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SY 2017-2018
Note: All articles references are to the Family Code unless a Civil
Code article reference ( NCC ) is indicated.

Required Text: Family Law in the Philippines, Legarda, Mawis, Vargas

(2013. Use 2106 Updated once available)
Tolentino, Persons and Family Law, Vol. 1

We will use a variety of teaching/learning methods to achieve the goals of

this course, to keep things interesting, and to accommodate various learning
styles. I ask for your forbearance when I am using a style that works for
others, but not for you.

The methods include:

A. Teacher and student presentation
B. Whole class, small group and team discussion and problem solving
C. Practice exams and quizzes
D. Other

A. Teacher
1. Work hard to help students succeed in the course
2. Share knowledge
3. Model skills and values
4. Provide feedback to students
5. Lead in course and class design
6. Lead in maintaining a positive, challenging learning environment
7. Provide feedback to students
8. Grade student performance
9. Other

B. Students
1. Work hard to achieve the goals of the course
2. Assist in course and class design
3. Actively contribute to maintaining a positive, respectful, challenging
learning environment
4. Share knowledge

5. Provide feedback to teacher and other students
6. Cooperate and collaborate with other students working in teams
7. Other


As you may know, you are creating your professional reputation in the law.
Accordingly, please behave as the best attorneys do. This includes paying
attention and responding to what others say as well as working with others
to collectively learn the material.

Please be prepared for class and to be ready to work. Please listen to others,
avoid dominating discussion, take the initiative to improve your skills, take
risks and be resourceful. Please seek help when you realize you need it or
when recommended. Please show up every day on time and stay in class the
whole time.

If you are unable to attend a class due to illness or other good reason, please
notify me before class, if at all possible. You may receive an excused
absence if you notify me in writing why you need to miss class and provide
me with sufficient information for me to excuse you. If you accumulate 5 or
more unexcused absences, you will fail the course and you will be given a
5 in the class.

You are responsible for learning information and getting the handouts
provided in class or made available online. If you missed class, talk to
classmates to learn what happened and get notes.

When you are in class, please be prepared to participate in the discussion

and to engage. Being prepared does not mean you have become an expert
on the material; it does mean that you will have read (generally more than
once for court opinions) and thought about the assigned materials, completed
assigned work, and be ready to engage and discuss this work with others.
You will not be penalized for asking what you might think are stupid
questions or letting me know when you are confused. You are responsible,
however, for asking questions when you do not understand material.

In class, you are each responsible for participating to an appropriate extent,

i.e., neither being silent nor dominating the discussion, but doing your share
of the talking.

If you cannot prepare for a class, please notify me that you are unprepared at
the beginning of class. Being unprepared counts as an unexcused absence. If
you are not prepared for some classes, I may ask you to leave. This would be
because we will be discussing material specific to a graded assignment, and
it is only appropriate to have the discussion with students who have already
completed the assignment.

Note: SC Rules required:

1. 02-6-02, Adoption
2. 02-11-10, Nullity
3, 02-11-11, Legal Separation
4. 02-11-12, Provisional Orders
5. 03-04-04, Custody of Minors
6. 04-10-11, VAWC


1 Tolentino, Civil Code, pp. 1-10 [1990 Edition]


Arts. 1 to 13, pp. 1-52 of Tolentino

NCC 1 - 18

A. When law takes effect

Revised Administrative Code (RAC) Secs. 18-24
Exec. Order 200, Sec. 2

Taada v. Tuvera 136 SCRA 27

Fuentes vs. Roca, G.R. No. 178902, April 21, 2010
Commissioner v Hypermix, G.R. No. 179579, February 1, 2012
Acaac v Azcuna, Jr., G.R. No. 187378, SEP 30, 2013

B. Ignorance of the law

Elegado v. Court of Appeals, 173 SCRA 285

C. Retroactivity of laws

NCC 4, cf. NCC 2252 - 2269

Revised Penal Code (RPC) 22
Family Code (FC) 256

Simon v Chan, G.R. No. 157547, February 23, 2011

Francisco vs. CA , G.R. No. 102330. November 25, 1998
CF: Pesca vs. Pesca, G.R. No. 136921. April 17, 2001
David v Agbay, G.R. No. 199113 March 18, 2015

D. Mandatory or Prohibitory Laws

NCC Art. 5 with NCC Art. 17 (3)

Nerwin v PNOC, G.R. No. 167057, April 11, 2012

I. Waiver of rights

NCC Art. 6
NCC Art. 2035

DM Consunji vs. CA, G.R. No. 137873, April 20, 2001

Aujero V PhilComSat, G.R. No. 193484, January 18, 2012
Dona Adela v Tidcorp, G.R. No. 201931, February 11, 2015

F. Repeal of laws

cf. 1987 Constitution, Art. XVIII Sec. 3
FC 254

Thornton vs. Thornton, Aug. 16, 2004

Kida v Senate, G.R. No. 196271, February 28, 2012
Yinlu Bicol v Trans-Asia, G.R. No. 207942, Jan. 12 2015

G. Stare Decisis


Pesca vs. Pesca, G.R. No. 136921. April 17, 2001

De Castro v JBC, G. R. No. 191002, April 20, 2010
Virtucio v Alegarbes, G.R. No. 187451, August 29, 2012
Republic v Rehman Enterprises, GR 199310, Feb.19, 2014

H. Duty to render judgment

NCC 9, 10
People v. Ritter 194 SCRA 690
Alonzo v Padua, 150 SCRA 379
Barcellano v Barza, GR 165287, September 14, 2011

I. Presumption and Applicability of Custom

NCC 11 - 12
cf. 1987 Constitution, Art. XII Sec. 5
Rules of Court Rule 129 (2), (3)

Martinez v. Van Buskirk, 18 Phil. 79

Tomawis v Balindong, G.R. No. 182434, March 5, 2010 (en banc)

J. Legal periods

NCC 13
cf. Rules of Court (ROC) Rule 22
RAC Sec. 31

Internal Revenue v Primetown, GR 162155, August 28, 2007

Comr. v Aichi Forging, G.R. No. 184823, October 6, 2010

II. Applicability of Penal Laws

NCC 14, 17(3), RPC Art. 2

L. Binding effect

NCC 15
cf. FC 26

Tenchavez v. Escao 15 SCRA 355

Board of Commissioners vs. de la Rosa, 197 SCRA 853
ATCI Overseas Corp vs. Echin, G.R. No. 178551, Oct. 11, 2010

NCC 16

Amos v Bellis, 20 SCRA 358

Del Socorro v Van Wilsem, GR 193707, Dec. 10, 2014

NCC 17

Raytheon v Rouzie, GR 162894, February 26, 2008

NCC 18
Tamano v Ortiz, G.R. No. 126603, June 29, 1998
Llave vs Republic, GR 169766, March 30, 2011
Zamoranos v People, G.R. No. 193902, June 1, 2011
Villagracia v Sharia, GR 188832, April 23, 2014


A. The concept of a person and personality

NCC 37 - 39

Classes of persons and their distinctions

Elements of civil capacity
Juridical capacity v. personality
Juridical capacity v. capacity to act

B. Commencement and termination of personality

1. Natural Persons

(a) Birth

NCC 40 - 41
1987 Constitution, Art. II Sec. 12
P.D. 603 [Child and Youth Welfare Code], Art. 5
FC 164, 2nd par. , FC 180
RPC Arts. 256 - 259

Geluz v. CA 2 SCRA 801

Quimiging v. Icao 34 SCRA 134
De Jesus v. Syquia 58 Phil 866
Continental Steel v. Montano, GR 182836, October 13, 2009

(b) Death

NCC 42

Limjoco v. Intestate Estate of Pio Fragante 80 Phil 776

Dumlao v. Quality Plastics 70 SCRA 472
Eugenio v. Velez 185 SCRA 425
Marcos v. Manglapus, G.R. No. 88211. Oct. 27, 1989
Valino v Adriano, GR 182894, April 22, 2014

NCC 43
ROC Rule 131 Sec. 3 (jj) - (kk) (1989 Rev. Rules on Evidence)

Joaquin v. Navarro 93 Phil 257

2. Juridical Persons

NCC 44-47
Batas Pambansa Blg. 68 (Corp. Code), Secs. 2, 4, 17
NCC 1767-1768

C. Restrictions on civil capacity

1. Presumption of capacity, Art. 37 NCC

Catalan vs. Basa, G.R. No. 159567, July 31, 2007

2. Restrictions on capacity to act

NCC 38 - 39, cf. NCC 1327

(a) Minority

1. Age of majority, R.A. 6809, FC 234, 236, 221, 225

2. A.M. NO. 03-02-05-SC Rules on Guardianship
3. Suffrage, Sec. 1 Art. V 1987 Constitution [cf. Sangguniang
4. Marriage, FC 5; 14, 45 (1); 35 (1); cf. R.A. 6809; FC 79
5. Contracts

NCC 1327
NCC 1390 (par. 1), 1403 (par. 3)
NCC 1397, 1399
NCC 1489
NCC 1426 - 1427

Mercado v. Espiritu 37 Phil 215

Bambalan v. Maramba 51 Phil 417
Suan Chian v. Alcantara 85 Phil 669
Braganza v. Villa-Abrille 105 Phil 456

6. Criminal liability

RPC 12 (2) - (3);

