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Cambridge Lesson

Suggestions for presenting lessons
Lesson type: Grammar

Set context
Elicit/introduce examples of target language
Focus on meaning
Focus on form
Focus on pronunciation
Controlled practice (oral or written)
Freer practice
Lesson type: Vocabulary

Set context
Elicit/introduce examples of target language
Focus on meaning (connotation)
Focus on form (spelling / word class)
Focus on pronunciation
Controlled practice (oral or written)
Freer practice
Lesson type: Reading or
Pre-teach vocabulary
Skim for gist or scan for specific info-reading or listening
task (timed)
More detailed reading or listening task
(personal response not always included)
Follow-up focus on language/productive skills
Lesson type: Writing

Pre-teach vocabulary
Reading task (a model of the text type)
Writing task
Editing ss to ss editing / error correction
Publishing (ss read each others and vote for the best
Lesson type: Speaking

Elicit/introduce language necessary for the task
Speaking task
Feed back from ss (on content and task achievement)
Delayed error correction
Lesson type: Functions
Set context
Reading/listening task (gist or detail)
Examples of Target language (draw these forms the text and or elicit
further examples)
Focus on meaning (use, style, response)
Focus on form
Focus on pronunciation
Controlled practice (oral or written)
Freer practice (oral or written)

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