University OF Science & Technology

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Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................. 5

1. MISSION OF UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ................................................ 6

2. STUDYING AT UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ............................................ 7

3. APPLICATION PROCEDURES & EVALUATION .................................................................. 12

3.1. Basic requirements to apply ................................................................................. 12

1) Criteria for High School Certificates .......................................................... 12

2) Transfer Criteria ........................................................................................ 13

3.2. Initial Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 14

3.3. Online Application ..................................................................................................... 14

3.4. The Admission Examination ................................................................................. 14

Structure of the Admission Exams ................................................................... 15

3.5. Official Documents to be submitted when accepted at UST: ................... 17

4. Student Scholarship, Financial Support and Contribution at University of Science

& Technology .................................................................................................................................. 19

4.1. Scholarships ................................................................................................................. 19

4.2. Cost for the study at the university and the financial contribution ...... 19

4.3. Financial Support ....................................................................................................... 19

1) CALCULATION OF NEED BASED FINANCIAL SUPPORT ............................... 19

2) HOW TO APPLY? ........................................................................................ 19

3) Eligibility for Financial Support .................................................................. 20

4) Verification and Review ............................................................................ 20

5) Notification ................................................................................................ 20

6) Maintainability .......................................................................................... 20

7) Renewal ..................................................................................................... 20
8) Reviewing Awards ..................................................................................... 20

5. Academic Performance and Regulations ............................................................................. 21

5.1. Student Responsibilities ......................................................................................... 21

5.2. Privacy Rights of the Undergraduate Students ............................................. 21

5.3. Academic Requirements ......................................................................................... 21

1) Residence .................................................................................................. 21

2) Minimum Satisfactory Requirements at Graduation ................................ 22

3) Degree ....................................................................................................... 22

4) Major ......................................................................................................... 22

5) Double Major ............................................................................................ 23

6) Minor ......................................................................................................... 23

5.4. Undergraduate Academic Regulations ............................................................. 23

1) Registration ............................................................................................... 23

2) Change of Course ...................................................................................... 25

3) Academic Load .......................................................................................... 26

4) Undergraduate Class Standing .................................................................. 27

5) Probation & Dismissal ............................................................................... 27

6) Exclusion from a Course ............................................................................ 28

7) Withdrawing from Courses ....................................................................... 28

8) Withdrawal from the University ............................................................... 28

9) Payment of Financial Contributions .......................................................... 28

5.5. Attendance Policy ...................................................................................................... 31

5.6. Examination Policy.................................................................................................... 32

1) Midterm Examinations .............................................................................. 32

2) Final Examination ...................................................................................... 32

5.7. Assessment and Grading Policy ........................................................................... 33

1) Assessment Purpose ................................................................................ 33

2) Assessment weightings guidelines ............................................................ 33

3) Grading System ......................................................................................... 34

4) GRADE POINT AVERAGE ............................................................................ 35

5) INCOMPLETE WORK .................................................................................. 35

6) CHANGE OF GRADE ................................................................................... 35

7) REPEATING A COURSE ............................................................................... 36

5.8. Student Academic Record & Transcripts ......................................................... 36

1) Students Academic Record: ................................................................... 36

2) Transcript .................................................................................................. 36

6. Honors and Awards ...................................................................................................................... 36

6.1. Honors during Academic Progress ..................................................................... 36

1) Provost Honor List ..................................................................................... 36

2) Dean Honor List ......................................................................................... 36

6.2. Honors at Graduation............................................................................................... 37

1) A. H. Zewail Award .................................................................................... 37

2) Zewail City Cup .......................................................................................... 37

3) Academic Honors for Graduation.............................................................. 37

7. Code of Conduct at University of Science & Technology ............................................... 38

7.1. Impetus .......................................................................................................................... 38

7.2. Student Rights within the University Community ....................................... 38

7.3. Academic Integrity Policy....................................................................................... 38

1) Plagiarism .................................................................................................. 39

2) Fabrication................................................................................................. 39
3) Cheating .................................................................................................... 39

4) Other Academic Misconduct ..................................................................... 40

5) Protecting yourself from being charged with academic dishonesty ......... 40

7.4. Classroom Code of Conduct ................................................................................... 41

1) Expected Classroom Conduct .................................................................... 41

2) Prohibited activities in classrooms ............................................................ 41

7.5. Administrative Code of Conduct .......................................................................... 42

1) Dress Code................................................................................................. 42

2) Mobile Phone Policy .................................................................................. 42

3) No Smoking Policy ..................................................................................... 42

4) Alcohol....................................................................................................... 42

5) Drugs and Substance Abuse ...................................................................... 43

6) Fraud ......................................................................................................... 43

7) Theft .......................................................................................................... 43

8) Freedom of Expression .............................................................................. 43

9) Public Displays of Affection ....................................................................... 44

10) Harassment ............................................................................................. 44

11) Violence and Disrespect .......................................................................... 44

12) Personal Safety ........................................................................................ 45

13) Other Administrative Conduct Violations ............................................... 45

7.6. Sanctions ....................................................................................................................... 46

1) Types of Sanctions ..................................................................................... 46

2) Sanctions for Academic Conduct Violations.............................................. 47

3) Conduct Sanctions for Administrative Violations...................................... 48

7.7. The Stakeholders ....................................................................................................... 50

7.8. ............................................................................ 50

8. Student Life at University of Science & Technology ....................................................... 51

8.1. What to expect outside the classroom .................................................................. 51

8.2. Campus Activities & Student Organizations ................................................... 51

8.3. New student Orientation Program ..................................................................... 51

8.4. Career Advising & Services Unit .......................................................................... 52

8.5. Student Counselling & Mentoring Unit ............................................................. 52

8.6. Education Abroad Opportunities & International Students .................... 52

8.7. Student Housing & Residential life ..................................................................... 53

8.8. Athletics & Sports Facilities ................................................................................... 53

9. UNIVERSITY RESOURCES AND SERVICES .......................................................................... 53

9.1. Dining & Food Services............................................................................................ 53

9.2. Transportation ............................................................................................................ 54

9.3. Parking Policy.............................................................................................................. 54

9.4. Library ............................................................................................................................ 54

1) Library Policy ............................................................................................. 54

2) Library Schedule ........................................................................................ 54

3) Library Resources ...................................................................................... 55

9.5. The University Clinic ................................................................................................ 55

9.6. Conference and Event Spaces Services ............................................................. 55

9.7. Bank & ATMs ............................................................................................................... 55


This handbook is intended to be used as a practical and informational guide

only and is not to be used as legal authority for any purpose. We reserve the
right to revise, modify or alter the contents of this handbook at any time
without prior notice.
The mission of T h e University o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y ( U S T ) is to serve
the people of Egypt through pre-eminence in creating, communicating, and applying
knowledge, through science, research, technology, and academic values. UST strives to
develop leaders and citizens who challenge the present and enrich the future.

UST prepares students to embark on 21st century knowledge society guided by our policy:
Admission to the university is only based on merit

The University is defined by a culture of interdisciplinary teaching and research,

coupled with academic rigor. By transcending disciplinary boundaries, we
encourage our students, faculty, and staff to tackle complex and vexing challenges
facing modern societies at local, national, and global levels.

Our programs are responsive to the changing needs of society and relevant to the goals
of our students and the needs of the community. Our academic environment is rich in
opportunities for independence and collaboration and reflective of the traditions of
excellence, innovation, and leadership that the University aims to establish.

This mission is achieved by:

Building a strong foundation in Sciences and Engineering.
Providing the knowledge and skills essential for career and personal
Integrating teaching, research, and service in ways that enhance the
learning experience.
Supporting a dynamic environment where innovation, openness,
and creativity are fostered.
Using advanced technologies to meet the changing educational needs and
to establish links with the global community.
Establishing partnerships with business, industry, educational institutions,
and government agencies.
University of Science and Technology is an integral part of Zewail City of Science and
Technology (ZCST). It is the hub connecting academic excellence in cutting-edge research at
the research centres and the industry through the technology transfer pyramid.

To accomplish its mission, University of Science and Technology invests in our younger
generations through providing the optimal environment for learning and development.

The degree concentrations and study curricula at UST are carefully designed to prepare our
graduates to tackle the demanding challenges in our region, ranging from endemic
diseases and the need for improved health care systems, environmental management, and
water treatment to the need for renewable energy. UST graduates are expected to acquire
a deep understanding of basic sciences as well as hands-on experience with cutting-edge
technologies. The concentrations offered at UST expose the students to research facilities
and laboratories enabling them to conduct both basic scientific research and industry-
linked research projects. The interdisciplinary nature of UST programs provides ample
opportunities for sharing knowledge and creative thinking among its students. This is
essential to enable its graduates to develop novel, non-conventional solutions for
problems that have significant social, economic, and environmental impacts.

UST graduates can opt to extend their academic careers and become actively involved in
research and teaching, Use the skills learnt at UST in business and industry in both
technical and non-technical jobs, or combine their technical skills with an entrepreneurial
role in starting new businesses.
The curriculum at University of Science and Technology is structured in a
manner that assists its students in building a solid foundation in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) (Figure 1).
The core STEM courses are distributed over the first two years of study as
o At the first year, students will study two courses in each of the following
subjects: Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. In addition to; six credit
hours of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as a one credit hour
seminar. The seminar briefly introduces the different concentrations at UST
to help students determine the concentration that suits their interests.