RPC 13 (2); PD 603 Secs. 189 204
Also see: Rule 3, Section 5 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
Juvenile Justice Law, Secs 6 and 7

Atizado vs People, GR No. 173822, October 13, 2010

(b) Insanity

1. Marriage, FC 45 (2), Art. 79

2. Contracts, NCC 1327 (1), 1328
3. Criminal liability,

RPC 12 (1)
Rule 101, Rules of Court

US v. Vaguilar, 27 Phil 88
People v. Rafanan 204 SCRA 65
Standard Oil v. Arenas, GR No. L-5921, July 25, 1911

(c) Deaf-Mutism, NCC 1327 (2), 807 & 820

(d) Prodigality, ROC Rule 92 Sec. 2
(e) Civil Interdiction, RPC 34, 41
(f) Family Relations

FC 150-151; cf. FC 87, 37, 38

NCC 1490
NCC 2035
cf. NCC 963-967

(g) Alienage, cf. Art. XII, Secs. 11, 1987 Constitution

Cordora vs COMELEC, February 19, 2009

Reyes v COMELEC, G.R. No. 207264, June 25, 2013
David v Agbay, G.R. No. 199113 March 18, 2015

(h) Absence, NCC 381 396, FC 41

Olaguer v Purugganan, GR 158907, February 12, 2007

(i) Insolvency and Trusteeship, NCC 1381, 1491, 2236, 2237

Umale v ASB Realty, GR 181126, June 15, 2011

(j) Gender, Art. II, Sec. 14, 1987 Constitution; cf. NCC 403
See also: Rule 3 Section 4, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure

(k) Physical Incapacity/Disease, FC 45(5), 45(6), 46, NCC 820

Heirs Of Favis, Sr. v Gonzales, et al., GR. No. 185922, Jan. 15


D. Domicile and residence of persons

1. Juridical persons, NCC 51

2. Natural persons

NCC 50
FC 69, cf. NCC 110
cf. FC 55, 101, 149, 152, 101

Romualdez-Marcos vs COMELEC, 248 SCRA 300

Jalosjos v COMELEC, GR 191970, April 24, 2012
SEE ALSO FOR REFERENCE: Mary Grace Natividad S. Poe-
Llamanzares vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. Nos. 221697 & 221698-
700. April 5, 2016


Legarda, Mawis and Vargas, Family Law in the Philippines.

A. Effect and Retroactivity

E.O. 29, as amended by E.O. 227, R.A. 6809, R.A. 7610

FC 256, cf. FC 36 in rel. to 39, FC 105, FC 162, FC 257

Lupo Atienza v. Judge Brilliantes, 243 SCRA 32

Bernabe vs. Alejo, 374 SCRA 180
Fuentes vs. Roca, G.R. No. 178902, April 21, 2010

B. Repeal/Amendment

FC 254, 255


A. The concept of marriage

FC 1 cf. NCC 52, FC 149

Art II Sec. 12, 1987 Constitution
Art. XV Sec. 2, 1987 Constitution
Obergefell Et Al. v. Hodges, Director, Ohio Department Of
Health, Et Al. Supreme Court Of The United States, Nos. 14556, 14-562,
14-571 and 14574 (

B. Nature of marriage in Philippine law

FC 1
cf. Rule 131 Sec. 3 (aa), 1989 Rules on Evidence,
NCC 220
Muslim Code, (P.D. 1083) Sec. 14

Goitia vs Campos-Rueda, 35 Phils 252

Sermonia v Republic, 233 SCRA 155
Perido v Perido, 63 SCRA 97
Silverio vs Republic, October 22, 2007
People v De La Cruz, G.R. No.187683, February 11, 2010
De Santis v Intestate Estate Jalandoni, December 1, 2010
Tambuyat v. Tambuyat, G.R. No. 202805, March 23, 2015
Calimag v Heirs of Macapaz, GR No. 191936, June 1, 2016

C. Agreements during and prior to marriage

1. Stipulations in marriage

FC 1 cf. NCC 221, FC 75

Espinosa v Atty. Omana, A.C. No. 9081, October 12, 2011

2. Breach of promise to marry

NCC 19 - 21; NCC 1403 (2) (c); MC 22

Hermosisima v. CA 109 Phil 629

Wassmer v. Velez 12 SCRA 648
Tanjanco v. CA 18 SCRA 994
Baksh v. CA, 219 SCRA 115
Abanag v Mabute, AM P-11-2922, April 4, 2011

D. Requisites for a valid marriage

Mariategui v. CA 205 SCRA 337

1. Kinds of requisites & effects of non-compliance

FC 2-3; FC 4; FC 5; FC 35, 36, 37, 38; FC 45 cf. NCC

RPC 350; Rep. Act No. 1065
De Mijares vs Villaluz, 274 SCRA 1

2. Essential requisites

(a) Legal Capacity

(i) Gender, FC 2 ( 1) cf. FC 148

Silverio vs Republic, October 22, 2007

(ii). Age

FC 5; FC 35 (1); R.A. 6809 cf. FC 21

NCC 54 & 80 (1)
RPC 344
cf. DOJ Opinion 145 S.1991 (Oct. 1991)

(iii) Absence of impediment, FC 5, 35

Garcia vs. Recio, 365 SCRA 437

Te vs. Choa, G.R. No. 126446, Nov. 29, 2000 (346 SCRA
Nollora v People, GR 191425, September 7, 2011
Avenido v Avenido, G.R. No. 173540, Jan 22 2014

(iv). Parental consent

FC 14; FC 15; FC 45 (1)

(v) Consent freely given by both spouses

(a). Mistake as to identity,

FC 35 (5); NCC 86 (1)

(b). Effect of insanity, FC 45 (2)

(c). Effect of fraud, FC 45 (3); FC 46, NCC 1338


Anaya vs Palaroan, Nov. 26, 1970

(d). Effect of force, intimidation and undue

influence, FC 45 (4); NCC 1335

Villanueva vs CA, 505 SCRA 564

(e). Effect of physical incapacity/impotence, FC

45 (5)

Jimenez v. Caizares 109 Phil 27

Alcazar v Alcazar, G.R. No. 174451, October 13,

(f) Effect of affliction with STD, FC 45 (6); 46 (3)

5. Formal Requisites

(a) Marriage license

Republic v. CA, 236 SCRA 257

Sy vs. CA, G.R. No. 127263, April 12, 2000
Alcantara vs. Alcantara, G.R. No. 167746, Aug. 28, 2007
De Castro v De Castro, G.R. No. 160172, February 13, 2008
Abbas vs Abbas, G.R. No. 183896, January 30, 2013
Villarica v Villarica, G.R. No. 210764, April 15, 2015
Kho v Republic, GR No. 187462, June 1, 2016

1. Where to apply, FC 9 - 10

2. Requirements for issuance

a. application, FC 11
b. proof of capacity, FC 12-14; FC 21 cf. NCC 84

cf. DOJ Opinion 50 S. 1991 (April 30, 1991)

DOJ Opinion 146 S. 1991 (Oct. 17, 1991)

Corpus v Sto Tomas, G.R. No. 186571, August 11, 2010

c. parental advice, FC 15
d. marriage counseling, FC 16
e. publication, FC 17
f. investigation of impediments, FC 18
g. payment of fees, FC 19
h. family planning certificate, P.D. 965

3. Place where valid, FC 20

4. Period of validity, FC 20

De Castro v De Castro, G.R. No. 160172, Feb. 13,

5. Duties of the Civil Registrar, FC 24-25

Republic v CA, G.R. No. 103047, September 2, 1994

Alcantara vs Alcantara, GR No. 167746, Aug. 28, 2007
Abbas vs Abbas, G.R. No. 183896, January 30, 2013
Kho v Republic, GR No. 187462, June 1, 2016

6. Marriages exempt from license requirement

FC 27-34, cf. NCC 76, P.D. 1083

Nial vs. Bayadog, G.R. 133778, Mar. 14, 2000

Republic vs Dayot, March 28, 2008

(b) Authority of the solemnizing officer

1. Who are authorized

FC 7, 10, 31 & 32
NCC 56, 74, 76
R.A. 7160 (1991 Local Government Code),
Secs. 444(b)(1)(xviii), 445 (b)(1)(xviii)

Beso v Daguman, 323 SCRA 566 (2000)

2. How authorized

FC 7 (2) cf. NCC 92-96

Villar v. Paraiso 96 Phil 659

OCA vs. Tormis, A.C. No. 9920, August 30, 2016

3. Effect of absence of authority

FC 4; FC 35 (2)
RPC 352
cf. Tenchavez v. Escao, 15 SCRA 355 at page 360
Ronulo vs People, G.R. No. 182438, July 2, 2014

4. Duties of the solemnizing officer, FC 23-24

5. Effect of irregularity, FC 4

(c) Marriage Ceremony

1. Form of ceremony, FC 3 (3); FC 6 cf. FC 33, FC 8

Martinez v. Tan 12 Phil 731

COMPARE TO: Morigo v People, G.R. No. 145226.
February 06, 2004

2. Place for ceremony, FC 8; FC 28-29; FC 32-33

3. Issuance of marriage certificate, FC 6; FC 22, 23

Madridejo v. De Leon 55 Phil 1

People v. Borromeo 133 SCRA 106

E. Law governing validity of marriages abroad

1. General rule in contracts

(a) As to form, NCC 17 (1) and (2)

(b) As to substantive requirements, NCC 15 & 17 (3)

