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Cover photograph:

Underwater photograph of an adult brown sea cucumber Isostichopus fuscus (Ludwig, 1875) at
Santa Cruz, Galpagos Islands, Ecuador; courtesy Steven W. Purcell.
Managing sea cucumber

fisheries with an ecosystem


approach 520

Steven W. Purcell
FAO Consultant
National Marine Science Centre
Southern Cross University
Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia

Edited and compiled by

Alessandro Lovatelli
Fishery Resources Officer (Aquaculture)
Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources Use and Conservation Division
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
Rome, Italy

Marcelo Vasconcellos
FAO Consultant
Institute of Oceanography
Federal University of Rio Grande
Rio Grande, RS, Brazil


Yimin Ye
Senior Fishery Resources Officer
Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources Use and Conservation Division
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
Rome, Italy


Rome, 2010
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FAO 2010

Preparation of this document

This paper was prepared from outcomes of the FAO Technical Workshop on Sustainable
Use and Management of Sea Cucumber Fisheries held in Puerto Ayora, Galpagos
Islands, Ecuador, from 19 to 23 November 2007. The main goal of the workshop was
to define the structure and contents of a manual aimed at assisting fisheries managers
in deciding regulations and processes for the better management, conservation and
sustainable exploitation of their sea cucumber fisheries. The group of experts convened
for this purpose consisted of Jun Akamine, Poh Sze Choo, Chantal Conand, Eduardo
Espinoza, Kim Friedman, Ruth Gamboa, Jean-Franois Hamel, Alex Hearn, Jeff Kinch,
Alessandro Lovatelli, Priscilla C. Martnez, Annie Mercier, Mara Dinorah Herrero-
Prezrul, Steven Purcell, Vernica Toral-Granda, Sven Uthicke, Marcelo Vasconcellos
and Matthias Wolf. The workshop produced a table of minimum and recommended
regulatory measures and management actions advised for fisheries, depending on the
status (abundance and sizes) of wild stocks, scale of fishing activities and technical
capacity of the management agency. Working groups at the workshop also canvassed
brief points on the definitions, uses, limitations and ways of implementing each measure
and action. The draft document produced during the workshop was later developed into
the present technical paper by Steven Purcell. This document benefited greatly from
editorial comments from Kevern Cochrane, Sven Uthicke, Jean-Franois Hamel, Annie
Mercier, Chantal Conand, Kim Friedman, Jeff Kinch and Veronica Toral-Granda.
The Government of Japan is thanked for generously providing the financial support
for the workshop and preparation of this technical paper through the Trust Fund Project
GCP/INT/987/JPN on CITES and commercially-exploited aquatic species, including
the evaluation of listing proposals.


Sea cucumbers are important resources for coastal livelihoods and ecosystems. At least
60 species are fished from more than 40 countries and most of the harvests are processed
then exported to Asian markets. Sea cucumbers generally appear to have slow rates of
population turnover and are easily harvested in shallow waters in the tropics. With retail
prices of up to USD300500 per kg (dried), exploitation has often been indiscriminant
and excessive. Overfishing in recent years has led to local extinction of high-value species
in some localities and prompted closures of many national fisheries to allow stocks to
recover and to allow more sustainable management plans to be established. Apart from
a few developed countries, only a small number of sea cucumber fisheries are currently
being managed sustainably.
Sea cucumber fisheries differ greatly in the scale of the fishing activities, status of
stocks and the capacity of the management agency. Consequently, some management
measures will be appropriate in some fishery scenarios but not others. This document
presents a logical framework to assist fishery managers in choosing an appropriate suite
of regulatory measures and management actions and elaborates on the uses, limitations
and ways to implement them.
This document contains five main sections. The first provides an overview of
the biology and ecology of sea cucumbers, the international market for beche-de-
mer market, types of sea cucumber fisheries and their global status (i.e. population
abundance). The second section summarizes fisheries management principles and
approaches, with an emphasis on the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). The third
section provides the roadmap, by way of instructions, flow diagrams and tables, to
lead fishery managers along the path of choosing management measures appropriate to
their fishery. The fourth and fifth sections discuss the application of each regulatory
measure and management action with Examples and lessons learned boxes to illustrate
management problems and potential solutions from various fisheries.
Improved management of sea cucumber fisheries is an imperative. It will be best
achieved by applying an EAF, in which multiple regulatory measures and management
actions are applied in full consideration of the sea cucumber stocks, the ecosystems
in which they live and the socio-economic systems that drive exploitation. The
commitment of governments, fishery managers and scientists to develop, apply and
strictly enforce EAF will be crucial to sustaining sea cucumber populations for current
and future generations.

Purcell, S.W.
Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach.
Edited/compiled by Lovatelli, A.; M. Vasconcellos and Y. Yimin.
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No. 520. Rome, FAO. 2010. 157p.


Preparation of this document iii

Abstract iv
Acknowledgements vii
Contributors viii
Abbreviations and acronyms ix

Executive Summary 1
Background 5

1. Foreword 7

2. Sea cucumber fisheries 9

2.1 Biology and ecology 9
2.2 Beche-de-mer market 12
2.3 Fishery types 14
2.4 Global status 16

3. Fisheries management principles and approaches 19

3.1 The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries 19
3.2 The precautionary approach 20
3.3 The ecosystem approach to fisheries 20
3.4 Management objectives, indicators and reference points 22
3.5 The management process 24
3.6 A decision-making process for choosing the right tools 26

4. Defining regulatory measures and actions A roadmap 29

5. Regulatory measures 33
5.1 Size limits 33
5.2 Gear limitation and development 38
5.3 Effort and capacity control 41
5.4 Catch quotas 44
5.5 Market chain licensing and reporting 49
5.6 Temporal closures 54
5.6.1 Seasonal and short-term closures 54
5.6.2 Bans or moratoria 58
5.7 Area-based measures 61
5.7.1 Marine protected areas, including no-take zones 61
5.7.2 Rotational harvest closures 68
5.7.3 Territorial use rights in fisheries 73

6. Implementing management 79
6.1 Information for management 79
6.1.1 Overview of the harvested species 79
6.1.2 Fishery-independent stock surveys 81

6.1.3 Fishery-dependent stock surveys 88

6.1.4 Socio-economic surveys 93
6.1.5 Price monitoring 98
6.2 Institutional requirements 101
6.2.1 Support institutional arrangements for local-scale
management 101
6.2.2 Establish management advisory committees 105
6.3 Legal requirements 108
6.3.1 Legislation of management regulations 108
6.3.2 International agreements and CITES 109
6.4 Assign accountability 113
6.5 Enforcement 115
6.6 Education and communication with stakeholders 117
6.7 Improve quality of processing through training 120
6.8 Restocking 125

7. Conclusions 133

8. References and further reading 135

9. Glossary 145

10. Annexes 149

10.1. Main species of sea cucumbers commercially exploited and
traded 149
10.2. Examples of issues to take into account when considering
regulatory measures and actions for implementing management 151

Appendixes 155

Appendix 1 Fishery-dependent landing data sheet from Community

Fisheries Management Development Programme
Papua New Guinea 155
Appendix 2 Data sheet for recording landings of fishers 156
Appendix 3 A logsheet used in the sea cucumber fishery in
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 157


This publication is based on the outcomes of the FAO international workshop held
in the Galpagos Islands, Ecuador, in November 2007 entitled Sustainable Use and
Management of Sea Cucumber Fisheries and contributions from workshop participants
and international scientists.
The Government of Japan is gratefully acknowledged for providing the finanancial
means to support the project CITES and commercially-exploited aquatic species,
including the evaluation of listing proposals (GCP/INT/987/JPN). The funding of
this project allowed for the Galpagos workshop and financial support to prepare this
document. The Charles Darwin Research Station, Puerto Ayora, Galpagos Islands, is
also acknowledged and thanked for hosting the workshop.
Special appreciation is given to the Scientific Steering Committee for this project,
comprising Chantal Conand, Annie Mercier, Jean-Francois Hamel, Sven Uthicke and
Steven Purcell. These experts provided much of their own time before and after the
workshop in guiding the workshop and the formation of this technical paper. Their
efforts to proofread drafts of this document and provide editorial comments are
greatly appreciated. Thanks are also extended to Kevern Cochrane, FAO Fisheries and
Aquaculture Department, who provided valuable guidance and support throughout the
implementation of the project.
This document gains special relevance from photographs, example sections and text
on Lessons learned, which were provided by participants of the workshop and other
international experts. The source of each contribution is acknowledged accordingly
throughout. Workshop participants are acknowldeged in the list of contributors.
In addition, we thank the following persons for providing photographs and/or text
examples: Lewis Barrett, Garth Cripps, Terence Dacles, Aymeric Desurmont, Mecki
Kronen, Marcus Lincoln-Smith, Georgie McKie, Randall Owens, Georgina Robinson,
Tim Skewes and Emmanuel Tardy. Ms Tina Farmer and Ms Franoise Schatto, FAO
Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, also contributed towards the final production
of this document. The graphic layout was prepared by Jos Luis Castilla Civit.


Jun Akamine Ruth Gamboa

Nagoya City University University of the Philippines Mindanao
Nagoya City, Aichi, Japan Davao City, The Philippines

Jeff Kinch Sven Uthicke

Alotau, Milne Bay Province Australian Institute of Marine Science
Papua New Guinea Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Poh Sze Choo Jean-Franois Hamel

WorldFish Center Society for the Exploration and Valuing of
Penang, Malaysia the Environment (SEVE)
Portugal Cove-St. Philips, Newfoundland,
Priscilla Martnez Canada
World Wildlife Fund, Galpagos
Eco-Region Matthias Wolff
Santa Cruz, Galpagos Islands, Ecuador Charles Darwin Foundation
Puerto Ayora, Galpagos Islands, Ecuador
Chantal Conand
Lab. ecologie marine, Universit de Alex Hearn
La Runion Charles Darwin Foundation
Saint Denis, La Runion, France Puerto Ayora, Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

Annie Mercier Alessandro Lovatelli

Ocean Sciences Centre, Memorial FAO, Fisheries and Aquaculture
University Department
St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada Rome, Italy

Eduardo Espinoza Mara Dinorah Herrero-Prezrul

Galpagos National Park Service La Paz, Baja California Sur
Puerto Ayora, Galpagos Islands, Ecuador Mexico

Steven W. Purcell Marcelo Vasconcellos

WorldFish Center FAO, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Noumea, New Caledonia Department
Rome, Italy
Kim Friedman
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Noumea, New Caledonia

Vernica Toral-Granda
Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz
Galpagos, Ecuador

Abbreviations and acronyms

ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

AIMR Arnavon Island Marine Reserve (Solomon Islands)
AMCA Arnavon Marine Conservation Area (Solomon Islands)
BC British Columbia (Canada)
BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (Philippines)
CC Consultative Committee
CCC Coral Cay Conservation
CCRF Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora
COFI Committee on Fisheries
CPUE Catch per Unit of Effort
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
DEH Department of Environment and Heritage (Australia)
DoF Department of Fisheries
DPI&F Department of Primary Industries and Fishery (Australia)
EAF Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FMC Fishing Monitoring Certificate
FPA Fisheries Prohibited Area
GBR Great Barrier Reef (Australia)
GBRMP Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Australia)
GIS Geographical Information System
GMR Galpagos Marine Reserve
GNPS Galpagos National Park Service
GPF Governor Permitted Fishery
GPS Global Positioning System
Harvest MAC Harvest Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (Australia)
IHSM Institut halieutique et des sciences marines (Madagascar)
IMA Inter-Institutional Management Authority
IQs Individual Quotas
ITQs Individual Transferable Quotas
IUU Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated
IVQs Individual Vessel Quotas
MAC Management Advisory Council
MASMA Marine Science for Management (project of WIOMSA)
MFMRD Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development (Kiribati)
MMC Merchant Monitoring Certificate
MPA Marine Protected Area
MSE Management Strategy Evaluation
MSY Maximum Sustainable Yield
NBMP National Beche-de-mer Management Plan (Papua New Guinea)
NFA National Fisheries Authority (Papua New Guinea)
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NMAC National Management Advisory Committee
ONETH Organisation nationale des exploitants des trpangs et holothuries

PMAC Provincial Management Advisory Committee

PMB Participatory Management Board
PROCFish/C Pacific Region Oceanic and Coastal Development Project Coastal
QBFP Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol
QPWS Queensland Park and Wildlife Service
RAP Representative Areas Program
SAR Special Administrative Region
SCUBA Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SFA Seychelles Fishing Authority
SFAC Sea-area Fishery Adjustment Commission (Japan)
SLG Special Law of the Galpagos
SMR-PAMB Sagay Marine Reserve-Protected Area Management Board
TAC Total Allowable Catch
TAD Transport Authorization Docket
TROM Target Resource-Orientated Management
TURF Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries
UAE United Arab Emirates
UN United Nations
UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
UVC Underwater Visual Census
VMS Vessel Monitoring System
WIO Western Indian Ocean
WFC WorldFish Center
WIOMSA Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

Executive summary

Sea cucumbers fulfil an important role in marine ecosystems and support fisheries
that provide a significant source of employment and income to coastal peoples. From
both an ecological and socio-economic perspective, the long-term sustainability of sea
cucumber fisheries is of great importance to coastal communities. Unfortunately, sea
cucumber stocks have been overfished in many countries as a result of ever-increasing
market demand, uncontrolled exploitation and/or inadequate fisheries management.
The status and present management of sea cucumber fisheries was recently reviewed
in five large regions of the world (Toral-Granda, Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008)
(Section 2.3 and 2.4). Tropical fisheries contribute most to global captures and involve
many species (often 10 to 35) with varied ecological and biological traits. These fisheries
are often artisanal or small-scale, typified by fishers gleaning on sandflats or free-diving
on shallow reefs and have operated for more than a century, albeit in a boom-and-bust
fashion. In many developing countries, fishing by women and children is significant.
Sea cucumbers are sometimes eaten locally, whereas the majority are boiled, dried and
exported to the distribution hubs in Asia.
Overexploitation in many tropical fisheries has left stocks depleted and fishers
have shifted to low-value species, leading to serial depletion. The collapse of breeding
stocks has led to recent moratoria (fishing bans) being placed in fisheries of Costa Rica,
mainland Ecuador, India, Mayotte (France), Panama, Papua New Guinea, Solomon
Islands, mainland Tanzania, Tonga, Vanuatu and Venezuela. Fisheries agencies of
tropical countries often lack the technical capacity and resources to develop and adapt
complex management regulations and/or to enforce them stringently.
In contrast, most sea cucumber fisheries in temperate waters are industrialized,
recent, single-species and involve large boats with sophisticated gear to harvest from
deep waters. They also have the benefit of greater technical capacity in the management
In addition to these disparities, fisheries in each region differ in the governance
structure of the management systems. Because sea cucumber fisheries differ on so
many levels, it is impossible to prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution to improve their
sustainability. What is needed, therefore, is clearer information about the utility of
various management tools and a framework for deciding which of them to choose for
a particular fishery scenario.
A workshop of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) in the Galpagos in November 2007 brought together scientists, sociologists
and fishery managers to canvass guidelines for improved management of sea cucumber
fisheries. As an output of that workshop, this technical paper is designed to help develop
improved and effective management strategies. The Code of Conduct for Responsible
Fisheries (CCRF) calls on managers to use the best scientific information available and
implement a precautionary approach in the absence of insufficient data (Section3.1).
An ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) should be applied, whereby the stock is
managed with objectives to also preserve ecosystem integrity and biodiversity and to
address the value and use of the resource by a range of stakeholders (Section3.3).
This technical paper provides decision support through a logical framework, or
roadmap, for planning the most appropriate regulatory measures and actions for
implementing management, given the characteristics of the fisheries (Section 4). The
regulatory measures and actions include a range of controls and various ancillary
measures from stock surveys and socio-economic surveys to strategies that support
2 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

local-scale management. Lessons from a diverse array of fisheries illustrate uses and
limitations of the proposed regulatory measures and actions.
The roadmap directs managers to firstly categorize their fishery based on the scale
of the fishing activities, status of stocks and the capacity of the management agency
(Section 4). Simple indicators can be used to gauge the stock status in the absence
of underwater (fishery-independent) stock surveys. This categorization leads to
recommended sets of regulatory measures and actions for implementing management,
which are each explained in separate sections. The formal process of developing this
paper, through the Galpagos workshop, established a set of best-practice management
measures applicable to most fisheries. It also identified situation-specific measures that
may be used in some cases (Section8.3).
Besides the external factors, the life-history traits of holothurians make them
especially vulnerable to overfishing, which poses a great challenge to fishery
management (Section 2.1). They can have low or infrequent recruitment, high
longevity and density-dependent reproductive success. Most sea cucumber fisheries
fall in the class of S-Fisheries: small-scale, spatially-structured, targeting sedentary
stocks (Section3.5). Classical fisheries models to estimate maximum sustainable yields
(MSY) of stocks are not applicable in these types of fisheries (see Section5.4).
The most important actions for fisheries managers are sociological in nature, pointing
that management of sea cucumber fisheries must embrace social science more strongly
than in the past. This can be achieved with greater involvement of stakeholders and
capacity building of local-level institutions (Sections6.2.1, 6.2.2 and 6.6).
Fisheries with healthy or fully-exploited stocks of sea cucumbers should apply a
broad suite of management regulations and actions, in harmony with an EAF. Agencies
with adequate capacity for developing management plans and enforcement should
strive for best practice by adopting all recommended regulatory measures and actions
for implementing management, where appropriate (Section4). Agencies with modest
capacity should at least apply a minimum set of the most important and simple of these.
Regardless of whether the fishery type is industrialized or small-scale, the management
plan should comprise at least the following minimum regulations (i.e. regulations
imposed on fishers, processors and traders) and actions (by the manager):

Regulations Minimum legal size limits (Section 5.1)

Gear limitation (Section 5.2)
Permanent Marine Reserves, excluded from fishing (Section 5.7.1)
Place-based or user-based access rights to fish (Sections 5.3 and
Licensing, monitoring and reporting along the market chain
(Section 5.5)
Actions Conduct fishery-independent stock surveys (Section 6.1.2)
Conduct fishery-dependent surveys of catch and effort (Section
Conduct socio-economic surveys (Section 6.1.4)
Educate and communicate with stakeholders (Section 6.6)
Improve the quality of processing through training (Section 6.7)

Some regulatory measures, such as rotational fishing closures and individual

transferrable quotas (ITQs), will be easiest to implement in fisheries with relatively few
fishers and strong capacity for planning, monitoring and compliance (Sections5.7.2 and
5.4). Quotas have been difficult to enforce in developing countries (Section5.4). ITQs
have merit for building greater sense of responsibility in fishers for the sustainability
of stocks but, again, encounter limitations in developing countries with thousands of
Executive summary 3

village-based fishers. Alternatives such as territorial use rights in fisheries (TURFs) for
whole fishing communities may be a solution (Section7.7.3).
Fully-exploited fisheries need more regulations, and managers need to take more
actions, to circumvent the depletion of breeding stocks. The additional measures
include gear limitations, the establishment of management advisory committees and
support to institutional arrangements for local-scale management (Sections 5 and 6).
Management agencies with greater technical capacity and human resources should
apply further regulations and carry out more actions, specific to the fishery scenario.
The uses, constraints of implementation and alternatives of these complimentary
measures are discussed at the end of this technical paper (Section8.3).
Depleted fisheries need to be managed quite differently in order to restore breeding
populations. Moratoria (fishing bans) should be imposed across the fishery and trade
should be closely monitored (Section 5.6.2). Managers also need to monitor stocks
and communicate with actors along the market chain. Restocking should only be
considered as a last resort to rebuild breeding populations and only for agencies with
the technical capacity to develop and conduct responsible restocking programmes
(Section 6.8). Recent sea ranching and sea farming programmes may improve wild
fisheries by routinely creating dense breeding populations in coastal habitats.
International agreements to control the trade of sea cucumbers have advantages and
disadvantages (Section6.3.2). The Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) may be beneficial for deterring illegal fishing
and trade of sea cucumbers and for conserving threatened species. CITES listing could
also help in standardizing trade names and codes. Lack of political will is a major
impediment to CITES listing and endorsement from countries. The key concerns are
that CITES listing of sea cucumbers would raise administrative costs of monitoring
and reporting and would spur exporters to trade illegally.
There are many gaps in our current knowledge of sea cucumber biology and
fisheries. Nonetheless, this technical paper stresses that uncertainty should not prevent
the development of operational management strategies that aim to maintain or rebuild
the productive capacity of sea cucumber fisheries. Management must also preserve
the biodiversity values of fishery ecosystems and safeguard the long-term social and
economic benefits to local communities. Fisheries are connected to ecosystems on
one end and to socio-economic systems on the other. Commitment of collaboration,
constructive dialogues among responsible partners, and participation of fishermen
and local communities in the management process are essential to the long-term
sustainability of sea cucumber fisheries.
This paper is intended for a wide audience of users: fishery managers, policy officers,
development and enforcement agents, educated fishers and special interest groups, and
therefore have minimal technical details. Those who wish to know more about the
technical details should consult the references cited herein.


From ancient times, fishing has been a major source of food for humanity, a source
of cultural identity and a provider of employment and economic benefits to those
engaged in this activity. However, it was realized that living aquatic resources need to
be properly managed if their contribution to the nutritional, economic and social well-
being of the growing worlds population was to be sustained.
The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provided a new
framework for the better management of marine resources. The new legal regime of
the oceans gave coastal States rights and responsibilities for the management and use of
fishery resources within the areas of their national jurisdiction, which cover 90 percent
of the worlds marine fisheries.
World fisheries have become a dynamically developing sector of the food industry
and many States have taken advantage of new opportunities by investing in modern
fishing fleets and processing. It became clear, however, that many fisheries resources
could not sustain an often uncontrolled increase of exploitation.
Clear signs of overexploitation of stocks, modifications of ecosystems, significant
economic losses, territorial disputes among fisher groups and international conflicts
on management and trade threatened the long-term sustainability of fisheries and their
contribution to food supply. Therefore, the nineteenth session of the FAO Committee
on Fisheries (COFI), held in March 1991, recommended new approaches to fisheries
management. These embraced conservation and environmental, as well as social and
economic, considerations. FAO then developed the concept of responsible fisheries
and elaborated a Code of Conduct to foster its application.
Subsequently, the Government of Mexico, in collaboration with FAO, organized
an International Conference on Responsible Fishing in Cancn in May 1992. The
Declaration of Cancn endorsed at that Conference was brought to the attention of the
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) Summit
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992, which supported the preparation of a Code of
Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.
The twentieth session of COFI in 1993 examined the proposed framework and
content for such a Code. The Code was formulated to be interpreted and applied in
conformity with the relevant regulations of international laws and conventions. The
development of the Code of Conduct was carried out by FAO in consultation and
collaboration with relevant United Nations (UN) agencies and other international
organizations, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries consists of five introductory articles:
Nature and Scope; Objectives; Relationship with Other International Instruments;
Implementation, Monitoring and Updating and Special Requirements of Developing
Countries. These introductory articles are followed by an article on General Principles,
which precedes the six thematic articles on Fisheries Management, Fishing Operations,
Aquaculture Development, Integration of Fisheries into Coastal Area Management,
Post-Harvest Practices and Trade, and Fisheries Research. As mentioned, the
Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management
Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas forms an integral part of the Code.
The Code is voluntary. However, certain parts of it are based on relevant rules
of international law. The Code also contains provisions that may be or have already
been given binding effect by means of other obligatory legal instruments amongst the
6 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

The twenty-eighth session of the Conference in Resolution 4/95 adopted the Code
of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries on 31 October 1995. The same Resolution
requested FAO inter alia to elaborate appropriate technical guidelines in support of the
implementation of the Code. This technical paper has been developed in this context.

1. Foreword

The conservation and management of sea cucumbers are of paramount importance

because these animals fulfil an important role in marine ecosystems and are a significant
source of income to many coastal communities worldwide (Conand, 1990; Conand
and Byrne, 1994). The current grave status (see Glossary) of sea cucumber stocks in
numerous countries can be attributed to three broad causes: rampant exploitation,
ever-increasing market demand and inadequacy of fishery management. The unique life
history traits of holothurians (e.g.low or infrequent recruitment, great longevity and
density-dependent reproductive success) also make these species especially vulnerable
to overfishing.
The vulnerability of sea cucumber populations to local extinction and the risk of
long-term loss of fishery productivity have prompted several international and regional
meetings of expert scientists and fishery managers in recent years. In 2003, FAO hosted
a technical workshop, Advances in sea cucumber aquaculture and management, and
published a report with technical papers and recommendations for fishery management
(Lovatelli et al., 2004). The Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) also ran a technical workshop, in 2004 in
Malaysia, entitled Conservation of sea cucumbers in the families Holothuridae and
Stichopodidae, providing scientific justification and urging for the immediate need of
conservation and sustainable exploitation of sea cucumbers (Conand, 2004, 2006a, 2006b;
Bruckner, 2006a). In 2006, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
(ACIAR) organized a workshop to produce a simple guidebook to help Pacific fishery
managers to diagnose the health of their sea cucumber fisheries and develop appropriate
management plans (Friedman et al., 2008a). The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science
Association (WIOMSA) also funded a Marine Science for Management (MASMA)
project to study the biology, socio-economics and management of sea cucumber
fisheries to assist Western Indian Ocean countries (Conand and Muthiga, 2007).
A common recommendation from these international meetings is to help improve
national fisheries management. Resource managers need prescriptive advice on
what management regulations and activities are best for sea cucumber fisheries.
Unfortunately, few guidebooks exist at present on managing sea cucumber fisheries,
leaving fishery managers with a subjective task of drawing on management principles
based on other resources. In addition, sea cucumber fisheries differ greatly in scale,
cultural setting, socio-economic structure, fishing methods and in the technical
capacity of the management bodies.
To meet these challenges, FAO carried out a global project on sea cucumber
fisheries. The major objective was to review the global status of sea cucumber stocks
and to provide support tools to improve their conservation and sustainable exploitation
(Toral-Granda, Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008). An international workshop was
convened in November 2007 in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galpagos (Ecuador)
to identify management measures best suited to sea cucumber fisheries. The present
technical paper is the main output of that workshop.
The purpose of this technical paper is to contribute to improved and effective
management and governance of sea cucumber fisheries around the world through
successful implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). It presents
best-practice management measures applicable to most fisheries and provides examples
and situation-specific measures that may be used in some scenarios. Drawing on
lessons described in the Regional Reviews of sea cucumber fisheries (Toral-Granda,
8 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Above: Participants of the FAO workshop at the Charles Darwin Foundation Research Station,
Galpagos, November 2007

Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008), practical examples are presented across a diverse
array of fisheries from tropical and temperate regions. Notably, this technical paper
aims to assist fisheries managers in choosing regulations and action plans to maintain
and restore the productive capacity and biodiversity of sea cucumber stocks and fishery
ecosystems, while considering their role in the livelihoods of fishers.
The technical paper is intended for fishery managers, development and extension
agencies, enforcement and trade agencies, policy officers, educated fishers and
special-interest groups. It is a decision-support tool for the development of fisheries
management plans and strategies for biodiversity conservation. The paper embraces an
ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) (FAO, 2003) by recognizing the importance
of sea cucumbers to rural coastal livelihoods and the socio-economic impacts of
management measures. In this context, fisheries management must find a sensible
balance between the need to optimize long-term benefits to fishers and the conservation
of resource biodiversity. These trade-offs were discussed among the expert biologists,
sociologists and resource managers at the Galpagos Workshop.
Aligned with the EAF, the Galpagos workshop evaluated potential actions
the agencies responsible for fisheries management, monitoring, surveillance and
enforcement may take and the scientific knowledge needed to support management
decisions. The technical paper is therefore designed for a wide readership, and not just
for fisheries managers. It also provides discussion of the utility of CITES listing for the
conservation of threatened or depleted holothurian species.
Although our understanding of how sea cucumber fisheries should be managed has
come a long way in the past decade, much progress is still needed. Whereas Friedman
et al. (2008a) provide a quick guide for alerting managers to problems in their fisheries
and directing them to appropriate regulatory measures and actions, the present technical
paper give a comprehensive roadmap with more detailed explanations and examples.
However, this technical paper is not a completed recipe book. Rather, if needs to be
seen as a work in progress and represent our current position along the road to
developing sustainable management systems for these very important resources.

2. Sea cucumber fisheries

2.1 Biology and ecology

There are six taxonomic orders of holothurians but most commercial species belong to
the Aspidochirotida and a few to the Dendrochirotida order (Conand, 2006a). Reviews
of the biology and ecology of commercial sea cucumbers are widely available (Conand,
1990; Hamel et al., 2001; Conand, 2006a). Only a brief overview is therefore presented
here, with particular reference to fisheries management.
Commercial sea cucumbers are predominantly gonochoric; that is, they exist as
males or females. However, a few species are known to be hermaphroditic (combining
both sexes in the same individual). In most gonochoric species, it is not possible
to distinguish males from females by their outer appearance, but sea cucumber
populations generally present 1:1 sex ratios. The majority of sea cucumbers are
broadcast spawners, releasing sperms and oocytes (unfertilized eggs) directly into
the water column. Females can release thousands to millions of oocytes in a single
spawning event. The motile sperm cells (spermatozoa) have to swim to find and
fertilise the oocytes. Fertilisation success is, therefore, maximized where males and
females are relatively close to each other. The release of gametes, i.e.oocytes and sperm,
by adults is generally triggered by environmental cues (e.g. certain tidal conditions,
lunar phases, temperature fluctuations) and chemical cues from other individuals of
the same species. For example, the chemical signature of sperm released by males
is suspected to be sensed by down-current females, which then release eggs to mix in
proximity with the sperm.
Reproductive cycles are variable among species, but most tropical species tend to
have a peak in spawning activity around the early summer months (Conand, 1993;
Conand, 2008; Kinch et al., 2008a). Fewer species, like Holothuria whitmaei, spawn
primarily in the cooler months of the year. Some commercial sea cucumbers can
spawn several times per year or periodically every month, such as Isosticopus fuscus
in Ecuador (Mercier, Ycaza and Hamel, 2007) and Holothuria scabra in the Solomon
Islands (Hamel et al., 2001). Temperate species, like Cucumaria frondosa in Canada,
usually spawn once a year in spring or early summer (Hamel and Mercier, 1996)
(Figure 1). In addition to sexual reproduction, about 10 species reproduce asexually
by dividing in the middle of the body; both halves re-grow necessary organs and form
clones of the original individual. This mode of reproduction by transverse fission, as it
is called, may or may not occur in different seasons than sexual reproduction among
the various species (Uthicke, 1997; Conand, 2006a).
The oocytes of most commercial species of sea cucumbers are small, generally under
200 m in diameter, and more or less neutrally buoyant when released in the water
column (Mercier, Hidalgo and Hamel, 2004; Agudo, 2006). However, commercial
species from temperate regions may possess large yolky buoyant oocytes that can
measure up to 1 mm in diameter (Hamel and Mercier, 1996). In the case of tropical
species with small oocytes, fertilized eggs will develop quickly into free-swimming
larvae, sometimes in less than one day. These larvae will feed on microalgae until
metamorphosis (whereas dendrochirotid sea cucumber species can have non-feeding,
or lecithotrophic, larvae) (Figure 2). The larvae spend a couple to several weeks
in the water column before transforming to the final larval stage that can settle on
various substrata, depending on the species (, dead corals, algae, seagrass or
10 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Spawning in sea cucumbers. Left: a female Cucumaria frondosa spawning in captivity.
The orange, tightly packed, cylinders of oocytes have been expelled and will be fertilised
externally by sperm released from males. Right: a male Bohadschia marmorata stands erect
in a tropical seagrass bed and releases sperm, which disperses into the water column
PHOTO: A. Mercier and J.-F. Hamel

PHOTO: A. Desurmont
The ecology of sea cucumber larvae is poorly understood (Conand, 2006a), but
it is likely that their movement in the water column, particularly vertically, mediates
their dispersal to new sites. Genetic studies indicate that large-scale larval dispersal
exists for some species (Uthicke and Benzie, 2000). But evidence suggests that
dispersal is relatively restricted for some other species, resulting in genetic differences
in populations over relatively short distances (Uthicke and Benzie, 2001; Uthicke
and Purcell, 2004). Some species are therefore more likely to provide larvae to renew
populations on distant habitats, while other species seem to self-recruit and supply
larvae to neighbouring sites. For reasons not yet clear, even populations of species

Embryonic and larval development of sea cucumbers. Upper photos: the dendrochirote
sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa. Upper left: the blastula stage, 0.9 mm, just 40 h
after fertilisation. Upper centre: the pentactula larval stage, 1.3 mm long, 45 weeks
after fertilisation. Upper right: a juvenile, 2.5 mm long, 3 months old. Lower photos: the
aspidochirote sea cucumber Isostichopus fuscus. Lower left: the doliolaria larval stage,
ca.0.6 mm long. Lower centre: ventral view of a fully developed auricularia larval stage,
ca.1mm long. Lower right: newly settled juvenile, measuring 1.5 mm in length
PHOTOS: J.-F. Hamel and A. Mercier
Sea cucumber fisheries 11

with widely dispersing larvae can be slow to recover from moderate to high rates of
exploitation (Uthicke, 2004; Uthicke, Welch and Benzie, 2004). For the Pacific black
teatfish Holothuria whitmaei, a fishing rate of just 5 percent of virgin biomass per
year still lead to depletion of breeding stocks (Uthicke, 2004). Evidence from other
populations that have failed to recover from heavy fishing pressure also stresses that
sea cucumbers are prone to extirpation (local extinction of stocks) and management
measures should curtail fishing to conservative rates.
Growth in sea cucumbers has been difficult to assess (Conand, 1990) because
they are not amenable to conventional tagging methods (Purcell, Blockmans and
Nash, 2006). However, some growth rates in the wild are available from studies using
modal progression analysis, genetic fingerprinting, and the release and monitoring of
juveniles. Some species, like the sandfish Holothuria scabra are relatively fast growing
when young (Purcell and Kirby, 2006), reaching the size at first maturity (~180 g) in
a year or so but take another couple years to reach an acceptable market size (Purcell
and Simutoga, 2008). Similarly, Shelley (1985) estimated growth to be 14 g month-1 for
H. scabra and 1927 g month-1 for Actinopyga echinites. Uthicke (1994) found modest
weight gain in Stichopus chloronotus of 7080 g year-1, and Franklin (1980) showed
that their growth slows once individuals become large. Growth of other species like
H. whitmaei appears slow, in the order of 80170 g yr-1, and large animals can shrink
during certain periods (Uthicke and Benzie, 2002; Uthicke, Welch and Benzie, 2004). A
study of A. echinites in southern Japan (Wiedemeyer, 1992) also found slow weight gain
of small juveniles. It may thus take some species many years to reach commercial sizes.
For example, the cold-temperate species Cucumaria frondosa from the North Atlantic
was estimated to reach commercial size after 10 years (Hamel and Mercier, 1996).
Longevity has been estimated at 1015 years for Actinopyga mauritiana, A. echinites
and Thelenota ananas but only 5 years or so for Stichopus chloronotus (Conand, 1989).
The results of Uthicke et al. (2004) led them to suggest that H. whitmaei are rather
long-lived, potentially in the range of several decades. Field studies therefore indicate
that many populations turnover relatively slowly and may not support high rates
of fishing or be amenable to rotational harvest-closures that require fast growth of
animals after pulses of harvesting.
Sea cucumbers are rather sluggish, in terms of their rates of displacement and can be
regarded as sedentary. Some migration from settlement habitats to adult habitats has
been reported for some species (Reichenbach, 1999; Hamel and Mercier, 1996; Hamel
etal., 2001). The limited long-term displacements of sea cucumber, compared to highly
mobile species like fishes, give advantages to using marine reserves and no-take zones
to protect breeding populations as sources of egg supply for fishing grounds. Marine
reserves can be relatively small but in a network if the intended resources do not migrate
in and out of the reserves easily (Sale et al., 2005). Work using a DNA fingerprinting
technique shows that only few Pacific black teatfish migrated 90 m between study sites
during one year (Uthicke, Welch and Benzie, 2004). Field measurements of various
sized animals and subsequent modelling suggest that sandfish H. scabra will mostly
remain within a few hundred metres of their settlement locations over a 10year time
span (Purcell and Kirby, 2006). These studies suggest that marine reserves need not be
very large for protecting breeding populations of sea cucumbers for long periods. If
simply for sea cucumbers and other sedentary or sessile invertebrates, no-take reserves
of perhaps 50300 hectares (0.53 km2) could be sufficient.
Most of the commercial sea cucumbers are deposit feeders that consume detritus,
bacteria and diatoms mixed with sediments on the seabed (Conand, 2006a) (Figure3).
Those species on hard reef surfaces mop up the particulate organic matter that coats
rocks and benthic vegetation (Figure3). Just a few commercial species are suspension
feeders (Hamel and Mercier, 2008a). Holothurians are therefore a low-food chain
group and help to recycle detritus. Some species bury in sediments and are so believed
12 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Sea cucumbers feeding on organic detritus and microalgae. Left: Holothuria coluber
with cream-coloured tentacles extended, feeding on detritus in sediments. Right:
Pearsonothuria graeffei with black tentacles extended to collect microalgae and detritus
on a hard reef surface


to help oxygenate upper sediment layers and play a role in bioturbation (Purcell, 2004a;
Wolkenhauer et al., 2009).
Sea cucumbers are prey to a vast array of predators (Francour, 1997). In particular,
invertebrate predators like sea stars, crabs and some gastropods are often reported
as the culprits of mortalities. A short-term study on released sandfish shows that
juveniles are prone to being eaten readily by a range of fishes (Dance, Lane and Bell,
2003). Some birds, turtles and marine mammals are also believed to eat sea cucumbers
on occasion. However, some species develop passive or active mechanisms of defence
(e.g.Holothuria atra, Holothuria leucospilota, Cucumaria frondosa) that have proved
to be efficient predator deterrents.

2.2 Beche-de-mer market

Sea cucumbers have been eaten by Chinese and other Asians for centuries for their
curative and dietary properties (Conand, 1990, 2006a, 2006b). They were recorded as
a tonic food as early as the Ming Dynasty (13681644 AD) (Chen, 2004). Foods are
often first used by Chinese to treat ailments and disease, before powdered or chemical
medicines. Many Asians believe that sea cucumbers can help reduce joint pain and
arthritis, help restore correct intestinal and urinary function, reinforce the immune
system and can treat certain cancers (Chen, 2004). To a lesser extent, sea cucumbers may
also be eaten as aphrodisiacs. They are rich in protein and contain mucopolysaccharides
and chondroitin sulphate, known in western medicines as treatments for arthritis and
joint ailments. This correspondence with western medicine gives credit to the use of sea
cucumbers in traditional Asian dietary medicines.
In the past, sea cucumbers were eaten by Asians wealthy enough to afford them for
health treatments, or served as delicacies during festive periods such as the Chinese
New Year. More recently, Chinese and other Asians have started to eat sea cucumbers
more regularly, owing to increased affluence and greater disposable income for luxury
foods (Figure4). This increased demand is the primary cause of inflated prices of sea
cucumbers globally and the driver of increased exploitation of stocks.
The main import markets are traditionally China, Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region (SAR), Singapore and Taiwan Province of China. Recently, the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) has also become important. All of these markets are also major
re-exporting centres (Conand, 2004, 2006b, 2008). China, Hong Kong SAR is the
major world market. Although China is the main consuming country, sea cucumbers
are also appreciated in Southeast Asian countries and by Asians residing abroad
(Ferdhouse, 2004).
Sea cucumber fisheries 13

Left: sea cucumbers served as a sauced dish in China. Right: wartless variety Namako
(Apostichopus japonicus) from Kobe, Japan
PHOTO: S.W. Purcell

PHOTO: J. Akamine
Fresh or live animals are called sea cucumbers or holothurians, but they are usually
gutted, boiled and dried before being exported to Asian markets. It is the dried body
wall that is called beche-de-mer, meaning spade of the sea, or trepang or
haishen. Once purchased, beche-de-mer is reconstituted by gentle boiling then eaten
in sauced dishes or soups. Sea cucumbers are also used in Malaysia in a wide range of
products including oral jellies, body creams, shampoo and toothpaste (Choo, 2008a).
Because they are a luxury food item and one that apparently delivers curative benefits,
it is unlikely that the global market will wane over time, particularly if consumer
affluence in China continues to rise.
The price of beche-de-mer varies greatly among species and also within species
depending on the size of the animal and the care in which it was processed. Larger
animals generally command a higher price per kilogram than smaller ones. The
Japanese sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, can fetch more than USD300 kg-1
(dried) at retail markets, if the animals are in a perfect, presentable, state (Figure 5).
Some tropical species, particularly the sandfish Holothuria scabra and golden sandfish
Holothuria lessoni (Massin et al., 2009) can fetch almost an equivalent price for large,
well-processed specimens. However, some low-value species or animals poorly
processed would sell for a small fraction of this price.

Left: the Japanese sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus on sale in transparent bins and
gift boxes in a market in Dalian, China. Right: price tag on a bin of dried high-quality
A.japonicus; equivalent to USD460 per kg
14 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

2.3 Fishery types

Sea cucumber fisheries are diverse in terms of ecological attributes of species, modes of
exploitation, fishery history, socio-economic structures and capacity for management
and enforcement (Toral-Granda, Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008). They are often
small-scale fisheries in the way the animals are harvested, mainly comprising fishers
that collect sea cucumbers by wading or skin diving in shallow waters (Choo, 2008a;
Conand, 2008; Kinch et al., 2008a) (Figure6). In developed countries, sea cucumber
fisheries are commonly industrialized, with fishing companies owning larger boats
operated by teams of fishers, sometimes with sophisticated fishing gear (Bruckner,
2006c; Hamel and Mercier, 2008a) (Figure 7; Section 5.2). Greater and greater fleet
capacity has also been an increasing theme for smaller fisheries as prices of beche-de-
mer have become lucrative (Toral-Granda, 2008b; Kinch et al., 2008a).

