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Life 3 (Test Units 5-6)


1. Circle the correct option.

1. I dont need so much / so many plastic bottles.
2. There is a little / a few money left.
3. I put a / some water in the fridge.
4. We dont have some / any recycling bags.
5. There is a lot of / many air pollution in our city.
6. How much / many plastic is really recycled?

2. Match the two parts of the sentences. Write the correct letter.
1. There is a lot of _____ a. of the energy we use renewable?
2. I have a little _____ b. help carrying these bottles to the bin.
3. Is much _____ c. information about e-rubbish available online.
4. There are a few _____ d. time left, so lets have a cup of coffee.
5. How many _____ e. cans did you use?
6. I need some _____ f. recycling bins at the end of this street.

3. Complete the conversation with these words and phrases.

a lot of many a little some lots any

Julie: Tell me about this new recycling project in your area. Did 1________________ residents come to the
Elisa: Oh yes, there were 2________________ of people. Most seemed really excited too. The idea is to recycle
rubbish we now throw away, mainly because we think it isnt recyclable.
Julie: Stuff thats not plastic, glass and paper? What, then? Give me 3________________ examples.
Elisa: Well, 4________________ food leftovers like vegetable peel, coffee, eggshells and so on can easily be
recycled. Even used tea bags are good for making compost!
Julie: Mm I dont drink 5________________ coffee or tea at all, but I see your point. Isnt it difficult to do this
every day, though?
Elisa: Not at all! All it takes is 6________________ time and effort. Have a look at this leaflet its all in there!

4. Complete the sentences with the or (no article).

1. Where are ______ goods you ordered online?
2. Over two thirds of the people in ______ Germany recycle their water bottles.
3. Switching off computers and TVs at night is one of ______ best ways to save energy.
4. Nowadays, ______ consumers all over the world are buying more green products.
5. Were trying to save more energy at ______ work.
6. There is a huge demand for electronic household appliances in ______ United States.

5. Look at the underlined parts of the sentences. Add the where necessary. Tick () if the underlined part is
1. Oil spills in the sea are killing animals. ______
2. Dont drink water here. Its polluted! ______
3. Ill be at home all evening. ______
4. One day I hope to sail across Pacific Ocean. ______
5. Have you finished writing e-mail you started? ______
6. Europeans are becoming more environmentally-friendly. ______
6. Choose the correct option (a or b) to complete the sentences.
1. Does your country export _____ e-trash?
a. a few b. any
2. Recycling some metals can produce _____toxic chemicals.
a. any b. a lot of
3. There isnt _____ information stored on your hard disk.
a. much b. some
4. We have plenty of eco-friendly shopping bags. Ill give you _____.
a. some b. a little
5. Im afraid you cant speak to Jill right now. Shes away on _____.
a. the business b. business
6. She is _____ enthusiastic volunteer I have ever met.
a. most b. the most

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

be buy hear leave retire speak travel
1. Why did you decide _____________ your city?
2. Im sorry _____________ that you didnt pass your driving test.
3. Are you sure you can afford _____________ an expensive car like that?
4. Id like _____________ to you in private, please. Its important.
5. Most people hope _____________ at the age of sixty-five.
6. She told me she wanted _____________ around the world in a jeep.
7. John left his job _____________ more independent.

8. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. day / big / Id / have / to / One / a / like / family
2. meet / the / arranged / at / have / to / festival / We
3. distances / Its / such / to / long / travel / tiring
4. married / year / to / cousin / get / hopes / next / My
5. he / the / film / agree / wedding? / Did / to
6. called / birthday / to / his / invite / party / to / He / me

9. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Do NOT change the words in brackets in any way.
1. She said shed send me a message. (promised)
She _________________________ me a message.
2. I feel I must open a bank account. (want)
I _________________________ open a bank account.
3. He needed shoes for the wedding, so he went to the city center. (buy)
He went to the city center _________________________ shoes for the wedding.
4. We decided we would have a barbecue in the garden. (to)
We _________________________ a barbecue in the garden.
5. Its important that people are healthy. (be)
Its important _________________________ healthy.
6. I feel I mustnt leave home yet. (want)
I dont _________________________ home yet.