2. Special rule in marriage

(a) lex loci celebrationis, FC 26; FC 21, FC 10

Yao Kee v. Sy-Gonzales, 167 SCRA 786

Republic vs. Orbecido III, G.R. No. 154380, October 5,
Fujiki v Marinay, G.R. No. 196049, June 26, 2013

(b) Exceptions

FC 26 in relation to
FC 35(1), 35(4), 35(5) and (6), 36, 37 & 38
cf. NCC 71
DOJ Opinion No. 11 S. 1990 (Jan. 17, 1990)

F. Common-law marriages/ live-in relationships

FC 147, cf. RPC 350

FC 148 (adulterous)
Rule 131 Sec. 3 (aa) (cc), 1989 Rules on Evidence cf. NCC
FC 26 par. 1
NCC Book II, Title III (484-501)

Lesaca v. Lesaca, 91 Phil 135

Yaptinchay v. Torres, 28 SCRA 489
Eugenio v. Velez, G.R. No. 85140 May 17, 1990
Estrada v Escritor, A.M. No. P-02-1651, August 4, 2003

G. Void Marriages

General rule, FC 4

1. Kinds of void marriages

(a) Absence of formal requisites

FC 35 cf. FC 234, RA 6809

Alcantara v Alcantara, GR NO. 1677446, Aug. 18,
So v Valera, GR 150677, June 5, 2009

De Castro v De Castro, G.R. No. 160172, Feb. 13,
Republic v Dayot, G.R. No. 175581, March 28, 2008
Abbas vs Abbas, G.R. No. 183896, January 30, 2013
Kho v Republic, GR No. 187462, June 1, 2016

(b) Bigamous and polygamous marriages,

Wiegel v. Sempio-Diy, 143 SCRA 499 (1986)

FC 35(4), 39, 40, 41, 44, RPC 344, 349

Terre v. Terre, 211 SCRA 6

Domingo v. CA 226 SCRA 572
Cario vs. Cario 351 SCRA 127
Bobis vs. Bobis, G.R. No. 138509, July 31, 2000
Mercado vs.Tan, G.R. No 137110, August 1, 2000
Ty vs CA, 346 SCRA 327
Tenebro vs. CA, G.R. No. 150758. February 18, 2004
(read concurring of Justice Vitug and dissent of Justice
Morigo vs Morigo, 422 SCRA 376
Teves v People, GR 188775, August 24, 2011
Nollora v People, GR 191425, September 7, 2011
Montanez vs Cipriano, GR 181089, October 22, 2012
See: Abbas vs Abbas, G.R. No. 183896, January 30,
Capili v People, GR 183805, July 3, 2013
Fujiki v Marinay, G.R. No. 196049, June 26, 2013
People v Odtuhan, GR 191566, July 17, 2013
Lasanas vs People, GR 159031, June 23, 2014
SSS v Azote, G.R. No. 209741, April 15, 2015
Santiago vs. Phils, G.R. No. 200233, JULY 15, 2015

(c) Subsequent marriage, upon reappearance of absent spouse

FC 41 in relation to FC 42-44
NCC 390-391.

Jones v. Hortiguela 64 Phil 179

Republic vs. Nolasco, 220 SCRA 20, March 17, 1993
Bienvenido vs. CA, 237 SCRA 676, October 24, 1994
SSS vs Jarque, G.R. No. 165545, March 24, 2006
Republic v Cantor, G.R. No. 184621, Dec. 10, 2013
Republic v Hon. Estrada, G.R. No. 214792, March 18, 2015
Republic v Villanueva, G.R. No. 210929, July 29, 2015
Republic vs. Sareogon, G.R. No. 199194, Feb. 10, 2016
Republic v Tampus, GR 214243, March 16, 2016

Republic v Granada, GR No. 187512, June 13, 2012

(d) Bad faith of both spouses, under FC 44. Other effects of

bad faith: 43, 40, 45, 81, 86

(e) Psychological incapacity under FC 36

FC 36, 39, 68-71

R.A. 8533

Santos v. CA 240 SCRA 20

Chi Ming Tsoi v. CA G.R. No. 119190, Jan. 16, 1997
Republic v Molina, G.R. No. 108763 February 13, 1997
Hernandez vs. Court of Appeals, 320 SCRA 76,
December 08, 1999
Marcos vs. Marcos, 343 SCRA 755, October 19, 2000
Republic vs. Dagdag, 351 SCRA 425
RP vs. Quintero-Hamano, G.R. No. 149498, May 20,
Antonio vs. Reyes, G.R. No. 155800, Mar. 10,2005
Republic vs. Tanyag-San Jose, 517 SCRA 123, February
6, 2007
Almelor vs RTC-Las Pinas, GR No. 179620, Aug. 26,
Te vs Te, GR No. 161793, Feb. 13, 2009

Azcueta vs RP, G.R. No. 180668, May 26, 2009
Halili v Halili, GR 165424, June 9, 2009 (Motion for
Najera v Najera, GR 164817, July 3, 2009
Camacho-Reyes v Reyes, G.R. No. 185286, August 18,
Kalaw v Fernandez, GR 166357, September 19, 2011
Kalaw v Fernandez, GR 166357, January 14, 2015
Vinas v Vinas, G. R. No. 208790, January 21, 2015
Mallilin v Jamesolamin, G.R. No. 192718, 18 Feb. 2015
Republic vs. Romero, February 24, 2016
Castillo vs. Castillo, G.R. No. 189607, Apr. 18, 2016
Castillo v Republic, G.R. No. 214064. Feb. 6, 2017
Del Rosario vs. Del Rosario, GR 222541, Feb 15, 2017
De la Fuente v De la Fuente, G.R. No. 188400, March 8,

(f) Incestuous marriages, FC 37 cf. NCC 963-967

(g) Marriages against public policy

FC 38, compare FC 38(6) with NCC 80(6)

RPC 246
NCC 80(7), 82
NCC 963-967

(h) Non-compliance under FC 35 (2), 53, 52. 102, 129

Sec. 21, 22 and 23, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC. March 4, 2003
NOTE: FC 147 and 148

2. Who can invoke nullity, FC 36, FC 39, FC 40

Sec. 2, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC. March 4, 2003

Nial vs. Bayadog, G.R. 133778, Mar. 14, 2000

Catalan vs. Court of Appeals, 514 SCRA 607, February 6, 2007
Enrico vs. Heirs of Sps. Medinaceli, G.R. No. 173614,
September 28, 2007
Carlos s. Sandoval, GR 179922, December 16, 2008

Ablaza v Republic, G.R. No. 158298, August 11, 2010

3. When to file action for declaration of nullity

FC 39 in relation to FC 255, 256

FC 42, par. 2

4. Procedure in actions for declaration of nullity

a. Requisite for valid remarriage, see VII (E)(10)(b)

b. Safeguards against collusion, FC 48

Malcampo Sin vs. Sin, 355 SCRA 285

Ancheta vs Ancheta, 424 SCRA 725
Republic v CA, G.R. No. 159594, November 12, 2012
Yuk Ling Ong vs CA, G.R. No. 206653, 25 Feb. 2015

c. No confession of judgment, FC 48; cf. NCC 2035

d. A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC. March 4, 2003

Jocson v. Robles 22 SCRA 521

Tolentino v. Villanueva 56 SCRA 1

e. Participation of the OSG

Mendoza v Republic, GR 157854, November 12, 2012

f. No Motion to Dismiss

Aurelio v Aurelio, G.R. No. 175367, June 6, 2011

5. Other Matters

Chan v Chan, G.R. No. 179786, July, 14, 2013

6. Effects of pendency of action for declaration of nullity - Art.
49, 198

7. Effects of res judicata

Mallion vs Alcantara, 506 SCRA 336

8. Effects of final judgment declaring nullity

(a) In general, FC 50-54, but see FC 147-148; 198, 213

Villarica v Villarica, G.R. No. 210764, April 15, 2015

(b) On remarriage, FC 40, 41

(c) On rights & obligations between the former spouses,

FC Arts. 68-72

(d) On the property regime of the marriage, FC 147-148

Valdes v. QC-RTC, G.R. No. 122749, July 31, 1996

Dino v Dino, GR 178044, January 19, 2011
Barrido v. Nonato, G.R. No. 176492, October 20, 2014

(e) On legitimes of the common children

FC 50-53, FC 51 in rel. to NCC 886, 888;

FC 176
NCC 908, 1061
Sec. 21, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC. March 4, 2003

Dino v Dino, GR 178044, January 19, 2011

(f) On the status and custody of children, FC 54, 213, 164,

165, NCC 369

Mendez vs. Sharia District Court, G.R. No. 201614,

January 12, 2016

(g) On use of surnames, NCC Art. 371, 364, 369, FC 176

Yasin vs Shari'a, G.R. No.94986 February 23, 1995

Remo v DFA, March 2010

(h) On hereditary rights of the former spouses, FC 43 (5), 50

(i) Effect of death, Art. 103, 130

Heirs of Go v Servacio, GR 157537, Sept. 7, 2011

Domingo vs. Molina, G.R. No. 200274, April 20, 2016
Uy v Estate of Fernandez, G.R. No. 200612, April 5,

H. Voidable Marriages

1. Void v. voidable marriages, FC 4 cf. 45

Ninal v Bayadog, G.R. No. 133778. March 14, 2000

2. Grounds for annulment

(a) Absence of parental consent,

FC 4, 5, 14, 45(1), 47(1), 35 (1), cf R.A. 6809, FC 234,


Moe v. Dinkins, 533 F.Supp. 623 (1981), 669 F.2d 67 (1982)

(b) Insanity, FC 45(2), 47(2), NCC Art. 1149

Katipunan v Tenorio, 38 OG 172, 1937

(c) Fraud

FC 45(3), 46, 47(3)

Hernandez vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126010.