Figure 1. STEM Core Courses at UST

o In the second year, students have the option of selecting one of the four
science or four engineering concentrations (Figure 2). In each
concentration, there is a further set of foundation courses tailored to the
Concentrations' requirements. In addition, students in each concentration
will study at least one concentration introductory course.
o Starting from the third year, students will start taking courses explicitly for
their respective concentrations.
Figure 2. Overall Curriculum Structure at UST

Four different Engineering concentrations are offered at UST:

1 . Nanotechnology Engineering
2 . Environmental Engineering
3. Renewable Energy Engineering
4. Space Science and Communications Engineering
o To graduate as an engineer, students must fulfil their degree
requirements, including registering for at least 1 6 2 - 1 8 0 credit
hours distributed throughout five years (including the foundation

Four different Science concentrations are offered at UST:

1. Biomedical Sciences
2. Nanoscience
3. Materials Science
4 . Physics of the Earth and Universe

Science majors students must fulfil their degree
requirements, including registering for at least 137 credit
hours distributed throughout four years (including the
foundation year).
Refer to the study plan for further details

Humanities and Social Sciences curricula
All UST students are required to study 15 : 21 credit hours of humanities
and social sciences distributed throughout their curriculum.
The humanities and social science courses offered include Regional
History, Arabic Language, Technical English, Comparative literature,
Professional Skills, Philosophical Thinking, and one extra course from a list of
In addition, all UST students are required to take a three credit hour
course in intellectual property, technology transfer, and commercialization.
The primary goal of UST is to have a new generation capable of working
and competing within global standards and at the same time mastering their
mother tongue language. Therefore, Arabic is one of the essential components
of the curriculum.
UST attempts to revive the glory and scientific leadership, which our
region demonstrated during earlier periods of our history. Understanding
history establishes a framework in which students can organize ideas, locate
and understand their own culture, and learn from the past. Understanding that
we are part of history, which is not simply a textbook subject, will inspire
students to fulfill a positive role in the future of their country and region.
One of the main objectives of UST is to bridge the gap between academia
and the industry by creating new products that will have a significant impact
on progress of Egypt. This entails an education that fosters creative and critical
thinking. Its graduates will learn the process of transferring ideas from basic
research to a marketable product, how to handle intellectual property, how to
make a successful business plan. A series of courses in the curriculum fulfils
this objective.
Graduates of UST should be recognized for their ability to read critically
and to write clearly. This capability is essential for appreciating the working of
the human imagination, to discover and assess the values of the student's own
culture and to explore alternative ways of looking at the world. This goal is
realized by including a course in literature, a graduation requirement for all
students regardless of their majors.
As English is the most popular language for science and engineering, it is
essential that admitted students at UST have a sufficient level of English
proficiency. This will enable them to cope with international developments in
various fields of science and technology. Accordingly, all admitted students
must sit for an exam to determine their level of English proficiency.


3.1. Basic requirements to apply

UST accepts applicants from the Egyptian Secondary School General
Certificate (Thanaweya Amma) or approved equivalent certificates.
Foreign certificates holders should have completed at least 12 years of
schooling or completed 3 years of secondary school after the Egyptian
Preparatory School Certificate (Idadiya) as per the rules and regulations of the
Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education.
The minimum required score for applying will be updated every year.
1) Criteria for High School Certificates
Thanaweya Amma Certificate: (Scientific or Math section) with an overall
score of at least 96%.
Thanaweya Azharia Certificate: Achieving an overall score equivalent to
96% in Egyptian Thanaweya Amma. All religion subjects, etc... Are not
STEM School: (Scientific or Math section) with an overall score of at least
Thanaweya Amma/Tawgihi Certificate from Arab Countries (Science
section) with an overall score of at least 96% (as per the regulations and score
calculation rules of the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt).
British Schools: GCE/GCSE/IGCSE students have to achieve an overall
score of 95% and to successfully complete 12 years of schooling, complete 8
IGCSE / GCSE / GCE O Level subjects and minimum 1 AL subject or 2 ASL
subjects. IGCSE OL subjects obtained should be from the extended system not
from the core system. The accepted number of sitting is 5 (taken during not
more than 3 successive years). The University of Science and Technology
accepts a minimum grade of C at the Ordinary or Advanced Supplementary
Level (Math, Chemistry, Physics or Biology), and a minimum grade of D at the
Advanced Level (Math, Chemistry, Physics or Biology). Subjects repeated are
not double counted, only the best subjects are considered, noting that the any
extra studied Advanced Level Subjects and Advanced Supplementary Level
Subjects (Math, Chemistry, Physics or Biology) will be counted. Students who
receive an IGCSE certificate must submit a proof of 12 years of schooling.
American high school diploma: Achieving an overall score equivalent to
98% in Egyptian Thanaweya Amma. Subjects less than one credit are not
accepted and subjects as PE, music, religion, etc. are not counted. Accepted
students must have been studying at least the last 3 years (grade 10, 11 and
12) in the American system. The 8 different subjects can be calculated from
Grade 11 (maximum 3 subjects) and12 (minimum 5 subjects). The minimum
scores are a combined total score of 1440/2400 in SAT I and a total score of
1100/1600 is required, with a minimum score of 500 scores for each subject
(qualifying subject). Students who receive an American high school diploma
must submit a proof of 12 years of schooling.

Canadian diploma from schools in Egypt: Achieving an overall score
equivalent to 96% in Egyptian Thanaweya Amma. Having successfully
completed 8 different subjects (including the qualifying subjects) Accepted
students should have spent the last 3 years of study in the Canadian System
(Grades 10, 11 and 12). Subjects less than one credit are not accepted. Subjects
can be calculated from Grade 11 (maximum 3 subjects) and from Grade 12
(Minimum 5 subjects). Subjects as PE, music, religion, etc. are not counted.
SATI minimum score is 1440/2400 and SATII (in qualifying subjects) minimum
score is 1100/1600.
Canadian diploma from international schools in Canada except Quebec
province: Having successfully completed 8 different subjects (including the
qualifying subjects) Accepted students should have spent the last 3 years of
study in the Canadian System (Grades 10, 11 and 12). Any Subject with less
than one credit are not accepted. Subjects can be calculated from Grade 11
(maximum 3 subjects) and from Grade 12 (Minimum 5 subjects). Subjects as
PE, music, religion, etc. are not counted. Advanced level studies in Grade 12 is
required either in Biology or Math by studying it in Grade 11 as well. Achieving
an overall score equivalent to 96% in Egyptian Thanaweya Amma.
French Baccalaureate: Achieving an overall score equivalent to 90% in
Egyptian Thanaweya Amma. The number of subjects to be calculated is 7
(including the qualifying subjects) as per the rules and regulations of the
Ministry of Higher Education. A minimum score of 10/20 is required as a
passing grade. 5 points will be added to each course in the evaluation as a
bonus and final percentage will be calculated according to the students score
in each course and the corresponding coefficient.
German Abitur: Achieving an overall score equivalent to 96% in Egyptian
Thanaweya Amma. Having acquired the qualifying subjects in Grade 11 and 12.
The number of subjects to be calculated is 7 (including the qualifying subjects).
International Baccalaureate: Achieving an overall score equivalent to 96%
in Egyptian Thanaweya Amma. Passing 6 subjects with a minimum of 3 taken
subjects in the high level (including the qualifying subjects). A minimum score
of 24/45 is required as a passing score. Passing the English language is a must
for acceptance. Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity are
required. Students must obtain the final graduation IB diploma to be
considered for admission.
Other certificates requirements follow the regulations and score
calculation rules of the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt.
2) Transfer Criteria
To be considered for transfer, an applicant must be in a good academic
standing at the previously enrolled institution. The applicant must have a
minimum GPA 3.00 or an accumulative general grade Good to be considered
for application.
The certificate for secondary school completion will be considered as a
main factor in the admissions process and the applicant must meet the
minimum high school requirement for the application.
Currently, the University of Science and Technology does not accept
transfer courses from other universities or higher education institutes and

does not waiver academic requirements for any courses against any courses
offered by other universities or other higher education institutes. Any
accepted applicant will have to start as a freshman and to attend all the
Foundation Subjects.
3.2. Initial Evaluation
Interested Candidates should complete UST online initial evaluation form
to ensure they meet the basic requirements set forth by the University
Admission Office.
This process requires information about the type of high school degree,
scores in specific subjects, the overall grade/score at graduation, graduation
year, major, and related information.
3.3. Online Application
Based on the results of the initial evaluation, eligible applicants are
directed to proceed with filling the online application form.
Applicants must upload the following documents as attachments to their
o High School Transcripts or Statements of Results.
o Birth Certificate or National ID or a Passport Copy.
o Proof of English proficiency if available (Test scores of IELTS or
o Passportsize photo with a white background
After submission of the application, the applicant will receive an e-mail
from [email protected] confirming the successful submission and
assigning an applicant ID number.
All applications will be processed and only short listed candidates will be
selected to sit for the admissions exam based on achieving the minimum
requirement of the application.
After checking all documents, short listed candidates will receive a
notification email with the admission exam date.
A sample of the admission exam is available on Zewail City website.
IGCSE Students must email the additional grades of their AL or ASL
subjects, once their results are released in August for re-evaluation using their
application ID number.
The applicant should keep a copy of the Admission Exam e-mail Letter to
be present at UST Gate along with their National ID Card or Passport
Incomplete applications and online applications submitted beyond the
deadline will not be considered.
3.4. The Admission Examination
Applicants who achieve the minimum requirement of the application will
take the Universitys admission exams in mathematics, physics, chemistry,

biology & Analytical thinking. Only the top performing students will be
selected for the final admittance to the Universitys study programs.
The UST Academic Admission Examination is designed to test the
students knowledge of the material, their ability to identify underlying
relationships necessary to achieve the correct answer, and to demonstrate
critical thinking. The students success in the UST admission exams ensures
their readiness to proceed with the UST educational system.
UST Academic Admission Examination is valid for two years, therefore, it
is considered optional for applicants who passed it to reapply within two years
without retaking the examination.
Structure of the Admission Exams

Academic Admission Exam

I. Structure
o The academic admission exam is a computer based exam administered
in both English and Arabic languages.
o The Examinees choose between 2 types of the exam according to their
previous concentration either Math Exam or Biology Exam. Each exam
consists of 5 sections. Each section consists of multiple choice
questions (MCQ) of the objective type. The recommended time to
spend on each section is 30 minutes.
o Each section consists of a stem, which may be in the form of a question,
or an incomplete statement and multiple answers labelled A, B, C, and
o The examinee must choose the correct or most appropriate answer by
marking the circle or the check box next to the answer. You can
navigate freely through the questions and sections.