Artisanal small-scale fisher in Mindanao, Philippines. Women (left) and men (centre) fish
from small canoes and gather sea cucumbers in shallow water using only a mask and
fins. A sea cucumber fisher in Tomini Bay, Sulawesi, Indonesia, (right) wearing simple,
homemade, goggles
PHOTOs: R. Gamboa (left and right)

PHOTO: J. Akamine

Figure 7
Industrialized fishing in eastern Canada for Cucumaria frondosa. Sea cucumbers are
collected using a drag net (see Examples and lessons learned in Section5.2) then
dumped into a sorting tray on the fishing vessel where undersized sea cucumbers and
bycatch, like sea urchins and sea stars, are removed and returned to the sea
PHOTOS: L. Barrett
Sea cucumber fisheries 15

The problems confronting small-scale and industrial fisheries are different. Small-
scale fisheries often comprise a large number of lowincome fishers (see Kinch
et al., 2008a,b; Choo, 2008a,b), who collect sea cucumbers out of tradition or as an
occupation of last resort in times of economic hardship. In both cases, fishers show
great reluctance or inability to cease fishing, even when sea cucumber populations
become depleted. These fishers often lack formal education and live in remote areas
so that they are hardly known by management agencies, making the job of working
with them to implement sustainable fishing practices very difficult (see Conand and
Muthiga, 2007; Rasolofonirina, 2007; Kinch et al., 2008b; Choo, 2008b). On the other
hand, industrial-scale fishers are more commonly capable to switch to other resources
and are easily contactable by fisheries agencies. But their great capital investment in
boats and fishing gear means they must continue high rates of exploitation to cover
financial loans and operating costs.
Most of the sea cucumber fisheries in the world are multispecies in nature (Toral-
Granda, Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008). There are over 60 species known to be
exploited commercially and traded around the world (Toral-Granda, Lovatelli and
Vasconcellos, 2008; Annex10.1). Fisheries in the tropics tend to comprise many species
(Figure 8). This is particularly true for those in the Western Pacific, Southeast Asia
and the Indian Ocean, where 2030 species can be fished and exported from a single
country (Choo, 2008a; Conand, 2008; Kinch et al., 2008a). In contrast, temperate
fisheries are more or less mono-specific (Conand, 2004, 2006a; Bruckner, 2006c; Hamel
and Mercier, 2008a,b).
The habitats where sea cucumbers are fished also vary widely among various
fisheries. Commercial species in the tropics are mostly fished on shallow coral reefs
(Figure9), tropical lagoons and inshore seagrass beds. Those in temperate waters can
be found on rocky substrata or soft sediments, mostly in deeper waters (Figure 9).
Some species seem to strongly prefer complex reef habitats (e.g.Actinopyga lecanora;
Stichopus chloronotus) or wave-exposed areas (e.g. Actinopyga mauritiana), making
them accessible only to skindivers. In contrast, species in temperate waters may occur
to depths exceeding 50 m (e.g.Cucumaria frondosa; Hamel and Mercier, 2008a,b) and
are mostly fished with drag nets (Figure7).
The technical capacity and human resources of fisheries agencies also vary widely
among sea cucumber fisheries. Developed countries, such as Canada, the United States
of America and Australia, have relatively greater capacity to conduct monitoring and
analyses on fisheries and biological data and in the development and compliance of
fisheries management regulations. Management measures therefore tend to be more
sophisticated. In developing countries, capacity constraints limit the ability to develop

Left: a mixed catch of sea cucumbers on a fishing boat in the Seychelles. Right: at least six
species of dried sea cucumber with a sales receipt in Mindanao, Philippines
PHOTO: R. Aumeeruddy

PHOTO: R. Gamboa
16 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Figure 9
Left: a tropical sea cucumber (Actinopyga mauritiana) in shallow, complex, coral reef
habitat, too inaccessible for fishing with trawl gear. Right: a temperate species (Cucumaria
frondosa) at depth, on a substrate of coarse sand and shellgrit

PHOTO: J.-F. Hamel and A. Mercier

PHOTO: S.W. Purcell

or effectively implement complex management measures (e.g.individual transferrable

quota schemes) or to conduct rigorous monitoring of fishery stocks. Countries in Asia
generally lack management measures and the two largest exporters of sea cucumbers,
Indonesia and the Philippines, do not have widespread management systems for their
sea cucumber fisheries (Choo, 2008a).
The level of access rights to fishing grounds or specific resources is another factor
varying among fisheries. For example, the sea cucumber fishery in western Canada and
the Great Barrier Reef in Australia are divided into delineated fishing areas allocated to
particular licensed fishing companies (Hamel and Mercier, 2008b; Kinch et al., 2008a).
The fishers can leave smaller adults while fishing, knowing that they have sole rights
to collect them in subsequent seasons. In contrast, open access fisheries such as the
Philippines or Madagascar are plagued with the tragedy of the commons (Hardin,
1968) whereby fishers even collect small adult and juvenile sea cucumbers because they
will be fished by their neighbour if left behind (Choo, 2008b; Conand, 2008).
The wide diversity of sea cucumber fisheries makes it impossible to prescribe a
one-size-fits-all template for management. There are, nonetheless, some regulatory
measures that are appropriate for most fisheries and some actions that all fishery
managers should undertake for implementing management (Section 4). Before
proceeding to appraise the merits of potential management tools, managers must first
set appropriate objectives, in line with precautionary principles and a holistic approach
to management, and diagnose the fishery, in terms of its ecological and social attributes
(Sections 3.4 to 3.6).

2.4 Global status

Sea cucumbers are fished worldwide, particularly in tropical regions (Conand and
Byrne, 1994; Conand, 2006b; Toral-Granda, Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008).
Fisheries exist in warm waters from East Africa to South and Central America, and in
temperate waters of the Mediterranean and in the North Pacific and North Atlantic
Oceans. Most of these fisheries have existed for centuries, especially those in Asia
(Choo, 2008a), the Pacific Islands (Kinch et al., 2008a) and the Indian Ocean (Conand,
2008). The Western Central Pacific and Asia are the predominant regions exporting
beche-de-mer. Some fisheries are relatively new or in the process of development, such
as those in Latin America (Toral-Granda, 2008a), North America and Europe (Hamel
and Mercier, 2008a).
The total volume of global harvests is difficult to collate for many reasons: not all
countries declare sea cucumbers separately in trade statistics of marine invertebrates;
some countries import and re-export; and some animals are exported as salted or
Sea cucumber fisheries 17

frozen, representing about half of the original whole animal weight, whereas most
others are exported dried, representing roughly 510 percent of the live animal weight
(Ferdhouse, 2004; Conand, 2006b). Including catches of sea cucumbers in countries
where they are eaten, the total global catch of sea cucumbers is in the order of 100000
tonnes of live animals annually (considering that some trade statistics are not dried
animals; c.f. Vannuccini, 2004). At the beginning of the new millennium, about 6000
tonnes of processed (i.e.mostly dried) animals were exported to Asian markets, worth
over USD130 million (Vannuccini, 2004).
Countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific are traditionally the main sources
of wild-caught sea cucumbers (Conand, 1990; Ferdhouse, 2004). A decade ago, the
leading exporters were Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Republic
of Korea, the United States of America, Solomon Islands, Fiji Islands, Madagascar,
Australia and New Caledonia. However, this appears to have changed radically in
recent years as some fisheries have been depleted and others have developed or are
expanding (Toral-Granda, Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008).
Recent reviews of sea cucumber fisheries from around the world suggest that many
are overexploited, some are depleted and a few are nascent fisheries with relatively
healthy stocks (Toral-Granda, Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008). In the Indian Ocean,
more than half of the sea cucumber fisheries are considered overexploited (Conand,
2008). Excessive fishing has caused local extinction of breeding populations of some
species and a collapse of other stocks in Egypt (Hasan, 2005) and depleted stocks to
oblige a complete moratoria on fishing in India (Conand, 2008). Moratoria on fishing
have been set in mainland Tanzania and Mayotte (France).
Throughout much of Asia, fisheries have been overexploited and populations are
severely depleted for high-value species such as Holothuria fuscogilva, H. whitmaei,
H. scabra and Thelenota ananas (Choo, 2008a). Field surveys indicate that some
high-value species have also been fished to reproductive extinction in some regions
of Indonesia, Viet Nam and the Philippines (Choo, 2008a,b). Fishery managers in
Asian countries confront difficult challenges to deal with the sheer number of fishers,
their poverty and dependence on aquatic resources, and limited technical capacity and
human resources for implementing sustainable management.
In the Western Central Pacific, the vast majority of countries have exported sea
cucumbers in recent years. Catches have dwindled to insignificant levels in most
Polynesian countries (Kinch et al., 2008a). Although Papua New Guinea was recently
exporting hundreds of tonnes of beche-de-mer each year, the catch shifted to low-value
species in recent years and there is compelling evidence from field surveys that stocks
of high-value species have been fished to local extinction in some localities (Kinch et
al., 2008b). Overfishing prompted the recent closure of national fisheries in Vanuatu
and Solomon Islands, which had both exported large volumes for the past two decades
(Kinch et al., 2008a). In 2009, depleting breeding stocks prompted a national moratorium
to close the entire sea cucumber fishery of Papua New Guinea, a country traditionally
among the top three global exporters of beche-de-mer. Six fisheries operate in Australia,
but several valuable species are currently banned from fishing due to overexploitation,
even from within the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean started in the past two decades and
have mostly been unsustainable (Toral-Granda, 2008a). One exception is the lucrative
sea cucumber fishery in Cuba which, by all accounts, remains sustainable. After some
years of heavy fishing, moratoria were imposed in fisheries of Costa Rica, mainland
Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela. In Mexico, stocks of the valuable Isostichopus fuscus
were fished to about 2 percent of the pre-fishing biomass (Toral-Granda, 2008a). In
the World Heritage-listed Galpagos Islands, I. fuscus has been overexploited and
the fishery has been the centre of aggressive demonstrations by fishers over stricter
management regulations (Toral-Granda, 2008b).
18 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Temperate sea cucumber fisheries of the Northern Hemisphere are commonly

based on one of about five or six key species (Hamel and Mercier, 2008a). Temperate
fisheries exist in the United States of America, Canada, Iceland, the Russian Federation,
Japan and recently in parts of Scandinavia. Fisheries for species within the genus
Parastichopus involve divers and have been active for almost 40 years. Those for
Cucumaria species use drag nets from ships and are recent or in an exploratory phase
(Hamel and Mercier, 2008a). Exploitation rates are increasing but fishery managers are
mostly employing conservative measures. Some stocks are sizeable, like those of the
temperate-polar Cucumaria frondosa in eastern Canada, and novel processing methods
have been pioneered to use organs and muscle bands as well as the body walls of the
animals, to countervail its low value as beche-de-mer (Hamel and Mercier, 2008b).
Of particular note, aquaculture in China for the cold-water A. japonicus has boomed
in the past 15 years (Chen, 2004). Mass production of this species through aquaculture
of juveniles in hatcheries and growout of adults in ponds and on artificial reefs currently
rivals the total global wild captures in volume (Figure10). Surprisingly, this does not
seem to have dampened prices of the wild-caught tropical species.

Left: a commercial diver ready to collect sea cucumbers from artificial reefs in front of a
hatchery for A. japonicus in Dalian, China. Right: A. japonicus harvested by the diver from
an artificial reef previously stocked with cultured juveniles

PHOTO: S.W. Purcell

PHOTO: J. Akamine

3. Fisheries management principles

and approaches

3.1 The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

Through partners in fisheries management, the FAO developed the Code of Conduct
for Responsible Fisheries (1995). Although the Code is not legally binding, it sets out a
list of principles for behavior and practices towards responsible stewardship of marine
resources and their environments. (Note, though, that some principles of the Code
reiterate those that may have been given a binding effect in international agreements or
other legal instruments). It advocates the principles to be followed by all actors in all
fisheries, from fishers to processors, exporters, biologists and managers.
The Code urges managers to take actions to ensure that resource values, e.g. the
abundance and diversity of marine animals, are maintained for future generations.
It covers recommendations for the behaviour and actions of States (and centralized
management agencies) pertaining to, but not exclusive of, the following:
proper management of marine resources,
collection of data and provision of advice,
exercising a precautionary approach to resource use and management,
implementation and enforcement of management measures,
controls over fishing practices,
development of aquaculture and caution to translocation of stocks,
actions to ensure proper post-harvest processing of marine animals,
monitoring and control of international trade of marine products, and
support for all aspects of research needed to understand and manage stocks.
Specific references are made to articles of the Code later in this paper. Nonetheless,
some general recommendations are pertinent to sea cucumber fisheries and worth
highlighting, and are paraphrased below:
States are urged to prevent overfishing and excess fishing capacity and to
ensure that fishing effort is commensurate with the productive capacity of the
Conservation and management decisions should be made using the best scientific
information available, and managing institutions should take responsibility
to conduct or promote research into all aspects needed for responsible
States (or managing institutions) should also monitor fishing activities regularly and
use results from analyses of fishery-dependent data in management decisions.
Through education and training of fishers, States (or fisheries agencies) should
promote awareness of responsible fishing practices and processing methods that
add value to their catch in environmentally responsible ways and in order to
minimize discard.
The rights of indigenous and small-scale fishers should be respected and
States should ensure compliance with, and enforcement of, conservation and
management measures.
The capacity of developing countries in applying various articles of the Code
should be taken into account.
20 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

3.2 The Precautionary Approach

There are a couple indisputable tenets about fisheries that underlay the precautionary
approach. Fishing activities impact resource stocks and can reduce populations to low
levels at which reproduction becomes ineffective. Fishing activities can also affect the
environment, albeit indirectly in some sea cucumber fisheries, and one cannot assume
that these impacts will not lead to long-term change.
The precautionary approach recognizes that undesirable changes in fisheries
systems, like depletion of certain stocks, are usually only restored slowly (FAO, 1996).
Therefore, where the impacts of fishing on the resource or environment are uncertain,
managers and decision-makers should err on the conservative (or precautionary)
side or fisheries management to avoid situations where the productive capacity of the
resource, or the health of the environment, is diminished. The precautionary principle
thus assumes that a conservative duty of care is exercised in fisheries management
(Grafton, Kompass and Hilborn, 2007). A key principle in the precautionary approach
is that The absence of adequate scientific information should not be used as a reason for
postponing or failing to take conservation and management measures (FAO, 1995).
Fishery managers should also take the following actions:
Develop management plans that indicate which management measures are to
be applied and the circumstances under which the measures should be changed,
i.e.decision control rules (FAO, 1996; Hindson, et al., 2005).
Take necessary corrective measures, without delay, in cases where the resource or
environment has been impacted by fishing activities, giving priority to restoring
the stocks to productive levels.
Set in place mechanisms for adapting regulatory measures in the light of unexpected
events. Establish legal or social management frameworks for fisheries.
Define the objectives of the fishery and set measurable targets in a precautionary
manner, e.g. by setting fishing mortality lower than the level required for the
maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of the stock (FAO, 1996).
Ensure that the harvesting and processing capacity is commensurate with the
sustainable levels of the resource and that fishers report on their activities.
The precautionary approach urges States (i.e. fishery managers) to take into
account uncertainties related to the size and productivity of the stocks (FAO, 1995).
For sea cucumbers, this is particularly important because there is yet clear scientific
evidence to reliably predict the productivity of most species and populations. The
studies from which we can gain some understanding of the dynamics of sea cucumber
populations (e.g.Uthicke, 2004; Uthicke, Welch and Benzie, 2004; Hearn et al., 2005;
Lincoln-Smith et al., 2006; Skewes et al., 2006) point towards sporadic, or infrequent,
recruitment and/or low productivity for many species. Therefore, managers should not
use management tools that assume regular recruitment of sea cucumbers or that stocks
will recover quickly if fished down.

3.3 The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries

Ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) arose from the global awakening to the
shortcomings in managing fisheries by focusing primarily on the resource (i.e. fish
or sea cucumbers) or so called target resource-orientated management (TROM).
The broad purpose of the EAF is to accommodate societal expectations and needs
into management without threatening the options for future generations to gain from
the goods and services of resource ecosystems (FAO, 2003). The EAF strives to find
a satisfactory balance between ecosystem conservation, which focuses on protecting
biophysical components and processes of ecosystems, and fisheries management that
focuses on providing food and income for peoples livelihoods by managing fishing
Fisheries management principles and approaches 21

The EAF requires consideration of the potential direct and indirect effects of fishing
on the dynamics of the ecosystem and potential cumulative impacts from different
fisheries. But this does not mean that fishery managers must understand the structure
and function of entire ecosystems to implement effective ecosystem-based management
(Jennings, 2004). What it does mean is that a variety of factors influencing the stocks
and their resilience to human impacts (e.g. fishing, habitat degradation and other
threats to marine ecosystems such as climate change and ocean acidification) should be
considered in decision-making about regulatory measures and actions. The ecosystem
approach to fisheries is somewhat of a misnomer because it goes much further than
just expanding management considerations to marine ecosystems. Rather, the EAF
attempts to deal with fisheries in a holistic way through the recognition of wider
economic, social and cultural benefits that can be derived from fisheries resources and
their ecosystems (FAO, 2003) (Figure11).
In small-scale fisheries, like sea cucumber fisheries, Andrew et al. (2007) stress that
humans must be considered within fishery ecosystems rather than apart from them. A
common theme to the concept of EAF is to include fishers and other actors, in the
decision-making process and implementation of fisheries management. Conand (1990,
2006b) noted that sea cucumbers are important to the livelihoods of coastal fishers,
particularly in developing countries, so socio-economic issues in these fisheries should
be recognized and incorporated into management. By considering humans (especially
fishers, processors, exporters) in ecosystem management, appropriate incentives can be
devised to stop the race-for-fish and reduce other problems of classical top-down
fisheries management (Hilborn, 2004). In this sense, the EAF promotes institutions for
co-management and community-based management of marine resources (discussed in
Section 6.2.1).
The ecosystem approach to fisheries is a set of guiding principles and commitments.
Operationalizing the fundamental concepts within the ecosystem approach, i.e.putting
it into action, has proven difficult (Andrew et al., 2007). As Jennings (2004) put it, the
success of an ecosystem approach will depend on whether these high-level and somewhat
abstract commitments can be turned into specific, tractable and effective management
actions. Making the EAF operational requires managers to identify broad and
specific objectives, set measurable reference points (e.g. certain minimum densities
for sea cucumber populations), develop rules about how to apply and adapt fishery

Figure 11
The ecosystem approach to fisheries involves the overlap of several key management

Stock Biodiversity
producvity conservaon

22 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

regulations and objectively evaluate the performance of management plans through

monitoring (FAO, 2003; Sections3.4 and 3.5). All of this needs to be done with greater
involvement of stakeholders (e.g.Sections6.2.2 and 6.6) and capacity building of local
institutions (Section6.2.1).

3.4 Management objectives, indicators and reference points

The path to failure in fisheries, and fisheries interventions, is often paved with the
initial ambiguity over the objectives of management. Objectives are statements
of the intended outcomes of the fishery management plan (FAO, 2003; Hindson,
et al., 2005). A management plan may have, for instance, six to twelve overarching
objectives. Defining objectives helps to align choices for regulatory measures and
actions undertaken by management institutions and affixes the goalposts for judging
management success.
The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995) outlines that objectives
should provide safeguards for fisheries stocks, the socio-economic interests of fishers
and other stakeholders, and the integrity of the ecosystems. Hindson et al. (2005)
provide a practical step-by-step guide for developing a management plan and setting
objectives, indicators and reference points. Some common objectives are discussed
briefly below in the context of sea cucumber fisheries.

1. Biological: Managers should limit fishing capacity and fishing pressure so that stocks
remain economically and biologically viable (FAO, 1995). The most incipient threat
to commercial sea cucumbers is the depletion of breeding populations (Conand,
2006a), so these must be maintained at productive levels. The natural factory
that replenishes stocks after natural mortality and fishing is based on spawning of
males and females that are in sufficient densities (Friedman et al., 2008a). It has been
demonstrated that, for some species, successful [sexual] reproduction, in terms of
overall population growth, can only happen in relatively dense populations (Bell,
Purcell and Nash, 2008; Bell et al., 2008) (Section 2.1). An objective should be to
ensure that enough dense breeding populations of each species are maintained in
the fishery to allow for replenishment after losses through fishing. Measures should
provide that depleted stocks are allowed to recover or, where appropriate, are
rebuilt through restocking (FAO, 1995; Section 6.8).
Examples of biological objectives in sea cucumber fisheries:
To reduce total caches by 20percent within three years.
To ensure that there are some sites with breeding populations of at least XXX
individuals per hectare (depending on the species) for each commercial species
on at least one-quarter of reefs in the fishery.
To rebuild stocks in regions within the fishery where populations of commercial
species have fallen below XX individuals per hectare (species dependent).
2. Socio-economic: Fishing of sea cucumbers is important to the cultures of coastal
peoples; notably where they are used for subsistence (Kinch et al., 2008a; Eriksson,
2006). Management objectives should, therefore, state the need to safeguard the
cultural and economic interests of fishers and subsistence users (FAO, 1995). A
sensible objective is, therefore, to manage fishing impacts so that stocks are relatively
stable over time and can deliver sustained incomes to fishers (Purcell, Gossuin and
Agudo, 2009a). In the long term, this objective aligns with a key purpose of the
ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF); to ensure that future generations have
access to the full benefit of todays fisheries (FAO, 2003). Managers should also set
an objective to regulate fishing in order to prevent the need to close the fishery by
moratoria (or bans) because stocks have been overexploited. Other social interests
should be addressed, such as those of tourist operators, naturalists, conservation
groups and the general public.
Fisheries management principles and approaches 23

An economic objective should be to maximize the money earned by fishers

for each animal collected (see Section 6.7). This means preventing the capture of
small animals, for two reasons: (1) larger animals are more valuable because they
are heavier and prices are governed by weight, not numbers of individuals; and
(2) larger beche-de-mer command much higher prices than smaller pieces per
kilogram. For instance, a one kilogram animal may be worth ten times the value of
an animal harvested at 250 g. Minimum legal size limits can be a strategy to help
meet this objective (Section 5.1).
Examples of socio-economic objectives in sea cucumber fisheries:
To ensure that fishing for subsistence uses can continue for current and future
To increase by 30 percent the income gained by fishers per individual sea
cucumber harvested.
3. Environmental: Some of the objectives should seek to maintain biodiversity of sea
cucumber populations and the ecosystems in which they live. Such objectives would
require strategies to ensure that rare species, or those vulnerable to local extinction,
are preserved (Section 6.3.2) and that ecosystems are protected from damage (FAO,
1995). The management plan should seek to avoid adverse environmental impacts on
the resources and ecosystems through pollution, waste, catch of non-target species
and destructive fishing gear (FAO, 1995). In sea cucumber fisheries, regulations on
the size of trawl fishing gear or safe practices for disposing of the guts and waste
water from processing could be set to achieve this objective.
Examples of environmental objectives in sea cucumber fisheries:
To ensure that benthic habitats are not damaged by fishing activities.
To increase the biodiversity of sea cucumber populations in each region by
In addition to these broad categories, managers may have other objectives. For
example, political objectives could be set to avoid conflicts and social discord between
interest groups (Hilborn, 2006). Most governments want to avoid legal battles and
public conflicts in fisheries, e.g. aggressive protests by sea cucumber fishers in the
Galpagos Islands (Shepherd et al., 2004).
Broad objectives should be translated into operational objectives that have
practical meaning in the context of the fishery and against which the performance of
management strategies can be evaluated (FAO, 2003). For example, a broad objective
could be to ensure that sufficient breeding populations are maintained in the fishery,
and the operational objective could define the desired densities and frequency of
breeding populations, as illustrated in the example above. In harmony with EAF, the
setting operational objectives should be a process in participation with stakeholders.
Issues within each objective should be discussed and prioritized, e.g. through a risk
assessment (FAO, 2003).
Once managers establish a list of overarching objectives, strategies must be
developed to achieve them (King, 2007). The strategies will include regulatory
measures (Section5) and actions by the managers (Section 6). For example, a network
of marine reserves could be one of a few strategies to ensure that sufficient breeding
populations of sea cucumbers are present to allow replenishment of stocks in fishing
The next step is to agree on indicators and reference points (FAO, 2003). Indicators
describe in simple terms the state of fisheries resources and fishing activities and
provide a measure of the extent to which the objectives are being achieved (FAO, 1999;
King, 2007). Indicators should reflect parameters that can be measured or estimated
with a good level of certainly from data that have, or could be, collected (FAO, 2003).
Indicators should be chosen on the basis of a range of criteria, including cost, accuracy,
practicality (FAO, 1999).
24 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Example of stock density indicator and reference points to measure the performance
of a management strategy (adapted from FAO, 1999). The black curve represents the
average density of a species of sea cucumber in a fishery, over time, which is measured
using fishery-independent surveys every few years (triangles). Data from field surveys
showing that average stock densities fell below a limit reference point triggered a
change in the management strategy, e.g.individual quotas were reduced by half or the
number of licences was reduced. The densities then recovered in subsequent years to
eventually attain the target reference point

Virgin stock density

Target reference point

Stock density

Change management
strategy Performance measure:
new management
strategy is successful

Limit reference point


Managers and stakeholders should then agree on reference points which define the
subsequent success or failure of the management strategies. Target reference points
state the desirable levels of indicators such as effort and production (King, 2007).
Limit or threshold reference points define levels of indicators that are undesirable,
and should not be exceeded (Hindson et al., 2005; King, 2007). For example, a target
reference point for a particular species could be an average density of 300 adult sea
cucumbers per hectare in fishing grounds, while the limit reference point could be
50 individuals per hectare (Figure 12). Monitoring data showing that limit reference
points have been exceeded would trigger a change in management strategies because
they were not meeting the objectives. The changes to management strategies should
be pre-decided by decision support rules in the management plan (Hindson et al.,
2005). A precautionary reference point could also be set between the target and limit
reference pints, at which managers start to take actions to avoid the risk of falling below
the limit reference point (Hindson et al., 2005). Reference points could relate to stock
condition, yield, revenue and fishing pressure (FAO, 1999). Management performance
is measured as the vertical distance between the indicator and the target reference point
(FAO, 1999, 2003; King, 2007).

3.5 The management process

Most sea cucumber fisheries fall neatly within the class of S-Fisheries: small-scale,
spatially-structured, targeting sedentary stocks (Orensanz et al., 2005). These fisheries
are radically different in nature from the industrial fisheries targeting highly mobile
finfish, from which the classical theory of fishery management was developed. Data
on which to base fishing harvest models are usually lacking, estimation of abundance
is often technically or financially unachievable and fishery-dependent indicators
like catch per unit effort (CPUE) are often useless (Orensanz et al., 2005). Stocks in
S-fisheries are typically structured as metapopulations, in which subpopulations
(e.g.sea cucumbers on separate reefs within a fishery) are interconnected through the
Fisheries management principles and approaches 25

dispersal of larvae from spawning events. Also, the spatial structure of stocks tends to
persist over a long time. S-fisheries are often artisanal, in the sense that technological
development is modest, and therefore the cost of fishing is often low.
In open access fisheries, fishers have little incentive to leave juveniles and maintain
breeding adults above a certain level because those animals they refrain from taking will
most likely be collected by some other fisher. This ethos is the cause of the tragedy
of the commons (Hardin, 1968) and a barrier to responsible harvesting strategies.
Overfishing is a symptom, whereas the disease is the race-for-fish that arises from
a lack of incentives for responsible stewardship of resources and from management
institutions that exclude fishers from the management process (Parma, Hilborn and
Oresanz, 2006).
The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995) encourages appropriate
institutional frameworks for fishers and fishing communities to govern access to marine
resources (see Sections6.2.1 and 6.2.2). Likewise, an EAF should involve the creation
of incentives, in the form of resource-access rights (see Sections5.3, 5.4 and 5.7.3).
The process of developing and modifying an EAF management plan requires a
series of iterative steps (Figure13; FAO, 2003). Important elements of the process are
consultations with stakeholders, the setting of objectives, indicators and performance

Schematic representation of the process of developing, implementing, evaluating and
modifying an EAF management plan. For the fifth step, refer to the roadmap in Section 4,
which gives guidance on appropriate regulatory measures and actions for implementing

Scoping (fishery, ecosystem, socio-


Define management system and legal


35 years
Consultation with stakeholders

Set objectives, indicators, reference

points and decision control rules

Define regulatory measures to be

applied and actions for implementing

Implementation & enforcement



Short-term assessment and review

Long-term review

Source: adapted from FAO, 2003.

26 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

measures (based on reference points), and a process of reviewing the management

strategy at regular intervals and adapting it if needed. The process by which management
decisions are made should be open and transparent and divorced from personal interests.
Reference points should state measurable limits at which management actions will be
taken and those actions should be specified (Parma, Hilborn and Oresanz, 2006).
A key lesson learned from successes and failures in global fisheries is that a range
of tools are available and different tools may be appropriate for different situations
(Parma, Hilborn and Oresanz, 2006). Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been the
object of recent controversy as a tool for both fisheries management and conservation
of marine resources (Lubchenco et al., 2003; Hilborn et al., 2004; Sale et al., 2005;
Pauly, 2008). But it is fairly clear that MPAs alone will not be enough to repair, or
sustain, fisheries; a suite of management tools and interventions are needed.

3.6 A decision-making process for choosing the right tools

Managers should start with a diagnosis of the current threats to the resource (Friedman
et al., 2008a) and to the implementation of future management (Andrew et al.,
2007). For instance, some fisheries may suffer from shortcomings in the institutional
framework of management, while others suffer from habitat damage or conflicts
over access to fishing grounds. Diagnosis after the scoping phase (Figure13) involves
gathering information on different opportunities, strengths and threats including those
of ecological, social, economic nature and those of the external environment (Andrew
et al., 2007). This is also a moment for managers to identify undesirable outcomes in
their fishery and measures that will avoid them or correct them promptly (FAO, 1996).
Within the scoping phase, managers should also gain a general understanding of the
status of sea cucumber stocks (i.e.abundance and body size frequency; see Glossary),
which can be shown, or inferred, from various simple indicators (Friedman et al.,
The basic information needed by managers in the scoping phase include the
Institutional set up Who are the decision-makers and who is involved in
management planning, enforcement and monitoring? (Section6.2.1)
Motivations and objectives to manage the fishery Are the underlying objectives of
fishers similar to those of fishery managers and other stakeholders? (Sections6.1.4
and 6.6)
Accountability Who is held accountable for mistakes or errors in the management
of sea cucumber stocks? (Section6.4)

Left: sea cucumbers being dried at a large processing station in Madagascar. Right: sea
cucumbers being boiled and processed in small quantities by village fishers in Papua
New Guinea
PHOTO: C. Conand

PHOTO: J.P. Kinch

Fisheries management principles and approaches 27

Legal framework including international agreements What are the current

regulations, both locally and internationally, and how are new regulations set into
legislation? (Sections6.3.1 and 6.3.2)
Socio-economic situation Who are the fishers, processors and exporters, what
are the drivers for fishing, gender issues and importance of sea cucumbers to their
livelihoods? (Section6.1.4)
Information about stocks and fishery What species are fished, from what habitats
and locations are they fished, how fast do the sea cucumbers grow and reproduce,
and how abundant are they in fishing grounds and reserves? (Sections6.1.1 and
Information on processing and trade How the sea cucumbers are sold by fishers
and who does the processing and export (Figure14), in what form and quality are
sea cucumbers exported and what are the markets? (Sections6.1.3 and 6.1.5)
Impact on ecosystem What role do sea cucumbers have in the ecosystems and
what effects do fishing gears and practices have on the benthos? (Section6.1.1)
Managers are encouraged to perform a risk analysis or management strategy
evaluation (MSE) to try to predict the consequences of implementing different
combinations of management tools (FAO, 2003; Grafton et al., 2007). This should be
done around the time that objectives and performance measures are set. What are the
trade-offs in acceptance or compliance and the biological performance of the resource?
What are the risks of poor performance of various management scenarios in the light
of uncertainty about compliance or biological parameters? An open discussion of the
merits and consequences of different management strategies with the stakeholders will
help in the agreement of performance indicators. A consultative process also allows
for discussion of key uncertainties, logistic constraints and practicality of various
management options.
Achievement in fisheries management seems to require a combination of
management tools from the toolbox (Hilborn, Parrish and Litle, 2005; Parma,
Hilborn and Oresanz, 2006; Pauly, 2008). Moreover, industrial and small-scale
fishery problems have to be treated separately (Defeo and Castilla, 2005).
Friedman et al. (2008a) present a simple approach for managers to assess the
health of sea cucumber fisheries and recommendations for management actions and
regulations in cases where stocks are either depleted or still healthy. It is a quick start-
up guide to decision-making and introduces the key concepts for implementing many
of the common tools for managing sea cucumber fisheries.
This paper provides a more comprehensive appraisal of the full range of tools
available in the managers toolbox. It also suggests a logical approach, or roadmap,
for choosing the tools and actions that are needed in different types and states of

4. Defining regulatory measures

and actions A roadmap

Various regulatory measures and actions, or tools, could be adopted when managing
a sea cucumber fishery. This section presents a roadmap, in the form of a series of
three questions and a table, for making decisions about which combinations of tools
are advisable in a sea cucumber fishery, depending on the fishery type, stock status and
management capacity. Each regulatory measure and action in Tables 1 and 2 is linked
to specific parts of Sections 5 and 6 of this paper.
Firstly, the fishery manager needs to answer three basic questions to characterize the
sea cucumber fishery being managed:

1. What type of fishery is being managed?

Small-scale The fishers work from shore or use small boats in nearshore coastal
waters. They would commonly involve modest technologies of fishing gears
(e.g.simple breathing apparatuses and/or collection by hand).
Industrial The fishers work in groups from larger boats, capable of accessing
distant fishing grounds. Those fisheries considered semi-industrial, i.e.sharing
elements of small-scale and industrial types, could be placed in this category.
2. What is the status of stock(s)?
Underexploited The fishery is new or the stocks of sea cucumbers are being
exploited at low levels and believed to have a potential for expansion in annual
Fully exploited The fishery is operating at or close to an optimal yield level and
there is no room for the fishery to expand further.
Depleted Catches are well below historical levels, irrespective of the fishing
effort exerted, and sea cucumber populations are so sparse that the potential for
stock abundance to recover through natural reproduction is limited.
In some cases, there may be no recent data from fishery-independent surveys
or managers may be unsure about the status of sea cucumber stocks in their
fishery. The fishery manager should use simple indicators from looking at catches,
export data, or by talking with fishermen (Box 1).
3. What is the management capacity in the country?
Strong capacity Management institutions have technical skills to analyze fisheries
data and skills and equipment for monitoring stocks and fishing effort, and fishing
capacity can be effectively controlled; there are effective systems for surveillance
and enforcement of fishery management measures; and there is adequate funding
to establish a complex suite of regulations. Consider a suite of some or all of
the Recommended regulatory measures and apply Recommended actions for
implementing management.
Modest capacity Management institutions lack the technical skills for complex
fisheries analyses or modelling; expertise or equipment is lacking to monitor
stocks; fishing effort and fishing capacity cannot be easily controlled; the systems
for surveillance and enforcement of fishery regulations are insufficient; and there
are insufficient funds to establish a complex suite of regulations. Use at least
the Minimum regulatory measures and Minimum actions for implementing
30 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Box 1
Simple indicators to define stock status

The most useful tool in determining stock status is fishery-independent surveys; i.e.analyses
of counts of animals underwater within replicated sampling units, e.g. transects (see
Section 6.1.2). Underwater visual census of sea cucumber stocks should be conducted
frequently, e.g.every 35 years. If data from fishery-independent surveys is old (i.e.>5 yrs)
or unavailable, managers should endeavour to implement a stock assessment programme
(using underwater visual censuses) and use simple indicators of stock status in the meantime
while surveys are being conducted.
Friedman et al. (2008) propose six simple indicators of the status, or health, of sea
cucumber stocks. A combination of several, or all, of the following indicators would suggest
that sea cucumber stocks were healthy (underexploited):

Indicator How to find out

1. There are still areas where groups of adult Underwater surveys and/or
sea cucumbers remain protected near the interviews with fishers
main fishing grounds
2. Small-scale, traditional fishing methods are Observe the types of gear and boats
mostly used to harvest sea cucumbers used by fishers
3. Abundances of sea cucumbers in the fishery Records of exports and/or
are stable over long timescales interviews with fishers
4. High-value and medium-value species are Records of exports and/or
still abundant in fishing grounds and well underwater visual census
represented in catches
5. Large-sized sea cucumbers are still caught, Records of exports and/or catch
and mostly A grade beche-de-mer is (creel) surveys
produced and exported
6. Economic benefits from the fishery flow Interviews and/or questionnaires to
mainly to fishing communities fishers and processors

Similarly, Froese (2004) proposed a set of just three simple indicators of stock status that
can be obtained just by examining landings of fishers. These indicators apply to fisheries
broadly, and could be adapted to gauge the status of sea cucumber stocks in the absence of
underwater visual censuses:
1. Check the percentage of mature-sized sea cucumbers in catches. Any more than
5percent of individuals under the size at first maturity would suggest that stocks are
2. Check that the sea cucumbers in catches are mostly a size that would furnish A-grade
beche-de-mer, or better. If fishers are collecting mainly small adults, stocks may be
3. Where upper size limits do not exist (e.g.there is only a minimum size limit), catches
should comprise at least 3040 percent mega-spawners. These are defined as
animals larger than the optimum trade length plus 10percent i.e.animals near the
maximum size attained for each species, which have a high fecundity and contribute
greatly to the populations reproductive output. Less than 20 percent of mega-
spawners in catches would suggest gross overfishing and that stocks are moderately
to fully exploited.
Defining regulatory measures and actions a roadmap 31

The three questions should lead to answers that characterize the fishery scenario
(Table1), which directs the fishery manager to a table of regulatory measures to impose
and actions for implementing management in their situation (Table2). These two tables
were produced at the FAO-coordinated workshop in the Galpagos through working
groups of the participant experts. The tables, therefore, represent a consensus of
advice on minimum and recommended management measures from fishery managers,
sociologists, ecologists and fisheries scientists.
The flowchart below illustrates the process. Each combination of answers to the
three questions has a different set of recommended or minimum regulatory measures
and actions for implementing management.

What is the fishery type?

Industrialized Small-scale

What is the status of wild stocks? Use simple

indicators to
Underexploited Severley gauge status
Fully exploited Unsure
(healthy) depleted

What is the agencys capacity for

developing management plans and
carrying out enforcement?

Strong Modest

Develop and implement a Develop and implement a

management plan with recommended management plan with at least the
regulatory measures and actions for minimum regulatory measures and
implementing management actions for implementing management
(Tables 1 and 2) (Tables 1 and 2)

Below are two hypothetical examples of sea cucumber fisheries, with differing
characteristics, to illustrate the decision-making process.

Example: Fishery 1 A small number of fishers in groups of 68 persons use large

boats of 1520m to access stocks of a single species of sea cucumber in deep waters
using self contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) and hookah gear. The
sea cucumbers have only been fished for a few years. Underwater surveys show that
relatively dense populations exist, the animals are relatively abundant, and the annual
catch of the fishery has been relatively stable. The management agency is relatively
well funded with technicians and scientists, and there is a compliance department
with fisheries officers to inspect catches and exports. Managers should treat this
fishery as an Industrialized fishery, with Healthy (Underexploited) stocks. They
should choose a suite of some of the Recommended regulatory measures and apply
the Recommended actions for implementing management. The suite of regulatory
measures could be: size limits (1), prohibit the use of nets and drags/dredges and
authorize only the use of species-specific gear (2), limit the number of boats in the
fishery (3), fishers are allocated an individual transferrable quota for each year (4),
the fishers and processors pay for an annual licence and are required to record their
catch and submit logbooks (5), a closed season during four months of the year when
animals are less cryptic or during the spawning season(s) (6), no-take reserves (8), and
plots of the fishing grounds could be allocated to fishing groups (10). Perhaps the
seasonal closures are not needed and the manager decides not to allocate individual
quotas, letting the fisher groups manage their harvest rates within their allocated
plots (resulting in regulatory measures 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10). All of the Recommended
actions for implementing management (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) should be
32 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

employed. But perhaps in this example, fisher groups already process sea cucumbers
to a very high and consistent standard, so there is no need to promote training in
processing methods (i.e.action L is redundant).

Example: Fishery 2 A large number of mostly small-scale fishers collect a range of

sea cucumber species from the shore or in small boats of 46 m in length. Most fishers
use free-diving (mask and snorkel) but some have started using hookah breathing
gear. In this fishery, the sea cucumbers have been fished for decades, but catches have
declined in recent years and few high-value species are now collected. Underwater
surveys showed reasonable densities of most species, but high-value species were
rarely recorded. Managers should treat this fishery as a Small-scale fishery, with both
Fully-exploited and Depleted stocks. Owing to limited funding and a lack of skilled
scientists and sociologists in the management agency, the manager should at least use
the Minimum regulatory measures and apply the Minimum actions for implementing
management. The regulatory measures should be: size limits (1), forbid the use of
compressed air diving (SCUBA or hookah) and nets or drags/dredges (2), issue licences
to fishers and processors who are also required to make records and submit logbooks
(5), bans on fishing should be placed on species for which stocks are depleted (7),
no-take reserves (8), and allocate fishing communities the exclusive rights to certain
fishing grounds (10). All of the Minimum actions (B, C, D, F, G, H, L) should be
employed by the fishery manager.
Table 1
Regulatory measures and actions for implementing management to be applied in different sea cucumber
fishery scenarios
Regulatory measures Implementing management
Fishery type Health of stock
Recommended Minimum Recommended Minimum
Industrialized Healthy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 61, 1, 5, 10 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, K, L
(underexploited) 8, 10 H, I, J, K, L
Fully exploited 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 B, C, D, E, F, G, H, B, C, D, F, G,H, L
9, 10 I, J, K, L
Depleted 5, 7 5, 7 B, D, G, I, K, L, M B, D, K, L
Small-scale Healthy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 5, 8, 10 A,B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, K, L
(underexploited) 9, 10 H, I, J, K, L
Fully exploited 1, 2, 33, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 5, 8, 10 B, C, D, E, F, G, H, B, C, D, F, G, H, L
9, 10 I, J, K, L
Depleted 5, 7 5, 7 B, D, G, I, K, L, M B, D, K, L
Particularly in temperate fisheries.
Particularly in multispecies fisheries.
In well developed small-scale fisheries the limitation of effort may be difficult.

Table 2
Regulatory measures and actions for implementing management, corresponding to number and letter
designations in Table 1
Regulatory measures Section Implementing management Section
Size limits 5.1 A Overview of the harvested species 6.1.1
Gear limitation and development 5.2 B Fishery-independent stock surveys 6.1.2
Effort and capacity control 5.3 C Fishery-dependent stock surveys 6.1.3
Catch quotas 5.4 D Socio-economic surveys 6.1.4
Market chain licensing and reporting 5.5 E Price monitoring 6.1.5
Seasonal and short-term closures 5.6.1 F Support institutional arrangements for local-scale 6.2.1
Bans or moratoria 5.6.2 management
Marine protected areas and no-take reserves 5.7.1 G Establish management advisory committees 6.2.2
Rotational harvest closures 5.7.2 H Legislation of management regulations 6.3.1
Territorial user rights in fisheries 5.7.3 I Assign accountability 6.4
J Enforcement 6.5
K Education and communication with stakeholders 6.6
L Improve quality of processing through training 6.7
M Restocking 6.8

5. Regulatory measures

5.1 Size limits

A minimum individual length or weight of sea cucumbers that can be legally fished or
Size limits are species-specific and can pertain to fresh, live animals, or to animals in
various stages of processing, e.g.minimum size limits for beche-de-mer.

