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1. 'He didn't pass his driving test.' '...'

a) So did I
b) Nor do I
c) Neither did I
d) Nor I did
2. 'She came yesterday'. '...'
a) Neither did I
b) So did I
c) So am I
d) So do I
3. I need a dictionary. Can I ... yours,
a) lend
b) borrow
c) leave
d) hire

4. I'm going to go and visit my sister,

who is ill ...
a) in the hospital
b) in hospital
c) at hospital
d) at the hospital

5. ... stupid I was to lose my ticket!

a) What a
b) What
c) How
d) How a
6. What would you do if you ... Prime
a) was
b) were
c) be
d) would be
7. It ... rain but I doubt it.
a) will
b) may
c) can
d) should
8. ... heavy these suitcases are!
a) What a
b) What
c) How
d) How a
9. What do you do? ...
a) I'm a bank clerk
b) I'm listening to the radio
c) I'm very well, thanks
d) I do my homework every day
10. She ... at this school from 1990 to 2002.
a) has teaching
b) taught
c) has taught
d) is teaching
11. 'What's the matter?' '...'
a) I've got a sore throat
b) I've got a sore head
c) I've got a headaches
d) I feel cough
12. Sometimes ... January and February
the temperature drops ... zero.
a) on/below
b) in/below
c) at/under
d) on/under
13. '... English food?' 'I think it's awful.'
a) What do you like
b) What do you believe
c) How do you like
d) How do you think
14. The Bristol train ... now
a) wouldn't be long
b) shouldn't be long
c) wouldn't take long
d) shouldn't last
15. There is ... milk in the fridge.
a) any
b) no
c) a lot
d) not
16. Will you please let ...? I'll tell you
why later.
a) me to speak
b) that I speak
c) me speak
d) me speaking
17. When are you going to ...?
a) marry yourself
b) get married
c) get married with Frank
d) marry to Frank
18. I can't understand why you ... this
book! I'm sure you'd enjoy it.
a) have never read
b) had never read
c) were never reading
d) are never reading
19. This is the boy ...
a) that goes with
b) who she goes out
c) who goes out with her
d) which she goes out with
20. Jim ... the book a fortnight ago, but he
... it yet.
a) has begun/has finished
b) began/hasn't finished
c) began/wasn't finished
d) has begun/didn't finish

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