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STEP 7 V14

New functions
Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016 Programming; editors and usability; system functions
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal
Highlights of STEP 7 V14

Details 7. Simulation
1. Hardware configuration 6. System functions
Quick PLCSIM startup in
compact mode
Grouping of devices Global search
Easy device exchange,
Hardware profiles, . Innovated information system

Export/import of settings
2. Editor functions

SCL networks in LAD/FBD

Hide block parameters (LAD/FBD)

5. Online functions
SCL regions
Monitoring of structures in the block
3. Language innovations Re-initialization with start and snapshot
Array(*) 4. Alarming new design of the toolbar in the DB editor
Array of multi-instances
Open use of alarm texts
Evaluate program changes using checksums

Multi lingual texts on the PLC

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

Page 2
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Support of new CPUs

Functions S7-1500T-CPU CPU 1518(F)-4 PN/DP ODK

S7-1500 T-CPU family with integrated motion control
functionality like Synchronous axis and Output cam
CPU 1518(F)-4 PN/DP ODK (Open Development Kit):
Integration of C/C++ functions using ODK 1500S
Integration of Simulink models using Target 1500S
CPU 1516pro (F)-2 PN
Failsafe S7-1500 Software Controller
CPU 1516pro(F)-2 PN CPU 1507SF & CPU 1515SP PC F
CPU 1212FC New
CPU 1212FC

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

Seite 3
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Grouping of devices in the project navigation

Grouping of I/O devices/slaves
in the project navigation

Technological merging
of devices New
Devices as part of large applications
can be located more quickly

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Horizontal or vertical division of the network/device view

The arrangement of the network/device view
can be chosen freely.

The vertical division of the device view provides
its user with a structured overview of all devices
and can be used for editing the most important
device properties.

The horizontal division of the network view is

most helpful for editing all of the parameters of
the configured connections.

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Synchronization of the network and topology view

Functions Network view Topology view

The arrangement of the devices in the

topology view can be synchronized with
the network view.

Standardized user interface for both the
device and topology view
Fast adjustment of the topology view

Topology view after synchronization


Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Firmware update under online accesses (also called LifeList)

In addition to the CPU/IM, the
online & diagnostics editor under
online accesses displays all
plugged-in modules.
Modules can be updated

The user can perform a device
update regardless of whether all
modules have been configured in

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Collection of useful functional extensions

Profile definition in the hardware catalog

The user-defined hardware catalog allows
quick and easy access to frequently used
Article number-specific
Defined profiles can be exported via

Mass operations for assigning a new

controller to I/O devices
New context menu entries for individual
stations guarantee a quick assignment to I/O
Multiple selection possible New

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Collection of useful functional extensions

Changing device properties "in-place"

Important properties such as IP addresses
and device names can be changed directly
in the network view. New

Detailed information in the address

The device name and the I/O system help New New New
to clearly identify modules.
The user can view the size of the address
area at a glance. New

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Collection of useful functional extensions

Assigning a PN device name as a mass New

The PROFINET device name can be
assigned as a mass operation in the network


Topology comparison in table view

The table view allows a compact overview of
both the online and offline configuration.
They can easily be synchronized.

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Hardware and network editor
Collection of useful functional extensions


Structured IO tags
Graphic display of structured IO tags in the
Display of overlapping variables

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal
Highlights of STEP 7 V14

7. Simulation
1. Hardware configuration 6. System functions
Quick PLCSIM startup in
compact mode
Grouping of devices Global search
Easy device exchange,
Hardware profiles, . Innovated information system
Details Export/import of settings
2. Editor functions

SCL networks in LAD/FBD

Hide block parameters (LAD/FBD)

5. Online functions
SCL regions
Monitoring of structures in the block
3. Language innovations Re-initialization with start and snapshot
Array(*) 4. Alarming new design of the toolbar in the DB editor
Array of multi-instances
Open use of alarm texts
Evaluate program changes using checksums

Multi lingual texts on the PLC

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
SCL networks in LAD/FBD
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

SCL networks can be inserted in an LAD (FBD) block.

Depending on the use case, the ideal programming
language can be selected freely within a block, e.g. LAD
for links and SCL for subsequent mathematical
calculations, so that programming becomes considerably
more efficient.
An SCL network, for example, can now be inserted
instead of the Calculate Box. New

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
SCL regions "networks" for SCL
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

New keyword REGION (cf. C#)
Any name including spaces and special characters
Nested regions
Open/closed status is saved
Synchronized navigation column including the display of
syntax errors

Code structuring
Enhanced overview and readability
Simple navigation even in large blocks

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
Hiding block parameters (LAD/FBD)
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Useable for: New
FBs and FCs
All parameter types (In, Out and InOut)
All data types
Can be found in the properties of the parameter
Adjustable options:
Hide for assigned and unassigned parameters
Hide if no parameter is assigned

Improved overview of blocks with many optional

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
Automatic numbering of blocks
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Block numbers required for internal
processing are assigned automatically by the system
(setting in the block properties)
The system resolves conflicts in the block numbers
automatically, e.g. due to copying processes.

