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Segment 2 Class July 15, 2015

Composite Pluto in 5th House

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Segment 2 Classes
Composite Pluto in 5th House
July 15, 2015

Evolutionary Astrology Network

Kim Marie, Director
Learn at Your Own Pace

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Astro Library 3 Sections by Subscription
Multi-Media Course 3 Segments

EAN Astro Library
Streaming Audio & Video Materials
$29/mo. recurring, $29 one mo., $69 six mo., $109 twelve mo.
Section 1: Archetypes Planets, Houses and Signs
161 titles, 172 hours
Section 2: Understanding the EA Method Pluto & the Soul
93 titles, 134 hours
Section 3: Relationship/Family, Forecasting, Relocation, Health & Wellness
123 titles, 175 hours

ALL Astro Library Sections (All three sections)

377 titles, 481 hours
$49/mo. recurring, $49 one mo., $119 six mo., $189 twelve mo.

EAN MultiMedia Course
Segment 1 Philosophy, Archetypes
and the Individual
Segment 2 Relationships, Sexuality,
Synastry and Composite Charts
Segment 3 Health and Wellness Astrology
Study materials binders, Dvds, original JWG transcript, 250+ hours of
audio files, webinar classes, streaming Dvds & Facebook Forum.

Future Classes
3rd Wednesdays 2:00pm 4:00 pm MST or MDT
March 18, 2015 Composite Pluto in 1st House
April 15, 2015 Composite Pluto in 2nd House
May 20, 2015 Composite Pluto in 3rd House
June 17, 2015 Composite Pluto in 4th House
July 15, 2015 Composite Pluto in 5th House
August 19, 2015 Composite Pluto in 6th House (have volunteers)
September 16, 2015 Composite Pluto in 7th House
October 21, 2015 Composite Pluto in 8th House
November 18, 2015 Composite Pluto in 9th House
December 16, 2015 Composite Pluto in 10th House
January 20, 2016 Composite Pluto in 11th House
February 17, 2016 Composite Pluto in 12th House
Evolutionary Astrology Network
Segment 2 Classes
Composite Pluto in 5th House
July 15, 2015

