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Variation, Errors, and Quality in the
Clinical Laboratory
Jorge Sepulveda
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York

INTRODUCTION Failure at any of these steps can result in an erro-

neous or misleading laboratory result, sometimes with
It has been roughly estimated that approximately adverse outcomes. For example, interferences with
70% of all major clinical decisions involve consider- point-of-care glucose testing due to treatment
ation of laboratory results. In addition, approximately with maltose-containing fluids have led to failure to
4094% of all objective health record data are labora- recognize significant hypoglycemia and to mortality or
tory results [13]. Undoubtedly, accurate test results severe morbidity [4].
are essential for major clinical decisions involving
disease identification, classification, treatment, and
monitoring. Factors that constitute an accurate labora-
tory result involve more than analytical accuracy and
can be summarized as follows:
Errors can occur in all the steps in the laboratory
1. The right sample was collected on the right patient, testing process, and such errors can be classified as
at the correct time, with appropriate patient follows:
1. Pre-analytical steps, encompassing the decision to
2. The right technique was used collecting the sample
test, transmission of the order to the laboratory for
to avoid contamination with intravenous fluids,
analysis, patient preparation and identification,
tissue damage, prolonged venous stasis, or
sample collection, and specimen processing.
2. Analytical assay, which produces a laboratory
3. The sample was properly transported to the
laboratory, stored at the right temperature,
3. Post-analytical steps, involving the transmission of
processed for analysis, and analyzed in a manner
the laboratory data to the clinical provider, who
that avoids artifactual changes in the measured
uses the information for decision making.
analyte levels.
4. The analytical assay measured the concentration of Although minimization of analytical errors has
the analyte corresponding to its true level been the main focus of developments in laboratory
(compared to a gold standard measurement) medicine, the other steps are more frequent sources of
within a clinically acceptable margin of error (the erroneous results. An analysis indicated that in the
total acceptable analytical error (TAAE)). laboratory, pre-analytical errors accounted for 62% of
5. The report reaching the clinician contained the all errors, with post-analytical representing 23% and
right result, together with interpretative analytical 15% of all laboratory errors [5]. The most
information, such as a reference range and other common pre-analytical errors included incorrect order
comments, aiding clinicians in the decision-making transmission (at a frequency of approximately 3% of
process. all orders) and hemolysis (approximately 0.3% of all

Accurate Results in the Clinical Laboratory.

DOI: 1 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

samples) [6]. Other frequent causes of pre-analytical noncognitive errors, commonly known as slips and
errors include the following: lapses, due to interruptions in a process that is routine
or relatively automatic. Whereas the first type can be
Patient identification error
prevented by increased training, competency evalua-
Tube-filling error, empty tubes, missing tubes, or
tion, and process aids such as checklists or cheat
wrong sample container
sheets summarizing important steps in a procedure,
Sample contamination or collected from infusion
noncognitive errors are best addressed by process
improvement and environment re-engineering to mini-
Inadequate sample temperature.
mize distractions and fatigue. Furthermore, it is useful
Table 1.1 provides a complete list of errors, includ- to classify adverse occurrences as activethat is, the
ing pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical immediate result of an action by the person perform-
errors, that may occur in clinical laboratories. ing a taskor as latent or system errors, which are sys-
Particular attention should be paid to patient identifi- tem deficiencies due to poor design or implementation
cation because errors in this critical step can have that enable or amplify active errors. In one study, only
severe consequences, including fatal outcomes, for approximately 11% of the errors were cognitive, all in
example, due to transfusion reactions. To minimize the pre-analytical phase, and approximately 33% of the
identification errors, health care systems are using errors were latent [5]. Therefore, the vast majority
point-of-care identification systems, which typically of errors are noncognitive slips and lapses perfor-
involve the following: med by the personnel directly involved in the
process. Importantly, 92% of the pre-analytical, 88% of
1. Handheld devices connected to the laboratory
analytical, and 14% of post-analytical errors were pre-
information systems (LIS) that can objectively
ventable. Undoubtedly, human factors, engineering,
identify the patient by scanning a patient-attached
and ergonomicsoptimization of systems and process
bar code, typically a wrist band.
redesigning to include increased automation and user-
2. Current laboratory orders can be retrieved from the
friendly, simple, and rule-based functions, alerts,
barriers, and visual feedbackare more effective than
3. Ideally, collection information, such as correct tube
education and personnel-specific solutions to consis-
types, is displayed in the device.
tently increase laboratory quality and minimize errors.
4. Bar-coded labels are printed at the patients side,
Immediate reporting of errors to a database accessi-
minimizing the possibility of misplacing the labels
ble to all the personnel in the health care system,
on the wrong patient samples.
followed by automatic alerts to quality management
Analytical errors are mostly due to interference or personnel, is important for accurate tracking and timely
other unrecognized causes of inaccuracy, whereas correction of latent errors. In our experience, reporting
instrument random errors accounted for only 2% of all is improved by using an online form that includes
laboratory errors in one study [5]. According to that checkboxes for the most common types of errors
study, most common post-analytical errors were due to together with free-text for additional information
communication breakdown between the laboratory and (Figure 1.1). Reviewers can subsequently classify errors
the clinicians, whereas only 1% were due to miscommu- as cognitive/noncognitive, latent/active, and internal to
nication within the laboratory, and 1% of the results had laboratory/internal to institution/external to institution;
excessive turnaround time for reporting [5]. Post- determine and classify root causes as involving human
analytical errors due to incorrect transcription of labora- factors (e.g., communication and training or judgment),
tory data have been greatly reduced because of the software, or physical factors (environment, instrument,
availability of automated analyzers and bidirectional hardware, etc.); and perform outcome analysis.
interfaces with the LIS [5]. However, transcription errors Outcomes of errors can be classified as follows:
and calculation errors remain a major area of concern in
those testing areas without automated interfaces 1. Target of error (patient, staff, visitors, or
between the instrument and the LIS. Further develop- equipment).
ments to reduce reporting errors and minimize the test- 2. Actual outcome on a severity scale (from unnoticed
ing turnaround time include autovalidation of test to fatal) and worst outcome likelihood if error was
results falling within pre-established rule-based para- not intercepted, because many errors are corrected
meters and systems for automatic paging of critical before they cause injury. Errors with significant
results to providers. outcomes or likelihoods of adverse outcomes should
When classifying sources of error, it is important to be discussed by quality management staff to
distinguish between cognitive errors, or mistakes, which determine appropriate corrective actions and
are due to poor knowledge or judgment, and process improvement initiatives.


