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We Will Rock You: Raw Script

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
We Will Rock You While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
Music: Queen While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
Lyrics: Queen Till the mountains crumble into the plain
Book: Ben Elton Oh yes, we'll keep on trying
Premiere: May 14, 2002 Tread that fine line
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, we'll keep on trying
Till the end of time
*Act 1 * Till the end of time
Till the end of time*
/(The front curtain is down, showing an image of a waterstained
A bass note is played as the Queen image on the curtain is replaced by a /(The tabs go up. POP is sitting alone on a dark stage, reading a
series of dates, one after the other)/ magazine. He takes out a recording device and speaks into it) /

1956 - Elvis releases Heartbreak Hotel Pop:

1964 - The Beatles conquer America Central state library, stardate (whatever the date is plus 300 years). I
1969 - Woodstock must make haste, for I fear my arrest is imminent. Although I never
1975 - Queen release Bohemian Rhapsody discovered the exact day on which the music died, it is clear to me that
1977 - Sex Pistols banned from the BBC an ancient entertainment phenomenon known as Pop Idol played a
1981 - Bucks Fizz win the Eurovision Song Contest central role. It seems that the Globalsoft Corporation acquired the
1990 - Jive Bunny ruin 12 songs on one record franchise and replaced the human contestants with computer
1993 - Mr Blobby goes in at number 1 generated cyber celebrities. With no cultural stimulation, the kids
2001 - Hearsay manufactured stopped caring. Democratic government collapsed - and the age of GaGa
had dawned.
/(The bass becomes recognisably the introduction to 'Innuendo'. The
timeline continues:)/ /(A green cage of laser light appears around POP. KHASHOGGI and two
MINIONS appear behind him) /
2002 - Hearsay disintegrate
2007 - First digitally created cyberstar tops the chart Khashoggi:
2009 - Ugly people banned from the charts Oh my. Oh my, oh my, what's this? Do I see a little silhouetto of a spy?
2021 - Radio 1 plays the last non-computer-created tune
2030 - Kids require a licence to own electric guitars Pop:
Make love, not war!
Tell me, old man. Why do you concern yourself so much with what is /(POP and the MINIONS descend into the stage. KHASHOGGI waits to
past? one side for a moment to watch the school steps slide on stage, then
leaves.Standing on the steps are three TEACHERS and the GAGA KIDS) /
Because it is only the past which gives us hope. Teachers and Kids:

Khashoggi: **
But you've read the secret histories. Surely you've learnt that there is
no hope. *We sit alone and watch your light
Our only friend, through teenage nights
Pop: And everything we want to get
There is always hope! We download from the internet *
Hope is our birthright!
*No need to think, no need to feel
Khashoggi: When only cyberspace is real
Then where is it? Where is this 'hope'? It makes us laugh
It makes us cry
Pop: It makes us feel like we can fly
Any way the wind blows. (Globalsoft)

Khashoggi: Hope to record our life online

What do you know of the term 'living rock'? Touch any key, the world is mine
We're lost in space
Pop: But we don't care
No more than that which the legend promises. That salvation is to be Without your light our world's not there
found there, at the place of the champions, and that a bright, bright
star will show the way! Complete control, you are the power
Our lives are programmed by the hour
Khashoggi: Globalsoft (Globalsoft)
Oh, god, I hate hippies! Consign this miserable creature to the Seven
Seas of Rhye. All we hear is radio Ga Ga
Video Goo Goo
Pop: Internet Ga Ga
All we hear is cyberspace Ga Ga
Marketing Blah Blah
Gaga Kids:
Always something new
Globalsoft, all your world loves you Hurrah! Hurrah!

We watch our shows /(the KIDS and two of the TEACHERS leave the stage. One TEACHER
We watch your stars remains and addresses GALILEO) /
Across our screens for hours and hours
We hardly need our eyes or ears Teacher:
We just log on and dreams appear Hey mate, go out and celebrate! School's finished - your life is just
(Globalsoft) beginning!

We're not alone Galileo:

We have our friends G-g-good! The s-s-sooner it begins the s-s-sooner it's over with.
On cyber love we can depend
So stick around cos we'd all miss you Teacher:
We need our graphics Oh, come on, mate! You have so much potential. You could get a job in
Need our visual any division of Globalsoft you choose, yeah? How about - music
Complete control, you are the power
We use our lives up by the hour Galileo:
Globalsoft (Globalsoft) I don't want to programme music. I want to make music, real music, my
own music!
All we hear is radio Ga Ga
Video Goo Goo Teacher:
Internet Ga Ga Hey mate! Cool it! Now listen, www/[email protected].
All we hear is cyberspace Ga Ga
Marketing Blah Blah Galileo:
My name is Galileo Figaro.
Always something new
Globalsoft, all your world loves you Teacher:
Loves you* No, nobody is called Galileo Figaro. Where on Planet Mall did you come
up with that?
Students of Virtual High, school's out. Get out there and have some fun. I found it. In a dream. I have these dreams, see:.and I hear noises.
Screeching, thudding, b-b-banging noises:.and words. Words just drop So people can't you see
into my head. Too many words. Help - I need somebody. /(GALILEO God knows I've got to
clutches at TEACHER) /Help! Not just anybody! God knows I need to
God knows I want to break free
Teacher: *
I understand. I feel your pain. But come on, mate! You live in a perfect
world. What more could you possibly want? /(green laser cage appears around GALILEO. KHASHOGGI and
Galileo: stage right) /
*I want to break free
I want to break free Khashoggi:
I want to break free from your lies You say this boy wants to make his own music?
You're so self-satisfied, I don't need you
I've got to break free Teacher:
God knows, God knows I want to break free Yes. The little freak says he hears it in his dreams.

*I've fallen in love And he is aware that music other than that programmed by the
I've fallen in love for the first time Globalsoft Corporation is illegal? The act of an individual?
In love with a world that's for real
I've fallen in love, yeah Teacher:
God knows, God knows I've fallen in love Of course - but he doesn't care.

It's strange but it's true Khashoggi:

I know I'm different and there's some things I have to do Has he ever tried to make a musical instrument?
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door Teacher:
Oh how I want to be free, baby Once, in technicial studies. He was caught trying to stretch plastic
Oh yeah, I've got to be free string across an empty lunchbox.
Oh yeah, I want to break free
This existence is wrong Did he:.pluck it?
I can't get used to living without, living without
Living without hope, it's a lie Teacher:
I don't want to live alone Yes, but claims he didn't know why.
God knows, I've got to make it on my own
Khashoggi: Scaramouche:
I think I shall have to talk to this boy. I make my own fashion statements!

/(the green lasers disappear and GALILEO sinks into the floor) / Purple:
What's today's statement, then? 'Hello, I'm a pathetic ugly little zero?'
Goodbye - mate! Blue:
How will you ever get with one of the boys from the boyzone dressed
Khashoggi: up like some sort of freak?
Are there any other potential Bohemians in this year's graduation
group, or is he the only one? Green:
You're a disgrace to the GaGa girls!
I'm sorry to have to report that there is one other. A repulsive Scaramouche:
creature - a girl. I ain't no GaGa girl! And I'm not interested in the kind of boys-r-us,
duh-brain zone-clones you hang out with!
/(SCARAMOUCHE enters on the school steps stage left, as KHASHOGGI
and Pink:
TEACHER exit stage right) / You are such a sad loner!

Scaramouche: Scaramouche:
*I want to break free Well, you sure are right about that - bitch!
I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies GaGas:
You're so self-satisfied, I don't need you Oooh!
I've got to break free
God knows, God knows I want to break free Scaramouche:
* *Can anybody find me somebody to love? *
/(five GAGA GIRLS enter.//
/(laughter from GAGA GIRLS) /
Check out the weirdo, girls! Scaramouche:
*Each morning I get up I die a little
Yellow: Can barely stand on my feet (take a look at yourself)
Don't your mum download you anything decent to wear? Take a look in the mirror and cry (and cry)
Lord, what you doing to me
I spent all my years to believe in you
But I just can't get no relief, Lord *
Somebody (somebody), ooh somebody (somebody) Got no feel, I got no rhythm
Can anybody find me somebody to love I just keep losing my beat (You just keep losing and losing!)
* I'm OK, I'm all right (she's ok - she's all right)
And I ain't gonna face no defeat
Purple: I just gotta get out of this prison cell (prison cell)
Somebody to love you? Yeah, right! One day I'm gonna be free, Lord!

