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All about me

A Foundation exercises
Memory check: Countries and nationalities
1 Match the countries with the nationalities.
1 the United States a British
2 Italy b Argentinian
3 Spain c Turkish
4 Portugal d Australian
5 Brazil e Brazilian
6 China f Chinese
7 Britain g Italian
8 Greece h South African
9 Australia i German
10 South Africa j Spanish
11 Turkey k Greek
12 India l Indian
13 Argentina m Portuguese
14 Germany n American
15 Ireland o Irish

Grammar: Present simple

2 Complete the tables.

+ ?
I like music. Do you like basketball? Yes, I do./No, I 3 .
She 1
likes football. 4
she like pop music? Yes, she 5
./No, she doesnt.

I dont like rugby.
She 2 like tennis.

3 Complete the dialogues with what or where. About you

1 A: What does Luke want to do? 4 Answer the questions about you.
B: He wants to play tennis.
1 Do you like music?
2 A: does your best friend come from?
Yes, I do./No, I dont .
B: She comes from Italy.
2 Does your dad/mum like football?
3 A: do you go to school?
B: I go to school in Brighton.
3 Do you play football?
4 A: kind of music do your parents like?
B: They like rock music.
4 Does your dad/mum play tennis?
5 A: does Seb want to be?
B: He wants to be a professional footballer.
5 Do you live in a small house?

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A Activation exercises
Memory check: Countries and nationalities 1

1 Complete the crossword.
Across 3
3 Juan comes from Spain. Hes . 4
5 Bruce comes from Australia. Hes .
8 Maria comes from Portugal. Shes .
9 Oliver is British. He comes from . 5
10 Maggie is Irish. She comes from .

Down 6 7
1 Hanna is German. She comes from .
2 Apala is Indian. She comes from .
4 Lian comes from China. Shes .
6 Giovanni comes from Italy. Hes .
7 Omar is Turkish. He comes from .


Grammar: Present simple

2 Choose the correct words. 3 Complete the email with the correct verb
forms. Use the present simple.
Hi, Im Sophie and I 1 live / lives in England. My
friend Seb also 2live / lives in England but his
mum and dad 3come / comes from Brazil. What Hi Jack,
about you? Where 4you live / do you live? My family and I 1 live (live) in
Manchester, in the UK, but we 2
Hi, Im Luke. Im South African but I 5dont / (come) from Australia. I 3 (play)
doesnt live in South Africa. My family and I 6live / tennis at school but I 4
(not like)
lives in the UK. My friend Gary 7dont / doesnt it. My brother 5 (like) it and he
live in the UK. Hes Australian. He 8email / emails
(play) every day. I 7
me every week. Where does your best friend (love) music and I 8 (want) to
live / lives? be a pop star one day. My brother
(not want) to be a pop star.
He 10
(want) to be a professional
tennis player!
Write to me about you and your family.

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4 Write the words in the correct order. English today
1 do come you from? where
7 Match the sentences with the speech
Where do you come from? bubbles.
2 friend does your where live? a Im an awesome player!
b Thats nice of you, Mark.
c What do you mean?
3 what to be? you want do d Where do you come from, Nick?

d I come from New York.
4 of what kind do like? music you

5 do play? you what sports

6 grandparents where your from? do come

5 Match the questions in Exercise 4 with these 2

Do you play Are you serious?
answers. There are two extra answers. basketball? 2

a I want to be a teacher.
b No, we dont.
c I come from Spain. 1
d I like rock music.
e She lives in London.
f I play tennis and basketball.
g They come from Italy.
h Yes, she does. 3
Nick doesnt play
6 Complete the dialogue with the correct form good basketball ...
of live, like or want.
Sophie: Who are the people in the photo, Luke?
Luke: Theyre my friends, Joyce and Lundi.
Sophie: Are they South African?
Luke: Yes, they are, but they 1 dont live in
South Africa. 3
Sophie: Where 2 they ?
Luke: Joyce 3
in New Zealand and
Lundi 4
in the United States. 4 Youre a great basketball 4
Sophie: 5
they music?
player, Nick!
Luke: Yes, they 6 it very much. Lundi
to be a pop star.
Sophie: What 8
Joyce to be?
Luke: Well, she 9
to be a pop star.
She 10 to be a professional