A principal use of size limits in sea cucumber fisheries is to protect juveniles and recently
matured adults to allow individuals one or more seasons to spawn before they can be
fished (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). Minimum size limits must therefore have
some biological basis corresponding to size at which individuals first become mature
plus some additional buffer so they have time to contribute to spawning.
Fisheries managers may also want to set minimum size limits on (dried) beche-de-
mer of different species, so that fishers and processors can maximise the export income
for each individual removed from the stock. Large sea cucumbers are generally placed
in a higher grade for export and fetch higher prices (Section2.2).
Minimum legal size limits can be based on growth of animals in some fisheries but,
in sea cucumber fisheries, are commonly based on the size at which individuals of a
species first attain sexual maturity (i.e. have recognizable oocytes or spermatocytes
in their gonads). Size limit varies with species because size-at-first-maturity differs
from one species to another. Size limits can also vary from one country to another
(Table 8 Kinch et al., 2008a) or vary between regions within a country, such as in
Cuba (Toral-Granda, 2008a). Minimum legal sizes may differ because fisheries agencies
have different management goals or because the size-at-first-maturity is higher at one
country, or region, than another for the same species. Minimum legal size limits are
imposed in about half of the fisheries of the Western Central Pacific (Kinch et al.,

It should be no surprise to those experienced with sea cucumber fisheries that
determining and applying appropriate size limits is not as easy as it seems. One initial
limitation is that they should reflect a size that the animals would be some years after
animals first reach sexual maturity. Unfortunately, that information is available for only
a relatively small number of species and such life-history traits vary from one region or
country to another. Determining the size at reproductive maturity requires a significant
amount of data (Bruckner, 2006b). Conands (1989) seminal thesis1 (recapitulated in
English in Conand, 1990) provides these data for ten tropical species: A. echinites,
A. mauritiana, H. atra, H. fuscogilva, H. fuscopunctata, H. scabra, H. lessoni (then
Holothuria scabra var. versicolor), H. whitmaei (then H. nobilis), S. herrmanni (then
S.variegatus) and T. ananas. Some other studies have provided size-at-first-maturity
data for a handful of other species (Kohler, Gaudron and Conand, 2009). For other
species and locations, determining size limits rests as educated guesswork but should

Parts of the full thesis were also translated into English by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community
(SPC) and are available by e-mailing: [email protected]
34 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Figure 15
Fishery technicians measuring sea cucumbers in New Caledonia

PHOTOS: S.W. Purcell

be based on closely related species and local knowledge of the biology of the species.
More often, limited data are employed in other countries without local validation.
A second important limitation is that most commercial sea cucumbers contract
when handled, so body length can differ greatly from the live size of undisturbed
animals (Figure15). This is an immediate concern of fishers when discussing size limits.
Some species contract and expand markedly, so size limits based on weight, rather
than length, would be more appropriate. This is particularly true for most Actinopyga
species, H. fuscogilva and H. whitmaei (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). As they
contract, sea cucumbers gain in width and/or body height while their body weight
remains unchanged. But implementing weight limits may cause compliance problems
in many situations, as few fishers in developing countries have access to balances to
weigh animals. Some other species, like H. scabra, H. lessoni and S. herrmanni, undergo
minor contractions of the body length compared to other species (Purcell, Gossuin and
Agudo, 2009a) and are thus less problematic to manage using length-based size limits.
Fishers may still argue that it is difficult to abide by size limits but they will quickly
know how the size of live sea cucumbers compares with the body lengths of the same
animals once dead.
Variation in the shape of sea cucumbers of similar weight appears far less of a
problem once the animals are boiled and dried into beche-de-mer, which tends to be
uniform in dimensions and reflect the shape of dead animals. Although fishers will
have to use sound judgement in collecting live sea cucumbers that are not under the
legal minimum length once dead, there should be little difficulty for processors to
know when a dead, unprocessed, sea cucumber will be undersized once cooked and
dried. Thus, processors have little grounds to object to minimum size limits for (dried)

How to implement
Minimum size limits for sea cucumbers have been typically based on the size at
first sexual maturity (Bruckner, 2006b). Some studies report size-at-first-maturity
as L50 (the length at which 50 percent of the population is estimated to be mature)
(Figure 16). However, using this length as the minimum size limit would mean that
half of the population at that size is immature and could be fished legally. It would
Regulatory measures 35

Size-at-first-maturity curves for three tropical species: (a) Holothuria scabra and H.lessoni;
(b) H. fuscogilva. The reproductive stages II, IV and V indicate that animals are mature.
Body weight was used as the metric for size, and this could also be done for body length.
Body weight at a chosen proportion of the mature population can be converted to body
length using established mathematical relationships (Conand, 1989)

a b
Proportion of animals at

Proportion of animals at
stages III, IV and V (%)

stages III, IV and V (%)

All data
Data not including
resting period

Holothuria scabra
Holothuria lessoni Holothuria fuscogilva

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 600 1000 1400 1800 2200
Drained body weight (g) Drained body weight (g)

Source: Conand (1990), with modification.

be more conservative to set size limits that allow animals to reach maturity and have
one or two seasons to spawn with the rest of the population before being fished. This
could be done by taking a larger size along the size-at-maturity curve, such as the L90,
and add some centimetres to this to allow for a season or two of spawning (Purcell,
Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). Although observations of dissected animals can show the
size at which individuals first develop a gonad, i.e.the onset of sexual differentiation,
such individuals are not necessarily mature. The oocytes of females may not be fully
developed or they may not yet actively participate in spawning. This is a further reason
to add some centimetres to the estimated size-at-first-maturity and to use a conservative
metric of the length at first maturity (e.g.the L90). More scientifically, true size at sexual
maturity can be determined from the first occurrence of mature (vitellogenic) oocytes
and mature spermatozoa in the newly-developed gonad.
Where possible, managers should use biological parameters based on data collected
in the fishery or region, or adopt examples from similar fisheries. However, in the
absence of locally-representative studies, fishery managers should support at least
some basic biological studies to compare with published findings from other regions
and apply conservative size limits (FAO, 1996; Section 3.2). Ideally, the studies should
assess size at sexual maturity in males and females and establish size-at-maturity
relationships for commercial species.
Meet with fishers and processors and educate them on the biological reasons for size
limits (Figure17). Find out from fishers and processors what sort of measuring tools
they could use to aid in verifying sizes of animals in the field and once processed. These
could be as simple as rulers, sliding callipers, or stickers with graduated marks to place
on boats. Fishery managers should be pro-active in developing and commissioning
such measuring tools.
The process of deciding appropriate size limits in sea cucumber fisheries should
involve fishers, processors, biologists and enforcement personnel. Fishery managers
can expect to reduce their inspection costs and have a better compliance of minimum
legal size limits by inspecting sea cucumbers (either dead or fully processed) of
processors and traders more so than fishers. They will be often less numerous than
fishers and at know locations, thus making the inspections easier to conduct. Improved
compliance will arise when all processors and traders begin to refuse to buy undersized
sea cucumbers from fishers. In this case, many fishers are forced by the buyers to
comply with the minimum legal size limits rather than by the fisheries authority.
36 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Left: children on a sandflat in Papua New Guinea with a catch of mostly undersize
PHOTO: M. Kronen, SPC PROCFish/C sandfish, Holothuria scabra. Right: juvenile sea cucumbers in a catch in Madagascar

Examples and lessons learned

Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

Since its re-opening in 1999, the fishery for Isostichopus fuscus in the Galpagos has been
regulated by a minimum size limit for both fresh and processed sea cucumbers (among
other regulatory measures). The size limits are not regarded as a useful tool by the fishers
because they believe that sea cucumbers change length too easily to be effectively measured.
Nonetheless, local fishers mostly agree, in principal, to have minimum legal size limits
rather than none at all. Both management authorities and scientific bodies concur that this
regulation is not as effective as others.
Source: V. Toral-Granda.

New Caledonia, France

At present, only the Northern Province has established minimum legal size limits for
fishing sea cucumbers; there are no size limits in the other two provinces. A minimum
legal length (in cm) is given for the fresh (live or unprocessed) animals and a corresponding
one for the dried form. However, these were provided only for about half of the 15, or
so, tropical species that are commonly collected by fishers. The size limits were based
on analyses of the size-at-first-maturity of these species (or closely related species) plus
a small percentage, and corresponding conversion factors of the change in length during
processing, presented by Conand (1989) for these sea cucumbers in New Caledonia. While
fishers did say that it is difficult to enforce legal size limits on fresh animals, because most
species can contract and expand their body lengths considerably, fishers were in general
agreement that the size limits should also pertain to the fresh animals (Purcell, Gossuin
and Agudo, 2009a). At a national participatory forum in 2007, some processors objected
that the corresponding minimum legal lengths of dried animals were inappropriate, leading
to adaptive modifications to the legal size limits via a further participatory meeting. The
process of consultation and discussion about the size limits seems to have improved the
acceptance by fishers and processors.
Source: S.W. Purcell.
Regulatory measures 37

Yap, Federal States of Micronesia

Yap has recently developed a fisheries management plan based on regulating weight rather
than size. Commercial species groups included in the management plan are described
as either premium or standard. The plan establishes that a quota should be set for
standard species groups individually, while more comprehensive quality control should
be implemented for premium species groups. For export controls of premium species
groups, shipments will be made and checked in 10 kilogram packages of beche-de-mer. Each
package must only include beche-de-mer from a single species group and be labelled so
as to be easily identified for inspections by the checking authority (for weight and counts).
All premium species 10 kilogram packages need to include a maximum rate of dry sea
cucumbers set out in the management plan; for instance:

Dry weight of
Wet (live) weight Max. number per
Species group beche-de-mer
(g) 10kg package

Black teatfish 2 400 168.0 60

Sandfish 750 37.5 280
Golden sandfish 1400 70.0 150

The 10 kilogram packages allow agents to include product with a small weight variation
around the specifications for individual dried sea cucumbers, as long as the 10 kilogram
package as a whole complies with the maximum number of sea cucumbers allowed. The 10
kilogram packaging system is well aligned to market conditions and industry standards and
also allows the authorities some ease of checking, being well suited to a small country with
limited enforcement capacity.
Source: Friedman, Ropeti and Tafileichig (2008).

On setting minimum legal size limits

Setting minimum legal size limits should best be based on size at first sexual maturity
of sea cucumbers, rather than opinions by fishers and processors about what are good
sized animals (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). The onset of sexual maturity is often
reported as the L50 length, which is the estimated length at which 50 percent of animals
in the population are mature. Whereas the size at onset of sexual maturity has been
suggested elsewhere for setting minimum size limits of sea cucumbers (Bruckner, 2006a),
Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo (2009a) argued that minimum legal size limits should be large
enough such that animals can have at least one year to spawn after reaching maturity. They
recommended a conservative approach of adding some centimeters to the L90 (estimated
body length at which 90 percent of the population is mature) from the size-at-maturity
analysis curves (e.g.provided in Conand, 1990, 1993; Kohler, Gaudron and Conand, 2009)
to set the minimum legal size limits for each species. The equivalent size of dried animals can
be calculated using conversion equations in Skewes et al. (2004) and the conversion factors
determined by Conand (1989, 1990) and Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo (2009b). Fishery
managers can prepare simple plastic rulers, with graduations corresponding to size limits of
species, to give to fishers to verify sizes of animals in the water. It may be more practical to
group species that have similar estimated size limits, rather than having many different sizes
for fishers and processors to remember; e.g.the 15 or so species commonly fished in New
Caledonia could be allocated into 6 to 8 size-limit groups.
Source: S.W. Purcell.
38 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

5.2 Gear limitation and development

A prohibition or limit on the use of certain types, sizes or number of equipment for
collecting sea cucumbers.
Gear limitations could entail a general prohibition on gears, e.g. no hookah gear
allowed, or a specific limitation on the size of specifications of gears, mesh size
for trawl fisheries or the number of hookah hoses permitted per boat in dive fisheries.

A principal use of gear restrictions is to reduce the number and places where sea
cucumbers can be harvested by prohibiting the use of efficient, or industrialized,
fishing systems. Examples of gears are nets, self contained underwater breathing
apparatus (SCUBA) or hookah equipment, bombs (lead weights with small
sharpened points imbedded; Figure18) or spears, trawls and torches or surface lights
(for night fishing).
Gear controls, like prohibition of compressed-air diving or use of equipment to
collect sea cucumbers in deep water, give some respite to the resource to either being
fished too rapidly, or being fished in areas not accessible to free-divers. For example,
in the Seychelles, deep habitats have protected deeper, high-value, species from severe
depletion (Aumeeruddy et al., 2005).
Gear restrictions are imposed in half of the sea cucumber fisheries in the Western
Central Pacific (Kinch et al., 2008a) and most temperate fisheries (Hamel and Mercier,
2008a) (Section 2.4). While the prohibition of compressed-air diving, i.e.using SCUBA
and hookah gear, is the most common gear restriction of sea cucumber fisheries, this
regulation does not protect species with shallow distribution (Bruckner, 2006b).
Gear limitations can also be set to avoid risks to the environment or the fishers
themselves. The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (1995) advises

Left: a weighted bomb used for collecting sea cucumbers in deep water by skindivers.
Right: the bomb is weighted and has a barbed metal harpoon at the end, which is
lowered by a rope or fishing line to harpoon sea cucumbers on the sea floor that are too
deep to reach by free diving PHOTOS: M. Kronen, SPC PROCFish/C
Regulatory measures 39

Dragnets are used in Japan to collect Apostichopus japonicus from the sea floor in the
province Hokkaido. Left: the large drag frame lifts the sea cucumbers from the sea floor
and has tassles (yellow) that prevent the net from being caught on rocks. Right: the net
of the drag follows behind the frame to collect the harvested animals

Photos: J. Akamine
managing agencies to ensure that fishers use selective and environmentally safe fishing
gear and practices (see Sections3.1 and 3.3). Certain regulations, such as prohibition of
drags, dredges or trawls, safeguard against unnecessary damage to benthic habitats.
Drags, dredges (see Figures 7 and 19; Examples and lessons learned below) and
trawls can damage seagrass beds and other benthic organisms like sponges and sea
pens. The fishery might allow such gears, with a regulation on the equipment design
that minimises damage to the sea bed or damage to the sea cucumbers being harvested.
In Maine, Cucumaria frondosa are collected using urchin drags that cannot be wider
than 1.67 m (Hamel and Mercier, 2008a).
Limitations are sometimes placed on the use of SCUBA or hookah to minimise
diving accidents in the fishery. This is mostly relevant for developing and low-income
countries where diver training is less rigorous or difficult to obtain, and often lack the
medical capability and facilities to deal with diver ailments such as the bends.
In certain circumstances, gear restrictions could help to enforce, or aid the
implementation of, size limits. For example, trawl nets could be allowed but the mesh
size could be restricted to greater than 50 mm for collecting sea cucumbers.

Surveillance of the use of some fishing gears will be difficult, and enforcement on the
water will be needed to see what gears are being used. Such enforcement brings added
cost to management agencies. For example, torches and surface lights are prohibited
in Papua New Guinea but fishers in all provinces regularly use them for harvesting
sea cucumbers because enforcement officers are few and rarely conduct inspections at
night (Kinch et al., 2008b).
In some cases, the onus may be on the management authority to assess the
effectiveness and optimisation of new gears. For example, to conduct experiments
to find an optimal mesh size of trawls that minimises destruction to the benthos
40 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

and bycatch while selecting animals that correspond to a minimum size limit. Gear
development of this nature is usually costly.

How to implement
A survey of fishers should be conducted to know which gears are currently used. A
literature review of other project reports and studies may be necessary to understand
the advantages/disadvantages of other gear. For example, managers should have some
information on how new gears would be likely to change catch rates and affect the
environment. Also determine what gear restrictions could provide a refuge for some
sea cucumbers.
The manager should then assess what human and financial resources are available
to enforce gear restrictions. Also, how compatible will the restrictions be with other
management measures in place, or what other companion management measures are
needed (see Section 8.3)? Fishers should also be consulted to make sure they understand
the reasons for gear restrictions and are prepared to respect them.

Examples and lessons learned

United States of America and Canada

Beginning around 1988, the drag or bottom trawl fishery for Cucumaria frondosa in
Maine, United States of America, raised concerns about bycatch that led to conflicts with
other local fishers over the gear employed in the fishery. Henceforth, a dragnet for sea
urchins was modified for collecting C. frondosa and resulted in an acceptable reduction in

Photo: L. Barrett

Above: a sea cucumber drag used for fishing Cucumaria frondosa in Canada. It is towed
behind a fishing or research vessel to collect the sea cucumbers in Newfoundland and
Labrador, Canada. The sea cucumbers are too deep for collecting by divers.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, the exploratory sea cucumber fishery was
initiated in 2001. Permission was granted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to use
the drag gear developed for scallop (known as the Labrador scallop bucket) as the fishing
method. In the following year, the gear used in Maine was modified and approved by DFO,
who later gave permission to test the gear. Catch rates and bycatch were compared with
two other vessels fishing commercially, one using Labrador scallop buckets and the other
Regulatory measures 41

using Digby scallop buckets. Results of the study were positive and DFO approved the new
Newfoundland sea cucumber drag design. Underwater video observations confirmed the
efficiency of the gear, which is now used as both a commercial fishing gear and a scientific
survey instrument for the estimation of population abundance and distribution. This
example shows that fishing gears can be developed and regulated in cooperation with the
fishery management agency and used in population studies.
Source: A. Mercier and J.-F. Hamel.

New Caledonia, France

There are three sea cucumber fisheries in New Caledonia, managed by the fisheries services
of the countrys three provincial governments. In the Northern and Southern Provinces,
the use of compressed-air devices (SCUBA or hookah) is prohibited, so fishers only collect
the animals by free diving or wading in the intertidal waters. Torches and night fishing is
also prohibited to allow some respite for sea cucumbers that feed more actively at night
and would be exposed to divers more during that time. Despite this regulation, some direct
accounts from fishers shows that some night fishing using torches does occur. It is difficult
for authorities to enforce this regulation without conducting inspections at sea during
night-time. There are no prohibitions yet on other gear, such as drags, dredges or trawl nets,
although these are not yet in use. A recent study recommended the prohibition of gears like
trawls, which could otherwise be developed and used in the fisheries (Purcell, Gossuin and
Agudo, 2009a). A lesson is that some gear restrictions, like the use of torches at night, are
difficult to enforce but some inspections by compliance officers at inconvenient times or
locations are needed to ensure that fishers comply with regulations on fishing gear.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

Western Indian Ocean

Two contrasting examples of sea cucumber fisheries occur in the Western Indian Ocean.
In the Seychelles the harvesting of sea cucumber is an industrial activity involving SCUBA
divers. In Madagascar it is mostly a small-scale activity by villagers (Conand and Muthiga,
2007; Conand, 2008; Aumeeruddy and Conand, 2008). The use of SCUBA was prohibited
in Kenya in 2003, but the lack of enforcement and communication with fishers has led to
poor compliance of the ban (Muthiga, Ochiewo and Kawaka, 2007). While in the Seychelles
there are specific regulations on the use of SCUBA, e.g. fishers need to be trained in
SCUBA diving, in Madagascar the use of SCUBA is now legally prohibited, but still used
and causing diving accidents. Enforcement, communication and, in some cases, training, are
needed to ensure that fishery comply with gear restrictions, like the use of SCUBA.
Source: C. Conand.

5.3 Effort and capacity control

Capacity controls seek to restrict the total size of the fleet, while effort controls seek to
restrict the fishing activity (FAO, 2003).
Both types of input controls are discussed here, and both types will group more
specific regulatory measures. For example, capacity controls could pertain to the
maximum allowable size of boats or the maximum number of them permitted in the

These management measures aim to regulate the effort and/or capacity to levels that
are biologically and economically sustainable for the demographics of the resource.
42 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Large mother boats in Philippines are used to take groups of skin divers to more distant
reefs in search of sea cucumbers. Left: boat with smaller tender canoes on bow, used
by individual fishers at the fishing sites. Right: an outrigger boat equipped with salting
bins and large pots for boiling sea cucumbers at sea. These boats carry 1015 crew on
trips of 23 weeks in the Spratly Islands

Photos: J. Akamine
Effort and capacity controls serve to avoid overfishing of stocks by limiting the rate of
exploitation. Excess capacity and fishing effort in fisheries are common conduits for
overfishing, so States should prevent excess fishing capacity and ensure that fishing
effort is in harmony with the productive capacity of the resources (FAO, 1995; Sections
3.1 and 3.2).
A common effort control is to place a limit on the number of fishers allowed to
collect sea cucumbers. More specifically, they could place limits on the number of
fishers allowed per boat or the number of fishers licensed to fish in a given area. In the
Seychelles, sea cucumber fishing operated with open access until 2001 when capacity
was limited to 25 licensed boats, each permitted to have a maximum of four registered
divers to collect sea cucumbers (Aumeeruddy and Conand, 2008). Effort controls
could also restrict fishers to collecting sea cucumbers only at certain times of the day
or days of the year.
On the other hand, a capacity control could be to prohibit the use of boats above
a certain length (e.g. Figure 20). This measure is useful for protecting sea cucumber
populations on remote reefs, accessible only by large boats, thereby safeguarding some
breeding stocks and refuges for biodiversity. Limiting boat size and other gears can
also help to prevent fishers from continuing to harvest even when resource becomes
depleted because they have loans for capital investments to repay.
These measures are a means of manipulating catch through control of fishing
pressure (i.e. input controls). Effort controls can be adapted relatively easily to
respond to changes in socio-economic variables or availability of stock but, as noted
below, are difficult to enforce and are often considered ineffective as a management

It can be quite difficult to control behaviour of fishers despite being able to manipulate
their numbers. For instance, it is hard to regulate fishing to just certain hours of the
day. Most small-scale sea cucumber fisheries are open access and therefore managers
have no control over the number of fishers.
In cases where the number of boats is limited, conflicts can arise with other fishers
that have been excluded from obtaining a licence. For example, there is a waiting list
of fishers in the Seychelles who would like a licence and they complain that licences
should be revoked for those in the fishery who are not fishing actively for several
months (Aumeeruddy and Conand, 2008).
Regulatory measures 43

Many fishers in small-scale fisheries collect other marine animals alongside sea
cucumbers. It is therefore impractical to limit fishing of sea cucumbers to certain times
or days, if fishers are then allowed to collect other resources. Enforcement of effort
limitations becomes quite problematic in these situations.

How to implement
Managers need to know the number of fishers and vessels in the fishery. It is also
complementary to know the number of households reliant on the fishery (Sections 3.6
and 6.1.4). The socio-economic impacts of regulating or reducing the number of fishers
or amount of time they can spend fishing should be considered.
Managers should also establish or understand the legal framework for implementing
effort or capacity controls. Is it possible to limit boats or fishers, and what legal body
defines these? There should be a means of licensing fishers, and this can be accompanied
by a mandate for fishers to complete and submit logbooks as a condition of licence
renewal (Section 5.5). Naturally, this demands that managers establish a system to
periodically evaluate the outputs of logbooks.
Enforcing controls on the number of fishers per boat or hours permissible to fish
will require inspections of boats and fishers at sea (Section 6.5). Managers should also
establish a system for managing data on licences, infringements and the response of
the resource over time. This data can then inform advisory committees and decision-
makers on the merits of this measure and whether it should be adapted over time.

Examples and lessons learned

Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

According to the Galpagos Special Law enacted in 1998, only small-scale fishers may take
part on fishing activities within the Galpagos Marine Reserve (GMR). All fishing vessels
have a set of regulations that should be met by owners and the maximum beam length for
mother boats is restricted to 18 m. The restriction on boat size is a form of capacity control,
which may be called a technical control. The number of fishers has been regulated
by means of a moratorium (effective as of 31 March 2003) which allows only sons and
daughters of active fishers to become new registered fishers of the GMR. However, both,
the fishing cooperatives and the Galpagos National Park Service (GNPS) are in the process
of eliminating from the fishery non active fishers, hence leaving only fishers that depend on
the activity as their primary source of income.
Source: V. Toral-Granda.

Pacific, Melanesia
Customary marine tenure practices vary across Melanesia. Access to the shorelines and
lagoon reefs is often controlled by individual communities or family groups that consider
these areas and their associated commercial resources as being exclusive property, not
dissimilar to property on land.
In a recent cross-Pacific study (SPC PROCFish, 20022009), Vanuatus customary fishing
controls stood out as being one of the most intact local management systems, especially on
Islands distant from the capital on Efate Island. On Malekula Island, communities on the
Maskelynes group of islands still practice a complex system of fishing controls, especially
for resources like Trochus and sea cucumbers. Aggregations of Trochus, by individual reef,
came under the control of family groups, and high value sea cucumbers such as sandfish,
Holothuria scabra were protected by harvesting tabus, even close to the village forefront
that was accessed by the whole community. In this case H. scabra had a mean density
of 2131662.4SE individuals/ha from forty-two, 40 m2 transects close to the foreshore
44 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

(PROCFish data, Secretariat of the Pacific Community). This stock was protected from
fishing as the local community leaders were waiting for the fishery to recover before
commercialising their resource.
In addition, there are controls of effort over small garden areas and tabu reserves.
Garden areas in front of family houses are commonly stocked with important species
and protected from fishing in parts of Melanesia. This practise of concentrating resources
(generally giant clams, but also other species) in gardens has been long documented in
northern Papua New Guinea (Mitchell, 1972), and is seen across much of Melanesia. Greater
areas under total protection from fishing were also found in Maskelynes. For example,
in front of Pellonk village on Uliveo Island in the Maskelyne, the Ringi Te Suh Marine
Conservation Reserve limits effort from a one kilometre square reserve. Ringi Te Suh has
two meanings; to leave something to multiply and to leave something alone. This fits well
with the aim of this reserve, where clam and sea cucumber species are found at higher stock
densities, to facilitate successful reproduction, and thereby recruitment to surrounding
Source: K. Friedman.

5.4 Catch quotas

A catch limit set for a particular sea cucumber fishery, generally for a year or a fishing
season. Quotas, also called total allowable catch (TAC), are usually expressed
in tonnes of live-weight equivalent, but are sometimes set in terms of numbers of
individual animals.
An overall quota, or TAC, can pertain to the whole fishery or be assigned on an
individual basis to fishers or fishing vessels, e.g.individual transferable quotas (ITQs).
Individual quotas (a form or access rights) can be transferrable, or not.

Catch quotas are appropriate when fishing is spread over large areas (e.g. regions)
and/or when fishers do not necessarily have an intimate (i.e. traditional or cultural)
geographic association with the resource (Hilborn, Parrish and Litle, 2005). A primary
goal of catch quotas is to control the quantity of animals removed by fishing each year,
aligned with the fishery objectives (Section 3.4). A second goal of individual catch
quotas is to remove the race for fish that can prevail if relatively low quotas are set
for a whole fishery. They may be used as a companion management measure alongside
other regulations like size limits (see Section 8.3).
Catch quotas can pertain to the entire fishery (a global quota for fishers
collectively), in which case all fishers are allowed to collect sea cucumbers until
the annual limit is reached. This mode, however, does not stop the race for sea
cucumbers. Alternatively, they can be allocated separately to various regions in the
fishery and licensed to fishers as individual quotas (which can be transferrable [ITQs]
or not [IQs]) or fishing vessels (IVQs). ITQs can provide a relatively secure use right,
creating incentives to maximise value and husband resources (Parma, Hilborn and
Orensanz, 2006).
Individual quotas, allocated to each fisher or licensed fishing group, can provide
a way to equitably distribute potential earnings from the resource among fishers.
In some invertebrate fisheries, quotas have been given to communities, which sub-
allocated them to families (Defeo and Castilla, 2005). By providing fishers with secured
access to a given proportion of the stock, individual quotas can help to maximise the
value of the overall catch. For example, fishers then collect only large or valuable sea
Regulatory measures 45

cucumbers because there is an incentive to be choosy and fill their quota with high-
grade animals. Individual quotas relax the timeframe for fishing, thereby improving
safety because the choice of when to fish is not determined by short-term competition
(Hilborn, Parrish and Litle, 2005). In some fisheries with individual quotas, fishers are
happier to see some of the fishery revenue spent on research and science, become more
involved in the management of the resources, and work cooperatively (Parma, Hilborn
and Orensanz, 2006).

In as much as quotas are an effective tool, they suffer from being inequitable and
difficult to monitor in small-scale fisheries. They demand technical competence and
resources for monitoring, often beyond the limits of fisheries agencies in low-income
Quotas, in general, can lead to monopolization of the fishery in the hands of
few fishers. Where a single (global) quota is set for an entire fishery, those with
aggressive fishing strategies will gain the lions share of the quota and leave little
to the small-scale fisher collecting just enough each week to meet household needs.
Fishers can overcapitalise, larger boats, to gain a competitive edge to secure a
large personal catch before the quota is reached (King, 2007). Conflicts then arise when
the quota is reached early in the year and the small-scale fisher, who was harvesting
modestly, is forced to stop fishing for the remainder of the year. Likewise, ITQs can be
bought out by fishing companies to later deprive resource owners of traditional income
streams. However, it is worth noting that marine resources generally remain a public
good (Hilborn, Parrish and Litle, 2005) and as such, the public can be compensated for
its use.
An early dilemma is the allocation of individual quotas among fishers. Fishers
reliant on sea cucumbers will argue they deserve larger quotas, while occasional fishers
with alternative income streams will argue that it is inequitable to give them smaller
There are a number of approaches to setting a catch quota. The common process for
setting quotas involves three steps:
1) Set the target reference point (in accordance with management objectives; see
Section 3.4).
2) Determe the current stock status (see Section 4).
3) Set the quota to achieve the target reference point within a certain timeframe.
Estimating how many (or the weight of) animals that can be removed to obtain the
target reference point can be a complex task. Such estimates arise through mathematical
models, e.g. of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) (see Hilborn and Walters 1992;
King, 2007). Stock assessment of this nature is more often tackled by teams of fisheries
scientists in high-income countries with large fisheries, but is intangible for fishery
managers with limited technical support.
The use of MSY models as a basis for assigning quotas in sea cucumber fisheries
is further problematic. One difficulty with models to calculate MSY is the need to
estimate (1) the annual rate of natural mortality (M) or the intrinsic rate of population
growth and (2) the virgin (i.e. original, unfished) biomass of sea cucumber
populations. These biological parameters are lacking for most sea cucumber species at
most locations (Conand 2006a; c.f. Conand, 1990). For stocks of species that are long-
lived or with very low productivity, as seems to be the case for many sea cucumbers
(Section 2.1), the sustainable yield may be only a few percent of the virgin biomass
(King, 2007). Additionally, the very premises of using MSY or surplus yield models
are not well supported by field studies on sea cucumbers. For example, MSY theory
assumes that the proportion of animals removed by fishing in one year can be reliably
renewed by recruitment in the following year but annual recruitment in some sea
46 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

cucumber species appears to be quite irregular (Uthicke, 2004; Uthicke, Welch and
Benzie, 2004; Section2.1). Therefore, MSY theory is not appropriate for many (most?)
sea cucumber species, and removing more than a very small fraction (e.g. 24%) of the
virgin biomass each year may soon deplete breeding stocks such that replenishment of
population losses from fishing becomes increasingly unlikely.
Simpler approaches for setting catch quotas can be based on knowledge of historical
catches and whether annual catches were sustainable, or through adaptive harvest
strategies (see below). However, catch quotas based on subjective criteria can be
flawed if they can be based on political pressure rather than scientific information
(Toral-Granda, 2008b). Regardless of the method, the implementation and compliance
of catch quotas will be quite difficult for most tropical fisheries because, more often,
fishers are numerous, catches are difficult to monitor closely, and multiple species are
collected (Section2.3).
Firstly, the fishery manager will normally need to update referenced points for
catch quotas in subsequent years, based on fishery-dependent data or new modeling
(Grafton et al., 2007). Secondly, individual quotas should be set for each species in
multispecies fisheries that predominate the tropics (Section 2.3); otherwise, the relatively
uncommon high-value species will be vulnerable to being fished to depletion within
the overall fishery quota. Thirdly, managers must monitor catches regularly to know
exactly when the quota is reached and have an effective communication programme to
alert fishers. In fisheries of most developing countries, data from fishers on a monthly
basis is difficult to obtain. The periodicity of collating data from logbooks is thus a
limiting factor to implementation. Where fishing grounds are remote, difficulty in
contacting fishers once the quota has been reached can allow the quota to be exceeded
as occurred in the Galpagos Islands (Toral-Granda, 2008b).
For restoring depleted stocks, TACs alone tend to be inappropriate unless combined
with other regulations (Caddy and Agnew, 2005). For example, spatial closures and
limited entry (reducing the number of licenced fishers) may also be required. In such
cases, the uncertainties in estimating and implementing sustainable catch quotas are
high, so there is risk of causing irreversible impacts on stocks.
Quotas, if not allocated to limited areas, will not help avoid serial depletion of
stocks. For example, the annual quota could be reached from depleting a few inshore
fishing grounds, while leaving stocks in other grounds temporarily intact.

How to implement
Implement TACs through cooperatives and advisory committees; they will be
instrumental in passing on the regulations to fishers in local dialects and marshalling
the support of stakeholders. Seek their agreement of the goals of the quotas (i.e. to
maintain or rebuild current stocks) and predefine the management actions if quotas are
exceeded or if follow-up surveys indicate that stocks are not supporting the harvest
The information requirements for setting TACs may be demanding on a fishery
agency. To base TACs on an assessment of MSY, managers must have reliable and
precise estimates of stock distribution and abundance to sensibly define them in the
first instance. These can only come from underwater field surveys, which are costly
and time-consuming to conduct over large areas. Additionally, the calculation of
abundance will normally require technical competence with geographical information
systems (GIS) and field ground-truthing. Based on the estimated standing biomass of
each species, TACs can be proposed for those species in sufficient abundance only
In place of using classical (e.g.MSY-based) stock assessment to determine quotas, an
alternative approach is the use of adaptive harvest strategies (Hilborn and Walters, 1992;
King, 2007). These approaches will be most useful for fisheries that lack the biological
Regulatory measures 47

Left: a catch of large sea cucumbers, mainly Thelenota anax, at Nabaina Beach, Milne Bay,
Papua New Guinea. Fishers may start to target one particular species in a multispecies
fishery, so species-specific TACs should be used. Right: fishers setting off on a sea cucumber
fishing trip off Enivala Island, Papua New Guinea, using outboard driven dinghies

Photos: J.P. Kinch

parameters of sea cucumber species for classical MSY models or for fishery agencies
that lack the technical capacity to conduct statistical modelling (see Section2.3). In new
and developing fisheries, managers could set a conservative TAC for several years and
monitor whether catch per unit of effort (CPUE) and densities of sea cucumbers are
maintained at a target reference point (Figure12; Section3.4). Subject to operational
objectives being met, the TAC could then be increased a little and the response of catch
rates and sea cucumber populations monitored and re-evaluated. In an existing fishery,
TACs may already be too generous, so the manager may downsize the following years
TAC if catch rates or population densities decline. However, both approaches rely on
having the sustainable catch level exceeded to know the biological limits of the system
(King, 2007), whereas the precautionary approach (FAO, 1995; Section 3.2) urges
managers to control effort and capacity to within these limits. Another adaptive harvest
strategy involves the use of different management measures in different regions of the
fishery and comparing the response of the stock to the different strategies. In either the
classical (modelling) approach or adaptive management approach, time-series data on
the abundances of stocks after imposing TACs will be required to show whether the
harvest rates are sustainable.
Managers need to review published studies and seek the advice of fishery scientists
with expertise in sea cucumbers to obtain information on the population dynamics
and sustainable harvest rates (e.g.MSY) of the commercial species. This information
is generally lacking for sea cucumbers. It can be gained from biological studies on
growth, size-at-maturity, rates of natural mortality and recruitment (see Section 2.1).
The adopted harvest rates should be in harmony with the productivity of species and
the role of the species in the ecosystem. When faced with uncertainties, TACs should
be set conservatively. With our present understanding, a sustainable harvest rate would
probably be between 2 and 5 percent of the virgin adult biomass per year.
The manager will also need updated information on captures to be able to close
fishing once the TAC has been reached. This would need fishery officers to receive
and collate log sheets from fishers, and preferably separate captures for each species.
Managers may stipulate that if the TAC is exceeded, the surplus amount will be
deducted from the following years TAC, as has been practiced in Papua New Guinea
(Kinch et al., 2008b).
Catch quotas should be implemented through an adaptive management process,
by which field monitoring and fishery-dependent data (e.g.landing surveys, logbook
records or export statistics) are used to lower the quotas for species when stocks show
signs of depletion. Zero quotas ( collection permitted) should be set for species
48 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

that appear to be becoming sparse. These measures could be set as agreed actions in the
management plan if an indicator of stock density depasses a specified limit reference
point (Figure12; Section 3.4).

Examples and lessons learned

Global catch quotas exist in some prefectures. For example, the Semposhi Fishery
Cooperative Association set an annual quota of 50 tonnes, divided into seasonal quotas of
30 tonnes in spring and 20 tonnes in summer. Fishing is prohibited for the rest of the open
season as soon as the annual quota of 50 tonnes is reached by all fishers.
Source: J. Akamine.

British Columbia, Canada

Fishing in British Columbia (BC) was initially permitted along the south coast areas only.
The north coast was opened in 1986 with a quota of 500 tonnes. Landings of sea cucumbers
have since been recorded from all management areas. The central and north coast currently
supports about 80 percent of the fishery. The total allowable catch has augmented
incrementally since 1998.
Canada restricts the permits to a single species for two reasons. First, it is much easier
to manage and control the catches/quotas (both on board and upon landing). Second, it
prevents fishers from opportunisticly starting to target other species for which management
plans are not yet developed. With a single species quota and license, the fishers must return
any bycatch to the sea and keep only the authorized target species.
Although sea cucumbers have been harvested for more than 20 years, little biological
information exists to base quotas and harvest practices. The fishery was therefore
incorporated into the phased approach described in the Pacific Region Policy for New
and Developing Fisheries. Based on existing biological and fishery data in British Columbia
and elsewhere, a framework was designed for an experimental fishery to provide data on
stock abundance and on the response of the populations to different levels of exploitation.
The existing arbitrary quota of 233 tonnes of Parastichopus californicus is maintained in
an area comprising about 25 percent of the British Columbia coastline. Another 25 percent
of the coast is dedicated to experimental fishing, and the remaining half is closed until the
biology of the species is well understood. The quota was justified over this proportion of
the coast by extrapolating:
1) an estimated density of 2.5 sea cucumbers per meter of shoreline,
2) an annual exploitation rate of 4.2 percent, and
3) a mean individual weight ranging from 263327 g, depending on the area.
Landings at designated ports are monitored by an independent industryfunded firm,
funded through license fees (Bruckner, 2006c). The global quota is considered the most
conservative of estimates used in sea cucumber fisheries in the states of Alaska and
Washington (United States of America). The management plan allows for abundance
surveys to be undertaken in the open areas to defend potential quota increases.
Source: A. Mercier and J.-F. Hamel.

In addition to other regulations, the sea cucumber fishery on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR)
also has a total (global) TAC and in some instances regulates a TAC for individual species.
For instance, in 2004 the total TAC was 380 tonnes, consisting of 127 tonnes of white
teatfish, zero catches of black teatfish and 253 tonnes for all other species.
In addition, the fishers in the industry agreed on species-specific limit reference points
(Figure 12; Section 3.4), sometimes called trigger values, for the annual catch. If these
Regulatory measures 49

are exceeded, in any given year, a stock assessment must be undertaken to establish
biologically-based sustainable yield estimates. Examples of limit reference points in the
GBR fishery have been: sandfish, 15 tonnes; golden sandfish, 10 tonnes; prickly redfish, 40
tonnes; surf redfish, 25 tonnes; and deep water redfish, 25 tonnes.
Source: S. Uthicke.

5.5 Market chain licensing and reporting

Requirements imposed on fishers, processors and traders to declare and report on their
activities within the fishery.
These can be divided into actions for various stakeholder groups:
1. Records on catches: data on the quantity (number and/or weight) of sea cucumbers
collected by fishers for each species, collected and reported by fishers and buyers.
2. Records and statistics on trade: volumes (weights), processed state and sale grades
of sea cucumbers exported and imported for each country, collected by trade
departments of government.
3. Monitoring of catch and trade data: an assessment of changes in catches and
trade through comparison of data averages or totals over time, conducted by
resource managers.

Monitoring of the catches and exports of fishers within a country can provide a means of
revealing changes in the rates of exploitation (e.g.per year, not per unit of fishing time)
of the resource or in the types or locations of species collected. For example, fisheries
agencies that collect and closely monitor data from fishers logbooks can see whether
the annual catches of certain species are increasing or decreasing. States (i.e. fishery
agencies) are urged, through the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO,
1995), to maintain statistical data on fishing operations and update them at regular
intervals. The data can be used as a proxy for monitoring the condition of the fishery
in the absence of rigorous data from underwater population surveys (see Sections 3
and 4). The data can reveal the amounts of sea cucumbers removed, where fishing took
place, how the animals were processed and the prices paid.
Licensing can be used to limit the number of buyers/exporters in the fishery to a
manageable number. In doing so, collection of trade statistics by the resource manager is
simplified. It improves the accountability of trading sea cucumbers since the exporting
agents are recognized and have vested interests in abiding by the fishery regulations.
Likewise, licences for buying or exporting sea cucumbers can act to limit the illegal
and unreported trade by stipulating licence renewal conditions. Illegal buying and
transport can be a key problem in fragmented small-scale fisheries (Kinch et al., 2007;
Kinch etal., 2008b). The market for fishers to sell their catch is improved if licences are
issued to separate companies that will act in competition to buy sea cucumbers.
Licensing of exporters can also be a way to initiate trade labelling to improve the
reputation and prices for beche-de-mer. Similarly, the labelling can distinguish beche-
de-mer arising from responsible fishing practices; Ecolabelling can
involve the public in preferentially purchasing fish from sustainable fisheries (Pauly,
2008), although the benefits of these marketing tactics have yet to be demonstrated for
beche-de-mer sold in Asia.

A principal limitation is that the data collation and analysis of captures and trade
require human resources and some technical capacity. This may be limiting in some
50 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

countries for the detail needed to properly manage multispecies sea cucumber fisheries
(see Section2.3). Customs officers and fishery officers need to be able to identify sea
cucumbers to species level, both in the unprocessed and processed (e.g.dried) forms.
Although some guides are available to help them with this task (see Section 6.1.1),
customs officers are commonly unfamiliar with identifying sea cucumbers, and so need
appropriate training (see Section6.5).
One obstacle in comparing trade statistics among countries is the harmonisation of
trade names. Sea cucumbers are sometimes coded or grouped, which only hampers the
ability to compare levels of trade across countries.
While exporters can be licensed, there are usually informal middlemen that buy
from fishers and sell to other buyers or exporters. When the market chain is divided into
multiple links in this way, licensing becomes problematic and difficult to regulate.
Exporters may be secretive about their sales and unwilling to provide data on prices
and grades of exported beche-de-mer. In the Seychelles, logsheets required fishers and
processors to state prices of sea cucumbers sold but compliance was difficult because
they were reluctant to give that information, so the logsheet was revised to only include
quantities sold (Aumeeruddy and Conand, 2008). In Madagascar, it has proven difficult
to obtain accurate data on exports because exporters under-report their trade to avoid
paying the corresponding taxes (Rasolofonirina, 2007).
A further underlying difficulty in obtaining accurate catch and trade data is the
presence of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. It is relatively easy
to export beche-de-mer illegally in many countries, or it can be transhipped and
re-exported from other countries, making the inferences about captures less reliable.

How to implement
Resource managers should gain an understanding of the market chain (including
shipment routes to markets or harbours). To whom do the fishers sell sea cucumbers;
who processes them; are there middlemen; and who exports the final product? These
questions can be answered from sociological studies and discussion with fishers and
buyers (Sections6.1.4 and 6.1.5).
It is also important to understand how the grading of beche-de-mer works and
the factors that affect sale price (Section 6.1.4). Obtain relevant conversion factors to
harmonise the trade data to a common unit of measure (e.g.whole-animal weights)
most of these are published for the common commercial species (see Examples and
lessons learned, Section6.1.3).
Managers should find out the legal framework under which licensing requirements
can be established for buyers and exporters. In some cases, legislation may afford some
rights to the exporters or fishers to keep their transactions confidential. Managers
should also find out if there are over-arching regulations from governments and
international agencies on the trade of sea cucumbers (e.g.CITES).
Supply custom agents with the information needed to identify different species and
grades of sea cucumbers. If possible, seek to harmonise the data format with other
countries in the region and participate in some form of regional monitoring and trade
Prepare or adopt logbooks with blank data sheets and examples to be completed by
fishers, buyers and exporters. The logbooks should oblige them to record the weights
and grade of sea cucumbers sold or exported for each species separately and include
the product form (i.e.whole, fresh gutted, salted, dried). Recording the product form
will allow data on the weights of each species to be converted to a standardised unit,
e.g. fresh (whole) animal weight or dried weight. Rejected and discarded animals
should also be recorded (e.g.Appendix3). Kinch et al. (2007) proposed that carbon-
copy receipt books should be used for transactions; the seller, buyer and fisheries
authority should each receive copies.
Regulatory measures 51

Fishery managers should arrange or define the mechanisms for data collection from
fishers and exporters do they submit logbooks or are these collected routinely by
a fisheries officer? For example, landing logsheets are required to be filled by fishers
and submitted after each landing to the management authority in Newfoundland and
Labrador, Canada (Appendix 3). Compliance with this reporting is a condition of
renewal for their fishing licences. In the Seychelles, licensed fishers are required to
submit logsheets of their catches on a monthly basis (Aumeeruddy and Conand, 2008).
Managers should establish a chain of custody to follow shipments from different areas,
for example by coding shipments by fisher licence number, site and date and have
this information passed on to buyers along the market chain. Government agencies
responsible for trade should collate and summarise the data in a way that can easily
reveal changes in the data over time.
Establish an industry code of conduct whereby licences are renewed on a
condition of compliance with the fishery regulations. Incentives could be given to
fishers and exporters for reporting completely and on time.
The critical stages should be regulated in the market chain i.e. stages that are
easy to identify and where important information can be collected and verified with
available resources. For example, managers should develop and implement a strategy
for active monitoring of the main harbours (i.e.export hubs).

