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Score: 56 out of 60

Percentage Scored: 93.3 %

Mastery Score: 80 %

Customer User Administrator and Support Identifiers

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. Who approves End Users and sets their access levels for My Oracle
Support? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Oracle Support

Your Organization

Your Customer User Administrator (CUA) (*)

You do not need approval for access

None of the above

Correct Correct

2. A Support Identifier (SI) is a numeric value that identifies the

products your company has purchased. It is required to access My Oracle Support.
Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

3. Oracle Support manages roles and responsibilities for all users

associated to a Support Identifier in My Oracle Support. Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)
Correct Correct

4. It is an Oracle recommended best practice to have multiple CUAs

for each Support Identifier (although you are allowed to select only one per SI).
Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

5. As a customer or partner, what is the best way to locate a

Support Identifier (SI)? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Log a Service Request

Log a non-technical Service Request or ask a colleague on your team who might
be using the SI you want (*)

Post a question in the Using My Oracle Support Community

You can look up your Support Identifiers in your Support Contract

Both 2 and 4

Correct Correct

6. The Customer User Administrator (CUA) can manage access levels

for other CUAs for the SAME Support Identifier (SI). Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct
My Oracle Support Introduction
(Answer all questions in this section)

7. You believe your account is associated with a Hardware SI (but

your dashboard is NOT showing the Assets region). What steps should you take to
resolve? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Select the Contact Us link in My Oracle Support and ask for help

Contact an Oracle colleague and ask for advice

Go to your My Account page and validate that you have access to View Assets
for the designated SI. By design, the Assets region is ONLY available to hardware

Select Customize on the My Oracle Support home page and make sure the Asset
widget is available to select for your dashboard, and select it.

Both 3 and 4. (*)

Incorrect Incorrect

8. My Oracle Support has pre-set dashboard configuration options

based on role. For example, I can go to the Customize link and select (Hardware
User) to automatically add the regions to my dashboard associated with this user
type. Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

9. The number of tabs you see in My Oracle Support depends on the

Support Identifiers associated with your account. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)

Correct Correct

10. You are an end customer of an Oracle Partner and you would like
to have access to My Oracle Support. Which of the suggested outcomes definitely
apply to your scenario? Select all answers that may apply. Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Partner will approve me for all access so I can use My Oracle Support like a
direct customer

Partner will approve me for Asset and SR Creation as I have to maintain our

Partner may choose NOT to allow me any access; they have the relationship
with Oracle, and I call them for assistance (*)

Partner may allow me to view knowledge and interact with My Oracle Support
Community (*)

None of the above

Correct Correct

11. A new feature has been released in My Oracle Support, and you
need to learn more about it. What is a recommended practice to easily stay informed
about feature updates? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Access the Getting Started region from your My Oracle Support Dashboard.
Click on the option for Existing Users to learn about what is new. This link
directs you to the My Oracle Support User Resource Center to view training modules,
release notes, and notes about changes to the portal. (*)

Log a Service Request and ask how to find out what is new in the latest
release of My Oracle Support.

Post a question on the Using My Oracle Support Community

Ask your Oracle Sales Representative what new Features are available.
Correct Correct

12. Once I have access to My Oracle Support, my CUA is my first point

of contact for any access issues I experience with My Oracle Support. Mark for
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

Knowledge Search and Browse

(Answer all questions in this section)

13. Amy and Joe are searching for performance information in My

Oracle Support. When they compared results, Amy saw that Joe was getting a longer
list of search results. If Amy wants to increase the number of search suggestions
for future searches, she can go to the Settings tab, Knowledge Preferences and can
UPDATE her current setting (Number of Search Suggestions) from 5 to 10. She also
would want to make sure this preference is set to ON. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

14. You know you can find the E-Business Suite Patch Utility by
accessing the Get Proactive Portfolio. What is another recommended approach to
easily locate this resource? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Log a Service Request and ask for Oracle Support to send you the information

Search in the global search box with the term EBS

Post a question in the EBS Community asking where you can find a document
with everything you need to know about EBS patching

Search My Oracle Support using the global search. For the most targeted
search, type R11i patch wizard or just patch wizard and locate the Patch Wizard
Utility from the top of your results. (*)

