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September ~ October ~ November 2017

I am Strigoi VII of Sahjaza - What is Sahjaza Strigoi VII

Dark Moon Ankh - Prince & Lord Andreas Axikerzus Sahjaza

Thinning of the Veil - High Elder Priestess Laith Sahjaza

Cinnamon wrapped candles

Event: Blood Lust Vampire Ball: 'The Old World October 2017' in NOLA

King Maven Lore, Sahjaza, Presents, "Official House of Lore Sigil"

What is the Sahjaza Abbon, or Abbonship?

Bards Corner - "A Mystic" by Sir John

Winter's Waltz Vampire Ball

Song and Chant for Fireside - Welcome Horned One

Wheel Turns - Charging it up, moving it forward!

From the Witches Pantry - Solstice Brew

The Sahjaza Cartouche

I am Strigoi Vii of Sahjaza

I uphold and respect the Code of Conduct and the ethics of our people.
I exalt my rational mind and hold no belief that is in defiance of reason.
I recognize the difference between the worlds of reality and fantasy.
I acknowledge that I am at the top of the food chain, but respect the chain I
am on.

Sahjaza is my chosen family, I honor our path and traditions.

Therefore I will make the most of life here and now.

For I am the living Sahjaza


Strigoi Vii is a, term which translates from ancient Romanian to mean, The
Living Vampyres and is used to describe the system of traditions and
philosophies presented by Temple House Sahjaza.
We are always involved in community betterment and counseling with
those who are seeking uplifting momentum and positive community works
we and network, to find family and Abbon (Allied Family) and accept those
who, practice many of our traditions and philosophies, though we accept
others who have their own ways, there are many groups who do not all
consider themselves to be Strigoi Vii. The term Strigoi Vii is also used as
an alternative to the term real vampire or "living vampire"

Strigoi Vii has always been about being but being outside of one's self and
about building a culture, with traditions, ethics and ideas around an
experience using that archetype. The y in vampyre is used to distinguish
the life-styles the "living vampire" from the fictional vampires of legend
and literature.
Above Photo Credits: Goddess Rosemary Full Moon at Sanctuary, by Elder Walter Warlock Sahjaza

Kit, book and Dark Moon Ankh (choice of either Ankh) photo shows full silver Dark
Moon Ankh << for purchase details
The Official Temple House Sahjaza


Prince Lord Andreas Axikerzus Sahjaza

All art is a bit of those who appreciate it and a little bit also of its creator.
Dreams, inspirations, and art have proven to beat time - just like the
vampire we love. While Vampyre, artist and the other half responsible for
the creation of The Dark Moon Ankh, I believe that my ideas and
inspirations matter and deserve a space in the heart of those who
appreciate this beautiful creation of mine and the master alchemist here in
So Paulo, Brazil South America - 11 years ago!
Do you like the Ankh? You has his experience with him and a story that is
only his. There are societies groups that form and develop around them of
the most varied types and this is fantastic. I will never take this from
anyone. But I really want to tell you a little of my vision today.

The vampire's symbol is presented most of the time as a true paradox, a

lesser deity nor lesser living and not dead in search of vitality to continue
through eternity. What is not the art and the inspired work of a destroying
artist to give rise to the new? From the fire consuming the firewood? Hail or
flames brought by a storm. Contemplation of art intoxicates and expels time
by offering someone a sense of the muses and the sublime that led
someone to create something even centuries and centuries later.
Influencing, importing and diverting from certainties, idealizations and
dogmas. Neither alive nor dead and taking a little of your time and vitality. A
pagan rapture I would say.

