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Conference on Data Integrity and

Recordkeeping in the Digital Environment:

New Findings in Pay and Personnel Information Management

Pretoria, South Africa, 14 to 16 April 2008



The participants in the conference on Data Integrity and Recordkeeping in the Digital
Environment wish to sincerely thank the Government and the people of the Republic of
South Africa for their kind and warm hospitality. In particular we wish to thank the
Director and staff of the National Archives for the excellent arrangements for the

We also wish to thank Dr Anne Thurston, International Director of the IRMT and the
entire IRMT Team for organizing this particular conference.

The conference drew delegates from thirteen (13) African Countries and comprised
Directors of National Archives, Senior Officers from Offices of the President,
Accountants General, Auditors, Human Resource Managers, IT professionals, E-
Government specialists, Government Archivists and other Senior Government Officials


Arising out of the conference presentations and discussions, a number of observations

have been made; these include:

1. Some National Archives in the region are not playing a strategic and key role in
providing guidance on records management in most Government business

2. The Archives function is invisible in most Government departments leading to lack

of recognition of archives and records management in a number of strategic
Government initiatives and development projects.

3. There is a lack of skills and competences among archives and records management
personnel in the area of electronic records management, leading to inability to play
an active role in designing and implementing electronic records management
systems. Where there has been some skills enhancement, retention of the skilled
staff has become very difficult due to levels of pay and work environment facilities.
4. There has been an absence of opportunities to collaborate on capacity building
initiatives for records management and related aspects in the region, especially in
respect of training institutions.

5. Progress has been made in a number of countries in the region to computerise

financial and HR systems. However, due consideration has not been given to the
component of records management.

6. In order to ensure effective and functional computerised systems, it is critical that

the existing manual systems and processes are comprehensively streamlined.

7. There is a direct relationship between records management and accountability,

transparency and delivery of public services.

8. A number of countries in the region lack a functional policy and legal framework
that supports effective records management. In some of the countries there are
policy inadequacies in this regard, while in others there is weak enforcement of the
policy and legal framework for archives and records management.

9. The efforts of the IRMT towards developing training materials are noted with
appreciation and gratitude and we request that before these materials are made
operational, broad consultation should be furthered in the region to ensure
relevancy to all stakeholders.

10. The importance of developing performance indicators in records management that

are linked to institutional strategic objectives has been noted.

11. There is an urgent need to enhance awareness across Governments in the region
about the importance and critical role of the archives and records management
function for effectiveness and efficiency in Government business.

12. The archives and records management function seems to be gradually getting
usurped by the ICT function, a trend that seems to emanate from lack of role clarity
and in-house inconsistencies.


Following the above observations, these resolutions are made as a way forward in
improving record keeping in the digital environment both at national and regional level:

1. Governments should be urged to incorporate the archives and records management

function in the various reform initiatives e.g. IFMS, IPPS, HRMIS etc and other
service delivery enhancement programmes. There is need for deliberate linkages of
archives and records management with all other Government business processes
and to ensure that there are solid partnerships with all Government institutions in
this regard.

2. National Archives and Records Management personnel are urged to be more

proactive as a means of emphasising the importance of the archives and records
management function. This should be used to address the need for attitude and
culture change.

3. Similarly this should be supported with training that not only needs to be focused
on equipping personnel with IT skills that can be translated into effective records
management in the digital environment, but also needs to be based in terms of
prevailing Government business as a means of ensuring retention of the trained

4. There is also a need to ensure that Governments create an environment that

enhances professional skills and targets young graduates.

5. IRMT / ESARBICA, working in cooperation with training institutions in the region,

need to explore possibilities for bringing trainers together to work out strategies that
can address issues of common concern, e.g. professional standards, mechanisms for
facilitating exchange and influencing Government policy direction. To start with,
focus could be on the development of a regional Centre of Excellence, the creation
of a permanent forum that brings together personnel in the arenas of ICT, E-
Governance, Archives and Records Management to facilitate exchanges on best
practices and other related aspects.

6. Efforts should be undertaken to streamline current Government business processes

as a means of effecting quick wins that support effective implementation of
electronic records management, support accountability frameworks that are
evidence based, and support effective public service delivery.

7. As a means of enhancing awareness by Governments in the region of the role of

archives and records management, and as one of the critical undertakings that
should be followed up after this conference, consideration should be given to:

the use of video materials (e.g. those used at the conference)

benchmarking of best practices from countries in the region (e.g. those shared
by Tanzania)
use of attachments and training at centers of excellence.

8. As a means of ensuring that performance indicators for records management are

developed, it is important that Governments in the region develop these indicators
as part of their strategic plans.