Blue: (Find me somebody to love

Hello! That is SO not going to happen. Find me somebody to love
Find me somebody to love
Purple: Find me somebody to love
Stop daydreaming and get a virtual life! Find me somebody to love)

Scaramouche (& GaGas): Find me, find me oh...

*I work hard (she works hard)
Every day of my life (somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody
I work till I ache in my bones * Somebody find me somebody to love)

*At the end (at the end of the day) Can anybody find me somebody to love
I take home my broken heart all on my own Somebody to love!
I get down (down) on my knees (knees) *
And I start to pray (praise the lord)
Till the tears run down from my eyes (oooh) /(KHASHOGGI and two MINIONS enter. GAGA GIRLS scatter and exit) /
Oh somebody (somebody), ooh somebody (somebody)
Can anybody find me somebody to love Khashoggi:
How very touching, young lady. But surely you understand that the
Everyday (everyday) company loves you. Arrest her.
I try and I try and I try
But everybody wants to put me down /(the MINIONS grab SCARAMOUCHE and they sink into the floor.
They say I'm going crazy KHASHOGGI leaves. //
They say I got a lot of water on my brain
I got no common sense Voice:
I got nobody left to believe Workers of Globalsoft - junior executives, senior executives,
Yeah! *
vice-presidents, presidents, chairmen, chairwomen, chairtransexuals The Globalsoft board and I have been discussing your recent security
and chair-androgynous-artificially-created-lifeforms. Please prepare to memo. We want answers. Can you hear me? Is the resistance
welcome the chief executive officer of Globalsoft planet-wide - destroyed?
[email protected]/theWorld //
/(KILLER QUEEN enters// Yes - and no, ma'am.

Killer Queen: Killer Queen:

*To avoid complications What?
I never keep the same address
In conversation I email like a baroness Khashoggi:
Met a man from China Yes, I can hear you. No, the resistance is not destroyed.
Went down to Geisha Minah
But then again incidentally Killer Queen:
If you're that way inclined Well, what of the old librarian you've been torturing? Do you take the
text that he discovered seriously?
Perfume came virtually from Paris
For cars I couldn't care less Khashoggi:
Fastidious and precise Yes, ma'am, I'm afraid I do.
I'm a Killer Queen
Gunpowder gelatine /(shocked gasp from YES THINGS. Raised eyebrow from KILLER
Dynamite with a laser beam QUEEN) /
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Anytime The legend clearly stated that musical instruments still exist
somewhere on Planet Mall, at the place of champions, hidden within the
*Drop of a hat I'm as willing as living rock.
Playful as a pussycat
Then momentarily out of action Killer Queen:
Temporarily out of gas But which rock, and where? The whole damn planet's a rock, if you
To absolutely drive you wild, wild didn't know!
I'm out to get you *
Yes Things:
Commander Khashoggi! Ha ha!

/(KHASHOGGI enters stage right) / Killer Queen:

And what of this shining star that is supposed to guide us? I have had
the company's finest astronomers combing the heavens for months. Give me your life
There is no new star! Don't play hard to get
It's a free world
Khashoggi: All you have to do is fall in love
Not that we've spotted, ma'am, certainly. Play the game
Everybody play the game of love
Killer Queen:
Well, star or no star, I intend to blast every rock on Planet Mall to My game of love has just begun
smithereens, just in case! Stonehenge. Mount Rushmore. The famed Love runs from my head down to your toes
Victoria Beckham Belly Button Diamond. If these grim tools of freedom My love is pumping through your veins
do exist, I shall find them! (Play the game)
Driving you insane
/(synchronised double clap from YES THINGS) / Come, come, play the game
Play the game, play the game, play the game *
As always, ma'am, you leave me limp with excitement. This is your life - don't play hard to get
It's a free free world
/(he leaves) / All you have to do is fall in love
Play the game
Killer Queen: Everybody play the game of love *
And now, let us return to the real business of Globalsoft. The business
of the complete appropriation of the imagination of every kid on Planet *Of love, of love, of love, of love *
Mall. Take a memo! Email to all consumers planetwide. 'Dear
everybody inthe world - get online you pleasure seekers, and download /(Fade to black. Exit KILLER QUEEN and YES THINGS. Lights up to
the Killer reveal GALILEO, seated in the green laser cage, and KHASHOGGI and
Queen!' ** two MINIONS standing behind him) /

*Open up your mind and let me step inside Khashoggi:

Rest your weary head and let your heart decide We found your laptop, boy. And read the notes you keep.
It's so easy when you know the rules
It's so easy all you have to do is fall in love Galileo:
Play the game So pigs can read! You'll be flying next.
Everybody play the game of love
When you're feeling down and your resistance is low What does 'a-wop-bop-a-loo-bop, a-lop-bam-boo' mean?
Take a cyber-shopping trip and let yourself go
Galileo: Khashoggi
Isn't it obvious? It means 'a-wop-bop-a-loo-bop, a-lop-b-b-bam-boo'. Tell me, Galileo, do you know what a 'bohemian' is?

Khashoggi: Galileo:
Do you really have a girl named Daisy who almost drives you crazy? Haven't you got it yet? I don't know what anything is!

Galileo: Khashoggi:
Of course! And she knows how to love me, yes indeed, you don't know Excellent, excellent! I think I've found you just in time!
what she's doin' to me:
/(more MINIONS appear at the back of the stage, wheeling a gurney) /
Then where is she? What is her email address? How does she love you? Minion 1:
How does she drive you crazy? Is she a drug pusher? The Seven Seas of Rhye, Commander?

Galileo: Khashoggi:
You're madder than I am, pig! There is no girl named Daisy! I wish there No, not yet. Eventually, yes. But first I think this boy may have his
was:.I just wrote it, that's all. It appeared in my head! uses!

Khashoggi: /(the MINIONS pick GALILEO up, sit him on the gurney, and wheel it
Don't play games with me, boy! I'll make you wish you'd never been off) /
Khashoggi to Killer Queen!
Don't you think I wish that every day? /(the video screen descends, depicting KILLER QUEEN. Hands are
Kashoggi: her hair) /

Where is Penny Lane? What are the Strawberry Fields? Killer Queen:
'Under ground, over ground, wombling free'. What means this dark and Yes, Commander?
cryptic text, boy?
Galileo: Good news, ma'am!
I wish I knew! Oh, sweet mother, I wish I knew:.
Killer Queen:
It had better be; I'm having my hair done. /(to one side)/ Get me a
skinny latte! /(hands disappear)/ So?
Khashoggi: Oh, they want it all, ma'am, and they want it now. They want their
I believe the last of the remaining rebels will soon be within my 'rhapsody'.
clutches, ma'am!
Killer Queen:
Killer Queen: That is a prescribed word, Commander! No such state of being exists!
Then you must crush them without mercy!
Khashoggi: Not yet -
My, my, ma'am, you are an eager beaver.
Killer Queen:
Killer Queen: Not ever! The bohemian rhapsody is a myth! A myth, do you hear me?
Just leave my eager beaver out of this! We were discussing the rebels. Have you not reported that the euphoria they seek can only be
unleashed through music? Real, live music?
Yes. The last thing we want to do is worry the GaGa kids. Particularly Khashoggi:
now, with summer upon us once more. That is certainly what they believe, ma'am.

Killer Queen: Killer Queen:

There are no seasons in the virtual world, Commander! Then there will be no rhapsody! For there are no instruments left on
Planet Mall! And the kids will never, ever make their own music again!!
Not online, ma'am, but sadly the physical world still exists. It's hot
out there - hot, and edgy. The rivers are drying up, the lakes are //GALILEO is lying on one (stage left) and SCARAMOUCHE on the other
evaporating, and resistance is growing. (stage right). They are toe to toe, lying down with bandages round their
heads. They see each other and sit up) /
Killer Queen:
The bohemians! Galileo:
Hey! G-g-gaGa girl! Who are you?
But of course, ma'am! Scaramouche:
I ain't no GaGa girl! And I don't answer questions. Who're you?
Killer Queen:
Who are these people? What do they want? Galileo:
I'm - I don't know who I am. But my name is Galileo Figaro.
Cool name. Yes, I - I know I'm different! That's why the boys in the boyzone hate
Thank you! Scaramouche:
The GaGa girls hate me.
I wasn't being serious. Mind if I shorten it? Galileo:
Well, do you know why they hate you?
Well, I suppose 'Galileo' would be - Scaramouche:

Scaramouche: Dunno. Just do.

