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Reporting risk
About ACCA

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified

Accountants) is the global body for professional
accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant, first-
This report examines how the
choice qualifications to people of application, ability and quality and value of risk reporting
ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career
in accountancy, finance and management.
can be improved. It reviews current
practice in risk reporting, the
Founded in 1904, ACCA has consistently held unique
core values: opportunity, diversity, innovation, integrity
barriers to better risk reporting,
and accountability. We believe that accountants bring the wishes of users, and the
value to economies in all stages of development. We aim
to develop capacity in the profession and encourage the concerns of preparers.
adoption of consistent global standards. Our values are
aligned to the needs of employers in all sectors and we
ensure that, through our qualifications, we prepare
accountants for business. We work to open up the
profession to people of all backgrounds and remove
artificial barriers to entry, ensuring that our qualifications
and their delivery meet the diverse needs of trainee
professionals and their employers.

We support our 170,000 members and 436,000 students

in 180 countries, helping them to develop successful
careers in accounting and business, with the skills needed
by employers. We work through a network of 91 offices
and centres and more than 8,500 Approved Employers
worldwide, who provide high standards of employee
learning and development.


ACCAs global programme, Accountants for Business,

champions the role of finance professionals in all sectors
as true value creators in organisations. Through people,
process and professionalism, accountants are central to
great performance. They shape business strategy through
a deep understanding of financial drivers and seek
opportunities for long-term success. By focusing on the
critical role professional accountants play in economies at
all stages of development around the world, and in
diverse organisations, ACCA seeks to highlight and
enhance the role the accountancy profession plays in
supporting a healthy global economy.

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,

October 2014

1. Introduction 5

2. Risk reporting today 6

3. What is wrong with risk reporting today? 9

4. What does a good risk report look like? 10

5. What is the future of risk reporting? 13

6. Conclusion 14

References 15


The authors would like to thank the people who took the time to take part in this research. Their wide-ranging views have been
invaluable in clarifying the risk-reporting issues that need to be addressed.

 Brian Abrey, (formerly) Senior Manager (risk), Group Treasury, Old Mutual Group
 Ricky Cheng, Director, Risk Advisory Services, BDO Financial Services Ltd, Hong Kong
 Frank Curtiss, Head of Corporate Governance at RPMI Railpen Investments
 Simon Constant-Glemas, Vice President, Corporate and UK Country Controller, Shell
 Syed Faraz Anwer, Partner for Risk Advisory and Business Improvement Services, AF Ferguson, Pakistan PwC Pakistan (a PwC
network member)
 Jane Fuller, founder of Fuller Analysis, Co-Director of the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation and Chair of the
Financial Reporting and Analysis Committee of CFA UK
 Paul Green, Global Head of Risk and Compliance, Unilever Group
 Ewald Mller, Director, Financial Analysis at the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority
 Eric Tracey, investor, GO Investment Partners.

1. Introduction

There is a growing agreement among In 2014, ACCA conducted research to

users, preparers and advisers that risk identify how the quality and value of risk
reporting needs to improve; better risk reporting can be improved. Through a
reporting is integral to better series of interviews with investors and
governance. The question of how best regulators, as well as preparers of risk
to balance what investors and other reports, the research examined current
users want to see in a risk report with practice in risk reporting, the barriers to
what organisations are willing to better risk reporting, the wishes of
disclose, however, remains to be users, and the concerns of preparers.
answered. In particular, organisations This report summarises the main
are reluctant to disclose anything that messages that emerged.
might threaten competitive advantage
or to discuss potential risks in detail in It is clear that, as a discipline, risk
case this alarms stakeholders (especially reporting is still evolving and that users
providers of finance). The result, too and preparers are still negotiating what
often, is a boilerplate, generic risk the former want to know and what the
report that serves no ones interest. latter want to provide. We hope that
Shareholders and stakeholders are this report helps to inform that debate.
entitled to better information.

