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Winter/Spring 2008

Are You Ready to Lose Your World?

To Our Readers
As the Buddha said, You will come to see this world as an ephemeral dream, a bubble. Theres no more reality to it than a
good dream at night. But even though its not real, you will also see it as an absolute miracle, because its the only way that the
Divine has experiences of Itself. It is our human mind having experiences of itself, as joys or fearsall of it. Its an amazing
thing when you start to realize whats actually going on. ~ Adyashanti
Weve had a lot of fun and learning in our dream-experience of organizing Adyashantis first trip to Australia. Were very
happy to have the opportunity to offer his teachings in person to our friends there. Thanks to everyone who has helped
us to make this happen.
Cafe Dharma, Adyashantis online teachings area, continues to grow. It now offers downloads of Adyashantis most
recent live talks within a few days of each satsang. This is great news for those of you who would like to stay connected
with Adyashantis current teachings. And as always, Cafe Dharmas audio page offers a FREE full-length satsang classic
each month.
Radio Adyashanti is unfolding as a great way for those around the world to share in a live satsang event with Adya-
shanti. Over 2,000 people have listened to each broadcast. Soon we will be doing a major upgrade of our technical systems
to make it possible for those numbers to grow and still provide a high-quality broadcast. The live broadcast is always
FREE. And we are pleased to announce that Adyashanti has increased the number of broadcasts next year to two or three
per month.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter offering. Blessings to you, wherever you are.

Jerilyn Munyon
Executive Director

Everything is simultaneously creating

itself right now.

Teachings 3

Calendar 6
Satsangs (Online) 6 The Open Gate Sangha office is located in San Jose at 1299 Del Mar Avenue,
Satsangs (San Francisco Area) 7 Suite 200. Please send all mail to:
Intensives (San Francisco Area) 8 PO Box 112107
Travels 10 Campbell, CA 95011
Special Events 10 (408) 299-0201
[email protected]
Retreats 11
Acknowledgments Editor: Prema Maia Apolonia. Associate Editor: Julie
Mukti Donovan. Graphic Designer: Susan Kurtz,
Events, Travels, Private Meetings 1213 Photo Courtesies Steve Kurtz: cover, pages 5, 12 (background). Mukti:
pages 3, 8 (bottom), 10 (top & bottom), 16, back cover (top). Larry
Sangha Gray: page 4 (top). Prema Maia Apolonia: pages 4 (bottom), 6 (top), 14.
News, Gatherings, Volunteers 14 Wilcox: pages 6-7. Monique Martineau: page 8
(top). Adyashanti: page 12 (top). Dave Menke: page 13.
Bookstore 2007 Open Gate Sangha, Inc. All rights reserved.
Books, Videos, and CDs 1519

 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008


Are You Ready to Lose Your World?

by Adyashanti

There is a very famous poem written by the third patri- mately aware of how the conditioned mind fools itself
arch of Zen, Seng-tsan, called the Hsin-Hsin Ming, which into false pursuits and blind alleys. He knew that seeking
translates as Verses in Faith Mind. In this poem Seng-tsan truth, or reality, is as silly as a dog thinking that
writes these lines: Do not seek the truth; only cease to it must chase its tail in order to attain
cherish opinions. This is a reversal of the way most peo- its tail. The dog already has full
ple go about trying to realize absolute truth. Most people possession of its tail from
seek truth, but Seng-tsan is saying not to seek truth. This the very beginning. Be-
sounds very strange indeed. How will you find truth if sides, once the dog
grasps his tail,
True awakening will not fit into he will have
to let go of
the world as you imagine it it in or-
der to
or the self you imagine yourself
to be.
you dont seek it? How will you find happiness if you do
not seek it? How will you find God if you do not seek God?
Everyone seems to be seeking something. In spirituality
seeking is highly honored and respected, and here comes
Seng-tsan saying not to seek.
The reason Seng-tsan is saying not to seek is because
truth, or reality, is not something objective. Truth is not
something out there. It is not something you will find
as an object of perception or as a temporal experience.
Reality is neither inside of you nor outside of you. Both
outside and inside are not getting to the point. They
both miss the mark because outside and inside are con-
ceptual constructs with no inherent reality. They are sim-
ply abstract points of reference. Even words like you, or
me, or I, are nothing more than conceptual points of
reference existing only in the mind. Such concepts may
have a practical value in daily life, but when assumed to
be true they distort perception and create a virtual reality,
or what in the East is called the world of samsara.
Seng-tsan was a wily old Zen master. He viewed
things through the eye of enlightenment and was inti-
Open Gate Sangha | 
function. So even if you were to find the truth through grasping, you will Adyashanti with his childhood pet.
have to let it go at some point in order to function. But even so, any
truth that is attained through grasping is not the real truth be- Through meditation we can come to see that the only thing that
cause such a truth would be an object and therefore not real makes us suffer is our own mind. Sitting quietly reveals the
to begin with. mind to be nothing but conditioned thinking spontane-
In order to seek, you must first have an idea, ideal, ously arising within awareness. Through cherishing this
or an image, what it is you are seeking. That idea may thinking, through taking it to be real and relevant, we
not even be very conscious or clear but it must be there create internal images of self and others and the world.
in order for you to seek. Being an idea it cannot be real. Then we live in these images as if they were real. To be
Thats why Seng-tsan says only cease to cherish opin- caught within these images is to live in an illusory virtual
ions. By opinions he means ideas, ideals, beliefs, and im- reality. Through observing the illusory nature of thought
ages, as well as personal opinions. This sounds easy but it is without resisting it, we can begin to question and inquire
rarely as easy as it seems. Seng-tsan is not saying you should into the underlying belief structures that support it. These
never have a thought in your head, he is saying not to cherish the belief structures are what form our emotional attachments to the
thoughts in your head. To cherish implies an emotional attachment and false self and the world our minds create.
holding on to. When you cherish something, you place value on it because This is why I sometimes ask people, Are you ready to lose your world?
you think that it is real or because it defines who you think you are. This Because true awakening will not fit into the world as you imagine it or the
cherishing of thoughts and opinions is what the false self thrives on. It is self you imagine yourself to be. Reality is not something that you integrate
what the false self is made of. When you realize that none of your ideas into your personal view of things. Reality is life without your distorting sto-
about truth are real, it is quite a shock to your system. It is an unexpected ries, ideas, and beliefs. It is perfect unity free of all reference points, with
blow to the seeker and the seeking. nowhere to stand and nothing to grab hold of. It has never been spoken,
The task of any useful spiritual practice is therefore to dismantle never been written, never been imagined. It is not hidden, but in plain view.
cherishing the thoughts, opinions, and ideas that make up the false self, Cease to cherish opinions and it stands before your very eyes. w
the self that is seeking. This is the true task of both meditation and inquiry.

