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Republic of the Philippines month to show cause why such preliminary injunction should not be continued in force

SUPREME COURT during the pendency of this action.

On the 21st of that month, the defendant company answered, admitting the allegations as to
EN BANC the ownership, mortgage, and lease, contained in paragraphs 1, 2, an 3 of the complaint,
and denying all the other allegations therein. The defendant set up by way of special
G.R. No. L-7180 March 30, 1912 defense that the wall in question was not a principal wall and did not extend the entire length
of the building; that said wall consisted of two shells filled with mortar; that it was very old,
deteriorated, and weak; that it was necessary, in order to conserve the property, to remove
RAFAEL ENRIQUEZ, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants, said wall and to substitute it with other material; that the wall in question is so located that it
vs. and its subtenant are deprived of the use of a large part of the ground floor fronting on the
A.S. WATSON & CO. LTD., defendant-appellee. Escolta; that under Clause M of the contract of lease, the defendant has the right to remove
the wall, substituting in lieu thereof other material, this being required by the business
Rohde and Wright for appellants. established in said building.
W. A. Kincaid and Thomas L. Hartigan for appellee.
As a second special defense, the defendant admits the payment of the mortgage by the
TRENT, J.: plaintiffs, but alleges that the contract of lease is independent of the mortgage contract, and
that in satisfying the mortgage of the defendant, the leasehold was specifically continued in
This action was brought on April 12, 1911, by Rafael, Antonio, Trinidad, Cayetano, Rosario, force by all parties.
Gertrudis and Carmen Enriquez, and Antonio Gascon (the latter being a minor, was
represented by his guardian ad litem), as owners and lessors of the property Nos. 72, 74, an As a third special defense, the defendant alleges that under the provisions of Paragraph M
76 Escolta, city of Manila, against A. S. Watson & Company, Ltd., as lessee of said of the contract of lease, it has expended the sum of over sixty thousand pesos in improving
property. The plaintiffs allege that on June 22, 1906, Rafael, Carmen, Antonio, and Trinidad the leased premises, and that on making such expenditure it believed that it would be
Enriquez and Antonio Gascon executed to the defendant a contract of mortgage and lease reimbursed by enjoying the occupancy and subrenting of the premises.
upon their participation in that property; that on January 19, 1907, the other plaintiffs
executed the same mortgage and lease in favor of the defendant upon their interest in the On the 24th day of May, 1911, The Philippines Drug Company, a corporation organized
same property; that the said contract of lease has been terminated by the payment by the under the laws of the Philippine Islands, appeared and asked leave to intervene as an
plaintiffs to the defendant of the principal and interest of the mortgage; that the said contract interested party. This leave being granted, it alleged that it is the actual owner of the
of lease is null and of no effect by reason of the minority of the plaintiff Antonio Gascon, who pharmacy situated in the leased premises, which formerly belonged to the defendant A. S.
is still a minor; that the defendant, after June 22, 1906, made all the repairs necessary to its Watson & Company, Ltd.; and that the defendant sublet to it the ground floor of the leased
business with the approval of the plaintiffs. property under the same conditions as are expressed in the original contract of lease. The
intervener further alleged, as did the defendant, the necessity for the removal of the wall in
The plaintiffs further allege that there exists in that building a principal wall about one meter question in order to give it more space as required by its business, and that the removal of
in thickness and five meters in height, which extends from the front of the building on the this wall was authorized in Paragraph M of the original lease.