2. Risk reporting today

Risk and how it is managed and reported

in a corporate setting have been under
a constant spotlight in recent years. A
Risk has now become something that can be
series of high-profile corporate failures discussed, when previously it was a four-letter word.
and incidents that have damaged
well-known brands had already
increased the interest in risk reporting RISK REPORTING AFTER THE The views of a number of interested
in the early 2000s, but the financial crisis FINANCIAL CRISIS parties were sought for this report.
of 20078 drove the issue to the top of Frank Curtiss, head of corporate
the agenda for regulators and investors. The credit crunch of 20078 and governance at RPMI Railpen
subsequent financial crisis concentrated Investments, said that he had seen a lot
Most of the guidance and regulatory the mind of regulators, preparers and of progress in risk reporting since the
requirements for risk reporting were users on risk management and financial crisis. Risk has now become
developed after the financial crisis, but reporting. A series of reports from the something that can be discussed, when
some nations have a better record than Financial Stability Forum (2008), the previously it was a four-letter word. The
others, historically, of forcing or European Commission (2009), UK better [risk] reporters are telling us
encouraging companies to report on Government (HM Treasury 2009 ), and something useful about risk the levels
risk. The US, for example, has required others in the immediate years after the of disclosure used to be terrible across
companies listed with the Securities crisis called for improvement in risk the board, but now there are plenty that
and Exchange Commission (SEC) to disclosure by financial institutions. This are not.
describe the risks faced by the business resulted in a range of new and enhanced
(in some form or another) since the 1970s. reporting guidance aimed primarily at Brian Abrey, while working on the
the financial sector, including: financial risk framework at the insurer
Within Europe, the EU Accounts Old Mutual Group, said that there had
Modernisation Directive of 2003 said the IASBs IFRS 7, Financial been a great deal more granularity in
that companies should describe the Instruments: Disclosure internal reporting in financial service
risks they face, in both annual and firms since the crisis: Some have torn
interim reports. Two countries have the requirements of the Basel II up what was done before, others have
gone further than the Europe-wide accord (particularly the Pillar 3 evolved. And regulators have also
requirements Germany has its own disclosures covering capital stepped up their requirements, which
risk reporting standard (GAS 5), while adequacy), which will be extended has forced organisations to go further,
the UKs Corporate Governance Code by Basel III or at least accelerate their plans.
says that companies should report at
least annually on the effectiveness of Enhancing the Risk Disclosures of Even so, there was a general agreement
their risk-management procedures. Banks: Report of the Enhanced among users consulted for this report
Disclosure Task Force (Financial that this is just the beginning for better
The UK could go still further in the near Stability Board 2012). risk reporting. Jane Fuller, who chairs
future in November 2013 the Financial CFA UKs financial reporting and
Reporting Council published a Many users, in particular, believe that analysis committee, said that while
consultation paper (FRC 2013) that risk reporting has improved since the guidance such as that from the
proposed a more integrated approach crisis, although most would argue that Enhanced Disclosure Task Force of the
to risk reporting, linking risk there is still a long way to go. One of Financial Stability Board has helped, risk
management to internal controls and the most important legacies of the crisis reporting in general still has a long way
going concern. If changes to the is that it raised the profile of risk to go. The momentum towards better
Corporate Governance Code are management and reporting to the risk reporting has improved a bit since
confirmed, it will recommend that extent that they are now widely and 2008 at least, and I have had more
directors carry out a robust assessment openly discussed. discussions about how to improve risk
of the principal risks facing the reporting since then. But moving things
company and explain in the annual forward will require a change in attitude.
report how these risks are being
managed or mitigated.

This view is reinforced by the research Across the board, there has been a
BOX 2.1: RISK DISCLOSURES that is available. BDO in Hong Kong, for definite improvement in the level of
example, states in its 2013 Corporate information disclosed, whether this is in
The Enhanced Disclosure Task Governance Review that about one- the oil industry, the tobacco industry,
Force (2012) sets out seven third of companies listed on the Hang manufacturing or retail, Brian Abrey
principles for risk disclosures. Seng Composite Index did not disclose argued. Now the market will really push
the processes they use for identifying, the less sophisticated [in terms of risk
1. Disclosures should be clear, evaluating and managing risks. Those reporting] sectors, and they will all need
balanced and companies that did report on risk- to change in the next five to ten years.
understandable. management processes, the report
adds, often struggled to explain them There are few industries more risky than
2. Disclosures should be and merely reported a list of risks that the extractive industries companies
comprehensive and include were identified and mitigated. The firm typically work in dangerous
all the banks key activities is hopeful, though, that things will environments, often in unstable regions
and risks. improve, saying in the report that it was (geographically and politically), and are
encouraging to see that more companies subject to unpredictable commodity
3. Disclosures should present have established separate risk prices and exchange rates. Risk
relevant information. committees, rather than addressing risks reporting has always been a
through the audit committee and board. contentious subject for the extractive
4. Disclosures should reflect industries, but the explosion and
how the bank manages its The big challenge now is the mass of subsequent spillage at BPs Deepwater
risks. companies whose risk reporting is Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico in
inadequate at best, said Frank Curtiss. 2010 brought the issue sharply to the
5. Disclosures should be There are some shining examples, fore. Simon Constant-Glemas, vice
consistent over time. good reports that tell the story honestly president corporate and UK country
and in the voice of the company. The controller at Shell, said that the disaster
6. Disclosures should be trick now is to get the others up to focused everyones mind on risk and
comparable among banks. speed. risk reporting.

