Definition of The Situation: History of The Concept

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Definition of the situation: History of the Concept

Rainer Egloff, Ludwik Fleck Center at Collegium Helveticum, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; and Swiss
Reinsurance Company Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Coined by W.I. Thomas in the early twentieth century in the context of sociological studies on education, deviance, migration
and race, the denition of the situation referred to the interactive social psychological process of dening reality as a basis to
determine individual and group behavior, particularly in new, unfamiliar, conictive, or crisis situations. Dening a situation
also involved actualization and modication of habits learned behavior patterns, social values, and individual attitudes.
Subsequently, the concept became an integral part of social research in the classical Chicago School of Sociology and later
with its inheritors, particularly in symbolic interactionism and in the microtheories of Erving Goffman. Since the Second
World War, the concept had also been adopted by functionalist sociology, most importantly through Robert K. Merton who
explicitly based his own concept of the self-fullling prophecy on Thomas concept, forging it into a middle-range theory.
Subsequently, the concept has been used and differentiated in elds as diverse as ethnography of face-to-face interaction and
rational choice theory. The original attempt to generalize and model human action in an overarching and integrative way still
serves to bridge the various uses.

The concept of denition of the situation refers to the inter- become adapted so widely, that historical indebtedness to the
active mental process of determining meaning and subse- concept has become less obvious in many cases.
quently behavior by and for individuals and groups in a given
situation. An individual denition of the situation refers to the
way in which an individual interprets a situation so that she or W.I. Thomas and the Situational Approach
he can act (Blumer, 1939: 26). The concept emphasizes the in the Chicago School of Sociology
actors perspective, which in return is shaped by social and
other factors. The denition of the situation thus integrates William Isaac Thomas (18631947), pioneer US sociologist
objective and subjective factors. The denition of situation and founding gure of the Chicago School of Sociology, is
mirrors the diverse motivations and restrictions, behavior acknowledged to rst have given expression to the concept of
patterns and personalities, habits, crises and readjustments, the denition of the situation (Perinbanayagam, 1974: 521).
whereby people make sense of their environment and their Florian Znaniecki, who coauthored the Polish Peasant in Europe
interaction with one another. The factors to be involved range and America (191822) with Thomas, and also Dorothy Swaine
from biological aspects to biographical and spontaneous Thomas, Thomass second wife, who wrote The Child in America
experiences, they include individual attitudes, cultural values (1928) together with him, are occasionally referenced as
and group norms, institutional settings and authorities. cofounders of the concept (Wolff, 1964; Merton, 1995).
The concept has now a history of almost a hundred years Thomas developed the concept of denition of the situation
in the social sciences, and particularly in sociology. The in the mid 1910s, in the context of immigration studies
concept of the denition of the situation was developed and reform pedagogy. It highlighted the interactions between
in the context of the pragmatist movement in American individuals, groups, institutions, and cultures to understand the
social science, and it became most inuential in the classical rationale behind human decisions, actions, and their sanctions.
Chicago School of Sociology, providing an analytical The concept also represents a strong statement for the cultural
framework for understanding human behavior in general, and social relativity of rationality, values and norms.
