Bacon and Wool Escape From The Farm Third Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheet

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Bacon and Wool: Escape from the Farm

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

On an otherwise normal day, something extraordinary

happened Baaaad Boy, the troublesome goat, was having a
tantrum. He kicked and bounced and spun around. Then he
kicked again. His hooves struck a loose fencepost, and the
whole fence section fell apart!
Bacon and Wool looked at each other. Wool chewed his grass thoughtfully. Bacon snorted
excitedly. The two of them bolted for the opening in the fence. Wool reached it first, on
account of being closer to it. He stepped out into freedom!
Wools first act as a free sheep was to try the grass from the other side of the fence. Hed
always wondered what it would taste like. He was amazed to find that it tasted JUST like the
grass on the other side of the fence that he was used to. That was amazing to him.
Bacon snorted the air as a free pig for the first time. He grinned as best as his lips would let
him. Pigs dont really have mouths made for smiling, but he certainly tried! He put his nose to
the ground and started snuffling along, looking for hidden acorns and mushrooms in the
grasses. He rooted around and found himself some grubs and acorns to eat. It was his first
meal as a free pig!
Suddenly, a car came hauling down the road. Gravel spit from under its tires and a hail of
pebbles flew their way. A cloud of dust rolled over them. Wool found his eyes stinging and his
grass tasted of dirt not good dirt either. Bacon snorted in some dust and sneezed.
A dog howled in the distance. Wool and Bacon shuddered
in fear. What strange beasts lurked beyond the safety of the
fence? It was a terrifying idea. They looked at one another
and made a momentous decision.
As one, the two of them bounded back into the safety of
the fence. They headed straight for the barn, where they
knew it was safe.
Watching the two, Baaaad Boy shook his head and ran out
of the fence on his own. It took Farmer Bob all night to
catch him.
Skill - Reading Comprehension Name_____________________________

Bacon and Wool: Escape from the Farm

Story By: Andrew Frinkle
Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.

1. Who is making trouble in the beginning of the story?

A. Bacon
B. Wool
C. Cheddar
D. Baaaad Boy

2. What kind of animal is Baaaad Boy?

A. a cow
B. a chicken
C. a goat
D. a sheep

3. Who is the first one to cross beyond the fence?

A. Bacon
B. Wool
C. Cheddar
D. Baaaad Boy

4. What finally makes Bacon and Wool go back inside the fence?
A. a dog howl
B. an owl hooting
C. a stranger walking up
D. Farmer Bobs yelling

5. What does Baaaad Boy do after Bacon and Wool run back to the barn?
A. He follows them.
B. He goes to sleep.
C. He runs outside the fence.
D. He kicks down more fence.
Skill - Reading Comprehension Name_____________________________

Bacon and Wool: Escape from the Farm

Story By: Andrew Frinkle
Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.

1. Who is making trouble in the beginning of the story?

A. Bacon
B. Wool
C. Cheddar
D. Baaaad Boy

2. What kind of animal is Baaaad Boy?

A. a cow
B. a chicken
C. a goat
D. a sheep

3. Who is the first one to cross beyond the fence?

A. Bacon
B. Wool
C. Cheddar
D. Baaaad Boy

4. What finally makes Bacon and Wool go back inside the fence?
A. a dog howl
B. an owl hooting
C. a stranger walking up
D. Farmer Bobs yelling

5. What does Baaaad Boy do after Bacon and Wool run back to the barn?
A. He follows them.
B. He goes to sleep.
C. He runs outside the fence.
D. He kicks down more fence.

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