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Very simply, electromagnetic interference (EMI) costs money, reduces profits, and
generally wreaks havoc for circuit designers in all industries. This book shows
how the analytic tools of circuit theory can be used to simulate the coupling
of interference into, and out of, any signal link in the system being reviewed.
The technique is simple, systematic and accurate. It enables the design of any
equipment to be tailored to meet EMC requirements.
Every electronic system consists of a number of functional modules interconnected
by signal links and power supply lines. Electromagnetic interference can be
coupled into and out of every conductor. A review of the construction of the wiring
assemblies and the functions of the signals they carry will allow critical links to be
identified. Circuit modeling can be used to simulate the electromagnetic coupling
mechanism of each critical link, allowing its performance to be analyzed and
compared with the formal requirements. Bench testing during the development
of any product will allow any interference problem to be identified and corrected,
long before the manufactured unit is subjected to formal testing.
A fully outlined, systematic and dramatically simplified process of designing
equipment to meet EMC requirements.
Focuses on simplifications which enable electrical engineers to singularly
handle EMC problems.
Helps minimize time-to-market of new products and reduces the need for
costly and time-consuming modifications.
Outlines how general purpose test equipment (oscilloscopes and signal
generators) can be used to validate and refine any model.
Discusses how to use Mathcad or MATLAB to perform analysis and
Ian B. Darney was awarded a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering at the University
of Glasgow in 1960. He joined the Guided Weapons Division of British Aerospace
and worked on the circuit design of equipment for missiles, ground equipment,
submersibles, and spacecraft. After transferring to the Airbus Division he carried
out certification work associated with lightning indirect effects, electrostatics and
intrinsic safety. He was a member of the European Organisation for Civil Aviation
Equipment (EUROCAE) committee which defined the requirements for the
protection of aircraft from the indirect effects of lightning. Since his retirement,
he has continued to work as an EMC consultant, and has written two technical
papers and numerous magazine articles on EMC.
Circuit Modeling for
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Other titles in the series
Designing Electronic Systems for EMC (2011)
by William G. Duff

Electromagnetic Measurements in the Near Field, Second Edition (2012)

by Pawel Bienkowski and Hubert Trzaska

Circuit Modeling for Electromagnetic Compatibility (2013)

by Ian B. Darney

The EMC Pocket Guide (2013)

by Kenneth Wyatt and Randy Jost

Forthcoming titles in the series

EMC Essentials (2014)
by Kenneth Wyatt and Randy Jost

Electromagnetic Field Standards and Exposure Systems (2014)

by Eugeniusz Grudzinski and Hubert Trzaska

Guide to EMC Troubleshooting and Problem-solving (2014)

by Patrick G. Andre and Kenneth Wyatt

Designing Wireless Communication Systems for EMC (2014)

by William G. Duff
Circuit Modeling for
Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMC Series

Ian B. Darney

Edison, NJ
Published by SciTech Publishing, an imprint of the IET.

Copyright 2013 by SciTech Publishing, Edison, NJ. All rights reserved.

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ISBN 978-1-61353-020-7 (hardback)

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The SciTech Series on Electromagnetic Compatibility
The SciTech Series on Electromagnetic Compatibility provides a continuously growing body
of knowledge in the latest developments and best practices in electromagnetic compatibility
engineering. EMC is a subject that has broadened its scope in the last 20 years to include
effects associated with virtually all electronic systems, ranging from the nanoscale to large
installations and from physical devices to distributed communications systems. Similarly,
EMC knowledge and practices have spread beyond the EMC specialist to a much wider
audience of electronic design engineers. No longer can ESD/EDI problems be addressed as
a solution to an unforeseen problem in a reactive response. Rather, design engineers can
model and simulate systems specifically to root out the potential for such effects. Similarly,
knowledge and practice from other engineering disciplines have become an integral part of
the subject of electromagnetic compatibility. The aim of this series is to provide this
broadening audience of specialist and non-specialist professionals and students books by
authoritative authors that are practical in their application but thoroughly grounded in a
relevant theoretical basis. Thus, series books have as much relevance in a modern university
curriculum as they do on the practicing engineers bookshelf.

Circuit Modeling for Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Series

Ian B. Darney
Understanding a problem often means focusing on the heart of the issue. That is what this
book does: it strips away the clutter in order to help develop an appreciation and
understanding of some of the core issues for EMC. Circuit Modeling for Electromagnetic
Compatibility demonstrates how powerful the simple models for lumped parameter, trans-
mission line, and the antenna can be. The origins of this book go back over 40 years and
emphasize the huge amount that can be garnered from simplified analytical approaches. Ian
Darneys clear approach is that if you can simulate the observed response, you are a long
way toward solving the problem.
Ian and I first spoke about this book about a year and a half ago, and it was apparent that,
having spent a successful career as an electronic systems designer, he had a firm intention to
share his careers learning in a distilled and accessible book. Some people may feel that too
much of the detail has been stripped away, but the vast majority of the engineers I have
shared this with have enjoyed both the technical underpinnings and Ians approach to
communicating it.
I think this is a great companion book for any electronic engineers bookshelf. It will help
non-EMC engineers get to grips with the core technology challenges and help EMC engi-
neers visualize the driving mechanisms for some of the phenomena they are working with on
a daily basis.
Alistair Duffy Series Editor

Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xvii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.1.1 The need for EMC 1
1.1.2 Pragmatic approach 1
1.1.3 Academic approach 2
1.1.4 Managerial approach 2
1.1.5 Misleading concepts 2
1.1.6 Circuit modeling 3
1.1.7 Computations 3
1.1.8 Testing 3
1.1.9 Essence of the approach 4
1.2 Developing the model 4
1.2.1 Basic model 4
1.2.2 Parameter types 5
1.2.3 Derivation process 6
1.2.4 Composite conductors 7
1.2.5 Proximity effect 8
1.2.6 Electrical length 8
1.2.7 Distributed parameters 9
1.3 Intra-system interference 11
1.3.1 The signal link 11
1.3.2 Simulating the structure 11
1.3.3 Equivalent circuits 12
1.3.4 Conducted emission 12
1.3.5 Conducted susceptibility 13

viii Contents

1.3.6 Voltage transformer 14

1.3.7 Current transformer 14
1.3.8 Representative circuit model 14
1.4 Inter-system interference 15
1.4.1 Dipole model 15
1.4.2 The virtual conductor 16
1.4.3 The threat voltage 17
1.4.4 Worst-case analysis 18
1.5 Transients 19
1.6 The importance of testing 20
1.7 Practical design techniques 21
1.8 System design 22
1.8.1 Guidelines 22
1.8.2 Top-down approach 23
1.8.3 Formal EMC requirements 23
2 Lumped parameter models 25
2.1 Primitive capacitance 27
2.2 Primitive inductance 30
2.3 Duality of L and C 34
2.4 Loop parameters 35
2.5 Circuit parameters 38
2.5.1 Inductance 38
2.5.2 Capacitance 39
2.5.3 Maintaining duality 40
2.5.4 Resistance 41
2.5.5 Basic assumption 42
2.6 Twin-conductor model 42
2.7 Three-conductor model 45
2.8 Optimum coupling 49
2.9 Transfer admittance 52
2.10 Co-axial coupling 55
2.11 The ground plane 57
3 Other cross sections 61
3.1 Single composite conductor 62
3.2 The composite pair 67
3.3 The screened pair 74
Contents ix

4 Transmission line models 81

4.1 Single-T model 82
4.2 Triple-T model 86
4.3 Cross-coupling 89
4.4 Bench test models 94

5 Antenna models 101

5.1 The half-wave dipole 102
5.1.1 Radiated power 102
5.1.2 Power density 104
5.1.3 Field strength 105
5.1.4 Power received 106
5.2 The virtual conductor 107
5.3 The threat voltage 113
5.4 The threat current 117
5.5 Coupling via the structure 122
5.6 Radiation susceptibility 130
5.7 Radiated emission 132

6 Transient analysis 135

6.1 Time-step analysis 137
6.1.1 Basic concept 137
6.1.2 Basic equations 137
6.1.3 Series LCR circuit 138
6.1.4 Parallel LCR circuit 140
6.2 Delay-line model 143
6.3 Line characteristics 149
6.4 Antenna-mode current 155
6.5 Radiated emission 161
6.5.1 Current linking the transformer 161
6.5.2 Line voltage 164
6.5.3 Source current and voltage 164
6.5.4 Radiated current 165
6.5.5 Cable losses 166
6.5.6 Line parameter measurements 167
6.6 Transient emission model 168
x Contents

7 Bench testing 175

7.1 Voltage transformer 176
7.2 Current transformer 183
7.3 Triaxial cable 188
7.4 The isolated conductor 189
7.5 Cable characterization 197
7.6 Cable transients 206
7.7 Capacitor characterization 213
8 Practical design 217
8.1 Grounding 218
8.2 Conductor pairing 221
8.3 Ground loops 224
8.4 Common-mode rejection 226
8.4.1 Differential amplifier 226
8.4.2 Differential logic driver 227
8.4.3 Differential analogue driver 228
8.4.4 Common-mode choke 228
8.4.5 Transformer coupling 229
8.4.6 Center-tapped transformer 230
8.4.7 Opto-isolator 230
8.5 Differential-mode damping 231
8.5.1 Transient damping 231
8.5.2 Mains filtering 232
8.5.3 Solenoid switching 233
8.5.4 Commercial filters 234
8.5.5 Use of carbon 235
8.6 Common-mode damping 235
8.6.1 Common-mode resistor 235
8.6.2 Minimizing pickup 236
8.6.3 Triaxial cable 237
8.6.4 Transformer inter-winding 238
8.6.5 Common-mode filter 238
8.6.6 Transformer-coupled resistors 239
8.7 Shielding 240
8.7.1 Equipment shielding 241
8.7.2 Shielding of buildings 242
8.7.3 Use of carbon 244
Contents xi

9 System design 245

9.1 Design guidelines 246
9.1.1 Structure as a shield 246
9.1.2 Return conductors 247
9.1.3 Ground loops 247
9.1.4 Current balance 248
9.1.5 Differential-mode damping 248
9.1.6 Common-mode damping 248
9.1.7 System assessment 249
9.1.8 Bench tests 249
9.2 Relating the diagrams 249
9.2.1 Circuit diagrams 249
9.2.2 Wiring diagrams 251
9.2.3 Block diagrams 252
9.2.4 Interface diagrams 252
9.2.5 Circuit models 253
9.2.6 Deriving component values 254
9.2.7 Analyzing the signal link 255
9.2.8 Testing the link 256
9.3 Printed circuit boards 256
9.4 Susceptibility requirements 257
9.5 Emission requirements 260
9.6 Planning 263
9.6.1 Performance requirements 263
9.6.2 Bench test equipment 263
9.6.3 Software 264
9.6.4 Critical signal links 264
9.6.5 Critical frequencies 265
9.6.6 Characterization 265
9.6.7 General approach 266

Appendix A Mathcad worksheets 269

Appendix B MATLAB 271
Appendix C The hybrid equations 273
Appendix D Definitions 277
References 281
Index 285

Back in the 1960s, the author was a member of a team designing a Flight Trainer. In this
equipment, an analog computer generated a set of waveforms which resulted in a trapezoidal
raster being displayed on the screen of a flying-spot scanner. The light from the screen
illuminated a continuously moving film of a five-mile wide strip of terrain. The light which
penetrated the film was focused by a collimator lens onto a photomultiplier. The video
output simulated that of a camera mounted on a low-flying missile.
The system worked reasonably well, but was plagued by a wide range of interference
problems which were never satisfactorily solved. The underlying reason was the fact that, at
the outset of the project, the customer insisted that a single-point ground terminal be located
at the bottom of the rack of equipment and that three wire-braids be connected to that point.
These were designated the analog ground, logic ground, and power ground, and the star-
point was specified as the only place where ohmic contact was allowed. At all other locations
in the equipment, the reference grounds were isolated from each other. This was, and is, the
worst possible configuration to adopt.
Even so, the concept of the star-point ground has gained widespread acceptance by the
engineering community. Other misleading concepts in vogue are the equipotential ground
and the need to avoid earth loops.
This book started out as a study report that advocated the use of a set of guidelines which
could replace these misleading concepts. Since engineers are skeptical individuals, there was
always someone who could point out a defect in the reasoning. So more background material
was gathered, tests were carried out, and further analyses performed. It eventually became
clear that circuit modeling could be used to analyze the coupling mechanisms.
But there were still critics who pointed out that such an approach could not be used to
handle high-frequency simulations. So the modeling technique was developed further to
cater for transmission-line effects and to take into account the action of cables as antennae.
The end result is a technique that can be used to assess and analyze the mechanisms usually
associated with electromagnetic interference (EMI). That is
common impedance,
electric fields (capacitive induction),
magnetic fields (magnetic induction), and
electromagnetic fields (plain waves).

xiv Preface

The following pages provide many circuit models which can simulate the various
conducted EMI and radiated EMI problems. The approach is unique in that it uses simple
analytical methods. It is easy to implement.
The contents are useful to practical design engineers at various levels, such as circuit
designers, printed circuit board designers, electronic system engineers, power system engi-
neers, EMC engineers, and EMC consultants. Time is precious to such individuals, so it is
recommended that the busy designer first reads Chapter 9, which describes a top-down
approach and provides a set of simple guidelines. If this systematic approach is implemented,
then the design can be made fundamentally sound. Then it is worth reading Chapter 8, which
identifies most of the techniques which reduce the level of EMI coupling and describe the
mechanisms involved. The preceding chapters can be regarded as material which justifies the
detailed recommendations.
Lecturers who teach subjects such as electronic circuit design (analogue, digital, switched-
mode, radio-frequency, etc.) should find it useful, since it relates fundamental concepts to
the considerations of practical design.
Students of electrical engineering will benefit from this book, since EMC is no longer an
optional topic and the approach described in the following pages is the simplest possible.
It should also be useful to universities who provide special courses on the subject of
EMC, since it identifies a different approach to the analysis of EMI. Since it does not require
an ability to manipulate the mathematics of electromagnetic field theory, it is understandable
to a wider range of engineers.
One of the tests in Chapter 7 identifies the fact that antenna-mode current propagates
faster than differential-mode current, and shows how the two velocities can be measured.
This should be of interest to researchers.
There are many books which describe the various interference coupling mechanisms, and
which identify practical design solutions. Others delve into the analysis of electromagnetic
field propagation. Since these aspects are well-covered elsewhere, there is no need to reprise
their contents. Such a policy keeps this book relatively short.
The first chapter identifies the underlying concepts and summarizes the approach.
Chapter 2 defines the building blocks of all circuit models and derives simple models
of familiar configurations such as the coupling between common-mode circuits and
differential-mode circuits. These models are useful in providing an insight into the coupling
mechanisms. They are amenable to analysis using SPICE software. The simulated response
is reasonably accurate up to the frequency at which the wavelength of the signal is one-tenth
the length of the cable.
Chapter 3 develops the process to allow the electromagnetic coupling in complex
assemblies such as aircraft wings or multilayer boards to be simulated. Although the fre-
quency response of such models is subject to the same limitation as that of the simpler
configurations, the range of possible applications is vastly extended.
An open-circuit line will resonate at a frequency where the quarter wavelength of the
signal is equal to the length of the line. A short-circuited line will resonate at the half-wave
frequency. At resonance the level of interference will reach a peak value. If it is hoped to
simulate the interference-coupling characteristics of any signal link, then the model should
be capable of handling signals up to, and beyond, the half-wave frequency of the line.
Chapter 4 achieves this objective by invoking the relationships of transmission-line theory.
Preface xv

Chapter 5 takes the process one step further, to simulate the behavior of cables as
Chapter 6 derives a circuit model that can replicate the transient behavior of a twin-
conductor cable as an antenna.
Chapter 7 shows how circuit models can be used to simulate the response of bench tests
on actual hardware. This establishes the all-important connection between theory and
Chapter 8 describes a number of techniques that have been used by engineers to improve
EMC, and relates these designs to the interference coupling mechanisms identified in the
previous chapters.
Chapter 9 outlines a systematic method of analyzing the EMC characteristics of the
system-under-development. It establishes a clear link between the formal EMC design
requirements and the performance of the equipment. The S.I. system of units is used
throughout the book.
Although the analytical process is dramatically simpler than one based on the use of
electromagnetic field theory, the calculations still require the use of a computer. Simulation
Programs with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) can deal with the simple configurations
described in Chapter 2, but cannot handle the computations described in the later chapters.
Mathematical software is needed.
It was found that Mathcad software was ideal for the purpose since it can combine the
equations of circuit analysis with those of electromagnetic field propagation. It can accept
input data in the form of geometrical measurements of the hardware-under-review and
combine this with data derived from tests on that hardware. Appendix A provides a brief
introduction to this software. Copies of the worksheets can be downloaded from the website
Subsequent to the completion of the first draft of this book, an exercise was carried out to
translate the Mathcad worksheets into MATLAB m-files. These also can be downloaded
from the website. Appendix B identifies the relationships between the two software packages
which help engineers who are familiar with MATLAB to read and understand the contents of
the Mathcad worksheets.
One of the key features of the analysis is the use of a transformation formula derived
from the equations of transmission-line theory. Appendix C provides a succinct introduction
to the concept of distributed parameters and derives the hybrid equations used as a starting
point in Chapter 4.
Although many of the concepts used in this book are familiar to electrical and electronic
engineers, some are new. So a set of definitions is provided in Appendix D.
Reports on further tests and analyses will be filed at as and when
they are completed. The website also has a page for feedback from readers.

Thanks are due to the many old colleagues in British Aerospace who provided encourage-
ment and criticism in equal measure, to Alistair Duffy who promoted the book, to Dudley
Kay who agreed to publish it, and to my wife Frances for her patience and support.



1.1 Background
1.1.1 The need for EMC
The development of electronic equipment has come a long way since the invention of valves
and transistors, to the extent that modern society is highly dependent on the smooth
functioning of the myriad systems that myriad systems now in operation.
Concurrently with that development, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) has also
increased, both in the number of daily incidents and in the severity of the possible con-
sequences. Initially, most of the effects were annoying; for example, crackles on the radio
due to a nearby thunderstorm were something one learned to accept. Latterly, some of the
effects could be life threatening. The phenomenon described as sudden unintended accel-
eration could be a case in point.
A succinct definition of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the ability of a device,
unit of equipment, or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment
without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environ-
ment [1.1].

1.1.2 Pragmatic approach

There is no shortage of regulatory requirements. In fact, the continuous stream of new or
revised regulations is enough to keep a team of researchers occupied full time [1.2].
However, the task of designing equipment to meet the requirements does not seem to be
amenable to a simple, systematic approach. Normal practice is to break the phenomenon
down into four distinct types: common impedance, electric fields, magnetic fields, and
electromagnetic fields [1.3]. Each type of coupling is treated separately, and examples are
provided of the effects which can be expected with different design fixes. The objective is to
help readers to achieve an overall understanding of the physics involved. Armed with such
an understanding, the designer should be able to assess the EMC characteristics of the
This pragmatic approach tends to focus on the multitude of methods by which inter-
ference can be coupled from one system to another, on layout and grounding, printed circuit
layout, cables and connectors, filtering, transient suppression, and shielding. Many useful

2 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

design techniques are identified in books that adopt this approach [1.4]. This being so, there
is no need to reprise the material they provide.
While such an approach leads to many useful design techniques, it is essentially hit or
miss. A technique that works well in one application can cause disastrous effects in another.
Since it involves subjective judgment, there is still plenty of scope for disagreement between
This is in marked contrast to requirements such as functional performance, frequency
response, power consumption, reliability, mass, and size, which are all amenable to rigorous
analysis. Care is taken at every stage of the design process to ensure that these other require-
ments will be met. Bench testing is carried out on prototype equipment. In situ tests are carried
out on assembled systems. Test results are compared with predicted performance. Regular
design reviews are carried out. If there are any problems, modifications are implemented.

1.1.3 Academic approach

Another approach to the subject is based on the use of computational electromagnetics.
There is at least one book which compiles the results of research carried out on this
topic [1.5].
This is essentially a review of the various techniques used in computational electro-
magnetics, followed by a selection of an appropriate method of analysis. Such techniques
are: radiation models for wire antennas, diffraction and scattering models for apertures, field
coupling using transmission line theory, and shielding models. The problem with this
approach is that the mathematical processes require an expertise which is well beyond the
capability of the average equipment designer. Moreover, the focus is mostly on the behavior
of electromagnetic fields. This being so, the functional performance of the equipment-under-
review is not an aspect that is analyzed.

1.1.4 Managerial approach

In large organizations, the approach to the achievement of EMC is to create a set of Design
Rules which are updated periodically by standing committees. The nature of such a man-
agement system is that rules which have been formulated decades in the past come to be
regarded as sacrosanct. Development of new equipment involves design processes which
follow these rules, the equipment is subjected to performance testing, environmental testing,
reliability analyses, design reviews, and is eventually submitted to the EMC Test House for
final testing. If it fails this final test, this fact is discussed at the Critical Review meeting,
emergency measures are invoked, design fixes are implemented, and the equipment resub-
mitted for EMC testing. Eventually, the equipment muddles through.

1.1.5 Misleading concepts

There is a widespread belief among engineers that the structure can be represented by an
equipotential surface. Such an assumption is inherent in every circuit diagram which contains
the ubiquitous ground symbol. Attempts to reconcile this concept with the observed inter-
ference in the system have led at least one engineer to declare that the subject is a black art.
Another disturbing concept which has been given formal blessing by successive teams of
experts is that of the single ground point. Some point on the structure is designated as the
1.1 Background 3

reference point for all signals in the system. Guidance for the design of UK military
equipment formalizes this concept and provides detailed requirements for its implementation
[1.6]. If this concept is implemented into the design of any electronic equipment, it can be
guaranteed that the equipment will suffer from intractable interference problems.
Closely related to the concept of the single-point ground is the stricture to avoid earth
Although none of these concepts is to be found in any textbook on electromagnetic
theory, they have become firmly entrenched beliefs in the engineering community. There has
to be a better way of approaching the task of achieving EMC.

1.1.6 Circuit modeling

The approach described in the following pages enables electronic equipment to be designed
to meet the EMC requirements using mathematics which is understandable to every circuit
designer. It establishes a clear relationship between the performance of the system-under-
review and the requirements placed on the system. The ability to analyze the coupling
mechanisms leads to a better understanding of the underlying physics.
Given a better understanding, the designer is able to appreciate the value of the detailed
advice provided by the existing books and to reject the misleading concepts prevalent in the
The simplifications inherent in the use of circuit theory inevitably mean that some fide-
lity is lost in the simulation. If high fidelity is required, then the results obtained by the use of
circuit modeling can be refined by the techniques of computational electromagnetics.

1.1.7 Computations
Although the simplifications achieved through the use of circuit modeling provide a dramatic
reduction in the complexity of the mathematics, it is still necessary to employ the use of
personal computers. Since many of the calculations are beyond the capability of Simulation
Programs with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE), another type of general-purpose soft-
ware is needed mathematical software.
A Mathcad worksheet is used to illustrate the details of each computation. Since
mathematical notation is used throughout in these programs, they are much easier to follow
than ones written in, say, the JAVA language. A few special features of Mathcad are
described in Appendix A. After reading this appendix, it should not be difficult for
any reader to understand the contents of the worksheets. Since every worksheet is fully
explained, the reader is not left to formulate his or her own program from a set of mathe-
matical relationships.
In the following pages, the parameter dimensions adhere to those of the SI System.

1.1.8 Testing
The ability to analyze the mechanisms involved in coupling interference into and out of the
signal link-under-review leads to the ability to devise tests which measure the actual cou-
pling parameters and correlate them with those of the relevant circuit model. A connection
has been established between test and analysis.
4 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Since circuit theory is capable of analyzing signals in either the time domain or the
frequency domain, it becomes possible to identify the most probable cause of unexpected
interference during product development. It is but a small step to modify the design of the
signal link, build a prototype of the new link, check its performance using bench test
equipment, create a representative circuit model, and prepare a progress report. More than
that, it becomes possible to check functional performance against formal requirements.
That is, EMC can be subjected to the same design process that applies to every other
performance requirement.

1.1.9 Essence of the approach

The essence of the approach used by the author has always been to carry out tests on a
representative assembly, search for a circuit model which allows the results to be simulated,
and then to review available literature to relate that model to accepted theory. Having
identified a clear relationship between the model and accepted theory, it becomes possible to
define that relationship. Since the theory of electromagnetics is based on the use of the
Maxwell Equations, it can be said that the model is based on those equations.
Since there are always deviations between the model and the test observations, it
becomes possible to focus on the deviations and search for ways of refining the model. It is
tempting to continue with this process and develop ever more complex models. However, the
objective of the exercise is to enable the engineer at the bench to gain an understanding of
the mechanisms underlying electromagnetic interference. Once the cause of a particular
interference problem is understood, human ingenuity enables a solution to be found.
The ability to create a circuit model of a particular signal link allows the user to predict
the interference characteristics of that link, enabling tests to be defined to measure those
characteristics. Ultimately, the accuracy of the technique is determined by the accuracy of
those measurements.

1.2 Developing the model

1.2.1 Basic model
Basic assumptions can be clearly stated. Every conductor (including the structure) possesses
the properties of inductance, capacitance and resistance. Any circuit model which simulates
interference must represent at least three conductors. Only a three-conductor configuration
can be used to simulate the coupling between two independent circuit loops. For example, to
cross-coupling between two signals in a multi-conductor cable or on a printed circuit
board (see section 4.3),
coupling between the differential-mode loop and the common-mode loop (see section 4.4),
coupling between a transmission line and the environment (see section 5.2).
A circuit model of inductive coupling between three parallel conductors would be as shown
on Figure 1.2.1. Similarly, a circuit model of the capacitive coupling would be as shown on
Figure 1.2.2
1.2 Developing the model 5

near end far end

Vc1 Lc2 Ic1

Vc2 Lc3 Ic2

Figure 1.2.1 Inductive coupling between three parallel conductors.

near end far end



Cc3 Cc2 Cc1

Ic2 Ic1

Figure 1.2.2 Capacitive coupling between three parallel conductors.

Since current must flow along a conductor in order to flow into the capacitance, and since
a cable behaves in the same manner no matter at which end voltages are applied, the most
logical way of simulating the combined effect of inductive and capacitive coupling would be
to use the circuit of Figure 1.2.3.
This model includes resistors to represent the effect of the series resistance of each

1.2.2 Parameter types

Much of the analysis of the coupling parameters deals with the relationships between elec-
tromagnetic theory and circuit theory.
The mathematics of the former involves divs, dels, and curls, as well as the relationships
between rectangular, circular, and spherical co-ordinate systems. A basic assumption is that
currents and voltages anywhere in the system affect currents and voltages everywhere else in
the system.
Circuit theory involves a totally different set of concepts. The system is depicted as a
network of nodes and branches and the voltage across each branch is a unique function of the
current flowing in that branch. Although circuit theory is much simpler, it still involves a
great deal of computation. So it is essential to ensure at the outset that equations derived
6 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Rc1 Lc1 Lc1 Rc1

2 2 2 2
1 4

Rc2 Lc2 Cc1 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2
2 5

Rc3 Lc3 Lc3 Rc3

2 2 2 2

3 6

near end far end


Figure 1.2.3 Combined effect of inductive and capacitive coupling.

using one theory are always distinguishable from equations derived from the other. This can
be done by defining different types of parameter and by assigning a unique symbol to each.
Four distinct types of parameter can be identified; primitive, partial, loop, and circuit.
A primitive parameter is one which relates the current in a conductor of circular section
to the energy level of the electromagnetic field associated with that current.
A partial parameter is one which relates the current in a conductor of any cross-section to
the energy level of the electromagnetic field associated with that current.
Loop parameters are derived from primitive parameters and are used in equations which
relate loop voltages to loop currents. They are the parameters which can be measured
directly by electronic test equipment.
Circuit parameters are those which appear in circuit diagrams.
These parameters are described more fully in Chapters 2 and 3.
Electromagnetic theory invokes the concept of distributed parameters; resistance per
meter, capacitance per meter, inductance per meter, and conductance per meter. Chapter 4
identifies a simple transformation formula which obviates the need to use these
Reflections can occur at transmission line terminations. Incident current flows in one
direction along a conductor while reflected current flows in the opposite direction. Total
current is the sum of these two partial currents. The term partial is also used to identify the
associated voltages.

1.2.3 Derivation process

The process used to derive circuit models is based on the method described in textbooks to
derive formulae for the equivalent phase inductance [1.7] and the equivalent phase capaci-
tance [1.8] of a three-phase power line. It is assumed that three conductors are routed in
parallel. It is also assumed that the waveforms of currents and voltages are sinusoidal.
1.2 Developing the model 7

The process can be summarized:

1. Define the length of the assembly, the radii of the conductors, and the spacing between
the centers.
2. Establish a set of three primitive equations relating the voltage on each conductor to the
current in all three conductors.
3. Define the loops in terms of conductor pairs.
4. Derive a set of loop equations.
5. Define the loop inductors and loop capacitors in terms of the primitives.
6. Postulate the existence of a circuit model which creates two mesh equations.
7. Relate the components of the circuit model to the constants in the loop equations.
8. Relate the components of the circuit model to the primitive parameters.

The key feature to note in the above process is that it contains a discontinuity. Step (6)
does not follow logically from step (5). Lateral thinking is needed. The purpose of the circuit
model is to create a set of mesh equations which correlate precisely with those of the loop
equations. Mesh equations are derived using the rules of circuit theory. Loop equations are
derived from the relationships of electromagnetic field theory.
Setting up such a relationship is conceptually the same as defining x as an unknown
variable. If circuit theory is treated in this way, it can be utilized to simulate all types of
electromagnetic coupling.
It is useful to always bear in mind the fact that circuit theory does not define the physical
mechanisms. Concepts such as the equipotential ground plane and the single point
reference are convenient assumptions which allow circuit models to simulate the behavior
of complex printed circuit boards in signal processing equipment. In so doing, they
carry with them the unstated assumption that there is no such thing as electromagnetic
Since mesh analysis caters for the fact that partial currents can flow in both directions
along a conductor at the same time, this form of analysis is used in the following pages.

1.2.4 Composite conductors

In practice, there are a great many conductors which are not circular in section. Conduits and
cable trays fall into this category. Figure 1.2.4 illustrates one way of dealing with conductors
of any cross section; simulate the section as a set of elemental conductors which are short-
circuited at each end.
This is a development of a technique pioneered by researchers at Culham Laboratories
(as it then was) to analyze the magnetic field distribution in an aircraft wing or fuselage
during the occurrence of a direct lightning strike [1.9].
Since a composite conductor is built up from an array of elemental conductors and since
it has inductive and capacitive properties akin to that of Lpi,j and Cpi,j, it is necessary to
invoke the use of partial parameters: partial inductance Lqm,n and partial capacitance Cqm,n,
where m and n identify the composite conductors.
This allows a computer program to be compiled which makes a clear distinction between
partial parameters and primitive parameters. Chapter 3 describes this technique in greater
8 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

(a) section of conduit

(b) array of elemental conductors

Figure 1.2.4 Concept of the composite conductor.

1.2.5 Proximity effect

The original purpose of elemental conductors was to analyze the indirect effects of a light-
ning strike on aircraft cables. By determining the magnetic field distribution inside the wing
or fuselage when lightning current was flowing in the structure, it was possible to identify
regions where the field was less concentrated. This helped in the task of deciding where to
route cables.
It is also possible to use the technique to analyze the current distribution in the surface of
cables, ducting and conduits, as illustrated by Figures 3.2.10 and 3.3.5. These depict the
current distribution on the surface of conductors, and show that when loop current is flowing,
the current concentrates on adjacent surfaces. These pictures could equally well illustrate the
distribution of charge on adjacent charged surfaces.
The technique can be used to simulate the current distribution on the conducting surfaces
of printed circuit boards, as illustrated by Figure 8.2.1. Such a depiction is probably more
meaningful to circuit designers than color images created by full-field simulation techniques.
As well as providing results which are easier to interpret, the technique does not require the
use of special-purpose software or the ability to understand the underlying mathematics of
such software.
Normal analysis of skin effect, as described in section 2.5.4, assumes that the current is
evenly distributed over the surface of the conductor. Proximity effect indicates that, although
current concentrates on the surface, the distribution is not at all uniform. Even so, it does not
alter the fact that conductor resistance increases as the frequency increases.

1.2.6 Electrical length

The wavelength l represents the distance an electromagnetic wave must travel in order to
change phase by 360 degrees. If the frequency of the wave is f and the velocity of propa-
gation is v, then:
1.2 Developing the model 9


Figure 1.2.5 Electrical lengths.

The velocity of propagation of a signal along the conductor of a transmission line is the same
as that of the associated electromagnetic wave. The electrical length k of a conductor of
length l can be defined as:
The usual textbook definition of a short electrical length is that:
k < 0:1

Figure 1.2.5 illustrates the relationship between short electrical length and wavelength.
Experience has shown that the circuit model of Figure 1.2.3 is reasonably accurate, provided
the conductor is electrically short. Equally, it can be said that the model is reasonably
accurate up to a frequency at which the wavelength is ten times the length of the assembly-

1.2.7 Distributed parameters

Transmission line theory caters for the fact that currents and voltages vary along the length
of a conductor by invoking the concept of distributed parameters. That is, derivation of
formulae is based on the parameters:
Rc Lc Cc Gc
; ; ; and
l l l l
where l is the length of the conductor and Rc, Lc, Cc, and Gc are the series resistance,
inductance, capacitance, and conductance of the line. The analysis results in a pair of hybrid
equations which relate the current and voltage at the near end of the line to the current and
voltage at the far end. If it is postulated that the complete length of transmission line can be
represented by the circuit model of Figure 1.2.6, then it is possible to define the impedances
Z1 and Z2 in terms of the lumped parameters; Rc, Lc, Cc, Gc.
Extending the concept to deal with a three-conductor transmission line gives the circuit
model of Figure 1.2.7. This can be described as a distributed parameter model since all the
impedance values are derived via the use of distributed parameters in the derivation process.
10 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

near end far end

Z1 Z1

Vn Z2 Vf
In If

Figure 1.2.6 Transmission line model.

1 4
Z11 Z11
Ic1 Ic1 Ic3
2 5
Z12 Z12
Ic2 Ic4
Vc2 Ic2
Z13 Z13
3 6

Z23 Z22 Z21

Figure 1.2.7 Distributed parameter model.

Although these impedances are derived in an unconventional way, they still evaluate to the
form R j  X , where X is the value of the reactance at frequency f.
Since there is a clear correlation between the models of Figures 1.2.3 and 1.2.7, the
transformation process is extremely simple. The three-conductor line can be defined in terms
of the lumped parameter model and analyzed using the distributed parameter model. This
means that the designer retains visibility of the properties of the model throughout the
analytical process. This method of simulation is much simpler than stringing dozens of
lumped parameter models in series.
Using the distributed parameter model, the maximum frequency of the simulation is no
longer limited by the length of the cable. But there is still a limit. It is assumed that action
and reaction between adjacent conductors in any cross section of the cable is instantaneous.
By analogy with the limitation defined in section 1.2.6, the maximum frequency is that at
which the wavelength is ten times the maximum spacing between conductors.
Best accuracy is obtained if the cross section of the cable is exactly uniform along its
entire length and that the lengths of the three conductors are identical. If these requirements
are not met because different types of cable are used, or because intermediate connectors are
included in the wiring harness, then the accuracy of the simulation will be reduced. How-
ever, accuracy can be restored by carrying out bench testing on a representative assembly
and creating a circuit model which replicates the test results.
1.3 Intra-system interference 11

near end far end

1 send conductor 4
2 differential-mode loop 5
Vsig return conductor
3 common-mode loop 6

Figure 1.3.1 Signal link wiring.

1.3 Intra-system interference

1.3.1 The signal link
Having derived a method of simulating the coupling between three separate conductors, it
becomes possible to relate the model of Figure 1.2.3 to actual hardware. Figure 1.3.1 illustrates
the general method of transmitting an electrical signal from one unit of equipment to another.
Comparing Figure 1.3.1 with Figure 1.2.3 establishes a clear correlation. Terminals 1, 2,
and 3 at the near end of the signal link can be correlated with terminals 1, 2, and 3 of the
circuit model. Terminals 4, 5, and 6 bear a similar relationship.

1.3.2 Simulating the structure

The simplest way of simulating the structure is to treat it as a plane surface and employ the
method of images to calculate the relevant parameter values. This technique involves treat-
ing the plane surface as a perfectly reflecting mirror, then using the properties of the image
conductors to represent the effect of the actual surface as illustrated by Figure 1.3.2.
A set of four primitive equations is created to relate voltages on the four conductors (two
real, two image; the structure is transparent) to the currents in those conductors. These can be
simplified to two loop equations. Then the process described in section 1.2.3 is used to derive
formulae for the circuit inductors and capacitors of the triple-T model.

return conductor
send conductor


image conductors

Figure 1.3.2 Simulating the structure.

12 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

send return other conductors


Figure 1.3.3 Using method of composite conductors.

A more accurate method of deriving values for the inductance and capacitance of the
structure is to use the method of composite conductors, as shown by Figure 1.3.3. In this
simulation, all other conductors in vicinity of the send and return conductors are assumed to
form a single composite conductor; and the properties of that conductor are assigned to the
As far as this method of simulation is concerned, it does not matter that the other
signals in the system are interfering with each other. All that matters is how they affect
the link-under-review and how the signal in the link under-review couples with the
Chapter 3 derives computer programs for calculating values for the components of
Figure 1.2.3, using data on the geometry of the structure and cables.

1.3.3 Equivalent circuits

One of the concepts inherent in circuit theory is that of the equivalent circuit. Two
inductors in series can be represented by a single inductor whose value is the sum of the two
inductors it represents. Two capacitors in parallel can be represented by a single capacitor
whose value is the sum of the original two. This means that a series of triple-T networks can
be simulated by the single network of Figure 1.2.3. That is, a triple-T network can be used to
simulate any signal link between two units of equipment, no matter how the cable is routed.
With a cable that follows a complex route along different parts of the structure, the task
of calculating accurate values for the components of the model can become quite arduous. It
is possible to make an initial estimate; but the more complex the route, the less confidence
there is in the final result of the calculations.
This is where test equipment comes into the picture. Given a sure knowledge that the link
can be represented by a triple-T network, it is not particularly difficult to devise a set of tests
to measure the value of every component of the model. An LCR meter could be used. Other
ways are described in Chapter 7.

1.3.4 Conducted emission

Adding components to the near and far ends of the triple-T model to represent the interface
circuitry within the two units of equipment results in the model of Figure 1.3.4. The geo-
metry of the signal link provides sufficient data to provide an initial estimate of the value of
every component of the triple-T model.
Given this information, values for the four loop currents can be calculated. Current Ic2
gives a measure of the common-mode current at the near end of the link. Calculating the
1.3 Intra-system interference 13


Vc1 Ic1 Ic3


Ic2 Ic4

near end structure far end

Figure 1.3.4 Circuit model of signal link.

ratio of current in the common-mode loop to the voltage in the differential-mode loop gives a
value for the transfer admittance YT.


Calculating the value of YT at a number of spot frequencies allows a graph to be created,

relating transfer admittance to frequency. This graph gives a clear indication of the con-
ducted emission characteristic of this particular link.
It is equally possible to create a graph which defines the frequency characteristic of the
voltage developed from end to end along the structure.

1.3.5 Conducted susceptibility

Given knowledge of the voltages developed along the structure by a number of signal links,
the principle of superposition can be used to define the total voltage developed along the
The combined effect of several sources of interference can be represented by a single
voltage source, Vc2, in series with the structure. Figure 1.3.5 shows how the model can be

near end far end


Ic1 Ic3

Ic2 Ic4


Figure 1.3.5 Circuit model for analysis of conducted susceptibility.

14 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

used to simulate the effect of this interference. Again, the transfer admittance characteristic
can be used to define the susceptibility of the link:

1.3.6 Voltage transformer

Having established a method of simulating the effects of conducted emission and conducted
susceptibility, the next step is to carry out bench tests of the signal link. Comparing the
results of such tests with the simulation allows a check to be made on the accuracy of the
model. But first, it is necessary to have the right sort of test equipment available.
It is reasonable to assume that anyone responsible for developing electronic equipment
will already have available a number of items of general-purpose test equipment and that
these items include a signal generator and an oscilloscope.
The first requirement is to be able to induce a fairly constant voltage over a wide range of
frequencies into the loop-under-test without the need to physically break into the loop. This
can be done by using a split-core toroid, similar to those used in EMC test houses. The
second requirement is to minimize the impedance reflected into the loop-under-test by the
test equipment. This can be done by winding several turns on the primary. Signal generators
usually have an output impedance of 50 W. With a turns ratio of ten to one, the reflected
impedance will be 0.5 W. The third requirement is to monitor the output voltage, since the
load presented to the transformer can vary dramatically. The addition of a separate monitor
turn caters for this requirement.
If the transformer is clamped round both conductors of the signal link, it will induce the
same voltage into the send and return conductors. Net voltage induced into the differential-
mode loop will be zero. The full voltage is induced into the common-mode loop however.
Since current in the common-mode loop flows via the structure, the effect can be simulated
by inserting a voltage source in series with the conductor representing the structure.

1.3.7 Current transformer

Current transformers are already in widespread use. However, it is useful to recap on the
construction and use of such transformers when used to measure interference. The same core
used with the voltage transformer is ideal for the current transformer. The requirement to
reflect minimal impedance into the loop-under-test still applies. It is necessary to use a 50-W
co-axial cable to link the transformer to the monitoring equipment. So a ten-turn secondary
will reflect 0.5 W into the loop-under-test.
If a 50-W resistor is placed in parallel with the secondary winding, the transformer output
can be simulated by a current source in parallel with 50 W. This can also be simulated by a
voltage source in series with 50 W, the ideal configuration for interfacing with a co-axial cable.

1.3.8 Representative circuit model

Chapter 7 describes several tests which can be carried out on the signal link to determine the
frequency response of the transfer admittance. When these are plotted on the same graph as
that of the simulated response it is inevitable that there will be some deviation between the
two curves.
1.4 Inter-system interference 15

However, it will always be possible to modify a few parameters which define the
component values of the model to achieve close correlation between the two curves. The
number of independent variables is much fewer than the number of components.
Experience has shown that it does not take many iterations of the simulation to achieve
this objective.
The end result of such an exercise is the creation of a circuit model which defines the
coupling characteristics of the signal link. Such a model can be utilized in much the same
way as one of the modules in the library of components available in most SPICE software
Advantage can be taken of the fact that every parameter (R, L, C, and G) of the model is a
function of length. Tests can be carried out on a long test rig at low frequencies and used to
create a model of that rig. Knowledge of the length of that rig can be used to modify the
component values in the model, to allow the modified model to simulate the behavior of a
much shorter link. Tests at relatively low frequencies can be used to predict performance at
much higher frequencies. Such an approach is analogous to the use of wind-tunnel tests on a
small-scale model to predict the behavior of the actual aircraft.
This means that a circuit model for a 10-m line, tested at frequencies up to 20 MHz, can be
used to create a model for a 1-m line, valid at frequencies up to 200 MHz. Care would need to be
taken that the cross section of the test rig is constant over the entire length and that the com-
ponents at the interfaces are suitable for use at the frequency at which the equipment will operate.
The method can be used to simulate the cross-coupling between two 50 mm lengths of
printed circuit track, valid up to 4 GHz. Testing the accuracy of this particular model would
require the use of sophisticated test equipment.
Most of the tests described in Chapter 7 are limited to the short-wave band. But this is
only because the test equipment available was limited to 20 MHz.
The model itself is limited only by the assumptions inherent in the theory of transmission
lines. That is, it is assumed that action and reaction between adjacent conductors is instan-
taneous. In practice, the upper frequency limit is that at which the wavelength is ten times the
maximum dimension of any section of the assembly-under-review.
Section 7.7 shows that the technique of circuit modeling can be used to characterize small
components such as capacitors, at frequencies over the range 200 kHz to 1 GHz.

1.4 Inter-system interference

1.4.1 Dipole model
Having developed a model which is not restricted to the simulation of conductors of short
electrical length, the way is open to extend the approach to the analysis of antenna-mode
coupling. A reading of the textbook analysis of the half-wave dipole reveals that a new
component can be added to the existing set of primitive parameters: the radiation resistance.
When a sinusoidal voltage is applied between the two dipoles of the antenna and the
frequency adjusted to coincide with the quarter-wave frequency of each dipole, the current
distribution along each conductor follows a sinusoidal waveform. Maximum current flows at
the center of the antenna while the current at the tips is zero. The current has to go some-
where; it is converted into electromagnetic radiation.
16 CHAPTER 1 Introduction


co-axial cable

monopole monopole

Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cp1 Rrad = 73 Cp1

Note. This is a first order approximation only.

Figure 1.4.1 Circuit model of half-wave dipole.

A commonly accepted formula for the average radiated power Pt over a spherical
surface is:

Pt  Rrad  Ip2
where Ip is the peak amplitude of the current. The parameter Rrad is not a resistor in the
conventional sense of the word, but a mathematical constant derived from a complex process
of integration which happens to have the dimensions of resistance. For a half-wave antenna
the radiation resistance, Rrad, is 73 W.
Since the current distribution along a monopole of a half-wave dipole is identical to
that along an open-circuit transmission line operating at the quarter-wave frequency and since the
T-network model of Figure 1.2.6 simulates the behavior of the line, it is logical to assume
that this model can also simulate the behavior of a monopole. This leads to the model of Fig-
ure 1.4.1, where Lp and Cp are the primitive inductance and primitive capacitance of a monopole.
Tests on a single length of isolated conductor, when it is acting like a dipole, are described
in section 7.4. The fact that there is close correlation between the responses of the model and
the hardware provides a high level of confidence in the soundness of the technique.

1.4.2 The virtual conductor

The common factor in every model developed for analysis of intra-system interference is that
every conductor is represented by a T-network of inductors, resistors, and a capacitor. The
concept can be extended further, to simulate the coupling between a twin-conductor cable
and the environment.
The model of Figure 1.4.2 represents a configuration where a voltage source is applied to
one conductor of a twin-core cable, at the mid-point along the length of the cable. This
conductor acts as a transmitting dipole. The adjacent conductor acts as a receiving dipole.
1.4 Inter-system interference 17

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1 Vsource Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Cc1 Cc2 Cc1 Cc2

current: Irad
Crad Crad

Lrad Lrad Rrad Lrad Lrad

2 2 2 2

virtual conductor

Figure 1.4.2 The virtual conductor.

Although most of the transmitted energy is picked up by the receiving antenna, a significant
proportion constitutes radiated interference.
Analysis of the geometry of the twin-conductor cable provides formulae for the induc-
tance Lrad and capacitance Crad. The other components remain exactly the same as those of
the transmission-line model of the cable.
Since the components Lrad, Crad, and Rrad are also configured as a T-network, it is
logical to give it the name virtual conductor, since it does not simulate an actual piece if
hardware. It represents the effect of the environment.
The amplitude of the current radiated into the environment Irad gives a measure of
the radiated field strength. The maximum strength of the magnetic field H at a distance
r is:
This formula is recognisable as that derived by integrating the Biot-Savart equation along an
infinitely long, straight conductor, as (2.2.1) would indicate. However, it can also be derived
from the equations of antenna theory. Section 5.7 shows that it is related to the maximum
power delivered to the environment by a wire pair routed along the structure. It can be used
to predict the results of formal EMC testing of radiated emission of the equipment-under-
review, by indicating the maximum strength of the signal which would be picked up by the
monitor antenna.

1.4.3 The threat voltage

The model of Figure 1.4.2 can also be used to simulate the behavior of a twin conductor
cable when it is exposed to an external field. The only change necessary is to move the
location of the voltage source to that shown on Figure 1.4.3.
18 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Cc1 Cc2 Cc1 Cc2

current: Irad
Crad Crad

Lrad Lrad Lrad Lrad

2 2 Vthreat 2 2
virtual conductor

Figure 1.4.3 The threat voltage.

The amplitude of the threat voltage Vthreat can be calculated by integrating the value of
the electric field strength E over the length l of the cable. In the case where l :
Vthreat E
Vthreat is the maximum voltage which can be injected into the antenna-mode loop by an
electromagnetic field of electrical field strength E.
Analysis of this model allows the differential-mode current caused by an external field to
be calculated.

1.4.4 Worst-case analysis

By assuming that optimum coupling exists between conductors, the end result of any ana-
lysis is a calculation of the maximum level of interference. By providing an accurate
simulation of the response over the frequency range which includes that of the quarter-wave
frequency and the half-wave frequency, the analysis guarantees that the frequency at which
interference is a maximum will be predicted.
Skin effect ensures that the amplitude of the interference current reduces with frequency.
Also, the amplitude of the threat voltage due to an external field of constant power density
decreases with frequency, as illustrated by Figure 5.3.6. These factors ensure that the first
resonant peak is always the highest; at least, in a design that is not intended to act as an antenna.
These factors enable the designer to focus on the performance of each signal link at those
frequencies where EMI problems are most likely to arise.
By invoking the simple relationships of (5.3.6) and (5.7.3), which define maximum
levels, the designer avoids the need to consider the field distribution pattern in the region of
the signal link.
By far the majority of signal links in a system are carried by cables which are routed over
a conducting structure. If it is assumed that the shielding effectiveness of the structure is
zero, then the maximum power which can be delivered to the line can be represented by a
1.5 Transients 19

voltage source Vthreat in series with Rrad. One way of simulating the effect of the threat
environment is to insert both these components in series with the structure. Section 5.5
illustrates how the response of such a signal link can be analyzed.
Similarly, if the structure provides no shielding, then current in the structure can be
regarded as the source of interference. Since this conductor carries the common-mode cur-
rent, then knowledge of the amplitude of the common-mode current will provide a first
estimate of the level of emission which can occur.

1.5 Transients
Transients are an ever-present source of glitches in electronic systems. Sources can be relays,
switches, motors, and power supplies. They can easily corrupt the data streams handled by
microprocessors. Depending on the criticality of the processing circuitry, such events could
be inconsequential, annoying, dangerous, or catastrophic.
Since most signal processing is now carried out by digital signals, it is essential that this
topic be included in any analysis of interference. The lumped parameter models developed
for frequency response analysis can also be used for analysis in the time domain. The text-
book approach to such analysis is to invoke the use of Fourier transforms, Laplace trans-
forms, and even more complex techniques. The approach adopted here follows the example
of SPICE programs and uses time-step analysis.
However, the problems encountered with the analysis of the frequency response of a
transmission line also appear in the use of transient analysis. It takes a finite time for a signal
to traverse from one end of the line to another. With frequency analysis, it was possible to
transform the lumped parameter model into a distributed parameter model. With transient
analysis, another solution is called for.
In concept, the solution is much simpler; use the computer memory to store the signal
applied to the near end of the line for a fixed number of time steps before delivering it to the
terminals at the far end.
Books on electromagnetic theory introduce the concept of partial currents and partial
voltages to explain the behavior of transient signals at the interface between cables and
equipment terminations. Incident current flows toward the interface; some of it is absorbed
by the equipment and some is reflected back down the line. The total current at any section
of the cable is the sum of the incident and reflected currents at that location. Section 6.2
describes the phenomenon in more detail.
The reflected signal is also delayed a fixed number of time steps before appearing back at
the near end. A simple program to simulate the propagation of incident and reflected currents
is also described in section 6.2.
An experiment was carried out by applying a square wave to one end of a twin-core
cable via a 5-W resistance, leaving the far end open-circuit and monitoring the current
flowing in the line. Since the impedance at the near end was much lower than the char-
acteristic impedance of the line, it was expected that there would be multiple reflections.
Attention was focused on the response to the leading edge; that is, on the response to a step
Textbook theory predicted that the incident current would be inverted by the open-circuit
terminals at the far end and reflected straight back to the near end. At the near end, the
20 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

inverted current would almost double in amplitude. The response to a step input was
expected to be a square waveform of slowly diminishing amplitude. It wasnt.
During the time the leading edge of the pulse took to make the return trip, the current
remained steady. This was in accordance with classical theory. However, the trailing edge was
not sharp, as one would expect. It took the form of an exponential decay. This process continued
and the waveform underwent a metamorphism, rapidly changing shape into a sine wave.
A trial-and-error process ensued in an effort to create a circuit model which replicated the
observed waveform and which could be explained in terms of electromagnetic theory. It was
eventually reasoned that, as the step waveform propagated along the line, it left a residual
charge on the conductors and that this charge gradually decayed away via current flow into
the environment. This charging current could be simulated.
In addition, it proved to be possible to measure and simulate the proportion of the current
which departed into the environment. Results from these transient tests could also be cor-
related with observations and analysis of tests which had been made using sinusoidal
waveforms. Section 6.6 explains the reasoning.

1.6 The importance of testing

Chapters 2 to 6 are essentially concerned with methods of developing circuit models which
replicate the relationships defined by electromagnetic theory. Since electromagnetic theory
relates the electrical parameters to geometric parameters, the result is the establishment of a
theoretical relationship between each circuit model and the hardware it represents.
Electrical tests establish a clear relationship between the response of the model and the
response of signal link it represents. By correlating the response of the model with that of the
test setup, the circuit model can be used to define the characteristics of the link. Electrical
tests can be carried out on the configuration-under-review and the results used to define the
electromagnetic coupling characteristics of that configuration. The model can be described
as a representative circuit model.
Testing and analysis can be carried out concurrently. This eliminates the need for a try-
it-and-see approach.
In view of the several chapters of mathematical analysis which precede the introduction
of the subject of testing, readers can be led to the belief that theoretical analysis needs to be
carried out before testing can begin. This is not strictly true. Testing precedes analysis.
From the point of view of the author, the starting point was the observation of annoying
glitches in electronic systems. The sources were easily identifiable, but the coupling
mechanisms did not seem to be amenable to analysis. Circuit models were created to
simulate the observed phenomena and deviations noted between simulation and observation.
These deviations led to speculation as to the probable causes. When a review of electro-
magnetic effects revealed a plausible explanation, it became possible to establish a firm link
between electromagnetic theory and the circuit model. The model was refined and further
tests carried out to reveal other deviations.
For example, tests to characterize a twin-conductor cable reveal the fact that antenna-
mode current propagates at a higher velocity than differential-mode current. Section 7.5
describes how this can be demonstrated.
1.7 Practical design techniques 21

In hindsight, the phenomena can be explained by the fact that the antenna-mode waves
propagate mainly in the air, whereas the differential-mode waves are mostly in the cable
insulation. From the viewpoint of field propagation, this explanation comes quite readily to
mind. In this case, however, the evidence comes from observations on the behavior of cur-
rents and voltages rather than the analysis of H-field and E-fields.
To someone who thinks in terms of system function, this is something of a revelation.
Although the electromagnetic fields propagate in the insulating medium, the currents which
create them flow in the conductors. The antenna-mode current and the differential-mode
current are separate entities, just as surely as the incident and reflected currents in trans-
mission lines are independent of each other.
This conclusion is supported by the analysis of the transient tests described in section 7.6.
In the setup of Figure 7.6.1, a step voltage is injected into the signal conductor of a conductor
pair. This creates an antenna-mode current which propagates in the same direction down the
pair of conductors, from near end to far end. Current in the signal conductor also causes a
current to flow back along the return conductor.
Just behind the leading edge of the antenna-mode current step, current is flowing in both
directions along the return conductor. Current flowing in opposite directions in a pair of
conductors constitutes differential-mode current. The leading edge of the differential-mode
step follows behind the leading edge of the antenna-mode current, at a lower velocity. From
the results of the tests of section 7.5, the two velocities are:
Antenna-mode current: 230 m/ms
Differential-mode current: 170 m/ms
That is, the use of circuit modelling techniques provides the user with an ever-improving
understanding of the mechanisms involved in interference coupling.
The key point here is that progress can only be made by engineers who carry out mea-
surements for themselves.
An equally important aspect of testing is that it provides firm evidence of the validity of
the model. Being able to verify theoretical results by comparing them with other theoretical
results is encouraging; but it does not provide the confidence achievable when practical
measurements correlate with theoretical predictions.

1.7 Practical design techniques

Since the concepts of the equipotential ground, the single-point reference, and the
advice to avoid earth loops have acquired universal acceptance as critically important
guidelines, the first three sections of Chapter 8 are devoted to an explanation as to why
they are so misleading. The remaining sections identify many of the techniques employed
by generations of designers to improve circuit immunity and reduce the level of unwanted
More than anything else, the process of testing and analyzing the different mechanisms
involved in interference coupling leads to a much improved understanding of these
mechanisms. This leads to the ability to assess any given wiring assembly and any given
22 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

interface circuit in the light of the underlying physics. Given this ability, it is possible to
identify groups of techniques which have the same objective. These are:
Common-mode rejection
Differential-mode damping
Common-mode damping
The design of the interface circuitry and system shielding is critically dependent on an
understanding of cable-coupling mechanisms. Every circuit described in Chapter 8 includes
a definition of the complete signal link; there are no loose ends where the circuit terminates
at a set of plug pins or socket inserts. This allows the design of the interface circuitry to be
related to the coupling characteristics of the cable. For example, the performance char-
acteristics of grounded and floating configurations are compared.
Packing density on printed circuit boards (pcb) precludes the option of carrying out a
detailed analysis of every signal link on a board. Even so, anyone who understands the
method of modeling will also understand the interference coupling mechanisms, and will
avoid most of the obvious errors.
It would be good practice to fit a buffer circuit at each pcb interface to decouple the signals
on the interconnecting cables from the multiple branches and stubs that must exist on the board.
A variety of such buffer circuits is described in Chapter 8. Any interference experienced would
then be due to internal coupling. A well-designed board would not experience such coupling;
and this could be confirmed the first time the board is functionally checked.
Since there are books which provide excellent advice on the detailed design of pcbs,
there is no point in duplicating their content. One book which stands out by virtue of the
wealth of detailed design information it provides is EMC Design Techniques for Elec-
tronic Engineers [1.10]. Another book which is well worth purchasing is Introduction to
Electromagnetic Compatibility [1.11], since it provides detailed information on the the-
ory underlying electromagnetic field propagation and relates this to practical design
problems. The chapters on shielding and electrostatic discharge also provide valuable

1.8 System design

1.8.1 Guidelines
The set of guidelines listed below is based on deductions derived from the analysis of
electromagnetic coupling. If agreed by members of the design team at the outset of a project,
it will avoid the pitfalls suffered by many previous electronic systems.
1. The best use of the structure is as a conducting shield. It should not be used as a con-
venient return path for any of the signals or power supplies in the system. Any current
caused to flow in the structure will be a source of interference.
2. Assign a return conductor to every send conductor and keep the two conductors as
close together as possible along the entire route from source to load.
3. Encourage the use of ground loops, since these enhance the shielding properties of the
1.8 System design 23

4. Design the interface circuitry to enhance the balance between the current in the send
conductor and the current in the return conductor. Ideally, the net current flow through
any cable section should be zero.
5. Treat every signal link as a transmission line and use resistors similar in value to the
characteristic impedance in the interface circuitry; as far as is practicable.
6. Implement common-mode damping on critical signal links.
7. Test and analyze critical signal links.

1.8.2 Top-down approach

The process described in the following pages starts off by defining the basic building blocks
of all circuit models and then develops the models to a point where they can reliably simulate
the performance of actual signal links. These signal links can then be regarded as basic
building blocks in the design of complete systems.
The modular approach to system design is already well established, in the use of block
diagrams. A block diagram of the complete system is defined at the beginning of a project
with each block identifying a unit of equipment, or even a set of related equipment units, and
with lines between the blocks used to identify the signal and power lines. Each block can
then be treated as a separate entity, and its function represented by a separate block diagram.
At the lowest level the functional block is defined in terms of a circuit diagram such as a
logic gate, a J-K flip flop, a band-pass filter, or a buffer circuit.
By incorporating the models of the signal links into the process, it becomes possible to
invoke the top-down approach to the analysis of the EMC of the system. Section 9.2
describes the relationships between the different types of diagram.

