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Environmental Health and Safety



Section: Environmental Health and Safety Department Date of Issue:

Environmental Control Issued By: Environmental Health &Safety
Part: Environmental Management System - Environmental Revision #:
Guideline Revision Date:
Pages: 3 Revised By:

1.0 Purpose/Scope
1.1 This procedure is used to assess the efficiency and performance of autoclaves.

2.0 Responsibilities
2.1 Each operating college/department has the primary responsibility for assuring
proper use and validation of autoclave equipment in order to ensure efficiency of
sterilization procedures.
3.0 References
3.1 Biosign Steam-24 Biological Indicators Product Specification
4.0 Definitions
4.1 Autoclave Validation: A quality assurance procedure used to ensure that the
autoclave reaches adequate temperature for an adequate amount of holding time
to sterilize biological agents and wastes.
4.2 Biological Indicators: Will demonstrate that adequate temperature and holding
time has been achieved in an autoclave; should be used during validation to
ensure efficient sterilization. The most commonly used biological indicator is
Bacillus stearothermophius, being the most resistant to steam autoclaving.
5.0 Procedure
5.1 Each autoclave should be validated every 40 operating hours. See the
Cumulative Time on the Autoclave Operation Log to determine when
validation is necessary.
5.2 Each time the autoclave is validated, the date of validation, pass/fail and other
relevant information should be noted on the Autoclave Validation Log.
5.3 When the cumulative time reaches 38-40 hours, a validation test must be
performed. Wait for the next run of the autoclave, and follow the procedures as
5.3.1 Be sure to wear gloves, a lab coat, and any other necessary personal
protective equipment (PPE) when working with biological agents and
5.3.2 Reference supplier instruction for the Getinge Biosign Steam-24
Biological Indicator.
5.3.3 Make sure the Getinge Biosign Steam-24 indicators being used are not
expired, and record the lot # and expiration date on the Autoclave
Validation Log.
5.3.4 Place Getinge Biosign Steam-24 indicator in the center of the load being
sterilized/under the bag being autoclaved.
5.3.5 Use another sample of the Getinge Biosign Steam-24 indicator not
autoclaved as a control.
5.3.6 Process load as per standard operating procedure. When autoclave cycle is complete, remove and incubate the
indicator spores and the positive control as per suppliers
instructions. The Biosign Steam-24 Indicator should be
incubated at 55 C 3 C for 24 hours. After the 24 hour incubation period, look for a color change in
the indicator media. A color change from Red to Yellow indicates positive
growth (failure). No color change indicates no growth (passing).
5.3.7 Check the positive control (sample not autoclaved) for color change to
ensure the validity of results. If the test cannot be considered valid, the validation should be
performed again with new indicators. If the test is determined valid, record the results and test
parameters on the Autoclave Operation Log and Autoclave
Validation Log. If the test fails, record the results and test parameters on the
Autoclave Operation Log and Autoclave Validation Log and
notify the area PI immediately. Label autoclave Out of Service until a passing validation test
is achieved.
5.3.8 Dispose of the used indicators and contaminated PPE as biological waste.
5.3.9 Attachments Autoclave Operation Log Autoclave Validation Log

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