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China Banking Corporation v.

Court of Appeals,
G.R. No. 140687,
18 December 2006,
511 SCRA 110, 117.

Facts: A Complaint for recovery of sums of money and annulment of sales of real properties
and shares of stock docketed as CEB-21445 was filed by Jose Gotianuy against his son-in-law, George
Dee, and his daughter, Mary Margaret Dee, before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu City. Jose
Gotianuy accused his daughter Mary Margaret Dee of stealing, among his other properties, US dollar
deposits with Citibank N.A. Mary Margaret Dee received these amounts from Citibank N.A. through
checks which she allegedly deposited at China Banking Corporation. He likewise accused his son-in-law,
George Dee, husband of his daughter, Mary Margaret, of transferring his real properties and shares of
stock in George Dees name without any consideration. Jose Gotianuy, died during the pendency of the
case before the trial court. He was substituted by his daughter, Elizabeth Gotianuy Lo. The latter
presented the US Dollar checks withdrawn by Mary Margaret Dee from his US dollar placement with
The law provides that all foreign currency deposits authorized under Republic Act No. 6426, as amended
by Sec. 8, PD. 1246, PD. 1035, as well as foreign currency deposits authorized under PDNo. 1034 are
considered absolutely confidential in nature and may not be inquired into. There is only one exception to
the secrecy of foreign currency deposits, that is, disclosure is allowed upon the written permission of
the depositor. Upon motion of Elizabeth Lo, the trial court issued a subpoena testificandum to the
employees of China Bank.

Held: Jose Gotianuy, as the owner of the funds unlawfully taken and which are now deposited with
China Bank, he has the right to inquire into the said deposits. A depositor, in cases of bank deposits, is
one who pays money into the bank in the usual course of business, to be placed to his credit and
subject to his check or the beneficiary of the funds held by the bank as trustee. Furthermore, it is
indubitable that the Citibank checks were drawn against the foreign currency account with Citibank, NA.
The monies subject of said checks originally came from the late Jose Gotianuy, the owner of the
account. Thus, he also has legal rights and interests in the CBC account where said monies were
deposited. More importantly, the Citibank checks readily demonstrate that the late Jose Gotianuy is one
of the payees of said checks. Being a co-payee thereof, then he or his estate can be considered as a co-
depositor of said checks, since the late Jose Gotianuy is a co-depositor of the China bank account, then
his request for the assailed subpoena is tantamount to an express permission of a depositor for the
disclosure of the name of the account holder.

Summary of decision: since Jose Gotianuy, is a co-depositor of Mary Margaret Dee. It reasoned that
since he is the named co-payee of the latter in the subject checks, which checks were deposited in China
Bank, then, Jose Gotianuy is likewise a depositor thereof. On that basis, no written consent from Mary
Margaret Dee is necessitated.

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