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Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412

A virtual prototyping system for rapid product development

S.H. Choi*, A.M.M. Chan
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China

This paper describes a virtual prototyping (VP) system that integrates virtual reality with rapid prototyping (RP) to create virtual or digital
prototypes to facilitate product development. The proposed VP system incorporates two new simulation methodologies, namely the
dexel-based and the layer-based fabrication approaches, to simulate the powder-based and the laminated sheet-based RP processes,
respectively. The dexel-based approach deposits arrays of solid strips to form a layer, while the layer-based approach directly forms a
complete layer by extruding the slice contours. The layer is subsequently stacked up to fabricate a virtual prototype. The simulation
approaches resemble the physical fabrication processes of most RP systems, and are therefore capable of accurately representing the
geometrical characteristics of prototypes. In addition to numerical quantification of the simulation results, the system also provides
stereoscopic visualisation of the product design and its prototype for detailed analyses. Indeed, the original product design may be
superimposed on its virtual prototype, so that areas with dimensional errors beyond design limits may be clearly highlighted to facilitate
point-to-point analysis of the surface texture and the dimensional accuracy of the prototype. Hence, the key control parameters of an RP
process, such as part orientation, layer thickness and hatch space, may be effectively tuned up for optimal fabrication of physical prototypes
in subsequent product development. Furthermore, the virtual prototypes can be transmitted via the Internet to customers to facilitate global
manufacturing. As a result, both the lead-time and the product development costs can be significantly reduced.
q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Virtual prototyping; Visualisation; Dexel-based and layer-based simulation

1. Introduction processes include the Laminated Object Manufacturing

(LOM) process, in which a prototype is fabricated from
1.1. Rapid prototyping laminated materials.
Despite the advantages, current RP technology is far
Rapid prototyping is an innovative technology developed from ideal. Indeed, it is plagued by some major problems,
in the past two decades. It aims to produce prototypes which undermine the accuracy and quality of prototypes.
relatively quickly for visual inspection, ergonomic The performance of an RP process is affected by a multitude
evaluation, form-fit analysis, and as master patterns for of process parameters. It is not an easy task to choose an
production tools, etc. to help speed up an entire product appropriate combination of these parameters for optimal
development process. Various RP systems [1,2] are now fabrication of a prototype, which depends on the quality
commercially available. According to the materials used, requirements, such as accuracy, build-time, strength and
common RP processes can be classified into three main fabrication efficiency. However, the quality requirements
types, namely powder-based, resin-based and laminated vary from visual aids to master patterns for secondary
sheet-based. Powder-based RP processes include the processes. Hence, a significant degree of expertise is
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and the 3D Printing (3DP) required to produce prototypes of consistent quality.
processes that all use powder material to make prototypes. The process is of a trial-and-error basis and is therefore
Resin-based RP processes, such as the StereoLithography both time-consuming and very costly.
Apparatus, use a liquid resin, which is solidified by exposure
to a ultra-violet laser beam. Laminated sheet-based 1.2. Virtual prototyping

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 852-2859-7054; fax: 852-2858-6535. Virtual prototyping (VP) may alleviate the shortcomings
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.H. Choi). of RP. It makes use of a digital model called a virtual
0010-4485/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
402 S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412