Escolta to the rear of the same; that upon this wall rests the second floor of the building and
that it is necessary to safely maintain the building against earthquakes and typhoons; that The trial court, after considering the evidence presented, making a personal inspection of
on 11th of April, 1911, the defendant commenced to destroy and remove the said wall and the leased premises, and hearing the arguments of counsel for both parties, and after
was on the date of the filing of this complaint actually engaged in the destruction and making its findings of facts and conclusions of law, entered the following decree, to wit:
removal of the same; and unless restrained, would continue such destruction and removal,
to the irreparable injury of the plaintiffs; and that the defendant has varied the form and
substance of the leased premises. The plaintiffs therefore prayed that the defendant be The court denies the rescission and declaration of nullity of the contract of lease
prohibited from destroying and removing said wall; that it be ordered to rebuild or replace demanded by the plaintiffs, declaring such contract of lease to be valid and
that part which it had removed or destroyed; and that the contract of lease be declared subsisting and binding upon the parties thereto, and upon the sublessee and
terminated and rescinded. intervener, the Philippine Drug Company, and continues and declares final the
preliminary writ of injunction issued herein on the 12th day of April, 1911, but
modifying the same by permitting the defendant, A. S. Watson & Co. Ltd., or the
On the 12th day of April, 1911, a preliminary injunction was issued by the Court of First intervener, the Philippines Drug Company, to remove the wall in question on the
Instance, prohibiting and restraining the defendant from continuing the removal and condition that they substitute it with properly constructed concrete pillars and
destruction of the wall in question, and requiring it to appear in court on the 17th of that arches and such other work as may be necessary as specified in Finding No. 17 of
this judgment using such temporary shoring and bracing as shall be necessary to All the questions in this case may be merged into one, and that is: Did the trial court err in
insure the safety of the building while such change is being made, which work of failing to declare the contract of lease voidable or rescinded for one of two reasons: first,
removal and substitution may be commenced and carried out upon the defendant because of the minority of one of the lessors; and second, because neither the defendant
or intervener, or both, filing herein an undertaking in the sum of P10,000 with nor intervener had authority under the contract of lease to remove the wall in question?
sureties approved by the court, conditioned that it or they will reimburse the plaintiff Plaintiffs do not now insist that the contract of lease was terminated on the payment of the
lessors for any and all damage that may be caused the leased premises by a mortgage.
failure to take proper precautions and employ proper means to safeguard and
protect the building while such work of removal and substitution is being The eight plaintiffs each have a one-eight undivided interest in the leased premises. The
accomplished. property was leased to the defendant for a period of twelve years with permission to renew
the lease for a further period of six years. Seven of these plaintiffs were of age when they
From this judgment the plaintiffs appealed and make the following assignment of errors: executed this contract of lease. The other, Antonio Gascon, was a minor. At the time this
contract of lease was executed, the minor was represented by his judicial guardian. The
1. The judgment is erroneous in not having declared rescinded the contract of guardian having obtained authority or permission of the court to enter into this contract of
lease. lease for and on behalf of his ward, the action of the guardian in executing said contract was
approved by the probate court.
2. The judgment is erroneous in finding that the lessee and sublessee have the
right to change the form and substance of the property leased. Article 1548 of the Civil Code reads:

