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Horse and pasture in Inner Asian history 1

By Denis Sinor
(Indiana University)

The key role of the horse in the civilization of Inner Asia is universally
recognized. Indeed, the picture of the mounted areher has come to symbolize,
and rightly so, the force that created some of the greatest, if not the most
Iasting, states known to history. Until firearms came to dominate warfare,
a well-disciplined, well-led Inner Asian cavalry force - provided it was
sufficiently large and disposed of an important reserve of mounts - was
virtually invincible by armies of sedentary populations. Much has been
written, albeit rather superficially, on the cavalry tactics used by the great
nomad armies, so I do not wish to discuss that subject now. My aim is to
examine some of the economic factors that governed the rise or fall of the
great nomad armies which, in their turn, caused the growth or decline of
empires. If cannons of the Renaissance could bear with justification the
inscription Ultimaratio regis, the horse was certainly that same ultima ratio
of Inner Asian power. Referring to the Mongois the Yan annals could
reasonably state: "Yan arose in the northern areas. By nature they are
good at riding and archery. Therefore they took possession of the world
through this advantage of bows and horse'' 2
The quality of the Inner Asian breeds and, in particular, their resistance
to climatic extremes and their hardiness made them superior to any other
warfaring horse, from Scythian times to World War II. The tirst recorded
commentgoes back toHERODOTUS. Describing the campaigns ofDarius against
the Scythians he stated (IV, 127): "In these combats the Scythian horse
always put to flight the horse of the enemy. On the opposite end of Inner

Asia, in the 2nd century B. C., the Ch'ien Han-shu pays a similar compli-
ment: "... the territory of the Hsiung-nu and the skill it demands are differ-
ent from those of China. In climbing up and down mountains and crossing
ravines and mountain torrents, the horses of China cannot compare with
those of the Hsiung-nu" s. When, in 1245, the Franciscan John of Plano
CARPINI made preparations for his pioneering journey to Mongolia, the
inhabitants of Kiev, more familiar with conditions there, warned him that
were he to continue his journey with the horses he then had "they would
all die, for the snow was deep and they would not know how to dig up
grass from under the snow like the Tartar horses, nor would he be able to
find anything eise for them to eat since the Tartars have neither straw nor
hay nor fodder" 4.

This article is part of a !arger research project undertaken with the support
of a grant received from the American Philosophical Society. lt is gratefully adrnow-
ledged by the author.
S. JAGCHID - C. R. BAWDEN, "Some Notes on the Horse-Policy of the Yan
Dynasty", CAJ. X, 1965, 246-268, p. 246.
Cited by H. G. CREEL, "The Role of the Horse in Chinese History", The Ameri-
can Historical Review, LXX, 3, 1965, 647-672, p. 657.
Translation from Mission to Asia, edited by Christopher DAWSON, (Harper
Torchbooks, 1966), p. 52.

The superiority of the Inner Asian horse over that used by the Chinese
struck an outside observer, the Jesuit Matthew Rrccr, in the late 16th cen-
tury: "(The Chinese) have countless horses in the service of the army, but
these are sodegenerate and lacking in martial spirit that they are put torout
even by the neighing of the Tartars' steed and so they are practically useless
in battle" 5
The quality of the Inner Asian pony, however well-suited to warfare,
would not in itself account for the creation of the great nomad empires. The
breeding of this race of horses was universal in Inner Asia throughout
history and yet only a few of the horse-breeding peoples succeeded in creat-
ing a state of more than transitory importance. For Ssu-MA Ch'ien the
country of the Hsiung-nu was that of ~~thieves and horses". For him and for
countless Chinese historians, the Barbarian is essentially a nomad "moving
about in search of water and pasture", having no cities or fixed dwellings
nor any kind of agriculture 6 Today we know that many of these "nomads"
had cities and that all of them practised some kind of agriculture. But
historical cliches are difficult to erase and scores of modern books dealing
with Inner Asia, Turks or Mongois tend to describe these peoples as if
they had, as it were by natural right, an inexhaustible supply of horses on
which to roam the frontierless steppes. Such an idealized picture reflects
neither historical nor military nor economic realities. The rulers of unomadu
empires had to contend with difficulties created by a shortage of horses and
there is evidence to show that their armies included foot-soldiers.
The funeral stele erected in honor of the Trk prince Kl tegin (d. 731)
described a battle in which the hero attacked on foot (East 32): Kl tegin
yaday'in oplayu tgdi 1 Describing another campaign of the Trks, the Ton-
yuquq inscription states expressly (West 4) iki lgi atl'iy rti, bir lgi
yaday rti "two parts (of the Trk army) were mounted, one part was on
foot" 8
Another great Turkic nomad empire, that of the Uighurs, also made use of
foot-soldiers. An otherwise obscure passage of the inscription of Shine-usu
(South, line 33), clearly refers to the five hundred foot-soldiers, bis yz
kdimlig yaday, of the victorious kaghan 9 . Marco Polo mentions Mongol
infantry in several passages of his book. When Nayan and Qaidu revolted
against the great khan they are said by Marco Polo to have made IJa great
gathering of cavalry and of men on foot to go upon the great KaaniJ 10 To
quench the revolt Qubilai "assembled quite 360,000 horsemen and quite