Math exam type Biology exam type

Math I Math I
Chemistry Chemistry
Math II Biology
Physics Physics
Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning

II. Admission Exam Grading

o Every correct answer for the admission exam will be awarded one
o The wrong answer or unanswered questions will not receive a
negative mark.

III. Documentation Requirements

o Government-issued ID (only National ID card or
Egyptian/Foreign Passport are accepted).
o Printout of the Exam admission email sent by Admission Office and
the candidate ID number.

Personal Interview

The top performing candidates in the Academic Admission Exam will be

invited for a personal interview to measure three key aspects for each
o Motivation to attend UST at Zewail City.
o Emotional Stability.
o Communication skills and self-confidence.
o Language skills is not a part of the interview evaluation.

English Proficiency Test

o Since English is the language of study at UST, all applicants are
required to take the UST English Proficiency Test. (EPT).
o Applicants must provide evidence of English proficiency in one of the
standardized English language exams if available or the University of
Science and Technology administrators will provide an English
Proficiency Test (EPT) for students with no proof of English
o Students are placed in the Remedial English Program based on their
scores on the Exit EPT to reach the Foundation English Level.
o Students who perform satisfactorily in their EPT exam will be able to
start their study programs directly.
o Students who do not pass the EPT will take an intensive pre-university
English study course for 5 weeks.
o Other internationally recognized English proficiency tests like TOEFL
(IBT) or IELTS are accepted as a waiver for the English proficiency test
as per the below scores.

Based Internet
Internet Based Test
Test (IBT) TOEFL Placement English
(IBT) Writing
27 in Writing and 23 in Acceptance after fulfilling other Full
94 or above
Speaking or above admissions requirements
60-93 )26-24( Writing Level 2 Remedial English Course
35-59 )23-21( Writing Level 1 Remedial English Course
Below 35 Below 20 Not eligible for admission

IELTS Writing English Placement

Full Acceptance After fulfilling other
7 7
academic admissions requirements
6.5 and 6 6.5 *Level 2 Remedial English Course
5 and 5.5 6 Level 1 Remedial English Course
Below 5 Below 5 Not Eligible for Admission

Aptitude Test
o UST may choose to hold an aptitude test for applicants. The test will
measure abstract thinking capabilities, psychomotor reflexes, research
aptitude and problem solving skills.
3.5. Official Documents to be submitted when accepted at UST:
Original Birth Certificate.
Six Passport Size Photos with white background.
2 Copies of National ID for Egyptian Students.
Military Form Namouzag 2 for all male students and 6 Gond for birthdays
before 1997 Egyptian Males only.
Copy of a Passport for Non-Egyptian.
Medical Certificate and HIV Certificate for foreigners.
Official High School Certificates:
o Egyptian Secondary School General Certificate (Thanaweya Amma) or
Mostakhrag rasmy.

o American High School Diploma:

a) Original high school transcript stamped by the Egyptian Cultural
Counsellor in the USA.
b) SAT I with AMIDEAST authentication.
c) SAT II with AMIDEAST authentication.
d) Evidence of twelve years of schooling or original Preparatory
School Certificate (Idadiya).
e) Original Results of Arabic/Religion Examinations.

a) Original Statement of results or Original Certificates stamped by
the British Council and the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
b) Evidence of twelve years of schooling or original Preparatory
School Certificate (Idadiya).
c) Original Results of Arabic/Religion Examinations.

o IB and other international Certificates:

IB or Graduation Certificate Stamped from Egyptian Embassy in
the relevant country or Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

o German Abitur:
Original certificate stamped from the German Embassy and the
Egyptian Ministry of foreign affairs.

o Arab Secondary School Certificates:

Original Certificate stamped from Egyptian Embassy or Egyptian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in addition to any further attachments as
per the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education.

4. Student Scholarship, Financial Support and Contribution at
University of Science & Technology

4.1. Scholarships
One of the Universitys major priorities is providing scholarships to its
Egyptian students, in order to achieve Zewail City mission of bringing about
effective participation in 21st century science, to elevate local technologies
to an international level and to increase national productivity.
Zewail City offers every year a number of full and partial scholarships
based on merit and the university resources. Generally, scholarships are
reserved for Egyptian students with special academic qualifications and are
based on the students achievement in the Admissions Exam.
4.2. Cost for the study at the university and the financial
The student's cost of study is 55,000 EGP (Fifty Five Thousands Egyptian
Pounds) per semester, and is subject to an annual increase.
This cost includes access to original individual textbooks during the
courses, access to transportation routes supplied by Zewail City and mandatory
laboratory supplies for experiments.
Every student has to pay a Financial Contribution (FC) for his/her cost of
study in the University depending on his / her Family Financial Status.
The Financial Contribution (FC) may be paid through instalments as per
each student's payment plan through cash deposits in any CIB branch or bank
transfer with submitting the original of the payment receipt to the Office of
Admissions and Registration each semester.
4.3. Financial Support
University of Science and Technology provides several means of
financial support for students.
Students requesting financial support are required to apply for it.
Financial support is given in the form of a fixed reduction from the cost of
study, which varies from 0 % reduction to 100 % reduction depending on the
student's family financial status.
Financial S uppo r t percentages will be determined according to student
or familys financial status, within the Universitys budget limitations.
Financial need is defined as the difference between the tuition fee costs of
attending the UST programs and the amount a student or family can
contribute towards these costs.
Students can apply by filling the financial Support application form
obtained from the Admissions & Registration Office.

Students are required to submit the application with the required
supporting documents to the Office of Admission and Registration prior to the
3) Eligibility for Financial Support
For eligibility to apply for financial support, certain requirements must
be met:
o Enrolment or acceptance for enrolment.
o Demonstration of financial need through submission of the
financial support application and supporting documents.
4) Verification and Review
The Committee of Student Financial Affairs will process, review, and verify
all applications received with supporting documents.
5) Notification
Students eligible for financial support will receive a confidential
notification, showing the amount of financial support.
The amount of financial Support granted to each student will be fixed
throughout their course of study at UST (4 years for science majors and 5
years for engineering majors), given that the student maintains eligibility
for financial support.
6) Maintainability
To maintain the financial support award without evaluation,
undergraduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above
and maintain a full-time status (12 credit hours per semester or above).
An exception from the credit hours criteria applies to graduating
senior students during their final semester; where then the financial
support award will be calculated in proportion with the number of
registered credits.
7) Renewal
Undergraduates who were granted financial support do not have to
renew their financial support applications on a yearly basis as long as
they meet the above- mentioned criteria.
Undergraduates who fail to meet the above-mentioned criteria must
submit a financial support regaining form. A renewal of their financial
support will be subject to an evaluation of their academic performance.
8) Reviewing Awards
Students who received a financial s u p p o r t award and encountered
changes in their financial situation and wish to review their award amount
will need to fill a petition form from the Office of Admission and
Registration and submit it with supporting documents proving the change
in their financial situation.

5. Academic Performance and Regulations
The following general academic rules and regulations apply to
undergraduate students of University of Science and Technology to govern the
relation between the University and the students. Therefore, all students are
urged to read these regulations and are expected to comply with them.
The University reserves the right to make any amendments to these
regulations. Students should consult the Dean of Students for further inquiries.
Each major may have additional specific requirements over and above
those regulations.
5.1. Student Responsibilities
All undergraduate students are urged to read the Academic Policies
and Regulations in this section carefully and must be familiar with them.
These Policies and Regulations are established to control all
procedures set by the University regarding the undergraduate programs.
Policies and regulations will not be waived based on a students awareness.
Students are responsible for following all policies and procedures and
meeting deadlines and requirements.
The responsibility is not limited only to this section, but includes also
all the major requirements of his/her field of study.
5.2. Privacy Rights of the Undergraduate Students
The University has adopted policies and procedures to protect the privacy
rights of the students.
The University is authorized to provide access to student records and files
only to those employees who have justification for using the student records
connected with his/her University responsibilities.
A written consent of the student is received before any restricted data is
released from the students record to any party except those authorized by the
University. Disclosure may also be made to other persons or organizations
under certain conditions such as accreditation or University evaluation or
other University responsibilities.
Consent is not required where the disclosure is to University officials who
have a legitimate educational interest.
5.3. Academic Requirements
1) Residence
Both engineering and science students must satisfactorily complete the
minimum core courses of 37 credit hours in the first year.
In addition, For the Bachelors degree in engineering students must
satisfactorily complete a minimum of 162 credit hours within five years of
study, besides to the requirements of their major. For the Bachelors Degree in

science subjects students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 137 credit
hours within four years of study, beside to the requirements for their major.
Students unable to carry a full course load may be permitted to take more
time to complete their degree. However, the Academic Presidents approval is
required for the extension of the study period.
2) Minimum Satisfactory Requirements at Graduation
The minimum academic requirement in any semester is getting a grade
point average of 2.00 or higher.
A student who fails to meet the minimum requirements will be placed on
probation. If the students record is below 2.00 in two consecutive semesters,
the student will be required to withdraw. To qualify for graduation, a student
must achieve at least an overall GPA 2.00.
The main components of the undergraduate program at the University are:
the Core Curriculum, the major-specific courses, a series of humanities and
social science courses, a course in intellectual property, technology transfer
and commercialization, and electives.
Senior Project for Graduation
Students must undertake an independent Engineering/Science design or
experimental project during the last two terms of their program. The purpose
of the project is to demonstrate students' abilities to practise in the major
Engineering/science capacity in their chosen area of expertise, using
knowledge gained from their academic and employment experiences. Topics
are selected by groups of students and approved by the faculty advisor. Topics
must be related to applied industrial problems using an integrated engineering
/science approach.
3) Degree
A degree is conferred by the University after completing, satisfactorily, the
required numbers of credit hours with at least the minimum grade point
average required and stated in the sections Minimum Satisfactory
Requirements at Graduation and Residence.
4) Major
A major represents the concentrated area of study a student has chosen to
pursue for the bachelors degree.
Students will be exposed to research related to the different major subject
areas offered at the University during the foundation (freshman) year.
Every student must select a major during the first year of their enrolment
at the University. Students must fulfil the requirements of the program offering
the degree which will depend mainly on:
1) GPA (to be specified by each program).
2) Presentation, essay and personal interview.
3) Entry exam.