Conflicts can be resolved automatically by the system -New

even for know-how-protected blocks. A password is not
required (prerequisite: Encryption was implemented using
>= V13 SP1)

User programs can be programmed symbolically Copy and paste
The user does not have to concern himself with numbers
The system renumbers the
and number conflicts
blocks and resolves the
conflict during the

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
Comparing blocks using checksums
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Source codes can be compared using many filter options.
Evaluation of checksums in the user program New

Differences in blocks are recognized more quickly.
The reasons for differences can be identified more quickly
(e.g. the data type used has changed)

Filters enable a user-defined comparison

Program changes can be detected during runtime and be

processed accordingly for V14 the following evaluation
options are possible: New
GetChecksum() Program Compare:
Checksum for the complete standard program PLC Program

F signature for the safety program and safety hardware changed

Old_Checksum = C153Q3
Cur_Checksum = XZA135

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
Collection of useful functional extensions

Absolute address for standard blocks, also New

for structures
Structured tabs in standard blocks now show
the absolute address instead of the relative

Go to definition within the

UDT editor with tags of the type UDT
DB editor with tags of the type UDT
Interface editors with tags of the type
FB, DB, and UDT New

Predefined block parameters New

The predefined block parameter is entered
automatically when the block is called
With FCs/FBs for IN, OUT and INOUT
With Intelli-Sense

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
Collection of useful functional extensions

Declaring new tags as Temp
New tags are declared as Temp by default
and not as bit memories

Network status on opening/closing a block
Networks are displayed the same way they
were displayed the last time the block was

Block information with up to 125 characters
For S7-1200/1500

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
Collection of useful functional extensions

Hierarchical representation of the compile

results New
Display of the block subfolders
Enhanced overview

SCL: Display all monitored values
Context menu for showing/hiding
All available tags are displayed

SCL: CTRL + Click for Go to definition New

Quick for defining a tag, FBs, ... jump via

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
Collection of useful functional extensions

Undo also available offline

Global setting for Operand representation

and Tag information

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New editor functions
Collection of useful functional extensions

S7-Graph: Absolut_Info_Overlay New

Optimized display of the absolute address
(minimal column width)

S7-Graph: Symbolic jump/jump target
Symbolic display of the jump and jump target
in the DetailedSequenceView.

S7-Graph: Hide Absolut_Info_Overlay

The Absolut_Info_Overlay can now be
hidden using the context menu.

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal
Highlights of STEP 7 V14

7. Simulation
1. Hardware configuration 6. System functions
Quick PLCSIM startup in
compact mode
Grouping of devices Global search
Easy device exchange,
Hardware profiles, . Innovated information system

Export/import of settings
2. Editor functions

SCL networks in LAD/FBD

Hide block parameters (LAD/FBD)

5. Online functions
SCL regions
Monitoring of structures in the block
3. Language innovations Re-initialization with start and snapshot
Array(*) 4. Alarming new design of the toolbar in the DB editor
Array of multi-instances
Open use of alarm texts
Evaluate program changes using checksums

Multi lingual texts on the PLC

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
Array(*) for transferring arrays of variable length
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Array(*) as new parameter data type New
LOWER_BOUND, UPPER_BOUND for determining the
array boundaries

Benefits New
Pointer programming for arrays of varying lengths no
longer necessary
Better runtime performance than pointer (Any/Variant) and
copying by MOVE_BLK
Fully symbolic and improved readability
Enables generic standard functions for arrays varying in

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
Array of multi-instances
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Saving multi-instance data in an array
Multi-instances can be called in loops New
Applies to PID-Tos* as well

Drastic reduction of code
Enhanced readability
Efficient programming of mass calls

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
Indexed access to technology objects
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

List technology object (TO) instances in an array of
Hand over DB_ANY to a technology object
S7-1500: starting from FW V2.0
S7-1200: starting from FW V4.2

Indexed access to TOs in slopes instead of separate
access requests
Reduction of code


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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
Transfer instance as parameter
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Transfer of an instance to an FC/FB
Call of the transferred instance in the FC/FB

Standardized functions to which dynamic
instances are transferred
The used instance has to be defined at the block
call (not inside the block).

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Local and global constants can be used both in the code
and as array boundaries.

For the declaration of a string, constants (local, global) can

now be used for the length as well.

Arrays and strings can be adapted centrally by changing
the constant value.
Thus, for example, programs with a centralized adjustment
to the availability of memory of CPUs can be adapted.