So, Gazza, tell me, why were you arrested?
Galileo: No, they hate you because they're scared of you. Because you're
Well, because I hear sounds in my head. Words and sounds. I'm mad, different - you're an individual.
you see.
Scaramouche: What do you think they did to us?
I was arrested because they don't like the way I dress!
Galileo: I don't know!
I think you dress beautifully.
Scaramouche: Do you think they'll ever give up? And just leave us alone?
That's nice. 'Cept coming from a self-confessed nutter, not. So what
sounds do you hear? Galileo:
Don't you see? We're a threat! A virus on their hard drive. And they
Galileo: won't give up until they've pointed their little arrow at us:
I don't know -
Scaramouche: :and dragged us to trash!
Do you know anything?
Galileo: Weve gotta get out of here. Hey, what that youve got?
off-camera. KILLER QUEEN and KHASHOGGI enters stage right) /
Oh, this? Its an antique passed down from my Great great Khashoggi:
grandmother. They were used to keep hairstyles in place before cyber We've searched the rubble, ma'am. And what's more, no instruments
kinetic moulding glue was invented. were found.

Galileo: Killer Queen:

Here move closer Then we've won, Khashoggi. The bohemians will never achieve their
//Some activity, and eventually Galileo manages to free his hands from
handcuffs, and sets Scaramouche free too// Khashoggi:
With respect, ma'am, the bohemians remain dangerous. All they need is
Scaramouche: aleader, that's all it takes. One young rebel, one crazy kid with a
So - where do we go? dream, a guitar, and a bad-arsed babe to fight for.

Galileo: Killer Queen:

Well - out into the night! Out into the streets! We're rebels now! Could such a hero exist?
'Cause baby, we were born to run!
Scaramouche: Oh, but he does already, ma'am. He just doesn't know it yet. He doesn't
Don't call me baby! know himself at all. But I don't know, I've always had a talent for
spotting potential.
I'm sorry, it was just a phrase I heard in my head - Killer Queen:
And crushing it!
Yeah? Keep it there. Khashoggi:
Well, that is my job, ma'am! And with the last dream extinguished,
/(they leave. A video screen descends, showing a TV PRESENTER there'll be nothing left on Planet Mall but entirely untrammelled
standing in front of Stonehenge) / marketing, and completely uncritical consumers. You put them together
and what do you get?
Stonehenge. Ancient monument to antiquity. Constant and unchanging, Killer Queen:
itsmighty rocks will stand forever - Alchemy, Khashoggi! Pure alchemy!

/(Stonehenge explodes, throwing the PRESENTER to one side and

*One dream, one soul *This flame that burns inside of me
One prize, one goal I'm hearing secret harmonies*
One golden glance of what should be *
GAGA Kids:
/(enter chorus of GAGA KIDS) / *It's a kind of magic*

GAGA Kids: Killer Queen:

*It's a kind of magic* *There rings a bell inside your mind*

Khashoggi: Both:
*One shaft of light that shows the way *We're challenging the doors of time *
No mortal man can win the day*
GAGA Kids:
*It's a kind of magic* *It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic*
*The bell that rings inside your mind All:
Is challenging the doors of time* *This is (this is) a kind (a kind) of magic (yeah)
There can't be only one
Killer Queen: This - - - - that - - - - a thousand years
*The waiting seems eternity Will soon be done
The day has dawned of sanity * Now we are one! * //

*Is this a kind of magic?* /(fade to black. Stage clears. We hear voices from off stage) /

GAGA Kids: Brit:

*It's a kind of magic* It's pretty clear up there, Meat!

Both: Meat:
*There can't be only one Are you sure the cops have gone?
This reign will last a thousand years
We will live on* Brit:
I'm going up to the surface!
Killer Queen:
Be careful - I'm coming up too! Sometimes I wish you didn't care so much about this stuff. Sometimes I
wish we'd never even heard of 'the vibe'.
No! You are so stubborn! Brit:
You don't mean that!
Yeah - but that's what you love about me! Meat:
No, I suppose not. But I miss you so much, baby - it's tougher every
Brit: time you go away.
So, what we got?
/(MEAT drops a rucksack on the ground) / I'll be back - I always come back! And one day, I'll bring the Dreamer
with me.
Not much. It's mainly plastics and hydrocarbons. But, we got a sheet of Meat:
tin that we can wobble. Some pebbles that make a nice rattle, and a Sometimes I think it's us that's dreaming. Perhaps the music really did
bottle we can blow across, and a piece of wire to twang. die.

Brit: Brit:
Sweet, sweet music! If only we could find another bit of wood to bang It's only sleeping, babes! It's in a deep, deep sleep. It won't be me
against the one we've got. that wakes it - but one day, I'll find the man who can. And if I could
just find it, that lost vibe, then we could share our love with the
Meat: whole world! And you know what we get then, don't you babes? We
Ill find one! could have it all!

Brit: /(we hear voices off stage. BRIT and MEAT hide behind the van.
No. Your job is to take this stuff back to the Heartbreak. GALILEO and SCARAMOUCHE enter from the back of the stage.
GALILEO is jumping about enthusiastically, SCARAMOUCHE is just
Meat: mooching along) /
But Brit -
Brit: My whole life, I mean all my life, I've always known that I had some
No. I travel alone. You know that. How can I do the things I have to do, kind of purpose, y'know, some special destiny! That has to mean
if all I'm thinking about is you? something, surely.

Scaramouche: Scaramouche:
Oh, it does. That you're a self-important, arrogant pig.
Fine - what 'special destiny'? Scaramouche? Isn't that bit - sort of pants.

Galileo: Galileo:
It has to do with the stuff I dream. The voices - they always come back Well, I did dream some others, but frankly I thought it was the best.
to the same thing. Well - I see a big, wide space. And people - people
everywhere. And noise - huge, huge noise! And then - then come the Scaramouche:
words. What were the others?

Scaramouche: Galileo:
Ooh, what words? /(sarcastic)/ Long tall Sally. Honky-tonk woman. Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Or
fat-bottomed girl.
'Seek out the place of living rock. A bright, bright star will lead the Scaramouche:
way. Go to where the champions played!' Okay, I'll take Scaramouche. Scaramouche! Actually, I quite like it.
Sounds kinda anarchic. It's almost like what I think they used to call a
Scaramouche: 'tune'.
Sounds like rubbish to me.
Galileo: A tune? Yeah:
Hey! Y'know, I dreamed a name for you too, I think. Scaramouche, Scaramouche - will you do the fandango?

Scaramouche: Scaramouche:
How could you do that? I mean, you only met me today. What's doing the fandango?

Galileo: Galileo:
Yes, but I always knew I'd meet you. I always knew there was another I think perhaps it's dancing.
rebel out there, another wild thing.
Scaramouche: You mean like GaGa moves? Excuse me while I puke. Globalsoft write
Okay - so what do you want to call me? the songs, then work out the steps, and every kid on Planet Mall does
exactly the same thing.

Galileo: Scaramouche:
No - I think that there was a time when dancing wasn't like that. When Okay - so we're friends.
it was more free. You know? Kind of individually expressive.
/(GALILEO dances, allegedly) / This is so cool!

Scaramouche: Scaramouche:
I don't think I've ever seen anything quite so embarassing in my life. As long as you promise to work on your dancing.

Galileo: Meat:
Well, it looks better when I'm holding a tennis racket. Let's get them!

Scaramouche: /(MEAT and BRIT run out from behind the van. BRIT grabs GALILEO
It would have to! and shoves him against the side of the van. MEAT tries to grab
SCARAMOUCHE but has less success) /
Look. Maybe doing the fandango is just about being friends. Meat:
Where'd your boyfriend get those words?
Friends? Well, I never had a friend. Scaramouche:
What words?
You amaze me. Meat:
He calls you Scaramouche! He's read the fragments, he knows the holy
Scaramouche: texts!
I always thought I'd quite like one, though.
Galileo: I don't know any holy texts, I don't know what you're talking about!
So, we are friends then?
Scaramouche: Long tall Sally! Honky-tonk woman! The words, man, the words from
If you want. the past!