5) Double Major
A Student who pursues a double major/concentration must consult the
advisor before the written approval from the Dean. The regulations of double
counted courses will be subject to the University approvals. Each student must
have a faculty advisor for each major, and both advisors must approve the
graduation plan for each major.
6) Minor
Students may elect one or more of the minors offered in the university.
Electing a minor is an optional and its plan must be approved by the Program
Advisor. A total of 5 courses are required in any minor.
The minors must contain some upper-level course. Courses may include
those taken as electives with maximum of 2 courses. The Program Advisor may
add specific courses to be included.
5.4. Undergraduate Academic Regulations
1) Registration
Students must register their courses during the registration period
announced and stated in the University calendar for the academic year.
Before registration, the student has to clear any holds related to the
Financial, Advising, Medical or Admission. A late fee will apply after the
registration due date. .
The University reserves the right to require earlier completion of
registration by pre- registration and prepayment of tuition and fees.
Registered students must enrol in at least the minimum number of
credits required and approved by the University or they must cancel their

Procedures & Instructions

o Student Self Services will be available throughout the registration
period mentioned in the University calendar.
o Advising for new students will take place in the Academic
Program, and the letter of acceptance should be presented to your
Academic Advisor.
o The Planning Form must be used during Advising.
o The student must fill out the information available in the top of the
Planning Form correctly.
o The student must make an appointment with the Program
Advisor during the period mentioned in the University calendar.
o The student must follow the instructions sent during the
Advising/Registration period through the University emails as
o The student must make sure that he/she has avoided conflict
between courses and sections selected with the Program Advisor.

o The student must make sure to get the approval for alternative
course/sections in case a section is closed or no places are available.
o No overload is allowed in the first year The Foundation Year.
Overload is allowed only in the Junior and Senior years.
o The student must make sure to register for the lab as a course
requirement, if a separated lab is associated with the course.
o The student must make sure to register for the 2 hour tutorial in
each course.
o The student must make sure that he/she has obtained the approval
and the signature of the Program Advisor on the Planning Form
o The student must use his/her email username and ID# Student
Identification Number as a Password to access the web page for
Student Self Services to complete the registration action.
Students are advised to change their Password once they entered
for security access.
o A copy of the Planning Form must be submitted to the Office of
Admission & Registration for the students having conditions.
o Provided the above conditions are met, the student should login to
Web for Registration Student Self Services
o You will have the options of (Find Courses Register View
o Through Search Form, you can find Course Catalogue, Section
Search and Directory.
o Select Register Form and click to get the option of registration.
o Through the Cart Form, click on Find Courses to add to your cart.
o Click on Finances Form, you will see a summary of your account
balance for the Financial Contribution for the selected Period (Detail
by Charges/Credits / Detail by Summary Type/ Balance Summary).
o Check your registration and your Account Balance. If you find the
balance incorrect, please contact the Office of Admission and
Registration in the Student Service Centre to report the problem.
o Click on View Schedule to print selected course

Late Registration
o A fee will be charged for late registration. No student may register
more than one week after the registration deadline without written

Selecting Courses
o With careful attention, the student is required to select courses
from the University-scheduled course list for the current
o With the guidance of the program advisor, selection of courses
should satisfy the University requirements for the core, major and

concentration, and the prerequisites stated in the course
o Each student should get approvals from the Course Instructor,
Head of the Academic Program, and the Dean of Students on
his/her planning card if required.
Course Restriction

" Any taken course as core curriculum course cannot be double counted for two
curriculum. It cannot be used to cover or meet the requirements of
Concentrations, concentrations electives, general electives or Humanities.
However, a student may use a course to fulfill the requirements of both core
curriculum and minor curriculum."

Course Planning Card

o A Course Planning Card is required for each enrolled student. The
Planning Card includes: student name, student Identification number,
course number, section numbers, the name and the signatures of the
course instructors if any course requires permission.
o Students must obtain a signature from their advisors before
submitting the Course Planning Card to the Office of the Admission and
Registration on time and in person for cases that have conditions.
o A written approval is required after the permitted registration time.
Violation of the Course Planning Card rule places the student subject to
disciplinary action.

Independent Study Course

o An independent study course is a plan of study in a selected topic

approved by the Academic advisor and the course instructor in order
to cover a research or subject needed and that is not offered during
the semester.
o Satisfactory completion of an approved independent study course
provides the number of credit hours and the grade towards the
students academic record.
o A Form of Independent Study Course should be submitted to the
office of Admission and Registration. The form should indicate clearly
the reason for registering as an independent course. This form should
be submitted during the registration period.
2) Change of Course
o A Change of Course after advising and registration is completed as
stated in the university academic calendar, requires new approvals
and a careful attention to the degree requirements. The Form of

Change of Course should be submitted to the Office of Admission &
Registration including all corrections to the courses,
o The forms are available in the university dash board.


o The student is responsible to review his/her enrolled courses at the
Self Service and to submit the required change of course form.
o No courses will be added after the Drop/Add period deadline stated in
the university academic calendar, unless approvals are granted by the
course instructor and the program advisor.
o No change in required courses or substituted courses is permitted
except with University approvals by the course instructor and the
program advisor.
o A freshman student may not drop specific courses without permission
from the Dean.
Students should submit the Change of Course Form before the
deadline for dropping courses with/ without a grade of (W).
Any drop form will not be accepted after the deadline for
dropping courses or the deadline for withdrawal from the
A student who stops attending the course without submitting an
approved and completed Drop Form will receive an F grade.

Dropping/Adding Courses and Changes in Schedules

o Students may drop/add courses during the allowed period before
the beginning of any semester and during the first week using the
Student Self Services web page.
The Drop/Add Form is available under On Line Dash Board
Approval of the Program Advisor is required for Drop/Add
The Drop/Add Form should be submitted to the Office of
Admission & Registration
3) Academic Load
o The University has established the minimum and the maximum load of
credits for Undergraduate students to satisfy the registration
requirements. The maximum approved Course load is 19 credit hours
per semester. Overload requires a written approval from the
University Dean.
o A Student enrolled for 12 credit hours or more is considered to be a
full-time undergraduate. A Student enrolled for less than 12 credit
hours is considered part time and will not entitle for any university

4) Undergraduate Class Standing

The class level of each student is determined by the number of completed credit hours as
Freshman from 0 37 credit hours
Sophomore from 38 68 credit hours
Junior from 69 99 credit hours
Senior from 100 and above credit hour
5) Probation & Dismissal

o Students may be placed on probation for failure to make
satisfactory progress towards a degree at the end of any semester.
o The probation status or the academic warning will result from
failure to achieve a 2.00 cumulative grade point average or having
a major grade point average falls below a 2.00.
o Students on a probation status are not permitted to register for
more than 13 credit hours per semester, and they are not allowed
to participate in University extracurricular ac ti vities .
o If the grade point average for the warning semester is not
rectified to cover the deficiency by achieving 2.00 as a semester
average, the student will be subject to academic suspension from
the University.

o Academic dismissal will terminate the students relationship with
the University for Unsatisfactory Academic Performance. Students
may not register in the University courses; and suspension status is
recorded in their transcript.
o The following categories of students are subject to suspension for
academic performance:

1) Students who fail to achieve a semester grade point average of

2.00 for the courses taken during the probationary period.
2) Students who fail to achieve a cumulative grade point average of
2.00 during the two warning semesters. (Including those who
achieved 2.00 for the first probation semester and fail to
achieve cumulative grade point average of 2.00 at the end of
the second warning semester).
3) Students who fail to achieve a grade point average of 2.00 in
their major courses during the probationary semester or who
fail to achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in their
major courses within the two semesters during which they were
placed on major probation.