Examples and lesson learned

Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

The Galpagos Marine Reserve (GMR) has a Fishery Monitoring Programme (FMP),
in which information is collected on fishing sites, fishing effort, total catch and fishing
methods, etc. Presently, the FMP is carried out by the Galpagos National Park Service
(GNPS). Information is collected throughout the chain of custody. The chain starts in the
GMR fishing site and ends with the exporter in mainland Ecuador. By the Special Law of
Galpagos, fishers are obliged to provide all the required info to the FMP. The chain of
custody involves the following steps:
1. Upon arrival of the fishing boat to one of the ports: (1) GNP personnel will record catch
information, fishing sites, biological information; and (2) GNPS verifies compliance
to fishery regulations; any catch not complying with these is impounded. A Fishing
Monitoring Certificate (FMC) is issued to the owner of the catch. This certificate verifies
the amount of I. fuscus harvested and state of the produce (i.e.fresh, in brine, dry).
2. The owner of the catch must present the FMCs to the sea cucumber merchant, who will
present all FMCs to GNPS personnel upon inspection. The total amount presented by
the dealer must be equal to the sum of FMCs. The merchant is then issued a Merchant
Monitoring Certificate (MMC).
3. Once the sea cucumber merchant has gathered enough products to send to mainland
Ecuador, he/she will present all MMCs to the GNPS in order to obtain authorization
to send the product out of the Islands. The GNPS will issue a Transport Authorization
Docket (TAD) and a CITES official export permit (I. fuscus was included in Appendix
III of CITES on 15 August 2003).
4. The sea cucumber merchant must present all TADs and CITES official export permits
in the airport or cargo pier in the Galpagos Islands. Upon arrival in mainland Ecuador,
all cargo will be presented to the Undersecretary of Fishing, in mainland Ecuador, who
in turn will verify the amount intended to be exported from the amount stated in the
certificates and permits. Then the cargo can be exported internationally.
Source: V. Toral-Granda.
52 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

The fishery for sea cucumbers is not a traditional activity in Cuba; hence there is little
local interest in fishing them unless there is a known legal market. All fishing activities for
Isostichopus badionotus are controlled, with monitoring of the landings, follow-ups and a
strict comparison between what is caught, the sales to the exporters and the actual export
figures. There is one exporting company authorized in Cuba (NENEKA C.A.) which ships
Class A product to China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Class B
product to China or the Republic of Korea. Additionally, there is a Sanitary Registration
that must be issued to the export product which will be checked by customs upon departure.
All paperwork must match precisely in order to leave the country. Up to date, there has not
been any illegal shipment detected.
Source: I. Alfonso.

New Caledonia
In both the Northern and Southern Provinces of New Caledonia, fishers are registered
through a licensing system. They are required to present themselves at the fishery service
and renew their licence each year, for a nominal fee. In the Northern Province, the fishers
must also apply for a special Concession to harvest sea cucumbers. The licensing system
allows the fishery services of the Provinces to monitor the number of fishers, and provides
an opportunity to update them on any new regulations. At the time of licence renewal,
each fisher is given a booklet, the Carnet de pche that contains the fishery regulations
and log sheets (blank forms) to record their catch, in terms of numbers and weights of sea
cucumbers collected on each fishing trip. One limitation is that the log sheets are submitted
once per year (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a), so the fishery service cannot regularly
monitor catches, would be required if a TAC limit was in place.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

Fiji, a large island group of 332 islands in the mid-Pacific, provides a relevant example of a
market chain between sea cucumbers in the lagoon and a dried beche-de-mer consignment
ready for shipping to international markets. If we take the northern Island of Vanua Levu
and the eastern Lau group of islands as examples we can see that a number of variations
exist in the type of market chain present. These scenarios reflect changes in market chain
structures across the Pacific.
Usually there are at least four stages along the route from lagoon to export warehouse,
although in some cases there may be more (see Figurebelow). The fisher or community
of fishers collects and sells product to local/island middleman who passes it to regional
agents and eventually national agent/capital warehouses. In the more traditional structure,
fishers in the western lagoon of Vanua Levu and the Lau Group catch sea cucumbers and
process the catch into dried product (beche-de-mer) before marketing to local buyers or
saving it up until they have enough to take to buyers in larger regional centres. This market
chain has changed somewhat in recent years, with a tendency for fishers to be employed
on wages and be working for managers employed by the larger export license holders.
These fishers, recruited from local villages, dive at numerous areas where they have
access, collecting sea cucumbers which are transported directly to the regional centres for
processing. In addition, some marine agents prefer to buy wet product from independent
fishers and process it themselves to the strict levels of quality requested by the market.
Due to the increasing value of the product and the lack of post-harvest skills of some
fishers, there is also a tendency for agents to re-process the product they buy, to enhance
its appearance and value.
Source: K. Friedman.
Regulatory measures 53

Standard Adapted structure



Regional agents

National agents

Above: More traditional market chain (left) and variations currently seen (right). Each box
texture represents a different stakeholder (i.e.person or company) along the market chain.
In the adapted structure, the exporting company employs regional agents, local agents,
processors and fishers, thereby controlling or taking away traditional employment of
middlemen and local fishers.

Western Indian Ocean

The Seychelles and Madagascar could again be taken as examples of two contrasting
fisheries, one with effort and capacity controls (Seychelles) and the other under an open
access regime without controls (Madagascar) (Conand and Muthiga 2007; Conand 2008;
Aumeeruddy and Conand 2008).
In the Seychelles, fishers, processors and exporters are licensed and monitored by the
fishing authority. A management plan came into effect in 2008, with the adoption of the
plan by the Cabinet of Ministers; it is the public statement and legal basis for management
of Seychelless sea cucumber three sectors of activity: harvesting, processing and export.
The sea cucumber fishery is controlled through a limit of 25 fishing licences to Seychelles
citizens. Licences are issued to individuals and registered companies possessing a valid
local fishing licensed vessel, to prevent monopoly on fishing licences. The licence fee
varies according to fishing vessel type. A maximum of four divers with life insurance are
authorized to fish under a sea cucumber fishing licence. The fishing season has been set for
nine months starting from 1 October to the 30 June. Licence holders are provided with sea
cucumber catch and effort forms, along with a grid map of the Mahe Plateau, which guides
them in reporting their fishing locations.
Real-time monitoring is undertaken at designated landing sites. Monitoring of the
activities of the processors is constantly done to ensure that illegally caught sea cucumbers
are not traded. The processors are required to keep detailed records of their purchases and
stocks in a logbook which is then reported back to the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA).
Most of the sea cucumbers harvested are processed to a dried state and exported by air cargo
to main Asian markets. At export the consignment is jointly certified and sealed by the SFA
and Custom Officers. A small management fee charged for each kilogram of sea cucumber
is paid in Seychelles Fishing Authoritys account to better manage the resource.
54 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Above: a stamped sheet from a fishers logbook showing the fishing dates, number of
divers, depth, fishing times, number of individual sea cucumbers captured and the fishing

The lesson from the successful monitoring of catch and trade in Seychelles sea cucumbers
is that licensing and monitoring must be conducted at the 3 levels: harvesting, processing
and export. The data collected on the catch and effort allows the evaluation of the state of
the resource.
In Madagascar, on the other hand, monitoring and controls have been difficult to
implement. In the last decades, the fishery has partly shifted from a low tide gleaning by
family groups including women and children, to a semi-industrial activity with motorised
boats and diving equipment, although SCUBA diving for sea cucumbers is illegal
(Rasolofonirina, 2007). The traditional exploitation is very active in remote villages.
Source: C. Conand.

5.6 Temporal closures

5.6.1 Seasonal and short-term closures
A cessation or prohibition of fishing for a short specified time period, generally for less
than a year and often over the breeding season.
Temporal closures could be a seasonal or cyclical closure, or just a one-off closure
for a short period.

Seasonal closures have been used in some sea cucumber fisheries (Bruckner, 2006b;
Toral-Granda, Lovatelli and Vasconcellos, 2008). Two principal uses of seasonal
closures are: (1) to prevent fishing of sea cucumbers in a period when they are more
easily collected, because they are forming groups or less cryptic, such as when they
are breeding; and (2) to limit the number of days in a year that fishers have to collect
the animals. However, Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo (2009a) argue that the biological
precept of the first use is not valid for the majority of sea cucumber species. In the
Regulatory measures 55

uncommon cases where the behaviour of the species makes them more vulnerable to
fishing (more easily collected), seasonal closures have a biological basis.
Only two fisheries in the Western Central Pacific have seasonal fishing closures
(Kinch et al., 2008). A large benefit of temporary closures lies in the reduction of
annual fishing effort. They can limit annual effort by reducing the total number of
days per year that animals can be harvested. For example, the fishing season in some
parts of Japan is closed for 10 months of each year (Choo, 2008a). Evidence from field
population assessments indicates that this measure, in addition with other companion
regulations, has increased the densities of wild stocks (Choo, 2008a). On the other
hand, while fishing in the Galpagos Islands is restricted to two months between March
and August, in addition to other regulatory measures, stocks have continued to decline
(Toral-Granda, 2008b). Likewise, a 5-month temporal closure in the sea cucumber
fishery in Eritrea apparently did not prevent depletion of stocks (Conand, 2008).
Temporal closures could be viewed as measure to protect sea cucumbers at certain
critical times of the year, such as during spawning (Bruckner, 2006b). In this way, fishing
does not disturb them in a biologically vulnerable period, but this idea is unfounded
if the seasonal closure causes heavier fishing pressure. That is, seasonal closures may
backfire as a management measure if heavy fishing prior to the spawning season lowers
the densities of spawning animals to levels lower than if there was no seasonal closure
in the first instance (see Figure22).
Temporal or seasonal closures can have some benefit for export marketing of the
beche-de-mer. For instance, fishing may be closed when the animals would be of
poorer quality for processing, e.g. during aestivation. For example, a long annual
temporal closure in British Columbia, Canada, allows fishing for only three weeks, at
a time of the year when the muscle weight is greatest and the animals have reabsorbed
their internal organs (Hamel and Mercier, 2008a).

There are clear reasons why seasonal closures can reduce the likelihood of overfishing if
their purpose is simply to reduce effort. This assumes that fishers do not then fish more
intensely during the open season, and that annual harvests are lowered because there
is less time for fishers to collect sea cucumbers. In this case, seasonal closures could be
placed at any time of the year. In other fisheries, closures are commonly set during the
spawning season of the animals to prevent exploitation of spawning aggregations or to
avoid disturbance to spawning behaviour. That would only hold true if animals were
more vulnerable to being caught during the spawning season or if spawning behaviour
was somehow deterred ( chemical cues of released by distressed animals when
captured) by the collection of some animals which are probably not the case for the
majority of commercial sea cucumbers. Most species do not form aggregations for
spawning and there is no evidence that they are much more visible to fishers during
the spawning seasons. Therefore, there is no behavioural basis to close fishing when
animals spawn or during breeding seasons because sea cucumbers do not appear to be
more vulnerable to being collected during these periods. In addition, closures based
on spawning seasons will be problematic in multispecies fisheries (see Section2.3) if
species spawn in different months.
Shorter fishing seasons can prompt stronger fishing pressure in the open season,
thus taking adults out of the population even before they spawn. A seasonal closure can
therefore decrease the number of breeders in the spawning season if fishers try to catch
an equivalent number of sea cucumbers in the fishing season as they would have without
a seasonal closure (Figure 22). Seasonal closures should be used with some form of
output control, e.g.a reduced TAC (Section5.4), if this may be the case (see Section8.3).
Managers may therefore need to monitor catches following the implementation of
temporal closure to ensure that rates of fishing do not increase in the open season.
56 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

A simplified representation of declines in stock biomass through the fishing season with
an equivalent annual catch, with and without a seasonal closure. The solid line (blue)
shows a gradual decline in stock biomass though the whole 12 months, from a constant
fishing rate, followed by recruitment of new animals the following year. The dashed
line (red) shows a faster decline in the stock in the first 8 months (before a 4-month
seasonal closure) because fishers collect at a faster rate to obtain the same annual catch
in 8 months. The seasonal closure in this case coincides with the spawning season. The
number of adults harvested annually is the same in both scenarios. The shaded area
shows the deficit in spawning biomass at various times during the spawning season with
a seasonal closure compared to a fishery without a seasonal closure
Stock abundance

Seasonal closure

0 4 8 12
Time (months)

Conflicts can arise due to a clash between the timing of temporal closures and the
economic needs of fishers or environmental factors. For example, the closures could be
set during months when fishers need cash for certain expenses or when sea conditions
are conducive to fishing. For example, fishers in Oman usually collect sea cucumbers
for six months each year (Conand, 2008) and may object to closures during months of
economic need or convenient weather.

How to implement
Managers should determine if there are good reasons for imposing temporal closures
and consider the potential shortcomings of basing these on spawning seasons. The
reproductive cycle of the commercial species should be known. How many months are
needed for the gametes in sea cucumbers to become mature and what is the spawning
Managers should find out if the season or periods of closure will accommodate
fishers cultural and economic needs (Section 6.1.4). Will the temporal closure prevent
fishing in months of favourable seas or at a time when monetary needs are greatest?
In addition, find out if there is a demand from exporters or from the market in certain
seasons. Are there limitations on processing in certain months? Will temporal closures
cause a disruption to relationships with exports, if they expect regular delivery of
beche-de-mer? Seasonal closures should be notified to fishers, through meetings,
newsletters or news media (Figure23).
Care should be taken to monitor and ensure that fishing does not intensify in
the open season. Temporal closures should be used only in combination with other
management measures, such as minimum size limits (Section 8.3).
Regulatory measures 57

A notice in a newspaper in Papua New Guinea, notifying fishers of the upcoming
seasonal closure. It tells why the closure is put in place, that fishers and traders cannot
collect, process, buy or sell sea cucumbers in the period and that traders must declare
their inventory of sea cucumbers by a specified date

photo: M. Kronen, spc procfish/c

Examples and lessons learned

Each prefecture in Japan manages its own fishery. Harvesting of sea cucumbers in most
fisheries is allowed during winter and there is a closed season for several months, starting
in April. This is because spring is thought to be a spawning season in most of the Japanese
archipelago. However, prefectures in Hokkaido, in northern Japan, are an exception. Each
fishery cooperative association set down their fishery regulations and regulate their fishing
activities on a voluntary basis. For example, Semposhi Fishery Cooperative Association
self-regulates their fishery season: from March 1 to April 30 and June 16 to July 20. In
another prefecture the fishery is closed from May 1 to June 15.
Source: J. Akamine.

British Columbia, Canada

In British Columbia, the annual Parastichopus californicus fishery lasts for about three
weeks in October. The open season is set at this time because muscle weight is greatest and
the animals have reabsorbed their internal organs (DFO, 2002).
Source: A. Mercier and J.-F. Hamel.
58 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

5.6.2 Bans or moratoria

A long-term cessation or prohibition of fishing, i.e.for periods >1 year.
In contrast with other permanent closures like MPAs or No-take zones, bans or
moratoria are temporal closures and cover a large part, or all, of a fishery.

A ban or moratorium, allows sea cucumber populations to recover to levels at
which breeding stocks can be dense enough to allow positive per-capita population
growth. They are generally set in place where the resource is overexploited to the
extent that other management measures would not be enough to allow populations to
recover within a satisfactory time frame. Here, a complete ban on further fishing is a
necessary admission that the previous management regulations were insufficient.
Moratoria can also be placed at the onset of a developing fishery or where the status
of the resource (i.e.abundance and body size frequency) is uncertain. These measures
allow the manager some time to develop management plans or to evaluate the current
status of stocks. In this case, moratoria are the most precautionary regulation in the
interim period of developing other management plans.

An immediate consequence of imposing bans can be conflicts with fishers who depend on
the resource or have a traditional or historical attachment to fishing sea cucumbers. Social
acceptance is low where fishers have limited options to shift to other means of gaining
income for their livelihoods. Where there is strong attachment to the resource, a ban can
lead to a black market in illegal capture of sea cucumbers (Conand, 2008), resulting in
poor processing and wastage because animals are not sold to experienced processors.
A secondary effect of moratoria is increased fishing pressure on other resources.
Fishers who collected sea cucumbers may shift to harvesting other marine animals like
sharks for the shark fins (Kinch et al., 2008b).

How to implement
Sensibly, bans should be imposed as soon as possible after recognizing that stocks are
depleted, before critical damage to sea cucumber populations occurs (see Section 2.4).
There is a hard trade-off that managers must make between giving fishers ample notice
of a forthcoming ban and minimising the cost in recovery time of the resource when
fishers exploit stocks at a maximal rate prior to a ban.
Regular communication with fishers will help managers understand how they will
cope with a moratorium. If this is yet clear, consult with fishers about the impact on
their livelihoods. Implement an education program to ensure that all fishers are aware
of the ban, through the media and signposting (Section 6.6).
Likewise, managers should also gather the support and commitment of decision-
makers to maintain the ban in the face of public opposition and influence from
buyers. Support will be best won if they are well informed about the basic biological
need to conserve/restore adequate breeding populations and the costs of delaying the
imposition of a ban.
Managers should meet with policy makers to decide the criteria by which a ban can
be lifted in the future. This may logically be a certain average density of sea cucumbers
in populations of certain species or species-groups on designated reefs to be monitored
(Skewes et al., 2006). At the onset of the ban and periodically thereafter, stocks should be
monitored to document recovery (Section 6.1.2). The data also gives a subjective ground
for lifting the ban in years to come, if stocks have recovered to pre-determined levels.
There are two main fields of information needed by the fishery manager before deciding
to impose a complete fishery ban; socio-economic impacts and status of stocks.
Regulatory measures 59

It would be best practice to determine the dependency that fishers and communities
have for collecting sea cucumbers as an income source (Section 6.1.4). Which
communities will be most impacted and what other income-generation activities do
they have to fall back on if a moratorium is set? Managers may then need to work with
other government sectors and NGOs to mitigate economic hardship on communities
through development and training in other ways of meeting peoples livelihood needs.
Sea cucumbers are also important for provincial and/or national revenues through
taxing exports, so the likely economic impacts of the ban on these broader economic
needs should be gauged and weighed up against the ecological risks to the resource of
continued fishing. The likely impacts on other resources should also be considered, as
fishers shift their activities to other income streams.
In order to gain social acceptance of bans, managers should seek to obtain data on
population densities or abundance over different areas of the fishery (Sections 6.1.2
and 6.1.3). Is a ban needed throughout the entire fishery, or is it really needed just in
one sector? Fishers and processors may also argue that animals can still be found and
that a complete ban is unnecessary. A simple analysis of data from underwater visual
census or trends in CPUE or exports (separated by species) will support the need for
such drastic measures. This sort of data also provides a baseline for further monitoring
in years after a ban is imposed. It is also useful to consider the approximate densities
at which breeding populations need to exist to reproduce successfully, although there
is little scientific data available for sea cucumbers (Bell, Purcell and Nash, 2008). A
critical question is: at what densities do sub-populations of the different commercial
species need to reach to start spawning successfully and replenishing recruitment for
the fishery? The answers to this question can be used to place target reference points on
population recovery before the fishery is re-opened (Skewes et al., 2006; Section 3.4).
Similarly, the manager should find out the current size-structure of the population and
may want to place a management goal to re-open the fishery after animals measured in
the field have attained a certain average size.

Examples and lessons learned

The Torres Strait sea cucumber fishery, between the north-eastern tip of continental
Australia and Papua New Guinea, experienced declines in several high-value sea cucumber
populations after years of commercial fishing. A ban was instigated in 19962000 for
sandfish (Holothuria scabra), but no significant recovery of populations occurred. The ban
was extended thereafter, based on follow-up underwater visual censuses. Likewise, fishing
for surf redfish (Actinopyga mauritiana) and black teatfish (Holothuria whitmaei) was
banned in the Torres Strait in 2003 after a survey showed that the stocks were overexploited
(Skewes et al., 2006). There were several lessons from the moratoria in the Torres Strait:
1. Some populations of sea cucumber may take many years to recover, or may not recover
at all, after imposing a moratorium. There can be many reasons for the lack of recovery
of the populations:
(1) densities of spawners may be fished too low prior to the moratorium to allow natural
recovery of the population;
(2) the population may rely heavily on larval supply from another population, which
may also be depleted;
(3) recruitment may be naturally infrequent in the target species due to intrinsic
factors such as the frequency of spawning in adults, or to extrinsic factors such as
certain particular environmental conditions required for successful development or
transport of larvae (e.g. seawater temperature, a narrow range in current speed or
60 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

direction, or availability of particular microalgae in the water column on which the

sea cucumber larvae feed during development in the water column).
2. Fishery managers should take steps to monitor stocks and implement conservative
management so that moratoria are not needed, since these measures may not always
allow stocks to recover within acceptable timeframes.
3. Placing a moratorium on fishing of one species can increase the fishing pressure on other
species in the fishery. Therefore, the need for a moratorium due to overexploitation
of one species suggests that fishing strategies are not sustainable, with regard to the
resource stocks. Fishery managers should therefore consider setting stricter companion
regulatory measures for other, fishable, species when imposing fishing moratoria on a
subset of the species in the fishery.
In the sea cucumber fishery of the Great Barrier Reef, in the state of Queensland,
H.whitmaei became overfished in the late 1990s. A fishery ban (zero TAC) has prohibited
the collection of that species since 1998. At that stage, the densities of this species on
reefs fished was 2025 percent of that on reefs protected from fishing. Surveys after the
closure showed no measurable recovery up to 4.5 years after fishery closure, suggesting
that recruitment in this species is very low. The main lesson, again, is that a measurable, or
significant, recovery of stocks after the start of a moratorium may take years or decades.
Managers should not expect that all sea cucumber populations will recover quickly after
ceasing fishing through a moratorium.
Source: S. Uthicke.

Solomon Islands
The importance of the beche-de-mer fishery to the people of Solomon Islands is revealed
by the 1999 census. The village-level nature of the fishery directly impacts the sociological
and economic well being of rural coastal communities. At the time of the census, almost
6 000 households had recently been involved in catching and selling sea cucumbers as
beche-de-mer. The number of people fishing for sea cucumbers increased greatly during
the subsequent years of ethnic tension, when the national systems for exporting copra and
cocoa broke down and many rural communities had no other source of income. In the
southern islands of Rennell and Belona, where cyclones have recently destroyed plantations,
beche-de-mer remains the main source of cash. In the atoll of Ontong Java, beche-de-mer
has been the main source of income for decades.
The heavy fishing pressure on sea cucumbers in the Solomon Islands has resulted in a
downward shift in species composition of harvests and decreasing catch rates over the last
decade. Levels of personal debt of sea cucumber fishers (among others), even in remote
village communities, are quite high, mainly to local business entrepreneurs. The great
surge in dependence on beche-de-mer by rural communities is reflected in the number of
companies licensed to export beche-de-mer, which increased from 9 in 2000 to 23 in 2003.
In December 2005, the Solomon Islands Government declared a ban on the export of
beche-de-mer in response to declines in the fishery (Nash and Ramofafia, 2006). The ban
made it difficult (or impossible if alternative sources of income were not available) to
service these debts (Nash and Ramofafia, 2006). Villages in Isabel Province where a survey
was conducted were found to be heavily dependent on beche-de-mer for income, and
this was lost when the ban came into effect. A serious consequence of this loss of income
was that parents found it difficult to find school fees, particularly those whose children
were studying at the secondary level. In the absence of school fees, students would be
temporarily removed from schools until fees were paid. Another impact highlighted was
the increased fishing pressure on other fisheries, particularly Trochus and shark fin. The
potential of increased social problems due to lack of income was also raised (WorldFish
Centre, 2006).
Regulatory measures 61

In April 2007, following an earthquake and tsunami that damaged stretches of coastline
in the Western and Choiseul Provinces of Solomon Islands, the Ministry of Fisheries and
Marine Resources lifted the ban (Ramofafia et al., 2007). After one year, the cabinet in
Solomon Islands had approved the closure of the fishery again (from 1 April 2008). The
fishery will remain closed until the interim management plan is finalized and implemented.
Source: J.P. Kinch and K. Friedman.

Indian Ocean
Several countries that have experienced overexploitation of sea cucumbers decided to
implement bans on the collection, processing and trade of commercial species. This has been
the case, for example, of Egypt and India (Conand, 2008). Despite the official bans, there
are often illegal captures. In several countries bans have been abandoned under the pressure
of fishers and exporters.
Source: C. Conand.

5.7 Area-based measures

5.7.1 Marine protected areas, including no-take zones
A marine protected area (MPA) is a portion of the marine benthos and water, with its
associated biota, reserved to protect part, or all, of the enclosed environment (Kelleher,
In the broad context, MPAs are areas managed to enhance conservation of marine
resources and many MPA types allow fishing at regulated levels (Lubchenco et al., 2003;
Hilborn et al., 2004). They include many sub-classes, defined mainly upon the level of
protection and primary conservation goal; e.g. marine sanctuaries, no-take reserves,
harvest refugia, multiuse MPAs, marine reserves, ecological reserves (Browman and
Stergiou, 2004; Sale et al., 2005). No-take zones (NTZs) or fully-protected marine
reserves are a special class of MPA, which prohibit any extractive activities such as
fishing. MPAs and No-take zones are one type of spatial closure.

Although there are few well documented cases, marine reserves are believed to act as
a management tool by supplementing fished stocks in surrounding areas (Sale et al.,
2005). They may achieve this in two ways:
1) through spillover, as increasing abundance of juveniles and adults within the
MPA will make some animals to move out to surrounding areas where they can
be fished, and
2) through larval supply, as a build-up of breeding adults in the reserves allows for
more active spawning and fertilisation of eggs, which are carried by currents to
settle in fishing grounds.
Marine reserves may be particularly useful for sea cucumbers because effective
spawning and fertilisation seems to require high densities of spawners, which may
not occur in most of the open fishing grounds (Bell, Purcell and Nash, 2008).
MPAs therefore aim to provide insurance of future fishery recruitment in a meta-
population by promoting dense breeding populations that can spawn successfully.
For sedentary species, like sea cucumbers, spatial management through marine reserves
may achieve larger reproductive outputs than global controls for comparable harvest
rates (Hilborn et al., 2004).
In some cases, marine reserves may be designed or established to improve ecosystem
conservation. Reserves that provide a sanctuary for large or rare sea cucumbers could
also improve the attraction of sites for tourism, extending economic benefits beyond
62 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

fisheries. They also present a useful tool for conserving stocks in multispecies fisheries,
common to sea cucumbers (Section 2.3), where it is difficult to control catches of
individual species through catch quotas or size limits (Hilborn et al., 2004). For
example, there are thousands of fishers in various districts of the Philippines who
exploit more than 30 species of sea cucumbers (Choo, 2008b). Quotas and rotational
harvest strategies would be impossible to regulate, but there are more than 500 MPAs
in the country, which should protect breeding populations of sea cucumbers in some
For both science and management, NTZs provide a baseline reference of unexploited
populations by which to compare fished populations. They are perhaps the best basis
for understanding the broader impacts of fishing on ecological systems, through
comparing trends in fish production, age, size and sex structure of the stock, and effects
on habitats, with fished areas (Schroeter et al., 2001; Hilborn et al., 2004). Similarly,
they provide important opportunities for research that may not exist in fished areas,
e.g.easy access to high-value species and ability to work with dense populations.

Implementation may be difficult where the marine reserves are relatively large and
exclude users from traditional grounds. The implementation of marine reserves close
to communities will probably force fishers to travel further to unfamiliar grounds or
reduce the short-term gains of the fishers with limited mobility (Hilborn et al., 2004).
The loss of short-term gains in fishing may be a main cause for low acceptance. Conflicts
can arise among user groups, not necessarily just fishers (e.g.tourism operators, marine
traffic and conservationists).
Carving out marine reserves from traditional fishing grounds will naturally cause
fishers to collect sea cucumbers elsewhere, which could have undesirable consequences.
Fishing effort or catch quotas may then need to be lowered, and this presents an
economic loss to the fishery. Protecting 30 percent of available habitat area in marine
reserves, for example, may require a reduction in effort of the same magnitude to avoid
overfishing. The impact of effort re-allocation may, therefore, be substantial (Hilborn
etal., 2004).
Active enforcement of reserves near the coast may require a cost to communities in
paying surveillance officers or rostering guardians. Small and numerous marine reserves
away from the coast mount the difficulty in enforcement, since fishers can stray within
the reserve boundaries beyond sight of guardians on shore. While there are hundreds of
MPAs in the Philippines, only 1015percent are reported to be effectively managed and
many may not serve their purpose to rebuild breeding populations of sea cucumbers
because they are too small and illegal fishing is difficult to control (Choo, 2008b).
Another challenge of marine reserves lies in the need to judiciously decide on the
areas to be protected. Few reserves have been established just for sea cucumbers more
likely they are designed and sited as refugia for other resources (e.g.predatory fish) or
to benefit a suite of biota. The locations of existing MPAs may have been decided by
socio-political factors more than bio-ecological factors (Browman and Stergiou, 2004).
The locations may not be favourable for species that need them the most. Marine
reserves, unless very large, will rarely satisfy the conservation objectives for all species
in a multispecies fishery because the various habitats required by the various species
cannot all be represented in one reserve (see Section 2.3). This will commonly be
the case for tropical sea cucumber fisheries. Likewise, populations at some sites may
contribute little to fishery recruitment for various reasons. A network of relatively
small reserves has been advocated for sea cucumbers as a means of spreading risks
of irregular reproduction or poor siting (Purcell and Kirby, 2006). Managers should
seek data on the existing or historical densities of sea cucumbers at various locations
and the potential migration of target species as fundamentals to deciding the site and
Regulatory measures 63

size of reserves. Poor planning of marine reserves, or MPAs, can lead to unfulfilled
expectations, the creation of disincentives and a loss of credibility about their role in
resource management (Hilborn et al., 2004).
A further and most controversial limitation is the difficulty in confirming the
effectiveness of marine reserves for improving fisheries (Hilborn et al., 2004; Sale etal.,
2005). Increased abundance or size of animals in the reserve is all good and well for
scientists and tourists, but affords no direct fishery benefit. It is the greatly enhanced
reproductive potential of such populations (and, to a lesser extent, spillover of
juveniles and adults) to surrounding fishing grounds that affords marine reserves a place
as a fishery management tool, and it is this effect that is difficult to prove rigorously. In
the absence of evidence to show their effectiveness for boosting sea cucumber fisheries,
the use of marine reserves should be balanced with other management tools (Stefansson
and Rosenberg, 2005; Section8.3).

How to implement
Stakeholders should be part of the process of planning and implementation of marine
reserves. A first step should be discussion with stakeholders and biologists on the value
and implementation of marine reserves. Decide what class of MPA is best: a protected
area that allows some fishing under certain conditions, a no-take zone prohibiting
fishing only for sea cucumbers or a fully protected reserve. Some compromises may be
needed to keep some sites open to fishing that can be practically accessed, particularly
where women and children collect by wading from shore.
Managers should also gauge which areas will be easily monitored by compliance
officers or community guardians and which areas will be prone to poaching. It should
also be determined who will be in charge of doing the surveillance. The legal framework
in which the MPA regulations are situated should be understood and the regulations
and penalties should be made as simple as possible (Kelleher, 1999).
Decide on a minimum size for the reserves. For rebuilding nucleus breeding groups
of sea cucumbers alone, these need not be very large (e.g. 50300 ha) because most
species do not appear to migrate long distances. Very small reserves (i.e.<10 ha) will
be unlikely to deliver real fishery benefits since they will probably not contain enough
adults nor allow for animals to move around without migrating beyond the boundaries
where they can be legally fished. Some stocking of wild adults into reserves may boost
reproductive output for stock rebuilding (Bell, Purcell and Nash, 2008). More likely,
the reserves will be developed with an intention to also protect mobile animals like
fishes, in which case they should be considerably larger (e.g.several hundred hectares).
For biodiversity conservation of various marine species, larger reserves will be more
effective (Sale et al., 2005).
Consider a network of multiple marine reserves within the fishery and protecting a
significant proportion of the habitat. As an example, the Representative Areas Program
(RAP) on Australias Great Barrier Reef allocated one-third of the total marine park
area as no-take reserves (Figure 24). A common target in fisheries management has
been to place 20 percent of representative habitat in marine reserves, but recent studies
suggest that more than 35 percent of available grounds should be fully protected to
avoid recruitment overfishing (Sale et al., 2005).
Delineate a large enough area of suitable habitat for sea cucumbers and limit
fishing by MPA or NTZ regulations; e.g.limit fishing effort or prohibit fishing. The
boundaries should be described or marked clear enough for all stakeholders to identify
the reserve borders when at sea. For example, the geographic waypoints of boundary
limits can be listed in fishery handbooks and brochures and marked at the sites with
buoys or markers. Also, compliance is less ambiguous when marine reserve boundaries
are delimited by waypoints joined by straight lines rather than defined by a certain
distance from shore.
64 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

A section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) that is important to the sea
cucumber fishery. Licensed fishers are allowed to collect sea cucumber by hand only in
General Use and Habitat Protection Zones

No fishing or collecting
(except trolling for pelagic

Source: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, MPZ5 Cooktown Detailed Zoning map, with modification.

The key information needs arise from the questions of where to site the reserves,
how big they need to be, how closely should they be spaced and how to ensure they
will be respected by users. As mentioned, the establishment of the reserves will seldom
be divorced from the conservation and fisheries objectives for other resources. Where
a network of reserves is planned principally for sea cucumbers, managers need some
information on four attributes of the populations to design the network structure:
1) how many separate populations are there in the metapopulation?
2) how are the populations distributed (close together or far apart)?
3) how abundant are the animals in each population? and
4) how variable are the population abundances over time (Browman and Stergiou,
One key piece of information needed at the onset of designing a network of reserves
is the extent of connectivity among local populations of the target species, a feature
about which we know relatively little (Sale et al., 2005). Thus, the fishery manager may
need surrogate information to best-guess such processes.
Current patterns should be sought from hydrographic studies to judge the direction
that larvae from marine reserves will disperse. Up-current sites will be best in terms
of placement for improving recruitment to neighbouring unprotected sites via the
reproduction of breeders in reserves. Some larvae may recruit back to the natal site,
while others will disperse some distance to rebuild stocks elsewhere (e.g. on fished
How far sea cucumber larvae disperse from natal sites is a question for which we
have few confident answers (Section 2.1). Although some tank-based studies tell us
about the longevity of larvae, less is know about how sea cucumber larvae act in the
water column to mediate their dispersal (Conand, 2006a; Lovatelli et al., 2004). They
are far from passive particles and are unlikely to behave like the floating beacons used to
determine surface currents. Studies assessing the population genetics of sea cucumbers




Regulatory measures 65

across sites, can provide a surrogate for gauging the likely dispersal potential of larvae
in the absence of studies of larvae in the wild (e.g.Uthicke and Benzie, 2000; Uthicke
and Purcell, 2004). Such studies also help to understand the geographic boundaries
of populations (i.e.stock delineation). Inevitably, management agencies will (in most
cases) need to best-guess the dispersal potential of larvae from reserves to decide how
close they should be spaced in a fishery to furnish recruits to all target fishing grounds.
Conservatively, a network of reserves would include breeding populations spaced
closer than the maximum distance that larvae can commonly disperse.
At the level of individual reserves, managers then need information to know
what habitats they should include and how big they need to be. Ecological studies
on commercial species should be reviewed. How far can they move in a lifetime and
what habitat do they most seem to prefer? Multivariate analyses on the relationship
between abundances of individuals and biotic and environmental variables will
indicate the affinities of species to various habitats. Mark-recapture and short-term
movement studies will be the basis for understanding the movement potential of the
animals. Such information allows the manager to suitably site the reserves in good
habitats and set them to be large enough such that most of the animals do not migrate
beyond the boundaries where they can be legally removed by fishers a phenomenon
known as spillover (Purcell and Kirby, 2006). After all, it is the build up of sufficient
densities of breeders inside the reserve that allows it to perform its function in fisheries
After the planning and declaration of marine reserves, managers and stakeholders
will want to know whether breeding populations have built up to at sufficient densities
to expect significant reproduction and larval export to neighbouring fishing grounds.
In a depleted fishery, this may take many years. In this regard, it is useful to conduct
some underwater field surveys to describe the species abundance, diversity and habitats
within the reserve (see Examples and lessons learned below; Section 6.1.2). These data
provide a baseline for future reference. Data exists for few species on the threshold
densities or distance between sea cucumber adults at which reproduction becomes
broadly successful (Babcock et al., 1992; Shepherd et al., 2004). The required densities
of adults for effective reserves will naturally vary among species. Some scientists have
postulated that, as a minimum for successful reproduction, tropical sea cucumber
populations should be denser than 1050 individuals ha-1 containing some groups
of breeders <510 m apart (Bell, Purcell and Nash, 2008). These threshold densities
currently remain as best guesses, even by experienced ecologists, in the absence of
empirical studies on fertilisation kinetics and mating behaviour of target species.

Examples and lessons learned

Malaysia has a number of marine reserves, which are not especially for sea cucumbers but
for fish and invertebrates generally. There are five marine parks comprising a total of 40
islands in Peninsular Malaysia and Labuan Federal Territory in East Malaysia and three
marine parks in Sabah in East Malaysia. In addition, there are three Fisheries Prohibited
Areas (FPAs) in Sarawak in East Malaysia, two in Melaka and one in Negeri Sembilan
located in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The FPAs are under the administration of
the Department of Fisheries (DoF) and fishing is prohibited in waters within two nautical
miles from the outermost points of the islands.
Generally, the marine parks in Peninsular Malaysia are well protected from illegal fishing
and fishers tend to keep their distance for fear of being spotted by officers based in the
66 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

parks. A survey conducted by Coral Cay Conservation (CCC) indicated little poaching of
sea cucumbers in the Redang Island Marine Park, which contributed to the highest overall
invertebrate abundance (Comley et al., 2004). In Peninsular Malaysia, poor people are also
not financially desperate enough to gather sea cucumbers either legally in the coastal areas
or illegally in marine parks (Butcher, 2004). However, the marine parks in Sabah have a
large population of illegal immigrants and poor fishers, and incidences of fishing with illegal
methods (e.g.dynamite and cyanide) have been reported quite frequently and enforcement
officers have stepped up efforts to prevent poaching.
The system of national marine parks and the fishery zoning regulations in Peninsular
Malaysia have met with some successes and Malaysias national coral reef management
efforts are some of the most successful in Southeast Asia. Malaysia also has effective fisheries
regulations, separating different user groups to different fishing zones thus helping to reduce
conflicts and overfishing. Management of marine parks in Malaysia can be further enhanced
by strengthening state capacity especially in East Malaysia, improving the integration of
state and federal authorities to achieve sustainable coastal development and addressing
destructive fishing in East Malaysia.
Source: P.Z. Choo.

New Caledonia, France

There are a number of marine reserves in New Caledonia for broad fishery and conservation
purposes, but these represent a very small percentage of the available areas for fishing
sea cucumbers. Some of them seem to be working effectively as spawning refugia for sea
cucumbers because adult populations in the reserves are now relatively dense compared to
populations in neighbouring fishing grounds. However, more reserves are probably needed
(e.g.2030percent of habitats) to give the best insurance against the potential loss of breeding
capacity in fished areas. Most of the reserves cover several hundred to several thousand
hectares and most are in the Southern Province, where the human population is greatest (see
map below). In many cases, the reserve boundaries surround one entire reef, with a central
small island, and bordering lagoon seabed. Most appear to be well respected by fishers.


Coral reef

Marine reserve

10 km

Above: marine reserves in New Caledonia are most numerous in the vicinity of the
capital city, Noumea. In this area, the no-take reserves form a network of sanctuaries
for sea cucumbers and other biota, on nearshore, lagoonal and barrier reefs.
Source: ISEE, New Caledonia, with modification.
Regulatory measures 67

One, relatively long-established, reserve (Ilot Matre; see map) has an impressive abundance
and diversity of sea cucumbers; over of species of high and medium value
(across five habitats) and a total of 19 species recorded (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a).
However, the proliferation of sea cucumbers on the reef flat at that site seems to have
stunted the growth of many species.
The only marine reserve in the Northern Province is large and includes mostly coastal
seagrass beds and mangrove habitats. Although the area was previously fished, probably
for more than a century, densities of sandfish (H. scabra) in that reserve are now quite high
(site density varying from 81 to 244ind.ha-1). This at least shows that populations of some
species can build up in reserves to represent important breeding groups for supplying larvae
to neighbouring fishing grounds. Unfortunately, there have been recent cases of poaching,
which were brought to the national courts.
Importantly, although long-term reserves in New Caledonia tended to have greater sea
cucumber populations than reserves established recently, they did not always lead to a huge
build-up of sea cucumber breeding populations (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). Some
recently established reserves did not yet have dense populations of sea cucumbers. The
lesson from these comparisons is that reserves may relieve fishing pressure so that dense
breeding populations of sea cucumbers can build up, but the site characteristics will play a
large role in this and it may take many years or decades for populations to become dense.
Therefore, a network of many reserves is needed in a fishery to account for the fact that
some sites may not be ideal for sea cucumbers.
The study also showed that species richness of the sea cucumber communities was
significantly greater on mid-shelf reefs within the lagoon than on barrier reefs. The lesson in
this example is that more marine reserves should be placed on lagoon reefs for conservation
purposes. Some barrier reef reserves are also needed to protect some breeding populations
of species not often found at lagoonal sites.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

Solomon Islands
Stock surveys of sea cucumbers at the Arnavon Island Marine Reserve (AIMR) in the
Solomon Islands were completed three times before, and three surveys after the declaration
of the Islands as a conservation area (AMCA): JanuaryFebruary, AprilMay and July
August 1995 (before); and September 1998, JanuaryFebruary 1999 and April 1999 (after)
(Lincoln-Smith et al., 2000).
Photo: M. Lincoln-Smith (Cardno Ecology Lab)
Photo: Google Earth

Left: Arnarvon Island in foreground. Right: a researcher on SCUBA conducts a belt-

transect survey for sea cucumbers on a shallow reef in the Arnavon Islands.
68 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

After the islands had been protected by the 82 km2 reserve, surveys at the AMCA revealed
that the establishment of the conservation area had not caused a significant increase in the
number of all holothurians, but it may well have prevented declines in abundance that was
evident elsewhere in the region. This suggests that over this short time period, the AMCA
maintained populations but was mostly ineffective at enhancing them. The lesson may be
that it takes many years, perhaps decades, for some species of sea cucumbers to rebuild
breeding populations inside marine reserves. Abundance data indicated that sea cucumber
numbers declined on average by one-third outside the Arnavon group, but remained
relatively similar in the protected area from before to 3+ years after the declaration.
An exception was the abundance of amberfish, T. anax, with more individuals within the
AMCA relative to surveys of the surrounding areas, from before to after declaration. The
ratios of observed proportional differences between AMCA and control areas from before
to after declaration were generally quite small, suggesting a relatively small effect after
3years of closure. The more notable response was that the abundances of white teatfish,
H. fuscogilva increased in the AMCA relative to fished (control) areas, but this result was
statistically non-significant.
One cannot exclude the possibility that the AMCA caused a redistribution of harvesting
effort to surrounding areas, including the controls areas that were surveyed. Declaration of
marine protected areas without any changes in the level of activity of fishers would result
in increased activity in the fishery outside the reserve. In fact, if this was the case, then the
declaration of areas of insufficient size as protected, could accelerate declines across the
fishery, so overemphasizing the benefits of the reserves. Managers need to ensure there is
sufficient spawning mass across the fishery, to ensure the sustainability of harvests.
The study at the AMCA shows that the time needed for a species to recover from
harvesting might be longer than expected, and will depend on factors such as generation
time, severity and extent of previous fishing, local oceanographic features, location and size
of the reserve, infringement of the reserve and availability of nursery and adult habitat. This
study suggests that it may take many years to restore each of the target species to preharvest
levels, assuming the reserve is an effective mechanism for mediating fishing.
Source: K. Friedman and J.P. Kinch.

5.7.2 Rotational harvest closures

A periodic temporal and spatial shifting of fishing effort, in a systematic way among
demarcated fishing grounds.