1.8.3 Formal EMC requirements

Any proper outline of the formal EMC requirements would take many chapters to describe,
and is way beyond the scope of this book. However, it is still necessary to establish some sort
of relationship between these requirements and the actual performance of the system.
Susceptibility requirements can be analyzed by defining the threat environment in terms
of a graph relating the maximum amplitude of the external field strength to frequency. Using
the circuit model of the link-under-review the response of the differential-mode current to
the external field can be compared directly with the characteristics of the actual signal being
transmitted. section 9.4 provides an example.
Emission requirements can be analyzed by simulating the signal carried by the link-
under-review and applying this signal to the differential-mode input of the model. The fre-
quency response of current in the common-mode mode loop can then be determined. In the
worst-case situation, this is the current delivered to the environment. The frequency response
of the common-mode current can be compared directly with the maximum acceptable limits
defined by the formal requirements.
For both susceptibility and emission, this analysis is based on the assumption that the
shielding effectiveness of the structure is zero. Section 8.7 gives some guidance on methods
of estimating the shielding effectiveness.

Lumped parameter models

A review of the method used to calculate circuit component values for three-phase power
lines leads to the identification of the first step; the derivation of a formula relating the
capacitance of an isolated conductor to its length and radius. This formula can be regarded as
a basic building block from which the capacitive parameters of multi-conductor assemblies
can be derived.
In computer terminology, a low-level object or operation from which higher-level, more
complex objects or operations can be constructed is termed a primitive. So it seems rea-
sonable to use the term primitive capacitance to identify the basic relationship.
The first equation quoted in section 2.1 can be found in textbooks on electromagnetic
theory [2.1]. Although the derivation involves some complex integration, the end result is a
formula which defines the primitive capacitance, Cpi,j. This relates the voltage on conductor
i to the charge on conductor j.
Primitive inductance, Lpi,j, can be regarded as the twin of primitive capacitance. In this
case, textbooks can be found which outline the derivation process [2.2]. However, these
earlier derivations do not include the contribution made by internal linkages. Nor do they
cater for the fact that in any circuit analysis the current must flow in a complete loop. The
derivation provided by section 2.2 includes these considerations.
In these earlier textbooks, the name given to the derived parameter is partial inductance.
However, in the analysis of Chapter 3, an array of elemental conductors is used to represent a
composite conductor. In this treatment, the partial parameters associated with each com-
posite conductor are derived from a collection of primitive parameters. With any computa-
tion process, it is necessary to distinguish between the two types. So they have been given
different names.
Section 2.3 identifies the duality between primitive inductance and primitive capacitance.
The square root of the product of these two parameters is the propagation delay; the time it
takes for a transient pulse to propagate along the length of a conductor. Primitive parameters
define the properties of conductors when they are acting as antennae.
Section 2.4 describes how primitive parameters can be combined to derive the capaci-
tance between a pair of parallel conductors, and the inductance of a loop formed when the
terminals at the far end are connected. Loop parameters are those which can be measured
with electronic test equipment.

26 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

With EMC analysis, an important requirement is to maintain visibility of the voltage

developed along each conductor as well as the voltages appearing between conductor
terminals. Section 2.5 derives component values for a circuit model which maintains a
one-to-one correlation between each conductor and its inductive and capacitive properties.
Circuit parameters are those which are used in circuit diagrams.
The resistance of the conductors is also an important factor in determining the perfor-
mance of any cable. Since this parameter can vary due to skin effect, an equation is derived
which relates conductor resistance to frequency.
Each conductor of a two-conductor cable can be represented as a T-network, where each
horizontal branch contains an inductor and a resistor and the vertical branch is formed by a
single capacitor. The circuit model of the conductor pair forms a bridge network. Duality
between inductors and capacitors means that the bridge is balanced. Voltage across
each capacitor is balanced by a voltage across its related inductor, whatever the frequency.
Section 2.6 identifies the relationship and indicates that this property can be exploited.
Section 2.7 describes a systematic process which derives relationships between the
geometry of a three-conductor cable and the component values of the circuit model which
simulates its performance. This process starts with a set of three primitive equations relating
currents and voltages of the assembly when it is acting as an antenna. Since signals in an
electrical system are carried by loop currents, it is possible to derive two loop equations.
At this point, it is possible to create a circuit model which creates a similar pair of circuit
equations. Correlating the parameters of the circuit equations with those of the loop equa-
tions allows a relationship to be established with the loop parameters. Since the loop para-
meters have been derived from primitives, it is possible to define the circuit components in
terms of the primitive formulae.
As well as enabling component values to be calculated, the process identifies the essential
difference between electromagnetic field theory and circuit theory. The former theory recog-
nizes the fact that voltage of a conductor is affected by the current in every conductor. The latter
theory assumes that there is a one-to-one correlation between the current in a circuit branch and
the voltage across that branch. This results in a dramatic simplification of the mathematics, and
is probably the main reason why circuit models are so useful.
A desirable characteristic of any signal link is that the effect of other signals in the system
is minimal. Section 2.8 uses the formulae derived in the previous section to define the most
significant feature of the interconnecting cable. The signal and return conductors should be
as close together as possible. This ensures maximum magnetic coupling and maximum
electric coupling between these two conductors, and minimizes the coupling between this
conductor pair and other conductors in the vicinity. In turn, this minimizes any common-
mode current created by the signal link and reduces the susceptibility of the link to external
Section 2.9 identifies the most significant parameter associated with EMC; the Transfer
Admittance. This is the ratio of the current in the victim loop to the voltage in the culprit
loop. It is shown that this parameter defines both the conducted susceptibility and the con-
ducted emission.
The general circuit model of the three-conductor assembly can be applied to simulate the
coupling between the differential-mode signal carried by a co-axial cable and a common-
mode signal in the loop formed by structure and screen. Section 2.10 shows that for an ideal
co-axial cable the only coupling parameter is the resistance of the screen.
2.1 Primitive capacitance 27

However, the screens of most co-axial cables are braided. At higher frequencies a number
of capacitive and inductive effects due to the screens construction come into play and
dominate the effect that is caused by screen resistance. The effect can be simulated by
representing the screen as a T-network, with very small values assigned to the reactive
components. These values can be derived from manufacturers data on transfer impedance,
or from tests on a cable sample.
Analyzing the coupling between two conductors over a ground plane is a problem faced
by most designers at one time or another. The method of images can be used to derive
formulae for the components of the three-conductor model. The formulation is described in
section 2.11.
A basic assumption inherent in the textbook theory of circuits is that resistors, inductors,
capacitors, voltage sources, and current sources are lumped parameters; that is, they are
discrete devices which link two nodes of a network. Another assumption is that action and
reaction are instantaneous everywhere in the network. Since conventional circuit theory does
not cater for the fact that it takes time for current to propagate along a conductor, its use is
limited to low-frequency applications, where the length of the cable is less than one-tenth the
wavelength of the signal.
This limitation applies to the models derived in this chapter and in Chapter 3. Subsequent
chapters describe how this restriction can be overcome.

2.1 Primitive capacitance

Consider a short length, l, of a single conductor of radius r1,1 and assume that there is a line
charge along that length. If the charge density is r, then the intensity of the electric field at a
point P(r,z) can be calculated. Figure 2.1.1 illustrates the relationships.

l P(r, z)



Figure 2.1.1 Electric field at a point.

28 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

The radial component of the electric field strength at the point P is [2.1]:

r 1
Er   sina1 sina2  V=m 2:1:1
4pe r
where e is the permittivity.
Since the point P lies on the plane intersecting the mid-point of the conductor, a1 is equal
to a2. Re-writing (2.1.1) in terms of radial and axial components gives:

r l=2
Er  q 2:1:2
r  l=22 r2

At all points on the surface defined by the equation z 2l the Ez component of the electric
field is zero. If unit charge were to follow a path along this surface from infinity to the radius
r1,1 then no axial force would be involved; all the electric forces would be radial. The work
done on conductor 1 due to the charge on conductor 1 would be:

r l=2
Vp1;1  q  dr V 2:1:3
r1;1 r  l=22 r2

Performing the integration:

2 q3
r l=2 l=22 r1;1 2
Vp1;1  ln4 5 2:1:4
2pe r1;1

In situations where r1;1  l:

r l
Vp1;1  ln 2:1:5
2pe r1;1

The capacitance of the conductor is the ratio of charge to voltage. That is:

Cp1;1 F 2:1:6

Substituting for the voltage:

Cp1;1   2:1:7

If a second conductor were to be placed parallel to conductor 1, as shown on Figure 2.1.2,

then the energy level at the axis of conductor 2 due to the charge on conductor 1 would be:
r l
Vp2;1  ln 2:1:8
2pe r2;1
2.1 Primitive capacitance 29

r coulombs/metre Vp2

conductor 2
conductor 1

r1,1 r2,2

Figure 2.1.2 Voltage on conductor 2 due to charge on conductor 1.

and the primitive capacitance would be:

Cp2;1   2:1:9

The general formula for primitive capacitance would be:

Cpi;j   2:1:10

where i and j are integers which identify the conductors. If j i then the value is the pri-
mitive capacitance of conductor i due to the charge it carries.
This formulation depends on the assumption that the length is much greater than any
radius and that the charge is uniformly distributed along the length. It has the practical
advantage that it is simple. It works well in practice, in that it can be used as a building block
in the construction of all circuit models. Moreover, any inaccuracies in the derivation are
completely masked by the uncertainty in the value of the relative permittivity.
Capacitance values are a function of length, radii, and permittivity. Length and radii can
be determined simply by measuring the physical parameters. Permittivity is a combination of
two parameters:
e eo  e r F=m 2:1:11

where eo is defined as the permittivity of free space, 8.854 pF/m, and er is the relative
In classical theory, the value of the relative permittivity is different for each type of
material. When dealing with EMC problems, a variety of insulating materials are present in
the vicinity of the conductor. Rather than taking the individual relative permittivity of each
material and using data on the cross section of the assembly to calculate the overall effect,
30 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

an approximate overall or effective value can be used. In this book er is defined as the
effective value of the relative permittivity. Its value can be determined by tests such as those
described in sections 7.4 and 7.5.

2.2 Primitive inductance

The derivation of primitive inductance starts off with basically the same configuration as
with primitive capacitance. Figure 2.2.1 illustrates a short section of conductor of radius r1,1
with a constant current Ip flowing in the z-direction.
The distribution of magnetic field will be the same as that due to a filamentary current
along the axis of the conductor. The magnetic field strength H at point P(r,z) is [2.3]:
H  sina1 sina2  T 2:2:1
Converting this equation to one which uses the co-ordinates z and r gives:
2 3
Ip 6 lz z 7
H  4q p5 2:2:2
4pr 2 z r
2 2
l  z r2

To determine the inductance of this section of conductor, it is necessary to calculate the

value of the total flux f which passes through a rectangular strip extending from the surface
of the conductor to a very large distance. This means that the flux density will need to be
integrated over the defined area. Since:

BmH Wb=m2 2:2:3

P(r, z)


Figure 2.2.1 Magnetic field at a point.

2.2 Primitive inductance 31


f B  ds Wb 2:2:4

where s is the surface. Then:

0 1

1 l
m  Ip 1 B lz z C
f   @q pA  dz  dr
4p r 2 z r
2 2
r1;1 0 l  z r2
m  Ip l2 r2  r
2p r
" p! p!#
m  Ip  l l l2 r1;1 2 r1;1  l2 r1;1 2
2p r1;1 l

The above derivation can be found in at least one textbook [2.2]. Inductance is defined as the
ratio of magnetic flux to the current creating that flux. Since the flux f is external to the
Lexternal H 2:2:5

This leads to:

" p! p!#
ml l l2 r1;1 2 r1;1  l2 r1;1 2
Lexternal  ln 2:2:6
2p r1;1 l

There are also internal flux linkages.

ml 1
Linternal  H 2:2:7
2p 4
Hence, the total inductance is the sum of Lexternal and Linternal:
" p! p! #
ml l l2 r1;1 2 r1;1  l2 r1;1 2 1
Lp1;1  ln 2:2:8
2p r1;1 l 4

If it is assumed that l  r1;1 , then:

ml 2l 1
Lp1;1  ln 1
2p r1;1 4
ml l 1
 ln ln 2  1
2p r1;1 4
ml l
 ln  0:057
2p r1;1
32 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

To a first approximation:
ml l
Lp1;1  ln 2:2:9
2p r1;1

Similar reasoning applies to a two-conductor assembly, as shown on Figure 2.2.2. It is

assumed that there is a current Ip flowing in conductor 1. From (2.2.6), the inductance due to
the flux linking conductor 2 due to current in conductor 1 is:
" p! p!#
ml l l2 r2;1 2 r2;1  l2 r2;1 2
Lmutual  ln 2:2:10
2p r2;1 l

When the pair of conductors is analyzed as part of a complete loop, it must be assumed that
the return path for the current Ip is along conductor 2. Magnetic flux due to current Ip in
conductor 1 will link the region between infinity and the outer surface of conductor 2. It will
also counteract the internal linkages of the return current Ip in conductor 2.
Hence, it is necessary to add the component Linternal to the value of the mutual
This leads to:
L2;1 Lmutual Linternal
" p! p! #
ml l l2 r2;1 2 r2;1  l2 r2;1 2 1
 ln 2:2:11
2p r2;1 l 4




r1,1 r2,2


Figure 2.2.2 Current in a two-conductor assembly.

2.2 Primitive inductance 33

If l  r2;1 then, to a first approximation:

ml l
Lp2;1  ln 2:2:12
2p r2;1

Since r1;2 r2;1 then Lp1;2 Lp2;1 .

The general formula for primitive inductance can be defined as:

mo  mr  l l
Lpi;j  ln H 2:2:13
2p ri;j

where i and j are integers which identify the conductors.

As with the derivation of primitive capacitance, this formulation depends on the
assumption that the length is much greater than any of the radii. It is also assumed that the
current does not vary along the length. The fact that the formulation of (2.2.13) lacks
precision is compensated by the fact that it is simple. From an engineering point of view,
it is accurate enough for its intended purpose; to act as a building block for circuit models.
The tests described in sections 7.4 and 7.5 demonstrate that the value of the measured
inductance was the same as that predicted by measurements of the geometry of the
It is also worth noting that any inaccuracies in the formulae for primitive inductance
(and primitive capacitance) disappear when the loop parameters and circuit parameters are
formulated. Section 2.4 explains why.
The permeability m is a combination of two parameters:

m mo  m r H=m 2:2:14

where mo 4  p  107 H/m. The parameter mr is a pure number, similar in concept to er. It
can be defined here as the effective value of the relative permeability of the loop-under-
In this book, it is assumed that the value of mr is unity because in the majority of
applications there is no magnetic material in the cable assembly. In those situations
where magnetic material is present, the value of mr can be established by referring
to data on the properties of materials, or by carrying out tests of the assembly-under-
Such tests would involve measurements of the frequency response of the current in a
short-circuited loop. A circuit model of the assembly can be created by using data on the
physical construction. This will produce a similar curve. The initial slope of both frequency
response curves will be 20 dB per decade. By modifying the value of mr in the model, both
curves can be made to coincide over this range. The value of the relative permeability of the
loop-under-test will be that of the model.
The test described in section 7.5 illustrates the process used to measure er, using an open-
circuit line. If both ends of the line are short-circuited, the same process can be used to
measure mr .
34 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

2.3 Duality of L and C

In general terms, the primitive components can be defined as:
2  p  eo  eo  l
Cpi;j   F 2:3:1

mo  mr  l l
Lpi;j  ln H 2:3:2
2p ri;j

where i and j are integers which identify the conductors. For example, Lpi;j gives the value of
the primitive inductance of conductor i due to current in conductor j. If j i then the value is
the primitive inductance of conductor i due to the current it carries.
Since ri;j rj;i , then Lpi;j Lpj;i and Cpi;j Cpj;i .
Multiplying gives:

Lpi;j  Cpi;j mo  mr  eo  er  l2 2:3:3

From electromagnetic theory:

p 1
mo  mr  eo  er 2:3:4
p 1
mo  eo 2:3:5
where c is the velocity of light in vacuum and v is the velocity of propagation of the elec-
tromagnetic field. Also
vlf m=s 2:3:6

where l is the wavelength and f is the frequency. At the quarter-wave frequency, fq, of a
monopole antenna, the current amplitude will peak. If the wavelength at this frequency is lq.
then the length of the cable will be:
l m 2:3:7
Taking the square root of (2.3.3) and using (2.3.4) to substitute for mo  mr  eo  er gives:

p l
Lpi;j  Cpi;j s 2:3:8

The ratio l/v is the propagation delay; the length of time it takes a transient pulse to propagate
along the length of the conductor assembly. It can also be defined as the time constant T,
2.4 Loop parameters 35

as used in transient analysis. Section 6.3 derives its relationship to the inductance, capaci-
tance, and characteristic impedance of the line.
Using (2.3.6) to substitute for v and (2.3.7) to substitute for l provides a relationship
between the circuit components and the first resonant frequency:
p 1
Lpi;j  Cpi;j 2:3:9
4  fq

This means that, if the values of Cpi,j and the frequency of quarter-wave resonance, fq, are
known, then the value of Lpi,j can be calculated.
Rearranging (2.3.7) gives:

lq 4  l

Using (2.3.6) to substitute for lq:


This leads to:

v 4  l  fq 2:3:10

From (2.3.4) and (2.3.5)

mr  er 1

c v
This leads to:
c 2
mr  er 2:3:11
Since the conductors of most cables do not use magnetic material, it can usually be assumed
that mr 1.
Equations (2.3.10) and (2.3.11) are extremely useful in establishing the value of the
propagation velocity and the relative permittivity when the frequency of quarter-wave
resonance is known. The worksheet of Figure 7.5.8 makes use of this relationship
to demonstrate that the antenna-mode current propagates at a higher velocity than the
differential-mode current.
Knowledge of the relative permittivity of the cable allows the values of the associated
capacitors to be calculated.

2.4 Loop parameters

Any cable can act either as an antenna or as a transmission line. Figure 2.4.1 illustrates the
situation where the conductors are acting as an antenna. Currents Ip1 and Ip2 are assumed to
flow in the same direction; in this case, from left to right.
36 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

Vp1 Ip1

Vp2 Ip2

Figure 2.4.1 Primitive parameters.

It is possible to deal with inductive and capacitive effects separately. Voltages Vp1 and
Vp2 can initially be defined as the energy levels due to magnetic effects on conductors
1 and 2. If it is assumed that currents and voltages are sinusoidal functions of time, then the
relationship between them can be defined. Restricting consideration to magnetic effects, the
primitive equations for two conductors are:
Vp1 j  w  Lp1;1  Ip1 j  w  Lp1;2  Ip2
Vp2 j  w  Lp2;1  Ip1 j  w  Lp2;2  Ip2

Primitive equations define the behavior of the conductor assembly as an antenna. When
analyzing the behavior of the assembly as part of a circuit, it is necessary to deal with loop
currents and loop voltages, as illustrated by Figure 2.4.2.
The relationship between voltages is:
Vl Vp1  Vp2 2:4:2

The relationship between currents is:

Ip1 Il Ip2 2:4:3

Using (2.4.3) to substitute loop currents for primitive currents in (2.4.1) and then invoking
(2.4.2) leads to:
Vl j  w  Lp1;1  Lp1;2  Lp2;1 Lp2;2  Il 2:4:4

This gives the value of the loop inductance of the conductor pair:
Ll Lp1;1  2  Lp1;2 Lp2;2 2:4:5

Vl Il

Figure 2.4.2 Loop parameters.

2.4 Loop parameters 37

This relationship takes into account the fact that Lp1;2 Lp2;1 . Using (2.3.2) to substitute for
the primitive inductors:
m0  mr  l r1;2  r1;2
Ll  ln 2:4:6
2p r1;1  r2;2

The step between (2.4.5) and (2.4.6) is highly significant, in that the length parameter dis-
appears from the logarithmic term. There is no longer any inaccuracy due to variation in the
ratio between length and separation distance at any particular cross section of the assembly-
under-review. It does assume that the cross section is uniform along the length l and that
l > 10  r.
If l  10  r, then propagation time needs to be considered and it becomes necessary to
invoke the concepts of electromagnetic field theory. Even then, however, any inaccuracy in
the predicted value of inductance does not negate the fact that loop inductance exists. The
inaccuracy can be catered for by carrying out tests on the assembly-under-review.
Loop capacitance can be derived the same way. The primitive equations are:
1 1
Vp1  Ip1  Ip2
j  w  Cp1;1 j  w  Cp1;2
1 1 2:4:7
Vp2  Ip1  Ip2
j  w  Cp2;1 j  w  Cp2;2

Using (2.4.3) to substitute loop currents for primitive currents in (2.4.7) and then invoking
(2.4.2) leads to:
1 1 1 1 1
Vl     Il 2:4:8
j  w Cp1;1 Cp1;2 Cp2;1 Cp2;2

1 1 1 1 1
Cl Cp1;1 Cp1;2 Cp2;1 Cp2;2

Using equation (2.3.1) to substitute for the primitive capacitors:

1 1 r1;2  r1;2
Cl 2  p  eo  er  l r1;1  r2;2

2  p  eo  er  l
Cl   2:4:10
r1;2  r1;2
r1;1  r2;2

Equations (2.4.6) and (2.4.10) define the loop inductance and loop capacitance of a con-
ductor pair. These are the values which could be measured with an LCR meter.
This derivation makes the assumption that all the current flowing in one conductor
returns via the other. The nature of electromagnetic coupling ensures that this never happens
38 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

in practice. Nevertheless, (2.4.6) and (2.4.10) can be regarded as providing a good approx-
imation to the properties of an isolated twin-conductor cable. Section 5.2 develops these
relationships to deal with the properties of such a cable as an antenna.

2.5 Circuit parameters

With EMC analysis, an important requirement is to maintain visibility of the voltage
developed along each conductor, as well as the voltages appearing between conductor
terminals. For the two-conductor configuration of Figure 2.4.1, there is little difficulty in
meeting this requirement. It is assumed that all the current flowing in conductor 1 returns via
conductor 2.

2.5.1 Inductance
The primitive equations for inductance define the voltage developed along each conductor in
terms of the primitive currents. Reproducing (2.4.1):
Vp1 j  w  Lp1;1  Ip1 j  w  Lp1;2  Ip2
Vp2 j  w  Lp2;1  Ip1 j  w  Lp2;2  Ip2

As far as inductance is concerned, the circuit model is shown in Figure 2.5.1.

The circuit equations for inductive coupling, derived from Figure 2.5.1 are:
Vc1 jwLc1  Ic1
Vc2 jwLc2  Ic1

Equations (2.4.1) and (2.5.1) were derived using different criteria. Equation (2.4.1) was
derived from electromagnetic theory, while (2.5.1) came from circuit theory. Different
assumptions were involved in their derivation. The equations can be correlated by defining
the relationship between voltages and currents:
Vp1 Vc1
Vp2 Vc2

near end Vc1 far end



Figure 2.5.1 Circuit model for magnetic coupling.

2.5 Circuit parameters 39

Ip1 Ic1
Ip2 Ic1

Making these substitutions allows the circuit parameters to be derived from the
Lc1 Lp1;1  Lp1;2
Lc2 Lp2;2  Lp1;2

Using (2.3.2) to relate primitive inductors to physical parameters gives formulae for the
circuit inductors for a conductor pair:
m m l r1;2
Lc1 o r  ln
2p r1;1
mo  mr  l r1;2
Lc2  ln
2p r2;2

2.5.2 Capacitance
Figure 2.5.2 illustrates the capacitive parameters associated with each conductor.
The primitive equations for capacitance define the voltage developed between each
conductor and a theoretical surface at zero voltage in terms of the current flowing into the
environment or out of the environment. Reproducing (2.4.7):
1 1
Vp1  Ip1  Ip2
j  w  Cp1;1 j  w  Cp1;2
1 1
Vp2  Ip1  Ip2
j  w  Cp2;1 j  w  Cp2;2

near end far end

Cc1 Vc1

zero voltage

Cc2 Vc2

Figure 2.5.2 Circuit model for capacitive coupling.

40 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

The circuit equations for capacitive coupling derived from Figure 2.5.2 are:
Vc1  Ic1
j  w  Cc1
Vc2  Ic1
j  w  Cc2

Invoking (2.5.2) and (2.5.3) to substitute circuit parameters in the primitive equations
leads to:
1 1 1
Vc1 Vp1    Ic1
j  w Cp1;1 Cp1;2
1 1 1
Vc2 Vp2    Ic1
j  w Cp2;2 Cp2;1

Correlating (2.5.6) and (2.5.7) allows circuit capacitors to be defined in terms of primitive

1 1 1

Cc1 Cp1;1 Cp1;2
1 1 1

Cc2 Cp2;2 Cp1;2

Using (2.3.1) to relate primitive capacitors to length and radii gives formulae for the circuit
capacitors for a conductor pair:

2  p  eo  er  l
Cc1 r1;2
2  p  eo  er  l
Cc2 r1;2

2.5.3 Maintaining duality

From (2.5.5) and (2.5.9):
Lci  Cci mo  mr  eo  er  l2 2:5:10

where the subscript i defines the conductor.

Section 2.6 exploits this duality to identify further simplifications in the derivation of
circuit models. This critical relationship between the inductive and capacitive properties of
conductors is retained by avoiding the temptation to remove the zero-volt node. (see figures
2.5.2, 2.7.6 and 5.2.5)
2.5 Circuit parameters 41

2.5.4 Resistance
The resistance of each conductor is a function of its cross-sectional area and its length. If
conductor i is circular in section, the steady-state resistance is:

Rssi ohm 2:5:11
p  ri;i 2

where r is the resistivity of the conducting material. Skin effect makes resistance a function
of frequency. Textbooks on electromagnetic theory derive the formula [2.4]:
l mf
Rskini  ohm 2:5:12
2  ri;i ps

where s is the conductivity. Conductivity and resistivity are related:

r ohm m 2:5:13

At high frequencies, resistance increases as the square root of the frequency; that is, at
10 dB per decade. The crossover point occurs when Rskin is equal to Rss. From (2.5.11),
(2.5.12) and (2.5.13):
l m  r  Fx rl

2  ri;i p p  ri;i

where Fx is the crossover frequency. This leads to the formula:

4r 1
Fx  2:5:14
m  p ri;i 2

Hence, the general formula for conductor resistance is:

Rci Rssi  1 2:5:15

The graph of Figure 2.5.3 illustrates the variation of resistance with frequency. The curves for
Rc and Rskin were derived from (2.5.15) and (2.5.12), respectively. These give the relationships
for a 15-m length of 1-mm diameter copper conductor. In this case the crossover frequency is 69
kHz. This leads to a third representation of a twin-conductor cable; Figure 2.5.4.
Unlike inductance and capacitance, resistance is independent of the current in other
conductors. This means that:
Rci Rpi;i 2:5:16
42 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models


Ohm copper conductor, 1 mm diameter, 15 m long



1 103 1 104 1 105 1 106 1 107
f Hz

Figure 2.5.3 Relationship between resistance and frequency.

near end far end



Figure 2.5.4 Circuit model for resistive coupling.

2.5.5 Basic assumption

A basic assumption made in the derivation of the above formulae for inductance and capa-
citance of the conductors was that the current in the return conductor is equal in value but
opposite in direction to that in the send conductor. This is never the case for a twin con-
ductor; some current radiates out into the environment. However, when this is taken into
account, the formulae for conductor inductance and capacitance remain unaltered.
Section 5.2 on the Virtual Conductor provides the more comprehensive derivation.

2.6 Twin-conductor model

Since the phenomenon causing interference is an electromagnetic field, there is no point in
trying to separate out the electric field effects and the magnetic field effects. Resistive effects
also have a significant role in the coupling mechanism. Any form of analysis of interference
must take into account the combined effects of resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Since
2.6 Twin-conductor model 43

near end Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1 far end

2 2 2 2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2

Cc1 Cc2
node at zero voltage

Figure 2.6.1 Circuit model of conductor pair.

every conductor possesses these properties, it is certainly not valid to assume that a zero-
impedance path for current exists anywhere in the system.
Since the simplest configuration capable of efficiently carrying an electronic signal from
one location to another is the twin-core cable, the best place to start is to analyze the prop-
erties of such a cable. Figure 2.6.1 departs from the conventional approach by recognizing
the fact that both conductors have the same set of properties.
The most significant property of this model is the duality of the inductors and capacitors.
If a voltage source is connected to the near end and the terminals at the far end are short-
circuited, then, as far as reactive parameters are concerned, the configuration behaves as a
bridge network.
From (2.5.10):

Lc1  Cc1 Lc2  Cc2

Lc1 Cc2
Lc2 Cc1

From the circuit model of Figure 2.6.2:

I1  I2
V1 2:6:2
j  w  C1

I1  I2
V2 2:6:3
j  w  C2

V3 j  w   I2 2:6:4

V4 j  w   I2 2:6:5
44 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

Lc1 V3
near end far end

Cc1 Lc1
Vin V1 2

I1 node at zero voltage I2

Cc2 V2 Lc2


Figure 2.6.2 Bridge network.

V1 Cc2
V2 Cc1
V3 Lc1
V4 Lc2
From (2.6.1):
V1 Cc1 Lc2 V3
V2 Cc2 Lc1 V4

Since the voltage at the junction of the capacitors is zero, the voltage at the junction of the
inductors is also zero. Hence the bridge circuit can be redrawn, as shown in Figure 2.6.3.
This form of the circuit model indicates that it is valid to represent the reactive compo-
nents of each conductor as a single impedance; a parallel combination of inductance and
capacitance in series with an inductance. Such a representation is extremely useful in sim-
plifying the analysis of the transfer admittance in section 2.9 and in deriving parameter
values for the virtual conductor in section 5.2.

Lc1 Lc1
near end far end
2 2

Vin Cc1


Lc2 Lc2
2 2

Figure 2.6.3 Equivalent circuit.

2.7 Three-conductor model 45

2.7 Three-conductor model

The process established in the previous sections can be simplified by using Z-parameters,
where Z can represent the impedance presented by any individual component, be it a
capacitance, an inductance, or a resistance. Primitive impedances can be identified as Zp,
loop impedances by Zl, and circuit impedances by Zc. Figure 2.7.1 illustrates a three-
conductor assembly.
The primitive equations for three conductors are:
Vp1 Zp1;1  Ip1 Zp1;2  Ip2 Zp1;3  Ip3
Vp2 Zp2;1  Ip1 Zp2;2  Ip2 Zp2;3  Ip3 2:7:1
Vp3 Zp3;1  Ip1 Zp3;2  Ip2 Zp3;3  Ip3

Figure 2.7.2 illustrates a configuration in which the cable assembly is terminated by short-
circuits at both ends, with voltage sources Vl1 and Vl2 inserted in the loops at the near end.
Comparing Figures (2.7.1) and (2.7.2) allows the relationships between primitive para-
meters and loop parameters to be defined. Voltages are related by:

Vl1 Vp1  Vp2

Vl2 Vp2  Vp3

Currents are related by:

Ip1 Il1
Ip2 Il2  Il1 2:7:3
Ip3 Il2

near end far end




Figure 2.7.1 Three-conductor assembly.

near end far end

Vl1 Il1

Vl2 Il2

Figure 2.7.2 Loop voltages and currents.

46 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

Substituting loop currents for primitive currents in (2.7.1) gives:

Vp1 Zp1;1  Il1 Zp1;2  Il2  Il1  Zp1;3  Il2

Vp2 Zp2;1  Il1 Zp2;2  Il2  Il1  Zp2;3  Il2 2:7:4
Vp3 Zp3;1  Il1 Zp3;2  Il2  Il1  Zp3;3  Il2

Subtracting adjacent rows of (2.7.4) gives:

Vp1  Vp2 Zp1;1  Zp1;2  Zp2;1 Zp2;2  Il1 Zp1;2  Zp1;3  Zp2;2 Zp2;3  Il2
Vp2  Vp3 Zp2;1  Zp2;2  Zp3;1 Zp3;2  Il1 Zp2;2  Zp2;3  Zp3;2 Zp3;3  Il2

The loop equations for three conductors can be defined as:

Vl1 Zl1;1  Il1 Zl1;2  Il2

Vl2 Zl2;1  Il1 Zl2;2  Il2


Zl1;1 Zp1;1  Zp1;2  Zp2;1 Zp2;2

Zl1;2 Zp1;2  Zp1;3  Zp2;2 Zp2;3
Zl2;1 Zp2;1  Zp2;2  Zp3;1 Zp3;2
Zl2;2 Zp2;2  Zp2;3  Zp3;2 Zp3;3

Since Zpi;j Zpj;i , then:

Zl1;2 Zl2;1 2:7:8

The circuit model which can simulate the behavior of the loop equations is shown in
Figure 2.7.3. The circuit equations for three conductors are:

Vc1 Zc1 Zc2  Ic1  Zc2  Ic2

Vc2 Zc2  Ic1 Zc2 Zc3  Ic2

A comparison between (2.7.6) and (2.7.9) shows clearly that there is a one-to-one correlation
between loop equations and circuit equations Hence, loop impedances can be related to circuit

Zl1;1 Zc1 Zc2

Zl1;2 Zc2
Zl2;2 Zc2 Zc3
2.7 Three-conductor model 47

near end far end


Vc1 Ic1

Vc2 Ic2

Figure 2.7.3 Circuit impedances for three-conductor assembly.

Defining circuit impedances in terms of loop impedances gives:

Zc1 Zl1;1 Zl1;2
Zc2 Zl1;2 2:7:10
Zc3 Zl2;2 Zl1;2

Using (2.7.7) to substitute primitive impedances for loop impedances gives the circuit
impedances for three conductors in terms of the primitive impedances:
Zc1 Zp1;1  Zp2;1  Zp1;3 Zp2;3
Zc2 Zp2;2  Zp1;2  Zp2;3 Zp1;3 2:7:11
Zc3 Zp3;3  Zp3;1  Zp2;3 Zp2;1

If the radial dimensions of the conductor assembly are defined as shown in Figure 2.7.4, then
circuit components can be defined in terms of spatial parameters.
If the impedances are assumed to be purely inductive, that is Zpi;j j  w  Lpi;j , then
(2.3.2) can be used to define the circuit inductors for three conductors:
mo  mr  l r1;2  r1;3
Lc1  ln
2p r1;1  r2;3
m m l r1;2  r2;3
Lc2 o r  ln 2:7:12
2p r2;2  r1;3
mo  mr  l r1;3  r2;3
Lc3  ln
2p r3;3  r1;2

where l is the length of the assembly.

This establishes the inductance values for the assembly depicted by Figure 2.7.4.
If Figure 2.7.3 were to be redrawn as shown on Figure 2.7.5, then the same process could
be used to derive capacitor values. Equation (2.7.11) applies to both figures.
This time, however, the impedances are assumed to be purely capacitive. The impedance
parameters would then be related to capacitors using:
j  w  Cpi;j
48 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models






Figure 2.7.4 Cross section of conductor assembly.

near end far end


Zc2 Zc3

Ic1 Ic2

Figure 2.7.5 Circuit model of capacitive coupling.

Making this substitution in (2.7.11) and then invoking (2.3.1) leads to formulae for the
circuit capacitors for three conductors:
2  p  eo  er  l
Cc1 r1;2  r1;3
r1;1  r2;3
2  p  eo  er  l
Cc1 r1;2  r2;3
ln 2:7:13
r2;2  r1;3
2  p  eo  er  l
Cc1 r1;3  r2;3
r3;3  r1;2

The relationship between resistors and conductors is self-evident. Equations (2.5.11),

(2.5.14), and (2.5.15) can be used to estimate the resistance at any frequency. This leads to
the triple-T model for the three-conductor assembly; Figure 2.7.6.
2.8 Optimum coupling 49

near end far end

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

2 2 2 2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2

Lc3 Rc3 Lc3 Rc3

2 2 2 2

Cc1 Cc2 Cc3

node at zero voltage

Figure 2.7.6 Triple-T circuit model of three-conductor assembly.

Equations (2.7.12) and (2.7.13) can be correlated with the formulae developed for phase
inductance [1.7] and phase capacitance [1.8] of three-phase power lines. In fact, the deri-
vation above is simply a formalization of the process described in that basic textbook.

2.8 Optimum coupling

The formulae derived in section 2.7 provide useful guidance as to how to reduce interference
during the design process. If the cross-sectional view of the assembly of Figure 2.7.4 is
compared with the circuit model in the light of (2.7.12) and (2.7.13), then some fundamental
relationships can be established.
First and foremost, mesh analysis, rather than nodal analysis, has been used to establish
the formulae. There are two interdependent loops. In Figure 2.8.1, conductors 1 and 2 are
assigned to carry the signal from the near end to the far end. This signal link can be defined
as the differential-mode loop. In this loop, all the current flowing down the signal conductor
is assumed to return via the return conductor. Figure 2.8.2 illustrates this.

near end connector
far end signal
signal conductor
signal current
driver return conductor

interference current

shield or structure

Figure 2.8.1 Defining the function of the conductors.

50 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

voltage near end far end


differential-mode current

Lc2 common-mode current


Figure 2.8.2 Defining the loop currents.

Inevitably, the differential-mode current in the return conductor develops a voltage

across its inductance. This creates a current flow in the loop formed by the return conductor
and the structure the common-mode loop, as shown on Figure 2.8.2. Common-mode cur-
rent in the inductance of the structure creates an unwanted voltage between any two points
on that conductor.
Similarly, any voltage developed along the structure by an external source will create
a current in the common-mode loop. In turn, this will induce an unwanted signal in the
differential-mode loop.
In either case, any current in the common-mode loop is undesirable, since it constitutes
interference. Whether the level of interference is acceptable or not is a matter of system
Low frequency simulation of this configuration is modeled by the circuit of Figure 2.8.2.
As far as EMC is concerned, the objective would be to maximize the differential-mode
current and minimize the common-mode current.
The physical design should ensure that the impedance of the differential-mode loop
is as low as possible. That is, the inductors Lc1 and Lc2 should be as small as possible.
Conversely, the value of Lc3 should be as high as possible.
If the three conductors are circular in cross section as illustrated in Figure 2.8.3, then the
inductor values would be as defined by (2.7.12). These are re-written below:
mo  mr  l r1;2 r1;3
Lc1  ln ln
2p r1;1 r2;3
mo  mr  l r1;2 r2;3
Lc2  ln ln 2:8:1
2p r2;2 r1;3
mo  mr  l r1;3 r2;3
Lc3  ln ln
2p r1;2 r3;3

Given this set of equations, it can be seen that reducing r12 would reduce the value of Lc1 and
Lc2, while increasing the value of Lc3. That is, altering just one physical dimension will
affect the value of all three inductors. Reducing the spacing between the signal and return
conductors will have a significant effect in improving EMC.
2.8 Optimum coupling 51


r1,3 r2,3

Figure 2.8.3 Cross section of conductor assembly.

Further improvement can be achieved by locating conductors 1 and 2 an equal distance

away from conductor 3.

If r1;3 r2;3
r1;3 r2;3
then : ln ln 0
r2;3 r1;3

That is, if the conductors carrying the differential-mode current are equidistant from the
structure, then these logarithmic factors can be deleted from (2.8.1). This means that Lc1 and
Lc2 can be reduced further.
If, in addition, the radii of the signal and return conductors were the same, then:

r1;2 r1;2

r1;1 r2;2

Giving the relationship Lc1 Lc2 .

This is a desirable characteristic in configurations where balanced drivers and balanced
receiver are utilized.
When capacitive coupling is brought into the picture, the circuit model changes to that
shown by Figure 2.8.4.
If Lc1 and Lc2 are reduced in value, then Cc1 and Cc2 are increased. If the value of Lc3
increases, then the value of Cc3 reduces. It can be seen from Figure 2.8.4 that these changes
to capacitance values will act in the same way as inductance value changes; more current
will flow in the signal loop and less will flow in the common-mode loop.
This means that, when the separation between signal and return conductors is reduced, all
the reactive components will change in a way that enhances EMC.
Hence, the basic requirement for optimum coupling is that the signal and return con-
ductors be held as closely together as possible along the entire route from signal driver to
signal receiver.
52 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

near end far end

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

2 2 2 2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 Cc1 Cc2 2 2


Lc3 Rc3 Lc3 Rc3

2 2 2 2

Figure 2.8.4 Adding capacitors and resistors to model.

2.9 Transfer admittance

It was shown in section 2.6 that the reactive components of the model will form a bridge
circuit. The same natural balance exists in the three-conductor model of Figure 2.9.1. If the
terminations at the far end are short-circuited, then the voltage at the junction of the three
inductors will be the same as the voltage at the junction of the three capacitors.
If the voltages at these two nodes are at the same potential, it is valid to join them
together. Hence it is valid to redraw the model to give the diagram of Figure 2.9.2.
At any particular frequency, this model can be further simplified to that shown in
Figure 2.9.3, where Z1, Z2, and Z3 represent the impedances associated with each conductor.
The circuit equations for Figure 2.9.3 are:
V1 Z1 Z2  I1  Z2  I2 2:9:1

0 Z2  I1 Z2 Z3  I2 2:9:2

near end far end

Lc1 Lc1
2 2

Lc2 Lc2
2 2

Lc3 Lc 3
2 2

Cc1 Cc2 Cc3

nodes at zero voltage

Figure 2.9.1 Voltage balance in a three-conductor assembly.

2.9 Transfer admittance 53

Lc1 Lc1
near end far end
2 2

2 Lc2


2 Lc3


Figure 2.9.2 Equivalent circuit of configuration of Figure 2.9.1.

near end far end


V1 I1




Figure 2.9.3 Simplified model.

from (2.9.2):
Z2 Z3
I1  I2 2:9:3
substituting for I1 in (2.9.1):
Z1 Z2  Z2 Z3
V1  I2  Z2  I2
this expands to:
Z1  Z2 Z1  Z3 Z2  Z2 Z2  Z3  Z2  Z2
V1  I2
I2 Z2
V1 Z1  Z2 Z1  Z3 Z2  Z3
54 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

near end far end







Figure 2.9.4 Voltage source in loop 2.

If the voltage source is placed in the second loop, as shown in Figure 2.9.4, then the same
process leads to the ratio:
I1 Z2
V2 Z1  Z2 Z1  Z3 Z2  Z3

This identifies the fact that there is a duality in any circuit network. Comparing Figures
(2.9.3) and (2.9.4)
I1 I2
YT 2:9:6
V2 V 1

Since the ratio of current to voltage is termed admittance, and since the ratio is between
parameters in different loops, then the parameters of (2.9.4) and (2.9.5) are described as
transfer admittance, YT.
The transfer admittance provides a direct measure of the ratio of unwanted signal in the
victim loop to the source voltage in the culprit loop. It is the basic parameter which enables
the interference characteristic of any assembly to be defined.
Figure 2.9.3 is effectively a circuit model of the conducted emission test carried out by
engineers at an EMC Test House. It allows the ratio of common-mode current to injection
voltage to be simulated over a range of frequencies. Figure 2.9.4 simulates the setup used in
a conducted susceptibility test. It defines the ratio of unwanted signal current to a source
voltage in the common-mode loop.
This reasoning leads to a definition of transfer admittance:
Transfer admittance is the ratio of the current in the victim loop to the source voltage
in the culprit loop when there are no other voltage sources.
Most significantly, transfer admittance has the same value for conducted emission as for
conducted susceptibility. This means that a conducted susceptibility test on a cable assembly
can be used to predict the response of a conducted emission test, and vice versa. It also
2.10 Co-axial coupling 55

identifies a useful check which can be made on the integrity of any program used to analyze
any circuit model:
Interchange the locations of source voltage and monitored current and re-run the
program. If the results from both runs are not identical, then there is an error
In practice, there are many factors which tend to compromise this analysis of transfer
admittance. Most notable is the fact that that the test methods and test equipment used with
the two types of test are different. Even so, it is fair to say that a cable configuration which
exhibits high susceptibility at a particular frequency will also create a high level of emission
at that frequency.

2.10 Co-axial coupling

The special property of a co-axial cable is that the separation between the axis of the inner
conductor and any point on the outer conductor is the radius of the outer conductor. The fact
that the inner and outer conductors share the same axis also means that the separation
between the inner conductor and the external conductor is exactly the same as the separation
between the outer conductor and external conductor. Figure 2.10.1 shows a typical cross
r1;2 r2;1 r2;2 2:10:1

r1;3 r3;1 r2;3 r3;2 2:10:2


r1,1 r3,3


Figure 2.10.1 Co-axial cable with external conductor.

56 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

The circuit model for a three-conductor cable is shown in Figure 2.7.6 and the formula for
inductance values is given by (2.7.12). When the relationships of (2.10.1) and (2.10.2) are
incorporated, the values of the inductors become:
mo  mr  l r2;2
Lc1  ln
2p r1;1
Lc2 0 2:10:3
m m l r3;2  r2;3
Lc3 o r  ln
2p r3;3  r2;2

The value of Lc1 is the familiar formula for the loop inductance of co-axial cable. The value
of Lc2 turns out to be zero, while the value of Lc3 is the loop inductance of conductors 2 and
3 acting as a conductor pair. Since Lc2 is zero, this inductance disappears from the circuit
Values for the capacitors of the circuit model are related to the inductors by (2.3.3). This
means that the theoretical value of Cc2 is infinite. In effect, it becomes a short-circuit. When
these modifications are carried out on the model of Figure 2.7.6, it changes to the circuit
model of co-axial coupling shown by Figure 2.10.2.
The circuit model of Figure 2.10.2 is that of an ideal co-axial cable, where the screen is
constructed of solid conducting material. For this ideal case, the only component at the
interface between common-mode loop and the differential-mode loop is the resistance of the
screen. This means that the use of co-axial cable for the signal link will ensure that the value
of the transfer admittance is extremely small. Put another way, the common-mode rejection
will be extremely high.
However, it is usually impractical to use such a cable. In the vast majority of assemblies,
the outer shield of the screened cables is made from thin wires inter-wound to form a flexible
braid. Gaps in the braid allow penetration of external field and emission of internal field. At
high frequencies, the shielding effectiveness of the screen deteriorates.
A more realistic model for a braided co-axial cable is shown in Figure 2.10.3. The
magnetic field coupling between inner and outer loops is simulated by Lc2, while Cc2
represents the effect of the electric field coupling. Effectively, the model reverts to that
shown in Figure 2.7.6. There is a significant difference. The values of the reactive

solid inner
Lc1 Rc1 conductor Lc1 Rc1
near end 2 2 2 2 far end


cylindrical screen
Rc2 Rc2
2 2
Lc3 Rc3 structure Lc3 Rc3
2 2 2 2

Figure 2.10.2 Circuit model of ideal co-axial coupling.

2.11 The ground plane 57

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

near end far end
2 2 2 2
Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2
2 2 screen braid 2 2



Lc3 Rc3 structure Lc3 Rc3

2 2 2 2

Figure 2.10.3 Circuit model of braided co-axial cable.

parameters associated with the screen conductor are much less than those of the separate
return conductor derived in section 2.7.
A rule-of-thumb estimate for the value of these parameters would be to assume:
Lc1 Cc1
Lc2 and Cc2
10 10
The best way of establishing more accurate values is to carry out tests on a representative
assembly. Such tests usually result in a parameter described as the transfer impedance, and
are defined in terms of a frequency response relating impedance to frequency. The rela-
tionship between transfer admittance and transfer impedance indicates that Z2 in Figure 2.9.3
can be defined as the transfer impedance of the assembly-under-review.
Some manufacturers provide data on the transfer impedance in the form of a frequency
response curve for a 1 m length. It should not be too difficult to create a model which
replicates this curve and to derive values for the resistance, inductance, and capacitance.
In any event, it can be said that co-axial cable will provide much better EMC than the
twin-conductor cable, since the transfer impedance is much less. It may be that a shielded
twisted pair could provide even better immunity to interference. However, it is more difficult
to derive parameter values for such a configuration. This topic is dealt with in detail in the
next chapter.

2.11 The ground plane

The concept of the conducting plane can be found in every textbook on electromagnetic
theory. It exploits the fact that, on a non-conducting plane surface midway between two
charged conductors, the electric field is orthogonal to that surface. If this surface was con-
ducting, then the electric field distribution would not change. Figure 2.11.1 illustrates a cross
section of two conductors over a ground plane.
Conversely, a flat conducting surface can be represented by a non-conducting surface
midway between the two conductors and a second pair of identical conductors. That is, the
configuration of Figure 2.11.1 can be replaced by that of Figure 2.11.2.
58 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

conductor 3
conductor 1

s conducting
r r conductor 2

Figure 2.11.1 Two conductors over a ground plane.

r1,1 r4,4
r1,4 non-conducting
r1,2 r3,4


r2,2 r3,3

Figure 2.11.2 Simulating the effect of the plane.




Figure 2.11.3 Transformer coupling.

If these four conductors are connected as two separate circuit loops, then the picture
changes to that shown by Figure 2.11.3. Here, the coupling is between two isolated loops. As
far as magnetic coupling is concerned, this is essentially a transformer; a transformer where
the primary and secondary have one turn each and there is no magnetic material.
The circuit model for this configuration is the familiar transformer model of
Figure 2.11.4. Here, Lc1 represents the leakage inductance of the primary, Lc2 represents the
mutual inductance, and Lc3 represents the leakage inductance of the secondary.
2.11 The ground plane 59

primary leakage inductance

2V1 I1
mutual inductance


Lc3 secondary leakage inductance

Figure 2.11.4 Circuit model of transformer coupling.

Following the procedure outlined in section 2.7, the three inductors can be defined for a
length l of the assembly:
mo  mr  l r1;2  r2;1  r1;4  r2;3
Lc1  ln
2p r1;1  r2;2  r1;3  r2;4
mo  mr  l r1;3  r2;4
Lc2  ln 2:11:1
2p r1;4  r2;3
mo  mr  l r3;2  r4;1  r3;4  r4;3
Lc3  ln
2p r3;1  r4;2  r3;3  r4;4
The next step is to use the transformer coupling model to derive a model which simulates the
coupling between the conductors of Figure 2.11.1. The relationships between the radial
parameters of Figure 2.11.2 and the dimensions of Figure 2.11.1 are:

r1;2 r2;1 r3;4 r4;3 2  h

r1;3 r3;1 r2;4 r4;2 s2 4  h2
r1;4 r4;1 r2;3 r3;2 s
r1;1 r2;2 r3;3 r4;4 r

The voltage source is defined as 2  V1 in Figure 2.11.3 because the voltage between any
conductor and its image is twice that which would exist between conductor and ground
plane. Since the formulae of (2.11.1) have been derived for a voltage source of 2  V1 , the
inductor values are twice that associated with conductors over a plane.
Dividing each of the inductive parameters of (2.11.1) by two and invoking the relation-
ships of (2.11.2) leads to:
Lc1 mo  mr  l 2hs
Ld1  ln p
2 2p r  s2 4  h2
Lc2 mo  mr  l s2 4  h2
Ld2  ln 2:11:3
2 2p s
Lc3 mo  mr  l 2hs
Ld3  ln p
2 2p r  s2 4  h2
60 CHAPTER 2 Lumped parameter models

Duality between inductance and capacitance can be used to calculate values for the asso-
ciated capacitors:

m0  mr  e0  er  l2
Cdi 2:11:4

If the spatial dimensions of the setup are known, then a one to one correlation can be
established between the conductors of Figure 2.11.1 and the components of the triple-T
circuit model of Figure 2.7.6. Inductance Ld1 and capacitance Cd1 can be assigned to con-
ductor 1, while inductance Ld3 and capacitance Cd3 can be assigned to conductor 3.
The most significant feature of (2.11.3) is that a value can be assigned to Ld2. This is the
inductance of the ground plane. Similarly, the capacitance of the ground plane is Cd2.
The existence of Lc2 means that any transient current in the plane will create an end-to-
end voltage along the surface. If a voltage exists along the surface, then that surface cannot
possibly be equipotential. To assume that the conducting plane is an equipotential surface is
to ignore the lessons learnt from electromagnetic theory.
The relationship between separation distance and inductance values can be determined by
inspection of (2.11.3). As the separation between conductors 1 and 2 reduces, the values of
Ld1 and Ld3 reduce while the value of Ld2 increases. When the spacing is at a minimum, the
assembly behaves like a transformer. Conversely, as the spacing increases, the coupling
between the two loops decreases, and the value of Ld2 reduces.
The reasoning applied to inductor values can also be applied to capacitor values. As the
spacing between the conductors increases, capacitive coupling reduces.
This means that, if the ground plane is acting as a return conductor for signals in con-
ductors 1 and 3, (as with a printed circuit board) then interference coupling can be reduced
by separating conductors 1 and 3 as much as possible and by reducing the separation
between these conductors and the ground plane. The reasoning applies to both inductive
effects and capacitive effects. The action of the ground plane in printed circuit boards is
analyzed further in sections 8.2 and 9.3.
If the ground plane is used to represent the properties of the structure when it is acting as
a shield, then it is desirable for conductors 1 and 3 to be as close together as possible. This
will increase the coupling between the send and return conductors and enhance the balance
between the currents in those conductors, while reducing the amplitude of common-mode
current in the ground conductor.

Other cross sections

It is possible to develop the process to determine the properties of conductor assemblies

of virtually any cross section. The starting point is a technique devised by researchers at
Culham to predict induced voltages in aircraft cables [1.9].
In this technique, the assembly-under-review is represented by an array of parallel con-
ductors. It is assumed that the conductors at each end are short-circuited. So the end-to-end
voltage of each conductor is the same. Since the voltage along the length of one conductor of
this array is determined by the currents in all the conductors, then a set of primitive equations
can be defined. Solving this set of equations allows the current in each conductor to be
calculated. When the currents are known, it is possible to calculate the magnetic potential
of any point in the vicinity. This allows the magnetic field pattern in the region to be
The composite conductor can be defined as a set of elemental conductors, aligned in
parallel, which enables the distribution of currents or voltages in the actual conductor to be
An elemental conductor can be defined as a conductor which represents a small segment
of the surface of a composite conductor.
In the method described here, the primitive equations are set up and the currents in the
elemental conductors are calculated, but the focus remains on the behavior of those currents.
Section 3.1 illustrates the process by representing the cross section of a circular tube as an
array of elemental conductors. The current in each element is calculated. Adding all these
currents together gives a figure for the total current in the section. The ratio of the voltage to
the total current gives a figure for the partial inductance of the composite conductor.
A circular section was chosen for this first illustration because it was easy to check the
accuracy of the result.
Since the process necessarily involves the use of a computer program, Mathcad software
was used to illustrate the details of the computation. Since mathematical notation is
used throughout, the program is much easier to follow than one written in, say, the JAVA
language. A few special features of Mathcad are described in Appendix A1.
Section 3.2 develops the method to deal with the differential-mode current in two con-
ductors to derive a value for the loop inductance. Duality between inductance and capaci-
tance is then used to determine the value of the loop capacitance. This value is the same as
that obtained when the method of images is invoked. Such a check effectively validates the

62 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

Section 3.3 develops the technique one stage further; to enable a circuit model to be
created for a three-conductor assembly. The example chosen is that of a screened pair cable.
The program defines the geometry of the elemental conductors of the three composite
conductors, creates an array of primitive inductors, and converts this to an array of loop
inductors. If it is assumed that a sinusoidal voltage of one volt is applied between the screen
and the inner pair, the loop currents in the elemental conductors can be calculated.
Then the primitive current in every elemental conductor is calculated. That is, current
flow from left to right is deemed to be positive current. Negative current flows from right to
left. Summing the currents in the appropriate elements allows the current in each composite
to be calculated.
Knowledge of currents and impedance values allows a three-by-three matrix of partial
voltages to be determined. From this it is possible to calculate the values for a three-by-three
array of partial inductors. Then the loop inductance values for the composite conductors are
calculated. This is a two-by-two matrix.
Using this information, the value of each of the three inductors of the circuit model can
be calculated. Invoking the duality between inductance and capacitance gives the value of
each of the capacitors. This allows a circuit model to be defined for a 10 meter length of
twin-core, screened cable.
The Mathcad worksheet which carries out all the necessary computations is reproduced.
This can be hand copied into a new worksheet by the reader. Alternatively, the worksheet file
can be downloaded from the website at MATLAB files which
replicate the calculations in every worksheet are also available for download. Modifying this
program, virtually any cross section can be modeled. The only changes would be a re-
definition of the geometry of the cross section and of the length of cable.
Intermediate results from the calculation are used to create a bubble chart which defines
the current distribution in the cable. This is more meaningful to a circuit designer than a
diagram of the magnetic field distribution. It also illustrates the fact that skin effect is not
uniform. Differential-mode current concentrates on adjacent surfaces.
Figure 3.3.5 illustrates the fact that common-mode current tends to flow on surfaces of
the signal-carrying conductors that are as far apart as possible. This is because the common-
mode current in the wire pair is flowing in the same direction. Since this current returns via
the outer shield, it concentrates on that part of the shield which is closest to the current
concentration in the wire pair.
Current in any conductor causes a magnetic field which has both internal and external
linkages with that conductor, and the formula derived for primitive inductance takes account
of both. By representing the surface of the conductor as an array of elemental conductors,
this treatment enables the effect of internal linkages to be included, even though they are
concentrated on that surface.

3.1 Single composite conductor

To derive values corresponding to the primitive inductance and capacitance of any non-
circular conductor, the first step is to represent the cross section as an array of parallel
conductors. The process is best illustrated by using it to represent a circular-section
conductor. This allows the resultant values to be confirmed by comparing them with known
3.1 Single composite conductor 63


Figure 3.1.1 Circular section conductor.

radius = r


Figure 3.1.2 Array of elemental conductors.

Figure 3.1.1 illustrates a section of the conductor to be analyzed, while Figure 3.1.2
shows the method of simulation. Each elemental conductor represents a small segment, s, of
the surface. Hence:
2  p  r s q  Rad

giving a general formula for the radius of each elemental conductor:

q  Rad
r 3:1:1
In this particular case, the conductor being simulated is circular. So there are n elemental
conductors equally spaced round the periphery, and this leads to the relationship:
nq2p 3:1:2

Substituting for 2  p in (3.1.1):

r 3:1:3
Since these conductors each have a defined radius, they cannot be termed filamentary.
64 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

If it is assumed that a current Ipi is flowing in elemental conductor i, then a set of

primitive equations can be set up. The voltage on each conductor will be a function of the
current in every other conductor, as well as the current it carries itself. In the case of the
three-conductor assembly of section 2.7 there were three equations. For an assembly of n
conductors, there are n equations:
Vpi Zpi;j  Ipj 3:1:4

Defining the primitive equations for elemental conductors in terms of vector algebra:
Vp Zp  Ip 3:1:5

where Vp and Ip are vectors of n elements, and Zp is a square matrix of n2 elements.

If the impedances are assumed to be inductive and the terminals at each end are shorted
together, then the voltage along the length of each elemental conductor will be the same.
Impedance and inductance are related by:
Zp j  w  Lp
Whatever value is chosen for w, it will remain the same throughout this computation process.
If it is chosen to be unity, then:
Zp jLpj where w1
Since the voltage along the length of each elemental conductor is a fixed value, it is possible
to define every component of the Vp vector. This being so, there is enough information to
calculate the value of every element of the Ip vector. With personal computers, the task is
completed in a fraction of a second. The relevant function in Mathcad is:

Ip lsolveZp, Vp 3:1:6

The total current in the composite conductor is the sum of the currents in the elemental
conductors. That is:
Iq Ipi 3:1:7

The impedance of the composite can be defined as:

Zq 3:1:8

If the voltage along the length is assumed to be unity, then:

Zq where Vq 1
If the value of w is set at unity:
Lq where Vq 1 and w1 3:1:9
3.1 Single composite conductor 65

The parameter Lq can be correlated with the primitive inductance Lp defined by (2.2.9) in
that it defines the inductance of a composite conductor when that conductor is acting as an
antenna. To avoid confusion between the two terms, it is useful to describe Lq as a partial
It follows that Vq, Iq, and Zq can be described as partial voltage, partial current, and
partial impedance.
The set of equations developed above is amenable to the creation of a computer program
to calculate the partial inductance of virtually any cross section. Two stages are involved
defining the co-ordinates of the elemental conductors,
calculating the values of the electrical parameters.
Figure 3.1.3 is a copy of a Mathcad worksheet which carries out the computations for the
first stage. In this case, the process is quite simple. For a more complex cross section, the

Worksheet 3.1, page 1

Rad := 10 103 radius of composite conductor, m

l := 10 length of composite conductor, m

n := 24 number of elements
i := 1 ..n range variable

qi := n (i 0.5) angle at which each element is located, radian

xi := Rad cos(qi) x co-ordinate of each elemental conductor, m

yi := Rad sin(qi) y co-ordinate of each elemental conductor, m

Rad radius of each elemental conductor, m

ri :=


plot of co-ordinates
y 103 0


10 0 10
x 103

Figure 3.1.3 Defining the physical parameters of the composite conductor.