TABLE 1.1 Types of Error in the Clinical Laboratory

Duplicate order Order misinterpreted (test ordered 6 intended test)
Ordering provider not identified Inappropriate/outmoded test ordered
Ordered test not performed (include add-ons) Order not pulled by specimen collector
Unsuccessful phlebotomy Check-in not performed (in the LIS)

Traumatic phlebotomy Wrong patient preparation (e.g., nonfasting)

Patient complaint about phlebotomy Therapeutic drug monitoring test timing error
Inappropriate sample transport conditions Specimen damaged during transport
Specimen leaked in transit Specimen damaged during centrifugation/analysis

Specimen unlabeled Date/time missing

Specimen mislabeled: No name or ID on tube Collectors initials missing
Specimen mislabeled: No name on tube Label illegible
Specimen mislabeled: Incomplete ID on tube Two contradictory labels
Wrong specimen label Overlapping labels
Wrong name on tube Mismatch requisition/label

Wrong ID on tube Specimen information misread by automated reader

Wrong blood type
Delay in receiving specimen in lab STAT not processed urgently
Delay in performing test

Specimen contaminated with infusion fluid Hemolyzed

Specimen contaminated with microbes Clotted or platelet clumps
Specimen too old for analysis
No specimens received/missing tube Wrong preservative/anticoagulant
Specimen lost in laboratory Insufficient specimen quantity for analysis

Wrong specimen type Tube filling error (too much anticoagulant)

Inappropriate container/tube type Tube filing error (too little anticoagulant)
Wrong tube collection instructions Empty tube
High analytical turnaround time Test perform by unauthorized personnel
Instrument caused random error Results discrepant with other clinical or

Instrument malfunction laboratory data

QC failure Testing not completed




TABLE 1.1 (Continued)


QC not completed Wrong test performed (different from test ordered)

Report not completed Reported questionable results, detected by laboratory
Delay in reporting results Reported questionable results, detected by clinician
Critical results not called Failure to append proper comment
Delay in calling critical results Read back not done

Results reported incorrectly Results misinterpreted

Results reported incorrectly from outside laboratory Failure to act on results of tests
Results reported to wrong provider


Proficiency test failure Employee injury

Product wastage Safety failure
Product not delivered timely Environmental failure
Product recall Damage to equipment