and particularly in grasping adjustment difculties of indi- The concept of denition of the situation appeared in print
viduals and groups along their life histories and regarding in 1917, in a collection of Suggestions of Modern Science
new environments. Concerning Education, which was organized and edited by
After the Second World War (WWII), functionalist strands Thomas. Apart from Thomas own contribution, the volume
within American sociology integrated the denition of the comprised essays by behaviorist psychologist J.B. Watson,
situation, and the concept of the denition of the situation zoologist and geneticist Herbert S. Jennings, and psychiatrist
became adopted in mainstream sociology, whereas proponents Adolf Meyer. With reference to Watsons treatment of emotional
of microscopic social theory and qualitative research (ethnog- reactions, Thomas opened his chapter (Thomas, 1917) by
raphy, case study, interview, biographical research, etc.) also stating four wishes fundamental interests or desires to
further developed the concept. Later, the concept was used to represent human behavior. According to Thomas, the wishes for
bridge and integrate micro- and macrotheoretical approaches. new experience, mastery, recognition, and safety were eventually
Interdisciplinary at the very outset, the concept has been widely reducible to food-hunger and sex-hunger, and their expression
used in sociology and in related disciplines like political science, limited by human society through the formation of a code
anthropology, psychology, pedagogy, criminology, and social of behavior, which itself was produced and reproduced by
work. While the concept is still intensely discussed, it has also an interactive process Thomas called the denition of the

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Volume 6 19
20 Definition of the situation: History of the Concept

situation: The code therefore represents the judgment of to analyze how well the immigrants adjusted their behavior
society on the activities of its members, it dictates the limits from the traditional norms of rural Poland to the social values
within which the desires may nd expression, and it is devel- of the modern American metropolis.
oped by a method which we may call the denition of the Throughout Thomass subsequent work the denition of
situation (Thomas, 1917: 167f.). Thomas saw the dening of the situation remained a core concept, whether applied to
the situation begun by the parents, who order and forbid and studies on child development and youth deviance (Thomas,
inform, . continued in the community by means of gossip, 1923; Thomas and Thomas, 1928) or in comparative
with its and praise and blame, and [.] formally represented by ethnology of culture (Thomas, 1937). The concept reected
the school, the law, the church (Thomas, 1917: 168). Thomas Thomass interest in behavior patterns conceived of in terms of
emphasized the social relativity of morality and immorality, and stimulus and response, of habit and crisis, in developmental
organization and disorganization, concluding: In short, any directions and personalities of individuals, groups, societies
denition, however arbitrary, that is embodied in the habits of and cultures. Its dialectics of subjectivism and naturalism
the people is regarded as right (Thomas, 1917: 169). points to the roots of the concept in pragmatist philosophy
The role of the denition of the situation to capture (Joas, 1993) and to a desire to make social science an objective
potential tensions between differing perceptions and value empirical science.
orientations was further elaborated in The Polish Peasant in Thomas had originally been a college professor for language
Europe and America (Thomas and Znaniecki, 191821). In this and literature, and he was well versed in philological and
classic of empirical social research the adjustment process of an hermeneutic methods (Abbott and Egloff, 2008). But with his
immigrant group was documented, mostly through life history rst steps into the new eld of social science in the early 1890s,
documents such as hundreds of letters and a book-long he also adopted theory and research attitudes from natural
autobiography. The study assessed the ethnic groups poten- sciences to study human behavior and psychologies of cultures,
tial for resolution of crisis arising from migration and social groups, and individuals. An admirer of William James and
change through communicative interaction and subsequent inuenced not only by John Dewey and George Herbert Mead,
reorientation. In the methodological note to the ve volumes, but also by anthropologist Franz Boas, he gradually moved
Thomas and Znaniecki introduced a model of activity to inte- away from an early emphasis on biological factors. Race and
grate social values socially sanctioned objects of activity on sex as prime categories of his research were soon replaced by
the one hand, and individual attitudes the individuals a preference for the individual in his biography and person-
tendencies or potentialities to act. The situation was concep- ality, and he developed his culturalist social psychology
tualized as the interacting set of values and attitudes, and every embodied in the concept of the denition of the situation.
concrete activity was understood as the solution of a situation Thomass situational approach translated the pragmatist
(Thomas and Znaniecki, 1918: 68). While the total situation stances that reality is always mediated and identities achieved
involved (1) the totality of values equaled with objective through social interaction into empirical social science. Some
conditions under which the individual or society has to act, tension and ambivalence between hermeneutic foundations
and (2) the preexisting attitudes of the individual or the group and scientic ambitions remained with Thomass conceptual-
which at the given moment have an actual inuence upon his ization, leaving it rather undecided and vague (Blumer, 1939).