66 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

definition of the co-ordinates would probably take the form of a three-column table of
Figure 3.1.4 invokes equations (3.1.4) to (3.1.9) to determine the value of Lq, the partial
inductance of the composite conductor. It then carries out a check to confirm the resultant
value is the same as the primitive inductance of a conductor with the same radius as the
composite. This check provides a level of confidence that the process is valid.
Finally, the value of the partial capacitance is calculated, using the relationship between
inductance and capacitance defined by (2.3.3).

Worksheet 3.1, page 2

mo := 4 p 107 H/m mr := 1

mo mr l
K := = 2 106 H
2 p K is a constant for this computation

Zp := for i 1.. n Zp = array of n n inductance values, H

for j 1.. n
h xj xi
v yj yi

rad h2 + v2 rad = separation between pair of elements

rad ri if rad = 0 = radius of element if separation = 0

Lpi, j K ln see (2.3.2)

Vpi := 1 input voltage, V

Ip := lsolve(Zp, Vp) output current, A

Iq :=
Ipi = 7.238 104 sum of currents in elements

Vp1 w
w := 1 radian/s Lq := Lq = 1.382 105 H

Check:- Lp = 2 107 l ln Lp = 1.382 105 H

eo := 8.854 1012 F/m er := 1

eo er mo mr l 2
Cq := Cq = 8.053 1011 F

Figure 3.1.4 Partial inductance and capacitance of single composite conductor.

3.2 The composite pair 67

3.2 The composite pair

The concept of an array of elemental conductors can be extended to the modeling of a pair of
conductors of any cross section. The following illustration assumes circular sections.
Figure 3.2.1 depicts the cross section of a pair of composite conductors, while Figure 3.2.2
illustrates how the primitive currents can be related to the loop currents. Only one loop can have
a voltage applied; that between the composite pair. All the other loop voltages must be zero.
Following the approach of section 2.7, the first step is to create the primitive equations
for the composite pair. Using vector notation:
Vp Zp  Ip 3:2:1

If it is assumed that there are n1 elemental conductors in composite 1 and n2 elemental

conductors in composite 2, then the voltage source will be in loop n1. The total number of
conductors is N, where:
N n1 n2 3:2:2

Inspection of (2.7.7) reveals a clear correlation between primitive impedances and loop
impedances. The general formula for loop impedance can be defined as:
Zli; j Zpi; j  Zpi; j1  Zpi1; j Zpi1; j1 3:2:3

Using this relationship, it is possible to create a matrix of loop impedances Zl. The loop
equations can then be set up. Again in vector notation:
Vl Zl  Il 3:2:4

It is clear from Figure 3.2.2 that the number of elements in the Vl and Il vectors is N 1.
Voltages in every loop can be defined:
Vli 1 if i n1
Vli 0 if i 6 n1

Since all the voltages and impedances have been defined for the loop equations, it is possible
to determine the loop currents. The relevant function in Mathcad is:
Il lsolveZl; Vl 3:2:6

Figure 3.2.1 Cross section of composite pair.

68 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

Ip2 Il1

Ipn11 Iln12

Ipn1 Iln11

Vln1 Iln1
Ipn1+2 Iln1+1

Ipn1+n2 Iln1+n21

Figure 3.2.2 Primitive currents and loop currents.

Once the loop currents have been determined, it is a simple matter to calculate the values of
the primitive currents. The relationship can be derived from Figure 3.2.2.
Ip1 Il1
Ipi Ili for i 2 to N  1 3:2:7
IpN IlN 1

It now becomes possible to calculate every voltage component in every elemental conductor.
vi;j Zpi;j  Ipj 3:2:8

If the variables are set out in tabular form, the result would be an array of N by N values.
Since there are only two composite conductors, the objective is to reduce this to an array of
2 by 2 values. This can be done by dividing the array into four sections, each representing the
contribution made by the current in a composite conductor. Figure 3.2.3 provides a picture of
the resultant sub-matrices. Since there are n1 elemental conductors in composite 1, the
average value of the contributions of current in these conductors to the voltage experienced
by composite 1 is:
1 Xn1 Xn1
vq1;1  vi;j 3:2:9
n1 i1 j1

Similar reasoning applies to the other three sections of Figure 3.2.3, giving:

1 X X
n1 n1n2
vq1;2  vi;j 3:2:10
n1 i1 jn11

1 n1n2 n1
vq2;1  vi;j 3:2:11
n2 in11 j1
3.2 The composite pair 69

v1,1 v1, n1 v1, n1+1 v1, N

vn1,1 vn1, n1 v1, n1+1 v1, N

vn1+1,1 vn1+1, n1 vn1+1, n1+1 vn1+1,N

vN,1 vN,n1 vN,n1+1 vN,N

Figure 3.2.3 Dividing the voltage matrix into four sub-matrices.

vq1,1 vq1,2

vq2,1 vq2,2

Figure 3.2.4 Voltage components derived from Figure 3.2.3.

X n1n2
1 n1n2 X
vq2;2  vi;j 3:2:12
n2 in11 jn11

Calculating the average value of the current in each conductor is much simpler:
Iq1 Ipi 3:2:13

Iq2 Ipi 3:2:14

The four voltage components can be set out in the form of the small array of Figure 3.2.4,
vq1,1 is the voltage in composite 1 due to Iq1
vq1,2 is the voltage in composite 1 due to Iq2
vq2,1 is the voltage in composite 2 due to Iq1
vq2,2 is the voltage in composite 2 due to Iq2
70 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

Partial impedance values can be derived by using the relationship:

Zqh;k 3:2:15

The integers h and k are used to identify the two composite conductors.
The number of equations has now been reduced from N to 2:

Vq1 Zq1;1  Iq1 Zq1;2  Iq2

Vq2 Zq2;1  Iq1 Zq2;2  Iq2

Comparing this equation with (2.4.1) or (2.4.7) indicates that the parameters Vq, Iq, and Zq
can be treated as primitives. As indicated in section 3.1, a clear distinction between the
properties of elemental conductors and those of composite conductors can be achieved by
invoking the term partial to describe the parameters involved. Hence (3.2.16) can be
described as the partial equations for the composite pair.
If the impedances Zqi,j are assumed to be due to inductive effects, then the relationship of
(2.5.4) can be used to determine the circuit inductance associated with each conductor.

Zc1 j  w  Lc1 j  w  Lq1;1  Lq1;2

Zc2 j  w  Lc2 j  w  Lq2;2  Lq2;1


Lc1 Lq1;1  Lq1;2

Lc2 Lq2;2  Lq2;1

In summary, the process above has established a relationship between the primitive para-
meters of the elemental conductors and the inductances of a circuit model of the composite
pair. Since the primitive parameters of the elemental conductors can be related to the para-
meters of radius and length, it becomes possible to derive the inductive components from
knowledge of the structure of the assembly. Circuit capacitances can be derived by invoking
the duality between inductance and capacitance described in section 2.3.
A three-page worksheet derived from this set of equations is illustrated by Figures 3.2.5
to 3.2.7. It is assumed that the diameter of the conductors is 2 mm, that the centers are spaced
4 mm apart, and that the length of the cable is 1 m.
Page 1 of the worksheet derives the co-ordinates of the elemental conductors, Figure 3.2.5.
Page 2 calculates the value of the current in each elemental conductor, Figure 3.2.6.
Page 3 processes this data to derive component values for the circuit model, Figure 3.2.7.
It is useful to print out the intermediate results in the computation. If there are any errors
in the program, then the results would become implausible. For example, the sum of the
currents in the Iq vector should always be zero.
The Vq vector indicates that the input voltage is split equally between the two con-
ductors. This is intuitively correct since the two conductors are defined to be identical. Vq2 is
negative because Iq2 is negative. Figure 3.2.8 is a circuit model which effectively sum-
marizes the results of the computations.
It is possible to check this result by comparing it with that derived from a textbook
on electromagnetic theory [3.1]. Figure 3.2.9 is a copy of the final three steps in the
3.2 The composite pair 71

Worksheet 3.2, page 1

l := 1 length of assembly, m
X1 := 0 X2 := 4 103 co-ordinates of center of composite conductors 1 and 2, m
Y1 := 0 Y2 := 0
R1 := 1103 R2 := 1103 radius of composite conductors 1 and 2, m.
n1 := 12 n2 := 12 number of elemental conductors in composite 1 and 2
N := n1 + n2 total number of elemental conductors

defining elemental conductors for composite 1:

i := 1.. n1 range variable
q i := n (i 0.5)
xi := X1 + R1cos(q i) yi := Y1 + R1 sin(q i) ri :=

defining elemental conductors for composite 2:

i := n1 + 1.. n extending the range variable

q i := (i n1 0.5)
xi := X2 + R2 cos(q i) yi := Y 2 + R2 sin(q i) ri := n

1 103

y 0

1 103

0 2 103 4 103

Figure 3.2.5 Deriving the co-ordinates of the elemental conductors.

Mathcad worksheet. The fact that the results agree to three decimal places provides a high
degree of confidence in the method. The fact that the value of the loop capacitance is the last
parameter to be computed indicates that all the preceding results are also correct.
However, it is worth bearing in mind that the relative permittivity and the relative per-
meability are both assumed to be unity. It is best to confirm the component values using
electrical tests. Alternatively, estimated values for these parameters can be defined at the
start of the program.
A noteworthy feature of this configuration is the distribution of current in the conductors,
illustrated by the bubble plot of Figure 3.2.10. The diameter of each circle is proportional to
the amplitude of the current in that conductor. Current in the left-hand conductor is assumed
72 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

Worksheet 3.2, page 2

mo mr l
mo := 4 p 107 H/m mr := 1 K := = 2 107 H
2 p
Zp := for i 1 .. N see Figure 3.1.4
for j 1 .. N
h xj xi
v yj yi

rad h2 + v2
rad ri if rad = 0
Lpi, j K ln

Zloop := for i 1 .. N 1 see (3.2.3)

for j 1 .. N 1
Lloopi, j Zpi, j Zpi, j+1 Zpi+1, j + Zpi+1, j +1

Vloop := for i 1 .. N 1 see (3.2.5)

Vi 0
Vi 1 if i = n1

Iloop = lsolve(Zloop, Vloop) see (3.2.6)

Ip := I1 Iloop1 see (3.2.7)

for i 2 .. N 1
Ii Iloopi Iloopi1
IN IloopN1

Figure 3.2.6 Calculating the currents in the elemental conductors.

to be flowing down into the page, while current in the right-hand conductor is assumed to
flow up out of the page.
This illustration shows that the current is concentrated in the two facing surfaces. This
asymmetrical distribution means that conductor resistance will probably increase more
rapidly with frequency than the increase predicted in section 2.5. However, tests indicate that
this aspect of the response can be catered for by assuming a slightly higher value for the
steady-state resistance than that given by (2.5.11) and by retaining the use of (2.5.15).
3.2 The composite pair 73

Worksheet 3.2, page 3

1 n1 see Figure 3.2.3

Start := End :=
n1 + 1 n1 + n2
h := 1 .. 2 k := 1 ..2 pointers to sub-matrices

vqh, k := v 0 see (3.2.8) and (3.2.12)

for i Starth .. Endh
for j Startk .. Endk
2.622 2.122
v v + Zpi, j Ipj vq = V
2.122 2.622

check voltages along conductors

Vqh := v 0
for k 1.. 2 0.5
Vq = V
v v + vqh, k 0.5

Iqh := I0 see (3.2.13) and (3.2.14)

for i Starth .. Endh
1.898 106
I I + Ipi Iq = A
1.898 106

vqh, k 1.382 106 1.118 106

Lqh, k := see (3.2.15) Lq =
1.118 106 1.382 106
Lc1 := Lq1, 1 Lq1, 2
Lc 1.317 107
Lc2 := Lq2, 2 Lq2, 1 see (2.5.4) = H
1.317 107
eo := 8.854 1012 e r := 1

mo mr eo er l 2 4.224 1011
Cc := see (2.3.3) Cc = F
4.224 1011

Figure 3.2.7 Calculating circuit components for composite conductors.

132 nH 132 nH

132 nH 132 nH

42 pF 42 pF
near end far end

Figure 3.2.8 Circuit model of the composite pair.

74 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

Worksheet 3.2, page 4

Cc1 Cc2
Cloop := Cloop = 2.112 1011
Cc1 + Cc2
b := r := R1 Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications
2 GG Skitek & SV Marshall. Pages 208 to 209.
p eo er l Capacitance between two cylindrical conductors
Ctheory :=
b+ b2 r 2
ln Ctheory = 2.112 1011

Figure 3.2.9 Comparison of results with textbook theory.

Figure 3.2.10 Bubble plot for composite pair, showing distribution of current.

If it were assumed that the two conductors were isolated at the far end, then the plot
would show the distribution of charge on the conductors, where the left-hand conductor is
positively charged and the right-hand conductor is assumed to hold negative charge.

3.3 The screened pair

To properly utilize composite conductors for EMC analysis, the number of such conductors in
the model needs to be three. So it is necessary to develop the twin-conductor model one more
stage to derive component values for an assembly comprising the three composite conductors.
Since the screened pair is a widely used configuration, that is the one simulated here. The
particular cable chosen for simulation has conductors of 0.8 mm diameter spaced 1.2 mm apart,
enclosed by a screen of 3 mm diameter. It is assumed that the length of the cable is 10 m.
Figure 3.3.1 is a copy of the first page of a four-page worksheet. It illustrates the cal-
culations used to define the co-ordinates of the conductors. This is only a small development
of the process illustrated by the worksheet of Figure 3.2.5. Three conductors are defined,
rather than two. Here, the screen is defined as composite conductor 1, while the signal and
return conductors are identified as conductors 2 and 3.
To analyze the common-mode current flow, it is assumed that all three conductors are
shorted together at the far end, that the signal and return conductors are shorted together at
the near end, and that a sinusoidal voltage source of 1 V is applied between screen and signal
conductors at the near end. The task is to determine the three inductive parameters, and use
them to calculate the capacitor values.
3.3 The screened pair 75

Worksheet 3.3, page 1

l := 10
X1 := 0 X2 := 0.6 103 X3 := 0.6 103
Y1 := 0 Y2 := 0 Y3 := 0

R1 := 1.5 103 R2 := 0.4 103 R3 := 0.4 103

n1 := 30 n2 := 12 n3 := 12

N := n1 + n2 + n3
2 p
i := 1 ..n1 qi := n (i 0.5)

xi := X1 + R1cos(qi) yi := Y1 + R1sin(qi) ri :=

i := n1 + 1.. n1 + n2 qi := n (i n1 0.5)

xi := X2 + R2 cos(qi) yi := Y2 + R2 sin(qi) ri :=

2 p
i := n1 + n2 + 1 ..N qi :=
n2 (i n1 n2 0.5)

xi := X3 + R3 cos(qi) yi := Y3 + R3 sin(qi) ri :=

1 103

y 0

1 103

2 103
2 103 1 103 0 1 103

Figure 3.3.1 Definition of elemental conductors.

76 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

Worksheet 3.3, page 3 (worksheet 3.3 page 2 is identical to Figure 3.2.6)

number of elemental conductors
n := 12 in each composite.

1 n1
pointers to nine sub-matrices.
Start := n1 + 1 End := n1 + n2
n1 + n2 + 1 N

h := 1.. 3 k := 1.. 3 range variables

vqh, k := v 0 voltage components of sub-matrices

for i Starth .. Endh
12.667 6.334 6.334
for j Startk .. Endk vq = 12.694 7.284 6.41
v v + Zpi, j Ipj 12.694 6.41 7.284

Vqh := v 0 voltage along composite conductors:-

for k 1 .. 3
5.874 108
v v + vqh, k
Vq = 1

Iqh := I 0 current in composite conductors:-

for i Starth .. Endh
7.193 105
I I + Ipi
Iq =
I 3.597 105

3.597 105

Itotal := Iq1 + Iq2 + Iq3 = 0 sum of currents in conductors

Figure 3.3.2 Computing values for voltages and currents in composite conductors.

Calculating the current in each elemental conductor is carried out by the second page
of the worksheet. Since this page is identical to that of Figure 3.2.6, there is no need to
replicate it.
Once the currents in all the elemental conductors have been defined, the next stage is to
compute the values of the currents and voltages in the composite conductors, and this set of
subroutines is illustrated in Figure 3.3.2. This process is very similar to that of Figure 3.2.7,
3.3 The screened pair 77

Worksheet 3.3, page 4

vqh, k deriving primitive inductance values from current and
Lqh, k :=
Iqk voltage data; see (3.2.15)

1.761 105 1.761 105 1.761 105

Lq = 1.765 105 2.025 105 1.782 105

1.765 105 1.782 105 2.025 105

deriving loop inductance values for three-

conductor assembly; see (3.2.3)
L_loop := for h 1 .. 2
for k 1.. 2
Lh, k Lqh, k Lqh, k +1 Lqh +1, k + Lqh +1, k +1

2.606 106 2.432 106

L_loop :=
2.432 106 4.864 106

Lc1 := L_loop1, 1 + L_loop1, 2 deriving circuit inductors for three-conductor

assembly; see (2.7.10)
Lc2 := L_loop1, 2

Lc3 := L_loop2, 2 + L_loop2, 1 8.711 108

= 1.216 106 H
1.216 106

deriving capacitor values; see (2.3.3)

eo := 8.854 1012 F/m

er := 1
6.386 109
mo mr eo er l 2
Cc := Cc = 4.575 1010 F
4.575 1010

Figure 3.3.3 Calculating values of circuit components.

the main difference being that the number of composites has increased from two to three.
Two sets of intermediate results are worthy of note; the vectors for partial voltage Vq and
partial current Iq.
The value of Vq1 illustrates the fact that the sum of the voltages induced in the screen
is effectively zero. This is essentially the same as a statement that all internally generated
electromagnetic fields are contained within the confines of the screen.
78 CHAPTER 3 Other cross sections

near end far end

1.22 mH 1.22 mH
1.22 mH 1.22 mH

458 pF 458 pF

87 nH 6.39 nF 87 nH


Figure 3.3.4 Representative circuit model of the screened pair example.

y 0 + +

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Figure 3.3.5 Bubble plot for screened pair, showing distribution of current.

The net effect of currents in the three conductors is to balance out the voltages induced in
the screen. As far as external circuits are concerned, the surface of the screen is at zero voltage.
The screen behaves in exactly the same way as the outer conductor of a co-axial cable.
The voltages on conductors 2 and 3 are both 1 V in amplitude, since these conductors are
shorted together and the voltage source is set at 1 V. The sign is negative because the
currents Iq1 and Iq2 are both negative.
An important check to make is to add all the partial currents in the composite conductors
together. If the sum of the currents is not zero, then there can be no confidence in any
subsequent calculations. It is to be expected that the returning current is equally split
between composites 2 and 3, so this is also a useful check.
Figure 3.3.3 illustrates the final set of calculations in the worksheet. The partial induc-
tance values are derived from current and voltage data, and these values are used to create
3.3 The screened pair 79

the matrix of loop inductors. For this particular cross section, the loop matrix L_loop is
symmetrical, so there is no problem in proceeding to the final two stages; the determination
of circuit inductance and circuit capacitance values. Since half-values of inductors are used
in the circuit model, then these are the values printed out. This leads to the model of
Figure 3.3.4.
The only parameters left to define are the resistors, and this can be done by using general
purpose test equipment to measure conductor resistance, or by invoking (2.5.11).
If the cross section of the cable assembly had been asymmetrical, the loop matrix would
also have been asymmetrical, leading to a problem in determining a circuit model. Due to the
nature of circuit theory, the impedance matrices derived from mesh equations are always
symmetrical. It would not have been possible to achieve a one-to-one correlation between an
asymmetrical matrix of loop impedances and a symmetrical matrix of circuit impedances.
This does not preclude the creation of circuit models, but it does mean that the models for
susceptibility and emission would be different.
A useful check on the plausibility of the computations is to produce a bubble plot of the
distribution of current in the assembly. This is essentially the same as the cross section
illustrated in Figure 3.3.1, but with the radius at each location proportional to the amplitude
of the current rather than the actual radius.
Figure 3.3.5 illustrates the resultant plot. It is assumed that the current in the outer screen
is flowing out of the page, while the current flow in the inner conductors is into the page.
Since the signal and return conductors are shorted together at each end, the picture that
emerges is one showing the distribution of common-mode current. In contrast to
Figure 3.2.10, the current is concentrated on the outer surfaces of the wire pair.

Transmission line models

It is often required to extend the model to frequencies well beyond the one-tenth wavelength
limit of the lumped component model. Such a task can be carried out by invoking the
concepts of transmission line theory. This involves the need for circuit components to be
defined in terms of W/m, F/m, H/m, and S/m.
Using this approach, transmission line theory derives a pair of hybrid equations relating
current and voltage at the sending end of the line to the current and voltage at the far end.
Although at least one book on electromagnetic theory derives these equations [4.1], some
books do not. So a derivation is provided by Appendix C.
In section 4.1, it is postulated that a T-network circuit model can be used to replicate the
relationships of the hybrid equations. A pair of loop equations is derived from this model. It
is assumed that a one-to-one relationship exists between the currents and voltages of the two
sets of equations. This allows formulae to be developed which define the impedances of the
T-network model. These impedances can be described as distributed parameters since they
are based on the assumption that R, L, and C are distributed along the length of the cable.
Since this model represents a defined length of cable, the impedances of the branches can
be defined in terms of the lumped parameters; that is, in terms of resistors, capacitors,
inductors, and frequency, as used in textbooks on circuit theory. A one-to-one correlation is
thus established between the components of the distributed parameter model and the lumped
parameter model. The distributed parameter model is defined by Figure 4.1.2 and the rela-
tionships are defined by (4.2.1)(4.2.4). The key feature of this set of relationships is that it
eliminates the need for the circuit designer to use per unit length parameters.
There is still a fundamental limitation. The formulation assumes that action and reaction
are instantaneous between adjacent conductors. An electromagnetic wave takes a finite time
to cross the gap between these conductors. Section 4.1 provides a way of estimating the
maximum usable frequency of the model.
Section 4.2 develops this model to represent a three-conductor line, by representing each
conductor as a T-network. Although the impedance values of each branch are not simple
functions of inductance, capacitance, and resistance, the distributed parameter model is still
amenable to analysis using circuit theory. (This means that it should be possible to develop
SPICE software to implement this approach.)
In section 4.3, a Mathcad program is used to simulate the coupling between two con-
ductors over a ground plane. This is done for three situations; where the terminations at the
far end are open-circuit, short-circuit, and loaded by the characteristic impedance. The

82 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

resultant graphs are extremely informative in comparing the frequency response character-
istics of the grounded configuration and the floating configuration.
Section 4.4 shows how the circuit model can be used in conjunction with conducted
susceptibility tests.

4.1 Single-T model

The twin-T model of Figure 2.6.1 can be simplified to the T-network of Figure 4.1.1.
Component values are related using:
Rc Rc1 Rc2 4:1:1

Lc Lc1 Lc2 4:1:2

Cc1  Cc2
Cc 4:1:3
Cc1 Cc2

where Lc1 and Lc2 are defined by (2.5.5) and where Cc1 and Cc2 are as defined by (2.5.8).
This simplification to the model does not mean that the reference terminals at the near
and far ends are at the same voltage. It merely reduces the number of parameters that the
mathematics has to handle.
A two-conductor transmission line can be simulated by connecting a large number of
such models in series. However, there is a better way. The model can be constructed using
distributed parameters, as shown in Figure 4.1.2.
Here, Vs and Is are the voltage and current at the sending end, while Vr and Ir are the
voltage and current at the receiving end.
Appendix C shows how a pair of hybrid equations relating these four parameters can be
derived from fundamental concepts:

Vs Vr  coshg  l Zo  Ir  sinhg  l 4:1:4

Is  sinhg  l Ir  coshg  l 4:1:5

near end far end

signal signal
Lc Rc Lc Rc
2 2 2 2
reference reference

Figure 4.1.1 Single-T model, using lumped parameters.

4.1 Single-T model 83

near end far end

Z1 Z1

Vs Z2 Vr
Is Ir

Figure 4.1.2 Single-T model, using distributed parameters.

The circuitry at each interface can be anything from a short-circuit to an open-circuit; it can
be resistive, capacitive, inductive, or any combination of all three. It can also be another
transmission line. Appendix C is well worth reading, since it recognises the fact that the
equations relate to conducting loops. It does not assume the existence of a zero-volt surface.
The propagation constant g is a function of distributed parameters; resistance per meter,
inductance per meter, conductance per meter, and capacitance per meter:

Rc j  w  Lc Gc j  w  Cc
l l l l

Simplifying this gives:

1 p
g  Rc j  w  Lc  Gc j  w  Cc 4:1:6
The characteristic impedance Zo is also a function of distributed parameters:

Rc j  w  Lc l
l Gc j  w  Cc

This can also be simplified:

Rc j  w  Lc
Zo 4:1:7
Gc j  w  Cc

The parameter Gc is assumed to represent the conductance of the insulation. That is, the
inverse of the insulation resistance. Since most cables use high quality insulation, it can be
assumed that Gc 0. However, this can only be an initial assumption.
Circuit theory gives the relationships between currents and voltages of Figure 4.1.2 as:

Vs Z1 Z2  Is  Z2  Ir 4:1:8

Vr Z2  Is  Z1 Z2  Ir 4:1:9
84 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

Rearranging (4.1.9) gives:

Vr Z1
Is 1  Ir 4:1:10
Z2 Z2

Substituting for Is in (4.1.8) gives:

Vr Z1
Vs Z1 Z2  1  Ir  Z2  Ir
Z2 Z2
Z1 Z12
1  Vr Z1 Z2 Z1  Z2  Ir
Z2 Z2

Simplifying further:
Z1 Z1
Vs 1  Vr Z1  2  Ir 4:1:11
Z2 Z2

Equations (4.1.11) and (4.1.10) form a pair of equations which can be correlated with (4.1.4)
and (4.1.5).
Comparing (4.1.4) with (4.1.11) gives:
1 coshg  l 4:1:12
Z1  2 Zo  sinhg  l 4:1:13

Comparing (4.1.10) with (4.1.5) gives:

1 1
 sinhg  l 4:1:14
Z2 Zo
and also replicates (4.1.12):

1 coshg  l
To make subsequent equations less unwieldy, let:

qgl 4:1:15

The parameter q can be described as a phase variable since it effectively determines the
phase shift between input and output signals of a transmission line and since it varies with
frequency. From (4.1.12) and (4.1.15):

cosh q  1
4.1 Single-T model 85

Substituting for in (4.1.13) gives:
Z1  1 cosh q Zo  sinh q

This leads to:

sinh q
Z1  Zo
1 cosh q
Invoking the half-angle formula:
q q
2  sinh  cosh
Z1     2 2 
q q 2 q 2 q
cosh 2
cosh  sinh
2 2 2 2

This can be simplified to:

Z1 Zo  tanh 4:1:16

Rearranging (4.1.14):
Z2 Zo  cosech q 4:1:17

Equations (4.1.16) and (4.1.17) relate the Z-parameters of Figure 4.1.2 to the characteristic
impedance and the phase variable of the transmission line.
Finally, from (4.1.6) and (4.1.15):
q Rc j  w  Lc  Gc j  w  Cc 4:1:18

Using (4.1.7) and (4.1.18), Zo and q can be calculated. These can then be used in (4.1.16) and
(4.1.17) to obtain values for the components of Figure 4.1.2. This means that the lumped
parameter model of Figure 4.1.1 can easily be transformed into one which used distributed
parameters. The transformation would be:
1 q
 Rc j  w  Lc ! Zo  tanh
2 2
! Zo  cosech q
Gc j  w  Cc

Invoking this transformation allows the circuit model of Figure 4.1.2 to simulate the
response of a transmission line over the same range of frequencies at which the hybrid
equations are valid.
The characteristic impedance Zo is independent of the length of the line. Given knowl-
edge of the values of Rc, Lc, Gc, and Cc, the phase variable q is also independent of the line
length. The variable l does not appear in (4.1.18). Although it is necessary to invoke the
concept of distributed parameters to derive the hybrid equations, it is not necessary to use
the concept when calculating impedance values for the model of Figure 4.1.2.
86 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

An electromagnetic wave takes a finite time to cross the gap between the conductors of
any cableform. Just as SPICE modelling is limited by the electrical length of the assembly,
modeling using distributed parameters is limited by the radial separation of the adjacent
conductors. It can be reasoned that, if rmax is the maximum separation between the centers
of two conductors in the cross section of the assembly-under-review, then the maximum
frequency at which the distributed parameter model is usable is fmax, where:
fmax 4:1:20
10  rmax
and vmin is the propagation velocity of the electromagnetic wave in the insulating medium
with the highest relative permittivity in the section-under-review.
That is, if the velocity of propagation is 200 m/ms and the maximum spacing between
conductors is 10 mm, then the maximum frequency at which this modelling is usable would
be about 2 GHz.
When distributed parameters are used, there is no theoretical limit to the length of the
cable which can be modeled. It is assumed that the cross section of the cable is constant and
that the lengths of the conductors are identical.

4.2 Triple-T model

The next step is to create a distributed parameter model for the three-conductor transmission line.
Figure 4.2.1 illustrates the starting point; the lumped parameter model developed in section 2.7.
Representing each conductor by the T-network of section 4.1 leads to Figure 4.2.2. The
relationships between components of the two models are:
Rci j  w  Lci
Zoi 4:2:1
Gci j  w  Cci

qi Rci j  w  Lci  Gci j  w  Cci 4:2:2

Z1;i Zoi  tanh 4:2:3

Z2;i Zo  cosechqi 4:2:4

These four equations can be collected together to compute the values of a pair of
Z-parameters from a set of R, L, C, and G values. Indices are used to retain correlation
between the parameters and the conductors.
Given the definitions above, the result of the computation would be an array of two rows by
three columns. The first row would hold values correlating with horizontal branches of Fig-
ure 4.2.2. The second row would hold values for the vertical branches. Each column would be
associated with a conductor. The conductance parameter Gi is included in the formulae to
allows losses in the insulation to be simulated. It is fair to make an initial assumption that all
conductance values are zero.
4.2 Triple-T model 87

near end far end

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

2 2 2 2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2

Lc3 Rc3 Lc3 Rc3

2 2 2 2

Cc1 Cc2 Cc3

node at zero voltage

Figure 4.2.1 Triple-T network of lumped parameters.

near end far end

Z1,1 Z1,1

Z1,2 Z1,2

Z1,3 Z1,3

Z2,1 Z2,2 Z2,3

Figure 4.2.2 Triple-T network of distributed parameters.

One feature of the Triple-T model is that it only includes components representing the
cable assembly.
It is necessary for the components at the cable terminations to be included before any
simulation is possible. This results in the full model of Figure 4.2.3.
Impedances within the unit at the near end are identified as Zni, while those within the
equipment at the far end are designated Zfi.
Four separate loops can be identified. Currents in each loop have been defined, as well as
all possible voltage sources. It is assumed that conductors 1 and 2 carry the differential-mode
signal current. So voltage sources V1 and V3 are located within the equipment units. Voltage
sources V2 and V4 represent possible interference sources in the common-mode loop.
The four loop equations for the circuit model of Figure 4.2.3 are:

V1 Z11  I1 Z12  I2 Z13  I3 Z14  I4

V2 Z12  I1 Z22  I2 Z23  I3 Z24  I4
V3 Z13  I1 Z23  I2 Z33  I3 Z34  I4
V4 Z14  I1 Z24  I2 Z34  I3 Z44  I4
88 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

Zn1 Z1,1 Z1,1 Zf1

V1 I1 Zn I3 V3
2 Z1,2 Z1,2 Zf2

I2 Zn3 Z1,3 Z1,3 Zf3 I4

V2 V4
near end Z2,1 Z2,3 far end
I1 I2
I3 I4

Figure 4.2.3 Full circuit model, using lumped and distributed parameters.

where the loop impedances are:

Z11 Zn1 Z1;1 Z2;1 Z2;2 Z1;2 Zn2
Z12 Z1;2 Z2;2 Zn2
Z13 Z2;1 Z2;2
Z14 Z2;2
Z22 Zn2 Z1;2 Z2;2 Z2;3 Z1;3 Zn3
Z23 Z2;2
Z24 Z2;2 Z2;3
Z33 Zf2 Z1;2 Z2;2 Z2;1 Z1;1 Zf1
Z34 Z1;2 Z2;2 Zf2
Z44 Zf3 Z1;3 Z2;3 Z2;2 Z1;2 Zf2

The loop impedances are derived by inspection of Figure 4.2.3. For example, Z11 is the sum
of the impedances in the loop carrying the current I1, while Z34 is the sum of the impedances
which share currents I3 and I4. The negative sign indicates that these two currents flow in
opposite directions.
Equations (4.2.1)(4.2.6) provide a traceable relationship between conventional circuit
components and the array of loop impedances. If all the component values are defined, and
all the source voltages are defined, then vector algebra can be used to derive all the currents.
It then becomes a routine matter to calculate the voltage between any two points or the
current in any component, at any particular frequency.
Since there is now a one-to-one correlation between the branches of the lumped para-
meter and distributed parameter networks, it becomes possible to define the circuit model in
terms of the lumped parameters, but analyze it using the loop impedances of (4.2.6). This
leads to the general circuit model of Figure 4.2.4. It is entirely possible to replace the cir-
cuitry at the near and far ends with components representing the interface circuits of the
In this model, the values for the components of the triple-T network can be derived from
geometrical data of the cable and structure, while values for the components of the interface
circuitry at the near end and far end of the cable are defined by the designer.
4.3 Cross-coupling 89

near end far end

Zn1 Zf1

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

I1 Zn I3
V1 2 2 2 2 Zf2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

I2 I4
Zn3 2 2 2 2 Zf3

Lc3 Rc3 Lc3 Rc3

2 2 2 2

Cc1 Cc2 Cc3

node at zero voltage

Figure 4.2.4 General circuit model of three-conductor signal link.

It is also possible to assign values to all the components of the model by carrying out
electrical tests on an actual assembly. Chapter 7 describes how this can be done.

4.3 Cross-coupling
Enough analytical tools now exist to allow an initial assessment to be made of a wide range
of intra-system interference problems. Perhaps the simplest illustration of the process lies in
the analysis of the cross-coupling between two conductors over a ground plane.
Figure 4.3.1 illustrates the configuration. It is assumed that the conductors are both 1 mm
in diameter, and that each is spaced 1 mm above the plane. The separation between them is
set at 4 mm and the length of the assembly is assumed to be 1 m.
Figure 4.3.2 sets out the calculations involved in determining the component values for
the circuit model. It is a copy of the first page of a four-page Mathcad worksheet. The first
line records the values of the physical constants involved in the derivation; the permeability,
permittivity, and the speed of light. It is assumed that the values of relative permittivity and
permeability are both unity. The other physical constant is r, the resistivity of copper.
The second line of the worksheet defines values for the spatial parameters of the con-
figuration. These correlate with the parameters of Figure 2.11.1.
Steady-state resistance values Rss for the two circular-section conductors are determined
using (2.5.11). A guess-value of 5 mW is assigned to the ground plane. Above a certain
frequency, skin effect will cause an increase in the resistance of the conductors. The cross-
over frequency Fx is determined using (2.5.14) and the relationship between Rc and f is
defined by (2.5.15).
Inductance values for the circuit model are derived from (2.11.3). Since the two wires
are equidistant from the plane, Lc3 is equal to Lc1. The three values are stored in the vector
Lc. Capacitor values are obtained quite simply, by invoking (2.3.8).
Another significant parameter is Fq, the frequency at which quarter-wave resonance
occurs. This is determined using (2.3.9). Knowledge of this frequency allows subsequent
analysis to include maximum values of the peaks in the response curves.
90 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

s = 4 mm

conductor 1 r = 0.5 mm conductor 3

r = 0.5 mm
h = 1 mm

ground plane = conductor 2

Figure 4.3.1 Two conductors over a ground plane.

Since half-values of resistance and inductance are used in the circuit model of
Figure 4.2.1, these are the values printed out in the worksheet. Adding the values of the three
capacitors provides sufficient information to draw the representative circuit model for the
conductor assembly.
Before the response can be analyzed, it is necessary to include values for the interface
components of Figure 4.2.4. Invoking worst-case conditions, it is assumed that the compo-
nents at the near end are short-circuits and that the wire terminals at the far end are open-
circuit. Following normal practice used in SPICE analysis, the open-circuits are represented
by 10 MW resistors. To allow for the option of simulating losses in the insulation, con-
ductance values Gc are also defined. In this model, all three are assumed to be zero.
Data derived from this first page of the worksheet can be illustrated by the circuit model
of Figure 4.3.3. It is assumed that the assembly of Figure 4.3.1 is configured as a pair of
transmission lines; with the ground plane acting as the return conductor for both signals. It is
also assumed that there is only one voltage source, between conductor 1 and the ground
plane. This model represents the situation where the culprit circuit uses conductor 1, while
the victim circuit uses conductor 3.
The purpose of the analysis is to simulate the current that would flow in the victim loop
over a range of frequencies. Since the far end is open circuit, only the current at the near end
will be of any significance. Hence the objective is to simulate the current I2 when voltage V1
is applied. If V1 is held at a constant value of one volt, the result will be the frequency
response of the transfer admittance.
Figure 4.3.4 sets out the two program functions derived in section 4.2. It constitutes page 2
of the Mathcad worksheet.
The function Zbranch( f ) supplies one input variable; the frequency f. It calculates the
values of the two distributed impedances associated with each conductor, and assembles
them in the output array Z. As indicated in section 4.2, this contains two rows of three
columns. A feature worth noting is the fact that the value of each resistor is calculated at each
frequency. This allows skin effect to be incorporated into the analysis.
In addition to supplying frequency as an input variable, the function Zloop( f , Zf ) also
includes the vector containing component values at the far interface. This allows any of these
components to be varied, subsequent to the definition of the function.
The first program step in the Zloop() function is to call up the Zbranch( f ) function and
place the results in the local variable Z. This allows component values of individual branches
to be accessed as required when determining values for the loop impedances. These impe-
dance values are then placed in the four-by-four array at the end of the subroutine.
4.3 Cross-coupling 91

Worksheet 4.3, page 1

mo := 4 p 107 H/m eo := 8.854 1012 F/m c := 2.998 108 m/s

r := 1.7 108 m l := 1 m h := 1103 m

s := 4 103 m r := 0.5 103 m see Figure 4.3.1

Rss1 := Rss3 := Rss1 Rss2 := 0.005 see (2.5.11)
p r2

4 r
Fx := = 6.89 104 Hz see (2.5.14)
mo p r 2

mo l 2 h s
Lc1 := ln H
2 p 2 2
r s + 4 h

mo l s2 + 4 h2
Lc2 := ln H see (2.11.3)
2 p s

Lc3 := Lc1
1 l
Cc := F see (2.3.8)
Lc c

Fq := = 7.495 107 Hz see (2.3.9)
4 Lc1 Cc1

component values for circuit model of Figure 4.2.3:

0.011 1.275 107 4.364 1011

Rss Lc
= 2.5 103 = 1.116 108 Cc = 4.986 1010
2 2
0.011 1.275 107 4.364 1011

0 107 0
Zn = 0 Zf = 0 Gc = 0 S
0 10 7 0

Figure 4.3.2 Deriving circuit parameters.

Creating a graph of the response involves the definition of two vectors; the frequency and
the output variable, and this is the task performed by page 3 of the worksheet. Figure 4.3.5
illustrates the process.
A set of spot frequencies is defined in the first line. The integer n is used to set the
number of spot frequencies in the range between zero and the frequency of quarter-wave
resonance, Fq. To cover the range up to a full wavelength, the control variable s is set to
make four times this number of steps. This allows each spot frequency, Fs, to be a multiple of
the quarter-wave frequency. Using this method of defining the spot frequencies ensures that
92 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

near end far end

128 nH 0.011 128 nH 0.011
conductor 1
culprit loop
V1 I3 10 M
11.2 nH 0.0025 ground plane 11.2 nH
conductor 2
I2 I4 10 M
loop 128 nH
conductor 3
128 nH 0.011 499 pF 0.011

see Figure 4.3.1

43.6 pF 43.6 pF

Figure 4.3.3 Representative circuit model of cross-coupling example.

all the resonant frequencies are selected and that the amplitude of every peak and every
trough in the response is calculated.
In the model of Figure 4.3.3, the source voltage generator is located in loop 1. Setting the
amplitude of loop 1 at 1 V and the other three sources at zero voltage allows the voltage
vector V to be defined.
Since all the inputs have now been defined, it becomes possible to create the main pro-
gram, and this is illustrated on the third line of the worksheet of Figure 4.3.5.
The first program step is to select a spot frequency from the vector F and assign it to the
local variable f. The second line calls up the function Zloop( f, Zf ). Since Zf has already been
defined, (see Figure 4.3.2) both variables are visible to the function. The output is stored in
the local variable Z.
The next step is to calculate the values of all four loop currents and place them in the
vector I.
The final step in the main subroutine is to select I2, the current at the near end of the
victim loop, and determine its amplitude. Dividing this current by the input voltage V1 gives
the value of the transfer admittance. Since the value of V1 is unity, the values of current and
transfer admittance are identical. Finally, the output is stored in the relevant location in the
vector Yoc; the transfer admittance when the line terminations are open-circuit. The graph of
this function is shown on Figure 4.3.6.
Although normal convention is to display such a function using logarithmic scale for both
parameters, in this case a linear scale is used for frequency. This highlights the symmetrical
nature of the response. Symmetry is evident in the fact that the response between 150 MHz
and 300 MHz is almost the same as between zero and 150 MHz; almost the same, but not
identical. Skin effect causes the resistance to increase, reducing the amplitude of the second
peak and increasing the amplitude of the second trough.
By resetting all the components of the impedance vector Zf to zero and re-running the
main program, the vector Ysc can be created to define the response of the assembly when the
terminations are short-circuited. The response of the assembly when it is critically damped
can also be determined. The program steps are illustrated by Figure 4.3.7.
Figure 4.3.8 provides a further illustration of the symmetry of the response, by comparing the
open-circuit response with the response when the terminations at the far end are short-circuited.
Transfer admittance under short-circuit conditions, Ysc, is illustrated by the dotted curve.
4.3 Cross-coupling 93

Worksheet 4.3 page 2

Zbranch( f ) := 2 f
for i 1.. 3

Rci Rssi 1 + see (2.5.15)

(Rci + j Lci) (Gci + j Cci) see (4.2.1)

Zo Rci + j Lci
see (4.2.2)
Gci + j Cci

Z1, i Zo tanh
2 see (4.2.3)
Z2, i Zo csch()
see (4.2.4)

Zloop( f, Zf ) := Z Zbranch( f ) see (4.2.6)

Z11 Zn1 + Z1, 1 + Z2, 1 + Z2, 2 + Z1, 2 + Zn2
Z12 (Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Zn2)
Z13 (Z2, 1 + Z2, 2)
Z14 Z2, 2
Z22 Zn2 + Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Z2, 3 + Z1, 3 + Zn3
Z23 Z2, 2
Z24 (Z2, 2 + Z2, 3)
Z33 Zf2 + Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Z2, 1 + Z1, 1 + Zf1
Z34 (Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Zf2)
Z44 Zf3 + Z1, 3 + Z2, 3 + Z2, 2 + Z1, 2 + Zf2
Z11 Z12 Z13 Z14
Z12 Z22 Z23 Z24
Z13 Z23 Z33 Z34
Z14 Z24 Z34 Z44

Figure 4.3.4 Calculating branch impedances and loop impedances.

When each conductor is terminated by its characteristic impedance, the response is perfectly
flat over the entire frequency range. This is illustrated by the Ycrit curve; the dashed line.
The bottom half of the graph, below the Ycrit curve, is almost the mirror image of the top
Many lessons can be derived from this set of curves, not least among them the fact that
the only configuration which is free from peaks in the transfer admittance is also the one
which provides the highest efficiency in terms of signal transmission.
94 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

Worksheet 4.3, page 3

n := 100 s := 1.. 4 n Fs := s n defining the spot frequencies
V := V defining the voltage source
main program
Yocs := f Fs
Z Zloop( f, Zf ) defining the current at the near end of the
victim line when the far end is open-circuit;
I lsolve(Z, V ) see Figure 4.3.3

Figure 4.3.5 Calculating frequency response of open-circuit transfer admittance.



Yoc 1 103

1 104

1 105

1 106
0 1 108 2 108 3 108
F Hz

Figure 4.3.6 Transfer admittance with open circuit terminations.

In practice, the peaks will be much lower and much more rounded than those illustrated,
since this model does not take account of losses due to radiated emission. Chapter 5 develops
the use of models to cater for this effect.

4.4 Bench test models

Bench testing is a vital part of the product development process. It provides assurance that
the design requirements are being met. Correlating the observed performance with the pre-
dicted performance allows the assumptions used in the theoretical analysis to be verified; or
4.4 Bench test models 95

Worksheet 4.3, page 4

Zf := 0 Yscs := f Fs
0 Z Zloop( f, Zf )
I lsolve(Z, V )
transfer admittance with short-circuit terminations

Zf := Zf = 6.69 Ycrits := f Fs
76.432 Z Zloop( f, Zf )

transfer admittance with critical damping I lsolve(Z, V)


Figure 4.3.7 Calculating frequency response for short-circuited and critically damped lines.



Ysc 1 103
1 104

1 105

1 106
0 1 108 2 108 3 108
F Hz

Figure 4.3.8 Transfer admittance for open-circuit, short-circuit, and critically damped lines.

modified in the light of more accurate information. It allows corrections to be made to the
design to improve its performance. This is true of requirements such as system function,
response time, reliability, size, and cost.
It can also apply to the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility. Since the
EMC Test Houses have already acquired a wide experience in meeting the regulatory
requirements, it is a logical exercise to tap into that experience to identify the relevant test
equipment and test methods.
96 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

Two problems immediately emerge. The equipment is extremely expensive, and the test
procedures require the services of highly skilled engineers. It would be far too costly for a
small organization to attempt to emulate this approach.
However, the product designer also has one advantage; a big advantage. It is possible to
design and use interface equipment which allows direct visibility of the signals being pro-
cessed. This is not an option available to the Test Houses, since any special modification of
the equipment-under-test would render the test results invalid.
Another advantage is the fact that General Purpose Test Equipment is already in hand to
carry out functional tests of the assembly-under-review. This could also be used for EMC
testing. Also, the frequency range of the tests can be tailored to the range over which the
equipment-under-test normally function. There is no need to cover the range covered by the
Test Houses.
The simplest set of bench tests would be to analyze the performance of the inter-
connecting cables; specifically, to measure the frequency response of the transfer admit-
tance. The results could be compared directly with those obtained by circuit modeling. But
first, the representative circuit model needs to be created.
Figure 4.4.1 illustrates a setup which can be used to measure the conducted emission of
any wiring configuration. In this case, it is assumed that the assembly-under-review is a 10 m
length of a conductor pair routed 5 mm above a ground plane.
An input signal can be applied to the near-end terminals via a splitter box. This allows the
input voltage to be monitored on channel 1 of the oscilloscope. Channel 2 is used to monitor
the common-mode current. The 100 W load at the far end of the cable is floating.
The ratio of output to input gives the value of the transfer admittance at the frequency of
the signal generator output. Repeating the measurements over a range of spot frequencies
enables the frequency response characteristic of the conducted emission to be determined.
If the physical geometry of the signal link is as shown by Figure 4.4.2, then the circuit
model can be derived by invoking the calculations recorded on the worksheet of Figure 4.3.2.
As with SPICE modeling, it is necessary to simulate the open-circuit as a high value resis-
tance; in this case 10 MW.

signal oscilloscope
generator channel 1 channel 2

50 50
twin core cable
l = 10 m
far end floating

18 18 100

ground plane

Figure 4.4.1 Setup for conducted emission test floating configuration.

4.4 Bench test models 97

2 mm
conductor 1
0.5 mm

conductor 2

5 mm

ground plane

Figure 4.4.2 Cross-sectional view of cable assembly.

52 1367 nH 0.108 1367 nH 0.108

Vin 100
1367 nH 0.108 1367 nH 0.108

407 pF 407 pF
10 M
Iout 342 pF
1629 nH 1629 nH 0.0025

near end ground plane far end

Figure 4.4.3 Representative circuit model of conducted emission test setup.

The resultant model is shown in Figure 4.4.3. It is worth noting that the source voltage is
in the differential-mode loop while the output current is in the common-mode loop.
Conducted susceptibility measurements would involve a setup similar to that illustrated
by Figure 4.4.4. Here, the input voltage is applied to the common-mode loop via an injection
transformer. Since any transformer has an output impedance, the applied voltage can reduce
as the load current increases. This effect is catered for by using a separate turn on the
transformer to monitor the actual voltage applied. One channel of the oscilloscope provides
the means of measurement. This enables the amplitude of the input voltage to be determined.
The second channel of the oscilloscope allows the resultant current in the differential-
mode loop to be measured. Again, the ratio of output to input provides a value for the
transfer admittance. Measurement over a range of spot frequencies provides the frequency
response of the conducted susceptibility characteristic.
A prediction of the response of this configuration can be achieved with the model of
Figure 4.4.5. Since the assembly-under-review is exactly the same as that used for the con-
ducted emission test, the passive components of the two models are identical. The only
difference lies in the fact that the voltage source is now in the common-mode loop, while the
output current is now in the differential-mode loop.
An analysis of the frequency response of either model can be carried out by utilizing the
program set out by Figures 4.3.4 and 4.3.5. It is only necessary to redefine the component
values, the input voltage, the output current, and the frequency range.
98 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models

oscilloscope signal
channel 2 channel 1 generator
twin core cable
l = 10 m
50 50 far end floating

50 voltage injection
18 18 100

ground plane

Figure 4.4.4 Setup for conducted susceptibility test.

52 1367 nH 0.108 1367 nH 0.108

Iout 1367 nH 0.108 1367 nH 0.108

407 pF 407 pF
10 M
342 pF
1629 nH 1629 nH 0.0025

near end Vin far end

ground plane

Figure 4.4.5 Representative circuit model of conducted susceptibility test setup.

Analyzing the response of Figure 4.4.3 gives the characteristic shown on Figure 4.4.6.
Analyzing the response of Figure 4.4.5 gives exactly the same characteristic. This illustrates
the fact that the transfer admittance for conducted susceptibility is exactly the same as for
conducted emission. With the circuit models, the responses are identical. This confirms the
conclusion of section 2.9.
Actual tests would show some differences, due to the effect of the test equipment and due
to radiated emission.
The response curve also illustrates that although the floating configuration gives excel-
lent performance at low frequencies, it actually amplifies the level of interference at the
quarter-wave frequency.
If the configuration-under-review is changed, to add a link between the ground plane and
the return conductor at the far end, then the circuit model for the susceptibility test changes
to that shown on Figure 4.4.7.
The response of this setup is given by Figure 4.4.8. This illustrates the fact that, for the
grounded configuration, minimum interference occurs at the quarter-wave frequency, while
the peak level occurs at the half-wave frequency.
4.4 Bench test models 99





1 103

1 104 0
1 107 2 107 3 107
F Hz

Figure 4.4.6 Transfer admittance of floating configuration.

52 1367 nH 0.108 1367 nH 0.108

Iout 1367 nH 0.108 1367 nH 0.108

407 pF 407 pF

342 pF
1629 nH 1629 nH 0.0025

near end Vin ground plane far end

simulation of susceptibility test

Figure 4.4.7 Circuit model for grounded configuration.

This response can be compared with that of Figure 4.4.6, where peak interference with
the floating configuration is experienced at quarter-wave frequency, while the minimum
level occurs at the half-wave frequency.
There is another significant difference in the responses. The difference between maxima
and minima of the response curve of the grounded configuration is much less. This is
because the 100-W load resistance is damping the amplitude of the reflections in the com-
mon-mode loop as well as in the differential mode loop. With the floating configuration,
there is no damping whatsoever in the common-mode loop.
It can be concluded that the performances of the grounded and floating configurations
tend to complement each other. At the frequency where one gives poor performance, the
100 CHAPTER 4 Transmission line models




1 103
0 1 107 2 107 3 107
F Hz

Figure 4.4.8 Transfer admittance of the grounded configuration.

performance of the other is excellent. It is also true that it never gives good performance at
all frequencies.
This section has identified the relationships between the bench test equipment, the con-
figuration-under-review and the general circuit model. It has developed a computer program
which can be used to analyze the response of that model over the range of frequencies at
which interference problem are most critical.
Practical examples of actual tests are provided by Chapter 7 and methods of dealing with
interference problems are described in Chapter 8.

Antenna models

EMI extends well beyond the confines of the assembly-under-review. Analysis of radiated
emission and radiated susceptibility calls for a review of the properties of antennae. For-
tunately, this review allows many simplifying assumptions to be invoked.
Section 5.1 provides a brief overview of the textbook analysis of the half-wave dipole and
identifies a very significant parameter; when connected to the output of a radio transmitter
which is generating a signal at the half-wave frequency, the dipole exhibits the same char-
acteristics as a resistive load. This has been named the radiation resistance and its value has
been calculated to be 73 W.
Combining the radiation resistance with the primitive capacitance and primitive induc-
tance of each monopole allows a circuit model to be created; a model which simulates the
coupling between the dipole and the environment.
Developing the model to simulate antenna-mode coupling with a twin-conductor cable
involves the same process that was used to derive the three-conductor model in section 2.7.
This represents each conductor as a T-network and the environment as another T-network.
Since the environment must now be assigned values for inductance, capacitance, and resis-
tance, it is fair to say that it behaves like a virtual conductor. Section 5.2 derives formulae for
all the components of the circuit model.
Antenna-mode current is induced in any cable which is exposed to external radiation.
Simulating the effect of this radiation calls for the introduction of a voltage source in
series with the virtual conductor. Section 5.3 relates this threat voltage to the electric field
strength of the radiation.
If the power density of the external radiation is constant, but the frequency varies, then
the graph of the amplitude of the threat voltage will exhibit a series of peaks and troughs. As
far as the analysis of interference coupling is concerned, worst-case conditions can be
defined as the envelope curve which touches the peaks.
Section 5.4 provides an illustration of the differential-mode current which would be
induced in a twin-conductor cable when the frequency of the external radiation is varied over
a wide range.
If the structure is treated as a perfectly reflecting ground plane, then this will represent worst-
case conditions. Since a circuit model can be created for this configuration, then such a model can
be used to simulate the structure. Section 5.5 provides an example which assigns values to the
components of this model. The effect of the external field can be simulated by connecting a
voltage source and a 50-W resistor in series with the structure. Unlike a dipole receiving antenna

102 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

which directs input power to a 75 W resistor in the receiver, the incoming energy is stored in the
assembly. Since more energy is delivered, the effective value of the radiation resistance decrea-
ses. The test described in section 7.5 measures this value to be 50 W. This value is a good round
figure; and can be modified if experience shows it to be too pessimistic.
For radiation susceptibility assessment, it is possible to relate the power output of the test
transmitter to the threat voltage applied to the equipment-under-test. Section 5.6 provides the
relevant formulae. Since mathematical software is not restricted to the analysis of circuit models,
it can be used to compute the response of the equipment to the electromagnetic environment.
It is also possible to relate the antenna-mode current created by the equipment-under-test
to the power received by a test receiver during a radiated emission test. Relevant formulae
are provided by section 5.7.
Since the approach used in this chapter is always to assume worst-case conditions, the
simulated results are likely to err on the side of caution. The most significant benefit derived
from the use of worst-case conditions is that the relevant formulae are dramatically simpler
than those necessary to derive field distribution patterns.

5.1 The half-wave dipole

There is quite a lot of theory involved in the design of antennae, and there are many text-
books which deal with the subject. Repeating the derivations of the various formulae would
be unnecessarily tedious. However, it is useful to summarize the methods used in arriving at
the more important equations. Consideration is limited to the half-wave dipole [5.1].

5.1.1 Radiated power

Figure 5.1 illustrates a configuration where a half-wave dipole is driven from a radio-
frequency transmitter. This setup will result in an oscillating current in the vertically oriented
conductors. Current amplitude will be high at the junction between dipole and transmission
line, and will be zero at the tips of the antenna. The relationship between current and time is
defined as:
I Io  cosw  t A 5:1:1

Current in a small element dz will create a magnetic potential A at the point P. This magnetic
potential is a vector, and its direction is parallel to the axis of the conductor. A relationship
can be established between A and the current in the element dz.
Spherical co-ordinates, centred at the mid-point of the antenna, are then used to analyze
the vectors involved in propagating the field. Figure 5.1.3 illustrates this. Since the vector A
is aligned in the same direction as the current, there is no longitudinal component. That is,
Af 0. Equations for the radial and latitudinal components Ar and Aq are derived. It is then
possible to define formulae for the magnetic field vector Hf . This is a longitudinal vector; in
Figure 5.1.1 it would be directed into the page. Then, using one of Maxwells equations, the
components of the E-field are calculated.
Since the only components of the total field which are capable of propagating power are
those which are at right angles to each other, the analysis focusses on the latitudinal electric
5.1 The half-wave dipole 103

A = magnetic potential
z = /4

R F Transmitter dz


z = /4

Figure 5.1.1 Analysis of half-wave dipole.

field Eq and the longitudinal magnetic field Hf . Multiplying the amplitudes of these com-
ponents together gives an expression for the power density vector Sr. Integrating the value of
this vector over the surface of the sphere gives a value for the total radiated power Pt:
Pt  Rrad  Io2 W 5:1:2
The parameter Rrad is named the radiation resistance. It is not a resistor in the conventional
sense of the word, but a mathematical constant which happens to have the dimensions of
resistance. Its value can be calculated, and for the half-wave dipole:
Rrad 73 W 5:1:3

This value for Rrad is derived by assuming that the medium is lossless; meaning that the
total radiated power does not decrease with distance from the antenna. Nor can it increase
with distance. This being so, (5.1.2), with a value of 73 W assigned to Rrad, defines the
maximum power which can be delivered to the environment by a dipole antenna.
It is useful to quote an extract from the Ordnance Board Pillar Proceeding at this point:
At distances closer to about two wavelengths from a single linear aerial, the radiation
field is accompanied by further electric and magnetic components the strengths of
which fall as the square or cube of the distance from the aerial. These components are
not related by Zo and do not radiate power away from the aerial. Although power can
be extracted from them by very close receiving aerials, this power is always less than
predicted by the extrapolation of far field theory. [5.2]
This means that (5.1.2) will provide a worst-case estimate of the power that would be
delivered to a monitor antenna, whether that antenna is located in the near-field or the far-
field. For the purposes of EMC analysis, it is desirable to have available a worst-case
This leads to the circuit model of Figure 5.1.2, where the antenna acts as a resistive load
to the co-axial transmission line. It should be emphasized that this relationship applies at only
104 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

Rt Rt = Rrad

Io*cos( . t)

V Rrad

Figure 5.1.2 Equivalent circuit of half-wave dipole at resonance.

one frequency; one which is slightly higher than that of half-wave resonance. At all other non-
resonant frequencies, the antenna impedance is a resistance in series with a reactance.
Equation (5.1.2) defines the average power which can be transmitted by the antenna
when the frequency is such that this power is at a maximum value. Under all other condi-
tions, the transmitted power is less than this maximum.
If Irms is the root-mean-square value of the current, then:
Irms 2  Io A 5:1:4

Pt Rrad  Irms2 W 5:1:5

Since optimum transmission of power is obtained when the output impedance of the trans-
mitter is the same as that of the load, the optimum value for Rt and the characteristic
impedance of the cable is 73 W: making 75 W co-axial cable a good choice for signal links
between radio-frequency equipment and antennae.