7. Disclosures should be HAVE IMPROVEMENTS IN RISK As a result, it is generally believed that

provided on a timely basis. REPORT SPREAD BEYOND THE companies in the financial services and
FINANCIAL SECTOR? extractive industries sectors are
producing some of the most thorough
There is a general view that the raised and innovative risk reports. Even so,
profile of risk reporting in the financial companies outside these sectors have
sector is having a trickle-down effect on also made improvements to their risk
other sectors. Some sectors are, of reporting the pharmaceutical sector
course, inherently more risky than was singled out, by some of those
others but, although internal risk consulted for this report, as willing to
management is well developed, it does be more forthcoming in risk reports.
not necessarily follow that risk reporting
is equally advanced. Those consulted The raised profile of risk reporting has
agreed that the financial crisis had also spread to developing regions.
helped to bring the discussion of risk in Ewald Mller, director of financial
all sectors out of the boardroom and analysis at the Qatar Financial Centre
into the public arena. Regulatory Authority (QFCRA), has the

task of helping to set up a regulatory their management, weighing up their
BOX 2.2: LEADING THE WAY system and financial reporting regime attitude and appetite towards particular
IN RISK REPORTING for Qatars fledgling financial services areas of risk.
sector. Effective risk reporting is a
Preparers and users consulted for central element of its objective. Mller Ricky Cheng of BDO said that a report
this report identified a number of says that the financial crisis was a that demonstrates how management is
companies that, in their view, catalyst for a more focused handling tough or risky scenarios will
were leading the way in risk conversation about the value of risk be valuable to investors, because
reporting. reporting in many countries. linking between company objectives
and risk factors gives investors a better
Admiral its CEO statement He conceded, however, that risk idea about how the companys
highlights the risk relating to its reporting is something that is relatively performance will be affected if
change of strategy users agreed new to companies based in Qatar and particular risks materialise.
that placing this discussion in the that there is still a lot of work to do: The
CEOs statement was right. prevalence of risk reporting has Both preparers and users, though,
increased across the Middle East in the made a distinction between the various
Aggreko this report was admired past few years, but there is a lack of audiences of a risk report. Syed Faraz
for its personal voice and broad understanding of risk reporting, Anwer, partner for risk advisory and
refreshing honesty. a lack of skills around risk reporting, and business improvement services at PwC
a lack of understanding among users Pakistan, said that while institutional
BP the way the report set out about what risk reports are meant to investors attach great importance to
the risks the company faces was convey. risk disclosures, smaller investors are
described as focused and not yet aware of the benefits. This
precise. WHAT IS THE VALUE OF RISK makes it very difficult for organisations
REPORTING? to decide how much information to
BT it was agreed that the disclose and how to disclose it. They
company gave a very good Much of the improvement in risk also have concerns about how investors
description of its business model reporting has been driven by will perceive this information.
and a good, up-to-date risk compliance, but users and preparers Sometimes they feel that if there is
section, rather than repeating were keen to stress that risk reporting more risk information, then there is a
what it had said in previous years. brought benefits not only to users but perception that there is more risk.
to the organisations themselves.
Great Portland Estates it was According to Simon Constant-Glemas The concern for many preparers is that
agreed that the company of Shell, in the past, risk management risk information will be misunderstood
explained its strategy clearly and was focused on mitigation, but today it is by some investors an issue that is
discussed each risk with helpful part of adding value to the organisation. behind many of the problems with the
cross-references to other parts of quality of risk reporting today.
the report. High-quality risk reporting increases
investor confidence, not just in terms of Paul Green of Unilever summed it up
Provident Financial it was the risks being discussed, but also in when he said: Risk is a problem child.
agreed that the company the overall quality of management, There is broad acknowledgment that it
provided a great deal of useful agreed Frank Curtiss of Railpen is a way to hold boards accountable,
and necessary detail in its report, Investments. Paul Green, global head of but there has been no immediate
including the risk committees risk and compliance at Unilever, added advancement. As a tool, risk reporting
agenda. that comprehensive but targeted risk must be seen as part of the solution.
disclosures help investors to make Investors would value a report where
comparisons between companies and executives give a good account of
between the actions and behaviours of themselves.