behavior, the denition of the situation (3) represented the Thomas exerted a dominant inuence on the Chicago
more or less clear conception of the conditions (1) and School of Sociology of the 1920s and 1930s, and his concept of
consciousness of the attitudes (2): (.) the denition of the the denition of the situation was adopted by Robert Park,
situation is necessary preliminary to any act of the will, for in Ernest Burgess, and their colleagues and students, who partly
given conditions and with a given set of attitudes an indenite had also been students with Thomas himself. In their seminal
plurality of actions is possible, and one denite action can Chicago School textbook, Park and Burgess stated that every
appear only if these conditions are selected, interpreted, and single act, and eventually all moral life, is dependent upon the
combined in a determined way and if a certain systematization denition of the situation (Park and Burgess, 1921: 764). They
of these attitudes is reached, so that one of them becomes highlighted that the plurality of universes of discourse modern
predominant and subordinates the others (Thomas and life was characterized by, representing diverging denitions of
Znaniecki, 1918: 68). situation differences in language, meanings and values indi-
The concept of denition of the situation embodied viduals attach to objects and behavior. They also maintained
a perspective of social psychology, understood as the general that common participation in common activities implies a
science of the subjective side of culture, and it was to be common, denition of the situation, pointing to the assimi-
complemented by sociology understood as theory of social lation of immigrants into American society, and to the role of
organization (Thomas and Znaniecki, 1918: 33). While the education on the one hand, and propaganda on the other. Park
denition of situation represented the individual and social and Burgess were most interested in the adjustment and change
regulation of behavior and behavior reaction, it was particu- of denitions of the situation, and this was always conceived as
larly focused at processes of adjusting an attitude, a behavioral an interactive or mutual process: A denition of the situation
code or a value, after former habits had been disturbed and precedes and limits any possible action, and a redenition of
questioned by a crisis demanding a new denition of the the situation changes the character of the action. An abusive
situation. The ve volumes of the Polish Peasant documented person, for example, provokes anger and possibly violence,
migration from one cultural setting to another as representing but if we realize that the man is insane this redenition of
such crises on individual and group level. Thomas and the situation results in totally different behavior (Park and
Znaniecki applied the concept of the denition of the situation Burgess, 1921: 764).
Definition of the situation: History of the Concept 21

Immigration studies, educational questions, and crimi- with several other concepts, particularly in-group and out-group,
nology remained preferred elds for the Chicago school Merton emphasizes the predominant role of the in-group in
students use of the concept of the denition of the situation. dening the situation (Merton, 1948: 208). While putting
The concept of the denition of the situation was highlighted Thomas on a pedestal for his seminal contribution, Merton saw
in the educational sociology of Willard Waller, which analyzed the concept mirroring a long tradition, and he identied the
interaction in school, and differentiated elements, modes, and Thomas theorem with positions set forth by Marx, Freud, and
closures in the process of dening the situation (Waller, 1932: others. By equalizing it with ideology, neurosis, and paranoid
292317). Studies on delinquency by Clifford Shaw and others behavior, Merton reduced the concept to prejudice and
were centered around case studies, often single autobiographies pathology, i.e., to a awed perception, which conrms itself by
the delinquents own story providing subjective life effecting conrming behaviors (Merton, 1948, 1995: 384f.).
histories and following the format from Thomas and Zna- Thomas had treated true and false denitions methodologi-
nieckis Polish Peasant (Shaw, 1930). Frederic M. Thrasher and cally equally. Mertons programmatic reception of Thomass
others related the development of individuals and groups (e.g., concept was thus selective, implicating that the subjective de-
youth gangs) to the structures and characters of institutions, nition of situation was false or systemically dysfunctional:
communities, and metropolitan areas, advocating the study of The self-fullling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false denition
the total situation (Thrasher, 1928). Later, Edwin H. Suther- of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the origi-
lands differential association theory asserted that a person nally false conception come true. The specious validity of
learned to become delinquent due to social interaction and the self-fullling prophecy perpetuates a rein of error. For the
dominant exposition to denitions favorable to violation of prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was
law (Sutherland, 1947). The classic Chicago Schools emphasis right from the very beginning (Merton, 1948: 195).