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
Serialize / Deserialize
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Serialize data
Var1 : Bool = true
Serialize transforms structured Var2 : Bool = false
data in a byte array. Var3 : Bool = false
Var4 : Bool = false
Var5 : Bool = false New
Deserialize transforms a byte array Var6 : Bool = false

in a structure. Var7 : Bool = false Array of Byte can be

Var8 : Bool = false
2#0000_0001 saved in the optimized
2#0000_0000 data area.


Var1 : Byte

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
Comparison of UDT tags
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Two variables of the same PLC data type can be
compared to each other. New
Check for consistency and inconsistency
Available in STL, SCL, LAD, FBD

Symbolic programming using structured variables is now
possible without restrictions and with optimal runtime New

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
Multi-lingual texts on the PLC
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Alarm texts and comments in the user program are
loaded* onto the controller in 3 languages.

Web server and display can display alarms in up to three
Translations are retained when downloaded/uploaded.
HMI Code Viewer and Graph-Viewer show the comments
and the code in three languages.
Alarms and comments in three languages

Applies to S7-1500, 2 languages for S7-1200
The alarms are loaded into the work memory. The contents are loaded into
the load memory.

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Language innovations
Collection of useful functional extensions

Recursive block call in SCL FC/FB New

Already available for LAD/FBD/STL
For S7-1200/1500
Multiple assignment:
Easy assignment of a value to any number
of tags (e.g. initialization)

New arithmetic functions: New

+=, -=, *=, /=
For S7-1200/1500

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

Page 32
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal
Highlights of STEP 7 V14

7. Simulation
1. Hardware configuration 6. System functions
Quick PLCSIM startup in
compact mode
Grouping of devices Global search
Easy device exchange,
Hardware profiles, . Innovated information system

Export/import of settings
2. Editor functions

SCL networks in LAD/FBD

Hide block parameters (LAD/FBD)

5. Online functions
SCL regions
Monitoring of structures in the block
3. Language innovations Re-initialization with start and snapshot
Details values,
Array(*) 4. Alarming new design of the toolbar in the DB editor
Array of multi-instances
Open use of alarm texts
Evaluate program changes using checksums

Multi lingual texts on the PLC

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal New and improved system functions
Access to alarm texts from the user program
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Virtual HMI - Same functional scope as

Subscription for specific display classes

(filter option)
Selection of up to 3 languages

Easy connection of third-party products
to the alarm system of the S7-1500
Data block

Alarm server

System diagnostics
Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016
Page 34
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal
Highlights of STEP 7 V14

7. Simulation
1. Hardware configuration 6. System functions
Quick PLCSIM startup in
compact mode
Grouping of devices Global search
Easy device exchange,
Hardware profiles, . Innovated information system

Export/import of settings
2. Editor functions

SCL networks in LAD/FBD

Hide block parameters (LAD/FBD)
5. Online functions
SCL regions
Monitoring of structures in the block
3. Language innovations Re-initialization with start and snapshot
Array(*) 4. Alarming new design of the toolbar in the DB editor
Array of multi-instances
Open use of alarm texts
Evaluate program changes using checksums

Multi lingual texts on the PLC

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

Page 35
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Online

Functions New
Re-initialization of actual values with
start values of the DB

Re-initialization of actual values of multiple DBs

with the snapshot (also entire PLC)

Redesign of the icons

Overwrite offline values in the ES (snap shot)
Overwrite online values in the PLC
Transfer only of offline values

Quick reset of the application to a defined state New
Quick restoration of the application after upgrade or PLC

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal Online
Monitoring of structures in the block status

A new "Monitor value" tab in the inspector window enables
the monitoring of structures on the block as well as their
call environment.

Context-sensitive selection

For InOut interconnections, both the transferred and the

returned value are displayed.

Fast troubleshooting when values of a structure variable
change with several accesses per cycle
Clear representation of actual values of a structure tag

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

Page 37
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal
Highlights of STEP 7 V14

7. Simulation Details
1. Hardware configuration 6. System functions
Quick PLCSIM startup in
compact mode
Grouping of devices Global search
Easy device exchange,
Hardware profiles, . Innovated information system

Export/import of settings
2. Editor functions

SCL networks in LAD/FBD

Hide block parameters (LAD/FBD)

5. Online functions
SCL regions
Monitoring of structures in the block
3. Language innovations Re-initialization with start and snapshot
Array(*) 4. Alarming new design of the toolbar in the DB editor
Array of multi-instances
Open use of alarm texts
Evaluate program changes using checksums

Multi lingual texts on the PLC

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

Page 38
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
Innovated cross reference list

HMI and PLC accesses at a glance
New types of cross references (types-instances,)
Overlapping accesses on PLC tags
User input of tags (Go To... functionality)
Check several tags at the same time New
Support of know how protected blocks
Several filtering options

