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Simulator Software for Turning & Milling

Customer Specification MTAB SPECIFICATION

Item No. :CNC/ST-Lab/2011-131
The CNC Simulation Training System is an open The CNC Simulation Training System is an
system, free to be configured to any machine open system, free to be configured to any
system structure with single Licence having capacity machine
for 16 Users.. The programming option is system structure with single Licence having
available for various technology of machining. Below capacity for 16 Users. The programming
points would be considered as the optimal option is available for various technology of
requirements for the CNC simulation training machining. Below points would be considered
software as the optimal
requirements for the CNC simulation training
Features : Features :
Must have comprehensive and modular library Will have comprehensive and modular library
displays component categories. displays component categories.
Must have comprehensive collision monitoring for all will have comprehensive collision monitoring
2D and 3D machine components. for all 2D and 3D machine components.
Individual window presentation during simulation Individual window presentation during
CNC help and teachware integration for CNC CNC help and teachware integration for
technology knowledge CNC technology knowledge
Machine Tools Machine Tools
Free configuration into different dimension of the Free configuration into different dimension of
machine area. Upto 99 machine configuration the machine area. Upto 99 machine
possibiltiy configuration
Free configuration of tool , turret, magazine and Free configuration of tool , turret, magazine
number of tools.turret or magazine. and number of tools.turret or magazine.
Tools Systems Tools Systems
The tool system should support different cutting The tool system should support different
tools and tools holders. cutting tools and tools holders.
Each individual cutting tool could be free configured Each individual cutting tool will be free
on shape of cutting tip, cutting angle (rake configured on shape of cutting tip, cutting
and clearance angle). angle (rake
and clearance angle).
CNC Controller CNC Controller
The system should able be to interpret any CNC The system will be able be to interpret any
controller programming format and even with CNC controller programming format and even
specified standard canned cycles, dialogue with
programming. specified standard canned cycles, dialogue
The system should also allow programming of The system will also allow programming of
contour strings, tools tips and radius contour strings, tools tips and radius
compensation, subroutines and variable and R - compensation, subroutines and variable and R
parameters application, including arithmetical - parameters application, including arithmetical
calculations. calculations.
Set-up Set-up
The system should be able to allow user setup up The system will be able to allow user setup up
Different types of tools
System could be able to performance Manual System will be able to performance Manual
Operation or MDI to move machine table, switch Operation or MDI to move machine table,
spindle, tool changing, manual cutting process, switch
coolant. spindle, tool changing, manual cutting
process, coolant.
NC part Programming NC part Programming
Manual programming as well as program Manual programming as well as program
modification and simulation are carried out via modification and simulation are carried out via
different different
possibilities: possibilities:
Automatic mode
Single block Single block
NC Editor NC Editor
Re-numbering & auto assigned NC block number Re-numbering & auto assigned NC block
Customized NC program with feature error detection Customized NC program with feature error
that can be carried out during input detection that can be carried out during input
procedures. procedures.
Teach in. Teach in.
Interactive mode after the entry of an NC block or a Interactive mode after the entry of an NC block
cycle in the NC command is prompted to or a cycle in the NC command is prompted to
accept or edit. accept or edit.
NC Program Analysis NC Program Analysis
Real time Simulation Real time Simulation
Displayed machine status: Displayed machine status:
Tool position coordinate, cutting speed and RPM, Tool position coordinate, cutting speed and
spindle and real running time, current modal RPM, spindle and real running time, current
activation G code and Override. modal
activation G code and Override.
Displayed Current NC Program switched between Displayed Current NC Program switched
the four NC programming modes such as between the four NC programming modes
automatic, single block, interactive and NC editor is such as
possible at any time. automatic, single block, interactive and NC
editor is possible at any time.
Dynamic simulation using Windows technology, Dynamic simulation using Windows
which gives 2D view of the machining technology, which gives 2D view of the
Recognition of removed materials and remaining Recognition of removed materials and
materials. remaining materials.
Dynamic Zoom functions without interrupting Dynamic Zoom functions without interrupting
simulation and Windows zoom for detailed simulation and Windows zoom for detailed
position examination. position examination.
Measuring function should be able to activate at any Measuring function should be able to activate
time during or end of simulation, point at any time during or end of simulation, point
dimensioning, entity attributes check such as radius, dimensioning, entity attributes check such as
angles, coordinates and surface roughness with radius, angles, coordinates and surface
R-max and R-min definition (CNC lathe). roughness with
R-max and R-min definition (CNC lathe).

3 dimnesional View of the component machining can 4 dimnesional View of the component
be displayed dynamically with clear Plane machining can be displayed dynamically with
change view. clear Plane
change view.
Online help Online help
The help system can be activated at any time while The help system can be activated at any time
working on simulation. while working on simulation.
G & M code command and specified canned cycles G & M code command and specified canned
explanation. cycles explanation.
Custom made help dialogue box for individual Custom made help dialogue box for individual
application on specified CNC controller. application on specified CNC controller.
CAD/CAM Interface: CAD/CAM Interface:
Should be able to integrate with CAD/CAM functions Can be able to integrate with CAD/CAM
from simulation. functions from simulation.
Offer high performance functions for drawing data Offer high performance functions for drawing
interchange by DXF and Nc out put from data interchange by DXF and Nc out put from
other CAD system. other CAD system.

Basic Price
Packing Charges
Excise Duty
Tooling package
Sub total
Sales Tax @ 2% against Form 'C'. Otherwise
@ 5% will be charged.
Sub total
Insurance @ 0.4%
Sub total
Freight Charges

Servo Stabilizer 15 KVA,3 Phase 1 no. (Approx price Rs. 50,000/- + taxes)
Compressor - 100 Liter tank Capacity, 6 to 8 Bar (100 psi) (for ATC Operation) - 1 no. (approx
price Rs. 30,000/- + taxes)
Isolation Transformer 15KVA 1 no. If FANUc Control

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