4) Students who have their study period expired and do not
graduate within maximum 8 years.
6) Exclusion from a Course
o The course instructor may give written warning to any student who
disregards the course, and with the approval of the Dean, the student
will be excluded from the course and will not be permitted to continue
in the class.
o Exclusion from a course leaves the student with WF grade and with
no right to any petition or Course Survey Form.
7) Withdrawing from Courses
o Dropping all courses during the semester is considered Withdrawal
and students are required to fill out a withdrawal form and to obtain
all the required approvals before submitting the form to the Office of
Admission and Registration.
o Students who withdraw after the fifth week of the semester has
started are required to submit a Drop/Add form with the instructors
grade of WP/WF. The grade will be posted to the student academic
transcript and no academic credit is given for courses graded with
o Students who wish to return to the University after one or more
semesters, will be required to fill out a readmission form, available in
the office of Admission & Registration.
o Readmission to the University is not granted automatically and will be
subject to evaluation before approval.
8) Withdrawal from the University
o Students who wish to withdraw from the University for One
Semester or more due to emergency circumstances are requested
to fill in a Withdrawal Form and Drop/Add Form.
o Students must obtain all approvals stated in the two Forms.
Forms are available under On Line Forms.
o Obtain signatures from Course Instructors /Program Advisors
o Obtain signatures from Library and Accounts Office
o Submit the PC to the IT Unit and obtain signature in the Withdrawal
Form (group of 2013)
o Submit the two Forms to the Office of Admission and Registration
o Students may apply for Readmission if they wish to return after
one or more semester
9) Payment of Financial Contributions

Procedures & Instructions

o Registering and completing the Web Registration by the deadline
mentioned in the University calendar will build your Bill /

Payment Statement to be available on the web for Student Self
Services under Finances / Statement.
o Click on Finances
o You will get the following options: Balance, Statement, Financial
Aid and Agreements.
o Under Balance, is a summary of your account balance for the
selected period and you may view your balance details by:
Charges/Credits / Detail by Summary Type / Balance Summary.
o Financial Aid will be available when approved and will be
adjusted automatically in your Balance Application.
o Print your Financial Statement from the option of Statement
o The statement will show the amount due. The amount stated is
based on your course load and the existing rates per credit hour for
one term.
o All non-Egyptian students or students whose parents live or work
outside Egypt are required to pay their Financial Contribution
a n d fees in Egyptian Pounds.
o Transfer of the Financial Contribution to the CIB should be clearly
in Egyptian Pounds.
o If you believe that any of the information displayed is incorrect,
please contact the system Administrator Office of Admission &

Financial Contribution payment period

o The payment process of the University Financial Contributions is
allowed only during the Registration period and as announced.
o New Students are allowed to pay late during the first week of the
semester without a Late Registration Fee.
o Students who are having their Financial Contribution paid
through a third party are responsible for finalizing the payment
prior to the deadline, otherwise their courses will be deleted from
the system and they will not be permitted to attend classes.
o Students on Partial/Full Scholarships are responsible to make sure
that their payment is finalized before the deadline of payment.
o Students petitioning for Financial Assistance are required to pay
their Financial Contribution until Financial Aid is approved and
adjusted, or they may apply for Deferred Payment. When Financial
Aid is deducted from the cost of the study, the student must check
their balance and pay the remaining part.
o A printed statement from the University electronic system will be
accepted in the CIB.

o The Commercial International Bank (CIB) accepts payment in:

1. Cash.
2. Certified check.
3. International Transfer.

o Students may pay 50% of their Financial Contribution with the
permission of the office of the Admission and Registration/ Office of
Financial Affairs.

o Students who make their payment after the deadline, which will
always be before the first day of the semester, will be required to
pay a Late Fee. Students will add this fee to the amount due when
paying. New students exempt from the late registration fees for their
first semester

Refund after withdrawal from the University

o Refund Percentage is deducted from the Full Financial Contribution.
o The Paid and the deferred amount of the Financial Contribution are

Allowed Percentage of Time of Withdrawal During 1set Month or

Financial Contribution the Semester
for Refund
Full Refund First week of classes
80% of Tuition Second week of classes
60% of Tuition Third week of classes
40% of Tuition Fourth week of classes

Student Identification Card

o Students who have successfully completed Advising/Registration
and Payment of their financial contribution, are allowed to obtain a
UST ID Card. Students need to present the payment receipt with
personal/national ID card.
o Students on scholarship must submit a payment document
stamped from the Office of Financial Affairs.

Egyptian National ID card

o According to the Egyptian Law, all Egyptian male students must
apply for the National Identification Card within 30 days from their
16th birthday.

o The National ID Card Application should be stamped from the
Office of Admission & Registration.


o Egyptian male students must identify their Military Service Status
within 30 days of their 19th birthday.
o The University is responsible to implement and apply the regulations
set by the Egyptian Authorities in regards to the Military Service Law.
(Betaka 6 Gond and Namouzag 2 Gond) are needed for deferring
students Military Service Status.


o Egyptian Authorities request Student Residence Visa for Non-
Egyptian Students.
o Non-Egyptian Students must submit a copy of their valid
passport to the office of Admission and Registration.
o Those who enter Egypt with a tourist visa must register their
names at the nearest neighbourhood police station within the
first seven days of their arrival.
o Non-Egyptian Students are required to request a University
Certificate to be used in obtaining a student residence visa if they
are enrolled as full-time students.
5.5. Attendance Policy
If the students fail to attend classes regularly, they will fail to benefit from the education
opportunities. Therefore, the goal of the attendance policy is to ensure that students
benefit from the lectures, tutorials and labs.

Attendance Policy
Attendance in all academic activities is mandatory and it is the
responsibility of the faculty along with the teaching assistants to track
attendance. IT department can assist in that regard.
Students who are absent more than 25% of the time in any course should
not be permitted to attend the final examination and should receive a W grade
(refer to mark scheme).
No makeup exams should be offered to students who missed midterm and
final exams.
The policy for late submission of course work is left to the course
coordinator who may refuse to accept late work, accept it with a deduction or
accept it at full grade with a valid excuse.
If there are attendance grades:
o Students are permitted to miss up to three lectures or tutorials
without a valid excuse.

o Students who miss more than 3 lectures or tutorials must have points
deducted from their attendance grade (5% of the course grade).
o Students are allowed to make up one lab absence with an approved
5.6. Examination Policy
1) Midterm Examinations
The midterms will be held during the first lecture of the scheduled
examination week, unless otherwise agreed with students. Changes should be
reported to the Major Coordinator, Faculty Administrative Assistants and
Classes resume normally during the midterm weeks.
Midterm exam can be a case study, written exam or project. However, this
should be announced clearly to the students on the first day of classes.
2) Final Examination
Final examinations are given for classes during the Final
Examinations Period announced each semester by the Office of
Admission & Registration with the approval of the University Dean and
the Academic President.
Academic Programs are not authorized to change the scheduled
Student must attend the Final Exam and to achieve at least 35% of the
final percent in order to pass the course
Unapproved absence from the examination results in an F grade in the
The students grade is evaluated throughout the semester, based upon
quizzes, reports, projects, discussions, assignments, midterm
examinations and the final examination. The final letter grade is
recorded on the students record.

Examination Code of Conduct

Examinees are expected to:
Be available at the exam venue at least 15 minutes before the exam.
Bring all of the necessary exam materials e.g. pens, pencils,
Turn off mobile phones and to place them in their bag with any other
unauthorized materials at the front or rear of the exam venue as advised
by the invigilator.
Show their ZC ID when asked and to place it on their desks throughout
the exam.
Comply with the instructions of the invigilator at all times.
Raise their hand if they have a question or need the supervisor's help at
any time during the exam.

Stop writing immediately when the invigilator announces the end of the
Remain sitting quietly until the invigilator gives them the permission to
leave the exam venue.
Improper Examinee Conduct
The Invigilator is authorized to dismiss any examinee from the exam for
any of the following reasons:
Giving or receiving help during the examination.
Attempting to take the examination for someone else.
Copying questions or answers either on paper or with a calculator to
take from the exam room.
Disturbing other candidates during the exam.
Communicating and discussing the exam content with other examinees
during exam sessions.
Using unauthorized notes, books, calculators, wrist watch/timepiece,
notations or other aids.
Possession or use of photographic, recording or transmission devices.
Removal of examination materials or notations of any kind from the
exam venue.
Refusal to comply with time allotments or examination administration
Behaving in an unprofessional or discourteous manner when
interacting with others.
Threatening or verbally abusing invigilator responsible for curbing or
reporting improper conduct.
Any other breach of conduct.
5.7. Assessment and Grading Policy
1) Assessment Purpose
Assess students performance against the intended learning outcomes of
the Course.
Monitor the effectiveness of the learning environment.
Encourage student learning.
2) Assessment weightings guidelines
Assessment method Percentage
Attendance & Participation 0 -5%
Homework & Assignments/ Quizzes 15% - 20%
3 Midterms OR 2 Midterms and one project. 45%
Final 35% (Must not exceed)

3) Grading System
The grading system reflects the work of the undergraduate student,
evaluated and reported in terms of credits, grades, and grade points.
Grade Points
Grade points per semester credit are assigned as follows: Grade included in the
Grade Minimum Final %
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
F 0.0

Grade Mapping

Grade Minimum Final %

A 90 %
A- 85 %
B+ 80 %
B 75 %
B- 70 %
C+ 65 %
C 60 %
C- 57 %
D+ 55 %
D 50 %
F 0%

Grades not included in the Grade Point Average

P Pass
F Fail
I Incomplete
W Withdrew

WP Withdrawal Passing
WF Withdrawal Failing
IP In Progress


The grade point average is calculated by adding all the quality points
(Grade's equivalent points), then dividing the resulting sum over the total
number of credit hours.
Credit = the unit of course credit hours
Grade = the letter grade is the professor's official evaluation of the student
achievement, used for grade point average calculation
Undergraduate students who are unable to complete a course may be
permitted to continue work in the course beyond the examination period
maximum 5 times throughout the 4/5 years of study. Any professor submitting
an incomplete grade must submit an incomplete grade form to the Registrars
office giving the following information:
o Reasons for the incomplete work.
o The missing material
o Actions necessary for removal of the incomplete
In such a case a grade of I, for incomplete is assigned. The students
must make arrangements with the professor to complete the course within one
month after the beginning of the next academic session/semester. Failure to
complete the course within one month after the beginning of the new academic
session causes the grade in that course to be recorded as F, signifying failure.
If students have one incomplete grade, their academic load limit the
following semester will not be affected. If they have more than one incomplete
grade, the credit hours of the incomplete will be included in their academic
load for the following semester.
Students who receive an incomplete grade(s) while on warning due to
deficiency in their overall grade point average will not be allowed to register
the following semester. If, however, they complete their incomplete work
before the end of the late registration period, and are academically eligible,
they will be allowed to proceed with registration.
Final grades are the official grades given by the course instructor; they will
not be changed unless there has been a reason. Only the faculty member can
approve the change and state the reason in the Change of Grade Form. The
change will become effective after the approval of the faculty member, the
Academic Unit and the Dean on the form and to be submitted to the Office of
Admission and Registration.