Cited by Morris RossABI, "The Tea and Horse Trade with Inner Asia During the
Ming" , Journal of Asian History, IV, 1970, 136-168, p. 139. . .
See e . g. Records of the Grand Historion of China translated trom the Shih chi
of Sse-ma Ch'ien by Burton WATSON, (Columbia University Press, 1961), II. P 25?: ,
V. THoMsEN, Inscriptions de J'Orkhon dechiffrees, Memoires de la Soc1ete
Finno-Ougrienne V, (Helsingfors, 1896), p. 108. .
Cf. S. E. MALov, Pamjatniki drevnetjurkskoj pis'mennosti, (Moskva-Lenmgrad,
1951), p. 61. . ..
Cf. S. E. MALov, Pamjatniki drevnetjurkskoj pis'mennosti Mongolii i KirgJzii,
(Moskva-Leningrad, 1959), p. 37.
A. C. MoULE - Paul PELLIOT, Marco Polo. The Description of the World, I,
(London, 1938), p. 194.

100,000 footmen". Further in his description of the conflict Marco Polo again
states that Qubilai "had the greater part of his men on horsebackll, i. e. not
their totality, and explains the use made of foot-soldiers: with each man on

horse in the first squadrons was a man on foot behind at the crupper of the
horse with lance in hand, for thus were all the footmen drawn up with lances
in this way 11 ." The nurober of fighting men engaged in the battle was truly
imposing: "on one side and on the other there were more than 760,000 horse-
men without the men on foot, who were a great nurober 12 ."
While there can be no doubt that the military strength of great nornad
empires such as those of the Trks and the Uighurs rested on their cavalry,
these passages show clearly that on occasion, infantry was rnade use of.
Thesefacts have to be adduced here to correct hasty generalizations leading
to automatic identification of Turco-Mongols with horse breeders and also
the assumption that all Turco-Mongol states had an ample, constant and
virtually inexaustible supply of horses. These facts do not weaken my pre-
vious statement that the military power of the great Inner Asian states
rested on the supply of horses it could count upon 12a .
Plano Carpini was struck by the nurober of horses the Mongois possessed.
Speaking of the Mongois he noted: they have such a nurober of horses and

mares that I do not believe there are so many in all the rest of the world 13 ."
IIThe horses the Tartars ride on one day they do not mount again for the next
three or four days, consequently they do not mind if they tire them out
seeing they have such a great nurober of animals 14 . Marco Polo sets the

nurober of horses even high er: "of horses and mares there are about eigtheen
for each man, and when any horse is tired by the road another is taken in
exchange 15 In the first decades of the 16th century, Herberstein, imperial

ambassador to the tsar noted that the Tatars of Russia set out on their mar-
auding expeditions with two or three horses for each man 16 Speaking of his
grueling journey to the seat of the great khan Carpini reports: II we

started at dawn and journeyed until night without a meal and many a time
we arrived so late that we did not eat that night but were given in the morn-
ing the food we should have eaten the previous evening. We went as fast
as the horses could trot, for the horses were in no way spared since we had
fresh ones several times a day, and those which feil out returned ... 17 II.

The Chinese were well aware of the military importance of the horses. In
the words of a high official of the Sung: "The reason why our enemies to the
north and west are able to withstand China is precisely because they have
many horses and their men are adept at riding ; this is their strength. China

ibid. p. 197.
ibid. p. 199.
a This statement also applies to the Jurchens who, originally, were not horse
b.reeders. On their effective use of cavalry see Jing-shen TAo, "The horse and the
nse of the Chin Dynasty", Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and
Letters, LIII, 1968, 183-189.
Mission to Asia, p. 8.
ibid. p. 47.
MoULE-PELUOT, p. 173.
Re.rul!l Moscoviticarum Commentarii, (Basel, 1571), p. 89.
M1sswn to Asia, p. 61.

