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CBR test equipment and tools


Hand Operated

Used to load the penetration piston into the soil Consists of a torque head adjustable in height by
sample at a constant rate of 1,27 mm/min (1 mm/min means of a lead screw rotated by a drive wheel to
to BS Spec.), and to measure the applied loads and enable the vane to be lowered into the specimen.
pistons penetrations at determined intervals. Rotation of the vane is by means of a hand wheel
which operates a worm gear arrangement turning the
Figure 13-8.Laboratory upper end of a calibrated torsion spring. Vane dia, rod
specimens are prepared; second, a penetration t dia, vane size & vane height are as per IS specification.
est is performed upon the prepared soil samples.
Although one standardized procedure has been The Vane shaft is attached through the hollow upper
established for the penetration portion of the test, it shaft to resettable pointer, which indicates the angle
is not possible to establish of torgue on a dial graduated in degrees. The dial
one procedure for the preparation of tests reading multiplied by spring factory gives the torque.
specimens since soil conditions and constructio A container for soil tube of 38mm I.D. & 150 mm long
n can also be used as container. Complete with set of
methods vary widely. The soil test specimens are springs, one each of approx 0.2kg/cm,4kg/cm,6
prepared to duplicate the soil conditions existing (or kg/cm,8 kg/cm in a nice teak wooden carrying case.
expected to occur later) in the field. Although
penetration tests are most frequently performed on Motorised Model
laboratory-compacted test specimens, they may also
Complete with set of springs, one each of approx
0.2kg/cm, 4kg/cm,6 kg/cm,8 kg/cm in a nice teak
performed pon undisturbed soil samples or in th
wooden carrying case. but with motorised, rate of
e field upon the soil in place. Detailed procedures for
rotation is 1/60 RPM.
preparing the test samples and performing the
test can be found in NAVFAC MO-330.CBR Test Relevant Standard : IS : 2720(Part-XXX)
Equipment and
3. CONE PENETROMETER having diameter of about 12 to 15 cm with smooth
surface as per IS 2720 (part V-1985)

4. Sieve Set

A sieve, or sifter, is a
device for separating
wanted elements
from unwanted
material or for
characterizing the
particle size
distribution of a
sample, typically
The cone penetration or cone penetrometer using a woven screen
test (CPT) is a method used to determine such as a mesh or net or metal. The word "sift"
the geotechnical engineering properties of soils and derives from "sieve". In cooking, a sifter is used to
delineating soil stratigraphy. It was initially developed separate and break up clumps in dry ingredients such
in the 1950s at the Dutch Laboratory for Soil as flour, as well as to aerate and combine them. A
Mechanics in Delft to investigate soft soils. Based on strainer is a form of sieve used to separate solids from
this history it has also been called the "Dutch cone liquid.
It will consist of metallic cone with half angle of 15' -
30 15' and 30.50mm coned length. It will be fixed at
the end of a metallic rod with a disc at the top of the
rod so as to have a total sliding weight of 148 0.5
gms. The total rod shall pass through two guides. (to
ensure vertical movement) fixed to a stand. Suitable
provision will be made for clamping the vertical rod at
any desired height above the surface of the paste in
the trough. A brass trough 50 mm internal diameter
and 50 mm depth will be provided as per IS
specification resting on M.S.bars. There will be no abrupt changes in the cross section
of the hydrometer, that will hinder cleaning or drying
Optional Accessories
or permit air bubble to be trapped. The graduation of
Ground Glass : 10mm thick and about 45 cm square hydrometer will be on the basis of liquid having a
or larger rough glass as per IS 2720 (Part V-1985) for surface tension of 55 dynes/cm. The graduation lines
mixing soil and water will be at intervals of 0.0005, every alternate line will
Spatula : Flexible with blade about 8 cm long and 2 cm extend beyond the shortest lines; every tenth
wide made from stainless steel material as per graduation will exceed that of all the intervening lines
IS:2720 (part V-1985) and will be numbered in full. The basis of the scale will
Evaporating dish : Made from porcelain material be density (g/ml) at 27' deg C. The maximum
permissible scale error on the hydrometer is plus or Two sets of rammers are provided, one of 2.6kg. And
minus one scale division. the other of 4.89 kg arranged for 310mm and 450mm
fall respectively. For compaction soil into 150mm dia
Hydrometer Jar (IS 2720, Part-IV, 1985, section moulds, 100mm face dia rammers having weight of 4.89Kg is used. Where as for 100mm dia moulds, they
are of 50mm dia. The rammer assembly is provided
It will be transparent glass with uniform thickness and
with a ratchet and pawl arrangement to lift it from the
base size. It will have a mark of 1000 ml capacity with
top of the soil layer. When the rammer reaches the
7 cm dia at a height of 330 mm_+5 mm. Over all
required height the pawl release the rammer, which
height of the cylinder will be about 400 mm without
falls freely on soil surface. The release mechanism is
connected by an arm moving up and down which is
6. SOIL PERMEABILITY APPARATUS connected to a reduction gear coupled to the motor
through another arm. An automatic blow counter
fitted to the compactor is used to set the number of
blows. The base plate of the specimen mould is to be
fitted to the rotating base plate of the instrument
which makes 1/5th revolution per operation.
Operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles, single phase, A.C.
supply, Moulds are to be ordered separately.


