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Dear President Trump and Attorney General Sessions,

My name is Dana Gottesfeld. I am the 27-year-old American wife of imprisoned human

rights activist Marty Gottesfeld. We need your help.
On October 1st, 2014, the Boston FBI knocked on our door.
We thought they were finally responding to our calls requesting investigations into horrific
child abuse, including the physical and mental torture of Justina Pelletier by Boston
Childrens Hospital (BCH).
FBI Special Agents Hughes and Michael W. Tunick initially feigned interest in protecting
kids. But pursuing justice for Justina and other abused children wasnt on their agenda.
Instead, they were at our door serving as henchmen for the abusers who nearly killed her.
They had a search warrant signed by Magistrate Marianne Bowler, who is best known for
prematurely ending the interrogation of the surviving Boston Marathon bomber by reading
him his rights. Republicans sharply criticized Bowler for preventing law enforcement from
questioning him further under the public safety exception to the Miranda rule.
We didnt know it at the time, but Magistrate Marianne Bowler had worked for Harvard
Medical School and is married to a professor there. This is very significant because Boston
Childrens Hospital the $2 billion institution that tortured Justina is Harvard Medical
Schools primary pediatric teaching affiliate.
Tunick and Hughes came to search for evidence that it was Marty who had catalyzed
Justinas release by staging a high-profile digital sit-in of Boston Childrens Hospital during
its largest annual online fundraiser. Marty did what no one else could or would at the time
by holding BCH accountable, in front of millions of Americans, for torturing Justina and her
family. Martys brave actions directly led to Justinas release and she recently thanked him
in a Rolling Stone magazine interview.
Magistrate Bowler seemed anything but impartial towards Marty. At Martys detention
hearing in April 2016, she wouldnt let his attorney finish the first sentence of his closing
arguments. Also, she was so injudiciously nasty at Martys arraignment that afterwards a
seasoned Fox radio court reporter asked:
What was that?
Bowler clearly seems to consider herself above the law and indeed has come under inquiry
for similar behavior. In 1999, then-Chief Judge Young docketed a memorandum on how a
defendants right to prompt bail findings had been violated under her watch. Nevertheless,
17 years later, she violated Martys same right under the Bail Reform Act.
Her failure to recuse herself from this case raises a serious question: the FBI could have
brought the warrant application to any magistrate, so why did the agency choose her?
Then theres Carmen Ortiz, Bostons former U.S. Attorney and Program Associate and
Training Coordinator at Harvard Law Schools Center for Criminal Justice. She was
appointed by Harvard Law graduate Barack Obama. Crimson ties run deep. Ortizs office
decided not to investigate Harvard-affiliated Boston Childrens Hospital for civil rights
violations against the Pelletiers, false statements its doctors made in sworn court
paperwork, or Medicaid fraud.
Yet, Ortiz, who has quite the record of political prosecutions and harmful witch hunts, did
decide to indict Marty, despite the proud American legal tradition of acting in the defense
of others.
And theres more elitist Crimson cronyism working against my husband: current acting
Boston U.S. Attorney and Carmen Ortiz confidant William Weinreb, who has decided to
continue prosecuting Marty despite the clear moral issues that the case presents, is a
former treasurer of the Harvard Law Review. Both Assistant U.S. Attorneys on the case,
Adam Bookbinder and David DAddio, are Harvard alumni as well.
So, it appears by carefully weeding out anyone already familiar with the atrocities carried
out by their alma maters hospital from my husbands jury, and then prohibiting his
attorney from even arguing that Marty legally acted in the defense of others, this Harvard
alliance plans to make itself Martys judge, jury, and executioner.
Worse yet, prior to January 2016, we were told that if Marty didnt take a plea, Adam
Bookbinder would publicly call him a terrorist and seek a gag order to prevent Marty from
responding. This echoes how Justinas parents were unconstitutionally prohibited from
speaking to journalists after the local Fox affiliate in Connecticut set up outside the
courthouse. Taking further advantage of my husbands skin color to intimidate him, Adam
Bookbinder chose to schedule a meeting with my husband at the Boston federal courthouse
the day the death sentence was handed down in the Boston Marathon bombing case. Now
theyre threatening me unless I take down a YouTube clip of their sworn testimony
confirming they never investigated the abuse of Justina.
Marty has already been in prison for 17 months. Thats about the same amount of time
Justina spent forcibly separated from her family. His biological mother and legal adoptive
father both died in that time. Magistrate Bowler wouldnt even let him attend his dads
funeral. They attempt to justify this by claiming that Marty fled justice, but nothing could be
further from the truth.
Marty acted to prevent the grievous bodily harm and possible death of a child. Thats not
only not a crime, but it is in fact the moral thing to do.
These Obama holdovers are now coming after me for highlighting their political corruption
and liberal hypocrisy.
President Trump and Attorney General Sessions, you know what its like to fight the
Swamp and challenge the entrenched powers that be. I am asking you as a young wife,
unyielding supporter of my husbands fight against institutional child abuse, and proud
American citizen to stop this corrupt persecution of my family. Instead, please investigate
how on Earth Justina was held captive by elite, federally-funded medical institutions whose
care caused her to suffer severe physical pain and lasting psychological trauma 24 hours
per day for over a year, leaving her in a wheelchair more than three years later. Please see for reliable sources that back up the information mentioned in this letter.
I respectfully implore you to free my husband as a first step on the path to true justice for
Justina and countless vulnerable medical hostages like her. Marty refused to look the other
way at their suffering or protect their kidnappers. I urge you to act as boldly as my husband
did to right the previous DOJs wrongs.

Dana Gottesfeld

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