The ethos of rotational harvest closures is to allow populations to recover in some
fishing plots for a couple years, while fishing is shifted to other plots. For example,
the fishing ground in front of a community is partitioned into four plots and fishers
are only allowed to collect animals in one plot each year, which is then shifted to a
different plot the following year, and so on. It is a concept with origins from rotational
harvesting of agricultural crops.
An assumption is that the same areas will be fished again after some time or after
reaching some certain state. Where populations can recover fairly quickly, then it is
possible for rotating fishing effort over relatively short time intervals, e.g.two to three
years. In this way, rotational closures allow the sizes and abundance of sea cucumbers
in the closed plots to recover for a couple years before being fished again. Rotational
closures can also be used to reduce costs of field surveys to estimate stock size because
the fishable area for any given year are only a fraction of the whole fishery (see
Examples and lessons learned below).
Regulatory measures 69

Rotational closures are a novel approach in sea cucumber fisheries and their success
as a management tool is yet to be proved.

Rotational closures have received support in some industrial-type sea cucumber
fisheries with high technical capacity, like those in western Canada and north-west
United States of America (Humble, Hand and de la Mare, 2007; Hamel and Mercier,
2008a), and on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (Kinch et al., 2008a) (Section2.3). This
may be appropriate where user rights are well defined and respected, but the system
will quickly breakdown elsewhere. In addition, the demography and growth of some
species may render them unsuitable in some cases (see Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo,
2009a) (Section2.1).
A principal assumption of rotational harvest closures is that population numbers
and animal sizes will recover relatively quickly, e.g.over a couple years. As reviewed
earlier (Section 2.1), some species appear to grow slowly and have relatively slow rates
of recruitment. To have confidence in rotational closures, managers should verify that
the commercial species in the fishery are likely to have fast growth rates and regular
annual recruitment. This management tool may therefore be useful for species with fast
rates of recovery after fishing but inappropriate for populations with slow turnover or
in multispecies fisheries (see Sections 2.1 and 2.3).
The rate of exploiting stocks, per unit of fishing ground, can also rise sharply with
rotational closures. This could occur where the fishing ground is divided into multiple
units and fishers allowed to collect sea cucumbers only in some of them, instead of
across all possible fishing grounds. Fishing impacts must be, therefore, well regulated
through imposed, or de facto, quotas or effort limitation for each fishing ground (see
Examples and lessons learned below). Related to this constraint, the different fishing
plots will probably not have equivalent population sizes of animals so the impact
of a given fishing rate will be harsh on those with smaller population sizes. Managers
should take steps to find out if population sizes vary greatly among plots so those with
relatively sparse populations are not over fished. Some safeguards also need to be set so
that populations in fished plots will not be depleted below critical levels. These types of
provisions place a burden of research and monitoring on the fisheries agency or local
management institution.
In small-scale fisheries, fishers with limited access to distant or deep fishing grounds
may be disadvantaged by rotational closures in years when nearby or shallow fishing
plots are closed. Many fishers in the Philippines, particularly women and children,
glean for sea cucumbers on shallow reef flats and lack the gear to fish in deeper plots
(Choo, 2008b). Fishers may traditionally have access to a small area in front of a village,
so multiple plots would become unrealistically small. Compliance is a problem in these
situations, as it is difficult to verify if sea cucumbers were collected from open plots or
poached from closed plots, particularly if plots are close together.

How to implement
Rotational closures can only be implemented if sociological and biological conditions
in the fishery allow it. An ecosystem approach to fisheries in this regard would
include a review of stakeholder needs and constraints and the biological potential of
the fished species to adapt to periodic fishing pulses (Section3.3). Sociological studies
or meetings with stakeholders should be conducted to appraise whether rotational
harvesting of plots can be well understood and respected by fishers and other groups
with vested interests in the resource (Section6.6). Importantly, the current access rights
of fishers and other stakeholders should be determined. The constraints fishers have to
getting to sites or accessing the resource in different plots should also be understood
70 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Maps showing plots for a rotational harvest strategy in the sea cucumber fishery of the
Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia, for the years 20072009. Sea cucumbers in the
demarcated plots (right) can be fished by licensed fishers in the designated year only and
then the populations are excluded from fishing for 2 years. The blackfish (Actinopyga
spinea, A. miliaris and A. palauensis) zones are controlled by quotas and are not part of
the rotational zoning

Rotation zones GBRMP Zoning

Cooktown 2008



0 50 100
Km Cooktown

Source: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Zoned Sea Cucumber Fishery Waters Northern GBR Detailed Zoning map,
with modification.

The fishing grounds for each fishery unit need to be divided into a logical number
of plots. For example, for a 3year rotational harvesting strategy the fishing grounds
could be zoned into 3 plot types, of which plots of any one type are fished each year
(Figure25). The decision depends on the administrative resources, compliance issues
and the needs of fishers. Although more plots increase the administrative work, there
may be advantages to opening multiple smaller plots.
The size of plots does not need to be similar. It may be sensible to partition the
fishing grounds based on population sizes of sea cucumbers in the resultant plots rather
than on the surface area of suitable habitats. For example, larger plots are assigned
where populations are at lower densities and vice versa.
The number of years for cycling the fishing in plots should be determined from
biological data on recovery times for animals to grow to larger size and time needed
for population densities to recover to levels well above those needed for successful
spawning. The periodicity of the rotational opening of fishing plots will probably be in
the order of 210 years. Resource managers should either ascertain or acquire estimates
of how many years populations would take to recover from being fished down to a
certain density. This requires some understanding of the regularity of recruitment
and population turnover. Likewise managers should have information on the average
growth rates of juvenile and small adults of the species being fished (see Section2.1).
Demographic and life-history estimates of this nature are generally pre-requisites for
using rotational harvest strategies for sea cucumbers because they inform the manager
of the appropriate time intervals to rotate fishing among plots.
Where managers have sufficient technical capacity and data on life-history and
population dynamics of fished species, rotational harvest strategies can be determined
through mathematical modelling (Humble, Hand and de la Mare, 2007). Most fisheries
Regulatory measures 71

will lack the basic data to prescribe rotational closures with any scientific confidence.
Alternative management measures should then be considered or managers should apply
best guesses for biological parameters or proxy data from similar species to design the
rotational strategies and adapt them as reliable data become available.
Some field surveys should be undertaken to estimate the abundance or densities of
each commercial species to be fished in plots (Section 6.1.2). For example, dive surveys
are conducted prior to the fishing season in rotational plots in southeast Alaska, United
States of America (Hamel and Mercier, 2008a). These measures may also need to be
monitored, possibly during fishing, and at least to verify recovery of populations in
plots after fishing.

Examples and lessons learned

Alaska, United States of America

Current sea cucumber management measures in Alaska, using rotational harvest strategies,
have provided sustainable harvests and consistent quality of Parastichopus californicus.
Divers rotate their effort between 16 harvest areas, some of which are divided into more
than 20 subareas in an effort to maintain sustainability throughout the fishing grounds
(Ess, 2007).
In southeast Alaska, each fishing area operates on a three year rotation and is harvested
(each three years) at a rate of 6 percent per year (Bo Meredith, Alaska Department of Fish
and Game, personal communication). Thus, in years of harvest, approximately 18 percent
of the surveyed biomass is removed, then the area is left unfished for the next two years.
Before the sea cucumber fishing season opens on the first Monday of October, dive surveys
are conducted in each of the harvest areas. Two other conservative measures are added
into the development of the harvest rate managed by the Alaska Department of Fish and
Game (Woodby, Smiley and Larson, 2000): 1) a 50 percent reduction to account for the
possibility that the model assumption is incorrect; and 2) an approximate reduction of
30percent to account for sampling error in the assessment survey. A third safety measure
consists of counting only sea cucumbers occurring at depths above 15 m in the population
size estimates.
Underwater surveys are conducted by Department divers prior to fishery openings in
each management area. In this example, the 3-year rotation was put into place as a means of
reducing management costs for surveys and management and not as a method to allow stock
rebuilding between harvests. Additionally, a minimum biomass density threshold of 1 kg
of sea cucumber per linear meter of shoreline is set for the fishery. The plan also identifies
20 sub-areas closed to commercial sea cucumber fishing to provide for subsistence harvests
and research sites.
Source: A. Mercier and J.-F. Hamel.

Sagay, The Philippines

The 32 000-hectare Sagay Marine Reserve in northern Negros Occidental, is a marine
protected area (MPA) managed by the Sagay Marine Reserve-Protected Area Management
Board (SMR-PAMB), a multisectoral body co-chaired by the City Mayor and the Regional
Technical Director of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
While there are about 10 commercial species of sea cucumbers found within the MPA, the
fishery regulation is specific to Phyllophorus proteus (locally called bola-bola meaning ball-
shaped) which is the most abundant. Rotational closures of harvesting P. proteus started in
2004, were then suspended in 2005, and resumed the following year up to the present. The
implementation of this measure consists of the following:
72 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

(1) the SMR-PAMB determines the harvest season, plots (areas) and fishing time; the
maximum number of boats per season; the minimum size limit of the sea cucumbers;
and, the maximum number of N. proteus per season;
(2) only boat owners who are local residents with duly registered boats can bid for
the harvest; the highest bidders get the permit to harvest the sea cucumber for one
(3) the Licensing and Permit Section and the Coastal Law Enforcers (Bantay Dagat Team)
monitor the catch per boat at a duly designated weighing station within the Reserve;
(4) a price floor is established and shared among the City (80 percent), Barangay (smallest
political unit) (10 percent) and the Sagay Marine Reserve (10 percent). The profit of boat
owners and fishers comes from the difference between the market price and the price
Some measures of social success are:
(a) increased stewardship of the resource as a result of making local residents the watchers
and guards of the Reserve, requiring them to register their boats, to obtain permits and
then giving them the preference to bid;
(b) better governance brought about by the multisectoral monitoring group and the full
implementation of the regulations of the reserve led by the SMR-PAMB with support
from the city officials;
(c) sense of economic equity in the practice of sharing profit based on consensual agreement
and the premium for resource use; and
(d) increased awareness of the community about sustainable fishing of the resource by
practicing rotational closure and harvest.
Despite the temporal and spatial respite offered by the rotation of the harvest, data on the
first 3-year catch showed a declining harvest. The SMR was quick to acknowledge that their
management plan and some of their technical decisions have to be reviewed based on sound
data. Nonetheless, the SMR was the first runner up for the 2007 Best Managed Reef in the
country given by the MPA Support Network.
Source: T. Dacles and R. Gamboa.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

In the state of Queensland, the sea cucumber fishery on the Great Barrier Reef is broken up
into 154 fishing sectors, each averaging 548 km-2 in area (roughly 160 square nautical miles
each). These sectors are divided into three fishing years for any 3-year cycle (see Figure25).
The rotational sectors occur only in open fishing areas, exclusive of the existing marine
reserves in the Marine Park.
During the permitted year of fishing in the 3-year cycle, each sector can only be fished
for 15 days per year. This management measure is implemented by the fishing industry
and agreed to in a Memorandum of Understanding with the management agency, The
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Also, no more than four divers are permitted
to be in the water at any time from a fishing vessel. The plots are allocated to the fishing
licence holders (of which there are just two in this fishery), who are then allowed to trade
them for convenience of location. The agreed trades are then conveyed to the management
agency. Thus, each fishing business has exclusive rights over any particular rotational sector,
providing an incentive to harvest for long-term productivity.
Surveillance and enforcement of such a management scheme can be difficult. In the GBR
this is possible; however, since all fishing vessels are equipped with vessel monitoring
systems (VMS). This system relays precise information about boat locations to management
agencies to show where the vessels are located, which is matched against logbook records of
fishing days at each rotational sector.
Regulatory measures 73

It should be noted that rotational harvest strategies are a relatively new idea in sea
cucumber fisheries and there are no data available to show whether this approach is
sustainable, or not. At present, it seems to be working relatively smoothly on the Great
Barrier Reef, owing to three factors: 1) the VMS system, which allows monitoring of fishing
locations and durations for each licensed boat; 2) there are few fishing businesses in that
fishery (only two businesses hold all the licences), so the process of allocating plots and
reaching agreement among fishers is simplified; and 3) the rotational sectors are relatively
large, such that fishers cannot easily deplete the resource within each sector during the year
of rotation. A final lesson is that the rotational scheme can operate without needing to be
set in legislation in this case, a simple Memorandum of Understanding between the fishers
and the management agency sets the conditions for the scheme.
Source: S. Uthicke and S.W. Purcell.

5.7.3 Territorial user rights in fisheries

The provision to certain users, e.g. fishers or sea ranching proponents, of exclusive
privilege to exploit certain resources and/or access certain areas of sea bed.

In the words of R.E. Johannes (1981) on secured access to fishers: Where such tenure
of marine fishing grounds exists it is in the best interest of those who control it not to
overfish []. In contrast, where such resources are public property, [] it is in the best
interest of the fisherman to catch all he can. Because he cannot control the fishery, the
fish he refrains from catching will most likely be caught by someone else.
Although leading fisheries scientists have proposed differing solutions for turning
the tide of depleting stocks, there is solidarity over the need for managers or institutions
to afford fishers with predictable and exclusive access to the resources, whether in the
form of rights to specified proportions of the allowed catch (i.e.ITQs, Section 5.4) or
to tracts of fishing grounds (Hilborn, 2004; Pauly, 2008). Place-based, or spatially-
explicit, tenure systems have been used especially for sessile, sedentary or benthic
organisms (Hilborn, Oresanz and Parma, 2005; Hilborn, Parrish and Litle, 2005; Defeo
and Castilla, 2005). Sea cucumbers fit squarely into this category. Territorial user right
in fisheries (TURFs) are one form of exclusive access to defined portions of sea bed
for harvesting sedentary or sessile animals, which may be granted to fishers or fishing
cooperatives (Hilborn, Orensanz and Parma, 2005). TURFs can provide a potent
incentive to the sustainable management of sea cucumber populations in many cases.
The rights over areas could be at the local, national, regional or international level. At
a local level, Customary Marine Tenure in Melanesian countries is a traditional system
giving exclusivity to certain tribal or family groups or families (Kinch et al., 2008a).
Another benefit of TURFs is that resources can be best allocated to those people who
need it or those complying with management regulations. Resource access privileges,
or rights, allow fishers or fishing groups/firms to plan their operations (Pauly, 2008).
They bestow more accountability and ownership over stocks and their sustainability
than open access scenarios because the changes in population abundances over time
can be accredited to the rights holders. In this way, place-based access rights minimise
the problem of fishers racing to collect all animals in an area or taking small animals
because if they dont someone else will; the so called tragedy of the commons
(Hardin, 1968). Enforcement of fishery regulations also becomes easier because the
users of each fishing ground are well known.
74 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

With all of the benefits of TURFs or other place-based access rights, it is a shame that
a place-based access right is not an appropriate tool in all situations. When territorial
rights are established in open access fisheries, conflicts can naturally erupt. In some
cases, it is very difficult for people to respect the access rights. Users can become angry
over the way in which rights were given, or because the areas of exclusive access are
overstepped or ambiguous. Modern governments, changes in lifestyles and imposing
religious doctrines, have in cases reduced the access rights and lead to free-for-all access
(e.g. throughout most of the Philippines). Poaching can occur in areas allocated to
other people-groups through dislocation or jealousy.
TURFs seem most easily implemented and maintained in fisheries with relatively few
fishers or fisher groups. The demarcation of fishing grounds and administrative work
to define them coherently and survey infringements can be arduous (Orensanz etal.,
2005). This may be a significant limitation in cases where institutions lack technical
and/or human resources. Human population size and fishing pressure are so high in
some places that it is very difficult, or unfeasible, to partition fishing areas into a large
number of small plots ( Indonesia or the Philippines)(Figure26; Section2.3).
In some cases, giving territorial access rights to users may not lead to greater
sustainability of the resource. An assumption is that access rights like TURFs will
create incentives to reduce fishing effort. Management authorities should, therefore,
appraise whether the provision of access rights to fishers is likely to lead to reduced
effort. That is, the provision of access rights must lead to better ownership and
stewardship of resources by the fishers for this measure to be successful.

How to implement
The immediate questions in assessing the utility of TURFs concern the choice of who
gets access and who is left out, and whether plots of fishing grounds can be sensibly
partitioned among the users and demarcated. Managers should also know or seek
information on the human populations, their behaviour and whether access rights are
culturally compatible (Section6.1.4).
The decision of who gets territorial access rights and who does not is often
predicated on knowing who the current fishers are and who most deserve them.
Traditional or cultural links attachments to the fishing grounds or resources are
important considerations. The decision process should ensure that current users, with
valid needs for harvesting the resource, are not marginalised through the access rights.
Decisions can also be based on historical behaviors; e.g. which of the fishers have

Left: fishers gleaning sea cucumbers and other invertebrates on a sandflat in the
Philippines. The sheer number of resource users makes access rights for individuals a
difficult proposition. Right: a days gleaning catch (23 hours) off a small coastal village
in southern Philippines
Photo: R. Gamboa

Photo: R. gamboa
Regulatory measures 75

respected management measures in the past? The management agency must also decide
if the user groups pay for the access rights and how much. Commonly, there is an initial
or annual license that bestows and defines the fishing rights.
Governments themselves will normally incur a cost in administering and establishing
the spatial boundaries or resource-specific privileges in allocating TURFs. The
planning phase in allocating TURFs should examine, or collect, data on the abundance
and distribution of the resource (Section 6.1.2). Once granted, government or local
management agencies will need to invest time and resources in enforcement at sea to
ensure that users are not breaching boundaries set by the TURFs (Section6.6).
To implement territorial use rights, the socio-economic and legal structure
of the fishery should firstly be known (Sections 6.1.4 and 6.2.1). This step may
reveal that authority to give access rights to users is best devolved at a local level
through community-based management or organised alongside communities through
co-management. As noted above, the managing body should consider traditional user
rights, equity and enforcement issues. In industrial fisheries, a randomised allocation
of fishing areas to fishers is an alternative to formal planning and may avoid conflicts
with users about the fairness of the rights allocation process.
Assigning TURFs to fishers, fisher cooperatives, or fishing communities can be a
rather elaborate process (Orensanz et al., 2005). The available fishing grounds within
the jurisdiction of the management institution may need to be mapped to define
habitat types and to estimate the abundance of target sea cucumber species. Consultant
ecologists, NGOs or regional development agencies may be able to assist in this process.
There will likely be certain fishing grounds to which fishers have existing (sentimental,
traditional, or cultural) attachment and other grounds that are less desired. The fishery
manager, or an assigned impartial body, will need to mediate the decisions about who
gets what, in a transparent and equitable way. In some other fisheries, rights to certain
fishing grounds are allocated to fishers through an auction process (Hilborn, Parrish
and Litle, 2005). In comparable invertebrate fisheries in Chile, TURFs are assigned
for a short number of years and renewable upon compliance with the regulations
(Orensanz et al., 2005). Within Australias Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, TURFs
for sea cucumber fishers are also broken into rotational harvesting zones (Kinch et al.,

Examples and lessons learned

Japanese holothurian fisheries are doubly regulated in the existing fisheries law (practiced
since 1949) by the fishery rights and the fishery permit systems. The fishery rights
system was established to maintain order and adjust fishery operations in public waters. The
system applies to common fisheries like those for sedentary animals such as holothurians.
Only local fishery cooperative associations are eligible for the right. Thus, no one except the
fishery cooperative association members can collect sea cucumbers for any purposes.
However, if a member of a fishery cooperative association wants to employ a heavy
gear, such as dragnet, in the capture of sea cucumbers he needs to apply also for a fishery
permit. This is because the dragnet fishery for holothurians is regulated under the
Governor Permitted Fishery (GPF). The permit is valid for ten years and to renew it
fishers are required to discuss with the prefectural government the fishing-ground plan.
For conservation reasons, it is more difficult to apply for new permits than to renew old
Source: J. Akamine.
76 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

In the state of Queensland, the sea cucumber fishery on the Great Barrier Reef is divided
into 154 fishing zones of approximately 100 to 150 nautical square miles. Access to
commercial fishing in this fishery is limited to just 18 licences. However, these licences are
in the hands of two companies.
The Torres Strait fishery, between the northern tip of Queensland and Papua New
Guinea, also has a restriction on the number of commercial fishers. Licences are issued only
to Traditional Inhabitants of the Torres Strait.
Source: S. Uthicke.

The Philippines
An experimental sea ranching project is underway in the Philippines, coordinated by
scientists from national universities, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
and the WorldFish Center, through funding from the Australian government. Its objective
is to test the feasibility of village-based sea ranching of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) by
producing thousands of juveniles in hatcheries and releasing them into sub-tidal seagrass
beds allocated exclusively to communities who harvest the sea cucumbers once they reach
market size.
Fishing communities at several of the projects sites generally have de-facto rights
over the adjacent shallow seabeds. But poaching and the temptation to harvest small sea
cucumbers are potential problems that need to be resolved by formal access rights. The
communities apply for permits from the local municipal government and village council to
have exclusive access to inshore plots (510 ha) for the sea ranching. The granting of access
rights requires public consultations on proposedsea ranching, implementation mechanisms
and arrangements including sharing of costs (e.g. labour, guarding of area) and benefits
(i.e. harvest and access rights). Enforcement of the size limits and access to the managed
areas is at the local level the Municipal governments deputise fisheries wardens from
communities to do the enforcement.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

Pacific, Polynesia
In Tonga, a large island group in the Polynesian Pacific, problems of overfishing have been
exacerbated by a lack of local ownership of reef resources, enabling commercial collectors
to harvest even close to local communities.
In 1875 Tongas first constitution removed chiefly privileges, placing control in the
hands of the Crown/State and opening access to all Tongans. At this time economic
pressures were such that communal and extended family activity was commonplace,
but was not a major issue, and even as late as the 1920s, marine area ownership was
still reportedly strong. In Tonga today, open access has replaced traditional ownership
arrangements, and some commentators believe the Crown/State may be less able than
local communities to regulate the use of marine resources (Malm, 2001). Urbanization,
development of the cash economy and increases in commercialisation of marine resources,
coupled with changes in life styles have exposed flaws in todays open access system of
marine resource management.
One example of the direct consequences of Tongan law was recounted from an island in
the Haapai group, where fishermen knew that increasingly intense commercial exploitation
of invertebrates was too taxing on the lagoon resources to be sustainable, but felt that there
would be no point in reducing the intensity of exploitation because the resources could be
exploited by fishermen from other islands in the district. This example of the effects of open
access on common property under todays economic environment may not have had the
same outcome under the social conditions faced 50+ years ago.
Regulatory measures 77

State ownership in Polynesia has not always resulted in a breakdown of local controls. In
American Samoa for example, where the American military governor declared all submerged
lands and reefs to be a part of the public domain, American Samoans continued to claim
exclusive fishing rights to their adjacent reefs (Hill, 1978). Similarly, in neighbouring Samoa
(formerly Western Samoa), the reef and lagoon areas are owned by the State, but customary
ownership by the village of local fishing rights is recognized and remains firmly entrenched
(Fairbairn, 1992). One must also note that despite these controls, overfishing has also
occurred in Samoa, especially in urban and populated areas, even with customary ownership
in place.
Whether local reef ownership across the ages was due to a conservation ethic or just
inter-groups rivalry, it has generally been recognized as having some limiting effect on the
rate of exploitation. In the last 510 years, the state fisheries agency in Tonga has been
re-developing local area management networks, to rekindle some of the original strengths of
local tenure arrangements. All this is happening in the face of increasing external pressures
to commercialise marine resources, pressures that are beyond the production capacity of
most coral reef inshore systems.
Source: K. Friedman.

The fishery is mostly located in villages on the west coast (Rasolofonirina, 2007). The
traditional fishery has expanded in the last decades, often bringing overexploitation of the
high valued species. Fishers now go from one area to another, depleting stocks in succession.
For instance, with the depletion of resources in the north of Madagascar (Nosy B Island) in
the 1990s, fishers started to operate along the west coast to the Mahajunga region. Recently,
migrating fishers were observed in temporary villages organized in the Radama islands. This
situation, which occurs due to the lack of well defined access rights, often raises conflicts
with local communities and leads to heavy depletion of the wild stocks.
Source: C. Conand.

6. Implementing management

6.1 Information for management

6.1.1 Overview of the harvested species
Simple surveys and literature searches to understand the ecology of sea cucumbers in
the fishery and the past and current exploitation by fishers.
The information should give the resource manager an understanding of the range of
species harvested, their basic biology (e.g.size-at-maturity, behaviours and preferred
habitats), their value and distribution in the fishery (Figure13; Section3.1).

Basic surveys and reviews of the literature will allow the manager to interpret and
apply results from stock surveys and to gauge the ability of various species to respond
to management measures. A simple inventory of species and exports will reveal
whether the fishery is multispecies and whether there is a mixture of species of high,
medium and low value.
Information on the distribution of species within the fishery allows the manager
to correctly assign size limits and to understand fishing activity. The manager should
understand how local names correspond to various species (see Annex10.1). Although
individual species can be grouped, generally each species must be treated separately.

Fishers may not have as many names for species as scientists describe them. In this case,
local names might combine several similar species or incorrectly describe species.
The range of species collected by fishers will not generally reflect the full range of
species available, so an initial overview of this nature will not thoroughly describe the
available resource. Also, the economic value of each species from local sale price may
poorly reflect the true international values (see Section 6.1.5).

How to implement
Managers should be confident they understand what species can be found in the
fishery. Information should be gathered on the distribution of each species to know if
these are endemic and whether their distributions are locally restricted. The preferred
habitat of each commercial species should be understood.
The basic drivers for fishing effort should be understood. Are some species sought
after more than others, and why? Information should also be collected to describe the
main constraints of fishers and exporters.
Field guides published by reputable agencies will give an overview of the
identification of species and the habitats in which they generally occur (see Examples
and lessons learned below). Published reviews should be consulted in addition to local
reports and studies.
The manager should prepare a ranked list of export species by value. Experienced
ecologists or taxonomists should be contacted to verify the species names and that
fisheries agencies are assigning the correct scientific name to the sea cucumbers in their
It is also desirable to obtain a general preliminary indication of the stock abundance
of species in the fishery through the use of simple indicators (Friedman et al., 2008a).
80 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

These indicators could be gathered from evaluating the general state of sea cucumber
populations using rapid underwater census, sociological surveys and export data.
Indicators could be, for example, a recent change in the species composition of sea
cucumbers exported or reports from fishers that certain species are harder to find.

Examples and lessons learned

Identification guides and other information resources

Pacific region
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), a regional
inter-governmental agency, publishes descriptive posters
and informative books, booklets and reports to inform
stakeholders about issues relevant to sea cucumber ecology,
the fishery and post-harvest processing.

Beche-de-mer information bulletin

A periodical that has been running regular editions since 1990
and generally includes a diverse range of articles on all sea
cucumber issues. All articles and abstracts published in the
SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin can be consulted at:

Pacific Island sea cucumbers and beche-de-mer identification

A pocket-sized waterproof identification guide presenting
21 important sea cucumber species from the Pacific Islands
region. A card for each species gives a colour underwater
photograph of the live animal on one side and photographs
(ventral and dorsal views) of the dried animal (beche-de-mer)
on the other side. It also contains some basic information on
the species (preferred habitat and depth, average sizes) and a
short description of the dried product. Additional information
on beche-de-mer processing and sea cucumber biology is
given at the end of the publication. The guide is available at:

Sea cucumbers and beche-de-mer of the Tropical

Pacific: A handbook for fishers
In this third edition of the handbook, 15 of the
most common commercial species of tropical sea
cucumbers are described and the methods used
for their processing, grading and marketing are
detailed. It is interesting to note that many species
that belonged to the medium or low value
categories in 1994 would be placed in higher value
categories today, which is a sign of the increased demand and high level of exploitation of
commercial sea cucumbers worldwide. The handbook is available at:
Implementing management 81

Commercial holothurians of the tropical Pacific

This poster illustrates 28 species of commercial holothurians
in tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean. For each species the
known geographical distribution is indicated along with a
number of key identification features and commercial value.
The poster is available at:
K. Friedman.

Indian Ocean region

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
(WIOMSA) has recently published a book on the fisheries, the
state of knowledge and the needs for managing sea cucumber
fisheries in the main countries in the region. The book is
available from:
[email protected]
C. Conand.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recently
released a review document on the population status, fishery
and trade of sea cucumbers worldwide through the collation
and analysis of the available information from five regions,
covering known sea cucumber fishing grounds: temperate
areas of the Northern Hemisphere; Latin America and the
Caribbean; Africa and Indian Ocean; Asia; and Western
Central Pacific. The publication is available from:

6.1.2 Fishery-independent stock surveys

A process of collecting and analyzing data on the sea cucumber populations through
surveys that are divorced from fishers or the animals they have collected.
Most often, fishery-independent surveys comprise underwater visual census (UVC)
of sea cucumber densities (e.g. via counts of animals in replicate randomly allocated
transects) and later analysis of abundance, diversity and distribution.
82 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

The collection and analysis of data on the densities, distribution and sizes of sea
cucumber species in the fishery will form a basis for understanding the relative
health of the stocks (i.e. whether animals are abundant or not; or stock status).
The estimates of densities of commercial species over broad areas (i.e.tens to hundreds
of hectares) will be principal in evaluating whether stocks in some sites or regions
are depleted (Uthicke, Welch and Benzie, 2004; Skewes et al., 2006; Friedman et al.,
2008b; Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). At a finer level, underwater survey data
will indicate which species are rare or critically stressed by fishing. The field data may
also be used to calculate the total number (Kaly et al., 2007) or biomass (Skewes et al.,
2002; Aumeeruddy et al., 2005) of sea cucumbers in a region or fishery. Such measures
could be used for periodically evaluate the management strategy in relation to target
reference points (see Section 3.4). While the ability to monitor abundance reliably does
not guarantee sustainable outcomes, it certainly makes them more likely (Hilborn,
Orensanz and Parma, 2005). More broadly, the surveys allow for comparisons to
stocks in other fisheries (Friedman et al., 2008b; Kinch et al., 2008a).
In cases where long-term marine reserves are evaluated, the surveys furnish
benchmarks of virgin stock densities. These estimates can be used to calculate virgin
biomass of the fishery, which may be used for defining TACs (e.g.Skewes et al., 2002;
Aumeeruddy et al., 2005). The benchmarks of virgin densities can also be used to
indicate depletion of stocks on fished areas in the absence of comparative historical data
(Kaly et al., 2007; Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a).
The community composition of sea cucumber species can be described (Aumeeruddy
etal., 2005; Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). Direct comparison of this information
with the landings from fishers will show the level of selectivity by fishers, which cannot
be easily gained otherwise. The range of species and their prevalence in the field
are used to calculate diversity indices for the communities, which are important for
conservation management and choice of sites for marine reserves.
Population surveys can be conducted at the same sites repeatedly to monitor the
response of stocks to a certain fishery pressure or management measures (Schroeter
etal., 2001; Skewes et al., 2006). The surveys provide a direct method for determining
changes in the status of the resource over time. Assessments to understand population
status through regular ongoing monitoring are referred to as stock monitoring.

Foremost, population surveys by underwater visual census are relatively costly and
time-consuming. They most often require two experienced divers trained in sampling
and species identification, a boat driver and a suitable boat. Personnel time is probably
the greatest cost, and this is increased by boat costs, fuel and the equipment for diving
and safety. Many months may be needed for a team to adequately assess stocks in a
fishery roughly 3050 transects can be surveyed by a team of three in a day, which
may correspond to just one site of 100200 hectares (see Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo,
Fishery officers/technicians are often not appropriately trained in sampling design to
be able to conduct surveys scientifically or to identify all species in the field. There may
be as many as 30 or 40 species in the sea cucumber communities. Grouping species may
be seen as one solution, but it can backfire on fisheries managers when depleted or rare
species are determined to be abundant because other species are included in the counts.
Misidentification of species may likewise confound the correct distribution of species in
the fishery. Likewise, a lack of synchronisation and training of survey teams can create
irreparable errors in data sets that prevent certain analyses (Kaly etal., 2007).
While the data from population surveys can be averaged to provide estimates of
density of each species in different habitats, this does not reveal abundances over
Implementing management 83

broad areas. Estimates of abundance will mostly be calculated through integration of

the data with Geographical Information Systems (GIS), which requires a high level of
technical competence. The satellite or aerial imagery for enabling the GIS packages to
calculate surface area of habitats in which sea cucumbers were counted can be costly
or not accessible.
Estimations of population densities or abundance derived from population surveys
do not always allow the determination of a TAC. For instance, it may still be unclear
what virgin biomass would be if the stocks were not fished. However, TACs can be
set through knowledge of the abundance of sea cucumber populations in the fishery,
or stock status (see Section5.4), which can be estimated using fishery-independent

How to implement
The information needed for fishery-independent stock surveys of sea cucumbers
relates mainly to population surveys in the field and analyses of data. A list of species
that can be found in the country should be well established and verified by taxonomists
or experienced ecologists. Likewise, the manager will need to define the habitats
and depths in which sea cucumbers are fished and in which the commercial species
may occur. This information can be obtained from fishers and field guidebooks and
published reports. In many cases, it may be best get advice from, or hire, specialists
who have experience in designing and coordinating underwater population surveys.
Before starting field surveys, managers must choose what precision they want from
the study and what questions they hope to answer. The spatial limits of the fishery
should be defined and may include remote reefs visited infrequently by fishers. Other
preliminary questions include:
Do surveys need only indicate stock health in broad terms or will they be used to
estimate biomass and density of each species over the whole fishery?
How many sites will be surveyed?
Will the sites be re-censused over time?
Will marine reserves be surveyed?
What is the annual budget to cover costs of field surveys?
The answers to these questions will structure the design for the field surveys. Data
collection should be on the spatial scale appropriate to the biology of the target animals
(i.e. the sea cucumbers being fished) and the structure of the fishing communities
(Hilborn, 2004). Where possible, the costs of surveys should be recovered from
revenue of the fishery (FAO, 1995). Power analyses can help to show how many
sampling units (e.g.transects) are needed per habitat strata, or per site (Skewes etal.,
2002; Aumeeruddy et al., 2005; Kaly et al., 2007). In some cases, it may be sufficient
for fishers or other community members to do simple counts and measurements of sea
cucumbers in a structured way to monitor stocks.
Survey design will also depend on whether the purpose is periodic monitoring or
a once-off estimation of densities or abundance. For monitoring purposes, perhaps
fewer surveys (e.g. belt transects) are needed. For periodic monitoring of stock
abundance/density, fixed transect (or station) sampling may be preferred to random
sampling designs. In this case, the replicate transects/stations should be physically
marked so that the same tracts of sea floor can be surveyed again in the future.
The design of underwater field surveys should correspond to the resolution of
population estimates required for developing the management plan. Several different
approaches have been used in fishery-independent stock surveys:
Estimation of total stock abundance: Surveys can be broadly-spaced within the
whole fishery in order to estimate stock size and biomass, which can be used in
the calculation of MSY (Skewes et al., 2002; Aumeeruddy et al., 2005). The fishing
area is defined and survey stations are allocated randomly in predefined habitat
84 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

strata. Representative areas across the entire fishery need to be surveyed and each
area should have an equal chance of being sampled. This approach can provide
a good estimation of the abundance of commercial holothurians (as a group)
across the fishery. However, it does not provide estimates of mean density at any
particular site and may require a lage number of surveys.
Estimation of stock abundance at particular sites: Surveys may be grouped at sites
of interest to the fishery managers, such as in marine reserves or reefs frequented
by fishers (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). The sites are chosen then the
underwater surveys are positioned randomly within predefined habitat zones
once at the site. This approach gives relatively good estimates of sea cucumbers at
the species level, provides precise estimates of abundance of whole reefs or parts
of reefs and can be used for monitoring. However, it cannot be used to accurately
estimate the abundance of holothurians in an entire fishery.
Estimation of comparative abundance: Surveys may be conducted over broad
areas in habitats most utilized by fishers, to gain a measure of abundance in
comparison with other localities (Friedman et al., 2008b broad-scale surveys).
Long (~300m) transects are surveyed to cover a large area of fishing grounds in
certain reef habitats. This approach is time-efficient and indicates the broad status
of sea cucumber populations. However, the haphazard measures taken in main
fishing grounds are indicative of stock health in these locations only and should
not be extrapolated across all habitats within a study site to gain population
estimates (Friedman et al., 2008b).
Estimation of densities of sea cucumber aggregations: Surveys can show the densities
of sea cucumbers in aggregations in particular areas within sites (e.g. Friedman
et al., 2008b fine-scale surveys). Sites are nominated by fishers or by finding
dense aggregations of sea cucumbers. Short (40m) transects are then placed close
together within the aggregation. These estimates cannot be extrapolated beyond
those aggregations to describe abundances at whole sites (e.g.reefs) or within a
whole fishery (Friedman et al., 2008b).
Field scientists or technicians should decide on the boundaries of each site and
how large of an area is to be surveyed (Skewes et al., 2002; Aumeeruddy et al., 2005).
There is a logical trade-off in the size of sites; they need to be small enough to reliably
estimate populations but large enough to draw some generalities over reasonable spatial
scales. The different habitats in which the sea cucumbers occur should be defined and
preferably sampled in a stratified way in the field (Skewes et al., 2002; Aumeeruddy
etal., 2005; Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a).
Multiple, randomly-placed sampling units will be required for estimating population
abundance at sites. The following sampling methods can be used to census sea cucumbers:
Circular sampling units, when densities of individuals are relatively high
(e.g.Hearn et al., 2005).
Belt transects, overlaying a band of the sea floor, are more commonly used for
surveys. They may range from 50 to 200 m or more in length. Transect width is
usually between 1 and 5 m, depending on habitat complexity and confidence in
sighting animals (see Skewes et al., 2002).
The manta-tow method for transect surveys (Figure27) is efficient at covering a
large amount of the benthos with least effort. Tow speeds should be slow enough
(e.g.23 km h-1) to allow the observer (generally free-diving) to confidently count
all animals.
SCUBA divers may simply swim along transects in habitats that are too complex,
too deep, too turbid or too exposed for manta-tow (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo,
2009a) (Figure 28). In such cases, a hip-chain (or chainman) device can be
used to measure transect length, which improves sampling efficiency of the field
team (Leeworthy and Skewes, 2007).
Implementing management 85

Remote video equipment can be used

for surveying sea cucumbers in very A skin diver counts sea cucumbers
deep habitats (Aumeeruddy et al., within a 2 m wide belt transect on a
2005). shallow tropical reef flat. The manta
To estimate abundance (number of board he holds has a data sheet and
animals over large areas) the average density collection bag and is towed behind a
boat at slow speed
of each species in each habitat is multiplied
by the surface area of each habitat. The
latter of these measures is estimated by GIS
technology using imagery from satellites
or aerial photographs (see Purcell, Gossuin
and Agudo, 2009a). Since some species may
occur in multiple habitats, the abundance
estimates (and errors) from each habitat in

Photo: S.W. Purcell

a site need to be pooled to give an overall
estimate of abundance.
Although individual species can be
grouped in survey records, generally each
species should be counted separately in field
surveys. It is an advantage to measure some Figure28
representative individuals of each species at Two SCUBA divers surveying sea
each site, as these data can indicate fishing cucumbers on soft sediments in deep
pressure through comparison with unfished water. One diver reels out a measuring
tape to standardize transect lengths
sites or baseline data. The size measurements
provide for size-frequency analysis, from

Photo: M. Lincoln-Smith (Cardno Ecology Lab)

which the regularity of recruitment can
be inferred (Skewes et al., 2006). Other
variables about the habitats and substrata
can also be collected at the same time,
which can provide for informative analyses
or comparisons (Skewes et al., 2006; Kaly
et al., 2007; Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo,
The technical competencies of the
fisheries staff need to meet the demands
of both underwater population surveys
and the archiving and analysis of data. For example, stratified sampling is a concept
that may be difficult for field teams to fully understand (Kaly et al., 2007). Are the
technicians well educated and trained to design the surveys, collect the data, construct
or manage a database and analyse data? Managers should seek templates from other
studies on what data to collect and should consider help from development and non-
government agencies with appropriate expertise.

Examples and lessons learned

Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

Since the reopening of the sea cucumber fishing seasons in 1999, fishery-independent surveys
have been carried out before and after each season. These surveys include fished and non-
fished sites in the six islands where the activity takes place (Espaola, Fernandina, Floreana,
Isabela, Santa Cruz and San Cristobal). The surveying team generally includes members
of the fishing sector, Galpagos National Park Service, Charles Darwin Foundation and
86 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

naturalist guides. The fishery was closed for 22 months during 2005 to 2007 on the basis of
the survey results that showed a general population decline. The surveys were instrumental
in showing a major recruitment event in 1999, but poor recruitment in other years.
Source: V. Toral-Granda.

Pacific-wide PROCFish surveys

The PROCFish program of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) has conducted
standardized surveys of most commercial invertebrate species, including sea cucumbers, in
17 countries and territories of the Pacific (e.g.Friedman et al., 2008b). Ten different methods
are used, including time-period assessment on snorkel or SCUBA, manta-tow and belt
transect surveys. For sea cucumber surveys, the surface area of each replicate census varies
from 40 to about 754m. The assessed surface area of each study site was roughly 10 ha,
depending on the size of the site and the number of habitats being assessed.

Above: example of coverage of PROCFish/C surveys Map of the southern part of Palau
showing survey stations at three of the sites. Colour codes denote different survey methods

In each site, broad scale surveys, using the manta-tow technique, were used to give a broad
indication of species distributions. Twelve manta-tow stations (6 replicates of 300 2 m
per station at an average towing speed of 23 km/h) are made on the reef top and along reef
edges of fringing reefs, lagoonal patch reefs and back reefs and the observers recorded all
species (identity, number, size estimates) and habitat descriptors. In the general area assessed
with manta stations, small-scale surveys are used and comprise a number of adjacent short
Implementing management 87

belt transects to make more precise measurements of size and numbers of sea cucumbers
in areas where they were found at high density. Twenty-four benthos belt-transect stations
(6parallel belt transects of 401m per stations), were spread over the site, firstly targeting
the best aggregations of sea cucumbers and/or habitats (both coral reef areas and sediment
areas) recorded during the manta tow stations. In environments where manta tow is usually
not possible, such as the surf zone or on the deeper area such as the passages, outer slope
or deep lagoon areas, dedicated time-period assessment are used (6replicates of 5 minutes
per stations). Four stations were made on snorkel in the surf zone (1 to 5m) and 4 stations
are made walking on the barrier reef at low tide for the shallow water species such as the
medium value Actinopyga mauritiana. Four stations are made on SCUBA (15 to 45m) for
the deep water species, such as the high-valued Holothuria fuscogilva and Thelenota ananas.
During these time-period assessments, species of interest and habitat data are recorded,
but to keep a good area coverage, little time is spend on measuring individuals. Only small
samples of the individuals were measured, the rest were simply counted. Each station is geo-
referenced using Global Positioning System (GPS) and count/density maps are produced
using GIS software. The typical sea cucumber PROCFish survey is not designed for stock
estimates, but inform on the status of resources (e.g.if the stock seems healthy, moderately
healthy or depleted), and able comparison across sites, countries and regions.
The regional approach has been useful to understand what was the range of density from
unimpacted sites to heavily impacted sites. It allows managers and researchers alike to figure
out what potential densities a resource can reach, which in most case is very low and how
far from this potential density the resource is.
Source: E. Tardy.