5.1.2 Power density

At the surface of the sphere illustrated in Figure 5.1.3, the relationship between power
density, S, and the transmitted power, Pt, is:
Gt  Pt
S W=m2 5:1:6
4  p  r2
The term Gt takes into account the fact that power does not radiate uniformly in all direc-
tions. It is defined as:
maximum power radiated
unit solid angle
Gt 5:1:7
total power delivered to antenna
It is described as the antenna gain, and is a measure of the concentration of the power density
of the radiated wavefront in a given direction. For a half-wave dipole:
Gt 1:64 5:1:8
5.1 The half-wave dipole 105

: latitudinal
: longitudinal




Figure 5.1.3 Power density on a spherical surface.

5.1.3 Field strength

Field vectors H and E are tangential to the surface of the sphere, and at right angle to each
other. The power density vector S is radial, and the flow of power is outward.
The characteristic impedance of free space is:
E mo
Zo 377 W 5:1:9
H eo

where E is the electric field strength and H is the magnetic field strength. The relationship
between E, H, and the power density is:

S EH W=m2 5:1:10


S W=m2 5:1:11


S Zo  H 2 W=m2 5:1:12

This means that if the value of either E or H is used to specify the strength of the electro-
magnetic field in the far field, it is always possible to determine the value of the power
106 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

5.1.4 Power received

The dipole can also act as a receiving antenna. For a configuration such as Figure 5.1.4 the
power received by the RF receiver is related to the power density Sr of the incoming
wavefront by:
Pr Aeff  Sr W 5:1:13

where Aeff is the effective receiving area of the dipole.

A general relationship can be established between the effective receiving area, the gain
Gr of a dipole antenna, and the wavelength l.
Gr  l2 5:1:14
Aeff m2
As with the transmitting dipole, Gr is equal to 1.64. Under optimum conditions, the power
delivered to the receiver terminals is:
Gr  l2  Sr 5:1:15
Pr W
For maximum sensitivity of the receiver, it is necessary for the input resistor to match the
output resistance of the antenna. This being so, the voltage along the antenna can be deduced
from Figure 5.1.5.
Since power at the receiver input is the product of current in the resistor Rrec and the
voltage across that resistor:
1 Vrms 2
Pr  W
Rrec 2

Replacing Rrec with Rrad and rearranging:

Vrms 4  Rrad  Pr V 5:1:16

R F Receiver


Figure 5.1.4 Receiver assembly.

5.2 The virtual conductor 107


Vrms Vrms
Rrec 2

Rrec = Rrad = 73

Figure 5.1.5 Simple circuit model of dipole receiver assembly.

For a half-wave dipole receiving antenna, the radiation resistance is 73 W, exactly the same
as for a transmitting antenna.

5.2 The virtual conductor

In the previous section, the analysis was focused on the behavior of conductors when they
are designed to act as antennae. The scope of the analysis was limited to a restricted band-
width where the frequency was at or near resonance. Exactly the same mechanisms apply to
conductors when antenna action is unintentional. However the scope of the analysis needs to
expand to cover situations at all frequencies.
At non-resonant frequencies the reactive components of the conductors play a pre-
dominant role. Including these parameters in the model involves the use of primitive
inductance and primitive capacitance.
Figure 5.2.1 shows how primitives can be used to create a model of the transmitting dipole.
The two monopoles are effectively connected by two capacitors in series with two inductors


Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Cp1 Rrad Cp1

Figure 5.2.1 Circuit model of half-wave dipole.

108 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

voltage source located at center of conductor

Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1 V Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


Figure 5.2.2 General circuit model of an isolated conductor.

2 Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1
2 2 2 2

Rrad Cp1
0V I

0V Rrad
Cp1 I 2

Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1

2 2 2 2 V

Figure 5.2.3 Balance between two halves of dipole.

and the radiation resistance. At resonance, the circuit acts as a series tuned circuit where the
only limit to the current is provided by the resistive components.
Figure 5.2.2 illustrates the situation where the co-axial link to the transmitter has been
removed and the two halves of the dipole are shorted together to form a single conductor.
Signals can be introduced into this conductor by threading it through a ferrite core which acts
as a step-down voltage transformer. In the figure, this is illustrated as a voltage source V.
With such a configuration, there will be a flow of current forward and backward along
the conductor. Any current flowing into the right-hand monopole can only come from the
left-hand monopole and vice versa. Since the currents and voltages in the two halves of the
dipole are balanced it is useful to redraw the model, giving the circuit of Figure 5.2.3.
This is effectively a bridge circuit with voltages in one arm balancing voltages in the
other arm. If the voltage at the center of the conductor is defined as zero volts, then the
voltage at the mid-point of Rrad must also be zero.
Hence it is legitimate to join these two points together in the model. When this is done
and attention is focused on the right-hand monopole, the model simplifies to that shown by
Figure 5.2.4.
Now, if the single conductor were to be replaced by a pair of parallel conductors con-
nected together at the mid-point and a voltage source inserted in series with both conductors,
then the circuit model of the right-hand monopole would be as shown in Figure 5.2.5.
5.2 The virtual conductor 109

2 Lp1 Rp1 Lp1 Rp1
2 2 2 2



Figure 5.2.4 Focus on right-hand monopole.

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

2 2 2 2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2
V Cc1 Cc2
Lc3 Rrad Lc3 Rrad
2 2 2 2

virtual conductor

Figure 5.2.5 Circuit model of right-hand section of conductor pair.

This correlates closely with Figure 2.7.6; with the characteristics of the environment repla-
cing the third conductor. The environment is acting as a virtual conductor.
Deriving formulae for the components of this conductor is simply a matter of repeating
the procedure introduced in Chapter 2. The starting point is to set out the primitive equations
for two conductors:
Vp1 Zp1;1  Ip1 Zp1;2  Ip2
Vp2 Zp2;1  Ip1 Zp2;2  Ip2

These are illustrated in diagram form by Figure 5.2.6, which also relates primitive currents
and voltages to loop currents and voltages.
From the diagram:
Ip1 Il1
Ip2 Il2  Il1

Vl1 Vp1  Vp2
Vl2 Vp2
110 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

Zp1,1 Zp1,2

Zp2,1 Zp2,2
Vl2 Il2

Ip1 + Ip2

Figure 5.2.6 Diagrammatic representation of primitive equations.

Using (5.2.2) to substitute for Ip1 and Ip2 in (5.2.1):

Vp1 Zp1;1  Il1 Zp1;2  Il2  Il1
Vp2 Zp2;1  Il1 Zp2;2  Il2  Il1

Vp1 Zp1;1  Zp1;2  Il1 Zp1;2  Il2
Vp2 Zp2;1  Zp2;2  Il1 Zp2;2  Il2

Using (5.2.3) to determine loop voltages:

Vl1 Zp1;1  Zp1;2  Zp2;1 Zp2;2  Il1 Zp1;2  Zp2;2  Il2
Vl2 Zp2;1  Zp2;2  Il1 Zp2;2  Il2

Defining the loop impedances as:

Zl1;1 Zp1;1  Zp1;2  Zp2;1 Zp2;2
Zl1;2 Zp1;2  Zp2;2
Zl2;1 Zp2;1  Zp2;2
Zl2;2 Zp2;2

Leads to the loop equations:

Vl1 Zl1;1  Il1 Zl1;2  Il2
Vl2 Zl2;1  Il1 Zl2;2  Il2

If the cross section of the conductor pair is symmetrical:

Zp1;2 Zp2;1

From (5.2.4):
Zl1;2 Zl2;1 5:2:6
5.2 The virtual conductor 111


Vc2 Ic2

Figure 5.2.7 Circuit model of coupling parameters.

Figure 5.2.7 shows the circuit model which creates a similar pair of equations:
Vc1 Zc1 Zc2  Ic1  Zc1;2  Ic2
Vc2 Zc1;2  Ic1 Zc2 Zc3  Ic2

Correlating (5.2.5) and (5.2.7) gives:

Zl1;1 Zc1 Zc2
Zl1;2 Zc2
Zl2;2 Zc2 Zc3

Defining circuit impedances in terms of loop impedances:

Zc1 Zl1;1 Zl1;2
Zc2 Zl1;2
Zc3 Zl2;2 Zl1;2

Using equation (5.2.4) to substitute primitive impedances for loop impedances:

Zc1 Zp1;1  2  Zp1;2 Zp2;2 Zp1;2  Zp2;2
Zc2 Zp2;2  Zp1;2
Zc3 Zp2;2 Zp1;2  Zp2;2

This leads to:

Zc1 Zp1;1  Zp1;2
Zc2 Zp2;2  Zp1;2 5:2:8
Zc3 Zp1;2

Letting Zpi;j j  w  Lpi;j and invoking (2.3.2) gives:

mo  mr  l r1;2
Lc1  ln
2p r1;1
m m l r1;2
Lc2 o r  ln 5:2:9
2p r2;2
m m l l
Lc3 o r  ln
2p r1;2
112 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

Comparing this set of equations with that of (2.5.5) reveals that the inductance value asso-
ciated with each conductor is the same, whether the conductor pair is viewed as a trans-
mission line or as an antenna. The new parameter introduced by (5.2.9) is the circuit
inductance of the virtual conductor, Lc3. This is the primitive inductance of a conductor with
the same radius as the separation between the conductors.
Letting Zpi;j and invoking (2.3.1) gives:
j  w  Cpi;j
2  p  eo  er  l
Cc1 r1;2
2  p  eo  er  l
Cc2 r1;2 5:2:10
2  p  eo  er  l

Comparing this set of equations with that of (2.5.9) reveals that the capacitance value
associated with each conductor is the same, whether the conductor pair is viewed as a
transmission line or as an antenna. The new parameter introduced by (5.2.10) is the circuit
capacitance of the virtual conductor, Cc3.
As would be expected, there is a duality between the primitive capacitance and the
primitive inductance of the cable assembly.
A necessary condition for the derivation of a value for the radiation resistance Rrad is
that the length of the conductor is much greater than its radius. Since the separation between
conductors of a transmission line is much less than the length, the same condition is met for a
transmission line as for an antenna. At this point, it is reasonable to assume that the radiation
resistance of the cable is 73 W, the same as defined by (5.1.3).
Having derived formulae for all the parameters associated with the conductor pair, it
becomes possible to construct a general circuit model which simulates the coupling between
an isolated length of twin-conductor cable and the environment (Figure 5.2.8).
Following on from the creation of this model, it is possible to define the virtual conductor
as an imaginary conductor which enables the coupling between cable and environment to be
simulated. It behaves as a return conductor for antenna-mode current.
It has the same properties as an actual conductor capacitance, inductance, and resis-
tance. Numerical values for the reactive parameters can be derived from data on the physical
construction of the cable. An initial assumption can be made that the resistance is 73 W, the
same as that of the half-wave dipole. Tests, such as those described in Chapter 7, can be
devised to refine the values of the three parameters.
As far as differential-mode signal transmission is concerned, the values of the reactive
components of the circuit model remain exactly the same as those of a pair of conductors. As
far as antenna-mode coupling is concerned, the cable can be treated as a single conductor
with the same radius as the separation between the conductor pair.
In Figure 5.2.8, it is assumed that two identical voltage sources are used to inject a signal
into the cable. Such a configuration could be implemented by clamping a toroidal transfor-
mer round the cable at its mid-point.
5.3 The threat voltage 113

voltage source transformer coupled to center of cable

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Cc1 Cc2 V Cc1 Cc2

Cc3 Cc3

Lc3 Rrad Lc3 Rrad Lc3 Lc3 Rrad

2 2 2 2 2 2
virtual conductor

Figure 5.2.8 General circuit model of an isolated cable.

5.3 The threat voltage

The most severe threat to any electronic system will occur in those situations when it is
completely exposed to its environment.
In the setup illustrated by Figure 5.3.1, the only connection between the remote trans-
ducer and the signal processing unit is a twin-conductor cable. One example could be the
link between a proximity sensor and the input circuitry of the signal processing unit. One
conductor would carry the signal current whilst the other carries the return current. Normal
wiring practice is to connect the return conductor to the zero-volt reference in the processing
unit, and for this reference conductor to be connected to the structure.
The conductors of the cable can be represented by the right-hand section of Figure 5.2.8.
Since the structure is essentially a single conductor, albeit with a complex cross section, it can
be represented by the monopole on the left-hand side of Figure 5.3.2. If the structure were to
resonate at the same frequency as the cable, then worst-case conditions would be represented.

twin-conductor transducer
signal processing unit


l l

Figure 5.3.1 Cable exposed to external radiation.

114 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

signal conductor
Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1
2 2 2 2
Lc4 Rc4 Lc4 Rc4 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

aerial-mode Cc1 Cc2

Cc4 loop return

Rrad Lc3
Vthreat 2 virtual conductor

Figure 5.3.2 General circuit model of exposed cable and structure.

This model differs from that shown by Figure 5.2.8 in that the voltage sources in the
conductors have been replaced by a single source located in series with the virtual conductor.
The source in Figure 5.3.2 now represents the effect of the external electromagnetic field.
The triple-T network representing the left half of the twin-conductor cable has been replaced
by a single-T network representing the structure.
Such a representation allows the circuit to be analyzed from the point of view of radiated
susceptibility. But before such an analysis can proceed, it is necessary to relate the amplitude
of the voltage source to the strength of the field in which the system is immersed.
Figure 5.3.3 depicts a length of conductor which is subjected to an external field and the
associated circuit model. An incremental voltage dV is induced in series with each element
dz of the conductor.
dV E  dz 5:3:1

where E is the strength of the electric field at that location.

The velocity of propagation is assumed to be constant. So if the waveform of the electric
field is sinusoidal with respect to time, then the distribution in space will also be sinusoidal.
Figure 5.3.4 illustrates the relationship between the strength of the E-field and distance
along conductor.
The relationship can be defined as:
E Emax  cos z 5:3:2

Over the length of the cable and structure, the voltage is:
Vthreat Emax  cos  z  dz

This leads to the relationship between threat voltage and electric field strength
5.3 The threat voltage 115



Figure 5.3.3 Effect of electric field.


l l
l l
4 4

Figure 5.3.4 E-field along conductor when l < l/4.

l 2p
Vthreat  Emax  sin l 5:3:3
p l

Figure 5.3.5 illustrates the relationship when the length l is less than a quarter wavelength.
From (5.1.11):
Emax S  Zo
where Zo 377 W

The relationship between wavelength and frequency is as defined in (2.3.6):


If the velocity of propagation is assumed to be the speed of light in vacuum, then:

l 5:3:5

It is clear from (5.3.5) and (5.3.3) that the threat voltage is a function of both frequency f and
length l. Equation (5.3.4) demonstrates that the electric field strength is proportional to the
square root of the power density. Combining these equations in the way illustrated by the
subroutine Vthreati in Figure 5.3.6 allows the relationship between power density and threat
voltage to be calculated over a wide range of frequencies. This response is illustrated by the
solid curve of Figure 5.3.7. It is assumed that the power density S is 1 W/m2and that the
length l is 15 m.
116 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models


l l l l

4 4


Figure 5.3.5 Variation of threat voltage with length of cable.

Worksheet 5.3, page 1

c := 300 106 m/s Zo := 377 S := 1 W/m2 l := 15 m

i := 1..100 fi := i 106 Hz

c c
Vthreati := l Venvi := l
fi fi
l l
Va S Zo p Va S Zo p

l l
Vb Va sin 2p Vb Va sin 2 p
l l
Vc Vb l
Vb Va if l >
Vc 10.1 if Vc < 10

Figure 5.3.6 Calculating the relationship between threat voltage and frequency.

This curve is a series of peaks, each peak occurring at a resonant frequency. The first
resonance occurs when the length l is equal to a quarter wavelength. At this frequency and at
higher resonant frequencies:
Vthreat  Emax 5:3:6
Joining these points together creates an envelope curve, Venv. Since this envelope is of threat
voltages which are equal to, or higher than, all voltage points on the Vthreat curve, it
represents worst-case conditions. This curve is defined by that of the Venvi function of
Figure 5.3.7 and is illustrated by the dashed curve.
When the frequency is lower than that of quarter-wave resonance both curves are co-
Assigning this envelope voltage to the source of the circuit model of Figure 5.3.2 will
allow the response of the assembly-under-review to be simulated.
5.4 The threat current 117

1 103

A/V 15 m cable


1 106 1 107 1 108
f Hz

Figure 5.3.7 Relationship between threat voltage and frequency.

5.4 The threat current

In the previous section, the simple assembly of Figure 5.3.1 was used to depict a situation in
which an exposed cable can be subjected to an external electromagnetic field. A circuit
model was created to simulate the configuration, and the source voltage was related to the
power density of the interference. This section develops the analysis to determine the fre-
quency response of the threat current in the signal line.
Under resonance conditions the reactive components representing the structure act as a
short-circuit and the only limit to the current is provided by the resistive components. From
Figure 5.3.2 these are the radiation resistance and the resistance of the structure. This means
that worst-case conditions can be simulated by replacing the reactive components of the
structure with a short-circuit. Since the resistance of the structure is minimal compared to
the radiation resistance, it is reasonable to represent this as a short-circuit as well.
A welcome consequence of representing the entire structure as a short-circuit is that
the model is simplified, as Figure 5.4.1 illustrates.
Determining the response of this model involves the assignment of specific details to the
cable and interface circuitry. If it is assumed that the length of the cable is 15 m and that the
two conductors are 0.8 mm in diameter with a spacing between centers of 1.2 mm, then all
the circuit parameters can be calculated.
Figure 5.4.2 is a copy of the first page of the Mathcad worksheet used to analyze the
response. This page determines all the component values. Inductors Lc1, Lc2, and Lc3 are
obtained from (5.2.9). The steady-state resistor values Rss1 and Rss2 of the two conductors
118 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

signal conductor
Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1
2 2 2 2

Rn Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Rf

2 2 2 2

Vthreat Cc2 Cc1


virtual conductor

Figure 5.4.1 General circuit model of exposed cable simplified.

Worksheet 5.4, page 1

mo := 4 p 107 H/m eo := 8.854 1012 F/m c := 2.998 108 m/s

r := 1.7 108 m l := 15 m

r1, 1 := 0.4 103 m r2, 2 := r1, 1 r1, 2 := 1.2 103 m

mo l r1, 2 mo l r1, 2 mo l l
Lc1 := ln Lc2 := ln Lc3 := ln
2 p r1, 1 2 p r2, 2 2 p r1, 2

r l
Rss1 := Rss2 := Rss1 Rss3 := 0
p (r1, 1)2

4 r
Fx := = 1.077 105 Hz
mo p (r1, 1) 2

l 1
Cc := Gc := 0
c Lc

1.648 106 7.595 1010 0.254

Lc Rss
= 1.648 106 Cc = 7.595 1010 = 0.254 Rrad := 73
2 2
1.415 105 8.846 1011

Zo := Zo := 65.873 Rn := Zo1 + Zo2 Rf := Rn
565.632 Rn = 131.746

Fq := = 4.997 106 Hz
4 Lc1 Cc1

Figure 5.4.2 Calculating values for the circuit components.

5.4 The threat current 119

are obtained from (2.5.11). Since the virtual conductor does not have the properties of a
conventional conductor, Rss3 is set to zero. The crossover frequency Fx is obtained from
(2.5.14) and the capacitor values are derived from (2.3.8). Conductance values are set at
zero, since it is assumed that there are no losses in the insulation.
Values for inductance, capacitance, and resistance of the representative circuit model are
then displayed on the sheet. To minimize reflections at the near and far ends of the line, the
values of Rn and Rf are set at a value equal to the characteristic impedance. If the values of
the terminating impedances are any other value, the peaks in the response curve would be
higher. Terminating the line with perfectly matched impedances does not eliminate
The final parameter to be calculated on this page is the value of the quarter-wave
frequency Fq. This invokes the use of (2.3.9).
Assigning these values to the general circuit model of Figure 5.4.1 leads to the repre-
sentative circuit model of Figure 5.4.3.
Re-drawing Figure 5.4.1 in terms of distributed parameters results in Figure 5.4.4.
Inspection of this model allows the equations of the Zloop( f ) function to be defined, and
this function is listed in Figure 5.4.5. It invokes the Zbranch( f ) function, which is identical to
that in Figure 4.3.4.

1.65 H 0.25 1.65 H

132 132
1.65 H 0.25 1.65 H

Vthreat 760 pF 760 pF

73 14 H 88 pF

Figure 5.4.3 Representative circuit model of exposed cable simplified.

Z1,1 Z1,1

Rn I1 I2 Rf

Z2,2 Z1,2
I3 Z2,1
V3 I2


Rrad Z1,3 Z2,3

Figure 5.4.4 Distributed parameter model for figure 5.4.3.

120 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

The Vthreat( f ) function is essentially a copy of the envelope function Venv of

Figure 5.3.6. It is assumed that the power density of the interference signal is 1 W/m2.
These three functions are then used to calculate the frequency response of the threat
current Ithreat in the signal loop. Figure 5.4.6 defines the main program and Figure 5.4.6
illustrates the response curve.

Worksheet 5.4, page 2

Zbranch( f ) := 2 f
for i 1.. 3
Rci Rssi 1+

(Rci + j Lci) (Gci + j Cci)

Rci + j Lci
Gci + j Cci

Z1, i Zotanh
Z2, i Zocsch( )

Zloop( f ) = Z Zbranch( f )
Z11 Z1, 1 + Z2, 1 + Z2, 2 + Z1, 2 + Rn
Z12 (Z2, 2 + Z2, 1)
Z13 (Z1, 2 + Z2, 2)
Z22 Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Z2, 1 + Z1, 1 + Rf
Z23 Z2, 2
Z33 Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Z2, 3 + Z1, 3 + Rrad
Z11 Z12 Z13
Z12 Z22 Z23
Z13 Z23 Z33

S := 1 Zo := 377 Vthreat( f ) :=

Va S Zo

Vb Va sin 2

Vb Va if l >

Figure 5.4.5 Calculating values for impedance matrix and threat voltage at each frequency.
5.4 The threat current 121

Worksheet 5.4, page 3

n := 100 s := 1.. 20 n Fs := s

Ithreats := f Fs max(Ithreat) = 1.031

Z Zloop( f )
V 0
Vthreat( f )
I lsolve(Z, V )
Iout I1

Iout 102 if Iout 102

Figure 5.4.6 Calculating the frequency response of the threat current.


A/V 15 m cable



1 106 1 107 1 108
F Hz

Figure 5.4.7 Frequency response of threat current.

The curve itself is very similar to that of Figure 5.3.7, the main difference being that the
response falls sharply as the frequency reduces below that of quarter-wave resonance.
This means that the configuration of Figure 5.3.1 is most susceptible to interference at
about 5 MHz. At that frequency, an incoming wave with a power density of 1 W/m2 will
generate a threat current of about 1 A in the signal circuitry. This current could trigger an
electro-explosive device, or could cause overheating in transducers or semiconductor
devices with consequential damage to the system.
122 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

The subsequent peaks at higher frequencies could also pose a threat; they could induce
false signals into the system, or prevent actual signals from reaching the intended input.
System upset could occur. However, the designer is now in possession of information not
previously available. Given a detailed understanding of both the effect of the interference on
the signal-under-review and the bandwidth, amplitude, and function of that signal, it should
be possible to design the system to be immune to radiation in any defined EMI environment.

5.5 Coupling via the structure

In the vast majority of configurations, the signal link between two units of equipment is
carried by a cable routed along the structure, the signal processing circuitry is mounted on
printed circuit boards, the boards are supported by a conducting framework, and that fra-
mework is connected to a conducting structure via low-resistance joints. This is the case for
most vehicles, whether they are cars, lorries, aircraft, spacecraft, ships, or submersibles.
The same is true of fixed installations. Any equipment unit with a conductive outer sur-
face which is connected to the mains supply must also be connected to the earth conductor
for safety reasons. This applies to most signal generators, spectrum analysers, oscilloscopes,
refrigerators, and computer towers. This earth wire provides a low resistance path between
all equipment units in the system. In industrial situations, the cables are routed along metal
conduits which are connected to the earth wires, to the structure of the buildings, and to
lightning conductors. The earthed conductors effectively form a mesh which encloses the
equipment. Section 8.7 provides a brief description of the shielding effect this provides.
Military vehicles and many land, sea, and air vehicles are not permitted to bond the zero-
volt reference conductors of the printed circuit boards directly to the chassis, because the
chassis is used as the battery return. In these cases, the signal link between two units of
equipment is usually carried by a single conductor. Such configurations rely on either a
return path via the structure or a return conductor routed to some star point in the system.
Sections 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 show how the concepts of equipotential ground, the single earth
point, and the need to avoid earth loops lead to extremely poor EMC. There is no point in
attempting to analyse the myriad interference coupling paths that exist in these systems.
The only hope of controlling the EMC of any system in an effective and efficient way is
to invoke the guidelines of section 1.8.1. If the system is designed along these lines, then a
typical mode of interference coupling would be as shown by Figure 5.5.1.
This is an interface diagram which identifies the essential components of a simple signal
link. A 15 m length of twin conductor cable is used to carry the signal. The output of the
near-end unit is a voltage source in series with a 132 W resistance; the resistance value
corresponding to the characteristic impedance of the cable. The load presented to the signal
by the far-end unit is also 132 W. Such a configuration should reduce the amplitude of any
reflections. (The only way of eliminating all reflections is to terminate each conductor with
its characteristic impedance. The flat line of Ycrit in Figure 4.3.8 illustrates the frequency
response when there are no reflections.)
It is assumed that the return conductor is connected to the framework of each unit via a
short length of conductor. That is, the configuration is grounded.
5.5 Coupling via the structure 123

external interference

conducting surface

near-end unit far-end unit

15 m cable
132 signal conductor

return conductor 132


Figure 5.5.1 Interface diagram for the signal link under review.

s = 1.2 mm

r = 0.4 mm
h = 10 mm
ground plane

Figure 5.5.2 Cross-sectional view of two conductors over a ground plane.

In most situations, the routing of the cable is fairly convoluted. So, the geometry of the
assembly becomes complicated and the task of defining the various cross sections becomes
One simple way of overcoming this problem is to invoke the concept of the ground
plane in its intended sense; as a purely reflecting surface. The ground plane does not need to
be infinite. It just needs to be able to create an image of the conductors routed above it. A
glass mirror does not need to be infinite in size to provide a good quality image of the object
in front. An estimate can be made of the average separation between cable and structure and
that value used to define the cross section. Figure 5.5.2 illustrates the geometry of a section
of such an assembly.
Given knowledge of the cross section of the cable assembly and the details of the
interface circuitry, enough information now exists to create a circuit model. Since a repre-
sentative circuit model of a similar assembly has already been derived in the section on
cross-coupling, a Mathcad program is available to calculate the component values. Fig-
ure 5.5.3 is essentially a copy of the worksheet page from that section, modified slightly to
utilize input data from the link-under-review. This constitutes the first page of worksheet 5.5.
124 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

Worksheet 5.5, page 1

o := 4 107 H/m o := 8.854 1012 F/m c := 2.998 108 m/s

:= 1.7 108 m l := 15 m h := 10 103 m

s := 1.2 103 m r := 0.4 103 m see Figure 4.3.1

Rss1 := Rss2 := Rss1 Rss3 := 0.005 see (2.5.11)
r 2

Fx := = 1.077 105 Hz see (2.5.14)
o r 2

o l 2 h s
Lc1 := ln Lc2 := Lc1
r s2 + 4 h2

o l s2 + 4 h2
Lc3 := ln
2 s see (2.11.3)

1 l
Cc := see (2.3.8)
Lc c

Fq := = 4.997 106 Hz see (2.3.9)
4 Lc1 Cc1
Component values for three-conductor assembly of Figure 5.5.2:

0.254 1.645 106 7.60 8 1010

Rss Lc
= 0.254 = 1.645 106 Cc = 7.608 1010
2 2
2.5 103 4.223 106 2.964 1010

132 132 0
Zn := 0 Zf := 0 Gc := 0 S Rrad := 50
0 0 0

Figure 5.5.3 Calculating parameter values for the three-conductor circuit model.

In this setup, the objective is to analyze the response of the circuitry to an external field
rather than the cross-coupling between two signals. So the program identifies signal, return,
and structure as conductors 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Data from this first page of the worksheet can be used to assign values to most of the
components of the triple-T model; most, but not all. It is still necessary to relate the model to
the external field.
The action of the incoming electromagnetic field is to create a current in the structure,
and this current develops a voltage in the common-mode loop. If it is assumed that the
shielding effectiveness of the structure is zero, then it can also be assumed that all the power
5.5 Coupling via the structure 125

near end far end

132 1.65 mH 0.25 132
signal conductor
1.65 mH
loop 1.65 mH 0.25 1.65 mH 0.25

loop 4.22 mH
50 structure

4.22 mH 0.0025

761 pF 761 pF 296 pF

Figure 5.5.4 Representative circuit model of radiation coupling via the structure.

in the interference field is transferred to the structure. Such a transfer of power can be
represented by a voltage source Vthreat in series with the radiation resistance Rrad and with
the structure. Under worst-case conditions the amplitude of the voltage source Vthreat can be
defined by the envelope curve of Figure 5.3.6.
In section 5.2 on the virtual conductor it is assumed that the value of the radiation
resistance is 73 W; the same as that of a half-wave dipole. However, an actual test on a single
length of conductor revealed that, with an assumed value of 73 W, the response of the model
was much lower than the actual response. Figure 7.4.8 illustrates this discrepancy. It was
reasoned that this discrepancy was due to storage of energy in the conductor rather than the
transfer of power to a 73 W load.
A subsequent test on a twin-conductor cable revealed that the measured value of the
radiation resistance was indeed much less than 73 W. Figure 7.5.10 illustrates the response of
the cable-under-test on the same graph as the response of the model, and shows that the peak
values coincide when it is assumed that the radiation resistance is 50 W. This is the value
assumed for Rrad in Figure 5.5.4.
Having established a rationale for a method of linking the circuit model to the external
field, it becomes possible to complete the model. Figure 5.5.4 shows the representative
circuit model for a twin conductor cable routed along the structure.
It is a fairly simple step to convert this lumped parameter model to one which uses
distributed parameters. This is illustrated by Figure 5.5.5. This distributed parameter model
also defines the four circuit loops used in the subsequent mesh analysis.
There is now enough data to compile the second page of the worksheet, and this page is
illustrated by Figure 5.5.6. The Zbranch(f) function calculates numerical values for the six
distributed parameters of Figure 5.5.5. This data is provided as input to the Zloop( f ) function
which compiles a four-by-four array of loop impedance values for the circuit at the spot
frequency f. This page of the worksheet is a slightly modified version of page 2 of the
worksheet 4.3.
Figure 5.5.7 illustrates the final set of computations on page 3 of the worksheet.
The power density S of the incoming interference is set at a constant level of 1 W/m2.
126 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

near end far end

Zn1 Z11 Z11 Zf1

I1 I3

Zn2 Z12 Z12 Zf2

Rrad I4
Zn3 Z13 Z13 Zf3


Z2,1 Z2,2 Z2,3

I1 I2

I3 I4

Figure 5.5.5 Distributed parameter model for figure 5.5.4.

The Vthreat( f ) function then calculates the value of the threat voltage at the given frequency f.
This function is a copy of the envelope function for the threat voltage, derived in section 5.3
and recorded in Figure 5.3.6.
The integer n is used to set the number of spot frequencies in the frequency range
between zero and the frequency of quarter-wave resonance Fq. It has already been calculated
(in page 1 of the worksheet) that the value of Fq is approximately 5 MHz. The integer s is
used to set the total range of frequencies to twenty times the quarter-wave frequency. The
variable F is a vector which defines every spot frequency in the range.
The main program is defined by the Iout function. This picks out a value for the fre-
quency f from row s of the F vector, assigns a four-by-four matrix of loop impedance values
to the variable Z, sets the voltage V2 to the value of the threat voltage at that frequency,
calculates values for the four loop currents, provides the magnitude of the current I2 as an
output variable, and stores the results in the vector Iout.
Since I2 is a measure of the current at the near end of the common-mode loop, the vector
Iout is effectively a table of the common-mode current at every spot frequency. The two
vectors Iout and F can then be used to display a graph which defines the frequency response
of the common-mode current. This is replicated by Figure 5.5.8.
This response follows the expected pattern; a null at the quarter-wave frequency followed
by a peak at the half-wave frequency. This is followed by a series of peaks and nulls of ever-
decreasing amplitude.
By selecting the value of I1 as the output variable of the main program, a graph can be
created which defines the frequency response of the differential-mode current. This is illu-
strated by Figure 5.5.9.
Several features of this response are worth noting:
Between 100 kHz and 1 MHz, the amplitude of the current in the differential-mode loop
rises. This is because the current in the common-mode loop is relatively constant. Constant
current at increasing frequency flowing in the inductance of the return conductor causes the
5.5 Coupling via the structure 127

Worksheet 5.5, page 2

Zbranch( f ) := w 2 p f
for i 1.. 3

Rci Rssi 1+

q (Rci + j w Lci) (Gci + j w Cci)

Rci + j w Lci
Gci + j w Cci

Z1, i Zo tanh

Z2, i Zo csch(q)

Zloop( f ) := Z Zbranch( f )
Z11 Zn1 + Z1, 1 + Z2, 1 + Z2, 2 + Z1, 2 + Zn2

Z12 (Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Zn2)

Z13 (Z2, 1 + Z2, 2)

Z14 Z2, 2

Z22 Zn2 + Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Z2, 3 + Z1, 3 + Zn3 + Rrad

Z23 Z2, 2

Z24 (Z2, 2 + Z2, 3)

Z33 Zf2 + Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Z2, 1 + Z1, 1 + Zf1

Z34 (Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Zf2)

Z44 Zf3 + Z1, 3 + Z2, 3 + Z2, 2 + Z1, 2 + Zf2

Z11 Z12 Z13 Z14

Z12 Z22 Z23 Z24
Z13 Z23 Z33 Z34
Z14 Z24 Z34 Z44

Figure 5.5.6 Calculating the values of the branch and loop parameters.

voltage across that inductance to rise. Since this voltage is applied to the differential-mode
loop, the current in that loop increases.
As the frequency rises above 2.5 MHz, the response flattens out. This is because the
132 W resistors act to minimize the amplitude of the resonant peaks. It is worth noting that
2.5 MHz corresponds to one eighth of a wavelength and that the first crossover point in
Figure 4.3.8 also occurs at one eighth of a wavelength.
128 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

Worksheet 5.5, page 3

c Calculating the threat voltage

S := 1 Vthreat( f ) := l
f for a power density S
at a frequency f.
Va S 377 p
see Figure 5.19
Vb Va sin 2 p
Vb Va if l >

n := 100 s := 1.. 20 n Fs := s
n Defining the frequency range

Iouts := f Fs Main program

Z Zloop( f )
Vthreat( f )
I lsolve(Z, V )

Figure 5.5.7 Calculating the frequency response of the common-mode current.


See Figure 5.28

A 10

Iout 1


1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
F Hz

Figure 5.5.8 Frequency response of current in the common-mode loop.

5.5 Coupling via the structure 129

Iout 0.1

1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
F Hz

Figure 5.5.9 Frequency response of current in the differential-mode loop.

Although the common-mode current drops to a minimum at the quarter-wave frequency

of 5 MHz, the amplitude of the differential-mode current remains relatively constant. This
also is a feature of the use of impedance-matching resistors at the terminations. The Ycrit
curve in Figure 4.3.8 illustrates the response of an ideal configuration where the use of the
characteristic impedance at each interface prevents both nulls and peaks in the response.
Probably the most interesting feature is the fact that, although the common-mode current
reaches a peak value at the half-wave frequency (10 MHz), the differential-mode current
drops to a null. At this frequency, the common-mode loop currents at the near end and at
the far end both reach a resonant peak. But they are of opposite polarity. Whilst the voltage
developed along one half of the length of the return conductor is positive, the voltage
developed along the other half is negative. Since the common-mode voltages across
the return conductor cancel out, the net voltage along the complete length of the return
conductor is minimal. Since this is the voltage which appears in the differential-mode loop,
the current induced by that voltage also dips to a minimum value.
The waveform pattern repeats itself every 10 MHz, but the maximum amplitude drops at
20 dBA per decade. This identifies the fact that, as the frequency increases, the maximum
power which can be delivered to the victim circuit reduces. The shorter the link-under-
review, the less unwanted power it can pick up from an interference field of defined power
density. This is a significant consideration when designing printed circuit boards; or firing
circuits for electro-explosive devices. This conclusion is supported by (5.1.15), which shows
that the maximum power is proportional to the square of the wavelength. Maximum power is
picked up when the length of the conductor is equal to a half-wavelength of the interfering
signal. If the conductor is longer, then the half-wavelength is longer and the maximum power
delivered is higher.
It can be concluded that it would be better to use a screened twisted pair to provide some
measure of shielding for the signal link depicted in Figure 5.5.1. Further analysis and testing
would be needed to check the integrity of any modification to the design.
This example illustrates an analysis of a uniform cable routed over a perfectly flat
structure with very simple terminations at each interface. This could be regarded as the
130 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

easiest simplest most idealised solution. It also represents worst-case conditions, since it
does not take into account the fact that other equipment in the system is also absorbing
interference energy.
If the cross section of the cable is not uniform, it would be necessary to analyse the
properties of each section individually and invoke the concept of equivalent circuits, as
described in section 1.3.3. The general circuit model of Figure 5.5.5 can cater for impe-
dances of any value at the terminations. If any doubt exists as to the accuracy of any parti-
cular simulation, then electrical measurements can be carried out on a test rig.

5.6 Radiation susceptibility

In the previous section, a model was created which can simulate the response of the
equipment-under-review to the presence of an external electromagnetic field at the surface of
the assembly. To extend the scope of the simulation, it is necessary to invoke the use of
electromagnetic theory, and this can involve some very complicated mathematics.
Even so, it is possible to identify a few simple relationships which can be used to obtain a
first estimate of the response.
For the analysis of the susceptibility of the equipment to external radiation, the need is to
relate the threat voltage in the antenna-mode loop to the output of a remote transmitter. Since
the formal EMC Requirements usually specify the setup and test levels for Radiation Sus-
ceptibility, the immediate objective is to simulate the output of the Test Transmitter.
Figure 5.6.1 illustrates the type of setup used for this form of testing. An antenna is
located at a defined distance r from the equipment under test, oriented to deliver maximum
field strength at the surface of the equipment, and a specified power Pr is applied to the test
antenna over a specified range of frequencies. The antenna gain, Gt, is also specified.
The power density S at the surface of the equipment can be calculated using (5.1.6), and
the intensity of the electric field E can be derived by using (5.1.11). The threat voltage
Vthreat is obtained from (5.3.6) if the length l of the cable is greater than a quarter wave-
length. If the length is less than a quarter wavelength, (5.3.3) applies. This gives the response
of the envelope curve of Figure 5.3.6.


near-end unit
far-end unit


Figure 5.6.1 Setup for radiation susceptibility test.

5.6 Radiation susceptibility 131

Grouping these equations together allows the threat voltage to be related to the
transmitter power:
Gt  Pt
4  p  r2
E Zo  S
l l 5:6:1
Vthreat  E if l >
p  4 
l 2pl l
Vthreat  E  sin if l 
p l 4

The maximum power which can be delivered to the victim loop is limited only by the
radiation resistance and the threat voltage. From Figure 5.5.4:
Vthreat 2
Pthreat 5:6:2
Using (5.3.6) to substitute for Vthreat:
l E2
p Rrad
Substituting for E:
l2  S Zo
Pthreat  5:6:3
p p  Rrad
Hence, if Ge is defined as:
Ge 5:6:4
p  Rrad
then, using (5.1.9) and (5.1.3) to substitute for Zo and Rrad in (5.6.4), the value of the gain
Ge can be calculated to be 1.64. This correlates precisely with (5.1.8). Equation (5.6.3) can
be re-written as:
Ge  l2  S
Pthreat 5:6:5
Comparing (5.6.5) with (5.1.15) leads to the conclusion that the power delivered to the
victim loop can, in theory, be four times that which appears at the receiver terminals of a
matched antenna/load assembly. Such a conclusion would imply that the assumed value of
the radiation resistance should be 36.5 W, rather than the 73 W defined in (5.1.3).
Although the tests described in sections 7.4 and 7.5 measure the value of the radiation
resistance to be much less than 73 W, neither of them achieve the theoretically minimum value
of 37.5 W. It can be surmised that the discrepancy is due to re-radiation of the stored energy.
It can also be reasoned that the test of section 7.5 represents worst-case conditions, since
all the antenna-mode power is delivered to the cable. This would not be the case in a prac-
tical situation. Some of the power of the input radiation would be absorbed by the adjacent
wiring in the system. Since the test on the twin-conductor cable results in a measured value
of 50 W for Rrad, this would seem to be a reasonable starting point for any analysis of
radiation susceptibility.
132 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

5.7 Radiated emission

The circuit model derived in section 5.5 can also be used to determine the radiated emission
of the equipment under test. Figure 5.7.1 illustrates the setup.
If the equipment being tested is the same as that of Figure 5.5.1, then the model used to
predict emissions can be based on Figure 5.5.4. The only changes necessary are to replace
Vthreat and Rrad with a short-circuit and to insert a voltage source Vdiff.
In Figure 5.7.2 the voltage source Vdiff is located in the differential-mode loop, to simulate
the output signal generated by the near-end equipment. This will create a common-mode loop
current; and the amplitude of this current can be calculated. Under worst-case conditions it can
be assumed that the shielding effectiveness of the structure is zero. In which case, the common-
mode current will be the radiation source. In the figure, it is identified as Irad.
The power Prad transmitted into the environment by the current Irad would be:

Prad Irad 2  Rrad 5:7:1

From (5.1.6), the power density at a monitor antenna located a distance r away from the
assembly would be:
Ge  Prad
Sm 5:7:2
4  p  r2
Since the assembly under test is the same as that which had been subjected to the radiation
susceptibility test, then the gain Ge would be the same as defined by (5.6.4). Substituting for
Ge and Prad gives:
Zo Irad 2  Rrad
p  Rrad 4  p  r2
Irad 2
4  p2  r 2


near-end far-end
unit unit


Figure 5.7.1 Setup for radiated emission test.

5.7 Radiated emission 133

near end far end

132 1.65 mH signal conductor 0.25 132
0.25 1.65 mH
1.65 mH 0.25 1.65 mH 0.25

structure 4.22 mH

4.22 mH 0.0025
761 pF

761 pF 296 pF

Figure 5.7.2 Representative circuit model for analysis of radiated emission.

It is worth noting that this relationship does not depend on the value of Rrad. From (5.1.12)
the magnetic field strength at the surface of the monitor antenna is:

Substituting for Sm:

Hm 5:7:3
Even though there are no simplifying assumptions in its derivation, this relationship is about
as simple as one could wish for. (It could have been derived from (2.2.1) by assuming an
infinitely long conductor. But it wasnt.)
It is also worth noting that this derivation is based on the assumption that the conductor is
acting as a half-wave dipole at maximum efficiency in a lossless medium. When the length
of the conductor is anything other than l=2, the power delivered to the environment will be
significantly less than Prad. In turn, this means that (5.7.3) defines the maximum magnetic
field strength Hm that can be created by the current Irad.
Using (5.7.3) to define the magnetic field strength at the monitor antenna, (5.1.12) to
relate power density to magnetic field, and (5.1.15) to relate power density to the power
delivered to the receiver input terminals, leads to the set of equations:
Sm Zo  Hm2 5:7:4
Gm  l2  Sm
where Gm is the gain of the monitor antenna used by the Test House.
134 CHAPTER 5 Antenna models

This establishes a relationship between the current radiated into the environment by the
equipment under test and the power delivered to the input of the monitor receiver.
Adding this set of equations to the subroutine which calculates the value of the common-
mode current will provide a clear relationship between signal output voltage of the near-end
unit of Figure 5.7.1 and the level of interference measured by the test receiver.

Transient analysis

Transients are an ever-present source of glitches in electronic systems. Sources such as

relays, switches, motors, and power supplies can cause the sudden release of stored magnetic
energy when the current maintaining that magnetization is interrupted. Electrostatic dis-
charges can cause a momentary creation of high-amplitude current spikes. Whatever the
source, brief bursts of high intensity electromagnetic radiation can occur almost anywhere in
an electrical system.
Such transients can easily corrupt the data streams handled by microprocessors. In fact, any
analogue or digital circuit link can be upset. Depending on the susceptibility of the processing
circuitry, such events could be inconsequential, annoying, dangerous, or catastrophic.
This section describes the use of time-step analysis to simulate transient behavior. It
derives a model which can simulate the emission produced by a step pulse propagated along
a twin-conductor line. Given an insight into the mechanisms involved, it should be possible
for the designer to devise circuits which minimize this emission. Such circuits should also be
capable of minimizing susceptibility. Chapter 8 identifies a few of the techniques deriving
from this approach.
As with frequency response analysis, the effects of an incoming field can be represented
by a voltage source, while the outgoing field can be defined in terms of the antenna-mode
current. The amplitude of the voltage source is a function of the E-field of the external
radiation, while the H-field of the emitted radiation is a function of the antenna-mode cur-
rent. To a first approximation, it can be assumed that the amplitude of both fields is inversely
proportional to the separation between transmitter and receiver. All the passive parameters
(resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance) remain unchanged. The electrical
properties of a particular cable assembly are independent of the waveform of the signal or
power carried by that assembly.
Section 6.1 provides an introduction to the basics of time-step analysis, and contains two
examples of how to develop programs to simulate transient waveforms. An essential feature
of time-step analysis is that the input voltage is defined and current is calculated instant-by-
instant. The computations involve absolute real values. Unlike frequency response analysis,
time-step analysis never invokes the concepts of phasors, phase angles, imaginary numbers,
reactance, or susceptance. A further implication is that impedances can only be resistive. So,
to avoid any misunderstanding of the terms used during the course of this type of analysis,
the variable Ro is used to define the characteristic impedance.

136 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

The equations in section 6.2 are based on the concepts of partial currents and partial
voltages used in textbook analysis of transients in transmission lines. A program is described
which simulates the response of a twin conductor line when a step pulse is applied to the near
end. It is possible to develop this model to include the response of interface circuitry at the
Section 6.3 examines the characteristics of the delay-line model, and shows that the
properties of inductance and capacitance are still present.
When a sinusoidal source at the quarter-wave frequency is switched on to a twin-
conductor cable which is open-circuit at the far end, the current will gradually build up as
the energy in successive half-cycles is stored in the cable. This is illustrated by Figure 6.3.10.
If a signal at half-wave frequency is connected, the current delivered to the cable will
gradually decrease. This is because the stored energy in the cable increases to a level where
energy delivered from source to cable is balanced by energy delivered from cable to source.
Figure 6.3.11 illustrates this.
These two illustrations show that an analysis of the transient response of a system to a
sinusoidal signal helps us to better understand frequency response analysis.
Section 6.4 tackles the problem of analyzing antenna-mode transients. An experiment is
described where a step pulse was injected into a twin-conductor cable which was open-
circuit at the far end. After a trial-and-error process, a circuit model was identified; one
which provided a fair reproduction of the response. The existence of such a model raised
several questions about the mechanisms involved, questions which led to a further devel-
opment of the model.
In section 6.5, the picture emerges of wavefront propagating along the signal conductor
in the form similar to the bow wave of a ship. Given a separation of 2 mm between the
conductors, the wavefront does not arrive at the return conductor until the forward edge has
progressed a further 2 mm along the signal conductor. Electric charge is deposited on the
return conductor. Induced voltage causes a current to flow back toward the source. This
current creates an electromagnetic field that couples with the signal conductor and that also
radiates outwards. Since the current in the return conductor does not completely balance that
in the signal conductor, there is an unbalanced charge which propagates along the cable, just
behind the wavefront.
Since the return current is always less than the signal current, there must be a net flow of
aerial-mode current out toward the far end. This outgoing current must be balanced by an
inflow of current from the ground connections. Effectively, the system is behaving like a
dipole, with the cable acting as one monopole and the ground conductors acting as the other.
This means that there are at least three current components involved
that which carries differential-mode signal,
that which deposits unbalanced charge on the cable, and
that which flows out radially in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
Section 6.6 derives a general circuit model which allows the amplitude of all three of these
components to be calculated. A program is described which carries out the computations.
Comparing the response of the model with the waveform displayed on an oscilloscope
allows the two waveforms to be aligned. The values so derived for component values allow a
representative model to be derived for the cable-under-test; Figure 6.6.5. The tests them-
selves are described in section 7.6.
6.1 Time-step analysis 137

6.1 Time-step analysis

6.1.1 Basic concept
The classical approach to transient analysis is to use transforms either Laplace transforms
or Heaviside transforms. However, this approach becomes extremely complex when dealing
with the type of circuits commonly encountered. Hence, the approach adopted here is
essentially the same as that used by Simulation Programs with Integrated Circuit Emphasis
(SPICE) software time-step analysis [6.1].
This form of analysis is similar to the iterative method used in mathematics to solve non-
linear equations. The essential difference is that each calculation defines the condition of the
system at a later time. If the time steps are sufficiently small, then the variation in the
amplitude of each current can be assumed to be linear.
Two factors are involved in each set of calculations:
The state of the system immediately prior to the time of the calculation
Incremental changes in the applied voltages
Either nodal analysis or mesh analysis is possible. Since mesh analysis has been used for
calculations in the frequency domain, it is logical to continue with that type of analysis in the
time domain.

6.1.2 Basic equations

The basic equations are the simplest possible:
For an inductor:
V L 6:1:1
For a resistor:
V RI 6:1:2

For a capacitor:
V 6:1:3
Q I  dt 6:1:4

given that
t elapsed time
dt finite increment of time
dI finite increment of current
138 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

6.1.3 Series LCR circuit

For the circuit illustrated by Figure 6.1.1, the total voltage at any instant is the sum of the
instantaneous voltages across each component. This gives the loop equation:
dI Q
V L RI 6:1:5
dt C
Analysis, based on the application of a Heaviside transformation, leads to an equation that
defines the relationship between current and time when a step voltage is applied to the input
terminals of the circuit. If the circuit is initially in a quiescent state, then:
V 1
I   ebt  eat
L ab
R R2 1
where a a b, b a  b, a , and b  .
2L 4  L2 LC
A less elegant, but simpler approach would be to use time-step analysis to formulate a
short computer program. The steps necessary to compile such a program are outlined below.
During the time increment dt, the current changes by the increment dI, where:
dt Q
dI  V  R  I  6:1:6

At the end of that increment of time the value of the current will have changed. In a Mathcad
computer program such as that illustrated in Appendix A, the new value for the current
would be defined as:
I I dI 6:1:7

During this time, the charge on the capacitor will have changed, and the program statement
which updates the value of Q would be:
Q Q I  dt 6:1:8

These last three equations form the basis of a simple subroutine next(D) in the Mathcad
worksheet of Figure 6.1.2. The variable D is a two-element vector containing the value of the
current and the charge in the circuit of Figure 6.1.1 at any particular instant.
The subroutine picks out these two values, uses (6.1.6)(6.1.8) to update them, and then
returns the new value of I and Q. The value of the time increment dt has been set at 1 ms on
the top line of the worksheet, together with the other circuit parameters.

100 nF 20

V I 1 mH

Figure 6.1.1 Series LCR circuit.

6.1 Time-step analysis 139

Worksheet 6.1.1
L := 1103 H C := 100 109 F R := 20

V := 1 V dt := 106 s N := 100

D := next(D) := I D1
Q D2
dt Q
I I + dI
Q Q + Idt

i := 2.. N Iouti := D next(D) ti := (i 1)dt


Figure 6.1.2 Calculating the transient response of a series LCR circuit.


See Figure 6.1.1

A 5 103

Iout 0

5 103

0 2 105 4 105 6 105 8 105 1 104
t s

Figure 6.1.3 Transient response of series LCR circuit.

The control variable i for the main program is set to vary from 2 to N, where N has been
preset at 100. The main program itself is defined immediately below the subroutine.
It simply updates the data variable D at each time step, picks out the value of D1 (the
current I), and transfers this to the element Iouti, where the vector Iout is the record of
the output current.
The variable t records the time of each calculation, and allows the graph of Iout versus
time to be displayed; Figure 6.1.3. Not surprisingly, this is a damped sine wave.
140 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

6.1.4 Parallel LCR circuit

When the L, C, and R components are in parallel, three separate loops are formed as
illustrated by Figure 6.1.4.
The loop equations are:

Q1 Q2
Vgen R1 R2  I1   R2  I2 6:1:9
C1 C1

Q1 Q2
0 R2  I1  R2 R3  I2  R3  I3 6:1:10
C1 C1

0 R3  I2 R3  I3 L1  6:1:11

In formulating the program which calculates the values of the variables at each time step,
it is useful to take into consideration the characteristics of the step pulse. Theoretically,
it changes from zero volts to Vgen in zero time. As far as the initial step is concerned, C1
behaves as a short-circuit and L1 behaves as an open-circuit. Most of the initial surge current
I1 flows through C1 and R2 in series. The resultant voltage across R2 creates a current I2.
Current I2 flowing in R3 creates a voltage across L1.
This means that, initially, I1 is the most significant current, I2 is less significant, while the
value of I3 is inconsequential. This effectively determines the order in which parameter
values should be calculated.
Since the charge on the capacitor is always due to I1  I2 , (6.1.9) and (6.1.10) can be
simplified by defining:

Q Q1  Q2 6:1:12

It is assumed that the initial amplitudes of I1, I2, and I3 are zero.
Current I1 can be calculated by rearranging (6.1.9). This gives:
1 Q
I1  Vgen R2  I2  6:1:13
R1 R2 C1


100 nF L1
R2 1M 1 mH
I1 20 I2 I3

Figure 6.1.4 Parallel LCR circuit.

6.1 Time-step analysis 141

Since the value of I1 is now known, it can be used to calculate a new value of I2:
1 Q
I2  R2  I1 R3  I3 6:1:14
R2 R3 C1

The new value of I2 can be used to calculate the rate of change of I3:
dI3  R3  I2  I3 6:1:15

Worksheet 6.1.2

R1 := 5000 R2 := 20 R3 := 106

L1 := 1103 H C1 := 100 109 F Vgen := 1 V

dt := 108 s

D :=

next(D) := I2 D2
I3 D3
Q D4
1 Q
I1 Vgen + R2.I2
R1 + R2 C1
1 Q
I2 R2.I1 + R3. I3 +
R2 + R3 C1
dI3 R3(I2 I3)
I3 I3 + dI3
Q Q + (I1 I2) dt
T := 100 106 s
I3 T
N := ceil
Q dt

i := 2.. N Iouti := D next(D) ti := (i 1) . dt


Figure 6.1.5 Calculating the amplitude of the transient current in the parallel LCR circuit.
142 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

The new value of I3 becomes:

I3 I3 dI3 6:1:16

Since the values of I2 and I3 have also been updated:

Q Q I1  I2  dt 6:1:17

It is then a routine matter to assemble (6.1.13)(6.1.17) into a subroutine which updates the
values of current and charge at every time step. This is illustrated in Figure 6.1.5.
The simplest way of checking the accuracy of the calculations is to vary the time step dt
and recalculate. If a reduction in the amplitude of the time step results in no perceptible
change to the output waveform, then the simulation can be assumed to be reasonably
In the worksheet of Figure 6.1.5, the simulation time T is set at 100 ms, and the number of
iterations is defined as:
N ceil 6:1:18

(In Mathcad, the function ceil(z) returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to z. ) No
matter what value is selected for dt, the simulation will always run for 100ms.
The waveform displayed in Figure 6.1.6 is that of the current in the inductance L1. This is
a ringing transient, similar to that of Figure 6.1.3. The main difference between this and the
previous response is the fact that it approaches a steady-state amplitude of 200 mA. That is,
the current in a 5 kW resistor when a voltage of 1 V is applied.
In formulating programs similar to the two illustrated in this section, the first objective is
to identify the parameter with the greatest change during the first time increment. In the first
example, this is the voltage across the inductor; in the second example it is the current in the

4 104

3 104 See Figure 6.1.4

Iout 2 104

1 104

0 2 105 4 105 6 105 8 105 1 104
t s

Figure 6.1.6 Waveform of the current in the inductor of the parallel LCR circuit.
6.2 Delay-line model 143

6.2 Delay-line model

Transmission-line theory invokes the concept of electromagnetic waves traveling forwards
and backwards along a path bounded by a pair of parallel conductors. Figure 6.2.1 illustrates
the concept.
Although the velocity of an electromagnetic wave in free space is approximately 300 m/ms,
the presence of dielectric material in the cable reduces this velocity. If it is assumed that
the velocity of propagation is v, the time taken for an electromagnetic wave to propagate
from one end of the line to the other is the time constant T, where:
T 6:2:1
Initial assumptions are that there are no radiation losses from a transmission line and that the
line does not pick up external radiation. It is worth noting that these assumptions are not
identified in conventional textbooks.
If it is assumed that an electromagnetic signal has been delivered to the line by the
sender at the near end, then it will arrive at the far end after an elapsed time of T seconds.
Some of it will be absorbed by the load in the receiver, while some of it will be reflected.
Figure 6.2.2 illustrates the components of the signal at any instant in terms of currents and
Conventional theory depicts this situation in terms of current in one conductor of a two-
conductor line, and assumes that the properties of the line are concentrated in this one
conductor. To enable the analysis to be developed to deal with three-conductor lines, it is
necessary to view all currents in terms of loop currents. In the convention adopted here,
positive loop current is defined as clockwise.
It is useful to use a shorthand method of identifying each parameter to keep track of all
these currents and voltages during the computation process. The method adopted here is to
use the letter f to indicate that the parameter is at the far end, the letter n to indicate that it is
at the near end, and to use the first letter of the relevant word to indicate whether the

near end far end

transmission line
reflected wave incident wave
sender receiver
incident wave reflected wave

Figure 6.2.1 Transmission-line reflections.

reflected incident absorbed

Vfr Vfi Vfa

Ifr Ifa RL

far end

Figure 6.2.2 Currents and voltages at the far end of the line.
144 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

parameter is absorbed, reflected, or incident. Hence, Ifa is the current which is absorbed by
the load resistor in the receiver at the far end.
A noteworthy feature of the parameters Ifi and Ifr is that they are partial currents. The
total current in the line at any particular location is the sum of Ifr and Ifi at that location.
Similarly, Vfr and Vfi can be described as partial voltages.
Currents and voltages in Figure 6.2.2 can be related:

Vfi Vfr Vfa 6:2:2

Ifi Ifr Ifa 6:2:3

Voltages can be related to currents:

Vfi Ro  Ifi 6:2:4
Vfr Ro  Ifr 6:2:5

Vfa RL  Ifa 6:2:6

where Ro is the characteristic impedance of the line and RL is the load resistor. Subtracting
(6.2.5) from (6.2.4) gives:
Vfi  Vfr Ro  Ifi Ifr

Using (6.2.3):
Vfi  Vfr Ro  Ifa 6:2:7

Using (6.2.6) to substitute for Vfa in (6.2.2):

Vfi Vfr RL  Ifa 6:2:8

Adding (6.2.7) and (6.2.8):

2  Vfi Ro RL  Ifa 6:2:9

Rearranging (6.2.9) and using (6.2.4) to substitute for Vfi gives:

2  Ro  Ifi
Ifa 6:2:10
This relates the current delivered to the receiver to the incident current arriving from the
transmission line. The reflected current is determined by rearranging (6.2.3).

Ifr Ifa  Ifi 6:2:11

Using (6.2.10) to substitute for Ifa in (6.2.11) leads to the standard equation for the reflection
coefficient found in any textbook on electromagnetic theory.

Ifr Ro  RL
Ifi Ro RL
6.2 Delay-line model 145

near end

Vgen Ina
Vni Vnr

absorbed incident reflected

Figure 6.2.3 Currents and voltages at the near end of the line.