3. The judgment is erroneous in finding that the lessee acted in good faith in ART. 1548. The husband can not give in lease the property of the wife, the father
beginning the destruction of the wall. believing that under the contract of lease it and guardian, that of the son or minor, and the administrator of property, not
had the right to do this. having a special power, for a period exceeding six years.

4. The judgment is erroneous in not finding that the building is weakened by the Article 398 of the same code provides:
destruction of the wall.
ART. 398. The decision of a majority of the coowners as to the management and
5. The judgment is erroneous is so far as it modifies the preliminary injunction. better enjoyment of the thing owned in common shall be obligatory.

6. The judgment is erroneous in not declaring perpetual the preliminary injunction. There shall be no majority, unless the resolution has been adopted by the
coowners representing a majority of the interests which constitute the object of the
7. The judgment is erroneous in the dispositive part thereof relating to the form and
manner of making the modifications in the property because it does not relate to
anything at issue in the case. Should there be no majority, or the resolution of the latter is seriously prejudicial to
the parties interested in the thing owned in common, the judge, at the instance of a
party, shall decree what may be proper, including the appointment of an
8. The judgment is erroneous in the part relating to the form and manner of making administrator.
the modifications in the property because it does not dispose of anything judicially,
but, on the contrary, gives permission to the opposing parties without commanding
them to do anything. xxx xxx xxx