Consists of gunmetal mould 100mm dia X 127.3mm

height X 1000ml volume, with collar of 100mm dia X
60mm high and drainage base plate, Drainage cap,
Metallic clamping ring, two porous stone for base and
cap, Dummy plate, air release valve. With a set of
three glass stand pipes approx.6mm, 10mm, and
20mm dia X 1 meter length mounted on a wooden
board, the end of the glass tube is serrated to connect
rubber tube of 3 meter length with pinch cock.


Sieve Shakers save time and effort and improve

accuracy for particle sizing operations. Shakers
agitate a stacked series of test sieves to efficiently
separate materials of all different types.

It is a motor driven mechanical compactor useful for
soil compaction into 100mm or 150mm dia moulds.
11. Speedy Moisture Tester

Weighing scales (or weigh scales or scales) are

devices to measure weight or calculate mass. Spring
balances orspring scales measure weight (force) by
balancing the force due to gravity against the force on
a spring, whereas a balance or pair of scales using a
balance beam compares masses by balancing the
Reliable and accurate moisture measurement in the
weight due to the mass of an object against the
weight of a known mass or masses.
Direct reading in percent moisture
10. The Proctor compaction test Rapid results in minutes
New versions with heavy duty plastic carrying case
and portable electronic balance

Uses a technique based on the fact that water will

react with calcium carbide to form a gas and that the
quantity of gas formed is directly proportional to the
water present. The gas pressure is indicated on a
built-in pressure gauge. The new range of Speedy
Moisture testers now includes an electronic balance
and a heavy duty plastic case. Designed for the most
demanding on-site conditions, the new waterproof
and durable case offers high levels of protection. The
new model comprises: Speedy Moisture tester,
electronic balance, beaker, cleaning cloth, cap,
washer, scoop, steel pulverising balls, and cleaning
is a laboratory method of experimentally determining
brushes. Used to weigh a sample before placing it in
the optimal moisture content at which a
the Speedy Moisture Tester, the portable battery
given soil type will become most dense and achieve
powered balance includes LCD display with a
its maximum dry density. The term Proctor is in honor
measuring range 0 200 g x 0.1g. The % moisture
of R. R. Proctor, who in 1933 showed that the dry
content of the sample is read directly from the
density of a soil for a given compactive effort depends
calibrated pressure gauge.
on the amount of water the soil contains during soil
compaction.[1] His original test is most commonly
referred to as the standard Proctor compaction test;
later on, his test was updated to create the modified 12. Combination Permeameter
Proctor compaction test.
supply information needed for the design and
construction of civil engineering structures of many
kinds, such as buildings, bridges, dams, and
embankments. Test loads are applied to the
specimen through a gearing arrangement located in
the totally enclosed base.The gear train is actuated by
a two-piece aluminum hand crank.The rate of strain
can be regulated during the test by turning the hand
at the desired rate. Loads are indicated on a proving
ring and dial indicator assembly. Readings on the dial
are converted to the load applied to the specimen by
Knowledge of the permeability characteristics of soil using the calibration charts supplied with each unit.
is essential for construction projects where drainage
14. One-Dimensional Consolidation
is an important element. In particular, permeability is
a key parameter for the design and assessment of
landfill sites, the investigation of contaminated
ground, the design of earth dams and sheet pile walls,
and in assessing the potential for lowering
groundwater levels.