This coefficient is not utilized here because the load at the far end could be any mixture of
resistors, inductors, and capacitors. It is important to know the value of the current actually
delivered to the receiver, Ifa. The magnitude of this current is a function of the state of the
interface circuitry at the far end. Once Ifa is known, the value of Ifr can be obtained from (6.2.11).
Current reflected by the far-end termination, Ifr, travels back along the line and manifests
itself as incident current Ini at the terminals at the near end, as shown in Figure 6.2.3. Since
positive loop current is defined as clockwise on all diagrams, and since power is delivered by
the line to the near-end terminals, the incident voltage Vni must necessarily be inverted with
respect to the voltage Vfr.
At any instant, the voltages at the near end are:

Vni Vnr Vgen Vna 6:2:12

Ini Inr Ina 6:2:13

Vni Ro  Ini 6:2:14

Vnr Ro  Inr 6:2:15

Vna Rg  Ina 6:2:16

Using the same process that was used to analyze currents and voltages at the far end, the
relationships at the near end become:
2  Ro  Ini Vgen
Ina 6:2:17
Ro Rg
Inr Ina  Ini 6:2:18

Unlike the computations involving lumped parameters, where the status of the system at time
t is dependent on its status at time t  dt, the status of the equipment interface at each end of
the transmission line is dependent on the status of the interface at the other end of the line at
time t  T.
146 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

Since the current at each end of the line is time-dependent, it is necessary to store data on
instantaneous values for a large number of time steps. Such a requirement calls for a table of
values to be recorded, each record holding data on parameter values for a defined instant in
time. An array needs to be created to hold this data.
Fortunately, it is unnecessary for this array to store a large number of variables for each
instant. If the interface circuits are purely resistive, then only two parameters are involved,
the reflected current at the far end, Ifr, and the reflected current at the near end, Inr. This
limits the number of columns of the array to two. The number of rows can also be limited,
since the state of the transmission line before t  T plays no part in the computation. If the
duration T is divided into N steps of duration dt then:
dt 6:2:19
Defining the value for dt in this way ensures that a computation is carried out for every
instant a transient arrives at a termination.
This means that the table should contain N records and that each record should contain
two values. Since it is necessary to scan the table several times during any particular simu-
lation, there needs to be some way of relating the time of each event to the appropriate record.
If the time interval between each sample is always dt, then the relationship between
computation number n and time t is given by:
tn n  dt 6:2:20

Table 6.2.1 illustrates the necessary correlation between computation number, n, and the
relevant column, p, of the table, given the assumption that the number of columns, N, is 10.
The diagram of Figure 6.2.4 illustrates a configuration in which a signal is transmitted
from one end of a twin-conductor line to the other. The time taken for a transient to pro-
pagate from one end to the other is 100 ns and the characteristic impedance is 100 W. The
signal source at the near end is a voltage generator Vgen with an output impedance of 10 W.
The resistor RL at the far end provides a load impedance of 1000 W.
Determining the response of this signal link to a step voltage is simply a matter of
assembling the relevant equations into an ordered sequence. The worksheet of Figure 6.2.5
illustrates one method.
The top two lines of the worksheet is derived directly from the characteristics of the
configuration-under-review. On the third line, the number N1 is set at 100. This defines
the number of calculations to be carried out during a single traverse of a transient pulse. The
value of N1 is selected to allow the simulation of 30 such sweeps.

Table 6.2.1 Relating each data sample to the computation number

n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
n 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ... ... ...
p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6.2 Delay-line model 147

Vgen Ina Ini Ro = 100 RL
10 V T = 100 nS Ifi Ifa 1K

near end far end

Figure 6.2.4 Delay-line model.

Worksheet 6.2, page 1 See Figure 6.2.1

Ro := 100 Rg := 10 RL := 1000

Vgen := 10 V T := 100 10 s 9

N1 := 100 dt := N2 := 30 N1
send(INPUT, Vgen) := Ini INPUT2 recv(INPUT ) := Ifi INPUT1
2Ro Ini + Vgen 2Ro Ifi
Ina Ifa
Rg + Ro RL + Ro
Inr Ina Ini Ifr Ifa Ifi
Ina Ifa
Inr Ifr

point(n) := m mod(n, N1)

m N1 if m = 0

Ina := data2, N1 0

for i 1..N 2
p point(i)

INPUT data p
send(INPUT, Vgen)
recv (INPUT )

data p OUTPUT
Ii Ina

n := 1..N2 tn := (n 1). dt

Figure 6.2.5 Calculating the waveform of the current at the near end of the line.
148 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

The function send (INPUT,Vgen) carries out the computations which define the currents
existing at the near end of the line at any particular instant  the time t. It responds to two
input variables.
The voltage Vgen is the amplitude of the voltage source. For a step pulse, its value is zero
at all time before t 0, and 10 V at all times thereafter. For a sine wave, it would be a
sinusoidal function of time.
The variable INPUT is a two element vector containing the values of Inr and Ifr at time t  T.
The first line of this subroutine picks out the value of Ifr. Since it is assumed that there
are no losses in the line, then this value is the amplitude of the current Ini arriving at the near-
end terminals at time t.
Given that the values of Vgen and Ini are now available to the subroutine, the values
of Ina and Ini can be calculated using (6.2.17) and (6.2.18). The output of the subroutine is a
two-element vector containing the values of these two parameters at time t.
The subroutine recv(INPUT) performs a similar set of calculations for currents at the far
end of the line and returns a two element vector with the values of Ifa and Ifr.
The point(n) function takes as input the number n of the sequence of computations and
uses it to calculate a value for p, a pointer to the appropriate record in Table 6.2.1.
In Mathcad, the function mod(n,N) returns the remainder of n when divided by N.
The main program is used to calculate a set of values for Ina, the current delivered to the
input terminals of the transmission line.
The first action of the main program is to define the array data as having two rows and
N1 columns. Initially, all the values are set to zero.
A control variable i is set to run from 1 to N2, the total number of computations involved.
For each computation, the value of the integer p is calculated. This points to the
appropriate column in the data array, and the record stored in that column is defined as
the vector INPUT. This is a two-element vector holding the values of Inr and Ifr at time
t  T.
These values are treated as Ifi and Ini at time t by the two subroutines send(INPUT,Vgen)
and recv(INPUT), and values for Inr and Ifr are calculated. These are placed in a two element
vector, OUTPUT, and the contents of this vector are used to overwrite the record in column
p of the data array.
The final action of each computation is to select the local variable Ina and place the value
in element i of the vector I.
The output of the main program is a vector containing all the values computed for
Ina. This parameter can be regarded as the current delivered to the input terminals of the
transmission line.
The waveform of this current is illustrated by Figure 6.2.6. The amplitude of the initial
step current is due to a 10 V supply loaded by 10 W and 100 W in series. It is only after
several reflections have occurred that the current settles down to its steady-state value the
current due to a 10 V supply loaded by 1000 W and 10 W in series. During the settling-in
period, there is a burst of high frequency oscillation in the system.
The configuration depicted by Figure 6.2.4 is indicative of many signal links in the
average system. In many configurations, the output impedance of the sender is less than 10 W
and the input impedance of the load is greater than 1000 W. This means that there is a brief
burst of oscillation on the line every time a voltage step occurs.
6.3 Line characteristics 149

See Figure 6.7



0 1 106 2 106 3 106
t s

Figure 6.2.6 Waveform of the current delivered to input of transmission line.

Step changes in voltage occur every time a logic signal changes state and every time a
device is switched on or off. If the interface circuitry is not matched to the line, then it will
also carry a great number of high frequency transient currents. Moreover, the frequency
will be close to that of quarter-wave resonance, the ideal frequency for creating maximum

6.3 Line characteristics

It would seem that the model for the delay line has lost two of the essential features of any
circuit model; there are no inductors and there are no capacitors. However, these parameters
have not really disappeared.
The definitive parameters for a loss-free line are the characteristic impedance Ro and the
transition time T. (In transient analysis, the concept of reactance does not exist, since the
parameters L and C are treated separately. Impedance parameters can only be resistive.)
Since these have been derived from the values for the inductance and capacitance of the line,
it should be possible to reverse the process.
Equations (4.1.7) and (4.1.18) define the basic relationships for any transmission line. For
a loss-free line, frequency response analysis gives:
Ro 6:3:1

qjw La  Ca 6:3:2
150 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

where La and Ca are the loop inductance and the loop capacitance of the line. From
p l
La  Ca T 6:3:3
It follows that:
qjwT 6:3:4

From (6.3.1):
Ca 6:3:5
Substituting for Ca in (6.3.3):
This removes the j operator and the w parameter from the equations and allows inductance
to be defined in terms of T and Ro:
La T  Ro 6:3:6

Substituting for La in (6.3.5):

Ca 6:3:7
Hence, (6.3.6) and (6.3.7) allow the values of La and Ca to be derived from Ro and T.
The inductance of a transmission line can be determined by shorting the far-end termi-
nations and applying a voltage to the near end via a resistance of known value. Figure 6.3.1
illustrates the configuration and Figure 6.3.2 shows the corresponding model when lumped
parameters are used.
Analyzing the response of Figure 6.3.1 is simply a matter of copying the Mathcad
worksheet of Figure 6.2.5, changing the value of RL to zero, and re-running the program.
This constitutes page 1 of a new worksheet.
Analyzing the response of Figure 6.3.2 is a matter of following the process described in
section 6.1.1. The loop equation is:
Vgen Rg  I L  6:3:8

Rg Ro = 100
Vgen 10 Iline
T = 100 ns
10 V

Figure 6.3.1 Transmission line configured as an inductance.

6.3 Line characteristics 151

Rg L
Vgen 10 Iind
10 V 10 H

Figure 6.3.2 Lumped parameter model of short-circuited line.

Worksheet 6.3.1 page 2

(page 1 of worksheet is a copy of Figure 6.2.5 with the value of RL set at zero)

Rg := 10 RL := 0 dt := 1109 L := T Ro L := 1105
I := 0 next(I ) := dI (Vgen Rg I ) Iindn := I next(I )
I I + dI

Figure 6.3.3 Calculating response of model of Figure 6.3.2.

Rearranging this equation gives:

dI  Vgen  Rg  I 6:3:9
Equation (6.3.9) forms the core calculation of the program illustrated by Figure 6.3.3. This is
page 2 of the new worksheet.
The response of the transmission-line model is illustrated by the stepped curve Iline of
Figure 6.3.4. The response of the lumped parameter model is illustrated by the solid curve
Iind. As expected, the current rises exponentially toward 1 A; the steady-state current in
10 W due to a constant voltage of 10 V.
Correlation between the responses of the two models is quite evident. It illustrates the
fact that the transmission-line model indeed has inductive properties, and that (6.3.6) defines
the value of that inductance.
The capacitance of the line can be revealed by open circuiting the terminations at the far
end of the line and by increasing the value of Rg.
In Figure 6.3.5, the value of RL is changed to 10 MW, which is an open-circuit compared
to Ro. The value of Rg is changed to 1000 W, 10 times the value of Ro.
For this configuration, the lumped parameter model would be as shown by Figure 6.3.6,
and the value of C can be calculated using (6.3.7).
The loop equation for this model is:
Vgen Rg  I 6:3:10
and this leads to:
1 Q
I  Vgen  6:3:11
Rg C
152 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis


0.4 see Figures 6.3.1 and 6.3.2


0 1 106 2 106 3 106
t s

Figure 6.3.4 Response of short-circuited line and 10 mH inductor.

1k near far

Vgen Ro = 100 RL
10 V T = 100 ns 10 M

Figure 6.3.5 Transmission line configured as a capacitance.

1k near

Icap C
1 nF
10 V

Figure 6.3.6 Lumped parameter model of open-circuit line.

Comparing the responses of the open-circuit line with that of the RC circuit can be carried
out by invoking a similar procedure to that employed with the assessment of inductance.
Figure 6.3.7 is a copy of the second page of the relevant worksheet. The new values of Rg
and RL are recorded at the top of the page, and the core calculation of the program is derived
from (6.3.11).
Figure 6.3.8 shows the results of the computations. As expected, the initial amplitude of
the current into the capacitor C is 10 mA, the current flowing in 1 kW due to a voltage
of 10 V. The stepped curve which tracks this response is due to current delivered to the open-
circuit transmission line of Figure 6.3.5. The correlation between the two curves could not be
closer. This demonstrates that the transmission line possesses capacitive properties, and that
the value of the capacitance is given by (6.3.7).
Normally, a capacitor is constructed by winding a length of two closely spaced con-
ductors into a tight spiral. Coupling between the turns of the spiral results in multiple
6.3 Line characteristics 153

Worksheet 6.3.2 page 2

(page 1 of this worksheet is a copy of Figure 6.2.5 with the value of RL set to 107)
Rg := 1103 RL := 1107 dt := 1109 C := C := 1109
Icap := Q 0 T := 100 109
for i 1.. N2
1 Q
Ic Vgen
Rg C
Q Q + Ic dt
Ii Ic

Figure 6.3.7 Calculating the transient current in the 1 nF capacitor.


8 103

6 103
4 103

2 103

0 1 106 2 106 3 106
t s

Figure 6.3.8 Response of open-circuited line compared to that of a capacitor.

reflections in the assembly, the net result being a curve that is indistinguishable from that of
the lumped parameter model.
Changing Vgen from a step-function generator to a sinusoidal voltage source enables the
response of the open-circuit line to be assessed at any frequency. Figure 6.3.9 illustrates the
configuration. The quarter-wave frequency of the line is:

fq 2:5 MHz 6:3:12
If this is the frequency of the source Vgen, then the current delivered would be as shown
in Figure 6.3.10. This illustrates the fact that the amplitude of the current gradually builds
up. At every half-cycle, the amplitude is increased by a small increment. A limit is
reached when the peak current is 1 A, the current in Rg when a peak voltage of 10 V
is applied.
154 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

10 near far

Vgen Ro = 100 RL
10 V T = 100 ns 10 M

Figure 6.3.9 Transmission line acting as a tuned circuit.

A 0.5

Iline 0


0 1 106 2 106 3 106
t s

Figure 6.3.10 Response of open-circuit line at quarter-wave frequency.

A 0.1


Iline 0


0 1 106 2 106 3 106
t s

Figure 6.3.11 Response of open-circuit transmission line at half-wave frequency.

Hence, when an alternating current at the quarter-wave frequency is applied to an open-

circuit line, the input terminals appear to be short-circuited. Such a conclusion is exactly the
same as that obtained with AC analysis. However, there is a significant difference between
the two types of analysis; AC analysis does not predict the gradual build-up of current
If the frequency of the source generator were to be changed to 5 MHz, the half-wave
frequency, then the current waveform at the near end of the line, would be as illustrated by
Figure 6.3.11.
6.4 Antenna-mode current 155

For the first cycle of the waveform the current is due to a 10 V sinusoidal signal in a
resistance of 110 W. That is, the resistance value is equal to Rg Ro. Subsequent cycles of
the waveform are progressively reduced. After about 100 cycles, the current delivered to the
line is effectively zero. Such a response is due to the fact that the incident current at the near
end of the line generates a voltage across Rg that precisely balances the voltage delivered by
the source generator Vgen.
This means that, as far as the source generator is concerned, a transmission line that is
open-circuit at the far end will appear as an open-circuit at the near end. Again, this con-
clusion is the same as that predicted by ac analysis. However ac analysis does not predict the
existence of a brief burst of current into the line, and that a standing wave exists along the
line all the time an input signal is applied.

6.4 Antenna-mode current

Having developed a delay-line model to simulate the action of a twin-conductor cable, the
next obvious step was to set up an experiment and observe how an actual line responds to a
step input. Comparing the actual waveform with that of the simulation should provide some
indication of the accuracy of the model. So this was done.
A 15 m length of two-core mains cable was purchased and a signal generator used to
inject a square wave of about 8 ms duration into one end of the line. Figure 6.4.1 is an
illustration of the setup.
The interface circuitry at the near end was designed to provide low source impedance,
while the far end of the cable was open-circuit. This provided a configuration in which
several reflections could be observed for each step of the input waveform.
The input voltage was monitored by channel 1 of the oscilloscope via a simple potenti-
ometer network, while the output current was monitored on channel 2 via a current trans-
former. Waveforms were recorded as accurately as possible.

signal oscilloscope
Ch1 Ch2

50 50

15 m of twin-core cable
46 46
signal conductor
4.7 return conductor far end
near end

Figure 6.4.1 Set up for radiated transient test.

156 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

Rg Rcable
4.7 5 from far end
Vna Ini = Ifr
after 83 ns
Vgen Ina Ini Vnr Inr
Vni 100

near end

to far end
Ifi = Int
Crad after 83 ns
Int Ro
Ins 250 pF

Figure 6.4.2 Delay-line model of 15 m two-core cable.

The first circuit model created to simulate this waveform was found to be wildly inac-
curate. A modified model was found to be equally unrepresentative. This was followed by a
trial-and-error process that eventually resulted in the model of Figure 6.4.2. This produced
a waveform that was a fair representation of the trace displayed on channel 2 of the
What follows is a description of the circuit model and an attempt to relate its operation to
the behavior of the system-under-review. The fact that this approach also seems to be very
trial and error is because thats just what it was. However, the end result is the identifi-
cation of features of electromagnetic coupling which could not be predicted by frequency
response analysis.
In this model, Rg represents the source impedance of the step-function generator Vgen,
while Rcable is a resistor that allows copper losses and dielectric losses to be catered for, and
Ro represents the characteristic impedance of the cable.
Equations for the near end of the cable are:

Vni Vnr Vgen Vna 6:4:1

Ini Inr Ina 6:4:2

Vni Ro  Ini 6:4:3

Vnr Ro  Inr 6:4:4

Vna Rg Rcable  Ina 6:4:5

These are essentially the same as those defined in section 6.2, with the exception that the
parameter Rcable is included in (6.4.5). Using the process described in section 6.2, it can be
deduced that:

2  Ro  Ini Vgen
Ina 6:4:6
Ro Rg Rcable
6.4 Antenna-mode current 157

Rearranging (6.4.2):
Inr Ina  Ini 6:4:7

This current transient travels down the line at a velocity approaching that of light. During
this transit, most of the current flows from the signal conductor, through the characteristic
impedance Ro, and back via the return conductor. (Most of the current delivered to the signal
conductor is derived from current flow via the conductors of the structure and the source
resistance Rg. Section 6.5 deals with this aspect of the phenomenon in more detail.) How-
ever, not all of the differential-mode current is delivered to the terminations at the far end.
The current that does not arrive is represented by Ins flowing in the radiation capacitor Crad.
The energy apparently lost to the environment due to current flow in the resistor Ro is
effectively stored as a voltage across the capacitor.
The amplitude of Ins can be calculated using Figure 6.4.3, since a current source in
parallel with a resistor can be represented by a voltage source in series with that resistor. The
loop equation for this circuit is:
Inr  Ro Ins  Ro 6:4:8
Ins Inr  6:4:9
Ro  Crad
After each time step, the value of Qns changes. Using Mathcad terminology:
Qns Qns Ins  dt 6:4:10

The current actually transmitted along the cable must be:

Int Inr  Ins 6:4:11

After a delay of T seconds, this transmitted current arrives at the far end. Again using
Mathcad terminology:
Ifi Int 6:4:12

In the model, it is assumed that the open-circuit is represented by a high value resistor RL,
and a value of 10 MW is assigned to this parameter.


Inr Ro Ins
250 pF

Figure 6.4.3 Calculating the value of the stored current.

158 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

The current absorbed in RL is:

2  Ro  Ifi
Ifa 6:4:13
and the current reflected from the far end is:
Ifr Ifa  Ifi 6:4:14

After a further time delay of T seconds, the incident current arriving at the near end is given
Ini Ifr 6:4:15

Assembling the relevant equations into a software program leads to the creation of a
Mathcad worksheet. The first page is illustrated in Figure 6.4.4.
The top two lines of the program are derived from component values of the circuit model.
The function send(near, INPUT, Vgen) is a modified version of send(near, Vgen) of
Figure 6.2.5. The modifications are essentially the inclusion of (6.4.9)(6.4.11).
Since the states of the currents and voltages at the near end of the line are now a function
of Ins and Qns, the values of these parameters need to be available as an input to the
subroutine. This is done through the use of the vector near. Since this vector is also used to
provide updated values of Ina and Int to the main program, these parameters are also
included as input variables (even though they are not actually used by the subroutine).
The function recv(INPUT) is essentially the same as that defined in the worksheet of
Figure 6.2.5.
Figure 6.4.5 illustrates the main program. It is a development of the main program of
Figure 6.2.5. To correlate the simulated waveform with the actual waveform displayed on
channel 2 of the scope, it was necessary to define the time of the leading edge T1 and the
sweep time T2. Since all the time steps in the program are equal in value, it is a simple matter
to identify the step counts N1 and N2 at which they occur.
Since the vector near is used in the near-end calculations, this vector needs to be
declared at the start of the main program. It contains four variables. So the number of rows
is four.
The first step of the iterative subroutine of the main program is to set the initial value of
Vgen to zero. At time T1 it is switched to the value Vg. The value of Vg is defined on the first
page of the worksheet. The most significant modification to the subroutine of Figure 6.2.5 is
due to the need to update the values of the parameters Ins and Qns. So the number of rows in
the near vector changes from two to four.
After all the values have been updated the final action of the iterative subroutine is to
place the value of Ina in the appropriate row of the vector Out. When the iterations have been
completed, the contents of this vector are transferred to the vector Idiff.
Figure 6.4.6 shows the waveform of the current Ina of the circuit model of Figure 6.4.2.
This simulates the current that is being monitored by the current transformer in the setup of
Figure 6.4.1. This waveform is extremely informative.
The first rising edge is exactly as would be predicted by the simple delay-line model of
section 6.2. After this first step, the source delivers a constant current to the line. The
amplitude is due to the application of the voltage Vgen to Rg, Rcable, and Ro in series.
6.4 Antenna-mode current 159

Worksheet 6.4, page 1

Ro := 100 T := 83 109 s Crad := 250 1012 F

Rg := 4.7 Rcable := 5 RL := 107

Vg := 1 V N := 100 dt :=
send(near, INPUT, Vgen) := INPUT
2 Ro Ini + Vgen
Rg + Ro + Rcable
Inr Ina Ini
Ins Inr
Ro Crad
Int Inr Ins
Qns Qns + Ins dt

recv(INPUT ) := INPUT
2 Ro Ifi
RL + Ro
Ifr Ifa Ifi

Figure 6.4.4 Subroutines for near-end and far-end calculations.

This constant current is maintained throughout the time taken by the transient edge to
travel to the far end and for the reflected pulse to travel back to the near end. During this
period, current delivered to the capacitance Crad is totally invisible to the source generator at
the near end. It does not appear in the waveform monitored by channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
When the first leading edge reaches the far end, all the current is reflected straight back
into the line. Its amplitude is unchanged, but its sign is reversed. Positive current leaving the
near end appears as a negative current on its return.
160 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

Worksheet 6.4, page 2

point(n) := m mod(n, N ) see Table 6.2.1

m N if m = 0

T1 := 100 109 s start time

T1 T2
T2 := 2 106 s end time N1 := N2 :=
dt dt
Idiff := data2, N 0
near4 0
for i 1..N2
Vgen Vg if i > N1
p point(i)

INPUT data p
near send(near, INPUT, Vgen)

datap OUTPUT
Outi Ina

n := 1.. N 2 tn := (n 1) dt

Figure 6.4.5 Calculating the waveform of the current at the near end of the line.

Since the load at the near end is much less than Ro, the amplitude of the reflected current
is almost doubled.
If the simple delay-line model had been used, then this current would have caused a step
change in the line current from positive to negative. This does not happen in practice. The
trailing edge is an exponential curve, providing a clear indication that some of the current did
not reach the far end. The lost energy is effectively stored as a voltage across Crad.
When the voltage step reaches the far end, current Inr of Figure 6.4.3 ceases to flow, and
the amplitude of the voltage source Inr  Ro drops to zero. Antenna mode current Ins now
flows back from the cable into the terminals at the near end.
Since the edge of the waveform is now distributed in time, and since subsequent traverses
of the transients are subjected to the same physical phenomena, the result is a gradual
6.5 Radiated emission 161


A 5 103

Idiff 0

5 103

0 5 107 1 106 1.5 106 2 106
t s

Figure 6.4.6 Waveform of current at near end of transmission line.

transition from a square waveform to a sinusoidal waveform. After only a few cycles, the
mismatched line is resonating at its natural frequency.
The amplitude of the waveform gradually decays and after about 3 ms is virtually
It should be emphasized at this point that the component values of the circuit model were
adjusted iteratively until the simulated waveform bore a close resemblance to the waveform
monitored on the scope. In fact, the development of the model and the explanation of how it
simulated the physical phenomena went hand-in-hand. Although the explanation so far
provided is reasonably plausible, there are still some puzzling questions raised by the test
results. These questions are posed and answered in the next section.

6.5 Radiated emission

Although the analysis of section 6.4 created a circuit model that replicated the observed
phenomena, several puzzling features of the test results remain. Chief among these is the fact
that the antenna-mode current is not visible to the current transformer. So the question why
does the transformer not detect this current? needs an answer.

6.5.1 Current linking the transformer

There can be no doubt that antenna-mode current is flowing in the signal conductor, since
that is the only conductor being energized. The return conductor is held at ground potential
at the near end. The fact that the transformer of Figure 6.4.1 does not detect this component
of the current means that there must be antenna-mode current in the return conductor
as well.
162 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

Earlier tests on the same cable, using a sinusoidal source, had demonstrated quite clearly
that the coupling between the conductors is close enough to guarantee that most of the
current emanating from the signal conductor is picked up by the return conductor and flows
in the opposite direction. (See section 7.5.)
Also, the test of a single conductor, described in section 7.4, illustrates the fact that all the
current transmitted along one monopole is provided by current delivered from the other
monopole. With the setup shown on Figure 7.6.1, the signal conductor can be regarded as
one monopole, while the other monopole exists in the form of the assembly of earthed
conductors of the test equipment.
It is not plausible to assume that the send and return components of the differential-mode
current propagate simultaneously along the cable. It is true that if the signal source in
Figure 7.6.1 had been completely isolated from structural conductors, then the voltages
applied to the input terminals of the cable would have been equal in magnitude and opposite
in sign. But it is not isolated.
Since the return terminal is connected to both the return conductor and to ground,
it follows that the voltages applied to signal and return conductors are unbalanced. Since
the primitive capacitance of the ground conductors is much greater than that of the return
conductor, that unbalance must be significant. The amplitude of the current flowing from
the return conductor into the ground conductors has to be much less than that delivered into
the signal conductor.
However, the fact that the antenna-mode current must emanate from the ground con-
ductor does not explain why it is flowing in the same direction as the signal current.
A process of elimination means that the energy causing this outward flow can only come
from the voltage source, via the signal conductor.
The picture emerges of a current transient propagating along the surface of the signal
conductor and creating the wavefront of an electromagnetic field. This spreads out in the
same way as the bow wave of a ship. Since the conductors of the transmission line are 2 mm
apart, the wavefront does not reach the return conductor until the current pulse has propa-
gated at least 2 mm along the signal conductor.
When the wavefront does reach the return conductor, it induces a voltage on the surface.
This voltage creates a current that flows back toward the near end. Current in the return
conductor creates an electromagnetic field of its own, a field that spreads out to enclose
the signal conductor. This field tends to neutralize the field emanating from the signal
conductor; but not all of it. The coupling cannot be 100 per cent efficient. So the amplitude
of the induced current is less.
By the time the field from the return conductor reaches the signal conductor, the
advancing wavefront has progressed a further 2 mm. Since this happens for every increment
of length, it must happen along the whole length.
Behind the wavefront, there is an increasing length of cable in which current is flowing in
one direction in the signal cable, and in the opposite direction in the return conductor. Since
the current in the return conductor is slightly less, there must be an unbalanced current flow
in the cable. Since both conductors are now acting as transmitting antennae, the net result is
that there is a residual current flow from the near end. Mutual coupling ensures that this
antenna-mode current is shared equally between the two conductors.
Hence, there are two current components flowing in each conductor; the differential-
mode current and the antenna current. Figure 6.5.1 illustrates the current flow, viewed from
6.5 Radiated emission 163

Idiff +
signal conductor

Idiff +
return conductor

Figure 6.5.1 Unidirectional current in cable.

Idiff +
signal conductor

return conductor

Figure 6.5.2 Loop current in cable.

the point of view of unidirectional current. This shows that there is a net flow outward of
Iaerial. At the wavefront, antenna-mode current is flowing in the forward direction along
both conductors.
Figure 6.5.2 views the same two conductors, this time from the point of view of loop
current. Magnetic material in the transformer responds only to the current which encloses the
core. Since the antenna-mode current in one conductor balances the antenna-mode current in
the other, this part of the current flow is invisible to the transformer.
In classical transmission-line theory, the concept of partial currents was introduced to
explain the behavior of reflections at the terminations. The above reasoning indicates that
there is at least one more partial current to add to incident current and reflected current
antenna-mode current.
To summarize: Electric charge is deposited on the return conductor. Induced voltage
causes a current to flow back along the return conductor toward the source. This current
creates an electromagnetic field that couples with the signal conductor and that also radiates
outwards. Since the current in the return conductor does not completely balance that in the
signal conductor, there is an unbalanced charge that propagates along the cable, just behind
the wavefront. In addition, there is antenna-mode current which propagates outwards along
both conductors and is converted into an electromagnetic wave. This means that there are at
least three current components involved:
that which carries differential-mode signal,
that which deposits unbalanced charge on the cable, and
that which flows out radially in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
It is useful at this point to make a distinction between common-mode current and antenna-
mode current:
Common-mode current is that which flows in the loop formed by the return conductor
and the adjacent structure.
Antenna-mode current is that which flows between the cable and the environment when
there is no nearby structure.
164 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

6.5.2 Line voltage

The reasoning also leads to an explanation for the use of lumped parameters in the delay-line
model of Figure 6.4.2. Conventional delay-line theory caters for the fact that, as the wave-
front progresses, the voltage between the conductors undergoes a step change. It does not
cater for a situation where the step change on one conductor is less than the step change on
the other.
If such a situation is taken into account, it means that there is also an unbalanced voltage
component that progresses along the cable.
Conductive material behind the step is charged; conductive material in front of the step is
uncharged. Effectively, the charged portion of the system capacitance is increasing, instant
by instant. For an elemental length of cable:

dQ V  dC 6:5:1

where dC is the capacitance of that element. Since the cross section of the cable is constant,
the capacitance is proportional to the length which has been charged. Since the propagation
velocity is constant, the rate of change of length with time is constant. So the apparent rate of
change of capacitance with time is constant. From (6.5.1):

dQ dC
V 6:5:2
dt dt

Equation (6.5.2) is applicable to a situation where a constant voltage is being applied to a

capacitance that varies with time.
Conventional circuit theory makes the assumption that the capacitance is constant and
that the parameter which varies with time is the voltage. That is:

dQ dV
C 6:5:3
dt dt

It follows, from (6.5.2) and (6.5.3), that:

dV dC
C V 6:5:4
dt dt
This relationship justifies the existence of lumped parameters in the delay-line model of
Figure 6.4.2.

6.5.3 Source current and voltage

From the point of view of the source generator, another part of the picture emerges. Since
Vgen is the only source of power in the system, it must supply both the differential-mode
current and the antenna-mode current. Figure 6.5.3 shows that the current in the resistor Rg
must be the sum of Idiff and Iaerial.
As far as the generator is concerned, the source of Iaerial must be the ground conductor.
Such a deduction is entirely plausible, since the conductor contains a large surface area of
6.5 Radiated emission 165

signal conductor Idiff + Iaerial transmitting aerial

Vgen Vin
return conductor receiving aerial
ground Idiff

Figure 6.5.3 Current sharing at source generator.

conducting material. This being so, it must have a high capacitance, a low inductance, and
hence, a low characteristic impedance.
This means that, at the output terminals of the supply, all the antenna-mode current is
flowing in the signal conductor. The signal conductor is behaving as a transmitting antenna
and the return conductor as a receiving antenna. Differential-mode current is delivered to the
return conductor, while the rest is converted into electromagnetic radiation.
From Figure 6.5.3, the voltage applied to the input terminals of the cable is Vin, where:

Vin Vgen  Rg  Idiff Iaerial

Comparing Figure 6.5.3 with Figure 6.4.2 allows the parameters of the two models to be
correlated. That is, the current Ina used in the calculations corresponds to Idiff, and the
antenna-mode current Ins corresponds to Iaerial. This gives:

Vin Vgen  Rg  Ina Ins 6:5:5

6.5.4 Radiated current

Current used to deliver unbalanced charge to the transmission line is only one component of
antenna-mode current.
Developing the model to simulate current which is actually being radiated involves one
further step in the reasoning. In conventional textbook analysis of transmission-line tran-
sients, it is necessary for the inductive and capacitive parameters to undergo a metamor-
phosis and reappear as a resistance Ro and a time delay T. The relationships are set out in
section 6.3. For a two-conductor cable, normal practice is to represent the characteristic
impedance as a single resistor.
However, the modeling process for alternating signals has revealed that this single
resistor provides an inadequate representation of the observed phenomenon. Three con-
ductors are necessary; the signal conductor Ro1, the return conductor Ro2, and the virtual
conductor Ro3. Figure 6.5.4 provides a more revealing picture of the impedance presented to
the output terminals of the signal source.
This figure makes it clear that the source current flows along the signal conductor. Most
returns via the return conductor, but some flows into the environment.
166 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

Rg Ro1

Vgen Vin Ina


virtual conductor

Figure 6.5.4 Simulating the radiated current, Irad.

Calculating the value for these three components is relatively simple, using the equation:
Roi 6:5:6

where i is an integer identifying the conductor, and Lci and Cci are defined by (5.2.9) and
The resistance Ro as seen by the output terminals of the source at the near end is:

Ro2  Ro3
Ro Ro1 6:5:7
Ro2 Ro3

The relationship between Irad and Ina is:

Irad  Ina 6:5:8
Ro2 Ro3

Since the far end is isolated from ground, there is no third conductor available to deliver
extra charge to the cable. So the primitive voltages existing at the far-end terminals are
perfectly balanced with respect to the environment. Even so, both conductors act as trans-
mitting antennae, as far as returning current from the far end is concerned.

6.5.5 Cable losses

Any transmission line provides a highly efficient means of carrying an electromagnetic
signal from one location to another. Even so, there are losses:
Differential-mode energy is stored in the cable. This is released into the environment
when the line is disconnected.
Some energy is used to heat up the conductors, due to copper losses. This can be simu-
lated by inserting a resistor in series with the source resistance. Since transient currents
are involved, skin effect will cause the value of this resistor to be much higher than the
steady-state resistance of the conductors.
6.5 Radiated emission 167

There could be losses in the dielectric material of the insulation. These could be simu-
lated by placing a high-value resistor between the two conductors at the generator end of
the line.
Some of the transient differential-mode current radiates away. When the polarity of the
radiation from one conductor is positive, the polarity of the radiation from the other is
negative. If the cable is twisted, this differential-mode radiation tends to cancel itself out
at a short distance from the line.
There is also a transient antenna-mode current Irad which emanates from the cable in
the form of electromagnetic radiation. Figure 6.5.4 shows how this can be simulated.
Current flows into the cable from the ground conductor to replace this loss. (This
is the same phenomenon that was analyzed in section 5.2, using sinusoidal
Section 6.4 has shown that, as well as propagating down the line, the current transient leaves
a residual charge on the line. The amplitude of the stored charge can be determined by the
model of Figure 6.4.2. If a step voltage is applied to the input terminals, current Ins flows
into Crad for 2  T seconds, that is, the time it takes for the step to be reflected back to the
input terminals. Since this charge is eventually converted back into a current and the energy
dissipated in the resistors Rg and Rcable, this stored energy also represents a loss.

6.5.6 Line parameter measurements

Section 6.3 has shown that when the delay-line model is used to simulate the response of a
lossless line, the inductive and capacitive parameters disappear from the equations. They are
replaced by the characteristic impedance and the propagation time. That is, L and C are
replaced by Ro and T.
If a step pulse is applied to a line with a mismatched termination at the far end, then a
steady current I will flow into the line for 2  T seconds. Figure 7.6.5 shows how this time
period and current can be measured for an open-circuit line.
From (6.3.7):
Substituting VI for Ro in this equation gives:
C 6:5:9
Similarly, from (6.3.6):
L T  Ro
Substituting for Ro:
L 6:5:10
Since V, I, and T are known, both L and C can be calculated.
168 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

6.6 Transient emission model

The reasoning of the previous section points the way to a further development of the model
used to simulate transient radiation; development which allows all the current and voltage
components to be simulated.
In Figure 6.6.1, the resistor representing the characteristic impedance of the transmission
line is replaced by a potentiometer network. Resistors Ro1 and Ro2 represent the char-
acteristic impedances of the signal and return conductors, respectively, while Ro3 represents
the characteristic impedance of the virtual conductor.
As in the earlier model, Ina, Ini, and Inr represent the absorbed, incident, and reflected
currents at the near end, while Ifa, Ifi, and Ifr represent currents at the far end. The current
Ine is that which departs into the environment in the form of electromagnetic radiation. As
far as the transmission line is concerned, this represents current which has disappeared from
the system. Consequently, there is less current available to lay down antenna-mode charge
on the conductors. This current is identified in the diagram as Inf. This means that there are
three components to the current reflected from the near end:
that which is converted into electromagnetic radiation, Ine,
that which is stored on the outer surface of the cable, Ins, and
that which is actually transmitted to the far end, Int.
Of course, there are other losses, due to
voltage drop due to current in the resistance of the two conductors, and
voltage drop due to current in the dielectric material of the insulation.
These latter two effects are due to the conversion of electrical energy into heat energy.
Losses due to differential mode radiation are indistinguishable from those due to losses in
the dielectric material, and could be simulated by a resistor connected between the two cable

from far end
Rg Rcable Ro1 Ini = Ifr
after T second
Vgen Ina Vin Ini Inr

near end

structure Inf = Inr Ine

to far end
Ifi = Int
after T second
Ins Crad Int Rno

Figure 6.6.1 General circuit model for transient emissions.

6.6 Transient emission model 169

conductors. In the model of Figure 6.4.2, all the losses are simulated by a single resistor,
A comparison between Figures 6.4.2 and 6.6.1 reveals that the significant modification is
the inclusion of a new circuit loop carrying the current Ine. This is the current which flows
into the environment in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
The impedance presented by the cable to the output terminals of the source generator is:

Ro2  Ro3
Ro Ro1 6:6:1
Ro2 Ro3

This is also the impedance presented to the terminals at the far end.
From inspection of Figure 6.6.1, the equation for the antenna-mode loop is:

0 Ro2  Ini Inr Ro2 Ro3  Ine

Ine  Ini Inr
Ro2 Ro3

Ine Loss  Ina 6:6:2


Loss 6:6:3
Ro2 Ro3

The current flowing from the near end toward the far end is now:

Inf Inr  Ine 6:6:4

The current which stores antenna-mode charge on the cable is similar to (6.4.9):

Ins Inf  6:6:5
Rno  Crad

And the current which is actually transmitted to the far-end terminals is:

Int Inf  Ins 6:6:6

In section 6.5, it was reasoned that the current Ins used to create antenna-mode charge on the
cable must flow through the source resistance Rg. This means that (6.4.5) needs to be
modified. The modified relationship becomes:

Vna Rg Rcable  Ina Rg  Ins 6:6:7

170 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

Since the current used to deliver stored charge varies along the length of the cable, it is
assumed that no voltage drop is incurred along the length of the cable by Ins. Taking this
new relationship into account, (6.4.6) changes to:

2  Ro  Ini Vgen  Rg  Ins

Ina 6:6:8
Ro Rg Rcable

There is now sufficient information available to modify the worksheet of section 6.4 to
analyze the response of the model of Figure 6.6.1. However, several more relationships are
needed before the response of the model can be correlated with that of the setup of
Figure 6.4.1.
The differential-mode current delivered by the source generator to the cable is:

Idiff Inr Ini  Ine

That is:
Idiff Ina  Ine 6:6:9

The antenna-mode current is, by definition, Ine.

Since the only source of energy is the generator Vgen, then the current Ins must flow
through the source resistor Rg. Hence, the voltage actually applied to the terminals at the
near end must be:
Vin Vgen  Rg  Ina Ins 6:6:10

It can be assumed that the relationship between the voltage monitored by channel 1 of the
oscilloscope and the voltage Vin is:
K 6:6:11
Similarly, it can be assumed that the relationship between current monitored by the current
transformer, Imon, and the voltage displayed by channel 2 of the scope is:

ZT 6:6:12
Having established all the necessary relationships, the next step is to assemble them into a
program that simulates the transient response of the configuration. The first page of the
worksheet is devoted to the definition of the input variables associated with the model of
Figure 6.6.1 and with the test setup illustrated by Figure 6.4.1. This page is reproduced by
Figure 6.6.2.
As with the frequency-response models, this time-domain response model can also be
used to correlate the theoretical response with that of the actual hardware. Relevant variables
are identified by the phrase adjust to suit.
The second page of the worksheet, Figure 6.6.3, defines the two subroutines used to
calculate the responses at the near and far ends of the line after each time step. It is a
modified version of the subroutines illustrated by Figure 6.4.4.
6.6 Transient emission model 171

Worksheet 6.6, page 1

Rg := 4.7 RL := 107 Impedances of source and load

Vmeas := 0.41 V Measured voltage between horizontal sections of square wave

Crad := 220 1012F Value assigned to radiation capacitor. Adjust to suit

Rcable := 1 Resistor which simulates cable losses. Adjust to suit

Ro1 := 50 Ro2 := Ro1 Ro3 := 600 See Figure 6.6.1 Adjust to suit

Loss := See (6.6.3)
Ro2 + Ro3

Ro2 Ro3
Ro := Ro1 + = 96.154 See (6.6.1)
Ro2 + Ro3

ZT := 2.27 See (7.2.6)

K := See (7.6.1)
Vg := Vg = 0.789 See (6.6.11)
T := 83 109 s Measured transit time. Adjust to suit

N := 100 Number of time steps per transit

dt := Time of each step

T1 := 150 109 s Time of leading edge of square wave, as displayed on oscilloscope

T2 := 4.1 106 s Time of trailing edge of square wave, as displayed on oscilloscope

T3 := 5 106 s Sweep time of oscilloscope

T1 T2 T3 Number of time steps at which

N1 := N2 := N3 :=
dt dt dt each event occurs.

n := 1.. N 3 tn := (n 1) dt Definition of horizontal axis of display

Figure 6.6.2 Definition of input variables.

The third page of the worksheet, illustrated by Figure 6.6.4, defines the main program
used to calculate the response of the selected variable over the defined time.
The output variable can be the following:
Vch1: The input voltage waveform, as observed on channel 1 of the oscilloscope.
The leading edge is defined by T1, the trailing edge by T2.
172 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

Worksheet 6.6, page 2

send(near, INPUT, Vgen) := Ini INPUT2

Ine near
2 Ro Ini + Vgen RgIns
Ina See (6.6.8)
Ro + Rg + Rcable
Inr Ina Ini See (6.4.7)
Ine Loss Ina See (6.6.2)
Inf Inr Ine See (6.6.4)
Ins Inf See (6.6.5)
Ro Crad
Qns Qns + Ins dt See (6.4.10)
Int Inf Ins See (6.6.6)

recv(INPUT ) := Ifi INPUT1 Copy of function defined in Figure 6.4.4

2 Ro Ifi
RL + Ro
Ifr Ifa Ifi

Figure 6.6.3 Subroutines for near-end and far-end calculations.

Vdiff: The differential-mode current waveform, as observed on channel 2 of the

Vrad: The antenna-mode current waveform, as observed on channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
In the particular case of the routine illustrated by Figure 6.6.4, the simulation would be of
The input variables have been adjusted to simulate the responses of the three tests
described in section 7.6. Several iterations were carried out before a fair correlation was
achieved between test results and model. When the final iteration had occurred, no further
6.6 Transient emission model 173

Worksheet 6.6, page 3

point(n) := m mod(n, N )
m N if m = 0

Vch1 := data2, N 0
near5 0

for i 1..N3
Vgen Vg if i > N1
Vgen 0 if i > N2
p point(i)

INPUT data p
near send(near, INPUT, Vgen)
Ine near
recv(INPUT )

data p OUTPUT
Idiff Ina Ine See (6.6.9)
Vin Vgen Rg(Ina + Ins) See (6.6.10)
Vch1 K Vin See (6.6.11)
Vdiff ZTIdiff See (6.6.12)
Vrad ZTIne See (6.6.12)
Vi Vch1
Channel 1 selected as output variable

Figure 6.6.4 Main routine used to analyze transient response.

alteration was made to the input variables. The program was run three more times, each time
with a different output variable selected.
Then the input variables were assigned to the general circuit model of Figure 6.6.1 to
create the representative circuit model of the assembly-under-test (Figure 6.6.5).
Section 7.6 demonstrates the fact that the same circuit model can simulate three dif-
ferent responses of the cable-under-test. This indicates that it is a useful predictor of
transient radiation. Worksheet 7.6.9 demonstrates that there is a clear correlation between
174 CHAPTER 6 Transient analysis

Rcable from far end

4.7 1 50 Ini = Ifr
after 83 s
Vgen Ina Ini Inr
789 mV 50
near end
Inf = Inr Ine
to far end
Ifi = Int
220 pF after 83 s
Int 96.2

Figure 6.6.5 Representative circuit model of transient emission from cable.

the frequency response model of Figure 7.5.12 and the transient response model of
Figure 6.6.5.
Both of these representative models have been related to electromagnetic phenomena and
both replicate the actual response of the hardware. So it is fair to claim that the general
circuit models on which they are based can be used with a high degree of confidence. Further
testing and modeling should confirm their reliability. Sufficient information has been pro-
vided for this to be done.

Bench testing

It is normal practice to carry out bench tests of the functional behavior of prototype circuitry
during the development of any new product. This identifies problems that had not been
predicted during the feasibility study and provides an opportunity to rectify those faults. It
also provides an early opportunity to check that the design requirements are being met.
Since EMC is also a functional requirement, it is logical to expect that this aspect of
design should be checked at the prototype stage.
Two items of essential equipment are the voltage transformer and the current transformer.
Several manufacturers produce such items, but they are highly expensive, and not really
suitable for general-purpose use. So the transducers described in this section were assembled
from components obtained from a supplier of electronic components.
Section 7.1 describes the construction of a low-cost voltage transformer. This consists of
ten turns of wire wound on a spit-core ferrite assembly. A low-value resistor in parallel with
the primary winding ensures that the transducer is a wide-band device. The secondary
winding is the loop-under-test. A monitor winding enables the amplitude of the injected
voltage to be measured.
The frequency response of the transformer was checked by applying a known voltage to
the primary winding and measuring the output of the secondary. A circuit model was sub-
jected to analysis using a Mathcad program. Only a few iterations of this program were
needed to establish a one-to-one correlation between the test results and the response of
the model. By this means, a model was created that could be used to simulate the response of
the voltage transformer. This model can be used for analysis in the frequency domain or the
time domain.
A current transformer was assembled in much the same way. This time, the primary was
the loop-under-test and the secondary provided an output voltage proportional to the input
current. A circuit model was created to simulate the device characteristics. This circuit
model provides the calibration curve for the device. The process is described in section 7.2.
Section 7.3 describes the construction of a triaxial cable that can be used to minimize
interference between cables of the test equipment.
Section 7.4 describes a test on an isolated conductor, where a known voltage is injected
into the center of the conductor using the voltage transformer and the current monitored with
the current transformer. Data on the length and diameter of the conductor was used to assign
value to the components of the dipole model of section 5.2. A close match was obtained
between the response of the conductor and the model. However, the peak of the emitted

176 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

current was significantly higher than that of a dipole antenna. This is probably because there
was no resistance in the center of the cable to damp down the oscillations (as there would be
in a dipole antenna).
Section 7.5 describes similar test on a twin-conductor cable, where the terminations are
open-circuit. A circuit model was developed, which simulates both the differential-mode
current and the antenna-mode current.
Section 7.6 provides details of the transient test on the 15 m cable described in sections
6.4 and 6.5. Photographs of the actual waveforms are compared with graphs of the simulated
waveforms, providing persuasive evidence of the validity of the model. It is not claimed that
this model is correct in every detail. However,
the one single model simulates the waveforms of three separate signals reasonably
every parameter is shown to be related to electromagnetic phenomena,
it reveals aspects of transmission-line behavior that are not identified in textbooks on
electromagnetic theory,
sufficient information is provided to allow any electronic designer to replicate the tests
and perform the analyses,
clear correlation can be established between the results obtained from the frequency
response tests of section 7.5 and those obtained from the transient tests of section 7.6.
Although the test equipment and tests described in sections 7.17.5 are limited to a band-
width of 20 kHz to 20 MHz, the technique and approach are applicable to a much wider
range of frequencies. Each designer will have test equipment which is suitable for use with
the equipment under development. It is simply a matter of adapting the available equipment
to carry out the type of testing described in this chapter.
The technique of circuit modeling can also be applied to the high-frequency character-
ization of components such as capacitors, inductors, and filters. Section 7.7 provides an
example of the characterization of a capacitor over the range 200 kHz to 1 GHz.

7.1 Voltage transformer

This section defines the requirement of a voltage transformer intended for use with bench test
equipment, describes a particular design, and records details of a set of characterization tests.
Basic requirements for a voltage transformer for use with EMC testing are:
It should enable a known voltage to be induced in series with the loop-under-test.
It should have a wide bandwidth.
It should interface with 50 W co-axial cable.
If it is used as an item of general-purpose test equipment and is available for bench testing of
equipment under development, then there are two more requirements:
It should be a split-core transformer, capable of clamping round the cable-under-test.
It should be a low-cost item.
Figure 7.1.1 illustrates the basic design of such a device and indicates how it can be con-
nected to other items of bench test equipment and to the loop-under-test. In order to meet the
7.1 Voltage transformer 177


R1 Vin

oscilloscope 50
Vin under-
Vch test
monitor turn

Figure 7.1.1 Use of voltage transformer.

Figure 7.1.2 Voltage transformer.

requirement for a wide bandwidth, the impedance of the primary winding should be higher
than R1 at the lowest operating frequency.
The requirement to measure the voltage induced in the loop-under-test is met by the
monitor turn. If the loop-under-test is a short-circuit, then a high current will be induced, and
the applied voltage will be reduced due to the output impedance of the transformer. The
voltage detected by the monitor turn will also drop. This means that the monitor turn will
measure the actual voltage applied to the loop-under-test.
From the circuitry of Figure 7.1.1, the relationship between the voltage Vin applied to the
loop-under-test and the voltage monitored at the appropriate channel of the oscilloscope is:
50 51
Vin  Vch 7:1:1
The 50 W input impedance at the oscilloscope is provided by a BNC adaptor and a BNC
178 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Such a transformer was constructed from parts purchased from suppliers of electronic
components, and is illustrated by Figure 7.1.2. The core itself is a cable suppression core
assembly part number 04 31 173 551, supplied by Fair Rite Products Corp.
The primary winding was 10 turns of 22 SWG enameled copper wire wound round one of
the split cores. The monitor winding was a single turn of enameled copper wire wound round
the other core. There were two reasons for this:
It ensures that the magnetic field being coupled was the same as that which was coupling
the loop-under-test.
It minimizes capacitive coupling with the primary winding, since it is wound on the other
half of the split-core ferrite. Figure 7.1.2 illustrates this separation.
The windings were terminated in a standard terminal block, which provided a mount for the
other components. A 68 W, 2 W resistor was connected in parallel with a 240 W, 0.6 W
resistor and the primary winding. This provided a 53 W resistor in parallel with the primary.
Ideally, the co-axial cable should have been terminated by a 50 W resistor to match its
characteristic impedance. However, it is inevitable that reflected impedance of the loop-
under-test will act as a load in parallel with the termination resistor. To compensate for this
loading effect, a value of 53 W was fitted.
Two BNC connectors were connected to the terminal block to provide an interface
with 50 W co-axial cable. A section of a plastic box was used to provide more rigidity to the
Although this assembly does not meet the quality standard of a professionally engineered
item of equipment, it does the job intended and has proved to be reliable over a period of
more than 5 years.
Testing was carried out using the setup of Figure 7.1.3. A splitter box was used to provide
an input to channel 1 of the oscilloscope. This allowed the input to the voltage transformer to
be monitored. The output of the monitor turn was monitored by channel 2. Each 16.5 W
resistor is a parallel combination of two 33 W resistors.
The signal generator was set to provide a sinusoidal output at a particular frequency, and
the amplitudes of the peak-to-peak signals were measured on the oscilloscope. This process
was carried out over a number of defined frequencies and the results were tabulated. Column 1
of the table of Figure 7.4 gives the frequency in megahertz, column 2 gives the amplitude of
the channel 1 in volts, and column 3 gives the amplitude of the signal at channel 2 in millivolt.

signal splitter box

generator 16.5 16.5
channel 1
thandar 16.5
TG2001 oscilloscope

voltage transformer HM604
10:1 channel 2

Figure 7.1.3 Characterization of voltage transformer.

7.1 Voltage transformer 179

Worksheet 7.1, page 1

0.01 2.2 50
Column 1: frequency, mhz
0.02 2.6 90 Column 2: peak-to-peak voltage on channel 1, V
0.05 3.4 146 Column 3: peak-to-peak voltage on channel 2, mV

0.1 3.8 170

0.2 3.95 177
0.5 3.95 180
data := s := 1.. rows(data)
1 4 182
2 4 180 fs := datas, 1 106
5 3.9 172
Vch1s := datas, 2 Vch2s := datas, 3 103
10 3.8 158
15 3.6 140 Vch2s max(TFt)
TFts := Refs :=
19 3.45 124 Vch1s 2

Figure 7.1.4 Using test results to calculate the transfer function.



1 104 1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
f Hz

Figure 7.1.5 Transfer function of voltage transformer.

For each spot frequency, the ratio of output voltage Vch2 to input voltage Vch1 was
calculated and this ratio gave the value of the transfer function at that frequency. Plotting this
parameter against the frequency, as shown in Figure 7.1.5, gives an indication of the band-
width of the voltage transformer.
The solid line on the graph defines the 3 dB margin. Comparing the dotted curve with
the solid curve gives a clear indication of the bandwidth. In this case, it is from 20 kHz to
20 MHz.
180 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

At this point, the characteristics of the device have been defined in terms of a specified
test and a table of results. A more compact and informative characterization is to define the
transformer in terms of a circuit model. Figure 7.1.6 is such a model. It is based on the
textbook treatment of transformers.
Mutual inductance (the inductance shared by primary and secondary) is represented by
L2. Primary inductance (the inductance due to magnetic flux which links only with the
primary winding) is represented by L1.
Since the turns-ratio is 10 to 1, the impedance ratio of the secondary reflected in the
primary is 100 to 1. Resistance R3 is the reflected value of the series resistance of the
secondary circuit, and resistance R4 is the reflected value of the load resistance at channel 2
input terminals.
Since the simulation is only concerned with amplitudes of the signals, there is no need to
know the phase relationship between currents and voltages. So, as far as this model of the
setup is concerned, the co-axial cable is transparent.
Resistance R2 is the parallel combination of the 68 and 240 W resistors. The 16.5 W
resistors represent the splitter-box components, while the 50 W resistors represent the output
impedance of the signal generator and the input impedance of channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
The capacitance C1 represents the capacitance of the primary winding.
The voltage V1 represents the voltage as monitored by channel 1 of the scope, V2 is the
voltage at the junction of the 16.5 W resistors, V3 is the voltage applied to the input terminals
of the transformer, V4 is the voltage across the mutual inductance, and V5 is 10 times the
voltage monitored by channel 2.
Simulating the frequency response of this model over the range 10 kHz to 20 MHz
requires that the frequency steps are spaced logarithmically. So a vector needs to be created
that defines the set of frequencies to be used. A set of 100 frequencies provides enough data
points to ensure a smooth curve on the graph. Figure 7.1.7 shows the section of the Mathcad
worksheet which performs this function.

R1 R3
16.5 6 H
50 16.5 5.1 K

16.5 R2 L2 R4
Vgen C1 V3 V4 V5
V2 53 58 H 5K
V1 50 520 p

Figure 7.1.6 Representative circuit model of voltage transformer.

Worksheet 7.1, page 2

y2 y1
y1 := log(10103) y2 := log(20106) m :=

i := 1 .. 101 Fi := y m (i 1) + y1

10 y

Figure 7.1.7 Calculating a set of equally spaced frequencies over a logarithmic scale.
7.1 Voltage transformer 181

Calculating the transfer function of the circuit model TFm is performed by the section of
the worksheet illustrated in Figure 7.1.8. The objective is to determine the ratio of V5 to V1,
since the former simulates the voltage at channel 2, while the latter simulates the voltage at
channel 1. So the amplitude of V1 is set at unity. This means that the transfer function of the
model at any frequency is the amplitude of V5 divided by the turns-ratio.
Equations used in the subroutine illustrated in Figure 7.1.8 are derived from inspection of
the circuit model, using the technique of equivalent circuits.
It is now possible to compare the transfer function derived from test results, TFt, with that
derived from the circuit model, TFm, and this is done in the graph of Figure 7.1.9.
This graph illustrates the fact that the curve produced by the circuit model intersects all
the data points derived from testing the assembly. Since the component parts of the model

Worksheet 7.1, page 3

68 240
R1 := 16.5 R2 := = 52.987
68 + 240

R3 := 5100 R4 := 5000

Lp := 64106 H L1 := 6.0106 H L2 := Lp L1 = 5.8 105 H

50 + R1
V1 := 1 V V2 := V1 = 1.33
Turns := 10 C1 := 520 1012 F

TFmi := w 2 p Fi
1 1
Y2 +
j w L2 R3 + R4
1 1
Y1 + + j w C1
R2 Z2 + jw L2
V3 V2
Z1 + R1
V4 V3
Z2 + jw L1
V5 V4
R3 + R4

Figure 7.1.8 Calculating the transfer function of the model.

182 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing




1 104 1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
f, F Hz

Figure 7.1.9 Transfer functions derived from testing and modelling.

simulating the voltage transformer can be identified, it means that those parts can be used to
define its characteristics.
It is useful to describe the process by which the two curves of Figure 7.1.9 were brought
into co-incidence. It was basically an iterative process.
Initially, guess values were assigned to Lp, L1, and C1. Values of other circuit compo-
nents were fixed. Then the value of one of the parameters at the top of the worksheet was
altered slightly and the page was scrolled up to display the final graph. The curve on the
graph did not change until the mouse was clicked. This allowed the change in the position of
the curve to be noted. If the curves moved closer together, then the same incremental change
was made to the parameter.
Initially, it was assumed that capacitor C1 was very small, and attention was focused on
the low-frequency response. The value of Lp (see third line of Figure 7.1.8) was adjusted to
line up the two curves at the low end of the frequency range, and L1 was adjusted to line
up the mid-frequency response.
It is useful to note that L2 is a dependent variable. This means that the total inductance of
the primary winding of the transformer model can be altered with a single parameter change.
Surprisingly little iteration was needed to achieve coincidence over the lower and mid-
frequency ranges. Finally, the value of C1 was adjusted to line up the high-frequency roll-off.
The useable range of this transformer is from 20 kHz to 20 MHz. It is reasonable to
expect that transformers can be constructed to match the operating frequency range of any
particular system-under-review, for example, by using a smaller transformer to extend the
frequency range upwards or by adding more turns on the secondary to extend the range
7.2 Current transformer 183

7.2 Current transformer

The purpose of the current transformer is to enable measurements to be made of the current
in system cables. In configurations where the loop is completed by conductive components
of the structure the measurement would be of the common-mode current. Where the far end
of the cable is isolated (for example, with loudspeaker or microphone cables), the mea-
surement would be of antenna-mode current.
If the core is clamped round the conductor carrying the signal current, then it would be
differential-mode current that is being measured.
In the analytical treatment of the preceding chapters, a clear distinction is made between
these current modes. For example, with a three-core mains conductor, the live/neutral loop
would carry differential-mode current, the neutral/earth loop would carry common-mode
current, and the antenna-mode current would flow in loop formed by the earth conductor and
the virtual conductor representing the environment.
Figure 7.2.1 illustrates the method of coupling the test equipment to the loop-under-test.
With such a configuration, the load reflected into the primary circuit (the loop-under-test) is
the load presented to the secondary divided by the square of the number of turns. Hence, the
greater the number of turns, the less the value of the reflected load, and the less will be the
effect of the test equipment on the system-under-review.
The load seen by the secondary winding is the 51 W resistor R1 in parallel with the 50 W
impedance of the screened cable. Figure 7.2.2 illustrates the relationship.
As far as this load is concerned, it sees a current source Isec, where
Isec 7:2:1
and Iprim is the current in the loop-under-test. The variable Turns is the number of turns on
the primary winding.

loop- oscilloscope
test R1


Figure 7.2.1 Use of current transformer.