Oh, I do, I really do!

Meat: Meat:
You've seen the fragments - you've been to the Heartbreak Hotel! Then test him! And his chick!
You're a spy!
Galileo: His 'chick'? What am I now, poultry?
No, I said I don't know what you're talking about, I hear these words in
my head, that's all! Meat:
Test him!
Who are you? Brit:
*Mama, just killed a man
Galileo: Put a gun against his head
I don't know! Why do people keep asking me that? I am the walrus! Pulled my trigger, now he's dead *
This is Major Tom to Ground Control. Can you hear the drums,
Fernando? I am the dancing queen! /(BRIT points at GALILEO, who hesitates before continuing) /

Brit: Galileo:
You just hear these holy words, in your head?
Yes! I don't know where they come from! It's driving me mad, all these *Mama, life had just begun
phrases and sounds, just stupid, useless phrases:.I mean, what the hell But now I've gone and thrown it all away *
is a tambourine man? What's the story, morning glory? Who WAS the
real Slim Shady? It's torture! But all I know, and I don't even know why Brit:
I know it, is that I really, really, really wanna zig-a-zig-ah. He knows the text - but he's never read it! He's the man!

Brit: Meat:
Meat, I think we've found him! This dude's the one! He's the man! But what does it mean? Tell us! Who is Mama, who's been killed, why
has it all been thrown away?
I say he's a spy! Galileo:
I don't know!
No! He's the Dreamer! The one we've been waiting for! Meat:
We've been searching for the meaning all our lives!

Galileo: To be a shooting star, a tiger?
I said, I don't know, I see these things in my mind, that's all! **
*Mama, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh - * Defying the laws of gravity!

/(MEAT and BRIT grab him to shut him up) / Meat:

Are you ready to be champions!
You have to come with us. Scaramouche:
Nah, sounds a bit boring if you ask me.
Not her. We don't need her. Galileo:
Hey, I'm not going anywhere without Scaramouche. Scaramouche:
I'm joking, Gazza, of course I want to go!
Who says I want to go anywhere? These people could be killers! Brit:
Then understand this! If you come with us, if you join the bohemians,
Brit: there's no going back to GaGa land. You'll be an outcast, forever, no
We are, baby! Killers, thrillers, and bizmillahs! longer a member of the consuman race.

Meat: Scaramouche:
We're the resistance - the last hope! Sounds perfect. Let's go!

Brit: Meat:
We are the bohemians! *And you're rushing headlong, you've got a new goal
And you're rushing headlong out of control*
And now you have a choice. Are you ready to break free? Brit:

Brit: *And you think you're so strong

Do you want it all? But there ain't no stopping and there's nothin'
You can do about it*
*Woo! There's nothin' you can do *Oop diddy diddy, oop diddy doo*
No there's nothin' you can do about it*
Brit: *Oh, now they start freaking everywhere you turn
*No there's nothing you can* You can't start walking 'cos your feet got burned*

Galileo: Meat:
*Nothing you can* *It ain't no time to figure wrong from right
Cause reasons out the window, better hold on tight*
*Nothing you can* All:
*Headlong down the highway
Meat: And you're rushing headlong, out of control
*Do about it* And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping and there's*
Where're we going? Brit:
We're going down! // Meat:
/(the van and the streetlamps disappear. A collage of sweet, fast food
and clothing logos scrolls up and the Heartbreak Hotel forms at the Galileo:
back of the stage as the song continues) / *Nothing*

Galileo: Scaramouche:
*When a red hot man meets a white hot lady* *Nothing*

All: All:
*Oop diddy diddy, oop diddy doo* *Nothing you can, nothing you can
Nothing you can do about it
Scaramouche: Headlong! *
*Soon the fire starts to burn and gets 'em more than half crazy*
All: Welcome to the Heartbreak Hotel!
/(the Heartbreak Hotel turns out to be the old, broken down He calls the chick Scaramouche.
Court Road tube station. Other BOHEMIANS come on stage) / Scaramouche:
What is this chick business? Do I have feathers? Do I lay eggs?
Big Macca:
Who're these two, Brit? Big Macca:
Hey! Baby! We believe there was a time, when if a cool dude wished to
Brit: refer to his red hot momma, he would use the term 'chick'. It was a
I think I've found him. The one we've been waiting for. mark of respect.

Big Macca: Scaramouche:

The Dreamer? Just because he has a leather jacket does not make him Something tells me you've got that wrong.
the wild one. Looks like a clone from the 'zone to me.
Big Macca:
Brit: Well, well, we're getting off the point here. The point is that this
He calls himself Galileo. dude is a spy.

Big Macca: Galileo:

Galileo? Then he must have seen the texts! He's a spy! I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't ask to be brought here!
I don't know who you people are, or anything about your stupid texts!
That's what I said! Brit:
Look, he just knows the stuff! It's in his head!
/(BOHEMIANS head towards GALILEO, threateningly) /
Brit: What are these texts, anyway?
Look, anyone who wants to kill the dude has to come past me!
Big Macca:
/(the BOHEMIANS are suitably scared, and back off) / Just fragments, nothing more. Stuff that we, and other bohemians
across the Global Shopping Precinct have found.
He hasn't seen the texts. How could he? We guard them with our lives!
Aretha (?):
Meat: Yeah, tons of stuff. Magazines -
He says he dreams the words.
What? Mag-a-zines? Me? I'm the biggest, baddest, meanest, nastiest, ugliest, most raging,
rapping, rock'n'roll, sick, punk, heavy metal psycho that ever
Big Macca: got get-down funky. They call me - Britney Spears.
They were like websites, but made of paper. You could touch them. And
posters, which were weird, static commercials, stuck to walls. We take Galileo:
our names from these clues to the age of rock. And what is this place, this Heartbreak Hotel?

Aretha: Big Macca:

I'm Aretha. It's a rebel base! The last free-thinking zone on Planet Mall!

Big Macca: Scaramouche:

And I am Paul McCartney. They call me Big Macca. But how'd you get all this great stuff?

Meat: Meat:
I'm Meat. Meatloaf. We find it! We're scavengers. There's tons of it if you know where to
look. Here, help yourself if you like. /(indicating a shopping cart full
Madonna: of clothes)/
I'm Madonna.
Prince: Like? I used to dream about getting my hands on gear like this!
They call me Prince.
Cliff: Well, get some on you! You're a bohemian now!
I'm Cliff Richard.
Big Macca:
Jackson 5: Girls, please! I am talking to the man!
Jackson Five.
Bob: Makes a change from talking out of your bum. /(to SCARAMOUCHE)/
And I'm Bob. Bob the poet; Bob the rebel; Bob the prophet - I am Bob Go on, hen, there's loads back there.
the Builder.
/(SCARAMOUCHE exits) /
And who are you? /(to BRIT)/ Big Macca:
As I was saying. This is a rebel base. But it is also a shrine. A shrine
to everything we believe in. And, a place to remember the long dead Kurt Cobain.
Galileo: Janis Joplin.
What king?
Big Macca: Jim Morrisson.
Little is known about him, except that his name was Pelvis. A kid from
nowhere, who sang like an angel, and danced like the devil. A teenage Big Macca:
truck driver who broke free to become a mighty rebel - a rebel that Bob Marley. John Lennon.
spawned a thousand rebels!
Prince: Freddy:
But he was too wild, too free. And when he wiggled his hips he made
thekids feel good about themselves! So they took him and they cut off *A hand above the water
his hair. An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in Heaven
Big Macca: Do you want us to cry
They shaved off his cool, greasy, standup quiff, like he was a convict:
And everywhere the broken-hearted
Prince: On every lonely avenue
:and they put him in the army. No one could reach them
No one but you
Then they humiliated him. The king was forced to make foolish movies, One by one
singing nursery rhymes to gangs of grinning children. He was ashamed. Only the good die young
It broke his spirit. He took refuge in drugs, pills and fast food. They're only flying to close to the sun
Life goes on
Big Macca: Without you

Just like a million kids that followed. The king was dead, and many Another tricky situation
kings and heroes died thereafter. Their songs are lost, but their names I get to drowning in the blues
live on. We remember the ones that died young. Buddy Holly. Jimi And I find myself thinking
Hendrix. What would you do?

Aretha: Yes, it was such an operation

Forever paying every due
Hell, you made a sensation (sensation!) Prince:
You found a way through (found a way through) It's style!