This combination permeameter has a transparent

plastic chamber for soil specimens of either fine-
grained or coarse-grained soils. Generally, soils
containing 10 percent or more particles passing a 75
m sieve are tested using the falling head assembly.
More granular soils, containing 90 percent or more
particles retained on the 75 m sieve, are tested using
the constant head assembly. Includes accessories for
conducting both constant and falling head It is generally understood that clays and other
permeability studies. compressible soils can be subject to long-term
consolidation under the loads imposed by
13. Unconfined Compression Tester
foundations and above ground structures. Also that
settlement may occur even if the applied pressure is
within the safe bearing capacity of the soil.

The One-dimensional Consolidation test is used

to determine the consolidation characteristics of soils
of low permeability. Tests are carried out on
specimens prepared from undisturbed samples. Data
obtained from these tests, together with
The unconfined compression test is an important classification data and a knowledge of the soils
method of determining shear strength of cohesive loading history, enables estimates to be made of the
and semi-cohesive soils.The test is widely used to behaviour of foundations under load.
15. In-situ Testing into threads of 3 mm diameter without the threads
breaking. The test procedure has remained, in
principle, the same since 1932, when Casagrande
proposed to define the various limits by relating the
moisture content characteristics of soil under certain
conditions. The apparatus required is simple yet

17. Combination Permeameter, 2.5" (63.4 mm)

The design of foundations is a prerequisite of

economic design and construction. In order to guard
against shear failure and unacceptable ground
movements due to loading it is often necessary to
determine the ground bearing capacity.

16. Determination of Plastic Limit

Combination Permeameter, Combination

Permeameter Constant or Falling Head

Plated steel chamber head assembly

Corrosion-resistant cast aluminum base assembly
Includes accessories for conducting both constant
and falling head permeability studies
Soil index properties are used extensively by
engineers to discriminate between the different kinds
This combination permeameter has a transparent
of soil within a broad category, e.g clay will exhibit a
plastic chamber for soil specimens of either fine-
wide range of engineering properties depending on
grained or coarse-grained soils. Generally, soils
its composition.
containing 10 percent or more particles passing a 75
The plastic limit is defined as the lowest moisture m sieve are tested using the falling head assembly.
content of a soil that will permit a sample to be rolled More granular soils, containing 90 percent or more
particles retained on the 75 m sieve, are tested using
the constant head The shearmeter can be used on tube samples, on the
assembly. sides of pits, cuttings etc. It is an invaluable tool for
initial site investigation work.
18. Counter Balance Kit Complying With ASTM
D3080 20. Constant Temperature Bath

The analysis of soils by particle size provides a useful

engineering classification system from which a
considerable amount of empirical data can be
obtained. Two separate and different procedures are
used. Sieving is used for gravel and sand size particles
and sedimentation procedures are used for the finer

Includes all the parts necessary for compliance with For soil containing a range of coarse and fine particles
the most recent requirements of ASTM D3080. it is usual to employ a composite test of sieving and
sedimentation procedures. The Sand Equivalent Test
The kit minimises the frictional force between the top serves as a rapid field test to show the relative
and bottom sections of the cutting box. proportions of clay-like or plastic fines and dusts in
granular soils and fine aggregates.
19. Pocket Shearmeter


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