Evolutionary Astrology Network

Kim Marie, Director
Pluto in the 5th House
Composite Pluto in the 5th House reflects a mutual
desire for creative self-actualization of the
purposes and reasons for the relationship.
Couple has had a mutual desire to:
Focus on the reasons and purposes that have brought
them together.
Actualize those reasons and purposes as fully as
Pluto in the 5th House
Reasons and purposes for the relationship can be
determined through:
Polarity point of Pluto.
Aspects Pluto and PPP are making to other planets.
Nodal axis placements and aspects.
Nodal axis rulers by sign/house and aspects.
True for all composite charts.
Emphasized for 5H Pluto couples due to combined
desires to specifically focus on reasons and purposes
together to consciously actualize them in fullest
possible ways.
Pluto in the 5th House
5H Pluto couples create a deep sense of the power of
Each partner also has strong desires and needs for
individual creative actualization of their own purposes.
Each partner will be very strong-willed and inwardly
directed to actualize their own life purpose within the
context of the relationship.
Each partner will help the other in varying degrees to focus
on what those individual purposes are.
Each partner provides positive motivation in the
actualization of those individual purposes.
Relationship gains ever-deeper degrees of power and
purpose through individual actualizations of purpose.
Pluto in the 5th House
Dual focus of individual creative self-actualization
and creative actualization of the purposes and
reasons for the relationship creates a deep sense
of specialness within the relationship.
Reflects two people who have felt deeply insecure and
powerless in recent prior lifetimes.
Each partner has had the desire and need to discover
and actualize personal power through creative self-
actualization of individual purposes as a reaction to
powerless past lives.
Relationship helps each to self-actualize, which
empowers the relationship to actualize its purpose.
Pluto in the 5th House
Composite 5H Pluto relationships makes it easier
for each to actualize their own individual purposes
and reasons for being.
The relationship generates a sense of personal power
and inner security.
Each partner has a desire and need for the other to
provide support for individual efforts relative to
self-development to counteract lifetimes of feeling
powerless and insecure.
Pluto in the 5th House
Encouragement and positive feedback creates and
re-creates the need for security and personal
Desire and need for security can be compulsive due to
depth of insecurity that exists in each of them.
Depth of compulsion can create real power
struggles in relationship regarding:
Who is more important.
Whose needs are more intense.
Whose will is going to dominate.
Pluto in the 5th House
Sun is center of solar system.
Composite 5H Pluto, or Pluto in Leo, can create
situations where each partner feels that they are the
center of the relationship.
Planets revolve around the Sun.
Each partner can feel that the relationship revolves
around them.
Each partner can feel that the relationship is there to
support their own specific purposes and overall life
Pluto in the 5th House
One or both may seek out other people to
become involved with in order to have core needs
met when equality in the relationship does not
Many such couples have experienced the emotional
shocks of such liaisons in recent prior lives together.
Some couples may recreate it this lifetime.
This type of emotional/psychological shock is
intended to break up a self-centered egocentric
Pluto in the 5th House
This type of emotional/psychological shock is
intended to break up a self-centered egocentric
Typical reaction on an egocentric level is to feel crushed
and deflated air has been let out of self-importance
The one who has been cheated on typically becomes
enraged because they are not as important or special as
they thought.
Instead, cheated partner needs to reflect on reason for
situation: partner has desire and need to feel just as
important and special as the other.
Pluto in the 5th House
Unless cheated partner is prepared and willing to
look deeply into the reason for situation, and make
necessary changes, the typical reaction is to
become vindictive.
They now seek out another person for themselves in
order to re-gain their sense of personal power.
They may also seek out another person to emotionally,
psychologically, and/or physically hurt, humiliate and
re-dominate current partner.
They may also become physically violent to current
Pluto in the 5th House
Many composite 5H Pluto or Pluto in Leo couples
have karmically unresolved issues with one
another, and relationships that have not been
Another common unresolved issue, and karma
that can be produced from such an issue, is with
May have recent prior life separations and power
struggles over who would keep the children.
Rarely are the childrens desires taken into account.
Both partners may feel children are extensions of self.
Pluto in the 5th House
Many composite 5H/Leo Pluto couples have
children together in current life who have been a
part of their lives in other lifetimes.
Unresolved karma with children exists as well as
dynamic of relationship karma that has not been
Many men and women find themselves as stepparents
to someone elses biological children as a reflection of
this karma.
Karmic need to recover incomplete relationships with
past life children is resolved in this way.
Stepchildren will still feel like their own children in some way.
Pluto in the 5th House
Relationships can reflect a form of narcissism
wherein couple is essentially living for itself alone,
and excluding anything or anyone that does not
support the purposes of the relationship.
Necessary on one hand because of evolutionary
intention and need to re-empower one another
through relationship.
Can be limiting in the sense that individuals, and
couples, has limits.
None of us reflects the totality of the universe.
Exclusivity limits growth of relationship and
Pluto in the 5th House
Consensus composite 5H Pluto:
Correlates to couple who has a strong sense of
purpose for being together as reflected in overall
signature of composite chart.
Overall purpose and reasons for the relationship will be
actualized within framework of existing societies that
they have recently been in, and are in now.
Positive: They will serve to support the
development of one anothers sense of personal
purpose for their individual lives.
Pluto in the 5th House
Consensus composite 5H Pluto:
They will create a commonality of shared purpose
wherein they can interrelate and interact in
meaningful ways.
Distortion: Mutual polarization where each
subconsciously competes with the other to prove
who is more powerful, special, worthy, etc.
Needs are then met elsewhere which adds to the
Causal factor leading to affairs.
Pluto in the 5th House
Consensus composite 5H Pluto:
Almost always includes common purpose of raising
children, including their perceptions of what is best
for the children.
Distortions: Competition, giving to child over other.
High degree of sexual magnetism between them.
Sexual behaviors operate within norms of society with
an element of creativity within those norms.
Common ground for empowering each other.
Each feels special to the partner.
Sexual fidelity is important part.
Pluto in the 5th House
Consensus composite 5H Pluto:
Distortion: Withholding sex for emotional and
psychological control.
Reflects need to be acknowledged.
Can occur when one is not acknowledged by the other.
Can occur when one partner wants to be more sexually
creative than the other.
One or both partners will then either withhold or look
