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Best Practises and unique features of DoMS


1) A recognized university degree in any discipline

2) Candidates appearing for their final year degree examination are also eligible to apply. 3) Candida
tes should have appeared for the CAT exam of the respective year. Candidates shortlisted based o
n their CAT Percentile under each category are called for Group Discussion (GD) & Personal Intervie
w (PI) in the ratio 1:5 as
per Government of India reservation rules. The details of shortlisted candidates would be uploaded i
n the institutes website. Personal communication is also sent
to the candidates with the details of date and venue of GD & PI.

Personal Interview evaluates a candidate on the following merits:


True to the Vision and Mission of the Institute, DoMS undertakes all activities to develop the student
s as future managers and entrepreneurs of essence and
excellence to enrich the society through various spheres in the organization.
To cite few examples, students are put through rigourous academic programme with continuous per
formance evaluation that keeps them on toes for acquisition and assimilation of knowledge.
The entrepreneurship skills of the students are honed through development programmes to shape t
he students in order to meet the dynamic corporate demands.
The vision for future development ensures excellence in quality that is tied to the field of research th
rough summer internship programmes, project based assignments and innovative curriculum design.
NIT Trichy is one of the first ever B-school to foresee opportunities in emerging areas and offer indus
try-specific specializations.
The department has spearheaded the launch of following two new specializations in the MBA progra

I. Business Analysis & IT Consulting

This new specialization addresses the felt need in the IT & ITES industry for MBA graduates with
Business Analysis & IT consulting capabilities.
The curriculum was evolved systematically through workshops and several rounds of discussion
with leading organizations like TCS, Wipro, Infosys, MindTree, Accenture, Cognizant etc.
Senior Managers from prominent industries are actively engaged in the delivery of curriculum th
rough lectures, workshops, best practice sharing sessions,
filed visits etc. The curriculum is also recognized as a curriculum innovation in this field by Intern
ational Institute of Business Analysis.

II. Business Analytics

This new specialization is yet another requirement as the Analytics industry is growing phenome
nally. This industry needs MBA graduates to guide the
business decision makers to choose, apply, and interpret using data analysis techniques.
A systematic approach was adopted to collaborate with leading organizations in Analytics indust
ries (Infosys, MindTree, Accenture, AOL, Genpact,
Fidelity, Cognizant, Global Analytics, HP Analytics, etc) through extensive workshops and detaile
d discussion for evolving and validating the curriculum.
This new specialization was evolved from some existing elective courses. Senior Managers for th
e two industries are actively engaged in the delivery of
curriculum through lectures, workshops, best practice sharing sessions, filed visits etc.
The institute encourages community participation in its various social and public cause initiatives
and activities. Blood donation camps, service to orphanage and
old age homes, donations for poor and needy are organized by student community. Service to the so
ciety is an integral theme of instructions and activities at the
institute. Therefore, students are encouraged to apply the concepts learnt and skills acquired for bet
terment of human existence. Extracurricular activities include
participation in Entrepreneurship Cell, CRY, Tree Plantation Program and Spirit-ed. SPIRIT-ed:
a rural computer literacy program initiated by the students of NIT Trichy. It started with a small batc
h of 10-12 members from both MBA and
B.Tech. The prime motive behind this program was to provide computer education at schools that la
ck infrastructure and resources, there by imparting computer
literacy among the students. This small effort was encouraged by the initiative of IT big giant TCS pro
viding 50 computers for this cause. DoMS students are also
active members in participatory club APEKSHA providing education in small schools.
Students come up with their own
magazines/periodicals (16 Anna Business Magazine, Abhivyakthi, Monetarist, Pronto) with latest ne
ws, happenings around the world and other academic updates.