3. What is wrong with risk reporting today?

Everyone consulted during the project

had concerns about the quality of risk
reporting today. A straw poll carried out
There is not enough challenging going on, from
at a recent ACCA conference on risk boards or auditors or investors, about the what
reporting found that 80% of attenders
thought that the trend towards
ifs what if this went wrong?
voluminous reporting on risk was
obscuring the key risks. Generally, users Many users consulted said that examination of dark recesses. Paul
are by far the most critical, arguing that organisations were too wary of talking Green of Unilever raised the point that
risk information was either difficult to openly and fully about risk, for a for companies: talking about risk is
find, or too unspecific to be of number of reasons. The great seen as talking about the negative. No
significant use. challenge in all reporting is that it gets company wants to give the impression
taken over by advisers. said Eric Tracey, that it has more downside exposure
WHAT DO USERS THINK? consulting partner with Governance for than its competitors. Annual reports are
Owners. Advisers either make it bland, about being upbeat and positive, and I
Among those consulted for this report, or put everything in but the kitchen dont think we have found a way to fully
the most critical users were the sink, in which case it becomes deal with this tension.
analysts, who argued that too many completely useless.
reports are: Simon Constant-Glemas of Shell added
Jane Fuller agreed: The main barrier to that the regulations that have come into
too generic better risk reporting is companies force since the financial crisis were in
reluctance to be frank. At the moment danger of encouraging a compliance-
too bland risk reporting is a process-driven based response to risk reporting. There
exercise, which describes what they has been a huge increase [in regulation
too verbose, and have looked at and what the risks are, faced by multinationals] since the
and that is a long way from a truly frank financial crisis, and the question is
biased towards the positive. discussion. whether that drives better risk
management or not, he said. There
In addition they fail to provide the She added that while companies are have certainly been unintended
specific information such as qualitative reluctant to explain fully the risks they consequences. At Shell we are captured
information that is of practical use to face, auditors and investors have a by criteria that are not intended for us,
users. responsibility to question simply because we are large. In my view
managements view. The reaction of that has the potential to distract
The problem is often that the some companies seems to be, dont organisations from good risk
information provided is detailed yet worry your little head about it, she management.
vague, which makes it difficult for the said. There is not enough challenging
audience to derive any meaningful going on, from boards or auditors or My main concern is that the raft of new
conclusions, said Syed Faraz Anwer of investors, about the what ifs what if regulatory requirements could result in
PwC Pakistan. He added: By potentially this went wrong? organisations seeing risk reporting as
confusing buyers in this way, risk just another box-ticking exercise, rather
reporting could itself be creating more WHAT DO COMPANIES SAY? than driving better risk management.
risk. We have to be careful that were not
Preparers recognised that there is a reporting risk in order to satisfy a
basic conflict between the instinct to be process, but that risk management is
positive in an annual report and nature used effectively as a way to differentiate
of risk reporting, which requires an the business.