has few horses, and its men are not accustomed to riding; this is China's
weakness. . .. The court constantly tries, with our weakness, to oppose our
enemies' strength, so that we lose every battle ... Those who propose reme-
dies for this situation merely wish to increase our armed forces in order to
overwhelm the enemy. They do not realize that, without horses, we can
never create an effective military force" 18
This opinion bad been and was to be that of many other Chinese soldiers
and statesmen. However, to recognize a problern is but the first of many
steps leading to the solution which kept eluding the Chinese. When put in
simple terms the insolubility of the problern is easily recognizable. For a
number of reasons, among which the lack of extended grassland was the
foremost, the Chinese were unable to supply their own army with a sufficient
number of good quality horses. Importation was the only remedy but the only
potential suppliers were the steppe-nomads, i. e. the very people agairrst
whom the cavalry mounted on these imported horses would be used. The
strategic goods essential for successful warfare could be obtained only
through trade with the enemy.
Society in Inner Asia - as all other human societies - was organized to
ensure the subsistence of its members by providing them with food, shelter,
clothing and the tools necessary for their obtention, construction or manu-
facture. Owen LATTIMORE has pointed out that steppe life "is based on an
economy which is capable of being entirely self-sufficient. Its own resources
provide the essentials of food, housing, clothing and transport, even fuel
(from cattle dung). Nor does it prevent the mirring and working of metals
on a small scale, as is known from archaeological evidence. The steppe-
nomad can withdraw into the steppe, if he needs to, and remain completely
out of contact with other societies. He can; but so rarely does he so that this
pure condition of nomadic life can fairly be called hypothetical. For every
historical level of which we have any knowledge there is evidence that
exchange of some kind, through trade or tribute, has been important in
steppe-nomad life" 19.
Of the commodities coveted by the steppe-peoples, luxury articles are
most often mentioned (silk, precious stones, jewelry, etc.) but, in my
jugdment, these played a relatively minor role when compared with trade in
linen, arms, or grain 20 Whatever the goods imported by the steppe-peoples
may have been, they produced but one commodity coveted by their seden-
tary neighbors: the horse.
CREEL, "The role of the horse ... ", p. 667.
19 "The geographical factor in Mongoi History" , The Geographical Journal, XCI,
1938, reprinted in Studies in Frontier History. Collected Papers 1928-1958, (Oxford
University Press, 1962), 241-258, p. 253. .
The Inner Asian pastoralists' need for grain is very often overlooked. Fa~m!le
- caused by great Iosses in the herds - was a constant threat in the nomads ~Ife
and accounts for many of the invasions undertaken by them. Some penetratmg
remarks on this subject can be found in Sechin JAGCHID, "Trade, Peace and '!"ar
between the Nomadic Altaics and the Agricultural Chinese", Bulletin of the Jnst1t ute
of China Border Area Studies, National Chengchi University, I, 1970, 35-80. The
catastrophic Iosses in cattle caused by weather-conditions still plague Mongoi
economy. In the winter of 1967-68 severe blizzards caused the death of abo.ut
3.8 million head of cattle in the MPR. (Yearbook on International Commumst
Affairs 1969, edited by Richard F. STAAR, Hoover Institution Press, 1970, p. 599.)

Chinese horse trade with the barbarians of the North and the West is well
documented since Han times. For the most part of Chinese history, in Ying-
shih Y's words 21 "The exdlange trade between Chinese silk and barbarian
horses ... was probably the most important type of transaction ... carried
on at both state and personal Ievels, thus characterizing much of the Sino-
barbarian economic intercourse not only in Han China but also in later
times ... ". He cites 22 an interesting attempt by Hsien-pi tribes to stop horse
trade with China. The Chinese succeeded in running the blockade which
must have had serious effects on their military forces. Hsien-pi horse and
cattle exports to China were considerable, e. g. 70,000 head were sold by
them to the kingdom of Wei in 222.
Horse trade with the Uighurs was very brisk though not without some
problems. Since, generally speaking, the Uighur rulers were on relatively
good terms with the Chinese, they were willing to provide them with horses
- at a price. Casting themselves in the role of faithful tributaries the Uighurs
kept sending embassies to the Chinese capital, embassies whose lavish
maintenance put a heavy burden on the emperor's treasury. Towards the
middle of the 8th century every year the Uighurs sought to sell several tens
of thousands of horses to the Chinese asking up to forty pieces of silk for each
horse 23 Not only was the price exorbitant, the quality of the horses left
much to be desired and the whole trade was most disadvantageaus for the
Chinese caught in the trap of their own political fiction, viz. that these horses
were brought as "tribute". In 929 the T'u-y-hun and the Tanguts multiplied
their embassies to the Chinese court and the chancellor called the emperor' s
attention to the fact that if the price of the silk given in exchange for the
horses brought in "tribute" is added to the cost of the hospitality accorded to
the ambassadors, the total amounts to more than the double of the real value
of the horses received. But his argument fell on deaf ears. "His Majesty held
the view that the nation was plagued by a constant insufficiency of horses
and that merchants were permanently engaged in trying to secure them.
Now that the Barbarians are bringing the horses of their own volition, how
can one speak of expenses? When the outer Barbarians bring their tribute
to the court, China rewards them. Such is the usual function of the emperor 24 ."
Under the Sung, in the 12th century, a special Horse Trading Office (Ch'a-
ma ssu) was established. Horses were to be paid for in tea, a practice that
continued under the Ming. "Tea and horses were so inextricably related that
officials repeatedly requested that the tea laws and the horse administration
be supervised by the same man. . . . Government control of tea was, in
Chinese eyes, the first step in the creation of a rational and effective horse
policy 25 . " Thus in 1392, for instance, 300,000 chin of tea were exchanged for