Quick analysis of the program structure
Quick identification of errors


Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

Seite 39
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
Trace Repeated measurements/ recording onto a memory card
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Objective New
Automated recording without the TIA Portal TIA Portal Webserver
Automated repeated measuring
Troubleshooting in systems
Persistent storage of measurements (on memory card)

Configuration and display

Repeated measuring
Record N measurements according to trigger conditions
Reactivate measurement after saving
Optional: overwrite the oldest measurement
Up to 1000 measurements
Webserver S7-1500
Only measurements stored on the memory card are displayed; RAM
no configuration
Saving as csv file and display of csv files
Automatic naming of measurements - including a time stamp
Measurements will be saved in a separate folder
Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016
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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
Trace Combining measurements

Single measurements Combined measurement

measurements in PNV

Displaying different measurements in a common diagram

Typical applications
Comparative analysis of repeated measurements (controller optimization)
Combining simultaneous measurements from different devices (S7-1200, S7-1500, drives)

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
Trace Combining measurements - Functionality

Chronological alignment of measurements

Measurements can be aligned according to the time axis
Orientation according to trigger pulse, first/last sample
Orientation according to time stamps
Additional fine adjustment

Display options (as with a single measurement)

16 signals can be displayed at a time
Signals can be grouped
Assigned track record or display in a shared diagram
Display of time stamps or relative to trigger pulse

Each measurement can be timed and moved


Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
Global search

Searching for user texts Scope of search

Separate editor for global search PLC (SCL, STL, LAD/FBD, GRAPH, tags)
All of the project data is indexed for quick searches. incl. Failsafe & Trace
HMI (screens, scripts, recipes, etc.)

Start via menu, toolbar, shortcut, context menu
Textual search with results list, incl. preview of places found
Structured and sortable
"Go to option form the list to the place found in the editor
Flexible search request (Infix, Suffix, Wildcards)
Scope of search can be limited

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
Automation Software Updater Function extensions

TIA Updater Tool
Corporate Update Server: Selected TIA Portal Updates
can be stored on a local server and then be distributed via Internet
the local network.
Updates will be distributed through standard Microsoft Siemens Update Server
server services (IIS, BITS).

Benefits Corporate Update Server

Automation Update Server: Central update management New
within the company
Reduction of the needed internet bandwidth
Enhanced security, as there is no need for the TIA Portal
station to be connected to the internet

TIA Portal Engineering Stationen

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
Import and export of the TIA Portal settings

Manual import and export of the global TIA Portal settings
Central administration of the global settings

Benefits New
Easy transfer of the global TIA Portal settings between
different installations/PCs
TIA Portal settings that are valid company-wide can be
easily rolled out to any number of TIA Portal users
Identical TIA Portal behavior and appearance at all
managed TIA Portal installations

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
New help as information system

New help system based on HTML
Expanded search function
Programming examples for all
PLC applications
New start page and synchronization
with the online support page

Several search results can be
displayed in separate tabs at the
same time Search Navigation Content
Objects can be located more quickly
thanks to device-granular search

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal System functions
Collection of useful functional extensions

Archiving and retrieval
Backup copy or ZIP-archive
Delete recoverable data
Add date/time to filename

Grouping of windows New

New button in the status bar

Sorting keyboard shortcuts New

The list of keyboard shortcuts can be sorted
for a better overview (settings keyboard

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

Page 47
SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal
Highlights of STEP 7 V14
7. Simulation
1. Hardware configuration 6. System functions
Quick PLCSIM startup in
compact mode
Grouping of devices Global search
Easy device exchange,
Hardware profiles, . Innovated information system

Export/import of settings
2. Editor functions

SCL networks in LAD/FBD

Hide block parameters (LAD/FBD)

5. Online functions
SCL regions
Monitoring of structures in the block
3. Language innovations Re-initialization with start and snapshot
Array(*) 4. Alarming new design of the toolbar in the DB editor
Array of multi-instances
Open use of alarm texts
Evaluate program changes using checksums

Multi lingual texts on the PLC

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal - Simulation
S7-PLCSIM - Overview
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

New compact view
No simulation project needed to start application
New CPUs:
S7-1200F incl. F I/Os
S7-1500 Compact-CPUs
T-CPU incl. motion functions
Drag & Drop of hardware modules into the Sim-
Simulation of the decentralized periphery
Functional extensions for sequences

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SIMATIC STEP 7 in the TIA Portal - Simulation
S7-PLCSIM - Sequences
S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400/WinAC

Importing CPU traces as a sequence
Starting a sequence using trigger handling
Activating/Deactivating of actions
Delay times for sequences

Simple analysis of parameters in the laboratory
Simple adjustment of the sequence to fit new Neu

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Thank you for your attention!

Unrestricted Siemens AG 2016

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