R1 R2

51 50

Figure 7.2.2 Transformer as a current source.

184 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing


R1 Isec Vscope

Figure 7.2.3 Transformer as a voltage source.

Figure 7.2.4 Current transformer assembly.

From the viewpoint of the input terminals of the oscilloscope, the signal is generated by a
voltage source, as illustrated by Figure 7.2.3. In all the tests described in this chapter, a 50 W
resistor is inserted in parallel with each scope input.
In the particular transformer described here, the core is exactly the same as that used for
the voltage transformer, and the secondary winding comprises 10 turns of 22 SWG enam-
elled copper wire. Figure 7.2.4 illustrates the assembly. The tie wrap is removable, and is
used to ensure that the two halves of the core are tightly clamped together.
To characterize this transformer, a simple coupling jig was assembled. This delivered a
primary current of known amplitude and known frequency, and was designed to ensure that
the loop-under-test was tightly coupled to the transformer.
The test setup is shown in Figure 7.2.5. Channel 1 of the oscilloscope was used to
measure the current delivered to the transformer, that is, the current in the 50 W resistor
placed at the scope input connector. Channel 2 was used to monitor the output of the
transformer assembly.
As with the test on the voltage transformer, measurements were taken of the peak-to-peak
amplitude of the sine waves displayed on the screen of the scope.
Figure 7.2.6 tabulates the results and illustrates how the transfer impedance ZTt is cal-
culated, by dividing the voltage at channel 2 input by the current in the primary winding.
It is worth noting that the parameter resulting from these calculations is derived from the
ratio of two measurements. It can be assumed that the amplifiers for channels 1 and 2 in the
7.2 Current transformer 185

coupling jig

signal channel 1

51 channel 2
assembly 50

Figure 7.2.5 Setup for calibration of current transformer.

Worksheet 7.2, page 1

0.005 8 98
0.01 8 175
0.02 8 270 column 1: frequency, MHz
column 2: channel 1 voltage, V
0.05 8 340
column 3: channel 2 voltage, mV
0.1 8 360
0.2 8 365
data := 0.5 8 375
s := 1..rows (data) fs = datas, 1 106
1 8 370
ZTts := Vch1 datas, 2
2 8 370
5 7.9 365 Vch2 datas, 3 103

10 7.8 360 Vch1

15 7.4 335 50

19 6.9 330 Vch2


Figure 7.2.6 Using the test results to calculate the transfer impedance.

oscilloscope are identical. This being so, most of the errors in the absolute measurements are
cancelled out.
Mathcad software was then used to display the results. As with the response of the
voltage transformer, this was a set of points that could be joined up to create a frequency
response characteristic.
Again, the use of circuit theory enables the creation of circuit model of the link between
the loop-under-test and the oscilloscope input. Figure 7.2.7 is a development of the simple
model of Figure 7.2.2. R2 and R3 represent the 51 W resistor in the transformer assembly and
the resistor at channel 2 input connector, respectively.
L1 represents the inductance of the transformer winding, while R1 represents transformer
losses. These losses could be due to the magnetic field from the loop-under-test which does
not link with the transformer core. Another cause of losses is the eddy current in the core.
186 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Isec C1
R1 60 pF R2 R3
L1 Vch2
300 R4 50
200 H 51

Iprim = Isec Turns

Figure 7.2.7 Representative circuit model of current transformer.

Worksheet 7.2, page 2

y2 y1
y1 := log(5 103) y2 := log(20106) m :=
i := 1 .. 101

Fi := y m (i 1) + y1 Calculting a set of 100 frequencies,

equally spaced between 5
10 y and 20 MHz.

R1 := 300 R2 := 51 R3 := 50
R4 := 850 L1 := 20010 H C1 := 60 1012 F

Turns := 10

ZTmi := w 2 p Fi
Z1 R4 +
j w C1
1 1 1 1 1
Y2 + + + +
R1 R2 R3 j w L1 Z1

Figure 7.2.8 Calculating the transfer impedance of the circuit model.

Capacitance C1 and resistor R4 were added to the model to simulate additional losses at
frequencies over 2 MHz. This model is amenable to the use of Simulation Programs with
Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) software. It would have been possible to use such
software to produce a frequency response curve similar to that of ZTt. Achieving close
correlation between theoretical results and test results would have involved downloading the
results of the analysis to a computer file, picking up that file with Mathcad software, and then
using Mathcad to compare the two curves.
Such a process was avoided by carrying out the frequency response analysis in the same
worksheet that was used to display the test results. Figure 7.2.8 illustrates the program
7.2 Current transformer 187

This first calculates a set of 101 frequencies, on a logarithmic scale, between 5 KHz and
20 MHz, and stores them in the vector F. It then defines the component values of the circuit
model as well as the number of turns on the secondary.
The equations used in the function ZTm are derived from an inspection of the circuit
model. The impedance Z2 is the impedance as seen by the current generator. It defines the
ratio of Vch2 to Isec. Dividing Z2 by the number of turns gives the ratio of Vch2 to Iprim,
that is, the transfer impedance of the circuit model.
Figure 7.2.9 illustrates the correlation between the test results and the response of
the model. Although there was an initial discrepancy between the two curves, a few
adjustments of L1 and R1 led to a curve which intersected the data points at the low fre-
quencies. Varying the values of C1 and R4 led to a curve which intersected the data point
above 2 MHz as well.
The existence of this model makes it possible to deduce the amplitude of the current in
the loop-under-test by noting the amplitude and frequency of the signal observed on the
oscilloscope. That is, the response of the model of Figure 7.2.8 provides the calibration curve
for the current transformer.
The fact that the frequency response of the transformer assembly is flat over a wide
bandwidth means that it can also be used to monitor the amplitude and waveform of transient
currents. There is one important proviso: the bandwidth of the waveform being monitored
must lie within the bandwidth of the device.



1 103 1 104 1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
fs, Fi Hz

Figure 7.2.9 Transfer impedance from test results, ZTt, and from circuit model, ZTm.

A first approximation to the transient response characteristic can be made by assuming

that the inductor L1 is open-circuit, while the capacitor C1 is replaced by a short-circuit. The
admittance of the circuit becomes Ysec, where:
1 1 1 1
Ysec 7:2:2
R1 R2 R3 R4
188 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Rsec 7:2:3
This gives:
Vch Rsec  Isec 7:2:4

Voltage at the oscilloscope input can be related to the current in the primary loop by
invoking (7.2.1):
Vch  Isec 7:2:5
For this particular device, the transfer impedance to use with transient test analysis is:
RT 2:27 7:2:6

7.3 Triaxial cable

In any test setup, there will be cables which connect the test equipment to the equipment-
under-test (EUT). It is normal practice for these cables to be co-axial, because such cables
are the most practical and efficient means of transmitting signals from one location to
another, as well as being the least likely to cause interference problems.
Even so, stray coupling does exist between co-axial cables. Practical experience has
shown that this coupling can create unwanted signals which completely obscure the signals
from the EUT.
One way of reducing this coupling is to use triaxial cables as illustrated by Figure 7.3.1.
It was not particularly difficult to manufacture such an assembly. The protective boots were
removed from the BNC connectors at each end of an RG58 cable assembly and one end of an
18 W resistor connected to each shell. A roll of wire braid was cut to length and fitted over
the assembly to form an outer sheath. The 18 W resistors were then connected to the outer
sheath, care being taken to ensure the outer braid did not touch the shells of the connectors.
Finally, the assembly was sheathed in an insulating braid.

wire braid BNC plug

RG58 cable (50 )

18 18

Figure 7.3.1 Triaxial cable.

7.4 The isolated conductor 189

The inner and outer braids act as a transmission line, and the characteristic impedance
can be calculated using:
1 mo  mr r3;3
Ro   ln 7:3:1
2p eo  er r2;2

where r2,2 and r3,3 are the radii of the inner and outer braids, respectively.
For RG58 cable, the diameter of the screen is 3.3 mm and that of the outer sheath is
5 mm. Allowing for a loose fitting braid, it can be assumed that the braid diameter is 6 mm.
If it is also assumed that the relative permittivity is 4, then invocation of (7.3.1) gives the
value of Ro as 18 W.
In the presence of an external field, antenna-mode current will flow in the outer skin of
the outer braid. Voltage developed along the length of the braid will cause common-mode
current to flow in the loop formed by the inner and outer braid. Since these two conductors
act as a transmission line, any signal arriving at either end is absorbed in an 18 W resistor.
Since these resistors are the same as the characteristic impedance of the line, there will be
little or no reflection. This means that most of the energy delivered to the cable in the form of
electromagnetic radiation will be dissipated in a resistive load. To achieve good performance
at very high frequencies, several resistors would need to be assembled in an annular ring at
each termination to minimize the inductance of the resistive elements.
As far as radiation from the differential-mode signal is concerned, any voltage developed
along the length of the inner braid will cause a circulating current in the outer transmission
line. Again, the energy of the unwanted signal will be absorbed by the two end resistors.
The net result is a significant improvement in the shielding effectiveness of the RG58

7.4 The isolated conductor

The voltage transformer provides a means of injecting a defined voltage into any conducting
loop without making physical contact between the conductors of the EUT and the test
equipment. The current transformer provides the means of measuring the amplitude of the
induced current. This being so, it is possible to carry out tests on the simplest configuration
which can be envisaged (the isolated conductor). So this is the first test recorded here.
Since the behavior of an isolated conductor was expected to approximate to that of a half-
wave dipole, and since the estimated value of the half-wave frequency of a 15 m length is
10 MHz, the selection of such a length brings the first resonant frequency within the oper-
ating range of the test equipment.
Figure 7.4.1 illustrates the setup. As with the calibration process for the current trans-
former, the output of the signal generator was varied over a range of spot frequencies. Note
was taken of the peak-to-peak amplitude of the signal displayed on both channels of the
oscilloscope and the results tabulated.
Although such a procedure appears more cumbersome than one which uses a program-
mable signal generator and spectrum analyzer, the process has five distinct advantages:
Using the same item of equipment to compare input and output signals eliminates many
problems of calibration.
190 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

signal oscilloscope
generator channel 1 channel 2

50 50
isolated conductor:
14/0.2 mm equipment wire
1 mm diameter


7.5 m 7.5 m

Figure 7.4.1 Testing the response of an isolated conductor.

Monitoring the waveforms provides a visible indication of any distortion which might be
The user is not inundated with vast quantities of data to be processed and interpreted.
Oscilloscopes and signal generators are ubiquitous items of equipment in any electronics
All the items of test equipment can be provided by designers with a limited budget.
Figure 7.4.2 displays the recorded data in the form of a three-column array and defines a
function Ytest(s) which can be used to calculate the admittance characteristic. This con-
stitutes the first page of the Mathcad worksheet which analyzes the results.
The range variable s is used to identify a particular row in the array. The relationship
between the voltage Vin induced in the conductor and the voltage at channel 2 of the
oscilloscope Vch2 is defined by equation (7.1.1). The admittance of the secondary winding
of the current transformer is calculated by using the set of equations defined in the subroutine
of Figure 7.2.8. Multiplying this value by the channel 2 voltage Vch2 gives the value of the
current Isec in the secondary winding. Multiplying Isec by the number of turns gives the
current in the conductor, Iprim.
The ratio of the current in the conductor to the applied voltage Vin gives a value for the
admittance at the spot frequency fs. All the values are recorded in the vector Yt. Figure 7.4.3
illustrates the frequency response of this parameter over the range 120 MHz.
As far as the predicted response was concerned, the shape of this curve was extremely
encouraging. There is a single peak at just below 10 MHz and an indication that there could
be a second peak at just below 30 MHz. This would relate to resonances at the quarter-wave
and three-quarter-wave frequency.
It could reasonably be expected that the dipole model of Figure 5.2.2 would be capable of
simulating the response. Such a task would be just a matter of assigning numerical values to
the components, defining the relevant equations, and setting these out in the worksheet. The
general circuit model is reproduced in Figure 7.4.4.
A brief examination of the tabulated data reveals that the quarter-wave frequency fq of the
conductor-under-review is 7.83 MHz. Given knowledge of his frequency and the measured
length of the cable, it is possible to use (2.3.10) to calculate the propagation velocity.
7.4 The isolated conductor 191

Worksheet 7.4, page 1

1 400 0.4
column 1: frequency, MHz
2 400 0.4 column 2: channel 1 voltage, mV
column 3: channel 2 voltage, mV
3 400 1
4 395 1.9 Yt is the admittance derived from test results
5 390 3.4
6 390 5.9
6.5 385 8.4 From Figure 7.2.7:

7 385 14.5 R1 := 300

R2 := 51
7.5 380 26 R3 := 50
R4 := 850
7.83 360 36
L1 := 200106 H
C1 := 60 1012 F
8 350 31.5
Turns := 10
8.5 345 16.5
data := s := 1..rows(data) fs := datas, 1 106
9 345 10.5
10 345 6.2
Ytest(s) := Vch1 datas, 2 103
11 345 6
51 + 50
12 345 4.4 Vin Vch1
13 340 3.4
Vch2 datas, 3 103
14 340 3
15 330 3 w 2 p fs

16 330 2.4 1
Z1 R4 +
j w C1
17 320 1.4
1 1 1 1 1
18 315 2.2 Y2 + + + +
R1 R2 R3 j w L1 Z1
19 310 3.4
Isec Y2 Vch2
19.6 305 4.2
Iprim Isec Turns

Yts = Ytest(s)

Figure 7.4.2 Using test data to calculate the admittance characteristic.

Since there was no magnetic material in the cable, the value of mr can be assumed to be unity.
So (2.3.11) can be used to derive a value for the relative permittivity.
Equations (2.3.1) and (2.3.2) can then be used to calculate theoretical values for the
primitive capacitance Cp and primitive inductance Lp . Since (5.1.3) gives the theoretical
value for the radiation resistance Rrad, there is now enough information to assign values to
the components of the circuit model of Figure 7.4.4.
192 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing





0 5 106 1 107 1.5 107 2 107
f Hz

Figure 7.4.3 Admittance of conductor, derived from test results.

Lp Rp Lp Rp Vsource Lp Rp Lp Rp
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Cp I

Figure 7.4.4 General circuit model of a single isolated conductor.

Figure 7.4.5 is a copy of the page of the worksheet that calculates the values of the
reactive and resistive parameters of the conductor. The frequency at which skin effect comes
into play is calculated to be 6.89 kHz. The only other parameters to be defined are the
radiation resistance and the amplitude of the voltage source. The former is set at the same
value as a conventional dipole, 73 W. The latter is set at unity to allow the response to be
defined as amperes per volt.
Assigning these values to the general circuit model leads to the model of Figure 7.4.6.
The Mathcad function to calculate the value of the admittance at each frequency is
illustrated in Figure 7.4.7. This is an adaptation of the function Zbranch(f) depicted in
Figure 4.3.4.
Distributed parameters Z1 and Z2 are determined, and then used to calculate the loop
impedance Z3. Dividing the amplitude of the voltage source Vsource by the magnitude of the
loop impedance gives a value for the current which will be flowing in the loop.
Since the magnitude of Vsource is unity, the output variable of the function Ymodel(i,
Vsource) is the admittance of the loop shown, at the frequency Fi. The input variable i is an
integer which points to the relevant row of the frequency vector F. The other input variable
7.4 The isolated conductor 193

Worksheet 7.4, page 3. (Worksheet 7.4 page 2 gives figure 7.4.3)

eo := 8.854 1012 F/m mo := 4 p 107 H/m mr := 1 c := 3108 m/s

r := 1.7 108 m resistivity of copper

l := 7.5 m length of monopole

r := 0.5 103 m from micrometer measurement of conductor diameter

4r crossover frequency
Fx := = 6.89 104
mop r 2 see (2.5.14)

mo mr l l
Lp := ln = 1.442 105 see (2.3.2)
2p r
Lp inductive component value
= 7.212 106
2 for model

fq := 7.83 106 Hz from tabulated data

v := 4 l fq v = 2.349 108 see (2.3.10)

er := v = 1.631 see (2.3.11)

2 p eo er l
Cp := Cp = 7.077 1011 see (2.3.1)
ln l

see (5.1.3)
Rrad := 73

Vsource := 1 V allows admittance value to be calculated

r l steady-state resistance;
Rss := = 0.162
p r 2 see (2.5.11)

Gp := 0 S good quality insulation assumed

Rsource := 1 guess value for impedance of current transformer

Figure 7.4.5 Calculating values for components of circuit model.

7.21 H 7.21 H 7.21 H 7.21 H

0.08 0.08 1 0.08 0.08

70.8 pF 70.8 pF

Figure 7.4.6 Initial circuit model of conductor-under-review.

194 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Worksheet 7.4, page 4

i := 1.. 200 Fi := i 105

Ymodel(i, Vsource) := Rp Rss 1 +
w 2 p Fi

q (Rp + j w Lp) (Gp + jw Cp)

Rp + j w Lp
Gp + jw Cp
Z1 Zo tanh
Z 2 Zo csch(q)
Z 3 2 Z1 + 2Z2 + Rrad + Rsource

Ymi := Ymodel (i, Vsource)

Figure 7.4.7 Calculating the admittance of the circuit model over a range of frequencies.

Vsource allows the response to be determined when the source voltage itself is a function of
frequency. (Figure 5.3.7 illustrates how the threat voltage of the incoming wave can vary.)
The vector Ym stores the results of the calculations over the same range of frequencies
that were used in the test procedure. Displaying the response of this model and those derived
from test results gives the two curves of Figure 7.4.8.
The close correspondence in the region between 1 and 5 MHz indicates that the value
calculated for the primitive capacitance Cp was fairly accurate. The fact that the peaks of
both models occur at the same frequency indicates that the value of Lp was also accurate.
However, there is an obvious discrepancy between the magnitudes of the two peaks.
Discovering the reason for this discrepancy involved several attempts to vary component
values of the model and note the effect this had on its response. At this point in the assess-
ment, it was assumed that the value of 73 W for Rrad was sacrosanct.
Eventually, it was found that increasing the amplitude of the voltage source to 1.65 V
brought the two curves into near-coincidence over the critical range between 5 and 10 MHz.
Figure 7.4.9 is a copy of the final page of the worksheet, and illustrates the resultant two
In hindsight, the explanation as to why the source voltage needed to be increased is fairly
simple. Unlike the conventional dipole antenna which is connected to the source termination
resistance of a transmitter or the load termination of a receiver, an isolated length of wire
contains no resistors to absorb the electromagnetic energy. So energy which is not radiated
out into the environment is stored as a voltage across the capacitors. This immediately
creates a reflected current which flows back through the transformers, and this reflected
current is a source of further radiation.
7.4 The isolated conductor 195

Worksheet 7.4, page 5

Cp = 7.0771011 F Lp = 1.442105 H Fx = 6.89 104 Hz

Rrad = 73 Rsource = 1 Rss = 0.162

Vsource = 1




0 5 106 1 107 1.5 107 2 107
f, F Hz

Figure 7.4.8 Comparing response of the test with that of the initial circuit model.

Hence, the final circuit model turns out to be very similar to that of the initial model.
Figure 7.4.10 shows that the only change is the addition of a second voltage source to
represent the effect of stored energy.
Since the total energy is shared equally between current and voltage and since the current
has departed from the conductor, it follows that half the energy is stored in the capacitors.
Since voltage is proportional to the square root of power, it is reasonable to assume that the
maximum value for the voltage developed across the capacitors is:
Vstored 2  Vsource  0:71  Vsource 7:4:1

This value of 0.71 represents a system in which there are no other losses. So the observed
value of 0.65 is entirely plausible.
However, the addition of the source Vstored has caused the theoretical curve to be higher
than the actual response over the range 05 MHz. This deviation was corrected by removing
the extra voltage source and reducing the value of the radiation resistance to 42 W.
Figure 7.4.11 shows the resultant curve. This correlates well with the actual response in the
196 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Worksheet 7.4, page 6

Vsource := 1.65 V Ymi := Ymodel(i, Vsource)





0 5 106 1 107 1.5 107 2 107
f, F Hz

Figure 7.4.9 Response of model, taking into account stored energy.

7.21 H 7.21 H 7.21 H 7.21 H

0.08 0.08 1 0.08 0.08

70.8 pF 70.8 pF

Vstored = 0.65 Vsource

Figure 7.4.10 Introducing a voltage source to simulate stored energy.

range 05 MHz, as well as replicating the amplitude of the peak response. This test can be
used to measure the radiation resistance of the conductor.
Deviations in the region between 10 and 20 MHz can be explained by the fact that, above
the quarter-wave frequency, current is flowing backwards and forwards along the cable,
rather like waves in a harbor. Simulating this effect would require extra complexity to be
introduced into the model.
7.5 Cable characterization 197




0 5 106 1 107 1.5 107 2 107
f, F Hz

Figure 7.4.11 Response of model with value of radiation resistance set at 42 W.

However, as far as EMC is concerned, the critical frequencies are when the peaks are
high. So minor deviations between reality and model at other frequencies are of little concern
when assessing the probability that the equipment will pass the formal EMC tests.
The close correlation between the response of the actual system and the theoretical model
effectively validates the concepts introduced in the previous chapters. Specifically, these are:
the derivation of the formulae for the primitive inductance Lp in section 2.2,
the derivation of the formulae for the primitive capacitance Cp in section 2.1,
the distributed impedance circuit model, derived in section 4.1,
the circuit model for the dipole, postulated in section 5.2.
The close correlation also demonstrates that simple test equipment is capable of providing
extremely accurate measurements. For example, the fact that the response peaks at 7.83 MHz
means that, for this particular setup, the propagation velocity of antenna-mode current is 235
m/ms. (See the value for v in Figure 7.4.5.)

7.5 Cable characterization

The method described in the previous section can be developed to characterize specific
cables, that is, to determine the representative circuit model for a particular cable. By car-
rying out tests on a cable that is completely isolated, the effects of external components can
be eliminated. Measurements which result are specific to the cable.
In the example described here, a circuit model is derived for a 15 m length of two-core
power cable. Two setups are involved, the first to measure the emitted radiation, and the
second to measure the wire-to-wire coupling.
198 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

signal oscilloscope
generator channel 1 channel 2

50 50

two-core power cable


7.5 m 7.5 m

Figure 7.5.1 Test to measure emitted radiation characteristics of cable.

Figure 7.5.1 illustrates the first setup. This configuration is essentially a practical
implementation of the general circuit model of an isolated cable, derived from theoretical
considerations in the section on the virtual conductor. Figure 5.2.8 illustrates this model and
(5.2.9) and (5.2.10) define formulae for component values. Since each half of the 15 m cable
is represented by a triple-T network, the length l of each network is 7.5 m.
A voltage transformer is used to inject a voltage in series with one conductor of the cable.
Both ends of the cable are open-circuit. If these terminations had both been short-circuited,
then it would be clear that the transformer was inducing a voltage in the loop formed by the
signal and return conductors (a differential-mode voltage). The existence of open-circuit
terminations does not change the fact that a differential-mode voltage is being injected.
This injected voltage creates a current that flows along the signal conductor. Electro-
magnetic coupling between the two conductors creates a current that flows in the opposite
direction along the return conductor (the differential-mode current). The injected voltage
also creates an antenna-mode current that flows along the cable and converts into an elec-
tromagnetic wave.
A current transformer clamped round both conductors was used to measure the amplitude
of the antenna-mode current. The range of frequencies was from 1 to 20 MHz and the output
displayed in Figure 7.5.2 is the transfer admittance YT, in amperes per volt. A worksheet
similar to that illustrated by Figure 7.4.2 was used to create this graph.
Figure 7.5.3 illustrates the second setup. Again, the voltage transformer injects a differ-
ential-mode voltage into the cable. But this time the monitored current is the differential-
mode current. In Figure 7.5.4 there are two peaks, at about 5.5 MHz and at about 16.8 MHz.
The general circuit model for antenna-mode coupling of a transmission line is derived in
the section on the virtual conductor, and illustrated by Figure 5.2.8. Rearranging this in the
form of a bridge circuit leads to Figure 7.5.5. This layout simplifies the definition of the two
current loops. In the configuration-under-review the voltage source is in series with con-
ductor 1; so this fact is reflected in the location of Vsource in the diagram.
Transforming the circuit components into distributed impedances leads to Figure 7.5.6.
Component values can be assigned by following a systematic process, starting with the
measurement of the conductor radii r11 and r22, the spacing between conductors, r12, and the
length l of the cable. Using equations available in previous chapters, initial values can be
7.5 Cable characterization 199


8 103

6 103
4 103

2 103

0 5 106 1 107 1.5 107 2 107
f1 Hz

Figure 7.5.2 Results of radiated emission test.

signal oscilloscope
generator channel 1 channel 2

50 50

two-core power cable

7.5 m 7.5 m

Figure 7.5.3 Test to measure transmission-line characteristics of cable.

assigned to the resistive and inductive components. This is carried out by the page of the
worksheet illustrated by Figure 7.5.7.
Since the conductors of all cabling in electrical systems are sheathed or supported by
insulating material, and since this material has a significant effect on the propagation velo-
cities of the signals, it is necessary to determine the value of the relative permittivity of the
dielectric before values for the capacitors can be defined. This is done on the page of the
worksheet illustrated on Figure 7.5.8.
Having provided initial values for all the components of the model, the next step is to
simulate the responses of both tests. This is carried out by the main program, illustrated by
Figure 7.5.9. There are two outputs: the vector YTm, which simulates the response of the
radiated emission test, and Ym, which simulates wire-to-wire coupling.
Response characteristics of the model are compared with those of the actual tests in the
final page of the worksheet. These are displayed here as Figures 7.5.10 and 7.5.11.
200 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing



Yt 0.04


0 5 106 1 107 1.5 107 2 107
f Hz

Figure 7.5.4 Results of wire-to-wire coupling test.

Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1 Vsource Lc1 Rc1 Lc1 Rc1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Cc1 Cc1
Lc3 Lc3
2 Rrad 2 Cc3

Cc2 I2

Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2 Lc2 Rc2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 7.5.5 General circuit model of an isolated cable.


Z1,1 Z1,1 Z1,1 Z1,1

Z2,1 I1 Z2,1
Z2,3 Z1,3 Z1,3 Z2,3

Z2,2 Z2,2

Z1,2 Z1,2 Z1,2 Z1,2

Figure 7.5.6 Distributed parameter circuit model.

7.5 Cable characterization 201

Worksheet 7.5, page 4

:= 1.7108 m o := 4107 H/m r := 1

r11 := 0.48103 m r22 := r11 Radii of conductors

r12 := 1.95103 m Spacing between conductors. See Figure 2.7.4

l := 7.5 m Half the length of the cable

Steady-state resistance of length l of the cable.
Ra := 0.75
Value selected during analysis
Placing steady-state resitance values in the
Rss := Ra vector Rss. Conductor 3 represents the
0 environment

4 Frequency at which skin effect starts to

Fx := = 7.476 104
o r112 modify resistance
see (2.5.14)

o r l r12
Lc1 := ln
2 r11
Calculating inductance values for the
o r l r12
Lc2 := ln circuit model and placing these values
2 r22 in a three-element vector
see (5.25)
o r l l
Lc3 := ln
2 r12

1.051 106
= 1.051 106 H Values of inductors of circuit model
6.191 106

= 0.375 Values of resistors of circuit model
Radiation resistance
Value selected during analysis
Rrad := 50 Initially set at 73

Figure 7.5.7 Calculation of values for resistors and inductors.

On the first run of the program, there were noticeable errors in the response of the model.
varying the value of the conductor resistance Ra (see Figure 7.5.7) brought the amplitude
of Ym closer to that of Yt,
varying the value of the radiation resistor Rrad brought the amplitude of the peak of YTm
closer to that of YTt,
202 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Worksheet 7.5, page 5

eo := 8.854 1012 c := 3 108

The frequency at which the peak occurs in test of

fqa := 5.66 106
wire-to-wire coupling

va := 4 l fqa = 1.698 108 Velocity of propagation of electromagnetic wave

along transmission line. see (2.3.10)
c Relative permittivity of dielectric of cable, acting as a
era :=
va transmission line. see (2.3.11)

Value of relative permittivity to be used to define

era = 3.122
capacitor values for conductors

The frequency at which the peak occurs in radiated

fqb := 7.55106
emission test

Velocity of propagation of electromagnetic wave

vb := 4 l fqb = 2.265 108
along cable. see (2.3.10)

2 Relative permittivity of dielectric of cable when it is
erb := acting as an aerial. see (2.3.11)
Value of relative permittivity to be used to define
erb = 1.754
capacitor value for monopole

2p eo era l
Cc1 :=
Calculating capacitance values for the circuit model
Cc2 := Cc1 and placing these values in a three-element vector.
see (5.2.10)

2 p eo erb l
Cc3 :=

9.291 1010
Cc = 9.291 1010 Values of capacitors of circuit model

8.867 1011

Figure 7.5.8 Calculating values for the capacitors.

varying the value of the frequency fqa (see Figure 7.5.8) brought the peak of Ym closer to
that of Yt,
varying the value of fqb brought the peak of YTm closer to that of YTt.
Of course, varying any of the above parameters modified the responses of both curves. Even
so, these side effects were minimal and very few iterations of the program were needed to
achieve the correlation depicted in these two final graphs.
7.5 Cable characterization 203

Worksheet 7.5, page 6

i := 1..200 Fi := i 105 Hz Defining the frequency range for the model

Zbranch(s) := 2 Fs
for k 1.. 3
Rck Rssk 1+
(Rck + j Lck) j Cck

Rck + j Lck Copy of function introduced in

Zo see Figure 4.3.4
j Cck

z1, k Zo tanh
z2, k Zo csch( )

Equations for loop impedances, derived from inspection of see Figure 7.5.6

Zloop(s) := Z Zbranch(s)
Z11 2(Z1, 1 + Z2, 1 + Z1, 3 + Z2, 3) + Rrad
Z12 2(Z1, 3 + Z2, 3) Rrad
Z22 2(Z1, 2 + Z2, 2 + Z1, 3 + Z2, 3) + Rrad
Z11 Z12
Z12 Z22

V := V YTmi := Z Zloop(i) Calculating response of transfer
0 admittance for radiated emission
I lsolve(Z, V )
from the cable
I1 I2

Ymi := Z Zloop(i) Calculating response of admittance of

open-circuit transmission line
I lsolve(Z, V )

Figure 7.5.9 The main program: calculating the response of the circuit model.

It is worth noting that although there are 25 different components in the circuit model, only
four independent variables were required to correlate the curves in both graphs. The component
values used in the final run of the program are recorded at the bottom of Figures 7.5.7 and 7.5.8.
Assigning these values to the variables of the general circuit model of Figure 7.5.5 leads to the
representative circuit model for the configuration-under-review (Figure 7.5.12).
There was no need to include a second voltage source in the model as was done for the
model of the single wire in section 7.4. All that needed to be done to line up the related peaks
was to reduce the value of the radiation resistance from 73 W to 50 W.
204 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing


8 103

6 103

4 103

2 103

0 5 106 1 107 1.5 107 2 107
f 1, F Hz

Figure 7.5.10 Radiated emission of cable and model.






0 5 106 1 107 1.5 107 2 107
f, F Hz

Figure 7.5.11 Transmission-line responses of cable and model.

The ability to create a circuit model of such a cable leads to several advantages:
The basic feature of a circuit model of a length of cable is that component values are
proportional to length of the cable. Per-unit-length parameters can be derived and later
7.5 Cable characterization 205

1.05 H 1.05 H 1.05 H 1.05 H

0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375

929 pF 929 pF
6.19 H 6.19 H

Rrad 929 pF
88.7 pF 88.7 pF
929 pF 50

1.05 H 1.05 H 1.05 H 1.05 H

0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375

Figure 7.5.12 Representative circuit model of cable under test.

used to define models for any length of cable used in the system-under-review. (It is
important that the cross section of the cable is uniform.)
Measurements can be carried out on long cables at relatively low frequencies and used to
predict the performance of shorter cable at higher frequencies.
Having determined a circuit model for a particular cable, the file can be stored in a
library, similar to that used by SPICE software for devices such as operational amplifiers
or Schmitt triggers.
Combining the models of the interface equipment with that of the cable will allow the
radiated emission of the system-under-review to be simulated.
Since the same model is valid no matter where the location of the voltage source, it is also
possible to simulate the response of the system to external interference.
It can be reasoned that the field pattern of antenna-mode propagation is almost totally
external to the cable and so includes more air than it does plastic insulation. The differential-
mode propagation is more confined to the plastic insulation, so travels slower.
However, this set of tests does more than provide a reason for the difference. It defines
the propagation velocities and provides an actual measurement of the relative permittivities.
From Figure 7.5.8:
Propagation of antenna-mode current, vb 227 m/ms
Propagation velocity of differential-mode current, va 170 m/ms
Relative permittivity of cable, acting as an antenna, erb 1.76
Relative permittivity of transmission line, era 3.12
It is also worth re-emphasising the fact that the value of the radiation resistor of Figure 7.5.12
was obtained by varying the value of Rrad in the model to line up the amplitude of the peak
values of Yt and Ym in Figure 7.5.11. Effectively, the value of Rrad was derived from the test
results. For any particular cable, the radiation resistance at the half-wave frequency is
assumed to be a constant.
From the worksheet of Figure 7.5.7:
measured value of radiation resistance, Rrad 50 W
206 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

This particular model was derived from tests of a particular cable. Tests on another cable
would result in a different set of values to assign to the general model of Figure 5.2.8. The
significant feature of this approach is the existence of a general circuit model that will reduce
the time it takes for a representative model to be created for any particular assembly.
Since the cross section of the cable is constant, the capacitors, inductors, and resistors are
all proportional to length of the cable. Since the terminals are open-circuit, there are no
components at the interfaces to upset the measurements. This means that the representative
model of Figure 7.5.12 can be extrapolated to allow the performance of a longer or shorter
cable to be assessed.
The theory of antennae suggests that a value of 73 W should be assigned to the radiation
resistance. This particular test suggests that a value of 50 W would be more appropriate when
carrying out a worst-case analysis of radiation susceptibility. Sections 5.6 and 5.7 give more
information on this aspect. In the end, the choice of the value to use for Rrad in any system
analysis is a matter of engineering judgment.

7.6 Cable transients

Since the signal generator used with the setup of Figure 7.5.1 was capable of generating
square waves as well as sine waves, it seemed logical to check the response of the cable to
transient signals. However, the waveform supplied by the output of the voltage transformer
deviated significantly from the ideal square wave. So it was decided to deliver the input
signal to the cable via a resistor network. The setup is illustrated by Figure 7.6.1.
This configuration allowed the cable to be analyzed as a transmission line. Since the far
end was open-circuit and the resistance at the near end was very low, it was to be expected
that multiple reflections would take place and that the monitored current would provide some
insight into what was happening along the cable.

Vch1 Vch2

50 50

15 m of twin-core cable
46 signal conductor
4.7 Vin return conductor far end

near end

Figure 7.6.1 Setup for radiated transient test.

7.6 Cable transients 207

50 46.2
Vsource 50 Vch1

Figure 7.6.2 Circuit model of test setup.

Figure 7.6.3 Waveform of signal at channel 1 of oscilloscope (500ns/div, 0.1V/div).




Vch1 0.2



0 1 106 2 106 3 106 4 106 5 106
t s

Figure 7.6.4 Simulated waveform of channel 1 input voltage. Setup as Figure 7.6.1.
208 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Figure 7.6.5 Voltage at channel 2 (100ns/div, 10mV/div).

waveform of differential-mode current

Vch1 0


0 2 107 4 107 6 107 8 107 1 106

t s

Figure 7.6.6 Simulated voltage at channel 2 input. Setup as Figure 7.6.1.

Figure 7.6.2 illustrates how the voltage monitored at channel 1 input terminals is related
to the voltage delivered to the cable. Inspection of this model gives:
Vch1  Vin 7:6:1
Figure 7.6.3 is a photograph of the actual waveform monitored by channel 1. The current
delivered to the line causes minor perturbations to the input voltage for about 2 ms after each
step change, after which Vin reaches its open-circuit value. The period for the square wave
was about 8 ms. That is, the oscillator frequency was set at about 125 kHz.
7.6 Cable transients 209

The program described in section 6.6 was used to create the waveform of Figure 7.6.4.
Input variables were set to simulate an initial falling edge T1 at 150 ns and a rising edge T2 at
4.1 ms (see Figure 6.6.2). Output variable was selected to be Vch1 (see Figure 6.6.4).
Figure 7.6.5 is a photograph of the waveform displayed by channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
The oscillations during the first 200 ns could be due to reflections emanating from the
ground conductors of the test equipment. They could also be due to cable or connector
The program of section 6.6 was run again, with input variables set to simulate an initial
falling edge T1 at 20 ns and a sweep time T3 of 1 ms, and the output variable was selected to
be Vdiff. Figure 7.6.6 was the result. The period between the first and second edges of the
waveform is twice the differential-mode propagation delay of the 15 m cable the time
taken for the reflected wave to return to its source.
The setup of Figure 7.6.1 was modified to route both conductors of the cable through the
core of the current transformer. Antenna-mode current was now being monitored.
Running the program of worksheet 6.6 a third time, with the time T1 of the initial rising
edge set at 120 ns, the time T2 of the falling edge set at 1.65 ms, and with Vrad selected as the
output variable, gave Figure 7.6.8. The rise and fall times of the simulation were set by the
value of dt. From the worksheet of Figure 6.6.2:
T 83109
dt 830 ps
N 100
Comparing Figure 7.6.5 with Figure 7.6.6 reveals that the simulated waveform of the dif-
ferential-mode current Idiff is very similar to the actual waveform. The most striking aspect
is the fact that the waveform gradually changes from a square wave to a sine wave.
There are some deviations, however:
The leading edge of the step on the observed signal is not quite as fast as the theoretical
step. This is almost certainly due to the finite response times of the signal generator and
There is a ripple on the actual waveform which lasts for about 200 ns. This is probably
due to reflected current returning from the conductors of the structure.
The similarity between Figure 7.6.4 and Figure 7.6.3 is just as significant. These compare the
monitored voltage at channel 1 with the simulated voltage Vch1. The ripple during the first
2 ms following each step change is due to voltage drop in the source resistance Rg caused by
current delivered to the cable.
Most notable is the fact that the corners of the leading and trailing edges are rounded. If
the loading effect had been due solely to the current waveform displayed on Figure 7.6.6,
then the corners would have been much sharper. The fact that they are rounded is a clear
demonstration that the source resistance is carrying antenna charging current as well as
differential-mode current.
There is one significant difference between Figure 7.6.3 and Figure 7.6.4. There is a
sharp spike after each step change of the monitored waveform. This is due to capacitive
coupling between the output of the signal generator and the input to channel 1 of the scope.
The two terminals connecting co-axial inner conductors to the 46 W resistors shown in
Figure 7.6.1 were very close to each other. However, the existence of this spike does not
obscure the fact that the ends of each step change are rounded.
210 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Figure 7.6.7 Antenna-mode current, monitored on scope (200ns/div, 2mV/div).

5 103

Vch1 0

5 103

0 5 107 1 106 1.5 106 2 106

t s

Figure 7.6.8 Simulated voltage at channel 2 input. Antenna current monitored.

Figures 7.6.7 and 7.6.8 also display significant similarities. These compare the waveform
of the antenna-mode current carried by the cable with the waveform generated by the
simulation. It is quite clear that the waveform resulting from the simulation follows the same
basic pattern as that observed on the oscilloscope, that is, a damped oscillation that is a
miniature version of Idiff.
However, there is also a higher frequency component superimposed on top of the damped
oscillation. This lasts for many more cycles than the underlying waveform of Figure 7.6.8,
indicating that the damping it experiences is insignificant. The probable cause is a current
component that is oscillating backwards and forwards between cable and structure. This
component is detectable as a ripple superimposed on the differential-mode waveform of
Figure 7.6.5.
7.6 Cable transients 211

The fact that the test results and the simulated waveforms are closely correlated provides
a fair degree of confidence in the reliability of the model. The waveform of figure 7.6.6 is
certainly more representative of reality than that of Figure 6.2.6. A point worth remembering
is that, although the capacitors and inductors of that simple model are replaced by the
parameters of propagation time and characteristic impedance, these properties continue to
exist. (Section 6.3 covers this aspect in more detail.)
Since the delay-line model has introduced the parameter of time into the computations, it
becomes possible to think in terms of the energy stored in the line. That is, the static energy
of electric charge and the kinetic energy of moving charges. In fact, (6.1.5) for an RLC
circuit is very similar to the equation of motion of a mass on a spring.
The inclusion of the network of Crad, Ro, and Inf of Figure 6.6.1 enables the effect of
energy storage caused by antenna-mode current to be separated from the effect of storage of
differential-mode energy in the delay line. When a step voltage is applied to the open-circuit
line, the differential-mode current delivered to that line is constant for a period equal to twice
the propagation time, and so is the antenna-mode current. After that period, the capacitor
Crad has been charged up and contains a lot of potential energy. The initial flow of current
into Crad represents the kinetic energy required to deliver that charge.
The fact that the current waveform reverts rapidly from a square wave to a sinusoidal wave
at the natural frequency of the assembly shows that the transient energy of the initial step has
been converted into the dynamic energy of an L-C circuit. From Figure 7.6.5, the time for one
cycle of this waveform is about 0.34 ms, corresponding to about 2.9 MHz. That is, a frequency
that is close to the quarter-wave frequency of a 15 m cable acting as a monopole antenna.
Figure 7.5.2 shows that, at the frequency of resonance (of a 15 m dipole), the radiation emitted
by the assembly reaches a peak value. Since the amplitude of this sinusoidal wave of Fig-
ure 7.6.5 decays rapidly, it is reasonable to assume that this loss of energy is mostly due to
radiated emission.
The inclusion of Ro3 in the model of Figure 6.6.1 allows the amplitude of the antenna-
mode current itself to be evaluated.
The setup of Figure 7.6.1 offers another way of deriving values for cable parameters,
simply by using data from the transient response. Since the voltage and current are almost
constant during the first 166 ms, the value of the characteristic impedance Ro can be calcu-
lated quite quickly. Since the transit time is also known, the loop inductance La and loop
capacitance Ca of the 15 m cable can also be derived, as illustrated in the worksheet of
Figure 7.6.9. The worksheet also derives values for these reactive components, using data
from the frequency response tests on the same cable.

Transient analysis Frequency response analysis

Capacitance between conductors 780 pF 929 pF

Loop inductance 8.8 mH 8.4 mH

Reasonably close correlation between these results shows that it is possible to obtain a
first estimate of the values of both the inductance and the capacitance of a cable, just by
using data from a couple of transient waveforms.
212 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

Worksheet 7.6.4
From the waveform of Figure 7.6.2, the amplitude of the step voltage measured by channel 1, at
the end of the first exponential rise, is:
Vch1 := 0.39 V
The voltage applied to the input terminals of the line is related to Vch1 by Equation (7.6.1)
Vin = Vch1 = 0.75 V
From the waveform of Figure 7.47, the voltage measured by channel 2 is:
Vch2 := 0.016 V
The ratio of the amplitude of Vch2 to the amplitude of the current monitored by the current
transformer is given by Equation (7.2.6)
RT := 2.27
Invoking Equation (7.2.5) Iout = = 7.048 103 A
The ratio of Vin to Iout gives a measure of the characteristic impedance of the cable:
Ro := = 106
The waveform of Figure 7.6.5 also gives a measure of the time taken for a current step to
propagate to the far end and return to the near end. This is the time difference between the
first and second edges of the waveform. This gives:
166 109
T := sec
The capacitance and inductance of the cable can be determined by invoking Equations
(6.3.7) and (6.3.6)
Ca := = 7.8 1010 F
La := T Ro = 8.8 106 H
These results can be compared with those obtained from cable characterisation tests.
From Figure 7.5.12
Ca_ := 2 929 pF = 9.29 1010 F
La_ := 81.05 H = 8.4 106 H

Figure 7.6.9 Calculating values of components derived for 15 m cable, using data from
transient tests and frequency response tests.

It is useful to summarize the reasoning involved in the transient analysis and to identify
its significance in the design of electronic equipment.
Any step voltage between two terminals of a cable will cause a transient wavefront to
propagate along the cable at a velocity somewhat less than the speed of light. During the
transit time, some of the energy will be radiated into the environment and some will be
stored temporarily in the form of static charge.
The static charge between cable and environment will disappear in the form of a high-
frequency signal which rapidly decays in amplitude (see Figure 7.6.7). This means that both
the static energy in the charge and the dynamic energy used to create that charge are con-
verted into radiated interference.
7.7 Capacitor characterization 213

The charge between the conductors will eventually settle down to a steady-state value, but
not before some of the energy is converted into differential-mode radiation (see Figure 7.6.5).
This will happen with every step change in voltage. Since any signal is effectively a
continuous series of step changes, it is inevitable that a significant portion of the signal on a
twin-conductor cable will radiate away in the form of EMI.
If the separation between send and return conductors is uncontrolled, then most of the
transient energy will be converted into unwanted radiation. This is very useful for covert
surveillance, but not much else.
The only way of minimizing the amount of electromagnetic energy in a transmission line
which is lost to the environment is to use a co-axial cable, a screened pair, or a waveguide. If
an unscreened twin-conductor cable is used, the only way of reducing the level of radiated
energy is to absorb it in a resistive component. Sections 8.5 and 8.6 describe a range of
design techniques that enable this objective to be achieved.

7.7 Capacitor characterization

It is entirely possible to use the technique of circuit modeling to create representative circuit
models of components such as inductors, capacitors, and filters. The setup would be as
illustrated in Figure 7.7.1.
In this instance, the component-under-test is a capacitor, mounted in the test jig. The jig
is coupled to a signal generator using a 50 W co-axial cable. A similar cable is used to route
the output signal to a signal monitor. A transfer function analyzer was used to provide the
input signal and to monitor the output. Alternatively, the source could be a signal generator
and the monitor could be an oscilloscope or a spectrum analyzer.
Figure 7.7.2 shows the general circuit model for this setup. Since the output impedance of
the generator is 50 W and the characteristic impedance of the co-axial cable is 50 W, the cable

50 50
co-axial cable co-axial cable
test jig

signal signal
generator monitor

Figure 7.7.1 Test setup for characterizing components.


Vin Rf
L1 I2 Vout
I1 50


Figure 7.7.2 General circuit model for capacitor characterization.

214 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

between source and jig is effectively transparent. The same applies to the output link, that
between jig and signal monitor.
Since all capacitors possess inductive and resistive properties, the simplest model for this
particular component-under-test is the series LCR circuit. For this type of test, the relevant
parameter is the transfer impedance.
ZT 7:7:1

So the test procedure would be to apply a constant-voltage variable frequency to the test jig
and note the amplitude of the output signal at a set of spot frequencies. This gives the
frequency response of the transfer impedance ZTt, that is, the transfer impedance derived
from test results.
It is a simple matter to write a program to calculate the frequency response of the transfer
impedance ZTm of the circuit model. Both responses can then be plotted on the same graph.
Initial guess values are assigned to C1, L1, and R1, and these parameters are then treated as
input variables. Adjusting C1 will bring the negative slopes of both curves into close cor-





1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108 1 109
F, f Hz

Figure 7.7.3 Transfer impedance of test setup and circuit model.


55 nF

Vin 850 pH Rf
I1 I2 50 Vout

50 m-ohm

Figure 7.7.4 Representative circuit model of Murata 100 nF capacitor-under-test.

7.7 Capacitor characterization 215

Worksheet 7.7, page 1

0.2 430 9020 "58nF" column 1: frequency, MHz
column 2: resistance, m
1 190 2700 "53nF"
column 3: reactance, m
2 93 1400 "53nF" column 4: text
3 71 975 "54nF"
5 30 554 "54nF"
10 30 251 "62nF"
D= 21.6 49 53 "0"
s := 1..rows(D)
30 30 60 "396pH"
fs := Ds, 1 106
50 27 221 "696pH"
100 79 553 "877pH" Rs := Ds, 2 103

300 400 1670 "881pH"

Xs := Ds, 3 103
500 944 2500 "793pH"
1000 2500 3700 "586pH" ZTts := Rs + j Xs

Data copied from:

Figure 7.7.5 Calculating frequency response of transfer impedance from test data.

Worksheet 7.7, page 2 see Figure 7.7.2

R1 := 0.050 C1 := 55 109 F L1 := 850 1012 H

Rn := 50 Rf := 50
i := 2..10000 Fi := i 105 V := V
ZTmi := w 2 p Fi
Z11 Rn + R1 + + jw L1
j w C1
Z12 R1 + + jw L1
j wC1
Z22 Rf + R1 + + jw L1
j wC1
Z11 Z12
Z12 Z22
I lsolve(Z, V )
Vout I2Rf
Iin I1

Figure 7.7.6 Calculating frequency response of transfer impedance of circuit model.

216 CHAPTER 7 Bench testing

relation, adjusting L1 will do the same for the positive slopes, and adjusting R1 will align the
minimum values.
When the two curves are as closely correlated as possible, the new values of C1, L1, and
R1 can then be assigned to the relevant component in the general circuit model. This gives
the representative circuit model for the capacitor-under-test. This analytical process was
carried out using data from a test on a 60 nF capacitor, one of many tests carried out by Roy
Ediss [7.1].
Figure 7.7.3 illustrates the final graph and Figure 7.7.4 shows the representative
circuit model. A copy of the Mathcad worksheet used to create the graph is provided by
Figures 7.7.5 and 7.7.6.

Practical design

There are a number of design concepts and techniques in existence which are aimed at
improving EMC. Many of them are supported by the analytical approach. But some are not.
A concept that can be traced back for many decades is that of the equipotential ground
plane. There is no such thing. Since the method of images of electromagnetic theory is
often quoted as the basis for this concept, it is useful to identify the fallacies underlying the
correlation. Section 8.1 does just that. Designers should resist the temptation to treat
the structure as a convenient return path for signals and power. The most effective use of the
conducting structure is as a shield.
One deduction which is continually reinforced during the process of creating circuit
models is the fact that the signal and return conductors should be as close together as
Section 8.2 shows that this requirement is implemented to good effect in the design of
printed circuit boards by routing the signal tracks as close to the ground plane as possible. It
also shows that, for signals between boards and between equipment, this requirement is best
achieved by allocating a return conductor to every signal or power conductor.
In terms of EMC, one of the most counterproductive concepts is that of the single-
point ground. Section 8.3 illustrates how this technique guarantees the creation of
intractable problems. In contrast, the existence of a multitude of ground loops causes a
significant reduction in the level of interference.
Improvements achieved by the inclusion of dedicated return conductors can be nullified
by inappropriate design of the interface circuitry of equipment units. Section 8.4 identifies
the need for current balance in the interconnecting cables, and illustrates a few methods of
achieving this objective.
Section 8.5 focuses on the fact that optimum transmission is achieved by terminating
transmission lines with a resistance equal in value to the characteristic impedance. If the
signal is transmitted efficiently, it follows that emissions due to interference are minimal.
Circuit modeling confirms that a configuration which exhibits low emission is less suscep-
tible to external interference.
Whether the common-mode loop is open-circuit at one end or short-circuited at both
ends, it is inevitable that there will be reflections. Electrical energy will be stored tem-
porarily in this loop and will quickly depart into the environment in the form of interference.
It is possible to absorb this energy and damp down the oscillations. Section 8.6 describes
ways of doing this.

218 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

Section 8.7 deals briefly with the subject of equipment shielding and identifies the basic
requirements. Measures used to protect buildings and equipment from the indirect effects of
lightning are also described.
Every technique described in this chapter defines the interface circuitry at both ends of
the signal link. This provides visibility of both the signal loop and the common-mode loop.
Without such visibility, there is no point in even trying to assess the interference coupling
characteristics, let alone analyze them.
By defining the interface circuits at both ends of the link, an important feature of printed
circuit board design is identified; the interface circuits provide a buffer between the internal
wiring of each board and the cabling used to carry signals between boards. This means that
the interface circuits can be designed to handle the higher levels of interference which are
bound to exist on the longer conductors.
The length of the signal link is an important parameter. The longer the link, the lower is
the frequency at which interference reaches its highest peak. Since the power available is
inversely proportional to the square of the frequency, the longest links deliver the highest
level of interference energy. The buffer circuits on the printed circuit boards should be able
to absorb whatever unwanted energy arrives via the signal link.

8.1 Grounding
Reliance on the use of the conducting structure as the universal return path for all signals and
all supplies is probably the most prevalent cause of EMC problems. This could be due to the
widespread belief in the existence of the equipotential ground plane. There is no such thing.
Ground planes are an extremely useful design feature of printed circuit boards and
integrated circuits. But this does not mean that they are equipotential surfaces. Nor does
it mean that a conductor designated as ground or earth is automatically a zero voltage
reference point for all signals in the system.
The concept of a surface at which all points are at zero voltage probably arises from a
misunderstanding of the method of images used in electromagnetic field theory. So it is a
useful exercise to review the reasoning behind the technique.
The image solution method is usually illustrated by considering an infinite length of line
charge parallel to a grounded conductor of infinite length [3.1]. It is possible to simulate
the electric field distribution by replacing the ground plane with an insulating surface and
placing an image conductor the same distance below the plane as the actual conductor is
above the surface.
Figure 8.1.1 illustrates a configuration where two conductors are routed over a plane
surface. A steady voltage is applied between the near end of conductor 1 and the near end of
the ground plane (conductor 3). The far end of conductor 1 is open-circuit. Conductor 2 is
short-circuited to ground at both ends. Contour lines, depicting intermediate voltages, are
also shown on the figure.
Since the voltage applied between conductor 1 and the ground plane is constant, no
current is flowing. Under these circumstances, the ground plane is indeed an equipotential
surface. But with no current flowing there can be no signal and no interference. It is also
useful to note that the contour lines do not intersect conductor 2. The field pattern is
8.1 Grounding 219

conductor 1
10 V 4V equipotential contours

8V conductor 2

2V 0V

0V conductor 3 (ground plane)

Figure 8.1.1 Two conductors over a ground plane.

If, now, the far end of conductor 1 is short-circuited to the ground plane and a current at
constant rate of change is caused to flow in that conductor, returning via the ground plane,
then, although the actual voltages would be different, the pattern of contour lines would
remain exactly the same. However, there would be voltage difference between each cross
If the method of images had been used to create this field pattern, it would have been
assumed that the image of conductor 1 had been carrying exactly the same current. This
means that the voltage developed along conductor 1 would be balanced by a voltage along
the image conductor. Since this image conductor represents the effect of the plane, it follows
that the voltage developed along the ground would be the same magnitude as the voltage
along conductor 1.
The coupling mechanism can be analyzed by assuming that a low-frequency sinusoidal
waveform is applied to the near-end terminals of conductors 1 and 3, and that the short-
circuit link between the near end of conductor 2 and ground is replaced by a voltmeter.
Figure 8.1.2 is a circuit diagram depicting the inductive properties of the three conductors. A
sinusoidal voltage V2 would be developed between the near-end terminals of conductor 2
and ground. Since the impedance of a voltmeter is high, then minimal current would flow in
conductor 2, and V2 would be a measure of the voltage along L3, the inductance of the
ground plane.
If a voltage is developed along the ground plane, then that conductor cannot possibly be
regarded as an equipotential surface.

near end far end

conductor 1

V1 L1
ground plane

conductor 2

Figure 8.1.2 Inductive properties of two conductors over ground plane.

220 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

If the frequency of the voltage source is increased, capacitive coupling becomes more
significant. Also, proximity effects will cause the return current in conductor 3 to flow through a
restricted cross section. The resistance presented by the ground will also increase. The end
result is that the simple model of Figure 8.1.2 can best be modeled by the triple-T network of
Figure 2.7.6. The ground plane can be a source of both electric and magnetic field coupling.
Acceptance of the concept of the equipotential ground has inevitably led to further
misconceptions. Notable among these is the belief that all connections made to the ground
conductor are automatically held at zero voltage.
In circuit diagrams, it is often desired to define that a connection exists between two
separate points without the need to draw a line between those points. Normal convention is to
identify those points with a unique symbol. This avoids the use of tramlines crisscrossing the
diagram, and allows the reader to focus attention on the functional purpose of the circuit. The
most frequently used symbols are for ground or earth. From a functional point of view, it is
assumed that any voltage difference between such points can only have a marginal effect on
circuit function. It is then assumed that, for all practical purposes, there is no voltage difference.
However, such an assumption is only valid if the area enclosed by the relevant circuit
loop is extremely small. This means that there are few problems when the convention is used
with dual-layer or multilayer boards. In these assemblies, the traces used to link components
are very close to the ground plane. Hence, the area enclosed by the differential-mode loop is
always very small. The ground plane provides a return path for the current, just where it is
needed. Section 8.3 provides more information on this aspect of design.
But that is not the case with single-sided boards. When such a board is used, great care is
needed to ensure that the loop area involved is as small as possible. To do this, it is necessary
to use solid lines to depict conductors on the board. Symbols indicating the presence of
hidden connecting links have no place on such a diagram.
If it transpires that the conductive trace linking two points on a single-sided board follows
a long circuitous route, then there is an increased probability that the signal in question will
be prone to interference problems. If the designer does not have visibility of this track, then
the existence of an interference problem will come as a surprise.
At the time when electronic circuitry was based on the use of valves, the components
were usually mounted on an aluminum chassis and the circuit diagram depicted this con-
ductor as a solid line at the bottom of the page. The power supply rail was also included at
the top of the page, identifying the R-C networks used to minimize the interaction between
each stage of the supply from the next. Visibility of every circuit path was maintained. This
allowed the designer to minimize the area of every circuit loop, whether that loop carried
power supply current, signal current, or both. Care was taken to ensure that high current in
the output stages did not affect the sensitive circuitry at the front end.
If this disciplined approach was utilized during the design of single-sided printed circuit
boards, then a significant improvement in the EMC of that particular circuit function could
be achieved. In the case of single-sided boards, such an approach might be desirable. In cases
where the connecting links are between boards of an equipment unit, this approach would be
extremely important. In cases where the link is between equipment units, such an approach is
Assumption of the existence of an equipotential conductor is evident in every circuit
diagram which includes the ground symbol or any of its variants. This may be reasonable
if the purpose is to describe the function of the circuit, but totally counterproductive if the
8.2 Conductor pairing 221

objective is to analyze EMC. The existence of these symbols means that the return path for
every signal current is undefined. The same applies to power supply currents.
If half the circuitry is undefined at the initial design stage, then subsequent stages such as
detailed drawing, component manufacture, wiring, and assembly are left to the discretion of
whoever is carrying out the task in question. The EMC of the system is effectively out of
control. By the time the completed system is submitted for EMC testing, the only thing to do
is cross ones fingers and hope for the best.
If the physical relationships between the signal and return conductors are defined at the
initial stage of the project, then the designer is able to use all the analytical tools described in
the preceding chapters and all the techniques described in the following sections. Visibility
of this relationship can be maintained at all subsequent stages of development.
It can be concluded that the conductors of the structure should not be used as a con-
venient return path for signals and power. Any current flowing along the structure will create
a voltage along that length and any voltage between different locations on the structure is a
source of interference.
Up to now, the focus of this section has been on what the structure should not be used for.
To identify just what it should be used for, it is necessary to go back to Figure 8.1.1. Here, it
shows that neither the equipotential contours of an electric field nor the magnetic lines of
force of a magnetic field penetrate the ground plane. Any circuitry on the underside of this
barrier is shielded from the worst effects of the electromagnetic field above. From the point
of view of EMC, this is a desirable design feature.
Another significant aspect of the magnetic field distribution emerges. The lines of force
do not link with conductor 2. This is because a loop has been formed between this conductor
and ground. Transformer action ensures that the current in this loop creates an opposing
magnetic field that precisely balances the field emanating from conductor 1. That is, this
secondary loop tends to act as a shield that minimizes the penetration of the magnetic field to
the right of conductor 2.
This action is put to good use in the design of Faraday cages and the assembly of
conductors used to protect buildings from the worst effects of lightning. So, it can also be
reasoned that, even where the conductors of the structure do not present an impenetrable
surface, they still perform a very useful shielding function.
If the structure is designed to form a lattice network of conducting loops, then any inter-
ference will create a circulating current in each loop, and the field created by these circulating
currents will tend to balance the incoming interference. Such a structure is behaving as shield
which radiates unwanted electromagnetic fields back into the environment.