Annex 1: List of Acronyms

Annex 2: List of Participants
Annex 1


ESARBICA East and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council
on Archives

HRMIS Human Resource Management Information System

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IFMS Integrated Financial Management System

IPPS Integrated Personnel and Payroll System

IRMT International Records Management Trust

Annex 2


Title Name Title Country Email

Helder Baptista Acting Deputy Director
Mr Angola [email protected]
Antunes (INAM)
Teresa Graciete Acting Deputy of
Mrs Angola [email protected]
Evangelista Training and HR (INAM)
Senior Archivist -
Maria Alexandra
Mrs National Historic Angola [email protected]
Miranda Aparicio
Archives of Angola
Senior Researcher -
Mr Honore Mbonga National Historic Angola [email protected]
Archives of Angola
Senior Agency
Mr Greg Oshea Australia [email protected]
Chief Systems Analyst,
Mr Moagi Baleseng Botswana [email protected]
Office of the President
HR Information
Systems Manager,
Mr Bethuel Moreme Botswana [email protected]
Directorate of Public
Service Mgmt
Director - Botswana
Kelebogile Pinkie
Ms National Archives and Botswana [email protected]
Nathan Mwakoshi Senior Lecturer -
Mr Botswana [email protected]
Mnjama University of Botswana
Lecturer University of
Mr Peter Sebina Botswana [email protected]
Julius Musyimi
Mr Accountant -General Kenya [email protected]
Senior Auditor - ICT
Mr Justus Ongera Kenya [email protected]
Lawrence I Director of Kenya
Mr Kenya [email protected]
Mwangi National Archives
Kenya National Archives
Mr Richard Wato - Secretary General of Kenya [email protected]
Senior Lecturer -
Mr Justus Wamukoya Kenya [email protected]
University of Botswana
Director of Information
Pinkie Masita
Mrs - Lesotho National Lesotho [email protected]
Deputy Principal
Miss Thato Masiloane Lesotho [email protected]
Director of information
Ms Nthabeleng Sefako Lesotho [email protected]
Director of Management
Isaac Saulosi
Mr Services, Dept of HR Malawi [email protected]
Zimba Bondo
George Norwin Chief Accountant
Mr Malawi [email protected]
Banda General
Director of National
Mr Paul Lihoma Malawi [email protected]
Archives of Malawi
Director Arquivo
Joel Maurico das
Mr Historico de Mozambique [email protected]
Neves Tembe
Joo Sebastio
Mr Ambrsio Director of ICTS Mozambique [email protected]
Adriana Albertina Director of Human
Ms Mozambique [email protected]
Jacob Resources
National Documentation
Santos Francisco
Mr and Information Centre Mozambique [email protected]
Chief Systems
Mr Karel Nel Administrator PS of Namibia [email protected]
Namibia - EDRMS
Chief Programming
Rathwynn Clarens
Mr systems Advisor Namibia [email protected]
Director National
Mr Werner Hillebrecht Namibia [email protected]
Archives of Namibia
Director - National
Dr Graham A. Dominy South Africa [email protected]
Archives of South Africa
Deputy National
Mrs Mandy Gilder South Africa [email protected]
Deputy Director:
Records Management
Mr Clive Kirkwood South Africa [email protected]
and Information
Asst Director Admin &
Ms Thobeka Zulu Coordination National South Africa [email protected]
Archives of South Africa
Tshavhu Chief Information
Ms South Africa [email protected]
Mukhodobwane Officer
SAMDI - Manager of
Ms Nadia Carolissen South Africa [email protected]
Lead Financial
Gert Van Der
Mr Management Specialist South Africa [email protected]
Africa - World Bank
Chief Executive Officer
Mr Cosmas S Lamosai ESAAG South Africa [email protected]

Ms Khabonina Mabuza Accountant General Swaziland [email protected]

Goodwill Ministry of PS and
Mr Swaziland [email protected]
Matsebula Information
Kholekile F. Director - Swaziland
Mrs Swaziland [email protected]
Mthethwa National Archives
Archivist - Swaziland
Miss Zodwa Simelane Swaziland [email protected]
National Archives
Assistant Auditor
Mr Athanas Pius Tanzania [email protected]
Assistant Director,
Emmanuel Jerome
Mr Personnel and Tanzania [email protected]
Information Systems
Director of National
Peter Juma
Mr Archives (President Tanzania [email protected]
Mr Trustee, Chairman Tanzania [email protected]
Salum Maulid
Mr Secretary, President Zanzibar [email protected]
Deputy - Principal
Mwanaidi Secretary, Ministry of
Ms Zanzibar [email protected]
S.Abdalla Education and
Vocational Training
Director of Archives and
Mr Hamad H. Omar Zanzibar [email protected]
Commissioner, Records
Mr Deogratious Kizit and Information Uganda [email protected]

Mr Alex Ajum Okello Government Archivist Uganda [email protected]

Assistant Comissioner,
Ms Savia Mugwanya Uganda [email protected]
Payroll Management
Project Director, IRMT
Dr Anne Thurston UK [email protected]
International Director

Mr Walter Mansfield Project Manager UK [email protected]

Mr Luis De Carvalho Project Coordinator UK [email protected]

Mr Michael Hoyle Project Manager US [email protected]

Mr Cabinet Office Zambia [email protected]
Chileshe Lombe Director of National
Mrs Zambia [email protected]
Lusale-Musukuma Archives of Zambia

Mrs Judith Madzorera Accountant General Zimbabwe [email protected]

Simon Cosmas Director, Central

Mr Zimbabwe [email protected]
Chigwamba Computing Services
Mr Acting Chief Archivist Zimbabwe [email protected]

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