December 8, 1999

NCC 1338-1344

Buccat v. Buccat 72 Phil 49

Aquino v. Delizo 108 Phil 21
Anaya v. Palaroan 36 SCRA 97
Almelor vs. RTC, G.R. No. 179620, August 26, 2008

(d) Force, intimidation and undue influence

FC 45(4), 47(4)
NCC 1335-1337

Ruiz v Atienza, 40 O.G. 1903 (1941)

Villanueva v CA, 505 SCRA 564

(e) Physical incapacity/impotence

FC 45(5), 47(5)

Jimenez v. Caizares 109 Phil 273

Sarao v Guevara, 1940, 40 OG 11 Supp 263
Alcazar vs Alcazar, GR 174451, October 13, 2009

(f) Affliction with STD, FC (45(6), compare with FC 46(3),

47(5), 47 (3)

(g) Others

Republic v Albios, G.R. No. 198780, October 16, 2013

3. Who can seek annulment, FC 47, Sec. 3, AM No. 02-11-10-SC,

March 4, 2003

4. When to seek annulment. FC 47, NCC 1149

5. Procedure in actions for annulment

FC Art. 48, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC. March 4, 2003

Barcelona vs. CA, G. R. 130087, Sept. 24, 2003

6. Effects of pendency of action for annulment

FC 49, 198, 213

A.M No. 02-11-12-SC. March 4, 2003

7. Effects of annulment, FC 50-54, 43, 44, 86 (3), 99, 102, 129

(a) In general

Chan-Tan v Chan, G.R. No. 167139, February 25, 2010

(b) On remarriage, FC Art. 40

(c) On rights & obligations between the former spouses, 68,
(d) On the property regime of the marriage

FC 50, FC 43(2) cf. FC 102(4), 129, 138, 106

Buenaventura v CA, G.R. No. 127358. March 31, 2005
Quiao v Quiao, G. R. No. 183622, July 4, 2012

(e) On presumptive legitimes/hereditary rights

FC 50-53, 43 (2),and (5), FC 51 in rel to NCC 886, 888;

FC 176
NCC 908, 1061
FC 102 (5) and (6), 129 (8) and (9)

Yu v Reyes-Carpio, GR 189207, June 15, 2011

(f) On the status and custody of children, FC 54, 213

Mendez vs. Sharia District Court, G.R. No. 201614,

January 12, 2016

(g) On use of surnames, NCC Art. 371, 364, 369

Yasin vs Shari'a, G.R. No.94986 February 23, 1995

B.M. NO. 1625 -Josephine P. Uy-Timosa
Remo v DFA, March 2010

I. Marriage when one spouse is absent

FC 41-44, compare with NCC 83, 85(2) and 87(2)

cf. RPC 349
SSS vs. De Bailon, G.R. No. 165545, March 24, 2006
Republic vs. Sareogon, G.R. No. 199194, Feb. 10, 2016

J. Forfeiture and Delivery of Presumptive Legitimes

K. Marriages dissolved by a foreign judgment

NCC 15, 17 (3)

FC 26

Arca vs Javier, July 31, 1954

Tenchavez v. Escao, 15 SCRA 355
Van Dorn v. Romillo, 139 SCRA 139
Somera v. Pilapil, 174 SCRA 663
Quita vs CA, 300 SCRA 406
Llorente vs CA, 345 SCRA 592
Roehr v Rodriguez, GR 142820, June 30, 2003.
Garcia vs. Recio, 366 SCRA 437
Diego vs Castillo, 436 SCRA 67
RP vs. Orbecido, G.R.No. 154380, Oct. 5, 2005
San Luis vs. San Luis, G.R. 133743, Feb. 2, 2007
Amor-Catalan vs. Ca, G.R. No. 167109, February 6, 2007
Corpus v Sto Tomas, G.R. No. 186571, August 11, 2010
Catalan v Catalan-Lee, G. R. No. 183622, February 8, 2012
Lavadia v Heirs of Luna, G.R. No. 171914, July 23, 2014
Noveras v Noveras, G.R. No. 188289, August 20, 2014
Edelina T. Ando v DFA, G.R. No. 195432, Aug. 27, 2014
Medina vs. Koike, G.R. No. 215723, July 27, 2016

L. Marriages giving rise to criminal liability

FC Arts. 4, 35, 38, 16, 41

NCC 84, RPC 351-352 repealed by RA 10655, March 13, 2015,
FC 167-169

People v De Guzman, GR 185843, March 3, 2010

Ronulo vs People, G.R. No. 182438, July 2, 2014

R.A. 6955, An Act to Declare Unlawful the Practice of Matching

Filipino Women for Marriage to Foreign Nationals

R.A. 9208, Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, as amended by

RA 10364

People vs. Villanueva, 210798, Sept. 14, 2016


A. Concepts of separation & divorce

Benedicto v. De la Rama 3 Phil 34

1. Separation in fact/abandonment, FC 238-239, 100, 101

Villanueva v Chiong, GR 159889, June 5, 2008

2. Agreements to separate, FC 1, NCC 221 (1)

Espinosa v Omana, A.C. No. 9081, October, 12, 2011

3. Absolute divorce

(a) Divorce under the Family Code

FC 26, paragraph 2
Gorayeb v Hashim, 50 Phil. 22
Tenchavez v. Escao, 15 SCRA 355

Van Dorn v. Romillo, 139 SCRA 139
Somera v. Pilapil, 174 SCRA 663
Fujiki v Marinay, G.R. No. 196049, June 26, 2013
Medina vs. Koike, G.R. No. 215723, July 27, 2016

(b) Divorce under the Muslim Code, MC 45-55

Llave v Republic, G.R. No. 169766, March 30, 2011

Zamoranos v People, G.R. No. 193902, June 1, 2011
Pacasum v Zamoranos, G.R. No. 193719, March 21,
2017 (en banc)

B. Concept of legal separation

1. Grounds for legal separation Art. 55 FC, RA 9262,

compare with NCC 97

A.M. No. 02-11-11-SC. March 4, 2003

(a) Sexual infidelity or perversion

FC 55(8)
NCC 36
RPC 333 & 334
RPC 247

Kalaw v Fernandez, GR 166357, September 19, 2011

Republic v Quintos, GR 159594, November 12, 2012

(b) Drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, lesbianism or


FCC 55 (5) and (6) compare with FC 46(4)

Almelor v RTC, GR No. 179620, Aug. 26, 2008

Campos v Campos, A.M. No. MTJ-10-1761, Feb. 08, 2012

(c) Attempt on the life of the other spouse

FC 55(9), compare with NCC 97(2)

Rep. Act 9262

(d) Abandonment

FC Art. 55 (10)
FC 101 par. 3, compare with separation in fact
Partosa-Jo v. CA, G.R. No. 82606, Dec. 18, 1992
Republic v Quintos, GR 159594, November 12, 2012

(e) Other grounds

FC 55 (1)
Goitia vs Campos-Rueda, 35 Phils 252
Kalaw v Fernandez, GR 166357, September 19, 2011

2. Who can ask for legal separation

FC 55, compare with NCC 99

3. When may petition be filed

FC 57, compare with NCC 102, NCC 99

People v. Zapata 88 Phil 688

4. Court procedure in legal separation

FC 58-60;
Sec. 19 and Sec. 33, RA 9262
A.M. No. 02-11-11-SC. March 4, 2003

Araneta vs Concepcion, 99 Phil 709

Ocampo v Florenciano, 107 Phil 35
Lapuz vs Eufemio, 43 SCRA 177
Somosa vs Vamenta, Jr., 46 SCRA 110
Gandionco v. Pearanda 155 SCRA 725
Pacete v. Cariaga, 231 SCRA 321

5. Effect of pendency of the petition, FC 61-62

De la Via v. Villareal 41 Phil 13
Sabalones v. CA 230 SCRA 79

(d) Support and pendente lite

FC 62 cf. FC 49, FC 198

Yangco v. Rhode, 1 Phil 404
De la Via v. Villareal, 41 Phil 13
Araneta v. Concepcion 99 Phil 709
Lerma v. CA 61 SCRA 440

6. Defenses in actions for legal separation FC Art. 56

(a) Consent

FC 56(2); NCC 100

People v. Sansano 50 Phil 73
People v. Schneckenberger 73 Phil 413

(b) Condonation

FC 56(1)
Ginez v. Bugayong 100 Phil 616

(c) Recrimination

FC 56(4)
Brown v. Yambao 102 Phil 168
Ong vs Ong, G.R. No. 153206, October 23, 2006

(d) Collusion/Mutual Consent

FC 60
FC 56(3), (5), compare with NCC 101 and 221(2)
People v. Schneckenberger 73 Phil 413
Ocampo v. Florenciano 107 Phil 35
Republic v CA, November 12, 2012

