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To : EKM/ DSSG / E&A

TCII, Gate 5, Powai, Mumbai.


(Only For Non-Production Vendors)
Vendor Name


City Pin Code :

Region (State)
Owner / Proprietor / Director Name

Ownership status ( as per PAN Card ) Proprietary Partnership Pvt Ltd. Public Ltd Trust (AOP)
Telephone : Mobile : Fax :
GST Category Registered Composition scheme Non Registered GOVT.
GST Registration No
Bank Account No
Name of Account Holder
IFSC code
Bank Name
Bank Branch Address
Are You MSMED registered Entrepreneur Memorandum (EM No.) No
MSM status will be awarded only after validation by initiating Purchasing authority

 Please attach soft copies (PDF) of following documents along with Registration Form.
Document Checklist:
PAN Card
Cancelled Cheque.
GST Certificate OR Declaration for Composition scheme dealer & Non Registered Vendor
(please refer declaration format on page 2 & 3 )
Tax Invoice copy.
MSMED certificate along with supporting documents. (Only for MSMED Vendors)
L&T Code of Conduct Rev1 Supplier Declaration Undertaking - SDU (please refer page no 7 )
(Please read L&T Code of Conduct Rev1 on page no 4 to 6, you may also visit our website )
L&T Whistle Blower Policy acknowledgement (please refer page no 8).
(Please read Whistle Blower Policy on page no 9 to 15, you may also visit our website )

 Declaration by Owner / Proprietor / Partner / Director:

I declare that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge &
I undertake to inform you at the earliest, any change in details mentioned above.


TVRF/GST/Rev7 Dtd: 01.07.2017
To be printed on Vendor Company letter head

Declaration for Non-Registration under Goods & Service Tax Act 2017

I hereby declare that my turnover is below the threshold limit specified in Goods & Service Tax
Act 2017. I also declare that I do not have any interstate supply or liability under reverse charge
mechanism. Therefore I am not required to register with GST Authority in the State of
______________. Whenever my turnover income exceeds the threshold limit, I will register with
the GST Authorities in the State of ______________under advice to you. Any liability under GST
will be fully and unconditionally borne by us. The buyer (Larsen & Toubro Limited EAIC) will
not be held responsible for discharging any GST Tax liability.

Place _____________
Date ______________

Vendor Auth. Sign & Company Stamp

To be printed on Vendor Company letter head

Declaration from Dealers Registered under GST - Composition Scheme

I hereby declare that our GST TIN no. is _______________and that my sales turnover is below the
threshold limit as specified under composition scheme in Goods & Service Tax Act 2017. I also
declare that I do not have any interstate supply or liability under reverse charge mechanism.
Therefore I will be discharging my GST Liability under Composition. We will not charge/recover
any GST in bills raised by us on Larsen & Toubro Limited EAIC. The entre liability under GST
will be borne by us. The buyer (Larsen & Toubro Limited EAIC) will not be held responsible for
discharging any GST Tax liability.

Place _____________
Date ______________

Vendor Auth. Sign & Company Stamp

Page 1 of 3


At L&T, we believe that sustainability is essential component of our business
operations. As an engineering and construction conglomerate we purchase raw
materials, fuels, finished and semi finished goods and services from suppliers
to secure sustainable success of our customers by providing innovative solutions
for products and services.

We expect our suppliers to comply with applicable regulatory requirements and

the Code of Conduct. Furthermore we expect our suppliers to introduce suitable
processes within their organizations that support such compliance and drive
continuous improvements with regard to the requirements included in the
following L&Ts Code of Conduct.