*And one by one Brit:

Only the good die young It's rebellion!
They're only flying too close to the sun*
*We'll remember, forever Big Macca:
It's freedom!
And now the party must be over
I guess we'll never understand Galileo:
The sense of your leaving Yes, but - what actually is it?
Was it the way it was planned?
Big Macca:
And so we grace another table We don't know.
And raise our glasses one more time
There's a face at the window /(enter SCARAMOUCHE, newly attired) /
And I ain't never, never saying goodbye *
*One by one Ta da!
Only the good die young
They're only flying too close to the sun* Meat:
Hey, this girl has taste!
*Crying for nothing
Crying for no one Scaramouche:
No one but you * What do you mean? It's all your stuff!

Galileo: Meat:
So - you mean all those heroes died for rock'n'roll? But what is Yeah, but it's all about the combinations! Isn't that right, Prince?
Brit: Right! Exactly!
Gazza, baby! Rock'n'roll is anything you want it to be!
Big Macca:
Cliff: People, please! I'm talking to the man!
It's lightning!
Brit: *This thing called love I just can't handle it*
You tell 'em, Big Macca!
Big Macca: *This thing called love I must get round to it*
All we know is that there came a day when rock'n'roll - died. But, we
all believe that in time, there will come a man who carries the past Brit:
within him. Someone who can remember. Somewhere on Planet Mall *I ain't ready*
there areinstruments, there must be. If Britney is right, you are the man
who can find them. Both:
*Crazy little thing called love *
But I don't even know what they look like! Meat:
*This thing (this thing)
Brit: Called love (called love)
I do! It cries (like a baby)
In a cradle all night*
/(BRIT goes off stage and returns with an instrument made out of a tea
chest, a pole and some wire) / Brit:
*It swings (woo woo)
I've been working on this for months! Can't play it though. // It jives (woo woo)
It shakes all over like a jelly fish*
/(another bohemian takes it and plucks a few notes) /
Sweet, sweet noise! And when you get that vibe, all you need is your *I kinda like it
baby! You see, Galileo, what passes for music these days is only created Crazy little thing called love *
for money, which is why it has no soul. But when rock'n'roll started, do
you know why they did it? Brit:
*There goes my baby
Galileo: She knows how to rock 'n' roll
No, why? She drives me crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Brit: She leaves me in a cool cool sweat *
They did it for their babies, of course! They did it for a crazy little
thing called love! Oh yeah! ** *Oh yeah *

*I gotta be cool, relax, get hip

And get on my tracks Crazy little thing called love *
Take a back seat, hitchhike
Take a long ride on my motorbike *Oh yeah! *
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love * /(sirens sound. KHASHOGGI and several COPS appear in and around
theHeartbreak) /
*I gotta be cool, relax, get hip Oh yeah indeed. So finally I'm checking into the Heartbreak Hotel. So,
And get on my tracks* Mr McCartney, I say hello, and you say goodbye:

Scaramouche: Brit:
*Take a back seat* No! You'll never take the Dreamer while I'm alive!

Galileo: /(Fight, to the intro of 'Ogre Battle'. The COPs herd the
*Hitchhike* BOHEMIANS off,and fight BRIT, who collapses to the floor. Lights
out, safety curtaindown, house lights up for the interval)/
*And take a long ride on my motorbike*


*Until I'm ready

Crazy little thing called love *

*This thing called love I just can't handle it

This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready *

*Crazy little thing called love

Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
*Act 2 * *No hate, no fight
Just excitation
Gaga Kids: All through the night
It's a celebration
*One plan, one goal Wowowowowowo yeah
One mission One one one one one one one*
No heart, no soul
Just one solution *All we hear is radio Ga Ga
One flash of light Video Goo Goo
Yeah, one God, one vision Internet Ga Ga
One flesh, one bone All we hear is cyberspace Ga Ga
One true religion Internet Ga Ga
One voice, one hope Marketing blah-blah
One real decision Oh, oh!*
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah * *One flesh, one bone
One true religion
*I had a dream when I was young* One voice, one hope
One real decision*
*A dream of sweet illusion*
*Give us one light, yeah
*A glimpse of hope and unity* Give us one hope, hey
Just give us
*And visions of one sweet union* One plan, one scam
One star, one night, one day, hey hey
*But a cold wind blows Just gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
And a dark rain falls Fried chicken
And in my heart it shows (vision, vision, vision, vision, vision)*
Look what they've done to my dreams *
/(the video screens disappear and the van is back, plus a backdrop of
*One vision graffiti'd concrete. GALILEO and SCARAMOUCHE climb up through a
Give us your hand, give us your heart trapdoor stage left) /
Ready? There's only one direction
One world, one nation Galileo:
One television* How did Khashoggi find the Heartbreak Hotel?

He must have some way of tracking us! OK, crush them.

Galileo: Scaramouche:
The hospital! When they operated on our heads! What, a couple of state-of-the-art micro-transceivers? No way, I'll just
activate the maximum negativity spectrum.
/(he peers at SCARAMOUCHE's hair)/
I think I've found something! What?

/(SCARAMOUCHE produces a penknife and hands it to him) / Scaramouche:

I'll turn them off.
Cut it out! /(they sit on the edge of the mattress that is, conveniently, inside the
van) /
What? Galileo:
It's over, Scaramouche. Do you realise that? The bohemians are
Scaramouche: finished. The Heartbreak Hotel is destroyed. Only we escaped.
Gazza, if there are bugs in our heads, then the police will track us
down in hours! Cut it out. Scaramouche:
Britney Spears died to save us. To save you.
/(he does) /
Galileo: And he will not die in vain! It's up to us, now. We're part of the
He's had us from the start! He's heard everything! underworld, Scaramouche. You, and me. Cast adrift. There's no turning
back now. Not ever.
/(SCARAMOUCHE takes the bug from him and talks into it) /
Scaramouche: I never belonged anyway. Did you notice - you've lost your stutter?
Hello! Pervert! It's a short sentence, the second word is 'off'.
Galileo: Well, I feel different.
All right, now me.
/(she does so and peers at both the bugs) / We're both different. For the first time in my life, I don't hate myself.
Yet slips away from us *
And I don't want to die. I've found something to live for. *Who wants to live forever*

Scaramouche: Both:
The dream? *Who wants to live forever
Who *
No, you! Galileo:
But:..we will be caught in the end. You know that, don't you? *There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
Scaramouche: This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us *
Yeah. I know. And probably killed.
*Who wants to live forever*
I love you, Scaramouche. Both:
*Who wants to live forever
Scaramouche: Who dares to love forever*
I love you too, Gaz.
Galileo: *Oh, when love must die! *
Do you think, just this once, you could use my full name?
Scaramouche: *But touch my tears with your lips*
I love you too, Gazza:.Fizza:.
Galileo: *Touch my world with your fingertips*
Then if I have your love, time doesn't matter much at all, does it?
Scaramouche: *And we can have forever
And we can love forever*
*There's no time for us *Forever is ours today *
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams Both:
*Who wants to live forever And I would rather you did not call me 'pig'.
Who wants to live forever*
Scaramouche: Pig's too good for you!
*Forever is ours*
Galileo: Hurt her, too!
*Who waits forever, anyway? * //
/(they kiss and disappear inside the van. Fade to black, then lights up *Flash! Aah!*
to reveal six BOHEMIANS (including MEAT and PRINCE), seated, each
with aMINION to their right. KHASHOGGI is suspended in, well, a ship) Khashoggi:
/ In fact - hurt them all!

Khashoggi: Bohemians:
What do you know of the phrase 'living rock'? Where is the place of *Flash! Aah! *
Bob: For what it's worth, your 'Dreamer' knows no more about the place of
They're freedom words, pig! Words the Dreamer used! We don't know living rock than you or I. He's just a poor idiot, parroting phrases he
whatthey mean! does not understand. Still, he lead me to you, and for that I am grateful.

