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COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA JuDICIAL CONDUCT BOARD ‘PEnwsvLvania JUDICIAL CENTER + 601 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, SUITE 3500 + P.O, Box 62525 + HARRISOURG, PA 17106-0901 + 717-224-7911 September 1, 2017 Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone 1250 Fremont Street Lancaster, PA 17603 Re: Judicial Conduct Board Complaint No. 2017-439-NJ Dear Mr. Caterbone: This is to acknowledge receipt of your complaint against the Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. The jurisdiction of the Judicial Conduct Board is limited to claims of judicial misconduct involving Pennsylvania judges. Claims of misconduct by the Prothonotary for the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania are not within the jurisdiction of the Judicial Conduct Board. You may direct your complaint to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Judicial Center, 601 Commonwealth Avenue, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17120. The Judicial Conduct Board does not have authority to give legal advice or to seek to obtain any relief on behalf of an individual complainant. The Board does not and cannot act as an appellate or reviewing court to investigate or correct allegations of legal error, It cannot review, reverse, vacate, or in any way modify a judicial decision or order nor can it intervene in ongoing litigation. We do not have any authority to determine whether the outcome of a case was fair or to order a judge to take any particular action on your behalf. Nor may we order that a particular judge be removed (or recused) from your case. You will be notified in writing as to the final disposition of your complaint in this matter. It is often many months after receipt of a complaint before a final disposition can be made. Complaints and other documents filed with the Board are not public information If you supply the Board with documents, then you should retain copies for your own use since the Board does not return documents or other tangible items of evidence. ing a olay ican eth Bard delburatons ab ono ‘Conia tes we aicona te Page 2 of 2 Mr, Stanley J. Caterbone September 1, 2017 Finally, the Pennsylvania Constitution provides that all proceedings of the Board shall be confidential except when the subject of the investigation waives confidentiality. Pa. Const. Art. V, Section 18(a)(8). We take your claims of judicial misconduct very seriously and provide a thorough review of each individual compiaint. Very truly yours, JUDICIAL CONDUCT BOARD Rey. 8/2013 es oy rare un Gazz $000.462 ze 17120 E onforiessrie Mr, Stanley J. Caterbone 1250 Fremont Street Lancaster, PA 17603 stall

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