Free Teachings Online

Visit Cafe Dharma and the Teachings page at

tax-deductible. Those who feel called to financially support Adya-

shantis teaching work may also contribute to the following funds:
Publishing Fund, Scholarship Fund, Cafe Dharma, and General Fund.
To contribute, please indicate the fund(s) on your check and mail it to
PO Box 112107, Campbell, CA 95011.
Open Gate Sangha, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3)
Board of Directors and Officers
Vice President / Secretary............................................................Mukti
Treasurer............................................................................... Julie Zeise
Director..................................................................................Gary Wolf
Director.........................................................................Jerilyn Munyon

Letters to Adyashanti
Open Gate Sangha, Inc. Please know that I read every letter, card, and email that is sent to me.
Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, CA, the Open Gate Sangha Due to my teaching schedule and working on various writing projects,
organization supports the teachings of Adyashanti by making them I very rarely respond to written inquiries. If you have a pressing ques-
available to all who sincerely yearn for peace and freedom. Founded tion or issue that requires personal attention, you may want to contact
in 1996, the organization is run by a small staff and many dedicated one of those that I have asked to share the dharma. They can be found
volunteers, who form the heart of this growing community. on the Sangha/Transmission page of our website.
Most of your financial contributions to Open Gate Sangha are Many Blessings to all.
tax-deductible, including payments for satsangs, intensives, and re-
treat event fees. The housing portion of retreat fees, however, is not

 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008

All You Can Know
Not much can be said
when you realize
you are
the Great Emptiness,
the great pregnant nothingness
from which
everything comes
and to which
everything goes.

What can you

about nothing?

All you can know

is that
you are That.

~ Adyashanti

Open Gate Sangha | 

Events Satsangs(Online)
Who is
w Radio Adyashanti
Argentina Radio Adyashanti is a free live online radio program

2008 Calendar Australia

that makes it possible for people from around the world
to join in satsang with Adyashanti. Offered two or three
times per month, Radio Adyashanti is available to anyone
January with access to an internet connection.
Wed, Jan 16 Palo Alto Satsang 78:45pm The programs include a talk by Adyashanti followed
Sat, Jan 19 Santa Cruz Satsang 5:307:15pm by answers to call-in questions or previously emailed
Sun, Jan 20 San Francisco Satsang 45:45pm questions. To see the schedule of upcoming programs or
Chile to tune into the current broadcast, visit the Radio page at
Fri, Jan 25 Mt. Madonna 2-Night Retreat Check-in: 35pm
Sun, Jan 27 Retreat Ends Check-out: 1pm
February Finland
Sun, Feb 3 Asilomar Retreat Check-in: 35 pm France
Fri, Feb 8 Retreat Ends Check-out: 12:30pm Germany
Wed, Feb 13 Palo Alto Satsang 78:45pm Guatemala
Sat, Feb 23 Oakland Satsang 11am12:45pm Hungary
Sat, Feb 23 Santa Cruz Satsang 5:307:15pm India
March Israel
Sat, Mar 1 Spirit Rock One-Day Intensive 11am6pm Italy
Thu, Mar 6 San Diego Satsang 79pm Japan
Fri, Mar 7 San Diego Satsang 79pm Kazakhstan
Sat, Mar 8 San Diego Intensive 126pm Korea Adyashanti on the air
Wed, Mar 12 Palo Alto Satsang 78:45pm Malaysia
Sat, Mar 22 March Two-Day Intensive 10am6pm Mexico
Sun, Mar 23 Intensive Day 2 16pm Netherlands w Satsang Downloads
New Zealand Recordings from Adyashantis local satsangs are now
April Norway available to purchase and download just days after each
Tue, Apr 1 Vancouver Satsang 7:309:30pm Peru event. If youd like to stay connected with Adyashantis
Wed, Apr 2 Vancouver Satsang 7:309:30pm Paraguay most current teachings, check out the latest titles on
Fri, Apr 4 Seattle Satsang 79pm Poland the Audio and Library pages at
Sat, Apr 5 Seattle Intensive 126pm Portugal cafedharma. Recordings are available to download in-
Wed, Apr 9 Palo Alto Satsang 78:45pm
Puerto Rico stantly for $10 each.
Sat, Apr 12 Oakland Satsang 11am12:45pm
Sat, Apr 12 Santa Cruz Satsang 5:307:15pm
Sun, Apr 20 Asilomar Retreat Check-in: 35pm
Fri, Apr 25 Retreat Ends Check-out: 12:30pm Sweden
May UK
Sat, May 3 Santa Cruz Satsang 5:307:15pm USA
Sun, May 4 San Francisco Satsang 45:45pm
Wed, May 7 Palo Alto Satsang 78:45pm
Mon, May 19 Chicago Satsang 7:309:30pm
Tue, May 20 Chicago Satsang 7:309:30pm
Thu, May 22 Philadelphia Satsang 7:309:30pm
Fri, May 23 Philadelphia Satsang 7:309:30pm
Sat, May 24 Philadelphia Intensive 126pm

Wed, Jun 4 Palo Alto Satsang 78:45pm
Sun, Jun 8 Mount Madonna Retreat Check-in: 35pm
Fri, Jun 13 Retreat Ends Check-out: 1pm
Participants understand that all events hosted by Open Gate Sangha
will be recorded for use by Open Gate Sangha, Inc.
For events with Mukti, see page 13.