Trade and Expansion in Han China, (University of California Press, 1967),
p. 200.
ibid. p. 110.
Colin MAcKERRAS, The Uighur Empire (144-840), The Australian National
University, Centre of Griental Studies, Occasional Paper 8, (Canberra, 1968) , p. 56.
James Russen HAMILTON, Les Ouighours a l'epoque des Cinq Dynasties, (Pres-
ses Universitaires de France, 1955), p. 107.
RossABI, op. cit. p. 142.

over 10,000 horses ''which were immediately turned over to border officials
for defense purposes" 26
Nomad conquerors of agricultural areas faced special problems. For
example in the 10th century theformerlypastoralSha-t'owereunable tomain-
tain their cavalry. It was calculated - presumably because of insufficient
grazing ground- that the cost of upkeep of a mounted soldier was five times
that of an infantryman 27 Of particular interest are the data on the provision-
lng of horses in Yan China. Once established in China and deprived of the
pastures that alone could sustain a number of horses sufficient to cover the
needs of the army, the Mongois had to face the same difficulties as had other
dynasties ruling before them. Compulsory purchase within China did not
always yield results commensurate with the military needs. The very first
decree of Qubilai's reign issued in 1260 ordered that "Excepting riding horses
for officials on military duty, and regular soldiers on military duty, and
persons going to court, all riding horses are to be registered and collected" 2s.
But agricultural China simply could not provide horses in necessary numbers
and the final requisition made by Qubilai produced only 70,000 horses instead
of the 100,000 needed. Even the religious were not exempt from harrassment.
According to a decree of 1287 "Horses have already been requisitioned from
those Buddhist monks, Christians, Taoists, Mobammedan teachers who had
them. Those south of the Yangtse have not yet been requisitioned. Now what
need have the monks and Taoists, sitting in their temples, of horses" 29 ? The
results of this administrative measure proved to be dismal, only 1,503 horses
could be found. The official explanation that "The monks, Christians, Taoists
south of the Yangtse always ride in sedan chairs, when they go out, and
there are few horsebreeders" was probably justified. The whole operation
can be taken as further proof of the small number of horses used, particularly
in the south of China, as well as of the desperate need of the Yan to provide
the armywith horses. Inview ofthematerial adduced byJAGCHID andBAWDEN
it seems perfectly clear that Marco Polo's reference to the great number of
foot-soldiers in Qubilai's army set up against Qaidu is correct and that the
use of infantry was dictated by necessity rather than by any military con-
siderations. The imperial decrees show-in the words of Jagchid and Baw-
den "the difficulties of the Yan emperors when faced with rebellion from the
north, and deprived of access to Mongoi horses and breeding grounds which
were available to the enemy and aided his mobility. Secondly, they show
that when the rebellious princes submitted, without their territories, they
too lacked horses and were unable either to keep up opposition to the dynasty
or to recover their own lost Iands" so.
As mentioned earlier, the horse was the only commodity which, given
favorable circumstances, the Inner Asian grassland economy was able to
producein surplus quantities. These could either be exported- and we have

RossABI, op. cit. p. 145.
27 Wolfram EBERHARD, Conquerors and Rulers, Second edition, (Leiden, 1965),
pp. 152-153.
28 JAGCHID- BAWDEN, op. cit. p. 256.
JADCmD- BAWDEN, Op. cit. p. 262.
op. cit. p. 256.

