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4. Transformer

Three kinds of menus are applicable in ATP-EMTP to represent transformers.

- Saturable transformer component (TRANSFORMER)
From the authors experience, the first one is most convenient to represent power transformers
due to well representing physical image of the hard wear and electrical phenomena. Also many
data are common to general power system analyses. So in the chapter, mostly the first one is ex-

The features of the latter two (XFORMER, BCTRAN) are,
- From general test data of transformers, data to be applied to transient calculations are directly
- The data are in the form of mutually coupled inductors (actually in PI-EQUIVALENTS form,
the function of which perfectly covers Mutually-coupled R-L Elements, see Rule Book)
For example, three-phase two winding and one core transformer is represented by six mutually
coupled inductors.
- Saturation characteristics are not covered within the scope. So, another saturable non-linear
element(s) is to be introduced out side. The influence by the saturation on the self/mutual in-
ductance(s) can never be considered.
- Magnetising inductance corresponds to self-inductance of the relevant winding, but leakage in-
ductance cannot directly represented.
- Total procedure is BLACK BOX like one.

Single-phase two winding transformer

In Fig. 4.1, physical image of single-phase two winding transformer is shown.
Fig. 4.1 shows typical physical image of single-
phase two winding transformer,
W1, W2: windings
1,2: fluxes linked with only W1 or
0: commonly linked flux
v1, v2, i1, i2 respective winding voltages
and currents
The following equations are easily written.
d 1 d 0
v 1 = i1 r1 + n 1 + n 1
Fig. 4.1 Physical image of 2-winding dt dt
d 2 d
transformer v 2 = i 2 r2 + n 2 + n 2 0

dt dt
n1 1 = l1i1 , n1 0 = L0 i0 n 2 2 = l 2 i 2
it is understood that Fig. 4.2 represent the same contents, so Fig. 4.2 can be a perfect equivalent
circuit of a two windings transformer. The Saturable transformer component menu in ATP is base
on the principle of this circuit.

The features of the circuit are:

- Using the menu, parameters are to be obtained
beforehand. Generally they are used in power
system analysis etc.
- l1 / l2 is named as leakage inductance which is
not much influenced by saturation. The main part
of the flux pass is not in the iron core. So linear
inductor is applicable with enough accuracy.
Fig. 4.2 Equivalent circuit - L0 can be saturable, so non-linear inductor such
as type 98 (default) or type 93 (optional, initial
residual flux is applicable) is applicable.
- L0 can, in principle, be connected any side of the ideal transformer. As the default, it is connected
to the primary side.
Small note:
- In Fig. 4.1, it is apparent that, if W1 and W2 are divided into plural parts and located every other,
a nd 2, consequently l1 and l2 can be very low. The method is occasionally applied for power
transformers, and typically for ones for audio, where quasi-ideal (no leakage inductance)
transformers are required.

Single-phase three winding transformer

Likewise three winding transformer can be modelled by one magnetising inductance and three
leakage inductances. In principle, three coupled inductors are represented by three
self-inductances and three mutual inductances, total six inductances. Therefore by four induct-
ances in the above, two are shortage. Nevertheless, experience shows actual three winding
transformers can be represented by the model with enough accuracy. Leakage inductance values
of respective windings are generally obtained from the manufacturer, so these are directly appli-
Care should be taken that in the menu minus value, for inductance/resistance, is not favourable.
Occasionally manufacture supplied equivalent leakage inductance is minus, though very low value.
In such case, the value is to be change to be very low plus value.

Three-phase one core (three legs or five legs) transformer

For three-phase transformer composed of three single-phase ones, three of single-phase ones are
applicable without any difficulty. Care should be taken that delta-connected tertiary windings are
not to be excluded, which may strongly dominate the zero sequence short-circuit impedance.
For three-phase five-leg-core transformer, as zero sequence flux pass exists in the iron core,
conditions are the same as three of single-phase ones. So, of cause, three of single-phase
transformer is applicable.
For three-leg core type and without delta-connected winding one, which is most popular for me-
dium and low capacity of three-phase transformer, as the zero-sequence flux pass mostly exists
outside of the core, special care is to be taken regarding zero-sequence parameters. Also in this
case three of single-phase ones are applied. For representing very low zero-sequence magnetis-
ing inductance, another dummy windings for three-phase are introduced, which are connected in
delta. The leakage inductances of which are to be adjusted, i.e. zero-sequence magnetising in-
ductance from the primary side is equal to the sum of the primary side and the relevant winding
leakage ones. Actually, while zero-sequence magnetising, some portion of the flux exists in the
iron core part, so the magnetising inductance is higher than the short-circuit one. Therefore posi-
tive value of leakage inductance in the dummy winding is possible.
More details are shown in Role Book IV, E, 4, though in somewhat different way.