 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008

Satsangs(San Francisco Area)
Satsangs with Adyashanti are a time of silence and intimate investigation w San Francisco
into the nature of spiritual awakening and living an awakened life.
Each satsang begins with a period of silence, followed by a talk, and Time: Sundays, 45:45pm
then a dialogue with the audience. Doors open at 3:40pm. Please arrive on time.
Doors open 20 minutes prior to satsang for silent sitting. Dates: January 20, May 4
Contribution per satsang is $10, paid at the door. Location: First Unitarian Universalist Church
Chairs are provided. Please do not bring backjacks. 1187 Franklin St., San Francisco
Due to periodic schedule changes, visit From the North: From 101 S, cross the Golden Gate bridge and follow the
for the most current schedule. signs to Lombard St. Take Lombard to Van Ness Ave. Turn right on Van Ness
Ave. and proceed to Pine St. Turn right on Pine and go 2 blocks to Gough St.
w East Bay Turn left on Gough and continue just past Geary Blvd. Make the first imme-
diate left onto Starr King Way. Take Starr King one block and turn left onto
Time: Saturday, 11am12:45pm Franklin St. The church will be on your left.
Doors open at 10:40am. Please arrive on time.
From the East: I-80 W to 101 N. After crossing the Bay Bridge, move into
Dates: February 23, April 12 the right lane and continue, following the signs to Golden Gate Bridge/Fell
Location: Lake Merritt United Methodist Church St. Continue below.*
1330 Lakeshore Ave., Oakland From the South: Take 101 N. As you approach San Francisco, move into the
From the South Bay: Take 880 N to 238 to 580 W toward Oakland. Take left lane and follow the Golden Gate Bridge signs. Continue below.*
the Lakeshore Ave. exit. Turn left onto Lakeshore Ave. Follow Lakeshore *Take the Octavia/Fell exit. Get into the right lane, turn right onto Market St.
Ave. along Lake Merritt about one mile to 1330 Lakeshore, which is 2/3 of a and move into the left lane. Go 2 blocks and turn left on Franklin St. Go 10
block past Foothill Blvd. Look for street parking as soon as you pass Foot- blocks on Franklin to OFarrell St. The church will be on your left.
hill Blvd.
Parking: Street parking is available. Please be aware of metered days/times.
From Berkeley or Marin: Take 80 to 580 E, toward Hayward. Take the Nearest parking garage is Sutter Place Garage, 1355 Sutter St., between Van
Grand Ave. exit and go straight across the intersection. Turn right onto Ness Ave. and Franklin St.
Lakeshore Ave. Follow Lakeshore Ave. along Lake Merritt about one mile to
1330 Lakeshore, which is 2/3 of a block past Foothill Blvd. Look for street
parking as soon as you pass Foothill Blvd. w Peninsula
Time: Wednesdays, 78:45pm
Doors open at 6:40pm. Please arrive on time.
Dates: January 16, February 13, March 12, April 9, May 7, June 4
Location: Unity Palo Alto Community Church
3391 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto
From Highway 101: Exit at San Antonio Rd. and go west, toward Los Altos.
Turn right on Middlefield Rd. Cross E. Meadow and look for Unity on the
right, just beyond the Peninsula Bible Church.
From 280 Freeway: Exit at Page Mill Rd. and go east toward Palo Alto.
Drive past Foothill Expy. and El Camino Real. Then make a right onto
Middlefield Rd. The church will be on your left just before the Peninsula
Bible Church.

w Santa Cruz Area

Time: Saturdays, 5:307:15pm
Doors open at 5:10pm. Please arrive on time.
Dates: January 19, February 23, April 12, May 3
Location: Inner Light Center Sanctuary
5630 Soquel Dr., Soquel
From the North: Take Hwy 17 S to Hwy 1 S (toward Watsonville/Monterey).
Exit at Park Ave. and turn left. At the 3rd signal, turn left onto Soquel Dr. Go
about 2 blocks and turn left into the centers driveway.
From the South: Take Hwy 1 N and exit at Park Ave. Turn right. At the 3rd
signal, turn left onto Soquel Dr. Go about 2 blocks and turn left into the
centers driveway.
Open Gate Sangha | 
Intensives(San Francisco Area)
w Christmas Intensive
During the busy Christmas season, many desire to dedicate time to honor-
ing the truth as it manifests through Christ. Adyashantis annual Christmas
Intensive provides a space where we can do just that. This day of communi-
ty will include silent meditation, talks by Adyashanti, question-and-answer
periods, special musical offerings, and singing.

December 15, 2007

Saturday, 39pm
At Adyashantis request, attendance at the whole event is required.
Cost: $50 (preregistered on or before November 30)
$75 (at the door, space permitting)
Unity Palo Alto Community Church
3391 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94306
Seating: Seating is provided.

w March Two-Day Intensive

Spend time in silence and inquiry with Adyashanti and the sangha. This
weekend intensive will include periods of silent meditation and satsang.
Adyashanti will give talks inspired by his most recent insights about
spiritual awakening and living an awakened life, and then invite audience
members to explore their innermost questions in dialogue with him. You
are invited to participate in this shared inquiry or simply immerse yourself
in the silent presence of eternal truth.

March 2223, 2008

Saturday, 10am6pm; Sunday, 16pm
At Adyashantis request, two-day attendance is required.
Cost: $150 (preregistered on or before March 7)
$175 (at the door, space permitting)
Osher Marin Jewish Community Center
200 N. San Pedro Rd., San Rafael, CA 94903
Seating: Chairs will be provided. Feel free to bring your
own backjack or cushion.