9. The judgment is erroneous because it does not order the repair of the Counsel for the plaintiffs do not claim that the contract of lease which was made for a period
destruction made in the wall. of more than six years is seriously prejudicial to the interests of the minor, nor do they claim
that said contract, of itself, prejudices in any way the minor's interest.
10. The judgment is erroneous because it declares valid the contract of lease.
The supreme court of Spain had under consideration this very question in its resolution of
April 26, 1907 (vol. 15 Jurisprudencia referente al Codigo Civil, p. 194). In this case, a
11. The court erred in denying the motion for a new trial. contract of lease for twelve years, executed by one of the coowners of a certain property,
one of whom was a minor, had been presented for registry. Registry was refused for the
reason, among others, the majority of the coowners lacked authority to execute said
contract of lease. It was argued that the majority of the coowners, in their enjoyment of the In the execution of the contract of lease under consideration, the minor was, as we have
control of the management and administration of the thing, acted in a representative or an said, represented by his judicial guardian, who not only asked the court for and obtained
administrative capacity in regard to the minority. In determining the questions presented in authority to execute this contract of lease on behalf of this ward, but his act, after the
this case, the court said: execution, was approved by the court. The interest of the minor has not been prejudiced by
reason of the fact that this contract of lease was executed for a term of more than six years.
That for the administration and better enjoyment of the thing, the decision of the Under the doctrine laid down by the supreme court of Spain, it would appear that this
majority of the coowners is obligatory, and that there is no majority, unless the contract of lease would be valid if the minor had not been represented by his guardian. The
decision is made by the coowners, that represent the majority of the interests that minor having been represented by his duly appointed guardian, there can be no question
constitute the object of the community, are general rules laid down in article 398 of about the validity of this contract of lease.
the Civil Code, governing community of property.
The principal question is whether or not the appellees have violated the terms of the
The contract of lease is by its nature and purpose one of the means of enjoyment contract of lease and thereby entitle appellants to have said contract of lease rescinded.
or development of nonfungible property, and, in this concept, may be agreed upon
by the coowners of a thing, provided always that they represent a majority of the Before considering the contract in question, it might be well to examine the right of the
interests of the community, the decision being obligatory for all by virtue of the lessee to make changes in the property leased, if there were no express stipulation therefor
powers that are expressly conferred upon them by virtue of said provisions. in the contract.

If, indeed, the contract of lease of real property for a period exceeding six years, or Article 1573 of the Civil Code provides:
in which the rents are advanced for more than three years, constitutes a real right
inasmuch as it is subject to registry, according to the decision of this court in A lessee shall have, with regard to the useful and voluntary improvements, the
various resolutions, this principle of law, which has been applied in the sense of not same rights which are granted the usufructuary.
permitting the execution of such a contract to those who administer the goods of
others, and especially to prevent agents from executing such a contract without
special authority for the same, in accordance with the provisions of article 1713 of Article 487 of the same code reads:
the said code, is not opposed to the principle of law laid down in said article 398;
taking into consideration the legal character and peculiar attributes of community of The usufructuary may make on the property which is the object of the usufruct any
property, which makes it convenient and necessary that those who have less improvements, useful or for recreation, which he may deem proper, provided he
interest therein should submit to those who have a greater participation therein, in does not change its form or substance; but he shall have no right to be indemnified
all that refers to the exploitation and ordinary enjoyment of the same, the rule is therefor. He may, however, remove said improvements, should it be possible to do
established that the enjoyment of the common thing must be subject to the will of so without injury to the property.
the majority, without distinguishing and limiting the period or the form of the
enjoyment; therefore, the contract of lease being the same in essence whatever The result is that the lessee may make any improvements, useful or for recreation, in the
the term for which it is constituted, such a contract must be considered as an act of property leased that he may deem proper, provided that he does not change its form or
mere administration, and subject to contract by the decision of the majority of substance. The same obligation is expressed in articles 487 and 489, and in so far as the
coowners, the other interested parties always having the right to appeal to the form of the thing is concerned, in article 1557. According to article 487 and 1557, the
court when the decision is gravely prejudicial to them according to the provisions of obligations of the lessee and the lessor are the same in the absence of any agreement to
the same article 398. the contrary, in so far as the conservation of the form of the thing leased is concerned. This
question of conserving the form and substance of the thing leased or the object of the
This doctrine was recognized by the supreme court in its decision of June 30, usufruct has been passed upon at various times by the courts.
1897, and of the 8th of July, 1902, and by this court in its resolution of May 29,
1906, considering as included in the powers conferred in said article, leases In the case of the Manila Building and Loan Association and Pealosa (13 Phil. Rep., 575),
exceeding a period of six years, decided upon by a majority of the coowners of a this court said:
property possessed in common.