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A Extension exercises
1 Write sentences about the pictures. 2 Complete the dialogue. Write one or two
words in each gap.
Sarah: Hi, Batista. Where are you from?
Batista: Brazil. I come 1 from Rio de Janeiro but
I 2
live there.
Sarah: 3
do you live?
Batista: I live in Brasilia.
Sarah: Do you like it there?
Batista: Yes, I 4 . But my friend Emilio
like it. He wants 6
live in Rio!
Sarah: 7 sports do you play?
Batista: I play football and basketball.
Sarah: 8 you want to be: a professional
footballer or basketball player?
Sarah Batista: A professional basketball player.
love sports!

1 (come from) She comes from the UK. About you

2 (play)
3 (like) 3 Write about you. Use these words.
4 (want to be)
come from like live play want to be

My name is Petros and Im Greek. I come from ...

My name
Batista Emilio

5 (live) They live in Brazil.

6 (play)
7 (like)
8 (want to be)

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B Foundation exercises 1
Vocabulary: Daily activities
1 Complete the words.

1 d o h o m e w o rk 2 wr t m ls 3 l st n to m s c

4 r d a b ke 5 m k m d l r pl n s 6 w lk the d g

7 w tch TV 8 c k br kf st 9 sk t b rd

Grammar: Present continuous; Present continuous and present simple

2 Choose the correct words. Then match the sentences with the pictures in Exercise 1.
a You am / are / is writing emails. 2 f We am / are / is listening to music.
b She am / are / is cooking breakfast. g You am / are / is doing your homework.
c I am / are / is watching TV. h He am / are / is walking the dog.
d They am / are / is skateboarding. i They am / are / is making model aeroplanes.
e He am / are / is riding his bike.

About you

3 Answer the questions about you.

1 Are you sitting in your room at the moment? 4 Does your best friend write poems?
Yes, I am./No, Im not.
2 Do you watch TV every evening? 5 Do you often play computer games?

3 Is your dad/mum cooking at the moment? 6 Are you listening to music at the moment?

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B Activation exercises
Vocabulary: Daily activities
1 Match the sentence halves. Use the pictures to help you.
1 Shes surfing a his homework.
2 Theyre riding b to music.
3 Hes walking c a model aeroplane.
4 Theyre playing d skateboarding.
5 Shes cooking e TV.
6 Theyre making f the Internet.
7 Shes g their bikes.
8 Hes doing h computer games.
9 Theyre listening i breakfast.
10 Shes watching j his dog.

Grammar: Present continuous; Present continuous and present simple

2 Complete the text with the correct verb forms.

dance do listen play ride surf walk write

Saturday 10th May: What the family is doing!

The weather today is awful, so Im at home.
Im 1 writing emails to all my friends.
Mum is 2
the Internet. Emma is
in her room but she isnt 3 her
homework. Shes 4
to music. What
a surprise! And my dad is 5
the music (No, please dont, Dad!). My friend
Seb isnt here. Hes 6 football in
the park with his friends.
I can see some people outside. One man
is 7 his dog and two kids are
their bikes in the rain!
Saturdays are boring!
Now my cousin Sophie is here. Were playing
computer games. Saturdays are OK!

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3 Choose the correct words.
1 Seb often plays / is playing computer games on 4 Emma and her dad watch / are watching football
Saturdays but today he chats / is chatting to a on TV. They always watch / are watching their
friend online. favourite team.
2 Sophie walks / is walking the dog every afternoon. 5 I dont do / am not doing my homework in the
Today she walks / is walking him in the park. evenings. I do / am doing it in the afternoons.
3 Luke often chats / is chatting with his friends online 6 Dad cooks / is cooking breakfast at the moment.
but he doesnt chat / isnt chatting with them now. He always cooks / is cooking on Sundays.