8.2 Conductor pairing

As indicated in section 8.1, the concept of the equipotential ground conductor is extremely
attractive to those involved in the design of systems which are installed on a conductive
framework such as on vehicles, aircraft, or spacecraft. It is reasoned that, since the frame-
work provides a very convenient return path for all currents in the system, there is no need to
install unnecessary return conductors which cost money and add mass.
This impression is reinforced by the known effectiveness of the ground plane in multi-
layer printed circuits, where it does seem to behave as an equipotential surface. Since the
222 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

reason for this is not immediately apparent, it is useful to review the behavior of the ground
plane in a little more detail.
Figure 8.2.1 illustrates part of a printed circuit board assembly where two adjacent tracks
are connected to two voltage sources and the far ends are short-circuited to the ground plane.
Using the technique of composite conductors described in Chapter 3, it is possible to
determine the distribution of current in a cross section of the printed circuit board.
If it is assumed that the voltage sources apply step voltages of 1 V of opposite polarity
simultaneously to both tracks, then the rate of change of current in all three conductors can
be calculated using the process described in Chapter 3. The resultant distribution in all three
conductors is illustrated in Figure 8.2.2.
It is evident that the current in the left-hand track is positive and that in the right-hand
track is negative. Also, the rate of change of current in each track is unevenly distributed,
with the greatest rate of change occurring at the outer edges.
However, the most significant feature of the illustration is the fact that most of the current
in each track returns via the area of the ground plane that is immediately adjacent. Effec-
tively, the ground plane provides a return path for the current precisely where it is needed.

ground plane

Figure 8.2.1 Two printed circuit tracks over a ground plane.

current distribution in
left-hand track current distribution in
0.5 ground plane

current distribution in
right-hand track
0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 8.2.2 Distribution of current in cross section of pcb.

8.2 Conductor pairing 223

signal driver
signal conductor

conduit conduit


Figure 8.2.3 Using the framework as a return conductor.

common-mode choke
signal driver
signal conductor

return conductor


Figure 8.2.4 Allocating a dedicated return conductor.

This effect is also present in systems where the supporting framework is constructed
of conducting material. In such a system, it is possible to route interconnecting cables along that
framework to utilize the structure as a return conductor. Figure 8.2.3 illustrates such a setup.
However, it is never possible to match the close coupling achieved on a printed circuit
board. It is inevitable that wide gaps will occur between cable and structure, and the area
enclosed by the current loop can become quite large. Stray coupling is increased. Reducing
the level of this unwanted coupling can only be achieved by minimizing the separation
between cable and structure. Adding cable trays or cable conduits as shown on Figur 8.2.3
will help toward this objective. Effectively, the structure is being brought closer to the cable.
Even so, the signal link is still quite susceptible to interference transients. The longer the
cable, the higher the level of interference. It becomes advisable to include suppressors at
the interface circuitry to prevent high-voltage transients from damaging the more sensitive
semiconductor devices.
Although suppressors can protect the equipment from damage, they cannot prevent
interference pulses from getting through to the processing circuitry. Incorrect messages can
be received. Data can be corrupted.
If, at the initial design stage, it is decided to allocate a return conductor to every signal
conductor, then this will create two separate loops, the differential-mode loop and the
common-mode loop. Analysis of this configuration is provided in section 2.8, where it is
concluded that the signal and return conductors should be held as closely together as possible
along the entire route from driver to receiver. It is much easier to hold two conductors
together than to minimize the spacing between cable and structure.
Given this configuration, there are many ways of minimizing interference coupling.
For example, the suppressor can be replaced by a common-mode choke, as shown in Figure 8.2.4.
224 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

This significantly reduces the amplitude of interference pulses in the common-mode loop while
having minimal effect on performance.
Also, it is very helpful to reduce the area of the common-mode loop by routing the signal/
return pair very close to the structure. It generally reduces the antenna efficiency of that loop.

8.3 Ground loops

The single-point ground is another concept that is well past its sell-by date. Such a config-
uration is shown in Figure 8.3.1, where three different printed circuit boards are used to
process the signal. Each board is supplied with a steady-state voltage of 15 V, derived from a
stabilized supply module.
The intent of the single-point ground is to prevent the supply return currents from sharing
a common conductor. It is reasoned that if there is no common conductor along which a
voltage can be developed, then there will be no interference. This could possibly be the case
if the current drawn by each printed circuit board is constant in value. However, this never
happens in practical situations; current in every conductor is continuously changing.
Loop areas enclosed by the signal currents are extremely large. Moreover, the loops
formed by signal and supply currents share a common area. Magnetic flux will link with both
loops. Transformer action will ensure that high levels of self-induced interference exist
between the signals carried between boards. That is, intra-system interference is likely to
cause significant problems. Such a high level of sensitivity does not bode well for the time
when the completed equipment is subjected to formal EMC testing.
Figure 8.3.2 illustrates how the performance can be dramatically improved. Changes to
the configuration are twofold:
The supply conductors are kept close together.
A return conductor is allocated to each signal conductor.
Comparing Figures 8.3.1 and 8.3.2 enables the essential difference between these two con-
figurations to be identified. The latter circuit contains ground loops.
Ground loops can be treated as common-mode loops. Similarly, signal loops and power
supply loops can be treated as differential-mode loops. An important feature of this config-
uration is the fact that it is possible to minimize the loop area of every differential-mode loop.
The way is now open for the circuit analysis techniques described in the previous
chapters to be employed. Assessment of the signal links in the light of section 4.3 should
allow potential problems to be identified. Common-mode rejection can be included in the
design of the interface circuitry.
It is also worth noting that on a multilayer circuit board, the ground plane caries the
return current for every signal current carried by the copper tracks on the adjacent surface.
This gives rise to a large number of circulating currents. Figure 8.2.2 illustrates the fact that
the ground conductor does indeed carry currents which flow in opposite directions, and the
only way for this to happen is for a loop current to exist in the flat conducting surface. The
ground plane is effectively a large number of ground loops.
The protection afforded by ground loops is even more important at system level, where
cables are used to route signals between equipment units. If each unit of equipment is
shielded, as illustrated in Figure 8.7.1, if every cable is shielded by a screen braid, and if
8.3 Ground loops 225

board 1 board 2 board 3

+15 V supply


0 V 15 V

Figure 8.3.1 Single point ground.

board 1 board 2 board 3

2 3


+15 V supply stabilized

0V module
terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4 form a ground loop

Figure 8.3.2 Introduction of ground loops.

those braids are bonded at each end to the units they interconnect, then the entire system will
be shielded. Circuitry within the system will be protected from the worst effects of external
fields, and radiated emission will be attenuated by the shield barrier. In such a configuration,
there will be a multitude of ground loops.
It does not matter whether the link-under-review is on a printed circuit board, inter-
connects two boards, or interconnects two units of equipment, the existence of the ground
loop is an essential part of good EMC design.
In large systems, it is also good practice to route the cables as close to the conducting
structure as possible. Any high-amplitude transient in a conducting member of the structure,
226 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

such as those due to a lightning strike, will create an electromagnetic field that will couple
with every conductor routed alongside that member. This will induce essentially the same
voltage in series with every conductor of the cable. Differential voltages will be minimal,
and interference will be reduced.

8.4 Common-mode rejection

The configuration illustrated in Figure 8.3.2 is perfectly adequate for the vast majority of
signal links inside units of equipment. However, there could be significant interference
problems when the links are between widely separated units of equipment. There are also
situations where unwanted transient signals appear inside a single unit. Such interference
manifests itself as large spikes on an oscilloscope screen. The amplitude of these spikes can
usually be reduced by the introduction of common-mode rejection circuits.

8.4.1 Differential amplifier

Figure 8.4.1 illustrates one of the simplest methods, the differential amplifier. This is an
operational amplifier with the feedback and input networks organized such that:
V3 V1  V2 8:4:1

That is, the output voltage of the amplifier in the signal receiver is a function of the voltage
difference between the two input terminals. Equally important is the relationship between the
signal and return current. Ideally, this is:
Isignal Ireturn 8:4:2

If this condition is achieved, then any voltage developed along the signal conductor is
precisely balanced by an equal and opposite voltage developed along the return conductor.
In theory, this means that the signal passed between the transmitter and the receiver is
immune to any interference signal appearing in the common-mode loop. That is, the source
Vcm has no effect on the transmitted signal.
In practice, this is not the case. Several factors are involved. All four resistors should be
the same value, within a close tolerance. To minimize reflections, the value chosen for R1

analogue signal transmitter analogue signal receiver

+Vcc +Vcc
+ Isignal V1 R1
Ireturn V2 R1
Vcc Vcm Vcc

Figure 8.4.1 Differential amplifier.

8.4 Common-mode rejection 227

should be the same as the characteristic impedance of each conductor. At high frequencies,
the level of rejection also depends on the length of the two cable conductors being identical.
If the amplitude of the interference exceeds the linear range of the amplifier, signal distortion
will occur. Common-mode rejection is also limited by the bandwidth of the amplifier.
However, these considerations do not really diminish the usefulness of the differential
amplifier. Protection from common-mode interference is provided over a wide range of
frequencies. The useful bandwidth is from zero frequency to the upper frequency limit of the
amplifier, and some amplifiers have a very fast response indeed.
Such a configuration is amenable to analysis using the techniques described in the
previous chapters. Figure 2.7.6 illustrates how the connections between the two units can be

8.4.2 Differential logic driver

Figure 8.4.2 illustrates one way of transmitting logic signals between widely separated units
of equipment. A screened pair is used to shield the signal and return conductors.
The amplifiers in the differential logic driver are fed by complementary inputs from a bi-
stable circuit. When the non-inverted signal is high, the inverted signal is low, and vice
versa. These two inputs are fed to the comparator at the differential logic receiver.
In the absence of any connection to the receiver, the two input terminals of the com-
parator would be held at half the supply voltage, Vcc, by the two potential dividers. (This
means that some hysteresis needs to be built into the amplifier.) When connection is made to
the transmitter, there will be current flowing from the transmitter to the receiver down one
conductor, and an equal amount flowing from receiver to transmitter down the other,
assuming that the supply voltage is the same in both items of equipment.
Electromagnetic coupling between the conductors will maintain this balance during
transient conditions. As with analogue signal transmission, the response will be limited only
by the capabilities of the active devices.
Since both the inverted and non-inverted signal voltages are referenced to ground,
a connection is needed between the units to carry any spurious transient current during a
change in the state of the logic signal. A three-conductor cable is needed. This requirement is
best met by the installation of a screened twisted pair.

differential logic driver differential logic receiver

R2 R2
Q R1 non-inverted
R2 R2
Q ground

ground Vexternal

Figure 8.4.2 Differential logic signal transmission.

228 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

It will be noted that the screen is connected to the shield of both units of equipment as
well as to the grounded conductors. Since this balance depends on the cable conductors being
of equal length and the values of the resistors matching precisely, there will always be some
coupling of common-mode voltage into the output signal.

8.4.3 Differential analogue driver

The screened pair can also be used to carry an analogue signal. In this case, the driver would
be as shown in Figure 8.4.3. The advantage of using this configuration is the fact that the
voltage output of the driver is balanced with respect to local ground, as is the input current to
the receiver. At high frequencies there will be significant common-mode coupling with the
screen. Since both the differential-mode voltage and differential-mode current are balanced
with respect to the screen, the voltages due to common-mode coupling will tend to balance
each other out. Since perfect balance is unachievable, there will always be some common-
mode current in the screen.
If the units are not shielded, then the cable screen will still connect the power supply

+ R1




Figure 8.4.3 Differential analogue driver.

8.4.4 Common-mode choke

Figure 8.4.4 illustrates the use of the common-mode choke. Transformer T1 consists of a
number of turns of twin-conductor cable, bifilar wound onto a ferrite core. As far as the
common-mode current is concerned, the transformer behaves as an inductor.
With a differential-mode signal, the currents in the two conductors are equal in value but
opposite in direction. Since the inductances of the two conductors are almost identical, the
voltages induced along the cable will tend to cancel out. As far as the differential-mode
signal is concerned, the impedance presented by the transformer is negligible. However,
some minimal coupling between common-mode and differential-mode signals is bound to
8.4 Common-mode rejection 229

signal transmitter signal receiver

+Vcc +Vcc

+ signal T1

Icm R1

ground Vexternal ground


Figure 8.4.4 The common-mode choke.

Since the transformer is transparent to differential-mode signals, its effect on the common-
mode loop can be modeled by inserting an inductance in series with the structure.
There will be a small amount of flux linking each conductor which does not link the
other. In the classical model of a transformer there would be a primary inductance and a
secondary inductance. It is important that a bifilar winding is used because this will mini-
mize the primary and secondary inductances. Also, the balancing action is enhanced by the
capacitive coupling.
Since the transformer behaves as an inductor in the common-mode loop, its effectiveness
will increase with frequency. However, this also means that there will be little or no com-
mon-mode rejection at the low-frequency end of the response curve.
At the upper end of the response, capacitive effects come into play, and these will
limit the level of rejection offered to unwanted signals. There is also a distinct possibility
that resonances will occur; a transformer acts as an open-circuit at high frequencies. Soft
ferrites which behave resistively can help to ameliorate this effect. Hence, it is a useful
exercise to identify the frequencies at which the common-mode rejection is minimal.
Section 4.3 helps with this task.
The common-mode choke can sometimes be useful in minimizing troublesome effects
after the equipment has been manufactured. Split-core ferrites are available, and these can be
used to clamp round cables.

8.4.5 Transformer coupling

Another way of achieving current balance between the signal and return conductors is to
break the connection between return conductor and ground at the receiving end of the line.
With analogue signals, a transformer could be used, as illustrated in Figure 8.4.5.
The problem with transformer coupling is that the bandwidth of the signal is limited. The
purpose of the resistor across the primary winding is to increase the useful bandwidth.
However, if the purpose of the link is to transmit a narrow-band signal, then the transformer
is the obvious choice.
This configuration gives excellent common-mode rejection at low frequencies. However,
the immunity to interference reduces with frequency, due mostly to the inter-winding
capacitance of the transformer. Resonance can occur at the quarter-wave frequency of the
line, and the interference can actually be amplified.
230 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

low pass filter

Vcc Vexternal

Figure 8.4.5 Floating transformer at receiving end of the line.

The response to interference in the common-mode loop is very similar to the curve of
Figure 4.3.6. To avoid problems with high-frequency coupling, it is necessary to ensure that
the upper frequency of the signal is significantly less than the quarter-wave resonance of the
cable. Also, it is good idea to include a low-pass filter at the receiver to limit its bandwidth to
that of the expected signal.

8.4.6 Center-tapped transformer

A transformer can also be used in the signal transmitting circuitry. Figure 8.4.6 illustrates
how a center-tapped transformer can be used to create a balanced output. The resistor in
parallel with the primary winding is needed to cater for the fact that the input impedance of
the transformer is frequency dependent.

analogue signal receiver

Vcm Vcc

Figure 8.4.6 Transformer driver.

8.4.7 Opto-isolator
With logic signals, isolation between the return conductor and local ground can be achieved
by using an opto-coupler, as illustrated in Figure 8.4.7.
Again, it is necessary to guard against high levels of interference at the quarter-wave
frequency of the cable.
8.5 Differential-mode damping 231




Vexternal ground

Figure 8.4.7 Opto-isolation for logic signals.

8.5 Differential-mode damping

Although transmission-line equations are not often used in the design of low-frequency
circuits, they still apply at those frequencies. There is no cut-off point in the spectrum below
which transmission-line theory ceases to be valid.
One important concept is that of characteristic impedance. Optimum transmission is
obtained when the input impedance of the receiver is equal to the characteristic impedance of
the line. There is no reflection of energy. If the source resistance is also equal to the char-
acteristic impedance, then there are no reflections at either end. This is standard practice when
dealing with radio-frequency signals. It is worthwhile considering the use of the characteristic
impedance to terminate the lines in the configurations of Figures 8.4.1 and 8.4.2.
If the line is operating at maximum efficiency, then it must also be experiencing mini-
mum loss. Since much of the loss is due to radiation, it follows that by terminating the line
correctly, minimum radiation will occur.
It is shown in section 2.9 that the transfer admittance for conducted susceptibility is
exactly the same as for conducted emission. Hence, this configuration also experiences
minimum susceptibility.

8.5.1 Transient damping

By its very nature, logic circuitry creates a continuous succession of transient steps in the
current delivered by the power supply rails on a printed circuit board. These transients have
minimal effect on the supply voltage because of the smoothing capacitors positioned at
strategic locations on the board.
Even so, there are still transient current demands on the cables delivering power from the
stabilized supply module. This causes transient voltages to be developed along the cable
In Figure 8.5.1, it is assumed that pcb1 handles relatively high current surges compared to
pcb2. The resultant voltage transients can be simulated by the source, Vtransient, shown on
the figure. As far as transients are concerned, the inductor behaves like an open-circuit and a
capacitor behaves like a short-circuit. So the voltage transient is delivered to the cable via the
120 W resistor. Similarly, the step voltage arriving at pcb2 sees a resistive load of 120 W. If
the characteristic impedance of the supply conductors is 120 W, then there will be no
reflections at pcb2.
232 CHAPTER 8 Practical design




supply cable
Zo = 120

Figure 8.5.1 Transient damping on printed circuit boards.

If there are no reflections, then there will be no ringing transients in the supply cable.
Removing these ringing pulses will remove a potential source of interference.

8.5.2 Mains filtering

The fact that a capacitor behaves like a short-circuit to transients means that any filter
capacitor between live and neutral of the 230 V, 50 Hz supply will reflect all of the energy of
an incident pulse back up the line. When an equipment unit is switched on, all of the tran-
sient energy is reflected back into the mains supply.
From the point of view of the equipment-under-review, this is a dont care situation.
The capacitor has provided an effective block to the incoming interference. If every equip-
ment unit is protected in this way, then the transient pulse will simply reverberate backwards
and forwards along the supply cable. This appears as a ringing transient, which decays to
zero eventually. Since the decay mechanism is due to the fact that the energy is converted to
electromagnetic radiation, this means that the act of switching any equipment on or off will
inevitably create a burst of high energy radiation.
Since the mains supply is routed virtually everywhere in a building, this transient has
the capability of disturbing the operation of any other equipment in the vicinity. One way
of avoiding this situation is to use the filter network of Figure 8.5.1. Another method is
illustrated in Figure 8.5.2. Here, the live and neutral conductors can be viewed as a trans-
mission line supplying differential-mode power. The neutral and earth conductors would
then be carrying common-mode loop current.
Any fast transient current arriving from the supply is routed via the capacitor C1 into the
load resistor R1. If R1 is equal in value to the characteristic impedance of the supply con-
ductors, then there will be no differential-mode reflection. Similarly, the resistor R2 absorbs
any transient power in the common-mode loop.
The use of resistors in the mains filters makes it possible to reduce the level of high-
frequency interference emanating from the power supply cables, at least in the immediate
8.5 Differential-mode damping 233

mains filter
substation socket
live R1
earth C2

to other equipment units equipment unit

Figure 8.5.2 Mains filter with transient damping.

vicinity of the equipment-under-review. Although perfect impedance matching is unlikely,

such terminations offer a dramatic improvement on filters which reflect all the energy.
Although the mains supply conductors are not designed as controlled-impedance trans-
mission lines and they have many stubs and branches along them, the fact remains that there
are usually several meters of cable between the equipment and the mains socket, and tens of
meters of three-core cable between the mains socket and the local switchboard. To a first
approximation, these cables can be represented by a triple-T circuit model such as the one
illustrated in the general circuit model of Figure 4.2.4. (If there was no point in trying to
simulate the characteristics of the mains supply, then Line Input Simulation Networks
(LISNs) would not exist.)
The tests described in section 7.5 show that a two-core mains cable has characteristics
which can be closely defined. The same is true of three-core cable. It is entirely possible for
designers to obtain a length of such cable and carry out measurements which define the
inductance, capacitance, and resistance of each conductor of that cable, and calculate the
values of the characteristic impedances.
Given knowledge of the values of the characteristic impedances of the line, it is possible
to define the optimum values for the resistors for the filter. If such resistors were to
be included, they would damp down the transients in the length of cable which supplies the
equipment-under-review. They would also attenuate interference caused by broadband over
power lines.

8.5.3 Solenoid switching

Another rich source of transient pulses is the action of solenoids. A fair amount of energy is
stored by the current in the winding. When the current source is switched off, the energy in
the magnetic field is converted to a high transient voltage, and this acts as a step voltage
input to the supply conductors. All of the energy is then converted to a ringing transient
in the cable. The amplitude of the transient dies down fairly quickly, because power has
radiated away in the form of an electromagnetic field.
Figure 8.5.3 illustrates how this transient energy can be safely absorbed. When the switch
SW1 closes, a step voltage is propagated down the line formed by the supply and return
conductors. If the resistor R1 is equal to the characteristic impedance of the line, then there
234 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

relay control unit

supply SW1

C2 C1
RL1 drive RL1
R2 R1
RL1 return R3


Figure 8.5.3 Relay transient damping.

will be no reflection from the initial edge. If the value of the capacitor is selected such that
the current waveform is critically damped, then the waveshape of the current in the cable will
be a single pulse, decaying to a constant value. High-frequency ringing should be minimal.
More importantly, when the switch opens, most of the energy stored by current in the
inductance of the solenoid will be absorbed by R1. Most of the energy stored in the capa-
citance of the line will be absorbed by R2.
It is also a fact that when SW1 is closing, the contacts will bounce several times. The
input supply to the solenoid is not a clean step function. Rather, it is a series of pulses of
varying mark/space ratio. There is no way of avoiding the creation of some level of inter-
ference. However, the amplitude of the radiated field can be minimized by using a conductor
pair to carry the supply current and by using damping resistors at each end, as Figure 8.5.3
If the structure had been used to carry the return current, then the amplitude of the
radiated field would have been much larger.

8.5.4 Commercial filters

It is useful for designers to be aware of the fact that commercial filters can cause unexpected
problems. These devices are characterized by subjecting them to a standard test. A signal
generator is used to apply a voltage to the input terminals of the device and the output
voltage is measured. The output impedance of the signal generator is 50 W and the load
presented by the voltage measuring equipment is 50 W. Maintaining a constant voltage and
varying the supply frequency allow a response curve to be derived. This is the definitive
curve recorded on manufacturers data sheets.
These curves usually exhibit a flat response at low frequencies, then form a downward
slope that indicates that as the frequency rises, the attenuation increases. It should not be
assumed that when the filter is installed in an item of equipment, the attenuation it provides
will match that of the manufacturers specification.
Usually, the filter presents a capacitive load at the input terminals. This capacitor reso-
nates with the inductance of the line to provide a peak in the response. This peak indicates
that there is a voltage gain, and sometimes the gain can be as high as 20 dB.
If the purpose of the filter is to remove high-frequency content from the signal arriving at
the equipment input terminals (or from the signal delivered to the output terminals), then it is
necessary to include the cable parameters in the simulation as well as the circuitry at the far
end, in analyzing its performance.
8.6 Common-mode damping 235

8.5.5 Use of carbon

Carbon is a material worth considering when selecting which components to use, since it has
a relatively high resistance that can be used to damp down reflections. For example, carbon-
composite resistors have minimal inductance and capacitance, making them very useful as
damping resistors.
The high-voltage co-axial cables used on the photon detector assembly, part of the Space
Telescope, have a layer of carbon composite material between the inner conductor and the
insulation, and a graphite layer between the insulation and the shield. It is possible for
current transients to occur in the high-voltage supplies due to switch-on and switch-off
conditions as well as to partial discharges. Fast transients are rich in high-frequency com-
ponents. Skin effect will ensure that these components of the current flow in the adjacent
conducting surfaces. Since these surfaces are composed of carbon material, the transient
current will flow along a highly resistive path.
Carbon tips on the static dischargers on aircraft present a high resistance in series with the
discharge path, minimizing the amplitude of each transient.

8.6 Common-mode damping

As indicated in section 4.4, there are always peaks in the response of the transfer admittance,
whether a grounded or a floating configuration is adopted. It is usually possible to select
which of these is the best choice for a particular application. Sometimes neither configura-
tion provides the required level of common-mode rejection, and it is necessary to damp
down the peaks in the response.
The only way of reducing the level of these peaks is to absorb the unwanted energy.
Although it is possible for a soft ferrite to absorb some of the energy in the resistive region of
its frequency range, it is much better to be able to insert a pre-defined value of resistance into
the common-mode loop over a pre-defined range of frequencies.

8.6.1 Common-mode resistor

One method of including a resistor in the common-mode loop would be to add a third
winding to the common-mode choke and connect a low value resistor between the terminals,
as illustrated in Figure 8.6.1. Since the bifilar winding carries the common-mode current,

signal transmitter signal receiver

+Vcc +Vcc

+ signal
T1 R1
ground Vexternal ground


Figure 8.6.1 The common-mode resistor.

236 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

there will be a voltage induced in this third winding proportional to the rate of change of this
current. The choke now really needs to be viewed as a transformer. Since the third winding
is loaded by the resistor R2, the effect is to insert a resistance in series with the common-
mode loop. If the third winding has the same number of turns as the bifilar winding, then the
value of the resistance inserted into the common-mode loop will be R2.
At all frequencies, this resistor is transparent to the signal current. But at the frequencies
for which the transformer is effective, the device acts to absorb the unwanted energy in
the common-mode loop. The value of the resistor is determined by the characteristic impe-
dance of that loop. Damping action is effective at all frequencies where the impedance of the
winding is greater than the resistance. Figure 7.5 illustrates the fact that the frequency range
can be quite wide.
One benefit from this technique is that the value of the common-mode resistor can now
be defined by the designer. The other is that it can be used at relatively low frequencies.

8.6.2 Minimizing pickup

Another possible use for the common-mode resistor is to prevent radio-frequency signals
being picked up by a microphone lead. It is not at all obvious that this would be a problem
with public address systems which restrict their bandwidth to the audio-frequency band.
However, common-mode signals arriving at the pre-amplifier can be converted to differ-
ential-mode signals by the mechanisms described in previous chapters. Any non-linearity in
the circuitry of the mixer can result in demodulation of the radio-frequency signal. The
demodulated signal will then be processed in exactly the same way as the intended audio
To deal with this problem, a ferrite core can be clamped round the cable and a short piece
of wire can be threaded through the core to act as the third winding and connected to a
resistor of defined value (say 100 W). This acts to provide a resistive load in series with the
antenna-mode current. It is effective over the entire bandwidth at which the toroid acts as a
transformer. Figure 8.6.2 illustrates the setup. This may not eliminate the problem of inad-
vertent demodulation, but it will reduce the interference level to a point where the signal is
It is important that the device be fitted as close to the grounded end of the cable as
possible, because it is at this end the current will reach a maximum value. Transformer action
depends on the rate of change of current. At the microphone end of the cable, there is no

common-mode resistor

clamp-on toroid structure

Figure 8.6.2 Antenna-mode damping.

8.6 Common-mode damping 237

antenna-mode current. If the device were to be located near the microphone it would be
totally ineffective.
An alternative solution to such a problem would be to use a shorter length of microphone
cable to change its quarter-wave frequency. This was the solution adopted for a public
address system in a church, when it had been possible to hear faint voices coming from the
speakers during quiet times of an evening service.

8.6.3 Triaxial cable

Another method of absorbing power in the common-mode loop is illustrated in Figure 8.6.3.
This method is particularly useful in situations where connections are made between the
bench test equipment and the equipment-under-test. In such setups, it is inevitable that the
interconnecting cables will be routed in close proximity to each other and that cross-coupling
will occur. Even with co-axial cables, the effect of this type of interference can be quite
noticeable, particularly under resonance conditions. The need arises for extra shielding to be
provided and for this shielding to be free from resonances.
A triaxial cable can be assembled by sliding a braided sheath over an insulated co-axial
cable. This assembly then consists of an inner and an outer transmission line, where the outer
line is formed by the two braids. The inductance of this outer line can be calculated by
setting r23 and r33 to the same value in (2.10.3). This allows the capacitance to be deter-
mined using (2.3.3), enabling the characteristic impedance to be derived from (4.1.7). This
sets the value for R2.
If the braid is connected to the shell of each co-axial connector via R2, then any tendency
for current in this inner loop to resonate will be severely damped.
To achieve good performance at very high frequencies, several resistors would need to be
assembled in an annular ring at each termination to minimize the inductance of the resistive
The setup of Figure 8.6.3 can first be viewed as a source of interference. Any high-
frequency signal passing between these two units will flow along the inner conductor of the
co-axial cable, returning via the screen. A small voltage will be developed along this screen,
causing current to flow in the loop formed by the screen and the outer shield. The resistors R2
will reduce the amplitude of this current and will minimize reflections in this loop.
With any setup linking the test equipment to the equipment-under-test, there are bound to
be at least three such cables. It is inevitable that these will be routed in close proximity, in

signal transmitter signal receiver

+Vcc +Vcc

+ R1

R2 R2 R1
ground ground

Figure 8.6.3 Triaxial cable.

238 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

some cases even touching. Although an outer woven braid of insulating material will prevent
direct contact, electromagnetic coupling cannot be avoided.
If the setup of Figure 8.6.3 is now viewed as a victim of such stray coupling, then the
effect of this coupling can be represented by a source voltage Vcross_coupling in series with
the outer shield. This will cause a current to flow in the outer loop. Since the resistors R2
limit the amplitude of this current, the voltage developed along the length of the inner screen
will be extremely small.
This means that the interference caused by the coupling of signals between cables of the
test setup will be extremely small. The introduction of damping resistors into the screen/
shield loops represents an improvement on the level of shielding that can be provided by a
configuration where the outer shields are simply shorted to the connector shells.

8.6.4 Transformer inter-winding

Figure 8.6.4 illustrates another method of absorbing unwanted power.
Some transformers are constructed with an inter-winding between the primary and
secondary windings. One end is left open-circuit and the other is usually connected to the
structure. Capacitive coupling between the windings allows any transient interference to
be short-circuited to earth, and minimizes the amplitude of the transient current between
primary and secondary windings.
However, the existence of a capacitor at the end of a transmission line means that it
is effectively short-circuited. The line is certain to resonate. Interference current at these
frequencies will be amplified, just like in a tuned circuit.
Such a situation can be avoided by inserting a resistor in series with the inter-winding.
This will damp down any resonant peaks.

substation live

Figure 8.6.4 Absorbing power via screen inter-winding.

8.6.5 Common-mode filter

Figure 8.6.5 illustrates a method of absorbing radio-frequency power picked up by long
cables. It uses a firing line for an electro-explosive device (EED) as an example. Under
normal operation, a steady-state voltage is applied to the firing line. Since the EED is usually
a low-resistance device, a high current will flow and the device will heat up sufficiently to
cause ignition.
Under all other conditions, it is essential that a safety margin exists between any inter-
ference current and the no-fire current of the device. It could be that the system is intended to
8.6 Common-mode damping 239

control unit buffer box igniter

low pass
Fire T1 68

structure structure
Vthreat1 Vthreat2

Figure 8.6.5 The common-mode filter.

operate under conditions where the electromagnetic environment is extremely harsh, such as
when it is located near a high-power transmitter.
A fair level of protection is provided by the use of a differential-mode supply, the
installation of a low-pass filter at the igniter end of the line, and the shielding afforded by
the screen of the twisted pair. However, the firing line is still prone to resonate at some
frequencies, and at these frequencies, the protection can be compromised.
The purpose of the buffer box is to ensure that the high peaks due to resonance never
occur even in the most severe environmental conditions. Under such worst-case conditions, a
high threat voltage Vthreat1 appears in the common-mode loop between control unit and
buffer box. Since transformer T1 acts as an inductor to common-mode current, it limits the
common-mode current very significantly.
A threat voltage Vthreat2 also exists between the buffer box and the igniter. This creates
a current in the loop formed by screen and structure. Current in the screen develops a voltage
along its resistance, and this small voltage appears as a voltage source in the common-mode
loop formed by the screen and the firing line. Since the resistors in the buffer box match
the characteristic impedances of the conductors they terminate, there is no resonance. Also,
the resistor network acts as a bridge circuit to balance the current in the two conductors of the
firing line.
The result is a firing circuit that is safe to use in very hostile environments.

8.6.6 Transformer-coupled resistors

Apart from lightning pulses, the most powerful source of interference is the main power
supply. Although the power is delivered at a very low frequency, the transients created when
loads are switched on and off make it a rich source of high-frequency electromagnetic fields.
When any load is switched on, there is an initial current transient due to charging current
in the stray capacitors (C1 and C2) of Figure 8.6.6. This is reflected back up the line by the
motor inductance, and reflected further at all discontinuities along the way. There is nowhere
for this unwanted energy to go, except into the environment. When a machine is switched
off, the energy stored in the inductors and capacitors can only expend itself in the form of a
burst of interference.
It is in such situations that the transformer-coupled resistance can be used to good effect.
Figure 8.6.6 shows a filter whose sole function is to absorb unwanted transient energy. This
energy can emanate from the motor switching current or from the transients generated by
240 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

R1 R2
substation SW1 SW2 C1
N T1 T2

Figure 8.6.6 Transformer-coupled resistance.

other switched loads on the supply. One resistor absorbs differential-mode interference,
while the other minimizes the common-mode current.
Transformer T1 is trifilar wound, and T2 is bifilar wound. The resistor R1 is approxi-
mately equal in value to the characteristic impedance associated with the common-mode
loop, while R2 is the same as the characteristic impedance of the differential-mode loop. The
mutual inductance of each transformer is determined by the lowest frequency at which the
resistor is effective. Such a circuit can help to reduce the level of environmental pollution
caused by switching transients in heavy-duty loads.
It could be used to prevent the nuisance tripping of the residual current detector in the
mains switch box. Such tripping can occur at switch-on if there is a large value capacitance
between the live and earth conductors at the load end.

8.7 Shielding
Since every book on EMC carries a section on shielding, there is no need for an extensive
treatment of the subject in these pages. However, it is useful to apply the lessons learnt in the
previous chapters to review the shielding properties of the structure.
The action of any electromagnetic field on a conductor is to induce a current along that
conductor. If the frequency of the radiation is high, then most of this current will be con-
centrated on the surface of the conductor; the skin effect predominates.
With a dipole antenna, this current is routed to a receiver via a transmission line. If the
conductor is a square, flat surface such as an equipment panel, then the current travels to the
edge of the square. Since this represents a discontinuity in the current flow, some of it is
reflected back. Some of it continues to flow, down the edge and back along the opposite face
of the panel.
Any transient current flowing in a conductor will emit a radiated field. That is, the panel
acts as a repeater and radiates a significant proportion of the transient energy back into the
environment. Since current is flowing on both sides of the panel, radiation is in all directions.
As far as shielding is concerned, such a panel is highly inefficient.
If the shield were to be spherical, then there would be no direct path between the inner
and outer surfaces. At the outer surface of the conductor, part of any external field would be
reflected back into the environment, but some would be absorbed into the material. At the
inner surface of the conductor, some energy would be reflected back to the outer surface and
some would propagate into the volume enclosed by the sphere. The ratio between external
and internal power levels is described as the shielding effectiveness of the material.
8.7 Shielding 241

This shielding action is equally useful in preventing internally generated field from
radiating out into the environment. This means that a conducting surface can provide an
effective barrier to the propagation of electromagnetic energy at all frequencies, provided
that there are no gaps in the surface.

8.7.1 Equipment shielding

In practical situations, the construction of the enclosure is more akin to a box-like structure
than a spheroid. There are joints between panels and framework, holes in panels for venti-
lation, gaps to allow visibility of meters, indicator lamps, and screen displays, and more
holes for potentiometer spindles, switches, push-buttons, and keyboards.
This means that any current flow will be subject to multiple discontinuities and multiple
reflections. Since current density will increase at the discontinuities, hot spots can develop
in the conducting surface immediately adjacent to slots. Under resonance conditions, these
slots can act as dipole antennae.
Methods of dealing with gaps between structural components are to use crimped seams or
conductive gaskets. Cut-outs used to provide visibility of meters and displays can be covered
with conductive glass with the conductive surface of the glass RF-bonded to the shield all
around the edge. Holes for access shafts can be protected by a waveguide below cut-off.
All these techniques are described in detail in Reference 8.1.
The purpose of most units of electronic equipment is to process signals which arrive and
depart via connectors and cables. If the cables are unscreened, then any interference they
pick up will be routed directly into the shielded enclosure. This will render the shield
One option would be to filter the signals at the shield wall. Another option would be to
sheath the cable with a screen braid and RF-bond this braid directly to the shield wall, either
directly or via the shells of suitable connectors. Such a construction ensures that most of the
interference current flows via the cable screen to the outer surface of the enclosure.
Methods of maintaining the integrity of any shield are illustrated in Figure 8.7.1.
It is possible to design enclosures which have a shielding effectiveness of 100 dB or
more. However, this can only be confirmed by testing. In the absence of such tests, it is better
to assume a limit to the frequency at which shielding is effective.
This can be determined by following guidelines provided by the Ordnance Board [8.2].
Essentially the procedure is to examine the equipment and measure the length of the largest
gap in the shielding, Lgap. The cut-off frequency is then:

300  106
flimit 8:7:1

Below this frequency, it can be assumed that the shielding effectiveness is 20 dB, that is, a
voltage or current ratio of 10 to 1. Above this frequency, it is better to assume that the
shielding effectiveness is zero. When assessing the EMC of any particular signal link, the
approach could be to implement the analytical techniques described in Chapters 26, and
then to invoke the shielding factor as described above. This would give a worst-case figure.
In cases where the structure does not meet the rigorous guidelines of Figure 8.7.1, it still
provides some measure of shielding by virtue of the fact that there will be circulating
242 CHAPTER 8 Practical design


Any hole or slot with no Waveguide below cut-off for

dimension greater than 0.25l ventilation, or access for
at the highest frequency of non-conducting shaft
concern. This will limit the
shielding effectiveness to about
6 dB at that frequency 360 degree bonding of
co-axial connectors to
Hole for panel meter or display shielding enclosure
shielded with a suitable mesh,
RF-bonded all around its
perimeter to the shield Filter body correctly
mounted, leaving EMI
no gaps filter
Seam with r.f. gasket i.e. 360 degree gasketting

Crimped seam

Figure 8.7.1 Maintaining integrity of shield.

currents in the conducting loops which absorb the energy of the incoming radiation, in much
the same way that a breakwater protects boats inside a harbor. Chapter 3 describes a method
that has been successfully used by researchers to locate regions in aircraft structures where
the indirect effects of a lightning strike are least severe. This identifies routes along which
cables can safely be laid. Such an approach can apply to any structural assembly.
Carrying out tests of actual performance, as described in Chapter 7, would allow a more
accurate figure to be assigned to the shielding provided to any particular signal link.
Other techniques for calculating shield effectiveness can be found in Reference 1.5.

8.7.2 Shielding of buildings

Protecting buildings and structures from the effects of lightning presents a more daunting
task, but the approach is essentially the same.
Figure 8.7.2 illustrates the protection measures which have evolved. Instead of a con-
tinuous conducting surface enclosing the building, the outer shield consists of a cage-like
network of conducting links. Lightning conductors on the roof provide attachment points for
any direct strike as well as a vertical conducting path down the outer walls to a grid-like
network of conductors buried in the earth. Linking conductors provide horizontal paths
between the verticals.
The nature of antenna-mode transient current is that it flows on the outer surface of
conductors. The purpose of the horizontal links is to enable the downlinks to share the
current. This minimizes the amplitude of the transient current in any particular conductor,
and minimizes the level of pulsed magnetic field it creates. The presence of these links
ensures that the lightning transient flows on the outer surface of the building. That is, the
assembly of lightning conductors acts in the same way as a shield. Most of the current flows
down the lightning conductors into the earth. It will also flow away from the building via any
8.7 Shielding 243

live signal
neutral return
earth lightning conductor
linking conductor earth

surge protection device

surge protection device

earth bonding bar

electric power cable telecom cable

earthing mesh

Figure 8.7.2 Lightning protection of building.

other conductor. So it can be expected that a proportion will be carried by the earth con-
ductor of the power line.
High transient current in the conductors inevitably creates high transient voltages
between these and any other conductors in the near vicinity, with the risk of arcing. This can
happen at ground level as well as at height.
To prevent damage to telecommunications cables, surge protection devices can be fitted
at the point of entry to the building. These are usually assemblies of metal oxide varistors.
At voltages below a pre-determined threshold, a varistor behaves like a pair of back-to-
back Zener diodes. If the threshold voltage is exceeded, the current increases rapidly, and
avalanche breakdown occurs. Some devices are capable of handling extremely high currents,
of the order of 40 kA, albeit for a short period, but long enough to survive a lightning current
surge. During a lightning transient, the reaction time is fast enough to prevent the voltage
transient from exceeding the voltage withstand capability of the equipment being protected.
Current into the telecommunications line is limited by the inductance and resistance
of the line when it is acting as an antenna. The cable acts to carry a small proportion of
lightning current away from the building, and, hopefully, continues to serve its normal
function after the event.
A similar surge protection device can be fitted at the point where the service power cable
enters the building. Although the earth conductor of the power cable will carry the larger
proportion of the current flowing into the cable, electromagnetic coupling will create a high
transient voltage between the earth and live conductors, and between the earth and neutral
conductors. When this happens, the components of the surge protection device change into
the conducting state. This has two effects; the live and neutral conductors now act to carry
some of the transient current away from the building, and the transient voltages between the
conductors are held to a level that the insulation can withstand.
244 CHAPTER 8 Practical design

If lightning strikes either the telecommunications cable or the power cable outside the
building, the relevant surge protection device will act to ensure that the electrical equipment
inside the building remains safe. A more detailed description of the method used to protect
buildings from the effects of lightning is provided by a manufacturer of surge protection
devices [8.3].
The measures illustrated in Figure 8.7.2 can provide protection from the worst effects of
lightning, and injury to humans, fire, and structural damage. Preventing damage to electrical
and electronic systems requires further measures, such as other surge suppression devices
between the main switchboard and the equipment. Lightning protection zones, such as
screened rooms, can also be installed.
It should be noted that surge protection devices can only provide protection from
damage. They cannot prevent interference from upsetting the normal functioning of the
To prevent upset due to interference, one or more of the other techniques illustrated in
this chapter need to be included in the system design.

8.7.3 Use of carbon

If the surface is highly conductive, some of the radiation is reflected, but most is conducted
into spaces where its presence is undesirable. If the surface contains resistive material such
as carbon, much of the unwanted electromagnetic energy is converted into heat.
Examples of carbon used for this purpose are as follows:
Blocks of carbon composite material are used to line anechoic chambers.
A bitumen layer is added to the walls of secure buildings.
Carbon composite used in the structure of aircraft absorbs much radiated energy.
Static dischargers have carbon tips to create a voltage drop between the structure and the
environment. This limits the discharge current to safe levels.
Fuel pipes made of carbon composite material prevent the buildup of static voltages.
Carbon in vehicle tires, making contact with tarmac, prevents vehicles acquiring a static
It is a useful exercise to investigate the materials planned for use in the equipment under
development to check whether the properties of carbon can be exploited.

System design

Chapters 2 and 3 have used the concepts of electromagnetic theory to create circuit models
that allow electromagnetic coupling between adjacent circuits to be simulated using circuit
theory. The resultant simplification in the mathematics comes at a price. Action and reaction
anywhere in the system is assumed to be instantaneous. This means that the wavelength of
the maximum frequency of the simulation must be greater than 10 times the maximum
dimension of the assembly-under-review.
Chapter 4 shows how this limitation can be relaxed by invoking the concept of distributed
parameters. Even so, the limitation is that the wavelength of the maximum frequency of the
simulation must be greater than 10 times the maximum size of the cable section. However,
this means that the maximum frequency of the simulation is no longer limited by the length
of the cable.
Chapters 5 extends the application to analyze coupling between cable and environment.
Here, the simplifications are achieved by assuming worst-case analysis. This is acceptable when
analyzing EMC, where the criterion is to ensure that the actual interference is always less than
that predicted.
The transient analysis of Chapter 6 reveals many features of electromagnetic coupling
that are not generally known and which provide a much improved understanding of the
The development of the modeling process was made possible by the fact that many tests
were carried out on many cable assemblies. Chapter 7 describes some of them. Correlating
the results of each test with those of the model allowed defects in the model to be corrected.
This was a more unforgiving approach than one based purely on theory. Even so, every
equation is traceable back to formulae derived in textbook theory.
Chapter 8 has identified several techniques which can be used to minimize the level of
interference coupled into and out of a signal link. It is possible to glean a few simple
guidelines that identify the basic concepts used in all these techniques, and these are listed in
section 9.1. If implemented at the initial stage of a project, these guidelines should ensure
that the EMC of the system can be achieved in a cost-effective way.
In all the previous chapters, the approach has been to build up circuit models from basic
building blocks and to develop those models to deal with increasingly complex coupling
mechanisms. Having developed these models to a point where they provide a reasonably
accurate simulation of the performance of actual hardware, it is possible to reverse the
process and describe a top-down approach. This is the objective of section 9.2.

246 CHAPTER 9 System design

Section 9.3 identifies the function of the interface circuits as buffers between the signal
processing functions on printed circuit boards and the signal distribution function of the
wires and cables. Chapter 8 provides details of a wide range of such interface circuits.
Having established a clear set of relationships between currents and voltages in the signal
link and the electric and magnetic fields in the near vicinity, it is possible to extend those
relationships to include the EMC requirements. That is, the design of the system can be
tailored to meet those requirements. Section 9.4 establishes a relationship between the threat
environment and the level of interference experienced by the victim circuit. Section 9.5
relates the design of a potential source of interference to the maximum level of radiated
interference, as specified by the formal requirements.
One of the responsibilities of every engineer is to ensure adequate preparations are made
before embarking on a design project. Section 9.6 identifies those aspects of the planning
necessary to implement the approach described here. In particular, it recommends that
enough bench test equipment be provided to meet the needs of the project and that mathe-
matical software be installed on the personal computers. It goes on to describe methods of
identifying those signal links that could pose problems and of characterizing those links
during the initial development of the system. It concludes by stating that the best way of
dealing with an EMC problem is to create a circuit model and review it in the light of the
guidelines of section 9.1.

9.1 Design guidelines

Although the approach has been to create circuit models that simulate the behavior of elec-
tromagnetic field coupling, the fundamental parameters used in the construction of every model
have been derived from electromagnetic theory and all the equations used in the analyses of
Chapters 26 are traceable back to that theory. Chapter 7 shows that there is a clear correlation
between actual performance of a physical assembly and the response of its circuit model.
It is possible to distil a few simple guidelines from the analyses and assessment of the
previous chapters. If implemented, they will ensure that the system under development has
the best possible chance of meeting all the EMC requirements.

9.1.1 Structure as a shield

Probably the most important conclusion of the previous chapter is that designers should
avoid the temptation to use the structure as a convenient return path for signals and power.
Every conductor of the structural assembly possesses the property of inductance. Any
changing current will develop a voltage along the length of that conductor. If voltages can
exist between different locations on the structure, then that structure cannot be regarded as an
equipotential surface. Every signal and every power line that uses the structure as a return
conductor is guaranteed to interfere with every other signal in the system.
Section 8.1 explains this in more detail, and goes on to reason that it is better to design the
structure as a network of conducting loops. Any interference field will cause current to
circulate in each loop, and the field created by the circulating current will tend to balance the
effect of the incoming radiation. Such a design will create a structure that behaves essentially
as a shield. Section 8.7 provides more information on the design of shields.
9.1 Design guidelines 247

9.1.2 Return conductors

Every conductor acts as an antenna and any electrical signal can be treated as a sequence of
small (or large) step pulses. A transient step pulse traveling along any conductor will create
an electromagnetic wave that spreads out in all directions. If another conductor is routed
alongside, then the electromagnetic wave will create a current which flows in the opposite
direction along that second conductor. That is, the second conductor acts as a receiving
antenna. The closer the two conductors are to each other, the more current is captured.
If the second conductor is assigned to carry the return current, then the conductor pair is
acting as a transmission line. It appears as though an electromagnetic wave is traveling along
the intervening space, guided by the conductor pair. The tests described in sections 7.5 and
7.6 illustrate this effect.
If the return conductor follows a different route, then the coupling between send and
return conductors is reduced while the coupling between differential-mode current and
common-mode current is increased. The signal link will emit more interference and its
susceptibility to interference will increase. Section 2.8 shows how the parameter values of
the circuit model are affected by the relative positions of the conductors in the cross section
of the cable assembly.
Two important objectives are achieved by keeping the send and return conductors of the
signal link as close together as possible. The efficiency of the link is improved (there are
fewer losses), and the interference level is minimized. Improved EMC and improved effi-
ciency go hand-in-hand.
Since the transfer admittance of the cable as an emitter is the same as the transfer
admittance that defines its susceptibility, then the action of routing the two conductors will
also reduce the susceptibility of the signal link.

9.1.3 Ground loops

In the vast majority of signal links, it is simply not practical to use any of the techniques
described in section 8.4 to achieve common-mode rejection. Both the output signal and the
input monitor are referenced to the zero-volt conductor of their respective printed circuit boards.
Rather than using the conducting path via the structure or the single-point ground of Figure
8.3.1, it is good practice to connect the return conductor to local structure at both ends of the
line. This will form a multitude of ground loops (or earth loops) that each carry common-mode
current. Electromagnetic field generated by common-mode current caused by external inter-
ference will link both conductors of any signal link and will balance out the interfering signal.
With the configuration illustrated by Figure 8.3.2, the field generated by the signal
conductor will induce a current that flows in the opposite direction along the return con-
ductor. The tests described in section 7.5 illustrate this fact. As the frequency increases, less
and less current will flow in the common-mode loop.
In printed circuit boards, the ground plane acts as a set of return conductors, each located
precisely under the associated signal conductor. Figure 8.2.2 illustrates the fact that current
can flow in opposite directions in the ground plane. For this to happen, current must be
flowing in a loop in the ground plane. The ground plane acts as a multitude of ground loops.
If the link-under-review is intended to carry a narrow-bandwidth, low-frequency signal,
then it is sometimes better to isolate the return conductor from structure at the receiving end.
248 CHAPTER 9 System design

However, the floating configuration acts to amplify interference levels at the quarter-wave
frequency. In such configurations, it is necessary to ensure that the interface circuitry
does not respond to frequencies in this range. This can be done by the use of bandwidth
If the single-point ground configuration is implemented, then the system will exhibit the
worst EMC characteristics possible. Section 8.3 identifies the essential difference between a
configuration that uses ground loops and one that is based on the concept of the single-point

9.1.4 Current balance

The existence of a return conductor adjacent to the send conductor provides an opportunity
to balance the currents. If the current in the return conductor is equal in magnitude but
opposite in direction to that in the send conductor, then the total current at the interface will
be zero; that is, the common-mode current will be zero and there will be no interference.
Such a situation is never achieved in practice. But it is something to aim for. Circuit
configurations described in section 8.4 help to minimize interference.

9.1.5 Differential-mode damping

It is good practice to minimize differential-mode reflections at the interface circuitry. If dif-
ferential-mode energy is reflected back into the transmission line, the only way it can disappear
is via electromagnetic radiation. In other words, matched transmission-line design is best for
low emissions.
Since the transfer admittance for conducted susceptibility is the same as that for conducted
emission, it follows that matched transmission-line design is best for low susceptibility.
Ideally, the terminations at each end of the line should be the same as the characteristic
impedance of the line. This will generally be somewhere in the range 50200 W. Open-circuit
and short-circuit terminations will cause 100 percent reflections of all signals. Inductive or
capacitive loads will cause 100 percent reflection of transient steps in any signal.
Section 8.5 describes various ways of damping differential-mode reflections.

9.1.6 Common-mode damping

Viewed from the perspective of conducted susceptibility, current in the common-mode loop
is undesirable, since some of it will inevitably appear in the differential-mode loop. Viewed
from the perspective of conducted emission, current in the common-mode loop is undesir-
able, since all of it will inevitably reappear as interference.
The only way of preventing unwanted energy from radiating out into the environment or
coupling into the common-mode loop is to absorb it, that is, to convert it into heat energy.
Components capable of absorbing electrical energy are soft ferrites (especially when
operated in frequency ranges where they are most resistive), steel-cored transformers and
chokes, and other ferromagnetic materials that exhibit heating losses. Nickel is sometimes
used to coat copper conductors to make them more lossy.
It is possible to insert a defined value of resistance in the common-mode loop or the
antenna-mode loop using one of the techniques described in section 8.6. These can be
9.2 Relating the diagrams 249

especially useful in reducing the amplitude of high-current long-duration transients in power

supplies, the kind usually dealt with by surge suppressors.
Carbon is a material worth considering when selecting components and materials.
Sections 8.5.5 and 8.7.3 provide examples of its use.

9.1.7 System assessment

The modeling techniques described in the previous pages describe how to create a circuit
model to simulate the interference coupling mechanisms of any signal link. In the majority of
configurations, it is possible to assess the adequacy of the design merely by examining the
circuit model from an engineering point of view. If any risks are identified, the design can be
modified at an early stage in the development process.
Critical signal links can be identified at a very early stage of product development. One
of the actions of such a feasibility study would be to identify tasks that should be carried out
in the subsequent stages to define the detailed design and analyze the performance of these
links. A method of performing such an assessment is described in section 9.2.

9.1.8 Bench tests

Having identified critical signal links and carried out a prediction of the performance of
each, the next step is to check the actual performance by subjecting it to bench tests.
Chapter 7 is devoted to the subject of bench testing, in terms of the method of checking
and in terms of the method of analysis. A representative circuit model can be created of the
link-under-review, and this model can be used to predict the results of formal testing in an
EMC test house.
Reports of such analyses will be a significant feature of design reviews.

9.2 Relating the diagrams

Any plan to control the EMC must necessarily involve a top-down view of the system, and
this requires the systematic use of diagrams. Since the creation of block diagrams, circuit
diagrams, and wiring diagrams is part of the normal design process, it is logical to extend the
use of the technique to assess the EMC characteristics of the system.
The purpose of this section is to provide an overall view of the process and indicate some
of the design considerations involved in meeting the EMC requirements. Since there are
many books that provide detailed guidance on the design of electronic equipment, infor-
mation on other aspects of design is not included here.

9.2.1 Circuit diagrams

One such diagram is the circuit illustrated by Figure 9.2.1. The push-pull emitter follower
identifies the module as the output stage of an audio amplifier, the stage which supplies
drive current into a loudspeaker. The focus is purely on the circuitry of the module, with
minimal information about the interconnecting cables and no information about the circuitry
in other modules.
250 CHAPTER 9 System design

+15 supply
+15 return
15 return
audio input + 15 supply
audio return

speaker drive
speaker return
zero volt

Figure 9.2.1 Circuit diagram audio power amplifier.

No component values are shown in this particular figure because the diagram is for
illustrative purposes only. If component values had been defined, it would have been pos-
sible to analyze the performance of this module. Simulation Programs with Integrated Cir-
cuit Emphasis (SPICE) are designed specifically to deal with such a task. All that the
equipment designer needs to do is draw the circuit on a computer screen, define the com-
ponent values, add a voltage source to the input terminals, and invoke one of the analysis
options. Very significantly, SPICE software is capable of analyzing both transient behavior
and frequency response of the system.
Although SPICE can be used to simulate the behavior of extremely complex circuitry on
printed circuit boards, that facility comes at a price. The previous chapters have shown that
the analysis of interference coupling is based on the assumption that voltages exist between
reference or ground conductors. SPICE analyses of the functional performance of com-
plex assemblies are based on the assumption that all points connected to the reference con-
ductor are at zero volts. Given such an assumption, there is no point in attempting to use such
software to analyze interference coupling in complex assemblies.
Section 8.2 shows that although voltages exist along the surface of a ground plane, the
simultaneous existence of circulating currents allows that plane to be regarded as an equi-
potential surface. Hence, SPICE analysis of complex circuitry on a printed circuit board with
a ground plane can provide a reliable simulation of the behavior of that circuitry. This makes
the software a valuable analytical tool. The words integrated circuit emphasis indicate the
intended application of the software, the analysis of small sized modules.
In this particular example, the signals being processed are in the audio range, up to about
20 kHz. At this frequency the quarter-wavelength is more than 3.5 km. Since the largest
dimension on the printed circuit board is of the order of 10 cm (corresponding to a quarter-
wave frequency of 7.5 GHz), it is not likely that antenna-mode interference will have any
direct effect on the board-mounted circuitry.
Although it is possible for high levels of radio frequency (RF) interference to arrive via
the input (or output) connectors, the design of the interface circuitry should be such that all
signals outside the operating range of the amplifier are severely attenuated. This is probably
the most important precaution.
It is worth noting that non-linearity in the relationship between voltage and current in
transistor and diode junctions can cause the modulation of an RF signal to be picked up. The
9.2 Relating the diagrams 251

same is true if the center frequency of the RF signal lies on the sloping part of the frequency
response curve of a filter. Care should be taken to select transistors and diodes that are not
capable of responding to high-frequency RF signals outside the bandwidth of the signal
being processed.
It is also advisable to keep the signal loops on the board as small as possible, either by
using a ground plane or by routing the tracks carrying each signal and its return current
closely together.
Given such precautions, it is reasonable to assume that there will be no internal inter-
ference between components on the board. By ignoring effects that are judged to be irrele-
vant, the computational power of SPICE software can be put to good use in analyzing the
behavior of extremely complex circuit boards.
Even though the main purpose of SPICE analysis is to simulate system function, it is still
possible to assess and analyze the interference coupling characteristics of critical signal links
on the board by reviewing them in the light of the guidelines of section 9.1.

9.2.2 Wiring diagrams

However, this assumption that all connections to the reference node are at zero voltage
ceases to have any validity when the inter-module wiring of the equipment is considered.
The wiring diagram of Figure 9.2.2 shows how this particular printed circuit board could be
interconnected with the other modules of the equipment and how equipment units are
assembled to create a functioning system.
In this system, the cables carrying signals and power between the various units are much
longer than the printed circuit traces connecting different components on the printed circuit
boards. Since the interface circuitry for each signal link is designed to provide a buffer
between the interconnecting cable and the signal processing circuitry on the board, it is
possible to assume that interference picked up by the cable can be treated separately to that
picked up by the traces on the printed circuitry.
The analysis of section 5.3 shows that the maximum threat voltage which can be induced
in a cable of defined length is proportional to the inverse of the frequency. Figure 5.3.7

microphone pre- speaker

+15 V

15 V


Figure 9.2.2 Wiring diagram simple audio system.

252 CHAPTER 9 System design

illustrates the relationship. That is, the longer the cable, the higher the voltage which can be
Figure 5.3.7 also illustrates the fact that the frequency at which maximum voltage can be
induced reduces as the length of the cable increases. For a long cable, the design of the
interface circuitry should ensure that the signal passed on the processing circuitry due to the
threat voltage is within acceptable limits. This design would almost certainly include a low-
pass filter, ensuring that the level of attenuation increases as the frequency increases.
This being so, the focus of attention shifts to the design of the interconnecting cables.
Any external electromagnetic field will link with the cables and will cause antenna-mode
current to flow in the outer surface of every exposed conductor. Equally, any antenna-mode
current created by differential-mode current in the cables will radiate interference away from
the system.
For such a system, the assumption that every point on a conductor is at the same voltage
is no longer valid. It becomes necessary to represent the coupling to and from the signal loop
as a triple-T network, as illustrated by Figure 2.7.6.

9.2.3 Block diagrams

It is best to approach the problem in a systematic manner. Since most electronic systems are
much more complex than the simple public address system depicted here, it is normal
practice to illustrate the function of each equipment unit by means of a block diagram, as
illustrated by Figure 9.2.3.
Such a diagram gives the designer an overall view of the relationships between the
different units, and is usually created during the initial feasibility study of the project. At this
stage of development, many details of the design have yet to be defined, and this includes the
details that control the EMC of the system.

microphone pre-amp


Figure 9.2.3 Block diagram simple audio system.