prototype, in lieu of a physical prototype, for testing and communication of designs and ideas. An IT manager of a
evaluation of specific characteristics of a product or a car company applied this concept to development of new
manufacturing process in a computational environment. cars [11]. A car model is built virtually and projected on a
Therefore, in virtual prototyping, faults concerning large screen, and people from different departments may
fabrications, product design and production planning can conveniently share a true 3D image of the car by wearing
be detected in a compressed time frame before great stereo glasses to evaluate the design and to identify
expenditures are committed. This significantly reduces the problems before getting too far down the production.
number of physical iterations and thereby the associated Tseng et al. combined VP with design to explore the
manufacturing overheads that leads to faster and cost- customer perception on the target products [12]. The VR
effective product development. Once the virtual prototyping technology allows the customer to be immersed in the
is finished, the model may be sent directly to physical virtual environment for detailed design visualisation and
fabrication or via the Internet to customers to solicit modification. The virtual prototype is then put in
comments. Since digital models are mostly used in VP, simulations to find out an optimal assembly process.
the cost incurred in repeating the process to optimise Chuang and OGrady worked on visualisation of assembly
prototype quality is minimal. process to provide the designer with the parts interaction in
Dedicated VP systems have been successfully developed assembly operations and at the same time, to track the paths
and used in automobile and aerospace industries. for subsequent assembly [13]. The design for assembly
These systems can be classified into two areas, namely process may thus be improved by expressing the results
product design and process simulation. For product design, fully and naturally in a visual manner, rather than in
various analyses regarding design validation, such as abstractive numerical figures.
functional testing, form-and-fit testing, ergonomic testing, The strength of visualisation has been explored and
assembly testing and disassembly testing, are performed on applied successfully in many VP systems. However, little
a model in the virtual environment. Bennett presented how research work has been done to date on using the technique
VP could assist the different stages of product development to study and enhance the quality of prototypes before
of complex aerospace products [3]. Rooks described the use physical fabrication. Indeed, VP provides a test-bed and
of digital mock-ups for finding out possible errors much valuable information that may otherwise have
concerning product assembly in the early design stage [4]. required time-consuming and expensive physical exper-
Jayaram et al. carried out virtual assembly in VR [5]. imentation. Furthermore, it provides results in a natural way
The parts were firstly designed in a CAD system and that allows the designer to make corrective actions.
subsequently assembled in a virtual environment. Siddique This paper therefore proposes a new virtual prototyping
and Rosen suggested using VP to generate complete system that exploits visualisation to facilitate product
disassembly processes of a product design [6]. development. It is based on the mathematical model
For process simulation, a manufacturing process is developed by the authors for modelling and optimisation
simulated in a computer to determine possible of rapid prototyping [14]. The model incorporates various
manufacturing problems or bottlenecks in production such process parameters like layer thickness, hatch space,
that expensive physical mock-ups can be saved. bed temperature, laser power and sinter factor, etc. to
Schulz applied VR technique to simulate the forming quantify the measures of prototype quality, which include
process of stamping products in order to study the residual accuracy and build-time. The proposed system simulates an
stress and material distribution [7]. Bowyer et al. developed RP process to create a virtual prototype with quantified
a virtual milling machine that could cut a virtual block to measures of prototype quality for assessment of the RP
produce a part with the desired shape by a virtual tool [8]. process. To exploit visualisation to facilitate product
Bickel developed a virtual welding cell for precise weld development, the virtual prototype may be superimposed
path generation for die re-forging [9]. on the original model to provide a clear visualisation for
Apart from manufacturing, VP has also had a profound direct comparison of the product design and the resultant
impact on the medical field. It was used in training, surgical prototype that the RP machine will subsequently deliver.
planning, and creation of digital human organs [10]. Virtual The superimposition allows a designer to perform validation
organs were created according to the patients data for of the product design and analyses of the dimensional
subsequent simulations. During surgical education, accuracy conveniently. This is particularly useful in that
students could fly inside and around the organs, which the designer can conveniently analyse and compare the
responded like real ones to operations. They could thus surface texture and the dimensional accuracy point-by-point
practise surgeries and other medical procedures. of the prototype with the product design. Specific areas of
the prototype where the dimensional deviations are beyond
1.3. A new approach to virtual prototyping the design limits can be easily identified and highlighted
for subsequent improvement. With such a virtual prototype
Visualisation has been recognised as an effective way in the computer, the product design can be scrutinised
to present real scenarios that facilitate effective easily, and its aesthetic and functional characteristics
S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412 403

simulated and analysed accordingly. Subsequently, the

virtual prototype may be transmitted via the Internet to
customers and/or designers in other parts of the world to
solicit improvements of the product design. This facilitates
global manufacturing and hence helps reduce both the
lead-time and the product development cost significantly.
The proposed VP system incorporates two new simulation
methodologies, namely the dexel-based and the layer-based
fabrication approaches, to simulate the powder-based and
the laminated sheet-based RP processes, respectively.
The following sections describe the simulation approaches
and the implementation of the proposed VP system.