Register online at

 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008

Intensive Registration & Info General Information
9am Registration begins (2pm for Christmas Intensive)
Preregistration Online! 9:30am Doors open
Go to the Events area at 10am Doors close during meditation
Follow the simple step-by-step instructions. Plan to arrive on time. Attendance at the entire event is required.
Submit secure payment by credit card or online check. Meal Break: Plan to walk or drive to a nearby restaurant. If you choose to
Receive confirmation by email. bring your own food, do not bring it into the main hall; leave it in your car.
Preregistration closes 2 weeks before the start date of each event. After
preregistration, registration is only available at the door. Applying for a Scholarship
Open Gate Sangha offers a limited number of scholarships to intensives
Preregistration By Mail and retreats for those who need financial assistance.
If you choose to mail in your payment, use the form below. Download the current Scholarship Application from the Events/Inten-
Mail-in registrations must be postmarked at least 2 weeks before sives area of our website. If you do not have web access, you may call the
the start date of each event. office at (408) 299-0201 to request an application.
We cannot accept registrations postmarked after the preregistration Mail your Intensive Scholarship Application no later than 5 weeks prior to
deadlines noted on the registration form. After preregistration, registra- the intensive by the following postmark deadlines:
tion is only available at the door. For the December 15 intensive: November 9, 2007
Mail your completed registration form, along with full payment (non- For the March 2223 intensive: February 15, 2008
transferable) in US check or money order (no credit cards or partial pay-
ments) to: Open Gate Sangha, PO Box 112107, Campbell, CA 95011 Cancellation Policy for Intensives
Cancellation fee is $25 prior to the first day of the intensive. No refunds for
At-the-Door Registration cancellations on or after the first day of the event.
You may register at the door, space permitting, for an additional $25. Registration is not transferable to another person or event.
Please arrive earlyfirst come, first servedand have payment ready
upon arrival. (Sorry, no credit cards.)

Sitting quietly reveals the mind to be nothing but conditioned thinking

spontaneously arising within awareness.

Mail-In Intensive Registration Form

q 2007 Christmas Intensive.............................. $_______ Mail-in registrations must be postmarked on or before the deadline
December 15, 2007 in Palo Alto date, two weeks prior to each intensive.
$50 postmarked by November 30, 2007. $75 at the door.
Limited seating. Register early. Open Gate Sangha, PO Box 112107, Campbell, CA 95011

q March Two-Day Intensive ........................... $_______ Name: _ ____________________________________________________________________________

Full 2-day attendance required.
March 2223, 2008 in San Rafael Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
$150 postmarked by March 7, 2008. $175 at the door.
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________
TOTAL ENCLOSED . ............................................... $_______ Home Phone: _____________________________________________________________________

Payment in full is required. If you are paying for more than Work Phone: ______________________________________________________________________
one intensive, write one check.
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________
If you are interested in volunteering at any of these events, please email
[email protected]. q This is a new/updated address, phone number, or email.

Open Gate Sangha | 

Special Events
Mount Madonna Center Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Watsonville, CA Woodacre, CA
Weekend Silent Retreats True Meditation
January 2527, 2008 Saturday, March 1, 2008, 11am6pm
Mount Madonna Center is sponsoring this special weekend retreat with Cost: $90$150 sliding scale
Adyashanti. It will be held in silence, similar to Adyashantis Open Gate What would happen if you were to allow everything to be exactly as it is? If
Sangha retreats, with the schedule modified to create a powerful 2-night you gave up the need for control, and instead embraced the whole of your
format. The retreat will include several silent sittings and 5 satsangs. experience in each moment that arose?
Mount Madonna Tuition: $210 In the fourteen years that he studied Zen, Adyashanti found that most
Mount Madonna Accommodations: $48 (commuter) to $166 per person seasoned meditators used the practice as an end instead of a means to an
end. He ultimately realized that only when you let go of all techniques
All registration and housing arrangements will be handled by Mount
even the concept of yourself as a meditatorwill you open to
Madonna Center. Mount Madonna Center is
the true meditation: dwelling in the natural state.
accepting registrations on a first-come, first-
served basis at REGISTRATION: Register online at, call
or by calling (408) 846-4064. Registration is (415) 488-0164, ext. 234, or send a check to Spirit Rock Medi-
not available through Open Gate Sangha. tation Center, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973. Indicate event
code AY1B08.
Visit for
details and registration. Please bring a bag lunch.
August 810, 2008
When details about this weekend retreat be-
come available, they will be posted online at

Adyashanti will be offering satsangs and intensives in the following areas
during 2008:
w San Diego, CA March 68
w Vancouver, BC April 12
w Seattle, WA April 45
w Chicago, IL May 1920 (first visit!)
w Philadelphia, PA May 2224 (first visit!)
w Boulder, CO October 911
w Phoenix, AZ October 12 (first visit!)
Out-of-town events with Adyashanti usually take the form of satsangs,
book signings, or intensives. Intensives include a full day (or weekend),
with meditation and multiple satsangs that explore teachings in greater
depth. Bring your innermost questions, or simply come and immerse your-
self in the silence and presence of eternal truth.
Details about these events will be posted online as they become avail-
able. Please do not call the office. Event announcements will be included in
our monthly email prior to each event. To get on our mailing/email list, go
to the Contact Us page of our website.
Online preregistration is now available for travel intensives.
You can also find scholarship information for these events online.
If you would like to volunteer at any of these events, contact the local
event host listed online.

10 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008

Silent Retreats
About Retreat Retreat Dates:
Silent retreats are for those who desire to deeply realize the truth of their
being and the essence of existence. Retreats offer time to step back from w February 38, 2008
the course of daily life and enter into the unknown, in an environment that 5-Night Retreat at Asilomar
provides both structure and support. To serve this intention, all retreats Pacific Grove, CA
are held in deep silence, except for time together in satsang. In addition Event Fee: $325 /Housing: $460$594
to satsang, the daily schedule includes several periods of meditation. Both Open Seats Currently Available*
forums are suited to penetrating heartfelt questions and discovering the
liberating truth of ones being. w April 2025, 2008
5-Night Retreat at Asilomar
Retreat Registration Pacific Grove, CA
Silent retreats are Adyashantis most powerful form of teaching. Because Event Fee: $325 /Housing: $460$594
of their popularity, Open Gate Sangha processes retreat registrations two Open Seats Currently Available*
times per year through a random lottery system. The lottery registration
deadline for the JanuaryJune 2008 retreats has passed. To see whether a w June 813, 2008
retreat still has openings, visit and go to the Events/
5-Night Retreat at Mount Madonna Center
Retreats page.
Watsonville, CA
In April 2008, the retreats in July through December 2008 will open for
Event Fee: $325 /Housing: $277$532
registration. If you would like to be notified when registration opens, log on
at and sign up on our mailing list. Waiting List Currently Open
Open Gate Sangha offers a limited number of scholarships to retreats
for those who need financial assistance. As stated in the Retreats Brochure, *To begin your registration process, go to the
the scholarship application deadline for all JanuaryJune 2008 retreats was Retreats page at and
October 9, 2007. put yourself on the waiting list.
Complete details can be found on our website, or you can request a Re-
treats Brochure by calling (408) 299-0201 ext. 10.

