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(Industrial Support Services)

This agreement is made and become effective on the __________ of 20_____.

By and Between:

Ali M. Al-Alwan General Contracting, an establishment company incorporated in Saudi

Arabia, under C.R. 2055007034, having its registered office at P.O Box 2643, Jubail 31951,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (hereinafter referred to as First Party).


(Hereinafter referred to as Second Party. )

Whereas the Second Party will provide industrial support services to the First Party with the
following conditions stipulated below:

Article 1. Scope of Work

1.1 Second Party agrees to supply the manpower as per agreed rates listed below
and in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions detailed herein.
1.2 Second Party shall supply only competent, experience and qualified manpower
in the respective craft, trades and professions under his sponsorship according
to this Service Agreement.
1.3 Second Party shall provide his personnel with safety gear and equipment
required in accordance with the Standard Safety Rules and Regulations.
1.4 Second Party shall carry and maintain in full force for whole duration of this
Service Agreement, insurance policy that shall adequately cover, in all respects,
his liabilities hereunder or under any common law, statue or regulation in
connection with the execution of this Service Agreement.

Article 2. Payment Terms

2.1 First Party shall pay Second Party the rates shown below in respect to its
trade/craft. The rate as shown are fixed and not subject to any escalation due to any reason
what so ever for the whole duration of this Service agreement or any extended time thereof.
SI# Category Qty Rate/ Hour

2.2 The number of employees shown above is an indicative figure only. First Party
reserves the right at any time to increase or decrease the number of employees required
depending upon the actual requirement of the First Party.

2.3 First Party will inform Second Party by official letter for further mobilization.

2.4 All hours worked shall be paid at regular hourly rates and First Party agrees to
pay Second Party for the total number of hours worked by his employee.

2.5 Second Party shall submit his invoice in every first week of the month for
manpower supplied during the previous month. Such invoice (s) shall be supported by all
relevant documentation, timesheets and the like.

2.6 First Party shall verify the invoice and the correct payment shall be made to
Second Party by cheque thirty (30) days after receipt and approval of the invoice.

Article 3. Contract Duration

3.1 This Service agreement is effective upon its signing and valid up to minimum of
six (6) months or any extended time thereof.

Article 4.0 Contract Expiry and Termination

4.1 Within five (5) days prior to the expiry of this Service Agreement, First Party may
inform Second Party in writing of its intention to extend or terminate this Service

4.2 If it is the intent of Second Party not to extend this Service Agreement, he should
inform First Party of his intention by giving seven (7) days notice in writing prior to the
expiration of this Service Agreement.

4.3 First Party reserves the right to terminate this Service Agreement due to any
reason he may have and shall inform Second Party in writing three (3) days prior to the date
of termination.

4.4 If during the validity period or any extended time thereof Second Party
terminates or demobilizes his employees from site without written notice to First Party,
then First Party is not responsible for whatever costs arising to the employees during his
Article 5.0 Performance

5.1 If the performance of the manpower supplied by the Second Party is found to be
unacceptable to First Party, the manpower shall be removed from the site without any
written notice and Second Party shall provide replacement immediately, if required.

Article 6.0 General Terms and Conditions

6.1 Second Party shall make sure that all his staff are legal and with valid iqama or
iqama under renewal addition to providing copies of valid iqama, passport, blood group
certificate and sponsor C.R. prior to mobilization and immediately upon signing this Service

6.2 If the employees are unable to work due to inclement weather or for reasons
beyond the control of the First Party, no payment shall be made by First Party to Second
Party for man-hours lost.

6.3 Second Party shall make payment of wages to his employees on a monthly basis
as per Saudi law.

6.4 In case the employee suffers an injury while at work, First Party shall provide the
required First Aid only. Subsequent medical and hospitalization expenses shall be borne by
Second Party.

6.5 If the employee suffers any other injury or fall sick, Second Party shall be
responsible for medical aid and expenses.

6.6 In case of the death of employee, the repatriation of his remains shall be the
responsibility of the Second Party.

6.7 First Party shall provide site transportation, food and accommodation, free of
costs to Second Partys employees during the Agreement duration.

6.8 All employees must be covered by Second Party under Social Insurance (GOSI) in
accordance with Saudi Government regulations.

6.9 First Party has the right to deduct an amount based on the agreements if the
employees of the Second Party found for any unauthorized absenteeism.

6.10 Second Party hereby warrants that any acts of negligence, willful damage, etc.
of his employees that cause monetary loss or expense to First Party shall be fully recovered
from Second Party.
6.11 This Service Agreement as described embodies the entire agreement between
First Party and Second Party. Any amendment of any nature shall not be valid unless agreed
and signed by both parties.

6.12 Second Party shall get clearance from office or camp before settling the final

IN WITNESS WHEREOFF, the parties hereto by their authorized representative have signed
this contract the day and year first above written.


Name : Mr. Zaki Mohammad Hussain

Position : Operation manager

Signed : __________________

Company Stamp : __________________


Name : ___________________

Position : ___________________

Signed : __________________

Company Stamp :

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