(e) Prescription, FC Art. 57

7. Effects of decree of legal separation, FC Art. 68

(a) On personal relations, FC 63 (1), 68

(b) On the custody of children

FC 63(3); FC 213
NCC 106(3)
P.D. 603 (CYWC) Art. 17 par. 3
Matute v. Macadaeg, 99 Phil 340, May 30, 1956

(c) On property relations

FC 63(2), FC 64, FC Art. 102 (4), 129 (7), 43

Quiao v Quiao, G. R. No. 183622, July 4, 2012
Ocampo v. Ocampo, G.R. No. 198908, August
03, 2015

(d) On support, FC 198

(e) On the use of surname, NCC 372

Laperal v. Republic 116 Phil 672

(f) On hereditary rights, FC 63(4)

(g) Other Effects, FC 64, 198

(h) Solo Parents Act RA 8972

8. Reconciliation, FC 65-67, cf 141

9. Effect of death of one of the parties

Lapuz vs. Eufemio 43 SCRA 314


A. Obligation to love each other, FC 68

B. Obligation to live with the other spouse

1. General rule and exceptions

FC 68
Art. 100 (1); 127 (1); 101; 128
NCC 921 (4)
RPC 11 (2)
RPC 247
Republic v Molina, G.R. No. 108763 February 13, 1997
Goitia v. Campos-Rueda, 35 Phils 252
Arroyo v. Vasques-Arroyo 42 Phil 54
Cuaderno v. Cuaderno 12 SCRA 505
Ilusorio vs. Bildner, G.R. No. 139789. May 12, 2000.

2. Designation of domicile

(a) General rule: jointly

FC 69 par. 1, compare with NCC 110, Art. 156

Abella v. COMELEC, 201 SCRA 335

(b) Exception, FC 69 par. 2

De la Via v. Villareal, 41 Phil 13 at pp. 16-21

C. Joint management of family life

FC 71, 94 (last par.), 121 (last par.), 122, 146

D. Joint Obligation to Support

FC 70, 194, 94 (1) and (last par.), 121 (1) and (last par.), 146

Calderon vs Roxas, G.R. No. 185595, Jan. 09, 2013

E. The right to exercise a profession or calling

FC 73 as amended by RA 10572 (May 24, 2013), compare with
NCC 117, FC Art. 94 (2), (3); FC Art. 121 (2), (3)
Art. II Sec. 14 and Art. XIII Sec. 14, 1987 Constitution
cf. NCC 113 compare with ROC Rule 3 Sec. 4

cf. R.A. 7192, An Act Promoting the Integration of Women as

Full & Equal Partners of Men in Development and Nation

cf. R.A. 8187, An Act Granting Paternity Leave...

RA 9710, Magna Carta of Women

F. Related rights/obligations

Republic v Molina, G.R. No. 108763 February 13, 1997

Yasin v. Shariah Court 241 SCRA (1995)

G. Civil and Criminal Sanctions

H. Enforcement of Rights of Women and Children

Republic Act No. 9262 Anti-Violence Against Women and Children

Sharica Mari Go Tan vs Spouses Tan, GR No. 168852, Sept.

30, 2008
San Diego vs RTC, G.R. No. 193960, Jan. 07, 2013
Tua v Mangrobang, G.R. No. 170701, January 22, 2014
BBB v AAA, G.R. No. 193225, February 9, 2015


A. Requisites for validity of marriage settlements

FC Art. 75; 130 (3); 103 (3)

1. Prior to marriage: modifications

FC 1; FC 76 (modifications after marriage)
FC 66, 67, 128, 101, 134, 135, 136

Pana vs. Heirs of Juanite, Sr., G.R. No. 164201,

December 10, 2012

2. Form & registration requirement, FC 77, NCC 1357, 1358,

NCC 709

3. Celebration of the marriage, FC 81, 44, 43(3)

B. Parties to a marriage settlement

(a) minors, FC 78, 14, 211, 225, 234, 236

(b) persons under civil interdiction, NCC Art. 38, 39,
FC 79, RPC 34, FC 135 (1)
(c) incapacitated persons, FC 79, in rel. to NCC 38-39

C. Which law governs property relations, FC 74

1. Stipulation in marriage settlements, FC 80

2. If both Filipinos
3. Mixed marriage between Filipino and alien
4. If both aliens
5. For property located outside RP

FC 80 (2) and (3) in rel. to NCC 16

FC 80 (3) in rel. To NCC 17 (1)

D. Donations propter nuptias

1. Definition, FC 82

Solis v Solis, 53 Phil 912 [1928]

2. Form of Donations, FC Art. 83, NCC Arts. 748-749

Velasquez v CA, G.R. No. 126996. February 15, 2000
Valencia v Loquiao, GR 122134, October 3, 2003
Doronio v Heirs, G.R. No. 169454, December 27, 2007

3. Who may be donors FC Art 82, 83, 84

4. What may be donated by a spouse as donor

(a) present property, FC 84, 1070

(b) future property, FC 84; NCC 760

Mateo vs Lagua, 29 SCRA 864

(c) encumbered property, FC 85

(d) donations in the marriage settlements, FC 81

5. Void donations by the spouses, FC 87

(a) Donations during the marriage

Ching v Goyanko, GR 165879, November 10, 2006

(b) Donations in common law marriages

Matabuena v. Cervantes 38 SCRA 284

Arcaba v de Batocael, G.R. No. 146683. Nov. 22, 2001

6. Revocation of donations propter nuptias, FC 81, 86(1)

(a) revocation by donor, FC 86; NCC 765; FC Art. 50; 43 (3)

Mateo vs Lagua, 29 SCRA 864

(b) by operation of law, FC 44; 43 (3); 64

E. Absolute community of property (ACP)

1. When applicable, FC 75, 103 (3); 130 (3)

2. Commencement, FC 88, 107

3. Waiver during marriage, FC 89 (1) cf NCC 168

4. Waiver after marriage, FC 89 par. 2

5. Suppletory rules:

Co-ownership, FC 90; cf NCC 484-501, cf FC 108

6. What constitutes ACP, FC 91, 92

(a) All property at time of marriage

(b) Property acquired subsequently
(c) Winnings from gambling, FC 95 cf NCC 164
(d) Presumption of ACP, FC 93 of NCC 160

7. What is excluded from ACP, FC 92; 109 (3) and (4)

Note: FC 142

Muller v Muller, G.R. No. 149615, August 29, 2006

Beumer v Amores, GR 195670, December 3, 2012
Abrenica v Abrenica, G.R. No. 180572, June 18, 2012

8. Charges upon ACP, FC 94

Luzon Surety Co., Inc. vs De Garcia, 30 SCRA 111

Gelano vs CA, 103 SCRA 90
G-Tractors, Inc., vs CA, 135 SCRA 192

(a) Family expenses cf. FC 100 (3), FC 121(5) and FC 94 (1),

(4), (5)

Francisco v Gonzales, G.R. No. 177667, September 17,


(b) Debts of spouses, Art. 94 (2) and (3)
(c) Subsidiary liabilities, Art. 94 (9)

Buado vs. CA, G.R. No. 145222, April 24, 2009

(d) Sole obligations of a spouse, Art. 94

(e) Gambling losses, FC 95
(f) Other charges, Art. 94

9. Ownership, FC 90, FC 96 in rel. to NCC 206

10. Administration and enjoyment of ACP

(a) joint administration, FC 96; FC 90, NCC 1490

Dar v Legasto, G.R. No. 143016, August 30, 2000

(b) Sole administration

(1) incapacity, FC 96 (2) no court order

Uy vs. CA, 346 SCRA 246

(2) separation in fact FC 100 (3), 142 with court

order, of separate property
(3) abandonment, FC 101 with court order
(5) pendency of legal separation proceeding, FC
61 with court order

(c) Disposition and encumbrance, FC 96-98

Matthews vs. Taylor, GR 164584, June 22, 2009

11. Effect of separation de facto, FC 100 cf. FC 239

Noveras v Noveras. G.R. No. 188289, Aug. 20, 2014

12. Effect of abandonment, FC 101, 239

Noveras v Noveras. G.R. No. 188289, Aug. 20, 2014

13. Causes for dissolution of ACP, FC 99

(a) Death, FC 103 cf. Rule 73 Sec. 12 ROC

Heirs of Go v Servacio, GR 157537, Sept. 7, 2011

Uy v Estate of Fernandez, G.R. No. 200612, April 5,

(b) Legal separation, FC 63(2); FC 66

(c) Annulment and declaration of nullity, FC 50 in rel. to
FC 43 (2), 147, 148
(d) Judicial separation of property, FC 134-138

Ugalde v Ysasi, GR 130623, February 29, 2008

14. Effects of dissolution

(a) Liquidation procedure, FC 102

Quiao v Quiao, G. R. No. 183622, July 4, 2012

Ocampo v. Ocampo, G.R. No. 198908, August 03, 2015

(b) For cause other than death, FC 43 (2); FC 63(2); 147;

(c) Termination due to death, FC 103

Buenaventura v CA, G.R. No. 127358. March 31, 2005

Dino v Dino, GR 178044, January 19, 2011

15. For marriages before FC, FC 104 cf Art. 103 (3)

Delizo v. Delizo, 69 SCRA 216

16. Support during ACP liquidation, FC 198, 100(1)

Santero v. CFI, 153 SCRA 728

F. Conjugal partnership of gains

Belcodero v. CA 227 SCRA 303

Sps. Estonina v. CA G.R. No. 111547, Jan. 27, 1997
Quiao v Quiao, G. R. No. 183622, July 4, 2012