shown that most of the time China was a potential customer- or they could
be used for warfare. For the Inner Asian nomad war was not, as for Clause-
witz, the continuation of diplomacy by different means; it was a form of
harter aimed at obtaining essential or coveted goods. The success of both
types of operations- peaceful exchange of goods or predatory expeditions
_ depended on the nurober and the quality of the horses. And the horses
were dependent on pastures.
I cited Plano Carpini's remarks on the ability of Mongoi horses to fend for
themselves under adverse circumstances. Their independence of todder is
confirmed by a very great num.ber of Chinese sources. Speaking of the way
the Mongois treat their horses the Meng-ta pei-lu (1221) states " ... they
never feed them with fodder .. . . They pasture them on the steppe according
to where the grass is green or withered.... They never give them beans or
grain at all" 31 Another source from the first half of the 13th century con-
firms that the Mongol's horses receive no todder but graze on the steppe.
In fact it is quite clear that provisioning in fodder an army having as many
horses as did the Mongois would have been a sheer impossibility.
According to the budget estimate of a Chinese expeditionary force operat-
ing in Chinese Turkestan in the second half of the 19th century, the daily
grain consum.ption of a horse is calculated at 0.03 tan. While the epoch is
different, it is safe to assume that the appetite of the sametype of horse has
not changed substantially over the elapsed centuries. As according to the
same source the working load of a camel is 2 tan, almost fifteen hundred
camel-loads of grain would have been needed to feed a hundred thousand
horses for one single day 32 1 Even if our sources would not expressly so state,
it would stand to reason that a cavalry force of the size the Mongois used
in their major campaigns- and it should not be forgotten that each soldier
had a nurober of spare horses - had to rely on pastures. To provide for them
otherwise would have created logistical difficulties whidl even the Mongoi
military and organizational genius would have been unable to surmount.
The locating of pastures sufficient to provide subsistence for big armies
was no mean task, and the Mongoi quartermasters had their hands full. When
in 1252 the great khan Mngke prepared for his great campaigns of conquest,
quartermasters, "elchis were sent on in advance- records the Persian histo-
rian Juvaini - to reserve all pasturage and meadowland whereever the
World-King's troops might be expected to pass, from the Qanghai mountains
between Qara-Qorum and Besh-Baligh; and all animals were forb idden to
graze there lest the pastures might be harmed or the meadows injured. And
all the garden-like mountains and plains were banned and prohibited and the
teeth of the cattle were prevented from browsing thereon" 33 In 1303 the
il-khan Ghazan had to postpone his atta<k on Syria because of the enemy
having set fire to all fodder so that the Mongols' horses should find nothing
to eat. And indeed, "in view of the fact that the horses would have found

JAGCHID- BAWDEN, op. cit. p. 248.
Wen-djang CHU, The Moslem Rebellion in Northwest China, 1862-1878, (The
Hague, 1966). p. 183.
John Andrew BoYLE, The History of the World-Conqueror by 'Alaad-Din 'Ata-
Mallk Juvaini, 1-II, (Manchester University Press, 1958), Il, p. 608.

nothing to eat, Ghazan decided to postpone his campaign until spring "when
the young grass would begin to sproutAA. The Armenian Hayton, who record-
ed these events with a trace of patriotic bittemess, remarked that "The
Tartars were more concerned with their horses than with themselves'' 34.
The destruction of pasture could embarrass even a relatively small group. On
his way to China Evert Isbrand, ambassador of Peter the Great, encountered
great difficulties when hostile Mongois set on fire the dried out pastures.
"Each day we lost several of our horses who died for lack of food' 35 4

Grass and water were the essential prerequisite of nomad warfare. Their
presence or absence determined both the size of the "nomad" armies and
the radius within which they could operate. The complaint of Napoleon's
General Nansouty voiced during the Russian campaign "The horses are so
unpatrioticl Themen- will mardl without food but the horses refuse to move
without their hay" has a universal validity. In 943 Hugh of Arles, trying to
get rid of some Hungarian auxiliaries suggested that they undertake a mar-
auding expedition to Spain. Obligingly, he even provided them with a guide.
On their road to Cordoba they had to traverse a region without adequate
water supply. Fearing lest their horses and themselves may perish, they
killed their guide and returned to Italy 36 In Mard11242, a Mongoi detachment
pursuing the fleeing Hungarian king Bela IV reached the city of Split in
Dalmatia. The archdeacon Thomas of Split, describing the events, expressly
stated that Qaidan, dlief of the Mongoi forces engaged in the operations
arrived with only a fraction of his army "as there was not enough grass for
all his horsemen; it was early March with heavy frosts" 37 Although it is
probable that the shortage of grass was due not only to the frosts of March
but also to the general bareness of the Karst mountains, this may be a suitable
point at which to broach the discussion of the period of the year when Inner
Asian armies were wont to set out on campaigns.
Mongoi horses, as we have seen, were not only used to cold but were also
capable of digging out from under the snow their food or living on twigs,
tree barks or on any other vegetal substance. In the best range areas, in the
fall, the taU grass gradually withers, bends to the ground, becomes tangled
and matted. Covered with snow it constitutes a huge reserve of forage which
the grazing animals can reach unless the snow is exceptionally hard 38 An
examination of the dates on which the great Mongoi campaigns were launch-
ed would probably show that autumn was the preferred season. My relevant