If the object leased were a house, it is evident that the lessee might effect such
The contract of lease of the property referred to in these proceedings, having been improvements for use, recreation or comfort as would not change its form or
agreed upon by the coowners representing the majority of the interests in the substance as he deemed fit; he could build a tower or luxurious pavilion more
same, they were possessed of sufficient legal capacity by virtue of what is already expensive than the house itself, to which, at the expiration of the lease, the owner
said, and it is, therefore, subject to registry. of the house would have no right whatever, unless the lessee could not remove the
same without injury to the house to which it was attached as an improvement, changes made in the same, and these do not involve, as has already been said,
excepting of course the right to cause the same to be demolished so that the any variation or change of form or any interruption of the peaceable enjoyment of
house might be returned to him in the same condition that the lessee received it; . . the lease and because it does not appear from the facts that the trial court
.. accepted as proven that the appellant suffered disturbance of his rights for which
he had been compelled to become responsible to the lessor, and he, not having
The supreme court of Spain, in its judgment of June 24, 1905, volume 14 of the done so, there is no legal reason to apply, as is attempted, the provisions of article
Jurisprudencia referente al Codigo Civil, page 38, had under consideration the interpretation 1560 of the code referred to.
of this phrase in a case in which the lessee asked for the rescission of the lease because
the lessor had altered the form of the thing leased. The facts were that the lessee had Manresa, in volume 10 of his commentaries on the Civil Code, pages 534, 535, [488, 489]
leased the house for the period of ten years, and at the time of the execution of the contract says:
of lease, there was a vacant lot next to the house and 13 windows of the house lease
overlooked this lot. Thereafter the owner of the adjacent lot constructed an edifice thereon The question was discussed very energetically as to whether the lessee of a city
which gave rise to litigation between the lessor and the owner of the adjacent lot, which property leased for a stated industrial purpose, could install machinery propelled by
litigation was settled by the lessor and the owner of the said lot, the latter being permitted to steam in substitution for the utilities, implements, and contrivances which were
cover the windows of the leased property, and the former allowed to open in the partition used before the general adoption of such machinery. The installation of modern
wall of the latter's garden two large and two small windows of specified dimensions, under machinery and its ordinary operation, at once caused a deterioration to the estate
certain conditions. The construction was continued, with the result that such construction much greater than the use of the former apparatus, besides the accidents which
effectually closed and covered the 13 windows and the balcony, depriving the property might occur and which produce very great damage to the thing leased. Therefore,
leased of the light previously received by the same. For the purpose of obtaining better light, based upon this consideration, it was said that the lessee could not make this
many changes were made and much work done in the interior of the leased house, the final substitution because it implied a bad and prejudicial use of the thing and therefore
result being that some of the rooms of the house were darkened completely, others very different from that diligence of a good father in its use to which he had
receiving poor and indirect ventilation. The court, in refusing to rescind the contract of lease, obligated himself.
As Laurent says, there arise here two contrary interests and two diverse
It does not appear that there is error committed by the trial court in its decision as set out in tendencies. The owner has in view the stability of the structure and fears every
the first assignment of error, because, even though the noncompliance by the lessor of his innovation which may compromise its preservation. The manufacturer finds himself
obligations, among which was that of maintaining the lessee in the peaceable enjoyment of obliged to keep abreast of the development of his industry, to make changes, if he
the lease during the period of the contract, and the prohibition to change the form of the does not wish to perish, and his interests demand that he put into practice the
thing leased, confers upon the lessee the right to ask for the rescission of the contract, such inventions which increase his profits, even though the edifice may suffer. The
circumstances are not found in the present case since the trial court says that the appellant owner commences to resist, adds this writer, but competition forces the
was not disturbed in the possession of the house, the object of the lease, nor was he manufacturer, and the owner ends by yielding, if he does not wish to remain
impeded from using the premises as a tavern, for which use he had intended the same, and unproductive.
these findings of fact have not been legally impugned.
This is the essence of the policy pursued by foreign decisions, where the question
The decision also states that the changes made in the property did not change the form of has been so much more important than in our own country. Until the year 1860,
the same in the sense and concept covered by article 1557 of the Civil Code. judicial decisions were inclined to favor the owner of the property. But from that
Notwithstanding that the findings on the point contain legal reasoning now corresponding to year the rights of industry have been recognized with ever increasing clearness. It
this court, the interpretation of this article can not be made in general and absolute terms has been considered that from the moment the lease is drawn up, in which is
not defined by law, because as a circumstantial fact depending in each case on the peculiar stated the industrial use to which the lessee desires to put the thing leased, the
conditions of the thing leased, there exists no reason in the case at bar upon which to base claims of the industry to which the object of the lease is to be devoted have been
the conclusion that the trial court erred, having in mind that the particular use of the same as determined, and the lessee can not be condemned to a stagnation which would be
a tavern was not interfered with, as held in its decision, and also the fact set out in its uneconomical, and, these facts admitted, the logical consequences must
decision, and not contradicted in any manner, namely, that the changes and alterations necessarily follow: the lessor can not prevent the lessee from adopting the
made were beneficial, tolerated by Sabay, and consented to by the person to whom Sabay improvements of his industry; the acts of the parties in making the stipulations in
transferred his rights under the contract of sublease. the lease will do the rest.