2. Dexel-based and layer-based prototyping processes

To perform an accurate analysis of physical prototypes in

VR is not a simple task. An essential and prerequisite
criterion is that a virtual prototype should accurately
represent the physical one. Since there are many RP Fig. 1. Rectangular finite strip of solid built around a dexel.
processes commercially available in the market, it is not
practical to develop individual modelling approaches for
each of them. Therefore, the proposed VP system focuses on This is a new approach to virtual fabrication in that
two major types of RP processes, namely the powder-based rectangular finite solid strips are laid to form a layer, which
and the laminated sheet-based. Section 2.1 discusses the is subsequently stacked up to form a virtual prototype. Fig. 2
characteristics of these two types of RP processes. shows the process of dexel-based virtual prototyping of a
gearbox housing. It should be pointed out that in order to
2.1. Dexel-based virtual fabrication represent different RP systems better, the shape of the
voxels may be varied. For example, the end of the voxels
Physical prototypes made by powder-based RP systems, may be changed from square to semi-circular in shape,
such as SLS and 3DP, may be regarded as being made up of which may simulate the material sintering by the laser beam
strips of material that are sintered/solidified by a laser or of SLS process more accurately. However, this would be
binder beam. graphically complicated for the simulation. Hence, square-
During fabrication of a prototype on a powder-based ended voxels are currently adopted in the system.
RP system, the beam is positioned to a point on the
surface to solidify a small portion (typically of the beam
width) of the material. It continues to solidify the 2.2. Layer-based virtual fabrication
neighbouring points by travelling along a hatch vector,
as shown in Fig. 1. A hatch vector represents the path that
On the other hand, physical prototypes made by
the beam has to follow within a contour to build a portion
laminated sheet-based RP processes, such as LOM, may
of the layer. The scanning motion is so fast that it appears
as if the beam is solidifying a complete strip of material be regarded as being made up of complete layers, instead of
along the hatch vector at a time. strips, of material. During fabrication, an entire layer is
Hatch vectors are obtained by passing rays onto the layer deposited at a time and subsequent layers are stacked up to
contour at grids of resolution of the hatch distance. The beam form a physical prototype. Based on this fabrication
moves along successive hatch vectors to build the approach, the Solid Ground Curing process may also be
layer. Each hatch vector can be considered as a dexel [15, classified as laminated sheet-based.
16], which represents the centre of the beam trajectory. Since a prototype fabricated by this type of RP processes
Hence, a strip of material of a physical prototype may be is composed of entire layers, smoothness of layer edges, and
represented by building a volume of a specific height and therefore the absence of the horizontal staircase effect,
width around a dexel. Such a volume is regarded as a voxel, characterises the prototypes. However, the vertical
and its width, height and length are the beam diameter, the staircase effect still exists. Hence, simulation of laminated
layer thickness and the length of the dexel, respectively. sheet-based RP processes should fabricate a virtual proto-
Therefore, building a voxel per dexel simulates the sintering type layer-by-layer. To achieve this, a layer-based fabrica-
or the solidification process, and a layer is formed by tion approach is developed such that all contours of a layer
building voxels around the dexels in the layer contour. are extruded at a time to form a complete layer.
404 S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412

Fig. 2. Dexel-based virtual prototyping of a gearbox housing.