La flordes estoires des parlies d'Orient, in Recueil des historiens des croisades.
Documents armeniens, li, (Paris, 1906) , pp. 199-200.
Adam BRAND, Relation du voyage de Mr. Evert Isbrand . . . en 1692, 93, 94,
(Amsterdam, 1699), p. 83.
Liudprandus episcopus Cremonensis, Antapodosis, Liber V, 19 in MGH.SS. III,
p. 332.
37 Thomas Spaiatensis ard:lidiaconus, Historia Salonitarum, 39, ed. A. F. GoMBOS,

Catalogus Fontium Historiae Hungaricae, (Budapest, 1938), p. 2242: venit C?~danus

cum aliquante parte ,(lui exercitus, quia non erant herbe pro toto equitatu sufilClentes;
erat enim principium Marci asperis frigoribus inhorrescens. .
38 Cf. S. A. PLETNEVA, "Pecenegi, torki i polovci v juznorusskikh stepjakh ", m
Trudy Volgo-Donskoj arkheologiceskoj ekspedicii, I, edited by M. I. ARTAMONO.V,
MIA. 62, 1958, 151-226, p. 187. - I use the word urangeu in the sense current m
America, i. e. as a tract of land used for grazing cattle and other livestock.

data are insufficient to make the point definitely. The factisthat the horses
of the Mongols, and presumably that of other Inner Asian armies were "ready
for war" in the autumn. Speaking of the horse breeding methods of the Mon-
goisaChinese scholar of the firsthalf of the 13th century states: "From the
beginning of the spring they (the Mongols) stop fighting. All the good horses
used in the war they let go free to water and grass, and do not allow them to
be ridden or moved. Only when the west wind is about to blow (i.e. in the
autumn) do they take them and tie them up. They tether them around the tents
and feed them with a very little water and grass. After a month the fat drops
away and they ride them. They will not sweat over several hundred li. For
this reason they can bear long distances and campaigns" 39 A memorial pre-
sented to the emperor in 814 by a minister illustrates the point. Speaking of
the Uighurs, it says: "The northern barbarians are covetous and grasping.
All they care about is profit. This is the second year that their normal yearly
consignment of horses has not arrived. Can it be that they have become
satiated with the profit of silken fabrics? I suspect that what is happening is
that they want [to wait till the autumn when] the wind will be strong and
their horses fat, so that they can make a sudden invasion of China 40 ." Inci-
dentally this passage shows also the alternative use of horses for eilher
trade or warfare.
The economy of pastoral nomadism is extensive and necessitates the rela-
tive dispersal of the population engaged in it. The nurober of horses that a
square mile of steppe can support depends on a number of factors and also,
from year to year, on the weather conditions. But, whatever the absolute
figures may be, it stands to reason, that for every given year there was an
optimuro nurober of horses the steppe land under the control of one given
political power could raise or support. lf we consider the horse a coromodity
- which it undoubtedly was for Inner Asian economies - we find that it
had a few very marked characteristics.
First, there was no substitute for the horse. Of the five categories of dome-
stic animals, tabun qosiyun mal, on which pastoral econoroy rests (horse,
camel, cattle, sheep, goat) only the horse was used for warfare.
Secondly, the utility of a horse remained constant for a nurober of years,
more years than were needed to raise a substitute horse. Thus, unless exter-
nal factors such as famine, disease, war reduced their nurobers, a herd of
horses would roultiply rapidly. Man, however, could control this process by
gelding, an operation which also produced better steeds.
Thirdly, the internal deroand for horses had only a limited elasticity and
the Saturation of the home market was easily achieved. For the Inner Asian
nomad the horse was, to use modern terminology, a durable consumer good
and its "value in use" did not increase in direct proportion with its nurobers.
However useful and valuable the furnace of a central heating system may be,
few, if any, would want to possess half a dozen of them within the same
dwelling. There was no direct advantage to be had through the unlimited
increase of horse herds, unless the surplus horses could be used to obtain

JAGCHID- BAWDEN, op. cit. p. 249.
MACKERRAS, op. cit. p. 98.

goods not produced within the Inner Asian pastoral economic system. Thus
the Value in exchange" of horses was very great not only because they