Apart from this, the institute subscribes to newspapers and magazines, both academic and business-
daily, weekly and monthly and regular discussions are held on management related current affairs.
Students are also given responsibilities in all academic activities in order to develop their communica
tion skills. The students get in touch with many
corporate leaders and academicians to arrange guest lectures, conferences and workshops. There is
also a PR committee which regularly updates the press to
bring the activities and initiatives at the institute to limelight. The various committees managed by st
udent representatives are indicated below
The 360 Degree Approach
The knowledge reaped from the curriculum is further nurtured by various extra curricular club acti
vities (By the students and for the students). These activities
aid them in broadening their expertise to the next higher level. The various student clubs at DoMS- N
ITT and their activities are given below.

Various Clubs at DoMS-NITT

The Finance Club of DoMS-NIT Trichy is a significant student driven initiative with members having v
aried backgrounds and experiences thereby adding to the
overall quality of Knowledge sharing. The club which was earlier called The Finacle has now been re
vamped and the new improved Finance Club is back with
infusion of new energy and enthusiasm. The club intends not only to impart subjective, static conce
pts of Finance but more importantly to enable members to understand and appreciate its dynamic
elements, implications and their applicability and impact in the practical world. The Club periodically
conducts Quizzes and Finance related games to stimulate
interest and educate the students about the modus operandi of the financial system. As part of the
new initiative, several plans have been charted out to keep the Club buzzing with activities such as C
ase study discussions, Panel Discussions and

Guest Lectures. This would provide a holistic mix of Theoretical knowledge and practical Industry sce
nario and thereby help bridge the gap between the two in
order to enable students deal with the subtleties and intricacies of the Financial system as better an
d more confident managers.

Vittiya, the Finance Club of DoMS, conducted its very first event of the academic year 2012-13, FIN
WIZ on 22nd August, 2012 for the batch 2012-2014. The
event received a fantastic response and was well appreciated by the participants. A total of 44 partic
ipated for the mind boggling questions related to finance. The
winners were Karthick and Raja. To discuss the effects of FDI in Retail, Vittiya- The Finance Club, org
anized an interactive session in the presence of Dr.B.Senthil Arasu. Students
enthusiastically discussed about whether FDI in retail will be a blessing or a curse to the India


SEC Club Societal commitments, entrepreneurial spirits, and cultural magmas have to be nurtured a
nd inculcated as a manager. SEC club promotes and constantly
endeavours towards this cause. SEC club conducts events with the entrepreneurs of start-up firms. A
manager can be a complete human only when he cares for the
society as well. The recent initiative of SEC club includes working towards the cause of education of a
n NGO called Anbagam. This is home for the orphans and destitute.

MARKET-US The aim of MARKET-US is to create awareness among the students about recent happe
nings in the field of marketing through group discussions about current
topics in the field of Marketing, case study analyses and quizzes.

The way Hutch changed from orange to pink and then became Vodafone, activities of marketing club
started with its renovation, wherein the club name, its FB
page and its activities were revamped and given a new dimension. The club started with a quiz on Br
ands, Logos and People. After which they conducted a
presentation on Retail Branding by Nitesh Mittal and Gautam Sai. They also conducted an event whe
re the teams have to use the scrap given to them to make
some useful product. They need to consider the cost and fix the price for their item. After which they
need to sell it to the judges by giving a presentation to them explaining the utility of the product.

INFINIT-E It is a bunch of budding IT freaks willing to fire their thoughts to build and manage knowle
dge with a focus to develop holistic personalities. Activities like paper
presentation, quizzes and e-business seminars are conducted.
PERSONA Managing the human capital is the most difficult task .This club helps the students to disc
uss HR case studies tactfully. It provides a platform for the students to
glisten their public speaking skills through activities like Smart manager of the year (MAVERICK), role
plays and various other team building exercises. Each
event makes the dusted gold into a shining one- bringing out the hidden talents for the upliftment of
the fraternity.


Alongside course work and co-curricular activities, students are able to devote enough time to

pre-placement work of industry liaison, brochure

development and communication with potential recruiters.
A good deal of practical world of work exposure is provided to students along with subject-specific

The placement brochure is a detailed document that enlists the core curricular activities and the

achievements of the students and the department in the

recent period. This document is prepared for every batch by the T&P team including the placement c
hairman and student placement committee. It contains all the vital information.

