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Tutorial EEN 203, Autumn 2017 1

EEN 203 Digital Electronics and Circuits

Indian Institue of Technology Roorkee
Department of Electrical Engineering

Tutorial 2 : Number System and Codes Autumn 2017

1) Add the following pairs of unsigned binary numbers

(a) 1010 + 1011
(b) 11.11 + 00.11
(c) 1011.0101 + 11.11
(d) 10011011 + 10011101
2) Numbers are entered into a microcontroller-based system in BCD, but stored like straight binary. As a
programmer, you must decide whether you need a one-byte or two-byte storage location.
(a) How many bytes do you need if the system takes a two-digit decimal entry?
(b) What if you needed to be able to enter three digits?
3) A small process-control computer uses hexadecimal codes to represent its 16-bit memory addresses.
(a) How many hex digits are required?
(b) What is the range of addresses in hex?
(c) How many memory locations are there?
4) Represent the following signed decimal numbers using least number of digits in
(i) B, O, D, H number system using true magnitude (signed magnitude).
(ii) Radix and Diminished Radix complements.
(a) +32 ( b) -14 (c) -104 (d) +63
(iii) Write down the range of signed numbers that could be represented in each case (B,O,D,H) using 6
digit representation.
5) (a) Find the numerical value of octal numbers 451, 711, 273, 172 when these are represented in 8s and
7s complement.
(b) What would be the numerical value if they were decimal numbers in 10s and 9s complement?
6) Perform the following operation using 9s, 10s, 1s, and 2s complement representations. Assume 6 digit
(a) Add +9, +6 (b) add +7, -7 (c) subtract 16 from 17 (d) subtract 23 from 17 (e) subtract -14 from +12
7) The state of a 12-bit register is 100010010111. What is its content if it represents
(a) Three decimal digits in BCD?
(b) Three decimal digits in the excess-3 code?
(c) A binary number?
(d) A signed binary number?
(e) A 2s complement signed binary number?
(f) A 1s complement signed binary number?
8) (a) For the 8 bit words 00111001, 11010011, 10101101 find the check bits using Hamming SEC code
stored with it.
(c) Suppose when the word is read from the memory the check bits are calculated to be 1010, 1100,
0010 respectively. What is the data word that was read from the memory?
9) Consider the following Hamming SEC coded data strings: (a) 001010010111, (b) 110010100110, (c)
110110011011. Find out the correct data word that was sent considering a maximum of single bit error
in the sent code.
Tutorial EEN 203, Autumn 2017 2

10) Find the odd and even parity bits for the following binary message to be transmitted: 10110000, 10011001,

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