1. I / We hereby recognize that as a matter of corporate policy, L&T / Group

companies expressly prohibit financial or other advantages directly or
indirectly including payment of bribes or any facilitation money or grease
payments in connection with its business operations by any intermediary
including consultant / agent / business partner / vendor or contractor or
subcontractor, engaged to provide goods and / or services to L&T / Group
companies and / or its clients.
2. I / We hereby confirm that I / we shall abide by the provisions of the Code
of Conduct of L&T / Group companies and the provisions of all applicable
domestic and international laws including but not limited to antibribery
and anticorruption laws such as FCPA and UK AntiBribery Act, 2010 and
appropriate standards and principles and have valid authorizations,
licenses and permits to carry out such business. I / We hereby represent
and warrant to L&T / Group companies that I / we have in place adequate
policies, systems, controls and procedures designed to comply with all
applicable domestic and international laws especially related to Anti
bribery law, all applicable domestic and international laws and generally
accepted standards of business ethics and conduct.
3. I / We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations that prohibit
money laundering, support and financing of terrorism and that require the
reporting of cash and suspicious transactions. I / We will only conduct
business with customers involved in legitimate business activities, with
funds derived from legitimate sources.
4. I / We shall not, directly or indirectly, make, offer or promise to make or
authorize provision of financial or other advantages including any funds,
Page 2 of 3

services, gifts or entertainment, directly or indirectly to any person holding

position or otherwise, to or in favour of any third party, employees of L&T
/ Group companies, customers or any government official or agency, in
connection with the performance of this agreement/ work order / contract
or in connection with any other business transactions involving L&T / Group
companies and / or its clients.
5. I / We will avoid any contracts that might lead to, or suggest, a conflict of
interest between personal activities and the business. I / We will neither
give nor accept hospitality or gifts that might appear to incur an obligation.
6. I / We will follow the relevant International Trade Control (ITC) regulations
of all countries in which I / we operate as they relate to importing and
exporting goods, technology, software, services and financial transactions.
7. I / We understand the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 1977 (FCPA), UK
Bribery Act and similar antibribery laws including, without limitation, the
OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in
International Business Transactions and the United Nations Convention
Against Corruption (wherever applicable) and L&T / Group companies
prohibition of facilitating payments and hereby agree not to engage in any
activity which could lead to accusations of breach of FCPA, UK Bribery Act
or similar antibribery laws including the OECD Convention (wherever
applicable) and L&T / Group companies prohibition of facilitating
8. I / We shall not take any action which places, or is likely to place L&T /
Group companies in violation of laws or which could be detrimental to
reputation and / or the business interests of L&T / Group companies. I / We
shall not either directly or indirectly take any action, make any offers or
representations, enter into any Agreements (oral or written) with any third
party on behalf of L&T / Group companies without prior written approval
from L&T / Group companies.
9. I / We hereby agree that in the eventuality of me / us appointing a sub
contractor (with written approval of L&T), the subcontractor shall also
comply with this Code of Conduct.
10. I / We hereby agree to indemnify L&T / Group companies with regard to
any government or third party investigations related to or arising out of my
/ our alleged violation of this Code, the FCPA or similar antibribery laws
including, without limitation, the OECD Convention.
11. I / We hereby agree to promptly report any violations of the Code to L&T /
Group companies and further agree that L&T / Group companies has / have
a right to terminate the Agreement / Work Order / Contract and recover
any amounts thereto paid to me / us under the same. I / We hereby agree
Page 3 of 3

that I / we shall procure that my / our employees and officers shall

promptly give all assistance, information and explanations to L&T / Group
companies and its group companies or its employees and its professional
advisors as they may reasonably request in this regard.
12. I / We hereby agree that I / we shall not buy, sell or otherwise deal in L&T
securities if I / we have inside information. I / We hereby agree that I / we
shall not pass inside information to third parties as it is not only a breach of
confidentiality but also an offence.
13. I / We hereby agree that I / we shall not discriminate in hiring and
employment practices on grounds of skin colour, age, caste, gender,
nationality, socioeconomic background, disabilities, political or religious
14. I / We shall treat all employees with respect and will not use corporal
punishment, threats of violence or other forms of physical coercion or
15. I / We shall comply with applicable working hours regulations, wage
regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime
compensation and other legally mandated benefits.
16. I / We shall under no circumstances tolerate unacceptable treatment of the
employees, such as mental harassment, sexual harassment or
17. I / We shall not employ any child below the age of fourteen years to work
in the factory/premise. I /We support the use of legitimate workplace
apprenticeship programs which comply with all laws and regulations
applicable to such apprenticeship programs.
18. I / We shall comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and
standards including assessment for feasibility of rain water harvesting
systems at my premises.
19. I / We shall work towards reducing resource consumption (water, energy,
fuel, electricity etc.) and waste generated from our operations.
20. I / We shall provide our employees with a safe and healthy workplace in
compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
21. I / We shall implement effective programs that encompass life safety,
incident investigation, chemical safety, ergonomics, etc., and provide the
same standard of health and safety in any housing that is provided for
22. I / We shall strive to implement and aim for zero accident at our facilities
23. I/We shall maintain documentation necessary to demonstrate
conformance to this Code of Conduct.
SDU-Page 4