10. Read the sentences and correct the underlined parts. Tick if the underlined part is correct.
1. Gemma will move to Italy next week. She found a job there. ___________________________
2. She going to make a documentary about Masai rituals. ___________________________
3. Im hungry, so I think Im making dinner. ___________________________
4. So tell me, are you going to the parade later? ___________________________
5. What you are planning to do this summer? ___________________________
6. Sally and Dan have decided that they will get engaged. ___________________________

11. Circle the correct option.

1. Im going to learn / Im learning how to play the violin next year.
2. Thats a really nice shirt I think Im buying / Ill buy it.
3. Mary will travel / is travelling to the Caribbean next Friday on a cruise ship. Shes already bought her ticket.
4. Elisa will invite / would like to invite all her colleagues to the wedding, but it might not be possible.
5. Daniel has promised that he is going to find out / is finding out about the price of the tickets tomorrow.
6. Its not easy do / to do so many different things in one day.

12. Letter formatting

A. Match the informal phrases (15) with the more formal ones (ae).
1. Thanks for helping me. _____ a. I am returning the product to you.
2. I want my money back now. _____ b. Thank you for your assistance.
3. Im sending it back. _____ c. I sent a request to cancel the order.
4. I told you not to send it. _____ d. It was not the product which I ordered.
5. It isnt the same as the one I wanted. _____ e. Please send me a refund as soon as possible.

B. Choose the correct way to address an email when you dont know the persons name.
a. Dear Salesperson b. Dear Mr or Mrs c. Dear Sir or Madam

C. Choose the most appropriate way to close an email of complaint.

a. All the best b. Yours faithfully c. Yours

13. You ordered an MP3 player from an online company. Number the events in the order they happened.
_____ I want to return it and get a refund.
_____ It wasnt the same as the product I ordered.
_____ I got an email saying it wasnt currently available.
_____ I sent an email to cancel the order, but the MP3 player arrived the next day.
_____ I ordered an MP3 player over 3 weeks ago.

1. Read the letter of complaint. Choose the correct answer.
1. Daniel is writing to make an order / a complaint.
2. The computer took fifteen / thirty days to arrive.
3. The computer was damaged before / after it arrived.
4. Daniel requests a new computer / refund.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about a tablet computer I recently ordered from your company.
When I ordered the computer a month ago, your company said they would deliver it in
fifteen days. After fifteen days, I called your company and they told me it would arrive
immediately. However, it was another fifteen days before it arrived.

When it eventually arrived, the box was open and the computer was badly damaged. As a
result, it doesnt work.

Therefore, I am returning the computer. Please send me a refund for the amount I paid.

Yours faithfully,

Daniel Burton
2. Read the description below.

A night to remember
My sister, Daphne, got engaged recently. As it was a very important event for
our family, we decided to throw a big party for her. We invited all her friends
and family to make it a night everyone would always remember.

We hired a massive hall at a local hotel for the party. I knew it would be a very
exciting night. When the guests began to arrive, everyone was wearing lovely
clothes. The men wore smart suits and all the ladies wore beautiful dresses, but
no-one looked as pretty as Daphne, who wore a fantastic blue dress.

It was a great night. There was lots of delicious food and drink, and the DJ
played great music. We all spent the evening laughing and chatting and
dancing. Everyone had a fabulous time.

It was a wonderful night and I didnt want it to end. But by the time it was over
I was really tired. It was a wonderful celebration. I will never forget it.

A. Answer the questions.

1. What was the reason for the event?
2. Who was invited to the party?
3. Where was the party held?
4. What did the guests wear to the party?
5. What did people do at the party?
6. How did the writer feel at the end of the evening?

B. Read the description again. Then match the paragraphs (14) with the main points (ad).
Paragraph 1 ____ a. what happened at the event
Paragraph 2 ____ b. reason for the event
Paragraph 3 ____ c. how I felt at the end
Paragraph 4 ____ d. where the event was / what people wore

Choose ONE of the topics below and write about it.

Write a description of an important family occasion or event. Include a description of the setting, the
people, the events and feelings.

Write an email of complaint. You recently ordered a product from a company on the internet. You had
some problems with your order and the product. Write an email to the company, telling them about
your problems and requesting a refund.
Listen to Jill and Kumiko talk about Kumikos wedding day. Check true or false.

1. Kumikos wedding was held at a:

a. church
b. shrine
c. registry office
2. What does NOT happen at a traditional Japanese wedding?
a. Theres a big dinner after the reception.
b. Some guests give speeches.
c. People dance Japanese music
3. Who gives presents at the end of the reception
a. Guests to bride and groom
b. Bride and groom to guests
c. Parents to bride and groom

Listen to the rest of the conversation.

4. What presents was given at the end of the party?

a. A box with little sugar
b. A box of chocolate
c. A box with lots of candy
5. What word do they use to describe the wedding day?

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