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Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer for each question.

1. The separation of church and state is provided in what provision in the Constitution?
a. Article III Section 1 c. Article II Section 5
b. Article II Section 6 d. Article III Section 2

2. It is the acquisition of money or position by means of dishonesty.

a. Corruption c. Plunder
b. Petty d. Graft

3. It is the loyalty of the citizens to their state.

a. Insurgence c. Allegiance
b. Divergence d. Citizenship

4. The following are the causes of graft and corruption in the Philippines EXCEPT:
a. low pay of government employees c. creating more laws
b. vote buying d. widespread acceptance of practice

5. What is the prime duty of the government?

a. to serve and control the people c. to protect the people
b. to serve and protect the people d. to serve the people

6. Which is NOT a manifestation of democratic and republican state.

a. bill of rights c. government of law and not of men
b. separation of powers d. rule of minority

7. It is a kind of loyalty that is being observed by foreigner living or staying in a country.

a. permanent allegiance c. temporary allegiance
b. dual allegiance d. perpetual allegiance

8. The national territory of the Philippines is under what provision of the Constitution?
a. Article I Section 1 c. Article I Section 3
b. Article I Section 2 d. Article I Section 4

9. They are considered as the protector of the people and the state.
a. Philippine National Police c. President
b. Armed Forces of the Philippines d. NPA
10. __________authority is at all times supreme over the military.
a. Casual c. Presidential
b. Police d. Civilian

11. He is the Commander in Chief of the AFP.

a. The Senate President c. The President
b. The Chief of Staff d. Mayor

12. Democracy came from the word DEMO and KRATOS. Demo means ____________.
a. power c. people
b. rule d. king

13. Kratos means _______________.

a. power c. rule
b. people d. king

14. It is a form of government ruled by many.

a. Aristocracy c. Monarchy
b. Democracy d. Oligarchy

15. It is that form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the
people and are exercised by the people through representatives chosen by the people.
a. Democracy c. Decentralization
b. Autonomy d. Republic

16. It refers to the waters within the territorial baseline.

a. territorial sea c. external waters
b. internal waters d. Exclusive Economic Zone

17. It is 12 nautical miles from the edge of the territorial sea

a. internal waters c. territorial sea
b. Exclusive Economic Zone d. contiguous zone

18. It is 12 nautical miles from the edge of territorial baseline.

a. territorial sea c. Exclusive Economic Zone
b. contiguous zone d. internal waters

19. A principle which emphasizes the unity of lands and waters connecting the outermost
islands of the archipelago so they make up one unit, one country.
a. Oneness Doctrine c. Archipelago Doctrine
b. National Territory d. Doctrine of Parens Patriae

20. It is a group of islands surrounded by bodies of water.

a. territory c. internal waters
b. archipelago d. terrestrial domain

21. It is located 200 nautical miles from the baseline.

a. contiguous zone c. territorial sea
b. internal waters d. Exclusive Economic Zone
22. It is a law which is permanent in nature. It means it cant be changed.
a. repealable c. statute
b. irrepealable d. house bill

23. It is a kind of allegiance observed by the citizens of the country.

a. temporary allegiance c. natural allegiance
b. force allegiance d. permanent allegiance

24. The state acts as the parent of the people therefore is obligated to protect all people
within its territory.
a. Parens Patriae c. Jus Soli
b. Petrificus Totalus d. Jus Sanguinis

25. Bill of Rights is stated in _______________.

a. Article I c. Article II
b. Article III d. Article IV


Directions: Write T if the statement is True, F if the statement is False.

_______1. Graft and corruption increases the cost of doing business.

_______2. Territorial Dispute is a disagreement over the possession/control of land between

two or more states.

_______3. Territorial baselinesimaginary straight lines connecting the outermost points of

the outermost islands, enclosing all the islands of the archipelago.

_______4. Philippines is a communist state.

_______5. One manifestation of Republicanism is the Rule of the Minority.

_______6. During martial law, the military is supreme over the civilians.

_______7. The main function of the Armed Forces of the Philippines is to protect the
sovereignty of the country.

_______8. The nature of task of the AFP ( Armed Forces of the Philippines) and the PNP
( Philippine National Police) is similar.

_______9. Miranda Doctrine refers to the due process requirement that a person in custody be
informed of his or her rights

_______10. National Territory can be founded in Article 1 section 2.

_______11. Oneness Doctrine is a principle which emphasizes the unity of lands and waters
connecting the outermost islands of the archipelago so they make up one unit, one country .
_______12. You can waive you right to know your Miranda Rights.

_______13. Territorial waters refers to the waters within the territorial baseline.

_______14 .Contiguous zone refers to the waters12 nautical miles from territorial baseline.

_______15. Internal zone refers to 12 nautical miles from the edge of the territorial sea.

_______16.Filipinos are obligated to render permanent allegiance to our government.

_______17. Aliens sojourning in the Philippines are obligated to render allegiance to our

_______18.Filipinos living in Canada are obliged to render allegiance to the Republic of the

_______19. The Church cannot interfere in the affairs of the Government.

_______20. Local Governments are independent from the National Government.

_______21. Autonomy simply means Decentralization.

_______22. It is a policy of the state that women are treated second class citizens.

_______23. Philippines is a republican state.

_______24. Civilian supremacy is at all times superior over the military.

_______25. It is the duty of the government to protect all people within its territory including

1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. F
7. T
8. F
9. T
10. F
11. F
12. F
13. T
14. T
15. T
16. T
17. T
18. T
19. T
20. F
21. F
22. F
23. T
24. T
25. T

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