9.2.4 Interface diagrams

Given the existence of a block diagram that identifies every signal transmitted between every
processing module, it becomes possible to focus attention on each signal link, and this function is
performed by an interface diagram. Figure 9.2.4 is just such a diagram. It identifies all the
conductors and all the components involved in transmitting a signal from the pre-amplifier to the
power amplifier. By limiting the scope of the diagram to the components involved in coupling
interference between one signal and its environment, unnecessary complication is avoided.
The normal function of block diagrams is to allow attention to be focused on the modules
(such as the audio power amplifier of Figure 9.2.1) that process the signals. By creating an
9.2 Relating the diagrams 253

pre-amplifier power amplifier




Figure 9.2.4 Interface diagram of link between pre-amplifier and power amplifier.

interface diagram for each signal link, the same block diagram can be used to focus attention
on the signal links, that is, on the lines on the block diagram, rather than the boxes.
The interface diagram identifies the cable conductors, the connector terminals, and the
circuitry at each end of the cable, and indicates how the structure interconnects the ground
reference conductors at each end. It identifies the common-mode loop and the differential-
mode loop. It defines precisely how the transmitter circuitry interfaces with the cable and
precisely how the buffer at the receiving end is designed.
This diagram illustrates clearly that three conductors are involved in carrying a signal
from one location in the system to another. In this case, it is the inner conductor of the
co-axial cable, the screen of that cable, and the structure. Differential-mode current is carried
by loop formed by the signal and return conductors (in this case, the core and screen of the
co-axial cable); common-mode current is carried by the loop formed by the return conductor
and structure. In this context, the structure represents the combined effect of all other con-
ductors linking the two equipment units.
This diagram is arguably the most important from the point of view of EMC design. The
designer is able to define what sort of cable to use wire pair, co-axial cable, screened pair,
multiconductor assembly, or something else. He or she is free to use any of the interface
circuits described in Chapter 8, or to define a completely new interface. It is also possible to
decide whether or not to enclose the cable with an overall screen or to route it along conduits.
Anyone viewing the interface diagram is provided with a complete picture of the features
of that link which are relevant to EMC. If the information is contained in several drawings,
each with a generous sprinkling of earth symbols, it is rather like peering into the mist.

9.2.5 Circuit models

In the case of the interface diagram of Figure 9.2.4, the signal carried by the differential-
mode current is more likely to suffer from interference than to cause it. Hence, any current in
the common-mode loop can be classed as an interference source. As far as EMC analysis is
concerned, the task is to define how this will affect the signal. Assessing the coupling
between these two loops can be accomplished by the use of the circuit model of Figure 9.2.5.
So the creation of the circuit model becomes the next step in the process.
254 CHAPTER 9 System design

L1 L1
2 co-axial inner 2

Vsignal C1 Vout
L2 C2 L2
2 2

L3 structure
2 Vthreat 2

Figure 9.2.5 Circuit model of link between pre-amplifier and power amplifier.

A circuit model for a signal link can be defined as one that simulates the interference
coupling mechanisms. It allows both the susceptibility and emission characteristics to be
In many cases, the mere act of creating a circuit model allows the characteristics of the
signal link to be assessed. It is possible to view such a model in much the same way that an
experienced designer can look at the circuit diagram of a functional module and identify its
strengths and weaknesses.
In the case of the link-under-review, the only coupling between differential-mode and
common-mode loops is via the transfer impedance of the screen. It would be useful to know
the frequency response characteristic of this impedance. If this information is available, then
the component values for the circuit model can be deduced. Section 2.10 gives details on the
method of modeling co-axial cables.
There may be problems when resonance conditions arise and the current in the screen
reaches a high amplitude. If, as in this example, the bandwidth of the differential-mode
signal is restricted to audio frequencies, then there should be no problems. There should be a
low-pass filter at the audio amplifier interface to ensure that any high-frequency content is

9.2.6 Deriving component values

Initial values for the components of the circuit model can be derived from a review of the
physical assembly of the wiring harness.
The common-mode loop is essentially made up of four sections: the co-axial cable
between the pre-amplifier and the audio amplifier, the mains cable delivering power to the
audio amplifier from the mains trunk cable, a short section of trunk cable, and the mains
cable delivering power to the pre-amplifier. Figure 9.2.6 illustrates the magnetic properties
of this assembly.
The partial inductance of each section of the loop can be derived by treating the section
as a composite conductor made up of several conductors in parallel. Section 3.1 describes
how to derive the inductance of a single composite conductor. Summing the values derived
for the four partial inductors gives a value for the loop inductance (L3 in the circuit model of
Figure 9.2.5).
9.2 Relating the diagrams 255

co-axial cable

common-mode Lp2
mains supply cable mains supply cable
to pre-amplifier to audio amplifier

mains trunking

Figure 9.2.6 Inductance of common-mode loop.

Since the value of capacitance C3 is closely related to the inductance L3, this parameter
can also be defined. Section 2.3, on the duality between L and C, provides the relevant
With properly terminated co-axial cable, the impedance common to the common-mode
and differential-mode loops is the transfer impedance of the screen. As indicated previously,
the model can be created if information on the frequency response of this parameter is
available. Such information could be provided by manufacturers data sheets.
Given knowledge of the diameter of the two conductors of the co-axial cable, the
inductance per meter of the differential-mode loop, L1, can be defined. Since the char-
acteristic impedance of the cable is (to a first approximation) equal to the square root of the
ratio between inductance and capacitance, it is possible to derive a value for C1 in the circuit
If the signal link is more complex (for example, if the conductors form part of a multi-
conductor cable with an overall screen), then the technique described in Chapter 3 can be
used to determine the coupling parameters.
Alternatively, data from a set of bench tests can be used to construct the model. This
could be provided by tests carried out on the prototype equipment, or by data from a library
of representative circuit models as described in section 9.6.6.
Values for the components at each interface are either defined by the designer or speci-
fied in the relevant drawings of each equipment unit.

9.2.7 Analyzing the signal link

The most appropriate EMC test for this particular configuration is the conducted suscept-
ibility test. A voltage transformer is used to inject a known voltage at a set of known fre-
quencies into the common-mode loop, and the amplitude of the differential-mode current is
monitored. Figure 4.4.4 illustrates a setup that could be used.
Given knowledge of the values of the components of the circuit model, it is possible
to predict the response of the signal link to such a test during the initial stage of
256 CHAPTER 9 System design

9.2.8 Testing the link

If it the results of such a simulation indicate that possible interference problems might occur,
then bench testing of this link could be included in the development program for the product.
Correlating the test results with the response of the model will allow an accurate circuit
model to be created, one which can be used to define the performance of that particular link.
Such an approach will provide a high level of confidence in the ability of the system to
pass the formal EMC tests on the first attempt. Significant cost saving can be achieved by
avoiding the need to modify production-standard equipment and resubmit it to the qualifi-
cation test procedure. Delays inherent in this process, which affect the time-to-market of a
new product, can also be avoided.

9.3 Printed circuit boards

Detailed design of printed circuit boards is well covered in existing books, so there is no need
for this section to reprise that information. However, there are a few points that are worth
In section 8.7, various ways of maintaining the integrity of an equipment shield were
identified. In every case, the purpose was to provide a barrier against the incursion of
external fields and to prevent the egress of internal fields into the environment. Figure 8.7.1
illustrates the concept.
The same concept can be applied to the design of printed circuit boards. If each interface
between a board and the external wiring is limited to the transmission or reception of one
signal, then that interface will act as a buffer between the board and interference carried by
that wiring. Sections 8.48.6 describe a number of designs that can achieve this purpose.
A properly designed buffer will attenuate any interference signal arriving via the inter-
connecting cable to a level that is within acceptable limits. This could be a requirement that
the normal function of the signal processing circuitry should not be upset, or a requirement
that no damage should occur and that the system should be able to recover after the event.
The buffer should include filter components to limit the signal bandwidth to that which is
necessary for the intended signal function.
With multi-layer boards, the ground plane can provide the shielding against external
fields. If the supply rail is also constructed of a plane surface, then the shielding can be very
effective. Even if the board is single-sided, the presence of adjacent boards will provide a
measure of protection.
Although it is still possible for interference to be picked up directly by the printed circuit
tracks, the fact that buffers exist at every interface means that interference arriving via the
cables can be dealt separately to the assessment of the performance of the board itself;
the frequencies of the threat signal would be quite different. During such an assessment, the
guidelines of section 9.1 continue to apply. Concepts that are applicable at system level are
still relevant at board level.
The concept of composite conductors can be used to analyze the coupling between
adjacent tracks on a board, or the coupling between a signal link on a board and the local
environment. Chapter 3 describes the technique and Figures 8.1.1 and 8.2.1 provide practical
9.4 Susceptibility requirements 257

The concept of segregation of noisy and quiet circuits is often implemented on printed
circuit boards. If one section of the board is used to mount logic circuitry and another section
holds analog components, then it is not a good idea to mount each set of components on its
own separate ground plane. The ground plane should cover the entire board, since it provides
a return path for each signal trace at precisely the right location. Any separation of ground
planes on a board will disrupt the paths for return currents, with an increased probability of
Since the wiring on printed circuit boards is much shorter than that used externally, the
frequencies at which problems occur will be much higher. Since the threat level reduces with
frequency, interference from distant sources is unlikely (unless the board is completely
exposed to the environment). This means that interference problems at very high frequencies
are more likely to be due to emanations from nearby boards. Sniffers are available to detect
sources of high-level emissions [9.1].
Sections 8.48.6 are devoted to describing ways of designing the interface circuitry. The
most important consideration is that the design of the circuitry at both ends of the cable
assembly should be considered at the same time. Books on circuit design [9.29.4] can
provide guidance on the design of the functional circuitry, while the book EMC Design
Techniques [1.10] has an excellent chapter on printed circuit boards.

9.4 Susceptibility requirements

Susceptibility requirements can be defined in terms of the threat environment and the
acceptable functional behavior of the circuit interfered with. For example, 1% maximum
error is harder to design for than 10%.
Although there is a wide range of test specifications defined in a host of EMC regula-
tions, it should usually be possible to define the threat environment in terms of a frequency
response curve. Table 9.4.1 defines the frequency characteristics of the environment to
which some U.K. military equipment can be subjected [9.5].
It is clear from the table that the most severe threat to military equipment lies in the range
between 100 kHz and 100 MHz. So this is the range depicted in Figure 9.4.1.

Table 9.4.1 Frontline and operational support equipment field strength

Frequency Average field strength (V/m)

10 kHz100 kHz 10
100 kHz500 kHz 10
500 kHz1.6 MHz 10
1.6 MHz5 MHz 560
5 MHz10 MHz 380
10 MHz30 MHz 200
30 MHz100 MHz 200
100 MHz200 MHz 60
200 MHz700 MHz 70
700 MHz1 GHz 60
258 CHAPTER 9 System design

1 103




1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
Fi Hz

Figure 9.4.1 Example of military threat environment, 100 kHz to 100 MHz.

1 105

V See Figures 5.28 and 5.29

1 104

Vthreat (i)

1 103

1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
Fi Hz

Figure 9.4.2 Threat voltage induced in the common-mode loop for a 15 m link.

In section 5.5, a method of relating the power density of the external interference to the
differential-mode current induced in a signal link was derived. A Mathcad worksheet was
used to calculate the frequency response of induced current in that link to a field of constant
power density. Electric field strength is related to power density by:
E Zo  S 9:4:1

This being so, the response of Figure 5.5.9 could also be described as the response of the
assembly to a field of constant electric field strength. Since the contractual requirements
usually define the threat environment in terms of a field of varying intensity, it is necessary
to include this parameter as a variable.
Given knowledge of the length of the assembly-under-review, it is a simple matter to
define the threat in terms of the voltage that will be induced in the common-mode loop.
Figure 9.4.2 illustrates the variation of that voltage with frequency for a signal link of 15 m.
This is the same length as the link described in section 5.5, a twin conductor cable routed
9.4 Susceptibility requirements 259

over a conducting structure. The computations are carried out by page 1 of Worksheet 9.4
and illustrated by Figure 9.4.3. It is worth noting that the threat voltage peaks at over 10 kV.
A representative circuit model was created in section 5.5 to simulate the coupling
between the common-mode loop and the differential-mode loop, and a worksheet was
derived to calculate the amplitude of the interference current in the signal circuitry. By
applying the threat voltage Vthreat to the culprit loop, the current Iout can be calculated. The
response is illustrated by Figure 9.4.4.
The computations were carried out by adding pages 1, 2, and 3 of Worksheet 5.5 to
Worksheet 9.4. (See figures 5.5.3, 5.5.6, and 5.5.7)

Worksheet 9.4, page 1 data from Table 9.6.2

0.01 10 c := 299.8 106 m/s

0.1 10
l := 15 m Length of cable
0.1 10
0.5 10 fq := = 4.997 106 Hz
4 l
0.5 10
1.6 10 n := 100 N := 20 n i := 1 .. N
1.6 560
5 560 Fi := i
5 380
10 380
data = fnd(thres) := j 1
10 200
while dataj, 1 thres
30 200
30 200 jj+1

100 200 kj1

100 60 datak, 2

200 60 E(i) := f Fi See Figure 9.4.1

200 70
thres f 106
700 70
700 60
1000 60 Vthreat(i) := f Fi Function based on
Figure 5.3.6
l Displayed on Fig. 9.4.2
Va E(i)
Vb Va sin 2 p
Vb Va if l >

Figure 9.4.3 Calculating the threat voltage for a 15 m cable.

260 CHAPTER 9 System design


see Figures 5.5.1 and 5.5.2


Iout 1


1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
F Hz

Figure 9.4.4 Frequency response of current in the differential-mode loop.

It is clear from this graph that the critical range of frequencies lies between 1.5 and
10 MHz. So the design of the interface circuits, the shielding, and the signal processing will
need to focus on providing protection to the system function over this range of frequencies.
The above example is intended for illustrative purposes only, to show how system design
can be related to the susceptibility requirements.
It is also worth noting that this is a worst-case analysis. In practice, there will be a
significant reduction in threat level due to shielding afforded by the structure as well as
re-radiation of the interference back into the environment. Although this is a limitation of the
circuit modeling approach, any errors will be on the side of caution.

9.5 Emission requirements

As with susceptibility requirements, there is a host of formal requirements for controlling the
emission characteristics of electrical equipment, and again it is possible to use a military
requirement for illustrative purposes. Table 9.5.1 is a copy of the emission requirements
defined in the U.K. Defence Standard for signal and secondary power lines [9.6].

Table 9.5.1 Emission requirements of DCE02B

Frequency Current (dBmA)

20 Hz 130
2 kHz 130
50 kHz 50
500 kHz 20
150 MHz 20
9.5 Emission requirements 261

The test involves the use of a current transformer clamped round the cable-under-test and
connected to a current measuring device. The values in the second column of the table define
points on the characteristic. Figure 9.5.1 illustrates that characteristic. It defines the upper
limit for measured emissions.
Creating this graph was a simple matter of converting the values of dBmA in the second
column of the table to values in amperes and plotting these values at the appropriate fre-
quency. Figure 9.5.2 reproduces the first section of Worksheet 9.5 because some readers
might be unfamiliar with the relationship between dBmA and A.




1 103

1 104

1 105

1 106
10 100 1 103 1 104 1 105 1106 1 107 1 108 1 109
F1 Hz

Figure 9.5.1 Maximum acceptable emission.

Worksheet 9.5, page 1

Amps(dBmicroA) := dBA dBmicroA 120


A 10 y

20 130
2000 130

data := 50 103 50 F1 := data1 dB := data2

500 103 20
i := 1.. rows(data) Ilimiti := Amps(dBi)
200 106 20

Figure 9.5.2 First page of worksheet 9.5.

262 CHAPTER 9 System design

The emission requirements illustrated by Figure 9.5.1 can be compared to the predicted
response of any given signal link, for example, the link depicted by Figure 9.5.3.
This particular link is used as an example because it is the one which was subjected to a
susceptibility analysis in the previous section.
Analyzing the emission characteristics of this link can be carried out by copying pages 1,
2, and 3 of Worksheet 5.5, (Figures 5.5.3, 5.5.6, and 5.5.7) adding them to Worksheet 9.4,
and making a few minor changes to the program. Basically, these changes are:
setting the value of the radiation resistance Rrad to zero (Inserting a 50 W resistor in
series with the structure is only necessary when susceptibility is being analyzed.),
setting the voltage source in loop 2 of the model to zero (When simulating emission, it is
assumed that there is no voltage source in the common-mode loop.),
setting the voltage source in loop 1, Vout, to unity (The voltage source is assumed to be in
the differential-mode loop.).

radiated field

near-end unit far-end unit

15 meter cable
132 signal conductor
Vout return conductor 132


Figure 9.5.3 Estimating the level of the radiated field.

1 maximum acceptable radiation


Ilimit 0.01 maximum radiation of configuration

of Figure 9.5.3 for Vout = 1 V
1 103

1 104

1 105

1 106
1 103 1 104 1 105 1 106 1 107 1 108
F1 , F2 Hz

Figure 9.5.4 Comparing the response of the proposed design with the emission requirements.
9.6 Planning 263

It is clear from this analysis that the configuration-under-review is non-compliant with the
requirements at frequencies above 50 kHz.
However, this analysis is of the worst-case conditions.
The design can be remedied by
limiting the bandwidth and the amplitude of the signal to that which is essential for the
intended function, and
implementing one or more of the techniques described in Chapter 8.

9.6 Planning
9.6.1 Performance requirements
These usually take the form of a set of EMC test requirements for the particular system being
developed. Several groups have developed independent sets of such requirements: military,
aircraft, spacecraft, automotive, ships, commercial, etc. Different countries have different
regulations. It is usually the case that the manufacturer involved in designing the product
already has a full set of regulatory documents in place. If not, then there are several con-
sultancies that specialize in offering advice. The International Journal of Electromagnetic
Compatibility [9.7] identifies a number of such organizations.
It is sometimes the case that external EMC requirements are inadequate to meet the needs
of safety or reliability. In which case, in-house EMC requirements may be called for.
Once the EMC requirements have been defined, the task is to design the equipment to meet
those requirements. Normal procedure is to carry out formal EMC testing after all other tests
have been completed. If the result of the formal test process is a number of non-compliances,
then the equipment will need to be modified and resubmitted. This can be an expensive process,
since at this stage all the manufacturing drawings will have been completed, all the manu-
facturing processes will have been written, and all the components will have been purchased.
Also, there is not any guarantee that the modified equipment will be compliant.
The previous chapters of this book have shown that a clear correlation can be established
between test requirements and the detailed design of the equipment. This allows EMC to be
treated in the same way as requirements such as frequency response, functional performance,
mass, size, reliability, and cost. This being so, analysis and test of the EMC requirements can
be integrated into normal design process.

9.6.2 Bench test equipment

Two essential items of equipment are needed to supplement the general-purpose test equipment;
the current transformer and the voltage transformer. Although these transducers are available
commercially, they are tailored to meet the needs of the formal regulatory requirements rather
than the needs of the equipment-under-development. They are also expensive.
Chapter 7 provides details of the design, manufacture, and calibration of simple, low-cost
devices that can be constructed in-house. These particular devices were designed to cover a
frequency bandwidth of about 20 kHz to 20 MHz. The coverage can be extended downwards
by using larger devices or upwards by using smaller devices. The devices described in
264 CHAPTER 9 System design

sections 7.1 and 7.2 use 10-turn windings on the toroids to ensure that the impedance
reflected by the test equipment into the loop-under-test is as small as possible.
Some commercial transformers extend the frequency range by employing just one turn on
the primary winding.
It would be a worthwhile exercise to manufacture a set of triaxial cables, as described in
section 7.3. It is important that the test equipment does not create spurious coupling with the
The use of such devices need not be restricted to bench testing during the development
process; they can also be used for in situ testing during trials and trouble-shooting. The
availability of bench test equipment to check EMC enables newly purchased equipment to be
assessed before it is integrated into the system.

9.6.3 Software
Any organization involved in the design of electronic equipment will already have a number
of personal computers devoted to the design and manufacturing process. SPICE software
will be installed on many of these to analyze the functional performance of the circuitry on
the printed circuit boards.
Such software is based on the use of nodal analysis and the existence of a reference node
at zero volts. If it is assumed that all connections to the reference plane are at zero volts, then
extremely complex boards can be analyzed. However, this assumption carries with it the
hidden assumption that there is no such thing as interference.
This does not mean that SPICE software is incapable of analyzing interference coupling.
It is entirely possible for this software to analyze any of the lumped parameter models of
Chapter 2. Moreover, such models can be combined with models of complex printed circuit
boards. Provided the user is aware of the limitations of such software, valuable information
can be gleaned from the exercise.
However, there will always be occasions where such an approach is inadequate, making
it necessary to use mathematical software such as Mathcad. This type of software has the
advantage that the computations are not restricted to circuit models, as many of the work-
sheets in this book can confirm. If both types of software are installed on the same computer,
it becomes possible for them to exchange data.

9.6.4 Critical signal links

In any complex system, it is necessary to select the signal links that may be critical in terms
of high susceptibility or high emission. So it is useful to identify the criteria used during the
selection process.
The most obvious criterion is the length. Equation (5.1.15) indicates that the power
received by a dipole receiver is proportional to the square of the wavelength. If the link-
under-review is treated as one monopole, with the structure acting as the other monopole, as
illustrated in Figure 5.3.1, then maximum power will be received when the actual length is
equal to one quarter wavelength of the interfering signal.
If the cable is routed along the structure, then the response of Figure 5.3.7 should provide
guidance on the level of interference to expect at different frequencies.
9.6 Planning 265

As far as susceptibility is concerned, the most critical links are often, but not always,
those that carry very low level signals, such as those from remote transducers.
As far as emission is concerned, the most critical links are those that carry the highest
transient currents. Power supplies fall into this category, since they almost always contain
switch-mode converters. The transmission of fast digital signals between separate items of
equipment can also create high levels of emission.
It is normal practice to create a block diagram at the early stage of a project to identify the
main items of equipment and to define their function. Since the links between blocks at this
level of definition are likely to be the longest, as well as carrying the most important signals,
such a diagram can be used to identify the most critical links.

9.6.5 Critical frequencies

Experience has shown that both emission and susceptibility are characterized by a series of
peaks and troughs. Since EMC requirements are usually defined in terms of limits which
should not be exceeded, it is invariably at peaks in the response that these levels are
exceeded. Any analysis of the interference coupling mechanisms needs to focus on these
peaks, on the frequencies at which they occur as well as on their amplitude.
Since the peaks occur at frequencies corresponding to multiples of the quarter-wave
frequency of the line and since the quarter-wave frequency is a function of the length of the
signal link, it is not difficult to make a first estimate as to what the critical frequencies are.
Figure 5.5.8 illustrates this for the configuration of Figure 5.5.1.
The relationship between power and frequency ensures that there is less power available
at frequencies higher than that corresponding to a quarter-wavelength. If it is assumed that
the threat level is constant with frequency, the frequency at which the first resonance occurs
is likely to be the most critical. Even so, some EM environments have very much higher
levels at very high frequencies. Hence, it is important to consider the entire range of fre-
quencies when assessing the requirements.

9.6.6 Characterization
Although the methodology described in this book can be used to create circuit models of any
particular type of cable coupling using manufacturers data, there are always uncertainties.
For example, the relative permittivity and the radiation resistance are usually unknown
variables (unless one has to hand a field solver that can accurately predict permittivity and
radiation resistance from dimensions and material characteristics).
If the link-under-review is constructed from different types of cable, or if the effect of the
terminations is uncertain, tests on a representative rig can be used to create a representative
circuit model that can be used with confidence.
However, it is not necessary to characterize every signal link in the system. The repre-
sentative circuit model of a particular type of cable can be applied to every cable of that
type. Since the L, C, R, and G parameters of a cable are proportional to length, tests on a long
cable can be used to define the characteristics of a short cable.
Tests of long cables over a low frequency range can be used to predict the response at
high frequencies. When carrying out such a test, care should be taken that the cross section is
266 CHAPTER 9 System design

uniform along the entire length and that the effect of the terminations is minimal. The test
described in section 7.5 is an example.
One observation made during these tests was that it did not seem to matter how the cable
was laid out, or whether or not there were tight bends. These features might cause local hotspots
in the field distribution, but they did not seem to have any effect on the overall response.
Another observation was that when two conductors are twisted together to create a twin-core
cable and subsequently separated, the lengths of the two conductors were different. The more
turns per meter, the greater the difference. If the lengths are different, then so are the impedances.
If the impedances are different, then the coupling between common-mode and differential-mode
signals must increase. Specifying a high number of turns per meter is not a good idea. There are
other ways of achieving close spacing between conductors, for example, ribbon cable.
Capacitors are really open-circuit transmission lines coiled into a small volume. Just like
transmission lines, they have inductive properties. Unlike transmission lines, there is only
one resonant frequency, as the response of Figure 7.7.3 illustrates. This could be due to
capacitive coupling between adjacent turns. Interference within the component seems to
cancel out the higher frequency resonances that would occur with a normal transmission line.
Tests can be devised to measure the value of each component-within-a-component as
illustrated by Figure 7.7.4. By applying an input signal via a 50 W cable and monitoring the
output via another 50 W cable, the component can be measured over a range that includes a
peak or a null in the frequency response. A circuit model can be postulated to simulate the
component. Analysis of this model allows the theoretical curve to provide a faithful simu-
lation of the measured response. Adjusting component values of the model allows the actual
and simulated responses to coincide. The end result is a representative circuit model of the
component, valid over the frequency range of the tests carried out.
By creating a library of representative circuit models to simulate signal links and com-
ponents, it becomes possible to simulate any signal link in the system. This is essentially the
approach used with SPICE software, but adapted to meet the needs of EMC.
Several examples of representative circuit models are provided in the previous pages, and
these are listed in Table 9.6.1.
These have been derived from the small set of general circuit models listed in Table 9.6.2.

9.6.7 General approach

Since there is a multitude of regulatory test specifications, there is no point in attempting to
compile a list of such regulations. In any case, the relevant set of regulations is dependent on
the type of equipment being assessed. However, these requirements have one common fac-
tor; they all specify the use of electronic equipment to carry out the tests. Previous chapters
of this book have shown that it is always possible to create a model of the coupling
mechanism between two independent circuits. So it is always possible to relate the perfor-
mance of the equipment under test to that of the formal test setup.
Formal requirements are not the only factor to consider when assessing the EMC of the
product-under-review. Cross-coupling within the system will inevitably cause problems. Nor
is there any guarantee that a product that meets the formal requirements will experience no
interference problems during its lifetime.
Whether or not it is standard design procedure it is useful to carry out a failure mode,
effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) on the system-under-review; it is a worthwhile
9.6 Planning 267

Table 9.6.1 Representative circuit models

Description Figure

Screened pair example 3.3.4

Cross-coupling example 4.3.3
Conducted emission test setup 4.4.3
Conducted susceptibility test setup 4.4.5
Exposed cable simplified 5.4.3
Radiation coupling via the structure 5.5.4
Transient emission from cable 6.6.5
Voltage transformer 7.1.6
Current transformer 7.2.7
Cable under test 7.5.12
Murata 100 nF capacitor 7.7.4

Table 9.6.2 General circuit models

Description Figures

Three-conductor signal link 4.2.4

Isolated conductor 5.2.2 and 7.4.4
Isolated cable 5.2.8 and 7.5.5
Exposed cable and structure 5.3.2
Exposed cable and structure simplified 5.4.1
Transient emission 6.6.1

exercise to spend some time assessing the possible problems that could arise due to EMI. The
section Banana Skins in every issue of the EMC Journal [9.8] provides some hair-raising
examples of what can go wrong.
When dealing with any problem relating to electromagnetic interference, the approach of
the circuit designer should always be to create an interface diagram of the link-under-review
such as the one illustrated by Figure 9.2.4, and assess its characteristics using the guidelines
of section 9.1. This task should take less than a day for even the most convoluted link.
If this does not immediately identify the cause of the problem, the diagram can be used to
create and assess a circuit model of the link. The results of this initial assessment can
determine whether there is a simple solution or whether more detailed analysis is necessary.
Tests on a prototype assembly can be devised to check that the solution is viable before
implementing the modification.
The objective should be to acquire a high degree of confidence that the system-under-
review will meet the defined requirements without over-designing the protection measures.
It is much easier to do this when the design is based on the results of circuit modeling than
when it is based on the consensus of opinion at a design review meeting.
If further development is needed to improve the design of a critical assembly, then the
information acquired by the circuit modeling approach can be used as a baseline for more
sophisticated analyses using three-dimensional field solvers.

Mathcad worksheets

As far as circuit modeling is concerned, Mathcad software eliminates most of the tedium
involved in developing programs. It can handle tasks that include the calculation of values of
circuit components, analysis of the response of the circuit model, analysis of test data to
define the response of an assembly under test, and display a single graph showing the
responses of model and hardware. This can all be done on the same worksheet; that is,
without the need to invoke subroutines that are recorded on separate files. Moreover, the
equations used in the computations are displayed in exactly the same way as they would
appear in a textbook on circuit theory.
In a programming language, equations look something like:
x B SQRTB 2  4A C=2A

With Mathcad software, the same equation looks the same way as it does in a reference book:
b b2  4  a  c

This makes the programs much easier to read and understand. Mathcad software also avoids
the need to use a rigorous procedure to write a program. If the programmer gets the syntax
wrong, the software refuses to accept the entry; and provides a message indicating what is
On a worksheet, the equations can be set out from left to right, top to bottom. Text can be
included anywhere on the page.
Doubtless there are other software packages which provide the same sort of facility.
However, for consistency in presentation, Mathcad is the one used here.
Since this software has been available for over a decade, there is a fair probability that the
reader is already using it. If not, it should be fairly easy task to modify the programs in the
worksheets of this document to convert them into programs which work with other software
A few symbols in Mathcad have a special meaning:

a : b c a is defined as the sum of b and c

a2 the value of a is 2

270 APPENDIX A Mathcad worksheets

If the equals sign is in bold typeface, the software interprets this as the boolean equal
and returns a zero or a one.
The programming operator looks like that shown on Figure A.1:

root(a, b, c) = discr b2 4 a c

num b + discr

denom 2 a


Figure A.1 Simple Mathcad program.

The programming operator behaves like a function, taking input variables and returning
an output. This output is the last variable to be declared. In the example above it is the value
of the ratio of num divided by denom. The program can return a single variable, a vector,
or an array.
Local variables defined in the function are not visible outside. However, variables
declared in the worksheet above the program function are visible within the function.
Included in the software are a number of built-in functions. As far as circuit modeling is
concerned, the most important is lsolve(M, v). The argument M is a square array, while
v is a vector. M contains as many rows as there are elements in v. This function returns a
solution vector x such that Mx v.
Another useful characteristic of the software is that it can distinguish between the j
operator as used with complex numbers and the variable j. It can be defined as an ima-
ginary number by typing the characters 1j. It appears on the worksheet as j.
It is also possible to intermingle text with variables. This facility is put to good use in
defining the units appropriate to each variable. To avoid cluttering up the worksheets, this is
usually restricted to places where a variable is defined or a final result is displayed.
Armed with this information, there should be no real problems in understanding the
programs contained in the Mathcad worksheets of this book. Since the figures in the book
which depict Mathcad worksheets have been hand-copied from copies of the actual work-
sheets, it is possible that errors have been introduced in the transcription process. Further
errors could be introduced by the reader hand-copying the text onto his or her own computer.
To prevent the chance of such errors creeping in, copies of the original Mathcad files are
available in a zip folder which can be downloaded from These files
can be run on any computer which has Mathcad version 15.0 (or higher) software installed.
The techniques described in the previous pages can be used to simulate the interference-
coupling characteristics of any signal link. Every electrical or electronic system will have its
own particular set of interference problems. It should be possible for individual designers to
carry out tests and create circuit models of their own critical links. Such information can be
shared. Mathcad users have access to PlanetPTC, a mix of dynamic channels that enables PTC
customers and product development professionals to actively participate in exchanging ideas.
However, it does not really matter which software is used to carry out the calculations.
The key feature of any circuit model is the fact that it is a shorthand method of defining a set
of equations. It becomes possible to describe the hardware, the tests, the model, and to
illustrate the results in a single report. There are many forums and many communities which
can be used to publish such reports.


Translating Mathcad worksheets into MATLAB m-files was a fairly simple task. That being
so, it should not be difficult for MATLAB users to understand the function of the Mathcad
worksheets replicated in this book. There are some differences which could be puzzling at first.
With MATLAB, there are five windows; Command Window, Command History, Cur-
rent Folder, the Workspace, and the Editor. The program is really a text file in the Editor
Window, and needs to be saved to a file before it is run, a task performed by typing and
entering a command in the Command Window. All variables and their computed values are
accessible in the separate Workspace. The Current Folder holds the files which are acces-
sible to the Command Window, and the Command History keeps a record of all the actions
taken to date. If a computation is carried out to produce a graphical picture, the picture is
displayed in a separate Figure Window.
With Mathcad, there is only one window; the Worksheet. Variables and expressions can
be defined anywhere on the page and intermingled with text, in the same way that calcula-
tions are recorded in a laboratory notebook. There is no list of numbers down the left-hand
side of the page. Of course, there is a basic rule; the sequence of commands must be left to
right; top to bottom. Graphs are created and modified by invoking menu commands. The
run command is invoked by clicking anywhere on an empty portion of the worksheet. This
means that everything; definitions, expressions, functions, numerical results, graphs, and
explanatory text, is displayed on the worksheet. Any part of the worksheet can be copied and
pasted onto a Microsoft word document. Copies of the Mathcad worksheets are available in
rich text format (.rtf) at
Both Mathcad and MATLAB work with arrays and vectors, and the related operations are
called up by similar expressions. For example; Ai,j in a Mathcad worksheet can be translated
into A(i, j) in MATLAB, V k : 0 into V zeros(k,1), lsolve(Z, p V ) into linsolve(Z, V ), etc.
Similarly, ln( f ) can be translated into log( f ), jxj into abs(x), x into sqrt(x), etc.
In Mathcad, all vectors are column vectors; in MATLAB, vectors can be defined as row
vectors or column vectors.
In Mathcad function statements, the parameters on the worksheet are visible to the
computations in that function. In MATLAB, they are not; every variable used by a function
must be included in the set of input variables.
In Mathcad, the function statements form part of the worksheet. In MATLAB, these are
stored as separate Function Files. This means that those MATLAB m-files which invoke the
use of special functions must have the relevant Function Files available in the Current Folder.


If in doubt about the method of computation employed by any worksheet, the reader who
is familiar with MATLAB can easily clarify its purpose by examining the text of the
equivalent m-file. Each Mathcad worksheet has been translated into one or more MATLAB
files and the set of files stored in a zip folder. This folder can be downloaded from www.
In the preceding pages of the book, each page of a worksheet is presented in the form of a
figure, and these figures are interspersed with diagrams and descriptive text. To ease the task
of relating the MATLAB files to the Mathcad worksheets, the text of each worksheet is
available in its entirety in portable document format (pdf) file, and these files are also
available at the above website.

The hybrid equations

It is entirely possible that the hybrid equations of section 4.1 are unfamiliar to engineers,
even those who are experienced in the application of electromagnetic theory. If the starting-
point equations are viewed with scepticism, then designers are unlikely to have any con-
fidence in the succeeding mathematics. That being so, it is necessary to provide proof of the
validity of (4.1.4) and (4.1.5).
It is even more likely that the average circuit designer has never seen them before. This
section provides a succinct derivation of these equations. It is also made clear that both
conductors of the line possess the properties of inductance, resistance, capacitance, and
conductance. By defining the variables in terms of loop parameters, it avoids the use of
the concept of the equipotential ground. It is basically a set of lecture notes copied from a
blackboard at Glasgow University in 1959.
Figure C.1 illustrates how voltage and current can vary along the length of a transmission
For the purpose of deriving the transmission line equations, the following definitions

R resistance per unit length: W=m

L inductance per unit length: H/m
C capacitance per unit length: F/m
G conductance per unit length: S/m

Voltage and current are functions of both x and t. For the section dx:
dV dV
R j  w  L  dx  I V  V  dx   dx C:1
dx dx
dI dI
G j  w  C  dx  V I  I  dx   dx C:2
dx dx

R j  w  L  I C:3

274 APPENDIX C The hybrid equations

G j  w  C  V C:4

V dx

I dx
I I+
Vsource x


Figure C.1 Transmission line voltages and currents.

Differentiating (C.3) gives:

d2 V dI
R j  w  L  R j  w  L  G j  w  C  V C:5
dx2 dx

Differentiating (C.4) gives:

d2 I dV
G j  w  C  R j  w  L  G j  w  C  I C:6
dx2 dx

Substituting g2 for R j  w  L  G j  w  C in (C.5):

d2 V
g2  V C:7

This relationsip can be derived from:

V C  egx D  egx C:8

This can be confirmed by differentiating (C.8) twice. Another way of defining this rela-
tionship is:

V A  coshg  x B  sinhg  x C:9

This is because:
egx egx e  egx
2 2
A B gx A  B gx
e e
2 2
gx gx
Ce De
APPENDIX C The hybrid equations 275

From (C.3) and (C.9):

1 dV g
I     A  sinhg  x B  coshg  x
R j  w  L dx RjwL

Now, since:
R j  w  L RjwL RjwL
p Zo
g R j  w  L  G j  w  C GjwC

I   A  sinhg  x B  coshg  x C:10

Figure C.2 illustrates the boundary conditions of the line.

Vs Is I Ir Vr

x l

Figure C.2 Transmission line boundary conditions.

From Figure C.2, boundary conditions are:

V Vr at x l
I Ir at x l

At the receiving end, x can be replaced by l in (C.9) and (C.10):

Vr A  coshg  l B  sinhg  l C:11

Zo  Ir A  sinhg  l B  coshg  l C:12

Multiplying (C.11) by sinhg  l and (C.12) by coshg  l:

Vr  sinhg  l A  coshg  l  sinhg  l B  sinhg  l  sinhg  l C:13

Zo  Ir  coshg  l A  sinhg  l  coshg  l B  coshg  l  coshg  l C:14

Subtracting (C.14) from (C.13) gives:

Vr  sinhg  l Zo  Ir  coshg  l B  sinh2 g  l  cosh2 g  l B

276 APPENDIX C The hybrid equations

B Vr  sinhg  l  Zo  Ir  coshg  l C:15

A Vr  coshg  l Zo  Ir  sinhg  l C:16

substituting A and B in (C.9):

V Vr  coshg  l Zo  Ir  sinhg  l  coshg  x
 Vr  sinhg  l Zo  Ir  coshg  l  sinhg  x
Vr  coshg  l  coshg  x  sinhg  l  sinhg  x
Zo  Ir  sinhg  l  coshg  x  coshg  l  sinhg  x

V Vr  coshgl  x Zo  Ir  sinhgl  x C:17

Similarly, substituting A and B in (C.12) and reducing the hyperbolic products gives:

I Ir  coshg  l  x  sinhg  l  x C:18

At the sending end, x 0; V Vs; I Is. Substituting these values in (C.17) and (C.18)
Vs Vr  coshg  l Zo  Ir  sinhg  l
Vr C:19
Is  sinhg  l Ir  coshg  l

where the propagation constant is:

g R j  w  L  G j  w  C C:20

and the characteristic impedance is:

Zo C:21

It is worthwhile emphasizing the fact that, in this derivation, the parameters R, L, G, and C
are defined in terms of W/m, H/m, S/m, and F/m. The concept of per-unit-length parameters
is inherent in all the transmission line equations to be found in textbooks. Even so, this
appendix is the only place in this book where such parameters are invoked. Section 4.1
shows that the analysis of transmission line behavior can be related to the actual resistance,
inductance, capacitance, and conductance of the conductors.


These definitions are those used in this book. They are not necessarily the same as those
appearing in other documents.

antenna-mode current Unidirectional current in the conductors of a cable. That which flows
between the cable and the environment.
buffer circuit The circuit which forms an interface between the conductors of a signal
link and the processing circuitry of the equipment unit.
circuit equations A set of equations which relate voltages to currents in a circuit model.
circuit model A model which obeys the rules of circuit theory and which simulates the
behavior of the assembly under review.
circuit parameter A parameter used in a circuit model.
common-mode current Current which flows in the loop formed by the cable and the structure.
common-mode gain The ratio of the output voltage of a buffer circuit to the common-mode
input voltage when the differential-mode input is zero.
common-mode rejection The ratio of the differential-mode gain to the common-mode gain.
Usually quoted in terms of decibels.
composite conductor A set of elemental conductors, aligned in parallel, which enables the
distribution of currents or voltages in the actual conductor to be
conducted emission The current induced in the common-mode loop by a voltage source in the
differential-mode loop. See Figure 4.4.1.
conducted susceptibility The current induced in the differential-mode loop by a voltage source in
the common-mode loop. See Figure 4.4.5.
culprit loop The loop in which the interfering voltage source is located.
current transformer A transducer which monitors the magnetic field surrounding a group of
conductors and generates a voltage proportional to the sum of the
currents in those conductors.
delay-line model A circuit model which simulates the differential-mode behavior of a
transmission line.
differential-mode current Current which flows in the loop formed by the signal and return
differential-mode gain The ratio of the output voltage of a buffer circuit to the differential-mode
input voltage when the common-mode input voltage is zero.

278 APPENDIX D Definitions

distributed parameters Parameters which are derived from the use of per-unit-length parameters.
earth The conductor(s) designated to carry fault current in an AC distribution
network. Always connected to the conducting structure.
elemental conductor A conductor which represents a small segment of the surface of a
composite conductor.
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility. The ability of a device, unit of equip-
ment, or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic
environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic dis-
turbances to anything in that environment.
EMI Electromagnetic interference.
EUT Equipment under test.
floating configuration A wiring configuration where the signal link is isolated from the structure
at one (or both) ends.
general circuit model A model which includes interface circuit components as well as cable
coupling components, but which does not specify component values.
ground Another name for the conducting structure. The terms ground, earth
and structure are interchangeable in the analyses described in this
grounded configuration A wiring configuration where the return conductor of the signal link is
bonded to local structure at each end.
loop equations A set of equations, derived from the primitive equations, which relate
loop voltages to loop currents.
loop parameter Parameter which has been derived from groups of primitive parameters
or partial parameters. Loop parameters can be measured by electrical
test equipment.
lumped parameter A resistor, capacitor, or inductor which represent the relevant properties
of a defined length of conductor. The term also applies to circuit
partial capacitance The capacitance of a composite conductor, or the capacitance of a loop
partial current A portion of the current flowing in a conductor.
partial inductance The inductance of a composite conductor, or the inductance of a loop
partial inductor Inductor associated with partial current or partial voltage.
partial parameters Those parameters associated with the behavior of composite conductors
as antennae. The term is also used to distinguish between incident and
reflected currents in transmission lines.
partial voltage A portion of the voltage in a circuit loop.
per-unit-length parameter Resistance, inductance, capacitance, or conductance which is defined in
terms of W/m, H/m, F/m, or S/m.
primitive capacitance A component which relates the voltage on an isolated conductor to the
energy contained by the electric field in which it is immersed.
primitive current Unidirectional current flow in a single conductor of a multi-conductor
primitive equations A set of equations relating primitive voltages to primitive currents.
primitive inductance A component which relates the current in the conductor to the energy
contained by the magnetic field in which it is immersed.
primitive parameters Parameters associated with conductors which are treated as antennae.
APPENDIX D Definitions 279

primitive voltage Voltage along a conductor due to electromagnetic coupling.

radiated emission A type of test where the emission is measured by equipment connected to
a receiving antenna located in the vicinity of the EUT.
radiation resistance The apparent resistance of an antenna when it is carrying maximum
current during resonance conditions.
radiation susceptibility A type of test where the interference source is an antenna located in the
vicinity of the EUT.
relative permittivity The ratio of the average permittivity of the environment of the signal link
to the permittivity of free space.
relative permeability The ratio of the average permeability of the environment of the signal
link to the permeability of free space.
representative A circuit model which simulates the interference coupling mechanisms
circuit model of a specific signal link.
return conductor The conductor designated to complete the loop carrying the differential-
mode current. (It also carries the common-mode current in the return/
structure loop.)
signal conductor The conductor which is exclusively allocated to carry the differential-
mode current.
signal link The conductors and interface circuitry involved in transmitting a signal
from one location to another in a particular system.
SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.
structure The conducting elements of the structure.
Can be referred to as ground or earth.
threat environment The frequency response of the power density of the worst-case external
radiation to which the equipment can be subjected. It can also be
defined in terms of the waveform of a transient current or voltage in
the structure.
threat voltage The amplitude of the voltage in the culprit loop.
time-step analysis A method used to predict currents and voltages in the circuit model a
discrete time after a step change has occurred in any current or voltage
in that model.
transfer admittance The ratio of the current in the victim loop to the source voltage in the
culprit loop, when there are no other voltage sources.
transfer impedance The ratio of the amplitude of the voltage appearing in the output loop to
the amplitude of the current in the input loop. With screened cable, this
is the impedance of the screen.
victim loop The loop carrying the signal which is regarded as being susceptible to
virtual conductor An imaginary conductor which enables the coupling between cable and
environment to be simulated.
voltage transformer A transducer which uses magnetic field coupling to induce a voltage in
the loop-under-test and which allows the induced voltage to be

Chapter 1
1.1. Williams, T. EMC for Product Designers (Section 1.1.1). 2nd edn. Jordan Hill, Oxford: Newnes;
1996. p. 4. ISBN: 0-7506-2466-3.
1.2. Europe EMC guide. The International Journal of Electromagnetic Compatibility. Retrieved from
1.3. Armstrong, K.: EMC design of SMP and PWM power converters. EMC Journal. 2011, March:
p. 28.
1.4. Williams, T. EMC for Product Designers. 4th edn. Jordan Hill, Oxford: Newnes; December 2006.
ISBN: 0-750-68170-5.
1.5. Tesche, F., Ianoz, M., Karlsson, T. EMC Analysis Methods and Computational Models. New
York, NY, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. ISBN: 0-471-15573-X.
1.6. Defence Standard 59-411, Part 5, Issue 1, Amendment 1. Electromagnetic Compatibility. Part 5.
Code of Practice for Tri-Service Design and Installation. (Section 8.9. Single Point Reference
Connection). Glasgow, UK: Ministry of Defence; January 2007. p. 29.
1.7. Shepherd, J., Morton, A.H., Spence, L.F. Higher Electrical Engineering (Section 7.28. Equivalent
Phase Inductance of a Three-Phase Line). Pitman, London, UK: Pitman Publishing Limited;
1985. pp. 234235. ISBN: 0-273-40063-0.
1.8. Shepherd, J., Morton, A.H., Spence, L.F. Higher Electrical Engineering (Section 7.16. Equivalent
Phase Capacitance of an Isolated Three-Phase Line). Pitman, London, UK: Pitman Publishing
Limited; 1985. pp. 216219. ISBN 0-273-40063-0.
1.9. Burrows, B.J.C. The computation and prediction of induced voltages in aircraft wings. CLSU
memo 18. April 1974. Culham Lightning, Units 13/15, Nuffield Way, Abingdon.
1.10. Armstrong, K. EMC Design Techniques for Electronic Engineers. Armstrong/Nutwood, UK:
Nutwood UK Limited, Cornwall, UK; 2010. ISBN: 978-0-9555118-4-4. Retrieved from http://
1.11. Paul, C.R. Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility. 2nd edn. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-
Interscience; January 2006. ISBN: 978-0-471-75500-5.

282 References

Chapter 2
2.1. Skitek, G.G., Marshall, S.V. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications (Section 2.5.
Electric Field Intensity of a Line of Charge). Englewood Cliffs, N.J., USA: Prentice Hall; 1982.
ISBN 0-13-248963-5.
2.2. Page, L., Adams, N. I., Principles of Electricity: Inductance of Straight Conductors. New York,
USA: D Van Nostrand; 1958. p. 325.
2.3. Skitek, G.G., Marshall, S.V. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications (Section 8.3. Magneto-
static Field Intensity from the Biot-Savart Law: Magnetic Field due to a Filamentary Current
Distribution of Finite Length). Englewood Cliffs, USA: Prentice Hall; 1982. ISBN 0-13-248963-5.
2.4. Skitek, G.G., Marshall, S.V. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications (Section 12.12. Skin
Effect, and High and Low Loss Approximations). Englewood Cliffs, USA: Prentice Hall; 1982.
ISBN 0-13-248963-5.

Chapter 3
3.1. Skitek, G.G., Marshall, S.V. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications (Section 7.4. Image
Solution Method: Capacitance between two Cylindrical Conductors). Englewood Cliffs, USA:
Prentice Hall; 1982. ISBN 0-13-248963-5.

Chapter 4
4.1. Skitek, G.G., Marshall, S.V. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications (Section 12.2. General
Equations for Line Voltage and Current). Englewood Cliffs, USA: Prentice Hall; 1982. ISBN

Chapter 5
5.1. Skitek, G.G., Marshall, S.V. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications (Section 14.4. The Half-
Wave Dipole). Englewood Cliffs, USA: Prentice Hall; 1982. ISBN 0-13-248963-5.
5.2. Ordnance Board Pillar Proceeding P101 (Issue 2). Principles for the design and assessment
of electrical circuits incorporating explosive components. (Annex. E. Appendix 1. The Radio
Frequency Environment). p. E1-3. Bristol, UK.

Chapter 6
6.1. Savant, C. J, Jr., Roden, M.S., Carpenter, G. L., Electronic Design Circuits and Systems
(Appendix A. SPICE. Section A.2.4.3 Transient Analysis). 2nd edn. Redwood City, California:
The Benjamin-Cummings Publishing; 1991. ISBN 0-8053-0292-1.
References 283

Chapter 7
7.1. Ediss Electric Ltd. Totton, Hampshire, UK: Ediss Electrical Ltd., Retrieved from

Chapter 8
8.1. Gnecco, L.T. The Design of Shielded Enclosures. Woburn, MA, USA; Newnes: 2000. ISBN
8.2. Ordnance Board Pillar Proceeding P101 (Issue 2). Principles for the design and assessment of
electrical circuits incorporating explosive components. (Annex. E. Appendix 1. Section 28:
Shielding Assessment). p. E114. Bristol, UK.
8.3. Thomas & Betts Limited. A Guide to BS EN 62305:2006. Protection against Lightning.
Nottingham, UK: Thomas & Betts Limited; 2008.

Chapter 9
9.1. EMC probes. Magnetic Sciences. Retrieved from
9.2. Horowitz, P., Hill, W. The Art of Electronics. 2nd edn. Cambridge, CB2 1RP, UK: Cambridge
University Press; 1989. ISBN 0-521-37095-7.
9.3. Savant, C. J, Jr., Roden, M.S., Carpenter. G. L., Electronic Design Circuits and Systems. 2nd
edn. Redwood City, California. The Benjamin Cummings Publishing; 1991. ISBN 0-8053-029-1.
9.4. Ludwig, R., Bretchko, P. RF Circuit Design Theory and Applications. Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall; 2000. ISBN 0-13-122475-1.
9.5. Defence Standard 59-411, Part 2, Issue 1, Amendment 1. Electromagnetic Compatibility. Part 2.
The Electric, Magnetic & Electromagnetic Environment. Table 18. Front Line and Operational
Support Equipment Field Strength. Ministry of Defence; January 2008. p. 28.
9.6. Defence Standard 59-411, Part 3, Issue 1, Amendment 1. Electromagnetic Compatibility. Part 3.
Test Methods and Limits for Equipment and Sub Systems. Appendix B.2. DCE02.B Conducted
Emissions Control, Signal and Secondary Power Lines. 20 Hz150 MHz. Figure 51. DCE02
Limit for Air Service Use. Ministry of Defence; January 2008. p. 84.
9.7. The International Journal of Electromagnetic Compatibility. 1000 Germantown Pike, F-2 Plymouth
Meeting, PA 19462, USA: ITEMTM.
9.8. The EMC Journal. Eddystone Court, De Lank Lane, St Breward, Bodmin, Cornwall, UK. Nutwood
UK Ltd.

admittance circuit equations

of current transformer, 187 capacitive coupling, 40
of isolated conductor, 190, 192, 194 definition, 277
of open circuit line, 203 inductive coupling, 38
antenna gain, 104, 130 and loop equations, 26
antenna-mode current for three conductors, 46
definition, 277 circuit inductance
monitored on scope, 210 composite pair, 70
propagation velocity, 205 screened pair, 79
simulation, 210 three-conductor assembly, 47
virtual conductor, 112
block diagram, 23, 249, 252, 253, 265 circuit parameters
broadband over power lines, 233 capacitance, 39
bubble plot, 71, 74, 78 cross-coupling, 91
definition, 6, 26, 277
characteristic impedance exposed cable, 117
definition, 83 inductance, 38
of delay line model, 144, 149, 156 and loop parameters, 33
derivation, 276 resistance, 41
of free space, 105 common-mode choke, 223, 228,
inner & outer braids, 189 229, 235
measurement, 211, 212 common-mode current
of virtual conductor, 168 definition, 163, 277
characterization common-mode filter, 238
of cable, 197 common-mode rejection
of capacitor, 213 definition, 277
of components, 176 common-mode resistor, 235, 236
of voltage transformer, 178 composite conductor
circuit capacitances concept, 7
of composite pair, 70 computational electromagnetics, 2, 3
of screened pair, 79 conducted emission
of virtual conductor, 112 circuit model, 12, 13, 97
circuit capacitors damping, 231, 248
for conductor pair, 40 definition, 277
for three conductors, 48 test setup, 96, 267

286 Index

conducted susceptibility floating configuration

circuit model, 13, 98 definition, 278
definition, 277 floating transformer, 230
test setup, 98 frequency domain, 4, 137, 175
conductor resistance
general formula, 41 general circuit model, 168, 266, 267
crossover frequency, 41, 89, 119, 193 general-purpose software, 3
current transformer general purpose test equipment, 14, 79, 96,
assembly, 184 176, 263
calibration, 185 ground
circuit model, 186 definition, 278
definition, 277 grounded configuration
definition, 278
delay line model, 147, 156 ground loops
differential amplifier, 226 guidelines, 22, 247
differential analogue driver, 228 ground plane
differential logic driver, 227 concept, 57
differential logic receiver, 227 on printed circuit board, 222
differential-mode current half-wave dipole
definition, 50, 277 radiated power, 102
distributed parameters hybrid equations, 81, 82, 85, 273
concept, 6
definition, 278 in situ, 2, 264
maximum frequency, 86
single-T model, 9, 83 Line Input Simulation Network,
transformation, 85 233
transformation equations, 86 loop capacitance
triple-T model, 10, 87 composite pair, 71
conductor pair, 37
earth loop equations
definition, 278 definition, 278
earth conductor, 122, 183, 232, 240, 243 in derivation process, 7, 11
earth loops, 3, 21, 122, 247 general formula, 67
electric field strength for triple-T model, 87
at a point, 28 loop impedances
and power density, 105, 115, 258 and circuit impedances, 46,
and threat voltage, 18, 101, 114, 258 47, 79
electromagnetic compatibility and primitive impedances, 46, 67
definition, 1, 278 loop inductance
electromagnetic interference, 1, 4, 7, co-axial cable, 56
267, 278 conductor pair, 36
elemental conductors three-conductor assembly, 77
concept, 7 loop parameters
primitive equations, 64 definition, 278
radii, 63 in derivation process, 6
spacing, 63 and test equipment, 6, 25
envelope curve, 116 lumped parameters
equipment shielding, 218, 241 definition, 278
equipotential ground plane, 7, 217, 218 and distributed parameters, 9
Index 287

in single-T model, 82 power supply

in triple-T model, 87 loops, 220, 224
returns, 228
magnetic field strength transient damping, 231, 239
and electric field strength, 105 primitive capacitance
at monitor antenna, 133 definition, 278
at a point, 30 general formula, 29
and power density, 105, 133 of virtual conductor, 107, 112
and radiated emission, 133 primitive equations
mesh analysis, 7, 49, 125, 137 definition, 278
mesh equations, 7, 79 derivation process, 7
for elemental conductors, 64
nodal analysis, 49, 137, 264 for three conductors, 45
for two conductors, 34, 109
opto-isolator, 230 primitive inductance
definition, 278
partial capacitance general formula, 33
in composite conductor, 66 of virtual conductor, 107, 112
definition, 278 propagation constant, 83, 276
partial current proximity effect, 8, 220
antenna-mode current, 163
in composite conductor, 65, 77, 78 radiated emission
definition, 278 of cable and model, 204
due to reflections, 6, 19, 136, 144 definition, 279
and mesh analysis, 7 test setup, 132
partial impedance, 65, 70 radiated power, 16, 102, 103
partial inductance radiated transient
definition, 278 test setup, 155, 206
composite conductor, 65, 66 radiation resistance
screened pair, 78 of dipole, 103
section of loop, 254 measured value, 201, 205
partial voltage radiation susceptibility
in composite conductors, 62, 65, 77 definition, 279
definition, 278 test setup, 130
in transient analysis, 19, 136, 144 reflection coefficient, 144
permeability relative permeability, 33, 71, 279
definition, 33 relative permittivity
permittivity definition, 30, 279
definition, 29 measurements, 205
power density representative circuit model
and field strength, 105 concept, 14
and frequency, 115 table, 267
and power received, 106 resonant frequency, 35, 116, 189, 266
and radiated emission, 132, 133
and radiation susceptibility, 130 screened pair
and threat voltage, 120, 128 bubble plot, 78
and transmitted power, 104 with differential analogue driver, 228
power density vector, 103, 105 with differential logic driver, 227
power received, 102, 106, 264 representative circuit model, 78
288 Index

series LCR circuit, 138, 139, 214 of open-circuit cable, 94

shielding of short-circuit cable, 95
of buildings, 242 transfer function
of equipment, 241 of voltage transformer, 179, 182
signal link transfer function analyzer, 213
basic building block, 23 transfer impedance
circuit model, 13, 89 of capacitor, 214, 215
wiring diagram, 11 of co-axial cable, 27, 57, 254, 255
single-point ground, 3, 217, 224, 225, 247, 248 of current transformer, 186, 187, 188
skin effect definition, 279
formulae, 41 transformation equations, 86
and proximity effect, 8 transformer driver, 230
SPICE transient emission, 168, 174, 267
definition, 279 triaxial cable, 188, 237
structure as a shield, 246
virtual conductor
threat voltage, 18 capacitance, 112
definition, 279 concept, 16
and electric field, 101, 114 definition, 279
and frequency, 117 inductance, 112
and threat environment, 258 voltage transformer
three conductor signal link assembly, 177
general circuit model, 89 definition, 279
time constant, 34, 143 representative circuit model,
transfer admittance 180
of critically damped cable, 95 transfer function, 179
definition, 26, 279
duality, 54 wiring diagram, 249, 251
Very simply, electromagnetic interference (EMI) costs money, reduces profits, and
generally wreaks havoc for circuit designers in all industries. This book shows
how the analytic tools of circuit theory can be used to simulate the coupling
of interference into, and out of, any signal link in the system being reviewed.
The technique is simple, systematic and accurate. It enables the design of any
equipment to be tailored to meet EMC requirements.
Every electronic system consists of a number of functional modules interconnected
by signal links and power supply lines. Electromagnetic interference can be
coupled into and out of every conductor. A review of the construction of the wiring
assemblies and the functions of the signals they carry will allow critical links to be
identified. Circuit modeling can be used to simulate the electromagnetic coupling
mechanism of each critical link, allowing its performance to be analyzed and
compared with the formal requirements. Bench testing during the development
of any product will allow any interference problem to be identified and corrected,
long before the manufactured unit is subjected to formal testing.
A fully outlined, systematic and dramatically simplified process of designing
equipment to meet EMC requirements.
Focuses on simplifications which enable electrical engineers to singularly
handle EMC problems.
Helps minimize time-to-market of new products and reduces the need for
costly and time-consuming modifications.
Outlines how general purpose test equipment (oscilloscopes and signal
generators) can be used to validate and refine any model.
Discusses how to use Mathcad or MATLAB to perform analysis and
Ian B. Darney was awarded a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering at the University
of Glasgow in 1960. He joined the Guided Weapons Division of British Aerospace
and worked on the circuit design of equipment for missiles, ground equipment,
submersibles, and spacecraft. After transferring to the Airbus Division he carried
out certification work associated with lightning indirect effects, electrostatics and
intrinsic safety. He was a member of the European Organisation for Civil Aviation
Equipment (EUROCAE) committee which defined the requirements for the
protection of aircraft from the indirect effects of lightning. Since his retirement,
he has continued to work as an EMC consultant, and has written two technical
papers and numerous magazine articles on EMC.

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