on the communicative and particularly verbal aspect of the Merton understood the self-fullling prophecy as a basic
concept is exemplied in Kimball Youngs essay Language, process of society, which stabilized and reproduced power
Thought and Social Reality (Young, 1931) part of a festschrift asymmetries between societal groups. While Mertons concept
for Thomas by former students of Thomas on the topic of social was explicitly anchored in Thomass, the earlier emphasis on
attitudes and edited by Young in 1931. Youngs article under- social change in the concept of the denition of the situation
lined the function of language to convey meaning and thus was moved to the background in the Mertonian approach.
both the objective and the subjective types of anticipation
(Young, 1931: 205). The symmetric structure of autistic fantasy
associations and reality was underlined by an introductory Qualitative Research and Microtheory after WWII
motto to the essay taken from Thomas: If men dene situa-
tions as real, they are real in their consequences (Young, 1931: After WWII, a revived Chicago School Tradition with exponents
100; Thomas and Thomas, 1928: 572). like Herbert Blumer, Tamotsu Shibutani, and Anselm Strauss
and theoretical programs such as symbolic interactionism
stood in opposition to structural functionalism and
Mertons Definition of the Situation reemphasized the individual person and its interaction with
smaller groups. Individual interpretation of perception was
While Thomass denition of the situation was more a meth- highlighted as a necessary ingredient to everyday behavior. The
odological standpoint than a theoretical concept and in its so to speak neoclassical reception of the concept of the
complexity and openness not easy to grasp, it was Robert K. denition of the situation could not ignore the paramount
Merton, in his seminal 1948 article The Self-Fullling impact of Mertons interpretation, but it took its chance to
Prophecy, who forged it into a distinct theoretical proposi- reintroduce, rene, and further elaborate some of Thomass
tion: the Thomas theorem. If men dene a situation as real, it and Parks avors. A strong interest was dedicated to the
becomes real in its consequence, quoted Merton obviously organization of change in the denition of the situation, which
inspired by Kimball Young from Thomas and Thomas was analyzed as a phenomenon in time and in physical and
(1928), and made it the core of his own concept of the self- social space. Strauss and others elaborated on professional and
fullling prophecy. The more famous the latter became, the other reference group related organization of denitive
more Mertons take also shaped further reception of the processes. All these attempts put communicative aspects to the
concept of the denition of the situation itself. core of conceptualization and empirical research.
Whereas the denition of the situation had been an inte- Most strongly, Erving Goffman (192282) emphasized the
gral part of Thomass whole approach, Merton singled it out as bodily aspects of the denition of situation. He investigated
the centerpiece of Thomas s work. Mertons Thomas theorem face-to-face interactions social situations dened by physical
captured the denition of the situation in a most comprehen- copresence, and which were therefore also limited regarding
sive way, making it easily understood and communicated. extension of space and time. Goffman advocated and practiced
Mertons adoption made the concept famous, but in a peculiar an ethnography of communication, which researched the
version. This limited and distinctly shaped version became an cultural rules of individual conduct in social situations
asset in Mertons search for middle range theory. (Goffman, 1964). Innovatively, his approach included the
Merton adopted the concept in the context of his research on senses and emotions as objects of research, and the nonverbal
propaganda and mass persuasion, and the self-fullling prophecy aspects of communicative interaction were taken most
(opposite to suicidal prophecy) came to exemplify a funda- seriously. Like Thomas, Goffman worked genuinely
mental social problem: ethnic hostility. Formalized in relation interdisciplinary and blended biological methods (ethology)
22 Definition of the situation: History of the Concept

with linguistic, literature, and arts studies. His argument for the concepts emphasis on the individual and the small group,
use of theatrical and dramaturgical frameworks to analyze and its afnity or applicability to experimental settings. Both
everyday social interactions was directly tied to the concept of factors allowed for direct, questionnaire-based and even
the denition of the situation: A character staged in a theater scientically measureable observation in narrowly dened
is not in some ways real, nor does it have the same kind of settings. Experimentally induced situational crises and
real consequences as does the thoroughly contrived character research on resolution was applied by ethnomethodologists
performed by a condence man; but the successful staging of and interactionists alike. The concept even made it into
either of these types of false gures involves use of real pharmaceutical and medical research, where it was found
techniquesdthe same techniques by which everyday persons useful to investigate placebo effects (Glass and Barber, 1961).