4 Complete the questions. Then look at the table and write answers.
On Friday afternoons ...
Charlie Sue Jack Olivia
at the moment chat online skateboard surf the Internet skateboard
usually play football do homework cook for his family do homework

1 A: Is Charlie chatting 5 A:
(Charlie / chat) online at the moment? (Jack / play) football at the moment?
B: Yes, he is. B:
2 A: 6 A:
(Charlie / usually / play) football? (Jack / usually / surf) the Internet?
B: B:
3 A: 7 A:
(Sue and Olivia / skateboard) at the moment? (Sue / skateboard) at the moment?
B: B:
4 A: 8 A:
(Sue and Olivia / usually / do) their homework? (Jack / usually / cook) for his family?
B: B:

5 Complete the sentences.

= always = usually = often = sometimes = never

1 I always play computer games with my friends after school. ()

2 My mum cooks dinner. My dad cooks it. ()
3 My best friend writes poems and songs. ()
4 My sister and I watch football on TV on Sunday afternoons. ()
5 My parents ride their bikes in the park. ()
6 I cook breakfast for my family on Saturdays. ()
7 You walk the dog after school. ()
8 My cousins write emails in the evenings. ()

About you

6 Write about six things you do or dont do.

1 () 4 ()
2 () 5 ()
3 () 6 ()

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B Extension exercises
1 Complete the dialogue with the correct verb forms.
Use the present continuous or present simple.
Joe: Hi, Sally.1 Are you listening (you / listen) to music in your room?
Sally: No, Im in the kitchen. I 2 (cook).
Joe: Really? What 3
(you / cook)?
Sally: Breakfast. Mum 4
(usually / do) it but today
she 5 (chat) with her best friend online.
Joe: What about your little brother?
Sally: Well, Charlie is with Dad. They 6 (make) a model aeroplane.
Joe: Does your dad 7
(often / play) with Charlie?
Sally: Yes, he 8 (usually / do) things with us on Saturdays.
What 9 (your parents / do) this morning?
Joe: They 10
(walk) the dog.

2 Look at Exercise 1 and answer the questions.

1 What is Sally doing this morning? 4 What are Charlie and his dad doing?
Shes cooking breakfast.
2 Who usually cooks breakfast? 5 What are Joes parents doing this morning?

3 Who is Sallys mum chatting with online?

3 Complete the table about you. Then write sentences.

On Saturday mornings ...

Alice Ken Laura and Tim You

usually cook breakfast play football walk the dog

today read a comic in bed play tennis skateboard

Alice usually cooks breakfast but today she

Laura and Tim

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C Foundation exercises 1
Vocabulary: Time phrases
1 Match the pictures with what Dora says. Then choose the correct words.
1 d 2 3

4 5 6

a I play football on / at Mondays. d I go to school every / in the weekday.

b I always watch Match of the Day at / on e I read my book in bed at / on night.
Sunday afternoons. f I sometimes go to the cinema in the /every
c I go skateboarding at / every the weekend. evening.

Grammar: like/love/hate/dont like + -ing

2 Complete the sentences with on, at, in 3 Complete the sentences.
or every. 1 I like swimming (swim).
1 We watch TV in the evening. 2 She loves (shop)!
2 Dora doesnt play football Sundays. 3 He hates (cook).
3 She usually chats with her friends online 4 They dont like (dance).
the weekend. 5 He doesnt like (play) football.
4 I do homework day. 6 Do you like (skateboard)?
5 Sunday mornings they go to the park. 7 I like (read) comics.

About you

4 Answer the questions about you.

1 Do you like swimming? Yes, I do./No, I dont. 5 Does your friend like playing sports?
2 Do you like shopping?
3 Do you like getting up early? 6 Does your friend like listening to music?
4 Do you like cooking?

