or single-coils, the Legacy 12F sounded excel-
lent in an open-back cab and should rule for hard rock in a closed-back 2x12 or 4x12.

56 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

Weber l e GaCy 1 2 F

price $120
Magnet Ceramic, 50 oz
Wattage 65
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 8.1 lbs
built USA
sonics Armed with 20 more ounces of magnet, this version of the Legacy sounds
similar to the 30-ounce model, but has more of, well, everything. Considering it
costs the same, theres no good reason not to go for this versionother than it
weighs a bit morethanks to its impressive top end, amazing midrange presence,
and chunking low end.

W eb er G rayWol F 1 2 F
price $110
Magnet Ceramic, 30 oz
Wattage 50
iMpedance 8/16
Weight 8.1 lbs
built USA
sonics This cool-sounding British-voiced speaker sports killer high-end response
and beautifully focused mids and lows. The version we tested came with the light
dope option on the surround, which made it more controlled-sounding than would
be the case with no doping. If youre nuts about cone control, you can also spec-
ify a heavier cone doping.

Weber dt12
price $100
Magnet Ceramic, 20 oz
Wattage 30
Weight 5.4 lbs
iMpedance 8/16
built USA
sonics The DT12 doesnt have a ton of low end, but its balanced-sounding overall
and yields frothy mids and silky highs. It doesnt get raspy when pushed into com-
pression, and its sensitivity made it a fine match with our lower-wattage amps.
Short of metal, this lightweight and affordable speaker would fill the bill for a lot
of different styles.

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 57

current issue march 2012
RecoRding Special! UniqUe

UniqUe Miking TechniqUeS

UniqU TechniqUeS
G U I T A R P L AY E R . C O M

Heres whats in the current issue of Guitar Player,

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On QUEENs Enduring Legacy
What was Rory Gallagher really like?, gig rigs for compact cars, Carl Verheyen shares
his rhythm-guitar heroes, wisdom from the Church of Jimi, and more!



to Play likE
stEVE Vai Brian May - Queens tone king discusses re-mastering the bands catalog, see-
MARCH 2012 $6.50 $6.50Can.

15 sPEakErs ratEd
ing Hendrix play, and the ongoing fascination that guitarists have with his guitar

sound. Bonus! Queen drummer Roger Taylor dishes on the Queen Extravaganza.
gpr0312_cover1a_ph1.indd 1 1/20/12 1:36 PM

Dave Mustaine Noveller Oz Noy Lenny Santos

Ten Things You Gotta Do to Play LikeSteve Vai
We get deep, deep into the modes, chops, passion, warfare, and attitude of Zappas
little Italian genius.
Whistler Jazz Fest Lesson
Stan Samole on Expanding Your Bandwidth Pt. 2.
Quick Licks
These quick little licks are a quick way to quickly improve your playing.
gpr0312_art_noy_ko2.indd 46 1/17/12 2:37 PM

Gear T EST D R IVE Hey Jazz Guy

Jake Hertzog reveals how to turn rock chords into jazz changes.

Roundup! Fifteen 12" speakers tested.
Amplified Pedalboard
teSted By Bar ry cl e ve l an d

SKB haS Been manufacturing as well as the included power supply, and overdriven tones are comparable to those
Peavey Devin Townsend Signature PXD Vicious 7 String Baritone
Line 6 DT25 112 Combo
pedalboards with built-in power supplies, a reinforced custom gig bag ($59 street) is of a high-quality practice ampperfectly
cable testers, and other accoutrements for available as an option. Theres a lifetime fine for practicing and even quiet rehears-
yearsbut the FootNote is the first model to warranty on the board and a five-year war- als and small gigs, though not necessar-
include a combo amp. The 5-watt, class A/B ranty on the electronics. ily inspiring. There was also a slight but
amplifier sports Volume, Bass, and Treble The FootNote is constructed of dura- noticeable hum.
controlsspanning a range from Penny ble, lightweight plastic, and its 19"x12" This is a unique product that is per-
through Nickel to Dimeand powers an pedal area is covered in Velcro. The speaker fect for students, the pro or semi-pro that