More Retreats in 2008

Lottery registration information for the following
retreats will be available in April 2008:
w August 2429, 2008 at Mount Madonna Center, Watsonville, CA
w September 712, 2008 at Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY
w November 914, 2008 at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA

Open Gate Sangha | 11


Dear Sangha,
Abide For each one of us life is a surprise. No matter how we picture it, it
at the edge shows up in forms that defy all thought.
After years of travelling with Adya for his teaching, I never thought that
of inner Id be travelling on my own, responding to invitations extended from cities
both local and afar. Below youll see that my role of Associate Teacher here
and outer at Open Gate Sangha has expanded beyond the one-on-one dokusan meet-
ings to also include group satsang and one-day silent retreats.
worlds until Im particularly interested in the one-day silent retreat format, which
they disappear Ive structured to include three short satsangs interspersed with periods
of meditation. Im also interested in bringing the possiblity of retreat and
into one extended time in silence and inquiry to more people.
Also a great surprise has been getting to experience the wonderful fla-
without another. vors of many of you, all of whom are indeed Dear Sangha.
May you know without question the flame of liberation that burns
~ Mukti
brightly, continually.
Your One True Self,

About Mukti
Mukti, whose name is translated as liberation, is the Associate Teacher
of Open Gate Sangha. In 1996 she began studying the nondual, Zen-
flavored teachings of Adyashanti, her husband. Prior to that, Mukti stud-
ied the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda for over 20 years. In her own
teachings, Mukti points audiences back to their natural state of wholeness
or undivided consciousness. Licensed in acupuncture and certified to teach
hatha yoga, Mukti has a love of the whole, in form as well as the formless.

12 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008

Events In Palo Alto, CA Travels
The stillness of meditation and the dynamic inquiry of satsang are a potent Mukti will be teaching in the following areas during the first half of 2008:
combination for realization. Accordingly, Mukti regularly offers both sat-
sang and meditations locally in Palo Alto, CA.
w Portland, OR January 1819
w Auburn, CA March 1415
w Satsangs ~ Unity Palo Alto Community Church w Ashland, OR April 1112
Mukti frequently opens satsang with a talk or guided meditation and fol- w Olympia, WA May 23
lows with questions and answers pointing directly to your true nature.
In each city Mukti will offer an evening satsang followed by a one-day
The contribution per satsang is $10, paid at the door. Chairs are provided. silent retreat. Visit for complete details about
Please do not bring backjacks. these events. For one-day retreats, preregistration online is recommended.
Wednesdays: January 23, February 27, March 26, April 30 Event announcements will be included in Adyashantis monthly email prior
Time: 7:008:45pm to each event.
Doors open 20 minutes prior to satsang for silent sitting.
Location: Unity Palo Alto Community Church Private Meetings
3391 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto, CA
Mukti offers dokusan (private meetings for satsang inquiry) in San Jose,
CA. For those who live outside the greater San Francisco Bay Area she of-
w Monthly Meditations ~ St Marks Episcopal Church fers dokusan by phone. To schedule a dokusan, call Terri at (408) 299-0201
Offered on a donation basis, meditations include two 40-minute silent sit- ext. 20.
tings with a silent break between. Mukti will offer a guided meditation dur-
ing the first sittings. You may attend one or both sittings.
Mondays: January 14, February 11, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9
Times: First Sitting: 7:007:45pm / Second Sitting: 8:008:45pm
Please arrive early. Doors close at the start of each period.
No entry during meditation.
Location: St. Marks Episcopal Church Chapel
600 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306 Visit for complete details about Mukti, her
teachings, and her events. The site offers written teachings, schedule up-
The Chapel is the small building on the right as you enter the first driveway. dates, directions, online registration for one-day retreats, plus an oppor-
Some chairs will be provided. Please bring your own floor seating. Sorry, tunity to invite Mukti to give satsangs in your area.
no lying down or standing meditation allowed.

The Nameless To take the investigation fur-

by Mukti ther, let your listening relax out-
ward, globally. If a thought that
Krishnamurti spoke of how the bird names a sound arises, simply let
is at once lost to the child who learns the name relax out of your mind
its name. and turn your attention again to
Can you recall when you were a what is within your range of hear-
child experiencing the world arising, ing, letting your field of hearing
moment-to-moment, without thought widen and relax outward to expe-
dividing its content? rience a global awareness.
In the spirit of recalling this per- And finally, invite any sense of
spective, prior to duality, I invite you to the one named you, your familar
read ahead, and then try this exercise: sense of self, to relax out of the
Look out the nearest window or center of your experience. You may
across the room, and name what is in feel the edge of your body soften
front of you. Perhaps several names come to mind (e.g., green, tree, or, more importantly, your sense of the one who is tracking percep-
pine). Subsequently, wipe each name from your mind as you look at tion and doing this exercise, dissolve out of the center.
the object, until you can see it without a name. As your eyes relax and Rest in this awareness that does not divide, does not name, and
your vision widens, take in the view globally. which itself will forever remain nameless. w

Open Gate Sangha | 13

helped these events run smoothly, with special gratitude to Gary Gagne for
his unwavering sound support, and his wife, Cary Ennis, for her graceful
sharing of knowledge gleaned from being on the road with Adya. Wed like
to welcome Ane Gade, support person for the hosts, who has shown up in
her diligent and caring way to support Mukti in all her travels.
w We want to express our deep gratitude to all of the volunteers who give
so lovingly of their time and energy at the office and transcribing at home.
Their talent and generosity are truly amazing and heartwarming, and they
make it possible for Adyashantis teachings to reach a growing number of
people. Special thanks to Carolyn Dawn for her dedicated service in the
front office, where she is now in her fourth year of volunteering.
w We are happy to introduce Erin McKinley, who has been hired part-time
to handle shipping in our mail-order Bookstore. She has graced us with her
great skills, open heart, and easy laugh. Welcome, Erin!