Clearly, efforts to improve accuracy of laboratory continuously improve the quality of the products, a
results should encompass all of the steps of the testing concept known as continuous quality improvement. A
cycle, a concept expressed as total testing process or major component of a quality assurance program is
brain-to-brain testing loop [7]. Approaches to quality control (QC), which involves the use of periodic
achieve error minimization derived from industrial measurements of product quality, thresholds for
processes include total quality management (TQM); [8] acceptable performance, and rejection of products that
lean dynamics and Toyota production systems; [9] do not meet acceptability criteria. Most notably, QC is
root cause analysis (RCA); [10] health care failure applied to all clinical laboratory testing processes and
modes and effects analysis (HFMEA); [11,12] failure equipment, including testing reagents, analytical
review analysis and corrective action system (FRACAS) instruments, centrifuges, and refrigerators. Typically,
[13]; and Six Sigma [14,15], which aims at minimizing for each clinical test, external QC materials with
the variability of products such that the statistical fre- known performance, also known as controls, are run
quency of errors is below 3.4 per million. A detailed two or three times daily in parallel with patient speci-
description of these approaches is beyond the scope of mens. Controls usually have preassigned analyte con-
this book, but laboratorians and quality management centrations covering important medical decision levels,
specialists should be familiar with these principles for often at low, medium, and high concentrations. Good
efficient, high-quality laboratory operation [8]. laboratory QC practice involves establishment of a
laboratory- and instrument-specific mean and standard
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN THE deviation for each lot of each control and also a set of
CLINICAL LABORATORY rules intended to maximize error detection while mini-
mizing false rejections, such as Westgard rules [16].
Quality is defined as all the features of a product Another important component of quality assurance for
that meet the requirements of the customers and the clinical laboratories is participation in proficiency test-
health care system. Many approaches are used to ing (or external quality assessment programs such as
improve and ensure the quality of laboratory opera- proficiency surveys sent by the College of American
tions. The concept of TQM involves a philosophy of Pathologists), which involves the sharing of samples
excellence concerned with all aspects of laboratory with a large number of other laboratories and compari-
operations that impact on the quality of the results. son of the results from each laboratory with its peers,
Specifically, TQM approaches apply a system of statis- usually involving reporting of the mean and standard
tical process control tools to monitor quality and pro- deviation (SD) of all the laboratories running the same
ductivity (quality assurance) and encourage efforts to analyzer/reagent combination. Criteria for QC rules



FIGURE 1.1 Example of an error reporting form for the clinical laboratory.



Observed True technologic developments, good manufacturing prac-

tices, proficiency testing, and QC is to minimize and
identify the magnitude of the TAE. A practical approach
is to consider the clinically acceptable total analytical
error or TAAE. Clinical acceptability has been defined
by legislation (e.g., the Clinical Laboratory Improvement
95% Act (CLIA)), by clinical expert opinion, and by scientific
and statistical principles that take into consideration
1 SD expected sources of variation. For example, Callum
Fraser proposed that clinically acceptable imprecision,
1.65 SD or random error, should be less than half of the intrain-
dividual biologic variation for the analyte and less than
25% of the total analytical error [17]. The systematic
error, or bias, should be less than 25% of the combined
intraindividual (CVw) and interindividual biological
(CVg) variation:
TE q
TAAE95% , 1:65 3 0:5 3 CVw 1 0:25 3 CVw 2 1 CVg 2
FIGURE 1.2 Total analytical error (TE) components: random
error (RE), or imprecision, and systematic error (SE), or bias, which Tables of intra- and interindividual biological varia-
cause the difference between the true value and the measured
tion, with corresponding allowable errors, are available
value. Random error can increase or decrease the difference from the
true value. Because in a normal distribution, 95% of the observations and frequently updated [18]. See Table 1.2 for examples.
are contained within the mean 6 1.65 standard deviations (SD), the Importantly, the allowable errors may be different at spe-
total error will not exceed bias 1 1.65 3 SD in 95% of the cific medical decision levels because analytical impreci-
observations. sion tends to vary with the analyte concentration, with
higher imprecision at lower levels. Also, biological varia-
and proficiency testing acceptability should take into
tion may be different in the various clinical conditions,
consideration the concept of total acceptable analytical
and available databases are starting to incorporate stud-
error because deviations smaller than the total analyti-
ies of biologic variation in different diseases [18].
cal errors are unlikely to be clinically significant and
A related concept is the reference change value (RCV),
therefore do not need to be detected.
also called significant change value (SCV)that is, the
Total analytical error (TAE) is usually considered to
variability around a measurement that is a conse-
combine the following (Figure 1.2): (1) systematic error
quence of analytical imprecision, within-subject bio-
(SE), or bias, as defined by deviation between the aver-
logic variability, and the number of repeated tests
age values obtained from a large series of test results
performed [17,19,20]. At the 95% confidence level,
and an accepted reference or gold standard value, and
RCV can be calculated as follows:
(2) random error (RE), or imprecision, represented by
the coefficient of variation of multiple independent test p q