The Greeks, the Egyptians, and the Hermetic (as well as many other
peoples) spoke about the separation of heaven and earth from time, a
vertical and hierarchical axis crossed by a horizontal, mirrored axis and
mutually canceling resonances. Above them would be the totality for the
most skilled in dealing with life and transforming it into something that
would grant them immortality through the legacy they left behind. Could be
a Hebraic Tau with a serpent... Instead of a circle I preferred an ogival arc,
marking a passage to the "Other Side" - which will always be esoteric in
nature and who lives under the moonlight. For what comes from there as a
dream crystallize in "Blood" and reality here; And what we find of it
transmutes into something more subtle and volatile and can return.
Becoming more upright and transparent before what we carry. It is ogival
because this brings to something very sacred and dear to me the beauty,
the altitudinal and the diversity of the fractals that form and mirror the
whole, the unpredictable asymmetry of the forest and the splendor of the
ruins of other times taken by nature - contrasting the geometric , Idealized
and linear of those who live under the solar law.

However the rulers of this portal are each of us and our understanding to
determine what determines us with greater presence and nobility of spirit. It
is pointy as a sword to nail, mark and root and branch out as all Venusian
art and your Martian consort always crave - but beyond all panic and fear
brought by the new, inevitably grotesque at first glance - comes harmony.

I walk in this and I tell you.

And I will love to know your visions and your ideas, find me on FB to
discuss your own unique experience with the Dark Moon Ankh and any
questions you may have about my books.

Photo of the Dark Moon Ankh by Goddess Rosemary of her own personal piece.

ORDER INFORMATION: You may order your Dark Moon Ankh here, they
are each hand crafted per order and there are two authorized versions
available, full silver and silver bathed. Look for information about your kit
order including the new first time in English first book of the 7 book series.

"Cristalizar sonhos neste selvagem jardim, estabelecer portais que integram e

conectam pessoas afins de todas as partes ao que gostam e tem sede de mais e
mais... criar bons encontros e atmosferas peculiares em eventos muito especiais...
publicar livros e videos que levam o olhar alm do mundinho... so alguns dos meus
determinantes para comprovadamente alterar a sua realidade - a insurreio caminha
ao meu lado..."

Lord A:. da

Autor Internacional #CodexStrigoi by RedeVamp; #MistriosVampyricos Madras


Foto da Princess Ordained Priestess Xendra Sahjaza

Thinning of the Veil

In 1908, a book called Kybalion was published, that began to call attention
to Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and
Gender of the Universe. These Hermetic Philosophers began teaching of
the Veil we have between the conscious and subconscious minds, between
the other planes that run alongside the one of which we are conscious.

Our conscious and subconscious minds are separated from each other, but
we can work to bridge the gap. The Higher Self is the part of us that has
lived many lives and continues to reincarnate. This part of us remembers
every life and every experience. When a new body is born, this become the
Lower Self, that only knows about the current life.
It is important for each life to have its own personality and experiences,
without being persuaded or even made invisible by the vast amount of
energies and memories from past lives. The reason that is possible is
because there is veil, a wall of energy, if you will, between the two selves.

There is a similar wall of energies between the different spiritual planes.

Some believe or subconscious is the same with the spirit world. At any rate,
if you discipline yourself to deep meditation, you can build a bridge
between worlds, and to the Higher Self.

There are times of the year when the veil is thinner. Why is that? There are
times that are in between, not really one season or the other. These times
are magically potent. Samhain is neither Fall nor Winter, but something in
between. Other in between times are Midsummer Night, Winter Solstice,
and Beltane.

While these are the most obvious and most potent, there are others that
you can work with on a more regular basis. Midnight, noon, dusk, and
dawn, are all in between times. If your intent is to cross over or learn more
about your past lives, these are the best times for that type of meditation.

I recommend shielding and protecting yourself, as all spirits are not friendly.
However, it is very rewarding, and there is much to be learned from other
worlds, and from our own past lives, so jump in and grow.
Photo credit: Full moon over Sanctuary, Elder Walter Warlock Sahjaza

Cinnamon wrapped candles a sweet smelling token from your evening

A few wraps around with twine and a couple of knots later you have a rustic regal centerpiece.
Blood Lust Vampire Ball: The Old World
When: Sunday, Oct 29, 2017 - 9 PM to Oct 30 at 3 AM

Where: The Monastery

1236 N. Rampart St., New Orleans, Louisiana 70116

The Blood Lust Vampire Ball returns for 2017 with The Old World!