Adyashantis teachings are being shared globally as well as locally, as groups
gather to listen to Adyashantis CDs or watch DVDs. There are over 50 Gath-
erings now taking place in 23 states and 4 countriesand the list contin-
ues to grow. Be sure to check the website for an offering in your area.
The nature of Gatherings is as varied as the people who come together
to share Adyas teachings. Some groups have chosen a silent format where
they meditate, watch a DVD, and
leave in silence. Some listen to
News & Gratitude Adyas guided meditations, read
from his books, and share how
w This past year Adyashantis travels these teachings have affected their
included only two locations: New York lives. Whatever the format, there is
and Australiabut he visited many an opportunity to share time with
countries via his internet radio pro- others in the love of truth.
gram! Adyashanti receives many invi- To find out more about attend-
tations, and the radio program is his ing or hosting an Adyashanti Gath-
way to meet the growing requests for ering, visit the Sangha/Gatherings
his teachings. In 2008, for the first time, page at
Adyashanti will travel to Chicago and
Philadelphia, finding himself on the
East Coast more often as the sangha Volunteers
there continues to grow. Open Gate Sangha is fortunate to
w There is a huge team of people who have a dedicated pool of volunteers
run Adyashantis live events all over who contribute their time, energy,
the world. From Travel Hosts who plan and talent to help support the
events for a one-time trip, to Retreat Helping out at the Open Gate Sangha office teachings of Adyashanti. From
Managers who dedicate years of service arranging the stage or greeting
at a time and hours equivalent to a part-time job, to volunteers who show people at events to offering professional skills such as event coordination
up for one event to ring a bell, and everyone in betweenwe thank you and sound engineering, our volunteers are essential to the day-to-day
all for your beautiful heart of service. Wed like to specifically mention our operations of the sangha. Because of their generosity, Open Gate Sangha is
hosts in Australia for their dedicated work on Adyas Down Under trip in able to bring Adyashantis teachings to a community of people all around
October 2007, and thanks to all the hosts all over the United States who are the world. If you feel called to offer your time at events, in our San Jose
well in the swing of planning 2008 events! We honor Priya Irene Baker for office, or at home, please send an email to [email protected].
her years of service as Intensive Manager; her nurturing spirit and atten-
tion to detail will be missed. Wed also like to thank Maya Vidhyadharan for
her contributions to the Intensive Manager role. We wish both of them well
on their new adventures. Were happy to welcome Edward West as our new
Intensive Manager.
w Muktis first two travel events were successful, with people expressing
gratitude for the teachings and clear transmission of presence. These events
are made possible through the dedication, open heart, and generosity of the
hosts who organized the events. Our thanks to the many volunteers who

14 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008

Emptiness Dancing
2004, 2006 by Adyashanti
195 pages, softcover.
ISBN: 1-59179-459-5
$18.95 Item #3EDA2
Who are you when you are not thinking yourself into ex-
istence? What is ultimately behind the set of eyes read-
ing these words? In Emptiness Dancing, a collection of
dharma talks, Adyashanti invites you to wake up to the
essence of what you are, through the natural and spon-
taneous opening of the mind, heart, and body that holds
the secret to happiness and liberation.
This 2nd edition, published by Sounds True, includes an
exclusive 14-page interview.

My Secret Is Silence
Poetry and Sayings of Adyashanti
2003 by Adyashanti
141 pages, softcover.
ISBN: 0-9717036-1-2
$17 Item #3MSI True Meditation
Book with CD
In this book of poetry and teachings, Adyashanti cel- 2006 by Adyashanti
ebrates life from the vantage of the laughing Buddha 87-page hardcover book plus CD
and gently invites the mystery to wake up to itself in the ISBN: 978-1-59179-467-1
heart of each reader. A wonderful gift for anyone who $19.95 Item #3TME
loves getting drunk on truth or still imagines they are
What would happen if you were to allow
thirsty and need a long, sweet sip from the Beloveds
everything to be exactly as it is? What
overflowing cup.
if you gave up the need for control, and
instead embraced the whole of your
experience in each moment that arose?
This engaging and elegant hardcover
book invites you to explore these life-
The Impact of Awakening
changing questions as Adyashanti offers
2000, 2002 by Adyashanti
his unique and powerful perspective
130 pages, softcover.
on the art of meditation. Chapter titles
ISBN: 0-9717036-0-4
$17 Item #3IOA
Beginning the True Spiritual Journey
In this collection of dynamic excerpts from Adyashantis
The Ultimate Act of Faith
satsang dialogues, the reader is guided from the initial
Live in the Same Way You Meditate
impulse to be free to its culmination in liberation. Adya-
shanti also speaks about the role of grace, the student- Based on the True Meditation album
teacher relationship, and how to move beyond beliefs (page 18), this book includes 29 chap-
that distort our perception of truth. ters, a 16-page interview, and a 60-min-
ute CD with two guided meditations.

Order online at

Open Gate Sangha | 15
Adyashanti on Video
New Satsangs on DVD
The following DVDs are the latest in a series that captures the dynamic quality of satsang with Adyashanti in a live, unedited format.