2.3. Virtual prototypes for design validation 2.4. Visualisation of RP process

Virtual prototypes may represent the physical ones The proposed VP system facilitates design validation
accurately. They facilitate design validation in the early through visualisation of the RP process and the resultant
stage of product development as the designer can have a prototypes. Visualisation also helps the designer understand
clear representation of the product to examine its aesthetic what will possibly happen to a particular part of the
and structural features. If any problems are identified, prototype. It is not common that all features of the model are
the design can be promptly improved before it goes too far required for a specific analysis [19]. Indeed, numerical
down the development cycle. This is particularly important values indicate only the overall average quality of a
to help enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing prototype. On the other hand, a clear visualisation facilitates
industry, which is faced with increasing pressure to satisfy detailed assessment of specific parts of the prototype.
demands for small-batch production of different varieties of
customised products. In such situations, it would not be
economical to make a mould for small-batch production. 2.4.1. Superimposition of product model
On the other hand, rapid prototyping may be a convenient on virtual prototype
tool for direct production of customised products, provided
it can fabricate prototypes of the required accuracy and of For this purpose, the proposed VP system can display a
appropriate materials. Indeed, some researchers [17,18] virtual prototype and the product model simultaneously.
recognised the significance and they have worked on the These two images are superimposed for direct comparison
techniques to produce metallic or functional prototypes. It is of the resultant prototype with the original design.
envisaged that when RP becomes economical for direct This allows point-by-point investigation of any discrepancy
manufacture of customised products, it will be of profound in the characteristics of the prototype and the product
importance to validate the accuracy and quality of the design. For example, the surface texture of the prototype can
prototypes before committing to physical fabrication. be easily studied, and specific areas with dimensional errors
Hence, the significance of the proposed VP system will be beyond tolerance limits may be clearly identified and
further highlighted. highlighted for subsequent improvement.
S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412 405

2.4.2. Staircase effects and optimisation

of process parameters
RP machines fabricate prototypes layer by layer. Hence, a
prototype may be regarded as a staircase approximation of
the intended product model. The staircase between two layers
along the build-direction affects adversely the surface texture
and the dimensional accuracy of the prototype. This effect is
directly related to the layer thickness. Furthermore, in
powder-based RP processes, there exists horizontal staircase
effect within a layer. Similarly, it also affects the surface
texture and dimensional accuracy of the prototype.
A horizontal staircase occurs when the laser beam or binder
head deposits one strip of material next to another to form a
layer. Hence, it is related to the hatch space, which is the
distance between two hatch lines.
The surface texture and the dimensional accuracy of a
prototype may be improved by reducing both the layer
thickness and the hatch space. In fact, a curved surface can be
accurately produced only if the layer thickness and the hatch
space are infinitesimally small. However, this will make the
build-time impractically too long. Indeed, the quality and
the build-time of a prototype are significantly affected by
some major process parameters, particularly the orientation,
the layer thickness and the hatch space, etc. Therefore, an
optimal combination of process parameters must be carefully
chosen for efficient production of prototypes of the required
Visualisation of RP will therefore be very useful to help
choose a proper set of process parameters for optimal
production of prototypes. The designer can see the effects of
changing the process parameters on the prototype quality
clearly. Subsequently, an optimal set of process parameters
may be chosen quickly for efficient production of prototypes. Fig. 3. Flow of the proposed VP system.

3.2. Virtual fabrication

3. The proposed virtual prototyping system Before performing virtual fabrication, preparation work is
carried out in several modules, including the Model Viewer,
The main objective of the proposed VP system is to the Slicer, the Hatcher, the Contour Sorter and the Part
facilitate visualisation and optimisation of RP processes, and Fabricator. The Model Viewer reads a model in STL format
thus faster product realisation. Based on a product model and displays it in the virtual world (VW) to allow the designer
designed in a CAD package, the system simulates the to have an idea of the original model. The Slicer and Hatcher
characteristics of an RP process to perform virtual fabrication modules are integral part of the VP system developed in the
of product prototypes. The virtual prototypes may then be Department, and they can handle relatively large and
used in various analyses. As shown in Fig. 3, the proposed VP complex STL models [20]. The Slicer slices the STL model
system consists of three main steps, namely (1) creation of a to produce the contour information of each layer. The Hatcher
product model; (2) virtual fabrication; and (3) visualisation performs hatching of all the layers to generate the laser/
and tuning of process parameters. binder path, while the Contour Sorter constructs the
hierarchical relationship of contours for the layer-based
3.1. Product model simulation. Subsequently, the Part Fabricator reads in the
hatch information and simulates the fabrication process to
Creating a product model is the first step to provide the form a virtual prototype. It allows the designer to visualise
necessary information of the design, which includes the the process by displaying the modelled results, such as the
geometry and the attributes of material and colour, etc. surface quality, with respect to the process parameters.
In general, the product model is designed using a CAD Indeed, it is vital to show the effect of different process
package and then converted to a STL model. parameters on the prototype in real-time.
406 S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412