1. When CPG commences and applies

(a) Marriages under FC, FC 107 cf. FC 88, FC 89

(b) Marriages before FC, FC 105(2) of FC 256

Castro vs. Miat, 397 SCRA 271

(c) When applicable, FC 105 of FC 74-76, 107, 88, 89

(d) Suppletory rules, FC 108 cf. NCC 1767-1768

2. What is excluded from CPG, FC 109

(a) Brought as exclusive property, FC 109(1)

Laperal v. Katigbak, 10 SCRA 493

Francisco v CA, G.R. No. 102330, Nov. 25, 1998
Tan v Andrade, GR 171904, Aug 7, 2013

(b) Acquired by gratuitous title during marriage,

FC 109 (2) cf FC 113, FC 114, FC 115, NCC
1015, 753

Veloso v. Martinez, 28 Phil 255

Berciles v. GSIS,128 SCRA 53, cf. FC 115

(c) Acquired by redemption/exchange, FC 109(3), NCC
1601, 1619

Plata v. Yatco, 12 SCRA 718

(d) Purchased with exclusive money, FC 109(4)

(e) Properties of parents

Laurena vs CA, GR 159220, September 22, 2008

3. Administration of exclusive property

(a) By the spouse-owner, FC 110

(b) By the other spouse, FC 110(2); FC 142, 100 (3),
127 (3)

` Veloso v. Martinez, 28 Phil 255

Manotok Realty v. CA, 149 SCRA 372
Ong vs CA, 204 SCRA 297

4. Encumbrance/disposition of exclusive property

FC 111-112, amended by RA 10572, FC 236, amended
by RA 6809

Wong et al. v. IAC 200 SCRA 792

5. What is included in the CPG, FC Art. 106, 117, 115, 118,

119, 120

Titan v David, G.R. No. 169548, March 15, 2010

Imani vs. Metrobank, G.R. No. 187023, Nov. 17, 2010.
Dewara v Lamela, GR 179010, April 11, 2011

6. What constitutes CPG

(a) Definition, FC 106

(b) Presumption of CPG, FC 116

Dewara v Lamela, GR 179010, April 11, 2011
De La Pena v Avila, G.R. No. 187490, Feb. 8, 2012
Quiao v Quiao, G. R. No. 183622, July 4, 2012

( c) What are included in CPG, FC 117, 115, 118, 119,


Villanueva vs CA, 427 SCRA 439

Mendoza v. Reyes 124 SCRA 154
Aguete v PNB, GR 170166, April 6, 2011

(d) If property bought by installments, FC Art. 118

Jovellanos v CA, G.R. No. 100728 June 18, 1992

(e) Credits due, FC 119

(f) Improvements on CPG property, FC 120

Munoz, Jr. v Ramirez, GR 156125, August 25, 2010

Padilla v Padilla, October 4, 1943
Padilla v Paterno, December 26, 1961
Coungco v Flores, 82 Phil. 284

7. Charges upon and obligations of CPG, FC 121, 122

Mariano vs CA, 174 SCRA 59

Ayala vs CA, 286 SCRA 272
Ching vs CA, 423 SCRA 356
Homeowners vs. Dailo, G.R. No. 153802, Mar.11, 2005
Ando v Campo, GR 184007, February 16, 2011
De Los Santos v Abejon, G.R. No. 215820, March 20, 2017

(a) With consent

G-Tractors v. CA, 135 SCRA 192

Ong v. CA 204 SCRA 297

Ayala Investment vs. CA (February 12, 1998)
Security Bank vs. Mar Tiera Corp., G.R. No. 143382,
Nov. 29, 2006
Aguete v PNB, GR 170166, April 6, 2011

(b) Without consent, FC 127, 239

Costuna vs. Domondon, 180 SCRA 333

Carlos vs. Abelardo, 380 SCRA 361
Villanueva vs Chiong, GR 59889, June 5, 2008
Ravina v Villa-Abrille, GR No. 160708, Oct. 16, 2009
Fuentes v Roca, GR No. 178902, April 21, 2010
Borlongan v BDO, G.R. No. 217617, G. R. No. April 5,

(c) personal debts, FC 122, RPC 108

Pana vs. Heirs of Juanite, Sr., G.R. No. 164201, December 10, 2012

(d) winnings from gambling, FC 123

8. Ownership, administration and enjoyment

(a) Joint administration, FC 124 cf. FC 96, 142, NCC


Guiang vs CA, 291 SCRA 372

Roxas v. CA 198 SCRA 541 [1991]
Docena vs. Lapesura, 355 SCRA 658
Alinas vs Alinas, GR No. 158040, April 14, 2008
Aggabao vs. Parulan, G.R. No. 165803, Sept. 1, 2010

(b) Sole administration

(1) Incapacity, FC 124, 127, 253

Uy vs. CA, 346 SCRA 246

(2) Separation in fact, FC 100 (3), 127(3)
(3) Abandonment, FC 101, 128
(4) Pendency of legal separation proceedings, FC 61

Sabalones v. CA 230 SCRA 79

(c) Disposition and encumbrance, FC 124-125; FC 97,


Cheeseman v. IAC 193 SCRA 93

Frenzel vs. Catito, G.R. No. 143958, July 11, 2003
Ravina v Villa-Abrille, GR No. 160708, Oct. 16, 2009
Siochi v Gozon, G.R. No. 169900, March 18, 2010
Fuentes vs. Roca, G.R. No. 178902, April 21, 2010
Aguete v PNB, GR 170166, April 6, 2011
Flores v Lindo, GR 183984, April 13, 2011

9. Effect of separation de facto, FC 127, FC 100 cf. FC 239

Noveras v Noveras, G.R. No. 188289, August 20, 2014

10. Effect of abandonment, FC 128 cf. FC 101

Partosa-Jo v. CA 216 SCRA 693

Noveras v Noveras, G.R. No. 188289, August 20, 2014

11. Dissolution of CPG, FC 126

(a) Death, FC 126 (1), 130

Heirs of Go v Servacio, GR 157537, Sept. 7, 2011

Domingo vs. Molina, G.R. No. 200274, April 20,
Uy v Estate of Fernandez, G.R. No. 200612, April
5, 2017

(b) Legal separation, FC 63 (2), FC 66

(c) Annulment and declaration of nullity, FC 50 in rel.
to FC 43 (2)
(d) Judicial separation of property, FC 134-138

Ugalde v Ysasi, GR 130623, February 29, 2008

12. Effects of dissolution, FC 129

Tarrosa vs De Leon, GR 185063, July 23, 2009

Cabreza v Cabreza, GR 171260, September 11, 2009

(a) Liquidation procedure, FC 129

Quiao v Quiao, G. R. No. 183622, July 4, 2012

Barrido v Nonato, G.R. No. 176492, Oct. 20, 2014
Noveras v Noveras, G.R. No. 188289, August 20, 2014

(b) Cause other than death, FC 129; FC 43(2), FC 63(2)

(c) termination due to death; FC 130, cf. FC 104

13. For marriages before FC, FC 131

14. Applicability of Rules of Court, FC 132

15. Support during CPG liquidation, FC 133

Santero v. CFI, 153 SCRA 728

G. Regime of separation of property

1. When applicable

(a) In the marriage settlements, FC 143-146. 75

(b) When mandatory, FC 103 & FC 130
(c) Reconciliation in legal separation, FC 66(2)
(d) Judicial separation of property, FC 134-146

Ugalde v Ysasi, GR 130623, February 29, 2008
Lavadia v Heirs of Luna, G.R. No. 171914, July 23,
Noveras v Noveras, G.R. No. 188289, August 20, 2014

2. Property covered, FC 144

3. Administration

(a) By the owner-spouse, FC 145

(b) By the other spouse, FC 142, 101 (3), 127 (3)

4. Family expenses, FC 146

5. Conveyances between the spouses, FC 87, NCC 1490

H. Judicial separation of property

1. When possible, FC 134

Maquilan vs Maquilan, June 8, 2007

Lavadia v Heirs of Luna, G.R. No. 171914, July 23,

2. For sufficient cause, FC 135, RPC 34, cf. FC 55 (10);

229(4), 231, 232

Ugalde v Ysasi, GR 130623, February 29, 2008

Sales v Sales, GR 174803, July 13, 2009
Noveras v Noveras, G.R. No. 188289, August 20, 2014

3. Voluntary separation of property, FC 136

4. Effects of judicial separation of property

(a) liquidation of CPG or ACP, FC 137 par. 1

(b) support pendente lite, FC 137 par. 2, 198
(c) regime after JSP, FC 138 of FC 66 (2), see 63(2)
(d) binding effect on third parties, FC 139-140; cf FC 63 (2)

Laperal v Katigbak, 116 Phil 672

5. Revival of property regime after JSP, FC 141 cf. FC 67, 135,


6. Transfer of administration of exclusive property, FC 142 FC

96; FC 124

I. Property regime of unions without marriage

Review: FC 6, 35 (2), 35 (3), 35 (5), 36, 38, 53; FC 41, 44; FC 45

(Void and voidable marriages)