The Ground of Silence ~ Vol. 29 Chasing Enlightenment ~ Vol. 32

March 14, 2007 - Palo Alto, CA May 16, 2007 - Palo Alto, CA
2007 by Adyashanti. DVD length: 90 min. 2007 by Adyashanti. DVD length: 90 min.
$25 Item #4GOS $25 Item #4CEN
Join Adyashanti on a journey back to the root of The you who is chasing enlightenment will never
your own consciousness. In this expansive and en- become enlightened. Instead of striving towards
joyable satsang, Adya calls us out of the world of some distant goal that you will never reach, Adya-
noise and into the fundamental reality of silence. shanti invites you to stop and ask: How am I avoid-
However, on this journey be aware that all paths ing the enlightenment that is already present in
lead away from Truth. The Truth is already here. each moment? How am I seeing separation where
Where are you going? it doesnt exist? This engaging satsang reveals the
futility of striving and illuminates the simplicity of
Listening ~ Vol. 30 Oneness.
April 4, 2007 - Palo Alto, CA
2007 by Adyashanti. DVD length: 90 min. What Is Enlightenment? ~ Vol. 33
$25 Item #4LIS June 13, 2007 - Palo Alto, CA
This fresh and insightful satsang reveals an essen- 2007 by Adyashanti. DVD length: 90 min.
tial but often-missed aspect of spirituality: the art $25 Item #4WIE
of listening. Adyashanti shows us how we can ex- Many people think that enlightenment is an altered
perience true listeningnot just hearing sounds state of consciousness. Actually, what we perceive
with our ears, but rather opening our entire being to what is. Compelling every day through the distorted lens of ego is the truly altered statewe
dialogues explore the experience of wanting, the sense of inadequacy, and see things that dont exist, we believe things that arent happening, and we
the shadow realms of the psyche. live in a false world of our own creation. In this direct and practical satsang,
Adyashanti opens the door into the clear seeing that is our natural state of
Truth or Bust ~ Vol. 31 enlightenment.
April 18, 2007 - Palo Alto, CA
2007 by Adyashanti. DVD length: 90 min. What Is Being? ~ Vol. 34
$25 Item #4TOB June 20, 2007 - Palo Alto, CA
In this open and expansive satsang, Adya discusses the pre-battle scene in 2007 by Adyashanti. DVD length: 90 min.
the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu epic. The story is about the willingness $25 Item #4WIB
to face our most sacred beliefs and let go of them. Adya shares the moment Have you ever noticed that while your body, thoughts, and emotions are
in his own life when the willingness to question everything reoriented his totally different than they were years ago, there is something about you that
entire spiritual quest.People wake up when theyre willing to see the Truth hasnt changed at all? In this clear and dynamic satsang, Adyashanti illumi-
more than they want to assert illusion. nates this unchanging sense of I as the ultimate dimension that we have
been seeking all along. This satsang includes a superb dialogue about how
to respond to suffering in the world.

The Journey After Awakening

An In-Depth Conversation with
Adyashanti & Loch Kelly
2007 by Adyashanti. DVD length: 109 min.
$29 Item #4JAA
Awakening to our true nature does not mark the end of the spiritual
pathits just the beginning. In this intimate and compelling dialogue,
Adyashanti and Loch Kelly explore the journey after awakening, sharing
insights gained from their own lives and through working with hundreds
of people in this mysterious, subtle, and sometimes precarious territory. With candid reflections and
observations they illuminate:
Certainty and the Unknown Dissolving Personal Will
Post-Awakening Detox The Undefended Heart
Fear of Death Risks and Casualties
Partial Awakening Authentic Flowering

16 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008

CD Audio Albums
The Sacred Opportunity An Invitation to Awaken
3 Audio CDs Do you have a sincere desire to wake up
20052007 by Adyashanti to your true nature? If so, this album has
Running time: 3 hrs. 34 min. been created especially as a catalyst for
$29 Item #2SOP your awakening. In his direct and simple
manner, Adyashanti clears the way for
you to realize that which you have always
known. Some of the topics covered in this
7-CD album are:
The Seeking Dilemma
The Highest Spiritual Practice
Struggling to Wake Up
Reality Is Not Mystical
The Primary Delusion
There Is No Secret 7 Audio CDs
Inquiry Breaks the Trance 20062007 by Adyashanti
The magic of satsang comes alive in Running time: Approx. 8.5 hrs.
Give Way to Stillness
this beautiful 3-CD album with talks of $75 Item #2ITA
unsurpassed clarity and dialogues rich in
humor and insight. Adyashanti invites us
into the sacred opportunity to find out for New!
ourselves what lies beyond the limitations
I Am
of our imagined existence. This album
The Nondual Teachings of Jesus Christ
includes a guided meditation on letting
everything be as it is, and explores such Adyashanti brings fresh insight to the
topics as: nondual teachings of Christ and offers a
revolutionary perspective on often-told
Living in a Virtual Reality but misinterpreted biblical passages.
The Divine Nothingness This long-awaited CD album includes
Getting Identity Out of Thought selected talks and dialogues recorded
The End of Separation at Adyashantis Christmas Intensives in
Real Intention 2005 and 2006. Topics include:
The Teaching of I Am
Thy Will Be Done
Good and Evil
Its Not Due to Merit
3 Audio CDs Missing the Mark
20052007 by Adyashanti
Love Is the Fruit
Running time: Approx. 3.5 hrs.
Our Own Virgin Birth
$29 Item #2IAM
True Prayer

Complete selection of Adyashanti videos

and CD albums online at

Open Gate Sangha | 17

Enlightenment Unfolding Have a Weekend Intensive at Home!
3 Audio CDs
These audio-CD albums were recorded live at weekend intensives with Adyashanti. They offer
20062007 by Adyashanti
profound and intimate investigations into the freedom of spiritual awakening. Included are satsang
Running time: 3 hrs. 49 min.
talks, questions from the audience, and powerful direct inquiry dialogues.
$29 Item #2EUN
Looking Within
7 Audio CDs
June 2324, 2007 ~ San Rafael, CA
2007 by Adyashanti
Running time: Approx. 8 hrs.
$65 Item # 7LWI
This powerful weekend intensive album explores
many topics including:
Looking Within Creating the World
The End of Waiting Meaning and Purpose
In this penetrating and lively exploration Your Most Valuable Asset The War with the Mind
of spiritual life after awakening, Adyashanti Seeing Through Trauma Letting Go of Control
offers vital clarity and direction for those in
the delicate period following the spiritual
honeymoon.After realizing ones true identity, New!
the journey involves diving in to all aspects of The Backward Step
existence as experienced through the mind, 4 Audio CDs
heart, and gut. With almost 4 hours of talks August 11, 2007 ~ San Rafael, CA
and dialogues, Adyashanti explores: 2007 by Adyashanti
The Role of Spiritual Practice Running time: Approx. 5 hrs.
Allowing the Pain of the World $40 Item # 7BST
Unfolding After Awakening The Backward Step invites you on a day-long journey
The Search for Meaning of exploration with various topics including:
Moving Beyond Apathy Awakening Is Natural
Physical Pain
The Freedom to Feel
The Born and the Unborn
The Sense of Self
Judging Myself
Why Did We Come Here?