Students who wish to repeat a course for which they have received a low
grade may do that for the purpose of improving the grade.
The second grade of the course will appear on the transcript and will be
counted in the grade point average toward degree requirements. The earlier
grade is disregarded in the calculation of the grade point average.
Students may repeat up to five courses with the Deans approval
Students are normally allowed to repeat failed courses for both grade and
credit. However, the failing grade received for reasons of academic dishonesty
will not be subject to repeat.
Repeating the same course for the third time is not considered and the
average of the last two grades is counted in the grade point average.
5.8. Student Academic Record & Transcripts
1) Students Academic Record:
All Academic Honors, Awards and Student Standing are recorded on
the students academic record.
2) Transcript
Students are entitled to two free transcripts when they graduate or
withdraw from the university in a good standing.

6. Honors and Awards

6.1. Honors during Academic Progress

1) Provost Honor List
The Provost's List is compiled at the end of each Semester to recognize
students who have demonstrated consistent achievement in at least 24 Credit
hours in the preceding year/s by having a high cumulative Grade Point
Incomplete I grade on the students academic record prevents
consideration towards the Honors List at that particular year.
2) Dean Honor List
The Deans Honor List is granted to Students who completed at least 12
credit hours and achieved a minimum GPA 3.5 in the preceding semester to
recognize them for their academic achievements.
Incomplete I grade on the students academic record prevents
consideration towards the Dean Honor List at that particular semester

6.2. Honors at Graduation
1) A. H. Zewail Award
2) Zewail City Cup
Zewail City Cup is granted to student with the highest graduation grade
point average and highest number of credit hours within the required years of
study completed at the Commencement.
3) Academic Honors for Graduation
Graduating Students are considered for Graduation Honors if
they have a minimum grade point average:
o 3.85 For Highest Honors Summa Cum Laude;
o 3.75 For High Honors Magna Cum Laude;
o 3.50 For Honors Cum Laude.

7. Code of Conduct at University of Science & Technology

7.1. Impetus
University of Science and Technology (UST) aims to establish an academic
environment that reflects that highest academic ethical standards. UST
students should conduct themselves according to ideals portrayed by Egypts
National Scientific Renaissance project.
To ensure that the University can dedicate itself fully to its academic and
educational vision, it is expected that of the UST community members will :
Be Truthful and forthright.
Reflect individuals personal integrity in honest and responsible actions.
Disengage from behaviour that endangers their own sustained
effectiveness or that has serious ramifications for their own safety,
welfare, academic well-being or professional obligations, or for that of
Respect the general resources and physical property of the University.
Such resources are assets in which community members have a vested
interest, as these resources specifically support the institutional mission.
Treat other community members with civility and respect,
recognizing that disagreement and informed debate are valued in an
academic community.
7.2. Student Rights within the University Community
With the approval of the Board of Trustees, the University affirms the
following student right and privileges:
The right to pursue academic goals without being subject to
discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, ethnicity, geographic
origin, age, sex, marital status or handicapped status.
Freedom to join organizations, to speak freely, to engage in discussion, to
make inquiries, to exchange thought and opinion, to publish and exchange
findings and recommendations, to speak, write, or print freely on any
subject, and to sponsor speakers of their choice, subject only to the right of
the University to make reasonable rules and regulations related thereto
To associate with whomsoever they please.
To engage in the educational process.
To be secure in their persons, living quarters, papers, and effects from
unreasonable, illegal, or unauthorized searches and seizures
7.3. Academic Integrity Policy
The University assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters
that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own
efforts. Both the ideals of scholarship and the need for fairness require that all dishonest
work be rejected as a basis for academic credit.

Students must refrain from any and all forms of dishonorable or unethical conduct related
to their academic work such as;
1) Plagiarism
Submitting material that is in part or whole is not entirely ones own work
without properly citing sources.
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:
o Submitting a copied piece of writing as original work
o The quotation or usage of another persons words, ideas, opinions,
thoughts, or theories (even if paraphrased into ones own words)
without acknowledgment of the source
o The quotation or usage of facts, statistics, or other data or
materials (including images) that are not clearly common
knowledge without acknowledgment of the source
2) Fabrication
Inclusion of falsified, invented, or fictitious data or information that was
not gathered in accordance with standard guidelines in an academic work.
Fabrication includes, but is not limited to;
o Citation of sources that were not used to prepare the academic
work, in the bibliography or other references.
o Concealment or distortion of the true nature, origin, or function of
data used in academic work.
o Unauthorized submission of an academic work prepared
totally or in part by another
3) Cheating
Cheating is defined as obtaining or attempting to obtain, or aiding another
to obtain credit for work, or any improvement in evaluation of performance, by
any dishonest or deceptive means.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to;
o Copying or attempting to copy from others during an exam or on
an assignment.
o Communicating answers with another student during an exam.
o Preprograming a calculator to contain answers or other
unauthorized information for exams
o Using unauthorized materials, prepared answers, written notes, or
concealed information during an exam.
o Allowing others to do an assignment or portion of an assignment
for you.
o Allowing another person to copy ones own academic work
whether intentionally or recklessly.

o The unauthorized collaboration with any other person on an
academic exercise, including collaborating on a take-home or
make-up academic exercise.
o Taking an exam for another person or having someone take an
exam for you.
4) Other Academic Misconduct
Any other act that disrupts the educational process or provides a student
with an academic advantage over another student.
Other Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
o Falsification of records and official documents: Altering documents
affecting academic records; forging signatures of authorization or
falsifying information on an official academic document, grade
report, letter of permission, petition, drop/add form, ID card, or
any other official University document.
o Entering any University building, facility, office, or other property,
or accessing any computer file or other University record or
storage for the purpose of obtaining the answers or solutions to an
academic exercise or to change a grade.
o Bribing another person to obtain an academic exercise, including
answers to questions of an un-administered academic exercise.
o The unauthorized possession, copying, distribution, sale, or other
transfer of all or any part of an academic exercise, or the answers
or solutions to an academic exercise, whether or not the exercise
has been administered.
o Posting of notes or other materials from a class (whether the
student is enrolled in the class or not) on the Internet, whether or
not for a fee, if the faculty member has expressly prohibited the
posting of such materials.
5) Protecting yourself from being charged with academic dishonesty
Familiarize yourself with the University's Code of Conduct, especially for
information regarding Academic Integrity
Prepare yourself thoroughly for examinations and assignments.
Take the initiative to prevent other students from copying your exam or
assignments by shielding your work.
Do not look around, particularly in the direction of other students' papers,
during an exam since it may appear you are trying to copy from others.
Do not share your current or former assignments, projects, papers, etc.
with other students to use as guides for their work.
Do not leave your finished assignments in a place where another student
might be able to copy them.
When working on a collaborative exercise, complete all written
assignments individually unless the instructor specifically tells you otherwise.

Acknowledge the contributions of other students on collaborative projects
by citing their name(s) on all written work turned into the instructor.
Protect your computer login identifications and passwords. Other students
could use them to access your work and subsequently implicate you in a
cheating case.
7.4. Classroom Code of Conduct
Failure to comply with the Classroom Code of Conduct may result in dismissal from class
and disciplinary action.
1) Expected Classroom Conduct
Students should attend regularly, arrive to class on time, stay through the
full period, and bring all necessary materials (books, paper, pen, minds ...) to
Students should come to class prepared, in particular, they should have
finished all the required readings for that day.
Students should not engage in behavior that detracts from the learning
experience. Talking in class, sleeping, reading a newspaper or other outside
works, unnecessary movement in and out of the classroom and any other
distracting behavior that limits the learning process.
Students should conduct and express themselves in a way that is
respectful of all persons.
Students are responsible for what transpires if they miss a class. It is the
students responsibility to contact a classmate to determine what was missed.
Students should address faculty as "Professor" or "Dr." Calling faculty by
their first names is not appropriate.
Students are expected to be professional and respectful of other students,
instructors, administration, and staff. That includes verbal and physical
behavior as well as the language used in email and phone messages.
Students must adhere to University rules regarding online access and
NOTE: Instructors may have their own set of rules regarding classroom
behavior. Please adhere to those as well.
2) Prohibited activities in classrooms
Engaging in prolonged side conversations.
Using cell phones to receive calls or for purposes that are not course
Checking personal E-mail, Facebook, Twitter or browsing the Internet are
prohibited. Laptop and tablet computers are allowed for note taking only
Arriving late (10 min from the class start time) or leaving early without
the prior permission of the instructor.
Reading material, e.g., magazines, newspapers, novels, etc., that are not

Working on personal activities or the assignments of other courses.
Interrupting the professor or other students.
Students should request permission from the instructor before asking
questions or making comments.
Trashing the classroom.
Up to each instructor, eating and drinking may be allowed as long as
impact on others is minimized and students clean up their garbage after class.
7.5. Administrative Code of Conduct

