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Gabriel Capili y Recto (Boy Recto) together with his wife Ferma Capili y Inot were charged with violation
of Presidential Decree 1612, otherwise known as the Anti-Fencing Law. They bought assorted pieces of
jewelry and several pieces of old coins (U.S. dollar) all valued at P3,000,000.00, which they knew to have
been derived from the proceeds of a crime of theft.

Christine Diokno testified that at 4:00 P.M. on November 4, 1993, when she went home from her
office, she discovered that some of her items at her closet and the jewelries and money ather
mothers room were taken. Police prepared the police report and concluded that Michael Manzo, her
former houseboy, committed the offense. She described all the properties that were taken and
allegedly the value is about 3 Million pesos, some were of 20 years and some were of 30 years vintage,
acquired by her parents since their wedding in 1945. Some from abroad, States or Hongkong acquired
during trips.

On November 27, 1993, Quiapo sub-station informed her that Michael Manzo was there. She talked to
Michael Manzo who admitted the commission of the stealing and that he sold the items to Gabriel Capili
and his wife for P50,000.00.

To support the allegation in the Information Michael Manzo testified that after he asked his friend Emilio
Benitez where he can sell his jewelries he was brought to Boy Rectos (petitioner) house at 1260 Carola
St., Sampaloc, Manila, to whom he gave one bag of jewelries with the information that he stole them
while he was a house boy. Recto agreed to pay him P50,000.00. He left and went back after a week or on
November 5, as he needed the money. He was paid P1,500.00. He left again and went back after two
weeks and was paid again P6,000.00.

When he visited his friend Emilio Benitez at the precinct, having been charged with vagrancy, he was
caught by the police asking him where he brought the jewelries, so he pointed to Boy Recto, who was
picked-up and brought to the station and investigated. During the frisking and searching at the station,
police officers found pearls and old coins from Gabriel Capili. The following day, Mrs. Ferma Capili was
investigated at sub-station 3, Quiapo, WPD.

The petitioner maintains that even for the sake of argument that the prosecution has established that the
petitioner committed the crime of fencing (violation of P.D. 1612) beyond reasonable doubt, there is no
legal basis for him to suffer the entire penalty imposed by the trial court. Petitioner claims that the Office
of the Solicitor General, in its appellees brief filed with the Court of Appeals, agrees that basis of the
penalty for the offense of fencing is the value of the property actually involved and not the agreed selling
price of the stolen item. The petitioner also maintains that since the prosecution failed to prove the value
of the stolen goods, the guilt of the petitioner has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt.

ISSUE: W/N accused is liable for fencing


Fencing is the act of any person who, with intent to gain for himself or for another, shall buy
receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell or dispose of, or shall buy and sell, or in any other
manner deal in any article, item, object or anything of value which he knows, or should be known
to him, to have been derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft.
The essential elements of the crime of fencing are:

1. A crime of robbery or theft has been committed;

2. The accused, who is not a principal or an accomplice in the commission of the crime
of robbery or theft, buys, receives, possesses, keeps, acquires, conceals, sells or disposes,
or buys and sells, or in any manner deals in any article, item, object or anything of value,
which has been derived from the proceeds of the said crime;
3. The accused knows or should have known that the said article, item, object or anything of
value has been derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft; and
4. There is on the part of the accused, intent to gain for himself or for another.

All these elements are present in the case at bench.

The first element or the fact of theft was proved by prosecution witness, Christine Diokno (DIOKNO) who
testified that several pieces of jewelry, watches and money were stolen from her mothers bedroom.
She alleged that the total value of the items amounted to approximately three million (P3,000,000.00)

DIOKNOs testimony is corroborated by MANZO, who admitted that he stole the jewelry from
DIOKNO. And that after stealing the jewelry, he delivered them to the petitioner, GABRIEL with the
information that the jewelry was stolen and for the purpose of selling the same. He identified GABRIEL
in court as the person to whom he delivered the stolen jewelry. MANZO testified that GABRIEL was not
a participant in the theft of the jewelry and that he told GABRIEL that the jewelry was stolen. He
also established the fact that the petitioner agreed to pay fifty thousand (P50,000.00) pesos for the
stolen jewelry which clearly manifests intent to gain on the part of the petitioner. Consequently,
MANZOs testimony proves the second, third and fourth elements of the crime of fencing.

At any rate, the law does not require proof of purchase of the stolen articles by the accused as
mere possession thereof is enough to give rise to a presumption of fencing. GABRIEL, who was in
possession of at least two of the stolen items, has not rebutted this presumption.


The Court also disagree with the petitioner that the prosecution failed to prove the value of the stolen

Although DIOKNOs testimony is hearsay and is inadmissible for purposes of determining the value of the
stolen items inasmuch as her testimony was not based on her own personal knowledge but on the
appraisals made by jewelers and what her mother told her, MANZOs testimony remains unrebutted.
MANZO established that he sold the stolen items to GABRIEL for P50,000.00 and in the absence of any
evidence to the contrary, said amount is presumed to be the value thereof as it is the only value
established by the prosecution.

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