1. Unions under FC 147, 6, 35, 36, 53, cf. NCC 144

Valdes v. QC RTC, G.R. No. 122749, July 31, 1996

Carino vs. Carino, GR 132539, February 3, 2001
San Luis vs. San Luis, G.R. 133743, Feb. 2, 2007
Gonzales vs Gonzales, 478 SCRA 327
Dio v Dio, GR 178004, January 19, 2011
Salas, Jr., v Aguila, G.R. No. 202370, Sept. 23 2013
Barrido v Nonato, G.R. No. 176492, Oct. 20, 2014
Ocampo v. Ocampo, G.R. No. 198908, August 03, 2015

2. Unions under FC 148 of FC 50 in rel. to FC 49(2) and FC

50, 37, 38, and 44

Bienvenido v. CA 237 SCRA 676

Agapay vs Agapay, 276 SCRA 340
Tumlos vs. Sps. Fernandez, G.R. No. 137650, Apr 12, 2000
Adriano v CA, 328 SCRA 738
Malilin vs Castillo, 333 SCRA 628
Villanueva vs CA, 427 SCRA 439
Atienza Castro,G.R. No. 1695698, Nov. 29, 2006
San Luis vs. San Luis, G.R. 133743, Feb. 2, 2007
Borromeo vs Descallar, GR No. 159310, Feb. 24, 2009
Heirs of Maramag vs De Guzman, GR 181132, June 5, 2009

Lacbayan v Samoy, G.R. No. 165427, March 21, 2011 (see
J. Brions Separate Opinion)
Go- Bangayan v Bangayan, G.R. No. 201061, July 3, 2013
Lavadia vs. Heirs of Luna, G.R. No. 171914, July 23, 2014
Tambuyat v. Tambuyat, G.R. No. 202805, March 23, 2015
Fullido v Grilli, G.R. No. 215014, February 29, 2016

J. Property Relations of Mixed Marriages

Borromeo vs Descallar, GR No. 159310, Feb. 24, 2009

Cheeseman v. IAC 193 SCRA 93
Matthews vs. Taylor, GR 164584, June 22, 2009
Frenzel vs. Catito, G.R. No. 143958, July 11, 2003
Muller v Muller, G.R. No. 149615, August 29, 2006
Beumer v Amores, GR 195670, December 3, 2012
Fullido v Grilli, G.R. No. 215014, February 29, 2016


A. What governs family relations, FC 149, Constitution Art. II, Sec.

12 and Art. XV, NCC 220-221

B. Effects of family relationship on legal disputes

FC 150 - 151
NCC 2035
ROC Rule 16 Sec. 1(j)
RPC 20, 247 and 332

Gayon v. Gayon, 36 SCRA 104

Wainwright v. Versoza, 26 SCRA 78
Magbaleta vs Gonong, 76 SCRA 511
Tribiana vs.Tribiana, G.R. No. 137359, Sept. 13, 2004
Hiyas Savings vs. Acua, G.R. NO. 154132, August 31, 2006
Heirs Of Favis, Sr. v Gonzales, et al., GR. No. 185922, Jan. 15 2014

C. The Family Home

1. What constitutes the family home, FC 152, 156, 69, 120,

118, 161

2. Who may constitute the family home, FC 152, 161

3. When deemed constituted, FC 153, 162

4. Beneficiaries, FC 154, 194-196, 199

Patricio vs. Dario, G.R. No. 170829, November 20, 2006

5. Exemptions, FC 155, FC 157, FC 160

6. Rights of creditors, FC 155, 160-161

Ramos v Pangilinan, GR 185920, July 20, 2010

Equitable v OJ Mark, G.R. No. 165950, August 11, 2010
De Mesa v Acero, G.R. No. 185064, January 16,

7. When terminated, FC 153 compare with FC 159, 102 (9),

129 (9)

Arriola v Arriola, GR 177703, January 28, 2008

Eulogio v. Bell, G.R. No. 186322, July 08, 2015

8. When may be sold, FC 158

Honrado v CA, GR 166333, Nov. 25, 2005

Cabang vs Basay, GR No. 180587, March 20, 2009
Fortaleza v Lapitan, GR 178288, August 15, 2012
Eulogio v. Bell, G.R. No. 186322, July 08, 2015


A. Concepts of paternity, filiation and legitimacy, FC 163

B. Legitimate children, FC 164 cf. FC 165 in rel to NCC 256-257,

166, 167, 168 in relation to Republic Act No. 10655, An Act Repealing the
Crime of Premature Marriage under Article 351 Of Act No. 3815, otherwise
known as The Revised Penal Code, March 2015, FC 169

Angeles vs Maglaya, 469 SCRA 363

SSS vs. Aguas, G.R. 165546, Feb. 27, 2006
Suntay v Suntay, GR 183053, October 10, 2012

1. Who are considered legitimate children

(a) Conceived during marriage cf. ROC Rule 131 Sec.

3(dd), FC Art. 168 in relation to Republic Act No. 10655, An Act
Repealing the Crime of Premature Marriage under Article 351 Of Act
No. 3815, otherwise known as The Revised Penal Code, March 2015,
NCC 40-41.

1. Valid marriage

Arbolario v CA, G.R. No. 129163, April 22, 2003

Continental Steel v Montano, Oct. 13, 2009

2. Terminated marriage under FC 42 in rel. to FC

3. Void marriages under FC 54
4. Voidable marriages, FC 45

Suntay v Suntay, GR 132524, Dec. 29, 1998

(b) Born during marriage, FC 164

(c) Conceived by artificial insemination cf. NCC 40,
FC 164
(d) Adopted children, RA 8552, Sec. 17
(e) Legitimated children, 177, 178

2. Rights of legitimate children, FC 173-174, NCC 364, 374,
376, NCC 888, NCC 979

Moore v. Republic, 8 SCRA 282

Naldoza v. Republic, 112 SCRA 658
Rep. vs CA, 300 SCRA 138
Heirs of Basbas v. Basbas, G.R. No. 188773, September
10, 2014

C. Illegitimate children

1. Who are considered illegitimate

(a) Under NCC

(b) FC 165
(c) FC 166

Uy v Chua, G.R. No. 183965, September 18, 2009

2. Rights of illegitimate children, FC 173, 172, 175-176

Osmea de Valencia v. Rodriguez, 84 Phil 222

Briones vs. Miguel, 440 SCRA 455, October 18, 2004
Maramag vs De Guzman, GR 181132, June 5, 2009
De la Cruz vs Gracia, G.R. No. 177728, July 31, 2009
Manungas v Loreto, GR 193161, August 22, 2011
Gotardo v Buling, GR 165166, August 15, 2012
Grande v Antonio, G.R. No. 206248, February 18, 2014
Heirs of Basbas v. Basbas, G.R. No. 188773,
September 10, 2014
Calimag vs. Heirs of Macapaz, G.R.191936, June 27,
San Agustin vs. Sales, G.R. N0. 189289, August 31,

D. Action to impugn legitimacy

Reyes vs. Mauricio, G.R. No. 175080, November 24, 2010

1. Grounds, FC 166

(a) Physical impossibility of access

Andal v. Macaraig, 89 Phil 165

Macadangdang v. CA, 100 SCRA 73
Concepcion vs. CA, G.R. No. 123450, Aug. 31, 2005

(b) Biological or other scientific grounds


Agustin, June 15, 2005

Herrera vs. Alba, G.R. No. 148220, June 15, 2005
Estate v. Diaz, G.R. No. 171713, Dec. 17, 2007
Lucas v Lucas, GR No. 190710, June 6, 2011

(c) FC 166(3)

2. Effect of a mothers declaration, FC 167

Chua Keng Giap v. IAC, 158 SCRA 18

3. In subsequent marriages, FC 168 in relation to Republic Act

No. 10655, An Act Repealing the Crime of Premature Marriage under
Article 351 Of Act No. 3815, otherwise known as The Revised Penal Code,
March 2015, 169

People v Quitoriano, January 20, 1997

4. Presumptions, FC 170, 171

5. Who may impugn, FC 170-171

Benitez-Badua v. CA, 229 SCRA 468

Liyao, Jr. vs. Tanhoti-Liyao, 378 SCRA 563
Republic v Magpayo, GR 189476, Feb. 2, 2011
Geronimo v Santos, G.R. No. 197099, Sept. 25, 2015

6. Prescription of action to impugn legitimacy

Gaspay v. CA, 238 SCRA 163

E. Proof of Filiation

1. Of legitimate children, FC 172-173

Ong v CA, 272 SCRA 725

Diaz vs. Court of Appeals, 129 SCRA 621, June 22, 1984
Tison vs. Court of Appeals, 276 SCRA 582, July 31, 1997
Trinidad vs. Court of Appeals, 289 SCRA 188, April 20, 1998
Heirs of Conti v CA, G.R. No. 118464, December 21, 1998
De Jesus vs. Estate of Juan Gamboa Dizon, 366 SCRA 499
Aguilar v Siasat, G.R. No. 200169, Jan. 28 2015

2. Of illegitimate children, FC 175 , 176

Jison vs. CA, 286 SCRA 495

Heirs of Gabatan vs CA, GR 150206, March 13, 2009
Dela Cruz , et al vs. Gracia, G.R. No. 177728, July 31, 2009
Lucas v Lucas, G.R. No. 190710, June 6, 2011
Gotardo v Buling, GR 165166, August 15, 2012
Perla v Baring, GR 172471, November 12, 2012