The two last reasons given for the rescission of the contract lack force and weight, The lessee may make on the property which is the object of the lease any improvements,
because, in accordance with the sense and concept of article 1561 of the said Civil useful or for recreation, which may be deem proper, provided he does not change its form or
Code, the property must be returned at the expiration of the term of lease with the
substance. He is obligated to use the thing leased as a diligent father of a family would, and All the expenditures for cleaning, painting, and repairs which the building may
to return the thing leased at the expiration of the lease in the same condition in which he require and all that is ordered done by the Board of Health, will be at the expense
received it, except what may have been destroyed or impaired by time or unavoidable of the lessee, A. S. Watson and Company, Limited.
reasons. (Arts. 1573, 487, 1555, and 1561, Civil Code.)
Clause M:
The supreme court of Spain recognizes the fact that no ironclad rules for the interpretation
of these articles can be laid down which would govern all cases. These provisions must be The lessee may make such works on the building as the business which it has
applied according to the facts and circumstances of each case. Manresa is inclined to the established therein requires, provided always that neither the strength nor the
view that industrial development should be taken into consideration in the determination of value of the said building is impaired.
questions involved in the application of said articles. The provisions of these articles are
general rules of law, and, like most general propositions, are not to be accepted without
limitation or reserve, under any and all circumstances. They must be interpreted in the light It will be noted that the word "reparaciones" is used in Clause K, and the word "obras" in
of the growth of civilization and varying conditions. Certain obligations are placed upon the Clause M. Counsel for the appellants insist that the word "obras" as thus used means the
lessee to prevent lawless acts which would result in waste or destruction. The importance of same as "reparaciones." The Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Castilian Language
these obligations to the lessor cannot be denied. Especially are they valuable and essential (Diccionario Enciclopedico de la Lengua Castellana) defines these words as follows:
to the protection of a landlord who rents his premises for a short time. Suppose he has fitted
his premises for certain uses and leases them for such uses for a short term. He would then OBRA:
be entitled to receive them back at the end of the term still fitted for those same uses, and
he may well say that he does not choose to have a different property returned to him from 1. A thing made or produce by an agent.
that which he leased, even if it be found to be of greater value of reason of the change. But
suppose that a usufructuary who has a life interest in an estate should receive as such a
hemp hacienda, and that in a short time this hacienda should become permanently xxx xxx xxx
unproductive through disease or death of the plants, or by change of the market conditions,
and the land to have become far more valuable, by reason of new conditions, as rice or 4. A building in course of construction.
sugar land. Is the usufructuary to be compelled to preserve or renew the useless hemp
fields and forego the advantages to be derived from a different use? Or, suppose a life
tenant should change warehouses into dwelling houses on the ground that by change of
conditions the demand for warehouses had ceased and the property had become worthless,
whereas it would be very valuable when fitted for dwelling houses. Would this be such a 1. The action an effect of repair. (Reparar-verb: To mend, to straighten, or correct
change in the form or substance of the thing leased as to forfeit the interest of the tenant? the damage suffered by something.)
Again, a lessee for a long term received, during very prosperous times, a hemp hacienda
upon which were constructed large and valuable storehouses in which were the old style The New Dictionary of the Castilian Language (Nuevo Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana)
hand-presses, but new. Later, on account of a complete change in conditions due to the defines the same words as follows:
market and the method of pressing hemp by steam, the lessee allowed the buildings and
presses, which had become useless, to fall into decay rather than incur the expense of
repair. Would a prudent owner of the fee, if in possession, have done the same? These
questions naturally suggest their own answer. The radical and permanent changes of
surrounding conditions must always be an important consideration in the determination of Anything made, created, or produced by the some power or agent. Any
such questions. The interpretation that "if the man is too long for the bed his head should be construction of architecture, masonry, or carpentry, applied especially to buildings
chopped off rather than enlarge the old bed or purchase a new one" should not be given in course of construction or repair, as: "There are three jobs in Calle Hortaleza.
those provisions of the Civil Code regarding the obligations of lessees. Everything in my house is disordered and topsy-turvy because of the work."