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C Activation exercises
Memory check: Family members
1 Look at Claires family tree and complete the text.

Hi! =
Im Claire. This is my cat, Holly, andheres
my family tree! Henry Rose

Zac is my 1 brother . My 2 s name is Diana and my = =

s name is Stuart. Ive got an 4 and an
. Their names are Robert and Ellen. My mum is Robert Ellen Stuart Diana
Roberts 6
. My 7 names are Ricky and Olivia.
Henry is my 8
and Rose is my 9 . My mum is
their 10
and Uncle Robert is their 11 .
Ricky Olivia Zac Claire

Vocabulary: Time phrases 3 Read the texts in Exercise 2 and answer

True (T) or False (F).
2 Complete the texts.
1 Sophie goes to school at seven oclock. F
afternoons at every every Fridays 2 She likes tennis and swimming.
in in in on weekends 3 Miranda has dance classes at school.
4 She goes to bed at nine.
Sophie Hi, Im Sophie! I get up at seven 5 She goes shopping on Saturdays.
every day . I go to school at
eight 2 the morning and I
come home at five 3 the About you
afternoon. Im really into swimming,
tennis and dance. 4 Mondays 4 Write to Sophie in Exercise 2.
I go swimming and on Thursdays Introduce yourself.
my best friend and I play Say what your favourite sports are and when
tennis. On 6 we go to dance you do them.
classes. Thats my favourite day! Say what you do at weekends.
Miranda Hey, Sophie! Swimming and tennis
Hi there, Sophie!
are my favourite sports, too! Check
out the photo of me at my school
sports day! I want to go to dance
classes but I cant. I havent got time.
Sophie Never mind, Miranda! What other things
do you do after school?

Miranda I do my homework 7 the

evenings and then I watch TV or play
computer games. I go to bed at about
nine oclock 8 night. At
I go shopping with my
mum, and I visit my grandma and
granddad 10 Sunday.


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Grammar: like/love/hate/dont like + -ing
5 Write sentences.

= love = like = dont like = hate

1 Jenny / / skateboard 5 Luke / / dance
Jenny loves skateboarding.
2 Jenny / / shop 6 Luke / / watch cricket

3 Seb / / play football 7 Emma / / get up early

4 Seb and Jenny / / dance 8 Emma / / swim

6 3
32 Listen to Irek talking about life in the English today
UK and draw faces.
8 Complete the dialogue.

Check out this photo Im really into music.

Luckily, Never mind. What are you up to?

Nick: Hi, Ella. 1 What are you up to?

Ella: Hi, Nick. Im going to music practice.

Nick: Do you want to come to the skate park with

me after music practice?
Ella: But I cant skateboard.
1 play football
Nick: 3 You can learn.
2 play cricket 4
Im a great
3 wear uniform
teacher and the skate park is great, too.
4 skateboarding 5
of me
5 visit museums skateboarding.
6 watch TV Ella: Thanks, Nick. See you there!
7 chat to friends online

7 Look at Exercise 6 and write about Irek.

Irek comes from Poland but he lives in London.

He loves playing football. He


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C Extension exercises
1 Look at the table and write about the people.

Sarah play the trumpet listen to jazz listen to pop music play sports

Jack play cricket play rugby play tennis watch football

Martha make model trains cook do homework play computer games

Lance surf the Internet, chat skateboard watch TV cook

with friends online


Sarah Martha
Sarah loves playing the trumpet. She likes listening to
jazz. She doesnt like listening to pop music and she
hates playing sports.

Jack Lance

About you 3 Write questions about the people in

Exercise 1. Then answer the questions.
2 Write what you like and dont like in the
1 A: Does Lance like skateboarding?
table in Exercise 1. Then write sentences
B: Yes, he does. He goes to the skate park every
about you.
afternoon. (go / skate park / every afternoon)
I love 2 A:
B: No, she doesnt.
(never / listen / pop music)
3 A:
B: Yes, he does.
(play / cricket / Sundays)
4 A:
B: No, she doesnt. But

(do / homework / every weekday / after school)


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D Communication 1

Speaking: Talk about likes and 4 Look at the poster and complete the email.