3.3. Visualisation and tuning of process parameters

Once a virtual fabrication simulation process is

completed, the designer can manipulate the resultant
virtual prototype using the utilities provided to visualise
the quality of the product prototype that the RP machine
will subsequently deliver. The designer can navigate
around the internal and opaque structures of the prototype
to investigate the product design. Furthermore,
superimposing the STL model on its virtual prototype
may highlight dimensional deviations. The system also
calculates the maximum and the average cusp heights that
indicate the overall accuracy of the prototype. To study the
dimensional errors, a tolerance limit may be set and
any locations with deviations beyond the limit will be
clearly highlighted. The designer may thus identify and
focus on the parts that need modifications. To improve the
accuracy and the surface quality of specific features of the
prototype, the process parameters, such as the orientation
of the model, the layer thickness or the hatch space, may be
changed accordingly. Fig. 4. Normal (un-offset) and offset slicing approaches.

4. Implementation the surface converges in the upward direction, there are

excessive materials at the edges of each layer.
The proposed virtual prototyping system has been Consequently, this leads to deformation and the original
implemented in C language, with the WorldToolKit round shape of the prototype becomes a little oval, as shown
(WTK) virtual reality support libraries. in Fig. 4c. To solve this problem, the offset slicing shown in
Fig. 4b is proposed. It performs slicing at the middle of each
4.1. The Model Viewer module layer. Hence, by forming a layer by extruding the slice both
upward and downward, the prototype will not be deformed
The Model Viewer displays the product model is in a VR in a particular direction and its shape can be maintained, as
environment created by WTK. It provides two modes for shown in Fig. 4d.
viewing, namely the normal mode and the stereo mode. The layer contours are stored in a data file in Common
The stereo mode provides 3D stereoscopic viewing of the Layer Interface (CLI) format, which will be further
virtual prototype. The system adopts a semi-immersive VP processed to represent the virtual part. The designer can
interface [21], which requires only an emitter and a pair of perform slicing with a different layer thickness to suit the
CrystalEyes shutter glasses. The designer wears a pair of fabrication requirements. The layer contours are
shutter glasses that generates a stereoscopic feeling subsequently hatched for virtual fabrication.
by synchronising with the display device to switch on and
off the images to the left eye and the right eye alternatively.
This creates a depth perception and therefore a being there 4.3. The Contour Sorter module
illusion. However, if stereoscopic display of the prototype is
not required, the normal mode can be chosen, and no emitter
and glasses are needed. The Contour Sorter is used to identify the topological
hierarchy relationship of contours for sorting out different
4.2. The Slicer module levels of internal contours to prepare for layer extrusion in
the layer-based virtual fabrication [20]. It first establishes
The Slicer consists of a slicing algorithm [20] that slices the parent-and-son relationships of the contours in the same
a STL model into a number of layers of a predefined layer, and then groups them into different families. Fig. 5
thickness. It generates layer contours by determining the shows an example of the contour hierarchy relationship of a
intersection points of the slicing plane and the facets. layer. According to the result of grouping, hierarchy
The Slicer module offers two slicing approaches, as shown information is generated to represent the relationship of
in Fig. 4. The model in Fig. 4a was sliced with the normal contours. During layer extrusion, only the contours in the
un-offset approach, which is generally adopted in most same family are extruded at the same time for creation of
commercial RP systems. It can be noticed that when internal details in a solid layer.
S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412 407

Fig. 5. Example of topological relationship of contours.