Let us now turn to the contract of lease and the evidence presented. In this contract of lease REPARACION:
there are two clauses which deserve careful consideration.
The act or effect of repairing or of being repaired. The fact of the repairing, in the
Clause K: sense of renewing or improving something.

The only synonym given in this work for "obra" is produccion."

It may be that repairs are included in the definition of "obras." Nevertheless, it cannot be meaningless to say that when a duty is imposed upon a person it is necessary to expressly
denied that the word "obras," used in its general sense, has a far more comprehensive give him a right to perform that duty. If he did not have the right to perform that duty, the
meaning than just simple repairs. same would not have been imposed upon him. The stipulations in Clause M are expressed
as clearly and explicitly as they could have been under the circumstances. At the time of the
Sections 290 and 293 of the Code of Civil Procedure, provide: execution of this contract of lease, it was impossible to know what would be the
requirements of the business during its term of eighteen years. It was likewise impossible for
the parties to have then agreed in detail as to the changes that might be necessary. The
SEC. 290. Terms of a writing presumed to be in their ordinary sense. The terms lessee wished to reserve to itself the right to make the changes in the property required by
of a writing are presumed to have been used in their primary and general its business, and none of the parties could anticipate what might be required during this long
acceptation, but evidence is nevertheless admissible that they have a local, period of time. This right was conferred upon the lessee by the lessors, but the right, as we
technical or otherwise peculiar signification, and were so used and understood in have said, had its limitations: that is, the lessee could not prejudice the solidity or the value
the particular instance, in which case the agreement must be construed of the building without breaking the contract.
The question was raised as to whether the conduct of the parties in carrying out the terms of
SEC. 293. Where intention of different parties to instrument not the same. When this lease has been such as to show or indicate their intention or understanding of the
the terms of an agreement have been intended in a different sense by the different meaning of the word "obras" when they inserted this word in Clause M. Upon this point the
parties to it, that sense is to prevail against either party in which he supposed the trial court said:
other understood it; and when different constructions of a provision are otherwise
equally proper, that is to be taken which is the most favorable to the party in whose
favor the provision was made. That under and by virtue of the said contract of lease, the defendant company
entered into possession of the leased premises, making therein alterations and
repairs at a cost of some P60,000, including the removal of the whole front of the
In the case at bar no proof has been presented tending to show that the word "obras" was building facing upon the Escolta and replacing the same upon the new street line,
used in a technical or special sense, or that it has a local signification, and therefore, it must established by the city of Manila, with a modern and a decorative commercial front;
be considered as used in its ordinary and general sense. If there exist any ambiguity and if the removal of the heavy tiled roof and the replacing of the same with a light
the meaning that the appellants give to the word "obras" is proper, the meaning given by the galvanized roof; the removal of various walls and replacing the same with steel
appellees is likewise proper, consequently, we must apply the rule laid down in section 293, columns and girders; the tearing down and rebuilding of a part of the building and
above quoted, for the reason that the stipulation contained in Clause M of the contract is a the adding thereto of a camarin upon the Pasig River; and the building of a river
stipulation in the favor of the lessee. wall and reclamation of a considerable amount of ground; and which alteration
included the removal of that part of the wall in question which extended from point
Counsel for appellants insist that in order to define the meaning of the word "obras" we A to point G on the plan of the premises introduced in evidence as defendant's
should refer to the articles of the Civil Code that deal with contracts of lease. This might be Exhibit No. 9, all of which repairs, alterations and improvements, were made with
done in those cases where the intention of the parties could not be ascertained from either final approval of the plaintiffs, although after much controversy and many
the contract itself or from the conduct of the parties in executing and carrying out the same. disagreements, and to which alterations and improvements the plaintiffs
In the case at bar, all that is necessary is to give a fair and reasonable interpretation to the contributed the sum of about eighteen hundred pesos paid by the city of Manila for
meaning of clause M of the contract of lease. This clause contains certain limitations on the the expropriation for street purposes of the small strip along the front of the building
exercise of the right to make alterations (obras): first, the alterations (obras) proposed to be heretofore mentioned.
made must be required by the business; second, such alterations must not injure the solidity
of the building; and third, the same must not prejudice the value of the building. But it is These findings of fact are, we think, fully supported by the evidence. The result is that these
insisted, as we have said, that the word "obras" in clause M must be interpreted to mean important and material changes, which include the removal of a great portion of the very
"reparaciones" as used in Clause K. Clause K imposes upon the lessee the obligation to wall in question, were made by virtue of the contract of lease itself. It is true that the owners
make the repairs required by the building for its conservation. If the words have exactly the objected at first, but afterwards consented in accordance with the provisions of Clause M,
same meaning and were intended by the parties to mean the same thing, then the insertion and not by reason of any subsequent specific agreement. After all, that the defendants have
of clause M would only have had the effect of giving to the lessee the right to keep the the right under the law and the provisions of Clause M of the contract of lease to remove the
building in repair, when, as a matter of fact, Clause K made it its duty to repair the building. wall in question, cannot be seriously doubted, provided always that neither the solidity of the
As we understand the contract, in Clause K a duty is imposed upon the lessee, while in building nor its value be impaired.