- In any of transformer menu, each winding is considered as one lump element, i.e. the current in
one winding is uniform. This seems to be correct up to the fundamental inherent frequency of the
winding. The value is in the order of a few --- several kHz for most power transformers.
- In calculating TRV, for example, the prospective frequency of the TRV is dominated by both the
transformer elements and system ones such as lines, cables, etc. So, the frequency is never
higher than the transformers inherent one. Therefore, transformer menu in this chapter is appli-
- For much higher frequency of phenomena such as by lightning surges or VFT switching surges,
another models are required. Depending on the frequency concerned, respective models are to be
considered. In most cases, considering the physical constructions, parameters are to be calcu-
lated. Mutually coupled R-L elements and additional capacitors are mostly applied.

A few examples
) 537kV/287.5kV Auto-transformer, inrush magnetising current
The first example is as for inrush
magnetising current in an
auto-transformer. (The maximum
tap voltages of the transformer are
shown in the figure. The maximum
system voltages are 550kV and
300kV.) As shown in Fig. 4.3, each
phase has a common winding
(287.5kV) and a branch winding
(537kV 287.5kV). Also
delta-connected tertiary winding
Fig. 4.3 537kV Auto-transformer (74kV) exists. For details of the

data description, see the attached

data file.
Calculated inrush magnetising
current from 550kV system side is
shown in Fig. 4.4. The inrush cur-
rent lasts several tens seconds.
For the calculation of the time,
correct resistance values both for
the system and transformer are
required. Also, correct - I char-
acteristics in the relevant current
range is important.

) Transformer limited short cir-

Fig. 4.4 Inrush magnetising current in 550kV cuit current breaking
In Fig. 4.3, 550kV side cir-
cuit-breaker is permanently closed,
and the 300kV side terminals are short-circuited (three phase). The short circuit is cleared at the
location. Such is called as transformer limited fault clearing (breaking). Three phase breaking
currents and TRVs are shown in Fig. 4.5.

It should be noted that as for TRVs,

of the first-pole-to-clear is lowest
and the third one is highest. In Fig.
4.3, as for short-circuit reactance
looked into from 300kV side, posi-
tive and negative sequence ones
the sum of the transformers and
the systems. But as for zero se-
quence, tertiary windings one is
connected in parallel. So, if the
transformer reactance is pre-
dominant, i.e. in very high
Fig. 4.5 Transformer limited SC current breaking short-circuit capacity of system,
zero sequence short-circuit reac-
tance is lower than positive/negative one. First-pole-to-clear factor, i.e. the ratio of the first pole
TRV to the phase voltage based one, is given as:
3X 0
X1 + 2X 0
where, X1 and X0 are positive
and zero sequence short-circuit
reactances respectively.
If X0 < X1, then the first poles
TRV is lower than last pole one,
which may be general in a very
high capacity of system.
- In IEC standard, considering
also the case shown in the fol-
lowing, the first-pole-to-clear
factor in transformer limited fault
Fig. 4.6 Transformer limited fault clearing breaking is specified as 1.5,
Grounding fault in non-solidly earthed side also for systems of solidly
earthed neutral.

) Transformer limited fault, but

which is non-solidly earthed sys-
tem side
As shown in Fig. 4.6, in the next
example, three-phase grounding
fault locates in the non-solidly
earthed system side. The
short-circuit is cleared by the
solidly earthed side cir-
The transformer is assumed to
Fig. 4.7 Transformer limited fault clearing,5-leg core with be:
high-impedance delta connected winding - The iron core is 5-leg type, i.e.

zero sequence magnetic flux passes in the core.

- Delta-connected tertiary winding
(generally exists for station-internal
power source or eliminating third
harmonic component) is of high im-
pedance type.
The breaking currents and TRVs are
shown in Fig. 4.7. Both the currents
and TRVs show as phenomena in
non-solidly earthed system, though
the circuit-breaker is located in the
solidly earthed side. The
first-pole-to-clear TRV (Vs) is based Fig. 4.8 Same as Fig. 4.6, but in 3-leg core or lower
on 1.5 times phase voltage. Consid- impedance of delta connected winding condition
ering such case, in IEC standard,
TRVs for transformer limited cases
are specified to be based on
non-solidly earthed condition.
Care should be taken, in Fig. 4.7,
2nd pole TRV (Tr) is not equal (in
magnitude) to 3rd one, due to
non-perfectly floating neutral con-
For the case power source exists
in 161kV side and fault at the left
side of the circuit-breaker, break-
ing current and TRV situation are
the same as in this case.
Fig. 4.9 Transformer limited fault clearing,
under solidly earthed system condition ) Ditto, but transformer with
3-leg iron core or lower impedance
of delta-connected winding condi-
In 3-leg iron core type transformer,
as shown before, due to the high
reluctance as for zero sequence
flux, the zero sequence short-circuit
impedance is lower, e.g. 2 --- 3
times of positive/negative one.
Even for 5-leg type, if the capacity
of the delta-connected winding is
relatively higher such as for appli-
cation of compensation circuit, the
zero sequence impedance is also
Fig. 4.10 Generator step-up transformer lower. For both cases, applying
circuit lower impedance of
delta-connected winding as shown in Fig. 4.8 can represent the circuit condition.
In Fig. 4.9, calculated breaking currents and TRVs are shown, where three-phase TRVs appear in
similar magnitude, i.e. solidly earthed condition.