4.4. The Hatcher module simulation of laminated sheet-based RP processes, the

layer-based approach is used, for which the input contour
The Hatcher processes the layer contours in CLI format file does not include hatch information. The contours
to determine the coordinates of the endpoints of each hatch together with the topological hierarchy information are
line for virtual fabrication. The hatch information is stored read to form an entire layer directly by extrusion. Based
in another CLI file. As virtual fabrication normally involves on the choice of the fabrication approach, the Part
complex layer contours, hatching errors due to ambiguity Fabricator simulates the RP process to build a virtual
may sometimes occur when hatch lines are very close to prototype in VW. During fabrication, the designer can
small and intrinsic contours such that it is difficult observe how the prototype is built. When the virtual
to determine whether there is an intersection. Therefore, fabrication is completed, the virtual prototype is dis-
to enhance the stability of the Hatcher module, a played and/or superimposed on the product model for the
small tolerance zone is implemented. It will be regarded visual inspection. Similar to using the Model Viewer, the
as an intersection if any part of a contour is within the designer may choose the stereo mode to view the virtual
tolerance zone around the hatch line. prototype in a virtual environment.

4.5. The Part Fabricator module

The Part Fabricator incorporates both the dexel-based

5. Case studies
and the layer-based fabrication approaches. For the
simulation of powder-based RP processes, the dexel-
based approach is chosen, with a hatched contour file as Examples are now presented to demonstrate how the VP
input. The hatch information is read in and the system facilitates quality analyses and parameter
rectangular solid strips will be displayed one by one optimisation for RP process planning. For the sake of
accordingly at an appropriate z-height to simulate the solid clarification, parameters that produced relatively rough
material solidified by the laser/binder head. For the texture were adopted for the fabrications.
408 S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412

5.1. Prototypes fabricated by the dexel-based simulation 0.2 mm while keeping all the other values constant. It was
observed that the increase in the layer thickness changed the
5.1.1. A turbine fan surface accuracy from 0.033 to 0.049 mm, while the build-
To demonstrate the use of the system for optimisation of time was reduced from 0.71 to 0.51 h. This was expected
RP process parameters, fabrication of a turbine fan on a since the number of layers was reduced from 127 to 84.
Sinterstation 2000 SLS machine with nylon was simulated, Despite the fact that the scan-distance per layer was not
and the result is shown in Fig. 6. The laser diameter was changed, the total laser scan-time was reduced because
0.04 mm, while the hatch space and the layer thickness were the number of layers scanned was reduced. It was also found
both set as 0.1 mm. The turbine fan has different features that increasing the hatch space to 0.2 mm did not affect the
like a hollow cylinder and several freeform surfaces around surface accuracy. However, the build-time was reduced from
it. Depending on the distribution of the facets, the surface 0.71 to 0.60 h, when the hatch space was increased from 0.1
accuracy and build-time could be different for different to 0.2 mm.
Fig. 6 also indicates the surface accuracy, build-time, and 5.1.2. A spider
the number of layers when the part was rotated about the A toy spider was chosen to demonstrate the study of the
x-axis. The surface accuracy was mainly dependent on the dimensional deviations of a prototype from its STL model,
cosine of the angle between the facet normal and the build- and the normal (un-offset) slicing approach was used to slice
direction. Thus, it was only necessary to rotate the part the model. Fig. 7a shows two spiders, one of which was a
between 0 and 908. The part at orientation of 08 gave the STL model and the other a virtual prototype. Without the
minimum build-time of 0.71 h and the surface accuracy of VP system, it would be difficult to study the dimensional
0.033 mm. The possibilities of reducing the build-time while deviations even if a real prototype was available. However,
achieving the best surface accuracy possible at this when they were superimposed in a virtual environment, as
orientation were thus further considered. Simulations were shown in Fig. 7b, the surface texture and the dimensional
also performed to reduce the build-time by increasing deviations were clearly illustrated. The prisms indicated the
the layer thickness to 0.15 mm and the hatch space to excessive materials in fabrication, which were located

Fig. 6. Simulation result of a turbine fan.