results obtained under stipulated conditions (CVa). At RCV95% 5 1:96 3 2 3 CVa 2 1 CVw 2
the 95% confidence level, the RE is equal to 1.65 times
the CVa for the method; consequently, Because multiple repeats decrease imprecision
errors, if the change is determined from the mean of
TAE 5 1:65 3 CVa 1 bias repeated tests, the formula can be modified to take
Clinical laboratories frequently evaluate imprecision into consideration the number of repeats in each mea-
by performing repeated measurements on control surement (n1 and n2) [20]:
materials, preferably using runs performed on differ- r q
ent days (between-day precision), whereas bias (or 2
trueness) is assessed by comparison with standard ref- RCV95% 5 1:96 3 3 CVa 2 1 CVw 2
n1 3 n2
erence materials with assigned values and also by peer
comparison, where either the peer mean or median are For example, for a serum creatinine measurement
considered the reference values. with an analytical imprecision (CVa) of 6.6% and within-
One important concept that some clinicians disregard subject biologic variation of 5.3%, the RCV at 95% confi-
is that no laboratory measurement is exempt of error; dence is 23.5% with one measurement for each sample.
that is, it is impossible to produce a laboratory result With two measurements for each sample, the RCV is
with 0% bias and 0% imprecision. The role of 11.7%. Therefore, a change between two results that does


TABLE 1.2 Allowable Errors and Reference Change Values for Selected Tests. All Numeric Values are Percentages
Test CVa CVw CVg CLIA TAAE Bio TAAE Allowable Imprecision Allowable Bias RCV95

Amylase 5.3 8.7 28.3 30 14.6 4.4 7.4 28.2

Alanine aminotransferase 2.8 18.0 42.0 20 26.2 9.0 11.4 50.5
Albumin 2.6 3.1 4.2 10 3.9 1.6 1.3 11.2
Alkaline phosphatase 4.2 6.4 24.8 30 11.7 3.2 6.4 21.2
Aspartate aminotransferase 2.2 11.9 17.9 20 15.3 6.0 5.4 33.5
Bilirubin total 10.0 23.8 39.0 20 31.0 11.9 11.4 71.6

Chloride 2.4 1.2 1.5 5 1.5 0.6 0.5 7.4

Cholesterol 2.7 5.4 15.2 10 8.4 2.7 4.0 16.7
Cortisol 5.3 20.9 45.6 25 29.8 10.5 12.5 59.8
Creatine kinase 3.6 22.8 40.0 30 30.3 11.4 11.5 64.0
Creatinine 7.6 6.0 14.7 15 8.9 3.0 4.0 26.8
Glucose 3.4 6.1 6.1 10 7.2 3.0 2.2 19.4

HDL cholesterol 3.3 7.1 19.7 30 11.1 3.6 5.2 21.7

Iron 2.5 26.5 23.2 20 30.7 13.3 8.8 73.8
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 2.5 8.6 14.7 20 11.4 4.3 4.3 24.8
Magnesium 2.8 3.6 6.4 25 4.8 1.8 1.8 12.6
pCO2 1.5 4.8 5.3 8 5.7 2.4 1.8 13.9
Protein, total 2.6 2.7 4.0 10 3.5 1.4 1.2 10.4

Thyroxine (T4) 4.8 4.9 10.9 20 7.1 2.5 3.0 19.0

Triglyceride 3.9 20.9 37.2 25 28.0 10.5 10.7 58.9
Urate 2.9 9.0 17.6 17 12.3 4.5 4.9 26.2
Urea nitrogen 6.2 12.3 18.3 9 15.7 6.2 5.5 38.2

Source: Based on data available at [18].

CVa, analytical variability in the authors laboratory; CVw, intraindividual variability; CVg, interindividual variability; CLIA TAAE, total allowable analytical error
based on Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA); Bio TAAE, q
total allowable analytical error based on interindividual and intraindividual variation.
Allowable imprecision 5 50% of CVw. Allowable bias 5 0:25 3 CVw 2 3 CVg 2 . RCV95, reference change value at 95% confidence based on CVw and CVa.

not exceed the RCV has a greater than 95% probability deviations from expected results. In summary, the use of
that it is due to the combined analytical and intraindivi- TAAE and RCV brings objectivity to error evaluation,
dual biological variation; in other words, the difference QC and proficiency testing practices, and clinical decision
between the two creatinine results (measured without making based on changes in laboratory values.
repeats) should exceed 23.5% to be 95% confident
that the change is due to a pathological condition.
Conversely, for any change in laboratory values, the RCV CONCLUSIONS
formula can be used to calculate the probability that it is
due to analytical and biological variation [17,19,20]. See As in other areas of medicine, errors are unavoid-
Table 1.2 for examples of RCV at the 95% confidence able in the laboratory. A good understanding of the
limit, using published intraindividual variation and the sources of error together with a quantitative evaluation
authors laboratory imprecision. Ideally, future LIS of the clinical significance of the magnitude of the
should integrate available knowledge and patient- error, aided by the establishment of limits of accept-
specific information and automatically provide estimates ability based on statistical principles of analytical and
of expected variation based on the previous formulas to intraindividual biological variation, are critical to
facilitate interpretation of changes in laboratory values design a quality program to minimize the clinical
and guide laboratory staff regarding the meaning of impact of errors in the clinical laboratory.



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