Turn Coat (Block and Tackle)

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Turn Coat (Block and Tackle)

A participant is given any random topic and instantly has to speak, for or against the
topic. In a duration of 5 minutes whenever the judge commands switch, the speaker
will have to toggle between for and against multiple times thereby contradicting the
previous statements. Loaded with instantaneous humor, the speaker is evaluated by
spontaneity, humor, content and of course audience response.
You are given the role of Superman/ Justin Bieber/ Narendra Modi etc. The ship is
sinking, and the Captain has only one Life-Jacket left. You are on the ship with other
famous celebrities/ fictional characters/ hypothetical characters. Sink into the given
character and try to escape from the sinking ship by using your impressive, convincing
skills and prove that you deserve the only Life-jacket. Make yourself appear prominent
and better than any other person/ thing on board to win the Life jacket and eventually
win the event. The participants are judged on content, humor, cogent arguments, valid
points and audience response.
JAM (Just A Minute)
This is group/team game. Around 6-8 speakers (participants) sit in a semi-circle and
discuss a topic. The mic is handed over to one of the speakers and an incredibly
humorous topic, usually, a pun is given. While the speaker tries to spin a story or only
create a sentence around the given topic, he is restricted by several rules which can be
classified into the three classic rules of the erstwhile JAM sessions, namely,

Meanwhile, the other participants raise objections in case the current speaker breaks
these rules and correct objections fetch positive points. However, wrong objections can
award negatives.
Bound by the rubrics of JAM, the speaker gains points for every second he speaks and
this entire process is controlled adequately by a moderator, also known as MOD and the
final or any decision at any moment is dependent upon the moderator. While the
procedure sounds too prolix, the event is actually fun to participate and is more fun to
watch since the general topics can be taken for a ride depending on the speakers
creativity, imagination, and rhetoric.
Mock Interview
A mock interview is an ideal event for those preparing for the placement process
including preliminary examinations, group discussions, and HR interviews. An initial
round of aptitude test may contain logical reasoning, aptitude/ math, and verbal
questions, etc. The second round comprises a group of students trying to voice out their
opinion to a problem statement given to them popularly known as Group Discussion
(GD). Sometimes the topics for discussion can be as abstract as Pink while students try
to portray their creativity in their content. The final HR interview is similar to any final
interview process that ultimately tests the soft skills of the applicant and general
Market Mayhem
This event helps discover the marketer in you. Participants either in teams or as
individuals are given some used/ refurbished/ recyclable products using which they can
create an entirely different product thereby tapping the potential in the innovators.
These final products have to be sold to students, teachers or anyone within the
university campus. The winners of the event are decided based upon the extent of
creativity imparted in the making of the product, quality of the marketing strategy used,
the number of items sold and finally, the amount of money that each team made. Market
Mayhem will definitely test whether you are ingenious enough to overcome the various
impediments that marketers and innovators brook around the globe.
Bored of the commercials that you see on TV? Do you believe that the ads can be made
better? Heres an amazing platform where you as a group will be able to display your ad
creating talent. This spectacular event persuades the students to instantaneously decide
on a skit that would depict an ad for any product that is given to them. The ad can be in
the form of role play which may or may not requires the students to use props, and the
ad is supposed to be enacted for about 5 minutes. As ordinary people, we like to see
short but witty ads that convey the point. This is exactly the judging criteria for this
event that also includes the level of co-ordination while acting in a group.
Channel Surfing
Do you feel that you are capricious while you watch the television? Do you keep
switching between various channels? For a change, imagine you to be the acting in all
the channels and assume that someone is switching between the channels. Channel
surfing requires you as an individual or as a group to either imitate various channels or
come up with something humorous to represent a particular channel. Meanwhile, the
judge will keep shifting between channels after every few minutes or seconds.
For example, a judge can switch between HBO, Discovery Channel and MTV within a
minute and the student(s) have to imitate any remarkable shows of those channels.
Students are judged on spontaneity, content, humor, audience response and
coordination (if in a group). To add flavor to this process, sometimes the judge can
rewind or fast forward a particular channel thereby forcing the participants to adapt to
such changes instantaneously and hilariously.
In an attempt to motivate students to understand and experience Digital Marketing,
Like You persuades students to form teams and create a Facebook Page for a particular
product and they go about doing marketing the page in a span of two days. Within these
two days, they are supposed to get the maximum amount of likes for the page, inbound
activities; page visits, etc., thereby comprehensively understanding the marketing
analytics of a particular social media. The social media used need not be
necessarily Facebook but requires only a single platform for the sake of evaluation of the
Rural India has a huge potential which is untapped, and if we want to make India a super
power we need to integrate rural India with technology. So this event It is an initiative
to provide students an opportunity to apply their marketing concepts into earnings.
The participating teams would select a bouquet of products from a list provided by the
event organizers which are coming from rural areas for which they need to prepare a
marketing plan, including the branding and sales promotion strategies.

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