S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412 409

Fig. 7. STL model and virtual prototype of a spider.

mainly at the upper part of the model. This was because the The system also calculated the cusp heights to
layers were normally formed on the sliced planes during evaluate the overall accuracy of the prototype. In this
physical fabrication. When the surface converged in the case, the average and the maximum cusp heights were
upward direction, such as the body of the spider, there were 0.601 and 1.278 mm, respectively. Suppose that any
excessive materials at the edges of each layer. This shows deviations more than 1.270 mm were not acceptable, the
the phenomena that most RP machines cannot produce a designer might choose to highlight the areas which are
regular sphere, which generally becomes a little oval. out of the design limit for subsequent investigation of
Through this simple case study, the strength of visualisation these important features. Fig. 8 shows the same spiders
is explored. with some pins on them. The pins indicated the facets

Fig. 8. Areas of spider with dimensional deviations beyond design limit.

410 S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412

Fig. 9. Comparison of spider prototypes of different layer thickness and hatch spacing.

of the STL model with cusp heights more than Visualisation of the virtual prototype would therefore be
1.270 mm. The colour of the pins may be red or green. helpful for doctors to choose a prosthesis that would best
The red ones pointed to the maximum deviations, fit to minimise the possibility of mismatch. Fig. 11a
while the green ones pointed to the unacceptable shows two virtual hands superimposed on each other.
deviations. The process parameters may be deemed The model was sliced with the offset approach and the
acceptable, unless unsatisfactory deviations were located excessive materials were thus evenly distributed. Its
at important parts of the model, in which case the average and maximum cusp heights were 0.946 and
designer might choose either to change the model 1.866 mm, respectively. Fig. 11b highlights the
orientation to shift the deviations or to reduce the layer deviations that exceeded 1.854 mm.
thickness and the hatch space to improve the cusp Although there appeared many unacceptable deviations,
heights. Fig. 9 shows a comparison of the two virtual the highlighted deviations actually represented a very small
prototypes of different layer thickness and hatch space. portion of the total 110,000 facets of the hand model.
Although 0.02 mm thickness and 0.05 mm hatch space Moreover, most of the deviations were located at the back of
gave a finer prototype as in Fig. 9b, such process the hand, whilst the main concern of the surgery was the
parameters may not be practical for most SLS processes. fourth finger. Therefore, this prototype may be deemed good
enough and physical fabrication can be carried out using
5.2. Prototypes fabricated by the layer-based simulation these process parameters. In general, it is not necessary to
aim at producing a prefect prototype. Instead, an optimal
prototype with good accuracy at selected areas will be more
5.2.1. A hand skeleton
practical and economical.
Applications of RP in the medical field for making
prototypes of human skeletons and organs have become
widespread in the past decade. A hand skeleton, as shown in
Fig. 10, was thus chosen to illustrate possible applications of 6. Limitations and further development
the VP system in the medical field.
In a surgery, for example, a patients hand was A major limitation of the current system is that it does not
scanned to produce a prototype for doctors to study incorporate shrinkage and warpage effects to enhance
injury or deformity more clearly. Suppose a prosthesis accuracy estimation. In fact, for RP processes that employ
was to be put into the fourth finger of the patients hand. heat energy to solidify/sinter the material, the subsequent

Fig. 10. Hand skeleton.

S.H. Choi, A.M.M. Chan / Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 401412 411

Fig. 11. Prototype of hand skeleton fabricated by the layer-based simulation.

prototypes tend to shrink after cooling, resulting in Acknowledgements

dimensional deviations and geometric distortion of
a physical prototype. Warpage is another kind of inaccuracy The authors would like to acknowledge the Research
caused by uneven distributions of heat energy and Grant Council of the Hong Kong SAR Government and
the resultant binding force. These dimensional errors vary the CRCG of the University of Hong Kong for their
with the geometry of the prototypes and the characteristics financial support for this project.
of the RP processes. Indeed, to predict the effects of
shrinkage and warpage may require complex
thermodynamics and binding force models, which are not
yet available. References
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warpage effects into account. However, the individual Int J Mach Tools Manufact 1998;38:125787.
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