New Caledonia, France

A recent study by the WorldFish Center described the status of the sea cucumber fishery of
the main island of La Grande Terre, New Caledonia (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a).
Underwater visual censuses (UVCs) estimated the abundances and sizes of sea cucumber
communities on a total of 50 lagoon and barrier reef sites, mostly 60160 ha in area. The
populations were surveyed using stratified, replicate, belt transects that were geo-referenced
using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. At each site, approximately 2530 belt
transects were stratified among five habitat types. Transects were 2 m wide, whereas length
varied from 50200 m depending on the habitat. Likewise, equipment and methodologies
were adapted to suit the constraints imposed by the habitats: reef crests were surveyed by
skindivers in tandem, using handheld GPS to measure transect length (100 m); deep habitats
were surveyed by SCUBA divers in tandem using the hip-chain method to measure transect
length (50 m); the manta-tow method using onboard GPS to measure transect length (100
200 m) was used with skindivers for other habitats.
The first six individuals of medium- and high-value species encountered along each
transect were collected these were measured (length and width) and weighed on the boat.
Animals are left for one minute on the deck of the boat to evacuate seawater before being
GIS software (MapInfo) was used to calculate the surface area of sites and of each of
the five habitats within each site. The total abundance of each species per site could then be
calculated by summing estimates of abundance from all of the habitats. Estimates of densities
in the habitat in which each species was found most, for each site, were also calculated. The
measurements of representative individuals allowed the calculation of average weights and
size-frequency distributions. In this study, both fished and unfished (marine reserve) sites
were surveyed, but the abundance estimates were not extrapolated to estimate the global
abundances of sea cucumber in the entire fishery.
88 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Above: aerial photo of one of the barrier reef study sites (southeast end of Rcif Tetembia,
Province Sud), showing the actual position of transects in the five habitats. Pink (long) transects
(200 m) Front slope. Green transects (100 m) crest. Orange transects (100m) reef flat. Red
transects (100 m) lagoon. Yellow transects (50m) deep water in the barrier reef pass.
Source: Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo (2009a).

Photos: S.W. Purcell

Above: weighing (left) and measuring (right) representative individual sea cucumbers
collected on transects of the population surveys.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

6.1.3 Fishery-dependent stock surveys

A process of collecting and analysing data on fishing activities and catches of sea
cucumbers in the fishery.
Fishery-dependent surveys collect information on what, when, where and how
animals have been caught in the wild, so are therefore inseparably dependent on fishing.
Most often, these surveys are based on data submitted by fishers (e.g.via logbooks) or
data collected by fishery officers by observing or inspecting the sizes and types of sea
cucumbers caught, processed or traded.
Implementing management 89

Data on fishing effort and catches will reveal a great deal about fishing activities as well
as providing a surrogate measure of abundance of sea cucumbers in the wild. Managers
are called upon to monitor fishing activities regularly and use fishery-dependent data
to evaluate the performance of management measures (see Sections3.1 and 3.4). When
the fishing locations are stated, data from fishers or landing surveys can be used to
compare the density of stocks among different fishing grounds. These data are used
as surrogates of data from field population surveys (e.g. underwater visual censuses)
to indicate stock composition and abundance because the data are much easier and
cheaper to collect (see Section4). Of course, one must be careful and cautious, about
how fishery-dependent data are interpreted (see below).
Data on catches can be used to characterize the species composition of individual
fisheries, to assess the level of utilization and fishing mortality of the different species,
to calculate catch per unit of effort (see below) and to monitor quotas. Monitoring of
catches over time can show historical trends in the fishery and indicate the abundance
of the stock. Data on catches are extremely important in fisheries where quotas are
used, because these allow managers to determine whether the quotas have been met,
are being underutilized or have been exceeded.
The catch structure in the fishery can also be examined with catch data and compared
over time or among locations. Catch structure refers to the size of individuals and
species composition of each species in the catch. Shifts in the catch structure are
strong signals of overfishing or potential non-sustainability in the fishery. Shifts in
catch structure may reflect, for instance, a serial depletion process by which excessive
fishing pressure is exerted on individual stocks (e.g.of high-value species) leading to a
shift of fishing pressure to less-preferred species or size classes. Comparison of catch
structure and sizes of sea cucumbers in catches with corresponding data from fishery-
independent surveys (e.g. underwater visual census) over the same areas can reveal
selectivity by fishers. These comparisons show fishery managers which species the
fishers prefer to catch, compared to what is present in the wild and whether they are
leaving small individuals or simply collecting all sizes available (Purcell, Gossuin and
Agudo, 2009a).
Data on catch and fishing duration can be used to calculate catch-per-unit-effort
(CPUE) (Hilborn and Walters, 1992; FAO, 1999). This ratio can be examined over
time to reveal any trends in the efficiency of fishers to obtain their catch. Catch can be
expressed as the number or weight of the entire catch, a selected subset of the catch, or a
particular species in the catch. Effort usually refers to the time a fishing gear is deployed
in the water, but on a coarser scale can also refer to the number of active fishing units
in the fishery (e.g. number of vessels or fishers). Many aspects of the fishery can be
monitored utilizing CPUE analysis, including trends in overall fishery catch rates, catch
rates of target species, catch rates in specific geographic areas and seasons and catch rates
of size classes. CPUE is a much more powerful tool than catch data alone.

Data collected by researchers or catches at landing sites, processing stations or fishers
homes is easily obtained and the researcher can often control the accuracy of the
measurements. However, data obtained from the logsheets or logbooks of fishers may
be incomplete or incorrect. They may, for example, not declare all animals caught or
not identify or separate some species correctly or may receive or buy sea cucumbers
from children or other fishers and declare that it was caught by them over their fishing
periods. These inaccuracies may lead to a false understanding of total catches in the
fishery or CPUE.
Fishery-dependent data will often give a biased indication of the composition,
sizes and abundance of wild stocks. Therefore, data must be interpreted with caution.
90 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

The reason is that fishers or fishing gear is probably selective towards certain species
and sizes of individuals. It is therefore useful to compare catch data with fishery-
independent data to better understand biases in the data.
A decline in CPUE over a time period is usually a good indication that stocks are
declining. However, the degree of confidence in CPUE as an index of abundance will
vary according to the type of behavioral interactions between fish and fishers. For
instance, Hilborn and Walters (1992) have categorized three possible relationships
between CPUE and abundance:
1) hyperstability, where CPUE stays high as abundance declines. This can occur in
fisheries where search for the target species is highly efficient, effort concentrates
in areas of high abundance and the species remains concentrated as abundance
2) proportional, where CPUE is roughly proportional to abundance. This occurs in
situations where the species is homogeneously distributed in the fishing grounds
and the process of searching is random; and
3) hyperdepletion, where CPUE drops faster than abundance declines. This
condition is expected, for instance, when there are marked differences in the
vulnerability of portions of the stock, such that there is a smaller but more
vulnerable potion of the stock which is depleted and a less vulnerable but more
abundant subset of the stock that remains underexploited (e.g.a large part of sea
cucumber population in deeper waters not accessible to fishers).
Also, advancements in fishing gear, improvements in fishing abilities of fishers
and captains, weather patterns, etc., can all influence CPUE trends. Interpretation
of CPUE data, therefore, must be undertaken with knowledge of such potentially
contributing factors.

How to implement
Data on catches and catch structure can be gathered in the following ways:
a) landing surveys conducted by researchers at boat ramps, ports or fishers homes;
b) surveys conducted by researchers at processing stations;
c) logbooks or logsheets given to fishers, who record the data themselves and
submit the forms on a regular basis; and
d) fishery observers/researchers who travel with fishers as observers on their boats.
Landing surveys and surveys of processed sea cucumbers will be the most reliable,
since the researcher can correctly identify
the species caught and accurately measure Figure29
and weigh the animals (Figure 29). It Researchers measuring and weighing
can be difficult to arrange meetings with dried sea cucumbers at an exporters
fishers in remote locations but this may facility in Alotau, Milne Bay, Papua New
be facilitated by researchers travelling Guinea. These fishery-dependent data are
later used to help monitor the sizes and
with buyers to collect sea cucumbers
species caught in the fishery
from fishers (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo,
2009a). The landing forms should include
the locations fished (even a general
region), time spent fishing, time spent
travelling to the fishing sites, number
of fishers, number and weights of each
species caught (Appendices 1 and 2). The
forms may include the prices paid or
received (Appendix 1).
Photo: J.P. Kinch

Logsheets or logbooks given to fishers

should be supported by taxonomic
identification tools to verify species
Implementing management 91

identities (e.g. waterproof identification cards, Section 6.1.1). Fishers should be

expected to record their catch within a short time, e.g.12 h, after returning to shore. It
may be a clause of their fishing permit that they submit the forms on a regular basis,
e.g.after each landing or every three months. In recording their catches, it is important
that the forms also ask fishers to account for any sea cucumbers or bycatch species
discarded (see Appendix3) or retained for personal consumption.
In trawl or dragnet fisheries, like the growing fishery for Cucumaria frondosa in
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada (Section 2.4), fishers may also be expected to
record the geographic positions of the start and end points of each tow (see Appendix3).
In dive fisheries, as in the Seychelles, the fishing logsheets can include data fields for
dive depth and fishing region (see Examples and lessons learned, Section 5.5). These
types of data can then be used by the fishery manager to monitor where sea cucumbers
have been collected and see if fishing depths or locations change over time.
When calculating CPUE, the units of effort to use will depend on the type of fishery
and fishing gear. Effort can be expressed, for example, as the numbers of hours spent
fishing, number of fishers, number of vessels, vessel-days or number of trawl-hours.
For sea cucumber fisheries conducted by diving, the most useful effort unit would be
the actual amount of dive time spent in the water, person-hours diving.
Some measures should be put in place to validate the accuracy of data submitted by
fishers. For example, fishery officers could make impromptu visits to fishers and weigh
and check the species in their catch to see if these records correspond with the records
in the fishers logbooks. A collation of data on catches from logbooks could also be
compared with data on exports for a given period.

Examples and lessons learned

New Caledonia, France

Landing surveys were conducted to examine the composition, body sizes, catch volume and
fishing effort of fishing campaigns in New Caledonia (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a).
Fishers or processors were visited in six study regions and measurements were taken on
batches of harvested sea cucumbers. A data form was filled in by researchers, not the fishers
(Appendix 2). The exact weight or estimated proportion of the catch made up of various species
was recorded along with individual measurements of body lengths and weights of 20 random
individuals of each species. The fishers were asked about the fishing locality, number of fishers,
total time fishing, time spent fishing and travelling to sites. The weights of gutted, salted or
dried sea cucumbers were later converted to estimates of whole body weight using conversion
factors (Conand, 1989, 1990; Skewes et al., 2004; Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009b).
An early lesson was that landing surveys at processing stations were easier to organize
than at fishers homes or at boat ramps. At best, fishers told of the fishing region rather than
specific sites. A total of 17 species were recorded from 54 landings, representing 453 fisher-
days of collecting sea cucumbers.
The size frequencies of sea cucumbers in the landings were compared directly with
corresponding size frequency data from underwater visual censuses. This approach revealed
selectivity towards larger individuals in some regions. The data from landings were also
used to calculate CPUE of fishers in each study region, which was compared to CPUE data
from sociological questionnaires. Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo (2009a) highlighted a few
important lessons for fishery-dependent surveys:
1. Whole body weights converted from dried animals will be less biased if the animals
are fully dried.
2. Size selectivity by fishers can be best seen by comparing landed sizes to measurements
of animals taken by divers during field surveys. Therefore, both sets of data are
92 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

3. Estimates of CPUE based on sociological interviews may be inaccurate. Landing

surveys are a better estimator of CPUE, since data on fishing times and catch can be
recorded more accurately, but good replication of landing surveys is required.
4. Unless all landings are well documented, landing surveys cannot be a sole reference
for judging the range of species exploited. This should be augmented with fisher
interviews. Some species are harvested only occasionally by fishers and declared in
interviews, but may be missed in landing surveys.
5. Perceptions by fishers of the average sizes of animals they captured did not always
match the actual landing data. Monitoring programmes must also collect landing data
to bring more realism into the understanding of sizes collected.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

Coral Sea Cucumber Fishery, Australia

The Australian Coral Sea Cucumber Fishery operates on remote, offshore, reefs east of
the Great Barrier Reef. Owing to the cost of fishery-independent surveys, fishery logbook
data is used to assess stock status. A Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation (CSIRO) study calculated CPUE for each species per day using data on
hours fished and number of fishers for each operation (Hunter et al., 2002). The average
CPUE per trip, per vessel, was used for statistical comparisons and catch data from trips
less than 3 days were pooled with data from the following trip. Logbook data which were
not separated in these two modes (35% of records) had to be excluded from CPUE analyses
because the two methods target different species and habitats.
Fishers free diving mostly caught black teatfish (Holothuria whitmaei), surf redfish
(Actinopyga mauritiana) and lollyfish (H. atra), whereas fishers using hookah targeted
white teatfish (H. fuscogilva) and amberfish (T. anax). Prickly redfish (Thelenota ananas)
were caught using both methods. From early 2000 to mid-2001, the CPUE for black teatfish
declined from 12 kg h-1 to <4 kg h-1 on 3 out of 4 reefs. Estimates of CPUE were variable for
white teatfish (1060 kg h-1), prickly redfish (<130 kg h-1) and surf redfish (<116 kg h-1),
and, although CPUE declined on some reefs, it increased on others. The findings prompted
the management agency to reduce the TACs for several species. The study cautions that
CPUE estimates may be unreliable as proxy measures of abundance for lower-value
species (when high-value species are still targeted by fishers) because they were collected
opportunistically (Hunter et al., 2002).
The logbook data provided by fishers was considered fairly accurate, owing to few fishing
operations and productive relationships between fishers and the management agency. Bias
could arise when (a) assessing stocks of individual species because multiple species were
caught, (b) fishers shifted preferences for certain species, and (c) different fishing methods
were used. Hunter et al. (2002) therefore give the following lessons for setting logbook
1. Catches from hookah and free diving sessions should be recorded separately
2. Effort should be recorded as fishing hours
3. The number of divers per dinghy should be recorded
4. Catches should be weighed for each fishing session on each trip
5. The species that fishers targeted each day should be recorded
In conclusion, CPUE data is difficult to interpret. Therefore, managers should use a
precautionary approach when developing or adapting regulatory measures from these
fishery-dependent data.
Source: T. Skewes, CSIRO, Australia.

Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

Monitoring became mandatory in the Galpagos Islands in 1998 for the sea cucumber
fishery. Initially, on-board logbooks were issued but had little support from the fishers and
the data they recorded was inconsistent with dockside landing surveys. Therefore, fisheries
Implementing management 93

observers from the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) and the Galpagos National Park
(GNP) collected the data, which comprised fishing site, fishing method, number of fishers,
hours invested in fishing, total catch (in weight or in units) and species caught. Data were
recorded at the wharf through interviews with the fishers. The body lengths and weights
were recorded for about 40percent of the catch. By the end of each fishing season, the data
were analysed and the results provided to stakeholders before the next years season.
The data revealed the most important fishing sites, catch per unit of effort (CPUE), number
of active fishers and boats per season and body sizes. The fishery-dependent surveys helped
to determine when to close fishing (and start the seasonal closure) and when the TAC was
nearing fulfillment. Furthermore the measurements of sea cucumbers were used to show what
percentage of individuals had been caught under the minimum legal size limit.
From 1998 until 2006, the fishery-dependent surveys were conducted jointly by CDF
and GNP. However, due to the high costs of maintaining this programme, CDF eventually
pulled out and currently is under the sole responsibility of the GNP. Unfortunately, since
2006 only the total catch has been calculated from the data and there has been limited human
resources to analyse other important statistics, such as CPUE and visitation frequency at
fishing sites, which is limiting the decision-making process.
In summary, the logsheets were abandoned because data from fishers were inaccurate
and the monitoring programme was very costly and faced difficulties because it relied
largely on private donations to cover field expenses of the observers. In future, monitoring
programmes need to invest in training fishers on how to fill in the logbooks and provide
incentives for recording accurately. Alternatively, the data can be collected by fishery
observers but must be adequately funded through the government (e.g.through tax revenue
from the fishing industry).
Source: V. Toral-Granda.

6.1.4 Socio-economic surveys

The collection of data on responses from fishers and other actors in the fishery, to
questions about social and cultural factors that affect the exploitation of stocks.
The surveys would commonly entail questionnaire-based interviews with fishers,
processors, exporters and other stakeholders of the fishery. The data should allow
the fishery manager to identify, for instance, the actors in the fishery, what fishing
methods are used, what time and resources are invested to collect the animals, how the
sea cucumbers are processed and sold/traded, what income is gained from fishing and
processing and selling, knowledge of regulations and what are the stakeholders views
on management of the resource.

Socio-economic surveys provide a basis for understanding the relationship between
fisheries stakeholders and fisheries resources, and a means to obtain stakeholders
views about the fishery (Kronen et al., 2007; De la Torre-Castro et al., 2007). Managers
are called to gather and analyse data on social, economic and institutional factors
of fisheries, or commission/facilitate such work and base management decisions on
such factors (FAO, 1995; Section 3.1). Importantly, socio-economic surveys allow
the manager to choose regulatory tools that will be accepted by the fishers and other
stakeholders. Analyses of data of socio-economic indicators can also serve to evaluate
the performance of management strategies adopted and enforced (see Section3.4).
The surveys should also supply valuable information on the species collected,
catch rates, fishing zones targeted and the gears used for fishing. This information can
augment fishery-independent surveys for example, by improving the understanding
of stock distribution through fishers accounts of where species have been collected
94 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

(Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a).

Questionnaires to fishers can reveal breaches A researcher recording responses of a
of fishing regulations or illegal practices that Filipino fisher to socio-economic questions
cannot be shown through landing surveys about income gained from fishing
or compliance reports (Kinch etal., 2007).
Compared to underwater visual census
of stocks, socio-economic surveys are
relatively cost-effective.
The surveys can also show the geographic
differences in resource use and dependence
within the fishery (Kronen et al., 2007;
Kinch et al., 2008a). For example, fishing

Photo: R. Gamboa
will represent a more important part of the
incomes of fishers in some localities than
others, or some species may be targeted
in some localities but not elsewhere. Such
information could be used for adapting management regulations differently to suit the
needs and current practices of fishers among regions within a fishery.
Socio-economic surveys should help to identify alternative income streams to meet
the livelihoods of fishers or processors (Figure30). Where fishery closures or limited
entry rules are to be imposed, managers are thus able to support, or plan for, alternative
economic activities for the fishers.
Education and communication programmes should be designed through some
baseline socio-economic surveys. They may, for example, help managers to understand
how fishers become informed about fishery regulations and what forms of media are
best for educating them.

An initial limitation can be in the capacity of fishery departments to design and
conduct socio-economic surveys in a structured way that gives quantitative data
for evaluating trends within and among fisher groups (see Section 2.3). As for
underwater resource surveys, expertise is needed to conduct surveys that will give
reliable, unbiased data.
A more serious limitation relates to the ability to collect representative socio-
economic data that is non-biased with respect to sampling. Whereas sites for underwater
resource surveys are easy to encounter, workers commonly find difficulty in finding
fishers to conduct interviews. They may be in remote communities (Section 2.3) or
at sea when fishery workers want to interview them. Those fishing less often may
therefore be surveyed more frequently and so biasing the results of data analyses.
This problem compounds when data averages from social surveys are extrapolated, or
scaled-up, to infer the resource use by whole communities.
Unlike sea cucumbers on the sea bed, fishers can give false information (even
unintentionally) or be reluctant to divulge information. This may be related to the
style of the interviewer, and experience is required to know when interview responses
may be misleading. A survey method called triangulation1 can help to reduce falsity
in socio-economic data. Many fishers are reluctant to divulge how much they catch or
where they fish.

Triangulation is a method in which different approaches are used to help validate data on the same issue/

question. In the case of a socio-economic study, data could be collected from questionnaire-based interviews
and fishery-dependent surveys to answer the same question. For example, fishers could be asked about the
average length of sea cucumbers they collect and their responses could be validated by taking independent
measurements of animals in their catch over replicate fishing trips. In the same sense, triangulation could
consist of asking interview questions from different perspectives to obtain, and validate, certain data.
Implementing management 95

How to implement
Firstly, define the purpose of the survey Household socio-economic and semi-
and what information is required (De la structured interviews conducted at Iabam
Torre-Castro et al., 2007). While the fishery Island, Milne Bay Province, Papua New
manager may want certain information Guinea to determine marine resource
from fishers (e.g. on catch rates, species dependency, particulalry sea cucumbers
and sites fished), other stakeholders will
need data on different variables (
routes and the state of product sold).
It is also important to define the actors
in the fishery prior to designing and
conducting surveys. Ideally, the socio-
economic surveys should cover a wide

Photo: J.P. Kinch

breadth of stakeholders, not just fishers.
Some preliminary work is therefore
needed to list the fishers, processors and
exporters and how they can be contacted.
A process can then be determined to representatively sample the fishers where they are
The questions and data variables for the socio-economic surveys should then be
designed. This may be easiest by adapting an existing survey questionnaire for sea
cucumber fisheries (e.g.Kinch etal., 2007; Kronen et al., 2007; Purcell, Gossuin and
Agudo, 2009a). The manager should consult with other stakeholders, like trade officers
and conservation agencies, to know what questions should be posed in interviews.
Consideration needs to be given to whether the results should reflect fishers, or other
actors, collectively, or whole communities. Social surveys may target fishers only, or
be posed at households, or both (Figure31). Household surveys should be used where
there is subsistence fishing and many family members may be involved in fishing
(see Kinch et al., 2007), and inappropriate where there are relatively few actors in the
fishery and all sea cucumbers are sold for export. The questionnaires for households
will differ from those for individual fishers, as will questionnaires for processors or
There should be a pre-determined design for sampling fishers or households,
e.g. systematic or randomised, such that the samples (i.e. completed questionnaires)
are representative of the entire pool of potential respondents. The same approach
would apply to selecting communities, if a proportion of them are to be sampled
and if the data are scaled up to regions or a whole country. Consider the limitations
of extrapolating data from non-probability sampling techniques, e.g. convenience
sampling or snowball sampling, if these are used. Kronen et al. (2007) outline the
most common random sampling designs for socio-economic surveys:
simple random sampling when the entire population is relatively uniform,
stratified random sampling where there are sub-groups of households or fishers
in the population with different characteristics, and
multistage random sampling where sampling is structured hierarchically,
e.g.samples within villages and villages within provinces.
Questionnaires should be structured to furnish quantitative data this means
scoring responses so that they can be converted to counts, rank responses or
binomial (e.g. yes or no) data. This will permit calculation of response averages
and enable statistical analyses. Avoid questions that ask for volumes, percentages,
or averages (e.g.What is your average cost per fishing trip?), because small-scale
fishers, or those with a basic school education, will often have difficulty answering
them, for a variety of reasons (Kinch et al., 2007). Visual aids and field identification
guides will help to avoid ambiguity with terms and species (Kronen et al., 2007)
96 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Using size cards of sea cucumber body lengths during socio-economic interviews of sea
cucumber fishers at Andra, Papua New Guinea (left) and Abaiang, Kiribati (right)

Photos: M. Kronen, SPC PROCFish/C

(Figure32; Section6.1.1). Care should be taken to choose questions wisely to acquire
the key data without demanding too much time of the respondents, e.g.approximately
3045 minutes. The fishery technicians should be appropriate trained in conducting the
surveys, or partner institutions can be consulted to help in this task.
Some investment should be placed in communication with fishers about the socio-
economic survey programme. Raising awareness will help to uncover all the actors
for designing the sampling. As for resource surveys, it will probably be unfeasible
to interview all fishers, so some prior rules should be set to allow representative
Following interview-based surveys, the data should be entered into a database
and analysed. Managers may wish to firstly examine simple calculations of the data,
separated by fisher groups, locations, gender or age of the respondents. Finally, the
information should be validated and used for management purposes. Respondents will
also want to see that the results are disseminated and used in the management of the

Examples and lessons learned

Papua New Guinea

Relatively little research has been conducted on the sea cucumber fishery in Papua New
Guinea, despite its economic importance for the nation and to coastal and island fishers,
their families and their communities. In recognition of this shortcoming, the National
Fisheries Authority (NFA) conducted socio-economic studies of the beche-de-mer fishery
in the Western, Central and Manus Provinces in 20062007. The surveys aimed to describe
the fishery operation to enable the NFA to refine the fisheries management. In particular,
the fishery needed better compliance by fishers and companies, stronger benefits to coastal
and island fishers and communities; and a more robust assurance of sustainability of sea
cucumber resources.
The NFA has also conducted general socio-economic fisheries surveys in the Morobe,
New Ireland and Milne Bay Provinces in 20052007, as part of its Coastal Fisheries
Management and Development Program. These surveys were undertaken to provide basic
information on the relative importance of fisheries to the livelihoods of people. They were
also designed to provide information on the types and quantities of marine organisms being
harvested in each province with a view to assessing the status of the resources and to identify
threats and opportunities for the future.
Source: J.P. Kinch.
Implementing management 97

New Caledonia, France

In a recent project to assess two sea cucumber fisheries in New Caledonia, socio-economic
surveys were conducted using questionnaire-based interviews (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo,
2009a). The questionnaires were structured to provide quantitative data for analyses;
i.e.responses as ticks to multiple choice responses or as numbers. Responses were recorded
by a sociologist.
The fisher interviews took 3040 minutes to pose questions within the themes of the
type and places of fishing, the catch, the average fishing effort (duration), processing of sea
cucumbers by the fishers, economic importance, historical context, and their knowledge
and desires about fishery management regulations. Cards with drawings of various sized
sea cucumbers allowed fishers to choose drawings for questions regarding the size of
sea cucumbers they collected rather than guessing metric lengths and weights. Colour
identification cards helped to associate local names of sea cucumbers to scientific names.
Many of the interviews were held in conjunction with separate surveys of their landed catch,
or by accompanying processors to a sale point to meet the fishers. Interviews were held with
the fishers and do not reflect households.

Photo: S.W. Purcell

Above: a biologist/sociologist at a processing station in New Caledonia, where sea

cucumbers and Trochus topshell are being dried on mesh racks after boiling.

Interviews were also held with most of the fisherys processors (i.e.someone who regularly
buys sea cucumbers whole, gutted, salted or dried). Keeping processors informed on the
projects progress was a key for gaining their cooperation. Meetings with fishers in some of
the distant and isolated areas were possible thanks to this collaboration. These 20-minute
interviews covered themes such as their experience in the industry, zones and problems in
the purchase of sea cucumbers, species bought and prices, export context and export prices,
and their desires about fishery management regulations.
Comparisons of interview responses with landing surveys showed that the perceptions
by fishers of the sizes of animals they captured did not always closely match the sizes of
animals in their landings. The lesson here is that monitoring programmes must also collect
landing data to bring more realism into the understanding of sizes collected.
98 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

The study also showed that fishers listed a larger number of species that they collect than
was recorded in landings. This is mostly attributed to the fact that landing surveys will rarely
be able to represent catches at all times of the year at all sites. In addition, the interviews
indicated a broader distribution of one species than shown by underwater visual census. The
lesson is that fisher interviews can supply valuable information for understanding fishing
impacts and building species inventories.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

Western Indian Ocean

The regional WIOMSA/MASMA interdisciplinary project on sea cucumbers (20062008)
(Conand and Muthiga, 2007) consisted of integrated socio-economic and ecological studies
in five countries of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) with contrasting conditions in their
ecology and fisheries: from unexploited stocks in La Reunion to severe overexploitation in
Madagascar; from small-scale fisheries in Kenya to industrial fisheries in the Seychelles. The
methods used included structured questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and network
analysis. Based on the results of these studies a conceptual model of the sea cucumber fishery
dynamics was proposed (De la Torre-Castro et al., 2007). It encompasses multiple levels and
takes into account the main features of the fishery, such as fishing and collecting grounds,
resource users and other stakeholders involved in the fishery (e.g. fishers, middlemen
and exporters), the links between stakeholders, villages and countries and the associated
management initiatives at different levels. The holistic outlook of the model, that takes into
consideration both social and ecological interactions, may be instrumental in supporting a
regional management strategy for sea cucumbers.
Source: C. Conand.

6.1.5 Price monitoring

Regular examination over time of the prices of sea cucumbers and beche-de-mer along
the marketing chains: i.e.from fishers, collectors, exporters and consumers.

Price monitoring can provide managers with an understanding of the social aspects
in the fisher communities. For example, whether fishers are receiving a fair share of
the export value of the sea cucumbers they catch and sell (e.g. Kinch et al., 2008b).
Likewise, this information gives alternative data (e.g. compared to socio-economic
surveys) on the income generated by the fishery and the economic importance to
various actors.
By monitoring export prices through time, the market force can be better understood
(see Sections2.2 and 2.4). For example, the manager can receive delayed feedback about
changes in the overseas demand for all, or certain, species over time. Such information
can help to plan ahead for adapting management to avoid rapid overfishing due to
increased demand of certain species. Similarly, monitoring of retail prices in Asian
markets may open opportunities for fishers that are not apparent (Figure33).
Monitoring along the whole market chain, from fisher to exporter, allows
government agencies to verify or set appropriate taxes and duties.

It may be difficult to force agents to provide reliable information on prices of sea
cucumbers sold or exported. In some fisheries, trade confidentiality is a right of fishing
companies. The remoteness of some fishers or buyers may make it difficult to gather
price data.
Implementing management 99

Tropical sea cucumbers, as beche-de-mer, displayed at various prices in a dried seafood
markets in Taipei, Taiwan Province of China (left) and at a wholesaler in Canton
(Guangzhou), China (right)

Photos: J. Akamine
There may be seasonal variation in the demand for certain sea cucumber products.
Further, custom officers may lack the training to identify species and grades of sea
cucumbers to attribute the export prices.
Data from overseas markets are not very easy to interpret, due to misreporting,
underreporting and the re-export of traded beche-de-mer. For example, it has been
estimated that underreporting of traded beche-de-mer in China, Hong Kong SAR, can
bias the trade data by about 49 percent (Clarke, 2004).

How to implement
The manager must have a basic knowledge of the relationships between sellers,
exporters and importers along the market chain. This may involve foreign financiers to
fishing companies or exporters.
Managers should also seek to involve the trade ministry and customs departments in
country to support or conduct monitoring of export prices of sea cucumbers. It would
be useful to form a relationship with these groups to meet periodically to examine price
data and the implications for actors in the fishery.
It is necessary to have a process by which price data from the international market can
be obtained regularly. This could be facilitated through collaboration with international
agencies involved in monitoring the trade of beche-de-mer (e.g.INFOFISH www. They will be in a position to provide data and contacts for monitoring
overseas market prices. The manager should be clear about whether the data refers to
smoked, dried or salted sea cucumber products and that the species names correspond
exactly to local species.
It may be advantageous to develop industry bodies, such as Management Advisory
Councils (MACs) for the sea cucumber industry in country. They should be kept updated
with summaries of price monitoring so they can participate in adaptive management.

Examples and lessons learned

The Philippines
Despite being one of the top exporters of beche-de-mer, the Philippines has not established any
standardized national or local price monitoring scheme. The local middlemen dictate the price
to fishers and their re-sale prices are dictated by the Manila exporters or their overseas partners.
Most recently, the proliferation of non-Filipino direct exporters (such as Koreans and Japanese)
has contributed to the increase in both demand and price. This has also posed stiff competition
among local traders. In any case, the local fishers are the real financial loosers.
100 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

The absence of a price monitoring scheme in some fisheries is aggravated by the lack of a
formal marketing system. There may be no receipts for the sales of sea cucumbers and no
formal contracts between fishers and buyers for credit assistance these business dealings
can be based simply on trust and loyalty. As a result it is rather difficult for managers to
reliably estimate, or validate, the overall value of exported beche-de-mer. An illustration
of this problem is shown through a comparison of the import statistics in Singapore and
the export data posted in national related agencies. The comparison indicates that export
quantities reported from the Philippine fisheries agencies (based on formal sale records) are
significantly less than the quantities actually exported from that country. In this case, correct
export records through a more robust sale and trade reporting scheme could possibly elevate
the importance of beche-de-mer from the eighth to forth most economically important
marine export commodity in the Philippines.
Among the recommendations at the National Forum in Sea Cucumber Fisheries
Management held in Dagupan, Pangasinan, in 2007 are: a)to set a national standard for sea
cucumber products; b)perform a market study to generate a real picture of the industry;
and c) conduct trainings on post-harvest processing for fishers to improve the quality of
their products.
Source: R. Gamboa.

Photo: R. Gamboa, UPMin

Above: Sea cucumbers processed at the household are stored until the next visit of the
middleman (with notebook) who dictates the grade and price.

Asian markets
The Asian centre for sea cucumber trade is China, Hong Kong SAR. In 2006, the region
reportedly imported 4180 tonnes of sea cucumber from 54 countries and regions. However,
Hong Kong residents consume only a small part of the imports as most is re-exported
mainly to mainland China. For example, in the same year, China, Hong Kong SAR
re-exported 3564 tonnes of sea cucumber to 13 countries and regions (of which about 87
percent was re-exported to China and 6 percent to Taiwan Province of China).
The area of the Hong Kong Island called Nam Pak Hong is where most of the imported
sea cucumbers are traded. From there, products are ship to Guangzhou in Guangdong
Province (China). Merchants in Guangzhou play an important role in distributing beche-
de-mer throughout the country although more recently there are increasing traders now
based in cities of Dalian and Qingdao in northern China.
Customers in northern China generally prefer the spiky sea cucumber known as cishen,
while un-spiky holothurians or guangshen are preferred in southern China. The Japanese
A. japonicus is a typical cishen and is currently the most valuable traded sea cucumber
species. Fifty dried sea cucumber pieces making up one jin (or 600 g) is the standard
Implementing management 101

business transaction volume. Trade is also carried out by picul (or 60 kilograms) which is
equivalent to 100 jin units. In mainland China one jin equals to 500 grams.
Sea cucumbers smaller than the standard size (i.e. 12 g) are traded at lower prices.
Large specimens are more expensive and fetch better prices. Currently, the average price
of A. japonicus based on trade statistics, is about JPY48 000/kg (2009 prices). However,
products from Hokkaido, Japan, famous for its spikes and thick body walls is said to reach
a market value of JPY80000/kg. Retail prices are also differentiated by production site and
size of the traded product.
Source: J. Akamine.

6.2 Institutional requirements

6.2.1 Support institutional arrangements for local-scale management
Aid to the development systems (formal or non-formal) for fishers or fisher groups to
take joint, or full, authority in developing and implementing resource management.
The support could be through community organizations, co-operatives, or
customary/community groups. Here, local-scale management means management
decisions and actions conducted by community groups or fishing groups rather than
centralised government agencies.
The establishment of institutions for resource management by fisher groups is part
of co-management and community-based management and encouraged within an
ecosystem approach to fisheries (Section 3.3). Broadly, co-management involves the
participation of fisher groups or fishing communities with management agencies in the
decisions and operation of resource management. In community-based management
the authority to manage the resource is devolved to the fishing communities, including
decision-making, monitoring and enforcement.

Hilborn (2004) argued that it is not the shortcomings of single-species management that
has failed in collapsed or overexploited fisheries, but institutions using top-down (or
centralised) control. Improvements in the sustainability of marine resources through
community-involved institutions of fisheries management arise, to a large extent,
through better compliance and accountability (Shepherd et al., 2004). This is because
the management decisions and outcomes are vested with fishers or fishing communities
who value the long-term benefits of a sustainable resource. If governance structures
are adequate and the appropriate incentives are in place, community management of
resources is analogous to putting the farmer in charge of the farm (Hilborn, Oresanz
and Parma, 2005). Co-management and community-based management arrangements
will be particularly useful in small-scale fisheries where top-down, centralised systems
have proved ineffective (Ostrom, 1990; Berkes et al., 2001).
Enforcement can improve with locally-management institutions (Shepherd et al.,
2004). Self regulation by fishing groups and co-management can help to reduce the
burden of conflict management that generally resides with management agencies. More
direct and well-established modes of resolving conflicts will probably exist within
communities compared to those between fishers and centralised management agencies.
Owing also to pre-established relationships, co-management and community-based
management schemes can foster better consensus building than adhoc formulation of
advisory groups. Appropriate management measures can be proposed that align with
community aspirations and customs, and can be enforced with penalties that suit local
102 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

A further benefit of devolving the management of resources to fisher groups is

improvement in communication among the actors in the fishery. Support may be
required from fisheries agencies so that fishers in fragmented fisheries can meet
regularly. Within communities, fishery regulations can be better understood since they
are developed through wide participation.

Co-management and community-based management are not without their shortcomings.
There is no guarantee that the group/community will act in its self-interest or that the
management decisions will lead to good outcomes. Decision-makers within communities
or fisher groups may lack the understanding of biological processes to aptly manage
the resource compared to a trained fishery manager. In addition to capacity constraints,
communities may lack the financial resources for proper monitoring or surveillance.
Moreover, vested personal interests in the community may derail appropriate management
strategies for personal gain or assign fishing rights inequitably.
Exclusive rights and devolved management can fail when there is a mismatch
between the spatial scales of the management units and the scales at which stock-
recruitment processes operate (Hilborn, Parrish and Litle, 2005). For example, the
fishing practices in one community may affect the recruitment and sustainability of
sea cucumber stocks in a neighbouring community. This may certainly be the case
for many sea cucumber stocks that exist as metapopulations of numerous populations
connected via larval dispersal. Co-management systems may therefore be more suitable
for sea cucumber fisheries, whereby some coordination by centralised fisheries agencies
ensures connectivity of populations with a metapopulation.

How to implement
Assess existing institutions in place (including leadership and governance structures).
If deemed appropriate then assist in the formalization of the local-level institution.
The appropriateness of the existing institutions should be clear if the management
decisions are respected by fishers and foster good stewardship of the resources. This
will generally mean some level of industry participation in decision-making (Parma,
Hilborn and Oresanz, 2006).
The different types of fishers organizations or stakeholders need to be listed and a
plan drawn to show how they are structured or linked within the current management
institution. Managers should seek to map out, for example in a flowchart, the decision-
making process currently used in the fishery, or other similar fisheries. The stakeholders
include more than just the fishers and fishing communities, e.g.conservation agencies,
fisheries scientists, fishery managers and field workers. What are the inputs from the
different stakeholder groups in decision-making and who has the decision-making
As discussed in Section6.1.5, the market chain structure should be well understood
and preferably illustrated schematically for others to easily understand. How are sea
cucumbers sold and exported from the country? Centralized processors and exporters
should naturally be an element of participatory types of management, since their
compliance is also needed.
Likewise, the legal frameworks need to be described. These would include processes
by which management decisions are placed into law or customary regulatory systems,
overarching national or international regulations (i.e. national constitutions and
international treaties and conventions like CITES), and the process by which offenders
are prosecuted for breaching fishery regulations.
Consider the spatial scale at which ecological processes operate in the sea cucumber
populations within the fishery and try to match these with the spatial jurisdictions of
management institutions. Management measures applied to sedentary animals (like sea
Implementing management 103

cucumbers) near one community may likely, through larval dispersal, have a profound
affect on populations managed by a second community. Since individual sea cucumber
populations (e.g. on separate reefs) are probably interconnected within a larger
metapopulation (e.g.the collective populations of one species within an entire reef
lagoon), management should ideally operate at the local scale and involve coordination
of management institutions at the larger (metapopulation) scale (Hilborn, Oresanz and
Parma, 2005; Orensanz et al., 2005).
Determine if there is a need for a local-level institution to take authority for, or
participate in, the decision-making processes and day to day management of the
fishery. Co-management systems may prove more effective than community-based
management systems because they allow for fisheries authorities to dictate some
regulations that would be best harmonized among various fisher groups, e.g. the
setting of minimum legal size limits and reporting requirements. Co-management also
plans for scientific information from fisheries managers to be a compulsory part of
decision-making. Meet with the fishers and fishing communities to see how best these
institutions can be formed.
Seek legal help to delegate authority of some management decisions to local-level
institutions (i.e. to fishing cooperatives or fishing communities) and clearly define
which decisions they have authority over and which ones they do not.
Similarly, arrange to devolve other management activities, like surveillance and
enforcement, and internalize externalities, such as monitoring and research (Parma,
Hilborn and Oresanz, 2006). Local-level management institutions should be required
to develop a management plan associated to their fishing grounds, which would include
monitoring, evaluation and enforcement (Hilborn, 2004). The fishers, or fishing
communities, will be in a position to determine appropriate expenditure on research
and enforcement (Hilborn, Oresanz and Parma, 2005). Some simple monitoring may
be undertaken by fishing communities, but government fishery agencies may need
to retain this role, perhaps through an industry levy to recover costs (FAO, 1995;
Hilborn, 2004). Fisheries agencies should still allocate funding to support meetings and
operationalise management decisions made by local-level institutions, and engage with
scientists and NGOs to assist with information and training this can be one of their
roles in co-management.
Work with fisher groups and communities to foster collaboration and open
communication. Forming fishers cooperatives may, for example, be a better vehicle for
gaining market access and product labelling than government-run programmes.

Examples and lessons learned

Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

In the Galpagos Islands, a Special Law in 1998 establishes a participatory management
system for the Galpagos Marine Reserve (GMR). This administration system involves both,
local and national management of the Marine Reserve. Locally, through the Participatory
Management Board (PMB), a forum represented by five stakeholders: Artisanal Fisheries
Cooperatives, Naturalist Guides, Chamber of Tourism of Galpagos, Scientific Sector
(currently the Charles Darwin Foundation) and the Galpagos National Park Service
(GNPS). These stakeholder groups participate actively in development of management
measures for the GMR and all decision-making is based on consensus. The resolutions taken
by the PMB are presented to a national forum, called the Inter-Institutional Management
Authority (IMA), which makes a final decision through a vote system.
While the Galpagos has a complex institutional arrangement for participatory
management, it has not been a single solution to the problem of overexploitation and
104 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

significant challenges remain for the management of Galpagos sea cucumber resource. The
sea cucumber Isostichopus fuscus is showing severe signs of overexploitation and conflicts
between the fishing sector and the scientists and conservation managers. Therefore,
although participatory management has allowed fishers and other stakeholders to become
a part of the management process, the lesson is that several other factors must be addressed
for this management system to be successful:
The participatory management process may take some years to work effectively and
must be funded adequately.
The decision-making process needs to be explicitly bound to follow the best scientific
advice available and in accord with resolutions from meetings among stakeholder
The management process should be divorced from government politics. That is, the
management process should be designed such that changes in a nations political
parties do not undermine the management decisions or implementation.
The Marine Park Authority or fishery agency should be given a legal authority to
enforce the management regulations. Enforcement should not rest with agencies that
are unable to conduct routine and impromptu inspections of fishing vessels or landing
and processing stations.
Members of the stakeholder groups should be designated to serve on the management
committees for a lengthy period (e.g.2 years) to maintain consistency in representation
at meetings and knowledge about past and future directions.
Source: P.C. Martnez.

Papua New Guinea

The National Fisheries Authority (NFA) through the Coastal Fisheries Management and
Development Project (CFMDP) recently attempted to accommodate changes to the 1998
Fisheries Management Act that would support local-level fisheries management. Under the
proposed changes, the rights of the customary owners of fisheries resources and fishing
rights would be fully recognized within three nautical miles of the baseline. The regulations
also attempted to provide authority for customary owners in all transactions affecting the
resource or the area in which their rights operate, including any relevant fishery management
plans developed by them, and designated community-based fisheries management areas, as
long as they were consistent with and not in conflict with existing national management
plans. Technical assistance, if required would have been provided by the NFA, provincial
or local level governments, or competent non-governmental organizations.
Source: J.P. Kinch.

New Caledonia, France

In 2007, the fishery service of the Northern Province cooperated with one community
(Tribu Boyenne) to have some authority to manage the sea cucumbers on reefs in their
[de-facto] jurisdiction, through a process of co-management. The fishers must still abide
by the provincial fishery regulations (e.g. size limits, prohibition of SCUBA or hookah
and night diving). On the other hand, it is the community that decides when certain fishing
grounds can be open to fishing sea cucumbers and when they are closed to fishing. The
community also appoints persons to help with periodic population surveys on the reefs to
determine if densities and body size have reached pre-determined levels to warrant opening
the fishing closure. This is done in cooperation with technicians from the Provincial Fishery
Service. In addition, the community is also encouraged by the Fishery Service to undertake
some simplified visual censuses to estimate sea cucumber densities on the reef to monitor
their recovery after fishing episodes.
Source: S.W. Purcell.
Implementing management 105

6.2.2 Establish management advisory committees

Support to enable the formation of multidisciplinary bodies of stakeholders that provide
information and advice on the best practices for the management of the fishery.
Some of the members of management advisory committees (MACs) may be directly
involved in the fishery whereas others are not. They can include fishing cooperative
representatives, fishery managers, scientists, local representatives, decision-making
authorities and social workers.