sustain their real social situations. Those who conduct face Two further again closely linked factors for the
to face interactions on a theaters stage must meet the key proliferation of the concept can be listed here: the integration
requirement of real situations; they must expressively sustain of objectively given and subjectively perceived structures to
a denition of the situation: but this they do in circumstances dene a situation and limit possible action, and its linkage of
that have facilitated their developing an apt terminology for micro- and macrolevels of the social. These motives have
the interactional tasks that all of us share (Goffman, 1959: found much interest for situational analysis in the disciplines
254f.). Goffmans theory sought to generalize the framing concerned with decision, from philosophy to economy
of situations, and he opened his book Frame Analysis: An Essay (Hedstrm et al., 1998). Conspicuously, rational choice
on the Organization of Experience (Goffman, 1974) with a theory has adapted the concept of the denition of the
discussion of the Thomas theorem insisting that people situation. In such reading, actors rationality is scaled for
nding themselves in a situation possibly affected by a crisis the denition of the situation, and individual choice of
would normally not create a denition but rather state frames provides a particular developmental path and action
what the situation was supposed to be to them. They rely on according to subjectively expected utility. Finally, collective
frames of interaction, reecting social expectations intentions, decisions and actions can be aggregated (Esser,
and identities. Goffman identied the framing with a 1996). The use of the concept to bridge social micro- and
quasisyntactical structure, which offers stabilizing order. macrolevels points back to its very origins.
This evoked interpretation of Goffmans approach as rather
structuralist than interactionist (Gonos, 1977). The deeper See also: Goffman, Erving (19221982); Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
problem revealed was that the focus on instantaneous, Transgender, Queer: Bear and Leather Subcultures; Wundt,
actual situations and denitions, microscopic both in terms Wilhelm Maximilian (18321920).
of space and time, had (again) gained a concentration of the
denition of the situation only with limitations of the
concepts reach, and with many methodological questions
surfacing subsequently. In the late 1960s and in the 1970s Bibliography
programs similar to that of Goffman were upheld by
Abbott, A., Egloff, R., 2008. The polish peasant in Oberlin and Chicago: the intellectual
the ethnomethodologists, who derived their theoretical
trajectory of W.I. Thomas. American Sociologist 39, 217258.
foundation not from Thomas or G. H. Mead, but referred Ball, D.W., 1972. The denition of situation: some theoretical and methodological
to European authors like Wittgenstein and Schtz. Scholarly consequences of taking W.I. Thomas seriously. Journal for the Theory of Social
feuds developed between the ethnomethodologists and the Behaviour 2, 6182.
dramaturgists (McHugh, 1968; Perinbanayagam, 1974: 521). Blumer, H., 1939. An Appraisal of Thomas and Znanieckis The Polish Peasant in Europe
and America (Critiques of Research in the Social Sciences: 1), Social Science
Debates and attempts also centered on operationalizations of Research Council Bulletin 44. SSRC, New York.
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Modes and phases of the process of dening were differentiated Sozialpsychologie 48, 134.
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Definition of the situation: History of the Concept 23

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