3. Compulsory recognition, cf. RPC 345

People v Abella, G.R. No. 177295, January 6, 2010

People v. Gersamio, G.R. No. 207098, July 08, 2015

F. Legitimated Children

1. who may be legitimated, FC 177, RA 9858

Abadilla vs Tabiliran, 249 SCRA 447

2. How legitimation takes place, FC 178, FC 180

BBB v AAA, G.R. No. 193225, February 9, 2015

3. Retroactivity and effects, FC 180-181

4. Action to impugn legitimation, FC 182

5. Rights of legitimated children, FC 179


Lazatin v. Campos, 92 SCRA 250

Cervantes v. Fajardo, 169 SCRA 575
Bartolome v SSS, G.R. No. 19253, Nov. 12, 2014
Oribello v CA, G.R. No. 163504, Aug. 5, 2015
R.A. 8552 (Domestic Adoption Law)
R.A. 8043, The Law on Inter-Country Adoption
A.M. No. 02-6-02-S.C. (Aug. 22, 2002)

A. Requisites to be an adopter

1. Age and capacity required Sec. 7

2. Husband and wife jointly Sec. 7

Michelle Lim, GR 168992, May 21, 2009

3. Need for consent Sec. 9

Landingin vs. RP, G.R. No. 164948, June 27, 2006

4. Aliens as adopters Sec. 7 (b)

Republic v. Toledano, 233 SCRA 9

B. Who may not adopt, Sec. 7

C. Who may be adopted, Sec. 8

D. Who may not be adopted

E. Effect of death, Sec. 13

F. Procedure in adoption

Republic Act No. 9253, March 12, 2009 - AN ACT


G. Effects of a decree of adoption

1. On status, Sec. 17

Bagayas vs Bagayas, G.R. Nos. 187308, Sept. 18, 2013

2. On parental authority, Sec. 16

Tamargo v. CA, 209 SCRA 518

Cervantes v. Fajardo, 169 SCRA 575

3. On hereditary rights, Sec. 18; FC 189-190; Art. 39, PD 603,

Rule 99, Section 5
See: Balane, Ruben, Jottings in Succession, [2006 ed.]

Bartolome v SSS, G.R. No. 19253, Nov. 12, 2014

4. On name, NCC 365

In the Matter of Adoption of Stephanie Garcia, 454

SCRA 541

5. Others, Sec. 13

H. Rescission of adoption, Sec. 19

Lahom vs. Sibulo, G.R. No. 143989, July 14, 2003

1. by the adopted
2. by the adopter/s
3. effects of rescission, Sec. 20


A. What comprises support, FC 194

B. Who are obliged to provide support, FC 195, 196, 197, 94 (1), 102

Pelayo v. Lauron, 12 Phil 453

Sanchez v. Zulueta, 68 Phil 110
De Asis vs. CA, G.R. No. 127578, Feb. 15, 1999
Rondina v People, GR 179059, June 13, 2012
Gotardo v Buling, GR 165166, August 15, 2012
Perla v Baring, GR 172471, November 12, 2012

C. Source of support, FC 197-198, cf. FC 49, 70, 94, 121, 122

Lerma v. CA, 61 SCRA 440

Reyes vs Ines-Luciano, 88 SCRA 803

D. Order of support, FC 199, 200, 204

Mangonon vs. CA, G.R. No. 125041, June 30, 2006

Spouses Lim v Lim, G.R. No. 163209, October 30, 2009

E. Manner and time of payment, FC 200-204

F. Amount of support, FC 200-208

G. Renunciation and Termination, NCC 2035; FC 194; NCC 152

H. Support pendente lite, FC 198; Rules of Court, Rule 61

I. Procedure in applications for support, Rule 61


A. Concept of parental authority, Art. II, Sec. 12, 1987 Constitution,

FC 209, 211, 176, 226, NCC 356-363

Medina vs. Makabali, 27 SCRA 502, March 28, 1969

Unson vs. Navarro, 101 SCRA 183, November 17, 1980
Habeas Corpus Of Minor Shang Ko Vingson v Cabcaban, UDK
No. 14817, January 13, 2014
Caram v Segui, GR 193652, Aug. 5, 2014
Mendez vs. Sharia District Court, G.R. No. 201614,
January 12, 2016

B. Who exercises PA, FC 211-213, 221 cf. FC 221, 49, 102(6), 43(2),
63(2), 176. 49, 102 (6), 129 (9)

Unson v. Navarro 101 SCRA 183

Espiritu & Layug v. CA, G.R. No. 115640 (1995)
Santos Sr. v. C.A., G.R. No. 113054 (1995)
David vs. Court of Appeals, 250 SCRA 82, November 16, 1995
Tonog vs. CA, 376 SCRA 642
Briones vs. Miguel, G.R. No. 156343, October 18, 2004
Gualberto vs. Gualberto, G.R. No. 154994. June 28, 2005
Grande v Antonio, G.R. No. 206248, February 18, 2014
Bucal v Bucal, G.R. No. 206957, June 17, 2015,

C. Transfer of PA, FC 210 cf. FC 223-224, FC 234, 217, 214, 49

Eslao vs CA, 266 SCRA 317

D. Substitute PA, FC 214, 216, FC 217, 233

Rep. Act No. 10165, Foster Care Act of 2012.

Vancil vs Belmes, 358 SCRA 707

E. Special PA

FC 218-219, FC 233
cf. FC 221 in rel. to NCC 2180, FC 236
Cybercrime Prevention Act, RA 10175, September 12, 2012

F. Filial privilege, FC 215

ROC Rule 130 Sec. 25 cf. Secs. 22 & 23

Lee v CA, GR 177861, July 13, 2010

G. Effects of PA over the childs person,

FC 220-222
FC 223-224

Cuadra v. Monfort, 35 SCRA 160

R.A. 7610, The Child Abuse Law

H. Effects of PA over the childs property,

FC 225-227, RA 9231, Secs. 12-B and 12-C

Hebron vs. Loyola, G.R. No. 168960, July 5, 2010

I. Suspension or termination of PA

1. permanent termination, FC 228, 232, cf. RA 6809, FC 234

2. non-permanent termination, FC 229 cf. FC 193

Secs. 16 and 19, RA 8552 re parental authority and revocation

of adoption

3. suspension of PA, FC 231-230, 233

Chua v. Cabangbang, 27 SCRA 791

De Guzman vs Perez, 496 SCRA 474

4. revival

See: R.A. 8369, An Act Establishing Family Courts, Granting Them

Exclusive Original Jurisdiction Over Child and Family Cases.

See: R.A. 7610, Child Abuse Act


RA 6809

A. Cause of emancipation, FC 234 as amended

B. Effect of emancipation, FC 236 as amended

cf. FC 15, NCC 2180


Arts. 238-253, 100(2), 127(2), 41, 51, 69, 73, 96, 124, 217, 225


NCC 356-363, FC 213


NCC 364-380

RA 6085 regulating the use of aliases, August 4, 1969
RA 9255, FC 176

Llaneta v. Agrava, 57 SCRA 29

Telmo v. Republic, 73 SCRA 29
Tolentino v. CA, 162 SCRA 66
Legamia v. IAC, 131 SCRA 479
Change of Name, Wang, G.R. No. 159966.March 30, 2005
Remo v DFA, March 5, 2010
Gonzaludo v People, G.R. No. 150910, February 6, 2006
Dapar v. Biascan, 439 SCRA 179
Limson v Gonzalez, GR 162205, March 31, 2014


NCC 381-383, 384-389, FC 96, 101, 124, NCC 390-396, FC 41

Reyes v. Alejandro, 141 SCRA 65

Eastern Shipping v. Lucero, 124 SCRA 425
Manuel vs. People, G.R. No. 165842, Nov. 29, 2005
Rep. v Granada, GR 187512, June 13, 2012
Orpiano vs Tomas, G.R. No. 178611, Jan. 14, 2013
Rep. vs Narceda, GR 192760, April 10, 2013
Republic v Hon. Estrada, G.R. No. 214792, March 18, 2015


NCC 305-310, FC 195, 194

NCC 309 cf. Sec. 95, PD 856 Sanitation Code
Eugenio v. Velez, 185 SCRA 425
Valino v Adriano, GR 182894, April 22, 2014


NCC 407-413
ROC, Rule 108
RA 9048, as amended by RA 10172

Barretto vs Local Civil Registrar, 74 SCRA 257
Republic v Valencia, GR L-32181, March 5, 1986
Republic v. Marcos, 182 SCRA 223
Labayo-Rowe v. Republic, 168 SCRA 294
Zapanta v. Registrar, 237 SCRA 25v
Leonor v. Court of Appeals, 256 SCRA 69
Silverio vs. RP, G.R. No. 174689, October 22, 2007
Rep. vs. Cagandahan, , G.R. No. 166676, Sept. 12,
Dela Cruz v Gracia, G.R. No. 177728, July 31, 2009
Braza v The Registrar, G.R. No. 181174, December 4, 2009
Baldos vs. CA, G.R. No. 170645, July 9, 2010
Iwasawa vs Gangan, , G.R. No. 204169, SEP 11 2013
Republic v Olaybar, G.R. No. 189538, February 10, 2014
Onde v. Office Of The Local Civil Registrar, G.R. No.
197174, September 10, 2014
Republic v De la Vega, GR 195873, Feb. 23, 2015
Felipe Almojuela vs. Republic, G.R. No. 211724, August 24,
Republic v Sali, G.R. No. 206023, April 3, 2017


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