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West Virginia Writing Rubric - Grade 7


Exemplary Organization Exemplary Development Exemplary Sentence Structure Exemplary Word Choice/Grammar Usage Exemplary Mechanics
Clear and logical progression of ideas Clear focus maintained for intended audience Sophisticated sentence structure; complete Vivid, specific, economical, connotative May have minor errors
Strong introductory paragraph, Strong development of the topic for narrative and and correct sentences Consistent grammar usage Punctuation
Score supporting paragraphs and descriptive writing Sentence variation Subject/verb agreement Capitalization
of 6 concluding paragraph Strong thesis statement for development of informative Simple Singular/plural nouns Spelling
Sophisticated transition conveys and persuasive writing Compound
Verb (tense and usage)
Pronoun usage
Needs little or no editing
relationships among ideas and Strong use of examples, evidence or relevant details
paragraphs Strong use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes Adjective/Adverb
Effective Organization Effective Development Effective Sentence Structure Effective Word Choice/Grammar Usage Effective Mechanics
Logical progression of ideas Effective focus maintained for intended audience Complete and correct sentences Economical, specific Few errors
Introductory paragraph, supporting Appropriate development of the topic for narrative and Sentence variation Clear meaning, connotative Punctuation
paragraphs and concluding paragraph descriptive writing Simple Mostly consistent grammar usage Capitalization
of 5
Purposeful transition conveys Appropriate thesis statement for development of Compound Subject/verb agreement
relationships among ideas and informative and persuasive writing Complex Singular/plural nouns Needs some editing
paragraphs Clear use of examples, evidence or relevant details Verb (tense and usage)
Pronoun usage
Use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes Adjective/Adverb
Adequate Organization Adequate Development Adequate Sentence Structure Adequate Word Choice/Grammar Usage Adequate Mechanics
Some evidence of a logical Adequate focus maintained for intended audience Minor errors in sentence structure Appropriate, somewhat specific Some errors
progression of ideas Adequate development of the topic for narrative and Some sentence variation Somewhat simplistic Punctuation
Introductory paragraph, supporting descriptive writing Simple Somewhat consistent grammar usage Capitalization
paragraphs and concluding paragraph Adequate thesis statement for development of Compound Subject/verb agreement Spelling
of 4
Appropriate use of transition informative and persuasive writing Complex Singular/plural nouns Needs editing but doesnt impede readability
Sufficient use of examples, evidence or relevant details (errors in more complex sentence structure Verb (tense and usage)
do not detract) Pronoun usage
Use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes Adjective/Adverb
Limited Organization Limited Development Limited Sentence Structure Limited Word Choice/Grammar Usage Limited Mechanics
Limited evidence of a logical Some evidence of focus for the intended audience Some errors in sentence structure Vague, redundant, simplistic Frequent errors
progression of ideas Limited development of the topic for narrative and Limited sentence variation Several inconsistencies in grammar usage Punctuation
Score Introductory paragraph and descriptive writing Simple Subject/verb agreement Capitalization
of 3 concluding paragraph with limited Limited thesis statement for development of informative Compound Singular/plural nouns Spelling
supporting paragraphs and persuasive writing Complex Verb (tense and usage) Begins to impede readability
Limited use of transition Some use of examples, evidence or supporting details (errors in more complex sentence structure Pronoun usage
Some use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes begin to detract) Adjective/Adverb
Minimal Organization/Minimal Minimal Development/Minimal Response Minimal Sentence Structure/Minimal Minimal Word Choice/Grammar Usage/Minimal Minimal Mechanics/Minimal Response
Response Lacks focus on intended audience Response Response Consistent errors
Lacks evidence of a logical Lacks development of the topic for narrative and Contains fragments and/or run-ons Inadequate, imprecise, repetitive Punctuation
progression of ideas descriptive writing Minimal sentence variation Frequent inconsistencies in Capitalization
Lacks introductory paragraph, Lacks thesis statement for development of informative Simple Subject/verb agreement Spelling
of 2
supporting paragraphs and/or and persuasive writing Compound Singular/plural nouns Impedes readability
concluding paragraph Lacks sufficient examples, evidence or supporting Complex Verb (tense and usage)
Lacks clear transition details (errors in more complex sentences detract) Pronoun usage
Lacks sufficient analogies, illustrations or anecdotes Adjective/Adverb
Inadequate Organization Inadequate Development Inadequate Sentence Structure Inadequate Word Choice/Grammar Usage Inadequate Mechanics
Little or no progression of ideas; Unclear or no focus Contains numerous fragments and/or run- Rambling, inappropriate, incorrect Serious and consistent errors
difficult to follow Little or no development of narrative or descriptive ons Distracting inconsistencies in grammar usage Punctuation
Score Inadequate paragraphing writing Inadequate sentence variation Subject/verb agreement Capitalization
of 1 No transition Little or no development of informative or persuasive Simple Singular/plural nouns Spelling
writing Compound Verb (tense and usage) Impedes understanding/communication
Few or no examples, evidence or supporting details Complex Pronoun usage
Few or no analogies, illustrations or anecdotes (errors in sentence structure detract) Adjective/Adverb


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