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Funding Information (if applicable)

Is this research connected to a grant protocol for external funding being submitted? Yes x No
If you answered yes above, you must submit one complete copy of that grant protocol as soon as it is available and complete the
a. Is notification of Human Subjects approval required? Yes No
b. Is this a renewal application? Yes No
c. Sponsors name:

d. Total protocol period dates:


6. Description of Human Subjects:

Number: 85 Age: 18+ Sex: Female x Male x
A. Vulnerable Populations
Please Identify any vulnerable populations who will be asked to participate in this study:

Children (under 18 years of age) Prisoners Pregnant Women Mentally Impaired or Mentally Retarded

If any boxes are checked, describe any special precautions to be taken in your study due to the
inclusion of these populations, and you will require a FULL BOARD Review.
B. Languages other than English
Will your study involve the use of any language other than English for informed consent forms, data
collection instruments, or recruitment materials?

Yes x No If Yes, Please list:

7. Does your project qualify for EXEMPT Status? See CFR 45 Part 46.101(b) XYes No

If yes, indicate the appropriate categories suggesting less than full IRB review. Include with your
application all copies of all pertinent attachments supporting this argument for exempt review.
Category 2: Research involving the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement), survey
procedures, interview procedures or observation of public behavior, unless: (i) information obtained is recorded in
such a manner that human subjects can be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects; and (ii)
any disclosure of the human subjects' responses outside the research could reasonably place the subjects at risk
of criminal or civil liability or be damaging to the subjects' financial standing, employability, or reputation. Note:
This category of exemption is not applicable to research involving minors (45 CFR 46.401 b).

8. Does your project fall under one of the categories for EXPEDITED review? See CFR 45 Part 46.110 Yes XNo
If yes, indicate the appropriate categories suggesting less than full IRB review. Include with your application

all copies of all pertinent attachments supporting this argument for expedited review.

TAMUK IRB Application All Review Levels / Revised February 2017 Page 3 of 9
What is the estimated time for a subjects participation in each study activity (including time per session and total number of

One session that last 20 minutes

Location(s) of Study:

Identify all locations where the study will be conducted

On the campus of Texas A&M University- Kingsville. In classrooms.

For data collection sites, other than TAMUK, have you attached a draft of the site letters you intend to send for permission?

Yes No

Describe the procedures you will use to maintain the confidentiality of any personally identifiable data.
Please specify where your research records will be maintained, any coding or other steps you will take
to separate participants names/identities from research data, and how long you will retain personally
identifiable data in your research records.

No identifiable information will be obtained. All survey will be in a locked cabinet in the main office of manning hall.
All information presented will be done so in aggregate form.

TAMUK IRB Application All Review Levels / Revised February 2017 Page 5 of 9
13. Informed Consent: Describe the consent process and attach all consent documents.

Consent form used is the one provided by the IRB. Each participant reads the consent form before
participating in the study. Participants are informed that participation is voluntary, and to ask any
questions they may have before participation.

14. Benefits: Describe the anticipated benefits to subjects, and the importance of the knowledge that may
reasonably be expected to result.

There are no direct benefits. However, it can be expected that we will be able to better understand the mechanisms
of priming, and we will better understand how Bicultural individuals come to understand themselves.

15. Risks: Describe the risks involved with these procedures (physical, psychological and/or social) and the
precautions you will take to minimize these risks.

There are no more risks than you would come across in everyday life.

16. Compensation

TAMUK IRB Application All Review Levels / Revised February 2017 Page 6 of 9
Describe any compensation subjects will receive for participating in the study. Include the timing for payment and any
conditions for receipt of such compensation. If extra credit for a course is offered, an alternative non-research activity with
equivalent time and effort must also be offered.

There is no compensation for participating in this study.

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