Read the E-Business Suite installation documentation

Correct Correct

15. During SR Creation flow, My Oracle Support will offer you

suggested solutions as you define your problem. You have the option to turn off
these suggested solution results (My Account, Knowledge Preferences), although it
is a recommended best practice to leave the suggestions turned on. Mark for
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

16. A common problem that Users can experience in My Oracle Support

when searching: The user ONLY enters a single word in the global search box for the
search and gets a huge list of possible results. User cannot quickly or easily find
the desired information, although it may be in the results. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

17. You will often see terms such as Search Helper or Search
Assistant (or both of these terms) in a title. What service are these features
providing? Mark for Review
(1) Points

An option you can select under Knowledge Preferences

A new section in the Service Request process

A search helper or search assistant is a guided path to a known solution (*)

Voice-activated help feature that you can turn on in My Oracle Support

Correct Correct

18. After performing a search, your results are displayed. What

options are available to further refine your search results? Mark for Review
(1) Points

You can filter the results by clicking the down arrow next to the knowledge
source type.

You can select one or more knowledge collection types, add more words, and
select a product, version or platform (*)

Once the search has run, you would need to create a new one with more

Turn off Search Term Suggestion in knowledge preferences

Correct Correct

Product Certifications
(Answer all questions in this section)

19. You need to search for certification data to prepare for your
team meeting. However, you are NOT sure of the exact product name to use in the
Certifications tab. What is the recommended approach to find what you need? Mark
for Review
(1) Points

Open a new technical Service Request with Oracle Support

You may be able to find your product by typing a portion of the name. Try a
few possible names for your product, including abbreviations. As you type, you can
select your desired product from the options displayed. Many Oracle products are
findable with aliases (*)

Create a new discussion and ask the Certifications community

Check your SI to find out exactly how to input the product name

None of the above

Correct Correct

20. The Certifications tab in My Oracle Support is able to directly

answer most of your certification questions. The exception is older information
that may not be included. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

21. The Support Information provided by the Certifications search

does NOT include Ongoing Support information related to availability of patches for
your product. Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Correct Correct

22. Your team is planning to upgrade your Oracle E-Business Suite

installed product. You are a couple releases behind the latest version. You can use
the Certifications search to compare certifications for multiple releases to make a
recommendation to your team. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct
23. Is there any reason to check the Certifications tab on a regular
basis if your company has NOT upgraded any of your products? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Yes, to check the support dates to understand when your products stop being
supported and track this information in your upgrade plan (*)

No, you would only check during an active upgrade planning cycle

No, there is no new information on the Certifications tab unless you received
a Hot Topics E-Mail

None of the above

Correct Correct

24. A product is certified for a SPECIFIC release of an operating

system (OS) on a particular hardware platform. For example, Oracle Database
( on Oracle Solaris 11 (SPARC) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

Patches and Updates

(Answer all questions in this section)

25. Patch Plans are available for all products and do NOT require the
use of configurations. Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect Incorrect
26. To download aspecific patch, you must have Patch Download Access
in your account that matches the Download Access on the patch AND your customer
user administrator (CUA) must set Access Patches to DOWNLOAD (not View Only) for
your account. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

27. How do you download a patch from the Patch Details page? Please
select all answers that apply. Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Search the knowledge base for an article on patching for your product and
click the download links

Open a Service Request to ask Oracle Support to download the patch from this

A user cannot directly download a patch from this site

From the patch search results, highlight a row, then select Download from the
option bar (*)

From the patch search results, click on a patch number to view the patch
detail, then click Download (*)

Incorrect Incorrect

28. What approach would you take to find out about Oracle recommended
patch sets for your product? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Create a new discussion in the appropriate patching community and ask your
trusted network

Log a Service Request

Use the Patch Advanced Search, selecting product and release of interest, and
checking the (Show recommended patches only) checkbox (*)

Add the Recommended Patch Sets region to your dashboard

Use Google to find out what recommended patches are available

Correct Correct

29. Regardless of your specific Oracle products, the general process

to download patches in My Oracle Support is usually the same. Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

30. The product name used by the patch system in My Oracle Support is
the same as the product name used for service requests or the Knowledge base. To
find the product name, start entering the product name that you are looking for in
the Product box and the product selector will narrow down the choices to help you
find the right product Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Correct Correct

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