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AV- 18050/ l/7O17 - AI

Government of India
ivlinistry of Civil Aviation

Ra jiv Gandhi Bhawan,

Sa fda rjung Airport
New Delhi- 110003,

5ubiect: Permission to travel by orivate airlines on the sectors where Air India
does not operate its flisht.

The undersigned is direcled io refer to Depariment of Expenditure's D.O.

letter No. LgO24/l/70l6-E.lV, dated 23'd May, 2017 regarding qrant of general/blanket
relaxation to travel by private airlines other than Air India in the four sectors i.e. Jaipur-
Jodhpur-Jaipur, Jaipur-Udaipur-laipur, Jaipur-Bikaner-Jaipur, Manqalore-Bengaluru-
ivlangaloi-e, which have not been mentioned in the lisi cf sectors on which
qeneral/blanket relaxation has been accorded by Ministry of Civil Aviation .

7- The request For general/blanket relaxation ior above sectors has been
examined in this Ministry. lt has been decided that in any sector, where Air India is not
operaling, the otficers are permitted to travel by Airlines other than Air tndla and no
appi-oval for relaxation/ exemption is required tor this purpose.

3. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Civil Aviation)'

(Chandra Kishore Shukla)

Under Secretary to Government of india
f el:. ) 4619282
Ms ,Annie G.Mathew,
loint Secretary{ Pers. )
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance,
North Block,

Copy All Secretaries, Govt. of India

All Financial Advisors. Govt. of India

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