One use of MACs is to bring a wider range of views and aspirations into the decision-
making process. In this sense, they also provide integrated information on technical
aspects, such as marketing, population dynamics and socio-economic drivers, to enable
management decisions with a holistic view on the fishery. They are also a vehicle for
bringing forward advice on the feasibility of management options and monitoring of the
fishery. Through the process of open discussion, progress can be made towards overcoming
mistrust that may exist between fishers and fishery managers and researchers.
Consultative Committees (CCs) are similar to MACs and tend to be used for
smaller or developing fisheries (Smith, Sainsbury and Stevens, 1999). MACs and CCs
provide a forum for assessing the potential consequences, costs and practicality of
various scenarios of management regulations through risk analysis or management
strategy evaluation (Smith, Sainsbury and Stevens, 1999). Risks may come in the form
of uncertainty about: (1)sea cucumber stocks and the environment; and (2)dynamics
and feedbacks that determine the future stock levels, including human factors (Grafton
et al., 2007). Through such processes, key uncertainties can be brought to the fore and
group members are able to agree upon performance criteria by which the management
scenarios can be judged. Setting clear performance criteria at the onset allows for a
more objective process of adaptive management later on.
An operational advantage of advisory committees is subsequent compliance by
fishers and other stakeholders for that matter. Because the management decisions, or
at least recommendations, are formed through mutual agreement of the committee
members, MACs gain broader acceptance and ownership of management decisions
than top-down systems (Smith, Sainsbury and Stevens, 1999).

Unless they are carefully composed, advisory bodies may not be in the best interests
for the long-term sustainability of the resource or detached from the reality facing
fishers and their aspirations. Members may have vested interests or the committees
may be inappropriately biased towards one stakeholder group (e.g.composed of too
many scientists). Advisory committees may simply lack the required expertise for
certain roles, e.g.experienced social scientists or fisheries biologists.
Owing, in part, to the multisector nature of advisory committees, it may be difficult
to reach consensus about management decisions. In fact, it may be equally difficult
to reach consensus among scientists or fishery managers. Disputes, or differences of
opinion, can stall the decision-making process. Full consultation with industry and
other interest groups through MACs can often be time-consuming (Smith, Sainsbury
and Stevens, 1999). In this respect, MACs should be formed by stakeholders that are
prepared to negotiate to achieve acceptable compromises where necessary.
While advisory committees may easily reach consensus, they are, after all, bodies to
provide advice and usually lack the authority for decision-making. The advantage of
the committees may be lost where advice is not taken by decision-makers, and this can
undermine motivations for involvement.
106 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

How to implement
If MACs or CCs do not currently exist, managers should firstly develop a list of credible
and skilled stakeholders and experts and decide on the make-up of the committee.
Members should have seniority and standing in each field of expertise and, preferable, an
intimate knowledge of the fishery. Participants include fisheries scientists, conservation
biologists, economists, sociologists and industry representatives. A chairperson should
be assigned, which could be a fishery manager, scientist or an independent facilitator
for neutrality. Other members should be assigned, perhaps through a rapid consultative
process. Committees should best comprise a relatively small number of selected key
experts and industry representatives, e.g. 510 members.
Define and decide on committee purpose, objectives and protocols (e.g. establish
meeting schedules). It may be useful to develop a series of broad management objectives
and a code of practice, and get the MAC or CC members to sign their acceptance of the
code formally (Smith, Sainsbury and Stevens, 1999). The code could include principles
of confidentiality, a willingness to negotiate and seek compromises with other group
members and a declaration that their involvement will exclude personal agendas and
other subjectivities.
Notify stakeholders of intending meeting dates, to enable adequate preparation of
stakeholder concerns. Disseminate the contact details of all representatives. Develop a
process by which the key concerns and decisions from meetings can be disseminated
to other stakeholders. The manager may need to develop a summary of the state of the
fishery, to brief the MAC members prior to meetings. Likewise, the legal framework
for decisions and the existing legislation related to the fishery should be summarized
for MACs.
Ensure that MACs have adequate funding. Ideally, MACs or CCs should be fully
funded from the industry via taxes or levies on transactions of sea cucumber harvests.
There may need to be some incentives for members to attend and plan for involvement
in advisory committees.

Examples and lessons learned

Sea cucumber fisheries are managed by different prefectures, managed by a fishery
cooperative association under the authority of the prefectural governor. Each fishery
cooperative association has to obey the Fishery Adjustment Regulation issued by the
Sea-area Fishery Adjustment Commission (SFAC) of each prefecture. Various regulations
(e.g. fishing gears, fishing zones, closing periods and size limits) are specified for each
species by each SFAC. The SFAC is generally composed of fifteen commissioners; nine of
whom are elected fishermen and six others (four fishery scientist and two members of the
public) appointed by the governor. The SFACs play an advisory role in the fisheries and
all matters handled by the administrative agency with regard to fishery regulations. Fishery
rights and permits are not processed until advice is received from the SFAC, which has the
authority to decide on the arbitration, instruction and authorization of permits, etc.
Source: J. Akamine.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

On the Great Barrier Reef, the Harvest Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (Harvest
MAC) provides advice on the management of Queensland harvest and developmental
fisheries to the states Department of Primary Industries and Fishery (DPI&F). The
committee includes representatives from industry, DPI&F, the Great Barrier Reef Marine
Implementing management 107

Park Authority (GBRMPA), Queensland Park and Wildlife Service (QPWS), Queensland
Boating and Fisheries Patrol (QBFP), recreational fishers, scientists and a permanent
observer from the Department of Environment and Heritage (DEH). The Harvest MAC
meets twice a year to discuss recent developments in the fishery and data collected, and to
consider the adequacy of management arrangements. At the request of the Harvest MAC,
a beche-de-mer working group is occasionally held to discuss a particular issues relating to
the sea cucumber fishery. The working group generally consists of a scientist, the DPI&F
fishery manager and representatives from industry (e.g.fishers), GBRMPA, QPWS, QBFP
and DEH.
Source: S. Uthicke.

Papua New Guinea

Under the 2001 National Beche-de-mer Management Plan (NBMP), a National Management
Advisory Committee (NMAC) was formed in 2002 to provide advice to the Managing
Director on the management of the sea cucumber fishery. The NMAC is responsible for
proposing TACs, closed seasons, reporting, restrictions and trade regulations. It includes
stakeholders across Papua New Guinea to provide advice on management measures and
revisions to the management plan, deemed necessary through consultation with relevant
The NBMP also allows for the formation of Provincial Management Advisory Committees
(PMACs) in all coastal provinces. These are established to advise the NMAC on province-
specific management. The PMACs may, in consultation with their respective provincial
government, develop a plan for any additional management controls that are needed for
their sea cucumber fishery. The National Fisheries Board can then endorse these plans
if they are consistent with the NBMP. The participation of the NMAC and PMACs is
indicated below:

NMAC membership PMAC membership

2 NFA representatives 1 Provincial administration representative
1 Fisheries scientist 1 District administrator
2 Customary fisher representatives 3 Customary fisher representatives
2 Company representatives 2 Company representatives
1 NGO representative 1 NFA representative
1 Representative from the 4 Region 1 Provincial fisheries officer
Fisheries Secretariats 1 NGO representative

Source: J.P. Kinch.

Western Indian Ocean

During the developing stage of the sea cucumber fishery in the Seychelles the management
followed a top-down approach where the Fisheries Authority took the decisions
(Aumeeruddy and Conand, 2008). Now there is an Advisory Management Committee
composed of representatives from different government departments, boat owners, divers,
processors and one NGO.
In Madagascar various actions have been taken during the last two decades to involve
different participants of this fishing sector, including fishers, exporters, managers and
scientists (Rasolofonirina, 2007; Conand, 2004, 2008). The National Association of Sea
Cucumber Producers (Organisation nationale des exploitants des trpangs et holothuries
ONETH) was created in 1996 through a pilot operation. ONETH encountered several
problems at its inception but it is now an active association.
Source: C. Conand.
108 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

6.3 Legal requirements

6.3.1 Legislation of management regulations
Facilitate and support processes that enable fishery management measures to be
formalised into legal instruments or documents whose conditions and consequences
are well understood and can be enforced and monitored. Interventions could be
conditions of local ordinances or international conventions such as CITES.

Managers should take appropriate actions to ensure that management decisions
are properly set in to the legal framework of the managing institution (e.g. be it a
government fishery service or a community group) so that they are duly respected
and can be legally enforced. Through the process, regulations can be more specifically
defined because the wording is carefully considered in a legal context. Fisheries
enforcement officers can be empowered through regulations in legislation as they are
less subject to fishers demanding partiality or leniency.
By facilitating management regulations into the legal framework, they are thereby
endorsed by local, national, regional, international institutions. For example, regulations
placed into local legislation carry thereafter the endorsement of the local legislative
body, in addition to the fishery managers. Regulations ratified by international bodies,
like CITES, oblige other organisations to abide by the regulations because non-
compliance can be sanctioned in international meetings. Setting regulations into the
legislative framework therefore promotes responsible action. In addition, management
decisions placed into legislation beckon accountability, because the legal institution is
responsible for prosecuting non-compliance.
The effectiveness of regulatory measures can be improved through dissemination of
legislative regulations, as these are often made public. They are commonly accessible
via fishery bulletins, libraries or the Internet.

There may be poor legal support in some regions or countries for placing management
regulations in to legislation in a timely fashion, or aptly prosecuting fishers, processors
or exporters that breach the regulations. Similarly, limited capacity of fishery services
(Section 2.3) or local management institutions may make it hard to clearly define the
regulatory measures. They may, alternatively, lack the know-how or motivation to
place management decisions into law.
Unfortunately, there may be much motivation by advisory committees or
management agencies to impose certain regulations, but these may be undermined
thereafter by political manipulation (and unwillingness) and corruption.
Legal advice may be limiting for many community-based management institutions
to set regulations into correct legal frameworks that make them binding and allow
offenders to be prosecuted.

How to implement
Initiate an assessment of policy and planning needs for the fishery. This should include
a review of the processes by which resource management is placed into legislation, at
the level of the managing institution. Find out what are the requirements of the legal
system and the common timeframes for getting regulations set into legislation.
Draft the fishery regulations in a concise manner in simple terms that can be
understood by everyone. Critically judge the wording for ambiguities or loopholes,
whereby fishers, processors or exporters could argue around the wording to avoid
prosecution. If possible, seek technical and legal advice (including appropriate
instruments for penalties) once the fishery regulations have been drafted. Communicate
Implementing management 109

with decision-makers at a high level to seek their endorsement of the draft regulations
and advice about the process for submission.
Once the wording of the draft regulations has been finalised, submit the finalised
regulatory measures to the legislative council or government body.

Examples and lessons learned

Solomon Islands
In the past, fisheries management in the Solomon Islands has been reactive rather than
proactive; usually addressing a problem after it had arisen. Previously, there was no formal
management plan for the sea cucumber fishery despites its importance as an income source
to rural coastal and island peoples and revenue generation for the national government.
In December 2006, the Permanent Secretary for Fisheries closed the sea cucumber fishery
because of evidence of severe over-harvesting and stock declines. The plan was for it to
stay closed until regulatory measures were developed for the fishery. This changed with
the occurance of an earthquake and tsunami in April 2007, which dramatically reduced
the income of communities in rural areas, led to the fishery being opened in May. It was
declared that an interim management plan for the fishery would be developed quickly, for
2007, and that the fishery would stay open until December 2007, after which it would be
reviewed and operated under a more permanent set of management arrangements.
If the Solomon Islands government decides to implement a National Beche-de-mer
Management Plan under its new Fisheries Management Bill, it is envisaged that management
arrangements will involve two levels, national and community. National-level regulations
will apply uniformly across the country or provinces (size limits, fishing closures, seasonal
opening, etc.), while at the community level, communities will decide on area closures or
may decide to have closures for particular species; as long as they do not conflict with the
national regulations.
Source: J.P. Kinch.

Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

With the passing of the Special Law of the Galpagos (SLG) in March 1998, along with
creating the Galpagos Marine Reserve (GMR), the SLG established a participatory and
adaptive management plan for the GMR. This system promoted regulatory measures and
interventions into legalisation as it empowered decision bodies to implement and enforce
such regulations.
Any decision pertaining the management of the GMR must be evaluated first in the
Participatory Management Board (PMB) which takes decision based on the consensus of
the five major local stakeholders of the GMR (Fishing, Tourism, Management Galpagos
National Park Service (GNPS), Science, Conservation and Education, and Naturalist
Guides). These decisions are then evaluated at a Ministerial level or Inter-institutional
Management Authority (IMA), with decisions made under a voting system. The final
resolution is then re-directed back to the GNPS, who has the mandate to put such decision
into a legal framework (or Resoluciones) that will apply to the activity in question. This
Resolucin is then made public and it will contain the regulations and management tools
to be used in the regulation of any activity.
Source: V. Toral-Granda.

6.3.2 International agreements and CITES

Binding or non-binding arrangements between governments that promote cooperation
towards common interests and objectives.
110 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Management and conservation of sea cucumbers might need international support
because the geographic distribution of most species goes beyond political boundaries
and trade involves international markets.
One example of international agreement towards the control of trade in species of
conservation concern is the Convention for International Trade of Endangered Species
(CITES). CITES aims to ensure that trade in wild animals is commensurate with their
conservation. It does this by providing a legislative and regulatory framework for
international cooperation in controlling trade of animals listing in Appendices I, II
and III of the Convention (FAO, 2004). At present, Isostichopus fuscus of the eastern
Pacific is the only sea cucumber species included in CITES, with Appendix III listing
(Toral-Granda, 2008b). Listing of species under one of the three Appendices will afford
certain levels of control on trade (FAO, 2004; Sant, 2006):
Appendix I: offers the highest protection for species that are threatened with
extinction from international trade. Trade of listed species is only
authorized in exceptional circumstances.
Appendix II: offers moderate protection for species that could become threatened
if their trade is not effectively regulated. It does this by placing a
condition on the trade of listed species, whereby countries must
demonstrate that the trade is non-detrimental to the survival of
the species in the wild. Only animals obtained in compliance with
national laws can be traded.
Appendix III: provides assistance to countries (or a Party) in the enforcement of
its national trade regulations, e.g.if illegal trade is an issue. It does
this by obliging other parties to apply their own domestic laws to
ensure that trade is consistent with the laws of the State (
of origin for that species.
One of the objectives of CITES is to safeguard the use of aquatic species in
food security, employment and income generation (FAO, 2004). A common use of
international agreements, such as CITES, is to deter illegal fishing and trade that
jeopardise livelihoods or the survival of species on which they depend (Bruckner,
2006a). For instance, countries may sign agreements (e.g. CITES Appendix I or
Appendix II listing) to ban or limit the trade of certain sea cucumber species,
although there are no examples of this at present. Some sea cucumber species are
relatively rare and some high-value species have been overfished in most localities.
CITES AppendixI listing for such species would be one way to protect them from
extinction. Such conventions also help to ensure that fishing practices are sustainable
to allow exports, enhance opportunities for technical assistance and capacity building
and raise awareness among stakeholders and decision-makers (Bruckner, 2006a;
Toral-Granda, 2008b).
International agreements may place certain restrictions on trade through requirements
for trade reporting (e.g.through CITES AppendixIII) (Toral-Granda, 2008b). This can
improve the standardization of trade codes and quality of trade reporting. CITES,
in particular, can create an impetus for harmonising trade codes and data collection
among countries (Toral-Granda, 2008b). International trade in CITES-listed species is
controlled by a system of trade permits and certificates (FAO, 2004).
International agreements can help enforce national regulations. This arises through
obligations and responsibilities to enforce certain fishing, processing or exporting
practices. They can also be a channel for international scientific collaboration. The
agreements can promote standardization of research methods and international
scientific cooperation.
Implementing management 111

Lack of political will to pursue agreements will be a significant hurdle for many
managers of sea cucumber fisheries. Politicians may be unwilling to risk future
constraints to fishing that international agreements may pose. There may also be
conflicts of interests between potential partner countries. Where there is political will,
agreement may be based on political reason and not on sound management.
Agreements may not be put into practice at the national level. They may present
an administrative or economical burden (unfunded mandates) (Toral-Granda, 2008b).
Implementation of the agreements may require unacceptable costs, or be met with
capacity and logistics constraints at the local and national level. For example, CITES
listing can place a burden on both the exporting and importing countries by requiring
permitting, training for customs and trade officers for trade interdiction and specimen
identification and other regulatory measures for compliance (Bruckner, 2006a; Toral-
Granda, 2008b).
The problem of identifying specimens of listed species in international trade is a
significant one (FAO, 2004), especially so for sea cucumbers which can be difficult to
identify without proper training. Technical needs of implementation such as guides for
species identification and the work to report non-detriment findings (for AppendixII
listed species) require a certain level of investment in administration and science (Sant,
2006). Inability to correctly identify sea cucumbers, or their organs, by customs
and other officials can present an opportunity for illegally obtained animals to be
fraudulently labelled or laundered under other names (FAO, 2004).
In cases where signatory countries are non-compliant with CITES regulations or
reporting timeframes, the CITES Secretariat undertakes consultation with them about
the problems. The challenges in complying with CITES should not detract countries
from being signatories. Some assistance may be made available by CITES to countries,
in certain cases, to help them in implementing the Convention (FAO, 2004).
In cases where stringent protocols for declaring exports are in place, such as in the
Seychelles, controls may be sufficient already to ensure responsible fishing and trade
(Aumeeruddy and Conand, 2008). Choo (2008b) discussed that CITES listing of some
sea cucumbers may cause serious socio-economic problems in the Philippines. When
an animal is listed under CITES, the national legislation prohibits trading of the species
irrespective of the Appendix within which it is listed. In such cases, CITES listing of
certain sea cucumber species within Appendix III could deprive fishers of an income
and spur some to fish illegally and trade sea cucumbers on the black market (FAO,
2004; Choo, 2008b).
As yet, there are few regional and international agreements on sea cucumbers by
which to use as templates for new ones. Fishery managers may be unable to initiate
such agreements because of the time required in literature searching and review to
write and develop the agreement. Lessons learned from listing of Isostichopus fuscus on
CITES Appendix III are invaluable in this regard (Toral-Granda 2008b).

How to implement
Fishery managers should help to broker the process of developing international
agreements for the exploitation and trade of sea cucumbers, as advocated in the Code of
Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (Section 3.1). What is the national and international
legal framework by which agreements can be made and enforced? Who in the country
would need to sign the agreement and what can be done to brief them so they can make
an informed decision?
Obtain reliable assessments of the national status of the fishery and the global status
of the species being fished. See if there are any problems or limitations to trade that
could benefit from an international agreement. Studies using underwater visual censuses
of the sea cucumber stocks should give an indication of species that are critically
112 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

depleted, rare or endemic (Section 6.1.2). International agreements may be a useful tool
in preserving these stocks. For the different CITES listings, the fishery manager should
find out if any of the species in the fishery are threatened with extinction or could
become extinct if the current trade practices are not adequately regulated.
Examine the advantages and disadvantages of an international agreement, like
CITES. Assess what the likely costs will be to develop the agreement and implement it.
For example, for CITES AppendixIII listing, the country with the listed species must
issue an export permit that is endorsed by the management authority once it is satisfied
that the specimens were obtained legally. Other Parties (i.e.signatory countries) must
accompany a Certificate of Origin with exports of that species, if they have not also
listed the species. Importing countries must confirm that imports of that species have
an export permit of Certificate of Origin. Re-exports also require similar certification
(Sant, 2006). Managers should get a clear definition of terms of reference between
parties. They should also consult literature explaining the implications of CITES listing
(e.g.FAO, 2004; Bruckner, 2006a).
Form a good technical-legal committee that will draft the agreement. It may be best
to seek sound legal and technical advice and use templates based on other agreements.
Managers wanting to propose certain sea cucumber species for CITES AppendixIII
listing can do so unilaterally at any time through their respective government body.
On the other hand, proposals to list species in AppendixII will undergo a review and
require two-thirds majority support to be accepted at a meeting of the Conference of
Parties (Sant, 2006).
Put in place monitoring measures to assess whether the conditions of the agreement
are being implemented. For example, develop a schedule and methodology for checking
beche-de-mer exports and export data to ensure that contraband species are not being

Examples and lessons learned

Galpagos Islands, Ecuador

Ecuador is the only country that has listed a sea cucumber species (I. fuscus) in a CITES
appendix. This species was included in Appendix III on 16 October 2003 and since then
most of the catches from capture fisheries from the Galpagos Islands have been recorded
in CITES permits. However, in mainland Ecuador there are both capture fisheries and
aquaculture production that has been exported to the oriental market, with no records
of a CITES permit. Mainland exporters and fishers claim that the species collected is not
I. fuscus this illustrates one of the problems of the listing with little or no training for
export agents, border patrol and custom officers.
The listing of I. fuscus in CITES Appendix III has shown advantages and disadvantages
(Toral-Granda, 2008):

(i) Certainty of the legality of the catch of the exported goods
(ii) Increased awareness of the need to conserve and manage sea cucumber populations
(iii) Possibility of identifying trade bottle necks where illegal catch may be laundered to
(iv) Better opportunities for technical assistance, targeted research and capacity building
(v) Creating and putting into place standardized and comprehensive trade reporting
codes and data gathering amongst countries
(vi) Catch and export data are centralized in one area, allowing faster analysis and
quicker returns for the analysis of trade bottlenecks
(vii) Understanding of the trade route when it leaves Ecuador
Implementing management 113

(viii) Understanding that international trade is the major force behind the exploitation of
I. fuscus in the GMR
(ix) Curtailing international trade by means of an attached CITES permit that ensures the
legality of the catch.

(i) Increased burden to CITES administrative officers (i.e. processing of permits,
compilations and submission of annual reports to the CITES Secretariat)
(ii) Increased costs to train and educate managers, border patrol and custom
(iii) Problems in identification to species level, as many processed sea cucumber look
(iv) The lack of communication between the Galpagos and mainland Ecuador
CITES Administrative Authority offices, has created some conflict of interest
and delayed response in certain cases
(v) Aquaculture production from mainland Ecuador claims that their species in
trade is not I. fuscus, hence all exports leave the country without a permit. This
could be solved if there will be more trained personnel in mainland Ecuador that
could clearly identify the species traded
(vi) Delay in acquisition of the CITES Secretariat trade reports on CITES species

Currently, Ecuador has no intentions on up-listing I. fuscus to any of the other two
Appendices. Perhaps greater success with such listing could be achieved if all I. fuscus
range States would decide to include the species in the same appendix, so as to deter illegal
shipments from other countries and to promote greater awareness and conservation.
Source: V. Toral-Granda.

Pacific, Micronesia
An example of a non-binding international agreement of relevance to the conservation of sea
cucumber stocks in the Pacific is the Micronesia Challenge. The Micronesia Challenge
is a regional intergovernmental initiative in the western Pacific region aimed to facilitate the
effective conservation of marine and forest resources in Micronesia. On 5 November 2005,
President of Palau Tommy E. Remengesau Jr. called on his regional peers to join him in the
Micronesia Challenge, which would conserve 30 percent of near shore coastal waters and
20 percent of forest land by 2020. Joining the initiative were Palau, the Federated States of
Micronesia and Marshall Islands and the United States of America territories of Guam and
Northern Mariana Islands. These nations and territories represent nearly 5 percent of the
marine area of the Pacific Ocean and 7 percent of its coastlines.
Source: K. Friedman and The Nature Conservancy.

6.4 Assign accountability

Assigning to named persons, or entities, the obligation to demonstrate and take
responsibility for performance of the fishery in light of commitments and expected

Assigning accountability for the success or failure of management provides a foundation
for decision-making process. It promotes more commitment to act responsibly and
take ownership of the consequences for poor judgement in fisheries management.
Accountability gives strength to the management system and credibility to participants.
114 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Accountability can help in identifying the decision-makers in co-management or

community-based management systems. It is used not just to lay blame on those
responsible if the stocks collapse, but rather to identify mistakes and errors so that they
can be remedied (Grafton et al., 2007).
Accountability also extends to the provision of scientific information. Nominating
who is accountable for scientific advice will afford more care in the advice given, how
it is worded and the associated conditions or uncertainties. Likewise, there may be
official accountability for communication or enforcement of regulations. For example,
fisheries officers may be made accountable for ensuring that all fishers and processor
are aware of the regulations, whereas customs officers can be made accountable
for checking shipments of beche-de-mer for undersized product or shipment of
contraband species.

Turnover of decision-makers, e.g. by elections or political appointments, erodes
clarity about who is accountable for fishery performance. Without strong governance,
accountability may foster a reluctance to take hard decisions. Conversely, there may be
a lack of political will to take actions against those accountable for decisions, scientific
information, surveillance or enforcement.
Qualified people, such as fisheries scientists, might be deterred from participating in
management if they will be held accountable for inaccuracies in their advice.

How to implement
The legal framework by which people can be held accountable and penalised needs
to be understood. What are the legal consequences for improper decisions, actions or
advice? Likewise, the legal framework and process for assigning accountability should
be determined and understood.
Next, define clear reference points by which accountability can be judged (Section
3.4). There should be little room for interpretation about the reference points. Define
the duties and responsibilities of various participants in the management process.
Set clear performance indicators at various levels: ecosystem, fish stocks and
economics so as to identify the effects of regulatory measures and management actions
(Grafton et al., 2007; Section 3.4). Ideally, operational accountability in the management
of the fishery should rest at the management level, with the people most qualified to
make the decisions, but politicians should also be made accountable for ensuring
adequate funding and the governance structure. Ensure that those accountable and
responsible have the appropriate authority to make decisions (Grafton et al., 2007).
Define and implement meaningful sanctions, or remedial action, for breaches
of responsibilities and enforce these consistently. Such sanctions should be clear to
participants at the onset. Ensure that best practise and best available information
protects participants in case of failure (to encourage experts to participate).
Promote transparency by making the accountability public. Also, provide a forum
for feedback about accountability.

Examples and lessons learned

Accountability in fisheries co-management: lessons from Asia

Co-management means having a process in which business is conducted in an open and
transparent manner. All partners must be held equally accountable for upholding the
co-management agreement. The partners have common access to information. Venues
are provided for public discussion of issues and to reach consensus. There needs to be
Implementing management 115

accepted standards for evaluating the management objectives and outcomes. Without
strong accountability, decision-making can become corrupt and arbitrary. A body outside
of the community, such as government or an NGO, may need to monitor and evaluate
the co-management process. This outside body can serve to provide checks and balances
to make the process more accountable in a formal way. Formal agreements will require a
structure for legal accountability among the partners.
Source: Pomeroy, Katonb and Harkes, 2001.

6.5 Enforcement
Intervention to ensure that users comply with management regulations and enable
penalties to be asserted to offenders.
Enforcement may entail physically checking catches, gear used on boats, or the areas
being fished, and imposing fines or other sanctions if the catch or fishing gears are not
in accord with the regulations.

Enforcement of regulations is an often-neglected aspect of fisheries management
(Hilborn, Oresanz and Parma, 2005). Its goal is to ensure that all actors in the fishery,
from fishers to exporters, comply with management regulations. For example,
enforcement can serve to protect resources in areas closed to fishing (e.g. within
no-take reserves), or protect small individuals (through enforcement of size limits), or
protect certain species (via species-specific bans or TACs). Most usually, some form of
enforcement is needed for the management measures to be followed.
A further use of enforcement is to confirm that fishing practices correspond with
management regulations and principles. Managers are called upon to implement
effective fisheries monitoring, control, surveillance and law enforcement measures
(FAO, 1995; Figure 13, Section 3.1). Breaches of fishery regulations can be shown
via reports from enforcement officers to allow managers to adapt the management
Enforcement can also enhance compliance by providing an example that offenders
will be prosecuted for breaches. For instance, if one processor/exporter is fined, or has
his/her licence revoked for one year, due to undersized beche-de-mer being found in
bags for export, other processor/exporters will likely comply more vigilantly.

A common reason, or excuse, for poor performance of management in sea cucumber
fisheries is a lack of resources for adequate enforcement. This arises commonly in top-
down (government-run) management systems when the responsibility for enforcement
resides with the national fisheries agency, where the geographic scale of the fishery is
large and where inadequate funds are given by government. There are commonly too
few funds to cover the employment of enough enforcement officers and inspection
costs, particularly for inspections at sea. Alternatively, the managing body may be
constrained by technical capacity of the fishery officers to conduct inspections and
understand the laws (see Section 2.3). In some sea cucumber fisheries, fishery officers
or customs officers need to identify many different species, which are in a processed
Enforcement meets conflict with fishers if they do not understand or have not been
made aware of the regulations. Conversely, it may be unclear who has authority and
responsibility for enforcement. These problems are particularly evident when there
are multiple regulatory measures in the fishery, or where the regulations vary from
116 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

one region to another. Conflicts may arise if fishers, processors or exporters argue
that they have not been informed about the regulations. Simple and consistent fishery
regulations will be easier to enforce.
There may be a lack of political will to enforce the regulations (i.e. prosecute
offenders). In addition, sanctions may not be appropriate or severe enough to
discourage offenders. In some countries, there may be opportunities for corruption of
the enforcement process, undermining its effectiveness for sustaining the resource.

How to implement
Fishery managers should do the following:
1) Determine the technical and human-resource capacity of the management
2) Assess whether skills, personnel time and fund are available for fishery officers,
customs agents, or community sea rangers.
3) Provide sufficient funds for the enforcement, as advised in the Code of Conduct
for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995).
4) Assign the authority for enforcement e.g.authority to inspect sea cucumbers
of fishers at sea or beche-de-mer in bags for export. This may be given, for
example, to officers in fisheries departments or conservation departments, or to
local sea rangers in communities.
Problems arise when fishery officers and research staff have the task of enforcing
regulations in addition to their responsibilities in management (King, 2007). Compliance
is usually higher when stakeholders have been involved in developing the management
and better again in community-managed fisheries (King, 2007). Where centralised
agencies are vested with the task of enforcement, separate sections for compliance
should be formed. For example, within Seychelles Fishing Authority (the managing
agency), a Monitoring, Control and Surveillance section is responsible for random
inspections of sea cucumbers at processing factories and inspection of consignments
of beche-de-mer before export (Aumeeruddy and Conand, 2008). The enforcement
officers should be given training to understand the regulations, the methods they
can use to inspect sea cucumbers or fishing activities and the rights of the actors. If
locally relevant identification guidebooks are not available (see Section 6.1.1), prepare
some suitable reference material, even simple sheets for identifying fresh and dried
sea cucumbers. Moreover, support and coordinate training sessions or workshops in
identifying the various species in different forms. The fishery manager may also need
to support or facilitate the governance structures of the communities and stakeholder
groups so that enforcement is effective.
Decide how the regulations will be enforced. For example, will there be inspections
at sea and inspections of processed sea cucumbers before export? Inspecting processed
and semi-processed sea cucumbers at processing centres will generally be easier than
inspecting landings of fishers, and will have logical flow-on effects to fishing activities
(Friedman et al., 2008a; Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). In contrast, inspections at
sea require several people, involve more travel time and incur substantial costs in boat
use and maintenance. Inspections of fishers may therefore be best at landing points, if
these are centralised ( town boat ramps). The use of Vessel Monitoring Systems
(VMS) can be an auxiliary tool for enforcing space-based management measures,
especially in more industrialized fisheries.
Develop inspection sheets to record what has been done and said. The enforcement
body should also establish a periodicity for inspecting catches and exports of sea
cucumbers who will do the inspections and how often.
Set out the penalties for various infringements, which may consist of a range in
penalties depending on the severity of the infringement. Find out from fishers or
communities what penalties will be realistic and a deterrent for infringements of
Implementing management 117

various regulations, as well as the potential conflicts in enforcement and applying

penalties. For example, a fisher with two undersized sea cucumbers would naturally
expect a less severe penalty than one with two hundred. For small-scale fishers with
community-level management institutions, penalties may be the removal of certain
privileges or payment in traditional commodities (pigs or crops). In more modern
fisheries, penalties could be monetary fines, loss of boat, cancellation of fishing licence
for one or more years, or a partial loss of fishing privileges for a certain time (e.g.a
reduction in their quota by a certain percentage in the following year). Above all,
penalties should be clear and imposed consistently.
Ensure that all actors in the fishery (i.e. fishers, processors, exporters) have been
given ample notice of the fishery regulations and understand how the sea cucumbers
or their activities may be inspected and by whom. They should also be told about the
wording of the laws and the penalties that can be imposed.

Examples and lessons learned

Bolinao, The Philippines

The municipality of Bolinao through its organized Bantay-Dagat has been primarily
responsible for the enforcement of fishery laws in its municipal waters. Regular patrolling
duties are allocated by the municipality and the enforcers are also linked to an inter-Local
Government Unit system of enforcement among several municipalities. On the other hand, the
monitoring of landed catches is carried out by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
(BFAR). The municipality of Bolinao admits to technical and financial limitations to conduct
regular monitoring. Recently, a Conservation Partnership Agreement and other instruments
appear to have facilitated better compliance to the fisher registration and licensing.
Source: R. Gamboa.

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea manages its sea cucumber fishery via the 2001 National Beche-de-
mer Management Plan through the statutory authority, the National Fisheries Authority
(NFA). Management regulations in the National Beche-de-mer Management Plan include
licensing and reporting requirements, access restrictions, minimum legal size limits, gear
restrictions, a closed season from the 1October to 15January each year, and total allowable
catches (TACs) at the Provincial levels.
Despite these management mechanisms, monitoring and enforcement costs incurred
to the NFA have progressively increased. Most cases are brought forward to the NFA
include illegal buying (and storage) and seizure (and shipment). The activities infringe the
management plan, which states that the beche-de-mer fishery in Papua New Guinea is
reserved for the use of citizens only, and only Papua New Guinea citizens and Papua New
Guinea citizen enterprises may hold an export licence to trade beche-de-mer. Shipments
of beche-de-mer products between provinces is not permitted except with written
authorization from the Managing Director of NFA.
Source: J.P. Kinch.

6.6 Education and communication with stakeholders

The exchange of information about the management of sea cucumbers in order to
improve stakeholders understanding and acceptance of management principles and to
incorporate their concerns and knowledge in the management process.
Communication with fishers means far more than just informing them of the
fishing regulations it also allows for discussion about the biology of sea cucumbers
( understand stock recovery), information on the status of stocks in the fishery
118 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

and principles behind the management

regulations (Figure33). A sociologist from a sea-ranching
research project in Mindanao, Philippines,
Uses discusses with members of a fishing
Communication with fishers and community about the potential benefits
and uncertainties of growing hatchery-
processors has an obvious use in
reared sandfish (Holothuria scabra) in
ensuring that they know the fishery leased coastal sandflats
regulations, but it should go much
further (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo,
2009a). Communication about regulatory
measures should be accompanied by
some education from fisheries officers
about why the regulations are in place
and how they act towards sustainability
and efficiency of the fishery (Figure 13;

Photos: R. Gamboa
Section 3.3). The process of educating
all stakeholders in biological and
management principles helps to dispel
misconceptions. Giving stakeholders a

Communicating sea cucumber fisheries management with artisanal fishers in
Bougainville, Papua New Guinea (left) and Pangasinan, Philippines (right)

Photo: s.w. purcell

Photo: j.p. kinch

better understanding of management principles and about the basic reproductive

biology and ecology of sea cucumbers will foster better adoption and compliance of
regulatory measures (Figure34). It is only when the regulations make sense that people
will follow them unreservedly.
A communication programme within the fishery creates an enabling environment
for better management decisions, through consensus building. Informed stakeholders
are in a better position to manage their resources in co-management and community-
based management systems. It also provides a vehicle for feedback to identify issues
of stakeholders and information that might not be gained from underwater visual
census or landing surveys. Scientists and managers need to appreciate the use of fishers
knowledge about sea cucumber populations and marine ecosystems (FAO, 2003;
Section3.1). Here, we use communication in the broad sense to include dissemination
of leaflets, radio programmes, roving theatrical presentations, local presentations and
newspaper articles or comics.

Communication programmes need people with skills in communication and in-depth
understanding of the fishery, biology and management principles, which do not
Implementing management 119

always go hand in hand. Effective implementation is therefore as significant a hurdle as

development of the communication strategy.
In some countries, there may be many different dialects or cultural disparities
among fisher groups. Education materials may, therefore, need to be tailored to suit
cultural sensitivities or local language dialects. Science has its own language, and the
biological information on reproduction and populations dynamics of sea cucumbers
(Section 2.1) needs to be translated into simple terms that can be understood by non-
scientific stakeholders.
There may be a lack of adequate and appropriate education materials. Managers may
need to invest in developing these.

How to implement
Develop a communication strategy of how fishers will be informed and what methods
will be most cost-effective. Set aside funding within the fisheries management system
for communication and education. Train fishery officers in communication techniques
and provide them with the resources (materials, travel expenses) to visit fishers and
processors regularly. A communication plan should set a periodicity at which fishery
officers and other agents interact with fishers.
Identify existing education materials used in other fisheries and seek to adapt these
to the local fishery. For example, comic books of fishers discussing the principles
of fishery management regulations in local languages may prove more effective
(e.g. Closed Season, published by the Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority).
If necessary seek assistance from appropriate agencies to assist in the development and
delivery of appropriate (and targeted) education and communication strategies. Try to
gather feedback from the fishers, i.e. using structured data sheets, about changes in the
species, sizes, catch rates and sites where they fish.
Trial the educational material on some fishers and adapt them as needed. Monitor
the effectiveness of education by questionnaires to see if fishers have a correct
understanding of basic biology of sea cucumbers and the principles behind the
management regulations.


Papua New Guinea

Poster designed by the National Fisheries Authority, Papua New Guinea.

120 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Comic book designed by the National Fisheries Authority (Papua New Guinea):
left front cover; right example page.


Poster designed by the Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific-International.

Source: J.P. Kinch.

6.7 Improve quality of processing through training

Support or facilitation of training for fishers and processors in best practices for
processing sea cucumbers into beche-de-mer or other marketable forms.
Processing means the transformation of live sea cucumbers into a product form
that can be exported or sold for consumption (e.g.salted, frozen, dried and canned).
Processing of sea cucumbers more often results in a dried product (called beche-de-
mer or trepang), which can be more easily stored and transported, and is a way
of value-adding of raw products suitable to the market. Processing may, however,
involve canning, methods for preparing a salted product, or ways of preparing body
parts (e.g.organs or muscle bands) for sale (see Section 2.4). To improving the quality
of processing, managers should provide reference material, actively support training
workshops (to better train fishers and processors), or improve the contacts between
experience processors and fishers.
Implementing management 121

Left: small, poorly processed sandfish (Holothuria scabra) from the southern Philippines.
The calcareous spicules expelled from the dermis of the animals after the first boiling
have not been adequately removed and the body forms are contorted. Right: large,
well-processed sandfish in New Caledonia

PhotoS: s.w. purcell

Promoting better processing of sea cucumbers provides a number of direct and indirect
benefits. Managers should promote the adoption of technology for the best use and
care of the catch (FAO, 1995; Section 3.1). Improving the quality of processing of
sea cucumbers allows fishers to make more money out of the animals they harvest
(see Section 2.2), thus enhancing household incomes and the proportionate gains for
national revenues through taxes.
Indirectly, improvement to processing can ease the stress of fishing on sea cucumber
populations. Fishers may harvest fewer animals because they have made sufficient
money out of fewer well-processed animals. Additionally, fewer animals are discarded
through careful processing, resulting in fewer animals being removed from the wild to
meet fishers livelihoods (Figure35).
Effectively, better processing shifts the emphasis of income generation from
harvesting to processing. By paying more attention to the money that can be made (or
lost) through processing, less time can be spent at sea and more time is spent in adding
value to the catch. This shift can open up job opportunities through processing.
Improved processing, on a broad scale, helps to raise and standardise, the quality
of all sea cucumber products coming out of a country. Training fishers and processors
that are processing poorly works to ensure that low-quality product is not tainting the
overall exports.
The training could initially focus on best-practice methods and later include new
processing methods, e.g. arising from changes in market preference. Training may
also look at alternative ways of discarding the guts and liquid from processing or find
alternative uses for the waste products.

Experienced processors may want to keep their methods confidential, to maintain
market competitiveness. Fishery technicians/officers may then need to do the training
with information they can gather from literature or advice from processors. There may
be little interest from the larger processing companies and buyers to train fishers in
rural areas (Figure36).
It is evident that there is no single best-practice method for processing sea
cucumbers. This is partly due to the fact that the product preferred by importers varies
among regional and global market centres. Therefore, not all buyers want the same
processing methods, so training must either present a range of methods or be tailored
to suit the preferences of the exporters. Processing methods have evolved considerably
122 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Boiling of sea cucumbers in rural communities in the Western Province (left and centre) and
Photos: J.P. Kinch (left and centre) Milne Bay (right), Papua New Guinea

Photo: G. McKie (right)

in recent years, so some training may either fail to embody recent changes or become
obsolete as new methods arise. Alternatively, fishers may be relatively transitory, in
which case workshops need to be repeated because the expertise is lost over time.
The processing of sea cucumbers into beche-de-mer requires substantial supply of
fuel wood which is sometimes not available, especially in small islands. In some cases
the demand for fuel wood can become a cause of deforestation and ecological impacts
(see Examples and lessons learned below).
Management agencies may lack the resources or expertise to conduct training
themselves, and so rely on contracted trainers. Qualified consultants may be relatively

Information needed
Naturally, there must be a need in the fishery for fishery managers to intervene in
processing. In some fisheries, there are few fisher/processors and sea cucumbers are
already being processed to a high standard. In other fisheries, a small number of
processors may do most of the processing work but some fishers may still prefer to,
or need to, process sea cucumbers and not practice good handling techniques (Purcell,
Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a). Therefore, fishery managers should assess what grades of
sea cucumbers (albeit salted, frozen or dried) are being exported, whether some exports
are of lower grade due to processing, and whether there is wastage in some poorly-
processed animals being occasionally discarded. This information can be sought from
overseas buyers and the local processors themselves.
If poor processing is a problem, identify where this occurs. It may also be useful
to conduct a study on the economic returns to fishers for their time in processing and
whether they can process to a high enough standard. If the fishers have the skills and
equipment to process well, then it is probably better to train them and have processing
done locally. But the economic trade-offs of this should be examined.
Prior to any training, the manager should know which processing types are
preferred by the importer or overseas buyer. For instance, Singapore importers do not
want smoked product whereas China, Hong Kong SAR, buyers like smoked beche-
de-mer (Figure37).
The modes of training should be evaluated. Are workshops the best approach, or
would it be better to disseminate booklets in local languages? Contact appropriate
research and development institutions to see what reference information (manuals,
articles, leaflets) already exist on processing methods. Where they exist, support and
strengthen co-operatives for training the processors. Develop a simple information
product (e.g.manual, handbook, species pamphlets), which details minimum handling
Implementing management 123

Left: woman drying and smoking a local catch of sea cucumbers at Tsoi, Papua New
Guinea. Right: a mixture of sea cucumber species being sun dried in a village in Tonga

Photo: M. Kronen, SPC PROCFish/C

Photo: J. kinch

and processing requirements. If companies require a specific type of product then

they should provide this further training. Managers should obtain a list of reputable
processors or experienced consultants for workshops. Do the processors have skills
appropriate for training people, including speaking local dialects? Would it be best
for the consultants go to the communities or should fishers be supported to travel to
venues to demonstrate processing procedures?
Compile information on coherent protocols for processing sea cucumbers. This
should cover methods starting from the post-capture handling and gutting all the way
to the final processed product. Consider providing a few recipes for the gutting,
cooking and drying sea cucumbers that are also efficient with time and fuel wood for
boiling. Help to incorporate methods in the workshops or reference material about
handling the waste from processing.