Pluto in the 5th House
Individuated composite 5H Pluto:
Couple who desires to creatively actualize the
purposes and reasons for their relationship in any
way they deem necessary.
Desire to be in total control of their relationship and
individual destiny.
Will be fundamentally resistant to anyone or anything
telling them how to actualize self or relationships.
High degree of purpose for being together and for
individual lives.
Pluto in the 5th House
Individuated composite 5H Pluto:
Archetype of creativity will be highly emphasized in
Applied to actualizing reasons and purposes for
Understood through totality of composite chart.
Both can be highly supportive and giving to each
other as long as each feels it is reciprocated.
Level of love and commitment to each other is very
Each helps the other actualize own power, purpose.
Pluto in the 5th House
Individuated composite 5H Pluto:
High degree of self-pleasuring within relationship.
Encompasses all kinds of activities that correlate with
Shared purpose of raising children can be strong.
Both will focus on individual and creative needs of
Distortion: One partner attempting to control and
manipulate development of the other.
Reflects need to appear more important, evolved,
special within the relationship.
Pluto in the 5th House
Individuated composite 5H Pluto:
Control and manipulation creates seeds of
rebellion in the one on receiving end.
Will seek out another who will supply the unresolved
need for independence.
Controlling partner can also feel displaced and
threatened by children.
Feel that children have usurped their position as
center of the universe in partners attention.
Can create power struggles in raising the children.
Can create power struggles in relationship.
Pluto in the 5th House
Individuated composite 5H Pluto:
High degree of sexual magnetism toward one
Sexual union energy exchanged will be intense and
Sexual dynamics will be creatively actualized in
ways that feel normal to them.
Often outside the norms of society.
Pluto in the 5th House
Individuated composite 5H Pluto:
Rebellion against sexual norms of society ignites
desire for sexual creativity.
Allows for metamorphosis of emotional, psychological,
egocentric limitations.
Emotional and psychological renewal of self and
relationship occurs.
Sex as pure pleasure can occur.
Sexual fidelity is lesson couple are learning
External temptations test relationship.
Pluto in the 5th House
Individuated composite 5H Pluto:
Essential that sexual fidelity be sustained.
Reflects each needing to be the most special and
important person to the other.
Transgressed: Can be extremely difficult to repair
wound produced.
Cheated partner may end relationship.
Pluto in the 5th House
Spiritual composite 5H Pluto:
Couple who desires to understand together the
nature of Creation, and their cosmic role within
Desire to understand spiritual purposes and reasons for
Determined by overall signature in composite chart.
Individually, both understand they have a specific
role and purpose to fulfill.
Each supports the other with encouragement and
positive motivation to develop roles and purposes.
Pluto in the 5th House
Spiritual composite 5H Pluto:
Couple who desires to understand together the
long evolutionary trail and story of the many
lifetimes that have brought them together.
Souls are highly magnetized together.
Mutual desire to merge Souls.
Not to extinguish each other.
Rather to osmosis each others power and strengths so
that each is stronger, more self-actualized, empowered
through creating a combined will.
Pluto in the 5th House
Spiritual composite 5H Pluto:
Personal will and creativity are linked to Divine Will
and Divine Creativity.
Merging of wills is motivated by desire to access Divine
Mutually desire to be in attunement with Higher
Allows for understanding spiritual basis, reasons,
purposes for relationship.
Both able to focus on necessity of examining
nature of unresolved emotional and psychological
Pluto in the 5th House
Spiritual composite 5H Pluto:
Both understand that for spiritual progress, each
have to examine and heal wounds.
Able to sustain their perspective on the reason for, and
nature of, those wounds vs. becoming lost and
consumed in them.
Each desires and attempts to heal wounds of the other.
Each creates emotional communion wherein
nature of words and feedback have effect of
rebuilding each other into a positive state.
Pluto in the 5th House
Spiritual composite 5H Pluto:
Sexually correlates to a couple who desire to
embrace sacred sexual methods.
Utilized to heal emotional and sexual wounds.
Utilized to access inner Divinity, and, through
extension, ultimate Divinity.
These intentions produces deep pleasure for each at a
Soul, psychological, emotional and physical level.
Sexual magnetism is based upon Soul magnetism
toward each other.
Pluto in the 5th House
Spiritual composite 5H Pluto:
Each will be deep givers toward each other.
Through giving, each discovers that their own need to
be given to is met.
Deep, profound sexual energy exchanged produces
Soul renewal for both.
Sustains vitality in overall life force together.
Sexual/Soul energy is constant and used for
creative purposes, just like meditation or other
spiritual methods to expand consciousness.
PPP 11th House
Evolutionary intent progressively leads 5H couples
to necessity of understanding larger social,
planetary context that relationship exists within.
Couple must resist having narcissistic orientation to
relationship, by only focusing on the specific reasons
and purposes for its existence.
Couple must strive to develop larger awareness of
overall societal context and conditions that relationship
exists within.
Couple must change the orientation of relationship
and attempt to contribute to needs of society.
PPP 11th House
Couple must also allow each other to develop and
actualize their own specific individual needs,
purposes, desires as each deems necessary.
Allow for involvement in any experience of activity that
takes place outside of relationship.
Requires development of objective awareness of
one another.
Free from subjective assertions of what each may feel
the other needs to do.
Free from attempts to control the other for fear that
they will no longer be center of others universe.
PPP 11th House
Objective awareness requires discussion and
emotional communion that allows each to present:
What they desire to do as individuals.
Why they desire to do so.
Both must learn to hear and communicate these
needs and desires in calm, objective ways.
Needs to be done in ways that disarm the others fear
of not being important or special enough to each other.
Each then learns to become friends within the
intensity of their Soul connection.
PPP 11th House
Necessity to burst delusion of one or both
Compulsively presenting his/her needs and desires as
more important, more special.
Attempts to have entire relationship support and
revolve around them.
Spiritually, couple must give back:
To others specifically.
To planet in general.
Whatever constitutes the essence of their spiritual
purpose as individuals and together in relationship.
PPP 11th House
Giving back to society requires a specific structure
and form to manifest through.
Many Pluto in Leo couples desire to start various
centers for healing.
Centers offer new ways of being that:
Liberate individuals into the Aquarian Age.
Allow for healing pre-existing conditions of Piscean Age.
Allow for new ideas to gestate.
Allow for new paradigms to redefine reality.
PPP 11th House
Spiritually, couples have evolutionary challenge to
assist evolutionary process in society by offering
themselves, and their creative energy, to those
who may benefit.