True Meditation How to make the effortless effort that will

3 Audio CDs vivify the present moment.
2006 by Adyashanti Meditative self-inquiry and The Way of
Running time: 3 hrs. 30 min. Subtraction: how to ask a spiritually power-
$24.95 Item #2TME ful questionand determine the real answer.
What would happen if you were to allow Three guided meditations intended to reveal
everything to be exactly as it is? What if you what Adyashanti calls your home as aware-
gave up the need for control, and instead ness itself.
embraced the whole of your experience in These recordings have been transcribed and
each moment that arose? In this 3-CD set, edited for the True Meditation book and CD set
beautifully edited and recorded by Sounds on page 15.
True,Adyashanti teaches listeners to approach
meditation with an open attitude, to discover Weve been taught that awakening is difficult,
our natural tendency to awaken, and to bring that to wake up from the illusion of separation
this transcendent recognition of our natural takes years. But all it really takes is a willingness
state into daily life. True Meditation invites you to look into the depths of your experience here
to explore: and now. ~ Adyashanti

18 Adyashanti | Winter/Spring 2008

Cafe Dharma
New Satsang CDs
$16 per 2-CD set
Stay Connected Running time 90110 minutes per title. w The Unconditioned
Adyashantis Cafe Dharma now features 2006-2007 by Adyashanti Item #1UNC. October 12&13, 2006 ~ Ashland, OR
recordings of local-area satsangs so any- We are all overly familiar with our condi-
w Beyond Awakening tioned selvesour beliefs, opinions, goals,
one around the world can stay connect- Item #1BAW. June 9, 2007 ~ Oakland, CA
ed with Adyashantis current teachings. fears, self-images, etc. What about the uncon-
More and more people are finding out for ditioned? We seem to spend our whole lives
Choose from a rapidly growing library themselves that awakening is actually possi-
of downloadable satsangs for $10 each. evading this natural state of unknowingness.
ble. And yet, because awakening feels so free- In this honest and far-reaching satsang, Adya
Free Classics ing we think weve arrived at the end of the invites us into the deep state of listening and
paththeres no more to see. However, there simplicity that is our true being. (130 min.)
At Cafe Dharma youll always find a se-
are as many potential pitfalls after awaken-
lection of full-length satsangs to down-
load at no cost. Usually these are popular
ing as there are before. In this exceptional w Stillness
talk, Adyashanti takes the time to thoroughly Item #1STI. May 9, 2006 ~ Northampton, MA
classics, originally recorded on cassette
explore a number of common challenges that In this talk Adyashanti invites us to move
and now made available for the timeless
people encounter, including how to relate to from silence into something more radical
quality of their content.
other people when you no longer find them stillness. Weve all heard the phrase, Be still
Downloading Is Easy interesting; the confusion that happens when and know. But the more we try to be still,
Just visit the Audio and Radio pages at goals no longer motivate you; the necessity of the more elusive it seems to be. In this talk, going beyond trust; and the all-too-common Adya reveals that the stillness we are seeking
to download your full-length satsangs I got itI lost it syndrome. is already present. In true stillness, our whole
and listen to them on your computer or world disappears.
mp3 player.
w The Primary Misunderstanding
Item #1PMI. March 31, 2007 ~ Santa Cruz, CA w The Mirage of There
The you who is trying to awaken never will. Item #1MTH. May 10, 2006 ~ Northampton, MA
There is no such thing as getting closer to or Being on a spiritual path implies that we are
farther away from the only thing that exists. attempting to go from here to there. In this
So, what are you going to do? In this illumi- dynamic and articulate satsang, Adyashanti
nating satsang, Adyashanti goes to the root of attempts to knock us off the path by helping
Note: Cafe Dharma does not currently
misunderstanding, kicks away the founda- us to see that there is just a mirage, a con-
offer recordings from this newsletter or
tion from under your imagined separate self, cept. Rather than blindly following a path,
Adyashantis online bookstore.
and sheds light on the impersonal reality that Adya suggests that we first find out who is
is already and always awake. trying to get there.

Visit for a complete selection of books, video, and audio.

Ordering Information Item # Item Name Qty Price Ea Subtotal

Order online or send payment in US _______._______________________________________________._ ____ ._______ .________
check or money order. Sorry, no credit
cards by mail or phone. _______._______________________________________________._ ____ ._______ .________
OPEN GATE SANGHA _______._______________________________________________._ ____ ._______ .________
PO Box 112107
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Add $1 for each additional item. _______._______________________________________________._ ____ ._______ .________
Canada: $7 for the first item.
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Overseas: $10 plus 10% of order total. Please print clearly. Order Total__________

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Address:_ ________________________________________________________ Shipping & Handling__________

City/State/Zip:_ ____________________________________________________ Grand Total__________

Day Phone: _ _____________________ Email :_ ___________________________ Please allow 24 weeks for delivery.

Open Gate Sangha | 19

Adyashanti w Winter/Spring 2008
Adyashanti, author of Emptiness Dancing, The Impact of Awakening,
and True Meditation, dares all seekers of peace and freedom to take the
possibility of liberation seriously. His spontaneous and direct teachings
have opened the door for many seekers to awaken to their true nature and
live an awakened life.

Open Gate Sangha

Post Office Box 112107 Nonprofit Org
Campbell, California 95011 U.S. Postage
(408) 299-0201 Campbell, CA Permit No. 1041

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