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11th Judicial Region
Branch ______
City of Tacloban



-versus- CIVIL CASE No. _______

FOR: Quieting of Title with
Temporary Restraining Order
and Preliminary Injunction



I, KHLOE MARIELLE DE LA CRUZ, of legal age, single,

Filipino, with address at Brgy. 62 A Sagkahan Tacloban City,
after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby

That in accordance with A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, which

prescribes the use of judicial affidavit to serve as the direct
examination testimony of a witness, on the basis of which the
adverse party may conduct cross-examination on such a
witness, I hereby execute this judicial affidavit in a question and
answer format;

That conformably with Section 3(b) of the said A.M. No.

12-8-8-SC, I also state that it was Atty. Mary Ivy M. Pacala, who
conducted the examination of the undersigned affiant at his
office in Tacloban City.

That also pursuant with Section 3(c) thereof, I hereby state

under pain of perjury that in answering the questions asked of
me as appearing herein below, I was fully conscious that I did
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so under oath, and that I may face criminal liability for false
testimony or perjury;

The witness is being presented to prove that;

1. She is the sole heir of the late Julia de la Cruz who was
the named owner of the subject property;
2. By law on succession, she ipso facto become the lawful
owners of the land in dispute.
3. Efforts were made in order to remove the cloud that is
casting the legal title possessed by the Plaintiff.
4. She will testify to other relevant facts
5. She will identify documents that are necessary and
relevant to her testimony.

Q1 Can you state your full name

and your present address?

A1 Yes. I am Khloe Marielle de la

Cruz, residing at Brgy. 62 A
Sagkahan Tacloban City.

Q2 Showing to you an NSO Birth

Certificate appearing your
name on it, can you please
identify if the same is yours?

A2 Yes. This is my NSO Live Birth


Q3 Were you the one who caused

the filing of this instant action?

A3 Yes. I filed the civil case

entitled For Quieting of Title
and Issuance of the writ of
Preliminary Injunction.
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Q4 Why did you cause the filing of

the foregoing action?

A4 In order to validate my legal

claim to the subject land which
has been casted with cloud
due to the purported deed of
conditional sale in favor of the

Q5 What is your basis in claiming

for said land?

A5 The existence of the Transfer

Certificate of Title No. 10070
under the name of Julia de la

Q6 I am showing to you a TCT No.

10070 issued February 27,
1984. How is this document
related to what you have just

A6 It is a copy of said document.

Q7 How are you related to Julia de

la Cruz?

A7 She is my mother.

Q8 Is she still alive?

A8 No. She died December 3,

2013. I have furnished a copy
of the death certificate.
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Q9 Showing to you the Death

Certificate appearing the name
Julia de la Cruz, how is this
related to the document you
have now?

A9 It is a copy of the death

certificate issued by the
hospital duly received by me.

Q10 How did you discover that the

subject property is on pending
process for registration of
anothers name?

A10 After my mother died, I went to

check on the Register of Deeds
on the status of the subject
land. To my surprise, the
officer of the Register of Deeds
informed me that it has been
subject of transfer to the name
of Ashton Pamintuan.

Q11 Do you know Mr. Ashton


A11 Yes. He happened to be a close

friend of my mother.

Q12 Do you know any fact which

establishes his closeness to
your mother?

A12 Yes. For instance, in this case,

it is true that he had in custody
of the TCT of the property in
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question because my mother

let him borrow the same for the
latters guaranty of various

Q13 How did you know that the title

of the property has been
subject of loans?

A13 Because Ashton Pamintuan

has sent a letter to my mother
which I have a copy, stating
that he (Pamintuan) has no
longer used the property for
mortgage the loans were
already paid. That would that
the property was indeed
subject to guaranty loans.

Q14 Showing to you a letter from

Ashton Pamintuan to Julia de
la Cruz, how is this related to
the one you have described?

A14 It is the copy of the letter sent

to my mother by Pamintuan.

Q15 Were you present when your

mother lent the title to Mr.

A15 No. I was at the USA.

Q16 How did you know that your

mother lent the title to Mr.
Pamintuan in that
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A16 My mother mentioned it to me

when she was still alive.

Q17 Did you know why the property

now is being the subject of
transfer of title to Ashton

A17 Yes. The officer of the ROD

informed me that a deed of
conditional sale has been
executed between my mother
as seller and Pamintuan as the

Q18 Have you seen the purported

deed of conditional sale?

A18 Yes. Upon checking with the

ROD, I was able to peruse at
the alleged deed of conditional
sale and it appears that the
property has been transferred
to Ashton Pamintuan by my
mother, Julia de la Cruz.

Q19 What did you do after

discovering this transfer?

A19 I tried to look for his

whereabouts but to no avail.

Q20 Below this Judicial Affidavit is

your printed name. Are you
willing to voluntary sign this
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A20 YES.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on

this 27TH of January 2016 at Brgy. 62A Sagkahan, Tacloban


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SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this 27TH of January 2016, by the
Affiant who is personally known to me and/or whom I have identified through
competent evidence of identity and who exhibited his/her Community Tax
Certificate No. 1145-45454issued at Tacloban City on January 2016.




I, ____, lawyer and notary public, on my oath as

person who witnessed the conduct of the direct examination of
the witness at Tacloban City, hereby attest to the following:

(1) That I have faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded

the questions that were asked and the corresponding
answers that the witness gave; and

(2) that neither I or any other person then present coached

the witness regarding the latter's answers.

Tacloban City, February ____ 2016.

Doc No. ____

Page No. _____
Book No. _____
Series of 2016

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