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The Divine Image

William Blake, 1757 - 1827

To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love, For Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love,
All pray in their distress: Is God, our father dear:
And to these virtues of delight And Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love,
Return their thankfulness. Is Man, his child and care
For Mercy has a human heart, Then every man of every clime,
Pity, a human face: That prays in his distress,
And Love, the human form divine, Prays to the human form divine,
And Peace, the human dress. Love, Mercy, Pity, Peace.

And all must love the human form, Where Mercy, Love, & Pity dwell,
In heathen, Turk, or Jew. There God is dwelling too

Summary and Analysis

The Divine Image is a short lyric by the English Romantic poet William Blake (1757-1827).
As its title implies, the poem suggests that the image of God is reflected in human beingsnot
simply in Christian human beings but rather in all of humankind.

The poem opens by stressing, in its first two lines, a major theme of the work: All people (2),
when distressed, seek help from such divine qualities as Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love (1).
When afflicted by sorrow of any kind, people tend to express their thanks for the positive
qualities in their lives, which they tend to associate with God. The opening stanza implies a kind
of harmonious reciprocity, in which God gives us the Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love we seek,
while we, in turn, return our thanks for these gifts.

The opening stanza, like the rest of the poem, is written in the simple, clear, accessible style
Blake often used in his lyrics, especially those contained in the Songs of Innocence and
Experience. (His more epic poems, by contrast, are often highly arcane and confusing.) Poems
such as The Divine Image, however, are often childlike in their phrasing. They implicitly
remind us that we are all children in Gods eyes, and so the poems speak in lucid, uncomplicated
ways that almost anyone can understand. In this poem, the lines are relatively short (consisting of
alternating eight and six syllables), and the refrain also helps give the poem the effect of
simplicity and accessibility.

The speaker addresses the reader without pomp or self-important pretension, and the poems
rhythms are almost completely iambic: unaccented odd syllables are followed by accented even
syllables (as in To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love). In addition, the stanzas are exactly the
same length. In short, nothing in the poem creates any difficulty for most readers: the diction is
simple, the syntax is simple, the structure and meter are simple, and the poem is as clear today as
it was on the day it was written. In a poem celebrating the instincts all human beings supposedly
share, all these stylistic traits are important.

The second stanza builds on the first by suggesting the essential unity between man and God: we
are created in Gods image and thus, in our best qualities, we quite literally embody God, just as
God himself is the personification, the very essence and source, of Mercy, Pity, Peace, and
Love. Even the words Blake associates with God are clear, simple, short, and straightforward,
not long or elaborate. Imagine how different the poem would sound if the speaker had tried to
define God as Clemency, Benevolence,...

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