1 Match the sentence halves.
1 Are you OK a him.

2 Do you want to hang b out at my place?
I cant
amazing! One
5 I dont mind e stand him.
Thornton Park
6 I suppose f with that?
Saturday 15th April only!
2 Complete the dialogue with the sentences in 8.00 p.m.
Exercise 1. Tickets: 15
Carmen: Oh, hi, Diego! Hi, Maria! What are you doing?
Diego: Were playing computer games. We want to
play tennis but its raining. From: [email protected]
Carmen: Never mind. 1 Do you want to hang out at
To: [email protected]
Subject: Electric IcE concert!!!!
my place? We can make some popcorn and
watch a DVD. Hi Jules,
Diego: Great idea! I love popcorn. Maria, 2 Do you want to come to the Electric IcE
? concert in Brighton? The concert is on
Maria: Yes, 3 . 1
Saturday 15th April at Thornton
Diego: What kind of DVD is it? . It starts at 3 .
Carmen: Its a film with Jim Carrey. What do you The tickets cost 4 . Lets meet
think? Do you like him? at half past seven.
Maria: Oh no! 4 I Im very excited about the concert! Electric
dont think hes funny. IcE are my favourite band. I love their
Carmen: Well, we can watch an old black and white music and so does Ben. Hes coming to
film with Charlie Chaplin. the concert, too.
Diego: Oh cool! I love Chaplin! 5 I must go now. Mum is calling me for
Maria: Hes OK. 6 dinner!
See you!
Writing: Invitations
3 Rewrite the dialogue. Use full stops, commas
and capitals where necessary.
Amy: what do you want to do on saturday?
Your turn
What do you want to do on Saturday?
Ben: lets go to the concert in brighton 5 Invite your best friend to a concert to see
your favourite band. Use Exercise 4 to
Amy: where is it? 3 help you.
Ben: its in thornton park 4
Tell your friend:
Amy: what time does it start? 5
the name of the band and where they are playing.
Ben: it starts at eight 6
the date and time of the concert.
Amy: lets ask jules to come with us
how much the tickets cost.
how you feel about the concert.
Ben: yes i like him 8


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1 Choose the correct answers to complete the email.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: News from Oz
Hi Hamish,
Thanks for your email. Do I 1 living in Australia? Yes, I
love it here. Check 2 the photo of Sydney Harbour!
My new school is cool and I hang 3 with three friends.
Rosa is Brazilian and she 4 from Rio. Eric and Janice 5
Irish. They come from Dublin. Erics father and Janices
mother are brother and sister.
The weather in Sydney is amazing! Its sunny and hot,
and I 6 at home a lot. 7 Monday afternoons I play
football, and on Wednesdays Eric and I play cricket. We
love it but the girls 8 like sports. Rosas 9 dancing
and she wants me to do dance classes with her! Janice
loves swimming. I like it, too but Eric cant swim!!!
What 10 at weekends? Well, I sometimes go
skateboarding. Theres a great skate park near my house.
What are you up 11 ? Say hi from me to my old friends
in England!

1 a like b likes c liking

2 a up b in c out
3 a up b in c out
4 a come b comes c is coming
5 a am b is c are
6 a dont stay b not staying c do stay
7 a Every b At c On
8 a isnt b dont c not
9 a into b on c in
10 a am I doing b do I c do I do
Score: /10
11 a on b to c for

2 Read the email in Exercise 1 again and answer True (T), False (F) or Dont know (DK).
1 Robby likes living in Australia. T
2 His new house is big.
3 Eric and Janice are cousins.
4 Robby plays cricket on Mondays.
5 He likes dancing.
Score: /5
6 Eric likes swimming.

My score is !


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