Minion 1: Prince:
He tells the truth, Commander Khashoggi. I've applied a search Are you going to kill us?
programto one of his brain functions and I find no evidence of deceit.
Khashoggi: Please, Mr Prince! Globalsoft is not some medieval inquisition! We're
Pity! Hurt him anyway! // merely going to kill your souls - and empty your brains of such absurd
notions as real music and individual thought.
/(Bob jerks backward) /
Jackson 5:
Bohemians: You're sending us to the Seven Seas of Rhye!?
*Flash! Aah!*
Khashoggi: Dreamer! Follow us! Bohemians, give him your power! Make your last
thoughts the Dream! Give out the good, leave out the bad evil cries
I challenge the mighty Titan and his troubadours
Khashoggi: And with a smile
Good night, Miss Loaf:. I'll take you to the seven seas of Rhye *

Bohemians: Bohemians:
*Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside
Khashoggi: Oh, I do like to be beside the sea
*Fear me you lords and lady preachers There are lots of girls beside, oh I do like to be beside
I descend upon your Earth from the skies Beside the seaside, beside the sea *//
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine /(fade to black, then lights up to show the van again. It is the next
The seven seas of Rhye * morning) /

*Can you hear me you peers and privy councillors Galileo:

I stand before you naked to the eyes Meatloaf - no - Prince - argh! The Seven Seas of Rhye! //
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
I swear that you'll be mine /(he throws back the curtain and sits up. SCARAMOUCHE wakes and
The seven seas of Rhye sits up beside him) /
*Sister - I live and lie for you Well, good morning Gazza!
Mister - do and I'll die
You are mine I possess you Galileo:
I belong to you forever-ever-ever-aah *// I had this dream! And it was - -
I have to go to the Seven Seas of Rhye! I had a dream about Big Macca
/(KHASHOGGI leaves his ship and dances past the row of BOHEMIANS. and the others. I dreamt that there were these cops, and cages made of
One by one, their minds are emptied) / ** lasers, and -

*Storm the master-marathon I'll fly through Scaramouche:

By flash and thunder-fire and Gazza, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, more boring than people
I'll survive - I'll survive - I'll survive wanting to describe their dreams to you.
Then I'll defy the laws of nature and come out alive
Then I'll get you Galileo:
Be gone with you - you shod and shady senators No, but really -
Scaramouche: But it's pretty dangerous! I mean, the police are bound to still be
No, trust me on this. It kills relationships stone dead. The morning one looking for us. I say we should hide out here, for two
partner wakes up and says 'it was amazing, there was a rabbit, in a or three days -
bowler hat, cooking an omelette' - that is when love dies.
Galileo: No, Scaramouche! I still haven't found what I'm looking for! I want the
But, Scaramouche, I'm sure of it! The bohemians are headed across the world and I want it now! You can't stop until you get enough! Billie-Jean
Seven Seas of Rhye! is not my lover. She's just a girl that claims that I am the one. The kid is
not my son.
I know! Scaramouche:
I think it's somewhere in the Europrecinct of Planet Mall. And there was Galileo:
water. Lots of water! And - what? Nothing. I don't know where that last bit came from. I'm going, but I
will be back for you.
I know about the Seven Seas of Rhye. They're not seas at all, no, Scaramouche:
they're rivers. Rivers that supply a lake. They used to call it Lake Hang on, what do you mean? There'll be police all over the place. I
Geneva. The spirit of rock is very strong there. It's where they put all should go, not you.
the misfits, the rebels.
Galileo: Forget it, Scaramouche. This is my fight.
But, this is incredible, Scaramouche! We had the same dream! It's like
we're soulmates - split-aparts - kindred spirits! Scaramouche:
How'd you work that out?
No, Gaz, I didn't have any dream. I just reversed the polarity on these Galileo:
micro-transceivers. I've been monitoring police headquarters. Because I'm 'the man'. Britney Spears said so!

Galileo: Scaramouche:
Gee. You really know how to make a guy feel inadequate. We really Exactly! Which is why it's stupid of you to risk your life! I'm
have to get to the Seven Seas of Rhye dispensable. You should stay here.

Scaramouche: Galileo:
Oh, right. Like I'm going to let my chick fight my battles for me. Galileo:
Well - if you say so!
Let your chick?! Excuse me!? Scaramouche:
Right! From now on, our relationship is purely professional. We've got a
Galileo: job to do, and we'll do it, and that's all.
That's it, Scaramouche! Must everything always be a fight with you? I
thought you'd mellowed out! Galileo:
Well, suits me! But I'm going to the Seven Seas! //
Well, I haven't! Scaramouche:
Well, so am I! And if, when we get there, you get caught, and the Dream
Galileo: is lost, and the kids are enslaved till the end of time - well, you're
Well, it's really starting to irritate me! going to feel a bit bloody stupid, that's all!

Oh no. My heart just broke. //Killer Queens Castle//

Galileo: Khashoggi:
Look, you're my girlfriend! I want to protect you! M'am, I bring splendid news! My officers have been successful in
breaking up the bohemian stronghold! The Heartbreak Hotel is
Scaramouche: destroyed!
Just cos youre The Man doesnt mean you own me, yknow!
Killer Queen:
Galileo: But Khashoggi - this is wonderful! Incredible! A triumph! The resistance
You are such a pain with this constant female assertion thing! is vanquished! We've won!

Scaramouche: Khashoggi:
Fine! Well, at least we know now where we stand! Yes, ma'am. Unfortunately -

Galileo: Killer Queen:

Yes, we do! *Tonight! I'm gonna have myself a real good time
I feel alive
Scaramouche: And the world is turning inside out
Which is not together! Floating around in ecstasy
* Khashoggi:
They are individuals, ma'am! The most dangerous enemy of all! I'd
Khashoggi: rather face a massed army of nuclear-powered cyber-cops that one
Ma'am, if I might just interrupt - crazy kid with a dream.

Killer Queen: Killer Queen:

*Don't stop me now! * Don't be ridiculous.

Khashoggi: Khashoggi:
Ma'am, I hate to do it, but - All right, perhaps I was pitching it a bit strong. But the point is, we're
currently stretched to the limit! The summer heat is intense.
Killer Queen: We're encountering serious civil disorder. The rivers and seas that rose
*Don't stop me, 'cause I'm having a good time with global warming are receding again as the planet dehydrates.
Having a good time
I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky Killer Queen:
Like a tiger, defying the laws of gravity - * Who cares? I like hot weather.

Khashoggi: Khashoggi:
Maaaaaaaa'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!! We're having to drain the lakes simply to supply the coke dispensers in
the multiplexes.
/(KILLER QUEEN stops singing and gives KHASHOGGI a filthy look) /
Killer Queen:
I'm afraid you didn't let me finish. We broke up the bohemian That's absurd.
stronghold, but I fear the Dreamer - and his bad-arsed babe - slipped
our clutches. But I don't foresee this as a problem - Khashoggi:
Well, have you seen the size of the cups these days? They've been
Killer Queen: getting bigger for three hundred years. 'Regular' is now the size of a
You lost them? dustbin. Only last week a small child fell into her Sprite and drowned.

Khashoggi: Killer Queen:

Lost them only in the sense of, don't know where they are. I am sick of excuses, Commander Khashoggi. And I am also sick of you.
With your weary, sneery, posey, schmosey, look at me, I'm wearing
Killer Queen: sunglasses in doors crap! Oiling round the place with your snooty little
You fool! You imbecile! You talentless, flat-footed PC Plod! Those two booty in your Armani suity.
pathetic losers are making idiots of us!
Actually, ma'am, it's M&S. They've really rather raised their game Another one bites the dust *
recently, don't you think?
*How do you think I'm going to get along
Killer Queen: Without you when you're gone
Need I remind you, that as well as being businesswoman of the year, I I took you for everything that you've got
am also dynamite with a laser beam! And kicked you out on your own *

Khashoggi: *Are you happy ? Are you satisfied ?