Faculty In-charge for various activities:

Personal/IT Skills - Dr. Nigama

Article Review - Mr.P.Murugan

MOOC, TALLY - Dr. Lakshmi

Psychometric Test - Mrs.K.Nirmala

Job Portfolio Analysis - Dr. Aravindan

Real Time Case Analysis - Dr. Philo Daisy Rani

Business Quiz - Mrs. Sobha

Audio/Visual - Mr. Rupesh Kumar

Guest Speakers

Some of the recent speakers at DoMS-NIT Trichy are:

Mr. Nat Malupillai, Director, Digital Analytics, Target
Mr. Balakarthikeyan Nagarajan, HR Manager, Global Research Team, General Electric
Mr. Gunasekaran, Senior Project Manager, EMC2 Mr. Deep Sherchan, CMO, Simplify 360
Mr. Rajib Bhattacharya, Staff Software Engineer
Mr. Markandey Upadhyay, Head - Risk Analytics, Consumer Lending and Agri Business, Axis Bank
Mr. RaviKumar K Y, Deputy General Manager - HR, NOCL
Mr. Muralidharan B, AGM - HR, Airports Authority of India, Chennai
Mrs. Madalasa Venkatraman, Professor, IIM B Mr. Ganesh, CEO, Blustream management
Mr. K.G. Prasad, Regional Sales Manager, Tata motors Mr. RamKumar, Director, Tisya
Mr. AJ Sundar Rajan, Director HR, Schneider Electric Mr. Manikandan, Nokia Siemens
Dr.Joffi Thomas, Professor, IIM-K Mr. T.K. Sreedhar, CMD, Novellsys Technologies Pvt Ltd
Mr. George Elnath, HR, Manager, Dalmia Cements Bharath ltd
Dr. Venugopalan puhazhendhi, PhD. Agricultural economics
Chakra Sampath, Technology Relationship Manager, Wells Fargo
Dr. Querishi M N, Associate professor, faculty of engineering and technology, MSU
Dr. L.S.Ganesh, Professor, DoMS, IIT Madras
Mr. Ravi Viswanathan, Global Vice President, Telecom Services, Tata Consultancy Services.
Ajit Joshi, General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad
Dr. Vasanthi Srinivasan Associate Professor IIM Bangalore
Thothathri Viswanathan, Vice President Delivery Head, Communications and Entertainment, Infosys
Dr. Kannan Gopalakrishnan, Former Director, IOCL, Trichy
Mr. Peter Johnson, Consultant & Instructor, Zaasti Corporation, New Jersy, USA
Ms. Artemis Preeshl, Associate Professor, Loyala University, New Orleans, USA.
Mr. Keith Dickson, Professor, University of Brunel, United Kingdom
Mr.Sathish Madapatti, Associate Vice President, 24x7 Customer, Bangalore
Mr. Namby Dhandapani, Director, Business Development, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Mr.Suyampirakasam, Credit Manager, AJ Square Consultancy, Madurai
Mr.Sridharan, Consultant, Tiruchirappalli Dr. L.Prakash Sai, Professor, DoMS, IIT, Madras
Dr.K. Ganesh, Senior Consultant, IBM, Mumbai Mr. Maruthamuthu, AGM, BHEL, Trichy
Mr.Sekar Arora, Executive Director, Ashok Leyland Ltd, Chennai
Mr. C.M.Raju, Chief General Manager, Bank of India Dr. Ravi, Asst. Professor, IIST, Trivandarum
Mr.Chockalingam, A.G.M., BHEL, Trichy
Mrs. Mathangai, Manager, Analytics Innovation Labs,24x7 Customer, Bangalore
Mr.Swaroop, Manager(Research), Cross Tab Marketing Services Private Ltd., Bangalore
VisuKumar Gopal, Practice Manager, CEOs Office Syntel Suresh Kumar, VP, Aditya Trading Solutions

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