Bolt BTC-100/212 and BTC-50/410 Combos

onboard 6" Eminence speaker. An External compartment is slotted and faces upward wants a self-contained practice setup, or
Speaker jack gives you the option of power- for obvious reasons, so youll want to be the aforementioned busker. You can also
ing a cab of your choice instead, and theres careful with liquids when using it. The think of it as a good quality, reasonably
a Headphone output for silent running (the amps tone controls sound good and priced pedalboard featuring an eight-tap
onboard speaker may be switched off). You sweep useful ranges, but I ran out of clean power supply and a cable tester, with a
can also play along with backing tracks or headroom quickly once the Volume con- built-in amp/headphone amp as a bonus

SKB FootNote Amplified Pedalboard

your favorite tunes by plugging your iPod or trol exceeded 10 oclock, especially when (as the amp and speaker add little weight
other audio device into the 1/8" Aux input, playing a guitar with powerful pickups and to the overall package). Either way, the
and a 1/4" Line output lets you route your using just the internal speaker. There was FootNote is a welcome addition to SKBs
signal directly into a high-impedance input considerably more headroom when I con- already diverse pedalboard line. g
on a mixer, audio interface, etc. Up to eight nected the FootNote to a 1x12 cab loaded
pedals drawing 100mA or less may be con- with a 75-watt Celestion G12H, and it contact SKB, (800) 410-2024;

TWA Triskelion Harmonic Energizer TK-01

nected directly to the FootNotes onboard even held its own powering a Marshall Price $299 retail/$179 street
9-volt power supply, and a handy cable 4x12 cab with Vintage 30s. Of course, if KudoS Onboard amp/headphone amp.
tester aids in troubleshooting signal-flow you arent getting your overdrive from a Powers eight pedals. May be battery pow-
problems. What is more, pedal-happy street pedal, the clipping at relatively low vol- ered. Good value.
buskers will be delighted to know that the umes may be viewed as a feature rather concernS Limited clean headroom.
whole shebang can run on six D batteries than a limitation. Both the clean and Slight hum.

gpr0312_gear_skb_ko2.indd 122

1/17/12 2:42 PM
DigiTech Eternal Descent Lyra
Visual Sound Dual Tap Delay
Source Audio Programmable EQ
Opening Shots 5 Things About Vibrato Bridges


Powered Stage Monitors


Modern Alternatives to Classic Miking Techniques


gp0312_openingshots_ko2.indd 24 1/18/12 12:36 PM

58 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

lessons ROCK

60 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

lessons keep it funky

62 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT


GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 63

lessons keep it funky

64 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

Like youve

ALL NEW prs p22

Ive recorded and mixed hundreds and hundreds
of acoustic guitars. I have never heard a more musical,
natural sound from an acoustic pickup system. If that
had been the only thing special about the guitar
I would have been excited, but then to hear the
electric tones it creates - I was blown away.
Don McCollister
Visit Grammy Award-winning Producer and Engineer
for video demos
Newly redesigned L.R. Baggs/PRS compact piezo
2012 PRS Guitars - Photo by Marc Quigley New, uncovered 53/10 pickups V12 finish
lessons keep it funky

66 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 67
sessions TrueFire

68 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT

GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 69
transcriptions the

70 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.
Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC. GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 71
transcriptions the band

72 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.
transcriptions the band

74 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.
April 20, 21, 22 972-240-2206
transcriptions steve win

76 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.

Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC. GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 77
transcriptions steve winwood

78 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.

Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC. GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 79
transcriptions steve winwood

80 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.
Wechter on tour
Al Di Meola ko
, Larry Coryell

Rob Ickes
Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton,
David Grisman, Alison Krauss

Mart Jame
ina M s Hou
s ond R , Dwig e
Diam cBride s
Danny Flowaperton io, R h
Vince Gill, Eric Clrris od S t Yoakam
tewar ,
Emmylou Ha t

Fred Newell
Alabama, Ray Charles,
Reba McEntire, George Strait

Kevin Post h
Blake Shelton Band Wally Kuylrt
Kurth & Ta (260) 407-3836

transcriptions steve winwood

82 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.
Xtremely Satisfying

Thats what Orianthi says about her Dean Markley Helix Strings:
HELIX Strings. Whether shes rocking out with Ingeniously
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2012 Dean Markley
transcriptions warren ze

84 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.

Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC. GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 85
transcriptions warren zevon

86 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.

Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC. GUITAR PLAYER VAULT | March 2012 | 87
transcriptions warren zevon

88 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.
transcriptions warren zevon

90 | March 2012 | GUITAR PLAYER VAULT Used by Permission of ALFRED MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., INC.

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