Students who fail to comply with the following rules and regulations will be
penalized as mandated by the conduct committee.
1) Dress Code
The dress code is to ensure that our students are dressed in a dignified
This means that the clothing worn should be clean, neat, modest and
appropriate to the academic setting and the Egyptian culture
2) Mobile Phone Policy
All mobile phones must be switched off during classes, lectures and
Leaving a lecture or class to answer a mobile phone is not acceptable
under any circumstances.
All mobile phones should be stored away in bags or pockets and not
displayed on desks or tables, especially during examinations.
Students who violate this policy may be asked to leave the class or lecture
immediately and will not be permitted to return until the next class or lecture.
This will be considered an unexcused absence. Faculty members may also
decide that students violating the policy will not be allowed to attend the next
class or lecture following the offense.
If caught using a mobile phone during an exam, regardless of the cause, the
instructor has full authority to take appropriate action.
All mobile phones must be switched off in the library.
3) No Smoking Policy
The purpose of the policy is to promote good health, limit the dangers of
second-hand smoke and prevent fires.
Smoking is not allowed in any of the University buildings or vehicles.
4) Alcohol
Egyptian law prohibits the serving or drinking of alcohol in public places
except in hotels, tourist establishments and clubs of a touristic nature.
Zewail citys policy is not only to conform to the law by barring any
unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol by students or employees on

the campus facilities, but also prohibits its presence in any of the student
activities either on or off campus.
5) Drugs and Substance Abuse
In the light of Article 34C of the Egyptian Drug Law, which imposes severe
penalties for anyone convicted of possessing, buying, selling, handing over,
transmitting, presenting for consumption or trading illegal drugs on
educational premises, it is the policy of Zewail City to prohibit the manufacture,
distribution, dispensing, possession or use of any controlled substance (drug)
or alcohol by students on the university campus or during student activities.
Violations of this policy may lead to dismissal. Individuals placed on
probation for prohibited drug use, including misuse of pharmaceutical drugs
and/or drug paraphernalia, will deliver this state of probation lifted only after
providing the University proof of successful rehabilitative counselling and
providing a doctors certificate that they are free of drug abuse.
6) Fraud
Falsification of documents, including but not limited to student IDs, bus
passes, and parking permits, will be subject to severe disciplinary penalties.
Lending UST IDs to others, whether to UST students or visitors, is
considered fraud.
7) Theft
Theft of any kind, including seizing, receiving, or concealing property with
knowledge that it has been stolen is prohibited.
Sale, possession, or misappropriation of any property or services without
the owner's permission is also prohibited.
8) Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Expression is the right to convey one's thoughts and opinions
freely through speech, writing, and other sorts of communication but without
causing any type of harm to others.
To nurture the maximum interchange of ideas UST encourages Freedom of
Expression pertained to Academics in a balanced approach. However,
Reasonable regulations are designed to avoid disruption of the Universitys
mission and to protect campus safety and security.
Freedom of Speech should not:
o Overstep upon the rights of other students, faculty, staff, or guests
of the University community.
o Include offensive vocabulary which tend to motivate an immediate
violation of the University harmony.
o Disrupt or interfere with educational or other activities of the
University community.
o Amplified sound equipment or other devices creating a volume of
sound that prevents University members from performing their
normal activities is prohibited unless there is an official approval.

o Obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic on campus.
o Intervene with or restrict the free movement of persons in any of
the University property.
o Interfere with the usage of offices or other facilities by the
students, faculty, staff or guests of the University.
o Result in any damage or destruction of University property
o Endanger the safety of any person on the campus.
In Addition, speech or demonstration should be held in the following areas
which includes, but not limited to, academic and administrative buildings,
libraries, computer labs, and dorms.
9) Public Displays of Affection
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to
life at an academic institution located in Egypt, with due respect for Egyptian
Students are expected to respect the culture in which they live by
refraining from public displays of affection and any intimate behavior,
especially in secluded and unauthorized areas on campus.
Such misconduct will be perceived as improper behavior in an academic
institution and may subject the student to disciplinary action.
10) Harassment
Zewail City is committed to providing a secure educational and work
environment for its students, faculty, staff and administrators.
Demonstrated lack of respect may result in disciplinary action.
Accordingly, the University does not tolerate any form of harassment, including
sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is any conduct of a sexual nature that significantly
impairs a persons ability or opportunity to perform his or her job or
educational pursuits.
Zewail citys sexual harassment policy applies to faculty, administrators,
staff and students, as well as vendors, suppliers and external parties contracted
to perform campus services.
11) Violence and Disrespect
Respect for all members of the university community is an essential
principle at Zewail City.
Students are expected to show respect for colleagues, instructors, staff
members and Zewail City as a whole.
Violence and disrespect include, but is not limited to physical abuse of all
types, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation and harassment, physically
restraining any person and/or other conduct which endangers the physical or
mental health or safety of any person.

12) Personal Safety
Safety and security are warranted to all university members. Any actions
that threaten the personal safety or security of others are considered violations
of the general university laws.
The following actions are considered violations to the personal safety and
security of others:
o Involvement in demonstrations that threaten the safety of the
people or cause any damage to the property.
o Attempts to suppress violently or non-violently free expression of
o The possession or use of explosive or flammable items that might
threaten human life.
o The possession or use of weapons or weapons-like objects that
might threaten human life.
o Any physical assault performed on the university premises.
o Any act that causes serious physical or psychological threats to
13) Other Administrative Conduct Violations

Any other offense related to the operation of the University, Such violation arises
when a student:
Forges, alters, take possession, duplicates, or uses documents, records,
keys, identification, or computer accounts without consent or authorization by
appropriate University officials.
Defaces, transfers, duplicates, loans, borrows, or sells University
identification or any other University document.
Duplicate University building keys; this includes University Owned
Housing keys.
Possess or use keys to University facilities unless expressly authorized to
do so.
Provides University computing resource access to non-University entities
unless expressly authorized to do so in writing.
Fails without just cause to comply with the lawful direction of a University
official acting in the performance of their duties and authority.
Fails to present University identification or gives false identification or
identifying information upon request by an authorized University official who
has offered proper identification as to his/her status.
Purports to represent the University or another person in the University
community improperly and without authorization.
Engages in solicitation of any type in or on University property unless
approved in advance by an appropriate University official.

Engages or participates in non-University commercial activity on campus,
unless written authorization for such activity has been given by the Academic
President or his designee. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the
sale or misuse of class notes and recordings, papers, examinations and other
class materials, which may not be sold, exchanged or distributed for
commercial purposes, or for any purpose other than study.
Intentionally damages any of Zewail City facilities and properties.

7.6. Sanctions
1) Types of Sanctions

Whenever a student breaches the regulations or violates the University Code of Conduct,
Investigation will be carried out and if the student is found guilty, he/she will be subject to
one or more of the following punishments:

A warning is the issuance of a written advise to the student to be more
cautious with his/her behavior and conduct.
The warning does not appear on a students conduct record, but a record
of such result is maintained in the Deans Office and may be taken into
consideration if additional violations occur.
All non-academic incidents will be taken to the Student Conduct
Committee to be evaluated and investigated to provide an appropriate sanction
to all violators

Reprimand is the issuance of a letter to the student indicating that his/her
conduct and behavior is unacceptable and that any future prohibited conduct
may result in more severe disciplinary action.
A Reprimand may appear on a students conduct record.

Loss of the Exercise credit

For most academic offenses; the first penalty will be loss of credit in the
The student may be required to repeat the exercise or complete an
alternative assignment, although credit will not be given.
The student will be allowed to continue in the course.

Loss of Course credit

Repeated academic offenses will lead to failure in the course.
The student will be withdrawn from the course immediately following

Separation from the University for a period of one semester or longer.

A student who has been dismissed must earn readmission, by work and/or
study away from UST for at least one semester and usually an academic year or

Permanent separation from the University
2) Sanctions for Academic Conduct Violations

Sanction for the 1st time / 1st level violation:

Some Violations are clearly opposed to academic integrity as stated in our
policy, but are less clearly the result of dishonesty on the students part; the
student may not fully understand the rules of citation or what constitutes
producing independent work so the first time a student is accused of a breach
of academic integrity, the faculty member may decide that this was an
educational experience for the student. In these cases, the student will receive
a Warning rather than a First violation.
Some Violations are clearly intentional, such as buying a paper from
an on-line source, stealing a paper from a classmate, or using a cell
phone to cheat on a test. Violations that the faculty member and the
Dean of Student affairs deems intentional will be called a First Violation.
Sanctions for first Violation include:
o The student will either be asked to repeat the exercise or complete
an alternate assignment with a reduced or failing grade in that
particular assignment or in the entire course
o A letter of reprimand will be written to the student
o Parental notification

Sanctions for the 2nd violation or a violation following a Warning,

The student will be suspended for the remainder of the semester and for
the following semester.
A letter of reprimand will be placed in the students permanent academic

Sanctions for a Third Violation, including a Second violation

following a Warning,
The student will usually be expelled from the University
Notation of the incidents in the official records

3) Conduct Sanctions for Administrative Violations

Dress Code Violation:

The student will not be allowed to enter Zewail city with inappropriate

Damaging property:
Will subject students to an immediate fine, depending on the extent of

Other Violations
including Fraud & Theft, Harassment & Public display of affection, Alcohol,
illegal drug policy violation, Violence, Disrespect will result in the below
For 1st time offense:
o The student will be suspended for the remainder of the semester
and for the following semester.
o A letter of reprimand will be placed in the students permanent
academic file
o Parental notification
For 2nd time offense:
o The student will usually be expelled from the University
o Notation of the incidents in the official records