(To be printed on suppliers letterhead)

Larsen & Toubro Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Declaration

I / We hereby confirm that I have read and understood the Code of Conduct CoC/Rev1/01.04.2017 for
Intermediaries including consultants / agents / business partners / vendors and undertake to
comply with same and all the applicable laws / statutes / directives or regulations and shall
promptly notify you of any actual or suspected breach and provide all required information in
this regard. Upon the occurrence of an actual or suspected breach, we shall promptly take all
remedial actions as suggested by you and in the event of any failure to take such remedial
measures by us, this agreement/ work order / contract or any other business transactions shall be
automatically terminated with immediate effect without damages or other sanction.

Name of Company:
Name of Authorized signatory: Place/ Date:

Signature & Seal

Contact person in suppliers company for sustainability (environmental & social) issues
Role / Department:
Email Address:
Telephone / Cell Phone

From: L & T Electrical & Automation

Name of Buyer from L&T:

Supplier Registration Number (Vendor Code)

Whistle Blower Policy acknowledgement

M/S Larsen & Toubro Limited,
Electrical & Automation IC


We have received and read "Whistle Blower Policy for Vendors"

Thanks & Regards,

Vendor Name:

Address: ..




Name of Authorised Signatory:


Place: ..

Date: ..


Whistle Blower Policy For Vendors &

Channel Partners
(October 1, 2016)
Table of Contents

1. Preamble ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Vendor Whistle Blower Committee (VWBC) ............................................................................................................... 5
6. Procedure ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7. Protection of Whistleblower ................................................................................................................................................. 7
8. Right to amend ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
9. Distribution to Vendors .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

1. Preamble

The Company believes in the conduct of affairs of all of its constituents in a fair &
transparent manner by adopting highest standards of honesty, integrity and ethical
behavior. In this endeavor, the Company has already formulated and adopted Codes of
Conduct for employees and senior management & Directors which lay down the
principles and standards that should govern their actions. The Company also has
adopted a Whistle Blower Policy for Directors and employees to report concerns about
unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or violation of the Companys Code of
Conduct or ethics policy. In its commitment to further augment its good governance
practice, the Company now adopts this Whistle Blower Policy for Vendors & Channel

2. Purpose

The Company has formulated this Whistleblower Policy for Vendors & Channel
Partners (the Policy) with a view to provide a mechanism for vendors of the Company
to express genuine concerns about unethical behaviour, improper practice, any
misconduct, any violation of legal or regulatory requirements, actual or suspected
fraud without fear of punishment or unfair treatment. The role of vendors in pointing
out such violations cannot be undermined.

This Policy will be effective from October 1, 2016. Grievances of vendors relating to a
period prior to the effective date will be considered on merit by the Vendor Whistle
Blower Committee.

3. Definitions

a. Audit Committee means the Audit Committee constituted by the Board of Directors
of the Company in accordance with Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with
Regulation 18 of the Securities And Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations And
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

b. Company means, Larsen & Toubro Limited.

c. Disciplinary Action means any action that can be taken on completion of /during
the investigation proceedings including but not limited to a warning, imposition of fine,
suspension from official duties or any such action as is deemed fit considering the
gravity of the matter.

d. Facilitator means Heads of F&A and HR of the respective ICs/Corporate

Departments, where the alleged malpractice or wrongdoing would have occurred.

e. Good Faith: A vendor shall be deemed to be communicating in good faith if there is

a reasonable basis for communication of unethical and improper practices or any other
alleged wrongful conduct. Good Faith shall be deemed lacking when the vendor does
not have personal knowledge on a factual basis for the communication or where the
vendor knew or reasonably should have known that the communication about the
unethical and improper practices or alleged wrongful conduct is malicious, false or

f. Policy or This Policy means Whistleblower Policy for Vendors.