We welcome you to a unique experience in a world crafted from the most elegant pieces of
Vampire History. Journey back in time with us to an age of beauty and sensuality where
undead monsters rule the night and delight in all of the pleasures humanity has to offer.
Come join us at a mystical magickal formal Vampire masquerade ball to be held within
beautiful historic New Orleans at the Monastery.

Feathers, lace, frock coats and ball gowns will float through the night disguising the
predators behind them. See how New Orleans became synonymous with Vampires and
become a part of their secret world.

For Tickets:

King Maven Lore Sahjaza, presents the Official House of Lore Sigil

The Sigil of the House of Lore (direct bloodline under the Temple House
Sahjaza). Originally designed in 1997 by myself, and originally carved into
reality by D'Drennan. 20 years later the Sigil went under its next
transformation. With new technology and a fresh perspective, I was able to
create this new piece of jewelry from a 3D model and a metal 3D printer,
and then to finish it off, I had it plated in rhodium. This is how I originally
envisioned it looking, and now it is a reality. I couldn't be happier the way
this came out. King Maven Lore is son of Goddess Rosemary Sahjaza.
What is the Sahjaza Abbon or Abbonship?

This is a formal association, that is bonding a tie or a marriage of sorts with

association with other individuals or Houses, Covens, and Families.

Formally was once known as "Allied person", or "Allied house", however

note they may actually be actually "directly related blood kin", (if not they
are bonded Kin), we adopted the term Abbon to refer to one member or
one person and the relationship between a whole house or the plural of is
called the Abbonship, if the line was direct or not, theretofore its treated as
if it was blood kin be it or no, as it is now "blood of the blood".

There can be term limits set to this as needed, and can be broken if laws
are broken by either party.

Don't forget to join us for our Wens night divination presented by Sahjaza
Academy of Gray Mystics, 9pm eastern time. If you wish to attend ask us
about this and other Sahjaza Academy activities, including our Monthly
Cord Cutting, & Dark Moon Ritual.
A Mystics life is very lonely
Since few can understand them
And even fewer can relate to them
And the very very few know their heart
So they talk to the sky who listens
And to their soul who gives them Love
And if fate blesses and shines upon them
They find another mystic to share their Love
John the Mystical Scribe

Sahjaza Academy of Gray Mystics can be found:

FB Academy of Gray Mystics:

Yuku Forum:

Coming in December!

Winter's Waltz Vampire Ball

Winter's Waltz Vampire Ball by Mercury Ballroom - Friday, December 15, 2017 at 8:00
PM at Mercury Ballroom in Louisville.

Buy tickets and find information on

Song and chant for the fireside
Wheel Turns, Changing it up moving it forward!

You have the power to say this is not my story and this is not how it will be
written. Change it up and write your life how you want it to be, focus on
what you want, make positive changes, visualize your future your place
your in charge of your own story.

Hail Sahjaza
The Sahjaza Cartouche
to order look under Cartouche
From the Witches Pantry - Solstice Brew

Solstice Brew

4 cups brandy
2 star anise
1 (8-inch) piece cinnamon stick
1 (8-inch) piece vanilla bean, sliced lengthwise
4 small sweet navel oranges, scrubbed, dried, and chopped into 4 to 6 pieces
24 black peppercorns

Combine all the ingredients in a clean, odor free wide-mouthed glass jar (all
the better if you have a wonderful old canning jar). Label the jar, cap it
tightly and store in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, shaking daily.

Strain through a fine mesh strainer or coffee filter. Return the infusion to its
jar, recap it, put it back in a cool, dark place, and let it continue to mellow
for 3 more weeks.

Refrigerate or store in a cool dark pantry almost indefinitely! Makes 4 cups.

Water for the spirit

1976 2012 All rights reserved.

Goddess Rosemary Sahjaza -- Z/n.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This newsletter contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been
specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in our efforts to advance spiritual

and metaphysical understanding.

We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material

as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this

newsletter is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a
prior interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes.

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