EAN anyone?

Energetic Balancing:
Future Classes
3rd Wednesdays 2:00pm 4:00 pm MST or MDT
March 18, 2015 Composite Pluto in 1st House
April 15, 2015 Composite Pluto in 2nd House
May 20, 2015 Composite Pluto in 3rd House
June 17, 2015 Composite Pluto in 4th House
July 15, 2015 Composite Pluto in 5th House
August 19, 2015 Composite Pluto in 6th House (have volunteers)
September 16, 2015 Composite Pluto in 7th House
October 21, 2015 Composite Pluto in 8th House
November 18, 2015 Composite Pluto in 9th House
December 16, 2015 Composite Pluto in 10th House
January 20, 2016 Composite Pluto in 11th House
February 17, 2016 Composite Pluto in 12th House
Evolutionary Astrology Network
Future EAN Classes
June 15, 2015: Neptune Retro in Pisces
June 17, 2015: Chiron Retro in Pisces
July 20, 2015: Venus Retro in Virgo/Leo
July 22, 2015: Uranus Retro in Aries
August 17, 2015: Jupiter in Virgo
August 19, 2015: Jupiter in Virgo by House
Sept 14, 2015: FREE Mercury Retro in Libra

Fall 2015: Chakra Series Kim Marie & LeRoy

Evolutionary Astrology Network


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