4. What does a good risk report look like?

Some organisations are producing risk

What I want to see is an honest explanation in reports that include many of these
elements. Jane Fuller said that a few
the context of the business strategy and the banks, notably Barclays and HSBC, have
business model and how that risk is managed. experimented recently with an
approach to risk reporting that
prioritises the major risks and identifies
any emerging risks. The results have
It is clear that improving risk reporting stability indicators: It is a very good been interesting, she said, and suggest
will be a delicate balancing act between starting point, in the sense that it that there is some scope for shortening
the needs of users and the concerns of reflects the work of the entire world and the risk section in the voluminous
preparers. On a superficial level, the focuses only on key indicators. discussions and boilerplate lists
debate over what should and should sometimes produced.
not be included in a risk report can be He added that his ideal risk report
summed up as: users want more, and would contain more pictures than She added, though, that there is a fine
preparers want to provide less. words, and should explain what matters line between providing too much and
to the company, what the company did too little information, and sometimes it
The biggest concern about existing right, what it did wrong, and what it comes down to the personal preference
reports is that they are formulaic, changed. of the reader: Some investors like the
generic and too PR-oriented. Analysts very detailed risk reporting you get in a
and other users want to see, as Eric Syed Faraz Anwer pointed out how the prospectus, but personally, I would
Tracey of Governance for Owners put it, utility of report can be enhanced, he rather see risks prioritised. Detail is, of
what directors are really worrying said There has to be proper time spent course, also important I would rather
about, not something that is just made by the board, by senior management have 20 pages of risk disclosures, and
up for the annual report. and all the key stakeholders, on what use my own brain, than very few. If there
should be reported and what the value is too much narrowing down of the
What I want to see is an honest is of reporting it. reported risks it is more likely that
explanation in the context of the something will be left out.
business strategy and the business USERS WISH-LIST
model and how that risk is managed, Even the most clued-up investors dont
said Frank Curtiss of RPMI Railpen The wish list of content for a risk know everything theyre not present
Investments. While I recognise that report, according to analysts and other at board meetings or risk committee
other stakeholders will want to look at users consulted is: meetings so the more a company
corporate reports and there is a wider explains, the better, said Frank Curtiss.
public interest, the purpose of financial identification of the key risks the Syed Faraz Anwer agreed: If your
reporting is about stewardship and company faces, preferably in plain competitors already know something,
accountability to those who provide risk English then it is probably a good idea to share
capital. it with your investors and give them
an explanation of why management comfort about the way you will be
Qatars financial sector is an interesting believes these risks to be critical doing business in the future.
test case for risk reporting, since it is
essentially setting up a framework from an explanation of what management
scratch. Ewald Mller of QFCRA said is doing to mitigate these risks
that one of the benefits of starting with
a blank piece of paper is that the identification of emerging and new
QFCRA has been able to focus on what risks
it sees as the essentials of good risk
reporting: brevity. He added that an explanation of how management
QFCRA had focused on the assesses risk throughout the year.
International Monetary Funds financial

that while he understood investors
The preparers consulted agreed that desire for as much information as One issue raised by users was the
more detail could and should be given possible, a more considered approach quality of information provided in risk
about risk, although improving the needs to be taken. Addressing all reports, particularly details about what
quality of risk reporting is an equally possible risks in a risk report would be future risks might arise and what they
pressing issue, rather than simply counterproductive more might mean. Jane Fullers view was that
advocating more information. Im in the comprehensive risk reporting doesnt risk reports rarely get to the
camp that says listed companies should mean better risk reporting, he said. At fundamentals of what an identified risk
be more forthright than they generally Shell we employ more than 100,000 would mean in practice. BPs risk
are when it comes to risk reporting in an people in 70 countries, so any risk thats reports before the Deepwater Horizon
annual report, said Paul Green of applicable to a large multinational accident, for example, might have
Unilever. It should obviously contain a would apply to us. It is much better to talked repeatedly about safety risks, but
statement on significant activities that provide a concise overview of the key there would have been little to help
have taken place during the year, the risks inherent in the business that are analysts in terms of what a rare accident
risks that have been investigated, most likely to prevent the achievement might mean, when looking at the
reviewed or assessed beyond the of its objectives. financial impact it would have.
business as usual perspective. That
much is not contentious, but it should Along with other preparers, Constant- Fuller suggested that a more useful
also include the risk-management Glemas argued that the main purpose approach for analysts would be for a
activities for material risk in more detail. of a risk report should be to provide company to say that accidents rarely
And it should definitely include a enough information for a useful happen but if one does, it will be very
forward view. conversation about risk between expensive for us and this is how we
would mitigate the impact. Or a
pharmaceutical company could disclose
It is easy to say what risks have been dealt with its general risk of litigation and say that,
in the immediate past, it is less easy to do so while it happens [only] on rare
occasions, if it does happen the cost is
looking to the future without painting a bland, considerable, perhaps illustrating this
by disclosing the biggest litigation
uninformative picture. It is a delicate balancing act. payouts in the sector in the past.