) Generator step-up trans-

former circuit
In power stations located in
HV/EHV solidly earthed systems,
the generators are connected to
the systems via step-up trans-
formers, the primary (generator)
side of which are delta connected,
as shown in Fig. 4.10.
For the case, three-phase break-
ing currents and TRVs are shown
in Fig. 4.11.
As for short-circuit impedance
Fig. 4.11 Three-phase grounding fault clearing in generator seen from the system side, zero
step-up transformer circuit sequence one is only of the
transformer though the neutral of
the generator is high-Ohmic re-
sistor earthed in the case, while to positive/negative one the generators one is included. So the
zero sequence one is lower. As the result, the breaking current enhances at the final stage (1LG
condition) and the TRV is lowest in the first-pole-to-clear. Such are the typical in generator step-up
transformer circuit.
For details of modelling generators, see the following chapter(s).

Attached data files for this chapter

- Data4-01.dat 537kV/287.5kV/74kV auto-transformer, inrush magnetising current calculation.
- Data4-02.dat Ditto transformer, transformer limited fault current clearing at 287.5kV side
- Data4-03.dat 287.5kV/161kV 5-leg core type transformer limited fault clearing at solidly
earthed side
- Data4-04.dat Ditto, but 3-leg core type or with lower impedance of delta-connected winding
- Data4-05.dat Generator step-up transformer circuit, fault clearing in the solidly earthed sys-
tem side.
Followings are for Appendix
- Data4-06.dat 50-turn, air-core reactor, VHF response calculation by ramp-and-DC voltage
- Data4-07.dat Ditto reactor, impedance vs. frequency characteristic calculation

Appendix 4.1 Response to fast/very fast transient voltage (VFT)

In the transformer model i.e. TRANS-

in ATP-EMTP, each winding is
modelled as one inductance, where
current value and voltage distribution
rate are uniform along the turns. By
higher frequency of voltage application
than the fundamental inherent fre-
quency, these relationship can never
been held. It is known by steep front of
Fig. 4A.1 Air-core reactor in a metal cylinder over-voltage application, the voltage
stress around the entrance terminal
winding is severe.
Here, an air-core reactor located in a
metal cylinder (earthed), detailed di-
mensions of which are shown in Fig.
4A.1, is taken up. The reactor is di-
vided to ten sections, each consists of
five turns, having self and each other
mutual inductances. Also capacitan-
ces within turns and to cylinder exist.
All values are shown in the attached
data file.
Fig. 4A.2 Ramp & step voltage application - For stable transient calculation,
these inductances (both self and mu-
tual) are to be calculated as best ap-
propriate as possible. Inserting resis-
tors of appropriate values in series to
the self inductances, which are easily
introduced in Mutually-coupled R-L
elements, may bring better result.
When steep ramp and step voltage
being applied from one terminal while
the other side is earthed, voltages in
every 5 turns are shown in Fig. 4A.2,
the enlargement of the very initial part
of which is in Fig. 4A.3. From these,
Fig. 4A.3 Initial part zooming of the above voltage stresses at inside part are
apparently delayed, i.e. by very steep
voltage stress, only the entrance part is stressed.
In Fig. 4A.4 and 4A.5, voltages at every 5 turns are shown while 1A (crest value) of AC current in
wide range of frequency is applied. Fig. 4A.4 shows voltage magnitude that corresponds to im-
pedance in ohm.
Fig. 4A.5 shows phase angle, corresponding to impedance phase angle. Positive one corre-
sponds to inductive one. From these two figures, up to the fundamental inherent frequency, i.e. ca.
2 MHz, voltages are in linear relation along the turns. Also the phase angles are uniform. This

means up to the frequency the reactor can be as one inductance.

For higher frequencies, such relations can never been kept, therefore, multi-inductance modelling
is inevitable.

Fig. 4A.4 Voltage magnitude vs. frequency characteristic

1A of AC current applied
corresponding to Impedance (Ohm)

Fig. 4A.5 Voltage phase angle

corresponding to impedance phase angle

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