could be bred in great numbers - after all so could sheep and cattle - but
also because from the buyer's point of view, there was no equivalent sub-
stitute for the horse in one of the principal human endeavors: war.
In order to remain self sufficient on a subsistence Ievel, the Inner Asian
pastoralists had to remain dispersed 41 If, for political or economic reasons
- such as the desire to obtain goods not produced by themselves - the
pastoralists decided to create a strong, centralized state of some dimension,
the pasture could no Ionger provide for the resulting increased density of
their herds. Overgrazing quickly reduced the carrying capacity of the range.
Because of its non-diversified economy the new steppe-state either had to
export the animal surplus 42 so as to reduce the herds to a size commensurate
with the grazing grounds occupied, or it had to make use of the war potential
created by the surplus in horses. An Inner Asian nomad empire could be
compared to a hypothetical modern country whose entire industrial output
consists in tanks. Such a country could ensure its continued existence only
by either exporting them or by using these tanks to obtain by force the goods
not produced by its own economy. While a horse is more versatile than a
tank and its uses are more diversified, beyond an optimum number, horses
cannot be profitably employed within the producing state. If the possibilities
of trade were insufficient and success in war eluded the Ieaders, the steppe
nationbad to disband in order to ensure the survival of the individual. The
concentration of horses necessary for large scale operations could not be
maintained in conditions of peace, but scattered groups of horse breeders
could always maintain themselves on what the pastures and the woodsbad
to offer.
The comparison suggested between the horse and the tank can be
widened to include the provisioning. Just as a supply of fuel is essential
for the tanks, the horse cannot exist without food. I have given above some
instances showing the preoccupation of mounted warriors with the problern
of adequate grazing grounds. Even in our days grass is more easy to come
by than gasoline, yet pasture sufficiently large to feed the horses - and
the other animals - of a nomad empire or to provide for the needs of its
army cannot be found everywhere. The range of activity of the great Inner
Asian armies was severely limited by this factor and, I submit, that a
nurober of ill-explained facts pertaining to Inner Asian history become more
understandable if consideration is given to the logisticallimitations imposed
upon Inner Asian cavalry by nature itself.
Thus it would appear to me that Chingis khan's often quoted intention
to raze the cities of north China and transform the land into pasture was
dictated by an accurate assessment of the military needs rather than by sheer

u Owen LATTIMORE, Inner Asian Frontiers ol China, American Geograp~ical

Society Research Series No. 21, (New York, 1940), p. 331 enlarges on this subJ_ect.
42 In this sense things have not <hanged too mu<h in modern times. In 1957, hye-

stock and animal by-products made out 95 Ofo of the exports from the Mongoh ~
People's Republic to the Soviet Union. Cf. George G. S. MuRPHY, Soviel Mongolw,
(University of California Press, 1966), p. 195.

destructive barbarism. The advice given by his Kitan counsellor Yeh-l
ch'u-ts'ai, who is reported to have said that a country can be conquered
but not governed from the saddle, was dictated by humanitarian as well
as by politicai considerations 48 Ultimately, as we have seen, it weakened
the Mongoi hold on China.
The Mongoi invasion of Hungary provides a telling exampie of their
armies' dependence on adequate pastures. The Hungarian campaign was
a major one, even by Mongoi standards, and its execution was a stragetic
masterpiece. The invasion took place in the spring of 1241, Hungarian
resistance collapsed almost at once and the Mongoi armies regrouped on
the Ieft bank of the Danube which they crossed on Christmas Day, 1241.
West of the river, in Transdanubia, the Mongois pushed on to the Austrian
border and, as we have seen, in a southwesterly direction, to the Adriatic.
Although undefeated and virtually unopposed, the Mongois suddenly eva-
cuated Hungary in the spring of 1242, an operation for which no satisfactory
explanation exists 44 The troops that Ieft Hungary settled in the South
Russian steppe where they were to remain for centuries and where there
were grazing grounds vast enough to support their herds. In my view the
Mongoi evacuation of Hungary was motivated by Batu's logistical diffi-
culties and his recognisance of the fact that the Hungarian pastures were
insufficient to provide for his army's needs.
The Hungarian Piain (Alfid) is rightly considered the westernmost part
of the great Eurasian steppe belt but it is separated from it by the barrier
of the Carpathians. The Cisdanubian part of the piain, the so-called Nagy
Alfid covers approximateiy 100,000 km 2 , i. e. 24,710,400 acres. The Mongols'
homeland, the present day Mongolian Peopie's Republic has a surface of
1,565,00 km 2 , 4/ 5 of which, 1,252,000 km 2 , is grazing Iand 45 In 1918- i.e.
before the introduction of modern livestock production methods - this
Mongoi range supported 1,150,500 horses, 1,078,400 cattle, 228,700 cameis,
and 7,188 ,000 sheep 46 Both in Mongolia and in the U.S.A. five sheep or
goats are considered the equivaient of one animal unit i. e. one head of

cattle, horse or camel. The Mongoi livestock of 1918 counted thus approxi-
mateiy 3,895,200 animais units. If for the sake of simplicity we estimate
the size of the Hungarian range as being 1 / 12 that of Mongolia we must
reckon that it had a carrying capacity of about 322,933 animai units. This
figure is highiy inflated as in no time during history was the whole Alfld
suitable for grazing. Forests, marshes occupied considerable areas and so