Examples and lessons learned

Papua New Guinea

In the Western Province, large quantities of mangroves are cut each season on Bristow
Island to supply fuel wood to beche-de-mer processors on neighbouring Daru. The cutting
of mangroves, whilst being an important economic activity for some groups who do not
have the assets to actively engage in the collection of sea cucumbers, is causing deforestation
of some areas where mangroves are more accessible. The production of beche-de-mer
requires a large supply of fuel wood 10 tonnes of fuel wood is believed to be needed to
process one tonne of beche-de-mer.
On smaller islands in the Milne Bay Province, much of the fuel wood is obtained from
driftwood. However, once this has been exhausted, fishers cut timber from the interior and
foreshore. Removal of vegetation from the foreshore is having a negative impact on islands,
especially smaller atolls and cays, as they are now exposed to increased wave action and thus
erosion. Fuel wood has been such a problem in the Milne Bay Province, that companies
sometimes send shipments of sawmill off-cuts to smaller islands to enable fishers to process
their sea cucumbers into beche-de-mer.
The lesson from wood use in Papua New Guinea is that training in processing needs to
extend beyond just methods of handling, boiling and drying sea cucumbers. Fishers and
processors should also be trained on ways to cook sea cucumbers that require less wood,
to help reduce deforestation.
Source: J.P. Kinch.
124 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Photo: J.P. Kinch

Above: mangrove fuelwood on sale in Daru, Western Province, Papua New Guinea.

Photo: J.P. Kinch

Above: small atoll island in Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, showing sparse trees
and bushes that are easily depleted to supply firewood for processing sea cucumbers.

New Caledonia, France

The recent project by the WorldFish Center on the sea cucumber fishery of La Grande
Terre, New Caledonia, used socio-economic surveys to evaluate the need the Provincial
Fishery Services to promote training in processing by fishers (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo,
2009a). The interviews with processors pointed to a need for training of fishers in processing
methods, since two-thirds of processors responded that sea cucumbers that they bought
from fishers were sometimes poorly processed.
Photo: S.W. Purcell

Above: artisanal processing of sea cucumbers in the Northern Province of New Caledonia.

Roughly half of the fishers near the main processing centres in Noumea sell their catch as
gutted (fresh) animals or gutted and salted. Conversely, most fishers in the far northern
regions of the country sell their catch after they have fully processed the sea cucumbers
into dried beche-de-mer. This is mainly attributed to the fact that the fishers are much
Implementing management 125

further from processors and cannot easily sell fresh animals, nor store salted animals in large
quantities. One lesson is that training workshops to improve the quality of processing by
fishers will need to target remote communities in particular.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

Processors are well equipped and produce good quality beche-de-mer from salted sea
cucumbers bought from fishers. The fishers prefer to conduct long fishing trips, given the
distance they have to travel and keep their catch in salt until they return to land. The sea
cucumbers are then sold, as gutted and salted animals, to processors. In this case, there is
some value adding that is lost by fishers because processing is done by local industrialized
processors. Presently there are four licensed processors.

Photos: C. Conand
Above Left: sea cucumbers in salt sold by licensed fishers to processors. Right: sea
cucumbers processed (mostly the high valued teatfish pentard) by a licensed processor.

One lesson is that the fishers get enough money, given the present high commercial value of
the catch and the processors have to report their purchases and exports.
Source: C. Conand.

6.8 Restocking
Stock rebuilding through the translocation of adults, or release of juveniles, to create
or increase densities of protected adults that breed and enhance recruitment of new sea
cucumbers in the fishery.
Other potential classes of interventions (e.g. improving habitat, decreasing
predation) are not discussed here. Several definitions are given to distinguish different
types of direct enhancement, following Bartley and Bell (2008) and Bell et al.
(2008). Restocking is the replenishment of a fishery through the release of juveniles,
or translocation of adults, to form nucleus breeding populations that subsequently
supply larvae to enhance recruitment to fishing grounds. The released animals are
fully protected, e.g.within a no-take zone (NTZ), and they serve to fast-track the
rebuilding of stocks in the fished areas through effective breeding and export of larvae.
In contrast, sea ranching would involve the release of sea cucumbers into unfenced/
unbounded areas of private access with an aim to harvest all released animals once
they reach market size it is a put-grow-and-take activity and replenishment of the
fishery is secondary (Pickering and Hair, 2008). Another put-and-take activity is sea
126 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

farming, where sea cucumbers would be released into sea pens, or other bounded areas
in the sea, and harvested after they reach a good market size (Bell, Purcell and Nash,
2008; Lavitra et al., 2009). Stock enhancement has also a primary goal of increasing the
year-class of wild animals and enhancing short-term yields to fishers through broad
release of animals but occurs in open access areas, and again differs from restocking
because there is no direct intention to form protected breeding populations.

Despite the use of artificial propagation (i.e. restocking with cultured juveniles) to
facilitate the recovery of depleted stocks, it should not be used as a substitute for a
precautionary approach to management. Managers should take actions to prevent
fishing pressure that depletes stocks to the point where such corrective action is needed
(FAO, 1995; Section 3.2).
Restocking is used to fast-track the recovery of wild sea cucumber stocks to a state
where breeding populations are dense enough that the fishery can once again support
conservative exploitation (Battaglene and Bell, 2004). It could also be employed
to recreate a fishable population where a stock has become locally extinct through
overfishing or natural disaster.
Managers should consider restocking with hatchery-produced juveniles (Figure38)
only as a last-resort intervention, when the densities of breeding animals in the
wild have been depleted far too low to expect natural recovery of the stock using
other management measures (Lovatelli et al., 2004; Conand, 2006a; Bell, Purcell and
Nash, 2008). The use of cultured juveniles should be considered only where it seems
that breeding populations cannot be created in the wild using other means and when
the costs of hatchery production are justified (Battaglene and Bell, 2004; Purcell and
Simutoga, 2008).
Where there are sufficient wild adults, but at densities too low for effective mating,
some adults may be collected by fishery workers and aggregated into NTZs (Bell,
Purcell and Nash, 2008). This alternative mode of restocking is faster and more cost-
efficient than a captive-release programme at creating the necessary nucleus breeding
populations to reinitiate recruitment in the fishery.
A further mode for restocking may arise, inadvertently, from breeding populations
of adults created by sea-based aquaculture of sea cucumbers. Programmes to growout
of hatchery-reared sea cucumbers in sea pens (sea farming) (Figure 39) or in
exclusively managed areas of natural habitat (sea ranching) (Figure 40) are arising
in the Indo-Pacific region and Indian Ocean for the purpose of providing income

Left: early hatchery-produced juvenile Stichopus (Apostichopus) japonicus in northern
China for mass release into coastal areas where mariculture takes place. Right: hatchery-
produced juvenile sandfish ready for release in the wild, New Caledonia
Photo: S.W. Purcell
Implementing management 127

Left: transferring hatchery-reared juveniles into sea pens at Antseragnasoa, Madagascar.
Right: the villagers of Ambolimoke, Madagascar, harvesting the sea cucumbers from the
first experimental pen, December 2008

Photo: G. Robinson
Photo: G. Cripps

Hatchery-produced juvenile sea cucumbers (Holothuria scabra) being released into
exclusively managed coastal areas in an initial sea ranching programme in Australia

Photos: B. Giraspy

for coastal livelihoods (e.g.Robinson and Pascal, 2009; Lavitra et al., 2009; Pickering
and Hair, 2008). Although profit from these put-and-take ventures is the aim, these
programmes could result in small, but dense, breeding populations that improve egg
production for rebuilding sea cucumber stocks in neighbouring fishing grounds.

In some places, stocks have been depleted so far that programmes cannot find enough
broodstock to allow captive breeding or aggregation (see Section 2.4). In these
instances, fishery managers may need to consider translocating stocks from the nearest
related populations and accept the potential irreversible changes to the genetic structure
of remnant local stocks (see Uthicke and Purcell, 2004). Where restocking with local
sea cucumbers is possible, managers should avoid interregional or intercountry
translocation. The genetic integrity of local stocks should be preserved wherever
possible (FAO, 2003; Section 3.1). In some areas, sea cucumbers are genetically
128 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

different over small spatial scales: for example in tropical species, e.g.H. scabra, and
temperate species, e.g.C. frondosa (Section2.1).
Running a hatchery is costly in equipment and trained personnel, making each
juvenile expensive to produce. In addition, the availability of hatchery technology
and costs of producing juveniles are fundamental limitations to the restocking of sea
cucumbers using hatchery produced individuals (captive-release restocking). There
are just a handful of species for which commercial-scale breeding technology is well
Stichopus (Apostichopus) japonicus (Wang and Cheng, 2004; Liu et al., 2004),
Holothuria scabra (Battaglene, 1999; Agudo, 2006; Rasolofonirina, 2007; Lavitra
etal., 2009),
H. lessoni (previously named H. scabra var. versicolor; Giraspy and Ivy, 2005),
H. spinifera (Asha and Muthiah, 2005), and
Isostichopus fuscus (Mercier, Hidalgo and Hamel, 2004).
Producing juveniles is the first large step to captive-release restocking then the
juveniles must be released into the wild in ways that result in high survivorship to
maturity (Purcell, 2004b; Purcell and Simutoga, 2008). Juvenile sea cucumbers may
need different microhabitats than adults, which may necessitate some investment in
scientific studies to define these confidently. The optimal size-at-release should also
be determined, since too small juveniles may suffer unacceptable mortality while large
juveniles will be expensive to produce (Purcell and Simutoga, 2008).
A further key limitation of restocking, either with cultured juveniles or aggregated
wild adults, is that the animals must be protected within NTZs. These may be difficult
to establish, e.g.due to socio-cultural reasons, or impractical to enforce. To gain the full
return on investment of restocking of a whole fishery, the aggregated or released sea
cucumbers should be protected in a network of moderately large no-take reserves for
their entire lives (Purcell and Kirby, 2006). In some cases, China for A. japonicus,
modification of habitat ( create artificial reefs) may be needed for restocking.
Animals stocked into new habitats may have unforeseen affects on the benthos or
competing species. Although sea cucumbers are not predators, the potential effects
of the introductions on the ecosystem should be considered and may be deemed too
risky to permit releases of foreign stocks. Much care should also be taken to ensure that
hatchery practices do not result in the introduction of disease (FAO, 2003).
Restocking can lead to false expectations and conflicts among the stakeholders.
For example, fishers may exploit stocks more because they believe the restocking has
rebuilt populations. Alternately, they may be reluctant to accept other management
measures because they already sacrificed some optimal (previously fished) areas for the
NTZs and contributed to other costs or services to rebuild the breeding populations.

How to implement
Firstly, managers should consider the costs and timeframes for restocking and whether
a restocking programme is likely to add value to other forms of management (FAO,
2003; Bell, Purcell and Nash, 2008). What will be the costs of producing and protecting
the animals, and are these costs likely to outweigh simply waiting a longer time for
stocks to recover under a moratorium? Next, managers should perform a cost/benefit
analysis on captive breeding versus adult aggregation. This may be rather simple and
should also consider the logistic and capacity constraints of the fishery service.
Underwater censuses or fishery-dependent surveys will help to show whether
restocking is needed and whether it can be achieved more cost-effectively by
aggregating remnant wild adults in NTZs (Sections 6.1.2 and 6.1.3).
Methods for culturing juveniles at semi-commercial scales in hatcheries must be
known and include the technology to produce larvae and newly-settled juveniles as
well as the nursery methods to grow them efficiently to appropriate sizes for release
Implementing management 129

(Purcell and Simutoga, 2008). If the juveniles are to be produced in a government-

operated hatchery, managers should critically assess the technical capacity of staff to
operate a hatchery (a hatchery manager, skilled technicians and aides).
There must be a sound understanding of the habitat requirements of the species and
appropriate release strategies (Purcell, 2004b). If such information is lacking, managers
may need to invest in scientific studies to determine the optimal release strategies.
Most importantly, the optimal release size and microhabitat for the juveniles needs
to be determined. Thousands of juveniles will probably be needed to furnish each
nucleus breeding population, since many will die in the first period after release, and
multiple sites should be stocked to mitigate restocking failure at some sites (Purcell and
Simutoga, 2008). The juveniles should be marked (Purcell, Blockmans and Nash, 2006;
Purcell and Blockmans, 2009) to allow some mark-recapture monitoring to verify
survival rates and to identify restocked animals (see photograph in Box below).
Managers should get information on the reproductive biology of the species to be
restocked (e.g. Conand, 1993) and dominant water currents in the fishery. Sites for
restocking should permit the larvae from the breeding adults to travel with the currents
to target fishing grounds. Managers should also consult or commission studies to
understand the delineation of genetic strains of the stocked species within the fishery.
Enforcement and improved management are required before restocking programmes
are implemented. If the progeny from restocked animals are only to be overfished again,
then the broader aim of restocking will be missed. A stock recovery programme should
include the establishment, or use, of NTZs for stocked breeding groups and strict
regulations for fishing outside reserves. More conservatively, this would entail a well-
policed moratorium on the fishing and export of sea cucumbers in the whole fishery to
allow stock rebuilding (Battaglene and Bell, 2004). Perhaps the depleted species could
be banned and regulated fishing could be permitted for other species. At the onset,
managers should agree with stakeholders on the target densities or abundance that
populations should reach before fishing is again permitted.
Managers are urged to avoid the translocation of stocks from distant populations, in
order to preserve the genetic structure of local stocks (FAO, 1995; Uthicke and Purcell,
2004). States are also called upon to undertake efforts to minimise harmful effects of
introducing non-native species [] into waters under the jurisdiction of other States
as well as waters under the jurisdiction of the State of origin (FAO, 1995). This means
that managers and governments should take steps to avoid inappropriate translocations
in their own waters, and from their waters into those of neighbouring regions and
Monitoring of populations of the stocked species outside the stocked NTZs should
take place before and after stock rebuilding. The moratorium on fishing should be
lifted only once animals outside the NTZs have grown to maturity and populations in
the fishery have generally returned to the pre-determined densities.

Examples and lessons learned

New Caledonia, France

Following studies in the Solomon Islands to further develop methods for culturing
sandfish (Holothuria scabra) in hatcheries, a multidisciplinary project was conducted in
New Caledonia to determine optimal methods for releasing the juveniles in the wild for
restocking. Releases in the wild were not intended to restock the fishery, but instead were
at an experimental scale to provide directions for future restocking projects by using the
releases to define the conditions in which juveniles survive and grow well.
130 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Photos: S.W. Purcell

Above Left: thousands of juvenile sandfish ready for marking with fluorochrome
chemicals prior to being released into the wild. Right: a small piece of skin is excised from
a sandfish recaptured one year after release, as part of monitoring to analyse whether it was
one of the released cultured animals.

The final studies of the project examined the survival and growth of cultured juveniles up
to one and a half years after release, using chemical marking of the juveniles (Purcell and
Simutoga, 2008). The key lessons from the study were:
Experimental releases are critical for defining the successful release methods, but
some uncontrollable factors (e.g.environmental variations) can dictate the survival of
cultured juveniles in the wild.
Success on one occasion does not guarantee success at that site on another occasion.
Success from short-term experiments is no guarantee for success of large-scale releases
over longer timeframes; some key causes of mortality occur infrequently.
Restocking programmes should expect failures at some sites or occasions, so multiple
release sites and repeated releases should be used.
The size-at-release of the cultured juveniles is important, but there may be a threshold
to how strongly it affects survival. For sandfish, juveniles should be grown to >3 g
before release.
Microhabitat is another key criteria to specify in restocking sea cucumbers. It is
the release microhabitat, more than the habitat that needs to be determined and
targeted for releases.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

Gilbert Islands, Kiribati

Commonly known in Kiribati as white teat, Holothuria fuscogilva is a high-value sea
cucumber species that has been heavily fished by local fishers and fishing companies using
compressed-air diving. Depletion of white teatfish, prompted the Kiribati Ministry of
Fisheries and Marine Resources Development (MFMRD) to develop technical capacity for
restocking. Through assistance from the Government of Japan (via the Overseas Fisheries
Cooperative Foundation), a project was initiated in 1995 to master the hatchery methods
for culturing white teatfish juveniles.
Several thousands of juveniles were released in lagoon shoals over a number of years.
However, there is little evidence that many of the released animals survived to maturity or
contributed to augmenting local stocks. The juveniles are highly cryptic and rarely found
during monitoring, and tagging/marking methods were not available (until recently) to
distinguish recaptured white teatfish from wild stock. Additionally, the knowledge of
juvenile habitat preferences is lacking. Lessons from a recent project in Kiribati were:
Future restocking requires some preliminary studies to determine microhabitats that
provide juveniles with shelter and food, to allow them to grow and avoid being eaten.
Implementing management 131

Cultured juveniles need to be marked or tagged to allow them to be distinguished

from wild individuals in order to monitor their survival to maturity.
Juveniles need to be released into no-take reserves to ensure they are protected from
fishing once they grow to maturity, so they can act as breeders to replenish the stocks
more broadly.
Restocking needs to be placed within the broader framework of resource management,
which must address the initial causes of depleted stocks.

Photos: S.W. Purcell

Above Left: raceway tanks used to culture juveniles for restocking. Right: a white teatfish
broodstock held in a hatchery facility.
Source: S.W. Purcell.

In 1999, a sea cucumber mariculture project was launched in Madagascar. A hatchery at the
Toliara marine sciences institution (Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines IHSM)
was functional in 2003 and currently produces tens of thousands of juveniles of the valuable
sea cucumber Holothuria scabra. In 2004, a programme was initiated in which hatchery-
produced sea cucumbers are grown to market size in sea pens by coastal villagers.
Management of the sea pens by farmers is ensured by scientists working in the company
and by people from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based in the Toliara region
(Eeckhaut et al. 2008). The experience of this village-based mariculture appears very positive
and demonstrates the social and economic viability of a new model for alternative livehood
creation. The village participants receive hatchery-produced sandfish (H. scabra) and grow
them in pens in shallow sandy habitats. One attribute to the success at this stage is that
each of the four villages involved in the mariculture project has designated the area around
the pens as a permanent no-take reserve protected by a local law. Only the pen owners and
researchers are allowed access to the sea pens in the reserve, which limits poaching. At some
sites, sandfish juveniles have grown from a release weight of 15 g, at 5-months old, to an
average weight of 350 g during 8 months in the sea pens. This approach will be extended to
many villages on Madagascars west coast and will hopefully establish protected spawning
aggregations. Although the purpose is mariculture, the creation of spawning populations
in nearshore waters should inadvertently support stock rebuilding (Robinson and Pascal,
2009), and serve as an example for other countries in the Indian Ocean.
The lesson from this example is that mariculture of sea cucumbers can involve local
communities, not just aquaculture businesses. The success in Madagascar seems to be
due, in part, to a novel partnership between local communities, NGOs and private sector
Source: C. Conand.

7. Conclusions

The development of this paper and management guidelines was prompted by the poor
status of sea cucumber fisheries management in numerous countries and the recognition
of an urgent need for technical guidance in the development of management strategies
and for good governance.
Like many other fisheries, the present management approaches and systems in
sea cucumber fisheries are struggling to achieve sustainability. One important step
towards improvement is to define clear objectives, reference points and indicators of
sustainability. Managers need to then conduct periodic assessments of how the stocks
and fishers have responded to the management measures and adapt management
measures in the light of poor performance.
Sea cucumber fisheries have widely different characteristics and unique management
issues. Their sustainable management requires practical regulatory measures and joint
effort from different sectors. In elaborating best practices management measures in this
document, efforts were made to distinguish the different settings under which some
measures are likely to be more applicable than others.
To build a management plan based on the regulatory measures and actions for
implementing management advised in this technical paper, managers need to adopt
measures that can work in the specific circumstances of the fishery. They must also
respond in a balanced way to the need to maximize the long-term benefits to fishers
and to conserve resource biodiversity. In this context, the following are some key
take-home messages for managers when developing management plans for sea
cucumber fisheries:
1. Generally, a suite of management regulations should be used to control fishing.
2. Establishing some form of user rights, or privileges, helps to avoid the race for
fish to promote better stewardship of sea cucumber stocks.
3. Promoting local-level management institutions improves many aspects of
compliance, surveillance and accountability, but centralised fishery agencies
must continue to support these systems and may need to retain authority over
some management roles.
4. Management regulations should be strict enough so that stocks of high,
medium and low value species are maintained at productive levels and drastic
interventions can be avoided.
5. If the fishery is depleted, managers must instigate a ban for several years and
weigh up the costs and benefits of various methods for rebuilding the stock.
6. Managers should oblige fishers, processors and exporters to provide data of
catches and exports in all fishery situations.
7. Size limits are strongly recommended in any active fishery and enforcement
through inspections of processors and exporters will be more efficient than
inspections of fishers.
8. Marine protected areas that exclude fishing of sea cucumbers ( reserves)
should serve as a valuable safeguard, in most scenarios, for maintaining some
recruitment in the fishery, but should be accompanied by other regulations.
9. Industrialized fisheries often have greater resources for the development and
enforcement of management regulations. For this reason, they can have a greater
number of management regulations and actions for implementing management
than small-scale fisheries.
134 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

10. Small-scale fisheries that involve poor and low-income fishers can suppress
stocks to extirpation because fishers can still maintain some profitability at low
stock densities. For this reason, instigating bans early and having no-take zones
to safeguard some breeding groups, is a stronger imperative than in industrialized
11. Almost all of the potential management tools can be applied in small-scale and
industrial (high-tech) sea cucumber fisheries. However, it is better to choose a
subset of companion tools (see Annex 10.2 for examples).
12. The overriding actions by sea cucumber fishery managers in any situation are to:
1) invest in education programmes to give fishers and exporters an understanding
of management principles; 2) ensure strong enforcement of the regulations; 3)
conduct some socio-economic surveys; 4) carry out underwater visual censuses
to monitor stocks; and 5) monitor the national catches and exports.
Some, perhaps most, of the regulatory measures discussed in this paper are unproven
as tools to ensure the sustainability of sea cucumber fisheries. One research priority,
therefore, is to critically evaluate the efficacy of management measures. Studies could
compare the sustainability of stocks between locations with different management
systems and/or regulations within a fishery or monitor densities of sea cucumbers
before and after new regulatory measures are imposed (see Section 6.1.2).
Lack of enforcement is a continual problem in many developing and low-income,
countries. There is little benefit of a well-developed management plan if fishers do
not comply with it. To tackle this problem, management agencies need to invest more
resources in compliance officers and have the backing of a vigilant system to enforce
penalties on fishers and processors for non-compliance. Alternatively, managers may
decide to devolve the management authority and accountability to fishing communities
and hope that access rights and local-level management will provide incentives
for responsible stewardship of sea cucumber resources. Government agencies will
probably still need to help local-level management systems, through some form
of co-management. Such cooperation allows support to implementing local-scale
management and a conduit for informing fishers and communities about the science
needed for sustaining stocks and the ecosystems in which they live.
Amidst the trend of stock depletion through excessive fishing, it is encouraging that
some countries have taken drastic action to prevent extirpation of breeding populations.
National sea cucumber fisheries have been recently closed in Costa Rica, Solomon
Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Panama, mainland Ecuador, Venezuela, India
and Tonga (recently re-opened). The application of moratoria shows that fisheries
management agencies are willing to take stringent actions for the long-term interest
of the fisheries. Unfortunately, some severely depleted stocks may take decades to
recover to productive levels (Battaglene and Bell, 2004). Managers should be acutely
mindful that a moratorium underscores inadequacy of past management strategies,
or enforcement, and a responsibility to develop radically different approaches to
circumvent repeated stock depletion after the moratoria are lifted.

8. References and further reading

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Purcell, S.W. and D.S. Kirby. 2006. Restocking the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra: sizing no-take
zones through individual-based movement modelling. Fisheries Research, 80: 5361.
References and further reading 141

Purcell, S.W. and M. Simutoga. 2008. Spatio-temporal and size-dependent variation in the
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Purcell, S.W., Blockmans, B.F. and W.J. Nash. 2006. Efficacy of chemical markers and
physical tags for large-scale release of an exploited holothurian. Journal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology, 334: 283293.
Purcell, S.W., Gossuin, H. and N.S. Agudo. 2009a. Status and management of the sea
cucumber fishery of La Grande Terre, New Caledonia. WorldFish Center Studies and
Reviews N 1901. The WorldFish Center, Penang, Malaysia. 136 pp. (also available at
Purcell, S.W., Gossuin, H. and N.S. Agudo. 2009b. Conversion of weight and length of sea
cucumbers to beche-de-mer: filling gaps for some exploited tropical species. SPC Beche-
de-mer Information Bulletin, 29: 36.
Ramofafia, C., Nash, W., Sibiti, S. and A. Schwarz. 2007. Household Socio-economics
and Beche-de-mer Resource Use in Kia Community, Isabel Province, Solomon Islands
(June 2005). Report prepared for the Australian Centre for International Agriculture
Research, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Rasolofonirina, R. 2007 Sea cucumbers in Madagascar. In: Conand C. and Muthiga
N. (eds) 2007 Commercial Sea Cucumbers: A Review for the Western Indian Ocean.
WIOMSA Book Series. No.5, 66 pp.
Reichenbach, N. 1999. Ecology and fishery biology of Holothuria fuscogilva (Echinodermata:
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Robinson, G. and B. Pascal. 2009. From hatchery to community Madagascars first
village-based holothurian mariculture programme. SPC Beche-de-mer Information
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Sale, P.F., Cowen, R.K, Danilowicz, B.S., Jones, G.P., Kritzer, J.P., Lindeman, K.C.,
Planes, S., Polunin, N.V.C., Russ, G.R., Sadovy, Y.J. and R.S. Steneck. 2005. Critical
science gaps impede use of no-take fishery reserves. Trends in Ecology and Evolution,
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CITES workshop on the conservation of sea cucumbers in the families Holothuriidae and
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Schroeter, S.C., Reed, D.C, Kushner, D.J., Estes, J.A. and D.S. Ono. 2001. The use of
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parvimensis) in California, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
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Echinodermata) in Papua New Guinea. In: C. Gabrie et al. (eds). Proceedings of the 5th
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31: 102110.
Skewes, T.D., Dennis, D.M., Wassenberg, T., Austin, M., Moeseneder, C. and A.
Koutsoukos. 2002. Surveying the distribution and abundance of Holothuria scabra
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Research and CRC Torres Strait, Cleveland, Australia. 44 pp.
142 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

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References and further reading 143

Wiedemeyer, W.L. 1992. Feeding behaviour of two tropical holothurians Holothuria

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Wolkenhauer, S.-M., Uthicke, S., Burridge, C., Skewes, T. and R. Pitcher. 2009. The
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Woodby, D., Smiley, S. and R. Larson. 2000. Depth and habitat distribution of Parastichopus
californicus near Sitka, Alaska. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin, 7: 2232.
WorldFish Center. 2006. Improving sustainability and profitability of village sea cucumber
fisheries in Solomon Islands. Project Report 2006. Report prepared for the Australian
Centre for International Agriculture Research, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

9. Glossary

Beche-de-mer meaning spade of the sea, this term refers to dried sea
cucumbers after earlier stages of gutting and boiling, and
in some cases after salting and smoking.
Benthic in relation to, or living in close association with, the sea
Capacity (capacity in fisheries) the ability, or potential, to take
the maximum amount of animals out of the sea over a
period of time by all the fishers.
Capacity (capacity in management institution) the level of
competence, skills and resources to develop and
implement the management plan.
Decision control rules Rules agreed at the onset of developing a management
plan about what management actions will be taken in
light of the level of performance relative to reference
Depleted stock Populations of sea cucumbers within a fishery that
have decline to levels whereby the rate of natural
reproduction and population replenishment is poor, or
unable to keep pace with mortality losses, due to low
densities of breeding adults.
Effort the total amount of fishing activity over a period of
Exploitation use of the resource for personal gain, whether for
subsistence or commercial purposes.
Fishery the sum of all fishing activities on a given resource (e.g.a
sea cucumber fishery), or the activities of a certain style
of fishing on a particular resource (e.g.a dive fishery).
Fishing this term is used interchangeably with collecting
and harvesting to describe the act of removing sea
cucumbers from the wild for commercial or subsistence
Gonad male or female reproductive organ that produces sperm
or oocytes.
Hookah equipment to allow divers to breath underwater using
hoses delivering compressed air from compressors
onboard a boat above them.
Indicator a variable that can give a measure of the state of the
system at any one time, instead of measuring a response
directly. For example, declining exports is an indicator
that stocks have decreased, even though the stock itself
is not measured.
146 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

In the context of reviewing the effectiveness of a

management strategy, an indicator is a variable that
shows the present state of a component of the fishery,
e.g. abundance of valuable sea cucumbers in fishing
Management measure specific control or action applied to the fishery towards
the objectives, including technical measures, input
controls, output controls and user rights.
Management tool another term for management measure, because these
are instruments used by managers to achieve the
fishery objectives.
Manager here, refers to the person charged with, or responsible
for, the stewardship of the fishery, including the
formation of management regulations, monitoring and
enforcement. They generally would be the leader of the
Managing institution.
Managing institution the group of people in charge of developing management
plans for the fishery and responsible for monitoring,
and adapting to, changes in the status of resources. It
could be the fishery service of the country or province,
in the case of centralized management, or a group of
community leaders in the case of community-based
Marine protected area a portion of the marine benthos and water, with its
associated biota, reserved to protect part or all of the
designated environment. The protection may allow for
regulated levels of extraction (fishing) of plants and
Maximum sustainable yield the highest theoretical limit at which sea cucumbers
can be harvested without significantly affecting the
reproductive process or the natural replenishment of the
Mortality death of sea cucumbers in the population due to fishing
or natural events.
No-take zone used in the same sense as marine reserve to denote an
area of subtidal or intertidal habitat, and its occupants,
fully protected by law from the removal or harm of
animals, plants and habitat.
Objective statements that defines and quantifies the fishery
management goals. It is a broad statement about what
the management strategy is trying to achieve.
Oocytes female sexual cells or unfertilized eggs released from
Overfishing a state where fished populations are not able to easily
recover to the pre-harvest number of animals or to levels
where the populations can increase in numbers, i.e. a
state of negative per-capita population growth.
Glossary 147

Recruitment the addition of young sea cucumbers to the population,

here considered as the addition of juveniles to a
population after post-settlement mortality.
Reference point a benchmark against which to assess the performance
of management in achieving the objectives. A limit
reference point is a level of a certain parameter to avoid
going beyond.
Spatial referring to things, or processes, in geographic space.
Sperm male sexual cells.
Stakeholder any person with a legitimate interest in the use and future
of the resource. It includes but is not limited to fishers,
processors, buyers, resource stewards, conservationists
and conservation agencies, tourism agents, scientists and
resource managers.
Status of stocks/resource the abundance and sizes of individual sea cucumbers in
wild populations within the fishery relative to healthy
levels at which the animals would be breeding successfully
and at which populations could withstand some losses
from fishing without undermining population recovery.
Stock status can be defined relative to fishing impacts,
i.e.underexploited, fully exploited or depleted.
Stock a group of individual sea cucumbers occupying a well-
defined spatial range independent of other populations
of the same species. A stock would normally be regarded
as an entity for management or assessment purposes
thus, populations in different areas (e.g.individual reefs)
that are normally connected through dispersal would be
considered a single stock.
Trepang a term used in Indian Ocean countries for dried sea
cucumbers; a synonym of beche-de-mer.

10. Annexes

10.1 Main species of sea cucumbers commercially exploited and traded

around the world
Species Family Commercial Common name
1 Actinopyga agassizi Holothuriidae Medium
2 Actinopyga echinites Holothuriidae Medium Deep water redfish
3 Actinopyga lecanora Holothuriidae Medium Stonefish
4 Actinopyga mauritiana Holothuriidae Medium Surf redfish
5 Actinopyga miliaris Holothuriidae Medium Blackfish
6 Actinopyga palauensis Holothuriidae Medium Pannings blackfish
7 Actinopyga spinea Holothuriidae Medium Burying blackfish
8 Bohadschia argus Holothuriidae Low Leopard fish, Tiger
9 Bohadschia atra Holothuriidae Medium
10 Bohadschia bivittata Holothuriidae Low
11 Bohadschia marmorata Holothuriidae Low
12 Bohadschia similis * Holothuriidae Low Brownspotted sandfish
13 Bohadschia subrubra Holothuriidae Medium
14 Bohadschia tenuissima * Holothuriidae Low
15 Bohadschia vitiensis * Holothuriidae Low Brown sandfish
16 Pearsonothuria graeffei Holothuriidae Low Flowerfish
17 Holothuria arenicola Holothuriidae Low
18 Holothuria atra Holothuriidae Low Lollyfish
19 Holothuria cinerascens Holothuriidae Low
20 Holothuria coluber Holothuriidae Low Snakefish
21 Holothuria edulis Holothuriidae Low Pinkfish
22 Holothuria flavomaculata Holothuriidae Low
23 Holothuria fuscocinerea Holothuriidae Low
24 Holothuria fuscogilva Holothuriidae High White teatfish
25 Holothuria fuscopunctata Holothuriidae Low Elephant trunkfish
26 Holothuria hilla Holothuriidae Low
27 Holothuria impatiens Holothuriidae Low
28 Holothuria kefersteini Holothuriidae Low
29 Holothuria leucospilota Holothuriidae Low White threadsfish
30 Holothuria mexicana Holothuriidae Low Donkey dung
31 Holothuria nobilis Holothuriidae High Black teatfish
32 Holothuria sp. Holothuriidae High Pentard
33 Holothuria notabilis Holothuriidae Low
34 Holothuria pardalis Holothuriidae Low
35 Holothuria pervicax Holothuriidae Low
150 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Annex 10.1 (continued)

Species Family Commercial Common name
36 Holothuria rigida Holothuriidae Low
37 Holothuria scabra Holothuriidae High Sandfish
38 Holothuria lessoni + Holothuriidae High Golden sandfish
39 Holothuria spinifera Holothuriidae Medium Sandfish
40 Holothuria theeli Holothuriidae Medium
41 Holothuria whitmaei Holothuriidae High Black teatfish
42 Astichopus multifidus Stichopodidae Low
43 Isostichopus badionotus Stichopodidae Medium
44 Isostichopus fuscus Stichopodidae Medium Brown
45 Parastichopus californicus Stichopodidae Medium Giant red
46 Parastichopus parvimensis Stichopodidae Low Warty
47 Stichopus chloronotus Stichopodidae Medium Greenfish
48 Stichopus horrens Stichopodidae Medium Dragonfish or Warty
49 Stichopus herrmanni Stichopodidae Medium Curryfish
50 Stichopus monotuberculatus Stichopodidae Low
51 Australostichopus mollis Stichopodidae Low
52 Stichopus naso Stichopodidae Low
53 Stichopus ocellatus Stichopodidae Low
54 Stichopus pseudohorrens Stichopodidae Low
55 Stichopus vastus Stichopodidae Low Brown curryfish
56 Stichopus (Apostichopus) Stichopodidae High
57 Thelenota ananas Stichopodidae Medium Prickly redfish
58 Thelenota anax Stichopodidae High Amberfish
59 Thelenota rubralineata Stichopodidae Low
60 Athyonidium chilensis Cucumariidae Pepino de mar
61 Cucumaria frondosa Cucumariidae Low Pumpkins, Orange footed
62 Cucumaria japonica Cucumariidae Low
63 Pattalus mollis Cucumariidae Pepino de mar
64 Pentacta quadrangulis Cucumariidae
65 Pseudocolochirus axiologus Cucumariidae Aquaria Sea apple
66 Pseudocolochirus violaceus Cucumariidae Aquaria Sea apple

* species with taxonomy to be revised.

+ previously described as Holothuria scabra var. versicolor.
Annex 10.2 Examples of issues to take into account when considering regulatory measures and actions for implementing management
Regulatory Particularly useful when Good companions Hard to implement when Good alternatives Sections

Area and user Pressure from external users Support institutional Excluding users will lead to Catch controls by 5.2; 5.3; 5.4; 5.7.1;
access rights Boundaries can be defined. arrangements for social conflict limiting effort, gears 5.7.3; 6.2.1
Establishing a new fishery management by fisher Strong political manipulation and catch quotas, where
Relatively few fishers or groups Legal framework not in place conditions allow
fishing groups MPAs
Effort and Social structure allows Market chain licensing Small-scale fisheries Short-term closures 5.2; 5.3; 5.4; 5.5;
capacity it ( group well and reporting Enforcement is weak (i.e.for Catch controls by 5.6.1; 6.1.4
control identified) Socio-economic surveys controlling effort) limiting gears and
Other income generation is catch quotas, where
possible conditions allow
Can stop new entrants
(especially at start of new
Gear Stocks depleted in shallow Market chain licensing Weak or lack of enforcement Catch controls by 5.2; 5.3; 5.5; 6.5
limitation and areas and reporting Gear used at time or places limiting effort and
development No training for compressed Enforcement difficult for surveillance access
air use
Objective to protect sensitive
habitat and limit bycatch
( trawl fisheries)
Size limits In most cases. Short-term closure No legal framework Limiting catches 5.1; 5.2; 5.4; 5.6.1;
Poor control over amount of Enforcement Weak enforcement through quotas 5.7.1 ; 5.7.3 ; 6.5;
catch Market chain licensing and MPAs 6.7
reporting Area and user access
Training to improve rights
processing quality Gear limitation
(e.g.mesh size, SCUBA
Seasonal and Need to periodically review Reduction of total catch Weak or lack of enforcement Limiting catches 5.3; 5.6.1; 5.4
short-term status of fishery Restrict effort so catch rates (e.g.remote areas) through quotas and
closures Well defined spawning season do not increase in fishing Target group depends on effort control
or other sensitive seasonal season fishery for regular income

process Size limits

Demand is seasonal
Annex 10.2 (continued)

Regulatory Particularly useful when Good companions Hard to implement when Good alternatives Sections
Rotational Well segregated fishing Effort control (setting Access rights in place MPAs 5.3; 5.4; 5.7.1;
closures grounds minimum target value for Limiting catches 5.7.2; 5.7.3; 6.2.1;
Relatively few fishers CPUE) through quotas and 6.5
Rotational plots can be large Local institutions for effort control
Stock surveys not easy to do co-management of rotational
Local decline of catches plots
Effective enforcement or
strong compliance exists
Bans Stocks are depleted Enforcement Usual No good alternatives 5.5; 5.6.2; 6.1.2;
Fishery-independent stock 6.3.2; 6.5
Market chain licensing
and reporting
Trade agreements like
MPAs Should be always present Fishery-independent stock Weak or lack of enforcement No good alternatives 5.6.1; 5.7.1; 6.1.2
Understanding the effects surveys Area used for multiple (high priority)
of fishery on stocks and Short-term closures purposes that alter the
ecosystem Size limits environment
Well defined source Gear limitation Multispecies fisheries, as they
populations and nursery areas would require a diverse number
of areas under protection
Catch quotas Industrialized fishery Market chain licensing Many small-scale fishers Market licensing and 5.1; 5.2; 5.3; 5.4;
Few fishers and/or landing and reporting Multispecies fisheries. access rights 5.5; 5.7.1; 5.7.3;
sites Fishery-independent stock Poor monitoring of population MPAs 6.1.2
Well organized fishery surveys status Gear limitation and
Fishery operating in large areas other measures limiting
catches or effort
Market Usual (priority for products Institutional arrangements Many trade licenses (or many No good alternative 5.5; 6.2.1; 6.3.2;
chain monitoring) for management by fisher middlemen) (high priority) 6.5; 6.7
licensing and groups Competition between
reporting Training, including on collectors
Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

quality of processing Trade routes not clear

International trade
agreements, e.g.CITES
Annex 10.2 (continued)
Actions for implementing Particularly useful when Good companions Sections
Assessment and collection of All scenarios Market chain licensing and reporting 5.5; 6.1.1; 6.1.2; 6.1.3;
basic information about stocks Fishery-independent stock surveys 6.1.4

Fishery-dependent stock surveys

Socio-economic surveys (including market surveys)
Socio-economic surveys Preparing or evaluating management plans Fishery-independent stock surveys 6.1.2; 6.1.3; 6.1.4; 6.2.2;
and measures Fishery-dependent stock surveys 6.6
Establish advisory committees
Education and communication with stakeholders
Price monitoring Many agents involved Fishery-dependent stock surveys 6.1.3; 6.1.5; 6.2.1; 6.6
Fishers not well informed Education and communication with stakeholders
Market prices fluctuating Support institutional arrangements for management
by fisher groups
Support institutional Limited fishing area Market chain licensing and reporting 5.5; 6.1.2; 6.1.3; 6.1.4;
arrangement for management Weak regulatory framework Education and communication with stakeholders 6.2.1; 6.2.2; 6.6;
by fisher groups Socio-economic surveys
Fishery-independent stock surveys
Fishery-dependent stock surveys
Management advisory committees
Establish advisory committees To prepare or evaluate management plan/ Education and communication with stakeholders 5.5; 6.2.2; 6.6; 6.7;
measures Training, including improving quality of processing
Assist with communication strategy Market chain licensing and reporting
Improve quality of processing Low or decreasing quality of products Price monitoring 6.1.5; 6.6; 6.7
through training Change of species Education and communication with stakeholders
Change of market demand
Education and communication Usual (high priority) Socio-economic surveys 6.1.2; 6.1.3; 6.1.4; 6.1.5;
with stakeholders Fishery-independent stock surveys 6.6;
Fishery-dependent stock surveys
Price monitoring
Promoting regulatory measures Informal regulations not effective Enforcement 6.3.1; 6.3.2; 6.5; 6.6;
and interventions into New regulations can be added Operating legal system
legislation International agreements and CITES
Education and communication with stakeholders
Enforcement Usual Market chain licensing and reporting 5.5; 5.7.3; 6.5; 6.2.1;
Legalizing regulatory measures 6.6; 6.3.1; 6.3.2

Education and communication with stakeholders

Fostering sense of ownership by users through
access rights
International agreements like CITES
Appendix 1

Fishery-dependent landing data sheet

Community Fisheries Management Development Programme Papua New Guinea
Data are recorded by researchers or fishery officers for fishery-dependent assessments

Coastal Fisheries management & Development Project

Unit = Whole catch brought in by person / group SEA CUCUMBERS


Latitude Longitude Interviewer / person collecting data

Collector's Age Village # others in group

name (# other people who were collecting during this trip)

Collected from:
(give best estimate of sites fished, including multiple sites if used)

Time collecting (hrs) Time processing Total number cucumbers

CUCUMBERS Unit o f s ale

Length Weight Length Weight Length Weight Length Weight Length Weight
Sp ID # Species
(cm) (g) (cm) (g) (cm) (g) (cm) (g) (cm) (g) kg Pce Box P ric e
156 Managing sea cucumber fisheries with an ecosystem approach

Appendix 2
Data sheet for recording landings of fishers (Purcell, Gossuin and Agudo, 2009a).
Data are recorded by researchers or fishery officers for fishery-dependent assessments
Date: Fisher name: Recorder:

Collection sites or area:

No. Fishers: Total catch (kg): Hours spent fishing:

Hours diving/day:
Hours spent travelling to site:
Form of product: Fresh: Salted: Dried: Gutted:
Est: kg
of catch


















Ind 1
Ind 2
Ind 3
Ind 4
Ind 5
Ind 6
Ind 7
Ind 8
Ind 9
Ind 10
Ind 11
Ind 12
Ind 13
Ind 14
Ind 15
Ind 16
Ind 17
Ind 18
Ind 19
Ind 20
Ind 21
Ind 22
Ind 23
Ind 24
Ind 25
Len= length (cm0.5cm) Wid=width (cm 0.5cm) Wt.=weight (grams)
Appendix 3
A logsheet used in the sea cucumber fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
Data are recorded by fishers, who submit the form to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans after each landing

Sea Cucumber Fishing Log Page #

Sea Cucumber Trip # Date of Sailing Date of Landing Observer
Vessel Name/CFV # Time of Sailing Time of Landing
# Crew Onboard Port of Sailing Port of Landing Skipper Signature

Tow (hrs)/GPS Position

Activity/ Grid Date Start Position Finish Position Course Depth Speed Distance Bottom # Tote Pans # Tote Sea Remarks, hook-ups, problems with
Tow # # M/D Tow (GPS) Tow (GPS) (fms) Covered Type cucumbers Pans Bycatch Bycatch Bycatch gear, etc.
(GPS) Discarded State Species # Wt.
Cucumbers (lbs)
Start Latitude End Latitude

Start Longitude End Longitude

Start Latitude End Latitude

Start Longitude End Longitude

Start Latitude End Latitude

Start Longitude End Longitude

Start Latitude End Latitude

Start Longitude End Longitude



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