This approach might cause migraines

That last point is important. It is easy to stakeholders and management. The in many a boardroom but it would result
say what risks have been dealt with in quality element of risk reporting comes in a far more useful discussion about
the immediate past, it is less easy to do down to the conversation about risk risk.
so looking to the future without that takes place, and that conversation
painting a bland, uninformative picture. should start with the risk report, he This is a fundamental question for risk
It is a delicate balancing act. said. A detailed discussion about risk is reporting: can a risk report ever
more likely to come out in a helpfully highlight the risks of rare but
Green also argued that risk reports conversation between the CEO or catastrophic Black Swan events? In
should look beyond financial and finance director and analysts and other practice, while analysts argue that an
operational risks: There should also be stakeholders the annual report is not attempt to quantify the financial impact
some discussion about non-financial, really the place to go into that sort of of a disaster on the Deepwater Horizon
reputational classes of risk that are detail. scale would be useful, preparers are
more about potential damage to the understandably reluctant.
name and brand of the organisation.
These risks are often overlooked, and
they could be given more prominence.

Simon Constant-Glemas of Shell said in the balance sheet and notes to keep secret. Its precisely because it is
that difficult conversations about Black accounts. The feedback to the proposal sensitive that something should be
Swan events do take place within showed that investors would value the reported to shareholders.
companies or at least, they should. I use of the confidence accounting
strongly believe that a thorough approach by audit committees, when Preparers with a strong record in risk
consideration of everything that could they are considering critical accounting reporting say that it is possible to
possibly go wrong is an important part judgements and assumptions as part of produce a useful risk report without
of good risk management, even if the the fair, balanced and understandable disclosing sensitive information. Simon
full details are not disclosed publicly, requirement. Constant-Glemas of Shell said he did
he said. But I do wonder if enough not think that competitive advantage
thinking goes on around rare events I RISK REPORTING AND SENSITIVE was an issue: You can strike a balance
suspect that not enough people INFORMATION between referencing risk and not giving
considered the probability of the entire away critical information. The vast
inter-bank lending system grinding to a There is clearly a gap between what majority of the time some information
halt overnight before the financial crisis investors want from a risk report and will be in the public domain already and
happened. what companies believe is appropriate so, if necessary, a more generic
to disclose. Many companies argue that reference can be made.
Disclosing the details of this providing any more detail than they
conversation in a risk report, though, is currently do would require them to Paul Green of Unilever suggested that
another thing altogether, said disclose commercially sensitive regulatory intervention might be
Constant-Glemas. The biggest worry is information. needed to stimulate more comparable
that highlighting the possibility of levels of disclosure by companies. We
events and quantifying the financial This argument is not popular with users. might not want to talk too much about
impact could frighten investors, but he I think its used too much as an excuse the risk conversation that goes on
also had concerns about whether a and it tends to infantilise the role of inside the boardroom, but every
quantitative estimate would be investors, said Jane Fuller. Theyre business has plenty of data about risks
meaningful: The nature of Black Swan effectively saying that they dont want that have happened. I think it would be
events means that it is difficult to think to frighten the horses. Eric Tracey said a big step forward to force companies
about what the impact of an event he was not impressed when commercial to disclose all of this relevant risk data
could possibly be, let alone put a sensitivity was used as a barrier to risk in their annual reports in a structured,
reliable figure on it. The context of reporting: Its a fantastic smokescreen consolidated section, rather than its
probability is difficult to get across. to hide all sorts of things and I dont being lost within the report. Yes, it
give it much credence at all. You ought would be sensitive, but everyone would
There is a school of thought, though, to be able to describe your risks without be in the same boat and they would
that probability-based accounting giving away something that you should have to be transparent.
could bring significant benefits to
accounting in general. In 2012 ACCA,
along with Long Finance and the
Chartered Institute for Securities &
Investment, published a proposal
(Harris et al. 2012) on confidence
I think it would be a big step forward to force
accounting, which set out how accounts companies to disclose all of this relevant risk data
might better convey levels of
confidence in reported numbers by
in their annual reports in a structured, consolidated
taking into account the uncertainties section, rather than its being lost within the report.
inherent in many of the values reported