See the fine essay by Igor de RACHEWILTZ, "Yeh-l Ch'u-ts'ai (1189-1243) :
Bu ddhist Idealist and Confucian Statesman", in Confucian Personalities, edited by
Artbur F. WRIGHT and Denis TWITCHEIT, (Stanford University Press, 1962), 189-216,
p . 201.
Plano CARPINI's statement (cap. IX, 36, ed. VAN DEN WYNG .~ERT, Sinlca Francis-
cana, I, Firenze, 1929, p . 121) that troops were withdrawn from Hungary because of
Ogdei's death would make sense only if these troops, or at least Batu himself,
would have returned to Mongolia to participate in tbe election of the new khan.
However invaluable CARPINI's account may be, many of his statements are bla-
tantly inaccurate.
u Cf. the collective work Mongol'skaja Narodnaja Respublika, (Moskva, izd.
Nauka , 1971) p. 164.
ibid. p. 169.

did, in an ever increasing measure, land used for agriculture. A fairly pro-
ductive grass range has a grazing capacity of 10 acres per animal month
or, in other words, a range area of 120 acres is needed to support one horse
for one year 47 On this basis Hungarian Alfld could support no more than
205,920 animal units as compared to over 2,500,000 of the Mongoi grazing
Iands. Counting only three horses per Mongoi horseman, the Hungarian
range could provide for the mounts of only 68,640 warriors on the impossible
condition that no other animals were using the pastures. There are too
many variables and too many unknown elements involved in such a compu-
tation for it to lay claim to accuracy. Yet it is safe to say that these figures
and a little additional common sense will show that the Hungarian range
was unable to provision a nomad "superpower". Contemporary sources
describe not only the famine in Hungary that followed the Mongoi invasion
but also the care the invaders took to secure for themselves and their
animals the necessary food 48 The grazing capacity of Hungarian pastures
could not sustain the Mongoi army for a prolonged period and it was the
recognition of this basic fact that prompted Batu to withdraw east of the
Carpathian to a rangeland at least five times the size of Hungary.
The limited carrying capacity of the Hungarian range can be deduced
also from the fact that unlike the nomad "super powers" of Mongolia, the
Hungarian tribes settled on the Hungarian Plain launched their military
campaigns in the late winter or early spring 49 , i. e. at a time when forage
was in low supplies in Hungary and when the marauders could make use
either of the accumulated winter forage of the populations to be attacX.ed
or of the fresh spring grass. Neither Italy nor Central or Western Europe
had pastures sufficient to provide for any length of time for the needs of
important "nomad" forces 50 Unlike the nomad "super powers" eentered
in Mongolia, the Central Eurasian nomads settled in Hungary have never
constituted a real menace to the very existence of the sedentary powers
of Europe. While China, or at least great parts of it, were repeatedly con-
quered by the nomads, neither Byzantium nor Rome have succumbed to
their attacks nor have they ever conquered the Germanie tribes of central
or western Europe. All things considered the Huns or the A vars could not
muster forces comparable to those of the Hsiung-nu, the Trks or the

Marion CLAWSON, The Western Range Livestock Industry, (New York, Toronto,
London, McGraw.Hill, 1950), p. 55. Estimates of grazing or carrying capacity of
ranges vary between two and more than sixteen acres per animal month. On the
specific carrying capacity of the Mongoi steppe, see Herold J . WIENS, "Geographical
limitations to food production in the Monqolian People's Republic", Annals of the
Association of American Geographers, XLI, 1951, 348--69, p. 358--62. There is a
considerable discrepancy between the figures given by WIENS and those quoted by
RoGERIUS, Miserablle Carmen super destructione regni Hungariae per Tartaros,
cap. 36. ed. SzENTPtTERY, Scriptores Rerum Hungaricarum, II, (Budapest, 1938), p. 582.
49 Cf. Cs. BALINT, "Honfoglalas kori sirok Szeged-Othalmon", A M6ra Ferenc

Muzeum Evknyve, 1968, 47-89, pp. 80-81.

A late source reflects weil the Germans' awareness of the Hungarians' need of
pastures. The Oesterreichische Reimchronik written around 1300 by Ottokar voN
STEIER, referring to events that took place in the middle of the 13th century remarks
that the Hungarians had no other need "wan daz ir phert haben gras". Ed. GoMBOS ,
C:atalogus fontium historiae Hungaricae, (Budapest, 1938), p. 1793.

Mongols. Attila's armies werein more than one respect Germanie and, even
when victorious, they did not display that uncontestable military superiority
that is the hallmark of nomad powers disposing of a virtually unlimited
supply of horses. But then, and here is my point, the pastures of the Carpa-
thian basin simply could not provide for such a force. Nomad peoples who
settled on this westernmost stretch of the Eurasian steppe land could not
maintain themselves without switching their economy from pastoral noma-
dism to agriculture. Here as elsewhere, the economic infrastructure of
nomad military power rested on vegetation patterns beyond the control
of politicalleaders.


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