Clause M a right is given to it. In Clause K the word "reparaciones" is used in connection
with the duty, and in clause M the word "obras" is used in connection with the right. If the
contracting parties had intended that the two words be used in the same sense they would Let us now determine whether or not a removal of the wall in question (1) will prejudice
have so stated, or they would have eliminated Clause M entirely as being useless, as it is either the solidity of the building or its value, and (2) if it is required by the business of the
The walls which the defendants and interveners propose to remove and substitute in lieu A lease may be of things, works, or services. (Art. 1542, Civil Code.) In a lease of things,
thereof other material is composed of two outer shells of Guadalupe or Meycauayan stone, one of the parties thereto binds himself to give to the other the enjoyment or use of a thing
filled with lime, plaster and rubber, the two shells being bound together by stones laid for a specified time and for a fixed price. (Art. 1543, idem.)
transversely, the whole wall was so formed being about one meter thick and extending from
the front of the building a distance of about 38 meters toward the Pasig River. This wall is Article 1550 of the Civil Code reads:
about four meters high, extending from the ground floor to the second floor. The joists and
girders supporting the second floor are embedded in said wall. There are two actual
openings in this wall, with three doors and an arch, which have been walled up. The wall is Should it not be expressly forbidden in the contract of the lease of things, the
in good condition, except that part removed by the defendants before the commencement of lessee may sublet the whole or a part of the things leased without prejudice to his
this action, and said wall is one of the longitudinal walls, all being approximately of the same liability for the fulfillment of the contract executed with the lessor.
thickness. The wall in question divides the east half of the ground floor of the building
approximately in its center and sustains a part of the weight of the second floor of this east There is nothing in the contract of lease in the case at bar which even tends to prohibit the
half, together with a partition forming one of the divisions of the second floor. But it does not lessee from subletting the whole or any part of the leased premises. The lessee's right to do
sustain any of the weight of the roof, this weight being distributed by means of trusses to the this cannot be questioned, and his subtenant is not only obligated to carry out his part of the
outer walls of the building. About one-third of this wall, or that part nearest the Pasig has contract with the sublessor, but he is also bound to the lessors for all of the acts which refer
already been removed, and the removal of the same was approved by the owners. The to the use and preservation of the premises, in the manner agreed upon between the
interveners now propose to remove the remaining two-thirds and substitute in lieu thereof lessors and the lessee. The lessors can compel the subtenant to comply with these
other material, using the material of the old wall for filing up certain openings in other walls conditions. This sets up the privity between the lessors and the subtenant. But it is said that
of the building. This old wall, according to the experts, offers very little resistance to lateral the contract of lease in question is not assignable. This contract is an ordinary one, under
shocks or motions. Practically all of the resistance of lateral shocks or motions is furnished which the lessee as we have said, has a perfect right to sublet the whole of the premises for
by the cross-walls. Again, according to the opinion of the experts the building will be greatly the entire time. Should the lessee do this, would it not amount to an assignment of the
strengthened against earthquakes or unusual shocks or force, and its durability increased contract of the lease? The power of assignment is incident to the state of every lessee of
by the removal of the remaining part of the wall in question and the substitution in lieu things, unless he has been restrained by the terms of his lease. In the contract of lease in
thereof of reinforced concrete posts or pillars and arches, taking the material and filing, as question, the lessors, by Clause M, agree that the lessee may make such changes as its
the interveners propose to do, the openings in some of the other walls. Such proposed business requires, provided that neither the solidity nor the value of the building is
removal, if carried out, will practically double the floor space of the drug store and greatly prejudiced. This is a specific right granted to the lessee. This right is a part of the lease itself
increase its rental value, and also greatly increase the actual value of the building. This and affects directly the thing leased. It is not, therefore, a personal obligation between the
extra floor space is absolutely essential to the business carried on in this part of the building. lessors and the lessee.
The foregoing are substantially the findings of the trial court, based upon the testimony of
expert witnesses, and an ocular inspection of the premises. These facts show clearly and We are, therefore, of the opinion that the judgment appealed from should be affirmed with
beyond a question that the removal of the remainder of this old wall will not only prejudice costs against the appellant.
the solidity of the building, but greatly increase its solidity and durability, as, according to the
opinion of the experts, the reinforced concrete posts and arches will offer greater resistance
to earthquakes or bagious than the old wall; that both the intrinsic and rental value of the Johnson, Carson and Moreland, JJ., concur.
building will be increased; and that this removal is required by the business. Arellano, C.J. and Mapa, J., dissent.

Lastly, counsel for the appellants say:

The plaintiffs contend that a contract is only binding on the parties thereto as
provided in article 1257 of the Civil Code and that, although a sublessee is bound
to the lessor as provided in articles 1551 and 1552 yet this is not an obligation
arising out of contract but one founded in law and the relation of the parties to
property, and that the lessor has no obligation towards the sublessee as such at all
either legal or of contract and that therefore even if by clause (m) of the lease of
the plaintiffs had the obligation to permit the defendant to take out the wall to suit
the convenience of its own business, that such an obligation was purely personal
between the parties to the lease and since the contract of lease is not assignable
this right could not be transferred by the defendant or made use of by the
defendant for the benefit of other persons.

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