Violations of Classroom Code of Conduct

Violations of the Classroom Code of Conduct will follow the three (3) step
procedure below. Despite these steps, in extreme circumstances, course
instructors may immediately contact Campus Security and the Office of Student
Affairs. For issues of student intervention, information on violations may be
shared with the Office of Student Affairs.
First Violation: Following a students first violation in a particular
o The course instructor must provide a student with written
notification of their alleged violation within five (5) calendar days
of the alleged violation, this notification must include specific
details regarding the students alleged violation.
o The course instructor will send this notification to the Registrars
office, Program Chair and the Dean of Student Affairs.
o The student has the opportunity to respond in writing to the
alleged violation within five (5) calendar days of the delivery date
of the written notification from the course instructor.
o This notification shall serve as the first formal warning that the
students conduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Second Violation: Following a students second violation in the
o The course instructor must provide a student with written
notification of their alleged violation within five (5) calendar days
of the alleged violation. This notification must include specific
details regarding the students alleged violation.
o The course instructor will send this notification to the Registrars
office, Program Chair, and Dean of Student Affairs.
o This second notification is the final warning to the student and
must include an explanation of the consequences of a Third
Violation. The Dean of Student Affairs upon recommendation of the
class instructor reserve the right to dismiss the student for up to
two weeks of class meetings from the date of the second
o The Dean will convene a conference with the student and the
course instructor to discuss the second violation. The student has
the opportunity to respond to the alleged violation at the
conference with the Dean and course instructor.
Third Violation: Following a students third violation of the Classroom
Code of Conduct in the course,
o The course instructor must provide a student with written
notification of their alleged violation within five (5) calendar days
of the alleged violation.
o This notification must include specific details regarding the
students alleged violation. A copy is sent to the Registrars office,
Program Chair, Dean of Students and to the Academic President.
o The Academic President or his/her designee will convene a
conference with the student and additional administrators as
deemed necessary (e.g., Student Affairs). Appropriate
disciplinary action will be decided by the Academic

7.7. The Stakeholders
The stakeholders involved in applying and enforcing the academic integrity policy include:
Faculty, Staff and Instructors: All play a major role in establishing and
promoting academic integrity. Therefore, all faculty and staff must be aware of
the academic integrity policy applied by the university upon employment.
They are required to encourage honesty and clearly communicate to students
that academic dishonesty will not be condoned.
Faculty and staff should take all appropriate measures to prevent violations of
academic integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, proper exam proctoring,
providing sufficient examination and assignment completion times, and
securing all material.
Students: University of Science and Technology is responsible to hold an
orientation session for all students upon admission to make them aware of the
academic integrity policy. Students are consequently responsible to apply the
academic integrity policy to the highest standards.
University Administration: The university administration should
encourage reporting of any violations of the academic integrity policies, and
must uphold the policy equally amongst all members of the university.


8. Student Life at University of Science & Technology

8.1. What to expect outside the classroom

University life can get pretty busy. On the other hand, time spent
away from lectures, laboratories and seminar groups can give added
dimensions, physical and emotional support to enhance the academic
experience. So what is life like at University?
The Student Affairs services are established on being student
cantered. The services offered to UST students must be delivered in unity
and harmony with the academic mission of the institution.
The student affairs services and practices and surely the resulting
polices must be built on sound principles and carried out by partnering
the entire Zewail city and campus community. The partnerships and
integration of students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, employers, social
services and other global societies will promote learning for life and not
just lifelong learning.
The role of student affairs complements the academic mission of the
university and is designed to turn the current brain drain into a brain
gain for Egypt, this will be achieved by creating new opportunities and
paving the roads for our young ambitions students.
The Student Affairs Office is committed to provide UST students with
a rich student life experience.
8.2. Campus Activities & Student Organizations
The University is constantly working on creating, developing and
providing cultural and social activities for UST students to enhance both the
educational and personal development of our students.
The Student Affairs office works on providing services and programs
needed by students, which is not directly provided by the university. Student
Affairs is continuously working on providing opportunities to develop student
leadership & social skills as well as individual responsibility through
participating in student activities and organizations. Carrying out recreation
programs and services and working with students to develop arts and various
cultural programs and advising the student government organization.
The student union is the foundation of which various organizations stems
out from. The SU is a key player in shaping the campus activities as well as
being a main participant in influential the UST students social responsibility.
A wide range of other campus activities and organizations exist like ICGE,
Economics, MUN United Nations, AIESEC Internships abroad, and MAL
Arab League
8.3. New student Orientation Program
A whole program designed to facilitate and assist transition and
understanding the core values and life at UST as well as the importance of
their education.

The program supports integration of students from diverse backgrounds
into the intellectual, cultural and social climate of UST through interactive
sessions, lectures, individual advising and peer academic and non-academic
system, all working to develop the students ability to form and shape a solid
education plan.
The Orientation program will not be complete without providing social
and informational programs for both parents and new comers
8.4. Career Advising & Services Unit
The Career Services Unit is designed to assist UST students in their career
explorations and decision making process.
The unit provides career counselling to students, which will grow to
become the main campus resource and hub for providing students & graduates
with full and part-time employment opportunities. Additionally, the unit will
grow its corporate network and creating a database of potential employers and
available work opportunities as well as setting a matching mechanism between
UST student job seekers and external employers.
Building on partnerships with faculty and University staff, career services
will provide information, programs, and consultations to help them better
understand the career-related needs of students. All focusing on preparing UST
students for the workforce
In partnership with alumni, parents, and employers, career services will
develop informational and experiential networks and that involve them as
resources in support of providing training and career opportunities for
8.5. Student Counselling & Mentoring Unit
Experienced counsellors are available at the University of Science and
Technology to help students through times of personal crisis. They will
perform assessments for students in need of counselling and subsequently
determine the services that will best assist them.
These services include: psychotherapy, psychiatric consultation, academic
skills assessment, support groups, assessment and treatment for alcohol
and/or drug abuse, referrals, emergency intervention, and health promotion
and wellness programs.
The mentoring program is currently carried out by student volunteers
However, in the upcoming years the process will be organized by the office of
Student Affairs to enrich the students university experience.
The university is in the process of implementing a mentoring program that
will provide an opportunity for students to connect one-on-one with our
excellent instructors, advisors and faculty members in addition to peer
mentors to help develop skills that serves them in their personal life as well as
academic and professional career.
8.6. Education Abroad Opportunities & International Students
The education abroad is the ultimate educational experience. The Student
Affairs Office is working, in alignment with the universitys mission, on

positioning UST on the international education map to both attract
international students & scholars, to our current and new campuses. This will
create real study abroad openings for our distinguished students to experience
living and studying in a completely different setup.
The education abroad will work closely with our faculty members on
establishing specific study abroad and research agreement with top
international universities.
This function will grow to provide a full and complete range of services to
both incoming and outgoing students and researchers, providing all the needed
support services that are rendered by this unit. Services offered, and not
limited to, securing scholarships, visa services, specially designed orientations,
credit transfer, housing etc.
8.7. Student Housing & Residential life
Until the UST housing facility is established, the Student Affairs
Department will provide assistance to students seeking residential areas in
neighbourhoods around the UST campus. Guidance will be given to students,
especially those who come from other governments, for rental of places with
special negotiated prices for the University students.
8.8. Athletics & Sports Facilities
Developing sports and recreational programs highlighting the core
sportsman ethics and values to complementing the students overall student
life qualities is key to completing the student experience at UST.
The unit will provide and coordinate the use of our current campus
facilities up until the move to our new campus.
Fostering academic success by developing tolerance for individual
differences throughout different sports and teams. All is the context of
extracurricular educational opportunities by participating in recreational
sports and different leadership positions.


9.1. Dining & Food Services

A selected company for catering and food services is supervised by the
University administration.
The Company provides a variety of healthy catering services to all faculty,
students, researchers and staff.
The Cafeteria is located in the Basement.
The Cafeterias opening hours are from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm every day
except for Fridays & Saturdays.
UST may offer meal plan contracts for students, faculty and staff whereby
a semester-based fee is paid per semester for a fixed number of meals per

9.2. Transportation
Zewail city offers a Bus Service for faculty, students and staff.
Meeting points in several districts of Cairo are assigned to provide
transportation service to and from Zewail City according to schedule.
To join this service you need to fill in a request form in the Student Service
Centre. A complete list of the bus schedule will be available on Zewail City
9.3. Parking Policy
UST map demonstrates parking zones with numbered parking lots
designated for faculty, staff and students.
Members of the University community who need to park on campus must
obtain a permit from Transportation & Parking Services.
UST reserves the right to ticket to or boot vehicles parked on University
property in violation of parking policy.
9.4. Library
The Library Mission is to serve the information needs of the Universitys
current Students, Faculty, Staff and Researchers who hold a valid University of
Science and Technology IDs, with a large collection of books and research
Policies on admittance and borrowing, hours, and services are applied by
the Library Administration staff.
The Library opens an automated system to provide many volumes, and
includes laptops for the use of the faculty, students, researchers and staff.
1) Library Policy
Zewail City ID Card is required for library entrance.
Group study is not allowed in the library
Silence and a quiet place should exist in the library
No eating, drinking or smoking in the library
No mobile phone usage is allowed in the library
No meeting point in the floor space of the library
Photocopy Service is allowed for a fee of 10 piasters/page
Late fees are charged on delayed books
2) Library Schedule
Sunday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 9:30 pm Friday closed
Saturday, 9:30 am - 7:30 pm
Exact dates of holidays are to be confirmed by official notice

3) Library Resources
The University library includes the following online access:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) digital library
American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Institute of Physics (IOP)
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Springer Books
Springer Journals
9.5. The University Clinic
The University clinic provides a Health System and medical services to all
of the UST community.
The physicians and the nurses are available every day from 8:30 am to
4:30 pm, except for Fridays and Saturdays.
9.6. Conference and Event Spaces Services
University of Science and Technology has various places for events and
conferences. Halls, lounges are available.
Conference and Event Services offers assistance to academic and
administrative departments in planning any University conference or event.
The Services include: consultation to plan a successful conference
registration, equipment provision, clean up services for outdoor/indoor events.
9.7. Bank & ATMs
There are two automated teller machines linked to Fawry services.
The ATMs are located on the ground floor.


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