g. Protected Disclosure means any communication made in good faith that discloses
or demonstrates information that may evidence wrongdoings as covered under Clause
4.2 of this Policy.

h. Subject means a person or group of persons against or in relation to whom a

Protected Disclosure has been made or evidence gathered during the course of an
investigation under the Policy.

i. Vendor means a person/organisation, whether or not registered in the vendor data

base of the Company (including potential vendor and channel partners such as
distributors, dealers, agents and other service providers) who being aggrieved, intends
making a Protected Disclosure and thereafter extending whatever assistance as may be
required in establishing facts mentioned in the Protected Disclosure under this Policy.

j. Whistleblower means a vendor who makes a Protected Disclosure under this Policy.

k. Vendor Whistle Blower Committee or Committee means the Committee of

persons who is/are nominated/ appointed to conduct detailed investigation of the
disclosure received from the whistleblower and recommend disciplinary action.

4. Scope

4.1 Applicability

This policy will enable vendors to make Protected Disclosure with respect to issues
covered under this Policy.

The Whistleblowers role is that of a reporting party with reliable information of a

genuine concern. They are not required or expected to act as investigators or finders of
facts, nor would they determine the appropriate corrective or remedial actions that may
be warranted in a given case.

Whistleblowers should neither act on their own in conducting any investigative

activities, nor do they have a right to participate in any investigative activities other
than as requested by the Vendor Whistle Blower Committee.

4.2 Acts of Wrongdoings as illustrated below may include but not necessarily be
limited to:

Abuse of Authority
o Negligence causing substantial and specific danger to public health and safety
Forgery or alteration of documents
Unauthorized alteration or manipulation of computer files/records
o Fraudulent financial reporting including financial irregularities, including fraud
or suspected fraud or deficiencies in Internal Control and check or deliberate
error in preparation of Financial Statements or misrepresentation in financial
o Any unlawful act whether Criminal/ Civil
Deliberate violation of law/regulation
Pilferage of confidential/propriety information

Pursuit of a benefit or advantage in violation of the Company's interest
o Misappropriation/misuse of Company's resources, like funds, supplies, or other
o Kickbacks / seeking bribes
o Theft of Cash / Goods
o Breach of confidentiality / secrecy pacts
o Harassment

4.3 Matters pertaining to the following may be excluded

Personal grievances other than those covered above.

Delays / Non-receipt of Payments.
Dissatisfaction, if any, with respect to terms and conditions of the contract(s) agreed
between the Company and the Vendor from time to time.

4.4 Guiding Principles

To ensure that this Policy is adhered to, and to assure that the Protected Disclosure will
be acted upon seriously, the Company will:

Ensure that the Whistleblower and/or the person processing the Protected Disclosure
is not victimized for doing so
Treat victimization as a serious matter, including initiating disciplinary action on
person/(s) indulging in victimisation
Ensure complete confidentiality
Not attempt to conceal evidence of the Protected Disclosure
Take disciplinary action, if any one destroys or conceals evidence of the Protected
Disclosure made/to be made
Provide an opportunity of being heard to the persons involved especially to the Subject.

5. Vendor Whistle Blower Committee (VWBC)

5.1 Composition of the Committee

The Management of Larsen & Toubro Limited is empowered to form/reconstitute the

Vendor Whistle Blower Committee (VWBC), which will presently consist of the Chief
Financial Officer, Compliance Officer, Head- Corporate HR and Head Corporate Audit
Services. In addition, the Heads of F&A and HR of the respective ICs/Corporate
Departments, where the alleged malpractice or wrongdoing would have occurred, would
act as Facilitators for the purpose of this Policy.

5.2 Responsibilities of the Committee

Receiving and acknowledging complaints

Sorting / Screening
Investigation through appropriate delegation/agencies
Recommend course of action based on investigation to management
Prevention and redressal of whistleblower harassment
Any other related responsibility as decided by the management from time to time.

5.3 Meetings and Records

The VWBC will maintain its records such as Agenda, Minutes of the Meeting, etc. The
Secretarial assistance will be provided by Corporate Audit Services.

6. Procedure

6.1 How to report:

A Protected Disclosure regarding perceived wrongdoing or an act for whistle blowing
should be reported by a Whistleblower in writing.