Oh, nobody admires you more than I do ma'am, your gentle manner, How long can you stand the heat
your quiet, unassuming sense of style, your kind and forgiving nature - Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat *
Killer Queen:
*Another one bites the dust
You know what happens to people who dissapoint me! I think Ill have Another one bites the dust
to blow your mind! And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
/(enter chorus of YES THINGS) / Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
*Hey! * *

*She walks warily down the street *Another one bites the dust
With her brim pulled way down low Another one bites the dust, hey hey
Ain't no sound but the sound of her feet Another one bites the dust
Machine guns ready to go Another one bites the dust *
*There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man
*Are you ready, are you ready for this And bring him to the ground
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat You can beat him
Out of the doorway the bullets rip You can cheat him
To the sound of the beat * You can treat him bad and leave him
When he's down, yeah
*Another one bites the dust But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you
Another one bites the dust I'm standing on my own two feet
And another one gone and another one gone Out of the doorway the bullets rip
Another one bites the dust, eh Repeating to the sound of the beat
Hey, I'm gonna get you too *
The bad things in life were so few
*Another one bites the dust Those days are all gone now but one thing remains*
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone Pop:
Yes, another one bites the dust *When I look and I find no change *
Hey, I'm gonna get you too *You can't turn back the clock, you can't turn back the tide
Another one bites the dust * Ain't that a shame?
I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
*Another one bites the dust When life was just a game
Another one bites the dust, hey hey No use in sitting and thinkin' on what you did
Another one bites the dust You can lay back and enjoy it through the kids
Another one bites the dust Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
Yeah, yeah, yeah! * Better sit back and go with the flow
//Pops Bar//
Pop & Bohemians:
Pop: *These are the days of our lives
They've flown in the swiftness of time
*Sometimes I get to thinking These days are all gone now but one thing remains*
I was back in the old days, long ago
When we were kids, when we were young Pop:
Things seemed so perfect then - you know? *When I look and I find
The days were endless Hope still survives
We were crazy, we were young Oh yeah *
The sun was always shining
We just lived for fun /(GALILEO and SCARAMOUCHE enter, stage right) /
Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know
The rest of my life's been just a show * Galileo:
Meatloaf! Guys, you're all here! Oh, it's so good to see you!
/(the backdrop goes up and reveal a barroom scene. The back of the
stage and part of the bar are covered in white drapes. The BOHEMIANS Scaramouche:
sit slumped at tables. POP puts the crate on the bar and walks around How did you escape?
room, replacing drinks and wiping the tables) /
Pop & Bohemians: This is fantastic! The bohemians are back! The fight is on!
*Those were the days of our lives
/(the BOHEMIANS look at GALILEO and SCARAMOUCHE blankly) / Pop:
There is something about this place. It's as if there's a spirit here.
Big Macca: Long ago, before global warming, the lake was much smaller. Who
Do I know you, kid? knows, perhaps there's something down there, beneath the water.
Something these washed-out folk need to be close to.
But - it's me, Big Macca. You know. The man. The Dreamer. Galileo Scaramouche:
Figaro. So who are you?

Big Macca: Pop:

Nah, never heard of him. Buy us a drink. I was a librarian, astral babe. In the place where they keep the secret
histories. I got a little too interested in the stuff I was reading.
What? Scaramouche:
Did they process you?
Come on, you heard the man, buy us a drink! Pop:
They tried to, but I guess I knew too much. They couldn't zap it all. I
Galileo: may be pretty screwed up, but I'm still the most together guy here at
Meatloaf? the Seven Seas. That's why I'm the barman.

Pop: Scaramouche:
Your friends aren't there, dude. Their bodies are, but their spirits So you remember something of what you read? Of the secret histories?
have gone. They've been processed.
Galileo: I remember one story. A legend so strong and powerful they could not
What do you mean? wipe it from my brain. Would you like to here it.

Pop: Scaramouche:
This is where they all come - the guys and chicks who tried to break on Nah, I thought we'd just have a drink and get lost. Of course we want
through to the other side, and failed. They come to drown themselves in to hear it, you hairy old git!
the Seven Seas of Rhye. Rhye whisky, man. The last comfort of those
who have rocked. Pop:
Whoa! That is one gutsy chick, man! I bet she takes some handling!
So - why do they come here? Galileo:
Well actually, she's not my chick.
It's been that way ever since.
Lucky you, I reckon. Pop:
Exactly! A three hundred year bum vibe! But you see, some people saw
Galileo: what was coming. Take a look at this. It's a scroll of what I think they
Perhaps you could tell us your story, Mr - er: used to call 'celluloid'.

Pop: /(he presses a lever and a video screen descends) /

Pop. They call me Pop.
I stole this on the day I was captured, and through ten long years in a
Galileo: laser cell I've kept it hidden. Don't ask me where. It's only a
We'd love to hear it. fragment, but it's all that's left to us of a much longer, and seriously
heavy message that was laid down for us in antiquity. //
Well. /(he presses a button and the start of the video to 'Bohemian
Rhapsody' appears on the screen, very grainy) /**
/(he gestures the two towards him, and they all sit on the bar stools) /
It seems that long ago, in the first decade of the twenty-first century,
there were those who foresaw the nightmare that was to come. This *Is this the real life
was at the very beginning of music homogenisation. A time of boy Is this just fantasy
bands. And girl bands. And boy and girl bands. And girl bands with a Caught in a landslide
couple of boys in them that looked like girls. And boys who had left No escape from reality
their boy bands to become just boys. And girls who were still in their Open your eyes
girl bands but were nonetheless doing stuff as solo girls, sometimes in Look up the skies, and see -
duets with solo boys. And also - *

Scaramouche: /(the video ends) /

All right, get on with it!
Pop: That's all there is. Those four young men, singing to us from three
They called themselves bands, but they weren't bands. They were just centuries ago, were members of a rock freedom fighter collective
pretty pretty dancers with multi-track voices. known as 'Queen'. Even then, those young soul visionaries knew that
real life was fast becoming someone else's fantasy.
Galileo: Don't worry about Cliff Richard, he's indestructible.
A fantasy - created by the computers of the global economy!
/(SCARAMOUCHE and GALILEO sit on the floor in front of POP) /
Exactly! In order to protect the future of rock'n'roll, Queen decided to bury
They foresaw a time when the kids would be caught in a landslide of their finest instruments against a time when there would be none.
computer generated marketing, and there would be no escape from
that reality. All Queen wanted was for us all to: Galileo:
Wait. You mean real instruments still exist - somewhere waiting to be
Scaramouche: found?
So that's what it meant. Blimey. Sounded like a pretentious load of old
rubbish to me. Pop:
Yes. And they remain hidden. Queen wove deep and terrible spells to
Pop: protect the precious weapons of freedom, from abuse by those not
No way, crazy lady! These are the words of truth! If only we knew the worthy of playing them. Even at the beginning of the dark age of
rest of the text. globalisation, Queen knew that when the time was right a hero would
be found and the
Galileo: instruments would reappear. Perhaps you are that man, man.
I think I may know some of it! Tell me, old wise one. What does
'Bismillah, we will not let you go, let me go, no, no, no, no, no, mamma Scaramouche:
mia, mammia mia, mamma mia, let me go, Beelzebub has a devil put But what happened to Queen?
aside for me' mean?
Pop: The first of their number died young. Too wild, too beautiful for this
Actually, I think that bit probably was a pretentious load of old rubbish. world. The other three rocked on into the next century, but during
But. Having issued their warning - and incidentally spent nine weeks at Globalsoft's first battles for the soul of the planet, all three were
number one with it, despite what were quite frankly some rather dodgy captured and secretly killed. It is said that the hairiest of the gang -
stage outfits - Queen decided to fight back. a man named Bri-Anne - was granted a final wish before execution. He
asked to be able to play one last guitar solo, and was therefore able to
/(POP grabs a chair, takes it to centre stage and sits on it. CLIFF, who postpone his death by three and a half days.
had been sitting on the chair, slowly falls over) / Where are the instruments, Galileo Figaro?

You all right there, Cliff? Galileo:

Me? How would I know, 'man'? A couple of weeks ago I was virtually a
/(CLIFF, lying on the floor, gives a thumbs up) /
Virtual Highschool dropout. Why would the rock gods tell me the Galileo:
answer? But what's it showing us?

/(there is the sound of heavy machinery) / Scaramouche:

The way! It must be! The way to the place of living rock. Living rock
Scaramouche: isn't granite at all - it's music.
What's going on?
Pop: But Queen buried the instruments there. How can they be buried in
Don't freak out, sweet lady, they're just draining the lake. They steal music?
our water all the time now. It's almost down to its original level.
Galileo: No, man, the place of living rock. Live rock'n'roll music! It's pointing
Hey - hey, look! What's that, emerging from the water? A man! towards it, dude! The star is facing north! Well, north and a little bit
west, actually. The place he once ruled - the place where people came
Scaramouche: together to play together and be together!
A statue.
Galileo: The place where the champions played!
A hero - made of bronze and rock.
Scaramouche: The place of champions! The old arena, I'm sure of it. The machines
Who is it? Who does it represent? mayhave destroyed the stands and towers but they could never destroy
the vibe of what they once called - Wembley Stadium.
I know this man! I saw many images in the secret histories! He is one of Scaramouche:
the freedom fighters of Queen, the first to die! The greatest, brightest We must go, quickly! Well, now the stars shown us the way, it can guide
star of his time! the police there too. There's no time to lose.