5. What is the future of risk reporting?

It remains open to debate whether

regulation should play the primary role
in encouraging better risk reporting.
More standardisation of reporting of risk around
The possibility of an internationally the world would in theory be a good thing.
recognised standard or guidance on
risk has been mooted, although it has
not generally gained a great deal of would in theory be a good thing, company is handling them, as well as
support. Many observers argue that the added Eric Tracey, but the perfect any new risks that have emerged, might
move towards integrated reporting should not be the enemy of the good. be a good addition. I dont favour
might encourage better risk reporting frequent or real-time risk reporting.
over time. Many of those consulted believed that
the IIRC was well placed to improve risk Eric Tracey said he was also happy with
The users and preparers consulted for reporting. There has to be a race to the annual reporting. If you do anything
this report agreed is that peer pressure top, and that is why I support the IIRCs other than that you can overload
is extremely effective in persuading attempt to promote best practice people with information, he said. You
companies to be more transparent. internationally, said Frank Curtiss of need to know whats going on [as an
Theres clearly a balance between RPMI Railpen, who is a member of the investor] but every quarter or six
informing the markets and giving the IIRC working group. There is definitely months would be too often and
game away, but the more transparent a willingness by governments and encourages short-termism.
companies dont seem to have a regulators to embrace [risk reporting]
problem, said Frank Curtiss. If but investor and privately-led initiatives Brian Abrey said there was a balance to
someone tells me it cant be done, I just tend to be more successful, as by be struck between timeliness and
tell them that some people are already definition regulation has to be more relevance. Risk reporting is, generally,
doing it. detailed. We might see a significant slightly behind financial reporting and
step-change between now and 2020. regulated industries are coming under
Brian Abrey argued that even in pressure not just to produce risk reports
unregulated sectors, companies are Paul Green of Unilever was more but to do so in a timely way, much
coming under increasing pressure to reticent: I believe risks should be closer to financial reporting. Risk
disclose more about risk and that a discussed separately [from integrated reports should be at least annual, he
failure to do so could lead to a reporting]. It is still important that risks added, with supplementary or interim
companys being undervalued. A have their own headings rather than reports if there have been significant
market pull will push the company to becoming part of a wider narrative. changes which could be market
disclose more, although no one will events or strategic events.
want to be the company that discloses SHOULD RISK REPORTING BE MORE
too much, he said. FREQUENT? Preparers, though, were less
enthusiastic. More frequent risk
IS AN INTERNATIONAL STANDARD The possibility of real-time risk reporting would not be particularly
ON RISK REPORTING A REALISTIC reporting is raised from time to time helpful, said Simon Constant-Glemas of
AIM? but while few see the benefits in going Shell. A certain amount of risk is
that far, more frequent risk reporting strategic and it would feel more like
I would like to see a more closely quarterly or six monthly is seen as a crisis management if risk reporting was
aligned international standard, said more realistic option. carried out more frequently than it is
Frank Curtiss. He added that the today. The crystallisation of an
cultural variations, even between Jane Fuller, though, said she was emerging risk or emergence of a new
English-speaking countries, would make generally happy with annual reporting: risk would certainly warrant disclosure
application difficult. More standardisation A focused, standalone interim report, but risk reporting should not be
of reporting of risk around the world which states the top risks and how the confused with robust and timely
management information.

6. Conclusion

The views of preparers, users and other the debate, engaging with companies
interested parties consulted for this and taking an interest in what they
report suggest that there is a growing report on risk. It is clear that users and
momentum behind the desire to investors find risk reporting, when done
improve risk reporting. Risk reporting is well, extremely useful; a proactive
clearly in an evolutionary stage, but the involvement in the debate by users can
sensitive nature of risk means that only encourage better practice.
preparers are still learning how best to
approach the subject. There are opportunities here, too, for
companies. Good risk reporting gives
The problem, clearly articulated by the investors confidence about the
users quoted above, is that risk company, its business model and its
reporting is too formulaic and as a management. Greater disclosure of
result provides little information of any risks is not a threat; it is a chance to
real use. There is an argument that demonstrate the strength of the
increased regulation of risk reporting companys controls and management.
would only encourage a compliance-
based approach that would exacerbate Everyone has an interest in improving
the problem of generic reports. That is risk reporting; the conversation must
why it is critical that investors and other continue.
interested stakeholders get involved in


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