The Whistleblower must disclose his/her identity (name, address, contact phone
number(s), e-mail ID) only in the covering letter forwarding such Protected Disclosure.
In case, Whistleblower is in possession of any documents, evidence, supportings, etc.,
the same should be attached along with the Protected Disclosure. The Protected
Disclosure along with supportings, evidences, documents, etc. attached with it must
not carry identity of the Whistleblower.

The covering letter along with the Protected Disclosure in sealed envelope and marked
confidential should be submitted at the following address by hand-delivery, courier or
by post addressed to the Vendor Whistle Blower Committee appointed by the Company:

Vendor Whistle Blower Committee

Larsen & Toubro Limited
C/o Corporate Audit Services
North Block II, 3rd Floor, Gate No. 1,
Powai Campus, Saki Vihar Road,
Powai, Mumbai 400 072

Emails can also be sent to the email id: [email protected].

Upon receipt of the above Protected Disclosure from a Whistleblower, the Head-
Corporate Audit Services will acknowledge (usually within 7 days from the receipt of the
Protected Disclosure) the same. The VWBC will review the issue as deemed necessary
and make all efforts to expeditiously look into the Protected Disclosure received from a

VWBC is not bound to take cognizance of anonymous letters. Such anonymous

communications will be appropriately dealt with by the Company.

Appropriate care will be ensured to keep identity of Whistleblower confidential. VWBC

will determine whether the investigation should be done by Corporate Audit Services or
the Facilitators in the respective IC / Corporate Departments where the breach has

VWBC will detach the covering letter and forward only the Protected Disclosure to the
Corporate Audit Services / Facilitators for verification of documents, evidences, etc.
submitted by the Whistleblower.

Based on the investigation, scrutiny of documents, evidences, etc., Corporate Audit

Services / Facilitators will record their findings and comments in the form of a note and
forward the same to the VWBC.

On receipt of such note, the VWBC can order a detailed investigation, if deemed

VWBC may carry out such investigation through appropriate delegation / agencies. It
may engage an external consultant/ expert to assist in this matter.

If the alleged malpractice is required by law to be dealt with under any other
mechanism, the VWBC shall refer the Protected Disclosure to the appropriate authority
under such mandated mechanism and seek a report on the findings from such

The VWBC will submit a written report containing the findings and action to be taken
to the Executive Management Committee member in charge of the concerned IC /
Corporate Department.

The investigation shall be completed normally within 90 days of receipt of the Protected
Disclosure. Extension of this period will be granted by the VWBC depending on the
merits of the case.

A summary of the cases reported under this Policy and the status of the investigation /
action taken report will be placed before the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.

7. Protection of Whistleblower

7.1 Freedom to Report

Vendors should feel free to report matters of wrongdoing to the VWBC without fear of
any repercussion on themselves. The management assures maintaining anonymity of
the Whistleblower at all times. The management also affirms that the Whistleblower
shall be protected from unfair termination of contract and any other unfair prejudicial
business practices, which the Whistleblower may face from any persons within the
Company due to the act of whistle blowing.

7.2 Assurance of Protection

If at any time, Whistleblower perceives or apprehends that he is being unfairly

victimized or harassed due to his/her act of whistle blowing, he/she shall have the
right to approach the VWBC who will review the Whistleblowers complaint and take
appropriate action, as applicable, to ensure that the Whistleblower is not so subjected
to any unfair or prejudicial business practices. However, while genuine Whistleblowers
will be accorded protection from unfair treatment, any abuse of this protection will
make him/her liable for disciplinary action.

8. Right to amend

The Company reserves its right to amend or modify this Policy in whole or in part, at
any time without assigning any reason whatsoever.

9. Distribution to Vendors & Channel partners

Concerned functional head at the IC / SBG / BU / Corporate Department shall ensure

that an approved copy of this policy and its subsequent amendments if any, are notified
in writing including via email, to all the vendors and channel partners of the Company.

Glossary of abbreviations used
F&A : Finance & Accounts HR : Human Resource
IC : Independent Company as used in Larsen & Toubro Limited
SBG : Strategic Business Group BU : Business Unit

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