Scaramouche: Pop:
Star:.bright star! Gazza! Your dream! A bright star, that will show the I'll come with you, I can show you how to get there.
way! It's not a star in the sky at all - it's a rock star!
/(at the gates they get off the motorbike, which sinks back into the
Pop: stage) /

Galileo: Galileo:
Nothing. Nothing at all. You mean me?

Pop: Pop:
Bummer. Ouch.

Galileo: Scaramouche:
There aren't any instruments here! There isn't even any rock. What do you think the mighty Queen died for? What? So you could act
like a pathetic little coward? You wanted to be a rock star? They
Pop: wouldn't let you in a boy band!
Just rubble.
Galileo: Hey! Babe! I'm getting a little sick of this self-righteous thing of
This place must have been destroyed centuries ago. It's no place of yours, all right? We tried, we failed. The instruments aren't here. Get
champions any more, if it ever was. I've failed, Scaramouche. I'll never over it!
find where the holy axe was hidden. I'll never play the lost riffs. My
dreams - they never came true. Scaramouche:
Then we'll just have to make music without them!
Don't blame yourself, Gazza. It's not your fault. Galileo:
What? A capella?
Thanks, Scaramouche. Pop:
I mean it's not your fault you're a spineless, gutless, whinging little Scaramouche:
crybaby! If necessary!

Galileo: Pop:
Excuse me? No! It is never necessary!

Scaramouche: Scaramouche:
I know why you can't find the guitar, mate! What was it Pop said? Isn't that what it was all about? In the beginning? It was kids, doing
Queen wove deep and terrible spells to protect the instruments from it for themselves! They were playing in the streets, in the garages!
those not worthy of playing them!
Yes, it was, it was!
Scaramouche: Ooh, I've gone all tingly.
So come on, Gazza! Where's the bloke I used to love? Where's the bloke
with the lead in his pencil? Where is Galileo Figaro? /(they part) /

Galileo: Scaramouche:
Right here, babe! So - let's rock!

Scaramouche: Galileo:
Then prove it! Are we gonna rock, or what? Yeah!
I don't know how to start.
Yes! Yes we are! I don't need any second-hand instruments to make Scaramouche:
music with, I can make music on my own. The music of a human being, Well, come on buddy, you're a boy:.
and not of a machine!
Scaramouche: Make a big noise!
Right on!
Pop: Playing in the street:
Hello, Wembley!
/(silence) / :gonna be a big man some day!

Galileo: Galileo:
But not without you, Scaramouche. Don't you remember what Britney Wait - that's it. **
Spears said before he died? Making music is about love. You do it for
your baby. And I can only do it for you. I love you with all my heart. *Buddy:
Please come back to me. Because if you don't, I don't know if I can do Buddy, you're a boy
this thing. And the kids'll forever be in chains! Make a big noise
Playing in the street
Scaramouche: Gonna be a big man some day
Oh, god. Talk about emotional blackmail: You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
/(she kisses him) / Kicking your can all over the place
Pop: So they do exist, after all!
What a curiously exhilarating collection of words!
Galileo: The dream machine! The greatest weapon on freedom known to
Scaramouche - can you hear it? The beat! It's returning! mankind! An electric guitar! Seize it, Galileo Figaro! For none but the
just shall play the hairy one's mighty axe! None but the kids! //
/(sure enough, we hear the beat. Soon we can hear it all over the
auditorium, as well) / /(GALILEO takes the electric guitar) /

*Buddy, you're a boy Scaramouche:

Make a big noise Wow. You're my guitar hero.
Playing in the street
Gonna be a big man some day Galileo:
You got mud on your face Yes I am, baby. And now - let's rock!
You big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place* /(he tries to play it but is very bad) /

*Singing Pop:
We will, we will rock you Ooh, no, the rebirth of modern jazz.
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you Scaramouche:
* Give me that.

/(suddenly, on the of the gateposts splits open, revealing a guitar) / /(she takes the guitar and plays it really really well!)

Scaramouche: Galileo:
What's happening? The hairy one is back. And this time, she's a babe.

Pop: Scaramouche:
Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening! So - I'll play, you sing.

Galileo Pop:
An instrument! A real musical instrument! And I'll be a groupie!

Scaramouche: Scaramouche:
Shut up, Pop! could be on every coke can in the universe! What you need is a
Message received and understood. But first - Galileo:
I don't think so, Queen! Shagileo Gigolo only rocks for the kids.
What're you doing, Pop? Killer Queen:
You mean, for free?
What do you think? I'm hacking into the Globalsoft mainframe, and Galileo:
emailing the power of rock to ever GaGa kid on the planet! Soon they'll Yes. Yes I do! Pop, get me my mike.
all be bohemians!
Scaramouche: I shall be thy roadie!
But Pop, Killer Queen will get your message too!
Killer Queen:
Pop: Noooooooo!
Oh, no, man! She just did! She wants to schedule a meeting:.we're all
going to be downsized! /(her screen ascends) /

/(a video screen descends, showing KILLER QUEEN) / Galileo:

*Buddy, you're a boy
Killer Queen: Make a big noise
Who dares to play live rock on Planet Mall? Playing in the street
Gonna be a big man some day
Galileo: You got mud on your face
I do! Me - and my baby! You big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place*
Oi, steady! /(BOHEMIANS enter behind the gates. SCARAMOUCHE shows them the
guitar, and POP breaks the lock so they can all come through) /
Killer Queen:
I've heard your music, boy, and you - you are going to be huge! You'll All:
make a million trillion zillion! I'm thinking merchandising, spin-offs, *We will, we will rock you
rip-offs, GaGas, go go! Napster, crapster! By tomorrow morning your We will, we will rock you *
*Buddy, you're a young man, hard man All:
Shouting in the street And we mean to go on and on and on and on *
Gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on your face *We are the champions, my friends
You big disgrace And we'll keep on fighting till the end *
Waving your banner all over the place *
*We are the champions
All: We are the champions
*We will, we will rock you No time for losers
We will, we will rock you * 'Cause we are the champions of the world *

Galileo: *We are the champions, my friends

*Buddy, you're an old man, poor man And we'll keep on fighting till the end
Pleading with your eyes We are the champions
Gonna make you some peace some day We are the champions
You got mud on your face No time for losers
You big disgrace 'Cause we are the champions of the world *
Somebody better put you back into your place *
/(walkdown music and bows. After everyone has taken a bow, the
All: words 'Do you want Bohemian Rhapsody?' come up on the video
*We will, we will rock you screens. After more applause they are followed by 'Oh:..all right then.')
We will, we will rock you /
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you * Galileo:
*Mama, just killed a man
Galileo: Put a gun against his head
*I've paid my dues Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Time after time Mama, life had just begun
I've done my sentence But now I've gone and thrown it all away *
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes Scaramouche:
I've made a few *Mama, ooo
I've had my share of sand Didn't mean to make you cry
Kicked in my face If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
But I've come through * Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters *
Meat: *I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me*
*Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine Chorus:
My body's aching all the time *He's just a poor boy, from a poor family
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go Spare him his life from this monstrosity *
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
* Galileo:
*Easy come, easy go
Brit: Will you let me go*
*Mama, oooo
*I don't want to die Chorus:
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all * *Bismillah! No, we will not let you go
Bismillah! We will not let you go, let him go
Khashoggi: Bismillah! We will not let you go*
*I see a little silhouetto of a man*
Chorus: *Let me go*
*Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me * Chorus:
*Will not let you go*
Galileo: *Let me go*
Chorus: *Never let you go*
Galileo: *Let me go *
*Galileo* *Never let me go*

Chorus: Chorus:
*Galileo figaro magnifico* *No, no, no, no, no, no, no*

Galileo: Galileo:
*Oh mama mia, mama mia*

*Mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
For me, for me *

Killer Queen:
*So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die*

*Oh baby, can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here *

*Nothing really matters*

*Anyone can see*

*Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me *

*Anyway the wi nd blows...*


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